In consideration of The City Bank Limited (“the Bank”) opening and/or continuing the Account in and acceptance of the applicable terms and conditions as well as my acknowledgment of the
my/our name(s) and/or providing the banking and other Facilities, as requested in the Account inherent risks in conducting any transaction and using the Facilities and I authorize the Bank
Opening Form, I/We do hereby unequivocally and irrevocably agree and bind myself/ourselves to to follow/act on my instructions over telephone/mobile/internet and/or other means set
bear and pay all fees, charges and expenses that would be fixed and notified by the Bank from out herein
time to time relating to the Account and the Facilities and to maintain, operate and use the (viii) In order to use the Facilities and other Services, I must:
Account and the Facilities subject to the terms and conditions set out below and in accordance (a) be the holder of an Account or a person authorized to operate an Account (as the case maybe);
with Rules, Regulations and Policy of the Bank and the applicable laws, as may be framed, revised (b) apply to use the Service in the prescribed form and agree to the terms and conditions set out
and enacted from time to time. herein;
(c) be registered with the Bank to use the Services and taking all necessary steps that the Bank
1. Definitions & Interpretations may advise me to complete the registration process.
(i) 'Account' means any and all of the accounts as mentioned and requested for in the Account (d) comply with the terms and conditions and all other applicable laws, regulations, rules and
Opening Form and any other accounts which the Bank may introduce from time to time the policies of the Bank as may be framed and notified from time to time.
which are opened in my name. (ix) The Bank's record of all transactions effected by use of ATM, CDM, Debit Card, or other the
(ii) 'AOF' includes Account Opening Form, Signature Card, Individual Information/KYC Form, and Facilities and banking services will be conclusive and binding on me for all purposes. I will
Transaction Profile and all other document or documents referred to therein or incidental to indemnify and hold the Bank fully indemnified and harmless for any loss, damage, costs
the Forms. (including legal costs) claims of demands arising in connection with the use, misuse,
(iii) 'Bank' means The City Bank Limited and includes its Head Office and its branches, successors- fraudulent use, loss or theft of any ATM Card, Debit Card and other Facilities assigned to me
in-interest, administrator, receiver, legal representatives and assigns. or resulting from any mechanical defect in or malfunction of, or insufficiency of funds etc.
(iv) 'Business Day' means any day on which banks in Bangladesh and the Bank are open for account (x) I shall be solely responsible for proper safe custody and control of my PIN and TIN and its
transaction business and excludes weekends, bank holidays, public holidays and all such other related passwords. I must not disclose PIN, TIN and/or its related password to anyone else,
holiday or holidays as the government and Bangladesh Bank may declare from time to time. including to someone who is a joint account holder, or to a member of Bank's staff, or to
(v) "Designated Electronic Mail Account" means the electronic mail account specified by me on someone giving assistance on a service help desk or any other representative of the Bank.
the subscription form or upon registration for the Facilities by such other means and in the Without prejudice to the other clauses of these terms and conditions, I shall be liable for all
absence of such details, any electronic mail account I provided in connection with my use of Transactions and/or the use of the PIN, TIN and/or its related Passwords with or without my
the Bank's Facilities, or such other electronic mail account which I may designate to the Bank knowledge or consent for whatsoever purpose. My instruction(s) identified by my PIN, TIN
from time to time for purposes of receiving electronic mails in relation to my use of the and/or its related passwords shall be deemed to be my proper and validated instruction.
Services, as the case maybe. Accordingly, the Bank shall be entitled to rely on any such instruction Should the Bank accept
(vi) "Designated Mobile Number" means the mobile number specified by me on the subscription and act upon any such instruction from me, or from some other person purporting to be me,
form or upon registration for the Facilities by such other means and in the absence of such I do hereby agree to indemnify the Bank against any loss, damages, costs (including legal
details, any mobile number I provided in connection with my use of the Bank's Facilities or costs) or demands incurred by the Bank as a result of or, in connection herewith.
Services, or such other mobile number which I may designate to the Bank from time to time (xi) I shall ensure that there are sufficient funds or prearranged credit facilities in my Account
for purposes of communications in relation to my use of the services, as the case may be. when giving the telephone or other instructions through i-Banking, Phone Banking or other
(vii) “Facility or Facilities” mean and include all or any of ATM/debit cards, locker facilities, Facilities and the Bank shall not be liable for any consequences arising out of the Bank's
statement and all other electronic services such as e-Statement and e-Services, phone failure to carry out such instructions due to inadequacy of funds and/or credit facilities.
banking, internet banking (i-Banking), Automated Teller Machine (ATM), Cash Deposit (xii) If as a result of Transaction conducted using the Facilities, my Account is overdrawn, I shall
Machines (CDM), City Wallet (SMS Banking), Utility Bill Payment, Bangladesh Electronic Fund forthwith pay on demand to the Bank all such sums withdrawn in excess of available funds
Transfer Network (BEFTN) Services, EFTPOS Services and any other services or facilities together with interest at the prevailing rate which the Bank charges on such overdrawn
offered or to be offered via electronic means by the Bank. The use of the Facilities is subject amounts.
to Bank's Terms and Conditions governing such Facility in addition to these Terms and (xiii) In connection with my account, I acknowledge that any information pertaining to my accounts or
Conditions. If there is a conflict, the terms and conditions governing such Facility will prevail transactions as reported through the Facilities may not always be completely up to date as there may
as far as it relates to the specific Services unless otherwise expressly stated herein be transactions and/or instructions which, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, have yet
(viii) 'Person' includes any individual, corporation, firm, partnership, limited liability partnership, to be processed by the Bank, require verification of the Bank, or are in progress. I agree that the
society, association, trade union, institution and other business concern, statutory body and information pertaining to the Facilities shall not be used for any purpose whatsoever be taken as
agency and government authority, whether local or foreign conclusive of my account balance or transaction status.
(ix) "PIN" means a personal identification number and includes the assigned password which is (xiv) All Instructions through phone banking, i-banking and other Facilities shall be irrevocable,
generated automatically by Software without any human interface issued to the account irreversible and unconditional.
holder or cardholder to authenticate, secure and operate the account, card or other banking (xv) The Facilities are provided for my convenience. Consequently, the Bank shall not be liable for
services and Facilities by the account holder through ATM Card/Debit Card/i-Banking and/or any error, mistake or damage which may arise in connection with the services, information
other designated services as may be offered by the Bank from time to time. or evidence relating to the use of the Facilities. I shall not raise such error; mistake or
(x) "TPIN" means a identification number and includes the assigned password which is damage as proof or evidence in bringing a challenge or legal action against the Bank.
generated automatically by Software without any human interface issued to the account (xvi) The Bank reserves the absolute right at its discretion from time to time to modify, restrict,
holder or cardholder to authenticate, secure and operate the account, card or banking withdraw, cancel, suspend or discontinue the Facilities and other banking services without
services and Facilities by the account holder through telephone/call center/phone banking giving any reason or prior notice.
and/or other designated services as may be offered by the Bank from time to time. (xvii) The Bank may set a minimum average daily balance on account (hereinafter "Average
(xi) The singular includes the plural where applicable and vice versa. Balance") depending on the natures of different accounts, and the Bank may charge a
(xii) A gender includes all genders. management fee depending on the natures of different accounts where the balance on
(xiii) If any of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions is or becomes invalid, illegal or account is less than the Average Balance. I will be notified of the Average Balance amount in
unenforceable under any law, the validity, legality or enforce ability of the remaining the manner set out by the Bank. The Bank may directly deduct such account management
provisions will not be affected or impaired. fee from my respective accounts.
(xiv) Where the account is opened by more than one person “I”, “me” or “my” shall include all the (xviii) In case where there is no nominee or the nominee died in the lifetime of the account holder
persons and shall be read as “we”, “us” or “our”. The terms and conditions, shall bind each without any advice by the account holder to the bank, or the nominee dies together with the
one individually or anyone or more or all of them jointly and severally and agreements, account holder, the Succession Certificate from the appropriate court will be required for
obligations and liabilities of the joint customers shall be joint and several. releasing the balance amount after the death of the account holder.
(xv) Headings to the articles of the Terms and Conditions (“agreement”) are for the convenience (xix) Unless otherwise provided or notified by the Bank, where any of my accounts is without any
of viewing, and do not affect the interpretation, explanation and understanding of relevant record of deposits or withdrawals for 1 (one) year or more, other than term deposits, the
provisions of the agreement. Bank may automatically convert such account into a dormant account and cease accruing
interest as of the date of conversion. Until I personally visit and apply to activate such
2. General dormant account, the Bank may cease all withdrawal and outward remittance transactions
(i) Bank will determine the Account Number to be allocated to each Account opened and may and services in respect of such account. The Bank may also terminate the deposit
change it upon notification to me. relationship between me and the Bank and directly close such account at any time, after
(ii) The operation and maintenance of the Accounts, Deposit Schemes, other Products and banking notifying me in writing. Where an account is without any record of deposits or withdrawals
Services and the Facilities shall, in addition to the Terms and Conditions stated herein, be subject to for 10 (ten) years or more, no further transactions may be carried out in respect of such
Bank's prevailing User Guidance and Terms and Conditions related to the Service available in the account and such deposit account shall be converted into unclaimed account and be settled
Bank's website at www.thecitybank.com or in other forms (including all such modifications, as per Rules and Regulations of Bangladesh Bank and other applicable laws.
revisions, amendments made by the Bank from time to time) and I do hereby accept the same. In the (xx) The Bank shall provide and make available the Facilities on 'best effort' basis and does not
event of any conflict, the prevailing Terms and Conditions related to the specific product shall prevail warrant for smooth and uninterrupted services. Any information received by me pursuant to
over these Terms and Conditions unless otherwise expressly stated herein. the Facilities is for my (and not any other person's) reference only, and shall not be taken as
(iii) I shall furnish all necessary document or documents as may be required and instructed by the Bank conclusive evidence of the matters to which it relates.
from time to time, failing which the Bank shall have the right to refuse opening the account and/or (xxi) I acknowledge that electronic mails sent by the Bank are/may not be encrypted; and the use
provide the facilities, close the accounts and terminate and/or suspend the Services and claim of and transmission of information via electronic mail and/or the Internet cannot be
necessary fees and charges in relation thereto. I shall always keep the Bank duly and immediately guaranteed to be secure; and information transmitted may be susceptible to errors, Viruses,
informed of any changes in my address, contact details, Designated Email Address, Designated delay, interception, modification or amendment by unauthorized persons and as such Bank
Mobile Number and/or any other information as provided in the AOF or in such other documents shall not be liable for any loss, damages or expenses that I may or shall incur, including
provided subsequently related to the Account and Services failing which the Bank reserves the right without limitation, any loss or damage caused to data, software, computer,
to block my account in case of bouncing back of any mail or email containing Account statement/ telecommunications equipment or other equipment in connection with the Facilities unless
Card statement/ other communications corresponded from the Bank’s end to my designated address they are caused solely and directly by gross negligence or willful default of Bank.
due to the address being improper/ invalid/ not updated. (xxii) To the extent permitted by applicable laws, the bank shall not be responsible or liable for any
(iv) The Bank may use the services of any bank or agent in any location as the Bank may deem in direct, incidental or consequential damages (including loss of profits, loss of opportunity,
necessary or convenient in connection with any collection for or other my banking loss of savings and business interruption) or special or exemplary damages (incurred or
businesses and to render the Facilities and such bank or agent shall be deemed to be my suffered by me or any other person as a consequence of using the facilities.
agent and all charges that the Bank would incur in this connection will be for my account.
(v) The Bank reserves the right to convert my Account into an account of similar nature or 3. Deposits, Withdrawals and Collection of Instruments
rename/rebrand the Account for any reason and at any time upon notification to me at my (i) Any deposit that I may make shall be in the manner or in the currency permitted by the Bank
communication address. and commission and other charges may be imposed. Bank would have the right to process
(vi) The Bank may close my Account at any time by giving us written notice for any reason payments and withdrawals in any order of priority as may be determined by the Bank.
including default to maintain minimum deposit, default in repayment of three consecutive (ii) Shall maintain sufficient funds in my Account to meet all payment and withdrawals. Fees
installments for deposit/scheme accounts, having zero balance without transaction for six may be imposed for unsuccessful debit instructions.
months or for such period as the Bank may determine and notify from time to time, etc. and (iii) All withdrawals that I shall make whether through over the counter any branches of the Bank
paying me all outstanding amounts due and payable as per applicable terms and conditions. or through ATMs or through Electronic Services will be in the manner and on such terms and
(vii) I agree that the use of the Facilities and other banking services will constitute my agreement to conditions and up to the limits as the Bank may set from time to time.
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(iv) Even if there are sufficient funds in my Account, Bank may refuse to act on any instructions
relating to payment or withdrawal request if the signature does not match with the record of (xviii) I authorize the bank to respond, if it shall so choose, to any and all enquiries received from
the Bank on subjective judgment/assessment basis of the Bank officials; if not signed in the any other bankers concerning the above accounts without reference to me; for the
authorized manner or not drawn in accordance with the signature requirements prevailing at avoidance of doubt, any such response may include a bank reference.
the time of presentation; if Bank has received or is obliged to comply with any regulatory, (xix) I understate that l may close the above accounts by giving prior written notice to the bank.
judicial or statutory requirement or request not to proceed with the payment or withdrawal The bank may, however, either, at its own instance or, at the instance of any court or
request or to effect a payment to any governmental body or agency or we are served with a administrative order, or otherwise close, freeze or suspend dealings on any of the above
court order or other form of legal process requiring the Bank to freeze the Account or to accounts without prior notice to me or without being liable for and breach it may owe to me.
disallow withdrawals; if such instruction requires my confirmation before making payment (xx) In relation to any dealings to any of the above accounts, the bank shall not be liable for any
and I remain out of reach or the instruction could not be confirmed at the relevant time; or loss resulting from my death, incapacity or bankruptcy (or any other analogous event or
funds in the Account have been earmarked for any reason proceeding). Further, the bank shall not be liable to me for any loss, damage or delay
(v) I authorize the Bank to act on signed instructions or documents drawn or accepted with the attributable in whole or part to the action of any government or government agency or any
signing instructions given by me until such time as I shall give the bank written notice to the other event outside the bank's control (including without supplies) provided that the bank
contrary: shall in each case endeavor to give notice generally to its customers or any anticipated
a) For making payments of Cheques, bills of exchange, promissory notes, standing orders, delays due to any of the above events by notice in the branches of otherwise.
direct debit, issue of drafts, mail and telegraphic transfers, purchases and sales of securities (xxi) In respect of accounts opened in the name of minors (whether or not jointly with and
and foreign currency and any other instruction by debiting such account(s) whether in credit individual who is not a minor), the bank shall be entitled to act on the instructions received
or otherwise; and from the guardian named on the account opening form, irrespective of whether the minor
b) To accept any other instruction regarding such account(s) including instruction for the account holder continues to be minor or not, unless the bank receives written notice to the
closure of such account(s). contrary from an appropriate authority.
(vi) I understand that any funds received by the bank on my behalf are to be credited to the (xxii) I must ensure that l have sufficient funds in my accounts before using the various services
relevant account(s) unless the Bank receives written instructions from me to the contrary. under this agreement. In the event that the funds are insufficient, the Bank may refrain from
(vii) I understand that the Bank acts only as my collection agent and assumes no responsibility for executing the transaction instructions given by me without obtaining my consent. I will be
the realization of any items deposited with the Bank for collection Proceeds of Cheques or liable for any losses that arise as a result
their instruments deposited are not available for withdrawal until collected by the Bank. The (xxiii) Where a withdrawal, funds transfer or remittance transaction is not personally handled by I
Bank reserves the rights to debit any account that may have been exceptionally credited with at a branch of the Bank, I agree that in addition to verifying the signature and seal records
an item subsequently unpaid on collection. The Bank may refuse to accept for the collection left by I, the Bank is entitled to take further measures that it deems appropriate to verify and
Cheques drawn in favor of third parties or if the payee's name is not identical to my name to examine the substance of the transaction.
on the Bank's record. The Bank will not accept for credit to the account any Cheques or draft
in favor of a third party crossed or denoted “A/C Payee” (or any words of similar effect). Any 4. Automated Teller Machine (“ATM”), Debit Card (the “Card”) and Cash Deposit
cancellation of any crossing or denoting as above shall be null and void. Machine (the “CDM”) and other cards
(viii) I do hereby authorize the Bank to collect or place any cheque for encashment or make payment of (i) The Bank in its absolute discretion issue ATM Card, Debit Card(s) and/or other cards, as mentioned in
any cheque drawn upon my accounts or others through Bangladesh Automated Clearing House the AOF or offered from time to time, to me subject to the Bank's prevailing Terms and Conditions
(BACH) and transfer fund and/or do any applicable transactions through Bangladesh Electronic Fund and other Terms and Conditions imposed or framed by the issuing authority such VISA, MasterCard,
Transfer Network (BEFTN) and settle all such transactions as per BACPS and BEFTN Operating Rules Amex and other merchants or member institutions relating to ATM / Debit Cards and I do hereby
and Regulations and all other rules and regulations as may be framed, revised and/or amended by accept the same. A card is the property of the bank and I will surrender it unconditionally at the time
Bangladesh Bank and/or by the Bank from time to time. I do hereby affirm and acknowledge that I of closing my account(s) or upon demand by the Bank at any time.
have read through and understood the said Rules and Regulations as published by Bangladesh Bank (ii) I shall be solely liable for safekeeping of the Cards and Personal Identification Number (PIN)
and agree to be bound by the same. I hereby further undertake to hold the Bank indemnified and provided by the Bank against any loss, misuse or fraudulent use of the same. I will
harmless for all losses and damages that the Bank would suffer due to any violation or breach of any immediately notify the bank of the loss or theft of a card or of unauthorized acquisition of
such Rules and Regulations from my end. the personal identification number relating to it and shall accept full responsibility for all
(ix) The Bank may in its absolute discretion issue me with a cheque book If a cheque book is ATM transactions effected by use of a card.
issued, I understand to be responsible for its safe custody at all times and I will immediately (iii) The Bank's record of all ATM Transactions effected by use of a card will be conclusive and
notify the Bank if this or any of the Cheques contained therein, is lost or stolen. I understand binding on me for all purposes. The amount stated on the ATM Screen or printed ATM
that the Bank may in its absolute discretion, accept from me any stop cheque instructions Inquiry slip shall not be taken as conclusive of the state of the account with the Bank.
(either orally or in written) in cases where I have lost the relevant Cheques or, in other (iv) I understand that all deposit envelops through CDM will be opened in the presence of two
circumstances in which it shall be allowed by law and agreed by the Bank Should the Bank Bank staff members. I also understand that cash deposited will be credited to the account by
accept any such instruction from me or from some other person purporting to be me, I do the next working day, and my account will be credited subject to actual realization. I further
hereby undertake to indemnify the Bank against any loss, damage, cost (including any legal understand that instructions will be acted upon by the next working day. All deposits are
cost) or demand incurred by it as a result of, or in connection therewith. accepted subject to verification by the Bank. The Bank's verification will be considered
(x) I will be liable for any overdraft or other facilities arising in connection with any of above correct and will be deemed to be the account deposited by me.
account(s) and I do hereby authorize the bank to debit any such account(s) with all or any (v) The use of ATM and Debit Card shall be used within the territory of Bangladesh up to the
interest (including compound interest), commission and other banking charges, costs and limit as maybe assigned by the Bank and Bangladesh Bank, as applicable from time to time,
expenses (including any legal costs) incurred in connection therewith at such rates as may be and shall be subject to such charges and fees as may be fixed and notified by the Bank or the
determined by the Bank from time to time in its absolute discretion. I will also pay to the merchant from time to time.
Bank any such amounts, in the manner and, at such items, as may be required by the Bank in (vi) The Bank shall not be liable whatsoever in respect of any loss, misuse, fraudulent use of the
its absolute discretion. Cards or damage arising directly or indirectly out of refusal of any merchant or member
(xi) Any and all amounts credited to the account(s) while any overdraft or any other banking institution of the card issuer, VISA, MasterCard, Amex to honour or accept the card or for any
facilities in connection therewith is current shall firstly be applied by the Bank to reduce any defect or deficiency in the goods or services supplied by any merchant against the card
interest (including compound interest) payable until the interest is paid in full. Then and only transaction or where applicable, for any breach or non-performance by a merchant of a card
then shall any such amount so credited be applied to reduce the principal amount or any transaction.
such overdraft or any other banking facilities. (vii) Due to hartal, strike, Acts of God, riot or other unavoidable circumstances, collection of
(xii) The Bank shall always be entitled without notice to me to levy or impose all customary deposits from the Cash Deposit Machines (CDM) may be delayed and hence credit into the
banking and other charges and expenses in respect of any of the account(s) or in respect of respective account or bill payment may accordingly get delayed. Bank shall not be liable for
any other banking facilities provided to me by the Bank and to debit the relevant account(s) such delay and customers are advised to make payment or deposit in the CDM machines at
in accordance with the bank's normal banking procedures. Such charges are not refundable their own risk and responsibility bearing in mind the probability of such delay.
upon termination of any or all my account(s).
(xiii) I authorize the Bank to accept for safekeeping, collection or for any other purpose, any 5. Banking Instructions by Telex/Facsimile/Phone (Call Centre)
securities or other property deposited with the Bank or received from me and to release or (i) Unless instructed by me in writing to the contrary the Bank is hereby authorized, but not
deliver or give up any of these against my written instruments. obliged, to act on my banking instructions (including any instructions required by or, given by
(xiv) I understand that any deposits or withdrawals in respect of any of the above accounts may me in relation to these terms and conditions unless these terms and conditions otherwise
be made at any of the bank's branches in Bangladesh subject to the production of evidence expressly state to the contrary) transmitted through a telex or facsimile machine or phone at
of identity satisfactory to the bank and to payment of any customary charges that may be my absolute risk and responsibility.
levied by the bank from time to time for this. (ii) I do hereby release the Bank from and indemnify and hold the Bank harmless from and
(xv) The rate of any interest payable on any account may be displayed by the bank at its various branches against all actions, suits, proceedings, costs, claims, demands charges, expenses, losses and
in Bangladesh and further, I accept that this may be subject to change without notice to me. Interest liabilities however arising in consequences of or in any way related to:
on any account will accrue in arrears from day to day in or, as otherwise determined by the Bank (in (a) The Bank having acted in good faith, in accordance with my written, telephone, facsimile or
its absolute discretion), and be credited by the bank to relevant accounts). The bank may at its sole telex instruction(s), notwithstanding that, such instruction(s) as above may have been
discretion, allow pre-mature withdrawal or fixed deposits. I accept that all such pre-mature initiated or transmitted in error of fraudulently altered, misunderstood or distorted in the
withdrawals will be subject to levy or penalties and charges, as the bank may determine and these line of communication of transmission; and
may be subject to change without notice to me. (b) The Bank having refrained from acting in accordance with my written, telephone, facsimile or
(xvi) I appreciate that there can be risks associated with any account(s) determined in foreign telex instruction(s) by reason of failure of actual transmission, thereof to the Bank or receipt
currency, convertible accounts and foreign currency investments. Accordingly, I accept that I by the Bank for whatever reason, whether connected with fault, failure or unreadiness of the
am solely responsible for all such risks and any costs and expenses however arising sending or receiving machine; or
(including without limitation, those arising from any international or domestics legal or (c) My failure to forward all original copies of facsimile instruction(s) to the bank within such
regulatory restrictions) in respect of any such account(s). Withdrawals or dealing on any such period as the Bank may specify
account(s) are also subject to the relevant currency being available at the bank's relevant (iii) Where any of the above accounts are opened by more than one person, any such one person
branch Conversion from one currency to another shall be at the rate of exchange as shall be entitled to give such oral instruction and the bank shall be entitled to rely upon such
determined by the Bank (in its absolute discretion) from time to time. instructions at the risk and responsibility of all such persons/ account holders.
(xvii) I understand that the Bank will send or deliver to me a statement of account(s) at least half
yearly (save in respect of any account that has, in the sole option of the bank been inactive 6. Account Statement Services & e-Alerts
for a period of one year or more, such statement of accounts will be sent or delivered by the (I) All statements and alerts whether sent through e-statement and/or e-alert service or other means of
bank annually) or in each case at such other intervals as may be agreed between the bank transmission by the Bank to the Designated Email Accounts or Designated Mobile Number for the
and me, from time to time and I agree that I am solely responsible for promptly examining Account shall be accepted and upheld by me as correct and authenticate and will substitute the
all itineraries thereon and that l must give the bank written notice within 15 days (fifteen) of statements to be sent in paper unless the Bank otherwise agree and/or I instruct
the date of the relevant statement of any discrepancy that I believe no difference exists to the contrary.
between any such statement and my own records. In the absence of any such notice from (ii) The Bank does not warrant against any external factors affecting the privacy and/or security
me, I shall be deemed to have agreed and certified conclusively (for all purposes) the of e-mails during Internet transmission.The Bank shall not be liable or responsible for data
correctness of the relevant statement of account.
corruption, delay and/or interception of the information so given and the Bank reserves (ii) I instruct and authorize the Bank to email me the Citytouch (Digital online Banking) User ID and Login
the right to update and vary such information from time to time and at any time. Password (collectively ‘Security Codes’) relating to my access to the Citytouch (Digital online Banking)
(iii) I shall fully accept the risk and responsibility of statements transmitted or sent by the Bark. Services to the designated email address. I also instruct and authorize the Bank to send my Citytouch
For joint accounts, all statements will be addressed to the first applicant. I am solely (Digital online Banking) One Time Password (OTP) to my registered mobile number as recorded in
responsible for prompt examination of all entries in the statement and alerts and must give core banking system as per my previous instruction relating to online fund transfer from my account.
the Bank written notice within 15 (fifteen) days of the date of the relevant statement or According to Bank’s procedures if I fails to comply the terms and conditions, then I will be held
alerts of any discrepancy, in the absence of which it shall be deemed to have agreed and responsible for sharing the Security Codes and One Time Password to an unauthorized third party
certified conclusively (for all purposes) the correctness of the relevant statement of accounts. and all the cost and consequences shall be fully borne by me.
(iv) Statement of accounts are issued based on product feature Monthly/Quarterly/half yearly (iii) Subject to the Bank’s prevailing terms and conditions governing the use of the Service I
and/or when a statement sheet is completed in case of Current/Saving Accounts respectively hereby authorize and instruct the Bank to act on any instructions received through the use of
at the sole discretion of the Bank and in compliance with Bangladesh Bank Guidelines. If Security Codes, including but not limited to the transfer of funds (subject to limits as may be
statements are requested in frequencies higher than the prescribed numbers of Bangladesh imposed by the Bank from time to time) from my account(s) with the Bank (which I am
Bank or otherwise agreed by the Bank or duplicate statements of past transactions are entitled to operate on a single signatory basis) to the third party accounts named under the
requested, a charge will be levied as per Bank's prescribed fees and charges. heading ‘Beneficiary Accounts’, above, and, to any account which I may designate from time
to time, for this purpose under the Bank’s prevailing procedures.
7. Joint Accounts (iv) We singly or jointly will have authority to do transaction through Citytouch as per rules and
(i) All joint account holders agree to be individually as well as joint and severally liable and policy of the bank.
agree to waive the right to claim for division of such joint account(s). Each of us (if more than (v) In case of retail casa/joint account both mandate or seizing of signature can be changed
one) do hereby authorize and empower each other to endorse for deposit and to deposit upon client’s written request through any branch and at one go, branch will inform Citytouch
with the Bank any and all Cheques, notes or other instruments for the payment of money, authority regarding the request of mandate or seizing of signature of the respective account.
payable to or purporting to belong to anyone of all of us and if any such instruments be (vi) If any fraud or misconduct occurs regarding any transaction through Citytouch, in that case, I/we, do
received by the Bank without having been so endorsed then the Bank is hereby authorized to hereby unconditionally, absolutely, and irrevocably declare and undertake that I/we will be
endorse any such instrument on behalf of us and to credit the same to the account. responsible for any loss/damage occurred out of such transaction and I/we will bear all the losses
(ii) An overdraft of other obligations incurred on the account or otherwise shall be the joint and several and expenses related to it and will repay the and the bank will not be responsible under any
liability of each and every joint holder. In the event of the death or legal disability of any of the circumstances whatsoever and the transacted amount/interest/charge/costs from our own source.
individuals constituting the account holder, the other individual(s) shall immediately (but in any The bank will not be responsible whatsoever under any such circumstances.
event not later than ten (10) days after such death or disability and before affecting any transactions (vii) These terms and conditions shall be binding and shall be held beneficial upon me/us
in the account notify the Bank of such death of legal disability. (casa/Citytouch a/c holders) and my/our respective legal representatives, successors, and
(iii) In the event of death of any co-holder of the joint account, the survivors must notify the assigns. These terms and conditions shall not be applicable for the benefit of anyone else
Bank immediately, and the joint account agreement is terminated as of the time that the other than the persons mentioned here in above, and no other person shall have any right
Bank receives such notice. Each of us authorize the bank to hold, on the death of either of against the bank under any circumstances.
us, any credit balance on any account in our joint name and any securities, deeds, boxes and (viii) These terms and conditions shall be constructed in accordance with and governed by the
parcels and their contents and property of any description held in our joint names, to the laws of Bangladesh.
order of the survivor (if any). Each of us hereby agrees that the instructions giving by us in (ix) I/we shall comply with and be bound by all other relevant internal circulars, policies, rules
the mandate are to remain in force until written revocations thereof by both/all of us. and regulations of the bank including any amendments made thereto from time to time in
(iv) In the event that there is no survivor and if nomination is made, the terms and conditions order to comply with anti money laundering laws, anti terrorist financing laws, and any
stated on “nominee” shall apply. other laws and regulations as may be imported upon the Bank by the Bangladesh Bank
(v) In the event that there is no survivor or nominee, that account will then be frozen until the and/or other concerned authorities.
legal successor to the deceased or disabled individual is appointed/determined by the
relevant court or department. 11. SMS Alert
(vi) Unless otherwise agreed, all notices to all joint account holders will be deemed duly notified (i) For Push Services, the Bank will use the respective mobile phone operator's text mail service
to all joint account holders when they have been sent to the address of the designated (SMS) to send the financial information related to your Credit Card/Account on the following
representative. working day after the statement has been generated to your designated mobile number.
(vii) The signatures/seals of all account holders are required in the opening or termination of the (ii) For Pull Service, the Card holder/Account holder will be able to obtain a certain range of financial
joint account, change of signatures, pledge of term deposit slips, premature termination of information related to Credit Card/Account by sending an SMS to a prescribed number from the
deposits, address and other changes to the joint account as may be stipulated or required by Registered/Designated mobile number with the help of a pre-defined short code and with a 4-digit
the Bank from time to time. PIN number. You shall be solely responsible for maintaining the custody and confidentiality of your
(viii) Where any co-holder of the joint account is subject to a court order for attachment or execution of Password and other relevant information of your designated mobile number. You must not disclose
said deposits, or the taxation authorities have restricted disposal of said deposits, all Co-holders your Password to anyone else, including to someone who is a joint account holder with you, or to a
agree that the Bank may suspend transactions in respect of all deposits within the joint account to member of our staff, or to someone giving assistance on a service help desk or any other
the scope of the attachment, execution or restriction on disposal order. representative of the Bank. Without prejudice to the other clauses of these terms and conditions,
(ix) Where any co-holder of the joint accounts liable to the Bank for a non-performing debt, the you shall be liable for all transactions and/or the use of the PIN with or without your knowledge or
Bank is entitled to make a direct set-off against the balance of deposits in the joint account consent for whatsoever purpose.
to the extent of the debt owing to the Bank (iii) The Bank will use the respective mobile phone operator's text mail service (SMS) to send the
(x) If, before or after acting on any written instructions, Bank receives contradicting instructions financial information related to my Credit Card/Account immediately after any transaction,
from other signatories/accountholders, the Bank may thereafter act only on the instruction to my designated mobile number.
of all signatories for the Account whether or not the Account requires only single or joint (iv) For this service, regular SMS Alert charges as per Schedule of Charges will apply.
signatories. (v) I am solely responsible to ensure the custody and possession of the Mobile
Phone/Connection assigned to SMS Alert Services to maintain the confidentiality of my
8. Nominee financial information. If the mobile phone/connection is lost, stolen or sold to another
(i) I may appoint nominee as per section 103 of the Bank Companies Act, who shall be entitled individual, I will immediately notify the Bank of the incident and suspend/cancel the SMS
to receive the balance left in my Accounts upon my death or legal disability and the Bank Alert Service. I, hereby agree that The City Bank Limited and/or Mobile Phone Operator shall
shall stand discharged of all obligations in relation to my Accounts towards my successors, not be responsible for any disruption in SMS Alert Service due to any technical failure on the
heirs, administrators, legal representatives. part of The City Bank Limited and/or Mobile Phone Operator.
(ii) Nomination will automatically be canceled if the nominee dies during my lifetime. In such (vi) SMS Alert Service shall remain effective until otherwise directed in writing by the Card
cases l will advise the Bank in writing and nominate a new nominee. holder/Account holder, which should reach the Bank at least 7(Seven) working days before
(iii) In the event my nominee remains minor at the time of nomination, I can name and authorize any the next date when the statement is due.
competent person to represent the nominee, so that such person can withdraw money from my (vii) I will inform the Bank about any changes to be brought in the designated mobile number or
Account and the Bank shall be discharged from its liability upon making payment to such person. any request for discontinuation of the service. The Bank shall not be liable or responsible for
data corruption, delay and/or interception of the information provided and the Bank
9. Call Centre (PHONE BANKING) reserves the right to update and revise such information at any time and from time to time.
(i) I may use the Phone Banking Services (subject to the Bank's prevailing Terms and Conditions (viii) Any information received by me pursuant to the SMS Alert Services is for my (and not any
available in the Bank's website at www.thecitybank.com and accept the same) to: other person’s) reference only, and shall not be taken as conclusive evidence of any matter
Enquire on account balance, loan queries, last transactions (in relation to the account connected to anyone other than me.
holder's accounts), exchange rates, etc.
Transfer funds between any of the accounts as per the request of the account holder. 12. Utility Bill Payment
Request for statement, bill payment, cheque book requisition/ activation, stop payment of (i) I may pay through account transfer by phone banking or i-banking or ATM or Debit Card the utility
cheque in relation to the account holder's account, Static Data Changes and bills of such authorities with whom the Bank would have arrangement for collection of utility bills
Such other types of banking or investment services as the Bank may from time to time introduce. subject to the Bank's prevailing Terms and Conditions related to the Service available in the Bank's
(ii) To use the Service, the Bank shall give me an initial Telephoni Personal Identification website at www.thecitybank.com. Payment amount must be 100% accurate as per the bill. I must
Number ('TPIN') and a Password and I need to log into phone banking system through TPIN check & retain the advice slip for future reference (photocopy).
and Password and I acknowledge that any transaction made through the Phone Barking (ii) The Bank will not be responsible for disconnection of the concerned utility service.
Service shall be undertaken through an Automatic Service Machine. If I become aware of any (iii) The Bank is neither an agent of the utility service provider nor it guarantees the quality of
transaction on any of my accounts that has not been validly authorized by me, I must notify service of the utility service providers nor gives any assurance for the maintenance of service.
the Bank as soon as reasonably practicable. Bank will act as collecting banker of the utility service provider for the purpose set forth in
(iii) The Bank shall have the right (but not the obligation) to record my instruction in writing or this agreement with regard to bills of the said utility service provider. Bank shall not be a
by tape recording or otherwise. Any recorded instruction shall be final and binding on me. I party to any dispute between the utility service provider and me. I by subscribing and using
irrevocably and unconditionally agree that the Bank may at any time refer to the recorded the Services do irrevocably indemnify the bank from any liability for excess, insufficient, late
Instruction as evidence in the investigation or legal proceedings against me. or incorrect payment of the said bills or any consequence thereof.
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any time. If l continue my accounts, it shall be treated and deemed as my acceptance by (ii) Where a cheque deposit account is terminated, I must also return the remaining blank
conduct to the revision made by the Bank. cheque to the Bank, ATM Cards and all other properties as may be provided by the Bank for
its service. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the provisions of this agreement
14. Information will continue to apply to other transactions notwithstanding a certain transaction
(I) I confirm that all information provided by me to the Bank is truthful and correct, and agree that relationship has been terminated.
the Bank may verify such information with relevant third parties at any time. (iii) Where the balance in my account is zero for 6 (six) months and/or such other period as the
(ii) Where there is a change to the information I have left with the Bank, I must notify the Bank Bank may determine, the Bank may notify me in writing to terminate the various deposit
in writing (using the signature I have recorded with the Bank) or in another manner relationships with me at any time and directly close such account.
acceptable to the Bank at the time. However, I must visit the Bank personally to change the (iv) Where I have terminated various accounts and/or transaction relationships under this
record of my signature. In the event that l am unable to present personally and must agreement, I should personally visit the Bank to settle and close such account, unless
authorize another person to act on my/our behalf, such agent must present a power of otherwise agreed with the Bank. Where I am unable to personally visit the Bank to settle and
attorney I have signed personally, so that the Bank may verify my identity as well as that of close the account, I may appoint an agent to do so on my behalf, provided that such agent
my agent. The aforementioned changes will be binding on the Bank only when they have must produce a power of attorney issued by me to the satisfaction of the Bank.
been duly notified to and receipt acknowledged by the Bank.
19. Set-off and Consolidation Rights
15. Foreign Currency Exchange and Declaration (i) The Bank may at any time and from time to time without notice combine or consolidate all or any of
Where any transaction under this agreement involves an exchange of currencies, the Bark my accounts and liabilities with it in Bangladesh or elsewhere, whether singly or jointly with any
may proceed at the exchange rate published by the Bank as at the time of the transaction other person and/or set off all or any money standing to the credit of such accounts including my
unless otherwise agreed between the parties, and I shall bear any relevant exchange rate deposits with the bank (whether matured or not) towards satisfaction of any of my liabilities to the
risks. Where it is necessary to declare a foreign currency purchase or sale to the Bangladesh Bank in Bangladesh or elsewhere whether as principal or actual or contingent, primary or collateral,
Bank, I must truthfully declare the transaction and complete the declaration documents singly or jointly, with any other person, and the Bank may affect any necessary currency conversion,
required by the competent authorities in accordance with the relevant regulations. I shall be at the Bank's own rate of exchange that prevailing.
responsible for any inability to complete a foreign exchange settlement due to a statutory (ii) In the event that I fail to pay by the due date any debt due to the Bank under this agreement or other
regulation, restriction imposed by a governmental policy, or the insufficiency of my foreign agreements, or where any Event of Default occurs, or where the Bank deems necessary (such as
exchange settlement quota. If the Bank becomes aware that l have exceeded my foreign any where I are involved in any illegal activities, or where the Bank is entitled to exercise a right of set-off
inability to complete a foreign exchange settlement due to a statutory regulation, restriction according to law or under any agreement), the Bank may terminate the various deposits (including
imposed by a governmental policy, or the insufficiency of my foreign exchange settlement time deposits, savings deposits and check deposits) and other agreements under this agreement
quota. If the Bank becomes aware that I have exceeded my foreign exchange settlement (that is all of my deposits, rights and interests are deemed to fall due) with prior or simultaneous
quota at the time of settlement, the Bank may refrain from executing the relevant notice to me (but without the need to obtain my consent). In such case, the Bank shall be entitled to
transaction. I hereby declare and warrant that all of my sales and purchases of foreign directly claim a right of set-off or to take any other action according to law against the deposits
exchange will be in conformity with relevant laws, regulations and governmental policies, within such accounts and my other rights and interests over the Bank, in payment of my various
and that I will be liable for indemnifying the Bank against any resultant damages (including, debts to the Bank Any time deposit slips or other evidentiary documents issued by the Bank to me
but not limit to, any sanctions imposed by the competent authorities). shall be deemed cancelled to the extent of the set-off or payment Where the debts involve different
currencies, the Bank may exchange such currencies at the market exchange rate determined by the
16. Confidentiality Bank at the time of the exchange. The substance and order of the set-off or payment of debts shall
Whilst the Bank maintains strict confidentiality in all matters relating to my accounts) and be determined by the Bank at its sole discretion, to the extent not contrary to the compulsory
business, I hereby authorize the Bank (and/or) any of its officers or employees) to disclose requirements of the law.
any information concerning me, my business, my accounts held with the Bank or another
Group Member, or my relationship with the bank or another Group Member, including 20. Indemnity
without the limitation of marketing, taxation administration, telecommunications, computer (i) I also agree to fully indemnify the Bank against all costs and expenses (including legal fees)
system procedures, data entry, processing, output, back office operations, document arising in any way in connection with the above accounts, these terms and conditions or, in
scanning work information capture, printing of statements, packaging and sealing, delivery enforcing these terms and conditions and in recovering of any amount due to the bank or
for postage, remittance, deposit and payment to third parties, exchange, creditcheck, debt incurred by the bank in any legal proceedings of whatever nature.
recovery and other matters relating to processing of transactions and procedures by the (ii) Notwithstanding anything contrary contained, I will fully indemnify the Bank as collecting
Bank, to the extent necessary for handling such matters in accordance with and to the extent banker for any loss costs and expenses (including legal fees) the Bank may incur by
permissible by applicable laws, to any of the following: presenting in BACPS, guaranteeing any endorsement or discharge on a cheque bill, note,
(a) Any office or branch of the Bank or another Group Member; draft, dividend warrant or other instrument presented for collection and such guarantee as
(b) Any agent, contractor or third party service provider, or any professional adviser of the Bank given by me shall be deemed to have been in every case at my express request.
or another Group Member;
(c) Any regulatory, supervisory, governmental or quasi-governmental, authority with 21. Waiver
jurisdiction over the bank or another Group Member; No forbearance, negligence or waiver by the bank in the enforcement any of these terms and
(d) Any person to whom the Bank is required or authorized by lower court order to make such conditions shall prejudice the bank's right thereafter to strictly enforce the same. No waiver
disclosure; by the bank shall be effective unless it is in writing.
(e) Any person who is under a duty of confidentiality to the Bank;
(f) Any bank or financial institution with which I have or propose to have dealing, regardless of 22. Amendments
whether the recipient in each case is located in Bangladesh or in another country, and The Bank may amend the relevant terms and conditions of this agreement at any time in its
regardless or whether such information will, following disclosure, be held, processed, used sole discretion. Unless otherwise provided in this agreement or by law, the Bank must
or disclosed by such recipient in Bangladesh or another country. publicly announce an amendment to a term or condition of this agreement fifteen (15) days
before such change on the Bank's website and business place, or notify me in writing of the
17. Events of Default amendments. In case of emergency or where it is not practicable to give such notice, Bank
The occurrence of any of the following constitutes an 'Event of Default" under this reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions with immediate effect without prior
agreement; the Bank may terminate, at any time, the various accounts and/or transaction notification. In the event that I do not agree to an amendment by the Bank, I may terminate
relationships under this agreement in accordance with the provisions regarding my account transaction relationship with the Bank and this agreement by written notice
terminations, as well as suspend the provision of all or part of its services at any time, or before such amendment enters into effect, and provisions of this agreement regarding
terminate all or part of this agreement at any time by written notice: termination will apply. If I fail to notify the Bank of a termination of my account transaction
(a) I fail to pay any interest, fee or (other than principal) any other amount payable under this relationship with the Bank and this agreement within the prescribed period, and continue to
agreement or other agreements within the prescribed period, and fails to rectify the failure carry out the deposits, transactions or services under this agreement with the Bank, I shall
within the period notified by the Bank; be deemed to have received notice of the amendment and to have decided to continue to
(b) I fail to provide supplemental collateral pursuant to the provisions of this agreement, or the use the banking facilities upon the revised terms and conditions to be informed to me by the
financing or terms provided to me by the Bank are likely to become illegal due to a change of bank. I further acknowledge that in the event of any changes being communicated to me,
the law or interpretation by the competent authorities, and I fail to comply with the Bank's the bank is not obliged to obtain my signature for receipt of such communication.
request to return all or part of the financing or to provide supplemental collateral within the
prescribed period; 23. Notices
(c) My successor upon my death makes a declaration of limited succession or waiver of Where there is any change to my contact details (such as my address, telephone numbers, fax
succession after commencement of succession; numbers and E-mail address), I should immediately notify the Bank in writing or in some other
(d) I have lost the capacity to act, and have not appointed a statutory agent or custodian manner agreed to by the Bank. Until the Bank has received a notification of such change, the Bank
according to law; will not be bound by such change. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, all notices from the
(e) I fail to perform my obligations under this agreement, or violate any matter for compliance Bank to me will be sent to the last changed or last notified contact details left by me; such notice is
under the provisions of this agreement; deemed duly delivered to me according to this agreement when a normal period of postage has
(f) I use any account or service under this agreement to engage in any illegal, improper, passed after sending. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the Bank may deliver all notices
abnormal or other similar transactions or act (including, but not limited to, money to me by ordinary post to the last changed or last notified contact details left by me; such notice is
laundering, fraud, or lending my account, or bank card to a third party for his/her use); deemed duly delivered to me according to this agreement when a normal period of postage has
(g) I engage in transaction or act that constitutes an abnormal or improper use of any account or passed after sending. Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, a notice from me to the Bank may
service under this agreement (including, but not limited to frequent inward or outward small be delivered personally to the Bank, made in writing and posted, or delivered in some other manner
remittances into or from my account), so that there is likelihood of affecting the normal agreed to by the Bank and shall be deemed to have been delivered only upon written confirmation of
operation of the Bank's service, systems and equipment, or there is a damage to the receipt by the Bank
commercial reputation of the Bank
(h) If I fail to pay consecutive 3 (three) monthly installments for any deposit or other scheme 24. Governing Law
accounts. These terms and conditions shall be governed by constructed in accordance with the laws of
Bangladesh and l do hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of
18. Termination law of Bangladesh, such submission shall, however, not prejudice the rights of the bank to
(i) Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, either I or the Bank may terminate the various bring proceedings against me in any other jurisdiction or courts of law elsewhere.
accounts and/or transaction relationships under this agreement by at least 15 (fifteen) days prior
written notice at any time, in which case the Bank will return the balance of the deposits in the Successors Bound
accounts to me. In the event of early encashment of deposit accounts and before designated The terms and conditions shall apply and be binding on my/our successor(s), heir(s), legal
maturity period, the interest rate shall be chargeable as per the rate of normal Saving Accounts as representative(s), administrators), receivers) or permitted assigns unless otherwise expressly
may be fixed by the Bank at its absolute discretion from time to time. agreed by the Bank.