Barry Buzan and Thomas Diez
Barry Buzan and Thomas Diez
Barry Buzan and Thomas Diez
To cite this article: B. Buzan & T. Diez (1999) The European Union and Turkey, Survival, 41:1,
41-57, DOI: 10.1093/survival/41.1.41
Relations between Turkey and the European Union (EU) have gone badly
wrong. After decades of standing in the queue, Turkey is the only country with
a current membership application against which the EU door has been
slammed shut. That door is bound to remain closed for the foreseeable future, a
situation that poses problems not only for both sides, but also for the whole
framework of security in the Balkans, the Middle East, the Caucasus and
Central Asia. Since the US is more enthusiastic about Turkish membership of
the EU than are most EU members, it could even damage transatlantic
relations. The EU’s December 1997 sidelining of Turkey’s application for full
membership upset long-standing expectations and commitments, however
shaky they may have been, and threw open an array of possibilities, some of
them worrying. Particularly dangerous would be a worsening of Turkey’s
resentful reaction against the EU, a reaction very much evident when Turkey
suspended all political relations (but not the customs union) with the EU after
its rejection.1 Understandable as it may seem from the perspective of the
Turkish government, such a reaction threatens to make cooperation between
the EU and Turkey even more difficult.
There is no consensus either in Turkey or in the EU about how their
relationship should develop, and there is a considerable danger that emotional
reactions radiating from the breakdown will poison the possibilities. The
polemics arising from Italy’s refusal in late 1998 to extradite Kurdistan
Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Ocalan to Turkey showed the potency
of that poison. A central difficulty lies in the way that the EU–Turkey
relationship penetrates deeply into the domestic politics of both sides. The
internal political constitution and the basic construction of collective identity in
both entities is deeply intertwined with the nature of the relationship between
them. (In the case of Europe, the identity issue revolves around who can and
who cannot be considered ‘European’.) This relationship is thus important not
only in itself and for its regional consequences, but also because it is
fundamental to the future development of the political form and the identity of
Turkey and the EU alike.
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Barry Buzan is Professor of International Studies at the University of Westminster, and Director
of the project group on European security at the Copenhagen Peace Research Institute (COPRI).
Thomas Diez is a Research Fellow at COPRI.
There is an urgent need to reassess the current policies between Turkey and
the EU, which are largely still rooted in the past, and to develop alternative
visions for their future relationship. That Turkey will not become a full EU
member in the foreseeable future need not be seen as an inherently bad thing.
A Turkey that is closely linked to the EU, but not fully part of it, may find it
easier to develop more tolerant and pluralistic forms of national identity and to
intensify its relations with its neighbouring states in the Caucasus and other
Turkic states in Central Asia. The EU, for its part, may continue to support
further democratisation and liberalisation in Turkey, while not running the risk
of being drawn into tensions and conflicts in which it does not have to be
directly involved.
Building such a new relationship will not be easy, because it requires both
parties to reflect on their self-definitions – definitions with which they felt quite
comfortable throughout the Cold War, but which now seem increasingly
contradictory. Failure to build such a new relationship will mean that both
parties continue to store up a legacy of troubles that will have repercussions far
beyond either their domestic politics or the particulars of the relationship
between them.
Rethinking the relationship between Turkey and the EU requires attention
to two conceptual points. First, the old game between the EU and Turkey (and
indeed between the EU and all of its periphery) has been played too much
according to strict ‘inside/outside’ understandings about which relationships
are possible and desirable within the EU framework.2 Putting too much
emphasis on being wholly ‘in’ or ‘not in’ has narrowed political visions in an
unhelpful way, and runs counter to the EU’s increasingly ‘postmodern’
character.3 Second, there has been excessive blurring of the distinction between
Turkey’s relationship with Europe on the one hand, and with the West
(particularly the US) on the other. This issue is linked to a wider confusion
about differing concepts of the ‘West’. These distinctions have to be kept clear if
a new course is to be charted.
The 1963 Ankara (or Association) Agreement gave associate membership of the
EC to Turkey. This status was granted mainly to improve Turkey’s economic
performance and living standards. Beyond that, the preamble and Article 28 of
the Agreement stressed that this improvement should facilitate later EC
membership, which would be considered once full implementation of the
Agreement had indicated that Turkey was ready to take over the respon-
was the attempt at prohibiting the author Ayse Zarakolu from leaving the
country to receive the Freedom to Publish award at the 1998 Frankfurt Book
Within Turkey, the legitimacy of the political and military élite’s ‘Kemalist’
project of Westernising the country has depended, to a significant degree, on a
plausible prospect of EU membership. Kemalism – the state ideology be-
queathed by Kemal Ataturk, founder of modern Turkey – rests on six pillars:10
This overall design is still upheld by the Westernising élite, despite some
changes in detail. Even where it has been abandoned, as in the case of etatism
since the 1980s, its legacy is still strong: the state-run sector still accounts for
11% of value added in industrial production.11
In decades past, the promoters of Kemalism justified their programme
partly on the grounds that it was a path leading to eventual membership of the
EC/EU. At the same time, advocates of Turkey’s EC/EU candidacy, both in
Turkey and in EU member-states, have considered it something of a sacred
truth that membership is a necessary anchor for Westernisation. A Turkey
remaining outside, according to the standard argument, would be prey to
Islamist forces, would draw away from Europe and towards the Middle East,
and thus would become a factor of instability and a threat to Europe’s south-
eastern border. Such arguments as are put forth by Turkish politicians – our
country is ‘European’, our neighbours are not – is a refrain common to EU
membership applicants.12 In the case of Turkey, however, such arguments
ignore the differences between the Kemalist definitions of the ‘West’ and those
prevalent in the EU.
Ankara’s Westernisation strategy has, in fact, effectively led to an increasing
or at least unchanged distance from the EU when it comes to issues of
pluralism, democracy and human rights. The November 1998 report of the
Commission on Turkey writes of an ‘excessively narrow interpretation of the
Constitution and other legal provisions … concerning the unity of the state,
territorial integrity, secularism and respect for formal institutions of the state’.13
At the same time, Westernisation understood in such a limited way denies the
historical and cultural differences between Turkey and Europe, as well as
within Turkey itself.
• the realities of identity politics in both Turkey and the EU, and the
constraints and opportunities that these pose for how they relate to each
• the distinction between Turkey’s relationship with the EU and with the
wider West, plus a reconsideration of what ‘the West’ means for each side;
• the many common interests shared by Turkey and the EU;
• the long-term differences that are likely to set them apart.
Joint Interests
Joint interests start with strategic geography. Turkey sits at the edge of three
more-or-less distinct regions of conflict – the Balkans, the Middle East and the
Caucasus – and has a role in two more that are at a slight geographical remove
from it – west Central Europe, and the Commonwealth of Independent States
(CIS) region. From a systemic perspective, it plays the role of an insulator, a
peripheral actor in all of the security regions surrounding it, but not centrally
involved in any. This should not be read as Turkey being unimportant to its
neighbours; its main function, in practice, is to separate other regional security
dynamics from each other.21 This insulating position is unusually complicated.
The danger for Turkey is that it will become party to conflicts on more than one
front. Given the complexity of its security environment, Turkey needs to
cultivate stability on as many fronts as possible if it is to avoid living in a zone
of permanent conflict. Whether this can be achieved by bringing Turkey
squarely into the EU seems doubtful. It is more likely that such a situation
would lead to a direct entanglement of the EU in the security dynamics of the
Middle East and the CIS. Meanwhile, Turkey’s security links to the Western
powers via its NATO membership should be sufficient to meet its own security
The strategic interests shared by Turkey and the EU should be obvious. For
the EU, Turkey can provide security insulation from the Middle East, and a
partner in stabilising the Balkans. For Turkey, the EU can provide a stable and
supportive relationship, a partner in containing conflict in the Balkans
generally, and the Greek–Turkish conflict in particular. Although Greece is
itself part of the Union and has influence over the EU’s foreign policy, it also
seems likely that EU membership contributes to some restraint on the part of
Athens. Should things turn bad in the CIS region, some aspects of the Turkish/
EU mutual interest against Soviet/Russian problems, defined during the Cold
War partnership, might also revive. Both sides should want to prevent the
growth of any linkage between the security dynamics of the Middle East and
those of the Balkans.
Unfortunately, this assessment does not seem to be shared by all of the
governments concerned. Turkey’s emergent ‘alliance’ with Israel, and the
possibility of a Greece–Syria counter-axis, is particularly worrying in this
regard.22 The EU has no interest in becoming more involved in these conflicts
than it already is by way of Greece. Turkey’s assertive behaviour towards
Syria and Italy in late 1998 is a warning of just how badly things could go
wrong if no new foundations are laid for EU–Turkey relations. Although not
Enduring Differences
There are likely to be several durable points of difference between Turkey and
the EU, and these need to be taken into account if a new relationship is to be
built. The first is the EU’s general enlargement dilemma, discussed at further
length below. The second problem is Greek–Turkish hostility, and the division
of Cyprus. The decision of the Cypriot government in 1997 to station Russian
S-300 missiles on the island was no help in this respect. Although Cypriot
President Glafcos Clerides gave in to Greek pressure at the beginning of
January 1999, agreeing to station the missiles on Crete instead of Cyprus, this
solution will not ease the worries of Turkish military strategists. There is also
strong resistance even within the Cypriot government to withdrawing from the
Westphalia. Part of the price to be paid even for partial association with an
international organisation such as the EU is tolerance of a high level of mutual
interference in domestic affairs, aimed at harmonising a wide range of legal,
moral and institutional practices.
The EU’s post-Westphalian character underscores a fifth and final durable
difference between Turkey and the EU. The EU project would be imperilled by
taking modernising states such as Turkey into its postmodern collective.34 The
EU as a security community – that is to say, as a group of states that neither
expects, nor prepares for, the use of force in relations amongst themselves –
would be threatened by accepting as members states that are still ready to go to
war with their neighbours, or which still seek the status of independent
regional powers. For such states, the predominant ‘other’ is their neighbour,
which contrasts starkly with an EU political identity founded on collective fear
of its members’ own past.35 From this perspective, the EU made a serious
mistake in admitting Greece in 1981. Like Turkey, Greece does not adequately
fit with the attitudes of ‘security community’ that characterise the rest of the
EU’s membership. While NATO has managed to cope with having two hostile
and potentially warring members within its ranks, it is far from clear that the
more delicate structures of the EU could withstand this kind of tension.
In this context, further problems flow from Turkey’s aspiration – revived
after the Cold War – to once again play the role of an independent middle-
sized power in its region. The long period of Turkey’s relative detachment from
the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia is over. Turkey has an
ambitious 30-year, $150 billion plan to build up a substantial defence-industrial
sector. Ankara wants greater military independence from unreliable Western
suppliers, one reason for its growing relationship with Israel as an alternative
source of military technology.36 In the years since its participation in the US-led
coalition against Iraq, Turkey has embarked on an ever more complex set of
relations in the Middle East. These include:
• an emerging ‘alliance’ with Israel (and seemingly also with Jordan, in order
to avoid too anti-Arab appearances);
• the enduring hostility to Syria, whose support for the PKK inspired Turkey
to threaten military action against it late 1998;
• a somewhat milder rivalry with Iran, reflecting the traditional hostility
between the Ottoman and Persian Empires;
• the frequent interventions against the Kurds in Iraq, and the general
entanglement that this creates with Syria and Iran because of the Kurdish
populations in those countries;
• tensions with Syria and Iraq over water supplies, arising from Turkey’s
dam-building projects on the upper reaches of the Euphrates river.
To the extent that Turkey wishes to, or cannot avoid, playing an independent
power role in the Middle East, it will further reduce the likelihood of gaining
membership in the EU. Up to a point, there is no necessary contradiction
between a more independent Turkish role in the Middle East, and continued
close security links between the EU and Turkey. Turkey’s links with the US will
probably be even more tolerant of such a role. But the EU will want to keep
Turkey as a security insulator between itself and the Middle East, and to resist
at all costs Turkey’s becoming a short-circuit between the security dynamics of
the Middle East and those of the Balkans.
All these differences are sufficiently large and durable to make the 1997
Luxembourg decision seem correct – however ill-mannered and hurtful the
circumstances of its delivery. But the decision leaves an urgent, unanswered
question of how to acknowledge the differences, yet grasp the equally
compelling argument and durable joint interests to carve out a more stable
relationship that puts less stress on the domestic affairs of both parties.
which should be maintained. The central task, however, will be to place Turkey
on the ‘cognitive map’ of the EU’s decision-makers, where it has so far (and
especially after the events of 1989–90) been ignored as a significant actor in its
own right, and more or less been treated as an object on the fringes.39 This has
reinforced Turkey’s feeling of being left at the sidelines at best, or becoming
Europe’s self-defining ‘other’ at worst. A vital step would consist in creating
fora in which Turkey and the EU could coordinate their policies without
entangling each and every issue into the membership problematic. In fact, such
fora do not have to be created out of the blue, but may be built upon current
institutions, among them the Association Council of the Ankara Agreement,
and the EU–Turkey Joint Parliamentary Committee. In a similar way, the
European Conference could be upgraded from a forum simply to discuss the
adjustment of applicant states’ political and economic systems to EU require-
ments, to a permanent conference including all ‘concentric circle’ states and
dealing with matters in which EU decisions affect others beyond its full
members. The Conference’s presidency would then have to rotate between all
its members, and not be reserved to the EU presidency.
The effects of such changes would be a continued participation of Turkey in
EU decision-making processes, and in particular in its Common Foreign and
Security Policy (CFSP) discussions, without having to become a full member.
Such a configuration would leave Turkey’s systemic position as insulator
intact, and would leave it with enough space to develop a leading role in the
regional security dynamics that surround it. It would also acknowledge and
enhance Turkey’s vital role in the EU’s regional cooperations in the Black Sea
and other areas, which occupy a central place in the EU’s relations with its
neighbours.40 Finally, such a set-up should be underpinned by Turkey’s
participation in the EU’s cultural and educational exchange programmes, such
as Socrates (the European Community action programme for cooperation in the
field of education). This would strengthen mutual understandings, as well as
the further development of a Westernistic culture within Turkey.
With respect to the perennial conflicts between Turkey and Greece, ideally
the EU and the US would use their combined leverage to press the two states
towards a general settlement of the Aegean and Cyprus disputes.41 In reality
these problems are so intractable that making their resolution – as opposed to
their containment – a condition for anything else would be unrealistic and
counter-productive. Greek–Turkish differences run deep. The Turkish military
seems quite unwilling to let go of its strategic hold on northern Cyprus, which
is a keystone to its whole conception of Turkey’s future regional role and
security needs; Greece and the Cypriot government have also contributed their
share of provocative actions. This means that Greece and Turkey are highly
unlikely themselves to generate proposals to settle the disputes between them.
In order for the US and/or the EU to generate such proposals, they would have
to have a clear sense of their own policy objectives in the area. But neither does.
US policy is made incoherent by the contradictory demands of supporting
Israel and maintaining its influence over the supply of oil. The EU has so far
failed even to develop the political machinery to mount a CFSP, but its
Survival, vol. 41, no. 1, Spring 1999, pp. 4157
© International Institute for Strategic Studies
The European Union and Turkey 55
particular problem in this case is that Greece is among its members, and thus
able to prevent any policy that would run counter to Greek interests. Since
rectification of these faults is not in prospect, the EU and the US are not in a
position to push forward a comprehensive settlement of the Greek–Turkish
As far as the EU is concerned, it should recognise that it cannot approach
the conflict as if it were an outside player. However, even greater EU attention
to the problem, and a more critical EU attitude towards Greece, will not resolve
the conflict quickly. Probably the best that the US and the EU can do at this
point is to continue to restrain the two sides from sliding into war, while
helping to keep communication alive – an aim against which the opening of
membership negotiations with Cyprus was counter-productive, or at least not
While the EU has much to do in order to reconstruct its relationship with
Turkey, Turkey also has some difficult tasks to confront. Perhaps the hardest –
but also the most necessary – is to recognise the realities of its historical legacy,
and accept a Westernistic rather than a Western self-definition. Doing so would
allow Turkey to cultivate its similarities and its differences with Europe. It
would free Turkey from the necessity to legitimate its own development by
strictly European standards of civilisation, and offer an alternative to the
destructive option of being either wholly in or wholly out of the EU. The
legacies of history and geography mean that Turkey has a complicated hand to
play. Its relationships with the US and the EU are potential trump cards.
The 1997 Luxembourg decision might go down in history not as a landmark
of diplomatic rudeness, but as a turning point from which a more sustainable,
and more mutually fruitful relationship began to develop. But this happier
scenario will require significant changes of attitude on both sides. Some of
these changes have already started to appear, such as Turkey’s reorientation
towards its northern and eastern neighbours and a more open debate about
redefining the Kemalist six pillars, and many of them can be based on a set of
heritages from the past, such as the modernisation strategies of the late
Ottoman Empire. One should also remember that Turkey in the 1970s, when its
relations with the US reached a low point, did draw a distinction between
constructing itself as a European state and being part of European (or, in that
case, North Atlantic) organisations.42 The idea that one may define oneself as
‘European’ without necessarily belonging to all European institutions as a full
member was not alien to Turkish politicians, at least in that period. Foreign
policy has not been as much debated within Turkey since the 1970s as it is
today, with a recognised need for a coherent vision for the future.43 At the same
time, the debate within the EU seems to have shifted towards a wider
acceptance of flexible integration patterns.44
A failure to pursue more radical changes of attitude means that future
relations will have as their foundation only the bitterness of Turkey’s rejection,
and the confusion and evasion of current EU policy. In such a poisoned
environment, much will be lost that might have been gained by the sensible
pursuit of mutual interests with respect for enduring differences.
Survival, vol. 41, no. 1, Spring 1999, pp. 4157
© International Institute for Strategic Studies
56 Barry Buzan and Thomas Diez
The authors thank Birgitta Frello, Ulla Council, 12 and 13 December 1997,
Holm, David Jacobson, Pertti Joenniemi, Presidency Conclusions’, 1997, items 31–
Dietrich Jung, Isil Kazan, Ole Wæver 36 (see
and Richard Whitman for comments on dg7/summits/en/lux1.htm). The other
an earlier version of this paper. 11 states are: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Notes Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,
IISS, Strategic Survey 1997/98 (London: Slovenia.
Oxford University Press for IISS, 1998), ‘Turkey: What a Tangle’, The Economist,
p. 139. 31 October 1998, p. 33.
R.B.J. Walker, Inside/Outside: Andrea Smutek-Riemer, ‘Die Türkei:
International Relations as Political Theory Wandel und Kontinuität’, Österreichische
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Militärische Zeitschrift, no. 1/1997, pp.
Press, 1993). 38–39.
John Gerard Ruggie, ‘Territoriality and European Commission, ‘Enlarging the
Beyond: Problematizing Modernity in EU: Regular Report from the
International Relations’, International Commission on Progress towards
Organization, vol. 47, no. 1, 1993, pp. Accession: Turkey’, November 1998,
139–74. ‘Postmodern’ in the sense used B.2.2. (see
here means moving beyond the hard dg1a/enlarge/report_11_98_en/turkey/
boundaries and centralised sovereignty b22.htm).
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21 34
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22 35
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Security Dialogue, vol. 29, no. 1, 1998, pp. The Economist, 19 September 1998, pp.
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23 37
Müftüler-Bec, Turkey’s Relations, pp. Müftüler-Bec, Turkey’s Relations.
44–46. Larrabee, The Troubled Partnership, pp.
Isil Kazan and Ole Wæver, ‘Tyrkiet 9–10.
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27 42
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Wæver, ‘Europe’s Three Empires’, pp. Europa’, p. 159.
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