Eseu Eng Ase
Eseu Eng Ase
Eseu Eng Ase
My name is Havreștiuc C. Stefania Maria and I am a graduate of “Spiru Haret” National College of
Computer Science, Suceava, natural sciences profile, 2019-2023 promotion. The desire to continue my studies
after high school, to be specialised in a certain domain, to develop myself, to follow my dreams and also the
quality of academic education in Romania, all of these determined me to apply to the Academy of Economic
Studies, as my first option.
My career searches began in the 11th grade, by participating in a vocational counselling project at school. In
this project I found out about my interests, personality and skills and based on them, I found out which
professions would suit me. I found out about the educational offer of the Academy of Economic Studies from
its website, constantly following the information.
I want to study at the Academy of Economic Studies because I am interested in accumulating knowledge
both in the field of informatics and in the economic field, which determines me to apply at the Faculty of
Cybernetics, Statistics and Economic Informatics, Economic Cybernetics specialization.
I had the opportunity to meet a graduate of this faculty, even of the specialization I am interested in, and
when he revealed me what economic cybernetics means, I realized that this is exactly what suits me. The
passion with which she spoke about her job and the similarities we noticed between us determined me to make
the decision to consider Economic Cybernetics as my first option.
My expectations regarding the educational process are to accumulate information during it, skills and
knowledge needed in practicing a job in both economics and computer science. I intend to get involved in as
many volunteer actions as the university puts us to provision, as well as in various workshops or projects. I do
not exclude the option to apply for a part-time job, which will help me gain experience in the selected field, if
time allows.
I want to study at the Academy of Economic Studies, and after completing the three years of study, to
follow the master's degree program also within this institution.
During high school I had the opportunity to be involved in various cultural projects and in their organization
as well as in certain volunteering actions, but what marked my extracurricular experience are Erasmus+
projects. I had the chance to be part of an activity about the environment and how we can avoid its degradation.
It involves the exchange of experience which gave me the opportunity to go to Side, Turkey, for a week and
then to host students from the participating countries.
I am an active person, who loves to be involved in various projects, as evidenced by the experiences
presented above. Thus, during college I aim to get involved in any extracurricular activity that will be proposed.
Having a beautiful experience in high school, with European projects in particular, I do not hesitate to be part of
Erasmus+ mobilities again, but I am happy to participate in any type of project.
Finally, I consider myself a suitable person to follow the higher education program within the Academy of
Economic Studies because I am a communicative, curious person, organized and I enjoy getting involved in any
activity. I am also a persevering person and when I know I have to get to a point, I put all the effort necessary to
succeed. One last aspect would be that I love working with people, both individually and as a team, being
flexible and empathetic.
Date................................... Candidate signature................................