Annisa Ramadhani - Motivation Letter
Annisa Ramadhani - Motivation Letter
Annisa Ramadhani - Motivation Letter
27 April 2020
I am first-year Industrial and System Engineering student with interest in education, logical,
human right, foreign language, and culture. Living in small town of Java island without any
University makes me to take endeavor for studying in Surabaya, second biggest city in
Indonesia, furthermore joining international program such this Summer School. I consider this
program a vibrant experience to get the opportunity to meet students all over the world and
learn culture and differences especially Brazil. I am certain to push through with the dedication
I have always worked with to accomplish my goals and gain more insight also experience.
Many fields of experinces I ever had, for example I selected to be school and regency delegation
for training in managerial and leadership program. Besides, I also high motivated to compete in
olympiad or competition especially academic. For those experiences, I got scholarship from
Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia so that makes me more responsible and motivated.
At the moment, I handle committee of big event in Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology
named ITS EXPO 2020 which collaborates aspects of art, education, and culture. That will be
supported by technology from students all departments. I am pretty excited to learn foreign
insight since I was in Junior High School, so I learn about some countries over the world. In this
opportunity, exactly I interest to know more about Brazil in many aspects.
Further details regarding my previous experiences are listed in my curriculum vitae, which is
attached along this requirement. I strongly believe that my skills and experiences would bring
impacts both to your program and to me. I will take efforts to show that I am capable and even
exceeding your expectation. I will be reached through email, looking forward to join Summer
School Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Thank you for your time and considerations.
Annisa Ramadhani