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Name : Rama Apriliansyah

Class : X Mipa 2

The task of the English teacher, She is :

Name : Istiqomah Nurhayati

1.1 Background English is the international language. By mastering

English well, we will be able to communicate with other nations in the
world. Apart from that, we will also be able to increase our insight and
knowledge for the progress of our nation and country, because we will be
able to read English literature, listen to foreign radio broadcasts, and watch
other scientific films. In this way, in the end we can master knowledge in all
fields. Apart from increasing our understanding of international languages,
learning English will at least make it easier for us to get a decent job, or to
equip our knowledge for the future. Understanding and mastering
international languages well and correctly will certainly provide very good
benefits for all of us. For this reason, it is necessary to first understand the
grammar in English. Apart from making pronunciation smoother, we will
also understand how to arrange the words to be said so that they become
one coherent and correct sentence according to the tense.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. Know Recont Text in English.
2. Definition of Past Tense, formulas and example sentences.
3. Definition of Present Tense, formula and example sentences.

1.3 Objectives
From the problem formulation above, I of course aim to explain or
explain these points, according to the knowledge I have obtained, both from
source books and from teachers. Hopefully everything will benefit us. If
there are errors in writing or words in this paper, I apologize profusely.



2.1.1 Understanding Recount Text
Literally, recount means "telling". So recount text can be
interpreted as "Text that tells". If we refer to the information in school
books (read: Middle School / High School English Books), recount text is a
text that tells the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to
entertain or inform the reader. (a text that tells a story, action or activity.
The purpose of recount text is to entertain or inform the reader.)

Generic Structure of Recount Text

The generic structure of this recount text consists of:
● Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events
took place, and when it happened. ("Orientation" tells who is
involved in the story, what happens, where the events occur, and
when the events occur)

● Events tell what happened and in what sequence. ("Event" tells what
happened (again) and tells the story sequence)

● Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending.

("Reorientation" contains the conclusion of the story/end of the

2.1.2 Types of Recount Text:

a. Personal Recount
Namely telling about the author's personal experience
b. Factual Recount
Namely reports of events that actually occurred, such as scientific
reports, police reports.
c. Imaginative
That is, creating an imaginative story and then writing down the events
occurrences that have occurred.

The Recount Text structure is as follows:

a. Orientation
Namely introduction in the form of providing information about
who, where and when the event or event occurred in the past.
b. Events
This is a recording of events that occurred, usually presented in
order, such as: "In the first day... And in the next day... And in the last
In this section there are also personal comments about the events or
being told.

c. Reorientation
This is a repetition of the introduction in the orientation, a repetition of
summary of the events or occurrences being told.

● Linguistic Characteristics of Recount Text

When reading Recount Text, you will find the following linguistic

a. Use sentences in the Past Tense form.

Example: We went to Bandung last year, I was very happy.
b. Using Action Verbs.
Examples: went, bought, wrote, slept, etc.
c. Use Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to express time, place and manner.
Example: yesterday, at school, quickly, etc.
d. Using Conjunctions and Time Connectives to order events or
Example: but, and, after that.

2.1.3 Example of Recount Text

My Adolescence

I had my adolescence when I was thirteen. It started with acne that showed
up on my face. It was very annoying. It lowered my self-esteem and I was
embarrassed to come out of my house and play with friends. Fortunately,
my Mum gave me a good medicine. In three weeks, the acnes started to
vanish although they showed some black spots on my face.

That was my bad experience with adolescence, although there were still lots
of good experiences too.
Analysis :
Orientation: First paragraph, (I had my adolescence when I was thirteen)
Events: Second and third paragraphs.
Reorientation: Fourth (last) paragraph


Simple past tense is a verb form used to express activities or events that do
occur in the future or the past. The past can be a long time ago, a few years
ago, a few months ago, a couple of weeks, days, or a few hours ago.
As has been mentioned above that in the simple past tense, change the verb
used is the change in the second form of the verb (verb2). In general,
changes in the form of the verb is always followed by the suffix "ed",
changes in general is called a regular verb. However, in practice, not all
changes in both the verb followed by the suffix "ed", this is called the
irregular verb. So you have to be really careful to distinguish which verbs
classified as regular verbs (irregular verbs) and where the verb classified as
irregular verbs (irregular verbs).

There are several time signals from the simple past tense that can be used to
indicate that an activity or event occurred in the past, here are some examples:

Time signal Time Marker

Yesterday Kemarin

Two days ago Dua hari yang lalu

Three days ago Tiga hari yang lalu

Four days ago Empat hari yang lalu

Last night Tadi malam

Last week Minggu lalu

Last month Bulan lalu

Last year Tahun lalu

A month ago Sebulan yang lalu

Two months ago Dua bulan yang lalu

A year ago Setahun yang lalu

Two years ago Dua tahun yang lalu

In 1990 Pada tahun 1990

In 2010 Pada tahun 2010

This morning Pagi ini

An hour ago Sejam yang lalu

Two hours ago Dua jam yang lalu


● Simple Past Tense Formula

The formula used for simple past tense for positive, negative, interrogative and also
negative interrogative sentences is as follows:
Positive sentences (+):
S + was/were
S + Verb2

Example :
● They were in the class. (mereka berada dikelas.)
● They went to Bali last week. (mereka pergi ke Bali Minggu lalu.)

Negative sentences (-) :

S + was/were + not
S + did + not + verb1 {bare infinitive}
Example :
● They were not in the class. atau They weren’t in the class. (Mereka tidak berada
● They did not go to Bali last week. atau They didn’t go to Bali last week. (mereka
tidak pergi ke Bali minggu lalu.)

Interrogative sentences (?) :

Was/were + S
Did + S + Verb1 {bare infinitive}

Example :
● Were They in the class? (apakah mereka berada dikelas?)
● Did They go to Bali last week? (apakah mereka pergi ke Bali minggu lalu?)

Interrogative negative sentences (-?) :

Was/were + S + not
Did + S + not + verb 1 {bare infinitive}

Example :
● Were They not in the class? atau Weren’t They in the class? (apakah mereka
tidak berada dikelas?)
● Did They not go to Bali last week? atau Didn’t They go to Bali last week?
(apakah mereka tidak pergi ke Bali minggu lalu?)
In English Present Tense or Simple Present Tense is used to declare the event or events,
activities, activity and so is the case today. Present tense is also used to express a fact, or
something that happens repeatedly future NOW. Remember, PRESENT means it is
now, now.
The formula :
Positive: S + V1 (s/es)
Negative: S + DO/DOES + NOT + V1
Ask: DO/DOES + S + V1

Examples of Positive Sentences :

I drink coffee
She drinks coffe
We drink coffee

Negative Present Tense Sentences

Negative form, meaning saying NO. So according to the Present Tense formula, after
SUBJECT add DO or DOES, then NOT, then add the first form of the verb without S
or ES again. Where is the S or ES? It was already DOES earlier.
For I, WE, YOU, THEY add DO
For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen added DOES
I don't drink coffee.
She doesn't drink coffee.
John Scoping does not learn English.

Present Tense Interrogative

Sentences The interrogative sentence for Present Tense is according to the formula
above, or I will write it again like this:
Ask: DO/DOES + S + V1
Same partner. For I, WE, YOU, THEY use DO. For SHE, HE, IT, Mufli, Ellen use
DOES. An example is this:
Positive sentence: I drink coffee
The interrogative sentence becomes: DO you drink coffee?
Positive sentences: She drinks coffee
Interrogative sentence: DOES She drink coffee?

Question sentences like the one above are also called YES/NO Questions. Because the
answer is Yes or No. Do you drink coffee? "Yes I do" he answered. Or you can answer it
completely: "Yes, I do drink coffee". You can also remove the DO, it becomes a positive
sentence again: "Yes I drink coffee".

3.1 Conclusion
Based on the paper, can be summarized as follows. ) Recount text is a text that telling
the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the
reader. Present Tense or Simple Present Tense is used to declare the event or events,
activities, activity and so is the case today. Present tense is also used to express a fact, or
something that happens over and over again in the present. Remember, the present
means it is now, now.

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