Why Younger People Believe Less On Religion

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Why younger people believe less in


Alejandro Pastrana, Alonso Madrigal, Emilio Moreno, Erick Tinoco

Why is this a social issue and not a personal trouble?
It is a social issue because religion is made from cultural beliefs, traditions, common
values, and it needs a society in order to function. Nowadays the world has been
constructed, mainly, with the morals and values of the occidental catholic church.
When the youth stops believing the generational barriers that already existed are
intensified. Also, the values, way of thinking, morals and the social beliefs are going to
change, creating a new world or a different world from the one that we currently live in
for the next generations to come.
Demographic group
The demographic group will be teenagers from thirteen to twenty five years
old, that live in mexico. The studying group will consider both genders (male
and female). The study will collect data from articles and charts published
from 2017 to the present.
1. Younger generations are more open minded and question more their reality.
As a result, they deny common beliefs and traditions to the point of stop
believing them.
2. Young people don’t believe in religion because they feel it as an idea of the
past, an atavism. Therefore they don’t feel the connection with those beliefs.
3. New generations reject religion because they haven’t been taught as children
in the past were taught. Nowadays, religion isn’t as strong as it was before and
schools don’t give it too much attention.
Technique & Justification
A survey is “an examination of opinions, behavior, etc., made by asking people questions”(Cambridge
Dictionary, 2022) this quantitative technique works to find precise data that helps visualize with
numbers and graphs the information we are looking for. In our research we will use this survey to
determine if our hypothesis is right or wrong, but specially to have a demographic that helps us to
defend our arguments either if it is right or wrong.
An interview is “a meeting in which someone answers questions about himself or herself for a
newspaper article, television show, etc.” (Cambridge Dictionary, 2022) this qualitative technique is
applied to a selected group of individuals, on ur research we will make an interview so we can know why
the results of the survey were the way they resulted. As an addition, the interview will also help to see
the opinion of the people on our subject and what are their beliefs about the topic.
Since the research contains a quantitative and qualitative technique, it is a mixed research.
Interview Script

1. ¿Crees en alguna religión? ¿Por qué?

2. ¿Cómo fue que tomaste esta decisión y por qué?

3. ¿Cómo es que el acceso a la información ha afectado tu manera de ver la religión/

opinión acerca de ella?
Previous Studies
Cambridge Dictionary. (2022, September 21). interview. @CambridgeWords. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/interview

Cambridge Dictionary. (2022, September 21). survey. @CambridgeWords. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/survey

Diamant, J., & Elizabeth Podrebarac Sciupac. (2020, September 10). 10 key findings about the religious lives of U.S. teens and their parents. Pew Research
Center; Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/09/10/10-key-findings-about-the-religious-lives-of-u-s-teens-and-their-parents/

Huerta, M. (2015, May 8). When Teens Reject Religion. Kars4Kids Parenting; Kars4Kids Smarter Parenting.

Rivera, A. (2018, April). “Jóvenes mexicanos no se identifican con religiones.” El Universal; El Universal.

Ibarra, C.S. Beards, Tattoos, and Cool Kids: Lived Religion and Postdenominational Congregations in Northwestern Mexico. Int J Lat Am Relig 5, 76–103
(2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41603-021-00133-7

Korstanje, M. (2007). Una nueva forma de Creer: una perspectiva sociológica sobre el papel de la religión en un grupo de adolescentes argentinos. Revista
Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Niñez Y Juventud, 5(1), 327–366. http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1692-715X2007000100011

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