Framework That Is Designed To

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framework that is designed to:

A. meet the particular information needs of a wide

range of users
B. meet the particular information needs of a group
of users
C. meet the common information needs of a wide
range of users.
D. meet the common information needs of a group
of users
2. PSA 700 provides guidance on the:
A. audit report that includes an unqualified opinion
B. audit report that includes an unqualified opinion
C. audit report that includes an unqualified opinion,
though the auditor’s report is modified due to an
emphasis of matter
D. audit report, irrespective of the type of opinion
issued by the auditor
3. PSA 701 provides guidance on the:
A. auditor’s report issued as a result of an audit of a
complete set of general-purpose financial
B. auditor’s report issued as a result of performing a
special-purpose audit engagement
C. auditor’s report that contains an opinion other
than unqualified and/or a modified report due to
an emphasis of matter
D. auditor’s report issued as a result of an audit of a
single statement or specified account(s)
4. PSA 800, “The Independent Auditor’s Report on
Special Purpose Audit Engagements” least likely
applies to auditor’s report issued as a result of an
audit of:
A. compliance to royalty agreement
B. a component of a complete set of generalpurpose
financial statements wherein the opinion
of the auditor is unqualified
C. complete set of general-purpose financial
statements where the auditor is prohibited from
observing the inventory count
D. summarized financial statements
5. The auditor’s judgment regarding whether the
financial statements give a “true and fair view” or
“are presented fairly”, in all material respects, is
made in the context of:
A. generally accepted auditing standards
B. standards of reporting of generally accepted
auditing standards
C. applicable financframework that is designed to:
A. meet the particular information needs of a wide
range of users
B. meet the particular information needs of a group
of users
C. meet the common information needs of a wide
range of users.
D. meet the common information needs of a group
of users
2. PSA 700 provides guidance on the:
A. audit report that includes an unqualified opinion
B. audit report that includes an unqualified opinion
C. audit report that includes an unqualified opinion,
though the auditor’s report is modified due to an
emphasis of matter
D. audit report, irrespective of the type of opinion
issued by the auditor
3. PSA 701 provides guidance on the:
A. auditor’s report issued as a result of an audit of a
complete set of general-purpose financial
B. auditor’s report issued as a result of performing a
special-purpose audit engagement
C. auditor’s report that contains an opinion other
than unqualified and/or a modified report due to
an emphasis of matter
D. auditor’s report issued as a result of an audit of a
single statement or specified account(s)
4. PSA 800, “The Independent Auditor’s Report on
Special Purpose Audit Engagements” least likely
applies to auditor’s report issued as a result of an
audit of:
A. compliance to royalty agreement
B. a component of a complete set of generalpurpose
financial statements wherein the opinion
of the auditor is unqualified
C. complete set of general-purpose financial
statements where the auditor is prohibited from
observing the inventory count
D. summarized financial statements
5. The auditor’s judgment regarding whether the
financial statements give a “true and fair view” or
“are presented fairly”, in all material respects, is
made in the context of:
A. generally accepted auditing standards
B. standards of reporting of generally accepted
auditing standards
C. applicable financial reporting framework
D. applicable Philippine Standards on Auditing
6. In forming an opinion on the financial statements,
A. the auditor should evaluate the conclusions
drawn from the audit evidence obtained during
the course of the auditial reporting framework
D. applicable Philippine Standards on Auditing
6. In forming an opinion on the financial statements,
A. the auditor should evaluate the conclusions
drawn from the audit evidence obtained during
the course of the audit

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