Orthopedic Surgery: Spine: A. Introduction To The Spine
Orthopedic Surgery: Spine: A. Introduction To The Spine
Orthopedic Surgery: Spine: A. Introduction To The Spine
(6) Neoplasia
• Bone metastasis
• Primary bone neoplasms
o Osteoblastoma
o Chordoma
• Hematological malignancies
o Multiple myeloma
o Acute leukemia
o Chronic myeloid leukemia
o Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
* Lumbosacral disk herniation: L5–S1 (most common site), L4–L5 (second most common site)
*Intervertebral disks usually protrude/herniate posterolaterally, as the posterior longitudinal ligament
is thinner than the anterior longitudinal ligament.
• Clinical manifestations:
o Asymptomatic
o Radiculopathy (compression of spinal nerve root):
▪ Acute onset of severe neck or back pain: radicular pain radiates to the legs (sciatic pain) or
arms, pain is either stabbing or resembles an electric shock.
▪ Typically unilateral: paresthesia, motor weakness, loss of deep tendon reflexes in
dermatome and myotome territory of compressed nerve root
o Myelopathy (compression spinal cord):
▪ Typically bilateral or cauda equina syndrome
▪ Medical emergency! Motor weakness, sensory abnorma lities, bowel or bladder
• Diagnosis
o Physical exam + MRI
o Other: CT myelogram, X-ray spine
• Treatment:
o Conservative: analgesics (NSAID) and physiotherapy for isolated acute radiculopathy without
severe paresis
o Surgery: Urgent surgical decompression for patients w spinal cord compression, conus medullaris
syndrome or cauda equina syndrome prevent neurological damage
(2) Spinal stenosis
• Definition: Narrowing of the central spinal canal, intervertebral foramen, and lateral recess w cervical spine,
thoracic spine or lumbar spine- resulting progressive nerve root compression.
• Etiology:
o Degenerative joint disease (Spondylolisthesis or disk space narrowing) middle age and elderly
o Systemic dis: Paget disease, ankylosing spondylitis, tumors
• Clinical manifestations:
o Lumbar spinal stenosis: most common form causes load-dependent lower back pain that radiates
to buttock and legs
o Cervical spine stenosis: neck pain
o Lumbar extension (standing or walking downhill) exacerbates the pain
o Lumbar flexion (sitting or walking uphill) improves symptoms
• Diagnosis
o Clinical features + MRI spine without contrast – compression of spinal cord w nerve impingement
• Treatment:
o Conservative: analgesics (NSAID) and physiotherapy
o Laminectomy: Surgical decompression of spinal cord for patients refractory or severe spinal
(3) Osteoporosis
• Veure pregunta 7C
(4) Rhematoid arthtritis
(5) Ankylosing spondylitis
(6) Reactive arthritis
• Veure pregunta 10C