Discernemt, The Dark, and Falsehoods - Dec 2007
Discernemt, The Dark, and Falsehoods - Dec 2007
Discernemt, The Dark, and Falsehoods - Dec 2007
Commentary and Guidance for Enlightened Change During Rapidly Changing Times
~ Special article reprint ~
December 2007
Discernment, The Dark,
and Falsehoods
by Alex Kochkin
These essays are presented for their value to anyone who cares about the future as
humanity prepares to make the greatest shift in consciousness and existence ever.
We cover a wide range of topics including social-values research, future-views,
the world situation, and advanced spiritual perspectives.
GLOBAL AWAKENING means individuals and
communities becoming aware of and embracing their
true nature one of interconnectedness, service, and
spirituality, as we express extraordinary dimensions of
our larger being.
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From the beginning, two
obvious choices are offered to
mankind. One is leading to a
bright future if the desires of
the Great Spirit are honored.
the other would eventually
lead to the destruction of this
world as we know it. This
destruction has happened
several times before and for
similar reasons.
from Robert Boissiere
Meditations with The Hopi: A
Centering Book
State of the Vision and Our
By Alex Kochkin
This commentary serves as a general introduction to the material in the included articles.
Over the past several months we have covered topics such as the
nature of the dark and the light, the emergence of Creation-2, the
New Earth, examined problems in the process of creation, and the
considered implications for the evolution of humanity. We have also
touched on the existence of major transformational processes that
are working to alter the nature of reality and serve to propel
humanity into its next stage of evolution as spiritual beings. In this
issue we focus on some of the systemic problems that clearly
indicate cause for humanity to de-couple from what has been passed
off as normal social and physical reality.
As noted in the November issue of GA News, there are two major
tendencies within humanity engaged in a push-pull with one another,
with a great deal of amplification occurring due to various influences
outside of the immediate human sphere of awareness.
On one hand, there are those who are more aligned and focused on spiritual evolution than
ever before. These individuals are a part of the early waves of humanity who are moving
forward in their the evolution of consciousness and energetic make-up surprisingly not all
of them are aware of this! This group includes religious and non-religious orientations.
On the other hand there are those who are enmeshed and heavily identified with the
dominant paradigm, the control matrix. This latter group includes both those of wealth and
social-material power as well as those without any wealth or social-material power. This
group also includes the religious as well as the non-religious.
To be certain, these are not antagonistic groups. Why? It is simply not possible for those more
spiritually advanced to function in such a manner that gives rise to polarity and conflict. The
home of polarity and conflict exists within the control matrix paradigm and is presently
isolated to certain points in Creation-1, such as the present Earth-based reality. The sooner an
individual disengages their consciousness from the control matrix, the sooner they will
discover a new freedom and a new future and a new reality. Yes, it is entirely possible for a
period of time to continue working and living within the control matrix and yet not have
your consciousness identify with it. Yes, it is possible (although painful at times) to be very
aware of what is transpiring in the old paradigm reality. And yes, temporarily it is a challenge
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to continue in ways that appear ordinary to yourself and others, yet always aware that you
have shifted much in your consciousness. The next stage involves a shifting of your physicality
and then more dramatic shifting of consciousness, etc. What we are describing here is a major
facet of an ascension process.
So here is a question to quickly sort out what is most important in ones life:
If you were given the opportunity to be free of all forms of physical and emotional
suffering and limitations, to be able to know anything, to live in a state of truth, love, and
beauty, to explore the nature of existence, to learn how to create new environments, and
to do this in community with others and be in direct conscious connection with higher
realms of consciousness would you choose this over your present life situation and
Reality Paradigm, De-coupling, and Awakened
Over recent decades, many popular teachers, authors, gurus, and techniques have been
promoted to seekers, all offering promises of the secret of the ages, the benefits of
enlightenment, happiness, freedom, joy, love, beauty, wealth, sex, peace, love, power, special
blessings, etc., ad nauseum. There have been slick marketing campaigns with catchy
phrases such as authentic living, integral culture, authentic power, wisdom of the
world, authentic spirituality, the secret, etc. They provide clever marketing covers to keep
people in a state of falseness and living within a subset of the dominant control matrix. Every
year we see re-branding and new package design with claims of new and improved
versions for people to sign up for. These are moneymakers for those living off the talk/seminar
circuses, offering a parade of revelations about ETs, debates over global climate change,
campaigns to end world hunger, and various unity and oneness pitches that serve to distract
and misdirect and conceal the true nature of a reality matrix ruled by dark forces. Amidst all
this is another falsehood, that of voluntarism, which misleads people into thinking the
individual can triumph with enough effort. Further extended to humanity, this leads to a
greater hubris and falsehood that on its own humanity can solve its problems and eventually
reach the stars and beyond. The mixture of miasms that define the parameters of social beliefs
and ideas serves one purpose only: to reinforce the prison of illusion that provides the powers
that be with a key social control mechanism.
We were recently asked if there were any organizations or movements that we supported or
endorsed, to which, the answer must be none, with one qualifying exception. Any organization
or well-read publication today that has any significant effect or reach, nationally or globally, is
likely to be heavily influenced by dark force patterning and otherwise compromised by virtue
of its human operators and the natural consequences of emerging from within the control
matrix. Thus their efforts can readily feed into the plans for a single global government
controlled by a plutarchy, or otherwise easily side-tracked into ineffectiveness.
Concerning those rare initiatives that were inspired and designed from outside the matrix and
in effect smuggled in through non-compromised human conduits, it was found that their
implementation would have required human resources that simply did not exist and those
most supportive were not capable to lead something of a high purpose, and hence those
missions would have been undermined.
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The qualifying exception to our non-support would be those local self-organizing efforts that are
primarily and fundamentally spiritually focused. And this is why we support and encourage the
formation of as many forms as possible of local awakened community. To date there are no
local or national efforts that have demonstrated spiritual maturity and accomplishments to
justify any outreach beyond their own core locale. While it is always possible this situation can
change, it is not very likely. Naturally, self-organizing communities of people will seek out
others to share information and inspiration and this is a good thing. But there cannot be any
one model that promotes itself over any others and there cannot and must not be any
organization, individual, or group that becomes a central body in effect handing out
This warning is made quite deliberately with the intent to discourage groups of emerging
spiritualized humans from overreaching their level of consciousness and spiritual capacity and
from trying to organize others along particular models and energetic matrix. This caution is
also to serve as constructive guidance to those seeking awakened community. Unless it is a
local effort you are an equal part of, there is no group or leaders to join. Imagine an organism
made up of independently functioning cells, all different, yet all moving with common
purpose. It is that plain and simple.
Some would ask, if the status quo or the power elite is not openly challenged for power, is that
not also supporting their dark plans? To which the answer is an unqualified no. Such a question
implies that this reality is the only one there is and that the way the world and humanity
functions is all there is to work with. If anything, such a false assumption as that is dangerous
as it would condemn humanity to the ravages of a parasitic system under the rule of dark
Those who are most aware of the nature of the control matrix and the power elite, know that
there is nothing to gain in fighting the system since the structure of their power and
influence is so pervasive and the operating parameters so closely defined. Simply put, you
cannot win at their game by playing according to their rules. (Who would want to wind at their
game, anyway?) Hence, it will be local communities of spirituality that will be in the best
position to weather the storms of social and planetary changes.
One of the oldest social and political control mechanisms in history, known as religion, has
been repackaged and remarketed by both religious and non-religious interests. This is being
done under the falsehood that the great religions of the world all offer ways of connecting
with God and gaining deeper spiritual wisdom. This further reinforces the falsehood that
spirituality and religions are either the same or closely related. Fundamentally, the only thing
that religions have to do with spirituality is that they have been one of the most successful
ways to prevent masses of people from connecting to God, Higher Consciousness, and their
own innate spirituality. Religions have done this by placing arcane doctrines, practices, and
some of the most un-enlightened individuals in positions of power and influence over the lives
of most of the worlds population. For those who are not members of a religion, they too are
controlled by this --perhaps by their own opposition to religion, perhaps by the effects of
religious cover provided to various wars. In some countries, such as the U.S.A., this false
linkage between religion and spirituality has served for generations to prevent enlightened civil
spirituality from arising and supplanting the influence of the dark forces. While there are now
factors in play that will serve to weaken the hold that the religions have over people, these
institutions will continue to exert much influence over humanity. (Editor note: We make no
distinction between religions and their respective institutions as they are practicably inseparable.)
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There are organizations and publications that speak of serving humanitys awakening in one
form or another. A few are organized as religious movements, but most appear to be more
secular. One such group adopted awakening as a slogan and promotes something called the
Earth Charter Initiative that requires obedience to the United Nations treaties! (Editor note: The
Earth Charter is a creation of a Gorbachev-led group and appeals to many of the same people
as does the Gore-led global warming misdirection campaign.) One might well ask, who truly
controls the U.N., who controls the most important treaties/agreements, and who has veto
over the security council? Both these projects serve to conceal the true nature of the global
control elite and help maintain human bondage under the guise of we are all in this together
and seeking superficial reforms.
As the dominant social and physical paradigm and energetic reality breaks downs, a different
reality and paradigm moves into place. It will be those who have disengaged from the old and
connected with the new energies and higher consciousness who will find freedom in new
dimensions of existence. Some of these individuals will be willing to maintain some
connection to the old reality to aid others in transition and transformation.
Wonderful surprises are in store for those who are more aware.
Catalyzing Further Shifts in Consciousness Breakdown
of the Social and Planetary Environments
Recently, tens of millions of people throughout the world have been severely impacted by
destructive high winds and heavy rains. Unusual tidal events are now affecting coastal areas
around the world with surging tides and gradually rising water. These tidal events are partly
due to submarine lands displacing seawater. These are examples of the start of major
adjustments to the planetary environment of terra firma, oceans, and skies with which our
physical existence is related.
Food prices a drastically rising globally. The present financial crises are leading to the greater
impoverishment of more people and to the greater concentration of wealth and power in the
hands of a small number of humans. We are now somewhere around 25% into a global
economic crash that will mainly serve to benefit those who are at the top of the food chain
as well as their most loyal servants.
Unusual space energies are anticipated for December 2007 as well as possible large
earthquakes that would affect North America. Also major earth change events are anticipated
around October 2008.
Strange space and atmospheric anomalies have been observed and will be more noticeable in
the coming weeks and months, for those so inclined, these will be signs of great changes. The
recent comet sightings fit very closely with Hopi and other prophecies.
The period between now and 2010 will be one of extreme change for the planet as well as
humanity. As always, choices become personal. It is difficult to let go of the railing of the
Titanic while it still appears to be partially afloat.
In the political and social sphere there is growing outrage and opposition to the recent loss of
presumed civil rights and the bursting of the false economic prosperity that has been
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highly orchestrated. This, coupled with decades of malicious deceit, corruption, and endless
warfare causing terrible suffering for hundreds of millions of people, is leading to civil unrest
and a repressive response by the authorities in the U.S.A and other counties. The opposition is
highly fractionated and confused and lacks experience in elections, government or
organization. Unless there is a focus on local core community, and the local political sub-
divisions, such opposition will have little effect.
Many well-intended people think it is possible to change the control matrix using its own
operating rules of control against it. This is a dangerous approach to take. Those newcomers
who think they can effect social revolution peacefully or otherwise lack much of any
understanding of the ease with which the global controllers rule over six and half billion people
and most certainly lack any understanding of the basic operating rules of society in the USA
or most anywhere else.
Business magazines comment on billionaires and large company rankings. But they avoid
talking about trillionnaires and the true extent of global control that rests in the hands of a very
few hundred people that are headed by several families and coordinated by small committees.
They in turn rely on a strata of highly privileged and influential individuals numbering in the
tens of thousands. This strata in turn relies on the services of a strata numbering in the
hundreds of thousands who are themselves wealthy and privileged to carry out the actual
directives that are to lead to an absolute world government. (Editor note: we are deliberately
omitting discussion here of alliances with various inter-dimensional and other off-world interests.)
In turn this strata relies on another layer of servants numbering in the millions, including
senior managers, executives, administrators, politicians, etc. They in turn reach out through
every means available to misdirect and confound the masses to stay with the system, things
will get better, consumer spending will increase, etc. The global controllers have planned
ahead for generations, while the social progressive of good intentions are barely able to react
to events that are already beyond their grasp.
Their vision of the world is one of a highly controlled society and population levels. The global
controllers have absolutely no preference of allegiance to any country, political or social -ism,
and will use any and all means at their disposal to move inexorably toward their long-range
goals. We are presently very close to seeing this implemented. The only thing that will prevent
this is the great transformational process of the earth and humanity that is underway under
the guidance and facilitation of the highest levels of God consciousness.
Simply due to natural circumstance, most who are aligned with spiritual awakening have little
or no grounding in the realities of society and its political and economic dynamics and
mechanisms. Hence the apparent naivete expressed by these people. Those more aware of
these mechanisms have little spiritual grounding through which to discern rightly and wrongly.
The resulting incoherency is what we see around us, especially in the U.S. Europe has its own
issues and is driven by excessive intellectualism rooted in an old paradigm and generally
lacking spiritual vision.
Social unrest will become more pronounced and an increasingly harsh and authoritarian
response from those in power will be implemented. There are many different types of people
in U.S. who share common beliefs as to the right of free speech and dissent, the right to own
firearms, and in what are supposedly rights and responsibilities conferred by the U.S.
Constitution and the U.S. Declaration of Independence. Likewise, there are many in the armed
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forces and national guard who have major differences with official governmental policy and
directives. Yet all these groups are divided by beliefs and lifestyle and are easily manipulated
into ineffective responses.
Those in the greatest positions of power and influence (and who are not likely to be public
figures) have their own imperatives that naturally are in conflict, violently in certain situations,
with the best interests of large numbers of people. Hence the power elite will find ways to
facilitate social breakdown, including the shift of vast wealth
that is underway, the loss of the national language of
English, the control of free travel between states and out of
the country, etc. They will direct new false flag terror
events to be staged to further shock the population into
submission and fractioned confusion. The merging of the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico is underway for 2008 and will
require a new set of transnational laws. It will be certain
that these laws will not be open for public discussion or
election referenda.
In many countries similar situations will be uniquely
tailored to local situations. Make no mistake, the movement
toward establishing global rule by a plutarchic elite is
underway. The global elite have looked and planned ahead
for generations. In contrast, so-called social-spiritual
progressive organizations and individuals are barely able to
cooperate for more than one year in a fractionated tactical
alliances and have always operated in reaction to perceived
issues and challenges from the control matrix. In this
manner they actually help, in a perverse way, to maintain
the status quo. This is a fundamental problem of polarity
consciousness and the us versus them mentality that
pervades. The control matrix could not be so effective
Managed and staged manipulations of the financial
markets, military and international policy, mainstream
media pronouncements, etc. will be used to misdirect and
confuse any of the public who foolishly rely on such sources
for news. Internet sites that broadcast the reality of
society under a Fourth Reich would be shut down.
Countries are to be formed into regions, regions to be
merged into a single world government. Fabricated fears
will be used to remove what few legal protections remain of
free speech. Currencies will be replaced by electronic data
exchanges. Those who are enfranchised into society will
carry a radio-frequency chipset either in the form of identity
cards on their person, or bio-chip implants inside their
body. Those who step out of line in terms of critical dissent
will find themselves economically and legally removed
(Not to be confused with volunteering)
Based on the false concept of the
triumph of the individual in
overcoming adversity, many people
assume that only if enough people focus
their efforts then x-y-z problems can be
solved in todays world. However, the
legacy from the old paradigm/control
matrix is unusable and potentially
dangerous to adopt by well-intentioned
social-progressive reformers.
Voluntarism, extended fully to
humanity, is a form of collective self-
centeredness and arrogance. It
misinforms humans that they do not
need to develop and rely upon
connection to God/Source in order to
thrive. People equate thriving with
genetic procreation and material well-
being. In the absence of awakened
spiritual consciousness, this is not
possible and it is a dangerous illusion.
Thus voluntarism becomes another form
of separation - humans connected to
humans (thinking they are all in a
community of togetherness) and
arrogantly thinking they do not need
conscious connection to God/Source --
we will reach the stars and touch the
face of God --through sheer will and
material effort.
This is why first and foremost must we
reminder that we are spiritual beings and
that we must first connect and listen to
our higher nature and guidance.
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and disenfranchised from the common society. Society will become populated by those who
are good at living in denial and ignorance and in hiding their feelings and opinions. Such is the
vision of the global controllers.
While a large majority of U.S. adults do not believe the official lies about September 11
, the
Middle East wars, etc., there remains a significant minority that continues to support the
powers that be. Some of these people are simply part of the social inertial ballast group
profiled in the research essay in this issue of GA News,
others are part of backward religious fundamentalist
tendencies that seek to implement specific end-time
scenarios as part of their own twisted path to spiritual
salvation. Additionally, there simply are those rich and
poor who are simply accustomed to being stupid or are
materially bought off and thus partially vested in the
powers that be version of the future.
There are those who are so easily manipulated by the
powers that be mostly well-intentioned but seriously
impaired individuals who continue to live in denial as to
the true nature of the two-faced single party control
system. Then there are those who for some reason have
not been paying close attention to what good information
is available to them and think that somehow a clean
reform candidate actually stands a chance of being
elected and that a clean sweep is possible of the heavily
corrupt U.S. Congress. Perhaps they were not paying
attention to the rigged elections or think that presidents
or key party leaders do not get assassinated. Then there
are those who are nave in thinking that race or gender
somehow is a deciding factor with regard to
consciousness or ethics. These people have obviously not
been paying attention to the information available to
them either.
Recently published dire economic forecasts anticipate a
severe global economic crash by the end of 2009. It is our
assessment that this is more likely to occur before the end
of 2008, depending on the severity of anticipated earth
changes. If the earth changes are less severe in their
destruction, then it is more likely that the economic crisis will be smoothly managed to more
efficiently concentrate more wealth and power in the hands of the plutarchy and diminish
what limited social economic freedom exists for the masses of people from whom they
extracted their wealth in the first place.
It is only natural for people to want to maintain connection with what has been familiar, even
if it causes further suffering. As the national and global economic, social, and political
processes breakdown, more people will have an opportunity to see the terrible lies and villainy
behind the public faces of their most influential public figures and institutions. To some this
will cause righteous anger and desire for retribution, to others it will be cause to abandon any
further identification with or expectations of life under the control matrix. And yes, there will
Dynamics in the Battle for
There seems to be a wide spectrum of
responses by individuals to the
changes they are aware of and
anticipate. However, what may appear
as a very complex situation can be
readily analyzed into two aspects.
These are distinguished from one
another by whether or not one
believes humanitys future is
dependent upon a primary and
fundamental requirement of spiritual
awakening and conscious connection
to our higher nature and source as
spiritual beings.
It is important that while humanity is
very much split over this, it is possible
for individuals and networks to shift
between these two paradigms. For
example, those who are spiritually
oriented can become overly invested
in righteous causes and slip into
polarity consciousness and
voluntarism; those more materially
oriented can come to spiritual
realizations and shift. These are basic
dynamics involved in the battle for
-November 2007 Global Awakening News
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continue to be a small but significant group that constitutes social inertial ballast the effect of
which is to support the dominant control structures. As more people see more of the reality
behind the public faade, millions of people will open to new possibilities and higher
Naturally, for the majority of people who identify with the present reality, it is only natural to
seek public expression of protest and exposure. For those full of righteous outrage over the
current world situation, to act externally by campaigning against this and that, is of limited
value however, and consumes precious human resources in an oppositional mode, leaving
little energy for constructing something new. A caution would apply to those in the early stages
of awakening their nascent and unconsolidated spiritual energies are easily dissipated by
acting in opposition to the control matrix. This does not mean to be apathetic, as many
would have you be, nor does it mean not to discuss the nature of the powers that be. To the
contrary, it is good to be aware and informed. However, there are different avenues for
expression and action for those who are moving through the transformational process.
People need to consider all actions taken in the name of nations, races, religions, etc. as
deeply as possible. Ultimately, why should humanity be allowed to go on as it has been?
Survival of genes? Not a good reason. The codes of life can be recreated and reseeded
endlessly. To be good planetary citizens who can turn all Earth and eventually the cosmos into
one vast commercial (hopefully more peaceful) enterprise? I think not.
Everyone needs to consider why they are alive today and ask their highest selves what the
highest possible future could be to their highest aspirations as essentially spiritual beings? Ask
what is the highest possible future for this experiment of Creation that "thinks" it is self-aware
and calls itself "humanity"?
This central aspirational question needs to permeate our lives daily and be allowed to inspire
and inform and guide our actions. This is perhaps a most revolutionary question. This can help
dissolve most of the ties that so directly and indirectly bind so many people to corrupt
organizational institutions and social customs. In turn this will have a powerful revolutionary
effect on people's actions and energies.
Welcome communion with your own higher selves and with the highest levels of God
Consciousness. Demand to see beyond the illusions. Make this your prayer/intention to yourself
every night before you go to sleep. Ask to remember the answers as well. It is your divine
right. This is why creating new forms of community relationships is so important now as a
transition step to a radically more evolved existence that relies upon our basic nature as
spiritual beings rather than as intelligent yet self-centered humans.
More on Awakened Community
There is a general call to form new community and it is being conveyed by various individual
messengers. New books and articles are appearing. In one recent commentary, Karen Bishop
(www.whatsuponplanetearth.com), highlights the release of arrogance and the importance of
living in community with others where the energies and vibrations of each must be able to
exist in harmony with a community lifestyle. Karen writes:
We are being prepared for community living. And we are purging and releasing arrogance. So
even though these times may be stressful, challenging, and stretch us to the maximum, they
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would not be occurring if community living was not on the very near horizon, and if we were
not, as always, aligning more fully with Source. In order to live successfully in community, we
must fit. The energies and vibrations of each and every one of us must be able to exist in
harmony with a community lifestyle. We are being groomed and prepared for community living
because so much of the old world and old systems will be falling away and will end in the very
near future. In this way, we can now know that all is always in divine and perfect order, as we
are always and most certainly being protected and guided through this amazing ascension
process. In community living, the whole is vitally important. We cannot exist without the
whole, and each and every one of us is vitally important to the success of the whole. So then,
arrogance comes from things being our idea, and not as much an idea that stems from our
connection to Source.
The arrogance she refers to is related to the centrality of the individual operating in separation
from Source consciousness. It is related to the concepts of the triumph of the individual effort
over circumstances and when extended to humanity, would represent a collective embrace of
the dark forces that have for so long manipulated portions of Creation-1 for their own selfish
That humans get together to work in community in a new
way in the context of spiritual awakening (rather than
physical survival) is a very important thing. This is in
contrast to organizing political communities under the
illusion of building a grassroots movement to overthrow the
old order and make a new world. It would be hubris for
humans to think that on their own they can fix everything or
make everything new in the absence of conscious
connection to higher self/higher God/Source.
It is folly to think that a new world will emerge through
elections, money and policy. The time is over for this sort of
"gradualism". What is on the horizon is the complete
transformation of the planet and humanity.
The battle for human consciousness and human existence
is now clearly on earth and in the human sphere. It is
evident everywhere. Various individuals and organizations
are showing up this year that use the right sounding catch
phrases to keep people within the boundaries of the matrix.
Most of the public figures associated with social or spiritual
progressive groups are not in any position to offer
anything that represents an evolutionary step forward to
humanity, despite their years of writing and talking about such possibilities. For reasons too
complex to explain in this brief section, there are presently no viable alternatives for social
organization and economy at a global level. It is of the utmost importance for people to focus
now, where they live and work, on forming new community with one another. One that
transcends any and all established organizational and belief systems. We have identified three
basic guiding principles: trust, caring, and service that are within a fourth and greater context of
connection to all of creation. Thus local community can be of mutual assistance of one another
and whenever possible form networking relationships with other similarly aligned
A Warning
there cannot and must not be any
one model that promotes itself over
any others and there cannot be any
organization, individual, or group
that becomes a central body,
handing out franchises.
This warning is made quite
deliberately to discourage groups of
emerging spiritualized humans from
overreaching their level of
consciousness and spiritual capacity
and trying to organize others along
their models and energetic matrix.
This caution is also made as
constructive guidance to those
seeking awakened community.
Unless it is a local effort you are a
part of, there is nothing and no one
to join.
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communities. This represents the most useful transitional form for humanity as people
become more acquainted with the transformational processes that are unfolding.
In Conclusion
This State of the Vision has been necessarily lengthy. To sum up a little, there are basically two
paths. For the majority of people who may not be aware of this, they will be soon enough by
virtue of events in the human and earthly physical realms as well as events and
transformational energies in the invisible realms.
Humanity is closer than ever before to activating the most extreme consciousness and reality-
shifting possibilities. At present, the level of tension between catastrophic change by human or
natural origins and the influx of higher consciousness has grown to a truly unprecedented
Humanity must graduate to 5
dimension and beyond, one way or another. There is no other
future. This reality is nearly over and done with. There is nothing to fix or that is fixable. To
hang on, under even well-intentioned self-delusion of making cities, towns, counties, states,
nations better, etc. is a dead end. Those who hang on too long will have the roughest ride.
There are many who continue to naively hope that reform leaders can be elected and that our
civil rights will be reinstated and that the economic crisis will not continue into a more
profound crash affecting people worldwide. At the present trajectory, there is the gradual
degeneration of capitalistic consumer society, while quietly local communities of people
intentionally aligned along lines of spiritual evolution arise here and there and become islands
of light for millions of people.
Humanity will be buffeted by waves of tumultuous energies of the light and dark while the
powerful transformational energies work in the background and soon more in the foreground.
What will surprise everyone, regardless of personal beliefs, will be these energies and the
alterations to physical reality. (A future article will discuss more of the transformational
process that was introduced in the October issue of GA News.)
Humanity has reached a point where it has devoted most available resources toward
destructive conflict among itself and with the natural world. This cannot continue unabated.
We can and must make new choices and act upon them. It is within our grasp and capacity to
do so. The first step is to wake up to this option. We have so artfully managed to distract
ourselves with personal and collective pleasures and power-seeking that we, as a species, seem
hopelessly unconscious to an impending dramatic crossroad in our reality. The possibility of
true peace and resolution to all aspects of human suffering and conflict with our natural
environment is now before us.
An enlightened future is not about polarities. It is not about who we do or do not vote for,
democracy or plutocracy, or war or peace. It is not about differences between various religious
texts and what various groups of people think about them. It is not about capitalism or the
corruption of society by the commodification of our personal and social relationships. These
are all the short-term choices that we seem to have already made by default and for which we
now seek remedies.
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What is before us is the emergence of an evolutionary shift in our physical, social,
psychological, and spiritual existence. This shift benefits everyone, regardless of their personal
circumstance or belief system. What is needed is to surrender our ordinary personal and
societal ambitions in favor of spiritual evolution. It is becoming more present to us every day
it is, after all, our future selves calling to us.
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Discernment, The Dark, and
False Teachers &
By Alex Kochkin
A very large number of leading individuals in the social-spiritual/new age movements, have
built careers charging others for their talk and practice time, books, conference circuits,
channeling, healing networks, and attracting schools of students. Their student-followers
pay them, sometimes for years at a stretch, for the privilege of dysfunctional co-dependency.
Many of these leading individuals skipped out on a deeper immersion in the higher energies
and deeper knowing, and opted to take a few grains of truth and particles of wisdom and
package it for sale to a hungry and thirsty public, often with the best of intentions at first.
Many of these influential individuals may have initially performed a good service in getting
people to think and act differently and to seek spiritual growth. However, in the context of the
current situation, most of these teachers are objectively promoting various ways to continue
living in delusion and denial under the thumb of the global controller elite.
In trying to fulfill their own personal need for validation of a greater spiritual existence, some
of these leading figures sought out others who were trained in the manipulation of subtle
energies and awareness. Their criteria was often lacking in discernment as most were
attracted to those practitioners who demonstrated tangible effects and phenomena mostly
practitioners of the dark arts.
In the process, these leading teachers unwittingly offered themselves up to dark force
manipulations. Many were fooled and caught up in the thrill in the phenomenal experiences
that they mistakenly thought were signs of enlightenment. Skilled energy manipulators
trained in the dark arts can induce all manner of states of elevated consciousness and
phenomena. Many are truly fronts for dark forces that are not even embodied.
The influential leaders go back to their respective networks of people and extol the virtues of
the energy manipulators. This has the unfortunate effect of turning many more nave
individuals to offer themselves up to these parasitic dark practitioners. Overall, the result has is
that many influential individuals become conduits for dark force energies that seek to
misdirect as well as to stimulate people for the purpose of siphoning off their energy through
invisible energy conduits.
Like a virus, these energy conduits can be propagated and p[assed on, tapping into the energy
fields of one and many. Simply stated, this is a form of vampirism and it prevents spiritual
growth and expansion. (A material world analogy would be an oil refinery distillation tower
that cooks the raw material and draws off various volatiles for sale.)
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Spiritual seekers are often willing to risk much to access their true selves and expanded
consciousness, as there is a powerful drive to reunite with ones own divinity. The best advice
we can offer is not to join any teachers, movements, gurus, schools, religions, etc. unless you
are very certain that it is the real deal and not an energy manipulation and moneymaking
Better to spend your time and energies daily intending and connecting to your highest self,
your direct line of energy and consciousness that connects to your highest source energy and
the consciousness of The All.
Demand of your higher self and highest nature as a spiritual being to be cleared of all dark
energies, to become fully conscious of your own divinity, and to be immersed in the
transformational process of the new earth and new humanity.
Seek community with others who like you require and demand such a direct connection to the
highest levels of consciousness and light as the spiritual beings that you are.
The answers will not come from any humanly printed doctrines, no matter how new or old
they may appear to be by those claiming authority in such matters. At best you may find
clues and hints, but these are usually confounded and buried amidst much misdirection and
deliberate distortion.
There is no guru to follow, no channeled master, no ongoing training to pay fees for, no
organization to join There is no magic methodology that will provide enlightenment of this
Anyone who tells you otherwise is false, plain and simple.
The following article in this issue by Rasha (Spiritual Movements, Energy Depletion, and the
Dark) serves as an excellent case study that is full of insights.
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A case study and aid to discernment
Spiritual Movements,
Energy Parasitism, and the
by Rasha
Note: The following information is be considered by some to be extremely controversial!
Im writing this in response to the many requests Ive received for guidance regarding the
organization calling itself Oneness University. Since so many people are now asking me
whether there is a connection between my own work, as the messenger of the teachings of
Oneness, and the group who are liberally dispensing deeksha and Oneness Blessings
...which is headquartered in India ...Ive been guided to come forth with this information.
Let me state, right up front that I am in no way associated with these people. The book,
Oneness, which I transcribed (ISBN# 0-9659003-1-2 Earthstar Press), does not in any way
reflect the teachings, the energies, or the spiritual/political influences of those representing
themselves as Oneness University. The Source of my own work is Oneness, the Divinity we
all share. The teachings I received and transcribed were provided to empower each of us to
make the transition between intellectual belief and the actual experience of a Divine
connection ...in an intensely personal way ...each of us within the sanctity of our own inner
being. The Oneness University phenomenon appears to be quite another matter.
My first-hand observations, while living in India, of many who had just completed the
increasingly popular, $5,500/21 day program under the auspices of Oneness University and
their founders, Bhagavan (a.k.a. Kalki Avatar) and Amma, were puzzling and led me to do
some investigating of my own. The town in South India where Ive been living for several
years is just a few hours drive from the Oneness University headquarters, and is a frequent
next-stop on the itinerary of spiritual seekers from the West.
What I saw and heard, in speaking with a growing number of these people over the course of
more than a year, was disturbing. Many of them were wandering around, completely
disoriented. Some of them had become physically ill almost immediately after leaving the 21
day course. And virtually all of them reported that the circumstances of their lives had begun
to deteriorate dramatically.
Instinctively, based on the intense training Id had through my journey with Oneness, I
recognized the signs of energy depletion. And, in trying to piece together the signs and
symptoms of a phenomenon that simply didnt add up, I suddenly found myself steeped in a
crash course in the science of energy manifestation and the inner workings of guru-dom.
What I learned was absolutely fascinating.
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The first question that sprang to mind was, where does this energy actually come from? And
that question opened the door to a vast science, underlying the phenomenon of the
transmission of energy ...often in the guise of a Divine connection. I came to understand that
most gurus, whether legitimate or not, come to work with a Tantric practitioner, in the
course of their preparation to hold extremely high levels of energy and transmit it to others. In
India, this is virtually standard-procedure and an important stop along the way on the inner
path to becoming a guru.
In India, the sacred science of Tantra is an ancient spiritual art, focused in the manifestation of
energy and the altering of material circumstances, through highly exacting rituals and
vibrational formulas. In its purest form, White Tantra, this has nothing whatsoever to do with
the X-rated reputation the word tantra has garnered in the West. The work with a White
Tantric practitioner serves to fortify the energy field of the would-be guru and helps to turn
him/her into a virtual force-field, through which the transmission of shaktipat or deeksha
may then be possible.
These Divinely-focused and incredibly dedicated Tantrics, taught in the ancient oral tradition
by their fathers and grandfathers over thousands of years, are amongst the true angels of this
world. Unbeknownst to most of us, they are tucked-away in India, performing their timeless
rituals ...and secretly making-miracles for us all ...and for the planet we share ...during these
challenging times.
When the services of a White Tantric practitioner cannot be obtained, or in cases of calculated,
money-minded empire-building, the aspiring guru will often turn to Black Tantric
practitioners, (the Indian equivalent of black-magic) who are hired to work behind-the-scenes
to supply the energy that fuels the organization ...for vast sums of money. When the
exorbitant fees of these Black Tantrics start to escalate over time and cannot be paid as
demanded, the project often begins to veer out of control.
Where one might naturally assume that an absolute fortune must be sitting in the gurus
coffers with which to complete building projects and other un-met commitments, in fact, the
cupboards are bare. The situation becomes desperate. And suddenly, many of the goings-on
surrounding the guru become puzzling and dont add up. According to the information I
received, this could well explain the phenomena Id observed and the other reports from South
India that just didnt make sense.
At the same time, you might ask yourself whats the harm in it, as far as Im concerned?
Energy is being transmitted through deeksha. That has to be good. Right? This question
opened up an entirely different avenue of exploration. And the information I uncovered in
delving into it, proved to be equally fascinating.
When a guru establishes a connection with a spiritual aspirant, through the imparting of
energy ...often accompanied by a secret mantra ...a spiritual cord is established through which,
in theory, the guru can continue to feed the student with energy. This is part of the timeless
tradition of guru and disciple. And when practiced with integrity, it can supply the aspiring
student with an abundant energy-boost that can greatly accelerate the process of spiritual
transformation. It is for this reason that so many feel guided to seek to affiliate with an Indian
guru, to receive deeksha or shaktipat, or simply to be in the physical presence of such a
one, whose vibration is extremely high.
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What we often dont suspect, is that the spiritual cord which the guru establishes with his
student through these practices, is able to carry energy both ways. When the guru has
dubious connections himself, or has motives that are rooted in ego and spiritual empire-
building, the cord can be used to direct the energy-flow the other way and literally vacuum-
out the unsuspecting student, vibrationally. This could explain why, after being in the
presence of certain gurus, what may have started-out feeling quite nice, suddenly doesnt
feel good at all.
Initially, in these unscrupulous practices, the student is given a little dose of energy. At first. In
this way, any doubts or concerns one may have had are soothed. And we become open ...and
trusting. It is only later that the tap is re-directed, and the energy begins to flow the other way
...from the student to the guru. In cases where the integrity of the guru and his
organization is further compromised by an affiliation with a Black Tantric practitioner, the
unsuspecting students energy is actually sucked through the guru and filtered directly to
feed the Black Tantric individuals who stand behind the entire spiritual super-structure.
In cases where certain individuals have received an initiation and are declared to be qualified
to be giving so-called deeksha energy to others, a spiritual cord has been well established
within them, to the extent that they would be able to function as mediums for the guru. And
through these people, the energy of others can be drained. In this way, the insidious practice
of energy piracy can be practiced clandestinely by certain so-called Indian gurus, while
couched in lovely, believable-sounding spiritual jargon calculated to ensnare the hearts ...and
wallets ...of sincere and financially affluent seekers in the West.
It turns out that this is a practice that is actually quite widespread in India ...and elsewhere.
And according to the information I uncovered, this could well explain the mysterious
symptoms so many have been reporting. Who would ever have suspected it?
So, what is the message to all of us, in revealing this perhaps astounding information? I would
say to you that the lesson here is discernment. As western spiritual seekers, we are often naive
and trusting where gurus ...and where anyone sporting a little amped-up energy ...is
concerned. We are often far too quick to give our power away and serve ourselves up on a
platter, which we then place at the feet of someone whose affiliations may be questionable.
The opportunity in these times of mass spiritual awakening and inner re-directedness, is to
become spiritually street smart. Everything coming down the spiritual pike is not necessarily
Divinely-inspired. There are all sorts of scams, fronted by individuals who are parading around
as Divinity incarnate, in these times. It is for those of us who are sincerely God-focused, to
be extremely careful in selecting those who will help us on our own personalized path to the
Divine inner-connection Ive come to know as Oneness.
The message I documented in the name of that Source is a message of Self-empowerment.
The teachings of Oneness guide us in sourcing the experience of the Divinity harbored within
our own inner depths, without getting ensnared in the trappings of a spiritual hierarchy or a
religious organization. Should we feel that the guidance of an incarnate teacher is desired,
Oneness helps us to take care in selecting him or her.
The message in bringing the foregoing information to light is to encourage each of us to do our
homework. Resources abound in these times that support us in investigating thoroughly those
whom we may be considering as candidates for guiding us into the sacred ground that awaits
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us within. The internet is brimming with firsthand stories of those who have blazed the trail
before us with virtually any guru you may be considering. Google them ...freely! You may
find that by adding a word like scam to names you might wish to investigate, the Google
results become particularly eye-opening.
I have hesitated a thousand times before choosing to come forth with the results of my own
investigation into the dynamics of guru-dom. Some may wonder if I have personal motives
for doing so. I can tell you, in all honesty, that I do not. My only hope, in presenting this
information to you, is to spur you on to investigate for yourself, and to draw your own
The book entitled Oneness, which I transcribed, is not associated in any way with any other
teacher, guru, or organization that may also be using the name Oneness. I have, thankfully,
never received deeksha or a so-called Oneness Blessing from anyone affiliated with the
Oneness University people in India.
I realize that I have stepped way out on a limb in sharing this information with you. And I have
done so because I felt deep in my heart that, in light of what I discovered, it would be
irresponsible of me not to share it.
I wish each of you every joy and blessing on your personal journey to Oneness!
-Rasha, August 2007
NOTE: My open letter to you all, printed above, and the choice to come forth with it at this time,
was inspired by the following passages, received from Oneness a few days ago. I am including
the communication here, in its entirety, as the August selection of Oneness Speaks.
August 2007
Let the fullness of this Presence permeate your awareness in this moment. And let us know
that we Are Oneness, together. Let there be no question or doubt of this. For we are here now,
reminding you yet again of what is unquestionable. We have danced this dance so many times
before, the footwork is as natural as breath itself. And yet, there is a newness to every step
and twirl we take in the process of bringing this synchronization of the manifest and the un-
manifest into the consummate state of Divine Union once more. We call this state of
Beingness Oneness.
There are many who call this state of Divinity by other names. And they declare their
allegiance to a myriad expressions of the same One Source. That does not make any of them
more right or more wrong than another. It speaks to the diversity with which humankind has
expressed its spiritual passion, since time immemorial. And they will continue to personalize
this expression of Divine connectedness as we move more fully into these times of enhanced
spiritual awareness. For that is the nature of humanness, regardless of whether ones passion
is toward the Divine or toward any other material expression of ones experience in the realm
of the physical.
The Here and Now in which you find yourself playing-out this journey in self-confrontation and
Self discovery is a virtual kaleidoscope of impressions, each perceived vividly, and believed to
be the definitive expression of universal truth. When one encounters a teacher, a path or a
book that rings true, it is as though one has happened upon the ultimate word in spiritual
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expression. In that particular set of eyes, all else pales by comparison. And blinders are
donned, from that point forth that could prevent the spiritual aspirant from becoming
distracted by anything else that might beckon for ones attention. What is less apparent is the
extent to which others are having similar or identical experiences, albeit via a different
avenue. The diversity in expression within the human populace presently making this journey
attests to the individualized nature in which the collective unites, one heart at a time, into the
embrace of Oneness.
There are those one encounters along the way who have devised methods that appeal to those
seeking short-cuts and an effortless route to spiritual awakening. These tricksters and their
methods are as timeless as the human quest for the Divine itself. Elaborate schemes are
designed, and anointed with sacred-sounding jargon, that would lure the unsuspecting seeker
into a false sense of security. It is through these compromised energies that many receive their
very first taste of augmented vibration, and they are easily misled into believing that they have
experienced Divinity made manifest at the hands of these individuals and the organizations
they represent.
Many, unwittingly have lent their own hands to the perpetuation of spiritual scams that are
essentially little more than financial empire building with a spiritual twist. Certain timeless
spiritual truisms may be sprinkled liberally through their format, in order to win the publics
trust and attention. And in this way, the unshielded individual is able to be exploited, not only
financially but divested of his resources of energy, in the process.
Many such scams have arisen in these times which are built on foundations of questionable
motives and compromised practices. It is for the spiritual seeker to exercise discernment with
regard to what is imbibed in the name of Divine Light energy. For, all that can be perceived as
energy is not necessarily something that will speed you on your way to your rendezvous
with Divinity.
Much that abounds in the spiritual marketplace in these times is energy that quite literally has
strings attached. The token sampling of energies with which you are initially gifted, and
which may seem harmless enough at first, may well come complete with energy lines,
commonly referred to as spiritual cords through which your energies may continue to be
drained over the course of time. Initially, you may well experience the feeling of elation or joy
during these introductory sessions. Yet, as time goes by, you discover that you are not feeling
at all blissful ...and that your circumstances have begun to deteriorate. Sometimes, when the
practice of receiving these energy treatments has not been continued, it is difficult to make
the correlation between the downward spiral one begins to experience and the initial, so-called
energy blessing one may have received somewhere along the way.
The cord, by then would be well in place and would be serving those who have created these
systems with an ever expanding source of energy with which to attract new followers. The
largely unsuspecting givers of these energies are serving as mediums through which the life
force of others can be filtered into a central core, through which escalating power and mind-
control tactics can then be orchestrated.
It is your responsibility in these times, which are so ripe for the exploits of the spiritual
opportunist, that you become discerning in what you choose to believe and what you choose
to imbibe vibrationally. Instant enlightenment is not something bestowed upon seekers for a
fee, hefty or otherwise ...regardless of what may have been claimed. And those who might
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have you believe that jumping on their bandwagon will get you an effortless ride to Self-
Realization have given you something to question, rather than something to be automatically
The foundation of the teachings of this Source is Self-empowerment. The energies that others
may be touting are the spiritual birthright of everyone in human form. This phenomenon of
radiating Divine Light through the hands is not something new. And no organization has a
trademark on it. As you elevate your vibration through your own conscientious, self-styled
spiritual practice, you will discover that these energies flow through you as naturally as breath,
in response to the focus of your attention. You are not required to declare your devotion to
anyone in human form for this to manifest. It is a natural part of the human condition and has
been so since humankinds humblest beginnings. What differentiates those earlier populations
from the one at hand is the widespread awareness of the spiritual awakened amongst you that
this is so.
It is in the highest interests of anyone who considers himself to be on the journey to Oneness
to be selective in what one chooses to receive in the name of that Divine Source. For the
journey that some have packaged and will attempt to market to the sincerely trusting and the
unsuspecting amongst you, is not one that needs to be delivered to you from another being
...at any price. It is something that is readily available to you ...absolutely free of charge ...from
the Divinity that waits within your very own being. That connection is best made within the
sanctity of ones own sacred self and doesnt require fanfare, the trappings of methodology
and complicated systems of man-made dogma.
It is all so simple. So pure. And so readily available ...when you cease seeking it from the world
outside you ...and in the sanctity of your own Inner Stillness you recognize the Divine touch
you yearn for as something thats already there. And has been all along. You Are the Oneness
that is sought. And you will realize the experience of it when you transcend the need to believe
it. And allow yourself the grace to simply know it.
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Social-sciences research essay series:
Social Inertial Ballast
Adapted from Chapter 6 of the book: A New America, An Awakened
Future on Our Horizon
This December issue continues with concepts of Choice, Freewill, New Patterns, and
Discernment with Compassion, included in the July 2007 GA News. Previously we focused on
the more positive qualities discovered in the rich IOOW-2000 statistical research data. It is
time to shed light on certain socially-imbedded factors that are impediments to positive
change and that are expertly manipulated by the powers that be to their advantage. To
describe these tendencies, we coined the expression social inertial ballast or inertial ballast
for short. This has to do with the leaden, ballast-like quality that, like a black hole, can absorb
enormous energy from people and organizations who have good intentions. They wind up
expending an enormous effort, trying to raise the level of awareness and opinions yet with
little effect. This ballasting effect serves to maintain a low commonality in terms of values,
beliefs, and opinions among the population at large.
Nave calls for honoring of all opinions and beliefs directly couple into these profoundly
dysfunctional tendencies within society and thus hold everyone back. Here in summary form
are findings from the IOOW-2000 research.
So Why Havent Things Changed for the Better, Sooner?
If so many people identify with the positive future values and beliefs that we introduced in Part
One of this book, why have things seemingly not changed very much? Part of the answer has
to do with the qualities of active social involvement.
Many of those people who identified with this emerging new paradigm dissociated
themselves from traditional materialist culture and power.
A significant percentage of individuals who supported positive future beliefs withdrew
from the electoral process.
Add to this, the force of habit of old ways rooted in the section of society acting as an
inertial ballast favoring established norms.
There has not yet developed a visible leadership or material presence for a positive future
movement, largely due to its relative newness, compared to its well-established
Out of necessity for being early pioneers, leading individuals representing a new paradigm
based on spiritual or integral values of compassion and service tend to function more
individually than they do cooperatively.
Consequently, there has been too little impetus to work together to gather the necessary
material resources needed to elevate a coherent message for all to hear and upon which
to act.
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This pattern however, is beginning to change partly out of necessity, as well as that of
individuals choosing to know truth.
Perhaps there has been an innate governor that we have not been much aware of, much like
an attractor from our future, calling to us. This call is like a homing beacon guiding us to our
higher selves and higher nature. It seeks to graduate ourselves from adolescence as a species
to a more mature position that co-creates a positive future out of a greater awareness of
interconnectedness with one another and our natural environment. We are speaking of a
fundamental spirituality so vital that it has always been there, waiting for us to connect and
access its fundamental wisdom and higher guidance.
Wait, you may say. What if you do not think spirituality or connection of all life is
important. Or more so, what about those people whose idea-frame is contrary to much that we
have been putting forward? All right, lets first take a brief look at research-based indicators of
a part of our society we have termed inertial ballast.
Social Inertial Ballast, Disconnection, and
Two small but distinct groups were identified through the IOOW-2000 research that, combined,
constitute a significant minority (21.5%) of our population. They tend to act disproportionately
as inertial ballast and are often used as a convenient excuse to hold everyone back.
One group, estimated to be 8.2% of the U.S., are generally
constricted and very conservative in their worldview, as well as being
generally disengaged from self and society. Their future outlook is
very pessimistic, they vote, and do so along conservative political
lines. They tend to go to religious services more than once a week.
They also tend to be older than the general population and are more
likely to be men. They are, however, somewhat more aware of their
need for spiritual growth. Of the 8 Types, Cautious and Conservative
(CC) predominates here with a secondary component of Disengaged
from Social Concerns (DSC).
Another group that functions as inertial ballast represents 16.2% of
the population. This second group is noticeably not as constricted in
perspective or conservatively oriented, but is more disengaged from
self and society. They too, are more likely to be men (but not to the
extent as the 8.2% group first described). This group is also younger
than the overall population, mostly Gen-X, and single. They are not
as likely to be very religious in terms of attending services, their future outlook is not as
pessimistic, and they are not as likely to vote. Of the 8 Types, Disengaged from Social
Concerns (DSC) predominates here with a secondary component of Cautious and Conservative
There is very little overlap between these two groups (only 2.9%) and combined, these two
groups constitute 21.5% of the general population. Education and income are not significant
factors in either of these two groups. Rather, what is key are their values and beliefs.
As inertial ballast, these groups tend to function as a net energy drain by opposing positive
innovations in a generally unconscious manner, usually passively, sometimes dynamically.
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Estimating Social Inertial
Using the IOOW-2000 data, one way
to identify this group within the
population is to examine some of the
qualities of those people who simply
dont have any positive identification
on the IOOW-2000 indexes
measuring Connection, Service, and
Spirituality (see Chapter 11 for more
information). The assumption is that
they include a large concentration of
highly disengaged individuals.
Another method would be to
examine those 8.2% who fall into a
category of people who scored high
on Social Material Stress scale, high
on the Social Traditional - Religious
Conservative index, and low on the
Positive Future Cooperative
Integrative scale. The assumption
here is that when you have very little
by way of positive or integrative
factors to balance a stressful daily life
and socially conservative values, you
get another type of disengaged
How often have people asked relevant questions or said things in the presence of individuals of
this type that differed from established norms, only to have them put down with cynical
remarks, thus stifling any meaningful discussion? This happens in
countless situations from family meal times to workplace
situations across the country. This dynamic is also fueled by news
and entertainment mass media. They do this by denying copy
space or airtime to investigate the truth, by purposeful
misinformation, by crude rhetoric of on-air personalities, by
promoting column space for cynical commentaries, and by
endlessly promoting dark themes under the guise of
entertainment. People and organizations that are part of the
social ballast dynamic are basically afraid of anything that hints
of challenging their perceived world, whether it be in terms of
their idea-frame, social or material privilege, or other belief
systems that help them define their identity.
Such disaffected individuals might be more readily manipulated
with superficial palliatives to support extreme conservative or
reactionary positions. Here we wish to distinguish those who are
disaffected and disconnected from those who are deliberately
involved in deceiving society as to their true aims of power.
In the absence of truly innovative and courageous leadership, this
inertial ballast factor in our society further makes it difficult for
positive social innovations to become widely adopted by
mainstream society. People do want to hear of a new perspective,
people are tired of the old game, but without a coherent and
substantial stage to speak from, most people will continue not
to hear what is new and good, as it is drowned out (or met with
silence) by the mainstream outlets for news and information.
Thus, powerful new strategies leading to the creation of new structures paralleling established
ones are most invaluable at this time. Eventually, almost everyone will see the light although
for some, the process may take longer.
Two Estimates of Inertial Ballast in Society: The 8.2%
The 8.2% Group includes those who scored high on the Social Material Stress scale, high on
the Social Traditional - Religious Conservative index, and low on the Positive Future
Cooperative Integrative scale. They constitute 8.2% of all respondents.
63% are male.
Tend to be slightly older (mean age is 47.9 versus 45.7 for all, and median age is 45
versus 43 for all respondents), however generational make-up is typical of that for the
U.S. overall.
47% are in the Cautious and Conservative (CC) type, compared to 10% for all
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25% are in the Disengaged from Social Concerns (DSC) type, compared to 14% for the
overall population.
Voting likelihood about on par with everyone else.
Generally, 52% preferred Bush for president in the 2000 election and 65% of those most
likely to vote chose Bush.
72% identify with conservative political views.
Score high on the religious index and 32% tend to attend some sort of services more than
once a week.
82% support the death penalty, compared to an average of 58.5% across all respondents.
59% did not agree with being tolerant of others and 36% strongly disagreed with being
Very pessimistic future outlook: 38% see only problems and disasters; 19% see either the
same or problems and disasters.
25% disagree that the Earth is basically a unique kind of living organism; 12% are neutral.
48% do not think there is a global awakening taking place.
52% do not think that a global awakening will make the world a better place in 10 years.
Only 38% report experiencing a sense of sacred in everything, compared to 56% for all
Higher than average in feeling a need to experience spiritual growth.
Tend to be almost on a par with but slightly below the rest of the population in terms
of income and education.
They are more likely to have Internet access at home but not on the job and their Internet
usage is typical for the US overall.
Two Estimates of Inertial Ballast in Society: The 16.2%
The 16.2% Group are those who simply dont have any positive identification on the IOOW-
2000 indexes measuring Connection, Service, and Spirituality. They constitute 16.2% of all
59% are male.
May be slightly younger (mean age is 41.7 compared to 45.7 for all respondents).
42% are Gen-X and Gen-Y age groups, compared to 34% for all respondents; 30% are
Gen-X, compared to 25% for all respondents.
33% are likely to be single, never married compared to 24% for all respondents.
78% score high on the Social Material Stress scale, compared to 42% for all respondents.
60% score low on the Social Traditional - Religious Conservative index, compared to 40%
for all respondents.
48% are in the Disengaged from Social Concerns (DSC) type, compared to 14% for all
Marginally less likely to vote: (51% likely to vote compared to 55% for general
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Choice of candidate in 2000 election was very similar to that of the general population of
Score low on the religious index and 44.6% tend not to attend religious services.
More likely to support a death penalty with 68% in support, compared to 58.5% overall.
While 59% did agree with being tolerant of others, 21% nonetheless strongly disagreed
with being tolerant.
Pessimistic future outlook: 28% see only problems and disasters; 21% see either the same
or problems and disasters; and 15% see things staying much the same.
Slightly less likely to agree that the Earth is basically a unique kind of living organism and
slightly more likely to disagree with this.
53% do not think there is a global awakening taking place.
59% do not think that a global awakening will make the world a better place in 10 years.
Only 34% report a sense of sacred in everything, compared to 55% for all respondents.
Less interested in being involved in creating a better world: 78% agreeing with this
compared to 91% for the general population.
Tend to be almost on a par with the rest of the population in terms of income and
Internet access at home or work is on par with everyone else; however their Internet
usage is high compared to the rest of the population.
Less likely to feel their spiritual needs are not being met and lower than average in feeling
a need to experience spiritual growth.
A simple comparison of overall key value and belief indicators show these groups are not that
far from each other in a number of important areas. However, these two groups do appear to
differ somewhat in terms of age, voting likelihood, candidate preference, social material stress,
religious involvement, and global awakening.
While both groups have high concentrations of the Disengaged from Social Concerns (DSC)
type and Cautious and Conservative (CC) type, the DSC type predominates in the 16.2% group
while the CC type predominates in the 8.2% group.
Those people who most fit the inertial ballast profile do not have a set of positive values with
which to balance the stress and challenges of daily life with virtually no positive scoring on
the Positive Future - Cooperative Integrative scale (PFCI). For example, we find in the 8 Types
those who also share in a high Social Material Stress (SMS) score, yet who have a high PFCI
value score and less constricted worldview. These would include Persisting against Adversity
(PA) and the Working for a New Life of Wholeness (WNL) types. In contrast, there are those
types Cautious and Conservative (CC) and Disengaged from Social Concerns (DSC) who
also scored high on the SMS scale, but low on PFCI.
Meaningful bridging between these groups would likely meet with the best success first with
the 16.2% group in addressing their need for non-threatening connection, the possibility for
spiritual growth in a non-doctrinaire manner, and creative, innovative projects in which to
engage with others that also have some broader social benefit. It is a matter of helping not
only these people, but all 8 Types, to see beyond that which we find different or exclusive
about each other.
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One valuable aspect of this data is to show an unmistakable overlap of our core values and
beliefs. The reactive position of me/us versus them becomes moderated by recognition of
something more inclusive and inspiring of humankinds greater being.
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Global Awakening News
Published online at http://www.pfcn.net/napsum-bul1.html and available via e-
mail service to opt-in subscribers.
The Global Interchange, Positive Future Consulting, Fund For Global Awakening,
and Global Awakening Press are not now nor have ever been affiliated with any
religious, political, or economic tendency; and most certainly are not aligned
with any gurus, groups, or channeled entities.
To contact us by E-mail: info@pfcn.net; to contact us by postal mail:
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