Unit 1 - Star and Delta Connections
Unit 1 - Star and Delta Connections
Unit 1 - Star and Delta Connections
Star and Delta Connections are the two types of connections in a 3 – phase circuits. A Star
Before going in to details of the Star Connection, Delta Connection and comparing those two, let
A single phase system consists of just two conductors (wires): one is called the phase
(sometimes live or hot), through which the current flows and the other is called neutral,
voltages. It is more economical to transmit power using a 3 – phase power supply when
compared to a single phase power supply as a three – phase supply can transmit three
times the power with just three conductors when compared to a two – conductor single –
Hence, most of the power generated and distributed is actually a 3 – phase power (but
majority of households will receive a single phase supply). Further, the three – phase
electric power system can be arranged in two ways. They are: Star (also called Y or Wye)
Star Connection
In a Star Connection, the 3 phase wires are connected to a common point or star point and
Neutral is taken from this common point. Due to its shape, the star connection is sometimes also
called as Y or Wye connection. If only the three phase wires are used, then it is called 3 Phase 3
Wire system. If the Neutral point is also used (which often it is), the it is called 3 Phase 4 Wire
Delta Connection
In a Delta Connection, there are only 3 wires for distribution and all the 3 wires are phases (no
neutral in a Delta connection). The following image shows a typical Delta Connection.
Comparison between Star and Delta Connections
Star connection circuits are used Delta connection circuits are used
Mode of
for long-distance transmission of for short-distance transmission of
electric current and power. electric current and power.
The line voltage is equal to √3 The line voltage is equal in
between line
times the phase voltage in a star magnitude to the phase voltage in the
voltage and phase
connection. delta connection.
The line current is equal in The line current is equal to √3 times
between line
magnitude to the phase current in the phase current in a delta
current and phase
the star connection. connection.
The insulation requirements for the The insulation requirements for the
phase and neutral wires are phase wires are relatively more
relatively low because the phase because the phase voltage is equal to
voltage is less than the line voltage. the line voltage.
230 volts is carried by the star 440 volts is carried by the delta
Applied voltage
connection windings. connection windings.
Solved Examples
1. Calculate the phase voltage if the line voltage is 460 volts, given that the system is a
three-phase balanced star connected system.
Answer: We know,
2. In which of the following circuit line voltage and phase voltage are equal? And what
about the line voltage and phase voltage relationship in the other circuit?
Answer: As we know, in a delta connection, the line voltage and phase voltage are equal.
While for a star connection line voltage is higher than phase voltage which is given by the
relation: Vline = √3 Vphase.
Fun Facts
In any problem or question, the voltage given is generally line voltage. In the case of
phase voltage, it should be mentioned. If not mentioned, consider it as the line voltage.
Our domestic three-phase power supply or 440 volts is the line voltage.
The single-phase 230 volts AC supply is the voltage difference between a phase and the
neutral junction or rather the phase voltage.
The polyphase system where all the line voltages and line currents are equal is known as
a three-phase balanced system. In the case of unsymmetrical loads, the system is
generally an unbalanced one.