2 Competencies in Entrepreneurship
2 Competencies in Entrepreneurship
2 Competencies in Entrepreneurship
Awesome Entrepreneurs!
Competencies In Entrepreneurship
and Job Opportunities for
Entrepreneurship as a Career
After going 1. Gain insights about
through the the competencies
every Entrepreneur
module, you should develop.
expected 2. Explore job
to: opportunities for
as a career.
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur
the process of one who creates a new
developing and running business in the face of risk
a business which is built and uncertainty for the
around an idea to solve a purpose of achieving
problem or address an profit and growth by
issue in a unique way. identifying significant
opportunities and
assembling the necessary
resources to capitalize on
Why you may
want to pursue
Reasons People Pursue
Eureka – You have
a brilliant idea and
want to give it a try!
You want to be my
own boss.
Ka-ching, I want to
be rich
You hate your job –
you’re no longer
inspired, you’re at a
dead end
You think it’s
glamorous and
You want
professional growth,
and increased
You want flexibility
and freedom
What does it take
to be a successful
Mind-set & Skills Needed For
Entrepreneurial Success
• Are you a self-starter?
• Are you a positive
• Are you disciplined?
• Can you be objective?
Traits of 1. Vision
Successful 2. Sticking at it
Entrepreneurs 3. Passion
4. Uncertainty-tolerant
5. Self-confidence
6. Adaptability
7. Rule-breaking
8. Ability to plan
9. Involved
How would you
know if you have
what it takes to be
an entrepreneur?
1. The ability to manage money
2. The ability to raise money
3. The ability to relieve stress
4. The ability to be productive
5. The ability to make entrepreneur friends.
6. The ability to identify strengths and weaknesses.
7. The ability to hire effective people.
8. The ability to train new staff.
9. The ability to manage staff.
10. The ability to conduct SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
11. The ability to A/B split test.
12. The ability to connect via social networking.
13. The ability to focus on your customers.
14. The ability to close a sale.
15. The ability to spot new trends.
16. The ability to deal with failure.
17. The desire to improve your world.
What are the Skills/
Competencies You
Need to Develop
to Become a
Core and Common
Competencies In
Competencies in
entrepreneurship play a
leading role in making
entrepreneurs successful
Entrepreneurial competencies
facilitate opportunity
help adapt rapidly to changes,
enhances business
strengthen the firm’s
competitive position and
stir the achievement of
organizational success.
Entrepreneurial competencies
It is the sum total of the
personality, skills and
knowledge that the
entrepreneur possesses, which
are necessary to effectively
perform their functions and
So, what is Competence is an
underlying personal
characteristic which
leads to superior
It is a combination of
knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and
What about Core competence
is the foundation for
sharpening a
Competence? company's
competitive edge
and it guides brand
reputation, business
growth, and
marketing strategy .
And, common Common
competence? Competence is
one that describes
the knowledge,
skills and abilities
found in most or all
position .
Core Competence Common Competence
1. Organizing and Planning 1. Analytical and critical
2. Cash flow management thinking
3. Personnel management 2. Decision making
4. Operations and
distribution 3. Leadership
5. Customer Relations 4. Communication
6. Bookkeeping/Accountin 5. Computer Literacy
7. Promotions and 6. Human Relations
Advertising 7. Managing Change
8. Resources Management 8. Creative Thinking
9. Financial Management 9. Time Management
10. Information
Management 10. Conflict Management
Generally, • Engineering
there are four
• Manufacturing
skills necessary
to successful • Selling
business. • Business
They apply
equally to any
the skill to invent and
develop new
products (or
the skill to deliver
them, consistently
and reliably, with
quality, service, and
the skill to sell them.
the skill to make a
profit doing the
other three.
4 Essential
Skills for School
Problem Identification skills
Team Building Skills
Financial Modelling Skills
Innovation and Creativity
Problem Identification Skills
• Problem-solving ability benefits not only
students in their academic or
professional lives, but also helps them in
building a positive attitude in tackling
everyday life challenges.