MODON - HSS&E Manual Rev.01

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Health Safety, Security & Environmental


ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN 001

Revision and Preparation

Action Name Signature Role Company Date

Prepared Muhammad HSE Manager JASARA

by Ashfaq
Reviewed Paul McKeown PMO JASARA
by Coordinator
Checked Abdulrahman QA/QC MODON
by Abuhajras Engineer
Approved Fayez M. PMO Head MODON
by Saikhan

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Table of Contents

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms .............................................................................................. IV

1. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 1
2. Scope .................................................................................................................................................... 1
3. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
4. Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 MODON Employees 2
4.2 Construction Supervision / Project Management Consultancy & Contractor’ Employees 2
4.3 Contractors 4
5. Description of the Project ................................................................................................................... 4
6. Management System Requirements .................................................................................................. 4
7. HSSE Policies....................................................................................................................................... 5
7.1 HSSE Policy 6
8. Objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) ........................................................................ 6
8.1 Prevent Harm 6
8.2 HSE Principles 7
8.3 KPI’s 7
9. HSSE Plans ........................................................................................................................................... 7
10. Processes & Procedure Guidance ..................................................................................................... 8
11. Legislation Compliance ....................................................................................................................... 8
12. HSSE Organizational Structure, Roles and Responsibilities .......................................................... 9
13. Control and Selection of Subcontractors .......................................................................................... 9
14. Alcohol and Drugs ............................................................................................................................... 9
15. Design Risk Management ................................................................................................................. 10
15.1 Temporary Works & required standards 10
16. Risk Management and Controls ....................................................................................................... 11
16.1 Risk Assessment 11
16.2 HSE Risk Register 12
16.3 Consultant Supervision’s Review 12
16.4 Method Statements 12
16.5 Task Briefings 13
17. Competency ....................................................................................................................................... 14
17.1 Competence 14
17.2 HSSE Staff 14
17.3 Plant Operators and Drivers 14
17.4 Competence of Operatives 15
18. Training Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 15
18.1 General Requirements 15
18.2 Induction Training 15
18.3 HSE Leadership Training 15
18.4 HSE for Supervisors Training 15
18.5 Behavioural Based Safety Training Program 16

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

18.6 Specialized Training 16

18.7 Tool Box Talks 16
18.8 Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk – (STARRT) 17
18.9 Training Records 17
18.10 Training Review 17
18.11 Consultant Supervision Training 17
19. Accident, Incident, Dangerous Occurrences and Near Miss Reporting and Investigation ........ 17
19.1 Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation 17
19.2 Dangerous Occurrences 18
19.3 Near Miss Reporting 19
20. Logistics ............................................................................................................................................. 19
21. Emergency Planning ......................................................................................................................... 19
22. Discipline and Enforcement Action ................................................................................................. 20
22.1 Discipline 20
22.2 Enforcement Action 20
23. Incentive and Recognition Schemes ............................................................................................... 21
24. Communication Consultation and Participation ............................................................................. 21
24.1 Communication 21
24.2 Consultation 22
24.3 Participation 22
24.4 Interfaces 23
25. Meetings .................................................................................................................................................... 23
26. Monitoring and Inspections .............................................................................................................. 23
26.1 Monitoring 23
26.2 Systematic Inspections 24
26.3 Government Agencies and Statutory Authorities Inspections 24
26.4 Senior Management Tours 24
26.5 Statutory Inspections 24
27. Audit and Review ............................................................................................................................... 25
27.1 Contractor Audits 26
27.2 MODON Audits 26
27.3 Management Review 26
28. HSSE Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 27
29. Site Rules ............................................................................................................................................ 27
30. Permit to Work ................................................................................................................................... 27
31. Temporary Labor Camps .................................................................................................................. 28
32. Welfare Facilities................................................................................................................................ 29
32.1 Toilets 29
32.2 Washing Facilities 29
32.3 Drinking Water 30
32.4 Rest Facilities 30
32.5 Smoking Areas 31
32.6 Food Waste 31
33. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Work Clothing ................................................................31
33.1 PPE 31
33.2 Work Clothing 32
34. First Aid and Medical ......................................................................................................................... 32
34.1 First Aid 32

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

34.2 Medical 33
35. Occupational Health & Climatic Conditions .................................................................................... 33
35.1 Climatic Conditions 34
36. Security ............................................................................................................................................... 34
36.1 Requirements 35
36.2 Emergencies 35
36.3 Security Training 36
37. Environment & Sustainability ........................................................................................................... 36
37.1 Environmental Impact Assessment 36
37.2 Construction Environmental Management Plan 37
37.3 Waste Management 37
37.4 Site Clearance 37
37.5 Working with Asbestos 37
38. Records ............................................................................................................................................... 37
39. Health & Safety File ........................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix A – References 39
Appendix B – HSE Procedures & Standards 43
Appendix C – HSE Deliverables 48
Appendix D – RACI Matrix 54
Appendix E - Tables 57
Appendix F - Checklists 58
Attachment G – Permit to Work 60
Attachment H – General Forms 61
Appendix I – Figures 62
Appendix J – Flowchart 62
Appendix K – Reports 63
Appendix L – Registers 64

Figure 1 - MODON HSE Policy ...................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 2 – Levels of HSE Enforcement Action ............................................................................................. 21

Table 1 - Inspection Colour Code Scheme .................................................................................................. 25

Table 2 – Number of toilets/washbasins against numbers on site ............................................................. .30

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

AFR Accident Frequency Rate
ANSI American National Standards Institute
BS British Standard
SID Safety In Design
CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan
MODON Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities & Technology Zones
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EPRP Emergency Preparation and Response Plan
HSE Health Safety and Environment
HSSE Health Safety Security & Environment
IIF Incident Injury Free
ISO International Standards Organisation
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LOTO Lock out Tag Out
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
OHSAS Occupational Health Safety Assessment Series
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
Game & P Government Authority for Meteorology and Environment & Protection
SPA Safe Plan of Action
TWC/S Temporary Works Coordinator/Supervisor
CS Construction Supervision
PMC Project Management Company

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

1. Purpose
The purpose of this Manual is to ensure that contractors have sufficient information, both within this Manual
and other referenced document to enable them to develop a suite of plans that covers health and safety,
environment and security and the emergency arrangements for the project.
The health, safety and welfare of all personnel working on the project, the general public, and the avoidance
of damage to property and the environment is of paramount importance to MODON. Prime consideration
shall be given to all activities to ensure that all operations shall be conducted in such a manner as to
eliminate the risks to persons, property and the environment. A separate Environmental and Sustainable
Plan shall be made in conjunction with this Manual.
This Manual provides an outline of the requirements and is to be further developed by the Contractor that
shows details and the methodology by which they will deliver MODON express requirement of Incident
Injury Free projects.

2. Scope
This Manual will apply to all MODON employees, Program Partners, their subcontractors and suppliers who
undertake works on the MODON. It specifically covers all works that will be carried out on the MODON
Line underground and elevated sections.
This Manual provides the minimum standards to be adopted by Consultants and Contractors during the
design, construction and commissioning phases of the project. The Contractor is expected to provide
details in their HSE plans to show exactly how the requirements described herein will be incorporated and

3. Introduction
The Saudi Industrial Property Authority (MODON) was established in 2001 and is responsible for the
development of industrial cities with integrated infrastructure and services. MODON has established
industrial cities in various regions of the Kingdom, and is currently overseeing more than thirty-two existing,
and under-development cities. In addition to this there are several cites also in the planning phase.
It is targeted that during the coming five years, the number of industrial cities shall reach forty and include
more than 160 million square meters of developed industrial lands. There
are more than 3,000 factories in the existing industrial cities and more than 300,000 employees.
MODON is also responsible for creating the ideal environment for growth and development of technology
zones in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where MODON is currently overseeing two technology zones and
is seeking to earmark further zones towards acquiring the latest technological investments.
Currently MODON oversees six private industrial cities with plans to increase number in the near future.

Vision, Mission and Strategy – 2030 Vision

To support its ongoing activities across the Kingdom, MODON has developed a vision, mission statement
and framework strategy as follows;
Vision - To provide distinctive and unique industrial cities and technology zones of the highest
quality throughout the Kingdom”.
Mission - To establish, develop and operate the industrial cities and technology zones in
partnership with the private sector, enabling us to provide integrated services that meet the needs of
investors, contribute to community development, and preserve the environment. For MODON strategy see
Table 26 – MODON strategy.
Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

4. Responsibilities
4.1 MODON Employees
The roles and responsibilities covering MODON personnel to confirm that the following health, safety and
environment, requirements are adhered.

4.2 Construction Supervision / Project Management Consultancy

& Contractor’ Employees
Roles and responsibilities for the program partners are as shown below:
Project Director / Senior Manager / Managers / Line Management

▪ HSE Policy and Plans are communicated within its own project teams and to the Construction
Supervision (CS) organizations that it is overseeing
▪ Provide positive leadership on HSSE issues
▪ Promote an enthusiastic HSSE culture that delivers positive commitment to and engages all
employees in continuous improvement in HSSE performance
▪ Keep abreast of developments HSE legislation, guideline and industry standards
▪ Ensure that HSE management systems are implemented within their sphere of responsibility and
monitor and review its effectiveness and take necessary improvement action
▪ Monitor that personnel under their control comply with their individual HSSE responsibilities
▪ Ensure that the disciplinary process to address breaches of the HSSE policy or management system
is applied where necessary.
▪ Reports identifying positive and negative compliance, trends and resulting actions are produced on
a regular cycle.
▪ Training needs are reviewed on a regular cycle and or as the result of significant events.
▪ A project program of HSSE audits, observational compliance tours, inspections and meetings are in
place, implemented and communicated to all stakeholders
▪ HSSE Key Point Indicator information on leading and lagging indicators is obtained according to the
planned cycle from the CS organizations are subjected to review and appropriate action for
positive/negative indicators is taken as required.
▪ HSSE Aims and Objectives are communicated within its own project teams and to the CS
organizations that it is overseeing.
▪ All policy, programs and plans take in to account and follow the requirements define in Saudi Arabia
Law/Associated Decrees and the requirements defined in the Clients and HSE management System.

HSSE Practitioners

▪ Provide positive leadership within their area of operation and promote the adoption of best practice
▪ Promote an enthusiastic HSSE culture that delivers positive commitment to and engages all
employees in continuous improvement in HSSE performance
▪ Keep abreast of developments in HSE legislation and industry standards
▪ Monitor and report on the effectiveness of the HSSE management system and progress against
performance standards and make recommendations for improvement as appropriate
▪ Monitor and report on operational HSSE performance and make recommendations for improvement
and monitor to ensure that effective action is taken
▪ Lead and provide functional management for any HSSE personnel under their control
▪ Assist with the identification of HSSE training needs, and monitor delivery and recording
▪ Monitor and report on the implementation of the approved HSSE objectives

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

▪ Produce HSSE performance reports as required

▪ Promptly alert line and functional management to significant accidents and incidents and where
appropriate be involved in the investigation and ensure that the findings are reported
▪ Review accident, incident and investigation reports, identify any trends and ensure that there is an
appropriate response to prevent future recurrence
▪ Objectives are set and form part of the monthly dashboard, Consultant Supervision shall monitor the
Contractor reports monthly as required and shall monitor the status and inputs.
▪ All policy, programs and plans take in to account and follow the requirements define in Saudi Arabia
Law/Associated Decrees and the requirements defined in the Clients and their own HSE
Management Systems.


▪ Provide positive leadership on HSSE issues within your area of operation

▪ Promote an enthusiastic HSSE culture that delivers positive commitment to and engages all
employees in continuous improvement in HSSE performance
▪ Make arrangements for HSSE induction training for all new starters at the workplace under their
▪ Identify HSSE training needs and have the necessary training arranged
▪ Implement operating procedures, including risk assessment procedures, for the planning and control
of activities associated with identified risks
▪ Ensure that written method statements, risk assessments and/or HSSE rules are brought to the
attention of those affected
▪ Appoint appropriate personnel to undertake HSSE duties
▪ Ensure that suitable arrangements are in place for the effective control of changes to planned
methods of work
▪ Monitor and review the effectiveness of the HSSE management system and report deficiencies
▪ Monitor that personnel under their control comply with their individual responsibilities in HSSE
▪ Give personnel under their control, clear instructions as to their responsibilities to ensure correct
working methods
▪ Make adequate provision for dealing with HSSE emergencies
▪ Promptly alert line and HSSE management to all accidents, incidents and near misses and where
appropriate, be involved in the investigation and ensure that the findings are reported
▪ Report visits by members of relevant administrative authorities e.g. Civil Defence (Fire Department
▪ Act immediately on any breach of HSSE rules or procedures, unsafe situation or potential threat to
the environment that comes to their attention and, where necessary, report such breaches
▪ Ensure that the disciplinary process to address breaches of the HSSE policy or management system
is applied where necessary


▪ Care for their own health, safety and well-being and for that of others who may be affected by their
actions or omissions whilst engaged on the project
▪ Participate actively in HSSE initiatives including training, reporting unsafe conditions and complying
with HSSE requirements
▪ Comply with the requirements detailed in this document
▪ Use and maintain equipment provided in line with HSSE requirements
▪ Carry out reasonable instructions relating to HSSE on the project (including use of personal
protective equipment)
▪ Follow safe work procedures
▪ Follow HSSE procedures as set out in the project polices, plans and procedures and as required by
legislation, and as specifically developed for any work activities
Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

▪ Report problems (such as unsafe working conditions, unreasonable HSSE instructions or

ineffective arrangements intended to protect HSSE to the Project Director, HSSE Lead or their line
▪ Report incidents, including near misses, with the potential to injure personnel or damage property
or the environment
▪ Take appropriate action to protect themselves, which may include stopping work until the hazard
has been eliminated or controlled
▪ Compliance with HSSE requirements and their continual improvement is a condition of
engagement for all project personnel

4.3 Contractors
The Contractor shall include within their plans an organisational chart showing the HSSE reporting structure
for the project and a full breakdown of roles and responsibilities for key staff and employees. As a minimum
the roles and responsibilities.

5. Description of the Project

MODON, as part of the overall 2030 vision, plan to establish an attractive, safe and highly sophisticated.
The scope of work involves engineering detail-design, site preparation, modification and construction,
procurement, materials and equipment supply, fabrication, installation, testing, pre-commissioning and
commissioning assistance necessary to complete the MODON projects.

In addition, it includes supplying all equipment, tools, labor, supervision and materials and shall perform all
operations and task required to construct, equip, and furnish new facilities and demolish existing facilities.
The scope shall include site preparation/grading to locate the buildings, roads, non-electrical utilities,
electrical and communication systems. All plans, procedures, details and work practices shall be in line or
in accordance with MODON standards, and / or in their absence most stringent and best practices are

6. Management System Requirements

MODON HSE management systems are in line with the requirements and continual improvements OHSAS
18001:2007 ~ ISO 45001 and ISO 14001:2004 safety management systems.
The Contractor shall implement a health and safety management system that is in accordance with the
client’s health and safety policy which complies with the requirements for occupational health and safety
management systems of OHSAS 18001:2007/ ISO 45001 & ISO 14001:2004, local & International
standards, legislations, and associated decrees etc. The conventions and guidelines of the international
labour organization including ILO OSH 2001 and national standards.
Management systems are to be self-regulating and be primarily controlled and assessed by implementing
an internal audit process. Contractors are to provide the findings of these audits to MODON and invite
MODON to participate throughout. The Contractor’s management system will also be subject to audit and
review by MODON in line with their audit programme.
The overall philosophy for HSE shall embody a positive culture by continual improvement of the
management systems in delivery of the MODON health and safety, environmental and sustainability
polices. The Contractor is to provide evidence that regular reviews of performance of the management
systems are held along with any improvement/corrective actions.
Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

7. HSSE Policies
MODON is committed to delivering excellence to its stakeholders creating through to effective and efficient
asset management, by building, operating and maintaining a world class industries Zones in KSA. This will
be achieved by compliance with KSA Laws and regulations, and relevant Local and International standards.
Contractors are required to develop project polices in line with the expectations of MODON and include as
a minimum commitment to:
▪ Embedding a positive HSE culture
▪ Setting objectives and targets
▪ Providing adequate resources, training and the appointment of competent staff
▪ Complying with legislation and relevant codes and standards
▪ Ensuring the suitability of and effectiveness of suppliers and partners in delivering the requirements
of the polices
▪ Reviewing planned activities and performance against stated objectives
▪ Continually improving performance
All policies are to be signed by a senior manager of the Contractor’s organisation or where there is a joint
venture by the head of the joint venture.
Polices are to be reviewed annually as a minimum and be communicated to all personnel during inductions
and displayed on office and site notice boards.

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

7.1 HSSE Policy

Figure 1 - MODON HSE Policy

8. Objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)

8.1 Prevent Harm
A key objective of MODON Health and Safety Policy is ‘Prevent Harm’ by preventing injury and ill health to
their staff, program partners and customers.
MODON consider the safety and health of all personnel whether they are staff, contractors, members of
the public or other stakeholders of paramount importance.
Causing injury or harm to people both within and outside the program is simply not acceptable and is to be
avoided at all costs.
Prevent Harm is defined as:

▪ Prevent fatalities
▪ Prevent permanent disabling injuries
▪ Prevent injuries to members of the public
▪ Prevent long term harm to health
▪ AFR <0.1 whilst aiming for Prevent AFR
▪ ERIC PD Prevents Workplace Injuries & Illnesses
Prevent Harm is not simply a statement or a frame of mind but a journey where everyone plays their part
to keep everyone safe. Contractors are pivotal to this journey and are required to develop and implement
a viable strategy in consultation with MODON for the introduction and implementation of Prevent Harm
across the program and individual projects.
Progress with Prevent Harm is to be regularly monitored with successes and areas for improvement
discussed during scheduled HSE meetings and forums.

8.2 HSE Principles

Supporting Prevent Harm are 5 key HSE principles:
▪ All accidents and incidents are preventable
▪ HSE is led from the top, down
▪ Everyone is responsible for HSE issues
▪ Positive behaviours are to be reinforced and negative behaviours are to be challenged
▪ Everyone has the right to stop work if what they are being asked to do is unsafe, without fear of any
action taken against that person
The key principles are simple, functional, and easy to understand and follow and are to be enshrined in the
way work is planned, implemented, supervised and managed.
The Contractor shall actively promote and encourage high standards of HSE on the site and shall implement
HSE incentives and award schemes at all levels of management, supervision and workers.

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

8.3 KPI’s
Leading and lagging KPI’s are to be developed and introduced to measure performance and progress with
HSE objectives and targets. KPI’s are to be reported in a format and timescale as directed by MODON
(Refer Weekly Progress Report – Safety Part). Typical KPI’s will include:
▪ Inductions and training
▪ Inspections including senior management tours
▪ Audits
▪ Accident and incident statistics / Matrix
▪ Enforcement action
▪ Closure of corrective actions – (immediate / underlying)
▪ Key Performance Indicators (Lagging and leading indicators)
The Contractor is to develop KPI’s in consultation with MODON or Consultant Supervision and / or PMC
with progress reported monthly. KPI’s are to be reviewed regularly and updated accordingly to address
changing priorities and requirements of the program and the project.
Objectives are set and form part of the monthly MODON HSE dashboard, Consultant Supervision shall
monitor the Contractor reports monthly as required and shall monitor the status and inputs

9. HSSE Plans
Contractor shall prepare a contract specific Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Plan (HSSP) Plan
and have in place and approved a HSSEP before starting work on site. The HSSEP Plan and its associated
procedures and standards in compliance with local, royal decrees, labour law and international regulation
and requirements.
In addition to the above plans there is a requirement for the Contractor to provide information of how they
will ensure the site is secured at all times and how emergencies are assessed, planned, and what their
proposed response will be.
The plans are to be specific to the Contract and are to provide comprehensive details and information on
how the contractor will assess risks and control their activities.
Plans are to be reviewed at least quarterly with a formal review held annually. Results of the formal review
are to be submitted to MODON.
The structure and minimum contents of the plans explained in detail to the successful contractors at the
HSE Kick-Off Meeting or HSE Workshop by the MODON Safety Department.

10. Processes & Procedure Guidance

The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring they have suitable procedures that aligns and complies with
MODON requirements and minimum standards. Procedures, Standards along with supporting forms and
registers are to be submitted to MODON for review. For a comprehensive list of procedures, see Appendix
B (HSE Procedures and standards), see Appendix C (HSE Deliverables) and Appendix D (RACI Matrix)
and other appendices that are in detailed at the end of the manual.
The Contractor is to ensure that their staff and employees are fully aware of the program and project
requirements and that these are implemented and monitored throughout the duration of the works. The
contractor shall be consistent of the MODON Health and Safety guidance document. This document sets
out the Health and Safety expectations and framework that contractors are to adopt and implement in order
to meet the requirements of the MODON Health and Safety Policy.
The guidance provides an outline of the obligations and is not inclusive of all the requirements. The specific
and detailed health and safety requirements are to be described in the contractors Health, Safety, Security
and Environment and supporting processes and procedures.
Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

11. Legislation Compliance

All work is to be undertaken in compliance with the requirements of KSA Labour Law. Particular regard
shall be paid to Royal Decree No. M/51 23 Shah ’ban 1426, 27 September 2005. The Minister of Labour
and social affair, decision No. 404, 7 July 1974 regarding First Aid Provisions and any Statutory
Instruments, Decrees, Resolutions or Regulations.
If no local standard exists or the applicable standard is not specified, the appropriate and compatible
internationally recognised standard or code of practice shall be adopted.

The hierarchy of standards is as follows:

▪ Saudi Labour Law & its associated Royal Decrees and decisions
▪ Euro Norm (EN) / British Standards (BS)
▪ International Standards and Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP). ILO Conventions & Regulations
▪ ILO OSH 2001 SMS.
▪ ISO 14001
▪ OHSAS 18001 will be replaced by,
▪ 45001 – New
▪ And or / where any requirement explained in this section varies from that prescribed in any rules,
regulations and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, more stringent of the requirement
shall apply.

Alternative standards may be proposed if it can satisfactorily be demonstrated that they are equivalent, in
all respects, to the above-mentioned standards. Where there is any discrepancy or a conflict, the higher or
stricter standards shall take precedence.
MODON has developed a HSE Legal Register covering the key requirements of legislation in Saudi Arabian
Government (SAG), ministerial decision of the interior ministry and civil defence directorate No.
10/k/w/01/df; dated 23/03/1410 (H) 23/10/1989 (G) GAME&P, Saudi Labour Law Royal Decree No. M/51,
23 September 2007. The HSE Legal Register is available from the MODON HSE Manager upon request.

12. HSSE Organizational Structure, Roles and

The HSSE staff will report functionally to the HSSE Manager but the day to day reporting lines will be via
the relevant Resident Engineer. HSSE Managers will provide advice, guidance and support to the
construction assurance teams and will also undertake an independent auditing function reporting directly
to the Project Director or Senior Manager.
The HSSE Manager will be responsible for coordinating and liaising with the contractor HSSE staff as

13. Control and Selection of Subcontractors

The Contractor is wholly responsible for the safety of the Works and they will not cascade any safety
responsibility to their chosen subcontractors.
Before the Contractor engages a subcontractor, they shall obtain approval from MODON and ensure that
the subcontractor has the skills and knowledge to carry out the works to the required standards and without
risk to health, safety and the environment.
Evaluation of the subcontractor shall include as a minimum:

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00

Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

▪ Checking that the subcontractor has experience in the type of work they are being contracted to
▪ Looking at references from previous clients
▪ Reviewing accident and incident statistics
▪ Ensure they have the necessary qualifications, skills and on-going training programmed including
health and safety training
▪ Assess how they plan to do the works i.e. risk assessments and method statements
The Contractor shall ensure that the specific requirements relating to HSSE (polices, plans etc.) across the
program has been issued to the subcontractor and that meetings are held to ensure that the subcontractor
fully understands the requirements and understands the consequences of non-compliance.
The Contractor shall manage, monitor, inspect, audit, meet and consult with their subcontractors to ensure
HSSE performance meets the requirements of the program.

14. Alcohol and Drugs

The Contractor shall ensure that employees must not:
▪ Report for work or attempt to report for work, in an unfit state due to the consumption of alcohol or
use of any drug
▪ Be in possession of, or supply any drug of abuse in the workplace or whilst at work
▪ Consume any drug of abuse or alcohol in the workplace or whilst at work
▪ Use of substances, such as paint and solvent’s fume etc.
▪ Tobacco mixed with other drugged, like lime etc.

Searches may be conducted of property, project premises, and personal effects of employees when
management considers such searches appropriate to validate safe and efficient operations. When
searches occur, they will be conducted in accordance with the site security policy and/or in cooperation
with local law enforcement, as may be applicable.
Personnel found to be under the influence or in possession of alcohol, drugs or any other substance which
may impair judgement, will be immediately removed from the site and shall not be employed again in
connection with the work on the Project.

15. Design Risk Management

The overall concept the Safety in Design, is to improve health and safety standards on construction sites
without creating unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy.
The key aim of CDM Regulation 1994, is to integrate health and safety into the management of the project
and as well as in the pre-tender stage HSE plan to encourage everyone involved in the project to work
together. The contractor should therefore, in their plan, detail what arrangements they will have in place
1. Improve the planning and management of the project from the very start involving subject matter
experts to ensure that risks associated with all aspects of business, particularly in terms of hazardous
activities are properly assessed
2. Identify hazards early on, so they can be eliminated or reduced at the design or planning stage and
the remaining risks can be properly managed
3. Target effort where it can do the best in terms of health and safety; and
The Contractor shall include details of how they are going to ensure HSE is considered at all stages of the
design including opportunities for construction teams to feed into the design process throughout its lifecycle.
Designers (architects, engineers, contractors etc.) carrying out design work are to be competent and be
adequately resourced to address the HSE issues likely to be involved in the design.
Designers must consider HSE risks which are inherent during the life cycle of the construction, operations,
Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

maintenance and eventually the demolition stages and eliminate them or reduce them to as low as possible.
Designers are to undertake design risk assessments and record them in a design risk register. The risk
register is to be provided to those who will undertake further design work and carry out the construction

15.1 Temporary Works & required standards

Temporary works is an “engineered solution” used to support or protect either:
▪ An existing structure
▪ The permanent works during construction
▪ Support an item or plant or equipment
▪ The vertical sides or side-slopes of an excavation during construction, or
▪ To provide access
▪ Formwork / Falsework – for vertical & Horizontal concrete casting
Temporary works procedures are to be established in accordance with BS 5975:2008 Code of Practice for
Temporary Works Procedures for the Design Checking and Inspection of Temporary Works and the
Permissible Stress Design for Falsework.
A design brief is to be prepared to serve as the starting point for subsequent decisions, design work,
calculations and drawings. The brief is to include all data relevant to the design of temporary works.

Any person involved in the design or coordination of temporary works is to have relevant up to date training
and both the qualifications and experience appropriate to the complexity of the work.
The Contractor shall appoint a temporary work coordinator (TWC); this person is to be responsible for the
implementation of the design in accordance with drawings and specifications and for the day to day
management and progress.
In addition to the above contractors are required to submit the required standards, procedures into the their
HSE plan, and standalone documents; such as, Confined space management, Construction design
management, Construction Plant Vehicle Management, Control of Substances Hazards to Health –
COSHH, Crane and Heavy Equipment Incident Reporting Procedures, Crane Lifts: Types and Procedures,
Crane Suspended Personnel Platform (Man basket) Operations, Crane, Hoist, and Rigging Operations,
Demolition, Detection of buried services, Electrical Safety, Engineering Vehicle workshop, Excavation and
trenching safety, Fall arrest, restrains system (primary), Fall protection system (secondary), Fire prevention
procedure, Heat and Cold stress, Heavy Equipment Operator Testing and Certification, Heavy Equipment
Services, Housekeeping, Inspection and Testing Requirements for Elevating/Lifting Equipment, Inspection,
Testing and Maintenance of Fire Protection Equipment, Isolation, Lockout and Use of Hold Tags, Lifting
operation, Light weight staging trestle ladders, Man-basket (MEWP), Night work lighting, Noise vibration,
Personal protective equipment, Piling operations, Pollution Control, Radiation (ionization / non-ionization)
Hierarchy of control, Reporting of Contractor On-Job Injuries/Occupational Illnesses, Rigging Hardware
Requirements, Safety Requirements for Scaffolds, Scaffolding, Site Preparation, Small tools, Stability of
structure (Non-Measure & Measure), Street and Road Closure: Excavations, Reinstatement and Traffic
Controls, Traffic and Vehicle Safety, Waste Management, Welding operation, Work Permit System,
Working at height, Working near or adjacent to water and Working Platform etc. this list is not exhaustive,
covering all the items. Contractor may add or develop standards according to their scope of work and

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16. Risk Management and Controls

Good HSE performance is founded on good work planning and management. The ability to plan ahead
gives everyone involved in a task an opportunity to ensure that all hazards and associated risks have been
identified and that suitable control measures are put in place.
Therefore, no task will commence on the project until a task specific method statement and associated risk
assessment or an agreed works procedure has been produced and approved by the Contractor and
submitted for review by MODON.
Furthermore, all method statements and risk assessments are to be transmitted to MODON and / or
consultant supervision for their review prior to any task commencing. The Contractor, when planning the
works, should allow a period of no less than 28 calendar days for this review process to take place.

16.1 Risk Assessment

Risk assessments are to be carried out for all of activities. They are to be ‘suitable and sufficient’ and
should identify all risks associated with the work, with the level of detail proportionate to the risk.
Risk assessments must be undertaken by a competent person who has knowledge and experience of the
activity being assessed.
The risk assessment process must start at the design stage and continue through the construction and
commissioning phases.

Documentation arising from risk assessments shall contain all perceived risks and the proposed resolution
or control measures necessary to reduce these risks to a minimum.
Having identified hazards suitable controls must be implemented to mitigate the risk.
Controls measures must be implemented in line with the following hierarchy of control; in many cases a
combination will be needed: Use the general hierarchy, that should be used to reduce the risk in the
workplace; apply the principal of ERIC-PD.
▪ Elimination – remove the hazard from the workplace
▪ Substitution – substitute the item with something less hazardous
▪ Engineering controls – enclose, isolate, use ventilation, mechanical aids, machine guards etc.
▪ Administrative controls – provision of procedures, training, signage, permits to work etc.
▪ PPE – PPE is only to be used as a last resort
Risk assessments shall be reviewed periodically and not less than annually. They shall also be reviewed
when there have been changes in legislation or other guidance, designs, processes, equipment, the work
environment, after an accident or where there is reason to believe they are no longer valid.
Contractors will be trained in the Safe Plan of Action (SPA) process. This process requires the working
party to carry out a point of work review of the risk assessment and any other supporting documentation to
ensure that the risk assessment remains valid, the SPA will form part of the daily task briefing given to the
workforce, see below for further details on task briefings.

16.2 HSE Risk Register

MODON requires consultant & contractors to prepare project safety risk register within 28 days of project
is awarded, and include the following as minimum;
▪ Fire and explosion
▪ Collapse of structure and excavations
▪ Sudden flooding
▪ Atmospheric pollution
▪ Power failure
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▪ Falls from height

▪ Struck by plant or vehicles
▪ Unidentified utilities
Contractors are to develop and maintain their own a HSE risk register and the findings shall be incorporated
into the HSE plan and method statements.

16.3 Consultant Supervision’s Review

The Consultant Supervision shall review all risk assessment in a timely manner and prepare a review with
comments if applicable and forward them to the Contractor, likewise ad revisions to any risk assessment
shall be dealt with in the same manner.
Risk assessment shall form part of the method statement. The Contractor shall prepare a method
statement schedule to the CS for approval within an ample period of time from the start of the Contract to
ensure method statements are prepared in sufficient time to allow a review by MODON before the proposed
programmed start date; in general, a review period of 14 days is to be allowed prior to any new activity

16.4 Method Statements

All work is to be pre-planned to ensure that a safe system of work is developed and implemented. Method
statements are an effective and practical management tool that will be used to address HSE issues involved
in carrying out the works.

In general, no task or activity will commence until a task specific method statement and associated risk
assessment has been submitted for review by MODON. Where the level of risk is low a method statement
may not be required as long as the work is covered by a suitable work procedure.
Method statements are to be produced in accordance with requirements of the design and incorporate
outputs from design risk assessments.
Method statements shall be logical construction guides designed for use on site. They shall contain a
detailed risk assessment covering the task or operation; a hazard analysis and methods for preventing
injury, including engineering controls and personal protective equipment.
The typical structure and contents of method statements will include:
▪ General Descriptions
▪ References
▪ Material Arrangements
▪ Authorizations permits and consents
▪ Site Planning & Preparation
▪ Methodology for carrying out the work
▪ Resources (including Plant and equipment)
▪ Organization, Responsibility & Supervision
▪ Health, safety & Environmental
▪ Quality Update
▪ Briefing Sheet
▪ Workforce
▪ Emergency procedure including contact details
▪ Review Checklist

As necessary drawings, calculations, standard operating procedures and/or safe work instructions for
equipment may be included as appendices to support the method statement.
The Contractor shall prepare a method statement schedule to the CS for approval within an ample period
of time from the start of the Contract to ensure method statements are prepared in sufficient time to allow
a review by MODON before the proposed programmed start date; in general, a review period of 14 days
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is to be allowed prior to any new activity.

Method statements are dynamic documents and must be modified and updated to address the ever-
changing situation that occurs on site.
Once the work commences method statements are to be reviewed for their validity to ensure the content
accurately reflects the work being carried out, where method of work differ the method statement is to be
Significant changes to method statement are not allowed unless they have been re-submitted for review to
MODON and or his representative.
The contents of method statements are to be briefed out to those personnel responsible for the works and
a copy kept on site at all times.
MODON and contractors will undertake regular surveillance of activities to ensure that the process has
been correctly followed and that findings from the risk assessments have been briefed to the workforce.

16.5 Task Briefings

The Contractors task briefings shall be used to cascade method statement information by the work
supervisor to the workforce before the start of each day or new task or activity.
The Contractors works supervisors are to discuss the hazards and controls associated with the task or
activity as well as other information such as SPA, emergency arrangements, provision of welfare, additional
documentation, checks etc. Task briefings are to be given in the language of the workers and signed by
all stating they have been briefed and understood the briefing.
Where necessary the Contractors work supervisor is to stop the activity and re-brief workers when controls
are not being correctly implemented, when there is a change in the previously briefed work methodology or
where new hazards have been identified.
A copy of the signed task briefing is to be kept on site whilst the work is on-going and then maintained in
the Contractor’s files.
Management from both MODON and Contractors are to randomly attend task briefings and undertake
regular checks of the documentation to ensure the process is being correctly implemented. Where work is
not being carried out in accordance with the task briefing the work is to be stopped and workers re-briefed.
Task briefings will be monitored by the CS to ensure quality and compliance.

17. Competency
17.1 Competence
Project wide all Contractors managers, engineers and supervisors are to hold qualifications relevant to their
discipline and have appropriate experience for the role they are to fulfil. They are to fully understand the
HSE requirements for the Contract.
The Contractors shall have in place a competency matrix system and training plan which defines the
required competencies for manager’s supervisors and other employees including all their subcontractors.
All managers, engineers and supervisors are to be able to read, write and speak the language of those they
are managing or supervising.

17.2 HSSE Staff

The Contractor shall provide an organizational chart showing the key personnel who has responsibility for
HSSE issues.
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Health and safety personnel are to meet the required standards. After appointment Health and Safety staff
are not to be removed from the Contract without prior approval from MODON.
Contractors shall ensure that their HSE staff are competent to fulfil their roles and are provided with the
necessary authority to suspend any work where there is imminent danger of an accident, injury or damage
to the environment.
Appointed staff shall have no other duties, either on-site or off-site, other than their allocated duties, and
shall be exclusive to one site unless otherwise agreed by MODON.
The Contractors shall ensure that each and every subcontractor employed on the worksite appoints suitably
qualified HSE staff to ensure the effective function of these disciplines within the subcontractor’s

17.3 Plant Operators and Drivers

Plant operators and drivers are to be in possession of a valid KSA driving license and competence certificate
issued by a third-party organization for the category of plant or vehicles being operated.
17.4 Competence of Operatives
All operatives are to be competent for the role they are to fulfil. Specific qualifications will be required for
certain trades and job disciplines such as electricians, welders, scaffolders, users of machinery and power
tools, working in confined spaces, first aiders etc. Where there is any doubt of required competencies
guidance is to be sought from MODON.
Evidence of competency is to be provided by certificate of competence held in personnel files, by carrying
competency cards and/or names displayed on notice boards in the immediate work areas.
Contractors are not to employ or request personnel to do work and employees are not to carry out work if
they do not hold the necessary competencies to carry out the task.

18. Training Requirements

18.1 General Requirements
It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide a safe and healthy work environment and to
establish safe work practices and procedures. Training will ensure that each employee receives
instructions regarding work hazards and how the environment can be harmed and the corresponding
controls to mitigate the hazards.
To ensure training is effective it is to be validated by monitoring and undertaking assessments on site. As
necessary, training content and methods of delivery are to be modified to ensure it is effective and adds
A training procedure and matrix based on training needs analysis is to be developed for all personnel on
the Contract. The procedure and matrix are to detail positions and what courses are required and be
submitted to the MODON for review.

18.2 Induction Training

HSE induction training must be delivered by the Contractor to all personnel before starting work on site.
The Contractor shall submit their HSE induction material to MODON or CS for review.
Short term visitors are always to be given an abridged version of the HSE induction and be escorted
w h i l s t on site by a nominated member of the Contractors management team.
HSE induction training is to be refreshed to all personnel working on the project on a 12-monthly basis.
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18.3 HSE Leadership Training

The Contractor shall conduct HSE leadership training for all managers who are working on the Contract,
including all subcontractors’ managers. HSE leadership training is to be completed within two months of
managers’ arrival on the contract.
Content of HSE leadership training is to be agreed between the Contractor and MODON or CS or PMC.

18.4 HSE for Supervisors Training

The Contractor shall conduct HSE training for all supervisors who are working on the project, including
subcontractor(s) supervisors. HSE training for supervisors is to be completed within two months of
supervisors’ arrival on the project.
Content of HSE supervisors training is to be agreed between the Contractor and MODON or CS or PMC.

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18.5 Behavioural Based Safety Training Program

This program tends to keep just only for initial stage to introduced in the beginning for information and brief
introduction and shall be properly implemented in the future. MODON expect stakeholder that to familiarize
its importance and need no necessary to implement on the workplace. A behavioural safety process based
on IIF or similar training is to be introduced across the contract to all staff and employees, the Contractor
and their subcontractors. MODON will guideline train-the-trainer courses to enable Contractor to roll out
the IIF training to their workforces, if there is a need. IIF training shall be given to each employee ASAP
upon arriving.
IIF or similar program training is to be provided to all staff and employees the time frame for new employees
to be clearly stated within the Contractors training plan.
In addition to IIF training a system of HSE observation reports (SOR’s) will be introduced to record positive
and negative observations across the project.
This system will be supplemented by Safety Circles which, is a weekly joint meeting held between
management and representatives from the workforce to review, action and close out the previous week’s
observation reports. This workforce engagement is seen as a key element of the generative safety oriented

18.6 Specialized Training

Specialized training designed to address specific HSSE requirements will be required to be provided as
necessary. Specialized training would include but not be limited to:
▪ Risk assessment
▪ Accident investigation
▪ Working in confined spaces (supervisory and man entry)
▪ Lifting operations
▪ Banksmen
▪ Scaffolding
▪ Use of and changing abrasive wheels
▪ Operation of machinery such as drills, lathes, circular saws, portable power tools, etc.
▪ Emergency preparedness and response
▪ Environmental awareness
▪ Compressed air working
▪ Self-Rescuers
▪ Moving equipment and materials (i.e. interventions and working around moving
equipment/materials underground)
▪ First aid, etc.
In general, specialized training is only to be undertaken by a competent third-party organisation unless it
can be proven that the in-house provider has the necessary competencies. Specialized training being
carried out in-house is to be reviewed by MODON prior to implementation.

18.7 Tool Box Talks

The Contractor shall ensure that at least one tool box talks is given to the workforce every 7 days.
Tool box talks are to be short duration (5–10 minutes’ duration) and focus on just one topic to update/remind
or inform staff and workers about key health and safety messages. Toolbox talks must be relevant and
appropriate to the audience and given in the worker’s language.

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An attendance sheet is to be signed by all participants and a copy of the most current tool box talk posted
on the site notice board. A list of toolbox talks planned for each month should be submitted to CS for their
review and approval.

18.8 Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk – (STARRT)

Pre-Start Team Talks shall be conducted daily, prior to work commencing, or at the beginning of each shift
or new task in the course of a shift and shall be recorded on the Safety Task Analysis Risk Reduction Talk
(STARRT) Card and filed. Prior to commencing a job activity, the Site Engineer / Foreman / Supervisor
shall carry out a team talk with his crew / labor force in their language.

Supervisor will complete STARRT card. Copy of STARRT card along with relevant method statement and
risk assessment will be maintained inside the STARRT Box, at site.

Supervisor will address the Activity specific Method Statement and Risk Assessment to the workers. Any
changes or additional hazard identified to be included in this document. The Safety Staff will review the
STARRT CARDS daily and update the RA as necessary.

18.9 Training Records

Records of training and assessment including tool box talks are to be maintained for review and audit. The
monthly HSE Report is to include information on courses and number of training hours completed during
the reporting period.

18.10 Training Review

Consultant Supervision shall review the Contractors training procedure / plan / matrix and comment if
required; the Consultant Supervision shall regularly monitor the Contractors training processes and conduct
quarterly audits.

18.11 Consultant Supervision Training

The Consultant Supervision shall continually train their own staff incorporating MODON. A detailed HSSE
Department Training Matrix – Plan - Records.

19. Accident, Incident, Dangerous Occurrences and

Near Miss Reporting and Investigation
19.1 Accident and Incident Reporting and Investigation
The Contractor is responsible for developing and submitting for review an accident and incident reporting
and investigation procedure that meets the requirements of MODON. Where the Local emergency services
are not able to provide cover, the contractor shall establish their own emergency team, e.g. an underground
and elevated areas rescue team.
The procedure is to cover initial response, notification arrangements, investigation, reports, corrective
actions and lessons learnt.
Immediately after an accident or incident the following response is to be implemented as required:
▪ Call the emergency services
▪ Make the area safe and secure the scene of the incident
▪ Provide medical aid
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▪ Identify potential witnesses and take statements

▪ Refer Flowchart – Accident and Emergency Procedure
Where an accident results in a fatality, the Police are to be notified and the scene must be cordoned off
and not interfered with until their arrival.
All accidents, incidents are to be notified to MODON as soon as possible after the accident or incident,
arrangements are to include notification to senior management in the event of a serious accident or incident.
(Refer Accident and incident reporting and response procedure.
The Contractor shall have suitable arrangements in place to notify and provide regular updates and
information to next of kin in the event of a serious injury or fatality occurring.
Where personnel are taken to hospital after an accident or incident the Contractor is to implement case
management to ensure that the injured person(s) receive the necessary treatment and support at the
hospital and that someone is able to provide timely information back to management on the condition and
treatment of those who have been injured.
Accidents and incidents are to be investigated to identify how a similar event can be prevented. The aim
of any investigation is to identify the immediate and root causes, not to apportion blame.
Personnel responsible for investigating accidents and incidents are to be competent for the role they are to
The investigation is to be carried out as soon as possible after the accident or incident and the level of
investigation will be proportionate to the severity of the accident or incident.
Accidents and incidents are to be entered into the accident/incident database within 24 hours of the event
occurring. Where the accident/incident database is unavailable an Initial Report is to be submitted to
MODON within the same timescale.
Investigation Reports are to be entered into the accident/incident database and a report submitted to
MODON no later than 7 days after the event. Reports are to be submitted with relevant supporting
Where the report fails to identify the immediate or root causes or the recommended corrective action are
not adequate the report will be rejected, and further investigation and submission will be required.
Corrective preventive actions identified are to be tracked and closed out in agreed timescales.
In addition to reporting accidents and incidents to MODON, contractors are to comply with the statutory
reporting requirements in accordance with Saudi Labour Law.

19.2 Dangerous Occurrences

Dangerous Occurrences are defined as ‘an event that, if something happens which does not result in a
reportable injury, but which clearly could have done, it may be a dangerous occurrence which must be
reported immediately to MODON. Contractor shall have suitable arrangements in place for the reporting
and for follow up of dangerous occurrences.
All personnel are to be informed of the importance of reporting dangerous occurrences and the reporting
arrangements during inductions and at regular intervals thereafter.
In order to encourage reporting, feedback of action taken is to be provided to those personnel who submit
dangerous occurrences reports and to others within the program via various forums.
Dangerous occurrences are to be recorded in the accident incident database and included within the
monthly HSE Report.

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19.3 Near Miss Reporting

Near misses are defined as ‘an event that, while not causing harm has the potential to cause injury, ill health
or damage’. Near misses are to be viewed as positive reporting not negative and looked upon as an
opportunity to prevent or reduce likelihood of an actual accident or incident occurring in the future.
The Contractor shall have suitable arrangements in place for the reporting and for follow up of near misses.
All personnel are to be informed of the importance of reporting near misses and the reporting arrangements
during inductions and at regular intervals thereafter.
In order to encourage reporting, feedback of action taken is to be provided to those personnel who submit
near miss reports and to others within the program via various forums.
Near misses are to be recorded in the accident incident database and included within the monthly HSE

20. Logistics
The Contractor shall develop and implement a formal/written Logistics Plan, and this shall be submitted to
MODON and / or Consultant Supervision for review and approval.
The Logistics Plan shall be addressed during the planning phase of the project. A safe site layout should
be based on a formal assessment covering the following:
▪ Pedestrian and vehicle routes, both at working areas and between working sites
▪ Loading and lay down areas
▪ Traffic control
▪ Site entrance/exit
▪ Storage
▪ Parking
The focus of the site layout should involve the separation of pedestrian and vehicle routes from each other,
establishing appropriate roadway design and layout.
Implementation and on-going assessment of the safe site layout are crucial to the control of hazards and
safe vehicle operations on the project.
Note: - Only Items of plant or equipment less than five (5) years old shall be allowed onto site, Plant and
equipment must arrive on site with valid 3rd party test & thorough examination certificate as applicable.

21. Emergency Planning

The Contractor shall establish and include in their Health and Safety Plan emergency procedures and
arrangements covering their sphere of operations.
The main objectives of emergency procedures are to:

▪ Prevent escalation of the emergency and minimise the consequences

▪ Ensure personnel are evacuated and assistance is provided as quickly as possible to those
persons affected by any incident or emergency
▪ Facilitate the preservation of evidence so that the incident may be effectively investigated so as to
prevent a recurrence
▪ Ensure that vital information is communicated to relevant stakeholders as soon as possible
▪ Facilitate the restoration so that normal operations can be resumed

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▪ Ensure training is provided so that a high level of emergency preparedness is provided and
The emergency procedures shall identify resources including people, equipment, facilities and materials
required to manage emergencies.
The type and scale of resources is to be consistent with the potential emergencies envisaged, the location
and scope of site facilities and the competency and availability of external emergency services.
The emergency procedures must be clearly communicated to all personnel and personnel appointed to
manage, supervise and react to emergency situations are to undergo specific training to ensure they are
competent and fully understand their roles and responsibilities.
Contractors engaged in underground and elevated works shall in addition to providing an Emergency Action
Plan shall provide a Crisis Management Plan specifically for high potential crisis and shall be submitted to
MODON, such plan as a minimum shall be reviewed revised every 6 months.
The emergency procedures are to include the arrangements for raising the alarm and communicating with
the emergency services and how information will be passed between interested parties. Information during
emergencies shall not be released without the express authorisation from MODON.
Contractors will be expected to liaise closely with the emergency services to ensure that they are aware of
site activities and the potential risks involved. Joint training and drills will be conducted as agreed between
Where the emergency services are not able to provide cover the Contractor shall establish their own
emergency teams e.g. underground and elevated areas rescue teams.
Emergency exercises and drills are to be held as follows:
▪ At least every 6 months for offices
▪ At least every 3 months for sites
▪ At least monthly for underground works

22. Discipline and Enforcement Action

22.1 Discipline
The Contractor shall have procedures in place to effectively discipline their employees or subcontractors
where breaches of HSSE requirements occur.
Serious or repeated breaches of HSSE requirements, or other disregard for the health and safety of any
person are reasons for the removal from the project of any person employed by the Contractor.

22.2 Enforcement Action

Failure to comply with HSE requirements effectively will result in enforcement action being taken against
offenders. Enforcement action will include verbal and formal warnings and the issuances of Improvement
and Prohibition Notices in accordance with Figure 2.

Verbal Warning : Breach of HSE requirements that does not pose an immediate risk

Written Warning : Failure to action verbal warning

Improvement Notice : Contravention of HSE requirements that poses a risk

Prohibition Notice : Imminent risk to personnel or environment

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Figure 2 – Levels of HSE Enforcement Action

Where an activity poses a hazard to the safety of personnel, property or the environment; the activity shall
be suspended. The suspension shall continue until corrective action has been taken to eliminate the hazard
that was the subject of the suspension.
Improvement notices will be issued if in the opinion of the issuer (CS/PMC) that there has been a
contravention of one or more contractual requirements relating to quality, health, safety & environmental
An Improvement Notice will require the responsible person (organisation or individual) to take the necessary
action to remedy the contravention within a specified period of time. Failure to address the requirements of
an improvement notice will result in the issuing of a Prohibition Notice.
When a Prohibition Notice is issued the organisation or individual must STOP the work activity immediately.
The work is not to commence until remedial actions have been taken and this has been agreed and signed
off by the person or their designee who issued the notice.
In addition to the above or along with, penalties or fines against safety infringements shall be imposed on
the contractors and consultants for not compliance with MODON HSE requirements, their HSE Plan,
standards, procedures, local & international rules and regulations, refer Request for Proposal (RFP), special
conditions for contractors

23. Incentive and Recognition Schemes

The aim of MODON is to have Prevent Harm across the project. This will be supported by the introduction
and roll out of an Injury and Incident Free (IIF) programme to facilitate in embedding a positive approach to
health, safety and environmental across the project.
IIF is a behavioral based programme and will be overseas by MODON in consultation with the contractors.
It is however accepted that a positive culture cannot be developed through training alone and other key
elements will include:
▪ Strong, visible leadership and commitment from senior management
▪ Promotion of standards and procedures
▪ Competence of individuals
▪ Effective communication
In order to ensure full participation from the workforce it is important that positive actions and behaviours
are recognised and rewarded.
The Contractor is required to develop a number of measures to encourage worker involvement, recognise
positive behaviours and reward innovative ideas.
The schemes should be careful to limit the monetary value of any particular award ensuring that the focus
remains on the promotion of a generative safety culture. MODON also intends to be fully involved and
contribute to these schemes.

24. Communication Consultation and Participation

24.1 Communication
Effective communications are crucial to ensuring that the message to be delivered is clearly understood.
Verbal and written communication is made more difficult by the number of different nationalities and
languages used across the program thereby increasing the likelihood that the message will be

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Documents including plans, processes and procedures are to be written and submitted to MODON in
English. All internal project and program meetings will be conversed in English.
When communicating verbally and in writing with individuals and groups, this is to be carried out in their
native language wherever possible using pictorial diagrams, photos, drawings etc. to emphasis the point.
Communication across the program and project will be achieved by one or more of the following methods:
▪ Progress meetings
▪ Health, safety and environmental meetings and forums
▪ Induction and training including regular tool box talks
▪ Display of information on notice boards
▪ Various other forms of media such as alerts, reports, posters, notices etc.
The Consultant Supervision shall regularly monitor the Contractors records to establish compliance to their

24.2 Consultation
It is universally recognized that consulting with employees on HSE matters can be very effective in creating
and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment.
The requirements to consult with workers are detailed in section 24 of the manual. The contractor is to
provide details in their plans for the following:
▪ Consultation meeting schedule including frequency and attendees
▪ How consultation will be handled e.g.
▪ Whole workforce
▪ Via workforce representatives (if this is the case then details of how representatives will be selected
should be included)
▪ Methods for checking effectiveness of consultation
▪ Means by which the workforce can escalate concerns to management
▪ Dispute resolution with respect to concerns relating to health, safety or environmental issues

24.3 Participation
Contractor’s Employees / workers participation is a fundamental expectation of MODON. All employees /
workers are encouraged to raise HSE issues; this is done through various methods but not limited to as
indicated below.

▪ Through toolbox talks

▪ Through task launch meetings
▪ Through monthly contractor / subcontractor meetings
▪ Through monthly Project Directors /Managers Meeting
▪ Through quarterly HSE Committee meetings
▪ Through onsite suggestion boxes
▪ Risk assessment reviews
▪ Through site safety boards

This practice shall be interwoven into Subcontractors and ensures through the above that their workers are
adequately advised on an on-going basis.

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

24.4 Interfaces
On a project of this scale there will be a multitude of interfaces both internally and externally where
discussion need to be held to communicate with key stakeholders.
The Contractor shall ensure they have suitable arrangements in place to effectively address interface issues
to ensure that all requirements are discussed, hazards eliminated or controlled and that disruptions are
The public are likely to be inconvenienced by construction activities and where work is likely to affect or
cause nuisance to local residents/public, information is to be made available informing them of the nature
of the works, expected timescales for start and completion of the works.

25. Meetings
MODON will hold a HSSE Kick off Meeting with the successful Contractors as soon as possible after
Contract Award. The aim of this meeting will be to discuss MODON expectations and key requirements
relating to HSSE and the structure, format, content of the plans, processes and procedures.
Regular meetings will be established to review performance and to monitor the implementation of HSSE
policies and plans.
The Contractor shall develop a meeting schedule showing the frequency of meetings and an agenda that
addresses key aspects of the work.
A project health and safety meeting are to be held as a minimum every 2 weeks and be attended by the
Contractors key project staff, subcontractors and other interested parties including representatives from
To ensure meetings remain effective and efficient it is acceptable to include environmental as a topic on
the agenda of the health and safety meeting to avoid holding separate meetings with similar attendees.
A separate supervisor’s health and safety meeting is to be held weekly and attended by the Contractors
construction manager and site supervisors as a minimum.
Where the Contractor employs subcontractors, they must be represented at each meeting so they are made
aware of current performance and issues that needs to be rectified.
All other scheduled meetings are to commence with safety moment as the first agenda item. Minutes of
meetings are to be maintained by the Contractor with a copy issued to MODON.

26. Monitoring and Inspections

26.1 Monitoring
The Contractors and MODON Management, consultant, PMC, supervisors, engineers and HSE staff shall
carry out regular monitoring of the workplace as they pass through Works. The Contractors work
supervisors have a key responsibility for the safety of workers under their control and are to continually
assess and be constantly on the lookout for any hazard that might arise in the work areas.
The Contractors work supervisors shall ensure that workers are carrying out pre-operational checks and
are alert for any unsafe acts and conditions.
Consultant Supervision’s safety personnel shall implement proactive monitoring method, such as; Auditing,
Safety Sampling, Safety Survey and safety tours, to assess the HSSE performance in the work place.

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26.2 Systematic Inspections

A systematic Inspections of the workplace are to be carried out to assess compliance with tender and
contractual HSSE documents, legislation, conformance to HSE requirements and identify safe/unsafe acts,
conditions and behaviours.
Inspections will be carried out both internally by the Contractor & Consultant and externally by MODON
and potentially by other stakeholders at regular intervals.
Results of inspections are to be recorded in an agreed format and analysed on a regular basis to identify
any negative trends. Where negative trends are identified, Contractors shall initiate corrective action to
address these and inform MODON of their planned actions. A copy of all inspection reports is to be issued
Corrective actions resulting from inspections are to be addressed holistically across the site and must be
tracked until they are closed out. Those that remain open past their deadline date are to be recorded in the
monthly HSE Report.
Inspections are to be carried out by all levels of management and supervision. Contractors are to establish
an inspection schedule in accordance with the requirements (see section 26 of the manual).

26.3 Government Agencies and Statutory Authorities

Statutory authorities include government agencies such as the police, civil defence and
regulators/enforcement bodies. Inspection and investigations can include but is not limited to the following:
▪ General inspection of the workplace initiated by the agency itself
▪ An investigation after a complaint has been received after a possible violation
▪ An investigation after a fatality or serious accident or damage has occurred
The Contractor shall notify MODON of the presence of any government agency official on site and the
reasons for their visit. It however remains the responsibility of the Contractor to meet with the officials and
for hosting them whilst they are on site.
If the inspection or investigation results in any enforcement action the Contractor is to immediately inform
MODON of the reasons. The Contractor is responsible for making their own arrangements to ensure that
the issues are addressed and brought to an agreeable conclusion with the relevant government agency or
statutory authority.

26.4 Senior Management Tours

Senior management from MODON CS/PMC and the Contractors organisations will undertake HSE tours
and inspections. This will facilitate senior management to show visible commitment, allow them to engage
and discuss HSE issues with the workforce and enable them to obtain a clear picture of how HSE is being
managed and complied with.
In general, senior management tours will be carried out monthly by Project Senior Managers involved on
the project and every three months by higher senior managers of the relevant organisation.

26.5 Statutory Inspections

Statutory inspection of plant and equipment will be carried out in accordance with international best practice,
local and International legislation requirements and HSSE procedures and Standards.
Tests and examinations are to be carried out by a certified company and copies of certificates of thorough
test and examination to be held on site and available for inspection at all times.
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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

The Contractor shall develop an examination and test schedule in accordance with the HSE procedures
and standards. Where local requirements are more stringent these will take precedence.
In addition to the requirements for statutory inspections the following equipment will be inspected by a
competent person every three months and marked with the relevant colour code:
▪ Plant, equipment and machinery, Vehicles (light & heavy)
▪ Lifting equipment and accessories such as cranes, lorry loaders, mobile elevating work platforms
(MEWP), jacks, slings, chains, shackles etc.
▪ Electrical equipment such as distribution panels, cables, power tools etc.
▪ Fire protection equipment such as fire extinguishers and hoses
▪ Fall protection equipment such as safety harnesses, lifelines etc.
▪ Portable ladders and step ladders
▪ Diesel Electric Generating Set
▪ Welding Machine
▪ Pumps
▪ Compressor – Portable power tools etc.
▪ CAT Motor Grader
▪ Road Rollers / Scraper
▪ Concrete Mixers
▪ Diesel Fork Lift Truck
▪ Electric Fork Lift Truck Schedule
▪ Personnel Hoist / Mobile and locomotive cranes
▪ Low and high lift trucks (High lift pallet truck, Lifting hand pallets and forklift truck etc.
▪ Concrete mixers and batching plants
▪ Complex road asphalt machinery
▪ Dumper and Dump Truck / Bobcat
▪ Air compressor (for sand blasting, cleaning etc.)
▪ Hydraulic portable compactors, rammer compactor
All plant and vehicles used on site will be appropriate to the works being undertaken and shall be inspected
before first use, daily and thereafter in accordance with current legislation and maintenance is to be carried
out in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.
The colour-code system is to adhere to the following:

Table 1 - Inspection Color Code Scheme

Month Color

January – March Red

April – June Green

July – September Blue

October – December Yellow

A record of inspections by the competent person is to be maintained in the main project offices. Plant and
equipment that does not display the correct colour-code is to be removed from service until such time that
it has been inspected and correctly marked.

27. Audit and Review

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27.1 Contractor Audits

The Contractors safety management systems are to be self-regulating and be primarily controlled and
assessed by implementing thru an internal audit process.
The Contractor shall establish an audit schedule and submit this to MODON for review. In general, there
will be a requirement for an internal audit every 30 day; this frequency may change depending on
performance of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall submit the finding of audits to MODON and any corrective actions or non-conformities
are to be addressed holistically across the site and must be tracked until they are closed out. Those that
remain open past their deadline date are to be recorded in the monthly HSSE Report.

27.2 MODON Audits

In order to assure that the Contractor / consultant are complying with legal and Contractual requirements
MODON will carry out a number of scheduled audits and inspections. Consultant Supervision will establish
and Audit Schedule and inform Contractor in advance of any propose audit. Apart of this, Consultant
Supervision or PMC shall conduct Audits on the Contractor every 3 months.
The overall Consultant Supervision Audit Schedule will be maintained and ensure audits are coordinated
and controlled and any actions arising are addressed in a consistent manner.

27.3 Management Review

As a minimum a Management Review will be held annually and be attended by the Contractor’s and
MODON senior project staff and other interested parties and stakeholders.
The review is to include assessing opportunities for continual improvement, review the success or failure
of objectives and targets and any the requirements for changes to the HSSE management systems,
policies, plans, processes or procedures.
Inputs to the management review are likely to include:
▪ Site assurance monitoring
▪ Results of internal and external audits
▪ Compliance with statutory and project requirements
▪ Results of participation and consultation
▪ Relevant communication from external stakeholders including complaints
▪ Health and safety performance and the extent objectives have been met
▪ Status of incident investigations
▪ Follow up actions from previous reviews
Additional reviews are to be held where special circumstances arise, including:
▪ Major restructuring of the organisation
▪ New processes that introduce significant new business risks
▪ Major concerns raised by external stakeholders
▪ Poor performance as indicated through audit and KPI
▪ New or revised legislation
▪ Records of management reviews will be retained, and a copy forwarded to MODON.

Consultant Supervision shall conduct yearly internal management reviews to ensure that the Health and
Safety system is:

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

• Provide an opportunity for the Management to evaluate the adequacy and efficiency of the HSE
Management System.
• Analyse cumulative and comparative information and data regarding main aspects of the HSE
Management System.
• Propose improvement measures

Management Reviews shall be in accordance with Appendix B. Management Review Procedure.

28. HSSE Reporting

The Contractor shall submit daily, weekly and monthly reports in accordance with the Contract.
In general, the main HSSE Report is to be issued monthly. The HSSE Report is to be prepared by the
Contractor monthly and issued to MODON in accordance with the project reporting calendar.
Consultant Supervision will collate and submit a report to MODON as well as inputting relevant data into a
HSSE Dashboard.
The report shall comprehensively address all relevant aspects of health safety and environmental and shall
contain certain information and data as directed by MODON for statistical analysis.
As a minimum the following is to be reported:
▪ Critical issues
▪ Accidents and incidents
▪ Dangerous Occurrences
▪ Near Misses
▪ Occupational Diseases
▪ HSSE training courses and hours
▪ HSSE inspections and audits
▪ HSSE enforcement action
▪ Achievements and accomplishments
▪ Environment
Other HSSE Reports may be required to be submitted either at a frequency to be agreed or on an ad hoc
basis depending on the subject heading and the requirements for the report.

29. Site Rules

The Contractor shall include any necessary rules for the management of construction work in their HSSE
plans, which others on the site have to follow. These may cover issues such as restricted areas, permit-
to-work systems, hot work and emergency plans.
In order to avoid cluttering the plan with detailed arrangements for implementing site rules, the plan should
refer to other documents or put detailed arrangements in appendices A. Site rules should be:
▪ Set out in writing
▪ Understandable to those who have to follow them
▪ Brought to the attention of everyone who has to follow them
▪ Enforced by the Contractor
Copies of the site rules are to be displayed on site in a place where they can be seen by those who work
there. (Refer Appendix B – MODON Site Safety Rules).

30. Permit to Work

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A permit to work system is a formal written system used to control certain types of work that are potentially
The Contractor shall submit permit to work procedures to cover such areas as:
▪ Control of access into specific work areas
▪ Control of work tasks on particular systems or items of plant
▪ Confirmation of an isolation/de-energization of a system or item of plant
▪ Control of specific work activities
▪ Confined spaces
▪ Demolition
▪ Asbestos removal
▪ Electrical isolation
▪ Electrical energization
▪ Hot works
▪ Mechanical isolation
▪ Mechanical/electrical/LOTO
▪ Permit to dig excavate / break ground
▪ Heavy Lifts (with lifting plan)
▪ Access to specific hazardous or restricted areas
▪ Authority to commence work
▪ Wall, Floor & Shaft Opening
▪ Removal of MEP
Project specific permit to work procedures shall satisfy Local Legal and MODON Contract requirements
and cover the following as a minimum:
1. Define the work areas and activities where permits-to-work are required
2. Work planning and risk assessment
3. Essentials of the permit to work system such as authorization, issue, display and
communication, suspension and hand back
4. Roles and responsibilities of those involved in the process
5. Training and competence requirements
6. Monitor, audit and review
All personnel involved in the issuing or receipt of a permit to work will be expected to have received the
relevant training and to have sufficient knowledge and experience of the task at hand.
Permits are to be numbered sequentially and recorded in a permit to work register.
Permit to work are to be displayed at the place of work or in a recognized location near the place of works
such as in a control room. A copy is also to be held by the issuing authority.
Permits are to be closed out or suspended at the end of the duration specified on the permit, where work
is to continue a new permit is to be issued with a new number.

31. Temporary Labour Camps

Temporary labour camps that accommodate staff and workers are to be constructed and operated in
accordance with the requirements of KSA Labour Law, Resolution of the Minister of Civil Service and
Housing Affairs & and the Migrant Workers Standard.
Where a Contractor is planning on using labour camps they are to submit a request to MODON showing
their plans and arrangements for operating the facility.
Prior to occupying any camp or accommodation an approval from the relevant authorities including MODON
and Civil Defense Department is to be obtained.

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Camps are to include provisions for social services and this is to include first aid and medical as well as
recreational facilities.
The Contractor shall provide suitable staff to manage; prepare and provide meals and clean and maintain
the camp. They are to have arrangements in place to undertake regular inspections and audits of the camp
to ensure it remains in a good standard of repair and it is clean and hygienic.
Camps are to be secure and security is to be provided 24 hours per day, 7 days a week to prevent
unauthorized access.
Consultant Supervisions from MODON will undertake regular inspections of temporary labour camps and
where standards fail to meet the requirements or where in the opinion of the inspector there is a risk to the
health and safety or a danger to the environment action will be taken. Failure to observe these orders will
lead to a forced closing of the facility. (Refer welfare facilities evaluation checklist).
Repeated violations of the above shall affect the ability of the contractor to successfully bid for future
projects and in extreme circumstances lead to termination.
The Contractor shall draw up a set of camp rules and these are to be briefed to personnel so that they are
clear on what is acceptable and what is not (i.e. no smoking or cooking in rooms, no fighting, safety of
personal items, no private guest, no solicitation or donations, no unions, etc.).

32. Welfare Facilities

The Contractor shall provide suitable and sufficient welfare facilities as soon as work on site commences
(i.e. mobilization phase) until work is fully completed. A detailed Welfare Plan shall be submitted to MODON.
Everyone on site must have access to adequate toilet and washing facilities, a place for preparing and
consuming refreshments and somewhere for storing and drying clothing and personal protective
equipment. Welfare facilities are to be readily available to workers working on the site, they must be clean,
tidy and well maintained at all times.

32.1 Toilets
The numbers of toilets required will depend on the number of people working on the site and the different
locations where work is taking place. Table 2 below provides the minimum requirements.
Wherever possible toilets should be flushed by water and connected to a mains drainage system. If this is
not possible, toilets with a built-in water supply and drainage tank may be provided. If neither option is
possible, chemical toilets may be used but only as a short-term solution.
Toilets must be adequately ventilated, lit, and hygienic and maintained in a clean condition.
When a septic tank system is used it must be fitted with a suitable gauge to warn when the tank is reaching
its maximum capacity and be regularly emptied to prevent overspill and contamination of the surrounding

32.2 Washing Facilities

Washing facilities are to be provided next to toilets, changing rooms and rest areas, they are to include:
▪ A supply of hot and cold running water
▪ Soap or other means of cleaning
▪ Towels or other means of drying
▪ Sufficient ventilation and lighting
▪ Sinks large enough to wash face, hands and forearms

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Showers are to be provided for work where personnel are at a higher risk of being contaminated such as
handling hazardous substances and during demolition work. Specialist facilities are to be provided for
certain activities such as when working with lead, asbestos or tunneling in compressed air.
The minimum number of toilets and washbasins to be provided is shown in Table 2.

Table 2 – Number of toilets/washbasins against numbers on site

Number on site Number of toilets Number of Number of washbasins


1-15 1 1 1

16-30 2 1 1

31-45 2 2 2

46-60 3 2 2

61-75 3 3 3

79-60 4 3 3

91-100 4 4 4

32.3 Drinking Water

A suitable supply of cool drinking water is to be readily available. During the high summer season, the
Contractor shall determine the necessity for additives to replace electrolytes lost from the body during heavy
sweating. Where additives are provided the container must be clearly marked.
Water is to be suitably protected from contamination and is to be tested monthly by a recognised laboratory,
analysis records are to be submitted to MODON.
Water tankers delivering potable water are to be registered with the local authorities. Potable water tankers
are only to be used for their intended purpose; they are not to be used to for dust suppression by filling
them with other than potable water. Containers used for drinking water are to be regularly cleaned and
clearly marked ‘drinking water’.
Employees are to be provided with cups or a personal water bottle. To avoid passing germs the use of
empty plastic drinks bottles or communal drinks vessels is prohibited.

32.4 Rest Facilities

Rest facilities are to have sufficient tables and chairs and provide cover from the elements (wind, dust, rain,
heat). Rest areas are to be well lit and suitably ventilated by a sufficient quantity of fresh or purified air.
During summer working hours when workers are prevented from working outside during the hours of 12.00
– 15.00 a suitable air-conditioned rest area must be provided where it is impractical to return them to their
normal living accommodation.
Where food is brought to site a suitable air-conditioned room is to be provided along with racks or similar
to store food and prevent it from becoming contaminated or spoiled. Fire protection equipment is to be
installed in all rest areas as appropriate. Eating and resting, beneath or close to plant and vehicles or on
the open worksite is prohibited.

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32.5 Smoking Areas

Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the site, including but not limited to:
▪ Eating and rest areas
▪ Office and inside buildings
▪ Accommodation and kitchens
▪ Stores and storage areas
▪ Refueling areas
▪ At all work sites
▪ Inside plant, vehicles and controls rooms
Designated smoking areas are to be set up outside of buildings and in work areas in a safe area clear of
any flammable or combustible materials. Smoking areas will be cleaned on a daily basis and a suitable
means of extinguishing cigarettes is to be provided.

32.6 Food Waste

Contractors are to provide covered waste bins at welfare facilities to dispose of unwanted food and other
waste. Waste bins are to be emptied regularly to avoid an infestation of flies and bins overflowing.

33. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & Work Clothing

33.1 PPE
PPE appears at the bottom of the hierarchy of risk controls measures; PPE therefore should only be used
as a last resort. The Contractor must decide if PPE is necessary and if so, must select suitable PPE and
provide it free of charge.
This plan details the specific/mandatory standards required by the project. The Contractor is responsible
for ensuring these standards are applied as a minimum and that they are enforced on site. The contractor
shall provide a detailed PPE matrix to MODON, which shall cover all staff and workers associated with all
Risks are to be removed as far as is reasonably practicable. To control residual risk, personnel will need
to wear protective clothing and equipment that safeguard their health and safety.
When identified by risk assessment that PPE is required, line managers must confirm that:
▪ Personnel have been issued with all the protective equipment required for the activity or task
▪ Personnel are aware of how to use the equipment correctly & understand when and where to use it
▪ Replace damaged equipment
Personnel must:
▪ Visually check the equipment before using it and report any defects to their manager or supervisor
▪ Correctly wear the equipment when doing the activity or task that it has been provided for
PPE that is provided is to meet recognised international standards such as those from Europe or America
(i.e. BS EN or ANSI). Further guidance on international standards is available in the MODON Health and
Safety Guidance.

The following PPE is mandatory and is to be worn at all times on site (including visitors):
▪ Safety helmet (see below for colour scheme)
▪ Safety glasses (shaded for outdoor work and clear inside structures and during non-daylight hours)

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

▪ Safety boots with ankle support (safety shoes and rigger boots are prohibited)
▪ Orange hi-visibility vest
Additional PPE will be provided as required after risk assessment.
The following safety helmet colour coding is to be used by across the program:
▪ White - MODON
▪ Yellow - Contractor management and supervisory staff
▪ Gold - Safety staff
▪ Blue - General laborer’s
▪ Red - Banksmen/slinger/rigger
Other colored hats may be used by contractors to denote other trades as long as the above colors are not
used. The use of stickers on safety helmets indicating who has been inducted and those with specific
competencies such as first aiders will be employed on the project.
Where a risk assessment identifies additional hazards, for example working below ground, or in confined
spaces, contractors are to provide their staff with suitable safety equipment and training to ensure that they
can safely undertake the task.
PPE is to be correctly worn at all times and the wearing of it is to be strictly enforced by managers and
supervisors. The Contractor shall maintain, inspect and replace damaged or worn PPE and provide suitable
dry, clean and well-ventilated areas for the storage of the PPE.

33.2 Work Clothing

All personnel are to wear clothing appropriate for the work being performed. Minimum dress is long trousers
and short sleeve tops. The wearing of shorts or sleeveless shirts is prohibited across the program. Clothing
contaminated with grease, oils, fuels and other hazardous substances is not to be worn. Contractors are to
advise use the work clothing with company logo and title.
Everyone working in the underground or similar work-areas is to wear suitable flame-retardant clothing with
integral high-visibility strips (Refer. ISO 11612:2015 – Protective Clothing).

34. First Aid and Medical

34.1 First Aid
First aid provisions are to be provided in accordance with Labour law 27 September 2005, article 142 and
Labour of Social Affair Ministerial Decision 404, 7 July 1974 and also, Saudi Labour Law Article no. 134.
First aid provisions are to include trained, qualified and authorized personnel and facilities appropriate to
the site conditions. Arrangements for transporting injured personnel medical aid are also to be provided.
Clinics are to be hygienic, clean and well maintained, have suitable ventilation, toilet facilities, hot and cold
running water, air conditioning, heating and be well lit. They are to have medical equipment and sufficient
medical stocks to treat expected injuries and have a means of communication such as mobile phone/radio.
Ensure that Emergency Numbers and Site Nurse / First Aider Name and Telephone lists are up to date
and displayed on site Notice Boards, at First Aid Boxes and at the First Aid Station.
All clinics are subjected to inspection by the relevant medical authority. Onsite medical services are to be
made available to all site staff consultants, the contractor and their subcontractors.
Eye wash stations are to be provided in work areas and high-risk areas such as workshops, battery
charging, handling of hazardous substances and refueling locations.
Wash, douse, showers facilities are to also to be provided to remove harmful substances as appropriate.

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Contractors are to maintain a register of all persons receiving first aid treatment. Where treatment is the
cause of a work-related accident or incident it must also be reported to MODON.

34.2 Medical
The Contractor shall conduct an initial health assessment for all employees to ensure their fitness for work.
Subsequent comprehensive health assessments are to be carried out at a frequency not exceeding 12
months (Refer Saudi Labour Law, Article 143). For worker’s staff working in the underground the following
requirements shall be adhered to:
▪ Medically examined by a medical practitioner to be fit for work underground; and
▪ Where required by local regulation be certified by the Government Department to be
medically fit to work underground;
▪ The Contractors HSSE Officer and site nurse shall maintain a register of persons employed
to work underground.
In addition to regular health assessments contractors are required to undertake health surveillance on
employees working with hazardous chemical or who have been exposed to an occupational disease such
as noise induced hearing loss, hand arm vibration, respiratory injuries etc.
All health assessments are to be performed by a physician or by nursing staff directly under the physician’s
Workers unfit for work or who have contracted an infectious disease are prohibited from attending work and
all instances of infectious diseases are to be reported to the authorities within 3 working days of the
Employees who have seen an off-site medical professional because of a work-related injury or illness are
to obtain a return to work authorisation before returning to work.
Medical records are to be kept for each employee, they are to be kept as ‘confidential’; and may only be
viewed by medical professionals, and the individual upon request.
Due to the size and scale of the project it may be of benefit to provide and share centralized medical facilities
at key locations with first aid rooms/clinics provided at satellite facilities along the length of the proposed
route. Contractors should assess and discuss with other contractors the feasibility of this option and if
deemed viable submit a proposal to MODON for review.
Facilitate transportation / dispatching of employees / workers suffering from ailments / conditions requiring
treatment at a clinic / hospital by advising the responsible manager in charge to arrange for ambulance for
transferring the patient to the hospital. And / or any other means, a vehicles on van which is dedicated for
the reason above, must be arrange 24/7 on site and camp, for transferring personals during an emergency.
This vehicles or van shall not be used other than in emergency situation. It should take 7-8 minutes for the
ambulance to arrive if the call is life threatening or an emergency.
Contractors shall ensure an Ambulance vehicle is present 24/7 on site and camp with qualified drivers and
equipped with required tools and instruments.
The ambulance service shall be categorized and designed to get to all calls as soon as we can with the
best response.
Category 1:
Is for calls about workers with life-threatening injuries and illnesses. This shall be responded to in an
average time from 7-8 minutes.
Category 2:
Is for emergency calls. This shall be responded to an average time of 18-20 minutes. Includes,
emergency such as; stroke victims will get to hospital quicker because we can send the most
appropriate vehicles first time. Category 3:
Is for urgent calls. In these cases, victims may be treated in the by the ambulance staff on the work-
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place or by the emergency services, such as hospitals etc. This type of calls shall take not more than
120 minutes and respond to call less than 9-10 minutes.
Category 4:
Is for less urgent calls. In some cases, victims might give advice over the phones or referred to other
services such as pharmacist etc. These less urgent calls shall be responded to at least 9 out of 10
minutes before 180 minutes.

35. Occupational Health & Climatic Conditions

MODON is committed to protecting and promoting worker’s health, preventing work related accidents and
occupational illness. To comply with MODON Prevent Harm policy ‘no long-term harm to health’
contractors will be expected to provide health risk assessments and details on how they will manage
occupational health issues across the project. The types of issues that need to be addressed are:
▪ Pre-employment screening
▪ Fitness for work medicals
▪ Pre-employment medicals for safety critical staff
▪ On-going health surveillance and monitoring covering for example exposure to hazardous
substances, noise, vibration, musculoskeletal conditions, dermatitis etc.

▪ Management of pre-existing conditions

The Contractor shall detail what proactive measures will be put in place to ensure that activities which could
give rise to health issues are suitably controlled. These include:
▪ On-going environmental monitoring
▪ Health promotion
▪ Training
▪ Exposure reduction thru the procurement of low vibration tools, low noise equipment, lifting aids

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

35.1 Climatic Conditions

The arrangements for managing extremes of weather are to be included within the Contractor’s HSEP Plan.
Extremes of weather will include as a minimum:
• High temperatures and humidity
• High winds
• Dust storms
• Heavy rain and flooding
• Heath Exhaustion
• Heat Stroke
• Hydration
A Summer Working Plan is to be submitted to the CM by the 31st May of each year showing how they
intend to prevent heat stress injuries to their workforce. (Refer Heat Stroke prevention procedure – OHS-
MOD-PR36). Contractors are to comply with statutory requirements including the restriction of personnel
working outdoors during the summer months.

36. Security
Designated employees such as receptionist or Security personnel are responsible for assuring that all
visitors, employees are properly cleared and have received the proper badge, safety equipment and
direction and H&S personnel to induct them if necessary and in this regard contractor needs to develop a
site specific security plan. All contractors make sure that they have a system to identifying their company
workers by Developing a physical method to identify each individual in the organization chart by position
(ID. badges, vests), clearly displaying the company logo.
Only authorized employees performing holding valid company ID Badge will be allowed unescorted access
on site. Authorized employees shall be identified by means of an identification badge that is to be displayed
on the upper half of the employee’s body at all times while on the site
Security of construction sites is an important aspect in preventing unauthorized access, trespass and
unwanted theft from the site. Contractors are to provide adequate security on sites 24/7, 365 days per
Due to the complexity and diversity of construction site activities, successful security will require careful
planning in advance of occupying the site. The Contractor shall undertake risk assessments to determine
specific threats and hazards at their sites.
Typical threats for a construction site include:
▪ Theft of plant and equipment / Theft of fuel / Theft of materials from the site
▪ Vandalism / Arson
▪ Alcohol/drugs on site or camp
▪ Breaches of security into existing buildings or adjacent areas

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▪ Labour unrest, workplace violence

▪ Intruders and trespassers

36.1 Requirements
The Contractor shall submit to MODON a detailed Security Plan of their arrangements for securing their
construction sites and work areas against unauthorized access or trespass. The arrangements are to
include consideration of the following paragraphs.
Construction sites are to be fully hoarded with a secure fence around the boundary and/or perimeter. Signs
warning of the dangers of construction sites and prohibiting unauthorized access is to be clearly displayed
in English and Arabic as a minimum around the perimeter.
The number of accesses routes should be kept to a minimum and a gate or barrier should be provided to
enable security officers to control the flow of traffic and be able to secure the site/office/compound during
non-working hours.
An access control system using an access/identity card or similar is to be installed and all authorized
personnel and visitors are to show their access/identify cards when entering the site or premises; they are
also to show their card upon request.
A log of security incidents and visitors including deliveries to site is to be maintained and submitted to
MODON upon request.
The entry of vehicles and plant is to be controlled by issuing a vehicle pass which is to be displayed in the
front windscreen/dashboard. Vehicles without a vehicle pass are to be issued a temporary pass; these are
to be returned on leaving the site or premises.
Sufficient lighting is to be installed to ensure adequate illumination of the site and the use of CCTV and
other monitoring systems is to be considered as part of the overall security system.
Suitable accommodation is to be provided to security personnel including the provision of air conditioning
in security huts and access to toilets and washing facilities. A vehicle is to be provided for use by the security
team as required.
Only trained security personnel will be used as members of the security team. These are to be secured
through a locally licensed security company. Security personnel are to be identifiable by wearing a uniform
and ID security badges.
When determining the requirement manning levels, the following is to be taken into account:
▪ Size and geographical location of the site
▪ Design and layout (e.g. single or multi-level)
▪ Length of boundaries, perimeter protection, hoardings
▪ Security of boundaries and ease of access
▪ Number of workers on site a different time
▪ Access points for workers and deliveries
▪ Location of secure compounds
▪ Emergency procedures for evacuation of personnel
▪ Working hours for security officers and the provision of breaks and rest periods
For safety reasons a minimum of two security officers are to be on duty at any one time. The Contractor is
to appoint a competent and qualified Security Manager or Supervisor who will control and manage the
security function on behalf of the contractor.

36.2 Emergencies
Security personnel are to be provided with a suitable communication system and an emergency telephone
list for calling out nominated personnel.
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They are also to be given clear instructions by the Contractors site management to enable them to react
efficiently to any emergency. Instructions are to include what to do in the event of:
▪ Flooding
▪ Fire
▪ Accidents
▪ Trespassers on site
▪ The breakdown of lifts
▪ Malfunctioning air conditioning and temperature control plants
▪ Lifesaving, at sites close to water
▪ Loss of main service (power, water, communications etc.)
▪ How to contact the emergency services
▪ A plan of the site is to be provided to indicate the following:
▪ Mains electricity switches and fuses
▪ Water stopcocks
▪ Hazardous substances including gas cylinders
▪ Firefighting and first aid equipment
Regular drills and exercises are to be conducted to test the emergency arrangements and familiarize
security personnel with the requirements and responses to specific threats.
Consultant Supervision shall monitor all emergency situations in compliance to the Contractors Emergency

36.3 Security Training

Training is to be provided to security officers that meets local standards as a minimum. Training is to be
sufficiently detailed to instruct the security staff on how to carry out their duties in an effective and efficient
Security officers are to attend the contractors HSSE induction and be familiar with all warning signs used
on site, be aware of their obligations and wear mandatory personal protective equipment whilst walking and
patrolling around the site. They are also to be trained in fire prevention techniques and in the practical
application of using fire extinguishers.

37. Environment & Sustainability

This section covers items to environment and sustainability; however, a separate environmental and
sustainable plan shall be made to supplement this section. It does not repeat the corresponding
requirements already mentioned in this plan covering subject headings such as policies, procedures,
method statement, risk assessments, meetings, monitoring, inspections, audits etc.
Where requirements have previously been discussed they are to apply equally to environmental and
sustainability where applicable.

37.1 Environmental Impact Assessment

The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all aspects of their work are carried out in a manner which
ensures that there are no adverse effects on the local environment and communities.
MODON expects all operations to not only consider mitigating the impacts of construction activities but
expects all contractors to actively seek opportunities to enhance the local environment and communities
where works are undertaken and to fully integrate sustainable development techniques into all work plans
and project delivery activities.

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The EIA will have certain conditions attached and contractors are to understand and fully comply with these
conditions by undertaking any environmental mitigation or enhancement measures during the delivery of
the project.

37.2 Construction Environmental Management Plan

The Contractor requires to submit a Construction Environmental Management Plan to MODON before
project started or contract is awarded. The Contractor shall submit a CEMP to MODON and / or construction
supervision that addresses the conditions of the EIA and the proposed work activities for the construction
phase of the works.
The CEMP shall set out in detail and specific to the scope of work and approach that will be adopted in
dealing with the potential environmental impacts and aspects from the various different construction

37.3 Waste Management

MODON aspires to implement a Waste Materials and Resource Efficiency Programme that will not only
benefit all of the contractors and stakeholders involved with the MODON project but benefit the wider
construction industry of KSA and the local communities where it operates. In order to achieve this aspiration
MODON will require cooperation from all contractors involved in the programme.
The requirements will be discussed with the Contractor during the development stages of the project
plans and the Construction Environmental Management Plan.

37.4 Site Clearance

MODON intends to operate a system of ‘environmental site clearance check list’. This is to ensure that all
site operations do not adversely affect either the environmental attributes of the site or aesthetics of the
local community, following the successful completion of site works.
The Contactor is expected to either produce their own version of the check list, which meets, as a minimum,
the requirements of the MODON version or use the standard version available from MODON. The
requirements of the environmental check list will be discussed with the Contractor during the development
stages of the CEMP.

37.5 Working with Asbestos

The use of asbestos containing materials (ACM) is prohibited throughout the program. Although ACM are
prohibited, Contractors may inadvertently come into contact with ACM during certain phases of the works
such as during demolition of building and removal or diverting services. Refer OSHA 29 CFR 1910-1001 &
OSHA 1926-1101.
Where there is a possibility of exposing or coming into contact with ACM a survey or surveys are to be
carried out. Further details on these surveys can be found in the control of asbestos at work regulation
2006A. And also, refer BS 8520-1:2009, equipment used in the controlled removal of ACM.

38. Records
Records, which are necessary for the fulfilment of the project, are to be maintained within the project files.
All records will be easily retrievable and be stored in such a manner as to prevent damage, loss or

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The following records are to be kept as a minimum:

▪ Risk assessments/aspects and impacts
▪ Licenses, consents, approvals etc.
▪ Accident and incidents and remedial actions
▪ Hazardous substances (MSDS)
▪ Inspections and audits and subsequent corrective actions
▪ Statutory reports and inspections
▪ Training including inductions
▪ Minutes of meetings
▪ Medical assessment and surveillance
▪ Reports
A list of key records is to be developed by the contractor and submitted to MODON for review. Records are
to be kept for a minimum of 5 years after the project has been completed; medical records may need to be
retained for a longer period and should not be destroyed without prior approval from MODON.

39. Health & Safety File

MODON, its designers, contractors and other subcontractors and engineers all have duties in respect of
the health and safety file:
▪ MODON shall collate Health and Safety files from the contractor in a timely manner for project
▪ Designers, contractors and other subcontractors must supply the information necessary for compiling
or updating the file, these files shall be handed over to MODON at the end of the project; the
contractor shall develop an archive procedure specifically for HSSE Verifications files, there filing
storage handling and protection, such files shall be subject to internal and external audit.
▪ Everyone providing information should make sure it is accurate and provided promptly
The content of the health and safety file is to include as a minimum:
▪ A brief description of the work carried out
▪ Any residual hazards which remain and how they have been dealt with (e.g. surveys or other
information concerning contaminated land, water bearing strata, buried services etc.)
▪ Key structural principles (e.g. bracing, sources of substantial stored energy including pre or post
tensioned members) and safe working loads for floors and roofs
▪ Hazardous materials used (e.g. lead paint, pesticides, special coatings which should not be burnt off
▪ Information regarding the removal or dismantling of installed plant and equipment (e.g. any special
arrangements for lifting, order or other special instructions for dismantling etc.)
▪ Health and safety information about equipment provided for cleaning or maintaining the structure
▪ The nature, location, markings of significant services, including underground cables, air conditioning
pipes, gas supply equipment, firefighting services etc.
▪ Information and as-built drawings of the structure, its plant and equipment
▪ Operation manuals for plant and equipment
▪ Additional contents of the file may be required, and this will be determined by MODON as the project


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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix A – References

Legislations / Regulations References

Saudi Labor Law 24 Sha’ ban 2014, 27 September 2007 Royal Decree M/51 – Saudi Labor Law

General Authority Meteorology Environment & Protection

Health and Safety Work Act 1974 website

Noise and Work Regulations 1989 website

Manual Handling Regulation 1992 website

Personal Protective Equipment Regulation 1992 website

Construction (Design & Management) Regulation 1994 website

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulation 1992 website

Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulation 1996 website

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulation 1998 website

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998 website

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulation 1999 website

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002 website

ISO 14001 / OHSAS 18001 ~ 45001 website

29 CFR 1926 & 1910 - OSHA
EN 166:2001 Personal Eye Protection – Specifications
EN 169:2002 Filters for Welding and Related Techniques
EN 175:1997 Eye and Face Protection During Welding and Allied Processes
EN 379:2003 Personal Eye Protection – Automatic Welding Filters
EN 143:2000 Respiratory Protective Devices – Particle Filters
EN 352-1:2002 Hearing Protectors – Ear Muffs
EN352-2:2002 Hearing Protectors – Ear Plugs
EN 354:2010 Personal Fall Protection Equipment – Lanyards
EN 360:2002 Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls from Height – Retractable
Type Fall Arrestors
EN 361:2002 Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls from Height – Full
Body Harness
EN 362:2002 Personal Fall Protection Equipment Against Falls From Height – Connectors
EN 363:2008 Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls from Height – Personal
Fall Protection Systems
EN 364:2002 Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls from Height – Test Methods
EN 365:2004 Personal Protective Equipment Against Falls from Height – General
Requirements for Instructions for Use, Maintenance, Period
Examination, Repair, Marking and Packaging
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EN397:1995 Industrial Safety Helmet

EN 420:2003+A1:2009 Protective Gloves – General Requirements and Test Methods
EN 471:2003+A1:2007 High Visibility Warning Clothing for Professional Use – Test Methods
and Requirements
EN ISO 20345:2004 Personal Protective Equipment – Safety Footwear
BS OHSAS 1001:2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Requirements
BS 5499:2006 Code of Practice for Safety Signs including Fire Safety Signs
BS 5531:1988 Code of Practice for the Safety in Erecting Structural Frames
BS 5974:2010 Code of Practice for the Planning, Design, Setting Up and use of
Temporary Suspended Access Equipment
BS 5975:2008 Code of Practice for Temporary Works Procedures and the
Permissible Stress Design for Falsework
BS 6031:2009 Code of Practice for Earthworks
BS 6164:2011 Code of Practice for Safety in Tunneling in the Construction Industry
BS 6187:2011 Code of Practice for Full and Partial Demolition
BS 6736:1986 Code of Practice for Hand Signaling
BS 7121-1:2006 Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes – General
BS 7121-2:2003 Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes, Inspection, Testing
and Examination
BS 7121-3:2000 Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes – General
BS 7121-4:2010 Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Cranes – Lorry Loaders
BS 7212:2006 Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Construction Hoists
BS 8000-1:1989 Code of Practice for Excavation and Filling
BS 8411:2007 Code of Practice for Safety Nets on Construction Sites and other Works
BS EN 131-1:2011 Ladders – Terms, Types and Functional Sizes
BS EN 131-2:2012 Ladders – Requirements, Testing, Marking
BS EN 14502-1:2010 Cranes: Equipment for the Lifting of Persons – Suspended Baskets

OHSAS Management References:

Title Ref Date

MODON 1.2 - Special Condition MLTS-01-004-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEN-02 March 2019

MASHROAT EPM-KTC-TP-000001 Rev 001 2016

MODON HSSE Manual ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00 27 Aug.
MODON HSE Enforcement Document Reference Number 27
Action Plan Aug, 2019

Health and Safety Work Act UK Primary Legislation 1974


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Management of Health and UK Secondary Legislation 1999

Safety at Work Regulation 1999
Health and Safety Work Order of Council, At Wellington this 15th day of February 2016
(Asbestos) Regulation 2016 2016.

29 Code of Federal Regulation OSHA Standards – Federal Agency of US.

OHSAS 18001 British Standards Institution 1999
ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

HSEG 65 Health and Safety Executive 1997

ILO OSH-2001 Occupational Health & Safety Management 2001
RIDDOR 2013 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases, Dangerous 2013
Occurrences Regulations 2002
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Saudi labor Law Royal Decree No. M/51 2005
23 Shaban 1426 / 27 September 2005
Ministry of Social Affair Decision First Aid Facility at Workplace – Decision 404 7 1974
404 July 1974
OSHA 1910 – 1001 Asbestos Containing Materials / Presume 1969
OSHA 1926 – 1101 Asbestos Containing Materials
Royal Decree No. 21 (6/9/1389 Work Environment Control, Protect The
H) environment and Pollution
BS 8520-1:2009 Equipment used in Controlled Removal of 2009
Asbestos containing Materials
ILO Code of Practice - RNOAD Recording & Notification of Occupational 1996
Accidents Diseases
PUWER 1998 Provision and Use of Work Equipment 1998
SUWE Regulations
Safe Use of Work Equipment
LOLER 1998 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment 1998
Regulations 1998
BS 7121-2:2003 Code of Practice for Safe Use of Cranes, 2003
Inspection, Testing and Examination
BS 5975:2008 ACoP ILO Approved Code of Practice for 2008
Temporary Works
HS(DSE) Regulation 1992 Health, Safety (Display Screen Equipment) 1992
PPEWR 1992 Personal Protective Work Equipment 1992
W(HSW)R 1992 Workplace (Health, Safety Welfare) 1992
MHOR 1992 Manual Handling Operation Regulations 1992

MHSWR 1999 Management Health of Safety at Work 1999


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Personal Protective Equipment Compliance Matrix

Mandatory PPE Ref No Activity
Head Protection 1
Safety Helmet and Hard 1.1 BS EN 397:1995 General Construction Activity
Eye Protection 2
Safety Goggles and 2.1 BS EN 168:2002 Gas welding, welding
Equipment for Eye and 2.2 BS EN 175:1997 Welding and allied processes
Face Protection
Personal Eye and Face 2.3 ANSI Z87.1-2003 Welding, Face shield
Protection Devices
Hand Protection 3
Protective Gloves 3.1 BS EN 420:2003 Required for specific works
Gloves of Insulating 3.2 BS EN 60903:2003
Foot Protection 4
Safety Footwear 4.1 BS EN ISO General Site Use
Safety Footwear 4.2 BS EN 345-1:1993 General Site Use
Safety Footwear 4.3 BS EN 345-2:1997 General Site Use
Respiratory Protective 5
Full Face Masks 5.1 BS EN 136:1998 As per MSDS requirement
Clothing (Body 6
Full Body Harness 6.1 BS EN 361:2002 Working on height
High-visibility Warning 6.2 BS EN 471:2003 General Site Use
PPE against Falls from a 6.3 BS EN 365:2004 Working on height
PPE against Falls from a 6.4 BS EN 355:2002 Energy Absorbers
Belts, Lanyards 6.5 BS EN 358:2000 Working on height (work
positioning and restraint)
Retractable Type Fall 6.6 BS EN 360:2002 Fall protection
Connectors 6.7 BS EN 362:2004 Connectors for harness and
fall protection
Noise Protection 7
Ear-Muffs 7.1 BS EN 352-1:2002 G.R. (Drilling grinding) and
as per manufacturer‘s
Ear-Plugs 7.2 BS EN 352-2:2002 G.R. (Drilling grinding) and
as per manufacturer‘s

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Appendix B – HSE Procedures & Standards

Document Title Document Number Rev.

HSE Accountability Framework ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2968 0
Communication Participation and Consultation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2969 0
Document and Record Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2970 0
Regulatory Inspections ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2971 0
Health Surveillance and Hazard Evaluation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2972 0
Legal and Other Requirements ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2973 0
Monitoring and Measurement Performance &
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2974 0
Management Review ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2975 0
Objectives and Targets ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2976 0
Operational Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2977 0
Policy Statement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2978 0
Scaffold Requirements and Guidelines ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2979 0
Traffic Management Plan ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2980 0
Utility Clearance ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2981 0
Temporary Work Procedure ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2982 0
Piling operations ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2983 0
Stop Work Authority ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2984 0
Lock-Out-Tag-Out ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2985 0
Working Alone or Work in Remote Locations ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2986 0
Working Safely Around Wild Animals - KSA ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2987 0
Seal Plugs & Plumbers Plugs ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2988 0
Underground Storage Tanks Removal ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2989 0
Drilling in VOC Contaminated Soils ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2990 0
Purging Natural Gas Fueled Equipment and Pipes ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2991 0
Compress Gas Cylinders Storage ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2992 0
Flammable & Combustible Liquids Storage ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2993 0
Fuel Storage ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2994 0
Material Handling & Storage ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2995 0
Material Handling and Movement by Mechanical
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2996 0
Site preparation and laydown area ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2997 0
Fire Prevention ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2998 0
Fire prevention and protection Program –
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-2999 0
Fire Extinguisher ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3000 0
Housekeeping and Material Handling ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3001 0
Work Over or Adjacent to Water ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3002 0
Oxy-Fuel Cutting and Gas Welding and Electric Arc
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3003 0
Hot Taps and Welding on In-Service Equipment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3004 0
Welfare ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3005 0
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Night Work and Lighting Requirement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3006 0

Safety Signs and Signals Guidance ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3007 0
Medical Monitoring Program for Environmental
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3008 0
Project Work
Medical Monitoring and Training Tracking System ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3009 0
First Aid Program ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3010 0
First Aid Guideline ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3011 0
Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3012 0
Pollution Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3013 0
Noise Vibration ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3014 0
Personal Air Monitoring ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3015 0
Site Security Control Procedure ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3016 0
Method Statement Development Process ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3017 0
Risk Assessment Guide ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3018 0
Office Visitors HSE Induction ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3019 0
Ladders and Stairways ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3020 0
Small Tools & Equipment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3021 0
Knife & Cutting Tool Safety ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3022 0
Pedestal, Bench & Portable Grinder ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3023 0
Pneumatic Tool ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3024 0
Powder Activated Tool ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3025 0
Carpenter Shop ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3026 0
Insulation Shop ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3027 0
Mechanic Shop ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3028 0
Paint Yard Shop ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3029 0
Shops & Pipe Fabrication ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3030 0
Shop & Storage Area ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3031 0
Structural Iron Shop ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3032 0
Workplace Violence Programs ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3033 0
Subcontractors HSE ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3034 0
Subcontractor Safety Review ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3035 0
Subcontractor Injury Performance Indicator ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3036 0
Stability of Structures ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3037 0
Roofing Fragile Surfaces and Openings ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3038 0
Radiation and NDT ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3039 0
Planning and Preparedness ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3040 0
Mobile Cranes ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3041 0
Mobile Crane Operators Certification ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3042 0
Powered Industrial Lift-Truck Qualification Record ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3043 0
Crane Suspended Personnel Platforms ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3044 0
Powered Industrial Lift-Trucks ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3045 0
Lift-Truck Work Practices and Guidance ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3046 0
Powered Industrial Lift-Truck Operator Qualification ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3047 0
Skills Evaluation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3048 0
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Rigging.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3049 0
Critical Lifts ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3050 0
Steel Erection and Dismantling.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3051 0
Aerial & Scissor Lift Use.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3052 0
Forklift Mounted Work Platforms.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3053 0
Overhead Cranes ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3054 0
Overhead Crane Critical Lift Plan-Calculations ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3055 0
Medical Questionnaire ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3056 0
Chain Falls and Come-A-Longs.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3057 0
Lifting Plan Load Calculation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3058 0
Critical Risk Management ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3059 0
Excavation and Trenches ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3060 0
Electrical Safety ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3061 0
Assured Grounding (Electrical Inspections) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3062 0
Qualified Electrical Worker ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3063 0
Energized and Potentially Energized Electrical
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3064 0
Energized Electrical Work Practices and Guidance ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3065 0
Electrical Tools ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3066 0
Diving Operations ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3067 0
Demolitions Explosives and Explosive Ordnance ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3068 0
Sand Blasting ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3069 0
Abrasive blasting Procedure ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3070 0
Concreting Operations ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3071 0
Incident Reporting and Response.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3072 0
Incident and Accident Definitions, Status, and
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3073 0
Incident Investigation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3074 0
Employee Statement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3075 0
Witness Statement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3076 0
Serious Incident Review Template ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3077 0
Incident Investigation Report Template Incident
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3078 0
Investigation Report Template
Casual Analysis Methodology ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3079 0
HSE Severity Table ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3080 0
Root Cause Analysis - 5 Whys.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3081 0
Incident Investigation and Follow-Up ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3082 0
Performance Reporting.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3083 0
Engineering and Vehicle Workshop ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3084 0
Motor Vehicle Safety ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3085 0
Vehicle Accidents ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3086 0
Injury, Illness and Motor Vehicle Rate Formulas ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3087 0
Travel To Remote and Difficult Locations ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3088 0
Off Road Vehicles ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3089 0
Guidelines for Loading ATVs Onto Trailers SPA ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3090 0
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Machine Guarding.doc ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3091 0

Competent Person Designation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3092 0
Chemical Hazard Communication - HAZCom ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3093 0
Work Permits ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3094 0
Confined Spaces ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3095 0
Occupied Facility Siting ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3096 0
Line and Equipment Opening ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3097 0
Biological Hazard Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3098 0
Chemical Warfare and Incendiary Agents ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3099 0
Cold Stress Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3100 0
Heat Stress Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3101 0
Heat Stroke Prevention Procedure Guideline ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3102 0
Occupational Hearing Protection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3103 0
Spill Containment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3104 0
Ergonomics ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3105 0
Fatigue Risk Management ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3106 0
Hours of Working Guidelines ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3107 0
Work At Elevation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3108 0
Fall Arrest Equipment Requirements ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3109 0
Fall Prevention System Requirement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3110 0
Fall Arrest and Restraint System ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3111 0
Floor opening and cover ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3112 0
Asbestos Exposure Protection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3113 0
Hexavalent Chromium Exposure Protection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3114 0
Lead Exposure Protection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3115 0
Mold Prevention and Remediation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3116 0
Hydrogen Sulphide ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3117 0
Radiation Protection Program ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3118 0
Radiographic Work ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3119 0
Basic Personal Protective Equipment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3120 0
Eye and Face Protection Selection Guide ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3121 0
Filter Lenses for Protection Against Light Radiation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3122 0
Work Attire Requirements ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3123 0
Guidelines for Decontamination Levels A, B, C, & D ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3124 0
Respiratory Protection Program ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3125 0
Site-Specific Respiratory Protection Program ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3126 0
Health & Safety Training - Hazardous Waste
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3127 0
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health –
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3128 0
Materials Handling, Related To Hazardous Waste
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3129 0
Project Initiation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3130 0
Drum Handling ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3131 0
Site Control ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3132 0
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Waste and Trash Receptacles ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3133 0

Hazard Assessment and Safety Action Plan
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3134 0
Outline and Guide for HASAP Development ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3135 0
Safe Plan of Action (SPA) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3136 0
HSE Program ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3137 0
HSE Training Guidelines By Job Function Matrix ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3138 0
Training Matrix Leadership ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3139 0
HSE Leadership Tour Report – Guideline ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3140 0
HSE Training ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3141 0
Leadership and Culture ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3142 0
Behavioural Safety Observation Report Process ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3143 0
Abrasive Blasting Areas ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3144 0
HSE Program Implementation Responsibilities ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3145 0
Warehouse Safety ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3146 0
Field Site Mobilization HSE Requirements ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3147 0
Personnel Demobilization Planning ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3148 0
Design Safety ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3149 0
Excavating Equipment Use and Operator
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3150 0
Deviations from HSE Procedures ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3151 0
Safety Observation Reports – SOR ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3152 0
Safety Evaluation Report SER ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3153 0
Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3154 0
HSE Performance Metrics ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3155 0
Zero Harm Awards Program ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3156 0
Safety Sampling Process ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3157 0
Modified Duty ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3158 0
Hydrotest Pressure test ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3159 0
Contractor Deliverables and Submittals &
ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3160 0
Contractor Personal requiring certification ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3161 0
Site Safety Rules for Contractors ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-PRO-3162 0

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix C – HSE Deliverables

1.1 The contractor shall provide translation of the safety orientation presentation(s) and materials into languages understood by its employees.
1.2 Provide full-time and qualified site safety staff.
1.3 Contractor shall provide the safety manager and each safety supervisor with a personal means of communication (e.g., mobile phone) and
a dedicated motor vehicle
1.4 The names and qualifications (e.g., CV/resume, training certificates) of the safety manager, site safety supervisor(s) and all field safety
officers who will work on the job shall be submitted to the Construction Supervision for review and concurrence prior to beginning work.
1.5 Safety staff qualifications shall be made available for review at the contractor’s site office as requested by the Construction Supervision.
1.6 Shall conduct pre-job (“toolbox”) craft safety meetings with their personnel to address job-specific safety issues prior to beginning a different
work activity. These pre-job craft safety meetings shall include a review of applicable sections of the hazard identification plan (HIP).
1.7 Conduct weekly safety meetings.
1.8 Weekly safety meetings shall be documented with records maintained.
1.9 Safety shall be first agenda item at regular internal contractor company management meetings.
1.10 Shall conduct a separate meeting, at least monthly, to discuss safety, health and environmental issues. Minutes of these meetings shall be
documented. Action items and needed corrective actions shall be documented and tracked until closed
1.11 Shall provide the proper PPE and previous inventory log.
1.12 Flame resistant clothing (FR) Clothing is required or who may be exposed to a flash fire hazard shall be provided by their employer with
the proper type, size and quantity of (FR) Clothing in accordance with construction provision requirements
1.13 Size and quantity of arc flash PPE and (FR) Clothing (refer. 29 CFR 1910.269 and 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart V) shall be provided to
electrical workers.
1.14 Shall prepare and develop and implement behavioural observation and site inspection programs, record.
1.15 Shall perform trending and analysis of behavioural observations
1.16 Statistics of inspection findings and observations
1.17 Shall provide copies of any and all inspection and observation records as requested by the Construction Supervision.
1.18 Shall maintain records of their current issuer/receiver certificate holders
1.19 A hardbound Jobsite Safety Logbook (JSL), supplied by the contractor(s), shall be maintained at the job site office. The JSL shall have
pages that are sequentially numbered.
1.20 shall provide safe and adequate transportation to and from the work site for their employees.
1.21 For larger sites, suitable buses may be used for transportation of employees. Buses without seat belts shall not be used after Jan. 1, 2015.
Newly purchased buses shall have seat belts provided for all occupants and have air-conditioning installed.
1.22 Documented inspections shall be performed for motor vehicles and buses at least monthly.
1.23 Shall develop and implement a remote area travel program
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1.24 Contractor shall arrange for vision check(s) for all employees needing or suspected of needing corrective lenses
1.25 Contractor and subcontractor personnel shall not work excessive hours, with a maximum of 12 hours daily, except as may be
requested/approved by the Construction Supervision
1.26 Contractor shall conduct a thorough heat stress evaluation
1.27 Shall develop and implement a written heat stress management program but not limited to procurement and provision of materials and
supplies. The contractor’s heat stress management program shall be submitted to the Construction Supervision for review and concurrence
1.28 Shall provide training to site management and supervision on the heat stress management program
1.29 Provide training and guidance to their employees. Training Matrix.
1.30 Emergency response plan (ERP) for each specific site shall be established by the contractor and/or by the contractor in coordination with
the Construction Supervision and submitted for approval.
1.31 Shall train personnel on their specific roles in the ERP, (e.g. fire-marshal / wardens, controller etc.)
1.32 Contractor personnel are required to take part in these drills, (such as; emergency drills etc.)
1.33 Contractor shall install a proper emergency notification system and alarm(s), whether it is electronic, mechanical etc.
1.34 Contractor shall provide the Construction Supervision with written evidence that its employees and subcontractor employees clearly have
authority to stop their own work and the work of others due to unsafe conditions or acts.
1.35 Contractor shall establish a policy and procedures to promote timely reporting of all unsafe acts and conditions, near-misses, injuries and
other incidents.
1.36 Contractor’s incident investigations shall be performed in a timely manner and root causes of the incident shall be properly identified
1.37 Emergency reporting and response - Signs shall be conspicuously posted at the work site with the emergency telephone numbers and
reporting instructions.
1.38 Incident reporting and investigation - Complete and submit all injury data within one working day of the incident.
1.39 Left empty.
1.40 Personal Protective Equipment - Contractor’s documented PPE needs analysis shall be made available to the Construction Supervision (CS)
upon request.
1.41 Work Permit System - The contractor’s work permit system shall be subject to approval by the Construction Supervision.
1.42 Isolation, Lockout and use of hold tags - Isolation plan shall be developed that shall identify all locations to be isolated, types of isolating
devices to be used and site/job-specific procedures for isolating the equipment
1.43 Contractors shall establish an isolation, lockout and use of hold tag program for grassroots projects
1.44 Confined Spaces - The contractor’s confined space entry permit procedures shall be subject to approval by the Construction Supervision
1.45 Verification of training shall be made available upon request by the CS.
1.46 Confined space entry plan that is unique to the specific confined space
1.47 A confined space entry plan shall be developed by the CS or by the contractor (e.g., for a grassroots construction project) prior to entry into
a confined space.
1.48 The CS’s and/or contractor’s pre-incident action plan for each type of confined space they are anticipated to encounter.
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1.49 Hazardous Materials - Contractor company shall prepare a complete inventory of all current chemicals and products (e.g., liquids, solids,
powders, pastes, gases) at the facility or project site
1.50 Material Handling - Submittal of Laydown Yard Plan
1.51 Heat Stress - Document heat stress mitigation measures in the specific work plan

2.1 Shall develop, implement and adhere to a job-specific contractor site safety program (CSSP)
2.1 Shall develop, implement and adhere to a job-specific contractor site safety program (CSSP)
2.2 Contractor shall submit a supplementary detailed safety plan.
2.3 Deleted.F
2.4 The contractor shall furnish two (2) copies of the final CSSP to the Construction Supervision prior to the start of work and shall also maintain
copies at the job site.
2.5 Written safety training program. (HSE Training Matrix).
2.6 Written job skills/craft competency training program.
2.7 List of jobs to be performed that require approved certification (e.g., scaffold supervisor/inspector, crane/heavy equipment operator, rigger,
2.8 Complete list of known subcontractors.
2.9 Project-specific plan/program the contractor will use for managing their subcontractors, including their safety performance
2.10 Procedures for behavioural observations
2.11 Description of contractor’s site safety incentive and/or disciplinary action programs.
2.12 Hazard Identification Procedure (HIP)
2.13 Waste management plan.
2.14 Hazardous substances plan.
2.15 Job-specific and/or location specific safety procedures that are applicable to the contract’s scope of work
2.16 Excavation and shoring - A Pre-Excavation Checklist shall be properly completed.
2.17 An excavation plan shall be prepared.
2.18 Contractor shall submit to the CS a site-specific procedure for each thrust boring operation. (if applicable).
2.19 Scaffolding - Only specific manufacturers and brands of system scaffolding is permitted to be used within MODON.
2.20 Fall Protection - Contractor performing work at heights shall develop a fall protection plan.
2.21 Concrete Construction - Drawings and plans (MS/RA) shall be prepared for all elevated formwork and submitted to CS for approval.
2.22 Steel Erection - Site-specific erection plans shall be developed and submitted to CS for approval.
2.23 Cutting, Welding and Brazing - All welders and brazers shall be 3rd party certified.
2.24 Piling Operation and Cofferdams - A piling operations plan shall be developed and submitted to CS for approval.
3.1 The contractor and/or their subcontractor(s) shall develop, implement and adhere to a contract-specific HIP.

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones


3.2 Fifteen (15) working days of contract execution, the contractor shall submit three copies of contractor’s job-specific HIP to the Construction
Supervision for review and approval.
3.3 The contractor shall furnish two (2) copies of the final HIP to the construction supervision
3.4 Contractor shall submit, as applicable to the contract, job-specific plans such as, but not limited to: site layout plans, site-specific traffic
flow plans, fire protection plans, security fence layout plans, project support facility plans (e.g., office, maintenance, sanitary, dining,
laydown/storage facilities) and contractor camp plans. The contractor shall submit three copies of these job-specific plans to the
construction supervision for review within fifteen (15) working days of contract execution.
4.1 Contractors shall maintain training records for review by the Construction Supervision upon request
4.2 Submittal Requiring –
A Approval Prior to Mobilization
4.2.1 Contractor Site Safety Program (CSSP)
4.2.2 Hazard Identification Plan (HIP)
4.2.3 Site Layout Plan Contractor Camp Plans
4.2.4 Project Safety Risk Register
4.2.5 Paramedic Staff - Nurse(s) and First Aid
4.2.6 Environmental Mgmt. Program (EMP)
4.2.7 Fire Protection Plan
4.2.8 Security and Fencing Plans
4.2.9 Staff Qualifications/Certifications
4.2.10 Waste Management Plan
4.2.11 Emergency Response Plan
4.2.12 Construction Logistic Plan
4.2.13 Traffic Control plan
4.2.14 HAZ. communication Program
B Prior to Actual Work Activity
4.2.15 Work Site Medical Clinic Arrangement
4.2.16 Short Service Employee Program
4.2.17 Safety Orientation Program
4.2.18 Hazardous Waste Storage / Handling
4.2.19 Critical Lift Plan
4.2.20 Excavation Plan
4.2.21 Man-basket Permit (MEWP)
4.2.22 PPE used on site (based on needs)
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4.2.23 Scaffold Plans
4.2.24 Smoking Shelter Location
4.2.25 List of Certified Work Permit Receivers
4.2.26 Issued Work Permit for each Job Site
4.3 Employee and Equipment Requiring Certification -
A Before Beginning Work -
4.3.1 Abrasive Operations blasters or operators
4.3.2 Boom Trucks (Articulating/Telescoping)
4.3.3 Breathing Air Equipment
4.3.4 Communications Cable Splicers
4.3.5 Crane Operators
4.3.6 Critical Coating Personnel
4.3.7 Electrician
4.3.8 First Aid/BLS (basic life support) / AED (Auto Electronic Defibrillator) Card Holders
4.3.9 Heavy Equipment Operators
4.3.10 Man lifts (Hydraulic/Telescopic/Scissor)
4.3.11 Riggers
4.3.12 Scaffold Supervisor/Inspectors
4.3.13 Slings and Rigging Gears
4.3.14 Spray Painters
4.3.15 Welders
4.3.16 Work Permit Receivers
4.3.17 Boom Truck Operators
4.3.18 Cartridge Tool Operators
4.3.19 Crane Operator Attachment/Extensions – rigging materials
4.3.20 Crane / Other Elevating / Lifting Equipment
4.3.21 Drivers – (heavy/lights)
4.3.22 Forklift Operators
4.3.23 Man lift Operators
4.3.24 Medical (Doctors/Nurses)
4.3.25 Scaffolds
4.3.26 Skid Loader Operators
4.3.27 Spider Baskets
4.3.28 Spreader bars/Lifting beams
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4.3.29 Welding Inspectors
4.3.30 X-ray Technicians / Piping
4.3.31 Personal Platform Man baskets
4.4 Documentation of Competent Person required for the following operations
4.4.1 Ambulance Driver
4.4.2 Confined Space Entry Stand-by-men
4.4.3 Fire Watch
4.4.4 Steel Erection
4.4.5 Handling, Ionizing Radiation Sources
4.4.6 Drivers
4.4.7 Concrete Construction
4.4.8 Electrical (Electrical Craftsmen)
4.4.9 Excavation, trench shoring
4.4.10 Mechanical and Heavy Equipment Inspection
4.4.11 Fall Protection Equipment
ID badge Required -
4.4.12 All employees

5.1 Contractor shall provide for medical care of its employees according to requirements established by the Saudi Arab Government Ministry
of Health (MOH) and Saudi labour law. Ministerial Decision 404
6.1 Contractor shall submit three copies of all contractor camp and project support facility plans to the Construction Supervision for review
within fifteen (15) working days of contract execution.
6.2 Contractor shall obtain, through the Construction Supervision, any required land use permit (LUP)
6.3 A job activity information sign. (such as; excavation is under progress etc.) shall be erected at the main entrance(s)
6.4 Contractor shall provide firefighting equipment
6.5 Contractor shall provide, install and maintain required temporary security fencing.
6.6 A dust control program shall be identified in the HIP.
6.7 Contractor shall establish a site-specific waste management plan.

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Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix D – RACI Matrix

R Responsible
A Accountable
C Consulted
I Informed

Category Duty / Task Frequency PMC CS Contractor

Planning, Preparation & Prepare and revise HSE Plan (CS) Initial & revise as required I-C R
Review of Documentation Review HSE Plan (Contractor Initial & revise as required I R A
Prepare and revise HSE Procedures (CS) Initial & revise as required I-C R A
Review HSE Procedure (Contractor) Initial & revise as required I R A
Review HSE Risk Assessment (Contractor) Every time new work starts and I R-I A
revise as required.
Review JSA (Contractor) Develop for all work initially then I R-I A
revise or add as identified by any
Review Method Statement (Contractor) Develop for all work initially then I R-I A
revise or add as identified by any
Review Work Instructions (Contractor) Initially then revise as required I A
Review HSE Flowchart (Contractor) Initially then revise as required I A
Develop HSE Forms Initially then revise as required I A
Review HSE Forms (Contractor) Initially then revise as required I A
Prepare and or HSE bulletins (Contractor) As required C A
Review Emergency Plan & Crisis Management Plan (Contractor) Initially then revise as required C A

Statutory Permit / Licences All statutory documents and registers maintained at all times Initially then monthly update I I A
& Applications (Contractor)
Review Audit, certified scaffolder, First Aiders, Firefighters, and Initially then required with I R-I A
Riggers / banksmen monthly update

Permit to Work Audit Permit System (i.e. Hot Work, Lifting Operations, Confined As required I R-I A
Space, Excavations, etc.)

Fire Incident When Identified I R-I A

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Incident, Accident, Near Property Damage Incident When Identified I R-I A

Misses & Dangerous Vehicular Incidents When Identified I R-I A
Occurrences Occupational Illnesses When Identified I R-I A
Near Misses / Dangerous Occurrences When Identified I R-I A
Physical Injury – FAC / MTC / LTI and Fatality When Identified I R-I A

System Non-Conformance, CPIAR to Contractor When Identified I A C

Issuance Audit CPIAR follow-up and register Update Monthly I A I
CPIAR Analysis Review Monthly HSE meetings I A C

Training Provide and Prepare Training Plan Initially then revise as required I A A
Monitor Contractor Prepare Training Plan (Contractor) Initially then revise as required I C-I A
Induction HSE Daily as required I A A
Induction HSE (contractor) Daily as required I C-I A
Pre-work Risk Assessment – STARRT Daily I C-I A
In-house HSE Training Courses As required I A A
In-house HSE Training Courses (contractor) As required I C-I A
Specific Safety Training (contractor) As required C I A
Tool Box Talks given (contractor Weekly I A A
Staff training to emergency procedure / drill (contractor) As required I I A
Prepare the emergency drill plan and conduct drill Initially then revise as required, C i A
conduct as per the plan.

Management of Accident / Prepare and revise incident procedure Isms database is not Initially then revise as required I A C
Incident / Near misses available
Reporting Prepare and revise incident procedure (contractor) Initially then revise as required I I A
Incident Procedure Training As required I A I
Reporting to authorities As required I I A
Investigation of accidents, dangerous occurrences and similar As required C I A
incidents, causes analysis and remedial / preventative actions (All)

Conduct Audit, Inspection HSE Inspections As required C A C

and Monitoring HSE Inspection (contractor) As required I I A
HSE Audit Every 3 months or as required C A C
HSE Audit (contractor) Every month or as required I I A

Monitor HSE promotion / HSE Penalties As required A R A

Penalty HSE Awards Monthly C R-I A

Participate HSE Meetings Weekly HSE Meetings (contractor) Weekly C C-I A

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Monthly HSE committee meeting (contractor) Monthly C C-I A

Reporting HSE Monthly report to MODON Monthly C A

HSE Monthly report to CS Monthly I R-I A

Monitor Security Security Procedure (Contractor) Initially then revise as required I A-i A

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Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix E - Tables
Table 1 - Safety Site Statistics Board
Table 2 – Daily, Weekly, Monthly Health and Safety Report System
Table 3 – Risk Matrix
Table 4 – Contractor Consultant Safety Staff require Experience & Qualifications
Table 5 – Contractor Site Safety Staff Requirements
Table 6 – Inspection Colour Code Scheme
Table 7 – Classification of Accident and incident
Table 8 – Ventilation requirements for Confined Spaces
Table 9 – Power Line Absolute Limit of Approach
Table 10 – Wind Speed
Table 11 – Wind Speed Definition
Table 12 – Health and Safety inspection of work Activities
Table 13 – Cartridges
Table 14 – Potentially Hazardous Substances
Table 15 – Minimum Illumination Requirements
Table 16 – Safety Helmet Colour Coding
Table 17 – Safety Sign and Colour Coding
Table 18 – Code words for Verbal Communications
Table 19 – Minimum Toilet and Washing Facilities
Table 20 – Colour for Fire Safety signs
Table 21 – Noise and Vibration Exposure
Table 22 – Manual Handling
Table 23 – Detail of the Frequency of Statutory Inspections
Table 24 – Health and Safety Inspection and Audits
Table 25 – Schedule of Statutory Inspections
Table 26 – MODON strategy
Table 27 – OHS Objective and Targets
Table 28 – Consultation and Communication Matrix – Reports & Records
Table 29 – Site Inspection Matrix
Table 30 – Personal Protective Equipment Compliance Matrix
Table 31 – Geometric Shapes, Safety Colour and Contrast Colour for Safety Signs
Table 32 – Fire Fighting Equipment

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix F - Checklists
Document Title Document Number Rev.#
1. Checklist - Air Compressor ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2861 0
2. Confined Space ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2862 0
3. Lifting Operations. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2863 0
4. Checklist – Cradle ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2864 0
5. Checklist – Dealing with Telephone Warnings ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2865 0
6. Checklist - Emergency Evacuation Plan ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2866 0
7. Lifting Operations - Crane. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2867 0
8. Mobile Equipment - Forklift. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2868 0
9. Checklist - Fire Extinguisher ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2869 0
10. Checklist - First Aid Box ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2870 0
11. Checklist - First Aid Station ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2871 0
12. Checklist - Flammable gas storage area ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2872 0
13. Mobile Equipment - MEWP. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2873 0
14. Checklist - Formwork table flying Post Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2874 0
15. Checklist - Formwork table flying Pre-Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2875 0
16. Checklist - Full Body Harness ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2876 0
17. Checklist – Generator ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2877 0
18. Mobile Equipment. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2878 0
19. Checklist - Hiab Truck ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2879 0
20. Checklist - Lifting Device ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2880 0
21. Checklist - Lifting Gear ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2881 0
22. Checklist - Loading Platform ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2882 0
23. Checklist – Manual Handling ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2883 0
24. Checklist - MEP Temporary Works (Electric) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2884 0
25. Checklist - MEP Temporary Works (Plumbing) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2885 0
26. Checklist - Mobile Crane ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2886 0
27. Checklist - Passenger - Material Hoist daily ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2887 0
28. Checklist - Petroleum Storage Area ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2888 0
29. Checklist - Plant Induction ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2889 0
30. Checklist - Portable Ladder ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2890 0
31. Checklist - Power Tools and Extension Leads ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2891 0
32. Checklist - Scaffold Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2892 0
33. Checklist - Scaffold Mobile Tower ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2893 0
34. HSE Audit Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2894 0
35. Motor Vehicle Operations. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2895 0
36. Checklist - Site Offices or Porta Cabins ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2896 0
37. Checklist - Site Setup ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2897 0
38. Checklist - Temporary Fire Hose Reel ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2898 0
39. Checklist - Temporary Garbage Chute ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2899 0
40. Checklist - Tower Crane ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2900 0
41. Checklist - Welfare and Amenities ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3169 0
42. Energy Isolation. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2901 0

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Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

43. Checklist - Cradle Daily Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2902 0

44. Electric Work Potentially Energized. " ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3170 0
45. Site Inspection - Workplace Transport Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2903 0
46. Excavation - Utility Clearance. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2804 0
47. Contractors Method Statement Evaluation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3171 0
48. Hazardous Materials. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2905 0
49. Work at Elevation - Dropped Object. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2906 0
50. Work at Elevation - Floor Area. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3172 0
51. Work at Elevation - General. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2907 0
52. Safe Plan of Action. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2908 0
53. Housekeeping. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3173 0
54. Fatigue Awareness Employee Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2909 0
55. Field Office Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2910 0
56. Forklift Daily Safety Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3174 0
57. GHS Hazard Communication. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2911 0
58. CRA Safety Sampling Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2912 0
59. Project Environmental Assessment Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3175 0
60. Typhoon Preparedness Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2913 0
61. Steel Erection Self-Assessment Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2914 0
62. Refueling Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3176 0
63. Noise on Site Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2915 0
64. Roadworks Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2916 0
65. Site Set Up and Clearance Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3177 0
66. Use of Bituminous Materials and Solvents ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2917 0
67. Use of Cement Products Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2918 0
68. Waste Management Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3178 0
69. Work Causing Air Pollution Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2919 0
70. Demolition Work Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2920 0
71. Erection of Structures Checklist. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3179 0
72. Barricades & Signs. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2921 0
73. Ladders & Stairs. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2922 0
74. Safety Behaviour Checklist – SBO ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3180 0
75. General Electrical Safety. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2923 0
76. Line and Equipment Safety. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2924 0
77. Line of Fire - Pinch Point. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3181 0
78. Material Handling - Body Positioning. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2925 0
79. Hand Injury. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2926 0
80. Respiratory Protection. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3181 0
81. Eye Protection. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2927 0
82. Hearing Protection. ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2928 0

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Attachment G – Permit to Work

Document Title Document Number Rev. #
Permit to work - At slab Edge (All Activities) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2831 0
Permit to work - ACS Erection, Climbing ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2832 0
Permit to work - Confined Space ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2833 0
Permit to work – Drilling ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2834 0
Permit to work – Excavation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2835 0
Permit to work - Form Work Table Erection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2836 0
Permit to work - Formwork (Slab ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2837 0
Abrasive blasting Procedure ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2838 0
Permit to work – Hoist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2839 0
Permit to work - Hot work ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2840 0
Permit to work - Hydro pressure test ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2841 0
Permit to work - Lift Machine Room ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2842 0
Permit to work – Lift Flooring ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2843 0
Permit to work - Man Basket use with cranes ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2844 0
Permit to work - Near Water ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2845 0
Permit to work - Placing Boom ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2846 0
Permit to work - Post Tensioning ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2847 0
Permit to Work - Request for Night Work ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2848 0
Permit to work - Request for removal or alteration ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2849 0
Permit to work - Sand Blasting ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2850 0
Permit to work – Shaft ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2851 0
Permit to work - Tower Crane ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2852 0
Permit to work - Use of Cradle ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2853 0
Permit to work - Use of Mobile Crane ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2854 0
Permit to work – Lockout Tagout (LOTO) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2855 0
Permit to work - Floor Openings ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2856 0
Extended Hours and Night Shift Working ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2857 0
Structure Climbing Elevated Work Permit ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2858 0
Confined Space Entry Assessment and Permit ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2859 0
Permit to Work Form all activities ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2860 0

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Attachment H – General Forms

Document Title Document Number Rev. #
Annual Declaration Driver Details ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2929 0
Attendance Sheet ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2930 0
Medical Staff Approval Request Format ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2931 0
Chemical Inventory ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2932 0
Job Physical Activity Analysis and Physician Work Capacity ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2933 0
Return To Work Follow-up Form ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2934 0
Display Screen Equipment DSE User ID ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2935 0
Fire Drill Record ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2936 0
Gas Monitor Log Sheet ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2937 0
Hazardous Substance Assessment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2938 0
Authorization For Medical Treatment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2939 0
Leadership Site Safety Tour Protocol ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2940 0
Light Assessment Form ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2941 0
Deviation Request Form ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2942 0
Documents Requested ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2943 0
Requirement of Competent Person ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2944 0
Provision Welfare Accommodation Arrangements ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2945 0
Office or Workplace HSE Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2946 0
Potential Violence Assessment Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2947 0
Safety Harness Lanyard Inspection Record ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2948 0
HSE Equipment Issue Form ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2949 0
HSE External Communication Record ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2950 0
HSE Objectives and Targets ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2951 0
HSE Site Office Induction Training Record ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2952 0
HSE Prohibition Work Notice ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2953 0
STARRT Card ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2954 0
Tool Box Talk, Safety Talk, SWMS and RA Add ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2955 0
Review - Method Statement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2956 0
Witness Statement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2957 0
MSDS Request Forms ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2958 0
Workers Accommodation HSE and Hygiene Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2959 0
Safety Health Environment Risk Assessment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2960 0
Site First Aid Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2961 0
Fire Drill Excavation Checklist ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2962 0
Crane Lifting Method Plan and Risk Assessment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2963 0
Control of Substances Hazardous to health (COSHH) ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2964 0
Request for Night Shift ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2965 0
Registration of Competent Persons ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2966 0
Contractor Medical Clinic Log ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2967 0

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix I – Figures
Figure Figure Title
Figure 1 Risk Matrix 3: Risk Class / Ranking
Figure 2 Risk Matrix 4: Risk Control Requirements
Figure 3 Levels of H&SEP Enforcement Action
Figure 4 Accident Process
Figure 5 Guideline Maximum Handling Loads
Figure 6 Flow Chart – Manual Handling Assessment
Figure 7 Correct Lifting Techniques
Figure 8 Typical Emergency Organization Chart
Figure 9 Scenario Analysis Sheet for (Location)
Figure 10 Emergency/Disaster Control Task Checklist:
Figure 11 Flow Diagram of Typical Emergency Response
Figure 12 Emergency-Reporting Instructions:
Figure 13 Emergency Plan sample table of contents:
Figure 14 Work Stoppage and Reconciliation Chart

Appendix J – Flowchart

Flowchart Flowchart Title

Flowchart 1 Accident and Emergency Procedure
Flowchart 2 Fire Emergency Procedure
Flowchart 3 Health & Safety Management System
Flowchart 4 Incident
Flowchart 5 Safety Induction
Flowchart 6 Manual Handling Assessment
Flowchart 7 Injury
Flowchart 8 Selection & Control of Sub-Contractors
Flowchart 9 Fall Protection on Site
Flowchart 10 Risk Assessment Action Plan
Flowchart 11 Hot Works

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix K – Reports
Document Title Document Number Rev. #
Emergency Evacuation Manpower Check Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2818 0
Emergency Evacuation Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2819 0
Initial Incident Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3163 0
Final Incident Investigation ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2820 0
Near Miss Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2821 0
Project OHS Statistics and Performance Indicator ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3164 0
Health and Safety Ongoing Implement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2822 0
Office Health and Safety Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2823 0
Management Safety Representatives ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3165 0
Safety Inspection Report Night Shift ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2824 0
Safety Non-Conformity Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2825 0
Safety Officer's daily hazard Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3166 0
HSE Close out Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2826 0
Supervisors OHS Workplace Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2827 0
Medical Centre Attendance Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3167 0
Hazard notification Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2828 0
HSE Leadership Tour Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2829 0
Office or Workplace HSE Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-3168 0
Potential Violence Assessment Report ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2830 0

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020
Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones

Appendix L – Registers
Document Title Document Number Rev. 0
Confined Space Entry Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2793 0
Cradle Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2794 0
Fire Extinguisher ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2795 0
First Aid Box Inspection ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2796 0
Incident Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2797 0
Ladder ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2798 0
Lifting Device ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2799 0
Lifting Gear ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2800 0
Method Statement ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2801 0
Noise Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2802 0
Non-Conformity Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2803 0
Plant and Equipment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2804 0
Portable Electric Tools Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2805 0
Risk Assessment ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2806 0
Safety warning notice or penalty Reg ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2807 0
Visitor's Entry ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2808 0
Work Permit Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2809 0
Wire rope sling inspection Log ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2810 0
Design Risk Management ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2811 0
Material safety data sheet register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2812 0
Tool Box Talk ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2813 0
Safety Awareness Talk ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2814 0
Legislative Matrix as part of OHSMS ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2815 0
Cartridge Quantity ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2816 0
First Aid Register ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-TEM-2817 0

Document Reference Number: ORG1-06-002-MOD-TS0-0-PRM-MAN-2788-00
Revision Number: 00
Date: 05 January 2020

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