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SanctiOn Letter

Date: 10th January. 2024

Ref: DRISHTI CPS/CT/SL/UG/2024/000014

Mr. Aditya Suwalka (Department of Mechanical Engineering)
Mr. Amirthan Arul (Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science)
Mr V Purushothaman (Department of Mechanical #ngineering)
Indian lnstitute of Technology Indore.

Subject: Regarding sanction of the grant by IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation under the NM
ICPS scheme
Program Name: CHANAKYA Fellowships Program
Grant number:CE-2024-UG-000062
Title of the project: Connected Breathe: Empowering Healthcare with Intelligent
Ventilation Solutions

Name of the awardee(s): Mr. Aditya Suwalka Mr. Amirthan Arul, and Mr. V

Name of the faculty mentor (P): Prof. Bhargav Vaidya

Designation of Pl: Associate Professor at the Disciple of Astronomy. Astrophysics and
Space Engineering at IIT Indore
Name and address of the host institute/organization: Indian Institute of Technology
Indore, Khandwa Road, Simrol, Indore 453552, India

Amount of fellowship: INR (5000)/Month, per awardee

Eligible development grant: INR 1Lakh
Duration: 6 months

Terms and conditions associated with the grant as

outlined below. Strict
compliance with the same is mandated under this award.

(1) Acknowledgement: Any outcome

(partial or full) from the award in the form of
publication,report. presentation,articles, thesis, patent, media
post, webcast, course
material, prototypedemonstration, etc. should be duly
1 acknowledged as follows:
"This work is supported by CHANAKYA Fellowships
(NM-ICPS) of
under the National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System
Department of Science and Technology, (Government of India".
be transferred to
(2) The awardof fellowship is non-transferable. The fellowship cannot
otherperson or institute.

to the fellowship
(3) Development grant: Anydevelopment grant claimed in addition
order) will be
(withinthe maximum permissible limit as mentioned in the sanction
disbursed on areimbursement basis. The host institute should be able to
initial support, which can be claimed quarterly. Development grant should be used
loT devices,
for the procurement of consumables, minor equipment, software,
overhead for the host institute, honorarium for faculty mentors (PI) (not applicable
for PG, Ph.D. fellowships) operational expenses related to an existing facility used in
this research work, iocal travel, etc. It is recommended that Laptops, computers,
printers, and personal electronic devices should not be procured through the
rescarch grant. All procurement should follow the host institute procurement policy.
Institute overhead arnd honorarium are limited to a total of 10% of the development
grant. All procurennent should follovw the host institute procurement policy.

(4) Facility creation and knowle dge dissemination: Any major facility created or
developedunder this project should be notified to IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation. It is
expected that such facility should be listed on the website of IITI DRISHTI CPS
Foundation so that thesame can be utilized by any affiliate member of IITI DRISHTI
CPS Foundation and otherstakeholders. The host institute may decide usage policy
and charges for such facilities. Affiliate members of IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation
should get preferences for the use ofsuch facility and should be provided withat least
50 discount in ciatges. Any skill course conducted on such a facility or in the
relevant area of work should also be notified to IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation and
support should beduly acknowledged. Aminimum 50% discount in registration fees
for affiliate members should be provided. ITI DRISHTICPSFoundation may want to
explore the possibility of jointly organizing such courses with the concerned Pl or the
host institute.
(5) IPR protection and commercialization: IITT DRISUTI CPS Foundation encourages
the filing of IPR and commercialization2 of the outcomes for all awards/projects
Supported by IITI DRISITI CPS Foundation under any scheme. Pl should first
approach the ITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation as and when he/she identifies any
possibility of lPR. IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation has schemes to provide support for
also. In
IPR iling and hcensing. ilTl DRISITI CPS Foundation is open for joint filing
same would
case, I1TI DRISTITI CPS oundation is not interested to file the IPR, the
be communicated, and thercafter, the Plmay proceed with the host institute or any
other entity for illing of IPR. In addition, if any student or faculty nember is
Interested to take the project to next level in the form of commercialization or
startup/spinoft, shouldcontact II'TI DRISHTTCPS Foundation. Moreover, the awardce
is expected to use his/her remaining research grant for IPR filing.

In order to promote the filing of Intellectual Property Rights Primarily Patents, IITI
DRISHTl CPS Foundation will pay an honorarium of INR 50,000 to PI after on
successful filing of a patent through |ITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation. An additional
honorariun of INR 50,000 will be paid on the successful publication of the patent.
Oncethe patent is granted, the organization will provide up to 50% of the research
grant for a new project initiation subject to the project proposal being submitted and
approved by IITI DRISIITICPS Foundation.
In case of successful commercialization technology developed by external entities,
the revenue generated by iITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation (after deducting the costs
involved in patent filing and commercialization of the project) is proposed to be
distributed betwvecn IIT1 DRISHTI CPSToundation and inventors in the ratio of 80:20.
(6) Reporting and Monitoring: The project is a part of the national mission and
elfective utilization of the funds and resources is important. The
institute/faculty supervisor (P) should regularly monitor the progress of the
project/fellowship to ensure efective execution and aclhieving deliverables in a
timely manner It is expected that the faculty supervisor (P)
would maintain a
monthly progress report for the award so that the same can be
shared with ||TI
DRISHTI CPS Foundation whenever required.
Participation in the evaluation
schedulcd by IIT! DRISUTICI'S Foundation is a must. If the
are not satistactory, I1TT DRISHTICPS
Foundation may decide to terminate theaward.
Details on the report tormat and other
documents will be shared with the faculty
Supervisor in due course of time.
(7) Outreach: IITI DRISHTI CPS Foundation is intorested in highlighting the
achievements (keyfindings, publication. prototype, collaborations, etc.) through its
social media and other platforms. Our outreach managers of 1TI DRISHTT CPS
Foundation may approach the faculty supervisor (Pl) to provide such updates. The
same should be provided. Alternatively, the faculty supervisor (P)can alsodirectly
write to tdp.drishticps@iti.acin for providing such updates.

(8) Start date: The projcct should start within a weck of the receipt of the first
installment of the fellowship. The awardee should immediately inform the project
start date to the host institute and ITI DRISHTICPS Foundation by email.

(9) Duration and Extension: The duration and extension timelines of the project are as
per theCHANAKYA lellowships program of the IITI DRISHITICPS Foundation.

(10)Disbursement schedule is as follows:

U.G. The Fellowship amount for two months will be transferred to the
host institute. It is the responsibility of the host institute to
transfer the fellowship to the award ce in a timely manner and after
ensuring satistactory progress.
Development Quarterly transfer to the host institute on a reimbursement basis.

(11)Legal: In case of any dispute, the initial resolution shall be sought through an
arbitrator. The place of the arbitration shall be Indore, Madhya Pradesh, and Indian
law shall apply The uriscdiction for any turther dispute
shall be The High Court of
Madhya Pradesh, Indore.

(12) Leave: I.eaves and other matters pertaining to the

awardee's work will be governed
bythe policies of the host institute.

(13) Account details: Ilost institute/Pl is required to provide the account and other
details (RTGS details) of the
organization/institute/ university for transfer of the
fellowships alongwith thesigned copyof this letter details to
including public health, medical devices,
(14) Project working in the field of health care
institutional ethics conmmittee as per the
etc. must get clcarance from the relevant
norms of the host institute.

Dr. Vaishali Gupta

Program Manager
IIT Indore

Declaration by the Awardee

havecarefully read the terms and conditions of the award/fellowship of ITI DRISHTI
CPs Foundation, andIagree to abide by the same. Failure to do so will immediately
terminate the award/fellowship.
i: Adity a Buwalka |o 24
2. VReluhothaman ilol24
3. AnRTHAN ARUL no24
Nanie and Signature of the awardee(s) with Date:

Declaration by the faculty supervisor (P) and Host Institute

Wemgree with the terms and conditions mentioned above.

1sitnature of the )PIwith Date:

Name andsignature of the lHead of the Institute/Dean with Date:

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