Din 1986-100 - 2016-12 (2) English

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D rfI'l "SCHE NORM December 2016

DIN 1986-100
Replacement for
11IN 1986-100: 201 f'-t)9

Drainage systems for buildings and land -

Part 100: Provisions in conjunction with DIN EN 752 and DIN EN 120 56
Drainage systems on private gr ound -
Part 100: Speci fications in i elation to DIN EN 752 and DIN EN 1 2056
Installations d'évacuations des eaux pour bâtiments et terrains prives - Pai'tic
100: Prescriptions complémentaires à DIN EN 752 et DIN EN 12056

! J! N-Norms types cl uss water {NJW)

Ct Dl N IJeutsch es Insritut lim Nerin ung e. $''' ' fe dc Ai't rief' V''rvietf.tätigung,
mi r with tiert riß.i ilJ;titig iles Dl N Hen Isch r." lii s litt II l'ii r N urm u ng e. V., 14 ri'li!i, *it tat tet.

?r 0C 228


1 Application area...............................................................................................................................................7
Norniative references...............................................................................................................,...,...,...........,.8
4 Zeiclinic representation ..............................................................................................................................13
5 Planning of property developments ...,.........,.....,. ..................................................................................19
5. t General Festle ingen..............................................................................................................,........,. .................19
5.1..1 General
5.1.2 Construction products. ..................................................................................................................................19
5.1.3 Security and stability
5.1.4 Protection against
5.1.5 Wastewater treatment, self-cleaning of wastewater lines. ...................................................................20
5.2 Carving water layers.......................................................,.........................,....".........,. .......................................20
5.2.1 General information .....................................................................................................................................20
5.2.2 Water-saving toilet and urinal systems ...................................................................................................20
5.3 Rainwater systemii. .......................................................................................................................................20
5.3.1 PlitltUllg.$HllfOI'deFUllgelt -....--....- ..--..----.--.....-...........................................................................................,. ...............2Ö
5.3.2 Planuiigsliiniv
5.4 Design basis for land drainage systems ................,............................................................................2Z
5.4.1 Basis for the preparation of the development plan..........................,.........................................................22
5.4.2 Discharge of different types of wastewater. ..............................................................................................23
5.5 Drainage water drainage. ...............................................................................................................................24
5.7 A fR e n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2

5.7.1 Prevention of gas leakage - Odour traps .....................................................................................................2S

5.7.2 Protection of the building against leakage/overflow ...............................,....,...."...."....",.,......,........,. .....25
5.8.4 Refurbishment of roof surfaces.................................................................................................................,. ......29
Emergency drainage. .....................................................................................................................................29
5.10 Balconies uiid Loggi
6 Laying cables..................................................................................................................,. .................................30
6.1.1 Install on 'Griind lines inside buildings.....................................................................................................30
6.1.2 Oiclitlieit der Ahwasserleitu ngen und ihrer Verbindungen. ...............................................................30
5.1.3 Securing the Rolir lines against atiSRinandergleii...........,...,..."................................................................30
6.1.4 Protection against mcclian corruption............................................................,...,....,..................................31
6.1.5 Eiiiinstallation of pipes in load-bearing components....................................................................................,. 31
6.1.£i Execution of change of direction transitions
6.1.7 aul'andei'e nominal width
6.1.8 Rediicating the widths of the ncnn .........................................................................."..."......,.."..,..................31
g 6.Z Waste water pipes...........................................................................................................................................31
° 6.Z.1 Foreign

DIN 1986-100:2016-J 2

6.2.2 Waste water downpipes,. ...............................................................................................................................33

6.3 Rainwater pipes ...........................................................................................................................................3.7
6.3.2 Condensation....................................................................................,. ..............................................................3.7
6.3.3 Run-off onto other roof surfaces ................................................................................................................3.7
6.3.4 Trace heating.................................................................................................................................................3.7
6.3.5 Arrangement of device valves in rainwater systems in combined sewer systems........................3.7
6.4 Scheduled full control water lines with pressurisation.........................................................................38
6.5 LüfRing of the drainage 38
6.L1 General
6.R2 Joining of ventilation ducts ........................................................................................................................3.9
6.5.3 Ventilation of wastewater treatment plants. ..................................................................................................3.9

6.5.5 Ventilation vcntilc ........................................................................................,.,.............................................3.9

6.6 Cleaning openings.........................................................................................................................................40
6.7 SC11ä C11 Ce ..................................-- .--..........................................................................................................................................................42

9 Requirements cii wastewater treatment........................................................................................................44


10 'u d rn • • • • • *• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -* 4

11 Sewage collecting tanks.................................................................................................................................46

IZ Removal of unused drainage systems .......................,....,......."..................................................................48
i3 Protection against backflow ....,...,. ...............................................................................................................48
i3.i Alilaufst
13.I.I General
13.1.2 Abf t DuU u er . 4
13.1.3 Drainage points for rainwater................",........,. ............................................................................................48
13.2 Rüc1'stanvcrsciilüsse................,........"............................................................................................................49
t3.3 Waste water supply systems. .........................................................................................................................49
14.1 Scliinutr water systems...................................................................................................................................50
14.1.1 General le le .-. ....................................................................................................................................................................................50
14. 1.2 Wastewater discharge...................................................................................................................................51
14.L3 Connection cables....................................................................................................................,..........................52
14.1.4 Falllcitii
14.1.5 Dimensioning of the collecting and service lines. .....................................................................................55
14.1.6 Ventilation lines ...........................................................................................................................................56
14.2 Rainwater systems ...............,.....................................................................................................................,. ...............58
° 14.Z.1 Rainwater drainage.....................,..................................,.................................................................................SB
14.2.S Waste coefficients..........................................................................................................................................61
14.2.4 Area affected by runoff .............................................................................................................................62

' "'
DIN 1906-100:2.016-12

14.2.5 Number of dacliabliiufe ...........................................................................................,. ...............................62

14.2.f' Regernvasser discharge via Nutcn drainage .........................................................................................64
14.2.7 Ft'Rf'$level drainage ..........................................................,. ....................................................................66
14.3 Planm fiig fully filled beti'iebeiie roof dewatering systems (pressurised flow)..............................57
14.3. z Dimensioning griindsiitze.....................,..................................................................................................ti7
14.3.3 Druckvei'lustberechnniig.......................................,........................................................................".,.,......69
14.3.4 Permissible deviations in the pressure calculation.........................................................",".....................70
14.3.5 Start-up conditions. ...............................................................................................................................70
14.3.6 Ilcontrol of internal pressure .................,................................................................". .............................71
14.4 72
14.4.1 VoI'gellÖngte DaCiiriilllen...................,.............--..--......,. ..............................................................................................................72
14.4.2 horizontal and built-in daclir channels ............................................................................................,. 77
14.5 78
14.5.2 Rectangular emergency exercises.........................................................................................................78
ld.p.3 Round of emergency exercises .................................................................................................................".79
14.6 Mixed water pipes............................,.................................................................................,. .....................80
14.7 Irrigation of areas below the backwater level........................................................................................81
14.7.1 General ................................................................................,.., ................................................................81
14.7.2 Wastewater treatment plants. .................................................................................................................81
14.8 Free-spicgclineRR wit h aiighly closed wastewater treatment plants .,.,...........................................81
14.s Proof of flooding and overloading,..............................,.......................................,.............................82
14.9.1 fnrierhalb von Gebäiiden ...................................................................................................,.....................82
14.9.2 Aufiei'lialb von Gebäuden...................................,..................................................................,.......,..........83
14.9.3 Uberflutungsnacliweis.....................................,............................................................................................,............, 84
14.9.4 Beuiessung you Rückhalterüuinen bci Einlcitungshesclii änkungeii. ................................................85
Appendix A (informative) Rcgenspenden in Deutschland ...............................................................,...". ............87
A.1 firnlittlung der Rcgcnspenden...................... .........................................................................,. ...............87
A.2 Additional information on 14.9.2. ......................................................................................................92
Anliang B (informatie) Detailinafle for pre-hung gutters..............................................................................95
Appendix C (noi inative) Exemption regulation according to 5.3.1 for the drainage of catchment areas
o" refrigeration systems installed in the open air in accordance with § 19 (4) AwSV..........98
C.1 Planning requirements .................................,..............................................................................,.........98
C.Z Derivation of different types of ali water ........................................................",...,..,...............,..........99
Literature references. ........................................................................................................................................101
DIN 1986-t00:2016-1z '.


This standard was published in your Arheitsaiisschu ss MA 119-0 -02 AA "E ntwässerungsanlagcn für Gebüu de
und Grundstücke" in the DIN-NormenausscliiisS WaSserivesen (NAW) ci ai laeitet.

It contains Be.stiirrnrinp0n in connection with the Nurmen DIN EN 12016-J, DINEN 12056-2,
PI N EN 120S6-3, DlN EN 12056-4 and D IN EN 12056-5 as well as PIh' EN 7S 2, which are used for the
kiinkt'etisation of the lm
German30nd required Y nrgol passes. ''

The Ncuaiisgolie includes the previous DIN 1506-100:2008-0S ciiischJ ieklich tier Andci ii ngcn nou DI N 198S-
100/A1: 20:l 3-11 uiid DIN 1986-100/A2: 20 4-12.

There is a possibility that some files in this document may contain patent rights. Pas DIN [and/or the D UK] are not
responsible for identi1izicrc-i1ing any or all patent rights in this regard.


Previously, nIN 1986-10 0:2008-XS was used to provide for flexible applications:
a) Theamendments N 1905-10 0/A1:2014-07 andPIN 1986-10 0/A2:2014-
12 haveincorporated indicxc coiisolidici te 1'assunp the standard and the N urin redalttioiicll
iihas been revised.

la] The amendment to DtN 19fi6- 00/ \2:2014-12 Ausfl3hiueregelung nach Abschnitt 5.3.1 für die Entwässerung
dci Aiiffangflacheii von Külilaggrcgatcn v'i n llalteanlagen nach § 19 (4) AwSV - was included in the
normative Annex II iiJiei'nnahmen.

c) The following significant changes or amendments have been made below:

— o".10 (balconies around I.uggien) D" v l' t rü r the connection of the balcony drainage to the rainwater
drainage of the roof drainage was cancelled and the connection was allowed under certain conditions;

— 6.2.1 (F'rcind injection) : Connection of faecal-free and faecal-containing connection pipes on the
same pipe invert to a double branch is permitted;

— 6.5.1 (Ventilation of the ventilation system, general): No air ducts may be used in the ventilation duct
above the roof;

— Section 10 (Guarantee claims) was adapted due to the provisions of EU Regulation 305/2011;

— In 4.2 (rainwater w a s sxci'8illogen) and 14.9 (overfliitmlps and overloads), no requirements were made
f o r planning and elongation according to the size of the round stiicks or flies up to 15 minutes. Bci
Gi'untléstÜclten with an aliflnsswirksanien area up to
80.0 in*, in the event of a leakage from a sewerage system, under certain conditions, an over-tilitisation
certificate will be issued;

— Table 9 (runoff values) has been fully c o m p i l e d , the values are subdivided for the first time in this
Nurm into ü5 (peak runoff hei1vci'tc) and 6'jq (mean runoff hei1vci'tc).

d) the Anfoi dci carried dvi DN N EN 120o6-1 to D1 N EN 12055-3 and partly DI N EN 12056-4 and
DIN EN 7E 2 have been taken into account;

DIN 1986-100: 2016-12

e) t h e ccgc01'cilien in Germany \vurtlen listed in Annex A by the new

"S Mai kn iederst1ilag;höhc1 für i Deutschland", ci'xchienen mit K0S'1'RA- DWD-2010, der Vic Regen t-ejh en
im KfJfiTRA-Atlas (1997 und 2000) ei setzt, updixiei t. die in Anhang A, Tabelle A.1 bisher' gen 0 unten
Städte ivm'der1 um die Sthdt0 Solingen und Wuppertal crgiinzt.

Againstiibcr DII 1Sfl6- i 0 0:2016-0 9 wNi Glen the following Koi rcI'tui en vO rgeilomiiien:

a) DIN 1986-100: 2016-09, Appendix A, T;ibe11e A.1 "Rainwater pipes in dcutschl;3 nt1" contained errors.
\Values that could l e a d to incorrect m e a s u r e m e n t results are replaced by the corrected 'I'abcllc

b) the normative references in section 2 have been alttiialised and re'1a1ttioncll iiherarI'ed.

c) i etlactionellc Correction of section 10, paragraph 4

Previous issues

DIN 1986: 1928- 1, 4 932-07, 1942 -02

DIN L986-1: 1 SS3x-09, 1 962-06, 1978-U9, 1950-06 D
IN V 1986-1/AI: 19°38-(17
• D IN 1.9S6-2' 19S3-09, 1962 -06, 4 978-09, 1995 03
%DIN 1986-2 Supplement 1. 1995-03
DIN 1986-100. 2002-03
j DIN 1Sß6-100 Corrigendum 1: 2002-12
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

1 Area of application
This N orin applies to drainage systems for the drainage of waste water in all buildings and on the basis of D IN 1986-3,
UlN 1986-4, NHN 1986-30, DII EN 1205ii-1 tats PIN EN 120E6-S, D1 N EN 7ot'2 as well as D[N EN 16 1 0, which are
mainly operated with free drainage systems. In the interest of public safety, the standard l a y s down standardised
technical regulations for the planning, construction, operation and maintenance of drainage systems for the discharge of
wastewater in buildings and on roads in accordance with HI N EN 12056-1, DIN k N 12056-2, DIN EN 120SO-3, D l N
h N 120ü6-4 and DIN EN 1205S-5.
(see Figure 1).

Connection ducts are not covered in this standard,

The nominal size of the system is usually determined by the caa na!iictz operator.

Specifications for the leaking of low-pressure water are not part of this standard (see also ccgcnu assern
utxtingsanlagen are specified in D1 N 1959-1.

DIN 1986-10 0

DIN EN 12056 - DIN EN 752'

1 €ii'1nib stiiclis limit

2 level, unless otherwise specified by the competent authority
3 hiickstau sharp
4 Ground line from other buildings
. 50 fi'eld with wastewater facilities
" Scliwe rkraftentu 5sxerating systems in half-full buildings
i Heavy lvi afren tiv3ssei unpsnnlagen except hall' voia Goes down

Figure 1 - Principle sketch of the scope of application of the respective control values

DIN 1986-100: 2016-12

2 Normative references
The following doliumcntc, which are quoted in part or as a whole in this document, are required for the application
of this pokitirieiit. Bci dated references only apply to the edition cited in Bcnn mm. For undated references, the
most recent version of the document in Poxup applies (including all amendments).

DI N 104S-?, Troqwerkc- uns Bete n, Stahlbeton und Syaiinbetnn - z ii z: not - Festleyuny, 1'igeiischafteii, Here
teilung uncl Kl nfni'initöt - Attwe.nÜvn,qsr':,q': In to DIN EN 206

Hl N 12.2.9, dx/söMe und Ahdeckunye n fi'ir Verkehrsfiiichen - Sicherung des Deckel nder Pr" tes im Pnhrnen

D IN 3.451-2, Scli riften - Serife nie.se Liilrur-Antig iiu - V'!rkehrssclri ift

DIN 1986-4, Etit vässervii'jsu/iluyen f'ür fiel äude und Grund.st ücke - T -il 4: i!erwenääungsbereiche von
Ahwasserrohre und -formstt'i cke n ver rsth iedener Werkstoffe

DI H 1986 -30, Eiitivüsse i-vnysunlu,q'!n fiir Gehüude u nd Gr und.stücke - Teil .to: lnsto ndhultiing

% DIN 1989-1, Reqenwussernutziinysunlagen - Teil'l 1.- Planung, Avsfülining, Detric-b u nd Warnmg

DIN 1'J99- 00, Separator atilages fi "ii light liquids - Part ill 0fI: Anj'orderiingen /ui die Anj'orderiingen /ui die Anendu ng
vnn Abseheideronlagei1 nuch III\I EN fI50-1 und DIN EN 856-"Z

DIN 1999-101, zlbscßeideron/npen fiir light t/ii.s.sipÜPfffio - Part 101: Additional aiifnrdervnqrn rin
gSeparators comply with DIN EN 058-1, DIN EN 8e^B-2 and DIN 1999-1t10 for light liquids.
-" of biodiesel hzvv. Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)

ü l N V 40.3.4 -1, .9chüchte aus Beton-, Stahlfaset beti'ii- und Stuh lbet.onfert teilen Jiir Abwasserleit:ungen und -
kanöle - '1 fy 1 und Tyy 2 - Teil 1. Anfor'lei ungen, Pri!ifung und BewerJun q äer Ko nformitöt
"" DIN 404 II-100, separator systems /for grease -rer/ 1 f?P: Ao/ordcrrn,qcn for the use of
q*separator systems still DIN F.N 1825-1 and DIN EN 182"-'2

§ DIN 4045, Al wa.ssc-rtech uïk - Basic terms

UI N 409.6, Duel.qru1 'I - hränung zun Schutz l'oulicliet Amogen - Plu huur, Bemessiing unddus/"i/ tung

q' D IN 4105-.3, W'irinesrhutz uiid Energie-L'insyarii ny iti Fei'öv d':n - Tc-il 3: lllimabecliiigtei Feuch re.Sf/iii m
-g Aiifnrderu li, £c-rechnu pqs er)ah ren unä hin weisen fiii Plani ny und Au'fuefi uny

DIN 4108-7, i1!örinesch ritz vnd Enei yi'!-Einspariiny in Gel öuden - Teil 7: Luftüi'chtheit von Geböuden - j
Requirement, P/'i ng vii ä Aties hrun,9sciiiyerrrnnd -hei.syiele

DI N 4109 (all 'I'cilc), Schul1.ichiitz. im flowhbun

üDIN 4261-1, Small soles - Tell 1: Anlnyeii for sclrin iitzivassei vorhe!iondIun,q

DIN 181'J.5 {all T¢iJe), Auuwcrl'sobdichtt/nqei'

DIX I N 124-1, At f.s''itze unü Abdrckunyen für Verkehrsfläclien - Part I. Definitions, KIasSifizi- ^ B . general
Bangru ni.siit-ze, Lai.evtl n,'Jsri nfor'1vru ii,9c n and test methods
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

DIN F.N 124-2, Roofs and coverings for traffic wings - Tc-il 2: Avf.säU.e ii nd aluminium coverings made of
fif i,s,iei.se n

Dl N fi N 124-:4, Tops zero cover,q'!n for Vt-rk'-hr.flöcheii - Part "3. tops imd Ahäeclouifjeii from StubJ
or Aliiminiuinleyierimgen

D IN EN II 4-4, fi ufsütze und Ahdvckiinqen für VerkehrsflRcheii - 'l'eil 4: Aufsätze und Abder kun ;en vus

DIN EN 124-o", Overlays and coverings for traffic areas - Part S.' Overlays and coverings made of composite

DIN EN 124-6, d u/sürre and AbüeckoRyeti for verkelssjlächeti - Part 6. aofiütze "/d Al''le'ckunpeit av.' Polyyi
upylen (PP), Pa lyetliyleti (PE) oden iveichmacherJ!reiein Polyvinylt hlnriä (PVC-11)

DIN EN 206, Betoii - Festlc-,qiiiiy, properties, ilerstelluny and con/orm ity

DIN EN 274-1, ü blueJ,'q'irii Stu ren f'ü ' Sanitary equipment - Part 1: An)'ordervngen

DIN EN 476, General requirements for water pipes and ducts

D IN EN fi0 7, Häiigedaclii intien nerd ZxbehürteiJc oits P7éi-II - Terms, AiJnrdei ungen uiid 1-rüfiing

D IN EN 612, üönyedacfiriniieii ru with stiffening'uny bank minutes front side med Regeni ritt re made of sheet
metal with nohtverhindunBeii

D1 N EN 75.2, in twössei ing systecie uuJerall yyyyyyy

DIN F.V BS O-1, Aßsciiei'dc-i'nn/npen für LeicÖt//ussipkeiten (z, B, Öl vncl Benz.in) - Teil 1.- Bau-, Funktioiis- iinä
Prüf,qrutidsö tze, Ken iizeichnuiig und Gi'iteÜberwachrun,q

DIN EG 050-2, Abi heideranlopen fur Leich tjliissi'gkeiten z. E. Öl und Bc-iixin) - Teil "2: Wahl viel NetingröjJe,
fiinbuii, Betrieb iiiid Wortuiip

D IN EN 1253-1, Exhausts for buildings - Part 1: Floor vents with a minimum heightof S0 mm

DI N E.N 1253-2, Ab/Jvfefü Tel äude - Tei'l 2.- Dac/inb/''iti)'e unü Be dvnublüvfr nhne Geruch verschluss

DIE E N 1253-4, drains fi'1n Ge höiide - J'ei'I 4. covers

DIN F.N 1 253-5, 3 blüufe jj i Gehende - 1'ei'l o". AhlRiiJ'e with light,flürsi keitssp e.rrc-n

DHS EN 1610, purchase and purchase of aluminium water leaks and purchases

LiIN EN 1717, Sc'/lfJtF. des Tr ink va.s.der.s vor Veruni einigunyen in Trinkwasser-lnstullntinnen utid ollgemeine
AnJui d'-runqen un Si't'heru ty.seitiriclituiiyen zur Ver li ü tuny win Tr i'nkwa,sservei mit einigiiiigen durch
Rückfließ.en - 1'eclmisclie Legr,1 'ler DVGW

DI N EN 1fl25 -1, Separating layers for greases - T'-iI 1: Construction, function, ptii/gi and records, calibration
and quality control.

DI N E k 182S-2, ahscheiäeraiilapen fiir Fvtle - Part 2. selection of the nominal size, construction, operation mii'1W'irtun.cj

DIN 1986-100: 2016-12

DIN EN 1917, single-use roller shutter for us T!etnn, steel fo.senhetnn with forplbetoii

DIN liN 12050-1, Wastewater l' G'.höu da- utiH Basically hiccup removal - Part 1.
eanlngeiifiir 'lie
DIN FN 2050-2, Al'wassei hebeaiilo,g enfi'1n the Gel Rude- and Basic r/itfic ksc ntwiissi-ing - '1'eil'2.
waste water r:rhehc-anlogen fui fäkaIienJ'rei'-s
DI N EN 12050-i3, Abwo.sserbeheaiilug'! nfür di'e Gehöude - and Grinidstüt ksv ntwiisservn.q - 'I "eil S:
FäkoJien liel'eatilayen zur ben renzte n Ver vendvng

PIN EN 120.5 ii-1:2001-01, Gravity drainage systems within greenhouses - Part 1: General and design
requirements; The ash I'"a.ssiing EN 12ü56 -1:2üOS

DIN Ii N 120S6-2:2001-01, chwc- rk raften Hvösseruxgsaniayen inne i bolb from enclosures -- Time 2:
I oiutzwn.s.seranInpen, Plnn uo r/ rind Berechii uiig,- Deutsthe Fussu ii,q F.N 12t1.96-2.-2 Ett ü

DIN AN 120S6-3:2001-01, Sh wr i'krafiennvösseriingsunluyen inside vr'n enclosures - Part ...

Wicks t wö.zierung, Plenum vnä Bemes.stmg, Dentue/ie Fusruny EN 12ö.S6-.1:2H0 J

p D IN EN 120c "6-4: 2001-0 4 , gravitational forces Avössrrungsu nla,qen in nc-rliaIl' of buildings -

Part 4.
% Ahwas.ierlieheaiilageii, Plz ntiii.q vnd Beine.ssuiiJ; German Fussvny EN 1"2G56 4: "zOHH

DIN EN 12?S d0, Ventilation valves forEliuvässei iingsystemr - An)'urüerun.'jen, testing procedures and
q HDnJ "ormitö tsliewertuny

OIN EN 12566 (all 'f eile), Kleinkliirunlu,'jvn fi'ir f i.s to ST EW

DJ N EN 1.3564 -1, Backwater valves for buildings - Part 1: Requirements

q" DIN EN 163.23: 20 4-07, Wö rterhucli füri Begriffj'v d'-r Ahwa.s.sei Pech

ni/r pDWA-A 117:2013- 12, Beine.s.sung von Reyeiirückliultvröumett!1

U DWA-A 118:2006, Hydruulis'chc- Besie.s.sung uiid Nach Myrte von F.otwässeruxg.'.'y.vtenien!1

DWA-A 2.2.2, Basic mesuto,e ) r Bc-mes.mutig, lsaii and Retrieb von kleinen Klöi anlegen mit arrober bi'nlog i' cher
Purification level bir 1 HG0 Single values'!

DWA-A 1.38, "Planning, bus and operation of water supply systems")

t DWA-A 25.1, Knndensate au.s örexxwertf'esqpJq1)

DWA-M 153, lm ndlu n.qsetnfife fifungen zum Uin,qo ny mit Regetl 14'a$tppl)

WHG, Gesetz. zur Ordnu up äe.s Wa.z.zerhaushalts 5Yusserli aushalLsgesetz - WHG) vorn 3!1.ü7.20H9 (BC Bl l .?.
v2585 ), 7.filetzi geö ndert dm ch Art 12 G v. 24,.5.2D16 1 1'217

? ) 2ii bezieheri d iii cii: ('FA f'esellscliaft zur F†i-der mlng öci Ahwassertechiiik e.V., Theot1'ir-fctm Ss-Allee 17,
°D-557 73 Hriinef.
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

EUV 305/20 J.1, VernrJna ng (EH) Nr.'S ü5/'2ü11 des Luroyäischen I "orcl äes Rates vsnt 9, March, 2 III z.ur
Fe.stlc-qmag !iarmn nt.vierter Hedixpi/xgen jur die Verinarl tung von Fr upro rfvJrtc n und zur Avfhebv ny der
üichtIi'nie ö9/1ü6/EWG des Rates

3 Terms
The Bcgi iffc according to L I N EG 120E6-1, DIN EN 12056-2 apply to the application of this Dt ku mern tx,
DIN EN 12056-3 ii nd D l N EN 1 2fl Sü-4 and the fnlgcndcn Bcgriffc.

Site drainage system
Structural installation for the collection, treatment and disposal of waste water in buildings and on unclxtiiclic areas

Canal between the public AJ'water channel and the grey dstiicks¿i enze or the first
Cleaning opening (e.g. in the transfer chute) on the floor

Ground line
The pipe laid in the base plate is inaccessible and usually feeds the waste water to the
Connecting duct add hi t

Collector line
Horizontal pipe for collecting waste water from downpipes and connection pipes that are not laid in the floor or
base plate

3 !3
Connection cable
A drainage pipe that connects a drainage object to a downpipe or underground pipe

[SOURCE: D[N EN 12056-1: 2001-01, 3.2.6J

Note 1 to the Pegrif "l: T h e definition according to DIN LN 1205 Ii-1:2001-01 includes the meanings of Ein/el- innJ Saniii
bla csclil iisslcitiingcn and thus does not correspond to the technical practice in Deiitsclilaiiil. For clarification, please r e f e r to
definitions J.6 and 3.7.

Individual aluminium cable
Management vtim G eru chvei'schIiisx resp. drain support of a drainage
object Yes e.g.
furtherfiihi end line or up to an Abivasserliebeanlage

3, 7
Collective connection line
Line for recording 'les /\bwassei s rnelii'ei er fiinzelaii schliisslcitungcn up to the ivcitcrfühi ending line
or up to a wastewater treatment plant

) At the time o f publication of the No mi, the AvvSV was available in draft 201-(17-20. The date corresponds to the date of
receipt ii ö of the AwSV's eiitword on the subsequent otil'iziei ung hei liui opä ische lloinniissioH iriit of the Notiflzicr
uiigsiitrrrniiier: 2 115/:''a4/u.
DIN 1986-100:2016-1Z

Connecting cable
l,eitv ng between the waste disposal end iichverschlHss

Pipe to accommodate connecting pipes in the structural area of a t'a111citungsvei xiel ung hzw. in the area of the
transition of a downpipe in a Saiumel- ob er (irHndlcitung

Water aos atmosplifir m precipitation, plus n o t yet absorbed any sto!t'e from above ground
Note 1 on the term: See DIN LN 16323:2014-07, l3ild 1. this dcfiiiition is used in accordance with the dci''inition from Di N EN
12() Ü'6 -1:2 001-0t, 3.1.6 ("\Yasser from natiii-1 I a Niede i blow, d;'s nirli t by Gebr also vcrti npurified") glcirhgesetzL

Precipitation water
Precipitation t h a t is not secured in the ground in order to avoid soil surfaces or buildings.
qin b ris Eiitwiissei'tingssysteir is initiated

I0UEI.LE: D IN EN 163.23: 2014-C 7,]

ü Rainwater citiing
in a vertical pipe, if necessary with a bend, for draining the water from roofs, balconies and loggias. low
water from roof areas, balconies and loggias

pIanically fully filled roof drainage system
D8Chcntwaterimg system, in which the drains and pipes are operated fully filled under planning conditions
and the flow is kept upright by utilising the entire pressure range between the drains and the transition to the

lQUF LE: D1 N EN 120 T 3 ./001-01, 3.1.10 inodifixiei t; in DIN EN 20 56-3: 2001-01 the term is
"scheduled fullgcfiillled rain wo.siert ei tNng "j

Emergency drainage
Additional rainwater drainage via Nutub or Ootiiberlüufe with free outlet onto the ürundstiick

3.1 5
§ Emergency drain

Note l str m Regriff: Z. ß. as roof, parapet lziv. Gutter n0lilau f.

2 Emergency run
o ()hci 1aut'einrichtun einer N otentwässeru ng
AllfIic rkurig 1 to the r'egriff: Z. P. iii f orm of a rff rt rung in dei Attica or t inc rinne n front kaiite.


- 12
DIN 19 86-100:2016-12

Throttle output
Blood ch Jim ichtinig to limit the noble use of the outflow (x. B. Di'nsseLs trcckc, Drosxclschichcr) rcduzici ter tip
waste from a preiil'ei go the storage nm (Riickhaltung) on the Gr iindstüclt

Abyssinian collecting pit
tt nte i terrestrial wo.ssci Hndirrchlässiger container without drain for the sam ml and of domestic Schniu tzwasscr
n with i'egclmüfiigcr wastewater discharge to a transfer point ir with connection J n the municipal Alawassci

Waste water treatment plant
An installation or plant that serves to prevent or eliminate the harmfulness of wastewater; it is equivalent to
an installation or plant that serves to prevent the ingress of wastewater in whole or in part.

Shaft support
Connecting wastewater pipes atdifferent depths with a vertical pipe in a shaft or directly in front of it
4 Drawing representation
* Symbols and signs according to Table 1, Bil'J2shows tical representation of
a of a dewatering system.

Line lines for drainage equipment ilnti sanitary equipment:

— 0.S mm for the mails tab 1:S0

— 0.25 ins for the scale 1:100

Li "i nbi eites for pipelines:

— 1.0 mm for tlen scale : 50

— 0.5 mm for the mast l:100

Schriftgröfle (type form B, straight, still D IN 14 51-2):

— 5.0 min for the scale 1:o 0

: 13
DIN 1986-100:2016 12

Table I - Symbols and signs for development approaches (4 of 4)

N'. P-eneiiiiuiig
1 Water and I,iiftuiigsluitungu n
Stlimutzivaxsei ieitiiiig
pressure line is labelled far

Re,errwassei line

peke "zeichutt
- - DR--

1.4 Liiftuiigslcitung

1.S I fOtiigsl0iLung,
sewie Nr. 1.7, T. R,
begiimentl ulld äDf¥t'ürt5
I f'rlattfelld
1.f Fr ili el f ftIl@ O depending on the line

1.7 RiChtljiigsliinvveise:
a) hindiirchgcliend
b) beginiicnd and
abwarts ver l iifeIid
c) from above coninicnd
uIid ending je n ocli Le i Liingsart
d) beginning tend



Cleaning tube
h i iinrlcr mdc r rectangular
DIN 1986 100:2016-1Z

Table l (2 of 4)

Floor plan Elevation

raw ed a1 ss l

1.13 fieruclivul scliliiss

1.t4 Bel üft riiigsveiitil

2 Wastewater treatment plant, wastewater ii, Scliüclitn

treatment plant
2,1 Procedure or
E nnv4 see rlIine
o n fieruchve isrliliiss
2.2 Ablaiif or
Fnnv3ssing rinnc with


2.6 Stalk separator

2.7 Separator for

I.ei/htf!ü igkuiLcïï

ho5le57.enzabsthuidc i

2.i 0 I tial spools e

Ii Sp HSp
2.11 Heating oil storage
Ii Sp
2.12 Riiu1'stauverscblvss for
fë kalieiifreics Abvva ser
fa1i'i1ie n1ia1ri-es Alaivassci
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

Table l (3 of 4)

No. BCIlCllMuIl üriindi'iss Anh is

2.13 Abi''assei licbc plant for

fäl'alienfi eies waste water

Abivassei'1iebcan1age f'r
taca1iernh;ltiges waste water

Shaft with 'iffcne m Dm

chfluss (clear extellt
mit .ScI mut7svssse r-

3 Sanitary equipment*tä md e


Shower tray

\Vasc1iti srli, Hanr1wast'1i


Seat covers

U rinalbeckeii

Urinal bowl with

Toilet blocks
DI N 1986-100:2016-12

Tnbelle 1 (4 vtin 4)

Ni. Elevation

3. i 0 Spiilbeckeii, 'loppclt

3.12 d'asc1iniasc1iinu

3,td CliniagerJt

DIN 1906 100:2016 1Z



23 23a '

1 Connection 10 Summelanseclilussleitiing
channel Hchcanlagc laid as a general line
11 Main inpulation with Bcispicl 22 Example of backwater level
2 Ground line Ventilation valve
12 Secondary liability 23 F c t tabs cllci d cl' illi t E ll t1cc 1'-
a) dii ect, and rinsing and sample
b) iodine direct, intake organisation
c) wahhveise
4 Case citing Foundation

3 Connection 14 Ventilation valve (example) i

5.1 Single connection cable U Ventilation of the
5.2 Collecting cable 16 Property ence
6 Verlaindungsleitting 17 Roads top edge
7 Bypass line 18 Street furniture
0 Lifeline 1'9 Rainwater sewer
9 Main ventilation 20 Schmirtzivasscrliaiial

A NUF RliU NG The LeiKingshe drawings inside each with your addition Srh ir uizwasscr (SW) o rltr Regenwasser (Rfi*) ergä
n/t wer rien, as in your example partially ausgefiihrt.

Figure Z - Schematic representation of a drainage system

DIN 1986-100:201£'-12

5 Planning of site drainage systems

5.1 General specifications

5.1.1 General information

The planning of tii'ui1dstuCk development plants must be carried out in such a way that the specifications made in
the forms of the D IN E N 120S6 series are complied with, die nach PI N 19flfi 3 erfni derlichen Arbeiten fu r ci ic
Bctricbssichei heit un d Wartung und die nnch PIN 19Rfi-30 ci for derlichen Material ru en z er Inxtandlialtung
leicht dui chgcfiihi t werden kün nen. In addition, the development requirements of D IN EN 75.2 must be taken
into account during planning.

Bcspecial driiications and determiilliions regarding the drainage systems for buildings with special uses, such as
underground friures, shears, crane houses, Satiutories and Altcnhcime as well as l'eson dere requirci'iingen to land
sciii ng systems hei in dustri chef' or geiverblicher N utziillh ClCs Gi undstücks, kinü el'enfa11s i cchoeitig in die
Pl n u nl einzu4cziellen.

Buildings must be c o n s t r u c t e d in such a way that wastewater disposal (wastewater and sewage disposal)
is ensured at all times. Requirements for wastewater disposal are regulated by law. the planner must specify the
conditions under which wastewater disposal is to be ensured at all times.
p-the drainage of wastewater and/or rainwater can be carried out safely with the Raiilieri ii and
%the responsible ßel iii to clarify which maNnal4nlcil 2ti 0 cffen.

5.1.2 Building consultants

Building products must be suitable for the purpose for which they are intended. Requirements for building
products are regulated in the state building regulations. The proof required for this must be provided.

DI N 1986-4 must be observed for the use of \bwasseiu ears and moulds made of protective materials in halla and
on ficrhalh of buildings.

5.1.3 Safety and strength

Drainage systems are to be planned and installed in such a way that they are protected against mechanical stress,
frost, backwater, corrosion and the spread of sewer gases within the building.

The pipework supports must b e secure and firm and must not damage the pipes or any other parts or elements of
the structure.

The change in the pipe length due to special c o n d i t i o n s , e.g. due to temperature changes and the flow rate,
must be taken into account.

If pipes are routed through the underground walls, these penetrations must b e permanently gas- and oil-tight. If
this is not the case, suitable protection gauges must be used. The clear width of the protection must be selected in
such a way that the seal can be made to fit properly. The connection to the building's sealing is to be made properly
and in accordance with then N oi'mcn of the DIN 1O19S series. the choice of pipework must be made taking into
account the pressure of the water in the floor.

fif1'ng for the passage of pipework through ceilings must, if necessary, be alised on site so that water cannot enter the

D l N EN 1254-1, DI N EN 1253-2, DfN EN 1253-4 or DfN F.N f Z4- I apply to the lines ifiziei ng of the
components at the installation site, such as drains, grates and seals.

DIN 1986-100:2016-12

5. .4 Protection from flooding

The ventilation system must be dimensioned in such a way as to ensure adequate protection against flooding {see also
Dl N I N 752).
Consequential damage caused by planned flooding must be avoided:
— Over l'lutung du inch Wasserausti itt im Gebüude;
— filaerfiH ting of a u tien due to unit ns tige integration o f the Gcbäiities into the Gclände;
— OverfJ utungcn due to inadequately dimensioned eggwJsscruiigsanlageii; t'dci
— ÏJlocrfluttng of liquids, e.g. from which other substances are stored. The protection of gelen Riiclistau

air s dei' Kanalisatioii must be carried out according to section 1.3.

5.1.5 Prevention of deposits, self-disposal of waste water leitiingen

Ayrq5$cile lines must be planned and constructed in such a way as to avoid the accumulation of solids during

5.2 Schinutzwasseraiilagen
p- 5.2.J. General

In Germany, designs must be pinned, set up and heated in accordance with DIN EN 12056-2: 2001-01.

In order to avoid fici iich.ing fici iich.ing by sewer gases and the f)hcrti'ing of flies, the water supply pipes must be
stabilised in devices. The aeration and ventilation of the drainage system must be ensured in accordance with the
requirements of this standard. If drainage points are taken out of operation, the connections to the drainage system
must be sealed gas and water dictit tiiid the corresponding taps from the supply.snctz zti ti er new.

E.2.2 Water-saving IIlosett- tinil Urinalaiilagcn

The use of water-saving I€osett systems in accordance with D1 N EN 997 is permitted. The flushing water flow rate
should be adjustable to at least 6 years.

When using toilet systems with spiil water from 4.1 to 6.1, additional i'cstleguiigen must be taken into account when
dimensioning connections, downpipes, sump pipes and underground pipes. See also note to Table 6.

For lJrillalllccken c'hne water rinse iTiuss a \/erwen'lbJrkcitsnachweis vurliegcn for each Bcckcnmuilell.

S.3 Rainwater systems

5.3.1 Planning requirements

All possibilities of decentralised rainwater drainage should be considered in the planning and design of stormwater
drainage systems in order to reduce the discharge of wastewater (see DIN 1906-3) into the public sewage system.
drainage systems, all possibilities of
The possibilities of decentralised NicdcrsclilayswasscrLc management are: decentralised stormwater management
should be used as a priority in order to
— Storage and utilisation ( e.g. by means of reqenwasxcriiutiio n a ntages); reduce the discharge of stormwater into
— Versi ct e1'in g, if necessary in Ilomb in ation with partial introduction into the Hanna isation;public sewage system.
possibilities of decentralised stormwater
$ -Introduction into an ocrii dic body of water. management are:
- storage and utilisation
- infiltration, possibly in combination with
- partial discharge into the sewer system
- discharge into surface water
DIN 1986-100:2016-12
as a furth
which dis
As a further f o1:ipe for the planning, it must be t'cstcl1ed how c'oei runoff maydischarged into the ltanalisation system. t
!'werdcii The inleitu npsbeschräiilungen (Rücklial
taken into
rung/Jedi tisselteAbleitung) des
Ilanalp etzbetreiber are to be taken into account.
if a
If a bcschi iinking of the volumesti ome fiii 'tie introduction in cin gcwfissef' cd er d ÏD Itannlisation is fixed¿e1cpt, restriction
of water o
a lowcrsc1ilagswa.sscri iickllaltunp ant them Gr NHdstiicl' must be planned.
the volum
The rainwater volume, which results from the difference between the runoff from the calculated discharge and the runoff fro
permissible runoff into the s e w e r a g e system or into the watercourse, must be continuously reduced in advance runoff into
in accordance with the regulations. temporari

the safety
The safety against flooding or a 1 ontrollicrtcii xcl adlt'sen overfliitng of the base stiickx, must be proven i cchnc the prope
ä.scti (see e 14.9.2).
the draina
The drainage of the f1a€IJ lIlJtel'half of the rüclmtaiichcnc, with dvi Geh.ml r 'les penetration of water into the risk of wat
building, such as Liclitschfichte, Ga i ageoei nfalirten and lnilcnliöfc must take place u ntei l3eriicksicht of the entrances
account th
Unless otherwise specified in individual cases, rainwater falling on roofs must be collected and channelled through drainage
the drainage system. I n individual cases, rainwater may also be collected in a different way. if precauti
be granted if it is ensured t h a t buildings are protected against diirchfciiclitimg and that rainwater can run off or seep against m
away unhindered and without bccintiion by third parties. seep awa
N ict erscJil agsivasser may not ahgclcitct on iopen traffic or path areas. paths as

Roof slopes or any low point specified by the wick construction must have a slot drainage system. If the wick is
planned to have a minimum water retention on the wick, groove drainage can be dispensed with. In this case, the emergenc
roof surfaces must be sealed at least up to the roof level. The loads resulting from the supports must b e taken must be s
into account in the static bcmcsStIflg of the roof and trJh construction. accumulat
the roof an
In contrast to Bl N EN 12056-3: 20.0 -0 4, 6.4, waste water, even from small roof areas, balconies, etc., must not In contras
be discharged into waste water. The requirements set out i n Annex C for the use of catch basins of wastewater roof surfa
treatment plants in accordance with AivSV, § 19 (4) must be complied with. downpipe
In the case of drains in unhcfcstigtci areas of traffic units, courtyards, guests, etc., the area around the drain is to be for drains
must be
hcfcstigcn by 0.S in. around th

For the prevention of lime incrustation in the dewatering system, use rainwater or cement-bound materials. Avoid to avoid li
the introduction of siclter water to calcareous bedding materials. areas mad
S.3.2 Planning information

The rainwater drainage can be carried out via gravity drainage systems or pressurised rainwater pipes that are
fully filled.

Fi cispiegelsystcnic wei clen as d ru ckltises usually partially gcplo tat, With exceeding the at et!hii u
ngsgengenspendc is to be rcchneii with Übci load and ¿egebenenfnlls also with Übcrfliitiing.

In the case of fully filled rainwater pipes with a di iick flow, there was an increase i n t h e oil content of the roof
surface with ii at shi oite;1 of the calculation values.
DIN 1086-100:2016-12

5.4 Design basis for property drainage systems

5.4.1 Basis for the preparation of the drainage plan General information

Depending on the size of the building and its drainage, drainage plans must be drawn up for new builds,
conversions and refurbishments. The following points must be observed when planning a drainage system:

— current excerpt from the area information system (map and proof of ownership);
— Information dc's Ilanalnetzbcti ei1'ei s, such as:
— OutSZtl (m 3ßstuIch) from the Jlaiiall ataster depending on the application liii dirty, red o, or mixed
water (position and h ü1 e of the connection sewer, related to N HN) - .if not yet converted by the La
ndesver- measuring3 nitei n, also related to the voi handccn iirtl i system;
— Riict'stauchene,
— Building description: Information on the type and purpose of the planned building project;
— Site plan with representation hxw. details dci
— fi i Hndstiicksgrcnzen, Baulasten, tirundL ienstbarkc:ten;
p- existing and planned structures, such as manholes, septic tanks, sewage treatment plants, infiltration
systems and bi'iiiines;
— sel ii t'ensivei'te 8o u mbestnndc, Km tur - und Natul deiikmaler affected by the measure;
— 1.age, hcnnwidth (DN) and gradient of the underground pipes on the outside of the building, manholes
or in-shaft openings with details of the heights (sn! l- and scliacht covers);
— years of a repenwnssci utilisation agreement with proceeds from the purchase and sale;
g- Angalaeii xti befcstigtcii l call, waycflächeo or geivcrhlicb used kites with indication of their
— Drainage ini4niicn a nd bordering flat areas with heights (terrain heights);
— gcffil lenaüllige Abgrenzung der befestigten Flächen uri d der dai'aHs resulting li inxugsfläclie (in*) je
Ahh a uf/Wasscrscheide;
* - Gcbäii depJane in maize rem 1 :100 far DarsteJJinig the En twasserungsanloge, wie:
p- hei storey construccons with downpipes 10 in (see Ground plans, sections, roof views with
t[heights of the enuvässcrunhstiefpiinktc, representation of all' collecting, downpipes and ground
pipes with nominal diameters (DN) and gradient, cinxchliel/lich of the liuflcitiinperi and, if
applicable, ßlüftungsvcntilen;
- Elevations of the Fei Li¿fullbüden in the Si dgesclioss, referred to N HN,
— Waste water systems and/ or sewage systems for back-up in accordance with DIN EN 12tl 56-4:
— Vcrwcndba rkeitsnacliweise der emgcsct/ten flaupi oducts;
— Proof of tier dimensioning of the en fisseru iigsanlagc. Waste water requiring treatment

3 In the case of the discharge of hazardous/industrial waste or waste requiring handling, the following
information is required in addition to the details specified in 5.4.4 .1, depending on the type of system:

- Operating description with Angalacri xu m waste water (separately for each tcilstrnm, if different
* 'l'cilxtrü nje vt'n gcwci hli chem wastewater}, i.e.:
— Description of the operating processes that generate the wastewater What pollutes the water, what
substances does it come into contact with? (Type, quantity and volume of the substances used, if
necessary with safety data sheet);
DIN 1986-100:2016.lZ

— M "Gnahinen, which are used to prevent waste water and to utilise A1'water;
— Aiigolic of the maximumSchrn uPzwnsservolumciistroins (1/s)
and of the fl iILCh-averagedddw;isservo1iirncns per 'l'ag (m*/d);
— Indication of the maximum hadstufl1:onzcntratinnen/pollutant loads, tlie eingeleitet wenden;
— Information on the planned wastewater treatment2, including the dimensioning of the system;
— Location of the wastewater treatment plant with filling of the 2u and drains and covers;
— If necessary, D8i'stcIIHng before Pi uduction aliliiufen (Prodii1'fion and waste water clicinata);
— Material angalacn, including the bcst3n fl ight nacliivciscs of the 1.eitungcn and diclltun gon resp.
soostige Entwässcriingseinrichtunyen.
The sampling points are to be labelled in the site plan according to the requirements of the ci'rimii nal
Alivaxsei=satxung or the Ahwo sserverordnitng, li nrn ittelbnr nach dci' Abwasserbehandliing bzw. int Teilsti cm
in FJ iefirichtiing bezogen auf die Einlclttungsstelle mit z. B. S1, SI.1 or S2, for example. Rainwater

For systems for stormwater drainage, a property-specific proof of the fiinlition xu

provide. Bci an abfiiisswirlisaincn area > B0 0 in* are required in addition to the' fi ntwiirfsgrundlagen tot gentle information

in S.4.4 .4:
— Goindstficksplan withThe stclliiiigderabiliissivii ksamenFlachen and llolien details the
drainage wells and, if applicable, the control points (control shoulder areas);
— Angahcn iiher the permissible static loads on the h ac!ies;
— Details about the Dachau htm as well as her waterproofing and \Ver1 materials;
— Structure of the planned roof greening;
— Location of the emergency drainage with discharge into the open air;
— Leg end rcgenspcnden and discharge bci values;
— Drainage according to DWA-A 138 and taking into account BWA-M 1 rz3;
— H csclirculation of the voliirnciy stream for discharge into the iiffentlicn aha water reservoir or a body of
— Riickllaltnng and throttled alalcitiin g;
— Alcalcitating iniiglicity of drainage water (see S.S),
— AngJben zur hicderfichlogswJsserbeu irtschaftutlg;
— Information on surface area and water damage;
— WerlistofRvahI;
— Treatmentiiiaßiiah nden tur contaminated precipitation water, i

5.4.2 Derivation of different types of abi vates

In the case of a fidu iisysteni inrissen, rainwater and wastewater must be discharged separately, i.e. rainwater in a
rainwater drain and wastewater in a wastewater drain in accordance with DIN EN 752. No low level runoff water
may be discharged into stormwater and rainwater drainage systems.

In the mixed system, separate ccpcnwosser- undl fichmiitzwasserfall-, Salii important ground pipes ii tis No
building lierousführen. The ground - laxw . Saiiimellci tu when miisscn f o r hyd rac bical reasons o u Nerhalb
d e s Gchäiides mc'glichst close to tter Griindstiicksgr enxe zusainrncngcfii. The ciisammeiiflue should follow in a
ciii shaft unit open den chfliiss ei. In exceptional cases, e.g. in the case of a green building, it is advisable to run
wastewater and wastewater pipes through the centre of the building.
The use of the building wall is permitted (see Figure 3). !

DIN 1986-100:2016-12


1 Penalties
2 DIN EN 12056-1; connection of waste and wastewater pipes only permitted outside the building (must
be close to the sewer)
DIN 1986-10 0; Combining of wastewater and rainwater pipes in the case of boundary development
4 Property boundary

Figure 3 - Merging of wastewater and rainwater pipes

5.5 Drainage water drainage

As a matter of principle, groundwater must not be discharged into the public sewage system. In t h e event
that the practice is to be connected to the drainage system near a site, the permissibility of the discharge must
be agreed with the wastewater authority or the mains network operator before construction begins. The
drainage must be fed into an accessible shaft with a depth of at least 0.5 m above the building structure and
connected to the drainage system at the back. DIN 409 or must be observed when draining the ground to protect
building installations.

5.6 frost management

AriGei'hal}' of buildings, fi ntwcissci iingsleitiingen un'l Ger uchvei'schliissc are to be installed at a t'rust-free
depth. This must be determined in accordance with the local climatic conditions and, if necessary, in
agreement with the building authorities. The over dccliiing (laying depth) should be at least 80.0 mm.

= 24
DfN 1986-100:Z016-1Z

5.7 Sequence controller

5.7.1 Preventing the escape of gases - Odour prevention

Jcdc drain point is ir with cinema odour control. From tlieser fixed ng aiis taken:

a) Alalaufstcllcn t'ur Repenwasseri , which are connected to rainwater pipes int'ft cnnverl'ahre n;

b) /\bla ufsteIIcn for rainwater, which are connected to rainwater pipes in the miscliverfnhren, if the outlets are at
least 2 in away from windows and 'for cii from Aufeiith ¿J txi iiuincn or the pipes fieruchvcrsclilüsse a n
t'roStfreii Stelle ci halten;

c) Oob cn drains in garages that are connected to wastewater pipes in combined sewer systems, if the pipes
are connected to Bern at a location that is free of obstructions;

d) ft cd enai'1äHfc, which cnnviisseiv via separation ci systems U r Leichtflü ss ipkei ten;

c) Overflows into inferior waste disposal sites.

Several drainage points of the same type can be fitted with a common odour trap (e.g. series washing systems) if
the connecting pipe is not longer than 4 metres and if a cleaning opening is provided at the lowest point of the
connecting pipe. l3, ii chci ng devices of a '1'i inlm water installation, must be connected to the waste water piping
via a free overflow with a funnel and odour trap in accordance with DIN EN 17.7. Containers for food,
refrigerators, cooling systems, fish boxes and food cabinets must not b e c o n n e c t e d directly to the waste water

Components with an odour trap must then comply with the applicable standards (e.g. DIN £N 274-1, DJN EN 1253-
1). T h e minimum height of the odour trap m u s t also be at least:
— for S "hmut was.scrabJä ifc 50 n m;
— for Rcgcn water drains 100 mi".

For drains in rooms with overpressure and underpressure (e.g. air conditioning units), greener odour trap heights
must be selected in accordance with the pressure conditions. If necessary, provide floor drains without odour traps,
which lead to a non-hazardous discharge point with a connecting pipe and a fi cicrn outlet.

5.7.2 Protection of the 6ebaitdes against Ali-/Ükei running water Water extraction points in buildings

tlntcr each tapping point in the building, uu0er for extinguishing purposes and for washing machines and
dishwashers according to S.7.2.2, a drainage point must be available if drainage to a drainage point is not possible
via a watertight floor without the formation of pipes.

Ab1aut'stellen, dei cii AhlaiifölÏmin gen v e r s c h n x s c n en, wie mei Waschtisch en, Flüacckcn, Badetannen,
nliisscn a free Ï J b c 1 '1aiif (hei Duschivannen Wilt liicrfür also the Standi nhr) mit
.aas meichcndcin Abiliissvermügen habencn. The requirements in BIN EN 274-1 for the corresponding sanitary
fittings must be observed.

If, in such cases, a fi cicr overflow cannot be arranged for fi wingciidcn reasons (e.g. treatment rooms and wet rooms
in lfm nkenlifiusci n), either a floor drain, over which II s fi'oiei' overflow is o nxusclicn, or a non-fi ciied drainage
system should be used.

Dirty water from pipes (e.g. irrigation water, condensate) must not be discharged onto roofs.

DIN 1986-1011:20 U-12

5.7,2. z Washing machines and dishwashers

In the case of washing and rinsing machines which are permanently connected to the wastewater pipe and which
drain the wastewater through a hose inserted into a drainage pipe, a special drainage point under the tap i s not
required. Inserted hoses must be secured against leakage by suitable devices. Permanently connected machines
must be protected against water leakage. This instalJation should preferably be aiisfied. Floor drains

Floor drains are wassci dich t into the 1'läclicnabdic1i tinig in/ba u els (see D IN 1 O195-5).

Floor runners which comply with the requirements of DIN I N 12 o'-3-1 may only be used if there is a generally
recognised rule of technology.

Sanitary rooms in buildings that are intended for a cnwcchxclndcn public or are generally accessible (e.g. IuteJs,
schools, sports facilities, catering establishments) must contain a bndciiah with a device lock.

ß3tler in \Vulinungen should be provided with a bath drain. The constant supply of fresh water must be ensured by
connecting a - frequently used - drainage device.

Floor drains that produce large quantities of sediment (e.g. in the loading and unloading area and in other
commercial facilities) must have sufficiently large dirt collection tanks. Runners
SÏfl Ü lTl iI- COS1011 ï U Vh SRh R FI.

5.7.3 Dacli processes Allgeincinc Festlcgungen

Drains that meet the requirements of DIN EN 1253-2 may be used. Roof drains for which there is a generally accepted level
of '1 "cchiiic may only be used,
if there is a usability certificate under building law. ,

The manufacturer must specify the drainage capacity of the roof outlet as a function of the roof height in the form of

a table or diagram.

It must be ensured that the flashing is tightly connected to the roof cladding.

Two-part roof runs must have a tight c o n n e c t i o n between the aluminium run and the upstand. The

specifications for roof run-offs also apply analogously to parapet, belt and roof run-offs and
Nutübei latlfR. Roof drainage systems that are fully filled and operated on a flat surface

The daclial runs must be suitable for pie ngly fully fiilled pachenuvüssening systems. The alifliissvcrcrc of the roof outlet must be
averaged without air ini:g. The individual resistance coefficient
r the roof outlet must be averaged in accordance with DIN EN 12 or 3-2 and approved
y the heating engineer,
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

5.7.4 Gutters General

Pre-authorised and unaccompanied persons may be invited to the abl3 or to the 'ei'.

Horizontal The use of horizontally laid gutters can result in an unavoidable and unacceptable
level difference in the gutter.

H,7.4.2 Pre-hung wick rinias

S. General information

In the case of heavy rainfall events above the irrigation level, drainage is usually via the longitudinal side. A
higher level of reckoning should be used if the flowing water is used for urine, e.g. via entrances to public
buildings. Fig. d contains a pa rstcliung fi for vo; ngtc channels with a box-shaped cross section.

W inside high point
Z Total water depth
J; Di'uck height at the gutter
outlet Ag vei'ed rium enqii ei'.raised tt
L Gutter length
Figure 4 - Pre-filled channel (box-shaped cross-section)

The specifications of PI N EN 612 apply to semi-circular and curved I-la nt;edaclii insides made of metiill
aulicrlialb of buildings with regard to white material and /\usfii1ii ing. Dlti EN 60.7 applies to the
requirements, testing and labelling of PVC U roof interiors.

The connection of the gutter to the roof should be made via an eaves plate (gutter flashing) as far as possible.
The gutters must be arranged in such a way that any accumulating rainwater drains freely over the edge of the
gutter. Channel drains for suspended channels

E.s seJJtcp jr rzupswei.se rz rz rer IHN F,N 120S6-3.2001-01, Annex A tested Rin nenaläufc (Itinnenxtutzcn)
used we i'deii. In some cases, the rinnenal runnings can also be measured using "1'ahc11e 12 or Table 13 (see
also [*1

D IN 1986-100:2016-12

*.7.4.3 Internal gutters

5. 7.4,3.1 General

An internal gutter can be divided into three types (see 14.4.2), according to which the number of gutter buttons
is alsodetermined.
£iegriffsDcstimin Liii2en e n an internal sense.

1 Riniienlrcihoi d
2 zulassigel' About flutunpsJ'ereich
3 Headfitii ck

Figure 5 - Definition of terms on an iniiRnal gutter Gutter drains For internal gutters

The development of internal gutters should be carried out using drains tested in accordance with DIN EN
1253-2. Handcrafted gutter drains (gutter outlets) must be measured in accordance with D I N EN 12056-3.

5.8 Roof surfaces

5.8.1 Pitched roofs

The drainage of rainwater from sloped roofs can be carried out with both overhanging and internal gutters.

5.8.2 Flaclidächei General information

Fly chduclers can be installed via flat drains in accordance with DIN EN 1253-2 or via internal gutters, which
are to be laid out in accordance with the real rainwater regulations. in the event of catastrophic events above the
calculation rcgcns, this can lead to over-illumination (impact) on the roof surfaces. Therefore, in principle, a
ntentvviisscn must be assigned to each fintwiisscng stieipunlit on your roof in addition to Item Ablauf.

5.8.Z.2 Solid construction

Solidly constructed flap walls must be able to safely absorb the loads caused by flooding or the planned
retention of rainwater. To ensure the required stability, thetrayverk planner must be able to provide the water
level to be released.

DIN 1986-100:2016-12 ':

For roofs in solid construction, where etc rainwater retention is planned and statically proven, the use of
emergency drainage systems can be dispensed with.

Reference is made to the Ufrei loadu;igsnnr hiveis according to 14.9.1 for mu ch internally ahgcfiihrtc rainwater
pipes > DN 1S(l.

5.8.2 ,3 Lightweight construction

rt rh'lacher in Lcichthnuw eise must be designed and drained in such a way that dv.s Regeiiwusser as well as
snow ii n d H;ije1schme1ze can be removed from the roof without causing damage due to inadmissible
stresses ii n d deformation of the roof.

When securing in t.eichtbaiiweise miisscn N ntent asseriingen be provided.

The useful load from a free water supply up to the level of a secured water supply must be taken into account in
the stand construction plan. The water levels to be reported must be specified in the tracing plan.

5.8.3 Roof greening

DJcJlbegriinungcn hold - depending on the construction - a high level of water retention, smaller rainfall
events can be stored in the ground and then fed back into the air through ventilation. Heavy rain events that
cannot be completely stored are discharged into the drainage system with a time delay.

Green roofs with shallow water accumulation in the di'iina2escl icht are special fnriren and to be designed
separately with frcispiegel systems.

The Dd chablaule must be protected against growth by the Begi'iinunp x, e.g. by at least a
o°O cm 1 re iten Ifiesrand.

A static verification for roofs with roofing must be carried out under consideration of the target values for the

5.8.4 Renovation of roof surfaces

If the roof surface of a building is to be refurbished, the water drainage system must be installed. Likewise,
it is important to ensure that the roof drainage systems are adequately bcliicssed and arranged correctly,

5.9 Note cancellation

The emergency drainage came iiliei emergency overflows or Nntabläiife ei follow.

The drainage system must not be connected to the drainage system, but must be drained with li'eicili A risl'iuf
to a harmless land area.

There must be a file iei outflow on the roof seal to an emergency drainage system with sufficient drainage
capacity from each pipe. If the roof comccti on does not allow the façade to be d r a i n e d , an additional pipe
system with a fi ciciii outlet style on the property must take over this task.

Notnblüufe liönNcn as AttikuuJilu ufe drain freely through the Attika.

The requirements of 14.2 and 14.3 must be met by piped emergency drainage systems as free-discharge systems
or as pipes filled with poles with di'ucksti ümung.

, 29
DIN 1986-J 00:2016-12

5.10 Balconies and loggias

Balconies and loggias should have an aluminium run or a suspended gutter. If balconies and loggias have a total
nssoc e priistti ng, there must also be a n ouiblaof or an emergency overflow of at least 40 mm clear width in the

In order to avoid flooding on the floors below, my /\blJ onc of beams eu ridei' loggias with a closed railing may not
be connected to rainwater drainage channels of roof drainage systems, even if emergency drainage rings are
present in the parapet. This also applies to terrace windows.

Only if balconies or loggias do not have a closed ventilation system can separate downpipes be omitted for the
drainage and balloon drainage. At least 50 %3 of the briistiing must be available as fi eici' alalaiif, so that the crass
er in the l)bci floodingf'all learns to alaflicficfic without being intlled. Open vents are e.g. 13. also egresses through
railings with glass facades or similar, under which the water can flow freely in the event of flooding over the balcony
footings. Outlets from balconies or loggias in the ground floor should be connected separately to the underground
pipe, as there is a risk of a possible backflow or overloading of the rainwater pipe.

Drains in the drainage area should only be ini'gliclist were n ÏJlici risk of flooding hei Star kregen after kern Entspa
"ri tenpspiiiikt (Übergcrp it er Eochenuvässeru ng ziir wcitmfiilirez tle n (ii iindlcitiing after a i lof drain or
oif'eriem shaft with ventilation openj.ingen (see BiId 23)), be connected to the c ccgcmvnssergrtiildlcittlng.
Terraces should be constructed with cefëllc en, so t h a t the water can drain into the surrounding terrain without
causing damage.

If third parties are not impaired, the Nicdei impact water can also be discharged directly onto the tirundstück via
water or 'frost strips.

6 Laying cables

6.1 General information

6.1.1 No underground pipes inside buildings

For reasons of ease of inspection and simpler refurbishment, green pipes should be avoided in a hallo of buildings
and should instead be laid as collector pipes. This does not apply to buildings without fillers. In this case, the pipes
should be as short and straight as possible from the building area. In the case of drainage systems located below the
drainage sump with a connection to a drainage system or a backwater valve, base lines should only be installed if the
connection to a collection line is not possible (e.g. drainage pipes, showers, bathtubs), see also DIN 1986-30,

6.1.2 Tightness of the water pipes and their connections

Aliivasserleitljnyen miisscn be permanently tight with an in ner en and äufle en overdnick up to 50 lcPa {0.5
bai ) under the between them uncl ilii'cr environment illiiglichcil \Vechselw irkungcli.

The tightness test of the underground water pipes must be carried out in accordance with DIN EN 1610,

6.t.3 Securing the pipework against slipping apart

In the case of pipelines with non-positive connections, in which internal damage can occur due to overloading, the
pipes must b e secured - especially in the event of changes in direction - against slippage and leakage on the pipe

DIN 1986-100:2016-1Z

For lei rs in which a higher overload can occur than specified in 6.1.2, e.g. diii ch ciicl damming and in the
overload area of a rcgcn waterfall or in the pressure line; a i lifting system, the best requirements for pipes,
mouldings, connections around tt times lines must be taken into account. If necessary, safety clamps
(longitudinal force keys ii) must be used on connections, also when using dfiuckfcstci colii c and moulded

The pitches of the pipelines and measures to prevent them from being inadvertently "guided" and deviating
from the axis must be specified in accordance with t h e installation instructions for the pipe system (see 6 3

6.1.4 Protection against mechanical damage

Sewage pipes must be installed in areas where mechanical damage is to be expected,

z. E. in Trespa rupeii, Wei4's- ndci £agei4iaileH, to sem ützcii. i

In areas where mechanical loads are to be expected, standpipes made of a more flexible white material should
be used for rainwater drainage pipes (see DIN 1986-4).

6.1.5 Hewing in pipes iii load-bearing components

Ruhr pipelines can be concreted into ti agcndc components if the stability is not impaired. The pipes
must be suitable for the type of installation.

%6 .1.6 Execution of direction changes

Directional edges of underground and underground cables may only be installed with bends N 45°. Only 4 5°
bends may be used in horizontal pipes. Double bends in horizontal pipes are not permitted. Directional
changes of h o r i z o n t a l pipes in closed ducts may only be carried out with a deviation of N 45°.

6.1.7 Transitions to other nominal sizes

Overpipes on large nominal widths must be made with "over" pipe sections or other suitable connections
(e.g. overlap seals).

In Sam ni elanschliissicitimgcn, eccentric over-centred over-centre pipes should be installed in a srlicitclc

manner. For reasons of load-bearing capacity, the over-installation in round ducts must be carried out in a
sole-smooth manner.

6.L8 Reduction of the nominal widths

Reductions of the nominal pipe diameters in fiielii ichtiing are not permitted, with the exception of regular
water pipes that are full to plan.

6.1.9 Stripping

Greener 1-1üheiiitiitcrscliicdc in gr iind lines are to be used as a tap in a connection with hcstcigbarcn shafts.
ailsxufiihi en.

6.2 Waste water pipes

6.2.1 External flushing

The bitumen for toilets, bathing pools and bathing pools must be centred in the centre of the trap so that tias
Mail h D N dei Ansclilii.s.slcitung (li height difference between 84c ssen3icgcl in the odour trap and coal of
the connection pipe at the trap branch) (see ßilö fi).
DIN 1986-100:2016-12


2 Branches
n S pr eizwinltcl (i ir Gruiidi'iss)

Fig. 6 - Example of the integration of neighbouring connecting pipes into a downpipe (aluminium
branch offset by 90°); see also Fig. 7 a)

Neighbouring connection pipes must be laid in such a way as to avoid fresh water being flushed in. For
connection pipes (e.g. from baths and showers) that have to be connected to the mains with fresh water flushes
from the KiGsettbecl cn, the socket in Fig. 7 a) and Fig. 7 b) should be observed.

p hei connection of the toilet is shown in Fig. 7 c),

The principle that flushing must be avoided also applies to connections from individual connection lines to
collector connection lines.

a) h) c)

b'Iafie Lezieh eff refers to the Rolf isohlen of the A nsrhtussleitungen.

Figure 7 - Arrangement of branches in downpipes when connecting toilet bowls

For connections ari downpipes with double Jbranches 87° his R8,er o with a o'1ius or 45° inlet angle (see also II.4
.4, Fig. 19), the gcgciiülier lying connection (angle u = 180°) can be used for i calicnfi cie ml cl faecal
connection lines on' the same pipe solile and with the same nominal width of the inlet pipe according to Bind
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

a) on the same pipe solile and with the b) with two1.s the same outlet width of the
same' outlet width of the double double branch with inner adius or 45° inlet
abzivcige.s with inner radius or 45° angle with nominal width reduction
Inlaid angle

Fig. 8 Connection of faecal-free and faecal-containing connection pipes

6.2.2 Wastewater downpipes General specifications

The main waterfall lines are to be routed through the storeys of the roof without a nominal volume.

Connec tioncDN 70 to dropcitngs must be made with (88 -1- 2)° branches.

Adjacent world ng may only be connected to a common waste water system if the necessary measures are taken
for both sound and fire protection.

In the case of the alignment of protective water pipes, the technical measures specified in iii 6.2. 2.2 to 6.2.2.'5 are
required due to the r e s u l t i n g pressures. CaseHolders up to 10 nr

For pipes that a r e no longer than 10 nr, the unilenku og can be fed into the horizontal pipe with a DSC + 2)°
bend. Downpipes over 10 in to 2.2 in

My cases that are more than 10 m mis 2.2 rn long are mucnahines according to Bil cl 9 or BiId III ei fortlerlich. ,

The downpipe must be kept at a height of at least 2 ni of connections upstream of the xullaufseitig bgeN of a Vei
zictiun2 o (see Fig. 9},

Excepted from this are cases with changes in the riclitiy lois 45*.

DIN 1986-1tl0:2016-12

1 ing the bogcn
2 expiring BOpen
q 3A nscliluSs route/fell line vei

§ Fig. 9 - Connection-free components in the connection unit

Connections in the bci'cich of a vcrzichtll2iné with a m in destabs lan d of 1 nt behind your inlet xtiwie 1 m voi
or behind your ulalauf'seitipcn bend of a Vci zog ung to the lying line (see
<. Figure 9).

§If the F3lJJeit ingsvci xiehNng < 2 nr, a bypass line must be installed (see Fig. 10).


k Legend
* 1 Filling line distribution
2 Conversion control

BiId 10 - Case management education < 2 in with university management

DIN J 986-100:2016 12

A finba ii of a urngchiingsleitinig are the ü ins.elanscli1uss1citungcn to be connected to it. i

If the downpipe is drawn, the elbows used for the upward and downward bends must be resolved with an
intermediate length of 250 nrni (see ßigure 11).

Figure 11 Transition to an IiRgende line

If a bypass pipe is installed, the intermediate pipe Vtsil 250 mm long can be omitted. The bypass pipe must be
installed at least 2 in above the drainage side and 1 in below the drainage side (see Fig. 10).

The individual lines connected as shown in Fig. 9 can also be connected to the distribution line or to the
collecting and ground line by means of an unventilated or, if necessary, ventilated collective connection line
(see e.g. Fig. 12).

Bilrl 12 - Ventilation of collector connection pipes to downpipes Downpipes over 22 m

For downpipes that are longer than 2.2 na, iniisscn in the case of downpipe distortion and hei the transition of
a downpipe into a horizontal 1.e itung, unigcliilcitUIigen must be installed. Wenn die Verziehung < 2 in ist,
gilt für die ›\usfüh rung Bild 10, hei liiilgereil Ver ziehunpen tiild hei dem Ü14ei’ga1ig in eine liegen de
Leitung gilt Bil d 13. l n die.sen l'ällcn ist die Umlenkung mit einem Zwischcnstücli von 250 m m nach Bild
11 auszufiihi en.


DIN 1906-100:2016-1d

Fig. 13 - Downpipe routing 2 2 nr with bypass pipe or bypass pipe for the transition from a downpipe to a
service pipe or underground pipe Multiple downpipes (terraced houses)

Mc1ii'ly warped fields, e.g. in teri "osserihü user n, fiirl d with a direct over indii el:tcn secondary ventilation (see
Fig. 14 and Fig. 15). The drainage objects must be connected to existing pipes as far as possible.

Fig. 14 - Multi-distorted downpipe with direct secondary ventilation

DIN 1986-100:2016 12

ßitd 15 - Multi-drawn downpipe with indirect secondary ventilation

6.3 Rainwater pipes

6.3.1 Downpipes over 2.2 m

Internal rainwater pipes must be able to withstand the pressure that can cause them to back up, e.g. due to a
blockage. In the case of 22-metre flooding, special precautions must be taken in consultation with the
planner/architect, taking into account the potential danger posed by pressurised rainwater pipes.

6.3.2 Condensation thinning

Internal rainwater pipes must be insulated against condensation if the temperatures in the building and 'lie
l,uftfeiieit this crfordci n.

The requirements according to paragraph 1 also apply to wastewater discharge pipes that discharge a
proportion of rainwater from catch basins according to § 19 (4) AwSV.

6.3.3 Run-off onto other roof surfaces 1

In exceptional cases, rainwater can be drained t h r o u g h free outlets on lower roof surfaces, but the rainwater
must be diverted away from rising building components. In the area where the rainwater drips, the
waterproofing or roof covering must be reinforced.

6.3.4 Trace heating

If ice and snow can block gutters, internal guttering and pipes and the penetration of water into the roof is likely
to jeopardise the stability of the roof structure, a trace heating system should be installed.

6.3.5 Arrangement of odour control keys in rainwater systems with combined sewer systems

If the rcgcnwater and wastewater are diverted into a mixed sewerage system, the rcgcnwater must be routed in
such a way t h a t any escaping sewer gas cannot cause damage.
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

If the keys to the device are not available, they must be easily accessible so that they can be removed within hours.
Vic ger iichvci .scliliissc niiissen a gertichverscliliissliöhe according to p.7.1 1 ahen. This prevents the spe rrwo ske
i s f r o m drying out during 7'roc1 cNpcriodcii.

6.4 Plaiimally full rainwater pipes with pressurised flow

The components used in this roofing system must be aligned with each other and withstand the overloads and
underloads during operation as well as the resulting forces. System-specific manufacturer specifications must
be observed.

Planmnfiig full ccgcnwasxci pipes diii fen be laid without a slope.

In the case of a fully filled rainwater drainage system, no more than S CO 0 m2 should be drained. Large iifiei
roof areas should therefore be cntw sserved by more systems.

The high kinetic energy of the pressurisation must be taken into account in the oil flow control by selecting suitable
materials and ensuring the position of the free-flow pipe.

The combination of roof surfaces with different runoff behaviour (runoff height values) - e.g. intensive
greening/extensive greening/extensive irrigation - is not possible with a pru cke drainage system. Intensive
greening/extcnsive bcgi ünungcn ndei hekieste/unkieste
¿ Dücher - to avoid.

Darhfiachen with sG rk different height levels (> 1 m), should iiliei petren nte downpipes cntivüssci t wei rien.

6.5 Ventilation of the drainage system

6. 5.1 General

In principle, every downpipe must be routed to the roof as a ventilation pipe (exception see 6.5.5). The use of
waste water pipes for ventilation is not permitted.

In systems without downpipes, at least one DN 70 ventilation duct must be routed above the roof for the
ventilation of the ducts. The aiifni dcru ngeii for single and collective connection pipes must be complied with
inside the xc ventilated pipes (see 14.1.3).

The ventilation and drainage of a wastewater or mixed water drainage system between the public sewer i
and the ventilation opening iiber il may not be obstructed by fixtures - e.g. diiii'ch device closures - and
iinterbi oclicn.

If possible, the tiling should be laid straight and plumb. Laying with a slope is recommended. Deflections are to b e
made at 45° angles. 1.;inpere distortions of the liiftiingslcitcn should be avoided.

If a ventilation duct is located in the cold of AHfenth;1Jtsru um en, it must be routed at least 1 m a b o v e the
window sill or laid in such a way that it is at least 2 m to the side of the window opening. The above-mentioned
protective distance must be maintained in the suction area of suction points of ventilation, cooling and air
conditioning systems.
In agreement with the Hcrs tellcrfii ma to lacstimir en.

The connection of the ventilation ducts must be run at a right angle to the roof surface or at a right angle from the
clean roof. The aluminium edge ''on the (age k;i fitu of the coin'1ting of ventilation ducts must be at least 1.5 cm
long, measured at right angles to the \Vassei according to the roofing.

DI N 1986-100:2016-12

The end pipes and ventilation ducts to b e used must be n Lii components that ensure a professional and functional
outflow of the wick. The airtight layer or equivalent functional layers as well as the waterproofing and water-tight
layers, such as underlays, underdccliHngs, etc., must be professionally connected to all dt1i'c1i drjngs and
connections in accordance with D IN 4108-3 and DIN 4108-7.

Between the end control unit and the continuing air ducting, civilian parts with a maximum length of 1 ir must b e
flexibly installed, whereby sufficiently large and flexible parts must be u s e d .

E n tl rolire of ventilation ducts on the roof must be designed with at least the cross-section of the ventilation duct.
Covers must never be used.

6.E.2 Joining of ventilation ducts

The ventilation lines must be routed at an angle of 45° to the highest connection line (Fig. ?0). The
dimensioning of the nominal diameter of the pipework can be found in 14.1.6.

6.5.3 Liiftiing of wastewater lifting unitN

According to DIN EN 1205(1-1 rn must be ventilated and vented. '

Dirt-waxing siphons in accordance with Dt N AN 12050-2 must be vented beforehand if they are s e a l e d t o b e
airtight or if a later s e a l i n g i s not to be possible.

IJean installations with limited ventilation in accordance with DIN EN U 050-3 must be ventilated. I lerstellci information ad
cite .
ben chten.

The ventilation lines of the lifting systems may be connected to both main ventilation lines and secondary ventilation lines.
but not to downpipes. '

6.5.4 Ventilation of grease vents

The supply lines and, if applicable, the grease separator must be ventilated directly via the roof in accordance with
DIN EG 182 s-2 in conjunction with DU 4 040-100. No other ventilation ducts m a y b e connected to these
ventilation ducts. the ventilation ducts of the supply line and, if applicable, the grease separator must be combined
to form a single ventilation system.

6.5.5 Ventilation valves

Eeliifting valves can be used in entry airing systems with the main ventilation system as a set for recirculation or'
iiidirect fogging, which serve to relieve underpressure in the 1. ventilation system.

Efi diii fen nim beliiftuilgsventile acc. to Dl N EN 123B0 may be used.

In single-family or semi-detached houses, or in comparable nucleus units with exclusively domestic wastewater,
the use of a downpipe can be used as a drain for domestic wastewater if at least one downpipe is installed above the
roof. In this case, the downpipe is to be hc- ii n d e;itliiiiied with 'the greenest ncnniveau iibor the roof.

air release valves must be installed in such a way that they can be used in all areas of a pressure chamber without
13 £J S OtHtt SCH t V\*CWCI D U k Ü C11DII. Éül' Nu Sl'CÏ Cl l C'U Ü 0 C ["u2Ztl tr f tt iS t Zti ü 0 F3€Il.

The application range, taking into account the operating conditions and the installation position, is governed by 'i'alaelle 2 in
accordance with LiIN EN 1.2300. '
DJN 1986-100.'20 I 6-12

1n back to rigcfahrdctcn readiness and fiii the supply of fonts, e.g. 1-lcbc systems, diii fen no
hclifftinigsvcntile can be used.

Table 2 - ßetriebsbctlingiingen and designation of ventilation valves

Bcstiiiimation factoi' Area /Position Designation

Location: Yes A
The following can be used below No B
the floor level° for the connection
of the connected power supply
-0°Cbi+60 "C I
0 'C to + 60 °C N
0 'C ?is + 2.0 'C IIT

AN kIEltK UAG Valves dei fteze Inund 1 siii d for a use v'irgese1icn, dcssseii ambient temperature at the installation L (e.g. uiiheated
flatbnden) lmriiii daylong uriii below the freezeiiinltt.

" I°lieRebene im SiDfle 'los Regriffes "Riickstauebe ne" na cli LI lN EN 12300.

6. Ö Cleaning openings

Rciiligiing openings are cingcsctted for the purpose of cleaning, cingcsctting and, if necessary, testing.

Cleaning truffles in pipework may not be carried out:

— Rolii endvcrsc Iilusse;

— Cleaning closures;
— Cleaning pipes with i under/oval opening:
— Reiriigungsrtihi e with rcchtcckiger Öff'nunp;
— Cleaning tubes as real cleaning pieces;
— Open pipe openings in 8channels. Cleaning

openings must be made as described above:

— as cleaning connections for underground pipes and collecting pipes at least every 20 metres;
— as cleaning a nd red rcndvcrscliusss in sum irellcitungss;
— as a cleaning pipe directly at the transition o r iilcitung into a horizontal I.eitung;
— as downpipes in downpipes or as quiet pipes at accessible points in the corridor
from a vertical pipe into a vertical pipe.

Rciilfgungsrohre mit i echteckiger fiffnung eind fiir G ru ndlcitungcn zit verwend en, en veit cin offcner
Diircll flow j;1 is not possible in a shaft inside the housing. You can use t h e hiilaiis tur all
ond e ren Leirungcn vci wi 'Jen.

ccinigtlng pipes with i under opening diirlen groove for connection, drop and samine1le't ingen vcovcndet

°¿If t h e r e are no correct finccons between the fieiti ige ilgsöftnungcn, her alastand
between the cleaning openings in underground pipes up to D N 150 over 40 m and in underground pipes > DN 200
DI N 1986-100:2016 12

in coatings with ofl'cncni D LIl'Chlluss to 60 in ci. The 2tl drive to the shafts with l'ahrzeu den and Gci'äten is to be
ensured, these ich.ich te are to be executed as single-pastry shaclite (see '1 "alae11e .3).

These requirements apply to the installation of drainpipes > 30° (except for an axial offset with 2 z 30°
bends), nine drainpipe openings between then cleaning openings should be provided as close as possible to
the drainpipe bend.

Rciiliguilpsiifinings are to be placed close to the firti n dstiiclisgrcnzc, per'yoke in the ccgcl no further than 15 in
from the oil'fcntlicl sewer cntfci n t. Rcinigu ng founfications are not to be provided for the jcivciligc sewage

In the event of a general inspection, the cleaning opening of the building can be carried out instead of a cleaning process
( see Fig. 3) .

Heine RMI nigilng openingscii may be installed in workrooms where foodstuffs a r e laced or stored. 13i1d 16 cn
th'iJt examples of the alastiinde of Rciiiigiiil gsiiffnun*en in I, int n dleitiingen.


1 Cleaning T-stiick on the Keller Evan d Hau s 2

2 Gcivcrliclialle 3 For NW up to DN 1"0 40 m shaft spacing, for NW
3 Cleaning 'l' Stiick In the [lellerwand D N 20.0 up to 60 m, (also applies to section 1 l4ifi
4 Climbable shaft DN 000 4)
5 AxiaJverspi ring up to 30° 9 Gruodstiicksgi'enze
6 Inspection siiffniing (e.g. nictit climbable shaft D
h 400)

g Fig. 16 - Examples of tlic distances for cleaning openings in underground pipes

DIN 1986-100:2o1G-12

6.7 Shafts
Manholes m ust conform to DI N EN 476.

Shafts with closed pipe ducts must be tightly covered with tap water. Manholes with an

open pipe should be provided with aluminium covers.

Pipes for water, time and oil must not be routed through shafts for sewage disposal or through walls.

The manholes must be provided with coverings in accordance with DIN 1229 med 'len hoi'meii of DIN EN 124 x
u. The corners of the cover plates must be secured against unauthorised removal if necessary.

Shafts and covers must safely bear the travelling load according to the Jllassification. DIN EN 1917 and DI

N V 403 i-1 apply jointly to the utilisation of concrete shafts.

gInne rhulb of Gchfiu den, water pipes are to be closed with cleaning pipe cri d with ch the manholes.

A'nivasserlcituniieii should b e routed through sluices with an open flow, if their decliiei are iibcl the

For shafts with a diameter below half of the backwater l e v e l , the wastewater pipes must either be routed through closed
and the cover must be suitably protected against the escape of wastewater.

If shafts are located more than 5 m away from windows or doors of residences or offices, the escape of nanal gases
must be prevented. This stipulation does not apply to systems that only carry non-pressure UDSSCi' and are not
connected to the mixed water supply.

The pipe base of the manholes with an open duct must not b e lower than the existing pipes. In order to channel the
wastewater flow, the pipe base must be provided with a channel into which lateral inflows can be channelled.

When n druclii ohi leitu nyen into shafts, a ivirlisamc energyiiiii conversion is too .sei then.

Separate shafts must be provided for drainage water and rainwater in separation systems.

The connection of the pipes to the manhole in accordance with DIN EN 1610 must be carried out in such a way
that any bends in the pipework and the manhole structure can be absorbed without any disadvantages.

Table 3 - Measures of entry barriers and inspection nozzles for general use in groundwater drainage

Cross sections Maike and depths of shafts

Fi nsteigcliacli1:e

lhm I!e for bestrigfiai e shafts ru it Steigliili'cil iiacli DIN EN 476 and fi ciem
worker at nr a 1 OU() na na above the pipe schei rock:

DN/[D 1 00fJ min

in AusiiaJrn csituations t'csteigba re shafts according to DIN EN 4.76 up to :3 000


— * DN/1D 800 ru m

— z 75.0 mm - 1 (100 mm

with riser il ft n. Insertion o ui aiigegurtc t,

1nspel'tiuns openings not hcs1!able Built-in fen
(Control shafts, see DI N EN 476) DN /1D * 300 mm his < 400 mm s 1 SOO mm
DN/ID * 4(10 ru m to < 8tl0 in m S '3 f100 mm

IfolJtroI1s011Ö 011th
in rierlialb of the tic building ä ti0(1 iii m - 000 in ru
authorised up to a tici''c of 00.0 mm

\4*er the waste water pipes are stirred with a closed 8-pipe perforation, the manhole components should flow up to the height of the
cleaning opening with a slight gradient to the cleaning opening, so that in the event of a malfunction and / or' cleaning filiwaeser c a n
easily flow back into the cleaning opening.

— ci stcr .shaft air ilcr Gruiidstiicksgi ciize to the p u b l i c ltanalisiei path, ltcgcl-A
Instand dei' further shafts up to 40 in at DN 1tI0 to IIN 150 and/dei
— Standard ah stand up to 60 n hei > DN 200 with otieiiein throughflii.es.
Pupils above a working height of 1,000 miii, bcz'igen out tlcii Rolirsrarbeitel, Itünnen on a clear \Ve lte (DN/ID) of
> 800 lnin cingez'igen turn (see | Ü j).

Shafts > AN/Il ß00 to - UN/ID 1.000 in accordance with DI N AN 476 may only b e used as a coiitrollsc leacht with an open flow rate ini
Inncnruuni if this is secured by a person who is not in a position to do so.

7 Brand protection
For the PI: ntting and fiiilxrnng of irrt vässeri riysanlagen, the ß randscllutxu nfordcruiigen cntsp rechdend to
the I.andesbaiioi d nungen and the Technischen Bauhcstirnmungcn or the guidelines iilicr hrandschlItZtCCthii
i.sche Anioi dcru ngen to line systems of the Landcr f61 -inzu1ialten. See also [B].

8 Sound insulation

The behaviour of a company in connection with the 1st floor of the planuri and
ln stallatinl2 /U bRfuCllSÎCh tigen. The permissible noise levels are regulated in PIN 4109.

9 Requirements ax1 the wastewater treatment ,

9.1 General

Only wastewater within the meaning of D1 N 1986-3 may be discharged into the public sewage systems.

Ahwa.use i, which does not comply with these requirements and cannot b e avoided, must be designed in such a '
way that the requirements for the discharge of wastewater in accordance with the Water Resources Act (WHG),
Section 5B (indirect discharge) or the regulations of the federal states or the cumulative wastewater regulations are
met. ',

For direct discharges, WHG, § 57 must be reported.

A pi'nbena1imc.shaft or another suitable p robenalimestellc is to be arranged immediately behind the water

drainage system.

9.2 Separators and barriers for light liquids and substances

9.2.1 Allgcineines

Wastewater from commercial or industrial heating that contains liquids or tonnes must be treated in separator

Separators are to be cinzubaUllled as soon as possible near the place of installation.

I f this is not possible in the case of a take-off unit, then pumps should be used which do not cause the separating
process to flow, e . g . hose or screw pumps.

9.2.2 Absclieitici aiilagen fiir fats

l n PetiScliefi, if1 greasy water is produced, AbsclieitJeraiilagcn for greases according to DIN EN 1525-1, D[N FN
1g25-2 and'1 DIN 4 ()40-10 0 cinziilia and to operate.

_ It must be possible to empty and clean each built-in grease trap without hindrance. GcgclaeneUf'a11s .are to be
* arranged for the emptying or cleaning of suction lines of inindcxtci s 50 mm Richter width. The sav gleitHng must i
be odour-proof.

9.2.3 Separation systems for leicliltiüssigl'eiten

If minerals or light liquids, especially those that are dangerous or form an explosive atinosph'ire, are stored in
dewatering systems, systems must be installed downstream of the wastewater separator for each of the following:
DI N AN 858-1, PI N EN ßS8-2, DIN 1H99- J00 null
Ä DIN 1999-1 01.
DIN 1986-100:20 16-12

Drains from areas on which fuels a r e ever ejected, maintained or refuelled are to be connected to the drainage
system via a drainage system for light liquids. These areas are to be heprenxed doll cli watercidcii,

Drains from areas on which vehicles are only parked can be connected to the wastewater drainage system without a
separator system, unless otherwise stipulated by water legislation, wastewater regulations and the local bylaws.

9.2.4 Starch separator

In plants that discharge heavy-duty wastewater, static separators must be provided.

9.2.5 DefailfR mii SpRrren för Lei chtflüssigltciten (Hei zölspcri cn)

Drains in rooms in which, in the event of a malfunction, the discharge of liquids into the drainage system has to be
taken into account (e.g. in installation rooms for boilers with oil fcuctions) must be provided with a s]4ei i'e for
light liquids (liquid stop valve) in accordance with D IN ü N 1253-S.

Drains with a barrier for liquids are not suitable if wastewater is regularly/regularly produced in the centre. In this
case, separators must be installed anlat;eo for leiclit liquids.

%9 .3 Catches

Sludge or sludge traps must be provided if wastewater contains sedimentable substances. The sludge traps can
either be part of a self-contained wastewater treatment system or be connected as a separate component of the
wastewater treatment system and fulfil their function on their own, The sludge traps and t h e i r directions must be
resistant to the wastewater to be discharged. Sludge traps must be easy to clean and the shafts must be as clean as

9.4 Condeiisates
DVt*A-A 251 must be t a k e n i n t o a c c o u n t for the discharge of iton'1snts from fcucrunt;s plants, unless
otherwise specified in the i egi''nu1en Abu asscr.satzungen.

9.5 Waste l'Ieinerer

Dismantling units for kitchen traps, waste, paper, lnknii tinence articles etc. such as I lantituclispendci nr with
spiilvoirichtimg, where the dismantled water can get into the waste water system, must not b e connected to the
Abu asscran system (see also DIN 1986-3).

10 On-site sewage treatment plants

Itle wastewater treatment plants (N Pfl E must comply with the D[h E h* 1.25.66 series of standards and the fii
piinxations in DI N 4261-. The requirements of your water regulations (§§ *7 and 60 WHG) m u s t b e observed
for the compatibility of the t;erected ßaiipi odiicts.

The utilisation conditions specified in the LandOSliauoFdniinden and the utilisation conditions specified in
the Vtirschi4ftcn on the basis of the Landesbauoi dnung apply.

For certain i introductiing a W39sei legal egg laulanix ei fortJerlich.

Illeine sewage treatment plants up to 100.0 PE are l ;3Ch DWA-A 2.2.2, from small sewage treatment plants z 50 PE, to
hent to eat.

The requirements of :ius tler wasservechtlichola üTliiubnis are to be observed for the ßexsiing of the type age
and then operation.


For the use of the baiipiui]octs regulated in DIN EN 12566-1, DIN EN 125fiii-3, DIN 12566-4, Dl N EN US 6fi-6
and DIN AN 12566-7, regardless of the corresponding CE- l4e ml/oiclin1it in Germany A nfordei ringen from the
Wa.ssci ha ushaltsgesetz, § 57 "Einleiten von
Alawalser in waters" uncl g CO .wastewater systems".
11 Sewage collection pits
Due to gaps in the J ilfiillenties, the sclmu tzu'assc1', which may not be discharged into a public wastewater system or
may be discharged into a groundwater s y s t e m with a retlllilised permit, must be discharged into a wwu wu ssei
dense wastewater collectiiiclgi ulae. The sclimitcd water, according to DIN 1986-3, must meet the requirements for
discharge into clie iiffe nt wastewater systems cntx;ii e, is to be cntxcited by the niitzungxbei'cch tigtee diii ch a
specialist bctric-b with eiipneteii flow rates;J of the maximum filling length must be driven off and fed to the public
wastewater facilities designated by the subcontractor responsible for wastewater cilics8itI. Waste water collection
pits are to be cited according to nis iegc-3. Low-lying water may not be discharged.

Wastewater sainmclgi iihcn are so eitiz ribauen, 'tess

— they can be accessed at any time by vehicles with a permissible total weight of at least 18 tonnes of beaver on
appropriately paved roads and/or

— a length of 30 metres is not exceeded for t h e wastewater pipe,

— In the case of a possible sewer connection, this must be made in a straight extension to the public sewer; in the
place of the sarninelgi iibc, a manhole for the connection must be made, whereby the distances between the
manholes must be maintained according to 6.7

Sewage collection systems must comply with the requirements specified in DIN EN 12566-1 and DI N 4 26s -1 and
must be installed in such a way that they are safe for the empty operating state, taking into account the highest
possible average \Va.sscr level.

In the case of sanitary sewage systems made of concrete or stalilbcton, the concrete must comply with strength class
C35/45 in accordance with DIN I N 20a ziisaNNren with PIN 1045-2. Manufactured components iniisscii DII
V4034-1 with the requirements for type 2. Waste water sump pits to be made of masonry: are iinziiliissig. The
cover plate and ilonus must fulfil the requirements specified in DIh V 4034-1.

The manhole covers must comply with the standards of the DI N ü N 124 series in conjunction with DIN 1.2.29
and must withstand the load on the respective enclosure. Only covers without ventilation openings are permitted.

The requirements specified in DI N EN 12556-1 apply to the consideration of live loads and determination of the
structural behaviour.

Aliwasset sunimelgritben aus.s Kunststoffen bediirfen ejer allgemeinen trau aufi clitliclaen Zulassung, die Einbau,
Wei tung und Erieb i e regulates.

% The connection of the inlet pipe (at least DN 1 OU) and, if applicable, a suction pipe must be
< be articulated (see 6.7). The single-indcndc ('i'and pipe is to be inserted into the collector grille in accordance with
DIN 4.261 -4 t50 mm to 100 mm ii1. The required sleeves or cingcl aiite connecting pieces must be
The required sleeves or fittings must correspond to the dimensions to be connectedllohic
Empty runs are as follows when collecting milieu:

• 46
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

— Containers made of concrete as a white material: inlet or o u t l e t moulded into the aerator and with the use
of a CrNmmi-M chrfachlippcndichtiing;

— Bchai tci ans andci cn materials: Pipe fittings or sleeves with multiple lip seals installed stably and tightly in
the tank wall.

\If, due to its size or shallow depth, a wastewater collection pit system c o n s i s t s of several tanks arranged one
behind the other, the connections must be set up in DN 150 or larger. The transverse connection must be made.

The f o l l o w i n g requirements apply to the installation of wastewater septic tanks:

— Ifreisq uersclinitt with a minimum diameter of 60.0 mm;

— Crampons are not permitted;
— The collecting chamber may only be climbed via a ladder from the floor after it has been ventilated in
accordance with the accident prevention regulations;

q b) Ventilation and ventilation:

- the irrigation and tiritlii ftiing of Abivas.scrsaiii irely u ben erl'o1gt iibei the connected ground line
g uni ventilation duct z DN 10.0 above the roof;
q° The use of air valves is not permitted to ensure the safety of the collection grids in order to p r e v e n t the
accumulation of fail-gas;

c) Protection against overfilling:

- Alawnssersatii mei rests should be equipped with an overfiill protection (Aiifstaiinieldci ),

which triggers a clearly visible and audible alarm for the user when filled to maximum capacity;

d) Useful content:

— The depth of the Sarrimelgi iibe from t h e inlet pipe to the bottom of the basin is not relevant for
determining the nutrients;
— The required storage volume is determined by the prey storage conditions according to D IN 4 261-1;
— For areas that are not sewered in6 , the building code generally only permits buildings with a cineY
al water technology no txe corresponding to about 2 to 3 residential units;
— for a weekly unit (E\V} trit 4 persons with 150.1 water consumption jc 4'ag and person ci'recIine 600.1
per dough rin wastewaterJ nfal l;
— With an approximately half-metre wastewater filhi' ei'e, the hici from z. ß. gives an erft'i dei lich storage
volume of 9 m*,
— However, a minimum volume of 6 n}3 must not be exceeded in the case of a small residential or
comparable use,

c) Wasscrdich tticit:

- For newly manufactured systems, the requirements specified in D IN 19ß6-30 apply.

DIN 1986.100:2016-12

12 Removal of drainage systems no longer in use

Water supply systems that are no longer in use must be secured in such a way that dangers or additions to Lithai'e
Bel3stipunpen cannot arise if the systems are not completely removed. Safety man
z. For example, the pipes should be closed. Sumps and pits that are no longer in use (e.g. wastewater, sewage or
collection pits) must be removed or professionally filled after they have been emptied.

13 Protection against backwater

13.1 Drainage points

13.1.1 Allgemcincs

Backwater from the drainage system has a variety of reasons that are specified in DIN EN 12056-4, which must be
taken into account during the planning and construction of the property drainage system in the interests of proper
operation. The aim of the native specifications i n sections 13 and 14 is to avoid flooding in the property.
Measures against backwater from the sewerage system are to be taken by installing wastewater lifting stations or,
under certain conditions, by installing backwater valves in the sewerage system.
g planning, such as the examination of whether the aluminium positions and the cooling dam xivin2end are

If the wastewater accumulates at the backwater level, it m u s t b e drained into the sewer system with free flow. If
the gradient to the sewer is too steep, the wastewater must be pumped into the sewer by means of wastewater
lifting equipment; in this c a s e , the requirements for laying in accordance with DI N fi N 12€l'5 6-4 also apply.

13.1.2 Drainage points for dirty water

Drainage points where the water level in the odour trap is below the backflow level must be protected against
backflow from the sewer by means of automatic drainage systems with backflow protection in accordance with DIN
EN 1 2056-4.

Backwater valves must comply with DIN EN 13564-1. According to DIN EN 12056-4:2001-0 1, section 4,
backwater valves may only be used if:
— Gefnlle to the IRnal exists;
— the rooms a r e of subordinate use, i.e. that the health of the occupants is not significantly impaired if the
rooms are overcrowded;
— the user circle is small and a WC is available to this user above the kiickstauclaene tt ng
— he use of the alarm centre must be avoided. The regulations for operation and
maintenance in accordance with PIN 1906-3 must be observed.

Drainage points above the water level, which are drained in the free fall, must not be

13.2 must be observed when using the types contained in DIN EN 13E64-1.

13.1.3 Drainage points for rcgcn water

Outlets for wastewater from areas outside the Iiiicl'stauclicnc diii fen to the public sewerage system uur gctrcnnt of
liiius wastewater iiber automatic ar hcitcndc Aliwassci hchc plants, Ö IR *ltI Ü8F$I'IJ$3 UPS G€ÖÜ1IÜDS il Fl
€CiFtlFlDt W€ Uden must b e connected, i ii vista ufrei nnch according to DIN EN 120 er 6 -4 (lifting over the backwater,
backflow shower). The areas below the backwater that have an impact on the overflow, such as the driveway, the
[ouside5i and the site d r a i n a g e a r e a , should be kept as free as possible.

DIN 198ü-100:z01G-U

In exceptional cases, e.g. 8, in the case o f borderline buildings, the water heating system can also be installed in
the centre of the building with a double layer if the building is suitably protected against flooding by structural

Bci 1'lein en areas under half of the parking level with slopes to E i;1gängcn of the building, e.g. hei garage nipen,
hei n the Abivasserliebcaill8ge also in n erhall det building des installed wei den.

Low-impact wasxer of small areas (about 5 in*) of Ilellcrniedergänge n and the like can be infiltrated if the soil
conditions are suitable for this. If this is not p o s s i b l e , such areas may be drained via drainage channels in
accordance with DIN fi N 13 or E4-1, provided that suitable drainage channels, e.g. thresholds in cellars, are used.
For example, thresholds in cellar ceilings can prevent the low-lying R3ume f r o m overflowing due to subsidence,
as long as the drainage system is pesclilosxeia.

In the case of precipitation drainage, overflooding tests are to be carried out in accordance with 14.9 'for',
depending on the measures taken to protect the rainwater.

13.2 Backwater valves

For the design of the backing support in accordance with D lN EN 13564-1, only the exact types listed in Table 4
may be used for the respective application.

Table 4 - Areas of application for backwater valves

Train class types

Application notes
of backwater valves according to DU EN 13564-1
Faecal waste water geen 2, 3 and S
Waste water containing faeces Type 2 with labelling "F"
kcgcnwasscriiii kz tingsanlagen Types 0, 1, 2
" Only Wil' IÏherlaufe of Ertlspeichcrn, which areconnected to a PegnnwasserkanaJ, permissible (see DAN 989-1).

13.3 Waste water lifting unitii

Planning and dimensioning must be carried out in accordance with DIN EN 120.56-4.

The wastewater pipelines for wastewater are to be connected to ventilated buzzer or groundwater pipes, wastewater systems

for low-flow wastewater are t o b e c o n n e c t e d to pipes in the middle of the building. '
be connected. If the lifting unit is installed inside the building in certain exceptional cases and for small connected
areas, the drainage pipe should be connected as close as possible to the building wall and the rainwater d r a i n a g e
pipe for hygienic reasons.

In the case of drainage systems where the wastewater flow must not be unhindered, a double-hose system must be
i n s t a l l e d in accordance with DIN EG 12€150 -1 how. DIN EN 4 2050-2 must be installed.

j 49
DIN 1986-1O0:201G-12

According to DIN ü N 12056-4, only wastewater collection systems that demonstrably fulfil the following
requirements may be used for drainage systems:

a) F'iko1irn1iehcan1ages according to D IN I N 1.2.0er 0-1 iiiiissen

— without distribution of the cases he FH i dcrmed him an Aiischliixs f'iir the DracMeituilg of at least DN
80.1 all,
— cen a connection of at least DN 50 for 'lie Lüftitopslcitunp hei eioem rörders rt om up to 12 l/s halen; Mei
ii öfieren Fiirderströmen is the connection inindesteiis Ï I l DN 70 ausführeneri,
— ensure a minimum flow velocity of the medium in the pressure pipe of 0.7 m/s at an incni ma nometric
fiirdcrtlrtick of 40 kPa (0.4 bar) and
— fulfil the requirements for explosion protection.

ANALERKI IN ti F3lialienlicbe systems with Fa l'alienzertciltin, siiid hei klt irt cross-sections dci' Purriprndl-uckleitung undl
large Lcitungslä rige n Lese n ders suitably. In principle, they are not gcc:i IICt fi for the use of water with ahrasivt ii materials
(e.g. sand) or the drainage of I Iof- ii and car parks, as the drainage of drainage water is known.

la) Wastewater heating systems for faecal-free wastewater in accordance with DIN EN 12050-2 must achieve a
minimum flow rate of 0.7 m/s in the drainage system at a manoeuvring pressure of 40 ltPa (0.4 bar),

c) Faeces canlps for limited use in accordance with DIN EN 12050-3 may only be used if the user group is small
and another WC is available f o r this group above the backflow level. In addition to the PVC, a maximum of
one hand washbasin, one shower and one bidet can be connected. All drainage items must be located in the
same room.

Faeces hcbcaiila2cn for limited \/use in accordance with DIN EN 12050-3 must achieve a manofnetric
delivery pressure of 30 kPa (0.3 has) and a minimum fJi cfigescliivilldigcdigcnt of the medium in the
prtickleituog of 0.7 in/s. This lifting system should have been designed with a static head o f 2.5 metres.

14 Dimensioning
14.1 Waste water systems

14.1.1 Allgeiiieinex
The measurement rules for this only are based on fn1gen'1e furil tiunalc requirements:

— The gentle flushing of the drainage process must not reduce the odour trap by more than 25 mm;
¿- de s perrsvos.s ei may sveder dm ch II ntcrdrti ek abgese ugt nuch durch (Jberü mak heriiusgedriickt
twe mdcv;
— For scl4rriiitz water and mixed water pipes, no larger nominal diameter should be used than that calculated
according to the standard;
— the purification of the abivJsscrleitu ng must be sufficient.

d'ld17enhü1t inaUarstr)lt+ngzrwizulü sigcnSpr1'rwasseivcrlust

DIN 1986-100:2016-12

Mu f(c in Milliinetei

" Permissible reduction of the locking water height 25 mm
h Odour trap height

Figure 17 - Permissible sealing water loss

q 14.LZ Waste water discharge

)t0t iS the planned ficsaint dirty water discharge in a part o'Jer the entire drainage system. It surrounds the
angcxclilnsscncn sanitary drainage objects, e ntive water objects with Dd ne rabfJuss u net/ndci
Atiwasscrhebeanlagen. Continuous flows and pump flows must be counted as part of the lubricating water flow
without deduction. Qtq, is calculated according to Gle ich undti (1).

This is

Qtt 'ler total scliinii tzwasscrabfliiss, in litres per second, (1/s); Q""

dci wastewater discharge, in litres per second, (l/s];

the continuous discharge, in I.ite r per second, (1/s);

Qp the point pcnforsti nm, in litres jc second, (1/s).

Q , , is the wastewater discharge to be ei wai r in a part of otlet her hesanite fintwüssci ungsanlagc un'1 is calculated
according to equation (7).

This is

Q, Schmutzwass ei abfJ ess, in litres' per disgrace, (1/.s);

the Ahfi usskeiiiizalil;

D Uthe sum of dci connected loads.


Is the value ties calculated polluted waterabiliisscs Q" or dex bcicchnctcn

Total scliiiiutzwasserci abflusscs Qt" gcringci as dci connectionwe is DII of the largest aiigesch lussenei drainage
gcriingsgcgcnstand,.so her Wci't of the largest a n2eschiossenen drainageiin psgegenstand DU.

applies in the event of low-level water discharge from catchment areas into wastewater pipes in accordance w i t h
the AwSV or local regulations (see Section 4):


Q,. de c Rainwaterobfl viss in l/s vt'n flat areas on which contaminated rainwater accumulates (see
Appendix C).

Typical waste figures, taking into account the frequency of use of the objects, are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 - Discharge numbers (K)

Type of building and use

Uni egelmäfiigc use, e. g. in Wnhnhaiiscrn, Alter shcimcn, Pensions, B ü res 0,5
Regular use, e.g. i n ki aiikcn houses, schools, kcstaiii'ants, hotels 0,7
Frequent use, e.g. in public toilets and/or showers 1,0

When dimensioning sections with different discharge coefficients, the higher discharge coefficients should be
used in each case for approximately equal discharges.

14.i.3 Connection cables Unventilated single connection pipes

In addition to DIN EN 120S6.2:20 01-01, 'l'abcllcn 2 and 4, Talaellc 6 Ari sswerte weiterem
Entwässerungsgegenstände aufgcnnmmcii und die ci fni dci lichen Nennweiten der Eiiizelanschlussleitunpen

The minimum length for unventilated individual connection pipes is 1 cm/nt.

An unventilated single connection pipe must not be longer than 4 ru sem.

The maximum number of 90*-roundings (without connections) within a flyfiivcgc is 90*.

The height difference Oh between a connection to a drainage object and the pipe in the connection branch to the
downpipe must not e x c e e d 1 m (see Fig. 18).

If one of the above hcdl ngungcii cannot be crfiillled, the single connection must be heliifteL
we rCten.

14.1.3.Z Ventilated individual connection pipes

The M iiidcstgcfallc fiii fell ü ftetc fiinzclconnectionlcitungeii is 0.5 cm/m. A

Lcliiftctc single connection line must not be longer than' 81s 4.0 m.
DIN 1986-100:2016 12

The difference in height between a connection to a drainage pipe and the bottom of the Ruhr in the connection branch to the
downpipe must not exceed 3 metres.

Table 6 - Connected loads and nominal diameter of ventilated and unventilated individual connection

Connection divert
Drainage counterpart
Connecting cable

0,5 DN 40
Shower without stopper 0,s' DN F'D

Shower with Stiipscl EN S 0

Fi nz' In rinal unit Flushing box 0,0 EN 5.0
Single urinal with flush valve 0,5 GN h 0
SRanduririal 0,2 PN 5.0
Urinal without water flush* 0.1
bathtub DN S 0
Kii cbcilspu le tllld GeScllirrspiilfnJSch inc AflIt g0ilJciflS3ffl0ll
0,5 DN SU
Serucli fastener

Iiichr- l* ( ', AO SgilssÜ0 CX011 0,8 DN 50

Dishwasher 0,8 DN SO
Washing machine his II lag 0,8 DN 50
Washing machine up to 12 kg 1,5 DN 56/60
WC with 4.0/4.5 litre cistern 1,8 DN HU/DN 9U
WC with 6,() l cistern/driicl'flushcr 2,0 DN 80 to DN 100
WC with 7.5 litre cistern/pressure flush valve 2,0 see Aninerkiing
WC with 9,d I flush cistern/di ucl'flush "1,. GN 100
FlodcnablaH 1 AN 3.0 0,8 PN 50
3orlenabIaiif PN 7.0 1,5 DN 70
flodena blauf DN 10 t) 2,0 PN 100

ANlvIERKUNG K1r'setts ruit 7,5 1 Spü l t eg'o sin't iin Anweil diingsbereicll tlieser Norm richt gebräiichlich. The in
tirundation of the water supply is c c rreated i i dvi Tahiti ri kring Ne ri rice Etc f iir il the in stallation. mei lxlosettaHlagen ruit
Di uckspiilern can be used oliei the same aaccessi ons as mei aliagen wi t cisterns. On the basis of current developments, the
sizing rules for illosettaiilageii
lnit 4,!j l b ifi 4, Ii l N5fÏ l \V0SSC BVO1.11 trl P it in d 0 °' hj/StP rn l d 11fran 0 n 4n l Pn. I II U ritt'l'S uCh ti1lgt'f i Wtt1 tle ni4 chgeWi eSen, tia sS
l€osett systems suitable for 4.0 litres of ice 4,!i I and for k l spiil water rvnlu men, wi i the Na tin wri ten UN 80 t*. - 5 rn rn)
bzi'. DN 90 (*, i - 79 mm) can be connected. Saniinelan.sclilussleitungen

In addition to DI N k N 120.5 G-2:20 01-01, 'l'abcllcii 4 and 5, manifold connections must be dimensioned in
accordance with Tolielle 7 and taking into account the following application limits.
DIN 19B6-100:2016-12

Table 7 - Dimensioning of unbeliiftctcn samiiiel connection pipes

K - - D ,5 K - - O ,7 II - - 1 .0
Max. pipe length
DN S D11 Z D11
l/s l/s 1/s '
50 44 J ,0 J ,0 0,8 4,0
S6/60 49/56 Z,0 1,0 4,0
70" 6ß 4,6 <,T)
dU 71 1?,tJ* 8,G 4,() 10,U
90 70 13,0' 10,0*
100 9b 160 12,0 6,4 10,0

EOU - {6

Figure 18 - Collective connection line

The minimum gradient for unventilated collective connection pipes is 1 cm/in.

The length of a Flicfiwcgcs in a unhcliiftctcn collective connection line must not exceed the iTiaximumc
length from Table 7.

The F'cstlcgungcn for individual connection lines apply within the unventilated collective connection line.

If one of the application requirements cannot be met, it is a manifold that must be ventilated and dimensioned
in accordance with 14.1.5.

14.1.4 Downpipes

F.s must not be connected to a separate DN 70 downpipe (itiichensti ang) with more than four I4üchenabl a stell en
Contact us at §angexch1ossen.

A n sch Tüs e zzn F0\T\e itu "¿en n1it Aixweigen R7' Iris 88,.6" In i[ '4 fi" Einbau fwinkeJ, x. B. me DI N 19 ü'22, (see
Fig. 1V/ are to be evaluated as Ahxweige eit I nenraüius {see DIN EN 12Ufi6-2:? J01-0t, Tx! elle 11) xu I ewerten.
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

D Radius of the centre line
D/'2 lladiits of this inlet bend

Fig. 19 - Branch 87° his 88.5° with 45° inlet angle or inner radius Table 8 -
Dimensioning of downpipes

Schn Schniutzwassei fallleitiingen with main ventilation

Branches without inner radiusBranches with inner radius
60" 0,5 0,7
70 1,5 2,0
80'°' 2,0 2,6
90 ' 2,7 3,5
100 4,0 5,2
125 5,ß 7,6
150 9,5 12,4
200 16,0 21,0
In accordance with DIN EN 12056-2:2001-01, 'i'abel1en 1.4 and 12, the nominal diameter for F'allleitiiogcn in System II I
hei Veriveiidong of 1{losettaniagcn with d.0 l to ö.0 l üpülwasservoliiincn rnintlesst DN 8tl.
' 1bittest nDIiliwcite at Aiiscbliiss of Xlosetts.
*DIN AN 12056-2, but not common in Germany.

14.1.5 Dimensioning of the sainmeJ and basic conductors

14.1.5. l General

For planning without specifying the pipe material, the nominal diameters can be determined using the Bernese tables
in Appendix A, tables A.3 to A.5. The calculated flow rate is the smallest permissible inside diameter of the
respective nominal diameter according to DIN EN 1.20.5 fi-2: 2001-01, Tnlicllc 1. If ö ef' pipe material is known,
the dimensioning can also be c a r r i e d o u t using the actual internal diameter according to Pi andtl-Coleb ronlt
with a lictricbliche ROllfÜ£i HhüiF VOM Ug - 3,fd llll2l er ol;£{Dn. Manifolds

Within the duct, collector pipes are to be dimensioned for a flow rate of h/H, - - 0 , 5, taking into account a minimum
flow rate of J - 0.5 cm/nt and a minimum flow velocity of 0.W m/s.
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

I lintei dci discharge cincs \*olt1mciisti oms from a sewage lifting station came n the sanimelJ eitun g fiii a fiilling
degree of h/d, - - 0 .7.

Snfci n dci total protective wateri'ubfJ us Q, is smaller than 2.d 1/s, kg n n the dimensioning of the collector pipe is
carried out according to Table 7. Ground pipes

lnnci half of the building Sllld Gru n bI eitu npen f'iii a r ii "3 ad van Ji/d, = 0,S untcr b ci iicksichtigung eines M
indestgefiilles von J = 0,5 ctli/m und einer Mindestfließgeschwindigkeit von 0,5 in/s zu dimension. H intei' b ci
discharge of a volume flow e from a wastewater lifting station, the grey n clleituiig innci'ha1li of the geliüudc Wiir
a filling ridge of fi/di - 0.7 can be dimensioned.

When dimensioning drainage channels for wastewater and mixed water on the outside of the building, a minimum
velocity of 0 .7 m/s and a slope of 2.1 in/s must be taken into account. The permissible Fiilliingshrad here is li fd --
0.7 and the minimum gradient = 1 : DN. When discharging a flow from a wastewater lifting unit into the ground
pipe without the need for a d r a i n a g e p i p e , behind a ciii cm shaft with an open diameter, a flow rate of h jd, - -
1 .d must be taken into account (for dimensioning see tables A..3 to A.S).

Misclnv water pipes from D N 1SO hön new under a manhole with open flow f o r full filling without overfilling
(b/di -° , ) are localised.

The main pipe kg n n lris to a non.stgclcgcn manhole outside the building in tret minimum second DN CO {d, --75
mm) if the hydraulic calculation permits this. Ufl;2bhichever of these
For reasons of better accessibility of the basic pipework for inspection and cleaning and the availability of suitable,
usable components, the design of the pipework in the nominal diameter DN 100 is recommended.

Connecting pipes < DN 100 may be laid as general pipes if they are as short as possible and can be inspected.

When using Illosett systems with 4.0 1 to 4.5 litres of water in existing drainage systems, it must be checked in
each individual case whether the same cleaning ability is ensured in pipes DN 100 or larger. The criteria for this
inspection must be clear:

— Nominal width of the Sa mm el- r'd ei' Gun ndlciriing;

— sufficient gradient;
— Number in the t1 Aie of the fintwiissinggcgccn items;
— Smoothness of the wastewater discharge.

14.1.f' Ventilation ducts

14.1,6.1 Single main ventilation ducts

E in zet- main ventilatioonn ctitutioonns are to be outfiiliiied in the unit nominal values of the associated FJlll citaat. Sanimel-Iiauptlül'tu ng

The cross-section of the cross-section must be as large as the cross-section of the sum of the individual cross-
sectional centres of the filfixel main foundation. The nominal width of the Sainmel haiiptl'tung must be JRt1(JC$J, 8
ApeoumrNen hei Einfamilicnliiiuscrii, be at least one nominal diameter larger than the gri8th nominal diameter of
the xut;ehiii igen single laiiptliiftiing (see Fig'1 20).

DfN 1986.100:2016-lZ

r 2

1 Tunnel main ventilation
2 Single I fu u ptJ ustification

Figure 20 - Bcgi iffsbestiminungen im IJauptIüftu ngssystein Bypass line

The bypass pipe (see ßigure 21) must be designed in the same size as the downpipe, but not larger than p "
DN 100. The ventilation pipe is to be designed like a uni-air pipe in accordance with PIN EN 12055-2:2001-
Table 7 to be measured.

No ventilation valves may be used in a bypass pipe.

Figure 21 - Bypass pipe Ventilation pipe

The bypass pipe (see Fig. 2 2) must be designed in the same nominal diameter as the associated collector
connection pipe at the inlet to the downpipe; DN 70 is sufficient in any case. The pipe cross-section up to the
pipe inside the underground pipe must also b e designed in this nominal diameter.

Figure 2.2 - Uni-ventilation duct

DIN 1986-100:2016-12

14.2 Controlled water systems

14.2.1 Rainwater drainage

The basis for the regula) ons of rainwater harvesting systems is the basic rainwater impxo ntance defined in
Section 3.1 for enclosures with large areas [A ,), which are defined as
cntwaxxci'ungstech nisthe units iibeiing to above-ground fieser, seepage systems according to DWA-A 13R or
üJäet Arischlusskaiiiile connected to the üiTentliche Kana1ixation '1.

The soft design values of this N are to be used for greenhouses with a paved area of up to approx. 60 ha Ahhh
or F'1iciizcitcn lris to a watercourse oclei the public watercourse for approx. 15 min (see equation 4). For the
calculation of the AU, the sp itxen discharge coefficient CS according to Table 9 must be applied.

For properties that have a private (non-public) infrastructure of their own (such as a private \Vcgc- ndcr street
netx with private sewage pipes) must be examined, whether an 8 nalnge ttandliubnc to the Itcgclungcn fiii
public sewerage systemc for the Haiiptlcitirngxnctz can be applied by way of derogation f r o m the Noi'm
regulations. These gritiidstiickc should be analysed in its entirety as a hydrological tide-induction area and
p cntsprccl end the regulations in DWA-A 117 and DWA-A 118 the pla "" u""rpeste1lt. For the
According to DlN 1956-100, 14.9. 2, however, the touchiness of 'les Bereclininigsrcgcns cirnnal in lwe i years [T --
7 a) may not be undcr.writings. The buildings located within the boundary of the site and their associated
pathways, hardstandings and garden areas are to be planned and constructed at the transfer point to the central
private drainage network in accordance with the conditions set out in paragraph 2. The ÏJbei fl uttiiigsnachweise
should be crfnlled according to 14.9.2 tei1l'liichcnbczngcn. Reciprocal influences must be taken into account.


Dal'ci is t

/the flyway in metres, (m);

tThe flow in Sckundcn, (s);

r the airspeed in metres per sclnindc, (in/s).

The FfiliIgesc1iiviiidig1'cit should not fall below 0.7 m/.s according to DIN h N 7'52.

The rainwater runoff from a Nicdci .scliIag area is to be determined using equation (5):

Dabci is

c the discharge coefficient (according to Table 9 J, is differentiated according to

C Peak obfliisslaciwert fiir clie hei eclinierung dci ahf1iisswirks;ini en Fläche (Au) zur
bcmeasurement of the drainage and underground pipes,
Cp average runoff coefficient for the calculation of the volume of Nieclerschla s assci retention
aunia ( 1j ) according to 14.9.4 for a 9clii'itLivcisc erni lttelte niJGpelicndcn rain'laiierstiife;

A the projected rivet length for Gi rindrixs, in square metres (m2) (see also DIN EN 12056-3: 2001-
01, 4.3);

The drainage area Au results from the multiplication of the paved area him (i i and r'ifiS with the
respective runoff coefficient C (here: A" - A- €5);

rainwater runoff, in I.itei per second, (1/s).

14.2.2 For 'echnungsrcgen

For the calculation of the donations, the above values according to K0STRA-DU*D-201U are to be used. The
wines can be taken from IIOSTRA- D\VD-2010 3) for each location. The selection of the 0 i ts;'unktcs 1'can be
made according to no men or cooi dinates (Univerxalc-'fi ansvcrsale-Mercato r-Pi njection-UTM or geodetic).
The corresponding K()STRA raster field is determined for the specified location point. The coordinates of the
centre are used when specifying location names. For each raster field, areas of sotistisrh low schlopsloihcn for
each itombinatinn of rainfall duration (D) and jouissance (/ hei) are cited. For the measurement, the values at
the upper range limits are to be used.

" For selected locations in Germany, examples of Rcgcnspcndeil are g i v e n in 'Table A.1, which result from
I4OSTRA-HWD-2010 according to öd iesei \/oi gchensiveise.

§ The duration of the rainfall to be taken into account for the calculation is D --5 min. The annualisation {T) pwit
d is determined by the task and must be o'1 taking into account the type and use of the building. viii be
generated. Safety factors must no longer be taken into account.

The annual duration of the irrigation of surfaces, except for roof surfaces, must be at least once every two years (Z
= 2 a) for areas without planned rainfall.

The annuality of the flercchninigsi egen for the e ii twässcrcrung of daclifliicheii must be at least onemJl iii five
years T -- 5 a).

3) K(JS'FItA-Dfi D-2- dinierte ngen. Urheber: divd -

Ueil tscher Wetterö ienst; Obtained: CD-ROM ü bi r ITV,FH, Han nover (http://www.itivh.dc/.S_kostra.htm)

DIN 1986-100:2tl16-12

ß il d 23 contains a do i stance on the delimitation of the dimensioning rcgcln fiii rainwater pipes.

1 Notentwüssei'iingsfun10ion
2 dn tspannnng point: Regcnriickhaltung, Ahflnssverzugun g
3 fi12 tivässcrung4leitii nich lxs to the fi t voltage point
4 Drainage pipe behind the 'lein tintspanninipoint up to the connecting channel

Fig. 23 - Summary of the design rules for rainwater pipes

DIN 1986-100:2016 12

14.2.3 Discharge coefficients

Table 9 - Discharge coefficients C for determining the rainwater discharge

No Type of surfaces Peak Mean

discharge discharge
coefficient coefficient*
The runoff coefficients relate exclusively to rivers that potentially have a n
outflow to the fiii rw sscru i gssysteni.

Roof surfaces
— Sch rögdach
— Lletall, glass, slate, fibre cement 1,0 0,9
1,0 0,5
— Flat da ch (inclination up to ?J° whether it is about !i Di"
— Metal, glass, F'asei zeirient 1,0 0,9
— Abliclitiingsbalinen 1,0 0,9
— Gravel crushing 0,8
— fiegriinte Dr chll3cli en*
— ExteHsive acceleration (> S') 0,7 0,4
— Intensive turfing, from 30 cm thickness (S ü°) 0,1
— Fxtcnsivt egriinig, from 10 a superstructure thickness (S 5°) (),4 0,2
— Lxtensivl'cgi üfung, o nter 1.11cm Apl'ba nrlici'c (< S°) 0,5 ,3
Traffic areas (roads, pavements, access roads, paths)
— Concrete surfaces 1,0 0,9
— Sh varzdccken (asphalt) 1,0 0,9
— ÜPfOSt tQt€ blÄé!11t'C1 JHU kt1@0fl(llchtufl@, e.g. plasters iriit Ftigenveryis.s 1,0
— Inclination to the building, independent of the inclination ulid rlcr 1,0 1,0
Rcfrkl i(u llgsa i't
Partially permeable and slightly draining surfaces,
r. H. Letting areas (roads, squares, access roads, paths)
- Betniisl!ein pllaster, in Sa url odc r Schlanke vei'legt, Fischen mit Platten 0,9 tl,7
- Pfiasterfiachen, with Inaccurate > lS Oh z. ß, I (1 cm 4.0 on u "d 0,7 0,6
part dear,
iuleiner or firm gravel surface
- Water-bound surfaces 0,9 0,7
- lor1'crci Kicsl bla g, Sch otterrasen, x. R. Kinrierspielpllitze tl,3
- Compounds with seepage nuggets, safety ni a inst eihre 0,4
- Grass pavers (with frequent traffic loads, 0,4 0,2 !

- Rafie ll*i tl'0l stc inc (ohllfi hatif lga Vcfltcfl PsbelaStiiflgeII. 0,2 (),1
z. U. F'eiiei ivehrzufahrt)
Sports areas with l3ranting
- Synthetic surfaces, synthetic turf 0,6 0,S
- 'l'ennenfl cm an 0,3 ,2
- kaseii surfaces 0,2 0,1
3 Parks, itasenfliichen, üiirteii
- Flat terrain 0,?.
- steep terrain 0,2
° They de arrete [7] fiis the l'laxuiig, Ausfiil" uiig lind l'flegc of Dac1ibcgrünungc'n, which dni-t ge minute p \Verte siad f,-iVe rte

' In these areas, a sufficient contribution to the flood iiarliiveis to be priifeii depending on the local conditions (e.g. slope, soil, \'e-
Due to the application of a standardised wierlerkelr time (T = ? a) and the limited range of application for the heating of the P t; t we tI
hici each run ciii \Vcrt fiir Ut ilarnit. The We rotes pectre ii bc referred to in the Dfi'A regulations refer to different lViedei times
and ploiiur essitiiatioiies.
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

14.2.4 Areas with drainage effect Bacli area

The roof area to be used as the effective roof area (see ß il d 24) in the dimensioning is the roof area projected in
the plan.

The PI ane r must check w h e t h e r driven rain on façades has a II use atif Alec rainwater alafJ cisx into the
drainage system. If it is necessary to turn the drainage system, the effective area must be emptied in accordance with
DIN EN 1205ti-3: 200 -0 4 , 4.3, TJhelle .S.

g Legend
% 1effective roof area = in the grrindi i.es projectedc roofl'1äc1ic

Figure 24 - Effective roof area Plot area

The effective area of the site is to be determined from your site plan, taking into account the g Abiiussbeiweive.

4.2.5 Number of roof drains

The procedure for determining the number of roof drains also applies analogously to parapet drains, crack enal
drains and emergency overflows.

The following criteria must be taken into account when watering roof surfaces:

— Each deep point provided by the roof construction must have at least one roof outlet;

— It must be checked whether further c '1 "icfpunktc arise due to the roof construction (x. e.g. due to large
bonding distances for trapezoidal sheet metal, prefabricated insulation consti uctioii, insulation
q" dei' Dachfliichc);

— ken stru ctionally dependent division of the roof areas, e . g . durt li I.it htiiffnti above, Gehaudeivfindc,

— If the drains are in a linear low point without any significant differences in height, p the maximum
aluminium level of roof drains should not exceed 20 m. In non-linear g In non-rectilinear g pitches with
irregularities, correspondingly shorter distances should be selected in order to minimise the avoid the
accumulation of rainwater.

Pie /\iix;ihl her ci required roof drains must be determined using equation (5J.

f 62
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

The respective pressure drop capacity, QDg, as a function of the pressure head mii.es of the roof ailaiifcs must be
verified by a pi iif test in accordance with DIN EN 1253-2. The m ii destwcrts are given in Table 10. For drains
constructed with a high degree of safety, the discharge volume must be calculated as a function o f the drain
height in accordance with DIN EN 12056-3: 2001-01, 5.3.

This is

the M inrlesto n/ahl dei Dech- bxw. gutter run-offs, broken down to full numbers;

the rcgcnwater outflow from a roof surface or from a subfliiclie, in 1.iter per second, (1/s);

the drainage capacity of the selected roof outlet as a function of the damming (pressure) at
the roof outlet, in litres per secilHdc, (1/s).

Table 10 - Required pressure hull on the roof outlet to achieve the minimum discharge according to
DIN EN 1253-2

Nominal size front Finstcct'cnde am Water drainage Drainage with trickle flow
DN/OD DN/ID Minimum Stauhölie fi Minimum Stowage height
clearance discharge /;
worth mm worth
1/s l/s
40 2,S


2,6 14,0
90 180


DIN 1986-100:2016-12

14.2.6 Control water drainage via emergency drainage

Entivässerun ge- H nal Notentwü sserii ngssystcmc imisxcn gciTicinsam at least the at the building site libei .5 min
to cw avtciidc century regenereigiiis (r ,0 t ) entsvüsseln. Pos miiiidest discharge rnnnugnent of the note nti''fisseru ng
wii cl according to (ilcichNrlg (7) ber cchnct.

A (7)
EN u t ' (''(s, i my "(D,r) ' )'
Dabci is

Groove the minimum discharge capacity, in litres per .$ckii ndc, (1/s);

r{ ,100) fl ie S- nr in- Reden opende, in litres per Sckundc and Hclitai , (1/(s-ha)), which are imiss eirnnal
in 100 a ci wai tct;

'(U,'I') the bcrcclini cgen donation, in litres per seliiintle and liekmr, (1/(s ha));

D the rcgcndauci , in mimics, (min); the

annuality of the rcgene event;

the Ahfl ussheiwei t

The consideration of the runoff bci\vci tcs, C, is permissible nm hei the irinittlinig of the
runoff from the rainfall r - 5) for the roof surface;

A the we1'sanie precipitation area, in quad ratrn etei , (m*) .

If an exceptional level of protection is required for a building (see BIN EN 1 2(1Sfi-3: 2fl(11-11, Talacllc 2), the
emergency drainage system alone should be able to drain the annual rainwater.

The substructure of the emergency drainage system must be above the required pressure level for the selected roof
drain (see ßigures 25 a) a n d 2S h)),

The addition of the pressure heights at the roof outlet and at the emergency drainage results in the maximum
flooding liiile to be crivaied on the roof. The flooding liile must be coordinated with the "fi agwcrksplanci. The
filichenla.st re4ulting from the overfiutu nghiiei from the drainage (roof drain) must not exceed the statically
permissible width for the roof structure. If this objective cannot b e achieved, the roof structure must be reinforced
at least in the area of the drainage depth.

a) Determination of the flood heights with b) Determining the flooding

heights for emergency drainage with a closed parapet Drainage through an opening in the parapet
1 required Drockhöli e ö at Notalalauf B S1q Otab];i U f f1'ci d U r'Ch d ic F ass a d c
2 e required di iicldiüh c h at the roof outlet A A DachahlaiiJ'
3 Maximum flooding height (wax depth) B Notalilaui
4 Height of the N ntiiberloufiiffniing C in äeY C Notii on opening
Attil n/Yo ssz öe etkig or i and) obei half of
the required pressure height (2 J of the
Dachalalauf /\
Bi]d 25 - Principle sketch of tler iÏberfltitung heights hei boten rwässerungen (simpliied dai stelling
für engnebeneinantlerliegendc Dach- und Notabläiife)

If the high point of an emergency overflow with the \Vassci depth W is further than Z - 10 m away from the
emergency overflow/no-flow bxw. the emergency overflow/N otabJa is further than 20 ru aiiscinao der, the water
ticfe in the hoclipun kt must be at least double the value for the crfordei liche Di rickhölie nm Alilaul/overflow
(equation (8)), see also Figure 26.

W --'2x/i (8)

Debet is

h the pressure height of the Na tiiberlauf, i ri millimetres, (nim).

Wissel mirror position arn Ntitübcrlau f
Wassci mirror position in the high point

BiId 25 - Section through a linear deep piInk without significant Höliendifferenxen,

z. e.g. roof tiles
DIN 1986.100:2016-12

14.Z.7 Gravity drainage Single/samine1 connection lines

The dimensioning of individual connection lines is the same as for collector lines, however, the nominal width
must not be less than the nominal width of the cable. Collective connection lines must be dimensioned in the same
way as collector lines (see 4'abcI1cn A.3 and A.4) Downpipes 1

The downpipe dai 1' has a smaller width than the connection of the associated roof drain or the drainage pipe.

The downpipes can be dimensioned up to a filling ratio of f -- 0.33 (see Fig. 27).

Falling pipe laggings z 10" are freely taken into account when determining the possible flow rate of the downpipes.
In the case of a delay < J 0°, the downpipes must be dimensioned with the gradient of the delay at a degree of delay
of hfä, --0.7. For downpipes with 1 .eit distortion, see
DI N EN 12056-3:2001-01, Figure 13.



50 / = 0,33




10 -

50 XS 100 125 150 175 200

Xi nncndui climcsxcr dci Downpipe, in mm
Y kcgcnwasscrabfliiss Qr, in 1/s

Figure 27 - Discharge capacity of rainwater pipes

€ 66
DIN 1986-100:2016-12 Dimensioning of collecting and underground pipes

For planning purposes, the nominal widths can be averaged using the flow measurement tables in Appendix
A, 4'abe1les A.3 to A.S ci. The calculated discharge ratio is based here on the smallest permissible internal
diameter of the respective nominal diameter in accordance with DIN EN 120.5fi-2: 2001-01, table 1. If the
pipe material is not specified, the calculation can also be made using the actual internal diameter with a pipe
roughness of /c1, = 1.0 mm.


In the vicinity of the building, Samuel and underground pipes are to be installed for a filling diameter of h/d,
- - 0 .7, taking into account aminimum drop of = 0.5 cm/in.

When bciiicssing grcnd lines on the rh;ilb 'les building, the minimum velocity @t r - 0.7 m/s and an ivlaximum
velocity wn v - 2.d m/s must be taken into account. The minimum gradient here isJ -- I . DN and with a
permissible degree of filling h fd -- 0.7.

Behind a shaft with an open The cli flow can be dimensioned for overflow.

In the hydraulic dimensioning of the drainage system, the proportion of the roof area as well as the proportion
of areas outside the building that are subject to runoff must be calculated at least with the 2-year rainfall
duration D selected for the property in accordance with the regulations in Sections 14.9. 2 and 14 ,9,.3. The
larger cross-section air Entf Bau nunypunkt resulting from roof drainage must be maintained in the direction
of flow until a larger cross-section results for wcitci c connected areas from the design with your 2-year
calculation rain.

14.3 Fully filled roof drainage systems operated according to plan (pressurised flow)

14.3.1 General information

In the case of roof drainage systems with flat-filled pipes, the geodetic pressure difference between the roof
drain and the overflow into the drainage system is used to filter the water.

Rainwater pipes that are operated with a planiiiiiually full pipe are to be differentiated according to equation (9).

14.3.2 Bcniesstlngsgimndsätze

The basis for the bcmesxiing of roof water ccmesxi ng cradles with pipelines that are operated at full capacity
according to plan is a stationary waxxci sti breathing ir with k'instrinter diul te (without I.ii input).

The measurement of the deitiingsaiilagc must be premeasured for flow paths. The respective flow paths begin
in the water line via your roof drain and end in the overflow onto the partially filled, operated drainage

The maximum difference that can be used to overcome flow resistance in a flow path is the difference
between the waterline above the head groove and the partially a e r a t e d water level above the
backwater level,

For economic reasons, the horizontal length of the longest £ licfiivcgc (10 x Ah"") should not be exceeded for
each month; in breathing areas even up to (20 x f\h",.t).

DIN 1986-100:2016-12

In the transition from a pressurised to a gravity drainage system,the high kiiietic energy of pressurised drainage
must be taken into account when laying the pipes.

A ccduzici on of the ncnnweitc non pipes in flow lines for hydraulic reasons is permitted, but should
generally only be carried out in vertical pipes.

Aging of the Dm climcsscrs in the course of the l'alllcitiing should be avoided, as it usually leads to the drilckxtrömiing
being lost.

In the case of the diameter centre of the l'iii drive systems, the lilcinstc xulfissc nominal width is
d, 3.2 m m.

To ensure the reliability of the [.eituops system, a centrifugal speed of v = 0, er in/s should not be undershot.

Figure 28contains definitions in plaiimafiig vnllgefiilltlieti iebenen

ässungsanlagen (Druckstrümung).

1 Collective connection line he maximum iiiitzharc 1-tihendifferenx
2 Atia height 6 Abutment
3 consti'tIctive genii tztc vcrfiiglaai 7 Partly2filled basic pipe ö/d, = 0.7
c lföliendillerence RSTE Riiclntaiicbcne
4 Transition section

Dild 28 - Definitions in daclicntwüssci iings (diuickstriiiiiung) operated on a full schedule

DIN 1986-100:2016-12


A/ . "i the available height difference between roof sealing and transition to partial filling;

The density of water at 10 °C (1 000 lag/in*); the

acceleration due to gravity 9.81 ru/s*;

tter pressure loss on the fly.

14.3.3 Pressure loss calculation

The flow velocities Ap in the flow path should correspond as closely as possible to the respective displaceable
pressure (dp",
= hh",. p ,q).

The calculation of the pressure loss is carried out according to

equation (10). !

q° Whereby

f öeipressure loss iii Straight pipework; the

pressure loss in individual pipework


vthe flow velocity (in/s); (

individual level ativert.

Di iicltvci iii.st in gci adcn cohrlcitiingcn is iintefi using the Prandtl-Cu1ebruol'-equation at a beti'ieb1icheii
roughness of a /\bwasser- Drucldeitung of /'h = 0.1 mm to ci average.

The di iickvei feixts in individual pieces, such as dysentery pipes, branches, etc. must be ci averaged
separately. If Linzclwidcrstandshciivcrtc of pipes, branches, rediil'tions, drains, etc. are not available as
manufacturer's data, the eiiizcl resistance heiiverts (/ Nils guide values can be taken from Table 11.
, DIN 1986-100:2016-12
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

Table 11 - Individual resistance values

1S' 0,1
45° U,4
70* 0, 6
90° 0,8
Branch 45° 0,6
Reduction 0,3
Transition to partial fulfilment 1,5
Dacha tariff 1,0

All flows must be calculated.

The calculation results are documented in tabular form. c 14.3.4

Permissible deviations in the pressure loss calculation

For the Vta rplanu Ug of a drainage system with pressure striim ing, the deviation between the vei rgbd nen D rut k ht;s
Öhg".f p g and 2'(f £ + F) in dei' Dru rkvei lustberechnung fiür einen Fliessweg max. 10 kPa (Il,1 bu r) betragen.
Positive and negative deviations over the respective flow paths should never roughly cancel each other out.

When planning the design of a system, the changes in the flow rate resulting from the hydraulic deviations
must be calculated in a computer programme.
g programme.

The following criteria must be taken into account:

— dHS VION changed discharge capacity, 9pg, according to an itcrative calculation, the maximum Ahfliisx-
QDEi ", from the test procedure for the corresponding roof drain (see DlN EN lZS3-?);

§- Deviations between the target and actual outflow at the jcivciligcn roof drains must be able to equalise in a common
linear 'licfpunkr (e.g. in a paclcile);

— If a roof drain is located in its own low point, it must have a drainage flow of the roof drain, QDge tt,
which is at least equal to the average drainage flow, Qr, eHtspi cchcn.

I4.3.5 Start-up conditions

If there is only a slight difference in height between the water level above the pipe and the collector connection pipe,
the pressure drainage must be turned on safely, see equations (12] and (13).


DIN 986-100:2016-12

Q, ."1 ,the renlisierlau re Aiilaufvoliirncn flow in deep E ntw'3ssei ungsanlagc, in litres per second,

Q ,", dci minimum voliimensLrniii, in litres per selt hour, (1/s), at which the downpipe slams shut
in partial job sections;

tlie tlaufliiilic ( Fig. 30), Hüheodi fferenz zwischen dem \Vassei Spiegel iibci dem
D;3Cl1ah1on Hud of the centre at' S3lTimclansclllussleitung.

Figure 29 s h o w s the minimum volume flow rate in the Qg """ that must be fed to a downpipe in order for
pressure to build up (downpipes > 4.00 m).


50 100 150 200

X Inner diameter of the r lilcitung, in mm
YAnlaiifvulumeiistroni Qk p" , in 1/s

Figure 2.9 - Minimum flow rate o" q "";" that must be supplied to a downpipe in order for a pressure
flow to form (downpipe lengths > 4.00 m)

14.3.6 Conti'olle of the internal pressure

For each end point of a "f cil section, the expected internal pressure must b e calculated using equation (4 4).

ZNi Verrneidirng of cavitatiori da rf the reclinci ishc value iiir ben In neiidrNck may not be less than
y -- - OG kPa (- 0.9 dar).

The lower limits for the operating pressure p specified by the pipe system manufacturers must be observed.

DIN 198£i-10 O:2016-12

Fig. 30 shows the relationships in fully filled, flat-running daclientw iissci ung.systemen da rt;e s'eI lt.

bh starting height
XEnd point of a section

Fig. 30 - References in fully planned drainage systems

14.4 Channels

14.4.1 Pre-insulated roofs General information

In the case of suspended gutters, the emergency drainage takes place via the front edge of the gutter.

The drainage capacity of a gutter is determined by the water level diffcrcnce between the gutter's perforation
point lf and the gutter's height b 'tc gutter drain, Leni veriiigbai a kinncnqucrcrschnitt A b, the
Rium enlä nde /. und 'lem f'reien drainage into the Intwässci unganlagc licstini mit. Figure 3J contains
designations on pre-soaked channels.

Fig. 31 - Designations on pre-lengthened channels

The calculation instructions in DIN EN 12056-3: 2001-01, 5.1.2 his p.1.7 give rise to t h e following equations
(equation (II) and equation (16)) for channels with an aluminium or aluminium alloy cross-section.

- 1lach run'1e curtain gutter:


p -Rectangular suspended gutter:

DIN 1986 100:2016-12

This is

A : tler cross-section dei ltinnc iintcrhalla dei Sol lwasseriefe, in Qiiadi atmillinie rer, (m ni*);

Kdrter 'I'icfcnfa1itor (DIN EN 12U 5fi-3: 2001-01, Fig. 5);

Fzöer Forinfalttor (DIN EN 1Z0.56-3: 2001-01, ßild 6);

F of the length and drop factors (D1 N EN 1 2055-3:2001-01, 3'abcllc 6).

fljlders 32 and 33 are shown as semi-circular or box-shaped channels.

6 -
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

1 N cnnmafi 20 D X EnHvä.ssci'uilpfil3as in the channel L, in nt

N enninafl 250 Y Discharge capacity of hallarvin'ien Rin nen,
Nerinniaf5 333 in 1/s
4 New nrnas 400
NcnniraG .500

Fig. 32 - Abfiussvermögun von flafhiwnLteti Ri "i'e "4!

° 7]
DIN 1986-100: 2016-12


10 12 20

1 Nennniali 250 X Drainage i u reported in channel L, in in

2 Nominal size 333 Y Al'fJ ussvei tomorrow vnn i cchtcc1'igcn gutters,
3 Nominal ma2 400 in 1/.s
4 Nominal dimension '500

Figure 33 - Drainage capacity of box-type channels

For every change of direction > 10°, the drainage capacity of the channel i s reduced by 15 0/. Fig. 34

contains illustrations of internal or auliciiwinlicl for pre-hung channels.

1 AiiGenivinkcl
2 lu nenwiiikcl

Fig. 34 - Internal or external winders for cut gutters

DIN 1986 100:2016-12 Gutter outlets, gutter supports

The practice of handcrafted gutter nozzles or of gutter nozzles manufactured by hand in combination with
corresponding drop ends should preferably be determined by means of a technical examination in a test stand (see
also DIN EN 120 W6-3: 2001-01, A. t).

If such information is not available, R in nenolalaHfc in combination with cntspi cching case lines according to
TJbe11cn 12 and 13.

If you use a lukewarm catch head, the Rio i alaflii.ssvcrcapacity must be reduced by half.

Figure 35 contains a representation of AblRlIJo Irlainatinn and Fallvohr.

1 Channel drain
2 Follrolir

Fig. 35 -- Drain combination and drop ear

Bil'J 3fi contains a representation of Ahlauilt combinations.

a) Downpipe with gutter slope supports b) Downpipe without inlet ti4 chter

Bilü 3G - Abh'c'fkontbinario rtert

DIN 1986-300:2016-12

Table 12 - Ahflowvei like of aluminium combinations - with gutter slope supports

Downpipe with
RizlTle' Gutter slope use

Ncnninali mm 1/s
2"0 60 1,8
250 B0 2,2
Z80 d0 3,(1
280 100 3,3
333 S,0
333 100 5,3
400 100 9,0
a 400 1 20 9,?

Table 13 - Drainage capacity of drain combinations - oline inlet direction

without inlet
funnel d
Nominal mall
250 60 1,5
250 80 2,0
?O0 2,6
280 100 3,0
333 80 4,0
333 100 4,5
400 4 00 6,ß
400 IZD 7,4
500 100 10,5
500 120
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

14.4.L3 Number of required gutter runs

The number of required cylindrical barrels must be determined in accordance with the requirements in 14.2.5.

14.4.2 Internal and built-in daclii inside

Internal gutters must be equipped with a notch drainage ring on xcm net overfJiitbnre surfaces. An

internal gutter must be divided into "functional layers" for dimensioning purposes.

In the lowest layer, the channel drains the rcgcn events up to the calculation rcgenspiade r s,S). This layer is
limited in the hut by the anoi dnunp d of the hrot drainage or clii ish the c rin head pieces.

In the middle layer there is a slot for note drainage In the upper layer there

is a gutter freeboard.

The frcibnrd nr us must compensate for the tt misch dos ein4chief/endc Was.scfi from the PacJiflülclJe and by
wind inlfliiss xu to erwai tigen in the Rin ne. The niindcxteiis to be corrected fi cihoi d ixt
g depending on the gutter ticfc, see 'Laliclle 14.

Table 14 - Freeboard

Total water depth Freeboard

mm now

0,3 Z
'250 7S

DIN 19fi6-100:2016-12 DIN 1986-300:2016-12

14.5 Note drainage

14.5.1 Emergency drains

Piped emergency drainage systems must fulfil the requirements of 14.2 and 13.3 as free-draining systems or
as planned, fully filled piping systems (see ßigure 37).

11.5 I/s 11.5 l/s

6,7 1/s 6,7 1/s

1 piped emergency drainage system with free outlet to damage-free ground surfaces
2 di re k ter connection of the roof water drainage system to the groundwater drainage system

Figure 3.7 - Pipe-lined emergency drainage system with drainage onto damage-free floodable ground areas

14.5.2 Rectangular notepads ufc

Figure 3ß contains designations on rectangular notiibci'1aiifen.

Fig. 38 - Designations on rectangular notiibcrl.iiifen 0w'

or Lg --
(J 7)
Qw -* 24,000

Dahci is

L hie length of the Ü course, in millimetres, (mm);

h t he 0 i uckhiihe a m the note run, in millimetres, (rum);

\v.' the discharge capacity of the overflow, in litres per second (l/s).

¥ 78
Figure 39 shows t10s flow rate of free-flow rectangular overflows, calculated using equation (17).

h overlnuf









10 15 20 30


Figure 39 - Efflux.sverinögen of fi'ei inflownii rightcl'igcn overflows, calculated with

Equation (17)

14.5.3 Round notes

klii Bilh 40 are designations placed on round N otiil'erla ufeii flai.

Fig. 40 - Designations on round Rnt overflows

DIN1986-100:2016-12 DIN 1986-100:Z016-12

Fig. 41 shows the drainage of free-flowing round overflows.

h test run





0 5 10 1S Z0 2S 30


1 d-- Omm

3 d- 150 mm
4 tt --200 mm
5 d --3üü rome

Fig. 41 - Discharge volume of freely flowing i uiid overflows

14.6 Mixed water pipes

The mixed water discharge Qp required for the dimensioning of combined sewers is made up of the
proportionate wastewater discharge Qp and the rainwater discharge 9, not equation (lß),

Dalae' is

Mixed water discharge, in litres per second, (1/s); i

tter rainwater runoff, in litres per second, )/s) according to 14. 2.1.

The mindext nominal diameter II r M is'hu assergrundleitungcn hc Lragt D h 100 (dimensioning of tirUfNjleltU
9/DII see 14.1.*).
DfN 1986-100:2016-IZ

14.7 Drainage of areas below the backwater level

14.7.1 General

According to E.3, the extent to which precipitation water can be discharged via precipitation systems (see DWA-A
138) must be checked. This also applies to areas outside the floodplain. Runoff water from the open plain, which can
no longer be discharged into the ground via a sewer or an underground conduit, must be drained into the public
sewage system by means of wastewater treatment. The sewer network must be e q u i p p e d with suitable and
appropriate retention facilities (retention basins). The riict'retaining facilities must ensure that the limited discharge
mcnge iii 'lie sewerage system i s discharged from this nr cht iiber a fixed pumping ciileistii ng, with ilirei upper
bccken calltc above the ürtlicli fcstgeled kiicksta uelacne. RiiclAalteein 1 ichtiingen d u rfcn not durchcli Flutung o
aus der Itanalisation irn Rückstaiifü 11 das crmitte Etc RuclAaItevolurncn Jtir die Ahlcitung des Nicderscb
la¿wusscrs von Grundstück.

If some areas (e.g. .5 ni2) are to be flooded in accordance with 13.1.3 by means of a water retention valve in
accordance with DIN EN 13 o'-64-4, a guarantee must be provided that no flooding will o c c u r as long as the
water retention valve is closed. The overflow flooding test must be carried out with a 100-year rainfall event in the
me (i'(S,iü0), For the proof of overflow, the use o f a single flooding event, C, is not permitted.

14.7.2 Wastewater treatment plants

Wastewater hcbeanliigen, the areas underJi;i1la the backwater aacnc drainage, which could be damaged in the
event of an overflow of buildings or other material assets, must be used in such a way that no damage can occur in
the event of an accident. These areas i n c l u d e , f o r e x a m p l e , house fen(e, cellars, garages and yards.

For large areas below the backwash level that are not covered by the b u i l d i n g , a proof of water retention must be
provided with a minimum 30-year rainfall event in one minute (rts,so ). In these cases, the drainage system must be
designed for at least the 5-minute rainfall that can occur once every two years (r(s,2)).

Lifting systems for rainwater must comply with E IV E h 12050-1 for wet-installed systems, but without faecal
matter separation b/w. DIN EN 120.50 -2 and must be used. The systems are to be designed as dual-circuit systems
(see also 1.3.3).

When dimensioning the retention facilities and the het canlage, the discharge volume permitted by the sewer
network operator must be taken into account.

14.O Fi eisiegelleitungen mit aiigeschlossene Abwasserhebeanlagen

The l*umpenfiii d ci current Q is a fundamental factor in the dimensioning of fiamrnel and ground and conduit pumps in full
The scope must be taken into account, insofar as DIN E N 12OLG-4: 2001-01, E.4 does not result in a reduction for
the dimensioning of these installations when connecting all-water heating systems for fic1lmt1tyiv:issci' to a gravity
sewer. Since it i s to be expected that selma lzprqggpyp\}jjj. sy from wastewater lifting stations are only very
rarely stored, II i the dimensioning of the fi eispicgclleitunp as a basis for measuring the total disturbance, Qq, 'iufi
of the wastewater treatment plant with the
The maximum capacity o f t h e f i r s t lifting unit should be 100 and that o f the second lifting unit 40 'io, all
other lifting units should b e set at a maximum of 10 '/o in the direction of flow. this can apply, for example, to
basements with illosettings in cellars of reilicnlious buildings that are connected t o the public sewerage system via
a single underground pipe laid atlGci halfway through the building.

DIN 1986-100:2016-12

In the case of rainwater pipes, the pump flow Q p,. when connected to rainwater or mixed water pipes, is to be
counted as 100 % of the rainwater discharge 9.

The dimensioning of the pipes is based on 14.1.er for the discharge of wastewater and mixed water and on
J4.2.7.3 for the discharge of clean water, in each case in conjunction with DIN IN 120 56-4: 2001-01, p.4.

14.9 Flood and overload analyses

14.9.1 Within Gcbiiuden

For roof areas that have a single emergency drainage system, the flooding heights to be expected on the roof
surface must be determined in detail and compared with the Ti'agwcrksp1an. In the case of new installations, in
this case, a fliight must be made for the inwardly drained drainage system up to a;r disposal point (jet,
hoiablaiif, shaft with open aperture and shaaclitd eck with ventilation openings, riicklial inlets, etc.).) if the
nominal diameter upstream of this point is larger than DN 1S0 (see Fig. 23),

When renovating roof surfaces, it is essential to check the drainage capacity of the roof surface a n d to
provide proof of overloading.

The ()herfIutiings- how. Overload nacliweise xind for i the yearJiundertregen (r ,0 ) öUrclizuluhrcn.

Equation (19) can be used to calculate the pressure loss to be expected in the rainwater pipes in the event of an
overload caused by a rainfall event. The determined inncndi corner and the resulting reaction forces must be
absorbed by the pipe system used and must be able to be discharged without damage into the structure or into
the ground via the pipe supports and bearings (see Section 5.1.3).

Fig. 42 shows the bcncrlngs in the case of overload.

1 Shaft with open flow
2 lowest point of the pipe invert in the shaft
.3 Backwater clscnc
4 Tubular insulator case
i flui uch n ui yspu nct
j Gradient
1Length of the section

Figure 42 - Designations in case of overload

DU 19ß6-100:2016-12

the' zri erwai'tcndc static lrincnpressure, in hPa;

p = 6q 1 / rThe xtatificlie pressure in the bottom of the scliacht with c'ffen Dti rchlluss: he i a free
outflow into the local drainage is p2 0;

the difference in height between the manhole column and the maximum
Wa Ssel'S ta iId i ITI R ii ckstilli fa11;

h, = Z9 i) the h iiliendiffercnz of the pipe invert between "2" and "x" (see ËiiJ d 42);

Wp,2 = k{k- t) the sum öeY Di rickvei-lHste in Bl ie0wep, heginticnd in point "2" up to ßc-
reclining ptihkt "x" (si ehe 0 ild 4 Z);

of the Rnlii rcibiingsdriicligc cases for a unified Eerech nu nl ir it Lb = 1.0 u re (see

Figure A.4 );

l the Lü as the jcwciligcn '1'cilstrcc1ic, in metres , (m).

% 14.9.2 Acquisition of buildings

Drainage systems for the separation of wastewater from small properties can be dimensioned without overflow
piifu ng, unless otherwise specified by the itanal network operator. Plots of land with a drainage a r e a o f up to
800 in' are deemed to be small if a DN 50 is sufficient. This regulation also applies mutatis mutandis to infiltration
systems that are dimensioned according to DWA-A 138 iii with F = 5 a with the bci cclinin g system according to
It0STRA-DWD-20 0. This is subject to the condition that water can penetrate into the building's own building or
neighbouring buildings if the system overflows and that there are no other official regulations.

Green lines of properties according to DIN EN 75.2, 'L h. up to 20.0 ha A$eS bxw. up to etiva 60 ha A"d the
larger profiles, pai cfliiclien or other c c c f l o o d i n g layers that can be flooded without causing damage can be
hemcsscn in accordance with DWA-A 11 B 200.6, Table 4. The annuality of the flooding rainfall must not be less
than one trial in two years.

Proof of the overriding safety against overfliitiing or of a controlled harmful U in the case of flutiing must b e
provided in accordance with II N EN 7.5 2 for Gi undstiickscntwässungsanlagen, irrespective of the discharge into
the ilanolisation or the Gcmfisscr.

The arrangement and, if necessary, subdivision of the ground floor a r e a must be carried out in accordance with
the local conditions and the management of the property. The basic principle 1 can be subdivided into asset-specific
'pcilgcbicts if this is necessary due to the size and size of t h e site.

For example, in the case of Gi min d pieces with smaller relaxation points, the flooding volumes resulting from
the single relaxation points can be turned into flow angci cclinct or al'gezngcn, as they can be proven for upstream
reference points in the locality or made available by ivlailnahinen.

The hydi aiili.sc1i with ä "cilfiilliing and correspondingly fl dimensioned rcgcnwasscrlcitcnctz of the green and
sttickscntwässcrcrungsanlage dari fiir die iJbeiflutiingspiiifung und die Bei cclinung des P ii ck]icl1rrziim.s (llRit)
ri rät nirf rJas errecm nett Riickhaltevnlinncn angerechnet we den.
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

N o waste water may be discharged into drains that a r e connected to a combined sewer.

For properties over 200 h9, the dimensioning of the pipe network and the verification of the overflow situation
must be carried out in accordance with I4WA-A 118 with drainage simulation models.

14.9.3 Flooding note

Fiii the diffcrcncce of the rainwater mcncgene, PR;t l (see ou r ring 20), civistically 'len at least 30-year
rcgciicrcignis incl the 2-year cclilcation period must be crprovided for a shudlous flooding of the property. If a
sufficient level of safety is required, an annual rainfall of more than 30 metres is recommended. The harmless
flooding can ri arif of the flood ties eigoiicltes, e.g. e.g. through hollows or troughs, if no people, animals or
property are at risk, or via new backwaters, such as retention basins, as long as the h'ighlighting of the water is on a
larger scale. Depending on the local conditions, the following overflow test may also have to be carried out for
parts of the final flow (x. 0. at the expansion points).

D ' 50 (20)
" 10.000 - 1.000
D3bB i is

Ptq 1 the retaining control valve, in Kuhikmctcr, (ui*);

D the shortest relevant rainfall duration, in minutes, (min), for measuring the drainage outside the
building in accordance with DWA-A III:200.6, Table 4, otherwise D -- 5 min, for a calculation that
may not be less than once e v e r y two years (see A.2, Table A.2);

C, the spitzcnaliflussbciwcrt (see "f alaclle 9),

Ap,Ct, the total building roof area, in square metres, (ir*),

AFDR the total fortified area of the building, in square metres, (m*);

Never, the total solidified surface of the ground, in square metres, (m'), i.e. d ", dgac , +AFa .

-° AN LIERIIU NGAufgriind of the grnRen recurring cells (T -- 50 a) xvi rg tü r tie ri Overfl iitiingsnacliweis cler
Tip a bfliissbeiivert fi used.

If the firii ndleitungunpeo according to DU*A-A 11 C:2006, Table 4 Stud the 2-Jdhi4gen Rcgcnci cignis
l3emessen, the ( usually grii8erc) iiiaximum discharge tier ground pipes can be used instead of the Bcmcxsui
gsahflusscs at
full filling, Q,q1, see equation (21):

1.0 000 $full)

fui D = 5 min, 10 iTlin o nd 1 S nl in. The grii0th diesel d rei values for 7g "C ict malégiven.

g" If the property's rainwater inlcudes iveitgeliend arts dacliflc areas and d o e s not pass over fliithai en FH ch en
(e.g. 70 */', h ierzH xfihlen auch Innenhiife), the flooding test must be carried out in conjunction w i t h the N
otentw sserunp fris da9 fiinf-min-Regenei eign is in 1.00 a {r lqq)).

t 84
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

The provision of the runoff coefficients for the respective area is permissible w i t h the determination of £10 litres
of water with a two-year or one-year rainfall event.

14.9.4 Dimensioning of leakage ageunies for discharge restrictions

In the event of the start of 'ler inlcitation, in addition to the proof of flooding, the calculation of the
eetot 6 educate Ruckhaltevol tiiiicns ( Regen rückhaltcraiini (RRR)) according to DWA-A 117 with deM
"simple procedure" dm chfu en. 1-Hereby, it is agreed t h a t the annuality T of the cchming rainfall (uniformly
be/open on the entire alaflussivirksani e Si3ch c of the property) corresponds to the overclii ciningshaufihity of the
ftRR to be mass|11'icIit. The diii conduitxbc-schrünkuiig must contain the throttle flow in 1/s and the J5h rlichkcit
T öe r admissible overscaling.

For the calculation of the wastewater-effective area, such as the design of precipitation retention companies, 6m of
runoff must be used in accordance with Table 9.

The drainage system is fed from the paved area a s well as from an unpaved area (Table 9, N r. 3) with inflow to
the drainage system.
q be determined. In this standard, the types of areas determined are referred to as Ag with the
The values are multiplied by the number of al4fJux.coefficients f.g iiiiiltiplied and summarised in a right vei't AU.

q°The required speci'c volume rg k is determined from the maximum diffei enx of the precipitation amounts falling in
a given period and the runoff volume discharged into the H rvskUI during this period

In accordance with DWA-A J 17, the following applies to groundwater drainage systems for the 8cmcssung rtes
Rückhaltei aHnics (RRR) (22).

7Rgg - N" x rp T/ X D x f x 0.06 - D /y X QD,. x 0.06 (22)

This is

the volume of the Rogcnriickh.iltei'aiinics RRR, in Itubikmetei, (m');

the drainable (uiidurclilable) area of the property, in square metres, (ir*) for the
Calculation of t'RqR i.e. addition of the respective finite areas Ag, multiplied rn by the respective mean
abiiuss coefficient 6,q according to Table 9,

(here: u ' Anach' €ir,Dath * Au 'type, F r,)


The resulting iiiittlere Abs Ussheiwcrt Cm".,S "1tie,.e "d ci is the area-weighted average of the CI "d of
the tcilfliiches defined in Table 9.

t he rcgcndaiter, i rt V inutcn (min);

DIN 1986-1tl0:2016-12 DIN 1986-100:2016-12

the average c llisiLomafi with the surcharge actoi /7 = 1.15 for Gi'iindstiicksen twässcrNngs- anlagen bei
Anwendung mles "einfachen Verfahren" etatsp1'cchcnd PWA-A 117;

QDE the flow rate (constant) of the RRR, in litres per second, (l/s), usually expressed as

0,06 dci Ditnens io nsfaktoi to llirrcchnun vnn 1/s, in m'/win.

ANM FItlI U NG 1 DCr in LIWA-A 1t7 exactly ntc reduction factor/A is neglected due to the short flying times (/y = 1.0).

If, alternatively, a pipe drainage discharge in 1/(s-ha) is considered, the lead- e containing throttle discharge can be
determined by multiplication with 'ler area (depending on the specification of the sewer network operator or the
waxing hurdle: total area, drainage area or drainage area of the base layer).

The allowable annualities are generally within the limits of the general regulations of the Im nalnctzbemess u ng
(DWA-A 118). When calculating the required RRR, the respective re2endaiicr levels of the
The selected year should be used from KOSTRA-DWD-2010.

% ,4NbIE1tItIon 2 64it. of the new adjustment tler Expr apolation of the Süar[mietferscfil gen for the ßauti D < IS min tlby modifying
the lga rametei'a tisglciches in the KtlS "1 RA-DWP-2010, the Ailivendung of the Zer tbciivei tverfahrenos, which puts the (1
,1; to Gruntle, leads to incorrect values.

The larger volume r e s u l t i n g from the 'J en bci'cchri'cations for the flooding n3chwcis and for the
introduction bc.real aectng is decisive.

DIN 1986-100:2016-12

Appendix A

Rain donations in Germany

A.1 Determination of rain donations

The krinittliing of rain donations can ri according to "I'ahelle A.1 erfoIt;eo.
Table A.1 - Rain donations in Deutsciilaud 5
Daclifi areas or
Areas after 14.7

cone duration D = 5 min kege nda uei £ r' min Roge nba tiei- D = IO min Rcg0 rid d D0fi = 15 min
Notent- 0berf1ii- ÏJherflu- Overfl
Place Dimen .. Bendes- A Benies-
üings- uctuatio
sionin sir Hg soluti sung
i brug priif ring priifung n test
g on
*'(S,100) '(10, 2) $(10,30) T('LS,2)

l/(s lia) I/(s ha) 1/(s ha) l/(s ha) l/(s ha) 1/(s'ha) 1/(s'ha) l/(s ha)
Aachen 266 4.63 206 304 161 290 1.3 241
Ashat'fún1 tirg 29.3 3.29 2.21 434 171 317 141 2S9
aogshiirg 35.2 684 230 550 187 3.73 153 2.93
turich 2.7.7 .5 On 2 II 7 414 IS 7 297 128 210
llad I4issingen 3.95 79.0 2.74 631 199 420 139 3.2(i
Pad Salxuflen 33.9 630 2S0 513 100 365 1.5.3 2*?3
Pad Tolz 444 76.7 345 638 258 4.61 209 3.72
l3amberg '30 3 527 23S 437 1'79 320 46 260
Bayreiitli 346 644 256 524 201 I49S 1G9 329
Sci'1iii 331 S82 2S4 481 196 359 162 296
Uielefel d 2flli S:3:4 2t19 4:4.3 163 315 137 257
Pocholt 2SS 432 201 361 lÚ'7 2.72 13.0 2.2.S
Bofln 285 S:3S 209 433 163 315 H7 257
llraunscliweig .3.10 éi:13 2:17 11 180 562 1.4 8 2 92
Bremen 24.6 d 3d 189 3SO 14'3 2G9 12 Ú' 2'2'1
Ri oin ci'1iaveii 314 b80 2.32 4.73 170 3.26 13.7 257

*) The deadline tle r R€gt'nspt h'1DII was tau r by tlas Institut fiir techn isch-wissenschaftliche llydrologie Gmhl I (itwh) by
using KflüTRA-GWD-2(110, fiii' flic öcr Peiitsche Wettertlienst (P\VD) owns the copyrights. The above-mentioned rainfall
data a r e based on the Kt ISTRA-Rast crfcl d, iii wrlcli cs the ?cntrv iii of the location with the specified coorclinates. The
widths at the obcmii G c rt r called angcgcl'enrr Nicrlc rsrt lagshcrcirh'! are transferred according to 14.2.2.
DIN 1986.100:2016-12

Daclifaces or
G riinilstiicksflticlle n
Areas according to

Location Notcni.- lÏfle ilu-

ssoluti Dimen üemes-
washing tiIngs- priifuH
on sionin suug SlIh#
priifing g
'"(5,J0O) *'(S.2) *(102a T[10,30) *'(1S, 2) T y 5.30)

l/(s ha) I/(s ha) 1/(s ha) 1/(s ha) 1/(s ha) l/(s ha) l/(s ira) 1/(s ha)
Clieinnitz 331 502 254 4 01 196 359 162 296
Cottbiis 3d 8 686 245 S60 182 372 148 292
Cu xharcn 29 fl F':3 2 216 4:3F' lfifi J1 fi 137 257
Uessuu 3(l 0 "31 230 438 174 '319 14 1 259
hot tmuiid 339 630 250 513 108 365 153 293
lirestlen 333 630 242 510 185 364 IS 3 293

Diisseldoif 3J0 fi33 237 511 180 362 14t1 292

liisenacli 280 492 216 407 169 310 141 259
Em'1en 271 506 200 412 1.55 296 125 240
Er1'urt 277 4fi3 220 '18H lfiII 2°J.J HUH 242
Eilangen :1'30 ti33 237 511 ltä(J .162 14a 292
Food 314 127 249 442 107 323 UI 262
Frarikfurt/Main 339 630 250 513 188 365 153 293
Garn ish- 30? 5J9 2J7 4?2 19 t 34a t G2 2 9G
Cei 336 627 247 295
Göppinge ri 28J J89 221 260
Görlitz 339 G.0 293
f öttingen :?3:3 630 242 510 105 364 153 '2*33
Halle/Saale 300 531 230 438 174 319 141 259
Hainl iirg 2f,fi 4ti:3 2llfi ?384 1G1 290 1:33 241
Hamn\ 293 529 221 434 171 317 141 259
Ilanau 348 686 245 550 182 372 148 292
Hard riove r 2fiG 4fi.3 2()fi '4fi4 1fi1 2*)H 1:53

lleidelherg 32B 506 249 402 191 350 157

Heilbronn 284 4Rfi 22 406 1 74 31.1 14Ü
Hrlinsted t :1:43 f'30 242 S10 185 364 1'3
IIiIdesheirn 200 492 216 407 169 310 141 259
Ingolstadt 303 527 2i3!i 437 179 320 145 260
DIN 1986-100:2016-12

Roof areas or
Plot areas
areas according to

Oi't NotClit- U berflii- ffhcrt'1ii- Floodin

lieines- Beincs- ßenies- Bcincs-
tu J1gS- tuiigs- g
sur\g soluti !
ration prti lung
*(S,100) ^ S,2) *'(1u,?] *'(10,30) p{15,2) '{15,30)

l/(s ha) l/(s-ha) l/(s ha) l/(s'ha) 1/(s'l1a) 1/(s ha) l/(s ha) 1/(s'Jsa)
Ka User slaii tern 34 2 626 255 ü12 93 366 157 29
Karol.sruhe 339 630 250 SU 18£ 3fi5 153 293
Kassel 31t1 r'78 229 4 70 173 32ti 41 259
Keel 243 437 1fi/3 359 14 4 260 HU 2 22
l'oti1cnz 333 630 24 2 h III ISO 364 153 293
llöln 341 693 233 5S1 17* 370 1.13 290
Constance \i4S 62i4 2G0 511 ISß üéa7 IGE 296
1.cipzig 365 602 268 554 193 37S 153 293
Lindau 356 642 260 527 2 tl9 398 174 330
Lingen i3S 7 SS1 2S8 S51 190 ?J 74 153 293
Lübeck 267 477 2 02 393 153 278 12B 2 23
I.üdcnsc1ieIt1 333 630 242 h1 0 185 364 1S3 2°J.4
M6gdcburg 307 501 223 471 168 325 137 ? 57
Mainz 322 637 225 S10 1 7i3 360 143 290
Man nheim ?328 S80 249 482 191 .3S8 157 295
Minden 290 5:12 21fi 435 166 316 1.3 7 2h7
Monk In- 266 463 206 :354 If 1 290 133 241
Munich 642 268 527 209 '498 174 330
Milnster 293 S29 434 171 317 141
Neiilii anden- 363 68Z 260 .554 1'1'? 375 LS3 293
Neustadt/ 342 193




° 89
DIN 1986 100:2016-

Talielle A.1 fforts -sets)

Roof areas or
fii and piece flticlien
areas according to

Place No nt- Ubcrfl u- llhci flu-

w2sse- ting tation
solution solution

*'(S,100) $(10,2) *'(10,30) p{15,2) *[1s, 0)

1/(vIIz} 1/(Rita) l/(s hz) 1/(s ha) f/(x ha) 1/(the) 1/(s ha) 1/(s-fia)

P; rrnasens :3:1:' 630 242 Si 0 1fI!i 364 153 293

Regensliii rg 340 686 24* 5 o0 102 372 148 2 92
Rosenheim 4 40 775 337 641 248 459 19°J :3 ti9
Rostocl' 252 435 196 361 B2 271 121 223
Riisselsh cini .330 633 237 11 1H0 362 140 292
Saai back 200 492 216 407 169 310 141 2S9
Schweinfurt 333 fi.3(1 242 510 185 3ti4 1h3 2 9:1
Sulfur 2Hf) 49 2 216 407 159 .3 l0 141 259
Siegen 32S 634 231 31 tt 178 362 140 292
Solingen 390 793 217 631 196 4 L9 159 ?26

Williiigcn/ 793 267 631 1'J fi 419 159 326

Wittenberge 196 361 II 2 271 121 223
604 250 1fl7 373 153 293
795 2 fi1 111 41ß 155 325
331 S82 254 4tJ1 196 359 162 2 96

90 ' "
DIN 1986-100:2016-12



S00 ''



40 -



0,1 0,2 0 ,3 0,5 0,7 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 §

ä Legend
* ß Friction pressure cases ß in mbai /in (1 kPa = 0.01 bar) Ü
\fplumcns 0 om Y in 1/s

Fig. A.1 - Pipe friction pressure losses in overloaded gravity pipelines {k , - - 1 .0 miii)


nIN 1986-100:2016-1Z DIN 1986 100: 201 6-1z

A.2 Additional information on 14.9.2

According to DWA-A 118:2006, 1'abcllc 4, the following percclliniing rainfall results as a function of the average
groundwater level and the amount of water on the areas to be drained. When using the table, the annuality of the
perecliniing rainfall once in xtwo years ("J = 2 a) Iii r the ße1Tl8SStIIIg of the land plucl'scntwässci ungsaiiliigen
jedock may not be intcrschi'itLeii.

Talielle A.Z - Shortest rainfall duration depending on the

average slope of the terrain and the degree of fortification

shortest shelf life

Fastening (according to this
15 min
> 50 /o0 10 min
1 0s to 4 % l0min
1.0 min

• 92
TableR A.3 - Discharge capacity of drainage pipes with a filling level of h/1, -- 0.5

DN 70 DN 00 DN 90 DN 100 DN 125 DN 1il0 DN 200 DN 22 S DN 2 SO DN 300

n'i = Gfl mm d¡ = 7S mm d; -- 79 mm di -- 96 mm di = 113 mm di = 146 mm n'i = 184 mm di = 207 mm d¡ = 230 mm di = 290 mm


ent/ru 1/s mJs 1/s m/s 1/s ru/s 1/s m/s I/s ru/s I/s ru/s I/s m/s Us ru/s 1/s m/s 1/s m/s
0,20 6,? 0,? 8,6 0,5 11,4 0,5 21,0 0,6
0,30 4,2 0,S 7,7 0,6 10,5 0,6 14,0 0,7 2S,8 0,ß

0,40 2,1 0,5 4,8 0,6 8,9 0,7 1?,2 0,7 10,? O,ß 2'J,9 0,'J
0,50 1,6 0,5 2,7 0,5 5,4 0,6 10,fJ 0,8 1? ? 0,8 18,1 0,9 33,1 1,0
0,G0 ' t,1 0," !,'J 0,5 3,0 0,s 5,9 0,7 i 1,0 0,8 IS.0 0,s t0,P I ,0 36, 7 .f, f

0,70 0,l2 0,5 1,1 0,S 1,z u,S y,1 0,G 3,2 0,6 6,4 0,8 11,8 0,9 1';,2 1,0 21,4 1,0 ?9,6 1,2
0,80 0,9 0,5 1,1 0,? 1,? 0,Ü 2,2 0,6 ?,.fi 0,7 fi.0 0,0 12,7 1,0 17,3 1,0 22,9 1,1 42,4 1,3
0,90 0,9 0,? 1,2 0,1 1,4 0,6 2,4 0,7 3,7 0,7 7,3 0,9 13,4 1,0 18,4 1,1 24,? 1,2 4S,0 1,1

1,00 J.,0 0,? \,3 0,1 1,S 0,6 2,5 0,7 ?,0 0,6 7,7 iJ,J 14,2 1,1 15,4 1,2 25,7 1,2 4 7,4- ! 1,4
1,t0 1,0 0,6 1,4 0,G 1,6 0,6 2,6 ' 0,7 4,1 0,8 8,0 1,0 4,'2 t, 20,1 1,2 2L,9 1,3 49,R 1,Ü
1,20 1,1 0,6 1,4 0,G 1,6 0,7 2,7 0,8 4,2 0,ß 8,4 1,O 13,* 1,2 21,? 1,3 28,1 1,4 W2,0 1,6
1,30 1,1 0,6 1,S 0,7 1,7 0,7 2,9 0,8 1,1 0,9 ß,7 1,0 1G,2 1,2 22,1 1,3 29,3 1,4 S4,1 1,6
1,4 0 1,2 0,6 1,5 0,7 1,8 0,7 3,0 0,8 1,G 0,9 9,1 1,1 G ? 23,0 ' 1,4 30,4 1,5 SG,2 1,7
t,50 1,2 0,7 1,G 0,7 1,6 0,7 3,1 0,8 1,7 0,9 1,4 1,1 17,4 1,.3 2?,0 1,4 31,5 1,3 5B,2 1,8
2,00 1,4 0,ß 1,6 0,8 Z,1 0,9 3,6 1,0 *,S 1,1 1 0,9 1,? 20,1 1,5 2?,5 1,6 36,4 1,8 67,2 2,U
2,50 1,¿ 0,9 2,0 0,? 2,1 1,0 1,0 t,t 6,1 1,2 12,2 1,5 22,5 1,7 30,6 1,8 40,7 2,0 7?,2 2,3
3,00 1,7 1,0 2,2 1,0 2,6 J.,1. 4,1 t,2 G,7 1,3 13,2 1,6 24,7 1,9 3?,7 2,0 44,6 2,1 82,+ 2,5

q 3,50 1,9 1,0 2,4 1,1 2,8 1,1 1,7 1,3 7,.3 1,? 14,4 1,7 2G,6 2,0 36,4 2,2 48,2 2,3
4-,00 2,0 1,1 2,6 1,2 3,0 1.,2 S,0 1,4 7,8 1,6 15,4 1,8 26,5 2,1 39,0 2,3 8!,.' 2,* ,
4,50 2,1 1,2 2,8 J.,2 3,2 1,? 5,? 1,5 8,3 1,6 16,? 2,0 30,2 2,3 11,? 2,Ü
5,00 , ? ,Z 1,2 2,9 1,3 ?,? 1,4 5,6 1,6 8,7 1,7 17,2 2,1 91,9 2,4

DIN 1986-100:Z016-12 D IN 1986-100:2016-12

Table A.4 - Discharge capacity of drainage pipes with a filling level of h/d -- 0.7
DN 70 DN 80 DN 90 DN 100 DN 125 DN ä 50 DN zO0 DN zZS DN 2 S 0 Dh 300
di Often mm d; - 75 mm d; = 79 lrtiyn di = 96 min di = 113 mm d; 14d mm d; eats Him d¡ = 207 mm d¡ = 230 mm di - z°io ins

cm/m 1/s ru/s 1/s m/s 1/s in/s 1/s m/s 1/s m/s 1/s m/s 1/s in/s 1/s m/s 1/s in/s 1/s m/.s
0,z0 fi,7 0,? 10,Ü 0,5 11,4 0,6 19,0 0,1 3fi,1 0,7

0,30 J,5 0,S 7,0 0,1 12,9 0,6 17,6 0,7 Z?.4 0,0 43,1 0,9
0,40 2,G 0,5 4,1 0,6 8,1 O,G 14,9 O,8 20,4 0,6 27,0 0,9 49,°T ],0

0,50 1,S 0,5 j,7 0,S 2,9 0,5 4,G 0,6 5,0 0,7 16,7 0,8 22,8 0,9 30,2 1,0 SS,R 1,1
0,60 1,3 0,S 1,7 0,5 1,9 0,5 3,2 0,6 S,0 0,7 '2,9 0,8 18,3 0,'2 2S,0 J,0 33,1 1,1 G1,2 T,2
0,70 J.,4 0,5 \,R 0,S 2,1 0,6 3,? 0,6 5,'1 0,7 10,7 0,9 15,8 1,0 27,1 1.,1 3.fi,8 1,2 66,1 1,?
0,80 1,ö 0,5 1,9 0,S 2,2 U,6 3,7 0,7 Ü,8 0,8 1.J,* ] 0,9 21,2 1,1 Z9,O 1,2 36,3 1,2 70,7 1,1

0,90 1,6 0,ti 2,1 0,6 2,4 0,6 4,0 0,7 6,1 0,8 12,2 1,0 22,d 1,1 30,7 1,2 10,6 1,3 75,0 ' 1,5
1,00 1,7 0,6 ?,2 0,7 2,5 0,7 4,2 0,8 6,ü 0,9 12,8 i,0 23,7 1,2 32,4 1,3 4 2,8 1,4 79,1 1,6
1,10 4.,7 0,6 2,3 0,7 2,6 0,7 fl,4 O,ß 6,8 0,9 13,5 1,1 24,9 1,3 34,0 1,4 4S,0 1,4 83,0 1,?
1,z0 1,0 0,7 2,4 0,7 2,7 0,7 4,6 0,ß 7,d 0,9 14,t 1,1 26,0 1,d 35,5 1.fi 47,0 1,* 86,7 1,8
1,30 1,9 0,7 2,S'* 0,7 2,8 0,8 4,8 ' 0 ,9 7,4 ' ' 1 ,0 4 4,6 ' 1 ,.2 2 7,1 1,4 37,0 1,S 46,Ü I, n °30,3 1,(
1,40 2,0 0,7 2,6 0,8 2,9 0,8 5,0 0,9 7,7 1,0 1S,2 1,2 28,t 1,4 38,4 1,5 30,8 1,6 '33,7 1,9
1,50 2,0 0,8 2,7 0,8 3,1 0,ß 5,1 1,0 7,9 1,1 13,7 1,3 29,1 1,5 39,7 1,6 52,Ü 1,7 97,0 2,0
2,00 2,4 0,9 3,t 0,9 3,5 J.,0 S,9 1,1 9,2 1,Z 18,2 1,5 33,6 1,7 45,9 1,8 60,7 2,0 i12,1 2,3
2,50 2,G 1,s 3,4 1,0 4,0 1,1 6,7 ' 1.2 10,3 i,4 2(l,2 ' 1.fi .? 7,6 1,9 ü1,4 ¿,0 67,9 2,? 1*5,4 ?,S
3,00 2,9 1,1 3,S 1,1 4,3 1,2 7,3 1,3 11,3 1,S 22,3 1,8 41,2 2,1 56,3 2,2 74,4 2,4
3,50 3,1 t,2 4,1 1,2 4,7 1,3 7,* 1,5 4 2,2 1,6 24,1 1,°9 44,5 2,Z 60,9 2,4
4,00 3,4 1,2 4,4 1,3 Ü,0 1,4 R,4 1,G 1?,0 1,7 2Ü,ß 2,1 17,6 2,4
1Y .
4,S0 3,6 t 1 .3s 4,6 ' t,1 5,d ,S 8,d f,7 13,8 lay Z7,8 Z,¿ 50,5 ¿,5

S,00 3,8 1,4 4,9 1,5 *,C 1,S 1,4 1,7 t1,6 1,0 28,8 2,3
DIN 1986-J 00:2016-12

Table A.5 - Discharge capacity of drainage pipes with a filling level of h/d, - - 1 .0
ON 70 DN BO DN 90 DN 100 ON 12S DN t 50 DN 2 00 DN 225 DN z50 DN 300
t d¡ = 6H mm di -- 7o mm dj --79 inm d; --9L mc d¡ = lld mm d¡ = 146 min d¡ -. 184 mm d¡ = 207 mm li - 73o mtts d; -- '290 mn

0,20 12,? 0,5 17,2 0,5 22,7 0,5 42,1 0,6

0,30 8,3 0,s tfi,1 0,s 21,1 0,6 27,9 0.7 51,7 0,8
0,40 4,9 0,5 ?,6 O,G 17,9 0,7 24,4 0,7 32,? 0,6 59,7 0,9
0,50 ?,5 0,Ü 5,4 0,? 10,8 0,G 20,0 0,8 27,3 0,B ?6,Z 0,9 65,9 1,0
0,C0 2,3 0,S 3,9 0,S 6,0 0,6 11,C 0,7 21,9 0,8 30,0 0,9 39,7 1,Q 73,3 1,1
f1,70 1,6 0,S 2,4. 0,Ü 2,5 0,S 4.2 0,0 6,5 0,6 12,8 : 0 .8 25,7 0,°J 32,4 1,0 42,9 1,0 79,3 1,2
0,00 1,8 0,S 2,3 0,Ü 2,6 0,5 4,5 0,6 6,9 0,7 13,7 0,8 2S,3 ,0 ' 3fl ,7 1,0 45,9 1,1 ß4,8 ?.,3
0,90 1,9 0," 2,4 0,6 2,8 ij,6 4,7 0,7 7,3 0,7 14,S 0,0 20,9 1,0 36,ß 1,1 4ß,7 1,2 90,0 1,4
1,00 2,0 0,5 2,6 0,0 3,0 0,6 5,0 0,7 7,7 0,8 1ii,3 0,9 28,4 1,1 Sß,8 1,2 51,3 1,2 94,9 1,4
1,10 2,1 0,6 2,7 0,6 3,i 0,6 5,2 0,7 8,t 0,8 10,1 1,0 Z9,ß 1,1 4 0,7 4,2 S,0 1,3 99,S 1,5
1,2 0 2,2 0,6 2,8 0,6 3,2 0,7 a,5 0,8 O,S 0,8 J G,P 1,0 31,1 1,2 42,5 1,3 60,2 1,4 104,0 1,6
1,30 2,3 '0 2,9 '0 3,4 0,7 " O,ß 8,8 0,9 17,5 " . i1 . 44,S i1 . °* 108,2 J ,G
,6 ,/ S,7 1 ,O 3 2,4 ,2 ,3 S2,ä 1,4
1,40 2,3 0,6 1,1 0,7 3,? 0,7 1,9 0,6 V,2 0,1 1ß,2 1,1 33,6 1,S 4G,0 ,1 G0,O 1,5 112,4 1,7
1,50 2,4 0,7 1,2 0,7 3,6 0,7 6,1 0,B ?,5 0,0 18,8 1,1 34,8 1,4 47,G t,1 G2,9 1,3 116,3 1,R
z,00 2,8 0,8 ?,7 0,6 t,2 0,9 7,1 1,0 11,0 i,1. 21,7 1,3 40,2 1,5 S 5,0 1,G 72,7, 1,8 13't,1 2,0
z,5 0 3,1 0,0 4,1 0,? 1,7 1,0 7,9 1,1 12,3 1,2 24,3 1,5 45,0 1,7 GI, 1,8 81,4 " 2 ,0 150,4- 2,3
3,00 ?,5 1,0 4,5 t,0 Ü,2 1,1 6,7 J.,2 I?,' 1,3 2G,7 1,6 19,3 1,9 17,4 2,0 89,2 2,I 154,R 2,5
3,S0 3,7 1,0 1,9 1,1 5,G 1,1 9,1 1,? 14,5 1,S y8,8 1,7 53,3 2,0 72,9 2,2 96,4 2,?
4,00 4,U 1,1 Ü,2 1,2 6,0 1,2 10,1 1,4 15,6 J.,6 30,R 1,ß 57,0 2,1 77,? 2,? 103,0 2,5
4,50 1,2 1,2 5,S 1,2 S,3 1,? 10,7 1,5 16,5 1,G 32,7 2,S 60,a 2,3 82,7 2,fi

Details for suspended gutters

The Ahfiiissvcrinögen fully vO rgchängten Rin nen (see Figure 32 and ßild 33) was for the following Rinncnmafte in
Table B.1 iilld Table l3.2 bei cchnct.

Ak LIERKU NGUie in the tables P.1 and P.2 eiithiJlte Iren Molie are shown in 't Figures B.1 and ILS.

Picture B.l - Mafle for semi-rough gutters

Table B.1 - Maths of round gutters

Nominal dimension d e A c-v n -- w

mm now mm IH hl* nem mm

200 6,0 80,0 3 069 8.0 45,0

2S0 18,0 105,0 5 2" f' 100 62,0
280 18,0 1 27,U 7 347 11,0 72,5

333 20,0 153,0 10 567 11,0 g6,5

400 22,0 192,0 16 363 11,0 107,0
500 22,0 250,0 27 004 21,0 13 6,0
Adurcbströiiite cross-sectional area of the grouted line W
Set water depth

DIN 1986-J 00:2016-12
DIN 1986 100:2016-12

Figure B.2 - Mafle for casteriform channels

Table B.2 - Mafle of castellated gutters

NanumaS o f d c-a A a --W

min mm° mm
200 42,0 70,0 l6,tJ 42,u
250 55,0 85,0 1d,0 10,0 4 675 55,tl
333 75,0 120,0 20,0 10,0 9 000 7E,0
400 90,0 1*0,0 2 2,0 10,0 13 500 90,0
500 110,0 200,0 2 2,0 20,0 22 000 110,0
Aae cross-sectional flow through gcfiilltcii riniie iP
DIN 1986-100: 2016-12

Appendix C
Exemption regulation according to 5.3.1 for the drainage of the catchment areas of
cooling units of refrigeration systems installed outdoors in accordance with § 19 (4) AwSV

C.1 Planning requirements

In contrast to PI N E N J 2056-3: 2001-0 4 , 6.d, rainwater, even from small roof areas, buildings, etc., may not be
discharged into fichmiitzwasscrl'a111citungcii. This does not apply to catchment areas of systems in accordance with § 19
(4) AivSV with a maximum rainwater aJifiuss s I/k tib0C daclaabläii fe with DN 50 to a wastewater downpipe * AN 100.
Pies is considered to be fulfilled if the catchment area z 10 m2 with a maximum a ufka n tuiig of 35 min licträgt. These
areas may only be connected to the wastewater downpipe if the last connection (see Fig. C.1) is made at the same time. In
the case of secondary and bypasses, the connection must only be made at the same time as the net or bypass connection to
the drainage pipe (see Fig. C.1) so that no rainwater can enter the ventilation pipe.

A connection of the drainage system to a wastewater drainage system is not permitted if

— the downpipe is ventilated with a ventilation valve,

— the wastewater pipes only carry kitchen wastewater (KÜClienf8lllei Long) i3lll oitcR.

In the case of subsequent connections to existing energy supply systems, you m u s t check with an expert that no
connections are made to the ventilation pipes of wastewater lifting units (see Fig. 2, No. 10 and No. lS) or grease

9 24i0 2A 24 24

Supplementary to Figure 2:

24 Connection with a discharge of 1 l/s from catchment areas according to § 19 (4) AwSV

Figure C.1 - Supplement to Figure 2 - for permissible connections of catchment areas with a discharge above
11/s from systems according to § 19 (4) AwSV to a wastewater collection system
DIN 1986-100:20 16-12

For external paving areas with a 1 1/.s pitch and connection to a drainage pipe, it must be ensured that no rainwater
from the remaining roof area can be drained via the external paving. If this is the case, the outer surface must be
raised (see Fig. C.2).

Figure C.2 - Roof drain of a catchment area with vertical DN 50 connection to a DN 100 drainage pipe

The roof drains in the collection areas must be freely accessible and must not be covered by the drainage pipes.
It should be noted that ductwork can have a corrosive effect. The distance between the cooling unit and
The minimum length of the pipework for separators should be at least 5 metres. This also applies to systems
according to C.2, paragraph 2.

C.2 Discharge of different types of wastewater

The potentially contaminated precipitation water from collecting pits in accordance with g 19 (4) AwSV must be
discharged into the combined sewerage system. Redcnivassei runoff s 1 1/s from collecting ponds may be
discharged according to C. , paragraph 1 via wastewater downpipes.

Rainwater runoffs > 1 1/s from Ailflangflüchen on your roof niiissen nach C.2 abhe itct wei den, woher,
aJiwcicliend von den Regelungen für die Dachentwiisserung, die Bcrechn ungsrcgcnspende r(;2 J fiir die Bemessung
is to be applied.

All rainwater in excess of the calculation rules r ., 2 must be drained off via the drainage system of the existing roof area. On
your roof, ltonsti o ctive mafina h iTlcll (water separators) must be used to ensure that no lowcrc1a{?,swasscr of the
roof drainage/nocclcnt water can be discharged into the drainage pipes via the outlets of the outside catchment areas.
the height of the AL running level (see Fig. fi.3) of the drainage area must be * If in accordance with 14.2.fo and
must be checked for each individual case.

DIN 1986-100:2016 12

h ei for de mal di uck height b at the roof outlet A
hg Required pressure head h nm Noml'lao f B
1 Under 1 antc dci of the listing of /\migen n;3cli § 19 (4) AwSV
2 Emergency drainage, Q g t
3 Water play at the high point of the emergency drainage (corresponds to the pressure h atri roof drain on
A + water depth tYq)
A PachobJouf
B Nnt2b\a" f

;-. AG Mli RU U Nüif she he also BiL1 26.

Figure C.3 - Height of the drainage level of the catchment area above the highest water level W on the roof

If cooling units or systems are installed outside the building in accordance with Section 19 (4) AwSV, the surface
area to be limited by watersheds must be dimensioned in accordance with the Bcincssiingsrcgcluiigcn for
underground pipes with the 2-year calculation rule and the wastewater must be discharged into the wastewater or
sewage pipe. It must be ensured by means of l onstrulitive measures that no more than the potentially contaminated
low-level water from a 2-year rainfall event is discharged into the wastewater or combined sewerage system. Due to
its high dilution, the contaminated precipitation water originating from the annual rainfall greater than T --'1 a must be
discharged together with the non-polluted precipitation water into the downstream rainwater drainage systems, unless
the competent authority has issued other regulations in individual cases.

When conducting the proof of flooding in accordance with 14.9.3, the areas for installations in accordance with g 19
(4) AwSV are to be equated with the areas t h a t a r e not subject to a mixed load, but must not be included in the
retention volume.

} 100
DI N 986-100:2016 12


[1] DIN-Taschenbuch 2, "Zelchn uii/stioi men

[Z1 DIN-Taschenbuch 14 8, F,intragung non Maß.en und Toler turen, Scliri/ten, Aiigaben für Oberflöchen,
Sehweißen vnä Gewiiide

[3] ISO 4067-2, Building ciii t ivif e-s!'neerin,q drawings - IiistaIloii'' os - Part 2: Simplified re 'rereiitatinn of ''
.suni'tary oyyliunces

[4] ZVSHHK, "Dimensioning of vi i'pehäiigten and in nen lying Rmncn°

5] fierufsgcnossenschaftl e Regel fiir Sicherheithcit und Gesundheit bei der Arlaeit, BG- Regel BGk 177
"Riser for containers and uirlocked rooms 7)

[6] Guidelines of the l,ünder iilici b ranttschutztcch nische Anforderungen on I.eitungsanliipen (LARJ

I7jFLL (2 OOS), hichtlinic zui Planung, Aiisfiiführung und Pflege von Dachbegi üiiiingen*)

g }81 Model - Piping System Guideline - MI,AR - of the Fe chkommixsion ßaiiaufxicl t of the Baurniiiisterkoiifei cnz

g 7) He reiisgeber: Hr iiptvei Land der gewel blichen Rcrufsg=eno.ssr'nschaften (H VRG); ß e z i i g : fba rl Heymaii ne Verlag UG,
Lrixernbui'ger Str . 449, 50939 höhe
q 8) Publisher-. Forschiingsgcscllschaft Landschaf'tseHtwicklung I.andschaftshaii e. V., llonn


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