Turkey & Europre

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Week X: 10 May

• Turkey and
The maın organs of the EU
The 1990s

- The division of Europe

- Turkey’s role in the - New the US-Europe
ended with the
enlargement process of cooperation should be
movement toward
the EU marginal, pivotal based on shared
unity of Western and
role in Eurasia leadership
Eastern Europe

In December 1989, With Turkey, democracy

- Turkey realized that
accession negotiations as a sine qua non for
the ‘West’ no longer
with any country not inclusion in the
homogeneous entity
start before 1993 community
• Problems in financial cooperation: Decision-making bodies as
the EC-Turkey Association Council and the Joint Turkey-EC
Parliamentary Committee (supervised and coordinated the
Association Agreement between Turkey and the EU) not met
after 1981
• The EC facing difficulties of consolidation (the strategy for a
single market by 1993)
• The EU welcomed applications from groups of countries having
close relations
• The June1993 Copenhagen Council noted that the Eastern
European countries shall become members if they fulfil the
official accession conditions
• Turkey, not EU accession per se but the establishment of the
Customs Union (1996)
• In July 1997, the Commission’s
Agenda 2000 evaluated the
progress of all EU applicants
except Turkey
• In December 1997, Luxemburg
Summit acknowledged the
candidancy of 10 Central and
Eastern Euroepan countries plus
• But a special status to Turkey with
a long perspective of full
• Included in the enlargement
process but not given pre-
accession process
• Special European strategy
prepares Turkey for accession by
bringing closer to the EU
Certain countries put ahead
Cyprus, not merely a
Turkey’s reaction to the of Turkey (politically and
candidate, was put among
Luxemburg Meeting: economically more
the first rank of candidates

To continue the relationship The Turkish government to

based on the Association suspend political dialogues
Agreement rather than on with the EU and not to
the decision of the participate in the European
Luxemburg Summit conference in 1998
Turkey, the disadvantage of implementing the Customs Union (CU) without
receiving financial assistance from the EU

The CU for Turkey linked to the problematic prospect of full membership,

then in a vacuum and subject to revision

The Cardiff and Vienna Summits of the European Council in 1998, not given
candidate status to Turkey (put in a special category with unspecified
financial resources)

Some improvements: the realization of financial resources for the

implementation of the European strategy, the avoidance of the mention of
political issues as Cyprus
The European Commission, wide range proposals outlining areas of cooperation:

The intensification of industrial cooperation and stimulation of investment, the

extension of the CU to the sectors of agriculture and services, the mechanisms
enabling Turkey to become involved in certain common community programs and
agencies, the implementation of financial cooperation…

Includes Turkey with other applicant countries in its Regular Report of November 4

Turkey, this did not mean equal treatment; the EU not formulated a pre-accession
strategy for Turkey and not carry out its financial obligations

* Turkey would pay little attention to the commission’s reports as long as it was not
granted candidate status in a summit meeting of the European Council
• Changes in the international climate as the
continuing problems in the Balkans and the
Kosova Crisis ~ a more comprehensive
geopolitical understanding of the Balkans
• The insistence on the membership of
Cyprus by Greece led some EU members to
realize that the exclusion of Turkey could
result in major tensions between Turkey
and Greece
• This undermines stability in the Eastern
• Commission’s 1999 Strategy Report and the
Progress Report regarding Turkey reflects
the importance of geo-political factors
The helsınkı summıt • 9/11 events led to the more inclusionary
attitude towards Turkey
and afterwards
• After 1998 elections in Germany, a new coalition
government of Social Democrats and the Green
Party more inclusionary policy towards Turkey’s
• The significance of political and economic
criteria in the process rather than the religious
and cultural factors
• In Greece, critical changes after the ‘Öcalan
episode,’ replacement of anti-Turkish FM T.
Pangalos by Y. Papandreou, a strong supporter of
Turkey’s accession to the EU
• In March 2001, Turkey’s economic crisis and the
EU anchor needed for trade and financial
relations also the inflow of foreign investment
• This was accepted by the 3 coaltion party
government and JDP (AKP)
• Helsinki Summit of 1999, Turkey as a
candidate country and pre-accession
• The coalition government (DSP,
ANAVATAN, MHP), a major reform
process as the abolition of the death
penalty and cultural rights to minorities
• Accelerated after 2002 with the AKP
• Interaction between governmental and
non-governmental actors~ civil society
organizations to Brussels to lobby for
accession in 2002-2004
• Support for the accession to the EU 75%
After 2004, EU institutional
Membership of Cyrus and the EU
problems (French and Dutch Turkey asked in return the lifting
asked the opening of Turkish
non-ratification of the of all restrictions in Cyprus
airports and seaports to the
Constitutional Treaty) made (movements of goods…)
vessels of the Republic of Cyprus
difficult to focus on Turkey

In 2006, the EU Summit froze

negotiations until the Turkish
The destabilization of Iraq (as
government met its Additional
result of US invasion in 2003)
Protocol commitments
increased debate on Turkey’s
(extending Turkey’s CU with the
turbulent neighborhood
EU to the newly acceding
members including Cyprus)
• The specific nature of the
negotiating framework:
• After the enlargement towards
Central and Eastern Europe,
stricter conditions
• Emphasis on ‘open-endedness’
and permanent derogation of
the mobility of peoples,
agricultural subsidies and
structural funds
• In 2004, Greek Cypriots said
‘no’ to the Annan Plan ( Cyprus
reunification plan)
• Regarding the Copenhagen
political criteria, Turkey met it
sufficiently not fully
• Turkey-EU negotiations in a
manner different from the
Identity leadership The
of the The As the
issues, opposition governmen
governing traditional
Turkey is parties Consensus t lost its
party to political
not more in the enthusiasm The rise of
voice their pattern
European nationalisti business , not a Euro-
reservation shaping
(religious c outlook community substantial scepticism
s Turkish
and on issues disintegrat dialogue and
concerning politics re-
cultural as Cyprus ed with civil nationalism
freedoms emerged
values) society
of religion

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