Science 10 q3 Reviewer Real

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Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

MALE & FEMALE Reproductive - Produce and secrete male sex

System hormones.

The purpose of Reproduction or the

Reproductive System is to pass on traits
from one generation to another.
Biomimicry - a practice that learns from
and mimics the strategies found in nature
to solve human design challenges.

What is male reproductive system?

The male reproductive system

includes a group of organs that make up
the reproductive system and urinary
system in men and people assigned male
at birth (AMAB)
The male reproductive system EXTERNAL PARTS
contains internal and external parts.
Internal parts are inside your body, and Penis - the male organ for sexual
external parts are outside your body. intercourse. It contains many sensitive
Together, these organs help: nerve endings, and it has three parts:
- urinate (pee)
• Root. The root is the base of
- have sexual intercourse
your penis. It attaches to the wall of
- make biological children
your abdomen.

• Body (shaft). The body has a

What does the male reproductive shape like a tube or cylinder. It consists
of three internal chambers: (2 corpora
system do? cavernosa & 1 corpus spongiosum)
The erectile tissue contains thousands
The organs that make up the male of spaces. During sexual arousal, the
reproductive system perform the following: spaces fill with blood, and your penis
becomes hard and rigid (erection).
- Produce, maintain and transport
sperm cells and semen. Sperm • Glans (head). The glans is the
cells are male reproductive cone shaped tip of the penis. A loose
cells. Semen is the protective layer of skin (foreskin) covers the glans.
fluid around sperm

- Discharge Sperm
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Scrotum - the loose, pouch-like sac of skin INTERNAL PARTS

that hangs behind the penis. It holds the
testicles (testes) as well as nerves and
blood vessels. Vas Deferens - a long, muscular tube that
travels from the epididymis into the pelvic
cavity, just behind the urinary bladder.
• It protects testicles and • It transports mature sperm to the
provides a sort of “climate-control urethra in preparation for ejaculation.
system.” Special muscles in the wall of
the scrotum let it contract (tighten) and
Ejaculatory Ducts - Each testicle has a
• It contracts to move your
vas deferens that joins with seminal vesicle
testicles closer to your body for warmth
ducts to form ejaculatory ducts.
and protection. It relaxes away from your
body to cool them. • The ejaculatory ducts move
through prostate, where they collect
fluid to add to semen.
Testicles - (testes) are oval shaped organs
that lie in your scrotum. They’re about the
size of two large olives. The spermatic cord Urethra - the tube that carries pee from
holds the testicles in place and supplies your bladder outside of your body. If you
them with blood. have a penis, it also ejaculates semen
when you reach orgasm
• Most people have two testicles,
on the left and right side of the scrotum. • The urethra transports pee and
The testicles make testosterone and semen out of your body. Semen
produce sperm. contains sperm. You expel (ejaculate)
semen through the end of your penis
• Within the testicles are coiled when you reach sexual climax (orgasm).
masses of tubes. These are the
seminiferous tubules. The • When your penis is erect, your
seminiferous tubules produce sperm corpora cavernosa press against the
cells through spermatogenesis. part of your urethra where pee flows.
This blocks your pee flow so that only
semen ejaculates when you orgasm.
Epididymis - a long, coiled tube that rests
on the back of each testicle. It carries and
Prostate Gland - a walnut sized gland that
stores the sperm cells that your testicles
rests below your bladder, in front of your
• The epididymis also brings the
- The prostate adds additional
sperm to maturity — the sperm that
fluid to ejaculate, which helps nourish
emerge from the testicles are immature
sperm. The urethra runs through the
and incapable of fertilization. During
center of the prostate gland during
sexual arousal, muscle contractions
force the sperm into the vas deferens.
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Bulbourethral (Cowper) Glands - pea- Note: Vulva is the collective name for all
sized structures on the sides of your external genitals. A lot of people mistakenly
urethra, just below your prostate. They use the term “vagina” to describe all female
create a clear, slippery fluid that empties reproductive parts. However, vagina is its
directly into the urethra. own structure located inside the body.
- This fluid lubricates the urethra
and neutralizes any acids that may
remain from pee. Labia majora - (“large lips”) enclose and
protect the other external reproductive

What is female reproductive During puberty, hair growth

occurs on the skin of the labia majora,
system? which also contain sweat and oil-secreting

The female reproductive system

is the body parts that help women or people Labia minora - (“small lips”) can have a
assigned female at birth (AFAB): variety of sizes and shapes. Lie just inside
labia majora, and surround the opening to
✓ Have sexual intercourse. vagina (the canal that joins the lower part
of uterus to the outside of body) and urethra
✓ Reproduce.
(the tube that carries pee from bladder to
✓ Menstruate. the outside of body).
This skin is very delicate and can
become easily irritated and swollen
Clitoris: two labia minora meet at clitoris, a
EXTERNAL PARTS small, sensitive protrusion that’s
comparable to a penis in men or people
assigned male at birth. It is covered by a
fold of skin called the prepuce and is very
sensitive to stimulation.

Vaginal opening: allows menstrual blood

and babies to exit your body.

Hymen: a piece of tissue covering or

surrounding part of your vaginal opening.
It’s formed during development and
present during birth.
to protect the internal parts from
infection and allow sperm to enter vagina.
Urethral opening: the hole you pee from
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Ectopic Pregnancy – Fertilized

egg attaches to a fallopian tube or other
INTERNAL PARTS parts of the body outside the uterus
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
(PCOS) - a condition that affects a
woman’s hormone levels and causes cysts
in the ovaries, irregular periods, hair
growth, and infertility.

Ovaries: are small, oval-shaped glands

that are located on either side of your
uterus. It produce eggs and hormones.

Vagina: a muscular canal that joins the

cervix (the lower part of uterus) to the Fallopian tubes: These are narrow tubes
outside of the body. that are attached to the upper part of the
uterus and serve as pathways for the egg
It can widen to accommodate a
(ovum) to travel from ovaries to uterus.
baby during delivery and then shrink back
to hold something narrow like a tampon. It’s Fertilization of an egg by sperm
lined with mucous membranes that help normally occurs in the fallopian tubes. The
keep it moist. fertilized egg then moves to the uterus,
where it implants into uterine lining.

Cervix: the lowest part of your uterus. A

hole in the middle allows sperm to enter
and menstrual blood to exit. The cervix
The Role of Hormone in MALE &
opens (dilates) to allow a baby to come out FEMALE Reproductive System
during a vaginal childbirth.

Human reproductive cycles are

Uterus: a hollow, pear-shaped organ that controlled by the interaction of hormones
holds a fetus during pregnancy. It is divided from the
into two parts: the cervix and the corpus. hypothalamus
The corpus is the larger part of uterus that and anterior
expands during pregnancy. pituitary with
hormones from
Uterus Lining – (Endometrial reproductive
Lining) thickens during menstruation or organs.
preparation for pregnancy and thins out
after egg is not fertilized. In both sexes
Implantation – fertilized egg hypothalamus
travels from the ovaries and sticks to uterus monitors and
lining causes the release of hormones from the
pituitary gland.
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Regulation of Reproductive Hormone

Endocrine Secretion in Males


When the reproductive hormone is required

the hypothalamus sends a gonadotropin-
releasing hormone (GnRH) to the anterior
pituitary gland.

At start of puberty the

hypothalamus will release GnRH to
stimulate the anterior pituitary gland to
produce and release LH and FSH.

GnRH causes the pituitary gland in the FSH enters the testes and
brain to make and secrete the hormones stimulates Sertoli cells to begin facilitating
luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle- spermatogenesis using negative
stimulating hormone (FSH). feedback.
In men, these hormones cause LH also enters the testes and
the testicles to make testosterone. stimulates the interstitial cells of Leydig
In women, they cause the ovaries to make and release testosterone into the
to make estrogen and progesterone. testes and the blood.

Remember: The body must reach puberty Functions of Testosterone:

in order of the adrenal glands to release the Stimulates spermatogenesis
hormone that must be present for the
GnRH to be produced. Responsible for the secondary sex

✓deepening of the voice

✓growth of facial, axillary and pubic hair

✓beginnings of sexual urge
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Negative Feedback Mechanism Functions of Estrogen

Occurs in the male with rising The reproductive hormone in females that:
levels of testosterone acting on the
- assist in the endometrial regrowth
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary to
- ovulation
inhibit the release of GnRH, FSH, and LH.
- calcium absorption
The Sertoli cells produce the - Also responsible of the secondary
hormone inhibin which is released into the sexual characteristics such as:
blood when the sperm count is too high. o Breast Development
This inhibits the release of GnRH and FSH o Widening of Hips
which will cause spermatogenesis to slow o Shorter Period necessary for
down. bone maturation

Regulation of Reproductive Hormone Functions of Progesterone

Secretion in FemaleS - Assists in endometrial re-growth

- Inhibition of the release of FSH and
The female reproductive system is
FSH stimulates the development of egg
also regulated by hormones. The GnRH
cells called ova which develop in
from hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary
structures called follicles.
gland to release the hormones FSH and LH
into the ovaries. Follicle cells produce the
hormone inhibin which inhibits or stops the
The LH and FSH stimulates the
releasing of FSH, this give negative
ovaries to produce estrogen and
feedback in the female reproductive
- Hormones play an important role
in both male and female reproductive

- With the help of the

hypothalamus, the pituitary gland
controls the functions of both testes and
the ovaries.

- These hormones keep the

reproductive system properly
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

• Amenorrhea – absence of
Hypothalamus menstrual flow

Pituitary Gland
Reproductive phases of human life
GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing

Reproductive age – 11 – 45 years old

LH (Luteinizing FSH (Follicle-
Hormones) Stimulating Hormone) (female can conceive)
Menopause age – 45 to 50 years
(menstruation stops)
Male Female

Estrogen &
This is a series of events, occurring
regularly in females every 26 – 30 days
Spermatogenesis Oogenesis Pregnancy Menstruation throughout the childbearing period of 36
Sperm Cells Egg Cells

The cycle consists of series of changes

taking places concurrently in the ovaries
and uterine walls, stimulated by changes in
blood concentration of hormones



Key Terms:

• Menstrual Cycle – the normal

shedding of the endometrium in the
form of bleeding through the cervix &

• Endometrium – the innermost

layer of the uterus

• Menarche – in puberty, the first Hormone control of cycle

sign of menstruation

• Menopause – a point in time 12 • Reproductive cycle requires

months after a woman’s last period complex interactions and feedback
between the hypothalamus, pituitary
and ovaries.
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Phases of the menstrual cycle

• Hypothalamus – releases
gonadotropin-releasing hormone in
pulsatile manner -> anterior pituitary -> Cycle Pre-ovulation Post-

release of LH and FSH Ovarian Follicular Phase Luteal
Cycle Phase
• Hyopothalamo-pituitary-ovarian Uterine
Period Proliferative

• Cycle controlled by Ovarian cycle

hypothalamus, however this can be
influenced by higher centers within the
brain If conception and implantation occur:

• Corpus Luteum doesn’t regress –

maintained by gonadotropins secreted
Hormone control by trophoblasts

Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) –

If conception doesn’t occur successfully:
• Corpus luteum regresses and
• Stimulates follicular maturation
menstruation occurs
during follicular phase
• Drops in steroid sex hormones ->
• Stimulates steroid hormone
leads a rise in gonadotropin levels (LH
secretion – oestrogen (by the
& FSH) -> initiate next cycle
granulosa cells of mature ovarian

Ovarian cycle – follicular phase

Luteinizing Hormone (LH) - glycoprotein

• Stimulates steroid hormone Days 1 – 8: FSH and LH relatively high

secretion -oestrogen levels
• Ovulation – mid-cycle surge of • Stimulate development of 10-20
LH follicles
• Progesterone production by • Results in full maturation of a single
corpus luteum dominant follicle – appearing in mid-
follicular phase
• Remainder undergo atresia
Negative Feedback Mechanism controls • High LH and FSH triggered by drop in
cycle oestrogen and progesterone levels
from last cycle.
• Oestrogen levels start to rise as
follicular development occurs
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Ovarian cycle – follicular phase (2) source of sex hormones – oestrogen

and progesterone secreted during post
ovulary phase
Day 9 – 14: • This leads to marked increase in
progesterone and oestrogen
• Follicle increases in size
• Localized accumulation of fluid
among granulosa cells -> fluid-filled
central cavity called antrum
• Transporting primary follicle to
Graafian follicle
• Oocyte occupies excentric position –
surrounded by cumulus oophorus – 2-3
layers of granulosa cells
• Rise in oestrogen by granulosa cells
– restricting number of follicle maturing UTERINE CYCLE

Influenced by the cyclical production of

Ovarian cycle – Ovulation steroid hormones
Causes changes to the uterus
Day 14: Rapid enlargement of follicle and
rupture of the follicle with extrusion of the Involving the endometrium and cervical
oocyte and adherent cumulus oophorus mucus
(some women get pain before rupture –

• Rise in oestrogen -> mid-cycle surge Uterine cycle – endometrium overview

of LH and to a lesser extent FSH ->
ovulation Two layered
• Immediately before ovulation there is
a drop in oestrogen and an increase in • Superficial layer that sheds during
progesterone the menstrual cycle
• Ovulation follows within 18 hours of • Basal layer that doesn’t take part, but
mid-cycle surge of LH regenerates the superficial layer
• If not enough of a LH surge – then no
The basal layer has straight arterioles
ovulation occurs – anovulatory
where as the superficial layers has spiral
ones – important in the process of shedding

Ovarian cycle – LUTEAL PHASE

Uterine cycle – proliferative phase
Day 15 – 28: remainder of the follicle
retained in the ovary – penetrated by
Occurs during the follicular phase of the
capillaries and fibroblasts from the theca
ovarian cycle
• Grunlosa cells undergo luteinization
Endometerium exposed to oestrogen ->
-> corpus luteum formation – the major regeneration from the last menstrual cycle
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Glands in endometrium are straight in this • Changes during the menstrual

phase, parallel to one another and contain cycle
little secretion • Early follicular phase -viscid and
• Late follicular phase – increasing
Uterine cycle – secretory phase progesterone levels
• Mucus becomes watery and
easily penetrated, allowing
After ovulation – progesterone production spermatozoa to get through
causes secretory changes in endometrial • Change is known as
glands Spinnbarkheit
Appearance of secretory vacuoles in • Post-ovulation – progesterone
glandular epithelium below nuclei from corpus luteum counteracts
oestrogen effects
Secretions in lumen of glands -> which • Mucus becomes impermeable
become tortuous and develop serrated and the cervical os contracts

Uterine cycle – menstrual phase

Luteal phase lasts 14 days – then there is

a regression of corpus luteum -> decline in
oestrogen and progesterone
This leads to an intense spasmodic
contraction of spiral section of endometrial
arterioles -> ischaemic necrosis ->
shedding of superficial layer -> bleeding
Other changes
These spasms are associated with
prostaglandin, which are also associated
with increased uterine contractions during Body temperature – Rise of 0.5°C after
menstrual flow. ovulation till onset of menstruation.
After degeneration of the corpus luteum, Due to progesterone levels
however, falling levels of oestrogen and
progesterone lead to resumed anterior If conception occurs – This temperature is
maintained throughout pregnancy
pituitary activity, rising FSH levels and the
initiation of the next cycle. Breast changes – Breast swelling during
luteal phase due to increasing
progesterone levels.
Cervical mucus Psychological changes – Change in
mood and an increase in emotional lability
• Important to stop ascending Might be due to falling progesterone levels
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Nervous System Working main regions: the cerebrum, cerebellum

and brain stem.
Together with Endocrine System Cerebrum – large, upper-part of the
to Maintain Homeostasis brain that controls activity and
Cerebellum – The part under the
What is the nervous system? cerebrum that controls posture,
balance, and coordination

The nervous system is your body's Brain Stem – the part that connects
decision and communication center. The the brain to the spinal cord, and
first division, the central nervous system controls autonomic functions such
(CNS), consists of the brain and the spinal as breathing, digestion, heart hare,
cord while the second division, the and blood pressure.
peripheral nervous system (PNS),
involves all of the nerves

Central nervous system

A. The Brain B. Spinal Cord

The brain is the control center of It is about 40-50 cm long. Through

the nervous system. It has three main it, the brain and the body becomes
parts: the forebrain, midbrain and interconnected. Composing the nerve
hindbrain. Moreover, it is divided into three
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

tissues of the cord is a gray and white

PHERIPHERAL nervous system
It transmits impulses all over the
body to and from the brain. It is also
responsible for involuntary movements. A. The Somatic Nervous System (SNS)

• regulates the activities that are

under conscious control. It includes all
the nerves controlling the muscular
system and external sensory receptors.

• Specifically, these receptors

refer to the external sense organs – the
eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue.

LOBES OF THE BRAIN Spinal Nerves – the nerves that

carry motor and sensory signals
between the spinal cord and the
Cranial Nerves – the nerve fibers
that carry information into and out
of the brain stem

B. Autonomic Nervous System

• regulates all activities that are

considered as involuntary or those
reflexes that are done without
conscious will.

• Some of its functions include

• Frontal lobe: involved in controlling the muscles in the heart and
personality characteristics, decision- the smooth muscles in the internal
making, movement, emotional regulation, organs such as the intestines, bladder
higher planning, and problem-solving. and the uterus
• Parietal lobe: responsible for
signals of pain perception, sense of touch,
and feelings of pressure, and helps a The autonomic nervous system is
person identify objects and understand further subdivided into the sympathetic
spatial relationships. and parasympathetic nervous systems.
• Temporal lobe: involved in
memory consolidation.
• Occipital lobe: responsible for 1. Sympathetic - It is known as the “fight
processing visual information. or flight response” which controls the
internal functions of the body in times of
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

stress. In addition, it is responsible for the • thermoreceptor for temperature.

acceleration of heart rate, the constriction
With these receptors, the nervous system
of blood vessels and the rise of blood
pressure. is able to get all of the information on all
happenings around the body.
2. Parasympathetic – It is known as the
“rest and digest” which is the opposite of
the sympathetic nervous system. It controls Neurons
the internal functions at rest. Thus, it slows
down the heart rate and increases the The basic unit of the nervous
intestinal and gland activities. system is the neuron or nerve cell which
carries impulses to the nervous system.

• A neuron is composed of the

following parts: dendrites,
nucleus, cell body, axon,
nodes of Ranvier, myelin
sheath cells and the axon

Parts of a neurons

Dendrites receive the impulses and carry

these toward the cell body.
Axon carries the impulses away from the
cell body which passes along the different
parts of the neuron
Cell body contains genetic information,
maintains the neuron's structure, and
provides energy to drive activities.
Pathways of the nervous system Nucleus to guide the axon hillock that
generates the impulses throughout the
Myelin Sheath allows electrical impulses
These organs are composed of different to transmit quickly and efficiently along the
receptors: nerve cells.
• eyes, photoreceptors;
• ears, mechanoreceptors;
• tongue, chemoreceptors;
• nose, olfactory receptors;
• pain, nociceptors; and
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

3. Associative neurons, located in the

Classifications of neurons CNS, analyze and interpret the data or
1. Sensory or affective neurons carry
impulses from the sense organs to the
brain and spinal cord.


• responsible for many reactions

such as influencing how your heart beats,
how your bones and tissues develop, and
even your capacity to have a baby.
• It plays an essential role in the
occurrence of disorders such as diabetes,
2. Motor or effective neurons carry thyroid disease, growth disorders, and/or
impulses from the brain and spinal cord to sexual dysfunction.
the muscles. • secrete chemicals, called
hormones, into the bloodstream which
carries them throughout the body.


Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

Hormones help regulate body HOMEOSTASIS

processes such as growth, development,
metabolism, and response to stimuli. They • Negative feedback involves a
are like chemical messengers that response that is the reverse of the change
transport a signal from one cell to another. detected.
• This means its function is to reduce
the change.

If the body temperature changes
mechanisms are induced to restore normal


• Positive feedback involves a

response that reinforces the change
• This means its function is to
amplify the change.


• Homeostasis is the state of steady

internal, physical, and chemical conditions CHILDBIRTH
maintained by living organisms.
• It is attained through regulation of The stretching of uterine walls cause
the bodily functions of the endocrine and contractions that further stretches the
nervous systems walls, this continues until birthing occurs.

Most body systems maintain homeostasis Process of homeostasis

by using feedback mechanisms.
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos

1. When the brain receives messages

from the body about an internal change on
its system, it works to restore the system to
its normal state.

2. The brain detected an increase of

blood sugar in the body.

3. The brain sends signal to the

pancreas to produce insulin releasing into
the blood.

4. The hormone insulin will inform the

liver to take up glucose and store it as

5. Body cells also take up extra

glucose in the blood from this events.

6. The blood glucose will decrease

and becomes normal. The
HOMEOSTASIS is achieved!

It is important that the amount of hormones

in our body is kept at the right level. The
endocrine system plays an important part
in maintaining the homeostasis.

Achieving homeostasis

To achieve homeostasis the nervous and

endocrine systems maintain a normal
range of the following:

• Body Temperature
• Amount of metabolic waste in the cell
• Blood Calcium Level
• Hormones in the blood
Aurora National Science High School
Suaverdez, Rhomer John Kevin, Licay
Ma’am Gilynne Magos




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