Hira SPC Infra

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Doc. Name/No Date Rev Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By

Master HIRA 10th Jan-2023 Mr. Sajid Mr. Arivu


Doc No.1.16 (HIRA) SPC Infra Project

1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................3
2. DEFINITIONSANDACRONYMS...........................................................................................................3
3. HIRAORGANISATIONSTRUCTURE......................................................................................................4
4. RESPONSIBILITIES OFHIRATEAM.......................................................................................................4
5. FREQUENCY......................................................................................................................................5
6. METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................................5
7. EFFECTIVENESS.................................................................................................................................8
8. MASTER HIRA FORCRITICAL ACTIVITIES............................................................................................9
1) Excavation..................................................................................................................................10
2) Blasting Activity..........................................................................................................................17
3) Bar Bending & Cutting................................................................................................................21
4) Scaffolding..................................................................................................................................23
5) Formwork...................................................................................................................................26
6) Shuttering...................................................................................................................................28
7) Batching Plant Operation............................................................................................................31
8) Concreting..................................................................................................................................34
9) Movement Of Equipment & Machineries...................................................................................36
10) Portable Electric Power Tools And Electrical Equipment............................................................38
11) Lifting Of Material.......................................................................................................................39
12) Working At Height......................................................................................................................41
13) Welding, Gas Cutting & Grinding................................................................................................42
14) Grit Blasting /Abrasive Blasting..................................................................................................45
15) Road Work-Widening Project (Flexible Pavement /Bc Pavement).............................................46
16) Roof Works.................................................................................................................................49
17) Confined Space...........................................................................................................................50
18) Radiography...............................................................................................................................52
19) Tower Erection And Stringing.....................................................................................................53
20) Working Near IR Track................................................................................................................61
21) Under Ground Tunnel Work.......................................................................................................63
22) Working Over Or Adjacent To Water..........................................................................................68


The objective of this Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (HIRA) is to identifying and assessing the
hazard associated during the construction of project and there by controlling the risk by implementing
mitigation measures before start of the work to avoid incident. HIRA helps to become proactive rather
than just reactive.


The following terms used in this report have the meaning defined below:

ALARP : As Low As Reasonably Practicable. This is the level,

where the time, effort, difficulty and cost of further
reduction measures becomes disproportionate to the
additional risk reduction from the incremental effects.
CONSEQUENCE : The unmitigated impact of the hazard in terms of
People, Environment, Asset and Reputation.
HAZARD : The potential to cause harm, including ill health and
injury, damage to property, products or the
environment; production losses or increased liabilities.
HIERARCHYOFCONTROLS : An order of preference in application of risk mitigations.
The order is: Eliminate, Substitute, Isolate, Engineer,
Administration and PPE.
PROBABILITY : The possibility of the event happening.
MAJOR RISK : A risk that has the potential to result in a Major Accident
classified as high risk to people, assets, the
environment and/or company reputation as defined in
HCCB SHE Risk Matrix.

The acronyms used in this document have the meaning defined below:

Acronym Definition

E&I : Electrical and Instrumentation

HIRA : Hazard Identification Risk Assessment

SHE : Safety, Health and Environment

HRA : Health Risk Assessment

RAM : Risk Assessment Matrix

OCP : Operational Control Procedure

HCCB : Job by Engineering Pvt. Ltd.


Process Owner

Safety In-Charge

Site Incharge HR/Admin Fleet Representative
Team Member Team Member Team Member Team Member

Civil Mechanical Electrical

Team Member Team Member Team Member


S.No Person Responsibility

 RCM is process owner.
 To form a HIRA Cross functional team along with Site In-
charge/Engineer (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical), Safety In-charge,
1 RCM/CPM/PM Fleet, HR/Admin and subcontractor representative.
 Any material to be required as per the Precautionary measures
and proposed control measures need to arrange
 To review the updated HIRA and approve it.
 To prepare Method statement of each activity.
 To participate in preparing HIRA.
 To incorporate all the Hazard & appropriated precautionary
2 Site In-charge measures as per the site environment, to bring down the risk level
to acceptable risk and communicate down the level.
 Before issuing PTW ensure all precautionary measures are in place.
 Ensure HIRA talk by site supervisor before starting the activity.
 Work as Facilitator to prepare HIRA based on the method
 Ensure all concern person are available for preparing HIRA.
 To incorporate all the Hazard & appropriated precautionary
Safety In- measures in HIRA format along with responsibility.
charge  Communicate updated HIRA to all concern for implementation
and ensure all precautionary measures are in place. The same
shall be communicated to SBG SHE Head and Corporate SHE
 To ensure safety supervisor shall monitor for any deviation.
 If any deviation, escalate to Site In-charge, RCM/CPM/PM and
4  Follow the precautionary measure as per the HIRA


 Site Team need to prepare Dynamic HIRA along with proposed control measure on the basis of
Master HIRA.
 HIRA need to be prepared before start of each activity.
 HIRA need to be updated after occurrence of any incident, management of change, change of work
methodology and change of any regulation. If there is no change then it should be reviewed half-

The HIRA review is the structured multidisciplinary hazard identification, risk assessment and methodology that
provides detail review of hazard, risk and control of the construction activities. Their view is facilitated by the
relevant construction personnel in the brainstorming session
This review covers the following steps in a systematic approach as follows in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Overview of HIRA Methodology

Select a Node (Activity)

Identify Identify
Hazards Exposed Group

Analyze and evaluate

Health risk with the RAM

Performrisk Repeat for all

assessment nodes

Propose additional control

Measures as to reduce the risk
to ALARP (Acceptable Risk)


Set Priority and Action Plan

Figure 6.2 HIRA Flowchart


Method Statement Receipt of method statement

Identify work nodes (activities)

Form team

Identify sequential steps of the nodes

Prepare HIRA

Circulate HIRA

Communicate HIRA

Provide Training

Measure training effectiveness





If any



Steps of HIRA review is summarized as follows:

 Classify work/assessment units or work activities during construction phase (based on Work
Method Statement).
 Identify the hazards associated with work activities.
 List out the Consequence of the hazard involved in the activity.
 Assess and score the risk (i.e. probability X severity) using the Risk Matrix as per HCCB Risk
Assessment Matrix (RAM) (refer to Section6.3).
 List out present controls (preventive and recovery).
 Assess the risk based on present controls.
 Reassess the medium and high risk to bring it down to acceptable risk.
 Verify compliance to regional Regulation, Project Specifications and applicable international
codes and standards.


For each of the identified hazard, the level of risk is assessed based on the HCCB SHE Risk Assessments
Matrix (see Figure 6.3) during HIRA review. Risk ranking is firstly performed based on the unmitigated
risk for each hazard, and then the level of risk is re- evaluated after taking into consideration of the
existing prevention/mitigation measures and controls.

Figure 6.3 HCCB/AMs/SPC SHE Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM)

Very Likely - 5 5 10 15 20 25

Likely - 4 4 8 12 16 20
Possible - 3 3 6 9 12 15
Unlikely - 2 2 4 6 8 10
VeryUnlikely-1 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Negligible Slight Moderate High Very High
Risk Risk Level Action
May be acceptable but review task to see if risk can be
1 to 6 Low Risk reduced
Task should only be undertaken with appropriate management
8 to 12 Medium Risk
authorization after consultation with specialist personnel and
Task must not proceed. It should be red define door further
15 to 25 High Risk control.
Measures put in place to reduce risk. The controls should

If the risk is in the Green region on the HCCB SHE-RAM, this is broadly acceptable and no further
action is required. If the risk is in the yellow region on the HCCB SHE RAM, this is in the tolerable
regions and needs to be demonstrated to be As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARP) by
recommending further action. If the Risk is still in the Red region, this is not acceptable and action
definitely needs to be taken. HIRA Review team shall discuss the proposed actions, where applicable,
to address the hazard that is ascribed with a medium to high-risk rating.


Controls are required to be separated into preventive and recovery. Controls are required to be
categorized using the hierarchy of controls (eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering, administrative,
and PPE) (see Figure 6.4). This allows review of controls to ensure the principle of inherently safer
construction is being applied.

Figure 6.4 Control Measures


 Present Risk reduced to Acceptable Risk

 Reduction of incident
 Reduction in repetitive observation
 Improvement in Behavioral Safety


Master HIRA prepared for all identified critical activities as listed below

1) Excavation
2) Blasting Activity
3) Bar Bending &Cutting
4) Scaffolding
5) Form work
6) Shuttering
7) Batching Plant Operation
8) Concreting
9) Movement of Equipment & Machineries
10) Portable Electric Power Tools and Electrical Equipment
11) Lifting of Material
12) Working at Height
13) Welding, Gas Cutting & Grinding
14) Sand Blasting / Abrasive Blasting
15) Road Work-Widening Project (Flexible Pavement / Pavement)
16) Roof Works
17) Confined Space
18) Radiography
19) Tower Erection and Stringing
20) Working Near IRT rack
21) Under Ground Tunnel Work
22) Working Over or Adjacent to Water


Remarks (Acceptable: A/ Not-

Base Risk Residual Risk

Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
1 to 25

1 to 25
1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5
Non Routine
Sr. Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.1 Removal / R 1. Work near to the 1. Fatality/ 1. Barricading the work area. Y 2 4 8 1. Engage competent / experienced 1 4 4 A
cleaning of moving Vehicles / severe injury due to 2. Engaging the competent operators. personnel for handling /operating
Surface equipment. hit by the moving 3. Taking approval from relevant authorities hand tools / power tools during tree
encumbrances 2. Manual cutting& vehicles / equipment. and ensure PTW. cutting.
i.e. Electrical material handling 2. Fall from height and 4. Imparting the HIRA talks before start of work.
lines, trees, heap 3. Fall from height may result into 5. Avoiding the manual material handling as much
of soil, existing 4. Electrocution multiple injuries / as possible and introducing mechanical material
buildings, while using power fatality. handling for the removal of surface encumbrances.
existing roads tools 3. Cut injuries while
and other 5. Presence of doing manual material
existing underground / handling .i.e. Shifting /
structures overhead services pulling /pushing.
/ utilities; 4. Electrical
6. Use of sharp hand burn/fatality
1.2 Surface levelling R 1. Work near to the 1. Fatal / severe injury 1. Barricading the vehicle movement area N 2 4 8 1. Administrative control measures 1 4 4 A
(general cutting / moving Vehicles / due to hit by the and define pedestrian movement area are to be developed for vehicle
filling) equipment. moving vehicles / separately. fitness and engagement of
2. Topple of vehicle equipment. 2. Ensuring that vehicle movement area islevelled competent operators.
due to uneven and well compacted.
ground surface. 3. Prior information to the concern departments
3. Presence of of utility services and ensure de-energize /
overhead / isolation of source.

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Base Risk Residual Risk

Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
1 to 25

1 to 25
1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5
Non Routine
Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.3 Blasting NR 1. Fly rock 1. Injury due to flying 1. Imparting HIRA talks on blasting Y 2 4 8 Follow OCP-30: "Hard Rock Blasting" 1 4 4 A
operation for 2. Vibration rock, operation before start of work. for ensuring its close compliance /
hard rock cutting 2. Neel finger 2. Sufficient number of rubber mats / sand bags execution.
3. Hand-Arm Vibration are placing on the charging holes for minimizing
Syndrome(HAVS) the flying rock.
3. Delays are providing in-between every
two holes
4.WARNING SIGNAL - a one-minute series of
long audible signals 5 minutes prior to blast
signal; BLAST SIGNAL- a series of short audible
signals 1 minute prior to the shot.
ALL CLEAR SIGNAL- a prolonged audible signal
following the inspection of blast area.
Warning signs and flags shall be posted at all
access points.
5. Vibration effect is planning by a competent
person with full consideration for all forces and
conditions involved
6. Appropriate owners/ occupants and the public
is notified of the nature of blasting operations
7. Using appropriate earmuffs.
8. Creating awareness / informing the villagers/
public about blasting operation.
9. Providing warning signs / barricades as per
the requirement. Alerting the public with
1.4 Surveying R Presence of Loss of consciousness 1. Ensuring proper supervisor & using safety N 2 4 8 1. Use of pesticide /bleaching 1 4 4 A
poisonous / heart attack / fatal stick (wooden) powder / carbolic acid
reptiles/inspects 2. Ensuring use of appropriate PPE's (high 2. Ensure availability of emergency
ankle safety shoes) & avoiding loose clothing vehicle and contact details/ tie up
3. Ensure proper housekeeping/ use of with local hospitals
protective tools
4. Create awareness among the workforce and
staff/ monitoring.

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Base Risk Residual Risk

Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5
Non Routine
Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.5 Surveying R Improper Access / Slip / trip/ fall may 1. Ensuring general levelling of surface for N 2 3 6 A
working on uneven result injury to the vehicle movement
ground surface; personnel. 2.Deployment of flagman
3.Ensuring barricades to the work location at valley
/ steep access / ramps are existing.

1.6 Surveying R Working near to the Hit by the vehicles. 1. Ensuring competent driver. N 2 4 8 1. Provide rigid barricades for 1 4 4 A
moving vehicles / 2. Displaying sign boards / caution boards. defining the vehicle movement &
construction 3. Providing training / awareness &close pedestrian walkways separately.
vehicles monitoring
4.Using high visibility clothing.

1.7 Surveying R Presence of live Cardiac arrest / burns 1. Using Insulated tools and keeping minimum N 2 4 8 1. Use wooden / fiber levelling staffs 1 4 4 A
electrical cables due to electric shock. distance of 3meters. wherever electrical lines are existing.
near survey work. 2. Using rubber gloves. 2. Ensure emergency vehicle
3. Tie-up with local hospitals. availability till the completion of job.
4. Providing HIRA talks to the workforce before
start of work.
1.8 Surveying R Working in extreme 1. Sun stroke due to 1. Ensure availability of drinking water N 2 3 6 A
climatic conditions de-hydration. 2. Provide temporary rest sheds
2. Injuries / fell in sick 3. Avoiding the work during extreme
due to adverse climatic conditions e.g. Excessive cold/hot.

1.9 Surveying R Manual handling of Hit by the survey 1. Ensuring supervision for safe execution of work. N 2 3 6 A
survey instruments instruments while 2. Creating awareness on manual material
while shifting shifting manually and handling by imparting training before start of
manually. may receive injury. work.
3. Using appropriate PPE in the form of
safety shoes & hand gloves.

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Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5
Non Routine
Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.10 Cutting / digging R 1. Earth Collapse 1. Toppling of 1. Screening of workforce before Y 3 5 15 Maintain the slope as per the types of 1 5 5 A
the soil 2. Presence of equipment due to induction training soil.
mechanically buried electric earth collapse and 2. Medical examination as per Legal Requirement Follow OCP-03 "Excavation".
( Pit Excavation cables personnel may receive 3. Safety Induction; Issue of ID Card Avoid collapse of soil provide
up to 3.0M) 3. Presence of severe injury / fatal. 4. Imparting daily HIRA task shoring/shuttering/sheet piling.
overhead electrical 5. Use of PPE (Both Mandatory and work-related)
cables 6. Behavioral Safety Training
4. Movement / 7. If any unsafe act found, then - council them
working of &if done knowingly.
equipment instep 8. Motivate them by suitably rewarding them.
access / egress / 9. Do not allow any unauthorized to person
valley conditions. to enter the pit
10. Awareness towards safety by displaying
safety postures &slogan.
11. Relocating/ removing the overhead
electrical lines.
12. Deploying competent operators for
equipment use /operation.

1.11 Pit Excavation R *Same as above Injury / fatal due to: 1. Preventing ingress of water by providing N 2 4 8 Follow OCP-03 "Excavation". 1 4 4 A
beyond 3.0m plus* 1. Drowning temporary bunds / diverting the catchment water.
( *During 1. Flooding due to 2. Building /Structure 2. Obtaining prior approval of excavation
excavation / excessive rain / collapse due to cave- method from local authorities; if required
cutting*) underground water in or slides. /needed.
2. Digging in the 3. Electrocution 3. Relocating / removing the surcharge loads
vicinity of existing such as buildings / structures from the edge of
Building /Structure excavation before mechanical digging / cutting
3. Movement of operation.
vehicles / 4. Impart training on Excavation to all operators.
equipment’s 5. Separate entry & exit path for man
close and machinery must be maintained
to the edge of cut.

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Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5
Non Routine
Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.12 Working inside R 1. Formation of Injury / fatal due to: 1. Performing regular inspections as per checklist Y 3 4 12 Follow OCP-03 "Excavation" & assign Y 1 4 A
deep excavation tension cracks on 1. Soil collapse for tension cracks/cave-ins/dewatering /rain-cut. duties, responsibilities & authorities
(*After the edge of 2.slip/ trip while 2. Continuous de-watering system in case of to the concern execution team.
cutting/excavati excavation Manual material seepage of water
on on*) 2. Formation of handling 3. Provide safe access/ egress by providing
cave-in on the sides 3. Fall of person gentle ramps / standard ladders / modular
of excavation 4. Fall of material stairways.
3. Water seepage 5. Fall of equipment 4. Providing Sloping / benching / shoring / sheet
4. Rain-cut piling to restrict the soil collapse as per the type
5. Presence of of soil.
steep access / 5. Avoiding vehicle movement near to
egress/ ramp the excavation.
6. Manual shifting of 6. Providing rigid barricades, signage’s &
materials / portable illumination to avoid fall of person inside
equipment excavation.
7. Presence of 7. Regular HIRA talks are being imparted
unprotected vertical to workforce on daily basis.
trench/ excavation 8. Checking the oxygen levels & other toxic
walls gases with gas detector.
8. Vehicle
movement near to
the excavation
9.Presence of toxic
10. Presence of
surcharge loads
such as stacking of
excavated soil on
the edge of

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Base Risk Residual Risk

Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 25
1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5

1 to 5
Non Routine
Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.13 Heavy Vehicle R Speed, Hit, slip, trip Collision Following DOs & DON'Ts as listed below: Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure site layout plan is 1 4 4 A
movement & fall. Overturn 1. Don't leave the keys in the cabin. implemented
Topple 2. Don't allow any other person / cleaner to 2. Ensure daily checklist compliance
Fire drive the vehicle.
3. Don't use Mobile phone while driving
the vehicle.
4. Parking of vehicles near the excavated area is
strictly prohibited and also not in the access
5. Minimum of 3 meters’ distance to be
maintained from the excavation with parking light
and display signage.
6. Avoid unnecessary parking.
7. Bank man or helper to deploy.
8. First aid box and fire extinguisher must be kept
inside the cabin.
9. Maintenance to be carried out by an
experience mechanic.
10. Other than construction vehicles should not
take into the work locations.
1.14 Removal of Soil R Entanglement, & Hit by bucket 1. The radius where the Bucket is operated Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 2 3 6 A
slip or trip should be barricaded. precautionary measures are in place
2. Signal man should be made available to 2. Ensure daily checklist compliance
guide the operator
3. Ensuring restriction of unauthorized
personnel to enter in the excavation area.
4. Ensuring all the personnel must wear reflective
5. Ensuring by that JCB / excavator operator
must aware of the surrounding area.
6. Operator should not use mobile phone or
hear music by inserting the head phone in there.
7. While swinging / reversing - indication horn
should be ON.

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Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5

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1 to 5
Non Routine
Routine (R)/

Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




1.15 Loading / R Workmen close to Physical injury/fatal 1. Engaging trained personnel Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 2 3 6 A
Unloading of soil the moving due to hit by 2. Engaging a signal person wherever loading/ precautionary measures are in place
equipment / machinery. unloading in progress. 2. Ensure daily checklist compliance
machinery. 3. No personnel should come in the approach /
radius of the JCB bucket while loading sand in the
4. Ensure that no personnel should stand in
the vicinity of loading activity.
5. Signal man should communicate once the
loading has been completed in the truck & he
should simultaneously inform the truck driver &
JCB operator.
6. Ensure that there must be a clear understanding
/ communication between operator & signalmen.
7. Not overload the trucks since there is
possibility of skidding while travelling on the
8. Ensuring no personnel movement on ramps
whereas trucks are plying on the ramp.
9. Providing signal men, caution boards&
1.16 Backfilling, R Including plying of Injury to personnel / 1. Vehicle movement area must be demarcated. Y 3 4 12 Follow : OCP-03 Excavation 1 4 4 A
Grading & vehicles on the fatal due to toppling 2. Soil strengthening of vehicle movement area/
Dumping uneven ground of vehicle /equipment road being done.
surface/ loose soil. / stuck in loose soil. 3. Impart HIRA Talk.

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Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5
(R)/ Non


Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




2.1 Transportation NR Fire & Explosion Multiple injuries/ Transportation of explosive materials shall be in Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure daily checklist compliance 1 4 4 A
of Explosive burns/ fatality accordance with Indian Explosive Rules 2008-Rule 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
material (3&4). precautionary measures are in place

2.2 Transportation NR Fire & Explosion Multiple injuries/ *W.O/ P.O shall be issued to a Licensed vendor / Y 2 4 8 1. Ensure daily checklist compliance 1 4 4 A
of Explosive burns/ Fatality supplier only*. 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
material precautionary measures are in place
Following control measures are ensuring from the
vendor's / sub-contractor's end.

1. Vehicles shall not be overloaded.

2. Shall be shifted by explosive van only.
3. Shall engage authorized operator and
proper trained helper.
4. Explosive material shall not expose to
sparking metal while transportation.
5. Vehicle shall equipped with one or more
6. Vehicle shall not take into garage /repair
while containing explosives.
7. Explosives and detonators shall not load /shift
8. Vehicle shall display with all placards/lettering /
numbering as mentioned in Indian Explosive Rules.

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Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5
(R)/ Non


Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




2.3 Storage & NR Fire & Explosion Multiple injuries / 1. There shall be no smoking/open lights/ fire of Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure daily checklist compliance 1 4 4 A
handling of burns / Fatality any kind within 50 ft. (15.2 m) where explosives 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
explosive are being handled. precautionary measures are in place
2. Storage of explosives and detonators shall
be done in a separate magazine.
3. No sparking material shall be used
while handling
4. Explosives and detonators shall be taken to
blasting area with original containers.
2.4 Drilling in rocks NR Dust Effects on Lungs 1. Red flag shall be displayed near the blasting N 3 3 9 1. Ensure daily checklist compliance A
area for the awareness of common people 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
2. Use of proper nose musk. precautionary measures are in place

2.5 Drilling in rocks NR Noise Temporary/ Use of Earplug / Ear muff N 3 3 9 1. Ensure safety check list A
permanent hearing is compliance.
loss 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
precautionary measures are in place

2.6 Drilling in rocks NR Fire & Explosion Multiple injuries / 1. Drilling and number of holes shall be N 2 4 8 1. Ensure safety check list 1 4 4 A
burns / Fatality determined and designed by a licensed is compliance.
blaster; 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
2. Drill holes shall be sufficiently large enough to precautionary measures are in place
freely allow for the insertion of the explosives;
3. Drilling and loading operations shall not
be carried on in the same area;
2.7 Drilling in rocks NR Flying particles of Get injury due to hit 1. Ensure job related PPE’s N 2 3 6 1. Ensure safety check list 1 3 3 A
rocks by the flying particles 2.Restrict the entry of unauthorized personnel. is compliance.
/ rocks 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
precautionary measures are in place

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Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5
(R)/ Non


Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




2.8 Loading and NR Fire & Explosion Multiple injuries / 1.Loading or loaded area shall be kept free of any N 3 4 12 1. Ensure safety checklist is 1 4 4 A
charging burns / Fatality equipment /operations /unauthorized personnel compliance.
2.No holes shall be loaded except those to be fired 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
in the next round of blasting precautionary measures are in place
3. Remaining explosive materials and
detonators shall be immediately returned to an
authorized magazine
4. No explosive shall be loaded or used
underground in the presence of combustible gases
or combustible dusts
5. All the detonators which are inserting in
the explosives shall have a cap
6. Tamping shall be done with wood rods
without exposed metal parts
7. Damaged detonating cards shall not be used
and shall be free of loops/ sharp kinks
8. Time delay EDs (electronic detonators) shall be
used for the charging.
2.9 Blasting activity NR Fly rock 1. Major injury/fatality 1. Ensuring daily positive interaction to the staff& Y 4 4 16 1. Ensure safety checklist is 2 4 8 A
public compliance.
2. Adequate no's of rubber mat, steel plate and 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
sand bags are to be placed on the charging holes precautionary measures are in place
for minimizing the flying rock
3.Delays are to be provided in-between of
every two holes
4.WARNING SIGNAL - a one-minute series of long
audible signals 5 minutes prior to blast signal;
5. BLAST SIGNAL- a series of short audible signals1
minute prior to the shot.
6. ALL CLEAR SIGNAL- a prolonged audible signal
following the inspection of blast area.

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Legal Concern(Y/N)

Acceptable: NA)
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1 to 5
(R)/ Non


Sub-Activity Potential Hazard Consequence Present Control Proposed Control




2.10 Blasting activity NR Vibration Collapse of structure 1. Vibration effect shall be planned by a Y 2 3 6 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 1 3 3 A
competent person with full consideration for precautionary measures are in place
all forces and conditions involved 2. Ensure safety checklist is
2.Appropriate owners/ occupants and the compliance.
public shall be notified of the nature of blasting
3.Monitoring / recording & interpreting of
vibrations shall be done by a qualified personnel
4. Use appropriate earmuffs.

2.11 Post Blasting NR Misfire Injury/fatality due to 1. Sensitive monitoring is to be done before N 2 4 8 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 1 4 4 A
explosion starting the activity; Area must be vacant before precautionary measures are in place
starting activity. 2. Ensure safety checklist is
2. Post blasting operation must be performed compliance.
under the supervision of a competent

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3.1 Stacking of R 1. Over stacking of Injury / fatal due to: 1. Stack the reinforcement rod on the base of Y 3 3 12 To follow OCP-04:Handling of 2 3 6 A
material material/ unstable 1. Collapse of material the concrete sleeper / concrete blocks & not on Reinforcement work
manner on to workmen the ground directly.
2. Poor material 2.Shift / collapse of 2. Material should not be stacked more than3
handling without stacked material. layers of bundle.
assessment 3. Hit by the loading/ 3. All the bars should be tied - minimum at 3
3. Mechanical unloading equipment. places & especially at the end so that they are
material handling not open.
4. Reinforcement should be laid in such a
manner that it does not block the passage.
5. Soft barricading should be provided around the
6. Gap should be provided for easy lifting/
inspection of the material.
7. All the personnel should wear appropriate PPEs.

3.2 Loading of R 1.Mechancal / Injury due to: 1. Only trained rigger / operators are to be Y 3 3 12 1. To follow OCP-04: Handling of 2 3 6 A
material Manual handling 1. Hit by the swinging performed the loading / unloading operation. Reinforcement work
without assessment part of crane 2. Carefully select the type of equipment to 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
2. Hit by the swinging carry out loading / unloading activity. precautionary measures are in place
material 3. Note the weight of the reinforcement
bundle before lifting.
4. Use of Chain sling / wire sling to lift the load.
5. The sling should be calibrated &inspected
before use.
6. While placing the sling carefully lift first at the
end & then tie the sling then lift at the other end.
7. If for some reason the load is to be lifted
through center, then repeat above steps
&then insert the sling in the middle.

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8. Never place the sling directly on the
packaged tie up of reinforcement rod.
9. Check the stability & firmness of the ground
where the crane / TRX is to be placed.
10. Operator should first inspect the place of
lifting, material to be lifted & path from where the
material to be shifted to be placed on the trailer.
11. First lift the load less than 4 to 6 inches from
the ground level & check the CG & its stability,
wait for few minutes.
12. Then again lift the load @ 1 Feet aboveground
13. Tie a Tag Line on both the end, the tagline
should be minimum 3 meters & the personnel
holding the tag line should

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4.1 Mobilization, R 1. Fall of material 1. Injury due to hit by 1. Do not lift the materials with bundle ties and to Y 3 2 6 1. Mobilization of scaffold material 2 2 4 A
Handling due to handling the swinging material be unloaded with suitable lifting equipment’s. inside shall be done only after
(loading / while unloading 2.Injury due to 2. Quality of scaffolding material shall be checked clearance from SHE department.
unloading) & from truck. collapse / shift of by the competent person as per the 2. Follow OCP-2:scaffolds (Erection/
stacking of 2. Improper stacked material. requirement. dismantling)
scaffold material. Stacking 3. Scaffolding materials should be stacked instable
manner and less than shoulder height. It must be
4. Tag line must be used while loading & unloading
of scaffold materials.
5. Experienced rigger must be engaged at the
time of loading &unloading.
6. Sleepers must be placed underneath
the scaffold materials.
7. Side support must be provided at stacking of
4.2 Erection of R 1. Fall from height Personnel injury due 1. Scaffolding should be erected as pert he Y 3 3 9 To follow OCP-2:scaffolds (Erection / 2 3 6 A
scaffolding 2. Collapse of to: drawing/scheme. dismantling)
scaffold 1. Fall from height 2. Before installation of scaffolding soil condition
3. Fall of material 2. Collapse of scaffold must be checked and verified.
3. Fall of material 3. Ground soil must be compacted.
4. Scaffolding shall be installed and modified under
the competent supervision with competent
scaffolders only as per scaffolding procedure.
5. After installation scaffolding tag system is being
6. Scaffolding shall not be used without
authorization of scaffolding inspector/supervisor.

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4.3 Working on R *above hazards Injury / fatal due to: 1. Scaffolders must undergo for medical test and Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-2: scaffolds(Erection 2 3 6 A
scaffolding at plus*: 1. Fall of person from vertigo test . / dismantling)
height height 2. PTW system must be followed. 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
1. Missing of scaffold 2. Collapse of scaffold 3. Activity shall be carried out by competent precautionary measures are in place
members such as 3. Fall of material scaffolders.
railings / bracings / 4. Shall be used full body harness with scaffolding
ledgers / baseplate hook and double lanyard harness and other basic
/ sole plate. PPEs.
2. Insufficient width 5. All tools shall be carried in a tool bag or with
of scaffold work adequate arrangement means hand tools must be
platforms tied with tagline.
3. Unsupported / 6. Surrounding must be barricaded.
unsecured scaffold 7. Weather condition and speed of wind shall be
with permanent taken in consideration before working at height on
structure. scaffold.
8. HIRA Talk is compulsory before start of activity.
9. Maintain tag system for scaffold while working
on the scaffold.
4.4 Working on R 1. Working at height 1.Injury due to fall 1. Adequate access ladders shall be fixed; Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-2: scaffolds(Erection 2 3 6 A
mobile scaffold 2. Pulling / pushing from height suitable work platform shall be provided with toe / dismantling)
of mobiles scaffold 2.Injury due to boards. 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
3. Failure of caster collapse of scaffold 2. Caster wheels shall be armed with breaks. precautionary measures are in place
wheels &unlocked while passing / pulling 3. Scaffolding tags inspection shall be followed.
wheels. 4. Mobile scaffold shall not be moved while
4. Failure of workers on it.
out rigger 5. Sufficient out riggers supports shall be provided.
supports. 6. Loose materials shall not be kept at the
5. Missing of mobile edges left on the scaffolding platform.
scaffold parts.

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4.5 Scaffold R Erection scaffolding Injury due to collapse 1. Scaffolding dismantling shall be carried out Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-2: scaffolds(Erection 2 3 6 A
dismantling hazard including: of scaffold / fall of under supervision of competent scaffolder. / dismantling)
1. Unstable scaffold person / fall of 2. Scaffold tag system shall be strictly followed. 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
2. Handling / material on workmen 3. Dismantling activity must be done precautionary measures are in place
dismantling by nearby scaffold. sequentially (From top to bottom).
incompetent 4. Dismantling scaffold material shall not be
personnel thrown from height.
3. Presence of 5. If possible life line must be provided at the
workmen nearby time of dismantling.
the dismantling 6. PTW system must be followed up.
work 7. Materials must be stacked properly.
4. Unavailability of 8. Dismantling of scaffold shall be done only after
anchoring arrangement of barricades &signage.
arrangement for
personnel working
at height on

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5.1 Manual material R 1. Handling of Back Pain; 1. Formwork shall be supervised by competent Y 3 3 9 1. All worker should go through 2 3 6 A
handling of material Cut / struck injuries person manual material handling training.
formwork without due to fall of material; 2. Workers should follow proper manual 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
components assessment handling methods. precautionary measures are in place
2. Repeated 3. Assess the load by considering the
movements for parameters like load, environment, and physical
lifting of heavy condition of
component workmen.
5.2 Manual material R Fall of materials Physical Injury 1. Small loose items shall be lifted and handled in N 2 3 6 A
handling of while working at the suitable containers and cages to prevent
formwork height. falling objects.
components 2. Proper stacking methods and
housekeeping shall be followed at work
3. Fall prevention requirements like toe boards
and catch nets shall be fixed.
5.3 Mechanical R Handling with crane Physical Injury 1. Lifting plan shall be followed Y 3 3 9 Follow OCP-10: Mechanical Material 2 3 6 A
material for lifting / shifting 2. Certified riggers shall be deployed for the lifting Handling
handling i.e. with and fixing purpose. by the crane.
crane 3. Certified and experienced crane operators are
deployed for lifting operation by crane.
4. Suitable and Certified lifting tools and tackles
shall be used during the work.
5.4 Mechanical R Toppling of crane Physical Injury 1. Slings and lifting gears shall be inspected by the Y 3 3 9 Follow OCP-10: Mechanical Material 2 3 6 A
material due to uneven riggers regularly before use and damaged items Handling
handling i.e. with ground surface / are removed from the service.
crane handling with more 2. All lifting tools and tackles shall be certified by
than it's rated third party and also periodically inspected at
capacity/ store.
Breakage of sling 3. Ensure the stability of the ground for
positioning the crane.

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5.5 Mechanical R Swing of load Physical Injury/fatality 1. Lifting shall not be carried out by cranes during Y 3 3 9 Follow OCP-10: Mechanical Material 2 3 6 A
material high wind speed. Handling
handling i.e. with 2. Guy rope shall be fixed to control the load
crane and controlled by the riggers.
3. Adequate supervision

5.6 Formwork fixing R Slip, trip and fall Physical Injury 1. Adequate ties to be given and sufficient Y 3 3 9 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 3 6 A
supports to be provided as predesign. measures are in place
2. Catch nets shall be provided to control
the falling objects.

5.7 Formwork R Collapse of Physical Injury/fatal 1. De shuttering of formwork shall be carried out Y 3 3 9 Refer OCP-26: Demolition of Building 2 3 6 A
removal Formwork under the supervision of competent supervisor. / Structure
2. Concrete slurry, plumb stones, tie rods, tiepins,
shall be removed before lifting the formwork.
3. Catch nets shall be provided to control
the falling objects.
4. Life line to be provided while working at height.

5.8 Work at height R Fall of person, fall of Physical Injury 1. Proper work platform shall be provided. Y 3 4 12 To follow OCP-7: Work at Heights 1 4 4 A
materials. 2. Ladders shall be provided for access and egress.
3. Proper inspection shall be carried out
by scaffolding inspector.
4. Full body harness is a must.

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6.1 Shifting of R Slip / Trip & Fall Physical Injury 1. Keep the surrounding area clean Y 2 4 8 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 1 4 4 A
shuttering plate 2. Access path should be clear & free from debris measures are in place
or ply boards to 3. Place the shuttering material layer by layer&
work site not scattered
manually 4. Carefully load them manually
5. Do not overload - so that they slip from the top
6. While lowering take help of another person
for removing.
7. Do not wear loose cloth
6.2 Shifting of R Fall of material, Physical Injury 1. Only trained rigger / operator to perform Y 2 4 8 Follow OCP-10: Mechanical 1 4 4 A
shuttering plate Hit by object the loading / unloading operation. Material Handling
or ply boards to 2. Carefully select the type of equipment to
work site carry out loading / unloading activity.
mechanically 3. Note the weight of the reinforcement
bundle before lifting.
4. Use of chain sling / wire sling to lift the load.
5. The sling should be calibrated &inspected
before use.
6. If for some reason the load is to be lifted
through center, then repeat above steps
&then insert the sling in the middle.
7. Check the stability & firmness of the ground
where the crane / TRX is to be placed.
8. Operator should first inspect the place of lifting,
material to be lifted & path from where the
material to be shifted to be placed on the trailer.

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9. First lift the load less than 4 to 6 inches from the
ground level & check the CG & its stability, wait for
few minutes.
10. Then again lift the load @ 1 Feet aboveground
11. Tie a Tag Line on both the end, the tagline
should be minimum 3 meters & the personnel
holding the tag line should be away from its
swinging radius.
12. The tag line holder should not walk behind /in
font the hydra wheel.
6.3 Stacking of R Trips, Fall & Hit Injury 1. Stack shuttering materials according to its size. Y 2 3 6 A
shuttering during/ Improper 2. Provide packing and stop poles for preventing
materials stacking of for uncertain slip/fall down of stacked materials.
fabricated rebar. 3. Do not stack the material where there is
water logging, slope or flammable material.
4. Stacked board should be placed in such
a manner that it is easy for removing.

6.4 Placement of R Man/Material may Injury, 1. Ensure skilled & Trained manpower Y 2 3 6 A
shuttering fall during fixing of Personnel getting are deployed at site
boards shuttering boards crushed beneath the 2. Check their competency level.
shuttering structure 3. Check the tools used for erecting
4. Ensure with the Engineer Method Statements
available & the procedure is explained to the
5. Ensure that protruded nails do not get
intact with the fingers or body or clothes.
6. While working at height ensure proper platform
/ scaffolding is used
7. Use PPE Like Hard hat, safety shoes, gloves &
Safety harness.

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6.5 Placement of R Lack of experience Injury due to poor 1. Deploy experienced and competent workmen Y 2 3 6 Evaluate personnel capability & 1 3 3 A
shuttering manual handling / fall Impart training on regular basis Follow HCCB 3-day mandatory
boards from height. induction procedure

6.6 Erection & R Fall of personnel Injury due to fall from 1. Proper scaffolding is to be used as per TSL Y 3 4 12 To follow OCP-7: Work at Heights 1 4 4 A
Dismantling of from height height standards.
scaffolding / Collapse of 2. Only trained personnel & authorize personnel
working platform Scaffolding to do the scaffolding
for shuttering 3. Scaffolding shall be properly fixed and braced.
work 4. Implementation of scaffolding tag system
6.7 Provision of R Slip / Trip & Fall Physical Injury 1. Use of Safety belt and with suitable Y 3 3 9 To follow OCP-7: Work at Heights 2 3 6 A
access path lifeline arrangement for anchoring safety
2. Provide elevated working platform for
all activities at heights more than 2.0m.
3. Platform to be of sufficient area for Optimum
movements of the workers
4. Fully covered working platform with guardrails
and safe access to be provide.
5. Beneath area should be barricaded to
avoid unauthorized entry.
6. Use ladder / stairs as per Standard
7. Provide ladder on firm footing as
appropriate inclination and fasten onto
8. Fall arresting arrangement to be used
for vertical moment
9. Full body harness to be used by all
workmen who all are working at 2mt &above
Only height training passes workmen to be
allowed for height job

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7.1 Manual / R 1. Vehicle 1. Hit by the moving 1. Men and vehicle movement area must N 4 4 16 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 1 4 4 A
Mechanical Movement. vehicles/ equipment be separated and barricades shall be precautionary measures are in place
Loading or 2. Stack plies of raw may result fatality / provided. 2. To ensure safety checklist
unloading of : material. severe injuries. 2. Deploy competent and trained operators. compliance
a) Raw material 3. Men movement 2. Fall from height / 3. Avoid manual material handling and
at material stack on or near to stack hit by the grabber involve mechanical lading /unloading.
yards of Batching piling area & Men while working on 4. Stop the movement of vehicles why manual
plant. movement near to piling area which may handling in progress.
the equipment. result fatality or 5. Stack pile separators / retaining structures
b) Mechanical 4. Auto functioning severe injuries. are designed based on considering all load to
Loading / of material. Grabber 3. Injuries due to withstand the stockpiles.
feeding of to feed the material toppling of vehicles 6. Daily HIRA Talk talks are to be imparted to
cement in silo on feeder unit. while moving on bring the awareness amongst all workforce at
unit. 5. Men movement uneven ground batching plant.
c) Manual or manual material surfaces /heaps. 7. Signage and caution boards shall be displayed at
handling of handling near to 4. Injuries due to vehicle movement area. Engage flagmen to guide
cement bags at the conveyor/ collision of vehicles the movement of vehicles.
cement store rotating parts. while working at 8. Pull card / guarding / covers shall be provided
congested / unsafe to all rotating parts such as conveyor belts /covers
areas of Batching on feeding hoppers.
plant. 9. All personnel shall be adhered with
appropriate PPE.
10. Heavy /unwanted vehicle movement shall be
restricted in and around batching plant. No
parking shall be allowed near the vehicle

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6. Emission of 5. Fatality / multiple 11. Use and maintain filters bags at cement hopper
cement particles injuries due to to avoid the emission of cement particles.
while feeding the entrapment of body 12. Concern to establish and operate to
cement. parts in the moving be obtained from regulatory authorities.
7. Failure /collapse conveyor/rotating
of stack pile parts of batching
separators / plant.
retaining walls /
structure due to
excessive stack of
raw material.

7.2 Batch R 1. Movement of 1. Entrapment of body 1. Avoid personnel / manual intervention N 2 4 8 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 1 4 4 A
preparation and feeding bins 2. parts while batch preparation in progress. precautionary measures are in place
loading of Movement of 2. Hit by the moving 2. Men / vehicle movement shall be separated. 2. To ensure safety checklist
mortar on to vehicles. vehicles 3. Use Ear muffs while it’s in operation. compliance
millers. 3. Noise 4. 3. Loss of hearing 4. Use RCCBs/ ELCBs and standard industrial plugs.
Electrical 4. Electric shock 5. Vehicle movement area must be PCC laid
operation. 5. Collision /toppling to avoid the stocking of vehicles in the mud.
5. Personnel of vehicles. 6. All gangways / access must be constructed with
working at / 6. Fall from height. standard material and railings shall be provided to
movement to height avoid the fall of personnel while working at height.
. i.e. access to the
control panel room.

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7.3 Maintenance NR 1. Electrical 1. Electrical Shock 2. 1. Use ELCBs / RCCBs and regular inspection of N 2 4 8 1. To ensure availability of licensed 1 4 4 A
operation of operation / work Entrapment of body all electrical devices / cables by an electrical. electrician
Batching plant. during parts / fatality due to 2. Adopt LOTO system when maintenance 2. To ensure safety checklist
maintenance. unauthorized in progress. compliance
2. Unauthorized operation. 3. All the electrical equipment shall be
operation during 3. Fall from height. grounded properly.
plant is in 4. Use appropriate PPE while work in
maintenance. progress. Railing system shall be in place.
3. Working at 5. Restrict the movement and presence of
height. unauthorized personnel while maintenance in

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8.1 Concreting R Air Pollution by May affect Respiratory Wear respirators or cover mouth and nose with Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 2 2 4 A
cement System wet cloth. Cement &Concrete
2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

8.2 Concreting R Handling of Hands injury Use gloves and appropriate PPE. N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 1 3 3 A
ingredients Cement &Concrete
2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

8.3 Concreting R Protruding Feet may get injured Use Safety shoes; Provide platform above N 2 4 4 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 1 3 3 A
reinforcement rods. reinforcement for movement of workers. Cement &Concrete
2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

8.4 Concreting R Earthling of Can cause Ensure earthling of equipment's and N 3 2 9 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 2 2 4 A
electrical mixers, electrocution / proper functioning of electrical circuit Cement &Concrete
vibrators, etc. not asphyxiation before commencement of work. 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task
done. checklist.

8.5 Concreting R Falling of materials Persons may get Use hard hats; N 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 2 3 6 A
from height. injured Remove surplus material immediately from work Cement &Concrete
place. 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

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8.6 Concreting R Continuous pouring Cause tiredness of Insist on shift pattern; N 2 3 6 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 1 3 3 A
by same gang workers and may lead Ensure lighting arrangements during night hours. Cement &Concrete
to accident. 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

8.7 Concreting R Revolving of Parts of body of Allow only mixers with hoper. N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-05: Handling of 2 2 4 A
concrete mixer / clothes may get Provide safety cages around moving motors; Cement &Concrete
vibrators entrapped Ensure proper mechanical locking of vibrator. 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

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9.1 Unauthorized NR Incompetent Injury or Multiple 1. Authorized operator with valid driving N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 2 2 4 A
operator Operator sever injury license only allowed to operate the plant equipment’s handling
operating Plant equipment's/ Heavy vehicles allowed after the 2. Vehicle should be less than10
Equipment's medical induction. year-old.
Heavy Vehicles 2. To ensure screening of operator.
the plant 3. Operator should have minimum 05Yrs.
4. Experience with Construction Equipment
Operating Driving License.
5. To organize periodical training.
6. Operator should maintain daily checklist
of equipment.
7. To check Alcoholic by tester of operator and
health condition.
9.2 Unloading of Soil NR Toppling of heavy Injury or Multiple After ensuring the Pin and proper opening of back Y 3 3 6 1. To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 3 2 6 A
vehicle during sever injury door the bucket should be lifted for unloading the equipment’s handling
unloading of Soil. materials. 2. To implement safety checklist
before commencing of work.

9.3 Tipper NR Hit with overhead Injury or Multiple 1. Trained operator only allowed to move Y 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 2 3 6 A
movement cables/structures / sever injury the vehicle inside the plant. equipment’s handling
without may lead to toppling 2. Install goal post where ever OHE crossing 2. To implement safety checklist
repositioning of of vehicle during are there. before commencing of work.
back bucket Tipper movement
repositioning of
back bucket.

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9.4 Material NR Material slip and fall Injury or Multiple All hook will be provided with hook latch. N 2 4 8 To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 3 2 6 A
handling sever injury equipment's handling

9.5 Failing to pull the NR Hit of person due to Injury or Multiple Ensure parking break prior to getting down from N 2 4 8 To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 2 3 6 A
parking brake. failing the parking sever injury vehicle. equipment's handling

9.6 Shifting of bar NR Failure of lifting Severe injury Use proper rigging method for lifting the materials, N 2 4 8 To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 2 2 4 A
bending and appliance by poor use experienced riggers for lifting. equipment's handling
cutting machine rigging methods.
with hydra crane

9.7 Use of mobile NR Chances of personal Severe injury Provide wheel guard for mobile crane avoid N 3 3 9 To follow OCP-10: Mechanical 2 3 6 A
crane for fall under wheel, personal fall under the mobile crane wheel, over equipment's handling
material lifting chances of toppling. dimension or over load materials should not be
and marching lifted.

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10.1 Use portable R Short circuit due to Electric shock & burn 1. All tools shall be fitted with adequate fuse N 3 4 12 To follow OCP-09: Electrical Work 2 3 6 A
electric power electricity injury protect
tools and 2. Close supervision is required.
electrical 3. To ensure the PTW system compliance.
equipment 4. To implement safety checklist
before commencing of work.
5. Monthly tagging system to be followed.
10.2 Use portable R Use of incorrect Electric shock & burn 1. All tools shall be class 2 double insulated or Y 3 4 12 To follow OCP-09: Electrical Work 2 3 6 A
electric power power tools injury have reinforced insulation throughout Ensure the use of standard make
tools and 2. Connection of electrical tools to be tools
electrical routed through

10.3 Use portable R Inexperienced Electric shock & burn 1. Only trained and experienced person are Y 3 4 12 To follow OCP-09: Electrical Work 2 3 6 A
electric power personnel using injury allowed
tools and tools

10.4 Use portable R Laceration & Electric shock & burn 1. Tools shall be inspected on monthly basis. Y 3 3 9 To follow OCP-09: Electrical Work 2 2 4 A
electric power Abrasion due to use injury 2. Disc/wheel/tool kit are changed after
tools and of faulty tools disconnected
electrical 3. Face shield/goggle shall be worn while working
equipment 4. All equipment will be routed through 30 mA

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11.1 Material R Slip, trip and Falling Injury due to unsafe 1. Trained Riggers crew shall be engaged and N 3 4 12 To follow OCP-11: Lifting appliances & 2 3 6 A
Handling of material load handling. the workforce shall be trained for safe handling. lifting gears
2. Tag line shall be used to control the
swinging load.
OCP 10 control measures shall also been followed.

11.2 Material R Failure of lifting Fall of material from 1. Periodic testing &inspection. N 2 4 8 To follow OCP-11: Lifting appliances & 1 4 4 A
Handling gear, improper height, Damages to 2. Pre use testing of lifting equipment’s, lifting lifting gears
rigging. material, man power tools like Shackles, ropes, slings, pulley, etc.
etc. 3. Periodic maintenance of lifting equipment's&
tools. Special training to the Riggers.
4. Do not allow overloading of the lifting
5. Barricading the area with signage to avoid
unwanted visitors to the area. Follow the OCP-10.
11.3 Placement of R Due to uneven Injury 1. A trained work crew shall be deployed, Y 2 4 8 To follow OCP-11: Lifting appliances & 1 4 4 A
Cranes ground imbalance 2. Crane working area shall be cordoned lifting gears
or toppling of with indicative tapes,
mobile cranes 3. Third party certified crane shall be used,
4. Outriggers shall be fully extended and prior
to use of crane
5. A general inspection shall be carried out by
HCCB Team with checklist.
6. Lifting shall be avoided where overhead
electrical lines are crossing.
7. Compaction of the ground to be ensured.

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11.4 Placement and R Hit by object due Injuries with head & 1. A trained gang shall be deployed, N 3 2 6 A
Removal of with rapid speed of hand/shoulder 2. Adequate height of platform or ladder shall be
Slings & D- lowering used for placement and removal of slings and D-
Shackles hoist/hook. shackles,
3. Third party certified tools shall be used,
4. Prior to use physical inspections shall be
carried out by mechanical department.

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12.1 Height work R Following of unsafe Injury or Fatal 1. PTW should take prior to erection work. N 3 5 15 2 3 6 A
work methods. 2. Ensure close supervision 1. To follow OCP-07: Work at Heights
3. Dynamic HIRA/ pre-task HIRA prepare 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task
before commencing of work by a CFT team. checklist.
4. To ensure fulfil of pre task checklist.

12.2 Height work R Fall from height Injury or Fatal 1. Height pass shall be implemented, N 3 5 15 1. To follow OCP-07: Work at Heights 2 3 6 A
2. Work shall be carried out under direct 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task
supervision of HCCB. checklist.

12.3 Height work R Hitting the object. Injury or Fatal 1. No obstruction should be made in the passage N 2 5 10 1. To follow OCP-07: Work at Heights 1 3 3 A
at height, 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task

12.4 Height work R Falling objects from Injury or Fatal 1. No person shall work under the suspension load, N 3 5 15 1. To follow OCP-07: Work at Heights 2 3 6 A
height 2. All height works shall be carried out in 2. To ensure fulfil of pre task
presence of supervisor and Safety Nets shall be checklist.
fastened where ever it is required.
3. No loose materials shall be placed at edge.
4. Proper housekeeping to be ensured.
5. Multi-layer protection system to be in place.

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13.1 Welding R Working on hot Burns / arc flash 1. Adopting administrative control measures like N 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-13: Welding (Electric 2 3 6 A
surfaces/ flames/ work permits, method statements, work Arc)
molten metals. procedures, imparting training, deployment of
qualified welders.
2. Taking fire protection measures such as placing
adequate fire extinguishers, water buckets, sand
buckets and fire blankets.
3. Barricading the area with signage,
appointing well trained fire watch & keeping
the area wet before starting the work if
4. Housekeeping and removal of
combustible materials before starting the
5. Execution of welding at fabrication yards as
much as possible.
6. Avoiding fabrication at workplaces.
7. Using PPEs like leather gloves, safety shoes
and aprons.
8. Ensure PTW system.
13.2 Welding R Use of electricity. Cardiac arrest due to 1. Provision of double earth conductors & RCCBs N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-09: Electrical Work 1 4 4 A
electric shock to avoid electric shock.
2. Pre-inspection of machines, cables by a qualified

13.3 Welding R Emission of fumes & Respiratory / lung 1. Providing appropriate PPE. N 2 3 6 A
gases illness / acute & 2. Giving proper training using the proper
chronic effects on eye protection methods like welding shield,
human body 3. Barricading the area as much as possible.
4. Providing UV filter safety glass for all workers.
5. Providing proper signage.

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13.4 Gas Cutting R Handling & storage Explosion of gas 1. Using gas cylinder trolleys. N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-12: Gas cutting 2 3 6 A
of gas cylinders cylinders may lead to 2. Shifting gas cylinders with mechanical aids as
fatal / severe injuries. perOCP-12.
Fall of cylinders on 3. Storage of DA/Oxygen cylinders separately
workmen may lead to in upright position.
injuries. 4. Using appropriate PPE while handling the gas
5. Ensuring demarcation and signage as per
the standard.
6. Securing the gas cylinders to avoid falloff
13.5 Gas Cutting R Flash back / fire Explosion of gas 1. Using standard NRVs on the cylinder side. N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-12: Gas cutting 1 3 3 A
cylinders may lead to 2. Flash back arresters are providing on the cutting
fatal / severe injuries. torch.
3. Ensuring the deployment of skilled personnel
for gas cutting.
4. Adequate fire extinguishers are ensuring
before start of work.
5. Providing barricades and maintain good
6. Soap test to be done on both end connections of
the hose.
13.6 Grinding R Use of electrical Cardiac arrest due to 1. Provision of double earth conductors &RCCBs N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-09-Electrical safety 1 4 4 A
driven machines. electric shock to avoid electric shock.
2. Pre-inspection of machines, cables by qualified

13.7 Grinding R Operation of tool / Cut injuries due to 1. Deploying competent /skill personnel on job. N 2 4 8 Screening of skilled personnel during 1 4 4 A
machine by an Incorrect run / 3-day mandatory induction training
incompetent operation program.

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13.8 Grinding R Rotating equipment Injury due to flying 1. Selection, usage and maintenance off lying N 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-14: Grinding 1 4 4 A
with breakable particles & cut off wheels as per the OCP-Grinding
flying wheels, Flying wheels. 2. Checking the quality, RPM capacity of
of Melton metals, Fire hazard due to the grinding wheel before issuing from store.
hot metal particles 3. Performing ring tests for the grinding wheels
and ensuring its standard.

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14.1 Performing the NR Exposure to Lung dieses /silicosis 1. Grit blasting suite shall be worn by the operator N 2 4 8 To implement safety checklist before 1 4 4 A
grit blasting silica/led & flying and cancer. / dust mask and earplugs are the mandatory PPEs commencing of work.
objects. Asphyxiation due to to perform the job. Use of dead man switch.
lack of air supply. 2. Area must be isolated / barricaded to
Body Injury. restrict the entry of unauthorized personnel.
3. Minimum person shall be deployed and
movement of vehicle shall be prohibited where
grit blasting carried out.

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15.1 Removal /
cleaning of
i.e. electrical
lines, trees,
heap, existing *Refer "Excavation" HIRA since the sub-activity is similar in nature*
existing roads
and other

15.2 Surface levelling

(general cutting
/ filling) *Refer "Excavation" HIRA since the sub-activity is similar in nature*

15.3 Loading / R 1.Vehicle / Injury due to hit by 1. Trained personnel only to be deployed N 3 4 12 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 1 4 4 A
Unloading of soil equipment the machinery for loading & unloading activity measures are in place
movement inside / 2. Signal man to be present at the loading /
near working unloading site
location 3. No personnel should come in the approach /
radius of the JCB Bucket while loading sand in the
4. No personnel should be standing in the
truck when the loading activity is in process.

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5. Signal man should communicate once the
loading has been completed in the truck & he
should simultaneously inform the truck driver&
JCB operator.
6. Only after the instruction he should start the
7. Do not overload the truck, as there would be
every possibility of skidding while travelling on
the ramp.
8. When loaded truck is travelling then no other
truck / machine / personnel should be
through the ramp.
15.4 Laying & R 1.Vehicle / Injury / fatal (public / 1. Provide nose mask to workmen while working N 3 4 12 1. Follow IRC Specifications-55 for 1 4 4 A
compaction of equipment workmen) due to: near to dust emission areas. signage's, making diversion, providing
GSB layer movement inside / Hit by the moving 2. All personnel must wear high visibility clothing buffer zone for widening projects.
near working equipment / public 3. Engage competent operators and flagmen to
location 2. vehicles. control the traffic. Ensure fitness for vehicle and
Emission of dust 3. Ill health due to work display the inspection tags.
Work near to the in dust area.
live carriageway
(widening project)
15.5 Laying of DBM / R 1. Handling and *above incidents *Above control measures plus* Y 3 3 9 1. Avoid manual handling as much as 1 3 6 A
BC & compaction work near to the plus* Use appropriate clothing and hand gloves possible and introduce mechanical
of Layer hot bitumen Burns / de-hydration Ensure availably of drinking water all the time near handling.
2. work near to the to the work location.
equipment such as
paver, vibrorollers,
PTR ,etc.

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15.6 Spray of Tar R 1.Handling the Dehydration 1. Correct PPE in accordance with PPEs Y 2 3 6 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 1 3 3 A
chemical & Hot throat irritation/ lung procedure including sun hat, long sleeved shirt precautionary measures are in place
condition of tar / diseases &sunscreen 2. Deploy traffic controller
bitumen / tar 2. Provide cool water on site and drink regularly.
3. All personnel on site to wear approved high
visibility clothing. For night works and VicRoads
works approved reflective vests must be worn.
15.7 Other R 1. Work near to the Physical injury/fatal 1. Provide buffer zones and speed limit control Y 2 5 10 1. Follow IRC specifications-55 for 1 5 5 A
miscellaneous live traffic system by providing flagmen / caution boards. signage's, making diversion, providing
activities for 2. Working near to 2. Deploy trained & experienced operators buffer zone for widening projects.
road widening the excavation/ 3. Impart HIRA talks
project as below: trench areas
1. Ker laying 3. Working at
2. Drainage height.
3. Road marking
4. Median
5. Culvert /
minor bridge /
major bridge

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16.1 Roof works NR Fall of person Injury due to fall from 1. Work to be carried out under the supervision N 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-7: Work at Heights, 2 3 6 A
height of HCCB. 2. OCP-29: Selection and usage
2. Work permit system to be implemented. of Lifeline
3. Valid Height pass personnel shall be engaged.
4. Usage of retractable fall arrestors.
5. Multilayer of protection system to be used.
6. Securely roof sheets shall be stored to avoid
flying in wind season. Site safety norms shall be
16.2 Roof works NR Fall of material Injury due to hit by 1. All lifting zone should be closed with indicative N 2 3 6 A
material barricading and one person should be stand near
the area to restrict unauthorized entry in the lifting
2. Use tool bag kit.

16.3 Roof works NR Fall of purlin / Chances of fall above 1. All manual lifting items should be tied with N 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-7: Work at Heights, 1 3 3 A
brazing and other person and may lead double PP rope and after providing/securing with 2. OCP-29: Selection and usage
structure which is to severe injury even bolt or weld only rope should be unwanted. of Lifeline
lifted manually. may fatal.

16.4 Roof works NR Roof sheets may fly Injury due contact 1. All roof sheets to be secured rigidly, N 3 3 12 1. To follow OCP-7: Work at Heights, 2 3 6 A
due to heavy wind with flying material 2. While lifting the sheet good condition rope with 2. OCP-29: Selection and usage
proper clamp arrangement to be made. of Lifeline,

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17.1 Working in R Fall hazard, Inability Injury, suffocation & Proper access to be provide using ladder/tripod Y 3 2 6 A
Confined Space to escape due to fatal stand. Ensure emergency access and rescue plan
Improper before entry

17.2 Working in R Fire, Explosion due Injury and Fatal Frequent gas testing. No ignition source Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 3 2 6 A
Confined Space to Hydrocarbons gas precautionary measures are in place
2. To ensure safety checklist
before commencing of work.

17.3 Working in R Poisoning due to Injury and Fatal Frequent gas testing. Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 3 2 6 A
Confined Space Toxic gases precautionary measures are in place
2. To ensure safety checklist
before commencing of work.

17.4 Working in R Asphyxiation due to Injury and Fatal Frequent gas testing. Circulation of air Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 3 2 6 A
Confined Space Oxygen deficiency precautionary measures are in place
2. To ensure safety checklist
before commencing of work.

17.5 Working in R Slip/Trip, Fall due to Injury and Fatal Fluorescent bulb to be provided for adequate N 3 2 6 A
Confined Space Insufficient lighting lighting

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17.6 Working in R Lack of Injury and Fatal Maintain uninterrupted contact with the workers N 3 2 6 A
Confined Space communication by the standby man.

17.7 Working in R Tools striking due to Injury and Fatal Keep only minimum no of persons for work to N 2 2 4 A
Confined Space congested work. avoid congestion

17.8 Working in R Closure of access Injury and Fatal Supervisor & Standby man to ensure record of all Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 3 2 6 A
Confined Space due to persons working in confined space. precautionary measures are in place
miscalculation and 2. To ensure safety checklist
trapping of persons before commencing of work.
in confined space.

17.9 Working in R Heat stress due to Dehydration, Provide access to shade at intervals. Provide Y 3 3 9 1. Close supervision is required. 3 2 6 A
Confined Space working in hot Fatal adequate cold water. Ensure adequate ventilation. 2. To ensure safety checklist
climate or doing hot before commencing of work.

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18.1 Handling and R Exposure to May react with skin 1. Ensure safety regulations as per BARC Y 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-25Radiography. 1 4 4 A
storage of radiation and can cause cancer / before commencement of job. 2. Ensure close supervision
source. skin irritation. 2. Source pit shall be made at least 1 M. Depth. 3. Measure exposure intensity level
3. Pit room shall be lock & key arrangement. of radiation by using of survey meter
4. Signage to be displayed to restrict the entry 4. Operator should be use Pocket
of unauthorized personnel. dosimeters
5. Handling of source shall be done by licensed
radiographer from BARC.
18.2 Exposing the film R Exposure to May react with skin 1. Effected area must be barricaded/ cordoned off, Y 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-25Radiography. 1 4 4 A
to radiation radiation and can cause cancer / radiation warning and signage system shall be 2. Ensure close supervision
skin irritation. displayed. 3. Measure exposure intensity level
2. Avoid radiography in daytime. of radiation by using of survey meter
3. Wear appropriate badges issued by BARC. 4. Operator should be use Pocket
4. Radiation effect shall be measured with survey dosimeters
meter before starting the radiography.
5. Use the exact source of radiation and avoid
powerful sources which are not required/needed.
6. Working crew shall be informed about
the radiography timing.
7. Personal dosimeter shall be used by the
individuals to measure the exposure during the
8. Camera, isotope, survey meter and
personal dosimeter shall be calibrated
9. Ensure PTW system is in place.

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19.1 Mobilization of R 1. Lack of Personal injury or fatal 1. Safety induction training is being given by Y 3 3 9 To follow: 2 3 6 A
Manpower knowledge. accident. safety department. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
2. Insufficient 2. Daily HIRA Talk is conducting at site. 2. OCP-23Stringing
knowledge on using 3. Not allowing any worker in intoxicated state 3. To ensure safety checklist
safety appliances. to site. before commencing of work.
3. Ill health person 4. Tractor is not allowing for shifting manpower.
deploying for job.
4. Worker working
in intoxicated
5. Manpower
shifting by tractor.
19.2 Loading & R 1. Failure of lifting 1.Personal injury or 1. Ensuring valid test certificate for lifting tools& N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
Unloading of gear fatal accident 2. tackles. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
materials 2.Toppling of Property damage 2. Competent operator is deployed. 2. OCP-23Stringing
vehicles 3. Well trained rigger is deployed. 3. To ensure safety checklist
3.Uneven surface of 4. Using proper PPEs. before commencing of work.
ground 4. 5. Using tag line while lifting.
Incompetency/lac k
of knowledge of
n between
operator and

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19.3 Material R 1. Failure of lifting 1.Personal injury or 1. Ensuring test certificate for all lifting gear/tools N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
Handling gear 2. fatal accident 2. tackles are available and valid. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
(Mechanical). Incompetency/lac k Property damage 2. Checking the competency of person& 2. OCP-23Stringing
of knowledge of equipment 3. Close supervision is required.
rigger. 3.Visual inspection of TNP is conducting twice in 4. To ensure safety checklist
4. Fall of load due to a month. before commencing of work.
failure of lifting 4. Trainings Riggers once in a week.
gears or faulty 5. Using tag line while lifting.
5. Hit by hanging
19.4 Material R 1. Non-use of PPE's 1.Personal injury or 1. Using proper PPEs, N 2 3 6 To follow: 2 2 4 A
Handling 2. Inadequate fatal accident 2. 2. Providing adequate Manpower for the lifting of 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
(Manual). manpower. Property damage loads 2. OCP-23Stringing
3) Lack of 3. Back pain, sprain 3. Avoided handling of heavy loads by workmen. 3. Close supervision is required.
concentration in etc. 4. Close supervision is ensured. 4. To ensure safety checklist before
group. commencing of work.
4. Wrong body
5. Lifting error.
6. Injury due sharp
edges/ corners/
projected parts/
protruding nail.

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19.5 Stores R 1.Fall of equipment 1.Personal injury. 1. Ensuring test certificate for all lifting gears are N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
2. Vehicle topple 3. 2.Burn injury. available and valid. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
Collapse of stacking 3.Fatal accident. 2. Deploying the competent 2. OCP-23Stringing
materials. 4.Roll 4.Material damage. operator. 3.Isolating ignition source. 3. Close supervision is required.
over of cable 4. Ensured the provision of required 4. To ensure safety checklist
drums fire extinguishers. before commencing of work.
5. Fire Hazard. 5. Material was stacked properly.
6. Cut or fracture 6. Stoppers provided to avoid rolling over of
injury due to cable drums.
projecting part of 7. Using proper PPEs.
materials. 8. All the walkways, entry and exits are kept
9.Providing stack guard to protect collapse the
10.Barricading the stacked materials and scrap
19.6 Loading and R 1. Slip of poles while 1. Personal Injuries 1.Ensuring the usage of PPE's. N 3 3 9 To follow: 2 3 6 A
unloading of shifting. 2. Damage of property. 2.Competent person are deployed. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
Pole & 2. Non usage of 3.Trainings conducting in regular intervals. 2. OCP-23Stringing
Transformer PPE's. 4.Using only third party tested tools-tackles. 3. Close supervision is required.
3. Improper use of 4. To ensure safety checklist
lifting gears. before commencing of work.

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19.7 Excavation R 1. Damage of 1.Personal injury 1. Ensuring from local authority that there has N 3 2 6 A
(Manual) underground 2. Fracture no any underground utilities.
utilities 2. Step/Slope cutting is ensured.
2. Leg injury 3. Access/Egress ladder is provided asper
during use of hand standards.
tools. 4. Barricading is being provided
3. Collapse of soil 5.Vehicle movement near the excavations
4. Toppling of restricted.
vehicle 6. Immediately erecting the pole after excavation.
5.Toppling of person 7. Using the hand tools with wooden handle.
& animal. 8. Using proper PPEs during manual excavation.
19.8 Erection of Pole R 1. Improper lifting 1.Serious injury due to 1. Providing proper lifting tackles. N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
(Manually) and positioning of fall of poles 2. 2. Checking rope before use. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
poles. Trapping of hand / leg 3. Providing double post support during pole 2. OCP-23Stringing
2. Improper support 3.Electrocution erection. 3. Close supervision is required.
of pole. 4. Fatal 4. Using safety harness. 4. To ensure safety checklist
3. Damage lifting accident 5. Taking shut down during erection near before commencing of work.
rope existing line.
4.Fall of person 6. Implementation of PTW/LC.
from height. 7. Not allowing any un authorized person near
5. Injury due to the erection area.
electrical shock 8. Barricading the erection area.
(during erection 9. Tractor is not used for lifting the pole.
near existing line) 10. Not allowing any person under the
6. Villagers erected pole.
persons) enter into
the erection area.

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19.9 Erection of Pole R 1.Excess swing of 1. Serious injury due to 1.Ensuring that operator has valid driving license. N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
(Tractor pole during shifting. hit by pole. 2.Tractor should stand/work on evenly surface. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
Mounted Boom) 2.Toppling of 2. Serious injury or 3.Usinge tag line during pole shifting. 2. OCP-23Stringing
Tractor. lead to fatal from 4.Regular check-up of chain is being done. 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
3.Slip/cut of chain. toppling of tractor. 5.Using dust masks. 4. Close supervision is required.
4.Excess dust 3.Healthissues. 6.Lowering down the boom during marching time / 5. To ensure safety checklist
emission during 4.Electrocution taking shut down when work near live conductor. before commencing of work.
digging of pit. 7.Gaurds/shield provided for all the rotating parts.
5. Chance of 8.Deploying flagman while working nearby road.
contacting boom to
electric wire.
6. Chance of stuck
loose clothes in
rotating parts.
19.10 Working at R 1. Fall of person or 1.Personal injury 1. Using proper PPE's Y 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
heights material. 2. Amputation 3. 2.Rescue training has been given to the workforce. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
2. Collapse of pole Fatal accident 3. All height workers are having medically 2. OCP-23Stringing
or access ladder. fitness certificate. 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
3. Improper use of 4. Ensuring fall protection devices are 4. Close supervision is required.
full body harness. properly used by all the workforce working at 6. To ensure safety checklist before
4. Electric shock 5. height. commencing of work.
Acrophobia leads 5. Providing safe approach for ascending&
to fall from heights descending at pole.
6. Unauthorized 6. Using tools bag at height.
entry of persons at 7. Avoided working under height work area.
height work area. 8. Barricaded the height work area.
7. Heavy wind & 9. Stopping the height work at the time of heavy
rain. wind, rain, lightening & poor illumination.

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19.11 Laying out R 1. Cable drum fall 1. Personal injury 1. Competent person has been deployed. N 4 3 12 To follow: 2 3 6 A
Electrical Cables /tilting /rolling over 2. Fatality, severe 2. Proper handling of the cable drum & jack has 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
2. Wrong position injury due to fall of been ensured. 2. OCP-23Stringing
of jack cable drum or jack. 3. Use hand gloves. 3. Close supervision is required.
3. Inadequate jack/ 3. Finger injury. 4. Level of ground to be even. 4. To ensure safety checklist
spindle/defective 5. Sufficient manpower deployed during cable before commencing of work.
jack laying on ground.
4. Struck of
fingers in-
between cable
and rollers.
5. Vehicle topple.
19.12 Stringing R 1. Electric shock due 1.Electrocution 1. Implementation of PTW/LOTO Y 4 4 16 To follow: 2 4 8 A
to existing line. 2.Fatal accident 2. Ensure shut down of existing line while working 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
2. Fall of person 3.Serious injury near to the existing line. 2. OCP-23Stringing
from height. 4. Cut injury 3. Ensure the usage of safety harness. 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
3.Failure of T&P. and fracture 4.Ensure the usage of appropriate 4. Close supervision is required.
4. Fall of PPEs. 5. To ensure safety checklist
material from 5.Ensure the walkways, entry and exits kept clear. before commencing of work.
height. 6.Back stay should be tightening before the start
5.Fall of the pole of stringing.
due to tight sagging. 7. Stringing work should not be allowed
6.Unauthorised during rainy weather, heavy wind, lightening
entry. & poor illumination.
7.Rainy weather, 8. All T&P should be check before starting the job.
heavy wind & 9.Material should be lifted through ropepulley.

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19.13 Shut down work NR 1. Injury due to 1.Electrocution 1. Implementation of work permit/line Y 4 4 16 To follow: 2 4 8 A
electrical shock. 2. 2. Burn injury 3. clearance system. Follow OCP32 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
Burns due to short Fatal accident 2. Use discharge rod to discharge the 2. OCP-23Stringing
circuit. 4. Amputation Induction current/back current. 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
3. Injury due to 3. Use induction tester to ensure the shutdown at 4. Close supervision is required.
flash-over. site before connecting the discharge rod. 5. To ensure safety checklist
4. Electrocution due 4. Appropriate PPEs should be providing (rubber before commencing of work.
to Induction hand gloves).
current/ back 5. Safety harness to be used while working at
current. height.
5. Fall of person 6. Competency of person &equipment
from height. 6. 7. Good supervision.
Lack of 8. Implementation of LOTO system.
knowledge. 9. Authorized person to be deployed at feeder
7. Poor area for observing the taking of shutdown.
supervision. 8. 10. Trainings to be conducted.
Rainy weather & 11. Shut down work should not be allowed during
lightening. rainy weather, lightening & poor illumination.
19.14 Transformer R 1. Improper lifting 1.Personal injury 1.Use chain pulley block for transformer erection N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A
erection and positioning of 2.Fatality,severe injury 2.Check all tools -tackles prior to use. 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
Transformer. due to fall of 3.Use only third party tested tools-tackles. 2. OCP-23Stringing
2. Improper & transformer from 4.Use safety harness while working at height. 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
damage lifting tools height. 5.Use tag line to control the swing of the load. 4. Close supervision is required.
&tackles. 3.Finger injury due to 5. To ensure safety checklist
3. Fall of person trapping between before commencing of work.
from height. transformer and soil.
4.Fall of 4.Cut injury &
Transformer from Fracture.
height. 5.Fatality, severe
injury due to fall of
person from height.

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5. Injury due to
fall of transformer
on person.
6. Poor supervision.
7.Swing of
19.15 BPL kit fixing & R 1. Fall from the LT 1. Cut injury 1.Safety harness must be used at pole. N 3 3 9 To follow: 2 3 6 A
Termination pole. &Fracture. 2.A.B. Switch should be cut & locked at 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
2. Electrical shock. 2. Electrocution. DTR structure. 2. OCP-23Stringing
3.Fall from the roof 3. Deploy one authorized person at DTR 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
structure for observation continuously. 4. Close supervision is required.
4. Use appropriate PPEs. 5. To ensure safety checklist
before commencing of work.

19.16 Charging of NR 1.Injury due to 1.Electrocution 1. Implementation of work permit/line N 3 4 12 To follow: 2 4 8 A

Transformer electrical shock 2. Burn injury clearance system. Follow OCP32 1. OCP-22 Tower Erection
2. Burns due to 3. Fracture 2. Use discharge rod to discharge the 2. OCP-23Stringing
short circuit 4. Fatal Induction current/back current. 3. OCP-07 Work at Heights
3.Injury due to accident 3. Use induction tester to ensure the shutdown at 4. Close supervision is required.
flash-over site before connect the discharge rod. 5. To ensure safety checklist
4. Electrocution 4. Proper PPEs must be provide (rubber before commencing of work.
due to Induction hand gloves).
current/ back 5. Safety harness must be used while working
current at height.
5.Fall of person 6. Ensure availability of DCP type fire
from height. extinguisher near charging DTR.
6.Fire in

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20.1 Execution of R 1. Contact with Injury and multiple 1. Should be executed under block protection Y 4 5 20 1. Ensure the engagement of 1 5 5 A
work within 3.5 moving train fatalities. and with permit to work from concerned railway. competent and trained
M from the 2. Equipment / Men 2. Tie up with local hospitals. operators.
existing IR Track coming close to IR 3. Provide supervision / Look outman. 2. Boundary illumination
Track / Infringement 4. Ensure Daily HIRA Talk talk/HIRA Talk 3. Battery operated yellow -red
of unauthorized Talks stickers.
vehicles into the 5. Ensure Emergency vehicle availability 6. 4. CCTV surveillance round the clock.
train movement Provide a flagman.
zone. 7. Intimate to local authorities.
8. Ensure proper hard barricades as per IR
Standards. For ex. DFCCIL projects, barricades shall
be as per drawing.
9. No night work is allowed.

20.2 Execution of R Working near to the Injury 1. Provide barricades and IR specifications. Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA 1 3 3 A
work within 3.5 underground 2. HIRA Talk shall be delivered. precautionary measures are in place
M from the utilities 3. Obtain PTW from IR team while working near 2. Use utility detector to identify the
existing IR Track to the railway electrical lines. existing utility system.
4. Relocate / underground while working near
to the other LT/HT lines.

20.3 Execution of R Working near to Electrical shock / 1. Provide barricades and IR specifications. Y 4 5 20 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 1 5 5 A
work within 3.5 OHE Line burns 2. HIRA Talk shall be delivered. measures are in place
M from the 3. Obtain PTW from IR team while working near
existing IR Track to the railway electrical lines.
4. Relocate / underground while working near
to the other LT/HT lines.

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20.4 Execution of R Equipment / Men Injury or Fatal 1. Tie up with local hospitals. Y 3 5 15 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 1 5 5 A
work between coming close to IR 2. Provide supervision / Look outman. measures are in place
3.5 m to 6 m Track / Infringement 3. Ensure Daily HIRA Talk talk/HIRA Talk
from center line of unauthorized Talks.
of existing Indian vehicles into the 4.Ensure Emergency vehicle availability 5.
Railway track. train movement Provide a flagman.
zone. 6. Intimate to local authorities.
7. Barricading at 3.5 m are being provided for
an example: per NCR approved drawings.

20.5 Execution of R Slip, trip and fall Injury 1. Check for any underground utilities with CAT and N 3 3 9 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 1 3 3 A
work between while working near refer other drawings from municipal / local bodies measures are in place
3.5 m to 6 m to the underground to identify any utility services.
from center line utilities. 2. A Clear demarcation shall be given to
of existing Indian the underground utilities.
Railway track. 3. HIRA Talk talks shall be delivered before start
of work.
4. Use cable detector to identify the existing
utility system.

20.6 Working beyond R Slip, trip and fall and Injury or Fatal 1. Ensure the engagement of competent N 2 4 8 Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 1 4 4 A
6m from center electrocution and trained operators. measures are in place
of UP Line track 2. Conduct HIRA Talk talks before start of job.
of IR. 3.Vehicle movement area shall be defined and
away from men movement.
4 Ensure the vehicle / equipment fitness condition
based on checklists.

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2 2 4 A
21.1 Tunnel Survey R Improper Access / Slip / trip/ fall may 1. All engaged personnel must use the designated Y 2 4 8 1. To follow OCP-08 Work in Confined
working on uneven result injury to the pathway. Space
ground surface; personnel. 2. Avoid slippery work areas. 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
measures are in place
21.2 Lifting of Tunnel
Boring Machine *Refer "Lifting of Material" HIRA since the sub-activity is similar in nature*
(TBM) Parts
21.3 TBM R Working in narrow Personal Injury 1. Working space must be clear (Don’t obstruct Y 2 3 6
Maintenance space passageway or access for entrance and exit
2. Required illumination to been sure.
3. The maintenance of the EPB TBM's will be
carried out in accordance with the Operations
Maintenance Manual.
21.4 Lifting & R Improper set up / Risk of tipping over 1. Crane shall be placed on firm ground of required N 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-011 Lifting 2 2 4 A
Lowering of stabilization Failed lift due to bearing capacity as specified by competent Appliances and Lifting Gears
segment into the failure of lifting gear person. 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
shaft /accessories 2. Sufficient lighting arrangement to be ensured in measures are in place
lifting area.
21.5 Working in the R Lack of oxygen/ Severe injuries/death 1. Adequate lighting arrangement as per the task N 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-08 Work in Confined 2 2 4 A
shaft/tunnel Improper Lighting requirements (110lux) Space
2. Regularly check shaft wall integrity and report 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
any deficiencies, evacuate area if deemed unsafe. measures are in place
3. Ensure only certificated of conformance and
maintenance records for PPE/safety equipment at
procurement stage.
4. 24 hours’ gas monitoring to be done.
5. Acceptable entry conditions are:
Oxygen (O2) - greater than19.5%
Lower Flammable Limit LFL - less than 10%
Carbon Monoxide (CO) - less than 35ppm
Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) - less than 10ppm

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21.6 Working in the R Inadequate Severe injuries/death 1. Static plant items at surface located away from N 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-08 Work in Confined 2 2 4 A
shaft/tunnel Ventilation jet fan to ensure forced air is not contaminated by Space
exhaust fumes. 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
2. Ensure proper ventilation all the time inside the measures are in place

21.7 Rail Line & HT R Slip, trip and fall Personnel injury 1. Rail line must be kept in designated place, N 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 2 4 A
Cable Extension don’t through everywhere at shaft location. measures are in place
2. Proper illumination to be provided and 2. To ensure safety checklist
ensure specially in nightshift. before commencing of work
3. Provide separate pathway for the rail & HT cable
4. Grease and oil spillage to be control in
the access way.

21.8 Shifting of R Hit by locomotive Severe injuries/death 1. Manchester gate to be installed at the N 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-011 Lifting 2 3 6 A
materials inside rolling stock & tunnel entrance. Appliances and Lifting Gears & OCP-
the tunnel by Derail of locomotive 2. All safety devices & signal system must be 08 Work in Confined Space
Locomotive installed in loco (Rear View camera, revolving 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
light, stretchers, dead man switch, etc.). measures are in place
3. Adequate fencing/grill provided to avoid any
rail line crossing from back up gantry area
4. Adequate Rail line stoppers to be fixed
5. Banksmen to be deployed for loco moment.
6. Loco movement signal system to be
implemented and awareness to be provided to all
8. Daily track inspection by loco operators &

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21.9 Handling of R Crushing injury/ Severe injuries/death 1. Proper support to be fixed for the stability of N 3 4 12 1. To follow OCP-011 Lifting 2 3 6 A
segments Fractured/ Toppling the segment at the shaft bottom. Appliances and Lifting Gears & OCP-
of segments loading/unloading operations 08 Work in Confined Space
2. Proper coordination between Loco operator 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
and rigger to be ensured. measures are in place
3. Adequate illumination to be provided.

21.10 Mining R Collapse of soil Severe injuries/death 1. Voids shall be identified and filled backfill and Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-08 Work in Confined 2 3 6 A
surface/flooding compacted or pumped with concrete. Space
2. Alternatively, tunnels shall bere-routed. 2.Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary
3. A ‘Geotechnical’ survey shall be carried out measures are in place
prior to commencement of works.

21.11 Muck Disposal R Fall of muck bucket Fatal to major injuries, 1. Muck bucket to be tested by competent Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-08 Work in Confined 2 2 4 A
or property damage person with maximum load capacity. Space
2. SWL must be displayed at the muck bucket 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
and spreader beam. precautionary measures are in place
3. Communication system to be effective from
bottom shaft to surface level.

21.12 Backfill Grouting R Splash of grout Personal injury 1. Ensure Inspection of the grouting pump and Y 2 3 6
material to Eye/Skin accessories before start of work.
2. Ensure usage of Rubber hand gloves &safety
3. Eye wash lotion and clean water availability
to be ensured.

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21.13 Working with R Entanglement may Personal injury 1. Proper guard must be provided to all Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 3 6 A
conveyor belt be happening informs crushing, moving parts. measures are in place
between the shearing, tearing or 2. Emergency stop buttons should be installed. 2. To ensure safety checklist
running parts, loss of body part. Skin 3. Warning sirens must be installed to make before commencing of work
In-running nip point irritation due to muck sure that belt is going to move.
where body parts handling 4. Loose clothing must be avoided.
may be trap in, 5. Restricted to unauthorized person working near
Falling of muck the conveyor belt.

21.14 Paste Mixing NR Skin contact with Skin injury like itching, 1. Area must be cordon off near the repairing N 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-20 Handling and 2 2 4 A
repairing material, skin allergy, slipping of work. Storage of Chemicals
spillage of repairing any person etc. & 2. MSDS must be displayed at work location 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
material & Chemical Burn/ Skin with local language and engaged workers must precautionary measures are in place
Chemical hazard Allergy be aware about it.
from bonding agent 3. All engaged workers must aware about the
risk associated with the crack repairing materials.
4. Paste shall be prepared as per instruction or
direction of methodology.
5. Bonding agent should be stored in cool&

21.15 Injection of NR Skin contact & eye Eye injury and skin 1. MSDS must be displayed at work location N 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-20 Handling and 2 2 4 A
grouting injury disease with local language and engaged workers must Storage of Chemicals
be aware about it. 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
2. All engaged workers must aware about the precautionary measures are in place
risk associated with the crack repairing materials.
3. Ensure usage of Rubber hand gloves &safety

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21.16 Temporary Ring R Falls from Fatal/serious injury 1. Follow Schematic drawing. Y 3 3 9 1. To follow OCP-02 Scaffolds 2 3 6 A
& Scaffold scaffolds/collapse of due to fall or falling 2. Scaffold shall be provided with a safe means of 2. Ensure dynamic HIRA
Erection and scaffolds/ Drop or objects access and or a safe working platform. precautionary measures are in place
Dismantling fall of tools, 3. Follow scaffold tagging system.
machines 4. Do not overload the scaffolding with materials
and keep the platforms clean of debris.
5. Periodic Checking of Chain pulley blocks to
be ensured.
6. Formwork inspection program shall be
developed to check the installation/dismantling
are carried out as per the scheme drawing and
sequence of operations.

21.17 Core cutting & R Electric shock/ Fall Serious injury, Fatal 1. Electrical equipment, cables and Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 2 4 A
disposal for the materials/ man/ Fall due to electrocution accessories shall be periodically checked for measures are in place
core cutting core cutting blocks. insulation, resistance, continuity to ensure fit 2. To ensure safety checklist
blocks for use. before commencing of work
2. All connection must be routed through
RCCB/ELCB with 30mAsensitivity.
3. Electrical panels shall located/routed away
from water logging area.
4. Use proper tested chain pulley blocks
during lifting and shifting for the core cutting
5. Electrical panels shall be inspection on monthly
basis and Green Card system shall be followed.
21.18 Wire mesh fixing R Pollution /Dust / Personal injury/long 1. Water to be sprayed before and during Y 2 4 8 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 2 4 A
injured for eyes term health issues the operation to control the dust generation. measures are in place
respiratory dieses 2. Use approved dust filter mask. 2. To ensure safety checklist
3. Proper illumination to be provided in the before commencing of work
wire mesh fixing location
4. Adequate ventilation fans/ducts to be provided.

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22.1 Working over or NR Falls of person into Drowning 1. Edge protection will be provided where Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 3 6 A
adjacent to water practicable. measures are in place
water (depth 2. Safety lines and harnesses will be worn 2. To ensure safety checklist
above 4 feet) where edge protection cannot be provided. before commencing of work
3. Where there is fast flowing water, make
provision of grab lines downstream.
4. Gangways and areas near water will be
kept clear of obstructions.
5. Suitable lighting (54 lux) will be provided at
edges adjacent to water.
6. A rescue boat or other means of prompt
rescue will be available when necessary.
7. Life jacket shall be provided to all those
working over the water.
8. Activities at edges shall not be performed on
rough wind times / dark hours.
9. Caution board must be displayed with
proper information.
10. Emergency Rescue team should be designated
22.2 Working over or NR Sinking of floating Risk of drowning, 1. Check the condition of vessels against Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 3 6 A
adjacent to vessel/barge serious injuries and corrosion, ensure sufficient anticorrosion measure measures are in place
water (depth fatal due to stuck taken. 2. To ensure safety checklist before
above 4 feet) between objects in 2. Mark the Safe Working Load on every barge commencing of work
the water taking the dead weight of vessel and fill water into
account. Also mark the appropriate allowable dip
with respect to SWL.
3. A rescue boat or other means of prompt
rescue shall be available when necessary.
4. Life jacket shall be provided to all those working
over the water

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22.3 Working over or NR Flash flood Drowning and washing 1. Regular update to be taken from meteorological Y 3 4 12 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 2 4 A
adjacent to away / local department to reach flood alerts. measures are in place
water (depth 2. Erect warning signage’s. 2. To ensure safety checklist
above 4 feet) 3. Establish Emergency Siren system for before commencing of work
quick evacuation.
4. Conduct frequency drills.
22.4 Working over or NR Oil spillage into Water pollution 1. Never keep the drums/barrels/containers Y 3 3 9 1. Ensure dynamic HIRA precautionary 2 2 4 A
adjacent to water body in open condition, always ensure lid on. measures are in place
water (depth 2. Employee suitable re-fueling methods to avoid 2. To ensure safety checklist
above 4 feet) oil spillages. before commencing of work
3. Promptly remove the empty containers away
from workplace.
4. Use spill trays, maintain equipment oil leak free

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