Road Calculations

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Length b/w

Station stations Width H/D diff btw Nsl and Fsl Mean H/D Central area Side area Total area
mts mts mts mts mts^2 mts^2 mts^2
1 0 10 0.692 _ _ __ _
2 50 10 0.253 0.4725 4.725 0.70875 5.43375
3 50 10 0.024 0.1385 1.385 0.20775 1.59275
4 50 10 0.001 0.0125 0.125 0.01875 0.14375
5 50 10 -0.274 -0.132 1.32 0.198 1.518
6 50 10 -0.123 -0.1975 1.975 0.29625 2.27125
7 50 10 -0.772 -0.4475 4.475 0.67125 5.14625
8 50 10 -0.361 -0.5665 5.665 0.84975 6.51475
9 50 10 -0.074 -0.2175 2.175 0.32625 2.50125
10 50 10 50 0.061 0.61 0.0915 0.7015
11 50 10 0.187 0.1915 1.915 0.28725 2.20225
12 50 10 0 0.0935 0.935 0.14025 1.07525

Estimation of cost of earthwork as per standards FOR(100m^3)

Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

114 Beldar Day 6.8 736 5004.8

115 Coolie Day 5.6 736 4121.6
TOTAL 9126.4
FOR(4670m^3) Cost 426202.88

Add 1% Water charges on cost 4262.02

Cost 430464.02
Add Gst (multiplying factor .2127) 91,559.69
Cost 522,023.69
15% CPOH 78303
Cost 600327.24
1% Cess 6003.24
Total Cost 606330.51
Banking(m^3) Cutting(m^3)
_ _
- 75.9
-- 113.5625
- 257.3125
- 325.7375
- 125.0625
35.075 -
110.1125 -
53.7625 -
Total Filling Total cutting
557.4625 897.575

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