1NSD NUR620 Fall 2021
1NSD NUR620 Fall 2021
1NSD NUR620 Fall 2021
Faculty Information:
Meeting Dates & Times: 8/28/2021 Saturday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
8/29/2021 Sunday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
9/18/2021 Saturday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
9/19/2021 Sunday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
10/16/2021 Saturday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
10/17/2021 Sunday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
11/20/2021 Saturday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
11/21/2021 Sunday (lecture: 0800 -1400; skills: 1500 -2100)
Course Description:
Concepts and principles underlying assessment of the health status of individuals across the life span
are presented with emphasis placed on interviewing skills, health histories, and the physical and
psychosocial findings in the well person. Advanced communication and assessment skills are
developed. Students obtain health histories, perform advanced physical and psychosocial
assessments, establish a database, and formulate initial treatment plans using the nursing process.
In addition, faculty will facilitate the students’ acquisition of advanced skills in the collection of
subjective and objective data.
Students interpret data acquired through the assessment and the results of laboratory and diagnostic
Course Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Analyze knowledge from nursing science, basic science, social science, and the humanities as a
basis for the collection of subjective and objective data.
2. Identify principles of history taking in the assessment process of individuals.
3. Conduct a health history, including environmental exposure and a family history that recognizes
genetic risks, to identify current and future health problems.
4. Demonstrate advanced physical examination skills including focused physical, behavioral,
psychological, socioeconomic, and environmental assessments of health and illness parameters
in patients, using developmentally and culturally appropriate approaches and according to
established criteria.
5. Distinguish alterations in normal health patterning across the lifespan.
6. Interpret data acquired through assessments and the results of laboratory and diagnostic tests.
7. Examine professional values, ethical principles, and legal constraints in the collection of data.
8. Explain the principles of teaching/learning when conducting health assessments.
9. Formulate the differential diagnoses derived from the acquired clinical data.
10. Apply research findings related to health assessment.
11. Demonstrate responsibility for independent learning.
1. Jarvis, C. (2020). Physical examination and health assessment. (8th edition). Elsevier Health
Sciences e-Book ISBN: 9780323550048 or Hard Cover ISBN: 9780323510806
2. Study Guide & Laboratory Manual for Physical Examination & Health Assessment Elsevier
E-Book on VitalSource (2020) 8th Edition
3. APEA (Advanced Practice Educational Associates) My Q Bank – school-paid subscription
PRINT ISBN: 9781433832154, 14338; e-Text ISBN: 978433832185, 1433832186
4.. American Psychological Association, (2020). Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association, (Seventh Edition). Washington, DC: APA.
5. Reteguiz (2013) 3rd edition Mastering the USMLE step 2CS ISBN-13: 978-0071443340
Supplemental Materials:
1. Bickley, L. (2012). Bates’ guide to physical examination and history taking, (11th ed.).
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISBN-10: 1609137620
2. Dains, Baumann & Scheibel (2016) Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis:
In Primary Care, 6th Edition ISBN: 978032363625
3. Alastair Innes, J. (2019) Macleod’s Clinical Examination International Edition, 14th Edition
Print ISBN: 9780702069932, 0702069930; e-Text ISBN: 9780702069918, 0702069914
*Individual Assignment#1
- see assigned 5 OSCE Case Scenarios per
Lecture Series: week posted in Blackboard to be graded by
assigned skills faculty
1. Evidence-Based Assessment
*Utilize Reteguiz (2013) 3rd edition Mastering the
2. Cultural Competence
1B 08/29/21 USMLE step 2CS as reading resource
3. The Interview
4. The Complete Health
*Grade is 5% of the total grade
*Deadline of Submission:
*Jarvis, C. (2020). Physical 09/15/21 11:59 pm
examination and health assessment. *Submission link in Assignment tab of BB
(8th edition OSCE case study assignment
*Individual Assignment#2
- see assigned 5 OSCE Case Scenarios per
Lecture series: week posted in Blackboard to be graded by
assigned skills faculty
▪ Mental Status Assessment
▪ Techniques and Safety in the *Utilize Reteguiz (2013) 3rd edition Mastering the
Clinical Setting USMLE step 2CS as reading resource
09/18/21 General Survey,
2A ▪
Measurements, Vital Signs *Grade is 5% of the total grade
▪ Pain Assessment: The Fifth
Vital Sign *Deadline of Submission:
*APEA QBANK Testing#2
Lecture series: Student Test Score is equivalent to 5% of the
total grade if at minimum of 80%
*Skin, Hair & Nails
Due: 10/23/2021 11:59 pm
*The female reproductive system Students will select:
a. Random option
* Male Reproductive System
b. in Exam mode
*Jarvis, C. (2020). Physical c. 30 items questions
d. 3knowledge areas:
examination and health assessment.
2B 09/19/21 * HEENT (10 items)
(8th edition).
* Neuro (10 items)
APEA reading, assignments & testing * Dermatology (10 items)
Student Test Score is equivalent to
5% of the total grade if at a
minimum of 80%
0800- 1400 (First Batch of students) Onsite Invasive OSCE workshop (HEA)
Invasive OSCE workshop *PASS or FAIL grade
* Onsite Learning Instruction *See specific guidelines in Outline of activities in
*See specific guidelines in Syllabus
Outline of activities in Syllabus
*Deadline of Submission:
10/15/2021 1159 pm
*Submission link in Assignment tab of BB
OSCE case study assignment
0800- 1400 (Second Batch of students) Onsite Invasive OSCE workshop (HEA)
Individual Assignment#4
Lecture series: - see assigned 5 OSCE Case Scenarios per
week posted in Blackboard
0800 -1400
(First Batch of students) *Individually assigned face to face clinical
*Noninvasive OSCE (Objective examination sessions
Structured Clinical Examination)
• Students will perform face- • Student test score is equivalent to 20%
to face clinical encounter of the total grade
with Standardized patient
• See specific guidelines in
Outline of Activities in * See specific guidelines in Outline of Activities
4A 11/20/21
0800 -1400
(Second Batch of students)
*Noninvasive OSCE (Objective *Individually assigned face to face clinical
Structured Clinical Examination) examination sessions
• Students will perform face-
to face clinical encounter • Student test score is equivalent to 20%
with Standardized patient of the total grade
• See specific guidelines in
Outline of Activities in
Syllabus * See specific guidelines in Outline of Activities
4B 11/21/21
1500 – 2100
1. Course and Faculty Survey 1. Course and Faculty Survey
*Use the survey link emailed to students
*Use the survey link emailed to
2. Final Exam
2. Final Exam * Proctorio
Computer-based Comprehensive * 75 items exam
Final Examination * 120 minutes exam duration
*Exam score/grade is equivalent to 20%
of the total grade
1500 -1800
APEA 3 P’s Comprehensive Exam *APEA Online Testing
APEA *Student Test Score is equivalent to Students will take:
5% of the total grade a. Exam mode option
3P’s 11/23/21
* See specific guidelines about 3P’s b. 75 questions
Exam Exam in outline of activities of the * See specific guidelines about 3P’s
syllabus. Exam in outline of activities of the
Basis of Grading Scale Due Date
OSCE Case Studies -Individual work 20% See schedule in OSCE CS assignment
APEA individual reading assignments & testing
(3 @ 5% each; = 15% total) 15% See schedule in APEA QBANKS exam
Invasive OSCE Male & Female Reproductive Examination
Workshop – Onsite/Face to Face Instruction Delivery Pass or 10/16 /2021and 10/17//2021
Fail 0800- 1400
Noninvasive OSCE – Onsite/ Face to face examination 20% 11/20/2021 & 11/21/2021
0800 - 1400
Head -to Toe Skills Competency Check off 20% 11/20/2021 & 11/21/2021
Onsite/ Face to face examination 1500 - 2100
• Evaluate student knowledge of physical assessment, which is one of the indicators of clinical
• Four (4) exams are scheduled for this course (3 subject matter exams and1Comprehensive
3Ps Exam). See the course schedule for the date, time and content of each exam.
• The following links are provided for students to have full access of the various APEA
• Online Testing Center: www.apeaotc.com gives students access to the exam results
• MyQBank: www.apeaqbank.com gives students access to the study question banks for
Assessment, Prescribing, and Management
• When students have logged into the different programs, they can click on the FAQ or HELP
tabs for step-by-step instructions for navigating the pages, reviewing results, and submitting
*APEA QBANK Assignments and 3P’s Comprehensive exam instructions and schedule
Deadline Date of Knowledge areas/topics Exam mode & #of items % Total
Exam option grade
11/23/2021 3 P’s
1500 -1800 Comprehensive Exam 75 5%
exam mode/APEA questions
III. OSCE CASE SCENARIOS Individual Assignment (20 % of the course grade).
1. Student will develop and complete My Checklist and Patient Notes of assigned 5 case
scenarios per week using the templates for My Checklist and Patient Note which will be
submitted in the Blackboard under Assignment Tab with heading OSCE case studies.
2. The completed My checklist and Patient Notes for all weekly-assigned case scenarios will
be submitted on or before the given deadline.
3. All assigned case scenarios can be retrieved from Mastering the USMLE Step 2 CS
Clinical Examination; Reteguiz (2013) 3rd edition, ISBN-13: 978-0071443340, the
course supplemental reference material.
4. The grading for My checklist and Patient note of weekly-assigned assigned case
scenarios will be equivalent to twenty (20) % of the total grade.
5. See rubric for grading of assignments and late assignments will follow late assignment
submission policy.
I. Data Gathering (DG) /MY CHECKLIST: (10 points X .5% = 0.5 point
A. Subjective: (4 points)
Chief Complaint:
History of Present Illness. The Examinee:
Past Medical History:
7. __________________________________________________________________________
Family History:
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
Social History:
10. ________________________________________________________________________
11. ________________________________________________________________________
Review of Systems:
12. _______________________________________________________________________
13. _______________________________________________________________________
II. Required elements/grading rubric of the Patient Note (10 points X 0.5 % = 0.5 point
1.Subjective (4 points)
State the patient’s chief complaint, reason for visit and/or the problem for which the patient
sought consultation.
a. History of Present Illness: All symptoms related to the problem are described using the
following cue descriptive categories:
1) Precipitating/alleviating factors (including prescribed and/or self-remedies
and their effect on the problem).
2) Associated symptoms
3) Quality of all reported symptoms including the effect on the patient’s lifestyle
4) Temporal factors (date of onset, frequency, duration, sequence of events)
5) Location (localized or generalized? does it radiate?)
6) Sequelae (complications, impact on patient and/or significant others
7) Severity of the symptoms
problem, or which will manifest or may potentially manifest complications and records
positive and pertinent negative findings
b. Performs appropriate diagnostic studies if equipment is available
c. Records results of pertinent, previously obtained diagnostic studies.
d. Use Handout Guidelines to Physical Examination.
3. Assessment (2 points)
a. Diagnosis/es with pathophysiology is (are) derived from the subjective and objective
b. Differential diagnoses with pathophysiology are prioritized – (minimum of 2)
c. Diagnosis/es come(s) from the medical domain
d. Assessment includes health risks/needs assessment
4. Plan (2 points)
a. Appropriate diagnostic studies with rationale
b. Therapeutic treatment plan with rationale
c. Was this patient appropriate for a nurse practitioner as a provider? Is consultation or
collaboration with another health care provider required?
d. Health promotion/disease prevention carried out or planned: education, discussion,
handouts given, evidence of patient’s understanding.
e. What community resources are available in the provision of care for this client?
f. Referrals initiated (including to whom the patient is referred to and the purpose)
g. Target dates for re-evaluating the results of the plan and follow up.
b. The objective of this program is to ensure that every student will have an opportunity to
undertake both a first-time female breast, pelvic, bimanual examination as well as male
penile, testicular and rectal examination in a safe and learner-supportive environment.
c. The students are given introductory lessons by lecture and video tutorials in didactic session.
d. During skills session, students are divided into smaller groups of 6-8 members. They are
instructed to proceed to an appropriately equipped clinical examination room with a trained
TA (Teaching Associate acting as Standardized Patient (SP).
e. Each student undertakes the examination, talking appropriately and guided throughout by
the TA/SP.
f. During the female examination, the student is expected to perform clinical breast
examination (CBE) correctly and to demonstrate the use of a speculum to visualize the
cervix and undertake a bimanual examination.
g. During the male examination, students undertake examination of the genital area, including
testicular, prostate and rectal examination.
h. Feedback, and testing for sexually transmitted infections is discussed but swabs are not
i. Constructive feedback is given and discussed by the TA/SP.
V. Noninvasive OSCE:
1. Exam date is scheduled on 11/20/2021 0800 - 1400 & 11/21/2021 0800 -1400
2. This is equivalent to 20% of the course grade.
3. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) is an assessment tool used to evaluate
students’ clinical competency in completing skills requirements for NUR 620 course.
4. The OSCE utilizes standardized patients (SPs) to assess students’ clinical skills and
competencies, the test mirroring a health care provider in the clinic, office, emergency room, or a
hospital setting.
5. Each student will have patient interaction with the Standardized Patient (SP) who is trained
to accurately portray a real-life patient and is physically present in a simulated examination
6. During patient encounter, student must ask the SP appropriate questions to demonstrate
proficiency in a timed session ranging from 20 to 30 minutes to obtain the chief complaint (CC),
right history of present illness and then perform the accurate and focused physical
7. In the conduct of physical examination, the student is expected to verbalize physical
examination steps and maneuvers, appropriate and accurate expected findings applicable to
the case i.e., the student will need to specifically tell the SP that he/she is performing each
physical portion of the exam that he/she will be engaging in.
Example verbiages are as follows: I will now be listening to your lungs in 4 places using my
stethoscope on your back, please breathe in, now breathe out.
8. Throughout the history and performance of physical examination, student is being graded
his/her interpersonal skills and proficiency in communication and demonstrating
professionalism which are considered data-gathering (DG) ability and are evaluated by the
SP using the standardized checklist specific for the case.
9. Competencies to be assessed include history taking, knowledge of physical examination
maneuvers, problem solving, decision making and counselling.
10. After the interaction with the SP, the student will be given ten (10)-minutes time duration
(post-encounter) to compose an accurate, organized, and legible written record of the
encounter, called the Patient Note using prescribed Patient Encounter Documentation form.
11. The skills faculty rates the Patient Note based on legibility, organization, and interpretation
of the data (pertinent positives and negatives, differential diagnosis, and workup) using the
assigned grading rubric.
12. The student is required to submit the completed Patient Encounter Documentation form in
the assignment link in the Blackboard Learn for grading as Patient Note Score by the
assigned faculty.
13. The DG score of ten (10) percent and Patient Note Score of ten (10) % are combined to
form the noninvasive OSCE GRADE of 20% which will be added to the course FINAL grade.
14. The entire session will be recorded for documentation purposes and will remain the property
5. Examinee considers questions to ask related to the history of the present illness.
6. Examinee obtains past medical history, pertinent family and social histories, allergies and ROS
8. Examinee discusses/establishes Differential Diagnoses of the case (at least 3 medical conditions); discuss
treatment plan, diagnostic work up, patient education and preventive measures.
9. Examinee utilizes therapeutic communication techniques throughout the interview and examination
1. Examinee will proceed to the documentation room as directed by the exam proctor.
2. Complete a typewritten patient note to include: Focused History- CC: HPI: PMH: SH; FH; Allergies & ROS.
4.Establish the Differential Diagnoses; (at least 3 medical conditions) with brief rationale.
5.List treatment plan re: diagnostic workup and therapeutics with brief rationale; patient education; preventive
6. Student will submit completed work in the Blackboard using Noninvasive OSCE link.
Chief Complaint:
History of Present Illness. The Examinee: (4 points)
Past Medical History:
7. __________________________________________________________________________
Family History:
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
Social History:
10. ________________________________________________________________________
11. ________________________________________________________________________
Review of Systems:
12. _______________________________________________________________________
13. _______________________________________________________________________
Physical Examination. The Examinee: (4 points)
Reteguiz, Jo-Ann. Mastering the USMLE Step 2 CS, Third Edition: Clinical Skills (p. 261). McGraw-Hill Education.
Kindle Edition.
Subjective/History: Include ONLY significant positives & negatives from HPI, PMH, SH,
FH & Review of Systems involved:
Subjective: (4 total points)
Chief Complaint (1 point)
History of Present Illness. The Examinee: (1 point)
Past Medical History: (0.5 point)
7. __________________________________________________________________________
Family History: (0.5 point)
8. __________________________________________________________________________
9. __________________________________________________________________________
Social History: (0.5 point)
10. ________________________________________________________________________
11. ________________________________________________________________________
Review of Systems: (0.5 point)
12. ________________________________________________________________________
13. ________________________________________________________________________
14. _________________________________________________________________________
Objective: (2 points)
PE Findings: Indicate ONLY the pertinent positive & negative findings related
to the patient’s chief complaint:
Plan (2 points)
Briefly support
4. Plan (2 points)
a. Appropriate diagnostic studies with rationale
b. Therapeutic treatment plan with rationale
c. Was this patient appropriate for a nurse practitioner as a provider? Is consultation or
collaboration with another health care provider required?
d. Health promotion/disease prevention carried out or planned: education, discussion,
handouts given, evidence of patient’s understanding.
e. What community resources are available in the provision of care for this client?
f. Referrals initiated (including to whom the patient is referred to and the purpose)
g. Target dates for re-evaluating the results of the plan and follow up
Sample Case Scenario:
Please evaluate Mrs. Doe, a 70-year-old retired schoolteacher. She is visiting her daughter, who is
your longtime patient. Mrs. Doe’s daughter feels that her mother has become forgetful over the last
2 years and she wants you to evaluate her.
Vital Signs: Temperature 98.6°F Blood pressure 129/81 mmHg Heart rate 86 beats per minute
Respiratory rate 14 breaths per minute
Examinee’s Tasks
1. Obtain a focused and relevant history.
2. Perform a focused and relevant physical examination.
3. Perform a functional status examination
4. Discuss your initial diagnostic impressions with the patient.
5. Discuss follow-up tests with the patient. 6. After seeing the patient, complete paperwork
relevant to the
History of Present Illness. The Examinee:
___ 1. started with an open-ended question, i.e., “What brings you in today?” (“My daughter
insisted I come in, but I’ve never felt better.”)
____ 2. asked about past medical history, i.e., high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, irregular
heartbeat (“No.”)
___ 3. asked about any use of medications (“None.”)
___ 4. asked about alcohol use (“None.”)
___ 5. asked about changes in weight (“No.”)
___ 6. asked about any history of falls or head trauma (“None.”)
___ 7. asked if I was having trouble remembering things (“No.”)
___ 8. asked about neurologic symptoms, i.e., weakness, dizziness, gait problems, incontinence
___ 9. asked about home living arrangements (“I live with two cats.”)
___10. asked about loneliness or sadness (“My husband died 10 years ago; I play bingo at the
church every Tuesday; I teach reading at the community center; I visit the sick at the hospital
after church on Sundays; I play bridge with my friends; I think my life is rich and full.”)
___11. asked about support systems (“My daughter is always there for me and I have supportive
___12. asked about at least three instrumental activities of daily living, i.e., shopping, cooking,
management, housework, telephone use, and travel outside the home (“I did take the wrong
bus a few times, my house is a mess, I let my neighbor shop for me, my phone was
disconnected because I did not pay the bill, I stopped cooking when the stove caught fire and I
did forget to pay my rent 3 months in a row, but that’s normal for people my age, isn’t it?”)
Physical Examination. The Examinee:
___13. checked my orientation to person, place and time (orientation normal)
___14. felt over my thyroid gland (gland is normal in size and consistency)
___15. listened to both sides of my neck with stethoscope (no carotid bruits heard).
___16. tested my strength in both arms and legs (normal strength in arms and legs).
___17. tested my sensation in arms and legs, i.e., touch, vibration or moving my big toe up or
down (normal sensation)
___18. tested reflexes in arms and legs (normal reflexes).
___19. conducted parts of the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), i.e., checked for at least
three of the following: spell “world” backwards, serial sevens, three-object recall, follow three-
stage command, copy design (patient could not calculate, spell backwards, recall objects, copy
design, or follow three-stage command).
___20. asked me to walk across the room to check my gait (normal gait).
Communications Skills. The Examinee:
___21. greeted me warmly.
___22. had an organized approach to gathering information.
___23. discussed the diagnostic possibilities with me (i.e., Alzheimer’s disease, multi-infarct
dementia, hypothyroidism).
2. multi-infarct dementia
3. hypothyroidism
4. vitamin B12 deficiency
5. depression
DIAGNOSTIC WORKUP: Immediate plans for no more than five diagnostic studies.
1. CT scan of the head
2. TSH level
3. vitamin B12 level
4. electrolytes
5. CBC
Time Platform
1500 -
Blackboard Collaborate Breakout groups
08/28/21 & 08/29/21 2100
1500 -
09/11/21 & 09/12/21 Blackboard Collaborate Breakout groups
0800 -
11/20/21 & 11/21/21 1400 Face to Face: Virtual Noninvasive OSCE
1500 - Onsite/face to face interaction Final Head-to Toe skills competency checkoff
11/20/2021 2100 (1st half of students)
1500 - Onsite/face to face interaction Final Head-to Toe skills competency checkoff
2100 (2nd half of students)
VII. Head to Toe Skills Competency Check-off: Onsite/face to face interaction @ MMDSON
11/20/2021 1500 -2100
* Exam score is equivalent to 20% of the course grade.
a. A skills competency check- off will be administered during the course of the semester.
See the skills performance evaluation checklist for the systems covered. In order to pass
the course, the student must obtain a grade of 75% (41.25/55) on check-off,
demonstrating competency in the performance of the exam.
b. The student is responsible for selecting a student partner to act as standardized patient
(SP) to participate in the student’s skills competency check- offs completing a well visit.
* Remediation:
1. In the event that the competency check-off is failed (that is, an overall score of <75% is
earned) remediation will be prescribed to improve the student’s skills in areas which were
not competently performed or documented. Additionally, the student will obtain a Success
Contract with his/her advisor or faculty to identify problem areas and develop a strategy to
achieve academic/course requirements. Please see Appendix B for “Success contract
2. After remediation, the full check-off will be repeated, with 75% being the highest earned
grade possible.
3. Remediation of a failed skills competency check-off must be completed before the last day
of class.
4. Remediation may be undertaken ONLY if a skills competency check-off is failed, NOT to
improve a passing check-off grade.
____1. Examiner knocks on the door, confirm you are in the right room w/ the right patient,
washes hands (at beginning & at end of physical exam), introduce self to the patient;
confirm patient’s identity.
____ 2. Start w/ the interview: CC, HPI, PMHx, SHx, FHx, & ROS; explain the PE procedure
planned to do; making sure patient is comfortable, privacy is provided. Vital signs noted
as within normal limits.
Positioning: patient sitting facing examiner, make patient comfortable, privacy provided.
General Survey
____3. Note level of consciousness, orientation, inspect & palpate scalp & hair, face symmetry.
____4. Inspect external eye (conjunctiva, eyelids, & sclera).
____5. Perform ophthalmoscopy exam: dim lights, positions patient correctly,
Holds ophthalmoscope w/ correct hand (i.e. right for right eye) & index Finger to switch
____6. Inspect external ear: position & alignment, skin condition. Move auricle & push tragus
for tenderness.
____7. Using an otoscope bilaterally, inspect the canal & then the tympanic membrane for
color, position, landmarks & integrity.
____8. Inspect the external nose: symmetry, lesions.
____9. Inspect nasal septum & for mucosal color, swelling w/ otoscope & test patency of
the nostrils.
____10. Palpate frontal & maxillary sinuses.
____11. Using a penlight, inspect lips, mouth w/ tongue blade: teeth, gums, tongue - its sides &
under surface, floor of the mouth, palate & pharynx.
____12. Inspect the neck: symmetry, lumps, & pulsations.
____13. Palpate the trachea in midline.
____14. Inspect & palpate the carotid pulse, one side at a time.
If indicated, listen for carotid bruits.
(Positioning: examiner may move behind the patient)
____15. Palpate lymph nodes in head & neck region (verbalize 10 node groups).
____16. Palpate thyroid lobes & isthmus. Ask patient to swallow.
____17. Step behind the patient & inspect & palpate spine.
The person should be supine, with the bed or table flat; arrange drapes to expose the abdomen
from the chest to the pubis.
____31. Inspect for contour symmetry, skin characteristics, scars, umbilicus & pulsations.
____32. Auscultate for bowel & vascular sounds (over the aorta & renal arteries)
____33. Percuss liver & spleen dullness
____34. Palpate four quadrants superficially & then deeply
____35. Palpate liver edge in inspiration using proper hand position.
____36. Palpate spleen in deep inspiration using proper hand position.
____37. Palpate each groin for the femoral pulse & the inguinal node.
Upper & Lower Extremities
____38. Test Range of Motion and muscle strength of hands, arms, & shoulders.
____39. Inspect for symmetry, skin characteristic, varicose veins, edema
____40. Palpate pulses: Popliteal, Posterior Tibial, Dorsalis Pedis
____41. Test the range of motion & muscle strength of hips, knees, ankles & feet
____42. As patient sits up, note joints: deep knee bend & spine as patient touches toes
____43. CN II
____44. CN III, IV & VI
____45. CN V
____46. CN VII
____47. CN VIII
____48. CN IX & X
____49. CN XI
____50. CN XII
____51. Test sensation to pinprick in extremities
____52. Stereognosis / Graphesthesia
____53. Perform reflexes – Biceps, Triceps, Brachioradialis, Knee, & Ankle.
Cerebellar function
____54. Test heel-to-shin or rapid alternating hand movements or finger-to-nose or
toe-to-heel walking or perform Romberg’s test.
____55. Tell the person you are finished w/ the examination & that you will leave the room as
he/she gets dressed. Return to discuss the examination & further plans & answer any
question. Thank the patient for his/her time.
All clinical/skills absences are required to be made up in the Clinical Setting or via simulation.
Excessive absence from clinical/skills sessions may result in the inability to meet course objectives
and failure of the course. Absenteeism from a clinical/skills day that is due to unavoidable and
serious reason is acceptable. In such circumstances, the student must advise his/her instructor
immediately and make arrangements to complete course requirements.
Absences must be reported to the instructor prior to the scheduled class clinical/skills lab/simulation
time. Students are responsible for making up any skills lab and clinical/simulation lab hours before
the next scheduled skills lab or clinical rotation. If the time missed is longer than 2 weeks (for
example, 10% of the required clinical/skills experience), the student will be required to repeat the
course. Students who must repeat a course will not be allowed to progress with the cohort.
Students can only fail one course in the program.
Regular class/clinical/skills attendance is a student obligation, and the student is responsible for all
the work including test and written work of all class meetings. No right or privilege exists that permits
a student to be late from any given class meetings except instructor excused absences (illness,
family emergencies). If you must enter late, do so quietly and do not disrupt the class.
Students arriving late for an examination, quiz, or other activity may be denied admission to class at
the instructor’s option until after the activity is over.
To pass each nursing course, MSN students must obtain a cumulative grade of 80% (B) for courses
and RN-BSN students must obtain a cumulative grade of 76% (C+) (Please see chart below).
However, in all graduate nursing tracks, an overall grade point average of “B” or better is required to
progress in the program. Students must pass the assigned “pass/fail” components of each course
and must complete all clinical hours where required. Grading criteria per School of Nursing
standards is listed below:
Grading criteria/scale per School of Nursing standards are listed below:
A 94% or above = 4.0
A- 90-93% = 3.67
B+ 86-89% = 3.33
B 80-85% = 3.00
Any Grade lower than B is
considered fail in clinical/non-
clinical course.
Midterm Warning:
Mid-term warning is assigned to any student obtaining an average grade of less than "B" (<80%) at
the mid-term of any nursing course. Please see Appendix C for Midterm Warning letter of the
Student Handbook.
Success Contract:
Students experiencing academic/clinical difficulty will obtain a Success Contract with their advisor or
faculty to identify problem areas and develop a strategy to achieve academic/course requirements.
Please see Appendix B for “Success Contract Form” of the Student Handbook.
Academic Integrity
Expectation: Both the SON and the university expect academic integrity in all projects, papers,
examinations, etc.
Definitions: Academic Integrity: The maintenance of academic integrity and quality education is the
responsibility of each student at Charles Drew University. Cheating or plagiarism in connection with
an academic program is an offense for which a student will be expelled, suspended, or given another
disciplinary action.
Academic dishonesty diminishes the quality of scholarship and defrauds those who depend upon the
integrity of the educational system. Academic dishonesty includes:
Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any
academic exercise.
• Students completing any examination should assume that external assistance (e.g.
books, notes, calculators, and conversations with others) is prohibited unless specifically
authorized by the instructor.
• Students may not allow others to conduct research or prepare work for them without
authorization from the instructor.
• Substantial portions of the same academic work may not be submitted for credit in more
than one course without authorization.
Fabrication: Intentional falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic
Plagiarism: To steal or pass off the words or ideas of another as one’s own, or to use without
crediting the source.
Cheating, plagiarism, fabrication and facilitating academic dishonesty will result in a grade of an “F”
for that assignment plus permanent probation for all student(s) involved and it may lead to possible
F in the course and/or expulsion from the program.
Any incident of violation of the Academic Integrity Policy may be handled by a faculty member or may
be treated as a judicial action, following the Student Codes of Conduct in the Student Handbook.
Documentation of a violation and any resulting discipline may be placed in the student’s file.
Examination Policy:
This will be a timed exam with an allotment of specific number of hour/s (established start time and
end time) depending on the exam type. Anything beyond this time frame will not be considered for
grading, unless you have received approval for special accommodations by the Student Disability
Services. If you are eligible for accommodations, you must provide your accommodations letter to
the instructor at the beginning of the semester and no later than the first week of class. If the exam is
online and you have technical difficulties, please inform the faculty member immediately by email, as
well as the help desk for this to be a documented reason for not continuing with an exam. Failure to
carry out any of the above will result in a grade of zero.
All belongings including but not limited to bag packs, books, notebooks, coats, cellular phones,
smart devices of any kind (e.g. smart Watches, smart Glasses), hats, caps and personal property
may be required to be placed in a designated area or collected as directed by the instructor before
writing an examination.
Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements have been made with the
faculty. If assignments are accepted late, they are subject to penalization of 1% per day. After 5
days, the grade will be zero.
Students will not be given the chance to redo any assignment after it has been graded.
Extra-credit work will not be granted.
Student Disability
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation
requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for
reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an
accommodation, please contact CDU’s Student Disability Services. More information can be found
on the CDU website student affairs link, services and reasonable accommodations for students with
disabilities at https://www.cdrewu.edu/stu/Reasonable.
Creating an inclusive and accessible learning environment is essential. If you are a student with a
disability and seek reasonable accommodation, contact Dr. Candice Goldstein, Disability Services
Coordinator by telephone at (323) 357-3635 or email at candicegoldstein@cdrewu.edu to speak
confidentially about services and options. The accommodations process is collaborative, and the
Coordinator will work with the student, faculty member and any other relevant personnel to facilitate
reasonable accommodations that will not fundamentally alter the standards of the course.
If you are eligible, please provide your accommodations letter at the beginning of the semester
(preferably the first week of class) whenever possible because accommodations are not retroactive.
Early notice and implementation of accommodations optimize the opportunity for a successful
More information and how to register is available at
The Division of Student Services offers various academic supports and programs to assist you in
better understanding course material and facilitating equitable access to the curriculum. Programs
and services are administered by qualified professional staff, graduate students, and undergraduate
peer leaders. Resources available to students may include:
• Peer Tutoring:
• Note and Test Taking Skills
• Time Management
NUR620 Fall 2021 Term 31
August 22, 2021/nsd
Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
Mervyn M. Dymally School of Nursing
NUR620: Advanced Physical Assessment and Clinical Diagnosis
Course Syllabus Summer 2021
August 28 – November 21, 2021