Turkey & Europre
Turkey & Europre
Turkey & Europre
• Turkey and
The maın organs of the EU
The 1990s
The Cardiff and Vienna Summits of the European Council in 1998, not given
candidate status to Turkey (put in a special category with unspecified
financial resources)
Includes Turkey with other applicant countries in its Regular Report of November 4
Turkey, this did not mean equal treatment; the EU not formulated a pre-accession
strategy for Turkey and not carry out its financial obligations
* Turkey would pay little attention to the commission’s reports as long as it was not
granted candidate status in a summit meeting of the European Council
• Changes in the international climate as the
continuing problems in the Balkans and the
Kosova Crisis ~ a more comprehensive
geopolitical understanding of the Balkans
• The insistence on the membership of
Cyprus by Greece led some EU members to
realize that the exclusion of Turkey could
result in major tensions between Turkey
and Greece
• This undermines stability in the Eastern
• Commission’s 1999 Strategy Report and the
Progress Report regarding Turkey reflects
the importance of geo-political factors
The helsınkı summıt • 9/11 events led to the more inclusionary
attitude towards Turkey
and afterwards
• After 1998 elections in Germany, a new coalition
government of Social Democrats and the Green
Party more inclusionary policy towards Turkey’s
• The significance of political and economic
criteria in the process rather than the religious
and cultural factors
• In Greece, critical changes after the ‘Öcalan
episode,’ replacement of anti-Turkish FM T.
Pangalos by Y. Papandreou, a strong supporter of
Turkey’s accession to the EU
• In March 2001, Turkey’s economic crisis and the
EU anchor needed for trade and financial
relations also the inflow of foreign investment
• This was accepted by the 3 coaltion party
government and JDP (AKP)
• Helsinki Summit of 1999, Turkey as a
candidate country and pre-accession
• The coalition government (DSP,
ANAVATAN, MHP), a major reform
process as the abolition of the death
penalty and cultural rights to minorities
• Accelerated after 2002 with the AKP
• Interaction between governmental and
non-governmental actors~ civil society
organizations to Brussels to lobby for
accession in 2002-2004
• Support for the accession to the EU 75%
After 2004, EU institutional
Membership of Cyrus and the EU
problems (French and Dutch Turkey asked in return the lifting
asked the opening of Turkish
non-ratification of the of all restrictions in Cyprus
airports and seaports to the
Constitutional Treaty) made (movements of goods…)
vessels of the Republic of Cyprus
difficult to focus on Turkey