Capstone Project 2 1

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Capstone Project


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Submission Guidelines:
For the following problem statements, follow the guidelines mentioned below:
1. Create a project report in a pdf format that will consist of the following:
a. Problem Statement
b. Project Objective
c. Data Description
d. Data Pre-processing Steps and Inspiration
e. Choosing the Algorithm for the Project
f. Motivation and Reasons For Choosing the Algorithm
g. Assumptions
h. Model Evaluation and Techniques
i. Inferences from the Same
j. Future Possibilities of the Project
2. Save your model for each project and provide a copy of the same during

Problem Statement 1:
A retail store that has multiple outlets across the country are facing issues in managing the
inventory - to match the demand with respect to supply. You are a data scientist, who has to
come up with useful insights using the data and make prediction models to forecast the sales for
X number of months/years.

Dataset Information:
The walmart.csv contains 6435 rows and 8 columns.

Feature Name Description

Store Store number

Date Week of Sales

Weekly_Sales Sales for the given store in that week

Holiday_Flag If it is a holiday week

Temperature Temperature on the day of the sale

Fuel_Price Cost of the fuel in the region

CPI Consumer Price Index

Unemployment Unemployment Rate

1. Using the above data, come up with useful insights that can be used by each of
the stores to improve in various areas.
2. Forecast the sales for each store for the next 12 weeks.

Problem Statement 2:
An online retail store is trying to understand the various customer purchase patterns for their
firm, you are required to give enough evidence based insights to provide the same.

Dataset Information:
The online_retail.csv contains 387961 rows and 8 columns.

Feature Name Description

Invoice Invoice number

StockCode Product ID

Description Product Description

Quantity Quantity of the product

InvoiceDate Date of the invoice

Price Price of the product per unit

CustomerID Customer ID

Country Region of Purchase

1. Using the above data, find useful insights about the customer purchasing history
that can be an added advantage for the online retailer.
2. Segment the customers based on their purchasing behavior.

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