How To Install RosarioSIS On Windows
How To Install RosarioSIS On Windows
How To Install RosarioSIS On Windows
Note: Below we are going to open INI and PHP files. You may want to install Notepad++ first to
get syntax highlighting.
Install XAMPP
XAMPP will install Apache (web server), MariaDB (MySQL database server), and PHP.
Note: if your computer is 32bit, please download this XAMPP 7.3 instead. This is the latest
available 32bit version of XAMPP.
Configure PHP
1. Open the XAMPP Control Panel
2. Click "Config" next to Apache. Select "PHP (php.ini)"
3. Edit the php.ini file as follows, search with CTRL + F
Install wkhtmltopdf
1. Download wkhtmltopdf
2. Open the wkhtmltopdf installer
3. On the "Choose Install Location" screen, enter C:\wkhtmltopdf. Click "Next"
Install RosarioSIS
1. Download RosarioSIS
2. Extract the zip files to C:\xampp\htdocs
3. Right-click on the rosariosis-vXXX folder and rename it to rosariosis
4. Enter the C:\xampp\htdocs\rosariosis folder
5. Right-click on the file and rename it to
6. Right-click on the file and select "Edit with Notepad++"
7. Edit the file as follows
$DatabaseType = 'mysql';
$DatabaseUsername = 'root';
$DatabasePassword = '';
$DatabaseName = 'rosariosis';
$wkhtmltopdfPath = 'C:/wkhtmltopdf/bin/wkhtmltopdf.exe';
// Optional: activate other languages; here, for Spanish & French:
$RosarioLocales = [ 'en_US.utf8', 'fr_FR.utf8', 'es_ES.utf8' ];
Note: For other configuration options, you may refer to the file.
Access RosarioSIS
1. Go to http://localhost/rosariosis/
2. Login with username admin and password admin.
Go to http://localhost/rosariosis/diagnostic.php
RosarioSIS cannot send emails from Windows. Install and configure the Email SMTP plugin so
RosarioSIS can use your email account to relay emails.