AhayahTruth I Stop Sinning or Lose Anyway!
AhayahTruth I Stop Sinning or Lose Anyway!
AhayahTruth I Stop Sinning or Lose Anyway!
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Covid-19 is a global plan. The collapse of the global economy is part of that plan. The Beast spoken about
in the bible is a system, a satanic organization. These people are called "33rd degree Freemasons" and
they control the whole world. All of the religions, the media, news, music, movies, history, and the
mainstream narrative are theirs. Freemasonry is an ancient cult of rich white people that literally
worship Satan from the Bible. They want to create a new world order, a world society, each person
marked and controllable. The vaccine contains a gene editing technology called CRISPR to change your
DNA. You will never be the same after taking it and it is irreversible. It also contains nanotechnology to
connect humans to the Internet and control them. This is called "Neural Link" mind control, using A.I.
(artificial intelligence) supercomputer technology. It will give them ultimate power over people, to kill or
control them. That is why they are installing 5G towers all over the world at a rapid rate, 5G speed is
necessary to successfully control millions of people. They will turn them on when more people are
vaccinated, this is BIBLICAL PROPHECY. The vaccine also contains a chemical called Luciferase, which is
taken from fireflies to make you scannable, so they can see who has taken this mark of the beast! They are
creating the race of Lucifer, it even has Lucifer’s name in it! Anyone who takes this vaccine will go to Hell
on Judgment Day, they even called this thing "Microsoft Patent #666"! They will soon label people who
don’t take the vaccine as "Terrorists". Be strong, this is only the beginning!
-> Revelation 13:16-18. (16) And they cause that all, young and old, rich and poor, free and prisoner,
receive a mark in their right hand or in their forehead (17) And that no person could buy or sell, unless
he received the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name [all of these mean taking the
vaccine!]. And that eventually all should be killed who refuse. (18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man; and it’s number is Six
hundred sixty six.
-> The book of Revelation was created from a dream that John received from 𐤀𐤄𐤉𐤄 (Ahayah = I AM) The
Most High God. The details of visions and dreams have metaphorical interpretations, not literal
interpretations! Forehead = thoughts. Name = authority / purpose. The Number of a man = mankind's
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patent number system, its number is 666 = Microsoft Patent # 666. The Greek word for what has been
translated as "mark" is khar'-ag-mah, and it means a scratch or etching, something that pierces the skin!
(LIKE A VACCINE) The mark is literal, the location of the mark is not literal. Right hand = being able to
work, earn and spend money. The vaccine is administered to your arm, not your hand, but it affects your
right hand and forehead, so to speak. The vaccine will soon be mandatory, you will have to take it to join
their new system. That is why Microsoft and other software companies are involved in this vaccine, but
it's not a vaccine. Bill Gates is not a doctor and Microsoft is not a medical company, it’s a software
company! This vaccine contains software to introduce a Global “Biometrics-enabled Digital
Cryptocurrency System”. This is a new system of money that will soon be implemented after they get rid
of cash money. They will blame cash for spreading Covid-19. ***** WATCH! *****
The third angel is also metaphorical, it represents people like me who are warning you right now. It
precepts with Daniel 11:33 and 12:10, which say “the wise among them will understand and shall instruct
many, but the wicked will not understand.”
-> Revelation 14:9-11. (9) If anyone worships the beast (freemasons/illuminati) and it's image, and
receives it's mark in their hand or forehead,(10) they will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is
poured out without admixture into the cup of his indignation; and they shall be tormented with fire
and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of Christ: (11) And the smoke of
their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, those who worship the beast
and it's image, and who receive the mark of it’s name. -> Worship = submit to [receiving the technology
in their vaccine]. Image = Supercomputing Artificial Intelligence System. Name = authority / purpose,
Satan's purpose is to get people to be sent to Hell on the day of judgment. Instead of influencing you to
live a life of sin, they now have a new way for people to be damned forever. All they have to do now is get
you to take the mark, they want everyone to take the vaccine. Satan knows that he is going to be sent to
Hell, and he wants to take you with him! Search the internet using these keywords: Neural Link;
Luciferase; Thermagrippers; Graphene; Crispr; Hydrogel; Quantum Dots; Artificial Intelligence 5G 666
exposed; Microsoft Patent # 666; Freemasonry exposed; Illuminati exposed; AGENDA 21 EXPOSED;
Georgia Guidestones New World Order; etc. Here is a great website you can learn from.
Conclusion: they want to connect us to the AI supercomputer system so they can control us, and change
our DNA! This is why people do not repent during the plagues that God will soon send to earth. This is
said in Revelation 9:20. (20) And the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not
repent of their sins. -> They are under mind control. Most people's thoughts are already controlled by
demons, this technology will make it permanent. They will use marked people to convince unmarked
people to receive the mark! They will eventually have marked people hunt down and kill unmarked
people (when they activate the Neural Link between the supercomputer and the marked people through
5G) Revelation 13:15. (15) And they had power to give life onto the image of the beast, so that the image
could both speak and cause that anyone who would not worship the image to be killed. Artificial
Intelligence System = The Image Of The Beast. Submitting to them and taking the mark of the beast
vaccine = worshipping the image of the beast = Connecting people to the System = Mind control. This is
also how they get all of these marked people to fight Christ when He returns. Revelation 17:14, Joel 3, and
Revelation 19:19-21 tell you about that. Revelation 19:19. (19) And I saw the beast, and the kings of the
earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Christ. Revelation 19:20 tells you that
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beast (the secret
societies that control the world) was taken away, and with him the false prophet (the false prophet
represents the churches that tell people to take the vaccine!) who deceived people into receiving the
mark of the beast, and they were cast into the lake of fire, Hell. -> People took the vaccine because they
were deceived and did not know that it was the mark of the beast. Revelation 19:21. (21) And the remnant
of mankind that kept not the laws of God, or that had the mark of the beast, were killed by Christ, and
all the fowls of the air were filled with their flesh. Matthew 24:37. (37) But as the days of Noah were, so
also shall the coming of Christ be. Matthew 24:22. (22) And if those days are not shortened, no flesh
shall be saved. -> If you do some research on the time of Noah, you will find that there were many
scientific experiments by the fallen angels, like genetic modification! -> If you search for the Hebrew
words that have been translated, the word for flesh = human genetic code. saved = preserved! What
Matthew 24:22 really says is this: » if Christ does not return sooner rather than later, all humans who are
still alive then will have altered genetic codes, there will be no original humans left.
The hybrid-children of the fallen angels (they had kids with women) are the ones in power. They want to
give us their genetic code and turn us into zombies / robots (There is a reason they have been showing
this in all of their Hollywood movies, it's predictive programming). Once you've injected this stuff into
you, you'll never be the same again. Whoever takes this mark will be sent to Hell on the day of judgment.
Here is what the Bible says about putting your trust in the satanic weaponized vaccine instead of God:
[Romans 6:16] Know you not, that to whom you yield yourselves as servants to obey, his servants you
are to whom you obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?
[1 Corinthians 3:16] Know you not that you are the Temple of God, and that The Spirit of God dwelleth
in you?
[Mark 12:17] And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and
to God the things that are God's.
[1 Corinthians 6:19-20] Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in
you, whom you have received from God? Therefore honor God with your bodies.
[1 Timothy 6:20] O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain
babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called.
[1 Corinthians 3:17] If any man defiles the Temple of God, God will destroy him.
This is what will happen to anyone who takes this technology / weapon / mark of the beast / vaccine. In
Genesis, God said that the plants he made were for the healing of the nations. Is that true or not? Who
will you serve? The Satanic elites, in their news articles and websites on the Internet, are calling the
Covid-19 vaccine "THE MESSIAH", and "OUR ONLY HOPE". They like to make fun of Christ and they like to
make fun of people, they know that whoever takes this vaccine will be damned forever. They are
celebrating this great sacrifice of souls to Satan their God. Did you know that all vaccines contain aborted
fetal cells, pork gell, and other strange things? ABOMINATION. Have you ever heard the saying “You are
what you eat", it is even worse injecting it into you. Do you really want to inject that into your
bloodstream? Disgusting! -> This Covid-19 vaccine is unlike any other vaccine ever created, this is actually
a software update for humans, as if we were computers. (Also never take the Covid Tests, they have nano-
particles as well!)
Don't believe the people on TV, they have an agenda, they are paid readers, reading from a script. A lot of
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stations are owned by the Freemasons and they control the dominant narrative. They have controlled the
world for hundreds and thousands of years, they are “The Illuminati”, The Rosicrucians, The Knights
Templar, The Skull and Bones Society, The Jesuits, Freemasonry, Zionists, and The Order of the Dragon.
These extremely powerful organizations work for the devil and are evil to the core! How do they do it?
They have put people in key positions in every government, organization, corporation, and church
There are many false teachings about the end times that the Jesuit Order has deceived the whole world
into believing. They control all religions, especially Christianity, because they know that the power is in
the word of God. These religions have nothing to do with the Bible, it’s not a religion. It is a history book
of the Israelites! Most of the black and brown people of this world are the true Israelites! White people
are not Israelites. The people in Israel today are imposters, they form some of the main illuminati
families. Christ calls them the synagogue of Satan, they who say they are jews but are not. In Revelation
2:9, and in Revelation 3:9 he says “Listen, I will force those who belong to Satan's synagogue, those liars
who call themselves Jews but are not Jews, to come and worship at your feet, and they will know that you
are the ones I love.” Watch Yarashalam on YouTube!
We are living these last years before the return of Yashaya / Christ. Sadly, most people are waiting for an
individual antichrist man to rule the whole world. This will never happen, the antichrist is not an
individual man! -> Here is a list of those false end-times teachings from the Jesuit Order:
[[[[[ THESE THINGS ARE ALL LIES ! ]]]]] They teach this garbage so that people won't realize what time it is,
because they think that as long as one man isn’t ruling the whole earth, or because we are still here, it's not the
end times yet!
1. There are many antichrists, not one. The antichrist is the fourth beast in the book of Daniel. It is a
system, not an individual man. The antichrist is the Freemasons, "The Illuminati". 1 John 2:18. Look up the
greek words translated as “man” and “son” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, The “man of sin” and “son of
perdition” is speaking of PLURAL people NOT AN INDIVIDUAL = a huge deception so that you won’t
suspect them
2. The temple mentioned in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation is talking about our bodies, not
of a physical building in Israel. 1 Corinthians 3:16
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3. The mark of the beast technology in the vaccine will destroy your connection with God and change the
DNA of your temple. Here is what's inside: CRISPR DNA modification technology, V-MAT2 gene inhibitor
technology, and nano bots/nanotechnologies for the purpose of mental manipulation through "voice to
skull technology" and "Neural Link". Research “Neural Link Agenda”! It literally talks about it in Daniel
11:36 and 2 Thessalonians 2:4. It is talking about supercomputers, artificial intelligence, and
nanotechnology being put inside of human being’s bodies, not a literal king sitting in a temple
somewhere. This technology will become god over your body once it is administered, that's why the Bible
says that these scriptures were sealed until the end. Daniel 12:4 says: Daniel, seal the book, even until
the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased. Daniel did not even
understand what he was seeing at that time, it wasn’t understandable until now!
4. The daily sacrifice is food. The Old Testament tells you that, only those who defile their temples will be
able to buy and sell in Satan's system. Daniel 9:27. Daniel 12:11-12 tells you that Christ will return 1,335
days after a law has been passed forbidding entry into stores without the vaccine.
5. The Hebrew words translated as "the image" actually means the objective / purpose, and the word
"worship" actually means submit to. By taking the vaccine, you are submitting to the objective and
purpose of the beast system, which is to change your DNA and connect you to the image. The image = the
AI supercomputer internet control system they want to connect people to. The mark connects you to it
through nanotechnology. (Taking the mark, the name, or the number of the beast, it all means the same
thing. The meaning of these things is the act of taking the vaccine, and taking the vaccine is what it means
to worship and submit to the image of the beast). All those who do this will go to Hell on Judgment Day!
Keep in mind, the people who receive this technology will not be instantly connected to AI, but all of the
required technology has been installed in order to activate the Neural Link later on. On top of that, these
nanobots are actually self-replicating, so they will literally create a swarm within the host’s body. The
CRISPR gene-modification technology, on the other hand, will cause changes immediately upon being
injected. This technology is so drastic that MANY people have died, within one day after receiving the
6. The two witnesses are the two kingdoms of Israel, which separated into two after the sin of King
Solomon. It tells you about that in 1 Kings 11 and 1 Kings 12 and 2 Chronicles 10. They are called the
northern kingdom (Israel) and the southern kingdom ( Judah). The Native people from North, Central,
and South America, the Polynesians, Melanesians and the Aborigines of Australia = The 10 Northern
Kingdom Tribes of Israel who left Israel by the Euphrates River in 720 BC. They traveled to distant lands
where nobody lived and worshipped their God in peace, 2 Ezra 13:40-46 tells you that. That’s why they
took 14 books out of the Bible one hundred and fifty years ago! Google it! Those books tell you about these
things. They want to hide this stuff for the purposes of white supremacy and the fake saved-by-grace
lawless christianity.
7. Christ returns once more, not twice. We have to go through the great tribulation, and Christ comes at
the 7th trumpet, not before. Matthew 24: 29-30.
Remember, the mainstream news, websites, radio stations and television are all controlled by the
Satanists ("Freemasons") who control the entire world. You have to find the truth, you have to research.
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Now you will
find that all of the people in key positions of power are related to Freemasonry. They are corrupt and
have an agenda. I didn't even believe in the Bible until I learned these things. A small group of people
control the whole world and literally believe in Satan from the Bible! And that they have been in power for
thousands of years. The Amalekite, Edomite and Canaanite royal bloodlines! This is their kingdom and
their time is almost up, and they know it. Christ is coming back in a few years. The Freemasons are the
real government, they have controlled all governments for millennia through secret societies. If you have
no idea what I'm talking about, just Google "Freemasons". A picture is worth a thousand words! A picture
is worth more than a thousand words! Also look up "nano bots" on Google images, that is what is inside of
the vaccine! YES.
They literally planned out a lot of the final details of the Covid-19 plan at a meeting called "Event 201", in
October 2019, a month before the Covid Agenda began in China, and there is footage of the meeting
online! Search "Event 201 is Agenda 21, the new world order agenda exposed". The Covid-19 death toll is
exaggerated by the media. Many people simply had the common yearly flu but were diagnosed with
Covid! (PCR tests do not really test for Covid) In Africa, Tanzanian President John Magufuli tested fruits, a
goat, and motor oil for Covid-19 and all gave positive test results! Among the people who were actually
sick, many people became sick as a result of 5G towers being set up, for example in Wuhan China. It had a
massive rollout of thousands of 5G cell towers in October 2019. 5G towers emit extremely high levels of
radiation and cause the red blood cells in your body to explode like a microwave, depleting your body of
oxygen. These are the same symptoms as Covid. Also, all of the deaths that occur in the hospitals are
being called Covid, even if someone died from cancer or old age. The insurance companies and
government are paying hospitals $13,000 per "case". Also, many people were put on ventilators, when they
shouldn’t have been, and these ventilators collapsed their lungs. Others were put on morphine drips,
which shut down all of their organs and killed them. They then harvested their organs and sold them for
Big Money $ $ $ It is INCENTIVISED MURDER -> This is why they say there is no Covid-19 in small places
like the Cook Islands, it's too difficult to tell their lies there. The community is too small to deceive.
I used to smoke marijuana and drink alcohol, but I quit forever when I learned the information contained
on this paper. That was 6 years ago! I’m too afraid of God and the day of judgment. Obviously, God exists.
So repent of your sins and take these things seriously, we must keep the 10 Commandments. We must
keep the Sabbath day set apart, no physical work, earning or spending money, cooking, exercising,
walking long distances, driving, using machines, watching worldly entertainment, Facebook, watching
television, etc. And vegetarianism is preferred, since God never gave the Israelites laws to sacrifice
animals or eat meat, Jeremiah 7:22 and Psalms 40:6 tell you that.
To be saved, we have to stop all sin. So things like pride, hate, lying, stealing, fornicating, masturbating,
smoking, drugs, alcohol etc have got to go. Read Revelation 21:8 The word sorcery means anything that
changes your mental state, including marijuana & cigarettes.
Christianity no longer has anything in common with Christ and the disciples, they’re not teaching the
true doctrine of Christ today. The Romans created modern christianity in 325 AD using false
interpretations of Paul’s letters, teaching that you don’t have to keep God’s laws anymore! In order to be
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Start Now Matthew
24:13 & Matthew 7:21-23 tell you this. The true doctrine of Christ can be easily seen by looking at these
Bible verses and connecting them all together in this order. Write them in this order and look at them, it’s
beautiful! Isaiah 28: 9-10 + Psalms 119:100 + Psalms 111:10 + Psalms 119:104 + Matthew 15:9 + Isaiah 34:16
+ Proverbs 8:17 + 1 John 5:3 + 1 John 3:8 + Ecclesiasticus 12:6 + 1 John 3:4 + 1 John 2:4 + Psalms 119:142 +
John 3:16-21 + Proverbs 6:23 + Psalms 119:165 + Proverbs 28:9 + Matthew 7:21-23 + Matthew 24:13 +
Philippians 2:12 + John 14:15.
[Isaiah 28: 9-10] -> Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine?
them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept,
precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little.
[Psalms 119:100] -> I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts.
[Psalms 111:10] -> The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow His precepts gain
rich understanding.
[Psalms 119:104] -> Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.
[Matthew 15:9] -> They worship Me in vain; they teach as doctrine the precepts of men.
[Isaiah 34:16] -> Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: none of these things shall be missing.
[Proverbs 8:17] -> I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. God only loves
those who love Him. You’ve been deceived. Loving God =
[1 John 5:3] For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and they are not difficult.
[1 John 3:8] -> He that continues in sin belongs to the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the
[Ecclesiasticus 12:6] -> God hates sinners and will repay vengeance unto the ungodly.
[1 John 3:4] -> What is sin? Sin is transgression of God’s commandments.
[1 John 2:4] -> If any man says he knows God and does not keep His commandments, he is a liar and The
Truth is not in him.
[Psalms 119:142]-> Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness and thy law is the truth.
[ John 3:19] -> This is the condemnation: light is come into the world but men loved darkness rather than
[Proverbs 6:23] -> For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light. and reproofs of instruction are
the way of life.
[Psalms 119:165] -> Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them.
[Proverbs 28:9] -> He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be
[Matthew 7:21] -> Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
[Matthew 24:13] -> But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
[Philippians 2:12] -> Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
[ John 14:15]-> If ye love me, keep my commandments.
Christ is a black man, and the true doctrine of Christ, compared to what is taught today, is as different as
a white man and a black man. We are told that God's laws are done away with and that it doesn’t matter
who the real Israelites are. The doctrine of Christ is very simple: Go and sin no more, stop breaking God's
laws. Cesare Borgia is the man whose portrait they created the fake white Jesus from. Google Cesare
Borgia if you don't know what I'm talking about! He was the son of the governor of Italy and in 1507 they
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the world. They used the cult of modern pagan false Christianity, and they used Cesare as a model for the
painting, which they then sent to the four corners of the earth, and began to promote. The image of Jesus
that people believe in is a portrait of Cesare Borgia! The whole world worships a fake white Jesus from the
deceptions of the satanic Catholic Church. The real Christ is not a homosexual hippie who loves
everyone, he is a black tribal warrior king and he wouldn't even want people to worship his image! This
violates the second commandment of idol worship! We are to worship God, not Christ, and we worship
God by keeping His commandments, not by bowing down to an image or statue! 1 John 5:3 tells you this!
Google search "Russian Catacombs Israelites" to see ancient paintings of the BLACK Israelites. The black
people in America are from the tribe of Judah, like Christ. Israelites are at the bottom today because of
some of their ancestors not keeping God’s commandments. Deuteronomy 28:15 tells you that. Galatians
3:28 does not mean that everyone is equal, it’s one body yes, but the body parts aren’t equal.
Deuteronomy 28:13 tells you it’s going to be an Israelite kingdom. In that kingdom, non-Israelites will be
the servants of Israelites, in righteousness! Isaiah 14:2 tells you that. The Israelites who are accepted into
the kingdom of Christ will be the rulers of the kingdom. That is why Christ is called the King of Kings,
because there will be many kings in His kingdom! The Israelites will be at the top and not the bottom! If
you want a basic understanding of who the true Israelites are, you can do a Google image search for "12
Tribes Chart", Type: 12 Tribes Chart. The powers that be do not want people to keep God's laws, especially
not the Israelites, because they stay in power by keeping us in sin. When the Israelites come back to
keeping God’s commandments, they will rule the world again, all of Deuteronomy chapter 28 tells you
that. It is prophesied that this will begin to happen at the end before Christ comes back, Ezekiel 37 tells
The Freemasons want to stop the awakening and keep people in religion. They know who the true
Israelites are, and they know that they will lose all of their power now that the Israelites are waking up
and keeping God’s laws again. Deuteronomy 28:1 tells you that there can only be one nation that rules the
whole world, and if the Israelites keep the laws of God, then He will make sure that they are the rulers of
the whole world. The Freemasons want to stop that from happening, that is why the end times tribulation
is also called “Jacob’s Trouble” in the Bible, Jeremiah 30:7 tells you that. They want to mark or kill, all of
the Israelites before Christ comes back so that he won’t have a people to come back for. Christ is going to
defeat the beast system and bring his people back to their land, Israel. Jacob is the father of the 12 tribes
of Israel. God changed Jacob's name to Israel, this is why the tribes of His sons are called Israelites. God
gave His laws to the Israelites through Moses.
The Bible is not a religion, religion is a sin. God said to keep His laws, not follow a religion. They are all
teaching false doctrines. The secret societies that control this world want everyone to be damned on
Judgment Day, that's what their god wants. They achieve this by encouraging people to live and die in
their sins. This is why the Freemasons control the music industry, Hollywood, schools, and every other
form of influence, including religion. They actually use religion to teach you that you don't have to follow
God's laws, that you can be saved by faith and grace alone, or by being a good person and or being
religious, LIES! Revelation 12:9. (9) And there was cast out the great dragon, that old serpent called the
devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole earth: and he was cast out into the earth, and his angels
were cast out with him.
What do you think Area 51 is for? Deep underground military bases. That’s where they talk to their gods,
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Where is Satan? Do you see him? No. So the Bible is lying? No. -> If you don't understand that rich satanic
royal bloodlines rule the world, and you don't know who the real Israelites are, then you can't understand
the Bible and how it applies to us today. You will be completely ignorant, you will be what we call “asleep”
in the truth movement. It is time to wake up. Satan is not down here personally deceiving people, his
people are doing it. Do you understand? Satan only has an effect on people’s thoughts (through frequency
manipulation, it’s how spirits effect people), he is not here with a physical body. He is not here literally
talking to people, deceiving or trapping them, his people are doing it for him. You have to wake up from
The Matrix. He has deceived the whole world through the secret societies that have served him and the
fallen angels from the beginning. All religions pay homage to them, not to the creator.
-> Do not think that Christianity is an exception to this, they 100% control christianity and all other
religions, both those who read the Bible and those who do not. They tell you that you can be saved on
Judgement Day without keeping God's commandments. They teach you to “just believe in Jesus”, that
doesn’t even mean anything. The foundation of Christianity is the misinterpretation of Paul's letters.
Paul's letters are a test by God to see if you will keep his laws. Paul's writings are very hard to understand.
2nd Peter 3:15-17 tells you not to even read Paul's letters! What Paul is really saying is that because we
have all sinned at least once, we don't deserve heaven. He’s not saying that we don't have to keep God's
laws. Christ said that if you do not keep His Father's laws, you will not be saved on the day of judgment. It
does not matter how much you believe in Jesus, that means nothing to God. You must keep his
commandments! Christ said GO AND SIN NO MORE, John 5:14. Christ also said that if you don't give up
all of your sins, you will go to Hell. Matthew 24:13. Satan wants to make sin acceptable. The definition of
sin is breaking God’s laws, it tells you that in 1 John 3:4. Satan wants people to be atheists, and if he can't
achieve that, he wants them to be stuck in religion! All of these religions are controlled by the
Freemasons who worship Satan, and they use these religions to lower God's standard and make excuses
for sin, telling you that you’re saved by grace and that all you have to do is believe in Jesus. This is an
absolute lie taught by Satan through his ministers. He loves sin, he wants you to sin, he wants you to be a
Christian, he wants you to be an atheist. Get it? Not complicated. There will be a Resurrection and we will
all be judged. When it comes to atheists, I don’t blame them, at least they’re not silly pagan christians! I
was an atheist, until I learned these things. Now I keep God's commandments.
The war has always been between God and Satan. Legality against anarchy, keeping God's laws versus
breaking God's laws. We can only be saved if we abandon all sin in our lives, that’s what Christ said in
Matthew 7:21-23. Satan is the prosecuting attorney and Christ is the defense attorney. On the day of
judgment we are going to stand before God and Satan is going to accuse us, saying we deserve Hell for
sinning many times in our life, just like him. He will say that we deserve the same punishment. It’s up to
Christ if He wants to defend us, he’s only going to defend us if we pay him his legal fees. His demand or
legal fees is that we keep his Father's commandments!
-> If you have never read the scriptures for yourself and don't know what they say, I will summarize it
briefly for you. Human beings were created by God to judge rebellious angels and their leader, Satan.
Satan and the fallen angels created a poisonous tree whose fruit acted as a genetic weapon to make those
who ate it more fleshly, more sinful. Since then, humanity has been rebelling against God with the fallen
angels. God chose the only nation that did not deal with the fallen angels, the Hebrew Israelites, to be His
people. He gave them His laws. They are now being punished because some of them did not keep those
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laws. No other nation
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them. They are expected to live a sinful life and go to Hell. The only way for each one of us to be saved
from Hell, whether we are Israelites or not (like me), is to keep God's laws. Christ will soon return and
restore His people. There will be a resurrection of all those who have lived and then God will judge
everyone. The people who have kept the laws of God will live in the kingdom of Christ & the Israelites,
and all the people who have not kept the laws of God will be sent into the Lake of Fire, plus the fallen
angels. It is by keeping God’s laws that we can distance ourselves from the angels rebellion and not be
counted among their numbers.
It is not too late to change. Ezekiel 18:24-28: When the wicked man turns from his wickedness he has
committed and does what is lawful and right, he will save his soul alive. If he thinks and turns away
from all the transgressions he has committed, he will live, he will not die. But if the righteous man
turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, shall he live? All the righteousness which he
hath done shall not be mentioned; and in his sin he shall die. God regards sin as spiritual death. The
Bible isn’t talking about death / ceasing to exist in these scriptures, it’s talking about being sent to Hell on
Judgment Day and SUFFERING FOREVER! So change your habits now!
You can email me at Sheeptiedsheep@gmail.com if you have serious questions or wanna talk / obtain
this website as a PDF file.
I also have a Bitchute channel and YouTube channel, all under "Resolutions New-Times Church".
Shalawam! - Mortekai
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> CLICK HERE for the Video Section: THE WORLD'S A STAGE <
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Timothy 5:17.
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It is our very purpose in these last days to warn as many people as we can about the mark of the beast
vaccine! The third angel in Revelations is supposed to be us! If you do not put in SERIOUS WORK to warn
the masses, God will send you to Hell on the day of judgement. So share this page with everyone you
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