Assignment Question For Exam Year 2014
Assignment Question For Exam Year 2014
Assignment Question For Exam Year 2014
Group B Group B
3. What is Questionnaire? What are essentials of a good questionnaire? 3. What is Questionnaire? What are essentials of a good questionnaire?
iz'ukoyh D;k gS\ ,d mÙke iz'ukoyh ds D;k vko';d xq.k gS\ iz'ukoyh D;k gS\ ,d mÙke iz'ukoyh ds D;k vko';d xq.k gS\
4. Find out the standard deviation from the following data. 4. Find out the standard deviation from the following data.
fuEufyf[kr vk¡dM+s ls izeki fopyu Kkr dhft, A fuEufyf[kr vk¡dM+s ls izeki fopyu Kkr dhft, A
Marks (more than) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Marks (more than) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
No. of Students 100 90 75 50 20 10 5 0 No. of Students 100 90 75 50 20 10 5 0
PAPER-VIII Nalanda Open University
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Assignment Session (2011-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013)
1. (a) Explain divided differences of a data and prove that the value of any
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) Part-III
divided difference is independent of the order of arguments.
(b) Express f( x) 2 x 3 3x 2 3x 10 in factorial notations, the interval of
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
differencing being unity. ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
2. Describe Euler's method of solution for differential equation. Hence, find gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
dy y x
approximate value of y for x=0.1, given that
dx y x
, when y=1 for x=0. ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
3. (a) Use Group Relaxation Method to solve the following system: esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
10x 2y 2z 4 0, x 10y 2z 10 0 and x y 10z 45 0 . Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
(Hint: Take initial condition x=0 , y= 0 and z 0) ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
(b) Describe Convergent Gauss-Seidel Method. udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
1. What is analytic function? Derive the Cauchy–Riemann conditions for such fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
functions. izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
2. State and prove Cauchy's Integral theorem.
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
3. What are Poisson's brackets? State and prove some of its properties.
PAPER-VI izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
1. Obtain the expression for the entropy of a classical ideal gas. What is fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
Gibb's paradox and how can it be resolved?
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
2. Apply grand canonical ensemble theory to obtain free energy and
internal energy of a perfect gas. fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
3. Deduce Bose–Einstein statistics for bosons and obtain Planck's radiation vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
formula using this statistics.
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
PAPER-VII&PAPER-VIII(Practical Work dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
2 3
PAPER-V Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Define Family and describe its characteristics.
1. Explain the dualism of determinism and Possibilism. ifjokj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk mldh fo'ks"krk,¡ crkb, A
fu;frokn ,oa laHkookn lEcU/kh }Srokn dh O;k[;k dhft, A 2. Explain the various types of Family.
2. Discuss the contributions of Blache towards geographical thought.
ifjokj ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Write an essay on types of Marriage.
HkkSxksfyd fparu ds fodkl esa Cyk'k ds ;ksxnkuksa dh ppkZ dhft, A fookg ds izdkjksa ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
3. Write an essay on Man-environment relationship. MATHEMATICS
ekuo okrkoj.k lEcU/k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A PAPER-V
(Geography) PAPER-VI Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. (a) In a topological space, give a characterization of continuity in terms
1. Discuss the pattern of the growth of population in the world. of open sets.
fo'o esa gq, tula[;k o`f) ds izk:iksa dh foospuk dhft, A (b) Show that every sub-space of a Hausdorff space is Hausdoff.
2. Describe briefly the main cultural regions of the world. 2. (a) State and prove Pringshiem's Theorem on double series.
fo'o ds izeq[k lkaLd`frd izns'kksa dk laf{kIr o.kZu dhft, A (b) If a double series is absolutely convergent, then show that it is also
3. Describe urban functions and its classification. convergent,
uxjh; dk;Zdyki ,oa blds oxhZdj.k dk o.kZu dhft, A 3. (a) Let N be a non-zero normed linear space. Show that N is Banach
space iff f{x:||x||=1} is complete.
PAPER-VII & PAPER-VIII(Practical Work) (b) Prove that a normal linear space is a Banach iff every absolutely
HOME SCIENCE PAPER-V(Practical Work) summable series is summable.
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe briefly the scope of the child psychology. 1. (a) Show that any ring can be embedded in a ring with unity.
cky euksfoKku ds fo"k;&foLrkj dks la{ksi esa crk,¡ A (b) Define Principal ideal ring and show that the ring of integers, is a
2. Critically examine the trail and error theory of Learning. principal ideal ring.
iz;Ru =qfV fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A 2. State and prove Cantor's Theorem.
3. Discuss the main criteria of social development. 3. (a) Explain the conditions of Bernoullis' trials.
lkekftd fodkl dh izeq[k dlkSfV;ksa dk o.kZu djsa A (b) Prove that n Pr (n r 1) n Pr 1
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on "Philosophy of Extension Education". 1. (a) Solve the differential equation zz ydx z(z x)dy x(x y)dz 0 .
^^izlkj f'k{kk ds n'kZu** ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A (b) Apply charpit's method to find the complete integral of px + qy = pq.
2. Discuss the classification of extension teaching methods. 2. (a) State and establish Laplace equation in Cartesian Co-ordinates form.
izlkj f'k{k.k fof/k;ksa ds oxhZdj.k dk foospu dhft, A (b) Prove that the half of the potential of a uniform spherical shell at an
3. Discuss the process of selection of extension teaching methods.
external point 0, is due to that portion of the sphere which is nearer to 0.
3. (a) Prove that the difference between pressures at two points of a
izlkj f'k{k.k fof/k;ksa ds p;u dh izfØ;k dk foospu dhft, A homogeneous fluid varies as the depth of one point below the other.
(b) A hemi-spherical vessel filled with water, is placed in an invested position
on a horizontal table. Find the resultant thrust of the water on the vessel.
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2011-2014) Assignment Session (2011-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
(izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx
ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh
fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj
mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls
vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k
gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha
Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory
Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk
Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-XV(CS-68), Answer Any Two Questions. Paper-XV(CS-68), Answer Any Two Questions.
1. What is transmission mode? Why it is required? Explain different types of transmission modes. 1. What is transmission mode? Why it is required? Explain different types of transmission modes.
2. Explain different types of routing and congestion control algorithms. 2. Explain different types of routing and congestion control algorithms.
3. Explain the classes of service defined for ATM. Give an example for each service class. 3. Explain the classes of service defined for ATM. Give an example for each service class.
Paper-XVI(CS-69), Answer any Two questions Paper-XVI(CS-69), Answer any Two questions
1. How flow control is managed in TCP? Explain sliding window protocol in 1. How flow control is managed in TCP? Explain sliding window protocol in
detail using an example. detail using an example.
2. What is meant by "uniform resource locator”? Give an example of 'URL' and 2. What is meant by "uniform resource locator”? Give an example of 'URL' and
explain the meaning of it's various fields. explain the meaning of it's various fields.
3. Differentiate between the working of SMTP and POP protocols. 3. Differentiate between the working of SMTP and POP protocols.
Paper-XVII(CS-70), Answer any Two questions Paper-XVII(CS-70), Answer any Two questions
1. Consider a Library Information System. Identify at least 10 risks associated 1. Consider a Library Information System. Identify at least 10 risks associated
with such a software system. with such a software system.
2. Define Forward Engineering & Reverse Engineering. Describe the situations 2. Define Forward Engineering & Reverse Engineering. Describe the situations
for which they are suitable to apply. for which they are suitable to apply.
3. What are CASE tools ? List various CASE tools in use. Explain briefly the 3. What are CASE tools ? List various CASE tools in use. Explain briefly the
advantages of using CASE tools. advantages of using CASE tools.
Paper-XVIII(CS-71), Answer any Two questions Paper-XVIII(CS-71), Answer any Two questions
1. Solve the system of Equations. 1. Solve the system of Equations.
8x 1 x 2 x 3 1 , x 1 5x 2 x 3 16 , x 1 x 2 4 x 3 7 8x 1 x 2 x 3 1 , x 1 5x 2 x 3 16 , x 1 x 2 4 x 3 7
2. (a) Find the relationship among E, and D. 2. (a) Find the relationship among E, and D.
(b) Find f ( x ) at x = 0.4 from the following table of values (b) Find f ( x ) at x = 0.4 from the following table of values
x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
f (x) 1.10517 1.22140 1.34986 1.49182 f (x) 1.10517 1.22140 1.34986 1.49182
3. Using the third order Taylor's series method, find the solution of the 3. Using the third order Taylor's series method, find the solution of the
differential equation. xy x y , y 2 at x 2 taking h = 1 differential equation. xy x y , y 2 at x 2 taking h = 1
Paper-XX(CS-73), Answer any Two questions Paper-XX(CS-73), Answer any Two questions
1. Draw a Finite Automata and its transition table which accepts all the words in 1. Draw a Finite Automata and its transition table which accepts all the words in
a, b with "abba" as substring. a, b with "abba" as substring.
2. What is a NULL NFA? Explain that for every NULL NFA there is an NFA with an example. 2. What is a NULL NFA? Explain that for every NULL NFA there is an NFA with an example.
3. What are the applications of Theory of Computations? Explain. 3. What are the applications of Theory of Computations? Explain.
Paper-XXI(CS-74), Answer any Two questions Paper-XXI(CS-74), Answer any Two questions
1. What is the role of a default exception handler in Java? Differentiate between 1. What is the role of a default exception handler in Java? Differentiate between
'throw' and 'throws'. 'throw' and 'throws'.
2. Describe the accessibility of unnamed, private, protected and public members 2. Describe the accessibility of unnamed, private, protected and public members
within a package, subclass and globally. within a package, subclass and globally.
3. What is Layout Manager? Explain Flow Layout and show how Flow Layout is 3. What is Layout Manager? Explain Flow Layout and show how Flow Layout is
set in Java through an example program? set in Java through an example program?
Paper-XXII (CS-75), Answer any Two questions Paper-XXII (CS-75), Answer any Two questions
1. Explain the five security models that can be referred to by organisations for 1. Explain the five security models that can be referred to by organisations for
chalking out their security plans and policies. chalking out their security plans and policies.
2 What is an IP address? Why it is used? Explain various classes of IP addresses. 2 What is an IP address? Why it is used? Explain various classes of IP addresses.
3. List and explain any six benefits that an organisation can draw from intranet 3. List and explain any six benefits that an organisation can draw from intranet
applications. Name some web based tools and explain the term GPRS. applications. Name some web based tools and explain the term GPRS.
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (2013) Assignment (2013)
Bachelor of Library and Information Science. Bachelor of Library and Information Science.
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk
vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska
ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk
nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius
gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha
fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk
uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx
fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds
fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk
gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius
lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids
lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks
bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky;
bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss objective and functions of Public Library. 1. Discuss objective and functions of Public Library.
lkoZtfud iqLrdky; ds mís’; ,oa dk;ks± dk foospu dhft, A lkoZtfud iqLrdky; ds mís’; ,oa dk;ks± dk foospu dhft, A
2. What is Library Consortium ? Discuss its need and advantages. 2. What is Library Consortium ? Discuss its need and advantages.
iqLrdky; dUlksÆl;k D;k gS \ bldh vko’;drk ,oa ykHkksa dh foospuk dhft, A iqLrdky; dUlksÆl;k D;k gS \ bldh vko’;drk ,oa ykHkksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Explain the role of UGC in the development of Academic Libraries. 3. Explain the role of UGC in the development of Academic Libraries.
'kkS{kf.kd iqLrdky;ksa ds fodkl esa ;wŒthŒlhŒ dh Hkwfedk dks Li"V dhft, 'kkS{kf.kd iqLrdky;ksa ds fodkl esa ;wŒthŒlhŒ dh Hkwfedk dks Li"V dhft,
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Define Management. How does it differ from administration ? 1. Define Management. How does it differ from administration ?
izcU/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A ;g ^iz’kklu* ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS \ izcU/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A ;g ^iz’kklu* ls fdl izdkj fHkUu gS \
2. Describe advantage and disadvantage of stock verification. 2. Describe advantage and disadvantage of stock verification.
Hk.Mkj lR;kiu ls ykHk&gkfu dh ppkZ dhft, A Hk.Mkj lR;kiu ls ykHk&gkfu dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. Write an essay on Library Annual Report. 3. Write an essay on Library Annual Report.
iqLrdky; okÆ"kd izfrosnu ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A iqLrdky; okÆ"kd izfrosnu ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is book classification? Explain principles of book classification. 1. What is book classification? Explain principles of book classification.
iqLrd oxhZdj.k D;k gS \ iqLrd oxhZdj.k ds fl)kUrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A iqLrd oxhZdj.k D;k gS \ iqLrd oxhZdj.k ds fl)kUrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Discuss briefly the genesis and evolution of Colon Classification. 2. Discuss briefly the genesis and evolution of Colon Classification.
f}oqUnq oxhZdj.k i)fr dh mRifÙk ,oa fodkl dh laf{kIr ppkZ dhft, A f}oqUnq oxhZdj.k i)fr dh mRifÙk ,oa fodkl dh laf{kIr ppkZ dhft, A
3. What is Notational System ? Explain its different devices. 3. What is Notational System ? Explain its different devices.
vadu iz.kkyh D;k gS \ buds fofHkUu fof/k;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A vadu iz.kkyh D;k gS \ buds fofHkUu fof/k;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What do you mean by bibliography ? Discuss its neets. 1. What do you mean by bibliography ? Discuss its neets.
xzaFk lwph ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ bldh vko’;drk dk o.kZu dhft, A xzaFk lwph ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ bldh vko’;drk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Explain with examples the Canon of Individualization. 2. Explain with examples the Canon of Individualization.
O;fDrdj.k ds milw= dh lksnkgj.k O;k[;k dhft, A O;fDrdj.k ds milw= dh lksnkgj.k O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Discuss the A.L.A. filing Rules. 3. Discuss the A.L.A. filing Rules.
,Œ,yŒ,Œ foU;klu fu;eksa dh foospuk dhft, A ,Œ,yŒ,Œ foU;klu fu;eksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska
ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the Usefulness of information services in the Library. 1. Discuss the Usefulness of information services in the Library.
iqLrdky; esa lwpuk lsok dh mi;ksfxrk dk o.kZu dhft, A iqLrdky; esa lwpuk lsok dh mi;ksfxrk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Explain the different Geographical Sources. 2. Explain the different Geographical Sources.
fofHkUu HkkSxksfyd lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fofHkUu HkkSxksfyd lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Define the Encyclopaedia and explain its different types. 3. Define the Encyclopaedia and explain its different types.
fo’odks’k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fo’odks’k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Practical Work Practical Work
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (2013)
Assignment (2013)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk
vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska
ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk
nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius
gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha
fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk
uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx
fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds
fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk
gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius
lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids
lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks
bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky;
bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain the importance of consumer behaviour in marketing programmes. 1. Explain the importance of consumer behaviour in marketing programmes.
foi.ku dk;ZØe esa miHkksDrk ds O;ogkj ds egRo dh O;k[;k djsa A foi.ku dk;ZØe esa miHkksDrk ds O;ogkj ds egRo dh O;k[;k djsa A
2. What is buying motive. What factors influence such motives? Explain. 2. What is buying motive. What factors influence such motives? Explain.
Ø;&izsj.kk d;k gS\ bUgsa dkSu&dSku ls dkjd izHkkfor djrs gSa\ O;k[;k djsa Ø;&izsj.kk d;k gS\ bUgsa dkSu&dSku ls dkjd izHkkfor djrs gSa\ O;k[;k djsa
3. What do you understand by the term 'memory'? Discuss its structure and 3. What do you understand by the term 'memory'? Discuss its structure and
functions. functions.
^Lej.k* in ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksZa dh foospuk ^Lej.k* in ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksZa dh foospuk
djsa djsa A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the qualities of a good sales personnel. 1. Describe the qualities of a good sales personnel.
,d vPNs foØ;&deZpkjh ds xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ,d vPNs foØ;&deZpkjh ds xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. What are the components of strategy formulation in sales Management? Explain. 2. What are the components of strategy formulation in sales Management? Explain.
foØ; izca/ku esa j.kuhfr fuekZ.k ds dkSu&dkSu ls la?kVd gS\a O;k[;k dhft, A foØ; izca/ku esa j.kuhfr fuekZ.k ds dkSu&dkSu ls la?kVd gS\a O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Write an essay on 'sales management Audit'. 3. Write an essay on 'sales management Audit'.
^foØ; izca/ku vads{k.k* ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A ^foØ; izca/ku vads{k.k* ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What are the main objectives of price determination? Describe the methods of pricing. 1. What are the main objectives of price determination? Describe the methods of pricing.
ewY; fu/kkZj.k ds izeq[k m|s'; D;k gS\a ewY; fu/kkZj.k dh fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ewY; fu/kkZj.k ds izeq[k m|s'; D;k gS\a ewY; fu/kkZj.k dh fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the sales forecasting methodologies used for economic analysis of new product. 2. Describe the sales forecasting methodologies used for economic analysis of new product.
u;s mRikn ds vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k ds fy, iz;qDr foØ; iwokZuqeku fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu djsa u;s mRikn ds vkfFkZd fo'ys"k.k ds fy, iz;qDr foØ; iwokZuqeku fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu djsa
3. What is product obsolescence? Why it occurs? Explain its utility. 3. What is product obsolescence? Why it occurs? Explain its utility.
mRikn vizpyu D;k gS\ ;g fdu dkj.kksa ls gksrk gS\ bldh mi;ksfxrk crkosa A mRikn vizpyu D;k gS\ ;g fdu dkj.kksa ls gksrk gS\ bldh mi;ksfxrk crkosa A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on international advertising scenario. 1. Write an essay on international advertising scenario.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; foKkiu ifjn`'; ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; foKkiu ifjn`'; ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
2. Explain the principal methods of export pricing. 2. Explain the principal methods of export pricing.
fu;kZr ewY;kadu dh izeq[k fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fu;kZr ewY;kadu dh izeq[k fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What are the main sources of funds for an exporter? Describe. 3. What are the main sources of funds for an exporter? Describe.
,d fu;kZrdÙkkZ ds fy, dks"k ds dkSu&dkSu ls izeq[k lzksr gS\a o.kZu dhft, A ,d fu;kZrdÙkkZ ds fy, dks"k ds dkSu&dkSu ls izeq[k lzksr gS\a o.kZu dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on the contribution of services sector to India's international trade. 1. Write an essay on the contribution of services sector to India's international trade.
Hkkjr ds vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj esa lsok {ks= ds ;ksxnku ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr ds vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj esa lsok {ks= ds ;ksxnku ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
2. Write an essay on the changing face of Indian Banking Industry. 2. Write an essay on the changing face of Indian Banking Industry.
Hkkjrh; cSafdax m|ksx dh cnyrh rlohj ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A Hkkjrh; cSafdax m|ksx dh cnyrh rlohj ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
3. Discuss the relevance and role of 'Physical Evidence' in marketing of services. 3. Discuss the relevance and role of 'Physical Evidence' in marketing of services.
lsokvksa ds foi.ku esa ^HkkSxksfyd izek.k* dh izklafxdrk vkSj Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A lsokvksa ds foi.ku esa ^HkkSxksfyd izek.k* dh izklafxdrk vkSj Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(l Hkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(l Hkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is the meaning of creativity? How does it differ from innovations? Explain. 1. What is the meaning of creativity? How does it differ from innovations? Explain.
l`tukRedrk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ uo&izorZu ls ;g fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A l`tukRedrk dk D;k vFkZ gS\ uo&izorZu ls ;g fdl izdkj fHkUu gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Describe the characteristics and advantages of direct marketing. 2. Describe the characteristics and advantages of direct marketing.
izR;{k foi.ku dh fo'ks"krkvksa vkSj ykHkksa dk o.kZu dhft, A izR;{k foi.ku dh fo'ks"krkvksa vkSj ykHkksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is meant by marketing communication? Throw light on its importance and advantages. 3. What is meant by marketing communication? Throw light on its importance and advantages.
foi.ku lEizs"k.k dk D;k vFkZ gS\ blds egRo ,oe~ ykHkksa ij izkd'k Mkfy, A foi.ku lEizs"k.k dk D;k vFkZ gS\ blds egRo ,oe~ ykHkksa ij izkd'k Mkfy, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (2013) Assignment (2013)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk
vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska
ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk
nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius
gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha
fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk
uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx
fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds
fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk
gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius
lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids
lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks
bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky;
bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write the origin and growth of press in India. 1. Write the origin and growth of press in India.
Hkkjr esa izsl ds mn~Hko vkSj fodkl dks fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa izsl ds mn~Hko vkSj fodkl dks fyf[k, A
2. What is Journalism? Describe its objectives. 2. What is Journalism? Describe its objectives.
i=dkfjrk D;k gS\ blds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A i=dkfjrk D;k gS\ blds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Write the history of Radio in India. 3. Write the history of Radio in India.
Hkkjr esa jsfM;ks ds bfrgkl dks fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa jsfM;ks ds bfrgkl dks fyf[k, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Define Mass Media and write its importance. 1. Define Mass Media and write its importance.
ekl ehfM;k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, vkSj bldk egÙo fyf[k, A ekl ehfM;k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, vkSj bldk egÙo fyf[k, A
2. What is Development? Describe its various aspects. 2. What is Development? Describe its various aspects.
fodkl D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fodkl D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Write an essay on 'Empowerment of Women'. 3. Write an essay on 'Empowerment of Women'.
^ukjh l'kfDrdj.k* ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A ^ukjh l'kfDrdj.k* ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on 'Television and women'. 1. Write an essay on 'Television and women'.
^Vsyhfotu vkSj efgyk* ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A ^Vsyhfotu vkSj efgyk* ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
2. What is the utility of Editing in Media? 2. What is the utility of Editing in Media?
ehfM;k esa lEiknu dh D;k mi;ksfxrk gS\ ehfM;k esa lEiknu dh D;k mi;ksfxrk gS\
3. Write a note on 'Page Make-up'. 3. Write a note on 'Page Make-up'.
^ist esdi* ¼i`"B lTtk½ ij ,d uksV fyf[k, A ^ist esdi* ¼i`"B lTtk½ ij ,d uksV fyf[k, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Public relations? Write its importance. 1. What is Public relations? Write its importance.
tulEidZ D;k gS\ bldh egÙkk dks fyf[k, A tulEidZ D;k gS\ bldh egÙkk dks fyf[k, A
2. What are the merits of a Public relations officer? Write. 2. What are the merits of a Public relations officer? Write.
tulEidZ vf/kdkjh ds dkSu&dkSu ls xq.k gS\a fyf[k, A tulEidZ vf/kdkjh ds dkSu&dkSu ls xq.k gS\a fyf[k, A
3. Write an essay on 'Public relations and Advertising'. 3. Write an essay on 'Public relations and Advertising'.
^tulEidZ vkSj foKkiu* ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A ^tulEidZ vkSj foKkiu* ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A
Paper-V Paper-V
Practical Work in Electronic & Print Media.(Tentative Programme) Practical Work in Electronic & Print Media.(Tentative Programme)
i. Practical Training and Examination in Electronic Media:- 04/03/2014 to i. Practical Training and Examination in Electronic Media:- 04/03/2014 to
18/03/2014 in Patna Only. 18/03/2014 in Patna Only.
ii. Practical Training and Examination in Print Media:-19/03/2014 to ii. Practical Training and Examination in Print Media:-19/03/2014 to
02/04/2014in Patna and other places of students choice. 02/04/2014in Patna and other places of students choice.
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (2013) Assignment (2013)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu
f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. "kV~deZ D;k gS\ blds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1. "kV~deZ D;k gS\ blds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. deZ;ksx ls D;k le>rs gS\a blds rRoksa dh foLr`r O;k[;k dhft,A 2. deZ;ksx ls D;k le>rs gS\a blds rRoksa dh foLr`r O;k[;k dhft,A
3. pØ D;k gS\ pØ ds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A 3. pØ D;k gS\ pØ ds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. vfLFk;k¡ fdrus izdkj dh gksrh gS\ lHkh izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft;s 1. vfLFk;k¡ fdrus izdkj dh gksrh gS\ lHkh izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft;s
2. IykTek ls D;k le>rs gSa\ blds dk;Z D;k gS\a 2. IykTek ls D;k le>rs gSa\ blds dk;Z D;k gS\a
3. jDr dh lajpuk dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft;s A 3. jDr dh lajpuk dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft;s A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. izeq[k laKkukRed&ekufld izfØ;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1. izeq[k laKkukRed&ekufld izfØ;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. O;fDrRo ds 'khyxq.k ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, 2. O;fDrRo ds 'khyxq.k ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k,
3. O;fDrRo ds lEcU/k esa ;kSfxd n`f"Vdks.k dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A 3. O;fDrRo ds lEcU/k esa ;kSfxd n`f"Vdks.k dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (2013) Assignment (2013)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk
vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska
ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk
nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius
gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha
fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk
uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx
fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds
fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk
gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius
lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids
lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks
bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky;
bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain various types of marketable securities. 1. Explain various types of marketable securities.
fofHkUu izdkj dh foi.ku ;ksX; izfrHkwfr;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A fofHkUu izdkj dh foi.ku ;ksX; izfrHkwfr;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
2. Discuss the effects of inflation on Working Capital. 2. Discuss the effects of inflation on Working Capital.
dk;Z'khy iwath ij eqnkz &LQhfr ds izHkkoksa dh foospuk dhft,A dk;Z'khy iwath ij eqnkz &LQhfr ds izHkkoksa dh foospuk dhft,A
3. Delineate the important components of receivable management 3. Delineate the important components of receivable management
system. system.
izkI; izca/ku iz.kkyh ds egRoiw.kZ ?kVdksa dk o.kZu dhft,A izkI; izc/a ku iz.kkyh ds egRoiw.kZ ?kVdksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Examine the Cardinal principles of financial decisions. 1. Examine the Cardinal principles of financial decisions.
foÙkh; fu.kZ;ksa ds izeq[k fl)karksa dk ijh{k.k dhft,A foÙkh; fu.kZ;ksa ds izeq[k fl)karksa dk ijh{k.k dhft,A
2. Discuss the methods of procuring finance. 2. Discuss the methods of procuring finance.
foÙk izkIr djus dh fof/k;ksa dk foospu dhft,A foÙk izkIr djus dh fof/k;ksa dk foospu dhft,A
3. Discuss Gordon's model of dividend policy. 3. Discuss Gordon's model of dividend policy.
ykHkka'k uhfr ds xksMZu ekWMy dh foospuk dhft,A ykHkka'k uhfr ds xksMZu ekWMy dh foospuk dhft,A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the nature and purpose of 'Management Control System'. 1. Discuss the nature and purpose of 'Management Control System'.
izca/k fu;a=.k iz.kkyh dh izÑfr ,oa mís'; dh foospuk dhft,A izca/k fu;a=.k iz.kkyh dh izÑfr ,oa mís'; dh foospuk dhft,A
2. Explain the role of ethics in 'Management Control System'. 2. Explain the role of ethics in 'Management Control System'.
izca/k fu;a=.k iz.kkyh esa vkpkj 'kkL= dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft,A izca/k fu;a=.k iz.kkyh esa vkpkj 'kkL= dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft,A
3. Describe the behavioural aspects of Management Control System. 3. Describe the behavioural aspects of Management Control System.
izca/k fu;a=.k iz.kkyh ds O;ogkjoknh igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A izca/k fu;a=.k iz.kkyh ds O;ogkjoknh igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is investment? Explain the nature of investment decision. 1. What is investment? Explain the nature of investment decision.
fuos'k D;k gS\ fuos'k fu.kZ; dh izd`fr dh O;k[;k dhft, A fuos'k D;k gS\ fuos'k fu.kZ; dh izd`fr dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Discuss the various elements of investment environment. 2. Discuss the various elements of investment environment.
fuos'k okrkoj.k ds fofHkUu rÙoksa dk foospu dhft, A fuos'k okrkoj.k ds fofHkUu rÙoksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Discuss 'Dow theory' and its basic features. 3. Discuss 'Dow theory' and its basic features.
Mkm fl)kar vkSj mldh vk/kkjHkwr fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A Mkm fl)kar vkSj mldh vk/kkjHkwr fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the Comparative Cost theory of international trade. 1. Discuss the Comparative Cost theory of international trade.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds rqyukRed ykxr fl)kar dh foospuk dhft,A vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds rqyukRed ykxr fl)kar dh foospuk dhft,A
2. Discuss recent trends of India's balance of payments. 2. Discuss recent trends of India's balance of payments.
Hkkjr ds Hkqxrku larqyu dh gky dh izof` Ùk;ksa dh foospuk dhft,A Hkkjr ds Hkqxrku larqyu dh gky dh izo`fÙk;ksa dh foospuk dhft,A
3. Explain various instruments of raising fund from international 3. Explain various instruments of raising fund from international
market. market.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; cktkj ls fuf/k mxkgh ds fofHkUu midj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A vUrjkZ"Vªh; cktkj ls fuf/k mxkgh ds fofHkUu midj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe various steps in the process of portfolio management. 1. Describe various steps in the process of portfolio management.
iksVZQksfy;ks izc/a ku dh izfØ;k ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A iksVZQksfy;ks izca/ku dh izfØ;k ds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the various strategies of managing risk. 2. Discuss the various strategies of managing risk.
tksf[ke izca/ku dh fofHkUu j.kuhfr;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A tksf[ke izca/ku dh fofHkUu j.kuhfr;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Write an essay on rapid growth of Mutual Fund in India. 3. Write an essay on rapid growth of Mutual Fund in India.
Hkkjr esa E;wpqvy Q.M ds rhoz fodkl ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa E;wpqvy Q.M ds rhoz fodkl ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Bhojpuri) M.A Part-I (Bhojpuri)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1 HkfDrdky ds Lo.kZ;qx dkgs dgy tkyk\ rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nhgha A 1 HkfDrdky ds Lo.kZ;qx dkgs dgy tkyk\ rdZiw.kZ mÙkj nhgha A
2- lkfgR;sfrgkl ys[ku ij ekDlZoknh izHkko ds foospu djha A 2- lkfgR;sfrgkl ys[ku ij ekDlZoknh izHkko ds foospu djha A
3- Hkkstiqjh lar&lkfgR; ds fofHkUu izo`fÙ;u ds ifjp; nhgha A 3- Hkkstiqjh lar&lkfgR; ds fofHkUu izo`fÙ;u ds ifjp; nhgha A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vo/kh Hkk"kk ds laf{kIr O;qRifÙkxr ifjp; nhgha A 1- vo/kh Hkk"kk ds laf{kIr O;qRifÙkxr ifjp; nhgha A
2- frjgqrk fyfi i ,xks fy[kha A 2- frjgqrk fyfi i ,xks fy[kha A
3- eSfFkyh vkykspuk vk muU;kl ds fodkl i ppkZ djha A 3- eSfFkyh vkykspuk vk muU;kl ds fodkl i ppkZ djha A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkhiz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dkO; ds y{k.k i izdk'k Mkyha A 1- dkO; ds y{k.k i izdk'k Mkyha A
2- dkO; dk xq.kfu ds pjpk djha A 2- dkO; dk xq.kfu ds pjpk djha A
3- ßjl dkO; ds vkRek gÞ & ,g dFku ij fopkj djha A 3- ßjl dkO; ds vkRek gÞ & ,g dFku ij fopkj djha A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. ßHkkstiqjh vkykspuk ds bfrgkl esa vaxzsth vk fgUnh Hkk"kk ds ek/;e 1. ßHkkstiqjh vkykspuk ds bfrgkl esa vaxzsth vk fgUnh Hkk"kk ds ek/;e
ls Hkby vkykspukRed dk;Z ds mYys[kuh; ;ksxnku ckÞ djha ls Hkby vkykspukRed dk;Z ds mYys[kuh; ;ksxnku ckÞ djha
2. ßMkW0 foosdh jk; lg`n; vkykspd gbZaÞ ,g dFku ds iqf"V djr 2. ßMkW0 foosdh jk; lg`n; vkykspd gbZaÞ ,g dFku ds iqf"V djr
mudj vkykspuk i)fr ij fopkj djha A mudj vkykspuk i)fr ij fopkj djha A
3- MkW0 'kaHkq'kj.k ds leh{kk dk;Z ds ys[kk&tks[kk izLrqr djha vk mudk 3- MkW0 'kaHkq'kj.k ds leh{kk dk;Z ds ys[kk&tks[kk izLrqr djha vk mudk
leh{kk i)fr ij fopkj djha A leh{kk i)fr ij fopkj djha A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- iz;kstuewyd Hkklk ds Lo:i ij izdk'k Mkyha A 1- iz;kstuewyd Hkklk ds Lo:i ij izdk'k Mkyha A
2- ßvuqoknÞ ls dk le>r ckuh vk vuqokn dsruk izdkj ds gksyk\ 2- ßvuqoknÞ ls dk le>r ckuh vk vuqokn dsruk izdkj ds gksyk\
3- la{ksiu djr dou&dou ckr ij fo'ks"k :i ls f/k;ku nsos ds pkgh\ 3- la{ksiu djr dou&dou ckr ij fo'ks"k :i ls f/k;ku nsos ds pkgh\
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- yksd lkfgR; esa O;Dr dkO;'kkL=h; rÙou ij izdk'k Mkyha A 1- yksd lkfgR; esa O;Dr dkO;'kkL=h; rÙou ij izdk'k Mkyha A
2- JO; vk n`'; dkO; ds ckjs esa crkor yksd ukV~; ds oxhZdj.k izLrqr djha 2- JO; vk n`'; dkO; ds ckjs esa crkor yksd ukV~; ds oxhZdj.k izLrqr djha
3- yksdxhru ds oxhZdj.k rdZiw.kZ <+ax ls izLrqr djha A 3- yksdxhru ds oxhZdj.k rdZiw.kZ <+ax ls izLrqr djha A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dgkuh esa dFkkud ds mi;ksfxrk vk egRo ij izdk'k Mkyha A 1- dgkuh esa dFkkud ds mi;ksfxrk vk egRo ij izdk'k Mkyha A
2- dgkuh rRou ds n`f"V esa j[k ds ^eNjh* dgkuh ds fo'ys"k.k djha A 2- dgkuh rRou ds n`f"V esa j[k ds ^eNjh* dgkuh ds fo'ys"k.k djha A
3- ^cM+Iiu* dgkuh ds dFkkud ds leh{kkiw.kZ izLrqfr djha A 3- ^cM+Iiu* dgkuh ds dFkkud ds leh{kkiw.kZ izLrqfr djha A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- x.ks'k pkScs ds Hkkstiqjh lkfgr; ds lsok ds o.kZu djha A 1- x.ks'k pkScs ds Hkkstiqjh lkfgr; ds lsok ds o.kZu djha A
2- ^iugh* fuca/k ds vkykspukRed o.kZu djha A 2- ^iugh* fuca/k ds vkykspukRed o.kZu djha A
3- ikuh ds thou esa dk egRo ck \ foLrkj ls fy[kha A 3- ikuh ds thou esa dk egRo ck \ foLrkj ls fy[kha A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Education) M.A Part-I (Education)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the nature, scope and subject matter of education. 1. Describe the nature, scope and subject matter of education.
f'k{kk ds izÑfr] {ks= ,oa fo"k;&oLrq dk o.kZu dhft, A f'k{kk ds izÑfr] {ks= ,oa fo"k;&oLrq dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Examine the organization and functions of the National Council for Teacher Education. 2. Examine the organization and functions of the National Council for Teacher Education.
jk"Vªh; f'k{kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ks± dk ijh{k.k dhft, A jk"Vªh; f'k{kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ks± dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. Discuss the merits and demerits of the objective-type examination pattern. 3. Discuss the merits and demerits of the objective-type examination pattern.
oLrqfu"B&ijh{kk Lo:i ds xq.kksa ,oa nks"kksa dk foospu dhft, A oLrqfu"B&ijh{kk Lo:i ds xq.kksa ,oa nks"kksa dk foospu dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on the development of Higher Education in India since 1950. 1. Write an essay on the development of Higher Education in India since 1950.
1950 ls Hkkjr esa mPp f'k{kk ds fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 1950 ls Hkkjr esa mPp f'k{kk ds fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2 Explain the various major relating to improvement in women education in India. 2 Explain the various major relating to improvement in women education in India.
Hkkjr esa L=h f'k{kk dh mUufr ds fofHkUu mik;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A Hkkjr esa L=h f'k{kk dh mUufr ds fofHkUu mik;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Write an essay on status of teacher education in India. 3. Write an essay on status of teacher education in India.
Hkkjr esa f'k{k.k f'k{kk dh fLFkfr ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa f'k{k.k f'k{kk dh fLFkfr ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Examine the relationship between Philosophy and Education.
1. Examine the relationship between Philosophy and Education. n'kZu ,oa f'k{kk ds eè; lEcU/kksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
n'kZu ,oa f'k{kk ds eè; lEcU/kksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 2. Discuss the theory of knowledge as given in Vedanta Philosophy.
2. Discuss the theory of knowledge as given in Vedanta Philosophy. osnkUr n'kZu esa fn;s x;s Kku ds fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A
osnkUr n'kZu esa fn;s x;s Kku ds fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A 3. Examine the differences between Formal and Informal Education.
3. Examine the differences between Formal and Informal Education. vkSipkfjd ,oa vukSipkfjd f'k{kk ds e/; vUrjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
vkSipkfjd ,oa vukSipkfjd f'k{kk ds e/; vUrjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Define educational sociology. Discuss its nature and functions.
1. Define educational sociology. Discuss its nature and functions. 'kSf{kd lekt'kkL= dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A bldh izÑfr ,oa dk;ks± dks crkb,
'kSf{kd lekt'kkL= dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A bldh izÑfr ,oa dk;ks± dks crkb, 2. Delineate the differences between Urban and Rural communities.
2. Delineate the differences between Urban and Rural communities. uxjh; ,oa xzkeh.k leqnk;ksa ds e/; vUrjksa dks js[kkafdr dhft, A
uxjh; ,oa xzkeh.k leqnk;ksa ds e/; vUrjksa dks js[kkafdr dhft, A 3. Discuss the role of family in the development of personality of Children.
3. Discuss the role of family in the development of personality of Children. ckydksa ds O;fDrRo fodkl esa ifjokj dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A
ckydksa ds O;fDrRo fodkl esa ifjokj dh Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Describe the insight theory of learning.
1. Describe the insight theory of learning. vf/kxe ds lw{k ds fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A
vf/kxe ds lw{k ds fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A 2. What is Behaviourlism ? Discuss the contributions of Behavioralists to Education.
2. What is Behaviourlism ? Discuss the contributions of Behavioralists to Education. O;ogkjokn D;k gS \ f'k{k.k ds izfr O;ogkjokfn;ksa ds vonkuksa dk foospu dhft, A
O;ogkjokn D;k gS \ f'k{k.k ds izfr O;ogkjokfn;ksa ds vonkuksa dk foospu dhft, A 3. Define Psychoanalysis. Discuss its importance.
3. Define Psychoanalysis. Discuss its importance. euksfo'ys"k.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds egÙo dk foospu dhft, A
euksfo'ys"k.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds egÙo dk foospu dhft, A Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Define Educational Research and discuss its types.
1. Define Educational Research and discuss its types. 'kSf{kd vuqla/kku dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
'kSf{kd vuqla/kku dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2. What is Social Research ? Explain its nature and objectives.
2. What is Social Research ? Explain its nature and objectives. lkekftd vuqla/kku D;k gS \ bldh izÑfr rFkk mís'; dh O;k[;k dhft, A
lkekftd vuqla/kku D;k gS \ bldh izÑfr rFkk mís'; dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3. Define Hypothesis and discuss its importance in Research.
3. Define Hypothesis and discuss its importance in Research. izkDdYiuk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk 'kks/k esa blds egÙo dh foospuk dhft,
izkDdYiuk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk 'kks/k esa blds egÙo dh foospuk dhft, Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Define teaching and discuss phases of teaching.
1. Define teaching and discuss phases of teaching. f'k{k.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk f'k{k.k dh voLFkkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
f'k{k.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk f'k{k.k dh voLFkkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2. Explain the meaning of Microteaching. Discuss its importance.
2. Explain the meaning of Microteaching. Discuss its importance. lw{e f'k{k.k ds rkRi;Z dh O;k[;k dhft, A blds egÙo dk foospu dhft, A
lw{e f'k{k.k ds rkRi;Z dh O;k[;k dhft, A blds egÙo dk foospu dhft, A 3. Explain the printed and non printed resources of teaching.
3. Explain the printed and non printed resources of teaching. f'k{k.k ds eqfær ,oa veqfær lalk/kuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
f'k{k.k ds eqfær ,oa veqfær lalk/kuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Explain the role of Bureaucracy in education management.
1. Explain the role of Bureaucracy in education management. f'k{kk izcU/ku esa ukSdj'kkgh dh Hkwfedk dks Li"V dhft, A
f'k{kk izcU/ku esa ukSdj'kkgh dh Hkwfedk dks Li"V dhft, A 2. Examine the Griffiths principle of decision making.
2. Examine the Griffiths principle of decision making. fxzfQFl ds fu.kZ;oknh fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
fxzfQFl ds fu.kZ;oknh fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 3. Describe the various principle of administration.
3. Describe the various principle of administration. iz'kklu ds fofHkUu fl)kUrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
iz'kklu ds fofHkUu fl)kUrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Economics) M.A Part-I (Economics)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh PAPER-I
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the equilibrium of a 'Firm' under perfect competition.
1. Discuss the equilibrium of a 'Firm' under perfect competition. iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk ds vUrxZr QeZ ds lkE; dh foospuk dhft, A
iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk ds vUrxZr QeZ ds lkE; dh foospuk dhft, A 2. What is elasticity of demand ? Explain its kinds.
2. What is elasticity of demand ? Explain its kinds. ekax dh yksp D;k gS \ blds izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
ekax dh yksp D;k gS \ blds izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3. Describe the law of variable proportions.
3. Describe the law of variable proportions. ifjorZu'khy vuqikrksa ds fu;e dk o.kZu dhft, A
ifjorZu'khy vuqikrksa ds fu;e dk o.kZu dhft, A PAPER-II
PAPER-II Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the methods of Credit Control.
1. Describe the methods of Credit Control. lk[k fu;a=.k dh fof/k;kas dk o.kZu dhft, A
lk[k fu;a=.k dh fof/k;kas dk o.kZu dhft, A 2. Examine the Life Cycle Theory of Consumption.
2. Examine the Life Cycle Theory of Consumption. miHkksx ds thou&pØ fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
miHkksx ds thou&pØ fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 3. Discuss the acceleration theory of Investment.
3. Discuss the acceleration theory of Investment. fuos'k ds Rojd fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A
fuos'k ds Rojd fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define the following ¼fuEufyf[kr dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,½ %& 1. Define the following ¼fuEufyf[kr dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,½ %&
(a) Constraints ¼fuck/k½ (b) Linear Relationship ¼js[kh; lEcU/k½ (a) Constraints ¼fuck/k½ (b) Linear Relationship ¼js[kh; lEcU/k½
(c) The Objective Function ¼mís'; Qyu½ (d) Feasible Solution ¼lEHkkO; gy½ (c) The Objective Function ¼mís'; Qyu½ (d) Feasible Solution ¼lEHkkO; gy½
2. What is Input-Output analysis ? Give an exposition of Leontief's closed Input-Out 2. What is Input-Output analysis ? Give an exposition of Leontief's closed Input-Out
model. model.
vkxr&fuxZr fo'ys"k.k D;k gS \ fy;ksfUVQ ds vkxr&fuxZr can funsZ'k dh O;k[;k vkxr&fuxZr fo'ys"k.k D;k gS \ fy;ksfUVQ ds vkxr&fuxZr can funsZ'k dh O;k[;k
dhft, A dhft, A
3. Find fxy and fyx, if f(x) = 3x² - 4xy + 2y² 3. Find fxy and fyx, if f(x) = 3x² - 4xy + 2y²
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the major sources of government revenue. 1. Describe the major sources of government revenue.
ljdkjh jktLo ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ljdkjh jktLo ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. What is fiscal deficit ? Explain its causes and remedies. 2. What is fiscal deficit ? Explain its causes and remedies.
jktdks"kh; ?kkVk D;k gS \ blds dkj.kksa vkSj funkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A jktdks"kh; ?kkVk D;k gS \ blds dkj.kksa vkSj funkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Throw light on the causes of growth of public expenditure in recent years. 3. Throw light on the causes of growth of public expenditure in recent years.
gky ds o"kks± esa yksd&O;; esa o`f) ds dkj.kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A gky ds o"kks± esa yksd&O;; esa o`f) ds dkj.kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain the achievements and failures of economic planning in India. 1. Explain the achievements and failures of economic planning in India.
Hkkjr esa vkÆFkd fu;kstu dh miyfC/k;ksa vkSj foQyrkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A Hkkjr esa vkÆFkd fu;kstu dh miyfC/k;ksa vkSj foQyrkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Describe the main features of the present industrial policy of India. 2. Describe the main features of the present industrial policy of India.
Hkkjr dh orZeku vkS|ksfxd uhfr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr dh orZeku vkS|ksfxd uhfr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Describe in brief the major sources of industrial finance. 3. Describe in brief the major sources of industrial finance.
vkS|ksfxd foÙk ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A vkS|ksfxd foÙk ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine the economic growth model of Kaldor. 1. Examine the economic growth model of Kaldor.
dkyMksj ds vkÆFkd lao`f) ekWMy dk ijh{k.k dhft, A dkyMksj ds vkÆFkd lao`f) ekWMy dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. What is economic planning ? Describe its objectives. 2. What is economic planning ? Describe its objectives.
vkÆFkd fu;kstu D;k gS \ blds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vkÆFkd fu;kstu D;k gS \ blds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Describe in brief the objectives and functions of World Trade Organization 3. Describe in brief the objectives and functions of World Trade Organization
fo'o O;kikj laxBu ds mís';ksa ,oa dk;ks± dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A fo'o O;kikj laxBu ds mís';ksa ,oa dk;ks± dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is World Bank ? Explain its objectives and functions. 1. What is World Bank ? Explain its objectives and functions.
fo'o cSad D;k gS \ blds mís';ksa ,oa dk;ks± dh O;k[;k dhft, A fo'o cSad D;k gS \ blds mís';ksa ,oa dk;ks± dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. What is International Monetary Fund (IMF) ? Describe its functions. 2. What is International Monetary Fund (IMF) ? Describe its functions.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; eqæk dks"k D;k gS \ blds dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; eqæk dks"k D;k gS \ blds dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What do you mean by trade cycle ? Explain trade cycle theory of Schumpeter. 3. What do you mean by trade cycle ? Explain trade cycle theory of Schumpeter.
O;kikj&pØ ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS \ 'kqEihVj ds O;kikj&pØ fl)kUr dh O;k[;k O;kikj&pØ ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS \ 'kqEihVj ds O;kikj&pØ fl)kUr dh O;k[;k
dhft, A dhft, A
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is meant by educational planning ? Explain its essential elements. 1. What is meant by educational planning ? Explain its essential elements.
'kSf{kd fu;kstu dk D;k vFkZ gS \ blds vko';d rÙoksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 'kSf{kd fu;kstu dk D;k vFkZ gS \ blds vko';d rÙoksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. What is meant by Common Property Resources. Explain its effects on society. 2. What is meant by Common Property Resources. Explain its effects on society.
lkewfgd lEink lalk/kuksa dk D;k vFkZ gS \ lekt ij buds izHkkoksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A lkewfgd lEink lalk/kuksa dk D;k vFkZ gS \ lekt ij buds izHkkoksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Explain the need, importance and objectives of financial management in education. 3. Explain the need, importance and objectives of financial management in education.
f'k{kk ds {ks= esa foÙkh; izcU/k dh vko';drk] egÙo vkSj mís'; dh O;k[;k dhft, A f'k{kk ds {ks= esa foÙkh; izcU/k dh vko';drk] egÙo vkSj mís'; dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A/M.Sc Part-I (Environmental Science) M.A/M.Sc Part-I (Environmental Science)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Analyze the factors who determine the environment of a region. 1. Analyze the factors who determine the environment of a region.
mu dkjdksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, tks fdlh izns'k ds i;kZoj.k dk fu/kkZj.k djrs gSa A mu dkjdksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, tks fdlh izns'k ds i;kZoj.k dk fu/kkZj.k djrs gSa A
2. Give an account of the structure and composition of Atmosphere. 2. Give an account of the structure and composition of Atmosphere.
ok;qeaMy dh lajpuk ,oa laxBu dk fooj.k nhft, A ok;qeaMy dh lajpuk ,oa laxBu dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Define Ecology. Give an account of its principles and scope. 3. Define Ecology. Give an account of its principles and scope.
ikfjfLFkfrdh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds fl)kUrksa vkSj dk;Z&{ks= dk fooj.k nhft, ikfjfLFkfrdh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds fl)kUrksa vkSj dk;Z&{ks= dk fooj.k nhft,
Paper-II, III and IV (Practical) Paper-II, III and IV (Practical)
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the economic and environmental importance of forest resources. 1. Describe the economic and environmental importance of forest resources.
ou lalk/ku ds vkÆFkd ,oa i;; egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A ou lalk/ku ds vkÆFkd ,oa i;; egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Give an account of major river water disputes in India. 2. Give an account of major river water disputes in India.
Hkkjr ds izeq[k unh ty fookn dk fooj.k nhft, A Hkkjr ds izeq[k unh ty fookn dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Classify the soils of the World and discuss their salient features. 3. Classify the soils of the World and discuss their salient features.
fo'o ds e`nk dk oxhZdj.k dhft, rFkk muds egÙoiw.kZ fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, fo'o ds e`nk dk oxhZdj.k dhft, rFkk muds egÙoiw.kZ fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft,
Paper-VI (Practical) Paper-VI (Practical)
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. How ozone is formed in the Atmosphere ? Discuss the causes of its depletion. 1. How ozone is formed in the Atmosphere ? Discuss the causes of its depletion.
ok;qe.My esa vkstksu dk fuekZ.k fdl izdkj gksrk gS \ blds {kj.k ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, ok;qe.My esa vkstksu dk fuekZ.k fdl izdkj gksrk gS \ blds {kj.k ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft,
2. Assess the importance of Kyoto Protocol. 2. Assess the importance of Kyoto Protocol.
D;ksVks izksVksdkWy ds egÙo dh leh{kk dhft, A D;ksVks izksVksdkWy ds egÙo dh leh{kk dhft, A
3. Give an account of reserves, production and utilization of coal in the World. 3. Give an account of reserves, production and utilization of coal in the World.
fo'o esa dks;yk ds lafpr HkaMkj] mRiknu ,oa mi;ksx dk fooj.k nhft, A fo'o esa dks;yk ds lafpr HkaMkj] mRiknu ,oa mi;ksx dk fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-VIII (Practical) Paper-VIII (Practical)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015)
Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013)
(Year of Issue -2013)
M.A/M.Sc Part-I (Geography) M.A/M.Sc Part-I (Geography)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa
blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk
ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj
gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj
viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij
djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:)
mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk
vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus
mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks
ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr
vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu
vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh
f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h;
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha
dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks
Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh Paper-I
Paper-I Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. What is Geography ? Discuss its relation with other sciences.
1. What is Geography ? Discuss its relation with other sciences. Hkwxksy D;k gS \ bldk vU; foKkuksa ls lEcU/k dh foospuk dhft, A
Hkwxksy D;k gS \ bldk vU; foKkuksa ls lEcU/k dh foospuk dhft, A 2. Describe the subject matter and scope of applied geography.
2. Describe the subject matter and scope of applied geography. O;kogkfjd Hkwxksy ds fo"k;&oLrq ,oa dk;Z&{ks= dh foospuk dhft, A
O;kogkfjd Hkwxksy ds fo"k;&oLrq ,oa dk;Z&{ks= dh foospuk dhft, A 3. Describe the different types of models in geography.
3. Describe the different types of models in geography. Hkwxksy ds fofHkUu izdkj ds izfrekuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Hkwxksy ds fofHkUu izdkj ds izfrekuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Paper-V
Paper-V Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Give a geographical account of South Bihar Plain.
1. Give a geographical account of South Bihar Plain. nf{k.k fcgkj ds eSnku dk HkkSxksfyd fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A
nf{k.k fcgkj ds eSnku dk HkkSxksfyd fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A 2. Give a balanced geographical account of Pat region.
2. Give a balanced geographical account of Pat region. ir izns'k dk larqfyr HkkSxksfyd fooj.k nhft, A
ir izns'k dk larqfyr HkkSxksfyd fooj.k nhft, A 3. Give a comparative study of Tamilnadu and Chota Nagpur region.
3. Give a comparative study of Tamilnadu and Chota Nagpur region. rfeyukMq rFkk NksVkukxiqj izns'k dk rqyukRed v/;;u izLrqr dhft, A
rfeyukMq rFkk NksVkukxiqj izns'k dk rqyukRed v/;;u izLrqr dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Hindi) M.A Part-I (Hindi)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fgUnh lkfgR; ds dky foHkktu dh leh{kk dhft, A 1- fgUnh lkfgR; ds dky foHkktu dh leh{kk dhft, A
2- vkfndkyhu dkO; dh Hkk"kk&'kSyh dk fu:i.k dhft, A 2- vkfndkyhu dkO; dh Hkk"kk&'kSyh dk fu:i.k dhft, A
3- ßHkfDrdky fgUnh lkfgR; dk Lo.kZ;qx gSÞ rdZ lEer mÙkj nhft, A 3- ßHkfDrdky fgUnh lkfgR; dk Lo.kZ;x
q gSÞ rdZ lEer mÙkj nhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ßfou;&if=dkÞ ds izfrikn~; ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 1- ßfou;&if=dkÞ ds izfrikn~; ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- fcgkjh dh dkO;&dyk dh leh{kk dhft, A 2- fcgkjh dh dkO;&dyk dh leh{kk dhft, A
3- Hkw"k.k dh jk"Vªh; Hkkouk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 3- Hkw"k.k dh jk"Vªh; Hkkouk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ßxksnkuÞ dh dFkkoLrq dh leh{kk dhft, A 1- ßxksnkuÞ dh dFkkoLrq dh leh{kk dhft, A
2- ßlquhrkÞ esa izfrikfnr tSusUnz ds thou n'kZu dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A 2- ßlquhrkÞ esa izfrikfnr tSusUnz ds thou n'kZu dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
3- miU;kl dyk dh n`f"V ls ßck.kHkV~V dh vkRedFkkÞ miU;kl dh leh{kk dhft, A 3- miU;kl dyk dh n`f"V ls ßck.kHkV~V dh vkRedFkkÞ miU;kl dh leh{kk dhft, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkk"kk&foKku dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, mlds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- Hkk"kk&foKku dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, mlds izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- Hkk"kk dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, mldh izd`fr dh O;kidrk ij izdk'k Mkfy,A 2- Hkk"kk dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, mldh izd`fr dh O;kidrk ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
3- /ofu fu;eksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 3- /ofu fu;eksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- lk/kkj.khdj.k vkSj jl ds lEcU/kksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- lk/kkj.khdj.k vkSj jl ds lEcU/kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- vFkkZyadkj ds izeq[k Hksnksa ij fopkj dhft, A 2- vFkkZyadkj ds izeq[k Hksnksa ij fopkj dhft, A
3- jhfr lEiznk; dh izeq[k LFkkiukvksa dk foospu dhft, A 3- jhfr lEiznk; dh izeq[k LFkkiukvksa dk foospu dhft, A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- osnksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 1- osnksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
2- okYehdh; jkek;.k ds izfrikn~; dks vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k, A 2- okYehdh; jkek;.k ds izfrikn~; dks vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k, A
3- laLd`r ds ukB~;&lkfgR; dk ifjp; nhft, A 3- laLd`r ds ukB~;&lkfgR; dk ifjp; nhft, A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- iz;kstuewyd fgUnh ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ lkekU; Hkk"kk vkSj iz;kstuewyd 1- iz;kstuewyd fgUnh ls D;k rkRi;Z gS\ lkekU; Hkk"kk vkSj iz;kstuewyd
Hkk"kk ds vUrj dks Li"V dhft, A Hkk"kk ds vUrj dks Li"V dhft, A
2- L=ksrHkk"kk vkSj y{; Hkk"kk dk rkRi;Z Li"V djrs gq, vuqokn dh fofHkUu 2- L=ksrHkk"kk vkSj y{; Hkk"kk dk rkRi;Z Li"V djrs gq, vuqokn dh fofHkUu
izfØ;kvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A izfØ;kvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3- ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh ds Lo:i ,oa egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 3- ikfjHkkf"kd 'kCnkoyh ds Lo:i ,oa egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadsk
a ds gSa)
1- vkpk;Z 'kqDy dh vkykspuk i)fr dh fof'k"Vrk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 1- vkpk;Z 'kqDy dh vkykspuk i)fr dh fof'k"Vrk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- vkpk;Z uUnnqykjs cktis;h dh vkykspuk ds ekunaM dh leh{kk dhft, 2- vkpk;Z uUnnqykjs cktis;h dh vkykspuk ds ekunaM dh leh{kk dhft,
3- vkpk;Z gtkjh izlkn f}osnh dh vkykspuk n`f"V O;kid ,oa Lora= gS& 3- vkpk;Z gtkjh izlkn f}osnh dh vkykspuk n`f"V O;kid ,oa Lora= gS&
Li"V dhft, A Li"V dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (History) M.A Part-I (History)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the methods for Dating of Archaeological objects. 1. Describe the methods for Dating of Archaeological objects.
iqjk lkefxz;ksa ds dky fu/kkZj.k fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A iqjk lkefxz;ksa ds dky fu/kkZj.k fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. "Pottery is the alphabet of Archaeology". Discuss. 2. "Pottery is the alphabet of Archaeology". Discuss.
^^dqEHk dyk iqjkrRo dh o.kZekyk gS A** foospuk dhft, A ^^dqEHk dyk iqjkrRo dh o.kZekyk gS A** foospuk dhft, A
3. Write an essay on the antiquity and origin of Brahmi Script. 3. Write an essay on the antiquity and origin of Brahmi Script.
czkgeh fyfi dh izkphurk ,oa mn~Hko ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A czkgeh fyfi dh izkphurk ,oa mn~Hko ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Give an account of the origin and evolution of Early man. 1. Give an account of the origin and evolution of Early man.
vkfn ekuo dh mRifÙk ,oa mlds fodkl dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A vkfn ekuo dh mRifÙk ,oa mlds fodkl dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A
2. Describe the main features of Neolithic culture of India. 2. Describe the main features of Neolithic culture of India.
Hkkjr ds uoik"kk.kdkyhu laLÑfr dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr ds uoik"kk.kdkyhu laLÑfr dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Examine the main features of Indus Valley Civilization. 3. Examine the main features of Indus Valley Civilization.
fla/kq lH;rk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A fla/kq lH;rk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Analyze the causes, consequences and effects of Kalinga War. 1. Analyze the causes, consequences and effects of Kalinga War.
dfyax ;q) ds dkj.kksa] ifj.kkeksa ,oa izHkkoksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A dfyax ;q) ds dkj.kksa] ifj.kkeksa ,oa izHkkoksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
2. Describe the nature, classification and significance of Ashoka's inscriptions. 2. Describe the nature, classification and significance of Ashoka's inscriptions.
v'kksd ds vfHkys[kksa ds Lo:i] oxhZdj.k ,oa egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A v'kksd ds vfHkys[kksa ds Lo:i] oxhZdj.k ,oa egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss later Vedic language and literature. 3. Discuss later Vedic language and literature.
mÙkj oSfnd dkyhu Hkk"kk vkSj lkfgR; dh foospuk dhft, A mÙkj oSfnd dkyhu Hkk"kk vkSj lkfgR; dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Analyse the life and conquests of Samudragupta. 1. Analyse the life and conquests of Samudragupta.
leqnzxqIr dh thouh ,oa fot; vfHk;kuksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A leqnzxqIr dh thouh ,oa fot; vfHk;kuksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
2. Account for the career and achievements of Kumargupta. 2. Account for the career and achievements of Kumargupta.
dqekj xqIr dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A dqekj xqIr dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Discuss the main features of Philosophy during the Gupta period. 3. Discuss the main features of Philosophy during the Gupta period.
xqIrdkyhu n'kZu dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A xqIrdkyhu n'kZu dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the different main Rajput dynasties during "Rajput period." 1. Discuss the different main Rajput dynasties during "Rajput period."
^^jktiwr ;qx** ds fofHkUu izeq[k jktiwr oa'kksa dh foospuk dhft, A ^^jktiwr ;qx** ds fofHkUu izeq[k jktiwr oa'kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Analyze the administration of Chola dynasty. 2. Analyze the administration of Chola dynasty.
pksy jktoa'k ds iz'kklfud O;oLFkk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A pksy jktoa'k ds iz'kklfud O;oLFkk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
3. Describe origin and nature of Apabhransa Language. 3. Describe origin and nature of Apabhransa Language.
viHkza'k Hkk"kk ds mn~Hko ,oa izÑfr dk o.kZu dhft, A viHkza'k Hkk"kk ds mn~Hko ,oa izÑfr dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe Alexander's invasion of India and its effects. 1. Describe Alexander's invasion of India and its effects.
Hkkjr ij fldUnj ds vkØe.k ,oa mlds izHkkoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr ij fldUnj ds vkØe.k ,oa mlds izHkkoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Account for the India's early contacts with Roman Empire. 2. Account for the India's early contacts with Roman Empire.
jkseu lkezkT; ds lkFk Hkkjr ds izkjfEHkd lEidksZa dk fooj.k nhft, A jkseu lkezkT; ds lkFk Hkkjr ds izkjfEHkd lEidksZa dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Write an essay on the rise of Indian dynasties in Java. 3. Write an essay on the rise of Indian dynasties in Java.
tkok esa Hkkjrh; jktoa'kksa ds mRd"kZ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A tkok esa Hkkjrh; jktoa'kksa ds mRd"kZ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the main features of Egyptian Civilization. 1. Describe the main features of Egyptian Civilization.
feL= dh lH;rk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A feL= dh lH;rk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on Sumerian Polity. 2. Write an essay on Sumerian Polity.
lqesjh jktrU= ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A lqesjh jktrU= ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A
3. Describe career and teaching of Zarathustra. 3. Describe career and teaching of Zarathustra.
tjFkqL= dh thouh ,oa mins'kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A tjFkqL= dh thouh ,oa mins'kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Analyze the causes of the downfall of the Roamn Empire. 1. Analyze the causes of the downfall of the Roamn Empire.
jkseu lkezkT; ds iru ds dkj.kksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A jkseu lkezkT; ds iru ds dkj.kksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the city state of Athens. 2. Write an essay on the city state of Athens.
,Fksal ds uxj jkT; ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ,Fksal ds uxj jkT; ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Examine the causes of the downfall of Ummayads. 3. Examine the causes of the downfall of Ummayads.
mEeS;nksa ds iru ds dkj.kksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A mEeS;nksa ds iru ds dkj.kksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Magahi) M.A Part-I (Magahi)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh PAPER-I
PAPER-I Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1- LFkkfir dkyhu lkfgR; ds izeq[k izof` Ùk ds ifjp; n· A
1- LFkkfir dkyhu lkfgR; ds izeq[k izo`fÙk ds ifjp; n· A 2- HkfDrdky ds i`"BHkwfe ij vIiu fopkj izdV dj· A
2- HkfDrdky ds i`"BHkwfe ij vIiu fopkj izdV dj· A 3- ijorhZdky ds i`"BHkwfe ij ,xks cM+gu ys[k fy[k· A
3- ijorhZdky ds i`"BHkwfe ij ,xks cM+gu ys[k fy[k· A PAPER-II
PAPER-II Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1- ß,dyO;Þ ds HkfDr&Hkkouk ij ,xks cM+gu ys[k fy[k· A
1- ß,dyO;Þ ds HkfDr&Hkkouk ij ,xks cM+gu ys[k fy[k· A 2- xhfrdkO; ds Js"B mnkgj.k ß,dyO;Þ egkdkO; gs] fl) dj· A
2- xhfrdkO; ds Js"B mnkgj.k ß,dyO;Þ egkdkO; gs] fl) dj· A 3- ßlckfluÞ egkdkO; ds izfrikn~; ij izdk'k Mky· A
3- ßlckfluÞ egkdkO; ds izfrikn~; ij izdk'k Mky· A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds
gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ßck¡fp ys eksj ifr;kÞ ds O;aX; dfork ij ,xks cM+gu ys[k fy[k· 1- ßck¡fp ys eksj ifr;kÞ ds O;aX; dfork ij ,xks cM+gu ys[k fy[k·
2- ßdk dlwj gsÞ 'kh"kZd xhr ds HkkokFkZ fy[kha A 2- ßdk dlwj gsÞ 'kh"kZd xhr ds HkkokFkZ fy[kha A
3- ßtxjukÞ xhfr dkO; ds Js"B mnkgj.k gs] fl) dj· A 3- ßtxjukÞ xhfr dkO; ds Js"B mnkgj.k gs] fl) dj· A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- xhfr dkO; ds :i esa ßftuxh ds xhrÞ dfork ds leh{kk dj· A 1- xhfr dkO; ds :i esa ßftuxh ds xhrÞ dfork ds leh{kk dj· A
2- ßxksjh rksj yky BksjÞ ds la;ksx&i{k ij fopkj O;ä dj· A 2- ßxksjh rksj yky BksjÞ ds la;ksx&i{k ij fopkj O;ä dj· A
3- ßu;k bfrgklÞ dfork ds ewy izfrikn~; dk gs] fy[k· A 3- ßu;k bfrgklÞ dfork ds ewy izfrikn~; dk gs] fy[k· A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- miU;kl dyk ds n`f"V ls ßfclsljkÞ miU;kl ds leh{kk dj· A 1- miU;kl dyk ds n`f"V ls ßfclsljkÞ miU;kl ds leh{kk dj· A
2- ßfclsljkÞ miU;kl ds izeq[k ukjh ik=&lkscjuh ds pfj= fp=.k dj· A 2- ßfclsljkÞ miU;kl ds izeq[k ukjh ik=&lkscjuh ds pfj= fp=.k dj· A
3- ßjejfr;kÞ miU;kl ds lkFk&lkFk miU;kldkj ckcwyky e/kqdj ds ifjp; n· A 3- ßjejfr;kÞ miU;kl ds lkFk&lkFk miU;kldkj ckcwyky e/kqdj ds ifjp; n· A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ßv¡pjok ds yktÞ ukVd ds mn~ns'; ij izdk'k Mky· A 1- ßv¡pjok ds yktÞ ukVd ds mn~ns'; ij izdk'k Mky· A
2- ukVd dyk ds n`f"V ls ßv¡pjck ds yktÞ ukVd ds leh{kk dj· A 2- ukVd dyk ds n`f"V ls ßv¡pjck ds yktÞ ukVd ds leh{kk dj· A
3- ßv¡pjck ds yktÞ ukVd ds jk"Vªh;rk vkm ns'k&izse ij ,xks ys[k fy[k· A 3- ßv¡pjck ds yktÞ ukVd ds jk"Vªh;rk vkm ns'k&izse ij ,xks ys[k fy[k· A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dgkuhdyk dh n`f"V ls ßdksuek vkeÞ dgkuh ds leh{kk dj· A 1- dgkuhdyk dh n`f"V ls ßdksuek vkeÞ dgkuh ds leh{kk dj· A
2- ßxaxktyÞ dgkuh ds uk;d gjhl ds pfj= fp=.k dj· A 2- ßxaxktyÞ dgkuh ds uk;d gjhl ds pfj= fp=.k dj· A
3- Qwy cgknqj dgkuh ds mn~ns'; ij izdk'k Mky· A 3- Qwy cgknqj dgkuh ds mn~ns'; ij izdk'k Mky· A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ^nksgkdks'k* ds lkFk&lkFk ljgikn dfo ds vkykspukRed ifjp; n· A 1- ^nksgkdks'k* ds lkFk&lkFk ljgikn dfo ds vkykspukRed ifjp; n· A
2- fl) dj· fd nksgkdks'k ds viHkza'k Hkk"kk iqjudh exgh ds :i gs A 2- fl) dj· fd nksgkdks'k ds viHkza'k Hkk"kk iqjudh exgh ds :i gs A
3- ^nksgkdks'k* ds dkO;&oSf'k"V~; ds o.kZu mnkgj.k ds lkFk dj· A 3- ^nksgkdks'k* ds dkO;&oSf'k"V~; ds o.kZu mnkgj.k ds lkFk dj· A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Maithili) M.A Part-I (Maithili)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh PAPER-I
PAPER-I Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Ñ".k&yhyk esa lEcfU/kr ukVdkfnd dFkkudd foospu d: A
1- Ñ".k&yhyk esa lEcfU/kr ukVdkfnd dFkkudd foospu d: A 2- v³~dh;k ukVdd oSf'k"V; ij izdk'k fnv A
2- v³~dh;k ukVdd oSf'k"V; ij izdk'k fnv A 3- ek/konsod ukV~;dyk l¡ ifjp; djkm A
3- ek/konsod ukV~;dyk l¡ ifjp; djkm A PAPER-II
PAPER-II Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- egkdfo fo|kifrd jpuk l¡ la{ksi esa ifjp; djkm A
1- egkdfo fo|kifrd jpuk l¡ la{ksi esa ifjp; djkm A 2- fo|kifrd lkSUn;Z o.kZu ij ,d fucU/k fy[kw A
2- fo|kifrd lkSUn;Z o.kZu ij ,d fucU/k fy[kw A 3- fo|kifrd eku o.kZu ij ,d xksV fucU/k fy[kwa A
3- fo|kifrd eku o.kZu ij ,d xksV fucU/k fy[kwa A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkk"kk foKkud ifjHkk"kk vks Lo:i ij viu fopkj izLrqr d: A 1- Hkk"kk foKkud ifjHkk"kk vks Lo:i ij viu fopkj izLrqr d: A
2- Hkk"kksRifÙk fo"k;d fofHkUu ekxZd la{ksi esa foospuk d: A 2- Hkk"kksRifÙk fo"k;d fofHkUu ekxZd la{ksi esa foospuk d: A
3- Hkkjksfi; Hkk"kk ifjokj ij ,d fucU/k fy[kw A 3- Hkkjksfi; Hkk"kk ifjokj ij ,d fucU/k fy[kw A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska
ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- iq:"kijh{kkd vk/kkj ij capd dFkk l¡ ifjp; djkm A 1- iq:"kijh{kkd vk/kkj ij capd dFkk l¡ ifjp; djkm A
2- eSfFkyh esa vuqokn d: %& 2- eSfFkyh esa vuqokn d: %&
¼d½ u nnkfr u ok·'ukfr/kua jf{kr thoor~ ¼d½ u nnkfr u ok·'ukfr/kua jf{kr thoor~
izkr;Rokr~ Ñi.k% dL; uk·fiz; A izkr;Rokr~ Ñi.k% dL; uk·fiz; A
¼[k½ jloUHkku lxzkfg xq.kk·y³~dkj la;qre~ A ¼[k½ jloUHkku lxzkfg xq.kk·y³~dkj la;qre~ A
dfouka ;'kls dkO;a gkL;k;kU;Pp tk;rs A dfouka ;'kls dkO;a gkL;k;kU;Pp tk;rs A
3- dhfrZyrkd vk/kkj ij tkSuiqjd o.kZu d: A 3- dhfrZyrkd vk/kkj ij tkSuiqjd o.kZu d: A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dkaphukFk >kd lkfgfR;d ifjp; fy[kw A 1- dkaphukFk >kd lkfgfR;d ifjp; fy[kw A
2- ^>xM+k* 'kh"kZd dFkkd leh{kk d: A 2- ^>xM+k* 'kh"kZd dFkkd leh{kk d: A
3- ^Hkkr* dFkkd ekÆedrk lW ifjp; djkm A 3- ^Hkkr* dFkkd ekÆedrk lW ifjp; djkm A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fo|kifr dkO;d izHkkod o.kZu d: A 1- fo|kifr dkO;d izHkkod o.kZu d: A
2- xksfoUnnkl HkDr dfo Nykg] l;qfDr fopkj d: A 2- xksfoUnnkl HkDr dfo Nykg] l;qfDr fopkj d: A
3- laØkafr ,oa euksjFk 'kh"kZd dforkd leh{kk d: A 3- laØkafr ,oa euksjFk 'kh"kZd dforkd leh{kk d: A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dkO;d Hksn ij fopkj d: A 1- dkO;d Hksn ij fopkj d: A
2- 'kCn'kfDrd fofHkUu Hksnd fo'ys"k.k d: A 2- 'kCn'kfDrd fofHkUu Hksnd fo'ys"k.k d: A
3- jl&fu"ifÙkd fofHkUu erd leh{kk d: A 3- jl&fu"ifÙkd fofHkUu erd leh{kk d: A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- eSfFkyh fucU/kd fodkl dksuk Hksy \ fopkj d: A 1- eSfFkyh fucU/kd fodkl dksuk Hksy \ fopkj d: A
2- eSfFkyh yksdxkFkk ij Hksy leh{kkRed dk;Z ij izdk'k fnv A 2- eSfFkyh yksdxkFkk ij Hksy leh{kkRed dk;Z ij izdk'k fnv A
3- eSfFkyhd fdNq yksdfiz; yksdukV~; ij foLrkj l¡ fopkj d: A 3- eSfFkyhd fdNq yksdfiz; yksdukV~; ij foLrkj l¡ fopkj d: A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Political Science) M.A Part-I (Political Science)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Examine the political ideas of Bhisma. 1. Examine the political ideas of Bhisma.
Hkh"e ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A Hkh"e ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Examine Kautilya's theory of Saptang. 2. Examine Kautilya's theory of Saptang.
dkSfVY; ds lIrkax fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A dkSfVY; ds lIrkax fl)kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. Discuss the main features of the Greek Political Thought. 3. Discuss the main features of the Greek Political Thought.
;wukuh jktuhfrd Çpru dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A ;wukuh jktuhfrd Çpru dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain the political ideas of Machiavelli. 1. Explain the political ideas of Machiavelli.
esfd;kosyh ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A esfd;kosyh ds jktuhfrd fopkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Discuss the individualistic elements in Hobbes's political thought. 2. Discuss the individualistic elements in Hobbes's political thought.
gkWCl ds jktuhfrd Çpru esa O;fDroknh rÙoksa dh foospuk dhft, A gkWCl ds jktuhfrd Çpru esa O;fDroknh rÙoksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Why is Locke regarded as the founder of Liberalism ? 3. Why is Locke regarded as the founder of Liberalism ?
ykWd dks mnkjokn dk laLFkkid D;ksa dgk tkrk gS \ ykWd dks mnkjokn dk laLFkkid D;ksa dgk tkrk gS \
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the concept of Political Theory. 1. Describe the concept of Political Theory.
jktuhfrd fl)kUr dh vo/kkj.kk dk o.kZu dhft, A jktuhfrd fl)kUr dh vo/kkj.kk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the decline of Political Theory. 2. Write an essay on the decline of Political Theory.
jktuhfrd fl)kUr ds gzkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A jktuhfrd fl)kUr ds gzkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Discuss Behavioural Approach. 3. Discuss Behavioural Approach.
O;ogkjoknh mikxe dk foospu dhft, A O;ogkjoknh mikxe dk foospu dhft, A
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Evaluate Liberalism. 1. Evaluate Liberalism.
mnkjokn dk ewY;kadu dhft, A mnkjokn dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
2. Discuss the concept of Welfare State. 2. Discuss the concept of Welfare State.
yksd dY;k.kdkjh jkT; dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft, A yksd dY;k.kdkjh jkT; dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft, A
3. Evaluate the views of Libertarians on Liberty. 3. Evaluate the views of Libertarians on Liberty.
Lora=rk ij bPNkLokra«;okfn;ksa ds fopkjksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A Lora=rk ij bPNkLokra«;okfn;ksa ds fopkjksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the main features of the constitutional system of France. 1. Describe the main features of the constitutional system of France.
Ýkal dh lkaoS/kkfud iz.kkyh dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Ýkal dh lkaoS/kkfud iz.kkyh dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the principle of "Rule of Law". 2. Write an essay on the principle of "Rule of Law".
^^fof/k dk 'kklu** fl)kUr ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ^^fof/k dk 'kklu** fl)kUr ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Describe the powers and position of the President of America. 3. Describe the powers and position of the President of America.
vesfjdk ds jk"Vªifr dh 'kfDr;ksa ,oa infLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft, A vesfjdk ds jk"Vªifr dh 'kfDr;ksa ,oa infLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Write an essay on the development of Comparative Politics. 1. Write an essay on the development of Comparative Politics.
rqyukRed jktuhfr ds fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A rqyukRed jktuhfr ds fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2. Discuss various approaches of Comparative Politics. 2. Discuss various approaches of Comparative Politics.
rqyukRed jktuhfr ds fofHkUu mikxeksa dh foospuk dhft, A rqyukRed jktuhfr ds fofHkUu mikxeksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Describe party system of France. 3. Describe party system of France.
Ýkal dh nyh; O;oLFkk dk o.kZu dhft, A Ýkal dh nyh; O;oLFkk dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the Decision-Making approach. 1. Discuss the Decision-Making approach.
fu.kZ;&fuekZ.k mikxe dh foospuk dhft, A fu.kZ;&fuekZ.k mikxe dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the Cold War. 2. Write an essay on the Cold War.
'khr ;q) ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A 'khr ;q) ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
3. What is Uni-polar World ? How did it come into existence ? 3. What is Uni-polar World ? How did it come into existence ?
,dy&/kqzoh; fo'o D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj vfLrRo eas vk;k \ ,dy&/kqzoh; fo'o D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj vfLrRo eas vk;k \
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the Indo-Bangladesh relationship. 1. Describe the Indo-Bangladesh relationship.
Hkkjr&caxykns'k lEcU/k dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr&caxykns'k lEcU/k dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe American war against terrorism. 2. Describe American war against terrorism.
vkradokn ds fo#) vesfjdk ds ;q) dk o.kZu dhft, A vkradokn ds fo#) vesfjdk ds ;q) dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss China's Foreign Policy. 3. Discuss China's Foreign Policy.
phu dh fons'k uhfr dh foospuk dhft, A phu dh fons'k uhfr dh foospuk dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Psychology) M.A Part-I (Psychology)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-I & II Paper-I & II
Practical Work Practical Work
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Throw light upon Neuron Hypothesis. 1. Throw light upon Neuron Hypothesis.
U;wjksu izkdYiuk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A U;wjksu izkdYiuk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2. Give the meaning of Receptor. Describe the major types of Receptor. 2. Give the meaning of Receptor. Describe the major types of Receptor.
xzkgd dk vFkZ cryk,¡ A xzkgd ds izeq[k izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A xzkgd dk vFkZ cryk,¡ A xzkgd ds izeq[k izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Describe the structure and functions of different parts of Neuron. 3. Describe the structure and functions of different parts of Neuron.
U;wjksu ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A U;wjksu ds fofHkUu Hkkxksa dh lajpuk ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Practical Work Practical Work
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the advantages and limitations of experimental research. 1. Discuss the advantages and limitations of experimental research.
iz;ksxkRed 'kks/k ds ykHkksa rFkk lhekvksa dh foospuk dhft, A iz;ksxkRed 'kks/k ds ykHkksa rFkk lhekvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Describe merits and limitations of laboratory experiment. 2. Describe merits and limitations of laboratory experiment.
iz;ksx'kkyk iz;ksx ds xq.kksa rFkk lhekvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A iz;ksx'kkyk iz;ksx ds xq.kksa rFkk lhekvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Throw light upon the characteristics of ex-post facto research. 3. Throw light upon the characteristics of ex-post facto research.
izfrxkeh 'kks/k dh fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A izfrxkeh 'kks/k dh fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. "In theory of probability the normal distribution is of greatest importance". 1. "In theory of probability the normal distribution is of greatest importance".
Why ? Why ?
ßlaHkO;rk fl)kUr esa izlkekU; forj.k dk egRo lcls vf/kd gS AÞ ,slk D;kas \ ßlaHkO;rk fl)kUr esa izlkekU; forj.k dk egRo lcls vf/kd gS AÞ ,slk D;kas \
2. What is Range ? Describe its advantages and disadvantages. 2. What is Range ? Describe its advantages and disadvantages.
izlkj fdls dgrs gSa \ blds ykHkksa rFkk vykHkksa dk o.kZu dhft, A izlkj fdls dgrs gSa \ blds ykHkksa rFkk vykHkksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Calculate mean, median and mode from the following data. 3. Calculate mean, median and mode from the following data.
fuEukafdr vk¡dM+ksa ls ek/;] ek/;e rFkk cgqyd dh x.ku dhft, A fuEukafdr vk¡dM+ksa ls ek/;] ek/;e rFkk cgqyd dh x.ku dhft, A
64] 61] 62] 60] 63] 61] 64] 66] 65] 64] 63] 65] 63 64] 61] 62] 60] 63] 61] 64] 66] 65] 64] 63] 65] 63-
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain the roots of Life-span Developmental psychology. 1. Explain the roots of Life-span Developmental psychology.
thou&vof/k fodklkRed euksfoKku dh ewy lzksrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A thou&vof/k fodklkRed euksfoKku dh ewy lzksrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Describe the different processes of Development. 2. Describe the different processes of Development.
fodkl dh fofHkUu izfØ;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fodkl dh fofHkUu izfØ;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Describe the phenomenological theory of personality of Rogers. 3. Describe the phenomenological theory of personality of Rogers.
jkstlZ ds O;fDrRo fl)kUr dk o.kZu dhft, A jkstlZ ds O;fDrRo fl)kUr dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Practical Work Practical Work
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Public Administration) M.A Part-I (Public Administration)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh PAPER-I
PAPER-I Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Examine the role of state in the context of Globalization.
1. Examine the role of state in the context of Globalization. oS'ohdj.k ds lanHkZ esa jkT; dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
oS'ohdj.k ds lanHkZ esa jkT; dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 2. Discuss the changing nature of State.
2. Discuss the changing nature of State. jkT; ds cnyrs gq, Lo:i dh foospuk dhft, A
jkT; ds cnyrs gq, Lo:i dh foospuk dhft, A 3. Describe the characteristics of the Neo-Liberal State.
3. Describe the characteristics of the Neo-Liberal State. uo&mnkjoknh jkT; dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
uo&mnkjoknh jkT; dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A PAPER-II
PAPER-II Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Write an essay on contemporary Bureaucratic Paradigm.
1. Write an essay on contemporary Bureaucratic Paradigm. lelkef;d lohoxhZ; izfreku ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
lelkef;d lohoxhZ; izfreku ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 2. Describe the role of Bureaucracy in Policy Formulation.
2. Describe the role of Bureaucracy in Policy Formulation. uhfr fuekZ.k esa ukSdj'kkgh dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A
uhfr fuekZ.k esa ukSdj'kkgh dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A 3. Discuss the impact of Globalization on Administration.
3. Discuss the impact of Globalization on Administration. iz'kklu ij oS'ohdj.k ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A
iz'kklu ij oS'ohdj.k ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Critically examine the Scientific Management Theory. 1. Critically examine the Scientific Management Theory.
oSKkfud izcU/k fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A oSKkfud izcU/k fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Discuss the views of Max Weber on Bureaucracy. 2. Discuss the views of Max Weber on Bureaucracy.
ukSdj'kkgh ij eSDl oscj ds fopkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A ukSdj'kkgh ij eSDl oscj ds fopkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Discuss the Human Relations Approach. 3. Discuss the Human Relations Approach.
ekuo lEcU/k mikxe dh foospuk dhft, A ekuo lEcU/k mikxe dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the main administrative ideas of Chester Barnard. 1. Discuss the main administrative ideas of Chester Barnard.
psLVj cjukMZ ds izeq[k iz'kkldh; fopkjksa dk foospu dhft, A psLVj cjukMZ ds izeq[k iz'kkldh; fopkjksa dk foospu dhft, A
2. Describe the System Approach of David Easton. 2. Describe the System Approach of David Easton.
MsfoM bZLVu ds O;oLFkk n`f"Vdks.k dk o.kZu dhft, A MsfoM bZLVu ds O;oLFkk n`f"Vdks.k dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Describe the meaning and characteristics of learning organizations. 3. Describe the meaning and characteristics of learning organizations.
vf/kxe laxBu ds vfHkzik; vkSj fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vf/kxe laxBu ds vfHkzik; vkSj fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Public System Management ? Describe its nature also. 1. What is Public System Management ? Describe its nature also.
lkoZtfud iz.kkyh izcU/ku D;k gS \ bldh izÑfr dk Hkh o.kZu dhft, A lkoZtfud iz.kkyh izcU/ku D;k gS \ bldh izÑfr dk Hkh o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe Traditional Public Administration Model. 2. Describe Traditional Public Administration Model.
ikjEifjd yksd iz'kklu izfreku ¼ekWMy½ dk o.kZu dhft, A ikjEifjd yksd iz'kklu izfreku ¼ekWMy½ dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What do you understand by "Roll-Back of the State" ? Discuss. 3. What do you understand by "Roll-Back of the State" ? Discuss.
^^jkT; ds ihNs gVus** ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ foospuk dhft, A ^^jkT; ds ihNs gVus** ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ foospuk dhft, A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the Scientific Methods of Work Measurement. 1. Discuss the Scientific Methods of Work Measurement.
dk;Z&ekiu dh oSKkfud fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A dk;Z&ekiu dh oSKkfud fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Write an essay on Human Resource Development. 2. Write an essay on Human Resource Development.
ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ekuo lalk/ku fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Examine the changing perspectives of Accountability. 3. Examine the changing perspectives of Accountability.
mÙkjnkf;Ro ds cnyrs ifjizs{; dk ijh{k.k dhft, A mÙkjnkf;Ro ds cnyrs ifjizs{; dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe different aspects of the manpower planning.
1. Describe different aspects of the manpower planning. ekuo 'kfDr fu;kstu ds fofHkUu i{kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
ekuo 'kfDr fu;kstu ds fofHkUu i{kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2. What is Job Analysis ? Discuss the purposes of Job Analysis.
2. What is Job Analysis ? Discuss the purposes of Job Analysis. dk;Z fo'ys"k.k D;k gS \ dk;Z fo'ys"k.k ds mís';ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
dk;Z fo'ys"k.k D;k gS \ dk;Z fo'ys"k.k ds mís';ksa dh foospuk dhft, A 3. Describe the methods of determining salary structure.
3. Describe the methods of determining salary structure. osru O;oLFkk ds fu/kkZj.k dh i)fr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
osru O;oLFkk ds fu/kkZj.k dh i)fr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Paper-VIII
Paper-VIII Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Discuss the methods of Conflict Resolution.
1. Discuss the methods of Conflict Resolution. fookn lqy>kus ds rjhdksa dh foospuk dhft, A
fookn lqy>kus ds rjhdksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2. Define Collective Bargaining. Describe its types.
2. Define Collective Bargaining. Describe its types. lkewfgd lkSnsckth dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
lkewfgd lkSnsckth dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3 Describe the subjects (areas) of Human Resource Audit.
3. Describe the subjects (areas) of Human Resource Audit. ekuo lalk/ku ds ys[kk ijh{k.k ds fo"k;ksa ¼{ks=ksa½ dk o.kZu dhft,
ekuo lalk/ku ds ys[kk ijh{k.k ds fo"k;ksa ¼{ks=ks½a dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Rural Development) M.A Part-I (Rural Development)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh PAPER-I
PAPER-I Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Describe the nature and functions of Jajmani System.
1. Describe the nature and functions of Jajmani System. ttekuh izFkk dh izÑfr ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A
ttekuh izFkk dh izÑfr ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A 2. Discuss the concept of Dominant Caste in the Indian context.
2. Discuss the concept of Dominant Caste in the Indian context. Hkkjrh; lanHkZ esa izcy tkfr dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft, A
Hkkjrh; lanHkZ esa izcy tkfr dh vo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft, A 3. Discuss the impact of Green Revolution on rural society.
3. Discuss the impact of Green Revolution on rural society. xzkeh.k lekt esa gfjr ØkfUr ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A
xzkeh.k lekt esa gfjr ØkfUr ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A PAPER-II
PAPER-II Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) 1. Explain the objectives and strategies of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
1. Explain the objectives and strategies of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku ds mís';ksa ,oa dk;Z uhfr;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
loZf'k{kk vfHk;ku ds mís';ksa ,oa dk;Z uhfr;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 2. Critically examine the major objectives and functioning of Indira Awas Yojna.
2. Critically examine the major objectives and functioning of Indira Awas Yojna. bfUnjk vkokl ;kstuk ds mís';ksa ,oa dkjZok;h dh vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A
bfUnjk vkokl ;kstuk ds mís';ksa ,oa dkjZok;h dh vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A 3. Write a note on Family Welfare Services.
3. Write a note on Family Welfare Services. ifjokj dY;k.k lsokvksa ij ,d fyf[k, A
ifjokj dY;k.k lsokvksa ij ,d fyf[k, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Critically examine multi-level structure of Planning. 1. Critically examine multi-level structure of Planning.
;kstuk ds cgq&Lrjh; lajpuk dh vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A ;kstuk ds cgq&Lrjh; lajpuk dh vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A
2. Describe the importance of Block Planning in area development. 2. Describe the importance of Block Planning in area development.
{ks=h; fodkl esa iz[k.M ;kstuk ds egRo dk o.kZu dhft, A {ks=h; fodkl esa iz[k.M ;kstuk ds egRo dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Explain the concept and process of Management. 3. Explain the concept and process of Management.
izcU/ku dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa izfØ;k dh O;k[;k dhft, A izcU/ku dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa izfØ;k dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Define Interview and describe its types. 1. Define Interview and describe its types.
lk{kkRdkj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A lk{kkRdkj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Define Action Research and describe its various stages. 2. Define Action Research and describe its various stages.
fØ;kRed 'kks/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fØ;kRed 'kks/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds fofHkUu pj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss the importance of Observation in Rural Development Research. 3. Discuss the importance of Observation in Rural Development Research.
xzkeh.k fodkl vuqla/kku esa voyksdu ds egÙo dh foospuk dhft, A xzkeh.k fodkl vuqla/kku esa voyksdu ds egÙo dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Examine the nature of Health Care Services in Independent India. 1. Examine the nature of Health Care Services in Independent India.
LorU= Hkkjr esa LokLF;&ns[kHkky lsokvksa dh leh{kk dhft, A LorU= Hkkjr esa LokLF;&ns[kHkky lsokvksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Evaluate the various aspects of National Malaria Control Programme. 2. Evaluate the various aspects of National Malaria Control Programme.
jk"Vªh; eysfj;k fu;a=.k dk;ZØe ds fofHkUu vk;keksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A jk"Vªh; eysfj;k fu;a=.k dk;ZØe ds fofHkUu vk;keksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
3. State the interlinkages between Health and Development. 3. State the interlinkages between Health and Development.
LokLF; ,oa fodkl ds vUrZlEcU/kksa dh ppkZ dhft, A LokLF; ,oa fodkl ds vUrZlEcU/kksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain the concept of communication and discuss its functions. 1. Explain the concept of communication and discuss its functions.
lapkj dh vo/kkj.kk lIk"V dhft, ,oa blds dk;ksZa dk fooj.k nhft, A lapkj dh vo/kkj.kk lIk"V dhft, ,oa blds dk;ksZa dk fooj.k nhft, A
2. Describe the Health Extension setup at Block level. 2. Describe the Health Extension setup at Block level.
iz[k.M Lrj ij LokLF; foLrkj lsok lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft, A iz[k.M Lrj ij LokLF; foLrkj lsok lajpuk dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Define Extension and analyse its objectives. 3. Define Extension and analyse its objectives.
izlkj dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds mn~ns';ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A izlkj dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds mn~ns';ksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Examine the causes of educational backwardness of rural women. 1. Examine the causes of educational backwardness of rural women.
xzkeh.k efgykvksa esa f'k{kk ds fiNM+siu ds dkj.kksa dh leh{kk dhft, A xzkeh.k efgykvksa esa f'k{kk ds fiNM+siu ds dkj.kksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Evaluate the issues and problems of the Scheduled Tribes. 2. Evaluate the issues and problems of the Scheduled Tribes.
vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ks ds eqís ,oa leL;kvksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ks ds eqís ,oa leL;kvksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
3. Describe the salient features of Juvenile Justice Children Act, 2000. 3. Describe the salient features of Juvenile Justice Children Act, 2000.
fd'kksj U;k; cky vf/kfu;e 2000 dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fd'kksj U;k; cky vf/kfu;e 2000 dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Voluntary Association ? Describe its essential functions. 1. What is Voluntary Association ? Describe its essential functions.
LoSfPNd lfefr D;k gS \ blds vfuok;Z dk;ks± dk fooj.k nhft, A LoSfPNd lfefr D;k gS \ blds vfuok;Z dk;ks± dk fooj.k nhft, A
2. Critically evaluate the important approaches to study organization. 2. Critically evaluate the important approaches to study organization.
laxBu ds v/;;u ds egRoiw.kZ mikxeksa dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A laxBu ds v/;;u ds egRoiw.kZ mikxeksa dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A
3. Evaluate the Gandhian approach to rural development in the present context. 3. Evaluate the Gandhian approach to rural development in the present context.
orZeku lanHkZ esa xzkeh.k fodkl ds xka/khoknh mikxe dk ewY;kadu dhft, A orZeku lanHkZ esa xzkeh.k fodkl ds xka/khoknh mikxe dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Sociology) M.A Part-I (Sociology)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Examine the theory of Social Action of Max Weber. 1. Examine the theory of Social Action of Max Weber.
eSDl oscj dh lkekftd fØ;k ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A eSDl oscj dh lkekftd fØ;k ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. On what facts are based Methodology of Durkheim ? Discuss. 2. On what facts are based Methodology of Durkheim ? Discuss.
fdu rF;ksa ij nq[khZe dk i)fr'kkL= vk/kkfjr gS \ foospuk dhft, A fdu rF;ksa ij nq[khZe dk i)fr'kkL= vk/kkfjr gS \ foospuk dhft, A
3. Explain the concept of Residues as put forward by Pareto. 3. Explain the concept of Residues as put forward by Pareto.
ijsVks }kjk fn;s x;s vo'ks"kksa@fof'k"V pkydksa dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft, ijsVks }kjk fn;s x;s vo'ks"kksa@fof'k"V pkydksa dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the major levels of theorisation of Sociological theory. 1. Discuss the major levels of theorisation of Sociological theory.
lekt'kkL=h; fl)kUrksa ds lS)kUrhdj.k ds izeq[k Lrjksa dh foospuk dhft, A lekt'kkL=h; fl)kUrksa ds lS)kUrhdj.k ds izeq[k Lrjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Elucidate Foucault's concept of 'Madness and Civilization'. 2. Elucidate Foucault's concept of 'Madness and Civilization'.
Qwdks ds ^ikxyiu vkSj lH;rk* dh vo/kkj.kk Li"V dhft, A Qwdks ds ^ikxyiu vkSj lH;rk* dh vo/kkj.kk Li"V dhft, A
3. Evaluate sources of conflict as described by collins. 3. Evaluate sources of conflict as described by collins.
dksfyUl }kjk of.kZr la?k"kZ ds Jksrksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A dksfyUl }kjk of.kZr la?k"kZ ds Jksrksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Give an analytical review of the concept of Positivism. 1. Give an analytical review of the concept of Positivism.
izR;{kokn dh vo/kkj.kk dh fo'ys"k.kkRed leh{kk dhft, A izR;{kokn dh vo/kkj.kk dh fo'ys"k.kkRed leh{kk dhft, A
2. Describe the problems that arise in the study of social phenomena. 2. Describe the problems that arise in the study of social phenomena.
lkekftd ?kVukvksa ds v/;;u esa gksus okyh dfBukb;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A lkekftd ?kVukvksa ds v/;;u esa gksus okyh dfBukb;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Write a note on Tabulation, Discussion and Analysis of Data. 3. Write a note on Tabulation, Discussion and Analysis of Data.
rF;ksa@vkadM+ksa ds lj.khdj.k] fo'ys"k.k ,oa O;k[;k ij fyf[k, A rF;ksa@vkadM+ksa ds lj.khdj.k] fo'ys"k.k ,oa O;k[;k ij fyf[k, A
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine Marxist approach in historical perspective. 1. Examine Marxist approach in historical perspective.
,sfrgkfld ifjizs{; esa ekDlZoknh mikxe dk ijh{k.k dhft, A ,sfrgkfld ifjizs{; esa ekDlZoknh mikxe dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Critically examine the views of D. P. Mukherjee on Indian Society. 2. Critically examine the views of D. P. Mukherjee on Indian Society.
Hkkjrh; lekt ij MhŒ ihŒ eq[kthZ ds fopkjksa dk vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A Hkkjrh; lekt ij MhŒ ihŒ eq[kthZ ds fopkjksa dk vkykspukRed leh{kk dhft, A
3. Write an essay on 'Dalit' in the context of Indian Society. 3. Write an essay on 'Dalit' in the context of Indian Society.
Hkkjrh; lekt ds lanHkZ esa ^nfyr* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjrh; lekt ds lanHkZ esa ^nfyr* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Evaluate the Cyclic theory of Social Change. 1. Evaluate the Cyclic theory of Social Change.
lkekftd ifjorZu ds pØh; fl)kUr dk ewY;kadu dhft, A lkekftd ifjorZu ds pØh; fl)kUr dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
2. What is Technology ? How does it bring about Social Change. 2. What is Technology ? How does it bring about Social Change.
izkS|ksfxdh D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj lkekftd ifjorZu ykrk gS \ izkS|ksfxdh D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj lkekftd ifjorZu ykrk gS \
3. Discuss the changing concept of development in Sociology. 3. Discuss the changing concept of development in Sociology.
lekt'kkL= esa fodkl dh ifjorZu'khy vo/kkj.kk dk fooj.k nhft, lekt'kkL= esa fodkl dh ifjorZu'khy vo/kkj.kk dk fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine the contribution of Radhakamal Mukherjee to Regional Sociology. 1. Examine the contribution of Radhakamal Mukherjee to Regional Sociology.
izknsf'kd lekt'kkL= esa jk/kkdey eq[kthZ ds ;ksxnku dh leh{kk dhft, A izknsf'kd lekt'kkL= esa jk/kkdey eq[kthZ ds ;ksxnku dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Describe the growth of Sociology in the historical context in the West. 2. Describe the growth of Sociology in the historical context in the West.
if'pe esa ,sfrgkfld lanHkZ esa lekt'kkL= ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A if'pe esa ,sfrgkfld lanHkZ esa lekt'kkL= ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss the important key concepts of Comparative Sociology. 3. Discuss the important key concepts of Comparative Sociology.
rqyukRed lekt'kkL= ds egRoiw.kZ dsUnzh; vo/kkj.kkvksa dh foospuk dhft, rqyukRed lekt'kkL= ds egRoiw.kZ dsUnzh; vo/kkj.kkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the Cultural and Sociological construct of a Region. 1. Describe the Cultural and Sociological construct of a Region.
{ks= dh lkaLÑfrd ,oa lekt'kkL=h; jpukvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A {ks= dh lkaLÑfrd ,oa lekt'kkL=h; jpukvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on Regional Economy. 2. Write an essay on Regional Economy.
{ks=h; vFkZO;oLFkk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A {ks=h; vFkZO;oLFkk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Describe the role of Folklore in the study of Sociology of Region. 3. Describe the role of Folklore in the study of Sociology of Region.
{ks= ds lekt'kkL= ds v/;;u esa tujhfr;ksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A {ks= ds lekt'kkL= ds v/;;u esa tujhfr;ksa dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe invisible and domestic work of women. 1. Describe invisible and domestic work of women.
efgykvksa ds vn`'; ,oa ?kjsyw dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A efgykvksa ds vn`'; ,oa ?kjsyw dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the status of widows in the Vedic period. 2. Describe the status of widows in the Vedic period.
oSfnd dky esa fo/kokvksa dh fLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft, A oSfnd dky esa fo/kokvksa dh fLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Analyze the position of women during Medieval India. 3. Analyze the position of women during Medieval India.
e/;dkyhu Hkkjr esa efgykvksa dh fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft, A e/;dkyhu Hkkjr esa efgykvksa dh fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft,
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-I (Sanskrit) M.A Part-I (Sanskrit)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- nsoksa dh vusdrk esa ,drk dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- nsoksa dh vusdrk esa ,drk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- oktlus;h lafgrk dk ifjp; nhft, A 2- oktlus;h lafgrk dk ifjp; nhft, A
3- lkeosn dh 'kk[kkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- lkeosn dh 'kk[kkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- mRd"kZ dky ds egkdfo dkfynkl dk dkO;kRed ifjp; nsa A 1- mRd"kZ dky ds egkdfo dkfynkl dk dkO;kRed ifjp; nsa A
2- J`axkjewyd xhfrdkO; esa vejd dfo dk LFkku fu:fir djsa 2- J`axkjewyd xhfrdkO; esa vejd dfo dk LFkku fu:fir djsa
3- x|dkO; dh mRifÙk ,oa fodkl ij izdk'k Mkysa A 3- x|dkO; dh mRifÙk ,oa fodkl ij izdk'k Mkysa A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkk"kkfoKku dh fo'ys"k.k izfØ;k ds Lrjksa dk foospu dhft, A 1- Hkk"kkfoKku dh fo'ys"k.k izfØ;k ds Lrjksa dk foospu dhft, A
2- ßHkk"kk okfpd izrhdksa dh la?kVuk gSÞ bldh lfoLrkj O;k[;k dhft, 2- ßHkk"kk okfpd izrhdksa dh la?kVuk gSÞ bldh lfoLrkj O;k[;k dhft,
3- czkg~eh fyfi dh mRifÙk ls lEc) erksa dk foospu dhft, A 3- czkg~eh fyfi dh mRifÙk ls lEc) erksa dk foospu dhft, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkkjrh; n'kZu lEiznk;ksa dh egRoiw.kZ fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, 1- Hkkjrh; n'kZu lEiznk;ksa dh egRoiw.kZ fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft,
2- tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj tho dk fu:i.k dhft, A 2- tSu n'kZu ds vuqlkj tho dk fu:i.k dhft, A
3- iq:"kkFkZ prq"V~; ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 3- iq:"kkFkZ prq"V~; ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vkfndkyhu lkfgR; dk ifjp; nhft, A 1- vkfndkyhu lkfgR; dk ifjp; nhft, A
2- Nk;koknksÙkj x| fo/kkvksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 2- Nk;koknksÙkj x| fo/kkvksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
3- fyf[k, & fo|kifr] eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr A 3- fyf[k, & fo|kifr] eSfFkyh'kj.k xqIr A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- lw= dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, blds Hksnksa dk o.kZu djsa A 1- lw= dks ifjHkkf"kr djrs gq, blds Hksnksa dk o.kZu djsa A
2- iz;Ru fdls dgrs gS\a os fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gSa A 2- iz;Ru fdls dgrs gS\a os fdrus izdkj ds gksrs gSa A
3- dkjd ds fdrus Hksn gS\a muds uke vkSj foHkfDr dk mYys[k djsa 3- dkjd ds fdrus Hksn gS\a muds uke vkSj foHkfDr dk mYys[k djsa
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dFkk vkSj vk[;kf;dk dk Hksn Li"V dhft, A 1- dFkk vkSj vk[;kf;dk dk Hksn Li"V dhft, A
2- y{k.kk dh ifjHkk"kk djrs gq, mlds izeq[k Hksnksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 2- y{k.kk dh ifjHkk"kk djrs gq, mlds izeq[k Hksnksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3- jl lw= dh mRifÙkoknh ,oa vkjksioknh O;k[;k dh leh{kk dhft, A 3- jl lw= dh mRifÙkoknh ,oa vkjksioknh O;k[;k dh leh{kk dhft, A
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fdlh ,d fo"k; ij laLÑr esa fucU/k fyf[k, %& 1- fdlh ,d fo"k; ij laLÑr esa fucU/k fyf[k, %&
¼d½ mPpf'k{kk;k%¼[k½ i;kZoj.k iznw"k.k&leL;k ¼x½ efgyk l'kDrhdj.k ¼d½ mPpf'k{kk;k%¼[k½ i;kZoj.k iznw"k.k&leL;k ¼x½ efgyk l'kDrhdj.k
2- fdlh ioZrh; ;k=k dk o.kZu djrs gq, vius fe= ds ikl laLd`r esa ,d i= fy[ksa A 2- fdlh ioZrh; ;k=k dk o.kZu djrs gq, vius fe= ds ikl laLd`r esa ,d i= fy[ksa A
3- fuEufyf[kr x|ka'k dk la{ksi.k djsa %& 3- fuEufyf[kr x|ka'k dk la{ksi.k djsa %&
lkekU;r% losZ"kka izkf.kuka oS;fDrde;kZnkuqlkjs.k mfpr O;ogkjks fou; bfr O;kfgz;rs A izk;% lkekU;r% losZ"kka izkf.kuka oS;fDrde;kZnkuqlkjs.k mfpr O;ogkjks fou; bfr O;kfgz;rs A izk;%
xq:.kkeknj% iwtk p leo;LdS% lg fe=Roe~ fou;% A fouhrks tuks u deI;oeU;rsAbRFka l xq:.kkeknj% iwtk p leo;LdS% lg fe=Roe~ fou;% A fouhrks tuks u deI;oeU;rsAbRFka l
losZ"kka izsekLina Hkofr Axqjo% vkRekuqHkkosu]fe=kf.k lkgk;~;su vijs o;Ldk'p rL; losZ"kka izsekLina Hkofr Axqjo% vkRekuqHkkosu]fe=kf.k lkgk;~;su vijs o;Ldk'p rL;
fou;Hkko&lEiUuL; le`n/;FkZa ;rUrs Alks∙fi yksdl³~xzgkFkZa fnO;n'kkZu~ izdk'k;fr losZ"kkeH;qn~;k;So fou;Hkko&lEiUuL; le`n/;FkZa ;rUrs Alks∙fi yksdl³~xzgkFkZa fnO;n'kkZu~ izdk'k;fr losZ"kkeH;qn~;k;So
A fo|klEiUuks fg ,oa drqZa 'kDuksfr A ;r% fg l LokFkksZ ;L; ijkFkZ ,o l u`.kkexz.khfjfr A fo|klEiUuks fg ,oa drqZa 'kDuksfr A ;r% fg l LokFkksZ ;L; ijkFkZ ,o l u`.kkexz.khfjfr
fl)kUrkuq:ia ldythoo.kkZu~ midjksfr A l 'k=qefi 'kh?kzeso fe=a Hkfo";rhfr foe`';ksidkjkgZa fl)kUrkuq:ia ldythoo.kkZu~ midjksfr A l 'k=qefi 'kh?kzeso fe=a Hkfo";rhfr foe`';ksidkjkgZa
eU;rs A dsukfi d`reijk/ka foLejR;so A vKkuo'khd`r% iq:"kks eka izfr nqO;Zogjrhfr eRok l eU;rs A dsukfi d`reijk/ka foLejR;so A vKkuo'khd`r% iq:"kks eka izfr nqO;Zogjrhfr eRok l
nq'pfjriq:"ka n;kik=a A ,oa fodflrcq);ks fg fou;'khyk% lRdeZizfriUuk vgaHkkofojfgrk nq'pfjriq:"ka n;kik=a A ,oa fodflrcq);ks fg fou;'khyk% lRdeZizfriUuk vgaHkkofojfgrk
;FkkFkZfo/kk;k% ewÙkZ:ik ,o A && 100 'kCn ;FkkFkZfo/kk;k% ewÙkZ:ik ,o A && 100 'kCn
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Mass Communication (MJMC)-Part-I Mass Communication (MJMC)-Part-I
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Define Communication and discuss its elements.
1. Define Communication and discuss its elements.
lapkj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds rÙoksa dh foospuk dhft, A lapkj dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds rÙoksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. What is Mass Communication ? Discuss its importance.
2. What is Mass Communication ? Discuss its importance.
tulapkj D;k gS \ blds egÙo dh ppkZ dhft, A tulapkj D;k gS \ blds egÙo dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. Describe some important models of communication with examples.
3. Describe some important models of communication with examples.
dqN egÙoiw.kZ ekWMyksa dk lksnkgj.k o.kZu dhft, A dqN egÙoiw.kZ ekWMyksa dk lksnkgj.k o.kZu dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz
'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the role of Hindi Journalism in Freedom Movement of India.
1. Describe the role of Hindi Journalism in Freedom Movement of India.
Hkkjr ds Lora=rk vkUnksyu esa fgUnh i=dkfjrk dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr ds Lora=rk vkUnksyu esa fgUnh i=dkfjrk dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on 'Hindi Journalism after 1947'.
2. Write an essay on 'Hindi Journalism after 1947'.
^1947 bZŒ ds ckn dh fgUnh i=dkfjrk* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ^1947 bZŒ ds ckn dh fgUnh i=dkfjrk* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. What is News Agency ? Discuss its activities.
3. What is News Agency ? Discuss its activities.
lekpkj lfefr D;k gS \ bldh xfrfof/k;ksa dh ppkZ dhft, A lekpkj lfefr D;k gS \ bldh xfrfof/k;ksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is News ? Describe its types. 1. What is News ? Describe its types.
lekpkj D;k gS \ blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A lekpkj D;k gS \ blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the different sources of News, with examples. 2. Discuss the different sources of News, with examples.
lekpkj ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dk lksnkgj.k foospuk dhft, A lekpkj ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dk lksnkgj.k foospuk dhft, A
3. Write a note on 'Development Reporting'. 3. Write a note on 'Development Reporting'.
^fodkl fjiksÉVx* ij ,d fyf[k, A ^fodkl fjiksÉVx* ij ,d fyf[k, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the importance of Editing in Journalism. 1. Describe the importance of Editing in Journalism.
i=dkfjrk esa lEiknu ds egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A i=dkfjrk esa lEiknu ds egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the responsibilities of a Photo Journalist. 2. Discuss the responsibilities of a Photo Journalist.
QksVks i=dkj dh ftEesnkfj;ksa dh ppkZ dhft, A QksVks i=dkj dh ftEesnkfj;ksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. Write an essay on 'The Role of an Editor'. 3. Write an essay on 'The Role of an Editor'.
^lEiknd dh Hkwfedk* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ^lEiknd dh Hkwfedk* ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Electronic Media ? Discuss its importance. 1. What is Electronic Media ? Discuss its importance.
bysDVªkWfud ehfM;k D;k gS \ blds egÙo dh foospuk dhft, A bysDVªkWfud ehfM;k D;k gS \ blds egÙo dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Examine the programmes broadcasted by All India Radio. 2. Examine the programmes broadcasted by All India Radio.
vkWy bafM;k jsfM;ks }kjk izlkfjr dk;ZØeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A vkWy bafM;k jsfM;ks }kjk izlkfjr dk;ZØeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. Discuss the history of Radio in India. 3. Discuss the history of Radio in India.
Hkkjr esa jsfM;ks ds bfrgkl dh foospuk dhft, A Hkkjr esa jsfM;ks ds bfrgkl dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the salient features of Electronic Media. 1. Discuss the salient features of Electronic Media.
bysDVªkfud ehfM;k dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A bysDVªkfud ehfM;k dh ize[q k fo'ks"krkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. Analyze the popularity of TV in India with examples. 2. Analyze the popularity of TV in India with examples.
Hkkjr esa Vhoh dh yksdfiz;rk dk lksnkgj.k fo'ys"k.k dhft, A Hkkjr esa Vhoh dh yksdfiz;rk dk lksnkgj.k fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
3. What is News ? Describe the important aspects of TV News. 3. What is News ? Describe the important aspects of TV News.
lekpkj D;k gS \ Vhoh lekpkj ds egÙoiw.kZ igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A lekpkj D;k gS \ Vhoh lekpkj ds egÙoiw.kZ igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Indian Constitution ? Discuss its important aspects. 1. What is Indian Constitution ? Discuss its important aspects.
Hkkjrh; lafo/kku D;k gS \ blds izeq[k igyqvksa dh foospuk dhft, A Hkkjrh; lafo/kku D;k gS \ blds izeq[k igyqvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Discuss some important Press Laws of India. 2. Discuss some important Press Laws of India.
Hkkjr ds dqN egÙoiw.kZ izsl dkuwuksa dh ppkZ dhft, A Hkkjr ds dqN egÙoiw.kZ izsl dkuwuksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. Throw light on the activities of Press Council of India. 3. Throw light on the activities of Press Council of India.
Hkkjrh; izl
s ifj"kn~ dh xfrfof/k;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A Hkkjrh; izl
s ifj"kn~ dh xfrfof/k;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-VIII Practical Paper-VIII Practical
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Commerce (M.Com) Part-I Master of Commerce (M.Com) Part-I
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh PAPER-I
PAPER-I Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Briefly describe various principles of organization.
1. Briefly describe various principles of organization. laxBu ds fofHkUu fl)kUrksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A
laxBu ds fofHkUu fl)kUrksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A 2. Discuss the scientific management theory of Taylor.
2. Discuss the scientific management theory of Taylor. Vsyj ds oSKkfud izca/k fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A
Vsyj ds oSKkfud izca/k fl)kUr dh foospuk dhft, A 3. Define Control. What are the salient features of effective control?
3. Define Control. What are the salient features of effective control? fu;a=.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A izHkkodkjh fu;a=.k dh D;k fo'ks"krk,¡ gSa \
fu;a=.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A izHkkodkjh fu;a=.k dh D;k fo'ks"krk,¡ gSa \ PAPER-II
PAPER-II Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is organization ? Describe its different types.
1. What is organization ? Describe its different types. laxBu D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
laxBu D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2. Discuss theory X and theory Y of organization.
2. Discuss theory X and theory Y of organization. laxBu ds fl)kUr X vkSj fl)kUr Y dh foospuk dhft, A
laxBu ds fl)kUr X vkSj fl)kUr Y dh foospuk dhft, A 3. Explain the sources of organizational conflict.
3. Explain the sources of organizational conflict. laxBukRed la?k"kZ ds lzksrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
laxBukRed la?k"kZ ds lzksrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-III Answer Any Two Questions Paper-III Answer Any Two Questions
1. Discuss the Risk and uncertainty bearing theory of profit. 1. Discuss the Risk and uncertainty bearing theory of profit.
ykHk ds tksf[ke vkSj vfuf'prrk ogu fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A ykHk ds tksf[ke vkSj vfuf'prrk ogu fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Explain the salient features of the industrial policy of 1991. 2. Explain the salient features of the industrial policy of 1991.
1991 dh vkS|ksfxd uhfr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 1991 dh vkS|ksfxd uhfr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Write briefly an essay on economic systems. 3. Write briefly an essay on economic systems.
vkfFkZd i)fr;ksa ij la{ksi esa ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A vkfFkZd i)fr;ksa ij la{ksi esa ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.Sa) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.Sa)
1. Define statistics and write its limitations. 1. Define statistics and write its limitations.
lkaf[;dh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk muds lhek,¡ dk mYys[k dhft, A lkaf[;dh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk muds lhek,¡ dk mYys[k dhft, A
2. How many types of data ? Explain all types of data with example. 2. How many types of data ? Explain all types of data with example.
vk¡dM+ksa ds fdrus izdkj gS \ lHkh izdkjksa ds vk¡dM+ksa dks mnkgj.k ds lkFk o.kZu dhft, vk¡dM+ksa ds fdrus izdkj gS \ lHkh izdkjksa ds vk¡dM+ksa dks mnkgj.k ds lkFk o.kZu dhft,
3. What is different between Histogram and Ogive ? 3. What is different between Histogram and Ogive ?
vk;r fp= rFkk rksj.k ds chp ds vUrj dk o.kZu dhft, A vk;r fp= rFkk rksj.k ds chp ds vUrj dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-V(Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V(Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is management accounting ? How does it differ from cost accounting ? 1. What is management accounting ? How does it differ from cost accounting ?
izcU/kdh; ys[kkadu D;k gS \ ykxr ys[kkadu ls ;g fdl izdkj fHkUu gS \ izcU/kdh; ys[kkadu D;k gS \ ykxr ys[kkadu ls ;g fdl izdkj fHkUu gS \
2. Define standard costing and explain its objectives. 2. Define standard costing and explain its objectives.
izeki ifjO;;kadu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds mís';ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A izeki ifjO;;kadu dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds mís';ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. What is cash flow statement ? How is it prepared ? Give example. 3. What is cash flow statement ? How is it prepared ? Give example.
jksdM+ izokg fooj.k D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj rS;kj fd;k tkrk gS \ mnkgj.k nhft, A jksdM+ izokg fooj.k D;k gS \ ;g fdl izdkj rS;kj fd;k tkrk gS \ mnkgj.k nhft, A
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe various sources of long–term business finance. 1. Describe various sources of long–term business finance.
nh?kZdkyhu O;kolkf;d foÙk ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A nh?kZdkyhu O;kolkf;d foÙk ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the popular techniques of financial control. 2. Discuss the popular techniques of financial control.
foÙkh; fu;U=.k dh izpfyr fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A foÙkh; fu;U=.k dh izpfyr fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Define Capital budgeting and explain its process and importance. 3. Define Capital budgeting and explain its process and importance.
¡ h ctfVax dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk bldh izfØ;k ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k dhft, A iwt
¡ h ctfVax dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk bldh izfØ;k ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain distribution channels and their functions. 1. Explain distribution channels and their functions.
forj.k ekxksaZ vkSj muds dk;ksZa dh O;k[;k dhft, A forj.k ekxksaZ vkSj muds dk;ksZa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. What is buying decision ? Describe its effects on marketing system. 2. What is buying decision ? Describe its effects on marketing system.
Ø;&fu.kZ; D;k gS \ foi.ku iz.kkyh ij blds izHkkoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Ø;&fu.kZ; D;k gS \ foi.ku iz.kkyh ij blds izHkkoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is product diversification ? Which factors encourage diversification of product ? 3. What is product diversification ? Which factors encourage diversification of product ?
mRikn fofo/krk D;k gS \ mRikn fofo/krk dks dkSu&dkSu ls dkjd izksRlkfgr djrs gSa mRikn fofo/krk D;k gS \ mRikn fofo/krk dks dkSu&dkSu ls dkjd izksRlkfgr djrs gSa
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is meant by industrial dispute ? Describe its causes. 1. What is meant by industrial dispute ? Describe its causes.
vkS|ksfxd fookn dk D;k vFkZ gS \ blds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vkS|ksfxd fookn dk D;k vFkZ gS \ blds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. What is Compensation ? Discuss its principles and types. 2. What is Compensation ? Discuss its principles and types.
{kfriwÆÙk D;k gS \ blds fl)kUrksa ,oa izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A {kfriwÆÙk D;k gS \ blds fl)kUrksa ,oa izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. What is Morale ? What are its determinants ? Explain. 3. What is Morale ? What are its determinants ? Explain.
eukscy D;k gS \ blds dkSu&dkSu ls fu/kkZjd gSa \ O;k[;k dhft, A eukscy D;k gS \ blds dkSu&dkSu ls fu/kkZjd gSa \ O;k[;k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Science (M.Sc) Master of Science (M.Sc)
(Chemistry) Part-I (Chemistry) Part-I
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper
of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this
purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student
three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required
to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in
the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both
the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each
theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the
date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence,
it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time.
Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and
meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting. meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting.
Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied
by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in
the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In
no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University.
In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured
from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project- from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-
Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing
which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper I to III and V Parctical Work Paper I to III and V Parctical Work
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the Schrödinger's equation and derive Schrödinger wave 1. Discuss the Schrödinger's equation and derive Schrödinger wave
equation with respect to time. equation with respect to time.
2. What is the magnitude of total orbital, total spin and total angular 2. What is the magnitude of total orbital, total spin and total angular
momenta for the ground state 4F of vanadium. momenta for the ground state 4F of vanadium.
3. Write the Valence bond Eigen function under perfect pairing scheme for 3. Write the Valence bond Eigen function under perfect pairing scheme for
BeH2 molecule. BeH2 molecule.
Paper-VI Paper-VI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Establish the structure of camphor by degradation and synthetic methods. 1. Establish the structure of camphor by degradation and synthetic methods.
2. How will you establish the primary, secondary and tertiary structure of 2. How will you establish the primary, secondary and tertiary structure of
Protein? Protein?
3. What is carbohydrate ? Establish the ring structure of glucose. 3. What is carbohydrate ? Establish the ring structure of glucose.
Paper-VII Paper-VII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. (a) Explain associative and dissociative mechanism with examples. 1. (a) Explain associative and dissociative mechanism with examples.
(b) Discuss the phenomenon of phosphorescence and fluorescence. (b) Discuss the phenomenon of phosphorescence and fluorescence.
2. Define photo substitution and explain with suitable example. 2. Define photo substitution and explain with suitable example.
3. Describe the pathway of optical inversion and isomerization. 3. Describe the pathway of optical inversion and isomerization.
Paper-VIII Paper-VIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Establish the structure of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin). Give the synthesis of 1. Establish the structure of Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin). Give the synthesis of
Vitamin B2. Vitamin B2.
2. Discuss the point of linkage between quininic acid and meroquinene in 2. Discuss the point of linkage between quininic acid and meroquinene in
quinine. quinine.
3. (a) Discuss the degradative reactons of narcotine. 3. (a) Discuss the degradative reactons of narcotine.
(b) Discuss the structure of opianic acid and cotarnine. (b) Discuss the structure of opianic acid and cotarnine.
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Science (M.Sc) Master of Science (M.Sc)
(Physics) Part-I (Physics) Part-I
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper
of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this
purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student
three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required
to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in
the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both
the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each
theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the
date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence,
it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time.
Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and
meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting. meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting.
Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied
by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in
the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In
no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University.
In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured
from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project- from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-
Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing
which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Prove that Poisson's brackets remain invariant with respect to 1. Prove that Poisson's brackets remain invariant with respect to
canonical transformation. canonical transformation.
2. solve the differential equation :— x 1 – 2x y – 6 x 1 y – 2 y 0 . 2. solve the differential equation :— x 1 – 2x y – 6 x 1 y – 2 y 0 .
3. State and prove (a) Modulation theorem & (b) Convolution theorem 3. State and prove (a) Modulation theorem & (b) Convolution theorem
for Fourier transforms. for Fourier transforms.
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is an operator in quantum mechanics ? What is a wave function 1. What is an operator in quantum mechanics ? What is a wave function
? What is the physical significance of normalizing a wave function ? ? What is the physical significance of normalizing a wave function ?
2. Set up one dimensional harmonic oxillator Schrödinger's equation and 2. Set up one dimensional harmonic oxillator Schrödinger's equation and
solve it to find energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. solve it to find energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions.
3. Write short note on the following :— 3. Write short note on the following :—
(a) Expectation values. (b) Stack effect. (c) Dirac delta function. (a) Expectation values. (b) Stack effect. (c) Dirac delta function.
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Show that the change is invariant under Lorentz transformation but 1. Show that the change is invariant under Lorentz transformation but
volume and surface charge densities are not. volume and surface charge densities are not.
2. What is adiabatic invariant? Discuss, in detail, the first adiabatic invariant. 2. What is adiabatic invariant? Discuss, in detail, the first adiabatic invariant.
3. Derive formulae for magneto-ionic refractive indices. Discuss their 3. Derive formulae for magneto-ionic refractive indices. Discuss their
application to ionosphere. application to ionosphere.
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. State and prove Liouville theorem. How is it analoguous to the 1. State and prove Liouville theorem. How is it analoguous to the
equation of continuity of an in compressible fluid ? equation of continuity of an in compressible fluid ?
2. Compare and contrast the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Base-Einstein and 2. Compare and contrast the Maxwell-Boltzmann, Base-Einstein and
Fermi-Dirac statistics. Fermi-Dirac statistics.
3. Helium has two isotopes viz. 3He and 4He. Classify these as fermions 3. Helium has two isotopes viz. 3He and 4He. Classify these as fermions
and bosons. Justify your conclusion. and bosons. Justify your conclusion.
Paper-V Paper-V
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Give the properties of the -meson. How does it account for the 1. Give the properties of the -meson. How does it account for the
charge independence of nuclear forces ? charge independence of nuclear forces ?
2. Write a detailed note on the classification of elementary particles. 2. Write a detailed note on the classification of elementary particles.
3. What are quarks ? Build up the structure of Mesons on quark model. 3. What are quarks ? Build up the structure of Mesons on quark model.
Paper VI to VIII Paper VI to VIII
Practical Work Practical Work
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2015) Assignment Session (2013-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Science (M.Sc) (Mathematics) Part-I Master of Science (M.Sc) (Mathematics) Part-I
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper
of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this
purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student
three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required
to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in
the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both
the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each
theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the
date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence,
it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time.
Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and
meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting. meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting.
Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied
by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in
the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In
no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University.
In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured
from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project- from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-
Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing
which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-I (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-I (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. State and prove Zassenhaus Butterfly Lemma. 1. State and prove Zassenhaus Butterfly Lemma.
2. State the general properties of modules and hence prove them. 2. State the general properties of modules and hence prove them.
3. Establish the transitivity property of finite extension of fields. 3. Establish the transitivity property of finite extension of fields.
Paper-II (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-II (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a) State and prove Cantor's intersection theorem. 1. (a) State and prove Cantor's intersection theorem.
(b) Show by giving counter-example that Heine-Borel theorem can't be (b) Show by giving counter-example that Heine-Borel theorem can't be
extended to unbounded intervals. extended to unbounded intervals.
2. Show that a function f defined on [a, b] is of bounded variation iff it can be 2. Show that a function f defined on [a, b] is of bounded variation iff it can be
represented as difference of two monotonically increasing functions on [a, b]. represented as difference of two monotonically increasing functions on [a, b].
3. State and prove the Inverse Function theorem. 3. State and prove the Inverse Function theorem.
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a) By introducing the characteristic function of a set A, prove that the 1. (a) By introducing the characteristic function of a set A, prove that the
characteristic function of A is measurable iff A is measurable. characteristic function of A is measurable iff A is measurable.
(b) Prove that a step function is measurable. (b) Prove that a step function is measurable.
2. (a) State and prove Lebesgue Monotone convergent theorem. 2. (a) State and prove Lebesgue Monotone convergent theorem.
(b) Derive that the Lebesgue integral is -additive on the family of non- (b) Derive that the Lebesgue integral is -additive on the family of non-
negative measurable functions. negative measurable functions.
3. State and prove Jordan Decomposition theorem. 3. State and prove Jordan Decomposition theorem.
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a) Define a normal space. Give an example of a normal space which is not 1. (a) Define a normal space. Give an example of a normal space which is not
regular. Justify this statement with relevant logic. regular. Justify this statement with relevant logic.
(b) Show that every metric space is a normal space. (b) Show that every metric space is a normal space.
2. (a) Show that the open interval (0, 1) on the real line R is not compact. 2. (a) Show that the open interval (0, 1) on the real line R is not compact.
(b) Prove that every compact sub-space of a Housdorff space is closed. (b) Prove that every compact sub-space of a Housdorff space is closed.
3. If x and y are topological spaces, then show that x × y is connected iff x and 3. If x and y are topological spaces, then show that x × y is connected iff x and
y are connected. y are connected.
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a) Prove that a linear operator E is projection on some sub-space iff it is an idempotent. 1. (a) Prove that a linear operator E is projection on some sub-space iff it is an idempotent.
(b) If E is a projection on M along N, then show that I–E is a projection on N (b) If E is a projection on M along N, then show that I–E is a projection on N
along M and vice-versa, where V is direct sum of sub-spaces M and N. along M and vice-versa, where V is direct sum of sub-spaces M and N.
2. (a) Define a partially ordered set. Prove that the power set of a non-empty set 2. (a) Define a partially ordered set. Prove that the power set of a non-empty set
x forms a partially ordered set with respect to sub-set relation . x forms a partially ordered set with respect to sub-set relation .
(b) Introduce complete lattice and show that the lattice N , is incomplete lattice. (b) Introduce complete lattice and show that the lattice N , is incomplete lattice.
3. (a) Prove that a Boolean homomorphism is a monomorphism iff Ker f 0 3. (a) Prove that a Boolean homomorphism is a monomorphism iff Ker f 0
(b) Prove that the kernel of Boolean homomorphism is a proper ideal. (b) Prove that the kernel of Boolean homomorphism is a proper ideal.
Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. By introducing Bilinear Transformation, derive the existence of fixed 1. By introducing Bilinear Transformation, derive the existence of fixed
points of a Bilinear Transformation. points of a Bilinear Transformation.
2. (a) State Poisson's Integral formula and then prove it. 2. (a) State Poisson's Integral formula and then prove it.
(b) Evaluate z dz , where c is the straight line segment from (1, 0) to (1, 1). (b) Evaluate z dz , where c is the straight line segment from (1, 0) to (1, 1).
3. Discuss Neumann's problem and its solution. 3. Discuss Neumann's problem and its solution.
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. State and prove Picard-Lindelof theorem. 1. State and prove Picard-Lindelof theorem.
2. (a) Determine the constants M, C and x for the initial value problem 2. (a) Determine the constants M, C and x for the initial value problem
y y , y(0) 1 , R x , y ; x 1 and y – 1 1. y y , y(0) 1 , R x , y ; x 1 and y – 1 1.
(b) Solve the system of differential equations y11 y12 , y21 y1 y2 . (b) Solve the system of differential equations y11 y12 , y21 y1 y2 .
3. (a) Derive the Rodrigue's formula for the Legendre Polynomial Pn x . 3. (a) Derive the Rodrigue's formula for the Legendre Polynomial Pn x .
(b) Find a recurrence relation for the Laguerre Polynomials (b) Find a recurrence relation for the Laguerre Polynomials
L1n ( x ) – n L1n – 1 ( x ) n Ln – 1 ( x ) 0 . L1n ( x ) – n L1n – 1 ( x ) n Ln – 1 ( x ) 0 .
Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-VIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a) show that a pseudograph is Eulerian iff it is connected and every vertex is even. 1. (a) show that a pseudograph is Eulerian iff it is connected and every vertex is even.
(b) Define isomorphism of two graphs.Give examples of two graphs becoming isomorphic. (b) Define isomorphism of two graphs.Give examples of two graphs becoming isomorphic.
2. (a) State and prove Fermat's theorem. 2. (a) State and prove Fermat's theorem.
(b) Test the solvability of the congruence relation x² – 10modu 127 . (b) Test the solvability of the congruence relation x² – 10modu 127 .
3. (a) State and prove Serret-Frenet formulae. 3. (a) State and prove Serret-Frenet formulae.
(b) Find the radius of curvature and torsion of the helix (b) Find the radius of curvature and torsion of the helix
x a Cos , y a Sin , Z a tan . x a Cos , y a Sin , Z a tan .
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Bhojpuri) M.A Part-II (Bhojpuri)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- d`".kkuUn d`".k ds dgkuh&dyk ds ewY;kadu djha A 1- d`".kkuUn d`".k ds dgkuh&dyk ds ewY;kadu djha A
2- bZ'ojpanz flugk ds dgkuh&dyk ds foospu djha A 2- bZ'ojpanz flugk ds dgkuh&dyk ds foospu djha A
3- MkWŒ foosdh jk; ds miU;kl ßveaxygkjhÞ ds leh{kk djha A 3- MkWŒ foosdh jk; ds miU;kl ßveaxygkjhÞ ds leh{kk djha A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkk"kk foKku ds iz/kku vk xkS.k 'kk[kk ds foospu djha A 1- Hkk"kk foKku ds iz/kku vk xkS.k 'kk[kk ds foospu djha A
2- O;kdj.k vk lkfgR; ds lkFks Hkk"kk foKku ds lEcU/k fu:fir djha A 2- O;kdj.k vk lkfgR; ds lkFks Hkk"kk foKku ds lEcU/k fu:fir djha A
3- Hkkstiqjh fo'ks"ku ds fofHkUu :iu ds ifjHkk"kk nsr vksdj lksnkgj.k foospu djha A 3- Hkkstiqjh fo'ks"ku ds fofHkUu :iu ds ifjHkk"kk nsr vksdj lksnkgj.k foospu djha A
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- lkfgR; ds ,xks fo/kk ds :Ik esa js[kkfp= ds ifjp; nhgha A 1- lkfgR; ds ,xks fo/kk ds :Ik esa js[kkfp= ds ifjp; nhgha A
2- ßns[kha vkxjkÞ ds fo"k;&oLrq ls ifjfpr djokbZa A 2- ßns[kha vkxjkÞ ds fo"k;&oLrq ls ifjfpr djokbZa A
3- vkpk;Z egsUnz 'kkL=h ds O;fDrRo ds ifjp; nhgha A 3- vkpk;Z egsUnz 'kkL=h ds O;fDrRo ds ifjp; nhgha A
Paper-XII Paper-XII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ik'pkR; vkykspuk ds fodkl vk vk/kqfud :Ik Ik foLrkj ls ppkZ djha A 1- ik'pkR; vkykspuk ds fodkl vk vk/kqfud :Ik Ik foLrkj ls ppkZ djha A
2- vjLrw ds vuqdj.k fl)kar ds ekSfydrk crkor vksdj fo'ys"k.k djha A 2- vjLrw ds vuqdj.k fl)kar ds ekSfydrk crkor vksdj fo'ys"k.k djha A
3- fjpMZl
~ ds lEizs"k.k ds fl)kar ds fo'ys"k.k djha A 3- fjpMZl
~ ds lEizs"k.k ds fl)kar ds fo'ys"k.k djha A
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ßcq)k;uÞ ds f'kYixr ifjp; nsr vksdjk Hkkf"kd lajpuk ij fopkj djha 1- ßcq)k;uÞ ds f'kYixr ifjp; nsr vksdjk Hkkf"kd lajpuk ij fopkj djha
2- ßdouks Bxok uxfj;k ywVy gksÞ dfork ds leh{kk djha A 2- ßdouks Bxok uxfj;k ywVy gksÞ dfork ds leh{kk djha A
3- lar y{eh l[kh ds lkfgfR;d O;fDrRo ds ppkZ djha A 3- lar y{eh l[kh ds lkfgfR;d O;fDrRo ds ppkZ djha A
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkkstiqjh miU;kl ds izeq[k fo'ks"krk ij izdk'k Mkyha A 1- Hkkstiqjh miU;kl ds izeq[k fo'ks"krk ij izdk'k Mkyha A
2- ßQqylaq/khÞ uk¡o ds vkSfpR; ij vkiu fopkj rdZiw.kZ <ax ls fy[kha A 2- ßQqylaq/khÞ uk¡o ds vkSfpR; ij vkiu fopkj rdZiw.kZ <ax ls fy[kha A
3- ßbejhfr;k dkdhÞ miU;kl ds laf{kIr dFkkud izLrqr djha A 3- ßbejhfr;k dkdhÞ miU;kl ds laf{kIr dFkkud izLrqr djha A
Paper-XV Paper-XV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ßfcnsfl;kÞ ds xhr&;kstuk ij izdk'k Mkyha A 1- ßfcnsfl;kÞ ds xhr&;kstuk ij izdk'k Mkyha A
2- ß'kq:vkrÞ ukVd ds vk/kkj ij QwyoUrh ds pfj=&fp=.k djha A 2- ß'kq:vkrÞ ukVd ds vk/kkj ij QwyoUrh ds pfj=&fp=.k djha A
3- lizlax O;k[;k djha %& 3- lizlax O;k[;k djha %&
¼d½ cki ds /kje tku·rkM+ dk g \ dlgq¡ viuk yfjdu ds isV Hkjs ¼d½ cki ds /kje tku·rkM+ dk g \ dlgq¡ viuk yfjdu ds isV Hkjs
ds] ihB Qksjs ds uk A tc vk¡r ds HkV~Bh lquqxs ykxs r uheu&uheu ds] ihB Qksjs ds uk A tc vk¡r ds HkV~Bh lquqxs ykxs r uheu&uheu
xsvkuh yksx ds xsvku Hkw[k ds /kUgdr tqvkyk esa tj ds Nkj gks tkyk A xsvkuh yksx ds xsvku Hkw[k ds /kUgdr tqvkyk esa tj ds Nkj gks tkyk A
¼[k½ fcnslh czã] cVksgh /kje] j[ksfyu ek;k] I;kjh lqUnjh tho A ¼[k½ fcnslh czã] cVksgh /kje] j[ksfyu ek;k] I;kjh lqUnjh tho A
czã tho&nwuw¡ tuk ,gh nsg esa ckM+u ckdh HksaV uk gks[ks A dkj.k \ czã tho&nwuw¡ tuk ,gh nsg esa ckM+u ckdh HksaV uk gks[ks A dkj.k \
ek;k A ,djk ds dkVsokyk cVksgh /kje A ek;k A ,djk ds dkVsokyk cVksgh /kje A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- oSfnd lkfgR; ds ifjp; nhgha A 1- oSfnd lkfgR; ds ifjp; nhgha A
2- caxyk ds izsek[;ku dkO; ds ifjp; nha A 2- caxyk ds izsek[;ku dkO; ds ifjp; nha A
3- uthj vdcjkcknh ds ifjp; nha A 3- uthj vdcjkcknh ds ifjp; nha A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment Session (2012-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Economics) M.A Part-II (Economics)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds
fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks
iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu
la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn
fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk
vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj]
vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV
ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z
tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd
fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn]
ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Critically explain Arrow's impossibility theorem. 1. Critically explain Arrow's impossibility theorem.
,sjks ds vlaHkork ize;s dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, A ,sjks ds vlaHkork ize;s dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Explain the problems of non-market interdependence. 2. Explain the problems of non-market interdependence.
xSj&cktkj vUrÆuHkZjrk dh leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A xSj&cktkj vUrÆuHkZjrk dh leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Discuss the externalities of production and consumption. 3. Discuss the externalities of production and consumption.
mRiknu ,oe~ miHkksx dh okárkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A mRiknu ,oe~ miHkksx dh okárkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
PAPER-X (NEW) (History of Economic Thought) PAPER-X (NEW) (History of Economic Thought)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Critically examine the theory of employment of Lord Keynes. 1. Critically examine the theory of employment of Lord Keynes.
ykMZ dsUl ds jkstxkj fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A ykMZ dsUl ds jkstxkj fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Explain the Bohm Bawerk's theory of 'marginal-pairs'. 2. Explain the Bohm Bawerk's theory of 'marginal-pairs'.
ckWe ckodZ ds ^lhekUr&;qxyksa* ds fl)kUr dh O;k[;k dhft, A ckWe ckodZ ds ^lhekUr&;qxyksa* ds fl)kUr dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Describe Adam Smith's views about economic science. 3. Describe Adam Smith's views about economic science.
vkÆFkd foKku ds lEcU/k esa ,Me fLeFk ds fopkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vkÆFkd foKku ds lEcU/k esa ,Me fLeFk ds fopkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
PAPER-X (OLD) (Economics of Environment & Social Sector) PAPER-X (OLD) (Economics of Environment & Social Sector)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Human Capital ? Describe its importance in detail. 1. What is Human Capital ? Describe its importance in detail.
ekuo&iw¡th D;k gS \ blds egRo dk foLrkj ls o.kZu dhft, A ekuo&iw¡th D;k gS \ blds egRo dk foLrkj ls o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the effects of education on economic development of a country. 2. Discuss the effects of education on economic development of a country.
fdlh ns'k ds vkfFkZd fodkl ij f'k{kk ds izHkkoksa dk foospu dhft, A fdlh ns'k ds vkfFkZd fodkl ij f'k{kk ds izHkkoksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Discuss the need and objectives of financial management in Education. 3. Discuss the need and objectives of financial management in Education.
f'k{kk ds {ks= esa foÙkh; izc/a k dh vko';drk vkSj mís'; dh foospuk dhft, A f'k{kk ds {ks= esa foÙkh; izc/a k dh vko';drk vkSj mís'; dh foospuk dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Critically examine the Neo-classical theory of labour market. 1. Critically examine the Neo-classical theory of labour market.
Je&cktkj ds uo&'kkL=h; fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A Je&cktkj ds uo&'kkL=h; fl)kUr dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Define unemployment. Describe its various types. 2. Define unemployment. Describe its various types.
csjkstxkjh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A csjkstxkjh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Critically explain the classical theory of Wages. 3. Critically explain the classical theory of Wages.
etnwjh ds 'kkL=h; vFkok ijEijkoknh fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A etnwjh ds 'kkL=h; vFkok ijEijkoknh fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft,A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. "Rapidly growing population is an obstacle to economic growth." Discuss. 1. "Rapidly growing population is an obstacle to economic growth." Discuss.
^^rsth ls c<+rh gqbZ tula[;k vkfFkZd laof` ) esa ck/kd gS A**foospu dhft, A ^^rsth ls c<+rh gqbZ tula[;k vkfFkZd lao`f) esa ck/kd gS A**foospu dhft, A
2. Examine Critically the family planning programmes in India. 2. Examine Critically the family planning programmes in India.
Hkkjr esa ifjokj fu;kstu dk;ZØeksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A Hkkjr esa ifjokj fu;kstu dk;ZØeksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. What is meant by Urbanization ? Explain its causes and effects. 3. What is meant by Urbanization ? Explain its causes and effects.
uxjhdj.k dk D;k vFkZ gS \ blds dkj.kksa ,oa izHkkoksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A uxjhdj.k dk D;k vFkZ gS \ blds dkj.kksa ,oa izHkkoksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the role of agriculture in the economic development of India. 1. Describe the role of agriculture in the economic development of India.
Hkkjr ds vkÆFkd fodkl esa Ñf"k dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr ds vkÆFkd fodkl esa Ñf"k dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. What is farming system ? Describe its various types. 2. What is farming system ? Describe its various types.
Ñf"k iz.kkyh D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Ñf"k iz.kkyh D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Write an essay on India's rural economy. 3. Write an essay on India's rural economy.
Hkkjr dh xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr dh xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the salient features of the industrial policy of 1991. 1. Discuss the salient features of the industrial policy of 1991.
1991 dh vkS|ksfxd uhfr dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft, A 1991 dh vkS|ksfxd uhfr dh ize[q k fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft, A
2. Describe the long-term sources of industrial finance. 2. Describe the long-term sources of industrial finance.
vkS|ksfxd foÙk ds nh?kZdkyhu lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vkS|ksfxd foÙk ds nh?kZdkyhu lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Explain the role of private sector in the industrial development of India. 3. Explain the role of private sector in the industrial development of India.
Hkkjr ds vkS|ksfxd fodkl esa futh {ks= dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft, A Hkkjr ds vkS|ksfxd fodkl esa futh {ks= dh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the fundamental problems of agriculture in Bihar. 1. Describe the fundamental problems of agriculture in Bihar.
fcgkj esa d`f"k dh cqfu;knh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fcgkj esa d`f"k dh cqfu;knh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the level of irrigation facilities available in Bihar. 2. Describe the level of irrigation facilities available in Bihar.
fcgkj esa miyC/k flapkbZ lqfo/kkvksa ds Lrj dk o.kZu dhft,A A fcgkj esa miyC/k flapkbZ lqfo/kkvksa ds Lrj dk o.kZu dhft,A A
3. Throw light on the poverty eradication programmes run in Bihar. 3. Throw light on the poverty eradication programmes run in Bihar.
fcgkj esa py jgs xjhch mUewyu dk;ZØeksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A fcgkj esa py jgs xjhch mUewyu dk;ZØeksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is descriptive research ? Describe its features and functions. 1. What is descriptive research ? Describe its features and functions.
fooj.kkRed 'kks/k D;k gS \ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A fooj.kkRed 'kks/k D;k gS \ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the sources of data collection in the process of economic research. 2. Describe the sources of data collection in the process of economic research.
vkÆFkd 'kks/k dh izfØ;k esa iznÙk laxzg ds lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vkÆFkd 'kks/k dh izfØ;k esa iznÙk laxzg ds lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What do you understand by data analysis. Throw light on its process. 3. What do you understand by data analysis. Throw light on its process.
iznÙk fo'ys"k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ bldh izfØ;k ij izdk'k Mkfy, A iznÙk fo'ys"k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ bldh izfØ;k ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Education) M.A Part-II (Education)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss modern theory of Organization. 1. Discuss modern theory of Organization.
laxBu ds vk/kqfud fl)kUr dk foospu dhft, A laxBu ds vk/kqfud fl)kUr dk foospu dhft, A
2. Discuss the role of personality in Organizational Behaviour. 2. Discuss the role of personality in Organizational Behaviour.
laxBukRed O;ogkj esa O;fDrRo dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A laxBukRed O;ogkj esa O;fDrRo dh Hkwfedk dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is Organizational Culture ? Describe it types. 3. What is Organizational Culture ? Describe it types.
laxBukRed laLÑfr D;k gS \ blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A laxBukRed laLÑfr D;k gS \ blds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the scope and objectives of Environmental Education. 1. Describe the scope and objectives of Environmental Education.
i;kZoj.k f'k{kk ds mís'; rFkk {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, A i;kZoj.k f'k{kk ds mís'; rFkk {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on energy flow in eco-system. 2. Write an essay on energy flow in eco-system.
ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa ÅtkZ izokg ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ikfjfLFkfrd ra= esa ÅtkZ izokg ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Write a descriptive note on 'Land Related Environmental Problem'. 3. Write a descriptive note on 'Land Related Environmental Problem'.
^Hkwfe lEcU/kh i;; leL;kvks*a ij ,d fooj.kkRed fyf[k, A ^Hkwfe lEcU/kh i;; leL;kvks*a ij ,d fooj.kkRed fyf[k, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain the goals and functions of Educational Administration. 1. Explain the goals and functions of Educational Administration.
'kSf{kd iz'kklu ds y{; ,oa dk;ks± dh O;k[;k dhft, A 'kSf{kd iz'kklu ds y{; ,oa dk;ks± dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Write an essay on Educational Management in India. 2. Write an essay on Educational Management in India.
Hkkjr esa 'kSf{kd izcU/ku ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa 'kSf{kd izcU/ku ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Explain principle and problems of school budget management. 3. Explain principle and problems of school budget management.
fo|ky; ctV izcU/k ds fl)kUr ,oa leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A fo|ky; ctV izcU/k ds fl)kUr ,oa leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain the concept and scope of teacher education. 1. Explain the concept and scope of teacher education.
v/;kid f'k{kk dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa {ks= dh O;k[;k dhft, A v/;kid f'k{kk dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa {ks= dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Discuss the need and importance of lesson plan. 2. Discuss the need and importance of lesson plan.
yslu Iyku dh vko';drk ,oa egÙo dh foospuk dhft, A yslu Iyku dh vko';drk ,oa egÙo dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Examine the role and function of NCTE. 3. Examine the role and function of NCTE.
jk"Vªh; f'k{kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~ dh Hkwfedk ,oa dk;ks± dk ijh{k.k dhft, A jk"Vªh; f'k{kd f'k{kk ifj"kn~ dh Hkwfedk ,oa dk;ks± dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Write an essay on the policy perspective of distance education in India. 1. Write an essay on the policy perspective of distance education in India.
Hkkjr esa nwj f'k{kk ds uhfrxr lanHkZ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa nwj f'k{kk ds uhfrxr lanHkZ ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2. Write an essay on "Social change and Distance education". 2. Write an essay on "Social change and Distance education".
^^nwjLFk f'k{kk ,oa lkekftd ifjorZu** ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ^^nwjLFk f'k{kk ,oa lkekftd ifjorZu** ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Explain the psychological process of learning in distance education. 3. Explain the psychological process of learning in distance education.
nwjLFk f'k{kk esa vf/kxe dh euksoK
S kfud izfØ;k dh O;k[;k dhft, A nwjLFk f'k{kk esa vf/kxe dh euksoSKkfud izfØ;k dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is correlation ? Discuss the various types of correlation. 1. What is correlation ? Discuss the various types of correlation.
lglEcU/k D;k gS \ lglEcU/k ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A lglEcU/k D;k gS \ lglEcU/k ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A
2. Explain the method and types of applied statistics. 2. Explain the method and types of applied statistics.
fØ;kRed lkaf[;dh ds izdkj vkSj dk;Z&fof/k dks le>kb, A fØ;kRed lkaf[;dh ds izdkj vkSj dk;Z&fof/k dks le>kb, A
3. Discuss the method of two-way analysis of variable. 3. Discuss the method of two-way analysis of variable.
f}fn'k izlj.k fo'ys"k.k dh i)fr dk foospu dhft, A f}fn'k izlj.k fo'ys"k.k dh i)fr dk foospu dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the qualities of an efficient Counsellor. 1. Discuss the qualities of an efficient Counsellor.
,d n{k ijke'kZnkrk dh xq.koÙkkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A ,d n{k ijke'kZnkrk dh xq.koÙkkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. Explain the meaning of intelligence and discuss the kinds of intelligence. 2. Explain the meaning of intelligence and discuss the kinds of intelligence.
cqf) ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk cqf) ds izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A cqf) ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk cqf) ds izdkjksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Discuss the purposes and techniques of Personality Testing ? 3. Discuss the purposes and techniques of Personality Testing ?
O;fDrRo ijh{k.k ds dkj.k ,oa rduhdksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A O;fDrRo ijh{k.k ds dkj.k ,oa rduhdksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the basic characteristics of a good measuring instrument. 1. Describe the basic characteristics of a good measuring instrument.
,d vPNs ekiu midj.k dh ewyHkwr fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ,d vPNs ekiu midj.k dh ewyHkwr fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe item analysis procedure in detail. 2. Describe item analysis procedure in detail.
,dka'k fo'ys"k.k izfØ;k dk foLrkj ls o.kZu dhft, A ,dka'k fo'ys"k.k izfØ;k dk foLrkj ls o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is aptitude test ? Throw light upon its different types. 3. What is aptitude test ? Throw light upon its different types.
vfHk{kerk ijh{k.k D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A vfHk{kerk ijh{k.k D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A/M.Sc Part-II (Environmental Science) M.A/M.Sc Part-II (Environmental Science)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the methods of exploration of minerals from oceans. 1. Discuss the methods of exploration of minerals from oceans.
egklkxjksa ls [kfut nksgu dh fof/k;ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A egklkxjksa ls [kfut nksgu dh fof/k;ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
2. Discuss the development of marine science in the 19th century. 2. Discuss the development of marine science in the 19th century.
19oha 'krkCnh esa leqæ foKku ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A 19oha 'krkCnh esa leqæ foKku ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Give an account of the major oceanic fishing grounds of the World. 3. Give an account of the major oceanic fishing grounds of the World.
fo'o ds izeq[k egklkxjh; eRL; mRiknu ds {ks=ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A fo'o ds izeq[k egklkxjh; eRL; mRiknu ds {ks=ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the segregation, prevention and disposal of hospital wastes. 1. Discuss the segregation, prevention and disposal of hospital wastes.
vLirkyh; vif'k"Vksa dk i`FFkdhdj.k] cpko rFkk fuLrkj.k ds mik;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, vLirkyh; vif'k"Vksa dk i`FFkdhdj.k] cpko rFkk fuLrkj.k ds mik;ksa dk o.kZu dhft,
2. Classify the municipal waste and discuss its management. 2. Classify the municipal waste and discuss its management.
uxjikfydk ds vif'k"Vksa dk oxhZdj.k ,oa blds izcU/ku dk foospu dhft, A uxjikfydk ds vif'k"Vksa dk oxhZdj.k ,oa blds izcU/ku dk foospu dhft, A
3. Critically examine the cost-benefit analysis of Recycling. 3. Critically examine the cost-benefit analysis of Recycling.
iqupZØ.k ds ykxr&ykHk fo'ys"k.k dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A iqupZØ.k ds ykxr&ykHk fo'ys"k.k dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Illustrate dose-response relationship with suitable examples. 1. Illustrate dose-response relationship with suitable examples.
mfpr mnkgj.kksa lfgr Mkst&fjLikUl lEcU/k dks Li"V dhft, A mfpr mnkgj.kksa lfgr Mkst&fjLikUl lEcU/k dks Li"V dhft, A
2. Give an account of toxic chemicals in air and water. 2. Give an account of toxic chemicals in air and water.
ok;q ,oa ty esa mifLFkr fo"kkDr jlk;ukas dk fooj.k nhft, A ok;q ,oa ty esa mifLFkr fo"kkDr jlk;ukas dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Mention the specific roles played by fishes and birds as bioindicators. 3. Mention the specific roles played by fishes and birds as bioindicators.
tSo lwpd ds :i esa eNyh vkSj iaf{k;ks dh fof'k"V Hkwfedk dks mfYyf[kr dhft, A tSo lwpd ds :i esa eNyh vkSj iaf{k;ks dh fof'k"V Hkwfedk dks mfYyf[kr dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Give an account of the scope and importance of Statistics. 1. Give an account of the scope and importance of Statistics.
lkaf[;dh ds dk;ksZa ¼Ldksi½ ,oa egRo dk fooj.k nhft, A lkaf[;dh ds dk;ksZa ¼Ldksi½ ,oa egRo dk fooj.k nhft, A
2. Throw light on main sources of data. 2. Throw light on main sources of data.
vkadM+ksa ds eq[; lzksrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A vkadM+ksa ds eq[; lzksrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A
3. Explain rule of addition and rule of multiplication of probability. 3. Explain rule of addition and rule of multiplication of probability.
izkf;drk ds ;ksx ,oa xq.ku fu;eksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A izkf;drk ds ;ksx ,oa xq.ku fu;eksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is a Sensor ? Discuss their types and point out their characteristics. 1. What is a Sensor ? Discuss their types and point out their characteristics.
laons d D;k gS \ buds izdkj vkSj fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A laons d D;k gS \ buds izdkj vkSj fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Give an account of the development of Remote Sensing Satellite. 2. Give an account of the development of Remote Sensing Satellite.
lqnwj laosnu mixzgksa ds fodkl dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A lqnwj laosnu mixzgksa ds fodkl dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A
3. Discuss the importance of remote sensing in environmental management. 3. Discuss the importance of remote sensing in environmental management.
i;; izcU/ku esa lqnwj laosnu ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A i;; izcU/ku esa lqnwj laosnu ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss principles of Functional Environmental Impact Assessment system. 1. Discuss principles of Functional Environmental Impact Assessment system.
dkÆ;d i;; izHkko ewY;kadu ra= ds fl)kUrksa dh foospuk dhft, A dkÆ;d i;; izHkko ewY;kadu ra= ds fl)kUrksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Give an account of approaches and methods of scoping. 2. Give an account of approaches and methods of scoping.
LdksÇix ds mikxe vkSj fof/k;ksa dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A LdksÇix ds mikxe vkSj fof/k;ksa dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A
3. Enlist and examine main elements of mitigation. 3. Enlist and examine main elements of mitigation.
fefVxslu ds izeq[k rÙoksa ¼?kVdksa½ dh igpku rFkk ijh{k.k dhft, A fefVxslu ds izeq[k rÙoksa ¼?kVdksa½ dh igpku rFkk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Give an account of ecological base of environmental management. 1. Give an account of ecological base of environmental management.
i;;&izcU/ku ds ikfjLFkSfrd vk/kkj dk fooj.k nhft, A i;;&izcU/ku ds ikfjLFkSfrd vk/kkj dk fooj.k nhft, A
2. Discuss the objectives and principles of environmental policy in India. 2. Discuss the objectives and principles of environmental policy in India.
Hkkjr esa i;; uhfr ds mís'; ,oa fl)kUrksa dh foospuk dhft, A Hkkjr esa i;; uhfr ds mís'; ,oa fl)kUrksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Throw light on public policy and strategies for pollution control. 3. Throw light on public policy and strategies for pollution control.
iznw"k.k fu;a=.k gsrq yksduhfr ,oa j.kuhfr;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A iznw"k.k fu;a=.k gsrq yksduhfr ,oa j.kuhfr;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
(Practical Work) (Practical Work)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A/M.Sc Part-II (Geography) M.A/M.Sc Part-II (Geography)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX Paper-IX
(Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) (Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write a descriptive note on approaches to rural settlement. 1. Write a descriptive note on approaches to rural settlement.
cLrh Hkwxksy ds mikxe ij ,d fooj.kkRed fyf[k, A cLrh Hkwxksy ds mikxe ij ,d fooj.kkRed fyf[k, A
2. Describe the basic elements of human settlement system. 2. Describe the basic elements of human settlement system.
ekuo vf/kokl ra= ds eq[; rRoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ekuo vf/kokl ra= ds eq[; rRoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Give an account of different types of rural dwellings found in India. 3. Give an account of different types of rural dwellings found in India.
Hkkjr esa ik;h tkusokyh fofHkUu izdkj ds xzkeh.k ?kjksa dk fooj.k nhft, A Hkkjr esa ik;h tkusokyh fofHkUu izdkj ds xzkeh.k ?kjksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-X Paper-X
(Practical WorkSa
) (Practical WorkSa
Paper-XI Paper-XI
(Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa (Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. Account for regular development of the concept of Physical Region. 1. Account for regular development of the concept of Physical Region.
HkkSfrd izns'k dh ladYiuk ds Øfed fodkl dh foospuk dhft, A HkkSfrd izns'k dh ladYiuk ds Øfed fodkl dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Give a critical account of Rostov's model of Economic Growth. 2. Give a critical account of Rostov's model of Economic Growth.
vkfFkZd fodkl ij jksLVkso ds izfreku dk vkykspukRed fooj.k nhft, A vkfFkZd fodkl ij jksLVkso ds izfreku dk vkykspukRed fooj.k nhft, A
3. Write an essay on river valley and watershed management in India. 3. Write an essay on river valley and watershed management in India.
Hkkjr esa unh ?kkVh vkSj tykf/kdj.k {ks= izcU/ku ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa unh ?kkVh vkSj tykf/kdj.k {ks= izcU/ku ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A
Paper-XII Paper-XII
(Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa (Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. What do you understand by Pollution? What are its types. Elucidate. 1. What do you understand by Pollution? What are its types. Elucidate.
çnw"k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ ;g fdrus çdkj ds gksrs gSa \ Li"V dhft, A çnw"k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ ;g fdrus çdkj ds gksrs gSa \ Li"V dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the causes and consequences of global warning. 2. Write an essay on the causes and consequences of global warning.
HkweaMyh; m"e.k ds dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A HkweaMyh; m"e.k ds dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Define Bio-geography. How is it related to other sciences? 3. Define Bio-geography. How is it related to other sciences?
tSo&Hkwxksy dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, A bU; foKkuksa ls ;g fdl çdkj lEcfU/kr gS \ tSo&Hkwxksy dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, A bU; foKkuksa ls ;g fdl çdkj lEcfU/kr gS \
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
(Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa (Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. Give an account of the meaning and scope of cultural geography. 1. Give an account of the meaning and scope of cultural geography.
lkaLÑfrd Hkwxksy ds vFkZ rFkk {ks= dh foospuk dhft, A lkaLÑfrd Hkwxksy ds vFkZ rFkk {ks= dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Give an account of the impact of environment of Human Culture. 2. Give an account of the impact of environment of Human Culture.
ekuo laLÑfr ij okrkoj.k ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A ekuo laLÑfr ij okrkoj.k ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Discuss the ethnic features of tribes of Africa. 3. Discuss the ethnic features of tribes of Africa.
vÝhdu vkfnokfl;ksa ds u`rkuh y{k.kksa dk fooj.k nhft, A vÝhdu vkfnokfl;ksa ds u`rkuh y{k.kksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
(Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa (Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. Describe the development of G.I.S. 1. Describe the development of G.I.S.
thŒvkbZŒ,lŒ ¼G.I.S½ ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A thŒvkbZŒ,lŒ ¼G.I.S½ ds fodkl dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the salient features of computer based maps. 2. Describe the salient features of computer based maps.
dEI;wVj vk/kkfjr ekufp= dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, dEI;wVj vk/kkfjr ekufp= dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft,
3. Throw light on image processing and types of imageries. 3. Throw light on image processing and types of imageries.
izfrÑfr izfØ;k ,oa fcEckoyh ds izdkjksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A izfrÑfr izfØ;k ,oa fcEckoyh ds izdkjksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-VX Paper-VX
(Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa (Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. Explain the geographical bases of Federalism. 1. Explain the geographical bases of Federalism.
la?kokn ds HkkSxksfyd vk/kkj dh O;k[;k dhft, A la?kokn ds HkkSxksfyd vk/kkj dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Explain the Rimland Theory of Spykman. 2. Explain the Rimland Theory of Spykman.
LikbdeSu ds fjeySaM fl)kUr dh foLr`r O;k[;k dhft, A LikbdeSu ds fjeySaM fl)kUr dh foLr`r O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Throw light on geopolitics of South-West Asia. 3. Throw light on geopolitics of South-West Asia.
nf{k.k&if'pe ,f'k;k dh Hkwjktuhfr ij çdk'k Mkfy, A nf{k.k&if'pe ,f'k;k dh Hkwjktuhfr ij çdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
(Practical Work) (Practical Work)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Hindi) M.A Part-II (Hindi)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd
iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi
esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi
izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk
djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS
i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk
dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i=
lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk
lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls
ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds
gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh
fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA
l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr
PAPER-IX l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) PAPER-IX
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- HkkjrsUnq ds vkykspuk lkfgR; dk foospu dhft, A
2- egkohj izlkn f}osnh ds fucU/kksa dh fo'ks"krk,¡ crkb, A 1- HkkjrsUnq ds vkykspuk lkfgR; dk foospu dhft, A
3- f}osnh ;qxhu vkykspuk dh izo`fÙk;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 2- egkohj izlkn f}osnh ds fucU/kksa dh fo'ks"krk,¡ crkb, A
PAPER-X 3- f}osnh ;qxhu vkykspuk dh izo`fÙk;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) PAPER-X
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- gfjd`".k ßizsehÞ ds O;fDrRo ,oa drZR` o ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- fgUnh miU;kl lkfgR; ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A 1- gfjd`".k ßizsehÞ ds O;fDrRo ,oa drZR` o ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3- fgUnh dgkuh ds bfrgkl esa izsepUn dk LFkku fu:fir dhft, A 2- fgUnh miU;kl lkfgR; ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A
3- fgUnh dgkuh ds bfrgkl esa izsepUn dk LFkku fu:fir dhft, A
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dFkk lkfgR; ds fodkl esa efgyk ys[ku ds egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 1- dFkk lkfgR; ds fodkl esa efgyk ys[ku ds egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- lkBksÙkjh dFkk lkfgR; esa vfHkO;Dr ;FkkFkZ ij fopkj dhft, A 2- lkBksÙkjh dFkk lkfgR; esa vfHkO;Dr ;FkkFkZ ij fopkj dhft, A
3- fgUnh fuca/k ds {ks= esa vfHkO;Dr ;FkkFkZ ij fopkj dhft, A 3- fgUnh fuca/k ds {ks= esa vfHkO;Dr ;FkkFkZ ij fopkj dhft, A
Paper-XII Paper-XII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ukVd ds Lo:Ik ,oa y{k.k dks Li"V dhft, A 1- ukVd ds Lo:Ik ,oa y{k.k dks Li"V dhft, A
2- ukfVdk ds Lo:Ik ,oa y{k.kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 2- ukfVdk ds Lo:Ik ,oa y{k.kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3- ukVddkj HkkjrsUnq gfj'pUnz dk ifjp; nhft, A 3- ukVddkj HkkjrsUnq gfj'pUnz dk ifjp; nhft, A
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ^egkHkkst* dh dFkkoLrq dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A 1- ^egkHkkst* dh dFkkoLrq dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
2- dhjr dk pfj=&fp=.k dhft, A 2- dhjr dk pfj=&fp=.k dhft, A
3- ^xqydh cUuks* dh ekfeZdrk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 3- ^xqydh cUuks* dh ekfeZdrk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fgUnh ds ifBr fdUgha pkj x| dkO;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 1- fgUnh ds ifBr fdUgha pkj x| dkO;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
2- ;k=k o`rkUr ds Lo:Ik ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 2- ;k=k o`rkUr ds Lo:Ik ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3- js[kkfp= dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk mn~?kkVu dhft, A 3- js[kkfp= dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk mn~?kkVu dhft, A
Paper-XV Paper-XV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vjLrw dh egkdkO; lEca/kh vo/kkj.kk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 1- vjLrw dh egkdkO; lEca/kh vo/kkj.kk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- gksjsl ds dkO; lEcU/kh erksa dk mYys[k dhft, A 2- gksjsl ds dkO; lEcU/kh erksa dk mYys[k dhft, A
3- 'kSyh ds Lo:i dks Li"V dhft, A 3- 'kSyh ds Lo:i dks Li"V dhft, A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- lkfgfR;d izkd`r ,oa ikfy dk vUrj Li"V dhft, A 1- lkfgfR;d izkd`r ,oa ikfy dk vUrj Li"V dhft, A
2- fcgkjh cksfy;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 2- fcgkjh cksfy;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
3- fgUnh dh Lofuf;d leL;kvksa ij vius fopkj izLrqr dhft, A 3- fgUnh dh Lofuf;d leL;kvksa ij vius fopkj izLrqr dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (History) M.A Part-II (History)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Make an appraisal of achievements of Jaladuddin Khalji. 1. Make an appraisal of achievements of Jaladuddin Khalji.
tykyqíhu [kyth dh miyfC/k;ksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A tykyqíhu [kyth dh miyfC/k;ksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
2. Discuss the career and achievements of Ibrahim Lodi. 2. Discuss the career and achievements of Ibrahim Lodi.
bczkfge yksnh dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A bczkfge yksnh dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Throw light on the status of Women during Turko-Afghan period. 3. Throw light on the status of Women during Turko-Afghan period.
rqdZ&vQxku dky esa Hkkjr esa ukfj;ksa dh fLFkfr ij izdk'k Mkfy, A rqdZ&vQxku dky esa Hkkjr esa ukfj;ksa dh fLFkfr ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Review the Rajput Policy of Aurangzeb. 1. Review the Rajput Policy of Aurangzeb.
vkSjaxtsc dh jktiwr uhfr dh leh{kk dhft, A vkSjaxtsc dh jktiwr uhfr dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Describe the life and achievements of Guru Govind Singh. 2. Describe the life and achievements of Guru Govind Singh.
xq# xksfoUn Çlg dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A xq# xksfoUn Çlg dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Analyze the administrative system of the Mughals. 3. Analyze the administrative system of the Mughals.
eqxyksa dh iz'kklfud O;oLFkk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A eqxyksa dh iz'kklfud O;oLFkk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Analyze political condition of India in 18th century. 1. Analyze political condition of India in 18th century.
18oha lnh esa Hkkjr dh jktuhfrd voLFkk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A 18oha lnh esa Hkkjr dh jktuhfrd voLFkk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
2. Account for the life profile and achievements of Shivaji. 2. Account for the life profile and achievements of Shivaji.
f'kokth ds thou pfj= ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A f'kokth ds thou pfj= ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Describe reforms of Lord Cornwallis. 3. Describe reforms of Lord Cornwallis.
ykWMZ dkWuZokfyl ds lq/kkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ykWMZ dkWuZokfyl ds lq/kkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain the main features, merits and demerits of Permanent settlement. 1. Explain the main features, merits and demerits of Permanent settlement.
LFkk;h Hkwfe O;oLFkk dh fo'ks"krkvks]a xq.k ,oa nks"kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A LFkk;h Hkwfe O;oLFkk dh fo'ks"krkvks]a xq.k ,oa nks"kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Give an account of causes and effects of the famines of 19th century in India. 2. Give an account of causes and effects of the famines of 19th century in India.
Hkkjr esa 19oha lnh ds vdky ds dkj.kksa ,oa ifj.kkeksa dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A Hkkjr esa 19oha lnh ds vdky ds dkj.kksa ,oa ifj.kkeksa dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
3. Assess the effects of First World War on Indian economy. 3. Assess the effects of First World War on Indian economy.
Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij izFke fo'o ;q) ds izHkkoksa dh leh{kk dhft, A Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij izFke fo'o ;q) ds izHkkoksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine the causes and consequences of "Quit India" Movement. 1. Examine the causes and consequences of "Quit India" Movement.
^^Hkkjr NksM+k*s * vkUnksyu ds dkj.kksa ,oa ifj.kkeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A ^^Hkkjr NksM+ks** vkUnksyu ds dkj.kksa ,oa ifj.kkeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Analyze the role of Lift Wing Parties in the freedom movement of India. 2. Analyze the role of Lift Wing Parties in the freedom movement of India.
Hkkjrh; Lora=rk vkUnksyu esa okeiaFkh nyksa dh Hkwfedk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A Hkkjrh; Lora=rk vkUnksyu esa okeiaFkh nyksa dh Hkwfedk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
3. Write an essay on merger of the Princely States in Indian Union. 3. Write an essay on merger of the Princely States in Indian Union.
Hkkjrh; la?k esa ns'kh jkT;ksa ds foy; ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjrh; la?k esa ns'kh jkT;ksa ds foy; ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Account for the early colonial expansion of Portugal. 1. Account for the early colonial expansion of Portugal.
iqrZxky ds izkjfEHkd vkSifuosf'kd foLrkj dk fooj.k nhft, A iqrZxky ds izkjfEHkd vkSifuosf'kd foLrkj dk fooj.k nhft, A
2. Make an assessment of foreign policy of Louis XIV. 2. Make an assessment of foreign policy of Louis XIV.
yqbZ pkSngosa dh fons'k uhfr dk ewY;kadu dhft, A yqbZ pkSngosa dh fons'k uhfr dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
3. Analyze the life profile and achievements of Peter-the Great. 3. Analyze the life profile and achievements of Peter-the Great.
ihVj nh xzsV dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A ihVj nh xzsV dh thouh ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine causes and effects of the American War of Independence. 1. Examine causes and effects of the American War of Independence.
vesfjdh Lora=rk laxzke ds dkj.kksa ,oa izHkkoksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A vesfjdh Lora=rk laxzke ds dkj.kksa ,oa izHkkoksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Examine the causes, nature and effects of the Boxer rebellion in China. 2. Examine the causes, nature and effects of the Boxer rebellion in China.
phu esa ckWDlj foæksg ds dkj.kksa] Lo:i ,oa ifj.kkeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A phu esa ckWDlj foæksg ds dkj.kksa] Lo:i ,oa ifj.kkeksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. Throw light on Mei-ji restoration and modernization of Japan. 3. Throw light on Mei-ji restoration and modernization of Japan.
esbZth iquLFkkZiu ,oa tkiku ds vk/kqfudhdj.k ij izdk'k Mkfy, A esbZth iquLFkkZiu ,oa tkiku ds vk/kqfudhdj.k ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine domestic and foreign policies of Napoleon III. 1. Examine domestic and foreign policies of Napoleon III.
usiksfy;u u`rh; dh x`g ,oa fons'k uhfr;ksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A usiksfy;u u`rh; dh x`g ,oa fons'k uhfr;ksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Assess the role of Bismarck in the unification of Germany. 2. Assess the role of Bismarck in the unification of Germany.
teZuh ds ,dhdj.k esa fcLekdZ dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft, A teZuh ds ,dhdj.k esa fcLekdZ dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft, A
3. Examine the French expansion and administration in Indo-China. 3. Examine the French expansion and administration in Indo-China.
fgUn&phu esa Ýkalhlh foLrkj ,oa iz'kklu izcU/k dk ijh{k.k dhft, A fgUn&phu esa Ýkalhlh foLrkj ,oa iz'kklu izcU/k dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Magahi) M.A Part-II (Magahi)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd
iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi
esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os
izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk
gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy
djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS
fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk
i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu
vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk
ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i=
dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls
lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu
ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds
fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh
gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA
fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr
l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ^exgh ds e/;dkyhu Lo:i* fuca/k ds lkjka'k fy[kw A 1- ^exgh ds e/;dkyhu Lo:i* fuca/k ds lkjka'k fy[kw A
2- ßexgh Hkk"kk ds izkphu Lo:IkÞ fuca/k ds leh{kk d: A 2- ßexgh Hkk"kk ds izkphu Lo:IkÞ fuca/k ds leh{kk d: A
3- ßfgUnh ds fodkl esa exgh ds ;ksxnkuÞ fuca/k ds leh{kk dj· A 3- ßfgUnh ds fodkl esa exgh ds ;ksxnkuÞ fuca/k ds leh{kk dj· A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- HksV&okrkZ ls dk le> g·\ HksVokrkZ ds rÙo ij izdkl Mky· A 1- HksV&okrkZ ls dk le> g·\ HksVokrkZ ds rÙo ij izdkl Mky· A
2- Mk;jh ds mfM+;ky iUuk ds Hkk"kk vkÅ f'kYi ij fopkj dj· A 2- Mk;jh ds mfM+;ky iUuk ds Hkk"kk vkÅ f'kYi ij fopkj dj· A
3- ßgEej HkkbZÞ 'kh"kZd laLej.k ds leh{kk dj· A 3- ßgEej HkkbZÞ 'kh"kZd laLej.k ds leh{kk dj· A
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- exgh ds Hkjiwj fodkl u gks, ds rhu eq[; otg crko∙ A 1- exgh ds Hkjiwj fodkl u gks, ds rhu eq[; otg crko∙ A
2- exgh esa vkykspuk ds dk fLFkfr gs\ ,dj vk/kkj dk gs\ 2- exgh esa vkykspuk ds dk fLFkfr gs\ ,dj vk/kkj dk gs\
3- ns'k] lekt vkm O;fDr okLrs i=&if=dk ds egÙo crko∙ A 3- ns'k] lekt vkm O;fDr okLrs i=&if=dk ds egÙo crko∙ A
Paper-XII Paper-XII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- e/;dkyhu Hkkjrh; izkd`r Hkk"kk ds ifjp; foLrkjiwoZd n∙ A 1- e/;dkyhu Hkkjrh; izkd`r Hkk"kk ds ifjp; foLrkjiwoZd n∙ A
2- viHkza'k lkfgR; ds dkO; oSf'k"V~; ij lksnkgj.k izdk'k Mky∙ A 2- viHkza'k lkfgR; ds dkO; oSf'k"V~; ij lksnkgj.k izdk'k Mky∙ A
3- fgUnh Hkk"kk fodkl izfØ;k esa viHkza'k ds Hkwfedk ij izdk'k Mky∙ A 3- fgUnh Hkk"kk fodkl izfØ;k esa viHkza'k ds Hkwfedk ij izdk'k Mky∙ A
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- lalkj ds Hkk"kk ds oxhZdj.k ij viu fopkj O;Dr dj∙ A 1- lalkj ds Hkk"kk ds oxhZdj.k ij viu fopkj O;Dr dj∙ A
2- cksyh ds egÙoiw.kZ gksos ds dmu&dmu dkj.k gs \ 2- cksyh ds egÙoiw.kZ gksos ds dmu&dmu dkj.k gs \
3- vFkZ ifjorZu ds fn'kk ij viu fopkj O;Dr dj∙ A 3- vFkZ ifjorZu ds fn'kk ij viu fopkj O;Dr dj∙ A
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vyadkj ds rdZ lEer oxhZdj.k izLrqr dj∙ A 1- vyadkj ds rdZ lEer oxhZdj.k izLrqr dj∙ A
2- oØksfr Hksn ij izdk'k Mky∙ A 2- oØksfr Hksn ij izdk'k Mky∙ A
3- bfy;V ds dkO;&Hkk"kk vkm uSfrdrk ds ifjp; n∙ A 3- bfy;V ds dkO;&Hkk"kk vkm uSfrdrk ds ifjp; n∙ A
Paper-XV Paper-XV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vkn'kZoknh dkO; ds :Ik esa exgh dforkoyh ij izdkl Mky∙ A 1- vkn'kZoknh dkO; ds :Ik esa exgh dforkoyh ij izdkl Mky∙ A
2- ;FkkFkZokn ds izeq[k exgh dfo;u ds ifjp; nsy tk; A 2- ;FkkFkZokn ds izeq[k exgh dfo;u ds ifjp; nsy tk; A
3- MkW0 lR;sUnz dqekj flag ds ifjp; vIiu 'kCnu esa n∙ A 3- MkW0 lR;sUnz dqekj flag ds ifjp; vIiu 'kCnu esa n∙ A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- exgh laLdkj xhr ds i`"BHkwfe ij izdk'k Mky· A 1- exgh laLdkj xhr ds i`"BHkwfe ij izdk'k Mky· A
2- iwohZxhr ds ukedj.k ds dkj.k ij izdk'k Mky· A 2- iwohZxhr ds ukedj.k ds dkj.k ij izdk'k Mky· A
3- pSrk xhr ds izdkj ds ifjp; n· A 3- pSrk xhr ds izdkj ds ifjp; n· A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Political Science) M.A Part-II (Political Science)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define Public Administration and describe its scope. 1. Define Public Administration and describe its scope.
yksd iz'kklu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, vkSj blds fo"k; {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, A yksd iz'kklu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, vkSj blds fo"k; {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the Human Relations Theory of organization. 2. Describe the Human Relations Theory of organization.
laxBu ds ekuo lEcU/k fl)kar dh oospuk dhft, A laxBu ds ekuo lEcU/k fl)kar dh oospuk dhft, A
3. Define budget and describe different types of budget. 3. Define budget and describe different types of budget.
ctV dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk ctV ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ctV dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk ctV ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the system of administration during the period of Akbar. 1. Describe the system of administration during the period of Akbar.
vdcjdkyhu iz'kkldh; O;oLFkk dk o.kZu dhft, A vdcjdkyhu iz'kkldh; O;oLFkk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe organization and functions of Central Council of Ministers. 2. Describe organization and functions of Central Council of Ministers.
dsUæh; ea=hifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A dsUæh; ea=hifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss the functions and role of the Governor in State Administration. 3. Discuss the functions and role of the Governor in State Administration.
jkT; iz'kklu esa jkT;iky ds dk;ks± ,oa Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A jkT; iz'kklu esa jkT;iky ds dk;ks± ,oa Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the high ideals as embodied in the Constitution of India. 1. Discuss the high ideals as embodied in the Constitution of India.
izLrkouk esa fufgr mPpkn'kks± dk foospu dhft, A izLrkouk esa fufgr mPpkn'kks± dk foospu dhft, A
2. Discuss the Fundamental Duties of the citizens of India. 2. Discuss the Fundamental Duties of the citizens of India.
Hkkjr ds ukxfjdksa ds ekSfyd dÙkZO;ksa dk foospu dhft, A Hkkjr ds ukxfjdksa ds ekSfyd dÙkZO;ksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Describe the Legislative procedure of the Indian Parliament. 3. Describe the Legislative procedure of the Indian Parliament.
Hkkjrh; laln dh fo/kk;h izfØ;k dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjrh; laln dh fo/kk;h izfØ;k dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the objectives of the Indian Political System. 1. Describe the objectives of the Indian Political System.
Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the present position of the political parties in India. 2. Discuss the present position of the political parties in India.
Hkkjr esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh orZeku fLFkfr dk foospu dhft, A Hkkjr esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh orZeku fLFkfr dk foospu dhft, A
3. Write an essay on Pressure Groups in India. 3. Write an essay on Pressure Groups in India.
Hkkjr esa ncko lewgksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa ncko lewgksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Write an essay on South-South co-operation. 1. Write an essay on South-South co-operation.
nf{k.k&nf{k.k lg;ksx ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A nf{k.k&nf{k.k lg;ksx ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2. Discuss the achievements and failures of the SAARC. 2. Discuss the achievements and failures of the SAARC.
n{ksl ¼lkdZ½ dh miyfC/k;ksa ,oa foQyrkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A n{ksl ¼lkdZ½ dh miyfC/k;ksa ,oa foQyrkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Discuss the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 3. Discuss the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
ekuokf/kdkjksa ds fo'oO;kih ?kks"k.kk ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ekuokf/kdkjksa ds fo'oO;kih ?kks"k.kk ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the binding forces of the International Law. 1. Describe the binding forces of the International Law.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k dh ck/;dkjh 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k dh ck/;dkjh 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe main sources of International Law. 2. Describe main sources of International Law.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is the place of individuals in International Law ? Describe. 3. What is the place of individuals in International Law ? Describe.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k esa O;fDr dk D;k LFkku gS \ o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k esa O;fDr dk D;k LFkku gS \ o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is War ? Describe the causes of war. 1. What is War ? Describe the causes of war.
;q) D;k gS \ ;q) ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ;q) D;k gS \ ;q) ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the main principles of Aerial War. 2. Discuss the main principles of Aerial War.
ok;q ;q) ds izeq[k fu;eksa dk foospu dhft, A ok;q ;q) ds izeq[k fu;eksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Describe the laws concerning nuclear warfare. 3. Describe the laws concerning nuclear warfare.
ijek.kq ;q) lEcU/kh fu;ekas dk o.kZu dhft, A ijek.kq ;q) lEcU/kh fu;ekas dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the problems of urbanization in Bihar. 1. Discuss the problems of urbanization in Bihar.
fcgkj esa uxjhdj.k dh leL;kvksa dk foospu dhft, A fcgkj esa uxjhdj.k dh leL;kvksa dk foospu dhft, A
2. What is Social Survey ? Examine its merits and limitations. 2. What is Social Survey ? Examine its merits and limitations.
lkekftd losZ{k.k D;k gS \ blds xq.kksa ,oa lhekvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A lkekftd losZ{k.k D;k gS \ blds xq.kksa ,oa lhekvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. Describe the techniques of data collection. 3. Describe the techniques of data collection.
rF;ksa ds ladyu dh izfof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A rF;ksa ds ladyu dh izfof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Psychology) M.A Part-II (Psychology)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
(izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx
ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh
fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj
mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls
vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k
gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha
Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory
Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk
Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh A Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh A
Paper-IX Paper-IX
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1. Describe in detail, the four D's of abnormal behaviour. 1. Describe in detail, the four D's of abnormal behaviour.
vlkekU; O;ogkj ds pkj ‘Mh’ dk lfoLrkj o.kZu dhft, A vlkekU; O;ogkj ds pkj ‘Mh’ dk lfoLrkj o.kZu dhft, A
2. Explain the Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD. 2. Explain the Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-PTSD.
mÙkj vk?kkrh; ruko foÑfr ds y{k.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A mÙkj vk?kkrh; ruko foÑfr ds y{k.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Describe the major symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. 3. Describe the major symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
euksxzLr&ck/;rk foÑfr ds izeq[k y{k.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A euksxzLr&ck/;rk foÑfr ds izeq[k y{k.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-X Paper-X
(Practical Work) (Practical Work)
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1. Evaluate the important contributions of William James to psychology. 1. Evaluate the important contributions of William James to psychology.
fofy;e tsEl ds euksfoKku esa egRoiw.kZ ;ksxnkuksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A fofy;e tsEl ds euksfoKku esa egRoiw.kZ ;ksxnkuksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
2. Describe the secondary characteristics of Watson in behaviourism. 2. Describe the secondary characteristics of Watson in behaviourism.
okVlu ds O;ogkjokn ds f}rh;d fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A okVlu ds O;ogkjokn ds f}rh;d fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Describe the contributions of E. R. Guthrie as behaviourist. 3. Describe the contributions of E. R. Guthrie as behaviourist.
,d O;ogkjoknh ds :i esa bZŒ vkjŒ xFkjh ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ,d O;ogkjoknh ds :i esa bZŒ vkjŒ xFkjh ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XII Paper-XII
(Practical Work) (Practical Work)
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1. Describe the general principles of Measurement. 1. Describe the general principles of Measurement.
ekiu ds lkekU; fl)kUrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ekiu ds lkekU; fl)kUrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Throw light on Ratio Scale and Interval Scales. 2. Throw light on Ratio Scale and Interval Scales.
lekuqikfrd ekiuh rFkk vUrjky ekifu;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A lekuqikfrd ekiuh rFkk vUrjky ekifu;ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3. Throw light on the importance of psychological measurement. 3. Throw light on the importance of psychological measurement.
euksoSKkfud ijh{k.k ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A euksoSKkfud ijh{k.k ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XIV & Paper-XV Paper-XIV & Paper-XV
(Practical Work) (Practical Work)
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1. What is Guidance ? Describe its main postulates. 1. What is Guidance ? Describe its main postulates.
funsZ'ku D;k gS \ blds eq[; vo/kkj.kkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A funsZ'ku D;k gS \ blds eq[; vo/kkj.kkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Throw light on the role of Psychologists in vocational guidance. 2. Throw light on the role of Psychologists in vocational guidance.
O;olkf;d funsZ'ku esa euksoK
S kfudksa dh Hkwfedk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A O;olkf;d funsZ'ku esa euksoSKkfudksa dh Hkwfedk ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3. Throw light on aims and objective of Educational guidance. 3. Throw light on aims and objective of Educational guidance.
'kSf{kd funsZ'ku ds y{; rFkk mís';ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 'kSf{kd funsZ'ku ds y{; rFkk mís';ksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Public Administration) M.A Part-II (Public Administration)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define Public Administration and describe its scope. 1. Define Public Administration and describe its scope.
yksd iz'kklu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, vkSj blds fo"k; {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, A yksd iz'kklu dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, vkSj blds fo"k; {ks= dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe the Human Relations Theory of organization. 2. Describe the Human Relations Theory of organization.
laxBu ds ekuo lEcU/k fl)kar dh oospuk dhft, A laxBu ds ekuo lEcU/k fl)kar dh oospuk dhft, A
3. Define budget and describe different types of budget. 3. Define budget and describe different types of budget.
ctV dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk ctV ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ctV dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk ctV ds fofHkUu izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the system of administration during the period of Akbar. 1. Describe the system of administration during the period of Akbar.
vdcjdkyhu iz'kkldh; O;oLFkk dk o.kZu dhft, A vdcjdkyhu iz'kkldh; O;oLFkk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe organization and functions of Central Council of Ministers. 2. Describe organization and functions of Central Council of Ministers.
dsUæh; ea=hifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A dsUæh; ea=hifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ks± dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss the functions and role of the Governor in State Administration. 3. Discuss the functions and role of the Governor in State Administration.
jkT; iz'kklu esa jkT;iky ds dk;ks± ,oa Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A jkT; iz'kklu esa jkT;iky ds dk;ks± ,oa Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the high ideals as embodied in the Constitution of India. 1. Discuss the high ideals as embodied in the Constitution of India.
izLrkouk esa fufgr mPpkn'kks± dk foospu dhft, A izLrkouk esa fufgr mPpkn'kks± dk foospu dhft, A
2. Discuss the Fundamental Duties of the citizens of India. 2. Discuss the Fundamental Duties of the citizens of India.
Hkkjr ds ukxfjdksa ds ekSfyd dÙkZO;ksa dk foospu dhft, A Hkkjr ds ukxfjdksa ds ekSfyd dÙkZO;ksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Describe the Legislative procedure of the Indian Parliament. 3. Describe the Legislative procedure of the Indian Parliament.
Hkkjrh; laln dh fo/kk;h izfØ;k dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjrh; laln dh fo/kk;h izfØ;k dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the objectives of the Indian Political System. 1. Describe the objectives of the Indian Political System.
Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the present position of the political parties in India. 2. Discuss the present position of the political parties in India.
Hkkjr esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh orZeku fLFkfr dk foospu dhft, A Hkkjr esa jktuhfrd nyksa dh orZeku fLFkfr dk foospu dhft, A
3. Write an essay on Pressure Groups in India. 3. Write an essay on Pressure Groups in India.
Hkkjr esa ncko lewgksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A Hkkjr esa ncko lewgksa ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Write an essay on South-South co-operation. 1. Write an essay on South-South co-operation.
nf{k.k&nf{k.k lg;ksx ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A nf{k.k&nf{k.k lg;ksx ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2. Discuss the achievements and failures of the SAARC. 2. Discuss the achievements and failures of the SAARC.
n{ksl ¼lkdZ½ dh miyfC/k;ksa ,oa foQyrkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A n{ksl ¼lkdZ½ dh miyfC/k;ksa ,oa foQyrkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Discuss the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 3. Discuss the main provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
ekuokf/kdkjksa ds fo'oO;kih ?kks"k.kk ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ekuokf/kdkjksa ds fo'oO;kih ?kks"k.kk ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the binding forces of the International Law. 1. Describe the binding forces of the International Law.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k dh ck/;dkjh 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k dh ck/;dkjh 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe main sources of International Law. 2. Describe main sources of International Law.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is the place of individuals in International Law ? Describe. 3. What is the place of individuals in International Law ? Describe.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k esa O;fDr dk D;k LFkku gS \ o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k esa O;fDr dk D;k LFkku gS \ o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is War ? Describe the causes of war. 1. What is War ? Describe the causes of war.
;q) D;k gS \ ;q) ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ;q) D;k gS \ ;q) ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the main principles of Aerial War. 2. Discuss the main principles of Aerial War.
ok;q ;q) ds izeq[k fu;eksa dk foospu dhft, A ok;q ;q) ds izeq[k fu;eksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Describe the laws concerning nuclear warfare. 3. Describe the laws concerning nuclear warfare.
ijek.kq ;q) lEcU/kh fu;ekas dk o.kZu dhft, A ijek.kq ;q) lEcU/kh fu;ekas dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the problems of urbanization in Bihar. 1. Discuss the problems of urbanization in Bihar.
fcgkj esa uxjhdj.k dh leL;kvksa dk foospu dhft, A fcgkj esa uxjhdj.k dh leL;kvksa dk foospu dhft, A
2. What is Social Survey ? Examine its merits and limitations. 2. What is Social Survey ? Examine its merits and limitations.
lkekftd losZ{k.k D;k gS \ blds xq.kksa ,oa lhekvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A lkekftd losZ{k.k D;k gS \ blds xq.kksa ,oa lhekvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
3. Describe the techniques of data collection. 3. Describe the techniques of data collection.
rF;ksa ds ladyu dh izfof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A rF;ksa ds ladyu dh izfof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Rural Development) M.A Part-II (Rural Development)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Trace the history of Land Tenure system in India. 1. Trace the history of Land Tenure system in India.
Hkkjr esa Hkw/k`fr iz.kkyh ds bfrgkl dks js[kkafdr dhft, A Hkkjr esa Hkw/k`fr iz.kkyh ds bfrgkl dks js[kkafdr dhft, A
2. Evaluate the sociopolitical impact of peasant movement. 2. Evaluate the sociopolitical impact of peasant movement.
fdlku vkUnksyu ds jktuhfrd&lkekftd izHkko dk ewY;kadu dhft, A fdlku vkUnksyu ds jktuhfrd&lkekftd izHkko dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
3. Examine the causes of Land Reform movement between 1857–1947. 3. Examine the causes of Land Reform movement between 1857–1947.
1857&1947 ds chp gq, Hkwfe lq/kkj vkUnksyu ds dkj.kksa dh leh{kk dhft, A 1857&1947 ds chp gq, Hkwfe lq/kkj vkUnksyu ds dkj.kksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the nature of entrepreneurship in ancient India. 1. Describe the nature of entrepreneurship in ancient India.
izkphu Hkkjr ds m|e'khyrk dh izÑfr dk o.kZu dhft, A izkphu Hkkjr ds m|e'khyrk dh izÑfr dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. State the relationship between Polity and entrepreneurship development. 2. State the relationship between Polity and entrepreneurship development.
m|e'khyrk ds fodkl rFkk jktuhfr esa lEcU/k crkb;s A m|e'khyrk ds fodkl rFkk jktuhfr esa lEcU/k crkb;s A
3. What do you understand by Rural–urban dichotomy ? 3. What do you understand by Rural–urban dichotomy ?
xzkeh.k&'kgjh foHksn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \ xzkeh.k&'kgjh foHksn ls vki D;k le>rs gSa \
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain the significance of Minimum Needs Program in India. 1. Explain the significance of Minimum Needs Program in India.
Hkkjr esa U;wure vko';drk dk;ZØe dk egRo crkb;s A Hkkjr esa U;wure vko';drk dk;ZØe dk egRo crkb;s A
2. Discuss the origin, objectives and features of TRYSEM 2. Discuss the origin, objectives and features of TRYSEM
Vªkblse dh mRifÙk] mís';ksa rFkk fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A Vªkblse dh mRifÙk] mís';ksa rFkk fo'ks"krkvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Describe the planning and implementation of Jawahar Rojgar Yojna. 3. Describe the planning and implementation of Jawahar Rojgar Yojna.
tokgj jkstxkj ;kstuk ds fu;kstu ,oa dk;kZUo;u dk o.kZu dhft, A tokgj jkstxkj ;kstuk ds fu;kstu ,oa dk;kZUo;u dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Analyze the causes of high growth rate of India's population. 1. Analyze the causes of high growth rate of India's population.
Hkkjr esa tula[;k ds mPp o`f) nj ds dkj.kksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A Hkkjr esa tula[;k ds mPp o`f) nj ds dkj.kksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
2. Describe ways and means to improve rural agricultural market. 2. Describe ways and means to improve rural agricultural market.
xzkeh.k Ñf"k foi.ku iz.kkyh esa lq/kkj ykus ds mik;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A xzkeh.k Ñf"k foi.ku iz.kkyh esa lq/kkj ykus ds mik;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Explain the possibility of Capital formation in rural areas. 3. Explain the possibility of Capital formation in rural areas.
xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa iw¡th fuekZ.k dh lEHkkouk dh O;k[;k dhft, A xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa iw¡th fuekZ.k dh lEHkkouk dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine the nature of economic structure of Bihar. 1. Examine the nature of economic structure of Bihar.
fcgkj dh vkfFkZd lajpukvksa dh leh{kk dhft, A fcgkj dh vkfFkZd lajpukvksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Describe the characteristics and growth rate of population of Bihar. 2. Describe the characteristics and growth rate of population of Bihar.
fcgkj dh tula[;k dh fo'ks"krk,¡ rFkk o`f) nj dk fooj.k nhft, A fcgkj dh tula[;k dh fo'ks"krk,¡ rFkk o`f) nj dk fooj.k nhft, A
3. Discuss the main problem of agricultural marketing and storage. 3. Discuss the main problem of agricultural marketing and storage.
Ñf"k foi.ku rFkk HkaMkj.k dh eq[; leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A Ñf"k foi.ku rFkk HkaMkj.k dh eq[; leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the binding forces of the International Law. 1. Describe the binding forces of the International Law.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k dh ck/;dkjh 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k dh ck/;dkjh 'kfDr;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Describe main sources of International Law. 2. Describe main sources of International Law.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is the place of individuals in International Law ? Describe. 3. What is the place of individuals in International Law ? Describe.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k esa O;fDr dk D;k LFkku gS \ o.kZu dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; fof/k esa O;fDr dk D;k LFkku gS \ o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the nature and characteristics of Indian rural Population. 1. Describe the nature and characteristics of Indian rural Population.
Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k tula[;k dh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k tula[;k dh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Illustrate the stages of evolution of Panchayati Raj in India. 2. Illustrate the stages of evolution of Panchayati Raj in India.
Hkkjr esa iapk;rh jkt ds fodkl ds pj.kks dk mYys[k dhft, A Hkkjr esa iapk;rh jkt ds fodkl ds pj.kks dk mYys[k dhft, A
3. Evaluate the role of CAPART in rural development. 3. Evaluate the role of CAPART in rural development.
xzkeh.k fodkl esa dkikVZ dh Hkwfedk dk ewY;kadu dhft, A xzkeh.k fodkl esa dkikVZ dh Hkwfedk dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define Physical region and describe its types. 1. Define Physical region and describe its types.
HkkSfrd çns'k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds çdkj crkb;s A HkkSfrd çns'k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds çdkj crkb;s A
2. Distinguish between Uniform and Nodal regions. 2. Distinguish between Uniform and Nodal regions.
le:i ,oa ldsUæh; çns'kksa esa vUrj crkb;s A le:i ,oa ldsUæh; çns'kksa esa vUrj crkb;s A
3. State the difference between Developed and Developing Countries. 3. State the difference between Developed and Developing Countries.
fodflr ,oa fodkl'khy jk"Vªksa esa vUrj crkb, A fodflr ,oa fodkl'khy jk"Vªksa esa vUrj crkb, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Sanskrit) M.A Part-II (Sanskrit)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd
iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi
esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os
izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds
vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk
gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy
djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS
fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk
i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu
vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml
fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk
ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i=
dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls
lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu
ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds
fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh
gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA
fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr
l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX Paper-IX
(Answer Any Two Questions.) (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1- oSfnd nsork ds :Ik esa bUnz dk ifjp; nhft, A 1- oSfnd nsork ds :Ik esa bUnz dk ifjp; nhft, A
2- ßm"kkÞ nsork dh pkfjf=d fo'ks"krk,¡ fyf[k, A 2- ßm"kkÞ nsork dh pkfjf=d fo'ks"krk,¡ fyf[k, A
3- ßlkaeuL;e~Þ dk lkj fyf[k, A 3- ßlkaeuL;e~Þ dk lkj fyf[k, A
Paper-X Paper-X
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- xhrk ds Kku;ksx dk foospu djsa A 1- xhrk ds Kku;ksx dk foospu djsa A
2- jkek;.k dh laf{kIr dFkk vius 'kCnksa esa fy[ksa A 2- jkek;.k dh laf{kIr dFkk vius 'kCnksa esa fy[ksa A
3- egkHkkjr esa fonqjuhfr dh fo"k;oLrq fy[ksa A 3- egkHkkjr esa fonqjuhfr dh fo"k;oLrq fy[ksa A
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fuEu i|ksa ds vuqokn fgUnh esa dhft, & 1- fuEu i|ksa ds vuqokn fgUnh esa dhft, &
¼d½ rfLeu~ fo/kkukfr'k;s fo/kkrq% dU;ke;s us='krSdy{;s A ¼d½ rfLeu~ fo/kkukfr'k;s fo/kkrq% dU;ke;s us='krSdy{;s A
fuisrqjUr%dj.kS% ujsUnzknsg%S fLFkrkdsoyeklus"kq AA fuisrqjUr%dj.kS% ujsUnzknsgS% fLFkrkdsoyeklus"kq AA
¼[k½ dkea u`ik% lUrq lglzk∙ s U;s jktUorhekgqjus Hkwfee~ A ¼[k½ dkea u`ik% lUrq lglzk∙ s U;s jktUorhekgqjus Hkwfee~ A
u{k=rkjkxzgladqykfi T;ksfr"erh pUnzelSo jkf=% AA u{k=rkjkxzgladqykfi T;ksfr"erh pUnzelSo jkf=% AA
2- laLd`r egkdkO; ds y{k.k dh lksnkgj.k leh{kk dhft, A 2- laLd`r egkdkO; ds y{k.k dh lksnkgj.k leh{kk dhft, A
3- oSfnd lkfgR; ds dkO;Ro dk foospu dhft, A 3- oSfnd lkfgR; ds dkO;Ro dk foospu dhft, A
Paper-XII Paper-XII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- ^ck.k% dohukfeg pØorhZ* iz'kfLr dk lUnHkZ lfgr foospu dhft, A 1- ^ck.k% dohukfeg pØorhZ* iz'kfLr dk lUnHkZ lfgr foospu dhft, A
2- O;k[;k dhft,%&¼d½ve`rlgksnjkfi dVqdfoikdk] foxzgoR;R;izR;{kn'kZuk A 2- O;k[;k dhft,%&¼d½ve`rlgksnjkfi dVqdfoikdk] foxzgoR;R;izR;{kn'kZuk A
¼[k½ vk#<izrkiks jktk =SyksD;n'khZo fl)kns'kks Hkofr A ¼[k½ vk#<izrkiks jktk =SyksD;n'khZo fl)kns'kks Hkofr A
3- 'kqduklksins'k dk lkjka'k vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k, A 3- 'kqduklksins'k dk lkjka'k vius 'kCnksa esa fyf[k, A
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- :id ds Hksnksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 1- :id ds Hksnksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- ukVd esa ßi×plfU/kÞ fo"k; ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A 2- ukVd esa ßi×plfU/kÞ fo"k; ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3- ^e`PNdfVde~* dh dFkkoLrq dh foospuk dhft, A 3- ^e`PNdfVde~* dh dFkkoLrq dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fuEufyf[kr in:iksa dh flf) lw=&funsZ'kiwoZd dhft, %& 1- fuEufyf[kr in:iksa dh flf) lw=&funsZ'kiwoZd dhft, %&
¼d½ ps;e~ ¼[k½ okLrO;% ¼x½ vo|e~ ¼?k½ Lukuh;e~ ¼d½ ps;e~ ¼[k½ okLrO;% ¼x½ vo|e~ ¼?k½ Lukuh;e~
2- L=h izR;; fdrus gSa \ lksnkgj.k Li"V dhft, A 2- L=h izR;; fdrus gSa \ lksnkgj.k Li"V dhft, A
3- vkReusin vkSj ijLeSin ds izR;;ksa dk laf{kIr ifjp; nhft,A 3- vkReusin vkSj ijLeSin ds izR;;ksa dk laf{kIr ifjp; nhft,A
Paper-XV Paper-XV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vk;qosZn dk dky fu/kZkj.k dhft, A 1- vk;qonsZ dk dky fu/kZkj.k dhft, A
2- ikf.kus;srj O;kdj.k lEiznk;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 2- ikf.kus;srj O;kdj.k lEiznk;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
3- dks'k ds mn~Hko ,oa Lo:i dk ifjp; nhft, A 3- dks'k ds mn~Hko ,oa Lo:i dk ifjp; nhft, A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d ij laLd`r esa fucU/k fyf[k, & 1- fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdlh ,d ij laLd`r esa fucU/k fyf[k, &
(i) 'kCn&'kfDr (ii) HkoHkwr%s d:.kks jl% (i) 'kCn&'kfDr (ii) HkoHkwr%s d:.kks jl%
2- fuEufyf[kr lw=ksa dh lksnkgj.k O;k[;k dhft, %& 2- fuEufyf[kr lw=ksa dh lksnkgj.k O;k[;k dhft, %&
(i)dÙkqZjhfRlrea deZ (ii) lg;qDrs·iz/kkus (i)dÙkqZjhfRlrea deZ (ii) lg;qDrs·iz/kkus
3- laf/k&foPNsn djrs gq, laf/k dk uke crkb, %& 3- laf/k&foPNsn djrs gq, laf/k dk uke crkb, %&
;|fi]] lalkj%] rPNªqRok] lks·ge~] ;|fi]] lalkj%] rPNªqRok] lks·ge~]
Nalanda Open University xzkeh.k&'kgjhNalanda
foHksn ls vki D;k le>rs University
Open gSa \
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.A Part-II (Sociology) M.A Part-II (Sociology)
l=h;dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
l=h;dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Define Naturalism and describe its characteristics.
1. Define Naturalism and describe its characteristics. izÑfrokn dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, vkSj bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
izÑfrokn dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, vkSj bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2. Explain Pollution and describe its different types.
2. Explain Pollution and describe its different types. iznw"k.k dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mlds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
iznw"k.k dh O;k[;k dhft, rFkk mlds izdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3. Critically evaluates Malthusian theory of Population.
3. Critically evaluates Malthusian theory of Population. ekyFkl ds /kula[;k fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A
ekyFkl ds /kula[;k fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ewY;kadu dhft, A Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) 1. Define Social Tension and explain its causes.
1. Define Social Tension and explain its causes. lkekftd ruko dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
lkekftd ruko dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 2. Explain the nature and characteristics of Ethnic Conflict.
2. Explain the nature and characteristics of Ethnic Conflict. iztkrh; la?k"kZ dh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
iztkrh; la?k"kZ dh izÑfr ,oa fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3. What is Colonialism ? Describe its emergence in Asia.
3. What is Colonialism ? Describe its emergence in Asia. mifuos'kokn D;k gS \ ,f'k;k esa blds mn~Hko dk fooj.k nhft, A
mifuos'kokn D;k gS \ ,f'k;k esa blds mn~Hko dk fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the social utility of Mass Media. 1. Discuss the social utility of Mass Media.
tulapkj dh lkekftd mi;ksfxrk dh foospuk dhft, A tulapkj dh lkekftd mi;ksfxrk dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Eluciadate the impact of Global Culture on Youths. 2. Eluciadate the impact of Global Culture on Youths.
;qokvksa ij oSf'od laLÑfr ds izHkko dh leh{kk dhft, A ;qokvksa ij oSf'od laLÑfr ds izHkko dh leh{kk dhft, A
3. How is Popular Culture reflected in Festivals ? Descirbe. 3. How is Popular Culture reflected in Festivals ? Descirbe.
mRloksa esa yksdfiz; laLÑfr dSls izfrfcfEcr gksrh gS \ mYys[k dhft, A mRloksa esa yksdfiz; laLÑfr dSls izfrfcfEcr gksrh gS \ mYys[k dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the relationship between Capitalism and Globalization. 1. Describe the relationship between Capitalism and Globalization.
iwathokn vkSj oS'ohdj.k ds lEcU/k dh foospuk dhft, A iwathokn vkSj oS'ohdj.k ds lEcU/k dh foospuk dhft, A
2. What is Cyber Crime ? Discuss. 2. What is Cyber Crime ? Discuss.
lkbcj vijk/k D;k gS \ foospuk dhft, A lkbcj vijk/k D;k gS \ foospuk dhft, A
3. Evaluate the impact of Globalization on Media. 3. Evaluate the impact of Globalization on Media.
ehfM;k ij oS'ohdj.k ds izHkko dk ewY;kadu dhft, A ehfM;k ij oS'ohdj.k ds izHkko dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Distinguish between Rural Sociology and Urban Sociology. 1. Distinguish between Rural Sociology and Urban Sociology.
xzkeh.k lekt'kkL= ,oa uxjh; lekt'kkL= esa vUrj crkb;s A xzkeh.k lekt'kkL= ,oa uxjh; lekt'kkL= esa vUrj crkb;s A
2. Describe Indian rural society as little community. 2. Describe Indian rural society as little community.
Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k lekt dks y?kq leqnk; ds :i esa of.kZr dhft,A Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k lekt dks y?kq leqnk; ds :i esa of.kZr dhft,A
3. Explain agrarian relations in Indian rural community. 3. Explain agrarian relations in Indian rural community.
Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k leqnk; esa Ñf"kd lEcU/kks dh O;k[;k dhft, A Hkkjrh; xzkeh.k leqnk; esa Ñf"kd lEcU/kks dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine the ideas of Marx on urban way of life. 1. Examine the ideas of Marx on urban way of life.
uxjh; thou 'kSyh ij ekDlZ ds fopkjksa dh leh{kk dhft, A uxjh; thou 'kSyh ij ekDlZ ds fopkjksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Discuss in brief the different theories on growth of Cities. 2. Discuss in brief the different theories on growth of Cities.
'kgjksa ds fodkl ij fofHkUu fL)kUrksa dh laf{kIr O;k[;k dhft, A 'kgjksa ds fodkl ij fofHkUu fL)kUrksa dh laf{kIr O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Evaluate the contributions of George Simmel to Urban Sociology. 3. Evaluate the contributions of George Simmel to Urban Sociology.
uxjh; lekt'kkL= esa tktZ flesy ds ;ksxnkuksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A uxjh; lekt'kkL= esa tktZ flesy ds ;ksxnkuksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Examine Durkheim's theory of religion. 1. Examine Durkheim's theory of religion.
nq[khZe ds /keZ ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A nq[khZe ds /keZ ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A
2. Elucidate Marx's views on religion. 2. Elucidate Marx's views on religion.
ekDlZ ds /keZ ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A ekDlZ ds /keZ ds fl)kUr dh leh{kk dhft, A
3. Discuss the significance of cardinal principles of Islamic religion. 3. Discuss the significance of cardinal principles of Islamic religion.
bLyke /keZ ds vk/kkjHkwr fl)kUr ds egRo dh foospuk dhft, A bLyke /keZ ds vk/kkjHkwr fl)kUr ds egRo dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Comparatively discuss the conflict theories of Marx and Veblen. 1. Comparatively discuss the conflict theories of Marx and Veblen.
ekDlZ ,oa osoysu ds la?k"kZ&fl)kUrksa dh rqyukRed foospuk dhft, A ekDlZ ,oa osoysu ds la?k"kZ&fl)kUrksa dh rqyukRed foospuk dhft, A
2. Describe the intellectual bases of Symbolic Interactionism. 2. Describe the intellectual bases of Symbolic Interactionism.
izrhdkRed izfrfØ;kokn ds ckSf)d vk/kkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A izrhdkRed izfrfØ;kokn ds ckSf)d vk/kkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Examine the role of state in the expansion of Education. 3. Examine the role of state in the expansion of Education.
f'k{kk ds foLrkj esa jkT; dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft, A f'k{kk ds foLrkj esa jkT; dh Hkwfedk dh leh{kk dhft, A
Nalanda Open University mifuos'kokn Nalanda
D;k gS \ ,f'k;k Open
esa blds mn~ Hko dk fooj.k nhft, A
xzkeh.k&'kgjh foHksAssignment
n ls vki D;kSession
le>rs gS(2012-2014)
Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
M.J.M.C Part-II M.J.M.C Part-II
l=h;dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h;dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysAa izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is Public Relations ? Discuss its importance. 1. What is Public Relations ? Discuss its importance.
tulEidZ D;k gS \ blds egRo dh foospuk dhft, A tulEidZ D;k gS \ blds egRo dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Write a note on 'Public Relations and Public Opinion'. 2. Write a note on 'Public Relations and Public Opinion'.
^tulEidZ vkSj tuer* ij ,d fyf[k, A ^tulEidZ vkSj tuer* ij ,d fyf[k, A
3. Describe the history of Public Relations in India. 3. Describe the history of Public Relations in India.
Hkkjr esa tulEidZ ds bfrgkl dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr esa tulEidZ ds bfrgkl dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is Advertising ? Describe its importance. 1. What is Advertising ? Describe its importance.
foKkiu D;k gS \ blds egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A foKkiu D;k gS \ blds egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the medium of Advertising with examples. 2. Discuss the medium of Advertising with examples.
foKkiu ds ek/;e dh lksnkgj.k ppkZ dhft, A foKkiu ds ek/;e dh lksnkgj.k ppkZ dhft, A
3. Critically examine the important models of Advertising. 3. Critically examine the important models of Advertising.
foKkiu ds egÙoiw.kZ ekWMyksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A foKkiu ds egÙoiw.kZ ekWMyksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the special features of Development News. 1. Discuss the special features of Development News.
fodkl lekpkj dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A fodkl lekpkj dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. Write an essay on 'The Importance of Rural Journalism'. 2. Write an essay on 'The Importance of Rural Journalism'.
^xzkeh.k i=dkfjrk dk egÙo* ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A ^xzkeh.k i=dkfjrk dk egÙo* ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A
3. Analyze the role of Radio in Agricultural Development. 3. Analyze the role of Radio in Agricultural Development.
Ñf"k fodkl esa jsfM;ks dh Hkwfedk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A Ñf"k fodkl esa jsfM;ks dh Hkwfedk dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define Environment and discuss its importance. 1. Define Environment and discuss its importance.
i;kZoj.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds egÙo dh ppkZ dhft, A i;kZoj.k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds egÙo dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. Discuss the relations between Environment and Media. 2. Discuss the relations between Environment and Media.
i;kZoj.k vkSj ehfM;k ds lEcU/kksa dh ppkZ dhft, A i;kZoj.k vkSj ehfM;k ds lEcU/kksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. Describe the different aspects of Global Warming. 3. Describe the different aspects of Global Warming.
Hkwe.Myh; Å"e.k ds fofHkUu igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkwe.Myh; Å"e.k ds fofHkUu igyqvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is Globalization ? Discuss its impact on culture. 1. What is Globalization ? Discuss its impact on culture.
oS'ohdj.k D;k gS \ laLÑfr ij blds izHkko dh ppkZ dhft, A oS'ohdj.k D;k gS \ laLÑfr ij blds izHkko dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. Discuss the characteristics of important cultures of the World. 2. Discuss the characteristics of important cultures of the World.
fo'o dh egÙoiw.kZ laLÑfr;ksa dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A fo'o dh egÙoiw.kZ laLÑfr;ksa dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. Differentiate between culture and civilization with examples. 3. Differentiate between culture and civilization with examples.
laLÑfr vkSj lH;rk esa lksnkgj.k vUrj dhft, A laLÑfr vkSj lH;rk esa lksnkgj.k vUrj dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Write the meaning of Media and discuss its importance. 1. Write the meaning of Media and discuss its importance.
ehfM;k dk vFkZ fyf[k, vkSj bldh egÙkk dh ppkZ dhft, A ehfM;k dk vFkZ fyf[k, vkSj bldh egÙkk dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. What is management ? Describe its need in media. 2. What is management ? Describe its need in media.
izcU/ku D;k gS \ ehfM;k esa bldh vko';drk dk o.kZu dhft, A izcU/ku D;k gS \ ehfM;k esa bldh vko';drk dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Examine the activities of Journalist's Organizations. 3. Examine the activities of Journalist's Organizations.
i=dkj laxBuksa dh xfrfof/k;ksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A i=dkj laxBuksa dh xfrfof/k;ksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is Research ? Describe its importance. 1. What is Research ? Describe its importance.
'kks/k D;k gS \ blds egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A 'kks/k D;k gS \ blds egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Discuss the objectives of Mass Communication Research. 2. Discuss the objectives of Mass Communication Research.
tulapkj 'kks/k ds mís';ksa dh foospuk dhft, A tulapkj 'kks/k ds mís';ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Critically examine the activities of investigative journalist. 3. Critically examine the activities of investigative journalist.
[kksth i=dkj dh xfrfof/k;ksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A [kksth i=dkj dh xfrfof/k;ksa dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
(Practical Work) (Practical Work)
Nalanda Open University mifuos'kokn Nalanda
D;k gS \ ,f'k;k Open
esa blds mn~ Hko dk fooj.k nhft, A
xzkeh.k&'kgjh foHksAssignment
n ls vki D;kSession
le>rs gS(2012-2014)
Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Commerce(M.Com) Part-II Master of Commerce(M.Com) Part-II
l=h;dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h;dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek djuk vko';d
gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gS]as
ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk
esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius
?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls
udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo';
fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA
izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk
dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu
izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl
fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k
vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks
Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define joint stock company and describe its characteristics. 1. Define joint stock company and describe its characteristics.
la;qDr iwt
¡ h okyh daiuh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A la;qDr iwt
¡ h okyh daiuh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
2. What is board of directors ? Explain its functions. 2. What is board of directors ? Explain its functions.
lapkyd eaMy D;k gS \ blds dk;ksZa dh O;k[;k dhft, A lapkyd eaMy D;k gS \ blds dk;ksZa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Explain the rights and duties of a Company Auditor. 3. Explain the rights and duties of a Company Auditor.
,d dEiuh vads{kd ds vf/kdkjksa ,oa dÙkZO;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A ,d dEiuh vad{s kd ds vf/kdkjksa ,oa dÙkZO;ksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is Tax Planning ? Describe its essential elements. 1. What is Tax Planning ? Describe its essential elements.
dj fu;kstu D;k gS \ blds vko';d rRoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A dj fu;kstu D;k gS \ blds vko';d rRoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. What is special tax provision ? Explain benefits of tax for exporters. 2. What is special tax provision ? Explain benefits of tax for exporters.
fo'ks"k dj izko/kku D;k gS \ fu;kZrdksa ds fy, dj&ykHkksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A fo'ks"k dj izko/kku D;k gS \ fu;kZrdksa ds fy, dj&ykHkksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. Describe briefly the provisions of sec. 206 C regarding collection of tax. 3. Describe briefly the provisions of sec. 206 C regarding collection of tax.
dj&laxzg ds lEcU/k esa /kkjk 206 C ds izko/kkuksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A dj&laxzg ds lEcU/k esa /kkjk 206 C ds izko/kkuksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define Research and throw light on its nature. 1. Define Research and throw light on its nature.
'kks/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds Lo:i ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 'kks/k dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds Lo:i ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2. Describe the main components of Research. 2. Describe the main components of Research.
'kks/k ds eq[; la?kVdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 'kks/k ds eq[; la?kVdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Define hypothesis and throw light on its sources. 3. Define hypothesis and throw light on its sources.
ifjdYiuk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds lzksrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A ifjdYiuk dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk blds lzksrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Describe the factors on which choice of strategy depends. 1. Describe the factors on which choice of strategy depends.
mu dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft, ftu ij O;wgjpuk dk p;u fuHkZj djrk gS A mu dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft, ftu ij O;wgjpuk dk p;u fuHkZj djrk gS A
2. Describe the latest forms of organization. 2. Describe the latest forms of organization.
laxBu ds uohure izk:iksa dk o.kZu dhft, A laxBu ds uohure izk:iksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What is implementation of strategy ? Throw light on its various aspects. 3. What is implementation of strategy ? Throw light on its various aspects.
O;wgjpuk dk fØ;kUo;u D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu igyqvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A O;wgjpuk dk fØ;kUo;u D;k gS \ blds fofHkUu igyqvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Write an essay on the objectives and role of International Marketing Communication. 1. Write an essay on the objectives and role of International Marketing Communication.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; foi.ku lapkj ds mís';ksa vkSj Hkwfedk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; foi.ku lapkj ds mís';ksa vkSj Hkwfedk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2. Discuss product life-cycle. 2. Discuss product life-cycle.
mRikn thou&pØ dh foospuk dhft, A mRikn thou&pØ dh foospuk dhft, A
3. Explain the factors affecting pricing. 3. Explain the factors affecting pricing.
ewY; fu/kkZj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A ewY; fu/kkZj.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss the present foreign trade policy of India. 1. Discuss the present foreign trade policy of India.
Hkkjr dh orZeku fons'kh O;kikj uhfr dh foospuk dhft, A Hkkjr dh orZeku fons'kh O;kikj uhfr dh foospuk dhft, A
2. What are the main instruments of commercial policy ? Explain. 2. What are the main instruments of commercial policy ? Explain.
okf.kfT;d uhfr ds izeq[k midj.k D;k gSa \ O;k[;k dhft, A okf.kfT;d uhfr ds izeq[k midj.k D;k gSa \ O;k[;k dhft, A
3. What is tariff ? Describe various types of tariff. 3. What is tariff ? Describe various types of tariff.
iz'kqYd D;k gS \ fofHkUu izdkj ds iz'kqYdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A iz'kqYd D;k gS \ fofHkUu izdkj ds iz'kqYdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain the economic environment of international business. 1. Explain the economic environment of international business.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;olk; ds vkfFkZd i;kZoj.k dh O;k[;k dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;olk; ds vkfFkZd i;kZoj.k dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the legal environment of international trade. 2. Write an essay on the legal environment of international trade.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds dkuwuh i;kZoj.k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds dkuwuh i;kZoj.k ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Discuss the opportunity cost theory of international trade. 3. Discuss the opportunity cost theory of international trade.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds volj ykxr fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds volj ykxr fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-XVI(Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI(Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is portfolio ? What precautions are necessary in its construction ? 1. What is portfolio ? What precautions are necessary in its construction ?
iksVZQksfy;ks D;k gS \ blds fuekZ.k esa dkSu&dkSu lh lko/kkfu;k¡ vko';d gSa \ iksVZQksfy;ks D;k gS \ blds fuekZ.k esa dkSu&dkSu lh lko/kkfu;k¡ vko';d gSa \
2. Discuss industry analysis and its key indicators. 2. Discuss industry analysis and its key indicators.
m|ksx fo'ys"k.k ,oa blds izeq[k ladsrdksa dk foospu dhft, A m|ksx fo'ys"k.k ,oa blds izeq[k ladsrdksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. Explain various sources of portfolio risk. 3. Explain various sources of portfolio risk.
iksVZQksfy;ks tksf[ke ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A iksVZQksfy;ks tksf[ke ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Science (M.Sc) Master of Science (M.Sc)
(Chemistry) Part-II (Chemistry) Part-II
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper
of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this
purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student
three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required
to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in
the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both
the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each
theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the
date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence,
it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time.
Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and
meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting. meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting.
Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied
by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in
the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In
no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University.
In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured
from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project- from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-
Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing
which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-IX Paper-IX
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write in details the application of Mossbauer spectra to some of 1. Write in details the application of Mossbauer spectra to some of
57 57
compounds of Fe . compounds of Fe .
2. What are the applications of ESR in the study of organic and simple 2. What are the applications of ESR in the study of organic and simple
inorganic radicals? inorganic radicals?
3. Write notes on any (a) Vibrational Raman Spectra (b) Lambert’s Law 3. Write notes on any (a) Vibrational Raman Spectra (b) Lambert’s Law
Paper-X Paper-X
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkhiz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write notes on (a) Oxidation Corrosion. (b)Rate of electrocatalysis. 1. Write notes on (a) Oxidation Corrosion. (b)Rate of electrocatalysis.
2. Discuss the NMR method or flow method for the study of fast reactions. 2. Discuss the NMR method or flow method for the study of fast reactions.
3. What is kinetic salt effect ? Describe the Bronsted Bjerrum equation. 3. What is kinetic salt effect ? Describe the Bronsted Bjerrum equation.
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkhiz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Derive Boltzmann distribution law for non-degeurate energy level. 1. Derive Boltzmann distribution law for non-degeurate energy level.
What the condition of applicability of Boltzmann statistics. What the condition of applicability of Boltzmann statistics.
2. Derive expression for vibrational partion function for ideal monoatomic gas. 2. Derive expression for vibrational partion function for ideal monoatomic gas.
3. Explain, why the values of specific heat of molecular hydrogen 3. Explain, why the values of specific heat of molecular hydrogen
evaluated by using third law of thermodynamics? evaluated by using third law of thermodynamics?
Paper-XII & XIII Paper-XII & XIII
(Practical) (Practical)
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Give the mechanism of the Chelotropic Cycloaddition reaction 1. Give the mechanism of the Chelotropic Cycloaddition reaction
between, (a) Alkene and Carbene (b) Alkene and SO2 between, (a) Alkene and Carbene (b) Alkene and SO2
2. What is the endo-rule as applied to Diel-Alder reaction ? 2. What is the endo-rule as applied to Diel-Alder reaction ?
3. What do you understand by Frontier molecular orbital and orbital 3. What do you understand by Frontier molecular orbital and orbital
symmetry ? symmetry ?
Paper-XV & XVI Paper-XV & XVI
(Practical) (Practical)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Science (M.Sc) (Mathematics) Part-II Master of Science (M.Sc) (Mathematics) Part-II
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper
of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this
purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student
three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required
to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in
the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both
the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each
theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the
date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence,
it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time.
Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and
meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting. meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting.
Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied
by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in
the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In
no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University.
In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured
from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project- from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-
Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing
which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IX (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a)State and explain Newton-Raphson method. 1. (a)State and explain Newton-Raphson method.
(b)Obtain square root of 12 to five places of decimal by Newton's Raphson method. (b)Obtain square root of 12 to five places of decimal by Newton's Raphson method.
2. (a)Explain Regula-Falsi method geometrically. 2. (a)Explain Regula-Falsi method geometrically.
(b)Solve x = 0.21 Sin (.5 + x) by using iteration method beginning with x = 0.12. (b)Solve x = 0.21 Sin (.5 + x) by using iteration method beginning with x = 0.12.
3. Introduce the concept of divided differences and prove that the value of the 3. Introduce the concept of divided differences and prove that the value of the
divided difference is independent of the order of the argument. Also prove divided difference is independent of the order of the argument. Also prove
that the nth divided differences of a polynomial of the nth degree, is constant. that the nth divided differences of a polynomial of the nth degree, is constant.
Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-X (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Let L be a linear space over F. Show that the sum of two inner products on L is 1. Let L be a linear space over F. Show that the sum of two inner products on L is
an inner product on L. Is the difference two inner products an inner product ? an inner product on L. Is the difference two inner products an inner product ?
Show that a positive multiple of an inner product is an inner product. Show that a positive multiple of an inner product is an inner product.
2. Give the idea of dual space of normed linear space. Prove that C * l1 , 2. Give the idea of dual space of normed linear space. Prove that C * l1 ,
where C is the Banach space of all convergent sequences of scalars. where C is the Banach space of all convergent sequences of scalars.
3. State and prove Banach-SteinRans theorem. 3. State and prove Banach-SteinRans theorem.
Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Find the surface which intersects the surfaces of the system 1. Find the surface which intersects the surfaces of the system
z x y c 3z 1 , orthogonally and which passes through the circle z x y c 3z 1 , orthogonally and which passes through the circle
x ² y ² 1, z 1 . x ² y ² 1, z 1 .
Solve the equations,(i) D² – 2DD1 z e 2x x ² y , 2
Solve the equations,(i) D² – 2DD1 z e 2x x ² y ,
(ii) D³ – 4D²D 1 4DD12 z Cos 2x y .
(ii) D³ – 4D²D 1 4DD12 z Cos 2x y .
3. (a) Introduce the concept of characteristic equation and characteristic curve of a 3. (a) Introduce the concept of characteristic equation and characteristic curve of a
partial differential equation. (b)Solve the equation xr p qx ² y². partial differential equation. (b)Solve the equation xr p qx ² y².
Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a)Derive Lagrange's equations of motion from Hamiltons' canonical equations. 1. (a)Derive Lagrange's equations of motion from Hamiltons' canonical equations.
(b)ApplyLagrange's equations of motion to find the equations of motion of a simple (b)ApplyLagrange's equations of motion to find the equations of motion of a simple
pendulam. pendulam.
2. Define Hamilton's function and find differential equations for Hamilton's function. 2. Define Hamilton's function and find differential equations for Hamilton's function.
3. Discuss the motion of spherical pendulam deduced from Hamilton's canonical 3. Discuss the motion of spherical pendulam deduced from Hamilton's canonical
equation of motion. equation of motion.
Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIII (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. (a)Show that in two dimensional irrotational motion, stream function satisfies Laplace's 1. (a)Show that in two dimensional irrotational motion, stream function satisfies Laplace's
equation.(b) Derive Canchy-Riemann differential equation in polar form. equation.(b) Derive Canchy-Riemann differential equation in polar form.
2. (a) Describe the general motion of a cylinder of any cross section. 2. (a) Describe the general motion of a cylinder of any cross section.
(b) Discuss the motion in the case of a liquid streaming past a fixed circular cylinder of (b) Discuss the motion in the case of a liquid streaming past a fixed circular cylinder of
radius a with velocity U. radius a with velocity U.
3. Derive Navier-Stokes' equation of motion of viscous fluid and find solution of Navier- 3. Derive Navier-Stokes' equation of motion of viscous fluid and find solution of Navier-
Stokes equation for incompressible fluid. Stokes equation for incompressible fluid.
Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XIV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1 Use simplex method to solve the L.P.P.Maximize z 8 x 1 19x 2 7 x 3 2 Use simplex method to solve the L.P.P.Maximize z 8 x 1 19x 2 7 x 3
Subject to 3x 1 4 x 2 x 3 25, x 1 3x 2 3x 3 50 . Comment on the result. Subject to 3x 1 4 x 2 x 3 25, x 1 3x 2 3x 3 50 . Comment on the result.
2. Give the detail account of sensitivity of the optimal solution of a L.P.P. 2. Give the detail account of sensitivity of the optimal solution of a L.P.P.
with regard to change in the coefficients c j of the objective function. with regard to change in the coefficients c j of the objective function.
3. Explain Fibonacci method of solution for having non-linear objective 3. Explain Fibonacci method of solution for having non-linear objective
function of non-linear programming problem. function of non-linear programming problem.
Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Discuss deterministic model with instantaneous production (shortages allowed). 1. Discuss deterministic model with instantaneous production (shortages allowed).
2. Make analysis of Poisson Queueing Systems Model 3 M / M / S : / F / F 0 system. 2. Make analysis of PoissonQueueing Systems Model 3 M / M / S : / F / F 0 system.
3. If for a period of 2 hours in a day (8 AM–10 AM) trains arrive at the yard every 20 3. If for a period of 2 hours in a day (8 AM–10 AM) trains arrive at the yard every 20
minutes, but the service time continuous to remain 36 minutes. Then calculate for the minutes, but the service time continuous to remain 36 minutes. Then calculate for the
period.(a) the probability that the yard is empty.(b)average queue length, on the period.(a) the probability that the yard is empty.(b)average queue length, on the
assumption that the line capacity for the yard is limited to 4 trains only. assumption that the line capacity for the yard is limited to 4 trains only.
Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-XVI (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Explain Relational Operator, Conditional Operator and Evaluation 1. Explain Relational Operator, Conditional Operator and Evaluation
Operator with examples. Operator with examples.
2. Describe two different ways to utilize the increment and decrement 2. Describe two different ways to utilize the increment and decrement
operators? How do the two methods differ? operators? How do the two methods differ?
3. In what way does an array differ from an ordinary variable? How are 3. In what way does an array differ from an ordinary variable? How are
individual array elements identified ? individual array elements identified ?
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Science (M.Sc) Master of Science (M.Sc)
(Physics) Part-II (Physics) Part-II
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper
of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this
purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each student
three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be required
to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her choice in
the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. Both
the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each
theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the
date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study date of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence,
it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. it is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time.
Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and Students are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and
meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting. meticulously. They must write assignment in their own handwriting.
Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied
by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in by the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in
the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In the answer books provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In
no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. no case, assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University.
In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured
from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project- from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-
Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing
which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-IX Paper-IX
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Find the roots of the equation : x Sinx Cosx 0 by making use of 1. Find the roots of the equation : x Sinx Cosx 0 by making use of
Newton-Raphson formula. Newton-Raphson formula.
2. Solve the following set of algebraic equations :— 2. Solve the following set of algebraic equations :—
3x + y + 2z = 3; 2x – 3y – z = –3 & x + 2y + z = 4. 3x + y + 2z = 3; 2x – 3y – z = –3 & x + 2y + z = 4.
3. Derive Newton's forward interpolation formula and its error. 3. Derive Newton's forward interpolation formula and its error.
Paper-X (Practical) Paper-X (Practical)
Paper-XI Paper-XI
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is a quantum wire ? Discuss its optical properties. 1. What is a quantum wire ? Discuss its optical properties.
2. What is Raman effect ? Discuss the variations in Raman spectra of nano- 2. What is Raman effect ? Discuss the variations in Raman spectra of nano-
materials. materials.
3. Name the six widely known methods to produce nano-materials. 3. Name the six widely known methods to produce nano-materials.
Describe, briefly, at least three of these Describe, briefly, at least three of these
Paper-XII (Practical) Paper-XII (Practical)
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the improvement in diffusion equations to predict the transport 1. Discuss the improvement in diffusion equations to predict the transport
of pollutants to fair accuracy. What is Dupuit Approximation ? Discuss. of pollutants to fair accuracy. What is Dupuit Approximation ? Discuss.
2. Compare hydroelectric energy generation with other sources of energy 2. Compare hydroelectric energy generation with other sources of energy
and discuss its positive and negative aspects. and discuss its positive and negative aspects.
3. Why Bifuels are called renewable energy source ? Explain, briefly, the 3. Why Bifuels are called renewable energy source ? Explain, briefly, the
four generations of biofuels. four generations of biofuels.
Paper-XIV,XV and XVI (Practical) Paper-XIV,XV and XVI (Practical)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate Course in Bio-Fertilizer Production Technology(CBFT) Certificate Course in Bio-Fertilizer Production Technology(CBFT)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s
gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksAa ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksAa ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh
mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds
fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy
dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk
ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;s]a vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;s]a vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os
izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk
ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i=
dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;sAa rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls
lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu
ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds
fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh
gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha
djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- thok.kqvksa ds lw{e iks"kd rÙoksa ds fo"k; esa o.kZu dhft, A 1- thok.kqvksa ds lw{e iks"kd rÙoksa ds fo"k; esa o.kZu dhft, A
2- thok.kqvksa dh o`f)&oØ ds fo"k; esa fyf[k, A 2- thok.kqvksa dh o`f)&oØ ds fo"k; esa fyf[k, A
3- jklk;fud [kkn dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A 3- jklk;fud [kkn dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- thok.kq ds vuqj{k.k dh fdUgha rhu fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- thok.kq ds vuqj{k.k dh fdUgha rhu fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- jkbtksfc;e ds fy, laokgdksa ds p;u dk D;k vk/kkj gksuk pkfg, A 2- jkbtksfc;e ds fy, laokgdksa ds p;u dk D;k vk/kkj gksuk pkfg, A
3- ,tksyk ds vuqiz;ksx ds ykHk fyf[k, A 3- ,tksyk ds vuqiz;ksx ds ykHk fyf[k, A
PAPER-III (Practical Work) PAPER-III (Practical Work)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Floriculture Technology (CFT). Certificate in Floriculture Technology (CFT).
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. iq"iksnu O;olk; dks c<+kus gsrq vko';d lq>ko nssa 1. iq"iksnu O;olk; dks c<+kus gsrq vko';d lq>ko nssa
2- eq[; iks"kd rÙo rFkk muds izHkko crk,¡ A 2- eq[; iks"kd rÙo rFkk muds izHkko crk,¡ A
3- xqykc mRiknu dh fof/k crk,¡ A 3- xqykc mRiknu dh fof/k crk,¡ A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. iq"iks|ku ,oa ySaMLdsfiax ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 1. iq"iks|ku ,oa ySaMLdsfiax ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2- yÙkhnkj ikS/kksa ds izlkj.k djus dh fof/k crkb, A 2- yÙkhnkj ikS/kksa ds izlkj.k djus dh fof/k crkb, A
3- Vkfi;jh cukus dh fof/k dks foLrkj ls crkb, A 3- Vkfi;jh cukus dh fof/k dks foLrkj ls crkb, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vkS"k/kh; ,oa lxa/k ikS/kksa ds fy, ;kstuk&izi= rS;kj djsa A 1- vkS"k/kh; ,oa lxa/k ikS/kksa ds fy, ;kstuk&izi= rS;kj djsa A
2- ,d O;olk;h ds vko';d xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- ,d O;olk;h ds vko';d xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- cktkj losZ{k.k gsrq iz'ukoyh rS;kj dhft, A 3- cktkj losZ{k.k gsrq iz'ukoyh rS;kj dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CMAP) Certificate in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CMAP)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fcgkj esa foyqIr gksus okys vkS"k/kh; ikS/kksa ds uke fyf[k, A 1- fcgkj esa foyqIr gksus okys vkS"k/kh; ikS/kksa ds uke fyf[k, A
2- e`nk fdl izdkj ikni o`f) esa lgk;d gksrs gSa A 2- e`nk fdl izdkj ikni o`f) esa lgk;d gksrs gSa A
3- rus ¼dk.M½ ds eq[; dk;Z dk mYys[k dhft, A 3- rus ¼dk.M½ ds eq[; dk;Z dk mYys[k dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- czkãh ds xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- czkãh ds xq.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- fiiyh dh [ksrh djus esa D;k lko/kkuh cjruh pkfg, \ 2- fiiyh dh [ksrh djus esa D;k lko/kkuh cjruh pkfg, \
3- lQsn ewlyh dh egÙkk vkt cgqr c<+ x;h gS A D;ksa \ 3- lQsn ewlyh dh egÙkk vkt cgqr c<+ x;h gS A D;ksa \
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- O;olk; ds iwoZ ifj;kstuk dh vko';drk D;ksa iM+rh gSa\ 1- O;olk; ds iwoZ ifj;kstuk dh vko';drk D;ksa iM+rh gS\a
2- izcU/ku ls D;k le>rs gS\a 2- izcU/ku ls D;k le>rs gS\a
3- vkS"k/kh; tM+h&cwVh ds izksRlkgu esa lgk;d laLFkkvksa dk uke crk,¡ A 3- vkS"k/kh; tM+h&cwVh ds izksRlkgu esa lgk;d laLFkkvksa dk uke crk,¡ A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Soil Health Management (CSHM) Certificate in Soil Health Management (CSHM
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s
gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksAa ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksAa ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh
mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds
fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy
dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk
ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;s]a vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;s]a vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os
izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk
ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i=
dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;sAa rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls
lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu
ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds
fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh
gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha
djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- e`nk ls D;k le>rs gSa \ buds eq[; vo;oksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- e`nk ls D;k le>rs gSa \ buds eq[; vo;oksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- fofHkUu e`nk dkjd fdl izdkj ikni o`f) dks izHkkfor djrs gSa \ 2- fofHkUu e`nk dkjd fdl izdkj ikni o`f) dks izHkkfor djrs gSa \
3- e`nk ty ikS/kksa ds fy, D;ksa vko';d gS \ 3- e`nk ty ikS/kksa ds fy, D;ksa vko';d gS \
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1-; ,oa {kkjh; e`nk ds lq/kkj ds mik; crkb, A 1-; ,oa {kkjh; e`nk ds lq/kkj ds mik; crkb, A
2- vEyh; e`nk cuus ds D;k&D;k dkj.k gSa \ 2- vEyh; e`nk cuus ds D;k&D;k dkj.k gSa \
3- vEyh; e`nk dk lq/kkj fdl izdkj djsaxs \ 3- vEyh; e`nk dk lq/kkj fdl izdkj djsaxs \
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Abolition of Child Labour (CACL) Certificate in Abolition of Child Labour (CACL)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- jk"Vªh; cky uhfr] 1974 ds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- jk"Vªh; cky uhfr] 1974 ds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- ngst D;k gS\ ngst ds nq"ifj.kkeksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- ngst D;k gS\ ngst ds nq"ifj.kkeksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- cky Jfedksa dh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- cky Jfedksa dh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- [kku vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- [kku vf/kfu;e] 1952 dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds vUrZxr Je laca/kh izko/kkuksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2- Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds vUrZxr Je laca/kh izko/kkuksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3- cky Jfed fu;ekoyh] 1995 ds izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- cky Jfed fu;ekoyh] 1995 ds izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- cky Jfed tSlh leL;k mRiUu gksus ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- cky Jfed tSlh leL;k mRiUu gksus ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- jk"Vªh; cky&Je&uhfr ds mís';ksa ,oa mica/kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- jk"Vªh; cky&Je&uhfr ds mís';ksa ,oa mica/kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- cky Jfedksa dh dk;Z&vof/k dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3- cky Jfedksa dh dk;Z&vof/k dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Child Psychology and Guidance (CCPG) Certificate in Child Psychology and Guidance (CCPG)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
(izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx
ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh
fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj
mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls
vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k
gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha
Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory
Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk
Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh A Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh A
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1- fo|ky; Lrj ij ekxZn'kZu ds fofHkUu fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- fo|ky; Lrj ij ekxZn'kZu ds fofHkUu fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- fodkl dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- fodkl dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- Ldwy esa fofHkUu ekxZn'kZu xfrfof/k;ksa dh ,d ;kstuk dh foospuk 3- Ldwy esa fofHkUu ekxZn'kZu xfrfof/k;ksa dh ,d ;kstuk dh foospuk
dhft, A dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds
gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1- lekdfyr O;fDrRo ds fodkl esa f'k{kdksa dh Hkwfedk ij fucU/k fyf[k;s A 1- lekdfyr O;fDrRo ds fodkl esa f'k{kdksa dh Hkwfedk ij fucU/k fyf[k;s A
2- ckydksa ds 'kkjhfjd ,oa HkkoukRed fodkl esa [ksy dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k 2- ckydksa ds 'kkjhfjd ,oa HkkoukRed fodkl esa [ksy dh Hkwfedk dk ijh{k.k
dhft, A dhft, A
3- vUroSZ;fDrd laisz"k.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft, A 3- vUroSZ;fDrd laisz"k.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1. vf/kxe ds O;ogkjoknh n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k dhft, A 1. vf/kxe ds O;ogkjoknh n`f"Vdks.k dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2- vo/kku lEcU/kh fofHkUu leL;kvksa ,oa dkj.kksa dh foospuk djsa A 2- vo/kku lEcU/kh fofHkUu leL;kvksa ,oa dkj.kksa dh foospuk djsa A
3- izHkkoh laizs"k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gS\a blds fy, ,d csgrj ekWMy izLrqr 3- izHkkoh laizs"k.k ls vki D;k le>rs gS\a blds fy, ,d csgrj ekWMy izLrqr
dhft, A dhft, A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1. vk'kDr cPpksa ds izfr vfHkHkkodksa dh eukso`fr dh foospuk dhft, A 1. vk'kDr cPpksa ds izfr vfHkHkkodksa dh eukso`fr dh foospuk dhft, A
2- laox
s kRed foÑfr;ksa ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2- laox
s kRed foÑfr;ksa ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3- mÙkj okY;koLFkk ds cPpksa ds fodkl dh leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A 3- mÙkj okY;koLFkk ds cPpksa ds fodkl dh leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Child and Women’s Rights (CCWR). Certificate in Child and Women’s Rights (CCWR).
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- efgyk fodkl dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- efgyk fodkl dh vo/kkj.kk ,oa egÙo dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- oÙkZeku Hkkjr esa fo/kok vkSj oS';k dh leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A 2- oÙkZeku Hkkjr esa fo/kok vkSj oS';k dh leL;kvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3- laxfBr {ks= esa dk;Zjr efgykvksa dh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- laxfBr {ks= esa dk;Zjr efgykvksa dh leL;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- fcgkj nwdku ,oa izfr"Bku vf/kfu;e] 1953 ds izko/kkuksa dh leh{kk dhft, A 1- fcgkj nwdku ,oa izfr"Bku vf/kfu;e] 1953 ds izko/kkuksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
2- cky vf/kdkj ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A 2- cky vf/kdkj ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
3- cky Je fu"ks/k vf/kfu;e ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- cky Je fu"ks/k vf/kfu;e ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- oS/k fgUnw fookg dh izeq[k 'krksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- oS/k fgUnw fookg dh izeq[k 'krksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- deZpkjh jkT; chek vf/kfu;e] 1948 ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- deZpkjh jkT; chek vf/kfu;e] 1948 ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- ekr`Ro ykHk vf/kfu;e] 1961 ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A 3- ekr`Ro ykHk vf/kfu;e] 1961 ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Legal Awareness Among Women (CLAAW). Certificate in Legal Awareness Among Women (CLAAW).
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. ?kjsyw fgalk ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A 1. ?kjsyw fgalk ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
2- efgykvksa ds LokLFk laca/kh izeq[k leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2- efgykvksa ds LokLFk laca/kh izeq[k leL;kvksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3- dkexkj efgykvksa ds dk;Z {ks= ds dkuwuh izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- dkexkj efgykvksa ds dk;Z {ks= ds dkuwuh izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds }kjk efgykvksa ds iznÙk vf/kdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1. Hkkjr ds lafo/kku ds }kjk efgykvksa ds iznÙk vf/kdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- ekr`Ro ykHk vf/kfu;e] 1961 dh leh{kk dhft, A 2- ekr`Ro ykHk vf/kfu;e] 1961 dh leh{kk dhft, A
3- ngst izFkk dks lekIr djus gsrq Hkkjr esa izpfyr fo/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- ngst izFkk dks lekIr djus gsrq Hkkjr esa izpfyr fo/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- rykd ds laca/k esa Hkkjr esa D;k izko/kku gS\ o.kZu dhft, A 1- rykd ds laca/k esa Hkkjr esa D;k izko/kku gS\ o.kZu dhft, A
2- cksul Hkqxrku vf/kfu;e] 1965 ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- cksul Hkqxrku vf/kfu;e] 1965 ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- ekr`Ro YkkHk vf/kfu;e] 1961 dh mi;ksfxrk dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- ekr`Ro YkkHk vf/kfu;e] 1961 dh mi;ksfxrk dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC) Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s
gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s]
funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksAa ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksAa ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd
;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh
mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds
fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z
dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu
ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy
dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk
ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;s]a vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;s]a vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os
izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk
ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i=
dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;sAa rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls
lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu
ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds
fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh
gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha
djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls
lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- olk D;k gS\ blds lzksr ,oa dk;ksaZ dh foospuk dhft, A 1- olk D;k gS\ blds lzksr ,oa dk;ksaZ dh foospuk dhft, A
2- [kk| laxzg dh fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A 2- [kk| laxzg dh fof/k;ksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3- f'k'kqvksa ds iks"kd rRoksa ls lEcfU/kr vko';drkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 3- f'k'kqvksa ds iks"kd rRoksa ls lEcfU/kr vko';drkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska dsSa) g
1- fodkl dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft,A 1- fodkl dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dh foospuk dhft,A
2- uotkr f'k'kvksa dh laosnkRed vkSj fØ;kRed ;ksX;rkvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A 2- uotkr f'k'kvksa dh laosnkRed vkSj fØ;kRed ;ksX;rkvksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
3- cPpksa ds laKkRed fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k,A 3- cPpksa ds laKkRed fodkl ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k,A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Enviornmental Studies (CES) Certificate in Enviornmental Studies (CES)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Discuss the merits and demerits of tourist Policy of India. 1- Discuss the merits and demerits of tourist Policy of India.
Hkkjr ds i;ZVu uhfr ds xq.k ,oa nks"k dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr ds i;ZVu uhfr ds xq.k ,oa nks"k dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- Explain the relationship between environment & Tourism. 2- Explain the relationship between environment & Tourism.
i;ZVu ,oa i;kZoj.k ds lEcU/k dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A i;ZVu ,oa i;kZoj.k ds lEcU/k dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
3- Describe in brief social revolution concerning environment. 3- Describe in brief social revolution concerning environment.
i;kZoj.k lEcU/kh lkekftd vkUnksyu dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft, A i;kZoj.k lEcU/kh lkekftd vkUnksyu dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on the impact of urbanisation on environment. 1. Write an essay on the impact of urbanisation on environment.
uxjhdj.k dk i;kZoj.k ij izHkko ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A uxjhdj.k dk i;kZoj.k ij izHkko ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
2- Write an essay on the causes and consequences of water pollution. 2- Write an essay on the causes and consequences of water pollution.
ty iznw"k.k ds dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke ij fuca/k fyf[k, A ty iznw"k.k ds dkj.k ,oa ifj.kke ij fuca/k fyf[k, A
3- Write an essay on impact of human beings on environment. 3- Write an essay on impact of human beings on environment.
i;kZoj.k ij ekuo ds izHkko ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A i;kZoj.k ij ekuo ds izHkko ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Food & Nutrition (CFN) Certificate in Food & Nutrition (CFN)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vaMks esa ik;s tkus okys rRoksa vkSj mudh ikSf"Vdrk dk o.kZu dhft, A 1- vaMks esa ik;s tkus okys rRoksa vkSj mudh ikSf"Vdrk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- Hkkstu idkus ls Hkkstu ij iM+us okys izHkkoksa dh leh{kk dhft, A 2- Hkkstu idkus ls Hkkstu ij iM+us okys izHkkoksa dh leh{kk dhft, A
3- nSfud vkgkj esa Qyksa dh D;k mi;ksfxrk gS\ o.kZu dhft, A 3- nSfud vkgkj esa Qyksa dh D;k mi;ksfxrk gS\ o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- mtkZ larqyu D;k gS\ mtkZ vlarqyu ds izHkkoksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- mtkZ larqyu D;k gS\ mtkZ vlarqyu ds izHkkoksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- o`)koLFkk esa 'kkjhfjd ifjorZu dk mYys[k dhft, A 2- o`)koLFkk esa 'kkjhfjd ifjorZu dk mYys[k dhft, A
3- fd'kksjkoLFkk esa Hkkstu dh vko';drkvksa dh O;[;k dhft;s A 3- fd'kksjkoLFkk esa Hkkstu dh vko';drkvksa dh O;[;k dhft;s A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkkjr esa eRL; ikyu ds fodkl ij fucU/k fyf[k, A 1- Hkkjr esa eRL; ikyu ds fodkl ij fucU/k fyf[k, A
2- funsZ'ku D;k gS\ blds egRoiw.kZ izdkj dkSu&dkSu gSa\ 2- funsZ'ku D;k gS\ blds egRoiw.kZ izdkj dkSu&dkSu gSa\
3- fof'k"V iks"k.k dk;Z D;k gS\ blds izeq[k mís'; D;k gS\a 3- fof'k"V iks"k.k dk;Z D;k gS\ blds izeq[k mís'; D;k gS\a
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Health & Enviornment (CHE) Certificate in Health & Enviornment (CHE)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Write an essay on the relationship between population and development. 1- Write an essay on the relationship between population and development.
tula[;k vkSj fodkl ds lEcU/kksa ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A tula[;k vkSj fodkl ds lEcU/kksa ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A
2- What is pollution? Discuss causes of Soil pollution. 2- What is pollution? Discuss causes of Soil pollution.
iznq"k.k D;k gS\ iznq"k.k ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A iznq"k.k D;k gS\ iznq"k.k ds dkj.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
3- Describe the green house gases effects. 3- Describe the green house gases effects.
xzhu gkmr xSl ds izHkko dk o.kZu dhft, A xzhu gkmr xSl ds izHkko dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Describe the need for Air Quality Management. 1. Describe the need for Air Quality Management.
ok;q xq.koÙkk izcU/k dh vko';drk dk o.kZu dhft, A ok;q xq.koÙkk izcU/k dh vko';drk dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Write an essay on the management of Health. 2. Write an essay on the management of Health.
LokLF; izcU/ku ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A LokLF; izcU/ku ij ,d ys[k fyf[k, A
3. Describe the various processes involved in waste disposal. 3. Describe the various processes involved in waste disposal.
dpjk fuiVkjs esa lfUufgr fofHkUu izfØ;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A dpjk fuiVkjs esa lfUufgr fofHkUu izfØ;kvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2014) Assignment Session (2012-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CHIVFE) Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CHIVFE)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
(izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj (izR;sd iz'u10-10 vadska ds) fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uks(a dqy 20 vad) dk mÙkj
vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa
ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u]
Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk
fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx
ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkAfo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh
mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k mÙkj&iqfLdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k
vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk
ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa
Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr
ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh
fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj
mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls
vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs]
tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k
gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha
Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory
Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk
Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh A Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxh A
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1- ,M~l D;k gS\ bldh igpku ds rjhdksa dk fooj.k nhft, A 1- ,M~l D;k gS\ bldh igpku ds rjhdksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
2- fpfdRlk iz.kkyh dh mis{kk fdl gn rd ,p-vkbZ-oh- ds QSyus esa 2- fpfdRlk iz.kkyh dh mis{kk fdl gn rd ,p-vkbZ-oh- ds QSyus esa
;ksxnku nsrh gS\ ;ksxnku nsrh gS\
3- ,p-vkbZ-oh- ds jksxh ds vLirky ls fMLpktZ ¼NqV~Vh½ gksrs le; 3- ,p-vkbZ-oh- ds jksxh ds vLirky ls fMLpktZ ¼NqV~Vh½ gksrs le;
dkSu&dkSu lh lko/kkfu;k¡ cjruh pkfg, A dkSu&dkSu lh lko/kkfu;k¡ cjruh pkfg, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1- eknd nzO;ksa ds nq:i;ksx ds ek/;e ls ,p vkbZ oh laØe.k dks de 1- eknd nzO;ksa ds nq:i;ksx ds ek/;e ls ,p vkbZ oh laØe.k dks de
djus ds fy, U;wure pkj lq>ko nsa A djus ds fy, U;wure pkj lq>ko nsa A
2- ,p-vkbZ-oh- laØfer dkexkjksa ds lanHkZ esa fdu leL;kvksa ij fopkj 2- ,p-vkbZ-oh- laØfer dkexkjksa ds lanHkZ esa fdu leL;kvksa ij fopkj
djuk vko';d gS\ lfoLrkj O;k[;k dhft, A djuk vko';d gS\ lfoLrkj O;k[;k dhft, A
3- ,p-vkbZ-oh-@,M~l ls lEcfU/kr f'k{kk ,oa tkx`fr vfHk;ku dks lQy 3- ,p-vkbZ-oh-@,M~l ls lEcfU/kr f'k{kk ,oa tkx`fr vfHk;ku dks lQy
cukus ds dk;ZØeksa dk mYys[k dhft, A cukus ds dk;ZØeksa dk mYys[k dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1- ikfjokfjd thou f'k{kk esa uSfrd ,oa lnkpkj laca/kh ekU;rkvksa ds 1- ikfjokfjd thou f'k{kk esa uSfrd ,oa lnkpkj laca/kh ekU;rkvksa ds
egRo dh leh{kk dhft, A egRo dh leh{kk dhft, A
2- ,p-vkbZ-oh-@,M~l ds lanHkZ esa ikfjokfjd thou ds egRo dk o.kZu 2- ,p-vkbZ-oh-@,M~l ds lanHkZ esa ikfjokfjd thou ds egRo dk o.kZu
dhft, A dhft, A
3- thou ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, ?kj gh vkn'kZ LFky D;ksa gS\a o.kZu dhft,A 3- thou ds izf'k{k.k ds fy, ?kj gh vkn'kZ LFky D;ksa gS\a o.kZu dhft,A
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gS)
1- euq"; ds thou esa fookg ds egRo dk foospu dhft, A 1- euq"; ds thou esa fookg ds egRo dk foospu dhft, A
2- fookg D;k gS\ fookg ds fofHkUu :iksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 2- fookg D;k gS\ fookg ds fofHkUu :iksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3- xzkeh.k ifjokj ,oa 'kgjh ifjokj dh lajpuk ,oa izdk;Z esa vUrj dks 3- xzkeh.k ifjokj ,oa 'kgjh ifjokj dh lajpuk ,oa izdk;Z esa vUrj dks
Li"V dhft, A Li"V dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Bhojpuri Language (CBL) Certificate in Bhojpuri Language (CBL)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysAa blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; ds bfrgkl ds ifjp; nha A 1- Hkkstiqjh lkfgR; ds bfrgkl ds ifjp; nha A
2 Hkkstiqjh dgkuh ds fodkl fcUnqvu ds js[kkfdar djha A 2 Hkkstiqjh dgkuh ds fodkl fcUnqvu ds js[kkfdar djha A
3 douksa ,xks ij fuca/k fy[kha %¼d½Lora=rk fnol¼[k½egkRek xka/kh 3 douksa ,xks ij fuca/k fy[kha %¼d½Lora=rk fnol¼[k½egkRek xka/kh
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- ßQxqugVÞ uked yfyr fuca/k ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls crkbZa A 1- ßQxqugVÞ uked yfyr fuca/k ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls crkbZa A
2- egkiafMr jkgqy lkad`R;k;u ds ßtksadÞ ds dFkkoLrq ij izdk'k MkyhaA 2- egkiafMr jkgqy lkad`R;k;u ds ßtksadÞ ds dFkkoLrq ij izdk'k MkyhaA
3- ukVd&,dkadh vk dgkuh&miU;kl ds lkE;&oS"kE; ij izdk'k Mkyha A 3- ukVd&,dkadh vk dgkuh&miU;kl ds lkE;&oS"kE; ij izdk'k Mkyha A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- vkn'kZ vuqokn ds eq[;&eq[; fcanqou ij izdk'k Mkyha A 1- vkn'kZ vuqokn ds eq[;&eq[; fcanqou ij izdk'k Mkyha A
2- ikB~;&lkexzh esa nhgy douks dgkuh ds fganh vuqokn izLrqr djha A 2- ikB~;&lkexzh esa nhgy douks dgkuh ds fganh vuqokn izLrqr djha A
3- viuk ;knnk'r ls ,xks fganh&dgkuh ds Hkkstiqjh esa vuqokn djha A 3- viuk ;knnk'r ls ,xks fganh&dgkuh ds Hkkstiqjh esa vuqokn djha A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Magahi Language (CML) Certificate in Magahi Language (CML)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 exgh ds vkfndky ds fl)dky dkgs dgy tk gs\ 1 exgh ds vkfndky ds fl)dky dkgs dgy tk gs\
2 exgh lkfgR; ds le`f)dky ij izdk'k Mky· A 2 exgh lkfgR; ds le`f)dky ij izdk'k Mky· A
3 exgh ukVd ds lkekftd :i ij izdk'k Mky· A 3 exgh ukVd ds lkekftd :i ij izdk'k Mky· A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 ^Loxr* dfork ds dkO;&lkSUn;Z ds foospu dj∙A 1 ^Loxr* dfork ds dkO;&lkSUn;Z ds foospu dj∙A
2 lrlbZ ds ijEijk esa ^yksgkuh lrlbZ* ds ewY;kadj dj∙A 2 lrlbZ ds ijEijk esa ^yksgkuh lrlbZ* ds ewY;kadj dj∙A
3 ^iRFkj dVqvk* 'kh"kZd dfork ds leh{kk dj∙A 3 ^iRFkj dVqvk* 'kh"kZd dfork ds leh{kk dj∙A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 luhpj ds pfj=&fp=.k dj· A 1 luhpj ds pfj=&fp=.k dj· A
2 iVuk dbls cly&la{ksi esa crko· A 2 iVuk dbls cly&la{ksi esa crko· A
3 ^Mkd xkM+h* ds ys[kd ds thouh la{ksi esa fy[k· A 3 ^Mkd xkM+h* ds ys[kd ds thouh la{ksi esa fy[k· A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Pali Language (CPL) Certificate in Pali Language (CPL)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 laLÑr vkSj ikfy èofu&izfØ;k dh rqyuk dhft, A 1 laLÑr vkSj ikfy èofu&izfØ;k dh rqyuk dhft, A
2 ikfyHkk"kk esa o.kZ&ifjorZu ds eq[; fl)karksa dk lksnkgj.k o.kZu dhft, A 2 ikfyHkk"kk esa o.kZ&ifjorZu ds eq[; fl)karksa dk lksnkgj.k o.kZu dhft, A
3 ikfy Hkk"kk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A 3 ikfy Hkk"kk dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk mYys[k dhft,A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- izFke ckS) laxhfr dk ifjp; nhft, A 1- izFke ckS) laxhfr dk ifjp; nhft, A
2- f}rh; ckS) laxhfr ds nl fu;eksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A 2- f}rh; ckS) laxhfr ds nl fu;eksa dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, A
3- lqÙkfiVd ij ,d ifjp;kRed fuca/k fyf[k, A 3- lqÙkfiVd ij ,d ifjp;kRed fuca/k fyf[k, A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- ikfy ds o.kksZa dk ifjp; nhft, A 1- ikfy ds o.kksZa dk ifjp; nhft, A
2- dkjd dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, mlds Hksnksa dk lksnkgj.k ifjp; nhft, A 2- dkjd dh ifjHkk"kk nsrs gq, mlds Hksnksa dk lksnkgj.k ifjp; nhft, A
3- vkezikfy xf.kdk dh dFkk viuh Hkk"kk esa fyf[k, A 3- vkezikfy xf.kdk dh dFkk viuh Hkk"kk esa fyf[k, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Prakrit Language (CPr.L) Certificate in Prakrit Language (CPr.L)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 dksbZ cksyh dSls Hkk"kk cu tkrh gS] Li"V dhft,A 1 dksbZ cksyh dSls Hkk"kk cu tkrh gS] Li"V dhft,A
2 vkèkqfud vk;ZHkk"kk dky dk laf{kIr fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A 2 vkèkqfud vk;ZHkk"kk dky dk laf{kIr fooj.k izLrqr dhft,A
3 vèkZHkkxèkh vkxe ds mikax lkfgR; dk laf{kIr foospu dhft,A 3 vèkZHkkxèkh vkxe ds mikax lkfgR; dk laf{kIr foospu dhft,A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 v/kZekx/kh vkxe lkfgR; ds ewy rÙoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy,A 1 v/kZekx/kh vkxe lkfgR; ds ewy rÙoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy,A
2 vax vkxe dh fo"k;&oLrq dks viuh Hkk"kk&'kSyh esa fyf[k,A 2 vax vkxe dh fo"k;&oLrq dks viuh Hkk"kk&'kSyh esa fyf[k,A
3 Nsnlw= vkSj ewylw= esa xaFz kksa dk ewY;kadu dhft,A 3 Nsnlw= vkSj ewylw= esa xaFz kksa dk ewY;kadu dhft,A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- izkÑr O;kdj.k ds vuqlkj Loj laf/k ds fu;eksa dk mnkgj.k lfgr ifjp; nhft,A 1- izkÑr O;kdj.k ds vuqlkj Loj laf/k ds fu;eksa dk mnkgj.k lfgr ifjp; nhft,A
2- ifBr dFkkvksa ds v/;;u ls feyus okyh f'k{kkvksa ij lehphu izdk'k Mkfy, A 2- ifBr dFkkvksa ds v/;;u ls feyus okyh f'k{kkvksa ij lehphu izdk'k Mkfy, A
3- dFkkrÙo dh n`f"V ls cqf)earks fl;kyks% dh leh{kk dhft, A 3- dFkkrÙo dh n`f"V ls cqf)earks fl;kyks% dh leh{kk dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Sanskrit Language (CSL) Certificate in Sanskrit Language (CSL)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- egkdkO;ksa dh mRifÙk vkSj fodkl dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft, A 1- egkdkO;ksa dh mRifÙk vkSj fodkl dk laf{kIr fooj.k nhft, A
2 fdUgha pkj xhfrdkO;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A 2 fdUgha pkj xhfrdkO;ksa dk ifjp; nhft, A
3 fyf[k, & dqekjlEHko] ve#'krd] dknEcjh] oklonÙkk A 3 fyf[k, & dqekjlEHko] ve#'krd] dknEcjh] oklonÙkk A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dkfynkl dh dkO;&dyk ij izdk'k Mkysa A 1- dkfynkl dh dkO;&dyk ij izdk'k Mkysa A
2- ^dqekjlEHkoe~* ds fdUgha nks 'yksdksa dk fgUnh esa vuqokn djas A 2- ^dqekjlEHkoe~* ds fdUgha nks 'yksdksa dk fgUnh esa vuqokn djas A
3- ^dqekjlEHkoe~* ds iape~ lxZ dk lkjka'k fy[ksa A 3- ^dqekjlEHkoe~* ds iape~ lxZ dk lkjka'k fy[ksa A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- dkjd dh ifjHkk"kk fy[ksa A budh la[;k ,oa uke dk Hkh mYys[k djas A 1- dkjd dh ifjHkk"kk fy[ksa A budh la[;k ,oa uke dk Hkh mYys[k djas A
2- yrk ;k unh 'kCnksa ds :Ik fy[ksa vkSj ^yrk* 'kCn ds izFkekUr inksa ls okD; cukvks A 2- yrk ;k unh 'kCnksa ds :Ik fy[ksa vkSj ^yrk* 'kCn ds izFkekUr inksa ls okD; cukvks A
3- fdlh ,d fo"k; ij laf{kIr fuca/k fy[ksa% ¼d½ xaxk ¼[k½ ekr`Hkwfe%¼x½ fiz; dfo% 3- fdlh ,d fo"k; ij laf{kIr fuca/k fy[ksa% ¼d½ xaxk ¼[k½ ekr`Hkwfe%¼x½ fiz; dfo%
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Buddhist Studies (CBS) Certificate in Buddhist Studies (CBS)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 ckS) /keZ ds v/;;u ds fy;s lkfgfR;d lzksrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A 1 ckS) /keZ ds v/;;u ds fy;s lkfgfR;d lzksrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A
4- xkSre cq) dh thouh ,oa mins'kksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;s A 4- xkSre cq) dh thouh ,oa mins'kksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;s A
5- f}rh; ckS)&lHkk ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A 5- f}rh; ckS)&lHkk ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 ghu;ku lEiznk; dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A 1 ghu;ku lEiznk; dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2 ckS)&/keZ dh fofHkUu 'kk[kkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A 2 ckS)&/keZ dh fofHkUu 'kk[kkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3 loksfLyokn ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft, A 3 loksfLyokn ds vFkZ dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 lkekftd oxZ ds lanHkZ ckS) fl)kUrksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1 lkekftd oxZ ds lanHkZ ckS) fl)kUrksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2 ckS) /keZ esa fL=;ksa ds LFkku dk mYys[k dhft;s A 2 ckS) /keZ esa fL=;ksa ds LFkku dk mYys[k dhft;s A
3 xkSre cq) ds vkfFkZd lans'kksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A 3 xkSre cq) ds vkfFkZd lans'kksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Hindu Studies (CHS) Certificate in Hindu Studies (CHS)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 fgUnqRo dh izd`fr dh leh{kk dhft;s A 1 fgUnqRo dh izd`fr dh leh{kk dhft;s A
2- pkjksa osnksa dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A 2- pkjksa osnksa dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A
3- mÙkj lafgrk dk vFkZ Li"V dhft;s A 3- mÙkj lafgrk dk vFkZ Li"V dhft;s A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- jkekuqt ds fof'k"V}Sr fl}kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A 1- jkekuqt ds fof'k"V}Sr fl}kUr dk ijh{k.k dhft;s A
2- ehekalk n'kZu ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A 2- ehekalk n'kZu ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A
3- ^vkRek* D;k gS\ ijh{k.k dhft;s A 3- ^vkRek* D;k gS\ ijh{k.k dhft;s A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1 D;k fgUnqRo /keZ fuisZ{k gS\ O;k[;k dhft;s A 1 D;k fgUnqRo /keZ fuisZ{k gS\ O;k[;k dhft;s A
2- ^^mifu"knksa esa vfgalk** fo"k; ij lfoLrkj ijh{k.k dhft;s A 2- ^^mifu"knksa esa vfgalk** fo"k; ij lfoLrkj ijh{k.k dhft;s A
3- tkfr izFkk ds ykHk&gkfu;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;s A 3- tkfr izFkk ds ykHk&gkfu;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k dhft;s A
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) Assignment (Session 2013-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Islamic Studies (C.Is.S) Certificate in Islamic Studies (C.Is.S)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s
x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa
dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh
Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus
ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls
vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke]
ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os
lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr]
ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls
vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh
fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls
lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yax sa s] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i=
ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh
Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml
i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1- Evaluate the administrative structure of the Umayyads. 1- Evaluate the administrative structure of the Umayyads.
mEeS;nksa ds iz'kklfud <+k¡ps dk ewY;kadu dhft;s A mEeS;nksa ds iz'kklfud <+k¡ps dk ewY;kadu dhft;s A
2- Explain the meaning and significance of Abbaside Revolution. 2- Explain the meaning and significance of Abbaside Revolution.
vCcklh Øk¡fr ds vFkZ ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k dhft, A vCcklh Øk¡fr ds vFkZ ,oa egRo dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3- feL= ,oa Qkfreh f[kykQr dh LFkkiuk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A 3- feL= ,oa Qkfreh f[kykQr dh LFkkiuk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k;s A
Write an essay on establishment of Fatimi Caliphate in Egypt. Write an essay on establishment of Fatimi Caliphate in Egypt.
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. Throw light on the significance of the Holy Quran. 1. Throw light on the significance of the Holy Quran.
ifo= dqjvku ds egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A ifo= dqjvku ds egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
2. Who is Khwariz and what is his Akeeda ? Explain. 2. Who is Khwariz and what is his Akeeda ? Explain.
[okfjt dkSu gSa vkSj mudk vdhnk D;k gS \ Li"V dhft, A [okfjt dkSu gSa vkSj mudk vdhnk D;k gS \ Li"V dhft, A
3. Throw light on the doctrines of Hazrat Imam Sha-Fa-i. 3. Throw light on the doctrines of Hazrat Imam Sha-Fa-i.
gtjr bZeke 'kkQbZ ds fl)kUrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A gtjr bZeke 'kkQbZ ds fl)kUrksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. Give an account of the development Science by the Arabs. 1. Give an account of the development Science by the Arabs.
vjcksa ds }kjk oSKkfud izxfr dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft;s A vjcksa ds }kjk oSKkfud izxfr dk fooj.k izLrqr dhft;s A
2. Enumerate the states of women in Arab-Society. 2. Enumerate the states of women in Arab-Society.
vjc lekt esa ukfj;ksa dh fLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft;s A vjc lekt esa ukfj;ksa dh fLFkfr dk o.kZu dhft;s A
3. Describe the role of the Mughals in spread of Islam in India. 3. Describe the role of the Mughals in spread of Islam in India.
Hkkjr esa bLyke ds foLrkj esa eqxyksa ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A Hkkjr esa bLyke ds foLrkj esa eqxyksa ds ;ksxnkuksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Computing (CIC) Certificate in Computing (CIC)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. Explain different types of information system with examples. 1. Explain different types of information system with examples.
2. Explain Data , Information and knowledge with suitable examples. 2. Explain Data , Information and knowledge with suitable examples.
3. What is a flowchart? Explain different types of flowcharts. 3. What is a flowchart? Explain different types of flowcharts.
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. Explain different types communication modes . Give examples of each type modes ? 1. Explain different types communication modes . Give examples of each type modes ?
2. What is Application to EDI ? Distinguish between System s/w and Application s/w. 2. What is Application to EDI ? Distinguish between System s/w and Application s/w.
3. What is an Interrupt? Explain different types of Interrupts. 3. What is an Interrupt? Explain different types of Interrupts.
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. What is Networking? How Networking is useful for an Office? Explain. 1. What is Networking? How Networking is useful for an Office? Explain.
2. What is EDI? What are its advantages? Explain the features of EDI. 2. What is EDI? What are its advantages? Explain the features of EDI.
3. How can Excel help in offices? Explain the components of Excel sheet. 3. How can Excel help in offices? Explain the components of Excel sheet.
PAPER-IV (Practical) PAPER-IV (Practical)
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM) Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- vkinkvksa ds vFkZ] ifjHkk"kk ,oa izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A 1- vkinkvksa ds vFkZ] ifjHkk"kk ,oa izdkjksa dh foospuk dhft, A
Discuss the meaning, definition and types of disasters. Discuss the meaning, definition and types of disasters.
2- fo'oO;kih lanHkZ esa vkinkvksa ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A 2- fo'oO;kih lanHkZ esa vkinkvksa ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
Write an essay on disaster in global context. Write an essay on disaster in global context.
3- pØokr ls lEcfU/kr vkinkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A 3- pØokr ls lEcfU/kr vkinkvksa dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
Examine disasters related to cyclone Examine disasters related to cyclone
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- pØokr D;k gS\ Hkkjr esa ckj ckj pØokr D;ksa vkrs gS\a 1- pØokr D;k gS\ Hkkjr esa ckj ckj pØokr D;ksa vkrs gS\a
What is cyclone? Why do cyclones invade India frequently. What is cyclone? Why do cyclones invade India frequently.
2- Hkkjr esa ck<+ ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa dh foospuk dhft,A 2- Hkkjr esa ck<+ ds dkj.kksa vkSj ifj.kkeksa dh foospuk dhft,A
Discuss the causes and consequences of flood in India. Discuss the causes and consequences of flood in India.
3- lkekftd iquokZl ;kstuk ds izeq[k dkj.kksa dk fooj.k nhft, A 3- lkekftd iquokZl ;kstuk ds izeq[k dkj.kksa dk fooj.k nhft, A
Give an account of main components of Social Rehabilitation. Give an account of main components of Social Rehabilitation
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) Assignment (Session 2013-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Insurance Services (CIS) Certificate in Insurance Services (CIS)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s
x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa
dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh
Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus
ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls
vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke]
ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os
lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr]
ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls
vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh
fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls
lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yax sa s] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i=
ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh
Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml
i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. What is Proposal Form ? Explain its various aspects. 1. What is Proposal Form ? Explain its various aspects.
izLrko&i= d;k gS \ blds fofHkUu igyqvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A izLrko&i= d;k gS \ blds fofHkUu igyqvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Throw light on the social and economic aspects of insurance. 2. Throw light on the social and economic aspects of insurance.
chek ds lkekftd ,oa vkÆFkd igyqvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A chek ds lkekftd ,oa vkÆFkd igyqvksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
3. Describe modern forms of Insurance. 3. Describe modern forms of Insurance.
chek ds vk/kqfud Lo:iksa dk o.kZu dhft, A chek ds vk/kqfud Lo:iksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. What is life insurance ? Explain various types of life insurance. 1. What is life insurance ? Explain various types of life insurance.
thou chek D;k gS \ thou chek ds Hksnksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A thou chek D;k gS \ thou chek ds Hksnksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Describe the essential elements of a contract of Insurance. 2. Describe the essential elements of a contract of Insurance.
,d chek vuqca/k ds vko';d rÙoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A ,d chek vuqca/k ds vko';d rÙoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Explain the main provisions of the Labour (Workers) compensation Act. 3. Explain the main provisions of the Labour (Workers) compensation Act.
Jfed {kfriwÆr vf/kfu;e ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A Jfed {kfriwÆr vf/kfu;e ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
Answer any two Questions Answer any two Questions
1. Describe the documents which are essential for payment of claims. 1. Describe the documents which are essential for payment of claims.
mu izi=ksa dk o.kZu dhft, tks nkoksa ds Hkqxrku ds fy, vko';d gSa mu izi=ksa dk o.kZu dhft, tks nkoksa ds Hkqxrku ds fy, vko';d gSa
2. What is Bonus? Describe various types of Bonus. 2. What is Bonus? Describe various types of Bonus.
vf/kykHkka'k D;k gS\ fofHkUu izdkj ds vf/kykHkka'k dk o.kZu dhft, A vf/kykHkka'k D;k gS\ fofHkUu izdkj ds vf/kykHkka'k dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. Discuss the need and importance of group insurance. 3. Discuss the need and importance of group insurance.
lkewfgd chek dh vko';drk vkSj egRo dh foospuk dhft, A lkewfgd chek dh vko';drk vkSj egRo dh foospuk dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Indian Constitution & Panchayati Raj (CICPR). Certificate in Indian Constitution & Panchayati Raj (CICPR).
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s
x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa
dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh
Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus
ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls
vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke]
ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os
lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr]
ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls
vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh
fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls
lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysx a s vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yax sa s] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i=
ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh
Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml
i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. Answer Any Two Questions.
(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the main characteristic of federalism in India. 1. Discuss the main characteristic of federalism in India.
Hkkjr esa la?kokn ds eq[; y{k.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A Hkkjr esa la?kokn ds eq[; y{k.kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
2- Explain the main provisions of the Bihar Panchayati Raj Act. 2- Explain the main provisions of the Bihar Panchayati Raj Act.
fcgkj iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A fcgkj iapk;rh jkt vf/kfu;e ds izeq[k izko/kkuksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3- Describe the composition and functions of Zila Parishad. 3- Describe the composition and functions of Zila Parishad.
ftyk ifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A ftyk ifj"kn~ ds xBu ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. Answer Any Two Questions.
(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u 10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is the meaning of rural development? Explain. 1. What is the meaning of rural development? Explain.
xzkeh.k fodkl dk rkRi;Z D;k gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A xzkeh.k fodkl dk rkRi;Z D;k gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A
2- What is the meaning of Social Forestry? Explain its importance. 2- What is the meaning of Social Forestry? Explain its importance.
lkekftd okfudh dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A lkekftd okfudh dk D;k vfHkizk; gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A
3- Prepare a blueprint for the development of a village in Bihar. 3- Prepare a blueprint for the development of a village in Bihar.
fcgkj esa ,d xk¡ ds fodkl dh #ijs[kk rS;kj dhft, A fcgkj esa ,d xk¡ ds fodkl dh #ijs[kk rS;kj dhft, A
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. Answer Any Two Questions.
(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Discuss the organization and functions of the Finance Commission in India. 1- Discuss the organization and functions of the Finance Commission in India.
Hkkjr esa foÙk vk;ksx ds laxBu ,oa dk;ksaZ dh foospuk dhft, A Hkkjr esa foÙk vk;ksx ds laxBu ,oa dk;ksaZ dh foospuk dhft, A
2- Write an essay on the working of NREGA in Bihar. 2- Write an essay on the working of NREGA in Bihar.
fcgkj esa ^^jk"Vªh; jkstxkj xkj.Vh ;kstuk** ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A fcgkj esa ^^jk"Vªh; jkstxkj xkj.Vh ;kstuk** ij ,d fuca/k fyf[k, A
3- Describe the structure and functions of the Bihar State Secretariat. 3- Describe the structure and functions of the Bihar State Secretariat.
fcgkj jkT; lfpoky; dh lajpuk rFkk dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu dhft, A fcgkj jkT; lfpoky; dh lajpuk rFkk dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Liabrary and Information Science (CLIS) Certificate in Liabrary and Information Science (CLIS)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxkz El esa] l=h; dk;Z
tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u tek djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u
fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ fn;s x;s gSas] ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ
ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s
x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa
dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh
Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus
ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj]
fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls
vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke] vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij os viuk uke]
ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h; ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os
lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] lEcfU/kr i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr]
ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls
vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh
fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys
vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM
fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls
lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj
mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i= mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasaxs] tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk fd vkius i=
ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dks fdlh
Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml
i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1- Hkkjr ds jk"Vªh; iqLrdky; dk o.kZu dhft, A 1 Hkkjr ds jk"Vªh; iqLrdky; dk o.kZu dhft, A
2- lwpuk dsUæ ds dk;Z ,oa fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa dk uke fyf[k, A 2- lwpuk dsUæ ds dk;Z ,oa fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa dk uke fyf[k, A
3- iqLrdky; ,d lkekftd laLFkk gS] bl dFku dh foospuk dhft, A 3- iqLrdky; ,d lkekftd laLFkk gS] bl dFku dh foospuk dhft, A
Paper-II & III Paper-II & III
Practical work Practical work
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2014) (Year of Issue -2013)
Certificate in Interior Decoration (CID) Certificate in Interior Decoration (CID)
Instruction for submission of assignment Instruction for submission of assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper of all Each student shall be required to submit two assignments in each theory paper of all
programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this purpose, the University programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this purpose, the University
administration will set out and provide to each student three different topics in each theory administration will set out and provide to each student three different topics in each theory
paper; out of which he/she will be required to write out and submit assignment work only on paper; out of which he/she will be required to write out and submit assignment work only on
two topics of his/her choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the two topics of his/her choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the
University. Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose University. Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the purpose
of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each theory paper, of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each theory paper,
where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory and unless it is done and where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory and unless it is done and
assignment copy submitted to the University on the date of the examination of the theory assignment copy submitted to the University on the date of the examination of the theory
portion of the concerned paper, the study requirement of the student will not be taken to have portion of the concerned paper, the study requirement of the student will not be taken to have
been completed and he/she will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided been completed and he/she will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided
by the University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work /project by the University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work /project
work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of that paper to work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of that paper to
determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it is in student's interest determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it is in student's interest
that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students are also advised to prepare their that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students are also advised to prepare their
assignments very carefully and meticulously. They must write assignment in their own assignments very carefully and meticulously. They must write assignment in their own
handwriting. Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied by handwriting. Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied by
the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books
provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case, assignment written in provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case, assignment written in
private copy will be accepted by the University. private copy will be accepted by the University.
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Who is Interior Decorator? Discuss its responsibilities. 1. Who is Interior Decorator? Discuss its responsibilities.
2. Discuss the essential elements of Interior Design. 2. Discuss the essential elements of Interior Design.
3. Discuss the importance of Interior Decoration in modern times. 3. Discuss the importance of Interior Decoration in modern times.
Paper-II Paper-II
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What are different type of paints commonly used? 1. What are different type of paints commonly used?
2. Discuss advantages and dis-advantages of False-ceilings'. 2. Discuss advantages and dis-advantages of False-ceilings'.
3. What are Hard floors? Discuss Tile Flooring. 3. What are Hard floors? Discuss Tile Flooring.
Paper-III Paper-III
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss role of 'service' as applied to a House Interior. 1. Discuss role of 'service' as applied to a House Interior.
2. Discuss placement of switches and out lets of electrical fixture in a bed room. 2. Discuss placement of switches and out lets of electrical fixture in a bed room.
3. Dissent different type of light fixtures with their quality. 3. Dissent different type of light fixtures with their quality.
Paper-IV Paper-IV
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Sketch Standard Kitchen Designs and give their advantages. 1. Sketch Standard Kitchen Designs and give their advantages.
2. Discuss design of an office with modular furniture. 2. Discuss design of an office with modular furniture.
3. Discuss importance of 'Vastu' in Interior Design. 3. Discuss importance of 'Vastu' in Interior Design.
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment (Session 2013-2015) (Year of Issue -2013) Assignment (Session 2013-2015) (Year of Issue -2013)
l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k l=h; dk;Z tek djus dh fof/k
ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek ukyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,] fu/kkZfjr izksxzkEl esa] l=h; dk;Z tek
djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas] djuk vko';d gSA blds fy;s izR;sd i= esa lEcfU/kr fo|kFkhZ dks rhu iz'u fn;s x;s gSas]
ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa ftuesa ls nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fo'ofo|ky; }kjk nh gqbZ ijh{kk&iqfLrdk esa
fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo fy[kuk gSA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vkxzg gS fd os izR;sd i= ds fy;s fn;s x;s] funsZ'k ds vuqlkj] Lo
v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA v/;;u] Lofoosd vkSj viuh izfrHkk ds vuqlkj nks iz'uksa dk mÙkj vius gLrfyfi esa fy[ksaA
;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky; ;g dk;Z mUgsa vius ?kj esa jgdj djuk gSA fdlh Hkh iqLrd ;k UkkyUnk [kqyk fo'ofo|ky;
}kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k }kjk nh x;h ikB~; lkexzh ls udy djus ij mudh mÙkjiqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k
tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj tk;sxkA lkFk gh] fu;ekuqlkj] fo'ofo|ky; muds fo:) vyx ls Hkh l[r dk;Zokgh dj
ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij ldsxkA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk rFkk mlds fyQkQk ij
os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij os viuk uke] ukekadu la[;k rFkk i= la[;k vo'; fy[ksA ukekdau la[;k xyr gksus ij
l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj&iqfLrdk dk ewY;kadu ugha fd;k tk;sxkA izR;sd i= ds l=h; dk;Z
dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr dks vyx&vyx fyQkQksa esa Mkydj lhy dj nsa vkSj lhy cUn fyQkQk dks os lEcfU/kr
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk ds fnu vius lkFk ijh{kk dsUnz ij ysrs vk;sa] vFkkZr] ftl fnu izFke
i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] ml fnu os izFke i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh dk lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ijh{kk gkWy esa ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij j[k ysaA blh
izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h; izdkj] ftl fnu f}rh; i= dh fyf[kr ijh{kk gks] mlh fnu f}rh; i= ls lEcfU/kr l=h;
dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk dk lhYM fyQkQk ys vk;saA rnuqlkj] vU; i=ksa dh fyf[kr ijh{kk
ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij ds fnu] mu i=ksa ls lEcfU/kr lhYM fyQkQk vius lkFk ys vk;sa vkSj mls vius lhV ij
j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk j[k ysaA izR;sd fnu ijh{kk ls lEcfU/kr oh{kdx.k vkids lhV ls vkidk lhYM fyQkQk
laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk laxzg dj ysaxs vkSj mifLFkr iath ij vkidk gLrk{kj ys yasax]s tks bl ckr dk izek.k gksxk
fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk fd vkius i= ds fy, viuk l=h; dk;Z tek dj fn;k gSA l=h; dk;Z dh mÙkj iqfLrdk
dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj dks fdlh Hkh gkykr esa Mkd vFkok dqfj;j ls ugha Hkstsa D;ksafd fo'ofo|ky; bldks Lohdkj
ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i= ugha djsxkA fdlh Hkh i= esa Theory Paper dh ijh{kk lekIr gks tkus ds ckn] ml i=
ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA ls lEcfU/kr l=h;&dk;Z iqfLrdk Lohdkj ugha dh tk;sxhA
Paper-I Paper-I
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u12 /2-12 /2 vadska ds gSa)
1 1
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the role of Instructional objectives in making the teaching learning 1. Discuss the role of Instructional objectives in making the teaching learning
process more effective. process more effective.
f'k{k.k vf/kxe izfØ;k dks vf/kd izHkkoh cukus esa vuqns'ku mís';ksa dh Hkwfedk f'k{k.k vf/kxe izfØ;k dks vf/kd izHkkoh cukus esa vuqns'ku mís';ksa dh Hkwfedk
dh foospuk dhft, A dh foospuk dhft, A
2. Describe Instructional planning. What are the steps involved in it ? 2. Describe Instructional planning. What are the steps involved in it ?
vuqns'kh fu;kstu dk o.kZu dhft, A blesa 'kkfey fofHkUu pj.k dkSu&dkSu ls gSa \ vuqns'kh fu;kstu dk o.kZu dhft, A blesa 'kkfey fofHkUu pj.k dkSu&dkSu ls gSa \
3. Discuss techniques of class room management. 3. Discuss techniques of class room management.
d{kk&d{k izcU/ku dh fofHkUu rduhdksa dh ifjppkZ dhft, A d{kk&d{k izcU/ku dh fofHkUu rduhdksa dh ifjppkZ dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa)
1. Examine Kohlberg's theory of moral development. How can teachers facilitate 1. Examine Kohlberg's theory of moral development. How can teachers facilitate
children's moral growth ? children's moral growth ?
dksgycxZ ds uSfrd fodkl ds fl)kUr dh tk¡p dhft, A f'k{kd f'k{kkÆFk;ksa esa dksgycxZ ds uSfrd fodkl ds fl)kUr dh tk¡p dhft, A f'k{kd f'k{kkÆFk;ksa esa
uSfrd fodkl dks fdl izdkj lqyHk cuk ldrs gSa \ uSfrd fodkl dks fdl izdkj lqyHk cuk ldrs gSa \
2. Discuss 'Transfer of Learning' and its implications for teaching learning in schools. 2. Discuss 'Transfer of Learning' and its implications for teaching learning in schools.
^vf/kxe ds vUrj.k* vkSj fo|ky;ksa esa f'k{k.k&vf/kxe ds fy, blds fufgrkFkks± dh ppkZ dhft, A ^vf/kxe ds vUrj.k* vkSj fo|ky;ksa esa f'k{k.k&vf/kxe ds fy, blds fufgrkFkks± dh ppkZ dhft, A
3. What is humanistic approach to learning ? Describe its characteristics and 3. What is humanistic approach to learning ? Describe its characteristics and
educational implication. educational implication.
vf/kxe dk ekuorkoknh fl)kUr D;k gS \ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa 'kSf{kd fufgrkFkks± dk o.kZu dhft, vf/kxe dk ekuorkoknh fl)kUr D;k gS \ bldh fo'ks"krkvksa ,oa 'kSf{kd fufgrkFkks± dk o.kZu dhft,
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa)
1. What are the principles you will keep in view while framing instructional 1. What are the principles you will keep in view while framing instructional
objectives ? objectives ?
vuqns'kkRed mís';ksa dh jpuk djrs le; vki fdu fl)kUrksa dk /;ku j[ksaxs \ vuqns'kkRed mís';ksa dh jpuk djrs le; vki fdu fl)kUrksa dk /;ku j[ksaxs \
2. Mention and explain the factors influencing the reliability of Test scores. 2. Mention and explain the factors influencing the reliability of Test scores.
ijh{kk vadksa dh fo'oluh;rk dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu rFkk foospu dhft, A ijh{kk vadksa dh fo'oluh;rk dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu rFkk foospu dhft, A
3. Explain the types of graphical representation of data. 3. Explain the types of graphical representation of data.
iznÙkksa ds xzkQh; fu:i.k ds izdkjksa dks Li"V dhft, A iznÙkksa ds xzkQh; fu:i.k ds izdkjksa dks Li"V dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa)
1. Write an essay on "Role of education for National Development". 1. Write an essay on "Role of education for National Development".
^^jk"Vªh; fodkl esa f'k{kk dh Hkwfedk** ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A ^^jk"Vªh; fodkl esa f'k{kk dh Hkwfedk** ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
2. Write an essay on education in India under the colonial rule. 2. Write an essay on education in India under the colonial rule.
vkSifuosf'kd 'kklu dky esa Hkkjr esa f'k{kk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A vkSifuosf'kd 'kklu dky esa Hkkjr esa f'k{kk ij ,d fucU/k fyf[k, A
3. Discuss the salient features of National Education Policy, 1968. 3. Discuss the salient features of National Education Policy, 1968.
jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr] 1968 dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft, A jk"Vªh; f'k{kk uhfr] 1968 dh eq[; fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu dhft, A
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u121/2-121/2 vadska ds gSa)
1. What are manpower resources in school organization ? Discuss their roles for 1. What are manpower resources in school organization ? Discuss their roles for
effective functioning of school organization. effective functioning of school organization.
fo|ky; laxBu esa ekuo'kfDr lalk/ku dkSu&ls gSa \ fo|ky; laxBu dh izHkkoh fo|ky; laxBu esa ekuo'kfDr lalk/ku dkSu&ls gSa \ fo|ky; laxBu dh izHkkoh
dk;Zi.z kkyh ds fy, budh Hkwfedkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A dk;Zi.z kkyh ds fy, budh Hkwfedkvksa dh ppkZ dhft, A
2. Explain the meaning and characteristics of a profession. Justify teaching as a 2. Explain the meaning and characteristics of a profession. Justify teaching as a
profession. profession.
,d O;olk; dk vFkZ ,oa xq.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A v/;kiu dk ,d O;olk; ds :i ,d O;olk; dk vFkZ ,oa xq.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A v/;kiu dk ,d O;olk; ds :i
esa U;k;ksfpr dhft, A esa U;k;ksfpr dhft, A
3. What is Action Research ? What are its advantages ? Give some examples of 3. What is Action Research ? What are its advantages ? Give some examples of
the problems that could be solved through action-research. the problems that could be solved through action-research.
fØ;kRed 'kks/k D;k gS \ blds D;k ykHk gSa \ dqN leL;kvksa ds mnkgj.k fØ;kRed 'kks/k D;k gS \ blds D;k ykHk gSa \ dqN leL;kvksa ds mnkgj.k
nhft, ftUgsa fØ;kRed 'kks/k ds }kjk gy fd;k tk ldrk gS A nhft, ftUgsa fØ;kRed 'kks/k ds }kjk gy fd;k tk ldrk gS A
Practical Work On School Based Activities Practical Work On School Based Activities
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2013-2016) Assignment Session (2013-2016)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Computer Application (MCA)-Part-I Master of Computer Application (MCA)-Part-I
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments of 20 marks in each Each student shall be required to submit two assignments of 20 marks in each
theory paper of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. theory paper of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed.
For this purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each For this purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each
student three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be student three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be
required to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her required to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her
choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University.
Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the
purpose of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in purpose of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in
each theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory each theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the date and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the date
of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it
is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students
are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and meticulously. are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and meticulously.
They must write assignment in their own handwriting. Assignment answers They must write assignment in their own handwriting. Assignment answers
should not be copied from the learning material supplied by the University or should not be copied from the learning material supplied by the University or
from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books
provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case, provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case,
assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. In case of assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. In case of
loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured from the loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured from the
University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-Work, University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-Work,
wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing which the wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing which the
student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-I (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-I (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. List and explain looping constructs in "C" language with an example for each type. 1. List and explain looping constructs in "C" language with an example for each type.
2. Draw a flowchart and write the program in 'C' to add first 10 even numbers. 2. Draw a flowchart and write the program in 'C' to add first 10 even numbers.
3. Write a program in C to add two matrices of size (3 x 3). 3. Write a program in C to add two matrices of size (3 x 3).
Paper-II (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-II (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What are counters ? Draw and explain synchronous counter with its table. 1. What are counters ? Draw and explain synchronous counter with its table.
2. Write short notes on :-(a)Types of Interrupts (c) Don't Care condition 2. Write short notes on :-(a)Types of Interrupts (c) Don't Care condition
3. Explain the following terms :-(a)ALU (b)Cache Memory (c)Multiplexer 3. Explain the following terms :-(a)ALU (b)Cache Memory (c)Multiplexer
Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-III (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. Define AND-gate, OR-gate and NOT-gate. 1. Define AND-gate, OR-gate and NOT-gate.
2. How many permutations are there of the letters, taken all at a time, if the 2. How many permutations are there of the letters, taken all at a time, if the
3. How many "Words" can be formed using four XS and Two YS ? 3. How many "Words" can be formed using four XS and Two YS ?
Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.) Paper-IV (Answer Any Two Questions.)
1. What is SRS. Develop a SRS for Library Information System. 1. What is SRS. Develop a SRS for Library Information System.
2. Who is a System Analyst? What is his role in software development.? List 2. Who is a System Analyst? What is his role in software development.? List
some basic attributes of a system analyst. some basic attributes of a system analyst.
3. What is Risk Management? Describe different types of risk associated with a 3. What is Risk Management? Describe different types of risk associated with a
software. software.
Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions. Paper-V (Answer Any Two Questions.
1. Write an essay on Barrier to communication (250 words 1. Write an essay on Barrier to communication (250 words
2. It is recession time and your company is having an austerity drive. Write a 2. It is recession time and your company is having an austerity drive. Write a
memo to all the staff of your company, suggesting ways of economizing on memo to all the staff of your company, suggesting ways of economizing on
the use of paper, electricity, etc. the use of paper, electricity, etc.
3. Write down the text of a group discussion between four participants on the 3. Write down the text of a group discussion between four participants on the
need to make the office a paper- free office, thus largely depending on the need to make the office a paper- free office, thus largely depending on the
computer and Internet/ networking for correspondence, communication and computer and Internet/ networking for correspondence, communication and
documentation. documentation.
Paper-VI (Practical Work ) Paper-VI (Practical Work )
Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions Paper-VII (Answer Any Two Questions
1. Explain Principal of Optimality. Give an example of chained matrix multiplication. 1. Explain Principal of Optimality. Give an example of chained matrix multiplication.
2. What is Randomized Quick sort. Explain giving an example. 2. What is Randomized Quick sort. Explain giving an example.
3. Describe different types of minimum spanning trees with examples. 3. Describe different types of minimum spanning trees with examples.
Paper-VIII Answer Any Two Questions Paper-VIII Answer Any Two Questions
1. Show that C 6 is bipartite and K 3 is not bipartite. 1. Show that C 6 is bipartite and K 3 is not bipartite.
2. What is the difference between an Eulerian graph and an Eulerian circuit ? 2. What is the difference between an Eulerian graph and an Eulerian circuit ?
3. Construct a graph with chromatic number 5. 3. Construct a graph with chromatic number 5.
Paper-IX Answer Any Two Questions Paper-IX Answer Any Two Questions
1. How is OSPF implemented in IP network. Explain different types of protocol 1. How is OSPF implemented in IP network. Explain different types of protocol
used at Network layer. used at Network layer.
2. Explain TCP header format in detail. Also describe the utility of each field in 2. Explain TCP header format in detail. Also describe the utility of each field in
the format. the format.
3. Describe application layer of OSI model in detail. What are the protocols 3. Describe application layer of OSI model in detail. What are the protocols
used at application layer ? Explain. used at application layer ? Explain.
Paper- X Answer Any Two Questions Paper- X Answer Any Two Questions
1. Identify new technological trends and its impacts. Also discuss the 1. Identify new technological trends and its impacts. Also discuss the
ethical issues related to technologies advancement. ethical issues related to technologies advancement.
2. Show the various stages in data warehousing and business analytics 2. Show the various stages in data warehousing and business analytics
and also explain it in brief. and also explain it in brief.
3. Explain all the important metrics of business performance management? 3. Explain all the important metrics of business performance management?
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2012-2015) Assignment Session (2012-2015)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Computer Application (MCA)-Part-II Master of Computer Application (MCA)-Part-II
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments of 20 marks in each Each student shall be required to submit two assignments of 20 marks in each
theory paper of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. theory paper of all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed.
For this purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each For this purpose, the University administration will set out and provide to each
student three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be student three different topics in each theory paper; out of which he/she will be
required to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her required to write out and submit assignment work only on two topics of his/her
choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University. choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the University.
Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the
purpose of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in purpose of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in
each theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory each theory paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory
and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the date and unless it is done and assignment copy submitted to the University on the date
of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study of the examination of the theory portion of the concerned paper, the study
requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she requirement of the student will not be taken to have been completed and he/she
will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been decided by the
University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of
that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it that paper to determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it
is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students is in student's interest that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students
are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and meticulously. are also advised to prepare their assignments very carefully and meticulously.
They must write assignment in their own handwriting. Assignment answers They must write assignment in their own handwriting. Assignment answers
should not be copied from the learning material supplied by the University or should not be copied from the learning material supplied by the University or
from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books
provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case, provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case,
assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. In case of assignment written in private copy will be accepted by the University. In case of
loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured from the loss of assignment copy, fresh assignment copy may be procured from the
University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-Work, University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank draft. Similarly, Project-Work,
wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing which the wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, failing which the
student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-XI , XV and XX (Practical Work) Paper-XI , XV and XX (Practical Work)
Paper-XII Paper-XII
(MCS-032(Object Oriented Analysis And Design) ) (MCS-032(Object Oriented Analysis And Design) )
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa
1. Create an activity diagram for railway reservation system. Explain all the 1. Create an activity diagram for railway reservation system. Explain all the
components of the activity diagram. components of the activity diagram.
2. What is state diagram? Draw the state diagram for Library Information System. 2. What is state diagram? Draw the state diagram for Library Information System.
3. Briefly explain the concept of collaboration with a diagram. 3. Briefly explain the concept of collaboration with a diagram.
Paper-XIII Paper-XIII
(MCS-034(Software Engineering) (MCS-034(Software Engineering)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is a Risk? Briefly discuss about the Risk Management. 1. What is a Risk? Briefly discuss about the Risk Management.
2. Discuss the need of Software Requirement Specifications(SRS). 2. Discuss the need of Software Requirement Specifications(SRS).
3. Explain in detail the COCOMO model. 3. Explain in detail the COCOMO model.
Paper-XIV Paper-XIV
(MCS-035 (Accountancy and Financial Managment) (MCS-035 (Accountancy and Financial Managment)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. Discuss the role of accountants in modern business organization. 1. Discuss the role of accountants in modern business organization.
2. What is Ratio Analysis ? Discuss its importance and limitations in business. 2. What is Ratio Analysis ? Discuss its importance and limitations in business.
3. What are credit policy variables ? Discuss the quantitative effect of relaxing 3. What are credit policy variables ? Discuss the quantitative effect of relaxing
credit standards on profit. credit standards on profit.
Paper-XVI Paper-XVI
(MCS-021(Data and File Structures) (MCS-021(Data and File Structures)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. What is Process of analysis of an algorithm? Explain it with a suitable example. 1. What is Process of analysis of an algorithm? Explain it with a suitable example.
2. Write an algorithm for multiplication of two sparse matrices. 2. Write an algorithm for multiplication of two sparse matrices.
3. What is a List? Explain different types of Linked list with an example for each. 3. What is a List? Explain different types of Linked list with an example for each.
Paper-XVII Paper-XVII
(MCS-022(Operating system concepts and networking management) (MCS-022(Operating system concepts and networking management)
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz
'u 10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Discuss the functionality of User and Kernel modes of Windows 2000 operating 1. Discuss the functionality of User and Kernel modes of Windows 2000 operating
system. system.
2. Explain the process and thread management in LINUX o/s. 2. Explain the process and thread management in LINUX o/s.
3. Explain various User Authentication methods that the computer system uses. 3. Explain various User Authentication methods that the computer system uses.
(MCS-023(Introduction to Database Management Systems) (MCS-023(Introduction to Database Management Systems)
Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions. (lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. Who is a Database Administrator? Describe the functions of a Database Administrator. 1. Who is a Database Administrator? Describe the functions of a Database Administrator.
2. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of distributed DBMS. 2. Write down the advantages and disadvantages of distributed DBMS.
3. Explain the purpose of check points in database recovery. What is log based 3. Explain the purpose of check points in database recovery. What is log based
recovery in Database systems. recovery in Database systems.
Paper-XIX Paper-XIX
MCS-024(Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming MCS-024(Object Oriented Technologies and Java Programming
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa
1. What is a package in Java ? Explain how package is created in Java. 1. What is a package in Java ? Explain how package is created in Java.
2. What is constructor ? Explain constructor overloading in Java with an example. 2. What is constructor ? Explain constructor overloading in Java with an example.
3. What is the common usage of serialization? What is the result of compiling 3. What is the common usage of serialization? What is the result of compiling
and running following program? and running following program?
Nalanda Open University Nalanda Open University
Assignment Session (2011-2014) Assignment Session (2011-2014)
(Year of Issue -2013) (Year of Issue -2013)
Master of Computer Application (MCA)-Part-III Master of Computer Application (MCA)-Part-III
Method of Submission of Assignment Method of Submission of Assignment
Each student shall be required to submit two assignments of 20 marks in each theory paper of Each student shall be required to submit two assignments of 20 marks in each theory paper of
all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this purpose, the University all programmes where no practical/project work is prescribed. For this purpose, the University
administration will set out and provide to each student three different topics in each theory administration will set out and provide to each student three different topics in each theory
paper; out of which he/she will be required to write out and submit assignment work only on paper; out of which he/she will be required to write out and submit assignment work only on
two topics of his/her choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the two topics of his/her choice in the answer book provided to him/her for this purpose by the
University. Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the University. Both the assignments, each carrying equal marks, shall be evaluated for the
purpose of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each theory purpose of examination. It is again emphasized that writing of two assignments in each theory
paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory and unless it is done and paper, where no practical / project work is prescribed, is compulsory and unless it is done and
assignment copy submitted to the University on the date of the examination of the theory assignment copy submitted to the University on the date of the examination of the theory
portion of the concerned paper, the study requirement of the student will not be taken to portion of the concerned paper, the study requirement of the student will not be taken to
have been completed and he/she will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been have been completed and he/she will be declared to have failed. Besides, it has, now, been
decided by the University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work decided by the University to club the marks obtained by a student in his/her assignment work
/project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of that paper to /project work with the marks obtained by him/her in the written examination of that paper to
determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it is in student's interest determine his/her pass percentage in the concerned paper. Hence, it is in student's interest
that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students are also advised to prepare their that he/she submits the assignment work in time. Students are also advised to prepare their
assignments very carefully and meticulously. They must write assignment in their own assignments very carefully and meticulously. They must write assignment in their own
handwriting. Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied by handwriting. Assignment answers should not be copied from the learning material supplied by
the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books the University or from any other source. Assignments must be submitted in the answer books
provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case, assignment written in provided to the students by the University for this purpose. In no case, assignment written in
private copy will be accepted by the University. In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh private copy will be accepted by the University. In case of loss of assignment copy, fresh
assignment copy may be procured from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank assignment copy may be procured from the University on payment of Rs.100.00 by bank
draft. Similarly, Project-Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date, draft. Similarly, Project-Work, wherever prescribed, must also be submitted by the fixed date,
failing which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject. failing which the student will be deemed to have failed in the concerned subject.
Paper-XXI Paper-XXI
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain10 basic commands of UNIX Operating system with complete syntax 1. Explain10 basic commands of UNIX Operating system with complete syntax and
and examples. examples.
2. Define Paging. Explain with an example how Paging is different from 2. Define Paging. Explain with an example how Paging is different from
segmentation. segmentation.
3. How is booting done in WINDOWS 2000 operating system ? Explain windows 3. How is booting done in WINDOWS 2000 operating system ? Explain
process and threads with the help of a suitable diagram. windows process and threads with the help of a suitable diagram.
Paper-XXII Paper-XXII
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Transaction management in Database Management system? Explain 1. What is Transaction management in Database Management system? Explain
the ACID properties of Transaction management. the ACID properties of Transaction management.
2. Define Normalisation? Why is it required? Differentiate between 3NF and 2. Define Normalisation? Why is it required? Differentiate between 3NF and
BCNF ? Give examples for each. BCNF ? Give examples for each.
3. Explain the following in the context of ORACLE with examples :— 3. Explain the following in the context of ORACLE with examples :—
1. Triggers 2.Security 3.Data Dictionary 4.Indexing 1. Triggers 2.Security 3.Data Dictionary 4.Indexing
Paper-XXIV Paper-XXIV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa
1. Explain the concepts :-(a) JSP (b) Servlet 1. Explain the concepts :-(a) JSP (b) Servlet
2. Describe different types of JDBC drivers with their advantages and disadvantages. 2. Describe different types of JDBC drivers with their advantages and disadvantages.
3. Why do we use DTD/XSD ? Explain the advantages of XML over HTML. 3. Why do we use DTD/XSD ? Explain the advantages of XML over HTML.
Paper-XXV Paper-XXV
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds
) Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. What is Raster Scan and how is it different from Random Scan? What is aliasing? 1. What is Raster Scan and how is it different from Random Scan? What is aliasing?
Explain how Antialiasing overcome the problem of aliasing. Explain how Antialiasing overcome the problem of aliasing.
2. Differentiate between:-(i)Hypertext Vs. Hyper Media (ii)Key Frame Vs. Cel Animation 2. Differentiate between:-(i)Hypertext Vs. Hyper Media (ii)Key Frame Vs. Cel Animation
(iii) Zero Acceleration Vs. Non zero Acceleration for simulating Motion. (iv) GIF Vs. JPEG (iii) Zero Acceleration Vs. Non zero Acceleration for simulating Motion. (iv) GIF Vs. JPEG
3. With the help of suitable diagram and related tables describe how frame buffer 3. With the help of suitable diagram and related tables describe how frame buffer
can be used to control the color and intensity of the picture display? can be used to control the color and intensity of the picture display?
Paper-XXVI Paper-XXVI
(MCSL-54 Lab work (based on paper-24 & 25) (MCSL-54 Lab work (based on paper-24 & 25)
(MCSE-003 : Artificial Intelligence And Knowledge Management) (MCSE-003 : Artificial Intelligence And Knowledge Management)
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain all the knowledge representation techniques used in A.I with examples. 1. Explain all the knowledge representation techniques used in A.I with examples.
2. Explain each of the following in A.I.:-(a) Fuzzy sets (b) Fuzzy operations 2. Explain each of the following in A.I.:-(a) Fuzzy sets (b) Fuzzy operations
3. Explain each concept in context of LISP :-(a) Association List (b)Property List 3. Explain each concept in context of LISP :-(a) Association List (b)Property List
(c) Recursion in Lisp. (c) Recursion in Lisp.
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1 dx 1 dx
1. Evaluate the Integral I using Gauss-Legendre three point formula. 1. Evaluate the Integral I using Gauss-Legendre three point formula.
0 1 x 0 1 x
2. Define simple linear Regression and write its Properties. 2. Define simple linear Regression and write its Properties.
3. Define Binomial Distribution and Normal distribution. 3. Define Binomial Distribution and Normal distribution.
Paper-XXIX Paper-XXIX
Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds) gSa Answer Any Two Questions.(lHkh iz'u10-10 vadska ds gSa)
1. Explain .NET Framework components in detail. 1. Explain .NET Framework components in detail.
2. Describe briefly the basic features of ASP.NET and where they are used. 2. Describe briefly the basic features of ASP.NET and where they are used.
3. Explain the different stages in web form processing. What is Page life cycle? 3. Explain the different stages in web form processing. What is Page life cycle?
Paper-XXX ( MCSP-060- PROJECT) Paper-XXX ( MCSP-060- PROJECT)