Unit 4 Part 1 B

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Consensus algorithms for Byzantine failures (synchronous
1. Upper bound on Byzantine processes
2. Byzantine agreement tree algorithm: exponential (synchronous system)
Recursive formulation
3. Byzantine agreement tree algorithm: exponential (synchronous system)
Iterative formulation
4. Phase King Algorithm
Upper bound on Byzantine processes
Proof Key Points:
Byzantine agreement tree algorithm: exponential
(synchronous system) - Recursive
Byzantine agreement tree algorithm: exponential
(synchronous system) - Recursive
Simple Algorithm
1. Every process believes in majority.
2. Round 1:
a. Sends out value to everyone.
b. Every process receiving a value from commander sends it to processes it knows.(Unfolding)
3. Round 2:
a. Each process takes majority of the values it received. (Folding)
b. If none received => Uses default value.
Phase-king algorithm for consensus: polynomial
(synchronous system)
1. Among the f +1 phases, the phase king of some phase k is non-malicious because there
are at most f malicious processes.
2. As the phase king of phase k is non-malicious, all non-malicious processes can be seen to
have the same estimate value v at the end of phase k.
a. Specifically, observe that any two non-malicious processes Pi and Pj can set their estimate v in three ways:
i. Both Pi and Pj use their own majority values.
ii. Both Pi and Pj use the phase king’s tie-breaker value.
iii. Pi uses its majority value as the new estimate and Pj uses the phase king’s tie-breaker as the new
3. All non-malicious processes have the same consensus estimate x at the start of phase k+1
and they continue to have the same estimate at the end of phase k+1. This is self-evident
because we have that n > 4f and each non-malicious process receives at least n−f > n/2+f
votes for x from the other non-malicious processes in the first round of phase k+1.
Consensus algorithms for Byzantine failures (synchronous
1. Upper bound on Byzantine processes
2. Byzantine agreement tree algorithm: exponential (synchronous system)
Recursive formulation
3. Byzantine agreement tree algorithm: exponential (synchronous system)
Iterative formulation
4. Phase King Algorithm
Iterative Algorithm
Iterative Algorithm

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