Droplet Size Distribution After Liquid e
Droplet Size Distribution After Liquid e
Droplet Size Distribution After Liquid e
a r t i c l e in fo abstract
Article history: Traditional liquid entrainment correlations for two-phase flow systems only provide information about
Received 17 July 2009 the net mass transfer between the phases and not much data are available regarding the drop size
Received in revised form distribution of entrained, low surface tension liquids (i.e. hydrocarbons) when the working pressure is
16 October 2009
higher than the atmospheric pressure.
Accepted 17 October 2009
In this paper we study the additional drop size distribution information and we provide with a
Available online 27 October 2009
probability function that can be taken into consideration in suitable mathematical frameworks in order
Keywords: to increase the level of detail in describing multiphase systems. The presented probability function is
Drop case dependent and developed for the current data.
The actual dataset provides new results for liquid entrainment of a mixture of Exxsol D60TM as the liquid
phase and pure nitrogen as the gas phase. The calculated corresponding surface tension was 24.4 mN/m.
Fluid mechanics
Hydrocarbon & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Population balance
1. Introduction an accurate droplet size description. More complex models, like those
presented by Patruno et al. (2009c, d) make use of a droplet density
The description of the interaction between phases in multiphase function which takes into account the drop size distribution. This
flow is of major interest for the oil and gas industry as the presence actual work provides the reader with the entrainment shape
of droplets in the gas phase can cause erosion and breakdown of function, and Section 3.3 outlines the framework and the applic-
equipment. The use of conventional separators may not be ability of an entrainment shape function to model a multiphase
sufficient since very small droplets may be created from entrained dispersed flow.
liquid films at the walls. The droplet size plays a major role Ambrosini et al. (1991) present a correlation for the resulting
in choosing which separation technology is to be used, as smaller droplet size in annular flow but it predicts only a mean drop diameter
droplets are more difficult to separate than bigger drops given and does not account for statistical variations generating a droplet
the smaller ones have low inertia and will follow the gas size distribution around the mean. Kataoka and Ishii (1982) developed
stream lines. entrainment models for various regimes and modified the Paleev and
If the goal is to model the gas scrubbers in order to improve their Filipovich (1966) correlation to come up with a model closure for
design and increase their efficiency, a mathematical framework that entrainment and deposition. The advantage of this closure against
can take into account the phase interaction phenomena is of major those of Pan and Hanratty (2002a, b) is that it gives the net
significance. As a first approach, we could identify the presence mass transfers as a global parameter, but if droplet size discrimination
of liquid both as a continuum (i.e. a liquid film) and as a dispersed is to be modelled, then an entrainment spectrum has to be
phase (i.e. drops). Considering also the gas, the system is described considered. Recently, Sawant et al. (2008) have found that the Pan
as a two-fluid, two-phase, three-field problem. Models such as and Hanratty (2002a) correlation was satisfactory for low pressures,
Whalley (1990), Morud (2007) or Chatzikyriakou et al. (2009) could but underpredicted the entrainment in the high pressures regimes
be used to predict the overall velocities and mass transfers, but a (400 kPa). Kataoka et al. (1983) and Tatterson et al. (1977) presented a
drawback comes forward in these mentioned models as they lack of study on drop distributions related to entrainment for air–water
As the liquid film and the gas phase are in contact at the film
Corresponding author. Tel.: + 47 73 594132; fax: + 47 73 594080. surface, the shear will be given in terms of the velocity difference.
E-mail addresses: patruno@nt.ntnu.no (L.E. Patruno), Given the velocity difference is above a certain threshold,
hugo.jakobsen@chemeng.ntnu.no (H.A. Jakobsen). instabilities (i.e. waves) will be created. Further on, the gas can
0009-2509/$ - see front matter & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1408 L.E. Patruno et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 1407–1414
entrain liquid mass from the crests of these waves and create Chemical Engineering. The rig basically consists of a high pressure
droplets which will be carried over onto the gas phase. Azzopardi cell which is continuously fed with a gas and a liquid flow through
(1997) gives an extensive review on available data of droplet–wave separated ducts. The cell acts as a mixture chamber and disposes
interaction, being noticeable the redundancy of droplet entrainment the gas–liquid mixture to a damp tank. The gas is vented while the
data for air–water systems at atmospheric pressure and showing liquid is recirculated. All the following descriptions are based on
the lack of data in the low surface tension-hig pressure range. the process and instrumentation diagram (P&ID) shown in Fig. 1.
Moreover, an already existing droplet could either be unstable The gas line is fed by a gas bottle (TANK 1) and the pressure is
and break into smaller droplets, or collide with a neighbor droplet reduced and regulated with a pressure regulator. The gas flow can
and coalesce. Jakobsen (2008) and Patruno et al. (2009a) outline be adjusted with a needle valve and it is measured with (FI 1). The
the mathematical description of such behaviors within the temperature is measured after the flow measuring device with a
population balance framework. resistance thermometer (TEMP SENSOR 1) which is a three-wire
This paper provides a droplet size distribution function for PT100. After a last pressure measurement (PI 1), the gas is injected
drops created due to entrainment of a mixture of Exxsol D60TM (a into the high pressure cell. This gas line is pressurizing both the
light hydrocarbon) and nitrogen at slightly high pressure cell and the damp tank (DAMP TANK).
(800 kPa). This case dependent function is implemented in a An approximate liquid inventory of 2.5 L is stored in a vessel
suitable mathematical framework showing a possible coupling (LIQUID TANK) pressurized by a second gas bottle (TANK 2)
mechanism of the entrainment phenomena with an in detail containing the same gas as TANK 1. The pressure is reduced from
dispersed phase description. TANK 2 to the LIQUID TANK with a set of pressure regulators,
measured at PI 2 and kept slightly above the pressure indicated in PI
2. Experimental setup and methodology 1. The liquid flow is regulated with a needle valve. A filter for 40 mm
particles is placed upstream the liquid flow measuring device (FI 2).
This section gives an overview of the experimental setup and The liquid temperature is measured with a second three-wire PT100
equipment which was used to perform the measurements. (TEMP SENSOR 2) and then injected into the high pressure cell.
As indicated, the pressure in PI 2 is set higher than the pressure
2.1. Circulation rig in PI 1 in order to have the liquid flowing inside the cell;
nevertheless, the pressure difference is to be maintained as small
The circulation rig is placed at the Laser Lab-II facility at the as possible (2002300 kPa) in order not to influence the gas–liquid
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of equilibrium. Further details are given in Appendix A.2.
Fig. 1. Process and instrumentation diagram of the rig used to study liquid entrainment in gas–liquid systems.
L.E. Patruno et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 1407–1414 1409
The gas–liquid mixture is flushed through the bottom end of the 2:5 103 m2 and the equivalent hydraulic diameter is
high pressure cell and disposed into the DAMP TANK, which acts as 50 103 m. The pipe length is 0.5 m to minimize pressure
a separator/gravity coalescer. The pressure in the DAMP TANK is related safety issues. There are six openings through the cell’s
kept constant with a backpressure regulator which is also used as a wall: three for pipings, one for instrumentation and two for
second measurement the tank’s pressure. The gas is vented to the viewing glasses.
atmosphere while the liquid is stored in the DAMP TANK. The overall geometry of the cell is presented in Fig. 2 and the
When the LIQUID TANK runs out of liquid, an offline liquid most relevant dimensions are shown in Fig. 3.
transfer between the DAMP TANK and the LIQUID TANK is The liquid is introduced through a small pipe (internal
possible. Since the composing substances of the liquid could diameter of 2:9 103 m) from one of the front sides which is
evaporate to the gas phase, and since the gas is continuously directed to the bottom of the cell where a channel (10 103 m
renovated while the liquid is re-used, the liquid could change its wide and 3 103 m high) will guide it to the exit hole at the end
composition in time. In order to avoid strong changes in of the pipe. As the cell is slightly tilted, the channel allows the
composition the liquid is re-used only 4 times. An assessment of liquid to run through the cell as a thin film. No accurate
the evaporation effects is reported in Appendix A.2. measurement of the film height is done while it is visually
All pressures, temperatures and the liquid flow rate are estimated in 3 72 103 m.
displayed locally, while the gas flow rate is displayed by a PC. The gas is introduced through a small pipe (internal diameter
The gas flow meter used is a Bronkhorst mass meter, model F-113- of 2:9 103 m) from the top side of the cell, and a 903 bend
AC-1M0-AGD-44-V, calibrated for nitrogen at 500, 1000 and places it parallel to the liquid film. The gas injection point is the
1500 kPa. The liquid flow meter is a turbine meter, using a KEM plain-cut pipe, and there are no nozzles in use. The distance
VTE frequency pulse amplifier. between the gas injection pipe and the cell bottom (contact
The whole experimental setup (that is pipings, tanks and cell) height) is 3:0 7 0:2 103 m.
is flushed with gas from TANK 1 in order to clean it from other gas Two lateral openings in the cell allow for the multi-phase flow
contaminants. visualization along the pipe. The square of the opening is 40
103 m high and 200 103 m wide. A pressure certified glass is
2.2. High pressure cell placed covering each of the openings.
No droplet supplies (such as spray nozzles) are present
The high pressure cell is a squared-section metallic pipe with a upstream inside the high pressure cell, making the liquid
square side length of 50 103 m (50 mm), hence the pipe area is entrainment from the film the only droplet source.
Fig. 2. Side, top view and cross section of the high pressure test section acting as a mixture chamber for the gas–liquid system.
1410 L.E. Patruno et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 1407–1414
2.3. Image analysis—droplet identification parameters as constant as possible in order to check for
reproducibility, the numerical value of the physical properties
The optical part of the experimental setup consists of a 100 W are given in Table 1. The selected target pressure was 800 kPa
white light source illuminating through the high pressure cell (gauge) as it is the value placed in the middle of the rigs
towards a high speed camera. The used camera is a Photron capabilities, allowing these measurements to be center points for
FASTCAM 1024PCI doted with magnification lenses achieving a further perturbation experiments. The atmospheric pressure was
resolution of 11:61 70:06 mm=pixel. found to be 102.2 kPa.
The working principle is based on the fact that when a droplet The gas flow was set to 45 nL/min, only reaching approximate
is placed in the optical path between the light source and the values in practice. The liquid flow was set to 0.1 L/min, yielding an
camera, the camera will register the shadow of the droplet. The easy to achieve setpoint. The flow pumping design, which actually
high magnification reduces the depth of view of the camera giving has no pumps at all, proved to be a good solution to get rid of the
droplets in and out of focus. common pulsations generated by pumps. The economic costs of a
After the camera has taken a set of pictures of the droplets, high pressure pump were replaced by the cost of the gaseous
these pictures are analyzed and the droplet edges are detected. nitrogen needed to pressurize the tanks.
When an edge is diffuse (outcome of an out of focus droplet), the
information is discarded. Every accepted edge datum is consider
to be a droplet, thus its diameter, position and elongation are 3.1. Image analysis
calculated and stored.
A paper by Rodriguez and Shedd (2004) shows the applicability of With the above commented setpoints, the high speed camera
this measurement technique when measuring gas entrainment onto was set to 1000 frames per second with a shutter speed of 1/
liquid films. Further on, a previous use and validation of the droplet 122 000 s in order to avoid motion induced blur in the pictures.
identification method is outlined by Patruno et al. (2009b). The picture size was set to the maximum allowed by the camera
hardware, namely 1024 1024 pixel. The frames were taken close
to the gas outlet in order to reduce the shape changes of the PDF
3. Measurements and results induced by other physical means such as breakage, coalescence
and gravitational deposition.
Three different runs were performed in order to test the rig and As an example, Fig. 4 shows one of the images captured by the
acquisition system’s capabilities. Efforts were made to keep the high speed camera. The picture’s full color (RGB) are real colors
L.E. Patruno et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 1407–1414 1411
Table 1
Physical properties for the gas and the liquid phases.
1 48.8 70.20 0.100 70.001 790 710 15.67 0.05 24.54 9.256 743.4 1:801 102 1.2
2 43.5 70.20 0.100 70.001 8007 0.10 16.27 0.05 24.49 9.236 743.4 1:814 102 1.2
3 43.07 0.20 0.104 7 0.001 790 710 18.47 0.05 24.31 9.165 743.4 1:814 102 1.2
The calculated parameters are noted with an accent (i.e. s^ ) and no related error is given.
100 100
200 200
Image height (pixels)
300 300
100 gets rid of the undesired impurities but also provides a better
contrast between the blobs and the background.
200 An ad hoc Matlab script was written and used to analyze the
300 complete series of pictures, such as Fig. 5, and recognize each of
Image height (pixels)
From Table 2 we see that the droplet mean diameter (xc ) has been
measured to be 64 7 7 mm. The correlation for the droplet
diameter given by Tatterson et al. (1977) yields a diameter
which decreases with increasing gas velocity. Even when
considering the best case scenario given by a gas velocity of
14 m/s (this value is the gas velocity inside the inlet pipe), the
calculated mean diameter is 309 mm. This overestimation could
find its explanation in the fact that the correlation was derived for
an air–water system which presents a higher surface tension.
Fig. 7. Experimental results and curve fitting for the first run.
3.3. Usage of the data
Fig. 8. Experimental results and curve fitting for the second run. in which ud and uf are the droplet and film velocity and fd and ff
are the droplet and film mass distributions, respectively. wðx; zÞ is
the entrainment spectrum and bðzÞ the entrainment kernel.
The first equation, the droplet equation, is valid inside the
domain O ranging from the smallest droplet (xmin ) to the biggest
droplet (xmax ) in the system, and from the pipe’s initial position
(zmin ) to the final position (zmax ). The second equation, the film
equation, is independent of the droplet size and it is only
modelling the film phase, then the equation is valid inside Oz
constrained to the z variable.
The boundary conditions, third and fourth equations, are given
in Gz ¼ zmin both for fd and ff . As fd is a two variables equation
evaluated at z ¼ zmin , the equation is valid inside Gx , meaning for
all x.
Assuming that the entrainment distribution function is
independent of the position (wðx; zÞ ¼ wðxÞ), the data fitted to
Eq. (1) can be taken as the entrainment shape function and further
implemented in Eq. (2). As Eq. (1) is normalized, mass will be
Table 2
Parameters for the lognormal fitting of the three experimental runs.
Fig. 9. Experimental results and curve fitting for the third run. Parameter Value Error
w0 0.000 7 0:002
An application of the data obtained from the experiments is xc 64 77
o 0.6 7 0:1
the use of the normalized PDF as entrainment shape function for A 3.7 7 0:4
the models previously presented by Patruno et al. (2009c, d). In
L.E. Patruno et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 1407–1414 1413
700 The measured droplet mean diameter differs from the one
predicted by existing correlations. This difference could be due to
600 the gas liquid pair systems used for the experiments. Not a mean
diameter but rather a drop size distribution was presented,
500 enabling a more in depth description of the dispersed system
total mass (kg/m3)
4. Conclusions Appendix A
The droplet size distribution generated by the liquid entrain- A.1. Fluid’s properties
ment was successfully measured for a mixture of light hydro-
carbons commercially know as Exxsol D60TM as the liquid phase The data presented in this paper were obtained using a
and pure nitrogen as the gas phase at a pressure of 800 kPa mixture of Exxsol D60TM for the liquid phase and pure nitrogen as
(gauge). the gas phase. Exxsol D60TM is convenient to use within
1414 L.E. Patruno et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 65 (2010) 1407–1414
Table 3 the gas phase is a stream of pure nitrogen, the molar fraction of
The composition of the commercial mixture Exxsol D60TM used as liquid phase for nitrogen in the gas and in the liquid streams should give a clear
the experiments. idea of the amount of nitrogen dissolved into the liquid phase, and
the evaporation of hydrocarbons to the gas phase. Table 4 gives
Component (dimensionless) Fraction (mol%)
the molar fraction for nitrogen in both of the phases for each of
nC9 (n-Nonedecane) 1.2424 the experimental runs. As it can be read from the two last
nC10 (n-Decane) 20.1849 columns, the amount of nitrogen dissolved to the liquid phase is
nC11 41.9108
around 1.3 mol% and the gas phase can be taken to be pure
nC12 28.9341
nC13 7.7278
nitrogen as the composition is around 99.99 mol% nitrogen. This
also means that the amount of liquid that was evaporated is
considerer insignificant for this present work.
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