TESF7112 - P - TESF102 School Administrative Log & Report PDF
TESF7112 - P - TESF102 School Administrative Log & Report PDF
TESF7112 - P - TESF102 School Administrative Log & Report PDF
Table of Contents
Section 1: School Administration..........................................................................................................4
Summary of Teaching Experience Tasks for TESF7112p/w...................................................................6
Appendix A: The IIE Code of Ethics for Teaching Experience................................................................8
Appendix B: The IIE Mentor/Mentee Agreement...............................................................................12
Appendix C: Attendance Register.......................................................................................................14
Appendix D: Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience.................................................................17
Section 2: School Assessment & Report.............................................................................................20
Appendix E: Lesson Feedback Report.................................................................................................21
Appendix F: IIE PGCE School Report...................................................................................................25
Thank you for accommodating The IIE’s Post Graduate Certificate in Education (SP and FET
Teaching) Student Teacher at your school. Our students’ experiences in the classroom in
school-based, work-integrated learning are vital to producing sound educators. Thank you
for sharing your expertise with them in this critical role of mentorship. IIE PGCE students will
complete eight (8) weeks of school-based, Teaching Experience (TE). Students must
complete four (4) weeks in a Senior Phase classroom (Grade 7 – 9) and four (4) weeks in a
FET classroom (Grade 10 – 12) and will be required to teach their subject specialization.
The IIE Supervisor will visit students in schools to observe and assess at least one lesson per
teaching phase. The purpose of these visits will also include offering students additional
support and guidance, as well as liaising with the school’s Mentor Teacher around the
student’s progress. The date of the visit will be communicated through to the school via the
Student Teacher.
In this School Administrative Log & Report, we provide the Host School and Mentor Teacher
with an overview for this Teaching Experience module. This document is divided into two
Please do not hesitate to contact The IIE Campus at any stage around any matter pertaining
to the Teaching Experience of the students in your school. We value your time and input in
the development of our future teachers.
Initial Teacher Education programmes are regulated by The DHET in accordance with the
Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education Qualifications (MRTEQ). To ensure
compliance, Teaching Experience at The IIE is managed by a number of supplementary
requirements and documents as indicated below.
All IIE Student Teachers are required to have a valid police clearance certificate (PCC) or an
Afiswitch Criminal Check Certificate as accepted by SACE, on commencement of their
Teaching Experience component in a school. The student is required to keep a copy of the
Police Clearance Certificate in their Teaching Experience File at school.
All IIE Student Teachers are required to adhere to The IIE Code of Ethics for Teaching
Experience. Students are required to familiarize themselves with The IIE Code of Ethics for
Teaching Experience, prior to commencing Teaching Experience. Failure to adhere to The IIE
Code of Ethics for Teaching Experience may result in disciplinary action. This document has
been included as an Appendix, as a reference for the Host School and Mentor Teacher.
Should you have any concerns around the conduct of an IIE Student Teacher in your school,
please do not hesitate to contact the relevant campus.
The Mentor Teacher is a teacher in the Host School who supports and guides the Student
Teacher and who acts as a point of contact between the Institution and the Host School. The
IIE Mentor/Mentee Agreement serves to acknowledge the partnership between The IIE, the
Host School and the Student Teacher in the mentorship and monitoring of the student’s
professional growth. The Mentor Teacher and Student Teacher are required to read and sign
the agreement in their initial meeting before the start of the Teaching Experience weeks or
on the first day of Teaching Experience. Where the Student Teacher has more than one
Mentor Teacher (eg. One Mentor per phase), the Mentor/Mentee Agreement should be
signed with both teachers.
Please note: “Student Teachers cannot be alone in class, they must always be in the presence
of a qualified SACE registered teacher” (SACE, 2022)1.
IIE Student Teachers are required to sign the Attendance Register for each day of school-
based, Teaching Experience, for the duration of the student's TE placement. The school
Mentor Teacher must co-sign, the attendance registers at the end of each week. On
completion of each Teaching Experience Block, the Teaching Experience Attendance Register
must be stamped with the school stamp. The IIE Student Teacher is required to include the
Teaching Experience Attendance Register in the final PoE submission. No Teaching
Experience PoE will be marked without the inclusion of this signed and stamped document.
Students registered for teacher education qualifications with a specified school-based WIL
component are required to comply with all requirements stipulated by the relevant
qualifications authority, industry body or government ministry, as and where relevant. The
Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience clarifies the
requirements of students in terms of Absenteeism from school-based WIL (i.e. Teaching
During their eight (8) weeks in school, Student Teachers will be expected to complete all
tasks in the Observation Learning Log and the Teaching Log, as outlined below.
Teaching Log
The IIE PGCE Student Teacher is required to teach a minimum of twelve (12) lessons (as
specified in the Teaching Log). Student Teachers are required to consult with the mentor
teacher, prior to planning lessons, to ensure they are aligned with the expectations. The
Student Teacher must be assessed for each lesson taught. The IIE Lesson Feedback Reports
can be found in the appendices under Section B: School Assessment & Report. The IIE
Supervisor will assess one (1) lesson in each phase of teaching on their school visit.
The IIE Student Teacher is required to have a Teaching Experience File with them in school
every day. The Teaching Experience File should contain all administrative documents
required for Teaching Experience as well as the relevant Teaching Experience logs. It must
be made available to the School/Mentor Teacher at any point during Teaching Experience
and will be checked by The IIE Supervisor on their school visit.
This document serves as a set of guidelines for when you represent The IIE and yourself on
the Teaching Experience2 component of your programme. The Code of Ethics for Teaching
Experience does not replace ‘The IIE Safety, Conduct and Disciplinary Policy IIE015’, which all
students are subject to at any time during their studies.
Excerpt from the IIE Safety, Conduct and Disciplinary Policy IIE015 (IIE, 2022):
“… expects its students to conduct themselves in line with the Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa, the common law of the country, and the preservation of human
rights and dignity… This includes adherence to all rules and regulations of The IIE in
general and as may be specifically detailed from time to time” (IIE, 2022).
The IIE Code of Ethics for Teaching Experience (over and above The IIE Safety, Conduct and
Disciplinary Policy IIE015) is important as part of your professional conduct in schools and
for the integral support The IIE offers to you during your practical preparation and
experience as developing teachers.
Teaching Experience is referred to as ECD Experience on The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education programme and
with the main component taking place in ECD centres.
2. A Student Teacher shall at all times:
2.1 respect the dignity, beliefs and constitutional rights of learners;
2.2 respect the learner’s right to privacy and confidentiality;
2.3 refrain from subjecting learners to humiliation or any form of abuse;
2.4 avoid any improper contact with learners, which shall include as prohibited
forms of contact the following:
2.4.1 making inappropriate jokes;
2.4.2 exchanging contact information with learners;
2.4.3 offering learners cigarettes, alcohol or anything considered age
2.4.4 engaging learners on social media at any time whatsoever;
2.4.5 communicate socially with learners in any other manner whatsoever
after school hours;
2.4.6 entering into discourse with learners during or after school hours
considered to be inappropriate;
2.5 refrain from any form of sexual harassment towards learners;
2.6 refrain from any form of romantic or sexual relationship with learners;
2.7 avoid using the Student Teacher’s position of authority to influence learners
in an inappropriate manner;
2.8 be mindful that s/he is a role model to vulnerable minor learners and as such,
ensure that s/he uses appropriate language and behaviour in the presence of
2.9 dress appropriately for the teaching profession;
2.10 avoid using the Student Teacher’s position of authority for financial, political
or personal gain;
2.11 show due respect for the customs, culture, religion and beliefs of leaners; and
2.12 generally ensures that her/his conduct is beyond reproach and honourable.
3.4 undertakes to conduct him or herself in a way that advances the integrity and
reputation of The IIE and the teaching profession in general;
3.5 undertakes to show respect to Host School/Centre staff and anyone placed in
authority over the Student Teacher at the Host School/Centre/Centre; and
3.6 complies with the Code of Conduct of the Host School/Centre/Centre, its
rules and regulations and all lawful instructions issued by the Host
3. A Student Teacher engaged in Teaching Experience:
3.1 recognises that the Host School/Centre serves the community, and therefore
acknowledges that there will be differing customs, codes and beliefs in the
3.2 Conducts him/herself in a manner that does not show disrespect to the
values, customs and norms of the community.
information online. For example, electronic communication includes, but is not limited to,
messaging or video chat software, websites, apps, email, texting, and blogging. It also
includes social media networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram
and TikTok.
6. A Student Teacher:
6.1 commits to familiarise themselves with the Policy on the Protection of
Personal Information of the Host School/Centre;
6.2 commits to act in accordance with the Policy on the Protection of Personal
Information of the Host School/Centre for the duration of the Teaching
6.3 safeguards oneself by refraining from sharing any personal information (in
the submission of the Portfolio of Evidence (online and hard-copy);
6.4 safeguards others by refraining from sharing any personal information related
to the Host School/Centre, Mentor Teacher, Colleagues or Learners (in the
submission of the Portfolio of Evidence (online and hard-copy).
Mentor/Mentee Agreement
a) Conduct oneself with integrity and professionalism, in line with The IIE’s Code of Ethics
for Teaching Experience.
b) Conduct oneself within the requirements of the school policies and Code of Conduct.
c) Perform all tasks, both in and outside of the classroom, with enthusiasm.
d) Prepare all lessons timeously exhibiting clear thought and creativity, ensuring that they
aligned to the school context and the expectations of the qualification.
e) Follow due protocol with regards to any leave of absence from Teaching Experience, as
per the Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience.
Signature of Mentee
Signature of Mentor
Attendance Register
Note: Compulsory submission of the completed Attendance Register on PoE final submission. No
PoE will be marked without this document’s inclusion. This needs to be signed by both the
student and the mentor teacher, along with the school stamp. Please also take note of
“The Rules and Regulations for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience”.
Student’s Student’s signature Student’s signature Student’s signature Student’s signature Mentor’s
signature signature
Student’s Student’s signature Student’s signature Student’s signature Student’s signature Mentor’s
signature signature
Students registered for teacher education qualifications with a specified school-based WIL
component are required to comply with all requirements stipulated by the relevant qualifications
authority, industry body or government ministry, as and where relevant. The Rules and Regulations
for Leave of Absence from Teaching Experience clarifies the requirements of students in terms of
Absenteeism from school-based WIL (i.e. Teaching Experience 3). This document is in line with the
Assessment Strategy and Policy (IIE009). It is structured in order to meet the minimum requirements
of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in terms of attendance of these work-
based placements.
The programmes offered at The IIE meet the required number of weeks of supervised WIL for the
programme in line with the DHET requirements:
Teaching Experience is referred to as ECD Experience on The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education programme
and with the main component taking place in ECD centres.
Bachelor of Education degrees (DHET, 2015: 23): “In a full-time contact programme, students should spend a minimum of 20 weeks
and a maximum of 32 weeks in formally supervised and assessed school-based practices over the four-year duration of the degree. In any
given year … at least three of these should be consecutive.”
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (DHET, 2015: 29): “Students should spend a minimum of eight weeks and a maximum of 12
weeks in formally supervised and assessed school-based. At least four of these weeks should be consecutive.”
The Higher Certificate in Early Childhood Care and Education programme (DHET, 2017: 25) the duration of: “A minimum of six weeks
… of supervised and assessed WIL is required”.
Permitted General
The following seven life events applicable here are:
i. Death of an immediate family member.
ii. Own serious illness or injury. iii. Serious illness or injury
of an immediate family member.
iv. Official representation in recognised provincial/ national/ international
v. Court appearances and study or resident visa renewal appointments.
vi. Serious crime and motor vehicle accidents.
vii. National or Regional Unrests, Protests, Strikes or Vandalism.
Religious: There are religious occasions that would allow concessions
Special Concessions: Concessions for Chronic Psychological, Psychiatric and Physical
Students are required to inform The IIE’s Brand School of Education campus Programme
Manager/Teaching Experience Coordinator immediately on the first day of their absence
from Teaching Experience. This communication must be done in writing.
Students must contact the host School Principal/Head Mentor Teacher on the morning of
absence, state the reason for absence and inform him/her of the expected date of return
to the host school. This communication must be done in writing and a copy of this
communication to be sent to The IIE’s Brand School of Education campus Programme
Manager/Teaching Experience Coordinator.
Absence from Teaching Experience (TE) for three (3) or more days
Absence from TE for three (3) or more days will require a student to complete the three (3) or
more days missed at the end of the current Teaching Experience Period in agreement with the
school and the Institution.
The completion of the three (3) or more days missed will need to be completed before the handin
date of the final Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) for the current academic year.
Students are required to complete the required number of days of Teaching Experience (as
indicated for the relevant Teaching Experience module). Failure to do so means the student will
not have fulfilled the requirements of the module in terms of duration in schools, therefore
rendering the Teaching Experience module incomplete.
In specific situations where the student is not able to complete the missed days (in the given
academic year) prior to the final PoE submission, an application may be lodged by the student for
access to an Additional Teaching Experience Sitting. The application process is laid out in the section
Students will lodge an application on the Student Hub for consideration for access to the
Additional Teaching Experience Sitting which takes place in the Special Teaching Experience
Period of the following year.
All assessment exceptions and concession applications must be lodged by the student on the
Student Hub. All relevant documentation pertaining to the request must be included as only
the documentation submitted with the application can be taken into consideration for
processing the application or subsequent appeal.
The application with supporting documentation in terms of reason for absence needs to be
lodged on The Student Hub within five days from the end of the Teaching Experience period.
This application will be assessed by the IIE’s Brand School of Education in consultation with The
IIE Central Academic Team (where necessary).
Should the student’s application be successful, then the student is expected to complete the
required number of days, along with the stipulated sections of the Teaching Experience
Portfolio of Evidence as determined by The IIE.
The host school for the Additional Teaching Experience Sitting will be determined by the
campus under the management of The IIE’s Brand School of Education.
All outstanding requirements of the PoE will need to be completed in the Additional Teaching
Experience Sitting. The PoE will be submitted on the date communicated by the Brand.
Where necessary, an IIE Supervisor may need to visit the Student Teacher in the school in the
Additional Teaching Experience Sitting.
This lesson feedback report is used to assess each of the required lessons taught by the
Student Teacher.
The Mentor Teacher is to kindly complete this report after the Teaching Experience period
in the school. This report reflects on your overall impression of the student and counts
towards the final mark for Teaching Experience. Please return this report to the student
teacher once completed.
If you were placed in two different schools for Teaching Experience (ie. a different school for SP
and FET phase), the IIE PGCE School Report should be completed by both schools, and you will be
awarded an average of the mark (out of ten) from each school.
Emerging teaching Developing skilled teaching Capably skilled teaching Thoughtful, insightful
competence competence competence teaching competence
(0 - 2) (3 - 4) (5 - 6) (7 - 8) (9 - 10)
Vaguely written or generic Some consideration given to Adequate reference made A skilled entry of all factors Artful writing up of all
Sections A to G
write up of factors to supporting factors for lesson to elements to consider to consider in lesson elements with precise
consider when planning a design but missing certain prior to lesson design but planning with good reference to CAPS.
lesson. elements to ensure a lacks depth of reference to CAPS and other Meaningful lesson
meaningful lesson plan. understanding and considerations. objectives and a sincere
somewhat generic. understanding of the
requirements of lesson
planning. /10
Teaching approach does not The plan attempts to A well thought out lesson A well-designed lesson that An exciting lesson plan that
Section H
consider the criteria listed address the criteria for an plan with evidence of evidences an understanding evidences creative use of
above. The planning lacks effective lesson, with some insightful thinking of the criteria for optimal methodologies suited to
depth, creativity and body. consideration given to the considering all the elements learner engagement. Lesson content and context. Lesson
different phases. of lesson design. Lesson shows progression and shows progression from one
steps discussed in detail. smooth transition from one phase to the next and gives
phase to the next. detail in every phase. /10
competence competence competence teaching competence
(0 - 2) (3 - 4) (5 - 6) (7 - 8) (9 - 10)
Introduction lacks thought Introduction is limited to There is some attempt to get An interesting activity that A creative and meaningful
and fails to engage and asking questions to learners enthusiastic about captures the attention of introductory ‘hook’ that
enthuse learners. determine prior the lesson. learners. excites and engages learners.
knowledge. /10
This phase fails to meet the The selected strategy is The lesson unfolds with The lesson is structured with An innovative and exciting
lesson objectives. It lacks limited in promoting some structure and largely careful consideration given lesson that meets all the
structure and the student learner engagement to adheres to the plan. The to teaching methodologies requirements of an
meet the objectives. interactive and engaging
Teaching and
appears to struggle to chosen strategies meet the that are creative and
execute the lesson as per Obvious lack of disciplinary lesson objectives although relevant to the topic. There lesson. Original, resourceful
end or just fizzles out. up and/or preparing for draw the lesson to a allow learners to collate that re-energizes learners.
the next lesson. There may meaningful close. their thoughts about the
be an attempt to draw the lesson and prepare for the
lesson to a close. next lesson. /10
Assessment may be at the end of the lesson or continuous throughout the lesson and considers assessment ‘as’, ‘for’ and ‘of’ learning.
No assessment conducted or A simple assessment Assessment is conducted but The assessment strategy Carefully crafted and
unsuitable assessment. strategy used that bears may not necessarily meets the LO’s. engaging assessment/s that
little value to determine determine if LOs are being meet the LO’s. Also informs
learning. met. the teacher on the degree of
learning and further planning. /10
competence competence competence teaching competence
(0 - 2) (3 - 4) (5 - 6) (7 - 8) (9 - 10)
Lacks presence and Awkward and Sombre atmosphere Present, engaged and Teacher is well respected and
connection with learners. uncomfortable with prevailed which allowed for interactive. Learners commands a strong presence
Softly spoken and glimpses of an attempt to the lesson to proceed as acknowledge the teacher in the classroom. There is a
introverted. Uncomfortable engage with learners. planned. The teacher and enjoy his/her presence. deliberate focus on
and distant. struggled to create a establishing a conducive
relationship with learners. learning environment. /10
Failure to execute lesson Inadequate class Attempt to manage class Good classroom Teacher owns the class and
timeously due to lack of management strategies behaviour with some management strategies has complete control over
class control and poor that influenced the success that allowed the evident. Lesson completed learner behaviour and
timing of tasks. Struggles successful completion of lesson to proceed as on time to task. engagement so that all tasks
with discipline. the lesson. Not ideal planned, with some are completed, and the
conditions for learning but disruption. lesson is paced to optimise
Los met. learning in a mutually
respectful space. /10
TOTAL ___ / 80
The Mentor Teacher is to kindly complete the following report on the Student Teacher.
Student details:
Student Name
Please note that this report is divided into two sections as per the below:
Mentor Teacher/s please sign off the final mark awarded for each lesson taught, as per the
Teaching Log requirements.
Please use the following rating scale to award the student a mark out of 10.
Score Descriptor
9 – 10
5–6 Competent
Dress, punctuality, work ethic
Relationship building
Actively builds positive relationships with staff, learners and other stakeholders.
Additional comments: