2.1.2 GE Short Narrative 2
2.1.2 GE Short Narrative 2
2.1.2 GE Short Narrative 2
the City of London. When Pip arrives there he meets a lawyer named Mr.Jagger, Mr.Jagger
takes him to a house in the city of London. There at that home lives Mr. Wemmick. Mr.
Wemmick is a character that appeared earlier in the novel as a character known as “The Pale
Gentleman”. He appears at a party put on by Miss Havisham and fights Pip for Estella's
amusement. This helps to lend credibility to the idea that Mrs. Havishan is Pip's benefactor. It is
obvious that he at least knows Mrs. Havinshan as he was at her party. Since he knows Mrs.
Havishan it is possible that she would contact him if she needed someone to house Pip.
Additionally, the fact that someone from Pip’s past just happened to appear seems to be a little
too convenient.
In my own life, I’ve also experienced something similar. When I was a younger child, I
don’t remember exactly how old I was, my dog Brownie ran away. The night before my dog went
missing he had bit one of my baby sisters. My grandpa on my mom's side of the family
happened to be visiting that night. He reacted intensely to the dog biting my little sister. The day
after, I walked into the back yard and I realized that I didn’t see Brownie anywhere. Thinking that
was strange I called out my dog's name. I waited for a few moments, but the dog still did not
appear. Beginning to panic I started to look around, and suddenly I realized that the dog may
have left out the side gate. I went to the side gate and to my horror I realized that the gate had
been left open! I immediately went to my parents to inform them of the emergency. They walked
out and observed the open fence and the lack of a dog and reasonably concluded my dog had
run away. However, when conveying that information to me and my sisters they said some
pretty strange things. At first, my parents suggested my dog had somehow opened the gate on
his own. For reference, the latch used to open the fence was located near the top of the fence
which was about 6 ft tall. My dog at the time only came up to my ankles. Now I totally bought
this story and asked no questions, despite this my parents changed the story. They instead
suggested that maybe my dog had been taken by Dog Nappers! Now while this was suspicious
I was really young and continued to believe them. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that
the story my parents told me about the disappearance of my dog did not make sense. When I
realized this fact I went to my parents to ask them what really happened to my dog. They told
me that they gave the dog away to a pound. It became obvious that the convenient happening
of my dog’s disappearance was too convenient to be real, and I am still angry to this very day.