Lab 3.3 - Working With Dashboards
Lab 3.3 - Working With Dashboards
Lab 3.3 - Working With Dashboards
Lab objectives
In this lab, you perform the following:
4. Select the Open Incidents by State report from the list and click Add.
5. Verify that the report is now added to your dashboard and answer the following:
2. Search for and open the Open Incidents older than 30 Days report.
3. Click the share icon and select the Add to Dashboard option.
6. Verify that the report is now added to your dashboard and answer the following:
4. Click the link Click here to configure this reusable widget. This takes you to the Report
7. Type List in the Filter the visualizations text box and select List type.
2. Hover over your widgets and practice resizing and repositioning the widgets as shown:
Note: You need to be in Edit mode (Add Widgets, Configuration, or Share panel needs
to be open) to be able to perform any dashboard and layout changes.
Tip: You can either be a Dashboard owner or have Can view or Can edit access for a specific
Note: An email notification will be sent to your newly added users and group members
(Beth Anglin) informing them that they have been given dashboard access.