Assignment - Case Study

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May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process


Assignment Submission Date: 9 Aug 2024
Assignment Objective
This assignment aims to assess your understanding of various separation processes, the unit
operations used in these processes, and the principles underlying them through a detailed case
study. The assignment should cover Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) 1, 2, 4 and 5.

• A group of 4 students (except two groups will have 5 members) is required to propose a
case study which is not similar to another groups. Update group info, case study title and
required information into a designated spreadsheet at below link:
Assignment BEP3043_05-2024.xlsx
• Conduct a comprehensive case study on a real-world industrial process that involves
separation processes/techniques.
• The chosen case study should address at least one Sustainability Development Goals
(SDG) set by United Nations.
• Address all the specific CLOs mentioned.
• Provide detailed explanations, calculations, and diagrams where necessary.
• Use real-world data and examples to support your case study with citing the papers.
• All the content of assignment MUST NOT BE handwritten.
• Submit your assignment in a well-organized document (PDF format) by: 9 Aug 2024.

Case Study: Industrial Separation Processes

Introduce the industrial process that you will be discussing. It can be any kinds of industrial process.
Describe the overall process, its important, and the role of separation techniques within it by
providing the process flow diagram of the process.
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Section 1: Separation Equipment (CLO1)

(a) Identify and describe two types of separation equipment used in the chosen industrial
(b) Explain the operation principles of these separation equipment.
(c) Provide detailed diagram of the equipment and label their main streams and components.
(d) Discuss how the chosen separation equipment contributes to the efficiency and
effectiveness of the overall process.

Section 2: Drying Process Variables (CLO2)

(a) Explain how the mass balance concept is applied to the drying process within the
industrial case study.
(b) Describe the principle of drying and its impact on the selection of drying equipment in
your case study.
(c) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of two types of drying equipment used in the
(d) Provide real-world data on the drying process, including key variables such as
temperature, humidity, rate of drying, moisture content, and drying time (use the drying
curve method).

Section 3: Liquid-liquid Extraction (CLO4)

(a) Explain how the ternary diagram is used to solve liquid-liquid extraction problems in the
industrial process.
(b) Determine the amount and components composition using ternary diagram.
(c) Details the steps involved in performing liquid-liquid extraction using ternary diagram
for the chosen process.
(d) Discuss the components involved in the liquid-liquid extraction process and expected
(e) Compare liquid-liquid and liquid-solid extraction processes within the context of your
case study, highlighting their differences and applications.

Section 4: Filtration Processes and Advanced Separation Technology (CLO5)

(a) Identify and describe three types of filtration processes used in the industrial case study.
(b) Discuss any advancements in separation technology used in the process and their
(c) Provide a case study example of advanced separation technology within the chosen
industrial process, including its impact on efficiency and product quality.

Summarize the key findings of your case study. Discuss the importance of understanding and
optimizing separation processes in industrial applications. Reflect on any challenges faced during
the research and analysis.
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Additional Instructions
• Ensure that all references are cited properly
• Reference (the cited sources shall follow the format Harvard Referencing Style.
Recommend using Mendeley Free Software. Can download at
• Include any assumptions made during calculations or explanations.
• Diagram should be clear and properly labeled.
• The report should be clear, concise, and accurate. All the data and assumptions made must
be based on the supporting articles. Evaluation will be done based on the thoroughness in
the abstract, introduction, discussion, design and calculation, conclusion, and the overall
presentation of the report.
• To check plagiarism using Turnitin, key-in information below at your Turnitin account.

Class ID: 44635286

Enrollment Key: separation

• Any act of dishonesty or plagiarism during completion of this assignment is a serious

offense and will be awarded zero mark (0%) if found guilty.

Content of the Report

Cover Page
• Use the following page in Appendix as assignment’s cover page.
• The cover page of the report MUST include the following information and table.
Name ID Contribution Contribution Signature
(Identify which (percentage %)
Abdullah 1001123456 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 50%
John 1001789000 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 50%

Reference Citation
▪ Use Mendeley – Reference Management Software to do the in-text citation in the report.
▪ The format for citing sources in the report shall follow the latest Harvard Referencing Style.
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Specification and Formatting

Table 1: List of Specification

Specification Description
Language The report should be written in British (UK) English.
Paper White simile A4 size paper (210  297 mm)
Printing Softcopy PDF format & Hardcopy
Maximum Include page number at the bottom of the page and the maximum
Number of Pages number of pages is 20 pages ONLY (exclude cover and declaration
pages). However, students are encouraged to minimise the total
number of pages – a thick report does not mean a good report!

Table 2: List of Formatting

Formatting Description
Page Margin ➢ Left margin : 1 inch
➢ Right, Top, Bottom margins : 1 inch
➢ Header and Footer margins : 1 inch
Typesetting and ➢ Font Type : Times New Roman
Spacing ➢ Font Size : 12 pt
➢ General Spacing : 1.0 spacing
➢ Symbol for variable : Italic (e.g. m, P, T, v, , ,  )
➢ General alignment for texts in paragraph should be “justified”.
Others ➢ Please include “Declaration of Original Work” in your report.
➢ Tables and figures are required when necessary. “Tables” should be
re-typed. Provide a caption title above the Tables and caption below
the Figures.
➢ Refer to journal articles / reports published between 2017-2023
➢ Suggested searching website:
* Mark will be deducted for any failure to follow the format

Assignment Marking Rubric

▪ Refer to the Appendix for the Assignment Marking Rubric. It MUST be attached at the
LAST PAGE of the report prior to submission.
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

▪ Submission Platform: CN page of BEP3043 Separation Process (May-Aug 2024 semester)
▪ Submit ONE softcopy file (in PDF format) and ONE hardcopy file for each group.
▪ PENALTY for LATE SUBMISSION - deduction of 5% per day.
▪ Re-submission of assignment through other platforms ARE NOT ALLOWED.
▪ Submit your assignment by 9 August 2024


BEP3043 Separation Process

May – Aug 2024

Group Assignment Title: (Type your proposed title)

Assignment Group: Group Number X

Name ID Contribution Contribution Signature
(Identify which (percentage %)
Abdullah 1001123456 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 50%

John 1001789000 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 50%

May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Declaration of Original Work

Propose Title :
Course Code & Name:

We hereby declare that the attached group assignment has been researched, undertaken, completed,
and submitted as required by me as a collective effort by the group members listed below.
We acknowledge that we are aware of university policy and regulations on honesty in academic
work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and
regulations, as contained in the University website.
We are also aware that each student is responsible and liable to disciplinary actions should there
be any plagiarized contents/undeclared multiple submission in the group project, irrespective of
whether he/she has signed the declaration and whether he/she has contributed directly or indirectly
to the problematic contents.
It is also understood that a project without a properly signed declaration by all members of the
group concerned will not be graded by the instructor.

Signed and submitted:

Student (printed name, ID, and signature):

Date: ______________
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Group Leader Name (ID) :
Group Members Name (ID) :

Indicator: 1 – Unsatisfactory; 2 – Needs Improvement; 3 – Satisfactory; 4 – Proficient; 5 - Exemplary

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Introduction Provides a Provides a clear Provides an Introduction is No introduction 10%
comprehensive introduction, adequate vague and lacks or irrelevant
introduction, describing the introduction, but clarity. information
clearly industrial some details are provided.
describing the process and its missing or
industrial significance. unclear.
process and its
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Separation Thoroughly Clearly Adequately Limited Fails to identify 20%

Equipment identifies and identifies and identifies and identification or describe
(CLO1) describes two describes two describes and description separation
types of types of separation of separation equipment, lacks
separation separation equipment, with equipment, explanation of
equipment, equipment, some operation operation
explains their explains their explanation of principles are principles, and
operation operation operation unclear or no diagrams
principles, and principles, and principles and incomplete, provided.
provides provides diagrams. diagrams are
detailed diagrams. insufficient.
Drying Thoroughly Clearly explains Adequately Limited Fails to explain 20%
Process explains mass mass balance explains mass explanation of mass balance
Variables balance concept, concept, drying balance concept mass balance concept and
(CLO2) drying principles principles, and and drying concept and drying
and compares compares drying principles, but drying principles, no
drying equipment with comparison of principles, comparison of
equipment with some real-world drying comparison of drying
real-world data. data. equipment is drying equipment
limited. equipment is provided.
unclear or
Liquid- Thoroughly Clearly explains Adequately Limited Fails to explain 20%
Liquid explains the use the use of explains the use explanation of ternary diagrams
Extraction of ternary ternary of ternary ternary diagrams and extraction
(CLO4) diagrams, details diagrams, details diagrams and and extraction steps, no
extraction steps, extraction steps, extraction steps, steps, comparison of
and compares and compares but comparison comparison of extraction
extraction extraction of extraction extraction processes
processes with processes with processes is processes is provided.
real-world some examples. limited. unclear or
examples. incomplete.
May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Filtration Thoroughly Clearly Adequately Limited Fails to identify 20%

Processes identifies and identifies and identifies and identification or describe
and describes three describes three describes and description filtration
Advanced filtration filtration filtration of filtration processes, no
Separation processes, processes, processes but processes, discussion of
Technology discusses discusses discussion of discussion of advancements in
(CLO5) advancements in advancement in advancement in advancements in separation
separation separation separation separation technology
technology with technology with technology is technology is provided.
detailed examples. limited. unclear or
examples. incomplete.
Conclusion Provides a Provides a clear Provides an Provides a No conclusion 10%
comprehensive summary, adequate limited or irrelevant
summary, discussing the summary, but summary, with information
clearly importance of discussion of vague discussion provided.
discussing the separation importance and of importance
importance of processes and reflection on and reflection on
separation reflecting on research research
processes and research challenges is challenges.
reflecting on challenges. limited.
Overall Exceptionally Well-organized Adequately Poorly Lacks 10%
Presentation well-organized, few grammatical organized, some organized, many organization,
free of errors, and most grammatical grammatical numerous
grammatical references are errors, and some erros, and few grammatical
errors, and all properly cited. references are references are errors, and no
references are properly cited. properly cited. references are
properly cited. cited.
Total for each criteria (%) A

Total Mark (B) = (A/550) x 100%

May-Aug 2024 Group Assignment BEP3043 Separation Process

Score for Assignment (B/100) x 30%

*Note: Marks for criteria – Introduction, Conclusion and Overall Presentation will be equally distributed to all addressed CLOs.

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