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AHA Excavation Gravel Road

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Project Ref./Job Title/Work Order:

INCREASING PROBABILITY Brief Description of Work: AHA No.: AHA/BGT/P3/
A B C D E Excavation Activity
Environment Reputation Never Has Has
Revision: NA
Severity Production several
heard of in occurred occurred times a
times a
industry in industry in QP year
year in QP at this site
Job Location: 102 - East Sponsoring
0 No Injury No Damage No Effect No Impact No Risk Low Low Low Low Side Parking Lot Department
Slight injury Slight damage, Hazard area Classification: ZONE 20
1 or health No disruption to Slight effect
Low Low Low Low Low Performing
effects operation
Minor injury
Minor damage Limited
2 or health
(=QR 250,000)
Minor effect
Low Low Medium Medium Medium
Permit Requirements: Excavation
Permits Permit Authority V2X
Major injury
Minor damage Localized National
3 or health Low Medium Medium Medium High
(=QR 250,000) Effect impact
Participants (Parties involved in
fatality or Major damage
AHA) Site Engineer, Site Supervisor AHA -
4 permanent (=QR Major effect Low Medium Medium High High
total 25,000,000)
Impact and Site HSE Officer Approved by:
damage (=QR
Massive International
Medium Medium High High High All the mitigation measures
fatalities Effect impact
25,000,000) identified in AHA are in place
before starting the activities
Gravel Road East Side

SITE ENGINEER: LOCATION: _______________________ PERMIT NUMBER: ____________________

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
1 Work permit from Client to  Unauthorized Injury to BGT 3xB=  Authorized PTW holder shall 2XA= Site
be obtained. commencement of works Personnel and MEDIUM ensure obtaining and LOW supervisor
may result in exposing or client maintaining valid work permit. and Site
workers and or potential property.  The worksite supervisor Safety Officer.
to harm or danger responsible for this activity has
to check the PPE of his staff to
ensure that all required items are
 Delay to schedule available and properly used.
 Inform all workers regarding
permit condition before
work starts.
 Worksite supervisor shall
conduct toolbox talks about
nature of works and associated
potential hazards and their
essential precautionary measure.
 Follow mobilization schedule
and arrange the required Site In-charge
to avoid any cause of delay.
2 Mobilization and  Physical injury from heavy BGT 3xB=  Before transporting the loads 2XA= Site
demobilization equipment, heavy lifting, Personnel, MEDIUM to the site, rest assure that the LOW supervisor,
pinch point, slip, trips and property materials are secured and tight drivers,
fall hazards damage with nylon rope for the safe banksman and
transporting. safety officer
 Ensure that a driver is having
knowledge to the hazard
while transporting the
 The driver shall not have
driving attitude while using the
 Driver is driving only in
the minimum speed limit.
 Minimize work personnel in the

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
vicinity of equipment.
 Provide ergonomic training,
institute good
housekeeping procedure.
 Keep feet and hands clear of
moving/suspended materials
and equipment.
 Keep a tidy site.
3 Pre-task briefing toolbox  The work force does not BGT 3xB=  Ensure that the pre task 2XA= Site
talks. understand the pre task Personnel MEDIUM briefing is given out in a LOW supervisor
briefing therefore does not language understood by the and Site
understand the potential work force, have it translated. Safety Officer.
dangers and control  Ask question regarding the
measures to be briefing to get feedback from
implemented. Some of the the staff, this ensures full
workers could be lacking comprehension.
PPE or using defective PPE.  Issue required appropriate PPE
and replace PPE that has signs
of defect.
 PPE must include both
hearing protection as well as
dust inhalation protection.
4 Manual excavation  Back pain BGT 3xB=  Workers doing a manual 2XA= Site supervisor,
personnel MEDIUM excavation must manage the LOW workers and site
 Eye injury risk of a musculoskeletal safety officer
disorder associated with
hazardous manual task
 When working in close
proximity, workers should be
kept sufficiently far apart to
prevent injury from the pick axe
Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
5 Use of Rock breaker (in  Hand injury due to Injury to BGT 4XC=  If possible, use sound 2XA= Site supervisor,
case of hard rock) vibration (white finger) Personnel and MEDIUM ergonomics equipment that LOW workers and site
or client reduce vibration transference to safety officer
property the hands.
 Excessive noise  Use vibration absorbing gloves
or pads. Gel padding is better
than foam padding for
 Air concentration of fumes, protecting against vibration.
vapors and dust generated  Hold equipment loosely.
from the work processes  Work in short durations with
frequent breaks. Take at least
one 10-minute break every hour.
 Keep hands warm to keep
blood flowing.
 Avoid smoking or other drugs
or substances that inhibit blood
 Ensure to wear
appropriate hearing
 Use water suppression to
control dust emission.
 Provide sufficient safety and
health training, instruction
and information to the
 Wear appropriate PPE P1
mask for particulates
 Ensure proper supervision to
the workforce
6 Excavation using Excavators,  Damage of existing Injury to BGT 4XC=  Obtain excavation certificate 2XA= Site supervisor,
Drum Cutter or Trenchers underground utilities Personnel and MEDIUM permits and get it signed LOW workers and site
(Pipes, Electrical & or client from concerned authorities. safety officer
Fiber Optics Cable, property  Layout the area as per specified
etc.) coordinates in the

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
AFC drawings.
 Survey and scan the area to be
 Fall of equipment and excavated with a cable and
workers into the pipe detector to identify the
trench underground utilities.
 Mark the existing cables, pipes
and other utilities on the
 Cave-in due to lose spoil ground if any. This shall be
or collapsed of excavation highlighted to the workers in
the tool box meeting.
 When all necessary
 Trapped by preparations, permits and
overturned equipment approval are granted, only then
can the excavation works be
 Confined Space started.
 All cable and pipelines below the
proposed building shall be
exposed first for identification of
quantity, size, and kinds.
 Install barricades around
the perimeter of the area to
be excavated.
 Install warning sign such as
 Ensure excavated materials are
in a minimum of 2 feet away
from the edge of excavation.
 If necessary make shoring
or sloping on the
 If the above is not necessary,
provide a trench box to
workers on the collapsed of the

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
 Unwanted person should not
be allowed near to equipment.
 Barricade the area of
excavation activity.
 Keep signage’s
 Before entering the confined
space, a through risk assessment
needs to be conducted to identify
the potential hazards. A detailed
entry plan needs to be prepared
including emergency procedures
and rescue protocol.
 Permit system to be implemented
for confined space. A permit-to-
work system that outlines the
tasks to be performed, hazards
present, and safety measures
required for entry.
 Ensure workers are trained in
confined entry space entry
procedure, hazard recognition,
and emergency response.
Designate competent person to
over sea every operation.
 Continuously monitor the
atmosphere within the
confined space for oxygen
levels, flammable gases, and
toxic substances. Use
calibrated gas detectors and
ensure workers are trained to
interpret readings.
 Before entry, ventilate the
confined space to remove
contaminants and ensure an
adequate oxygen supply. Use
mechanical ventilation or forced-
air systems as needed.
 Isolate the confined space
from external hazards such as
machinery, pipelines, or
chemical storage tanks.
Lockout/tagout energy sources
to prevent accidental
 Provide workers with
appropriate PPE, including
respiratory protection,
protective clothing, and fall
protection equipment.
 Maintain constant communication
with workers inside the confined
space using two-way radios or
other communication devices.
Establish a system for regular
 Have appropriate rescue
equipment on-site, such as
harnesses, tripods, hoists, and
stretchers. Ensure rescue
personnel are trained and
equipped to perform confined
space rescues.
 Develop clear procedures for
responding to emergencies,
including evacuation, rescue, and
medical treatment. Conduct
regular drills to ensure all
personnel understand their roles
and responsibilities.
 After completing work in the
confined space, conduct a post-
entry evaluation to ensure it is
safe for re-entry. Document any
issues encountered and
implement corrective actions as

7 Loading of excess  Pay loader colliding BGT 3xB=  Ensure that all equipment is 2XA= Site
excavation spoil to dump with dump trucks. personnel MEDIUM in good working condition. LOW supervisor
trucks, transportation and and property  Ensure that equipment is having and safety
dumping at designated  Persons injured by damage a third party certified. Officer
dumping site. falling/ flying materials  Provide banksman who shall
wear RED hi-vis VEST to guide
the movement of the
 Banksman being run-over by equipment.
reversing vehicle or equipment • Know the limitations of
operating machines on slopes
and rough terrain;
• Do not travel with the bucket of
an end-loader raised above the
top of the radiator of the
machine, since it will obstruct
the operator’s view;
• Look in the direction that
the equipment is traveling;
• Before loading a truck, find
out what is on the other side
of it;
• Lower loader buckets to
the ground when not in
• Unwanted persons shall not
be allowed near loading and
unloading area.
• Banksman shall keep a safe

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
distance from the equipment.
• Keep reverse alarms
 Vehicle collision during operable and free of
transport to and from anything that will muffle the
the dumping site. sound;
• Banksman shall not position
 Rocks falling on the himself directly behind any
road during transport reversing equipment rather he
due to overloading should stand on either side
visible to the driver/ operator at
 Oil spill from all times.
equipment/ vehicle • Observe maximum speed
engine limit (20 kph),
• Use only experienced
and licensed driver.
• Switch on flashers and
headlights when necessary.
• Inspect equipment carefully
at the beginning of each shift;
• Inspect the equipment daily. Be
certain all safeguards are in
place on the equipment and
report any defects immediately;
• Place a warning tag on the
steering wheel or ignition
switch of all unsafe equipment
being repaired;
• Follow established
traffic patterns on haul
• Ensure adequate loading of
materials on the tipper
• Prevent over-loading, close
supervision and
• Provide tarpaulin cover, if

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
• Daily inspection of
equipment must be done
• Leaking engine blocks shall
be removed from site for
• Provide spill tray during
filling petrol.
• Report to supervisor or
safety officer for immediate
8 Work during sand storm  Equipment vehicle collision BGT personnel 3xB=  Switch equipment / vehicles 2XA= Site
and property MEDIUM headlights and flashers on LOW supervisor
damage while in motion and safety
 Poor visibility / dust  Maintain all required lights, Officer
reflectors and accessories
on equipment;
 Persons run-over by  Keep your equipment a
moving vehicle/ equipment safe distance from the edge
of embankment;
 Speed must be effectively
reduced or shall completely
STOP when the situation calls for
 Personnel must keep away from
vehicle path as much as
 Ensure other workers are out
of the way before starting the
 Keep reverse alarms
operating and free of
anything that will muffle the
9 Housekeeping  Debris causing Slips, Injury to BGT 3XB=  Regular housekeeping at site 2XA= Site
trips and falls Personnel and MEDIUM shall be performed LOW Supervisor,
or client  Adequate and correct stacking of workers, and
 Fire risk due to presence of
property Safety Officer

Sl. Risk Target Responsible/
Activity (Job Steps) Potential Hazards Might Be Control Recovery Measures
No. E.P. S x E.P. S x P Action By
P=T =T
combustible materials materials
/ debris  Regular inspection and
immediate corrective action.
 Infestation of rodents
Keep always clear of
leading to equipment &
materials damage
 Regular clearing of work site
(Cables, cords,
shall be implemented
documents, etc.)
 Waste bins with cover shall
be provided for oily rags
 Flammable materials shall
be stored separately away
from possible ignition source
 Minimal inventory to be stored
at work area
 Appropriate fire extinguisher
shall be provided when necessary
 Keep 9kg dry powder fire
extinguisher to the area
during the excavation
 Daily housekeeping shall be
done, Closed bins for foods
waste; Food waste shall be
removed ASAP


Name _______________________ Name _______________________

Signature _______________________ Signature _______________________

Date _______________________ Date _______________________

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