Kodak Imagelink HQ, CS, CP and Fs Microfilms
Kodak Imagelink HQ, CS, CP and Fs Microfilms
Kodak Imagelink HQ, CS, CP and Fs Microfilms
Kodak Imagelink Microfilms have been specially Kodak Imagelink HQ Microfilms are used in a
designed to produce high-quality images from a wide variety of micrographic applications and
wide variety of source documents. These used in rotary and planetary microfilmers with
microfilms offer superior performance, handling, standard fluorescent or tungsten light emissions.
and digital-ready images. They provide clear, Kodak Imagelink FS Microfilms are used in
bright, sharp images on reader screens; crisp, micrographic equipment with reduced light
clean prints; and they provide the resolution emissions or with very short exposure times.
required to fax or scan images for electronic
transmission. Kodak Imagelink CS, CP and FS Microfilms
are used in a wide variety of check imaging
Product applications applications and equipment.
Micrographic media such as Kodak Imagelink All Kodak Imagelink Microfilms provide excellent
Microfilms form the basis of every true imaging overall image quality and enhanced performance
system. These films provide unparalleled data in retrieval devices such as the Kodak Imagelink
and image integrity, as well as portability from Digital Workstation or the Kodak IMT-350
one system to another ensuring low-risk storage Microimage Terminal.
of valuable information which can be retrieved for
years to come.
Features Features unique to CP Microfilm
• Manufactured to ISO and ANSI standards • Specifically designed for "through film base"
for LE-500 films fluorescent exposures.
• Low printing density • Intended for use in high speed cameras ≥600
Clear master characters (D-min) allow for documents/min.
higher throughput rates of duplicators.
Physical properties
• Medium contrast and high resolution
provide sharp characters and accurately Nominal thickness data
reproduce fine lines and light images
Base Emulsion
Provides excellent overall image quality.
Film (mils (mils) Total**
• Excellent halation protection
Estar) + backing*
Backside reflections and image flare eliminated HQ 1461 5.0 0.2 5.2
for sharper, crisper images. More images per
HQ 2461 4.0 0.2 4.2
roll, less fog during loading and unloading of
cameras. HQ 3461 2.5 0.2 2.7
CS 3453 2.5 0.2 2.7
• Superior latent image keeping
CP 3450 2.5 0.2 2.7
Image density has minimal degradation
between time of exposure and delayed FS 1455 5.0 0.2 5.2
processing. FS 3455 2.5 0.2 2.7
• Color sensitivity **Unprocessed
Provides excellent capture of multicolored
documents (checks) and inks, and light Photographic properties
Spectral sensitivity: Panchromatic
• Process insensitive
Resolving power: Based on recommended
Image quality and background density are not process.
significantly affected by typical operational
variations in processing. Film Test-Object Contrast Lines/mm
D-30 2
Processor set up: Specifications for Kodak Imagelink Microfilms HQ, CS, CP and FS
3 D-30
Photographic aims centimetre). Thiosulfate limits for Class 1 grain
apply to this film.
D-min: 0.04 or lower
It is recommended that customers establish their
Process handling and storage own compliance with extended-term storage
requirements and optimum storage conditions,
as outlined in ANSI/IT 9.11-1993 and the Kodak
Handle and process imaged film in total Publication D-31, Storage and Preservation of
darkness. However, you can load and unload Microfilms.
cameras and load processors with the following
ANSI/NAPM IT9.11-1993, Imaging Media–
light-tight film holders:
Processed Safety Film—Processed Safety
Closed cartridges - room-light loading Photographic Films—Storage, and ISO 5466-
Flanged spools - subdued-light loading 1996, Photography—Processed Safety
Photographic Films—Storage Practices, give
Unflanged spools - total darkness appropriate conditions for extended-term
Warning: These films may be handled under (permanent) and long-term storage films.
safelight conditions only for a limited
time. Testing under actual use NOTE: Refer to the latest revision of each ANSI or
conditions should be performed. If a ISO Standard specified.
safelight is required for safety
reasons, use KODAK No. 3 Green
Safelight Filter with a maximum 7.5 Diffuse RMS granularity: Determined at a net
watt bulb at a minimum of 8 feet diffuse visual density of 1.00, using the aperture
away. indicated.
D-30 4
Broadly speaking, granularity measurements Reciprocity data
with the 48-micrometre aperture will indicate the For these microfilms, no exposure corrections
magnitude of the graininess sensation produced are required for exposure times of 1 to 1/1000-
by viewing the diffusely illuminated sample with second when processed as recommended in a
12X monocular magnification. Kodak Prostar Processor.
It should be noted that if the viewing conditions With xenon exposure, it is recommended that the
are changed from the specified conditions, the manufacturer of high intensity ultraviolet lamps
published RMS values may no longer correctly be consulted for safety information pertaining to
indicate the relative sensations of graininess ultraviolet radiation and ventilation requirements
produced by various samples. due to ozone generation.
Modulation transfer function: The MTF curve
was determined using a method similar to that Reciprocity* Speed
described in ANSI PH2.39-1977 (R1990). 1/10 1/100 1/1000 Value
For these microfilms, the value is for a 1/50- CS (T) 1/6 0 -1/6 160
second tungsten exposure calculated using the CS (X) 0 -1/4 0 N/A
formula 45/H, where H is the exposure in lux-
seconds required for a density of 1.20 above CP (T) 1/6 0 -1/6 160
minimum density with indicated processing. This CP (X) 0 -1/4 0 N/A
value can be used directly with incident-light
FS (T) 0 0 0 320
Note: This meter-setting value was chosen to T = Tungsten exposure
indicate a suitable exposure for microfilming X = Xenon exposure
applications. It cannot be compared directly with N/A = not applicable to this film
exposure indexes or other meter-setting numbers *based on processing in a Kodak Prostar Processor,
given for films used in conventional photography. correct for reciprocity failure at a density of 1.20
above minimum density
5 D-30
Characteristic curves
Kodak Imagelink FS Microfilm
Kodak Imagelink HQ Microfilm
Kodak Prostar Plus Developer, 1000F, 10 fpm; Diffuse Visual
Tungsten Exposure, 1/50 sec
FS Microfilm
HQ Microfilm
-4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
Log Exposure (lux seconds)
2 2
1 1
0 0
-4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 -4.00 -3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
1 10 100 1000
Spatial Frequency (cycles/mm)
Notice: While the data presented are typical of production coatings, they do not represent standards which must be met by Eastman Kodak
Company. Varying storage, exposure, and processing conditions will affect results. The company reserves the right to change and improve
the product characteristics at any time.
D-30 6
Spectral sensitivity curves
(Sensitivity = reciprocal of
(Sensitivity = reciprocal of
1 1
Log Sensitivity
Log Sensitivity
0 0
-1 -1
D=0.6>D-min D=0.6>D-min
-2 -2
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
(Sensitivity = reciprocal of
Log Sensitivity
1 1
Log Sensitivity
0 0
-1 -1
-2 -2
250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750
Notice: While the data presented are typical of production coatings, they do not represent standards which must be met by Eastman Kodak
Company. Varying storage, exposure, and processing conditions will affect results. The company reserves the right to change and improve
the product characteristics at any time.
7 D-30
Ordering information: Chemicals
AND Replenisher—
Concentrate At 1:7 yields
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) on the chemicals (only) are available by calling: 1-800-242-2424, extension 43. You will
need to supply KODAK CAT numbers of the chemicals for which you need MSDSs. Material Safety Data Sheets for the actual
working solutions and caution labels for the processor tanks are also available by calling the same number.
D-30 8
Ordering information: Microfilms (continued)
Imagelink HQ Microfilm
Imagelink CP Microfilm
9 D-30
Ordering information: Microfilms (continued)
Imagelink FS Microfilm
16 mm x 100 ft 603 R-186 Black plastic spool; 1 Perf: B wind 20 838 6047
16 mm x 164 ft 641 R-204 Black plastic spool/square hole 20 159 7095
Kodak Imagelink HQ, CS, CP and FS Microfilms Kodak Publication No. D-30
CAT No. 872 3611, 3/98 Printed in U.S.A. ©Eastman Kodak Company, 1998