HGM Motors
HGM Motors
HGM Motors
12 to 180kW
Speed : 0.35 to 560RPM
Torque : Upto 60000Nm
Selection Guide
Range of Gear Motor & Gear Boxes
Energy Efficient Gear Motors ( IE2, IE3 & IE4 ) 90 to 280 0.12 to 45 kW 5 to 75
Mechanical Features
Input Gear Box Motor Motor Pole Service Output RPM Mounting Lubrication Additional features :- Internal GB - Gear Box
Power Type Frame P2- 2 pole Factor for Gear Position O - Oil BRK - Brake Gear Motor Code GM - Gear Motor
(HP) P4- 4 pole Motor G : Grease FLP - Flameproof Motor MMR- Motor
P6- 6 pole - VFD - suitable for VFD Mount
P8- 8 pole Gear Ratio 460/60 - special Reducer
P4/8- dual pole for Gear Box voltage / frequency
Classification of Gear Motor Applications :
0.12 0.16 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 / LFL1- 63P2 2.2 3.0 12.5, 10 FO200/FL200-112P6
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100 LFO1 / LFL1 - 63P4 3.7 5 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO2 /LFL2-100P2
84, 68, 56, 45 LFO1 / LFL1 - 63P4 280, 230, 190, 155, 125 LFO2 /LFL2-112P4
37, 30, 25, 20, 16.5, 13.5 FO90 / FL90 - 63P4 100, 84, 68 LFO3/LFL3-112 P4
12.5, 10 LFO2T/LFL2T-71P6 56, 45, 37, 30 FO160/FL160-112P4
0.18 0.25 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 / LFL1 - 63P2 25, 20 FO180/FL180-112P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, LFO1 / LFL1 - 63P4 16.5, 13.5 FO200/FL200-112P4
100, 84, 68, 56, 45 LFO1 / LFL1 - 63P4 12.5, 10 LFO6T/LFL6T-132P6
37, 30, 25, 20, 16.5, 13.5 FO 90/ FL 90- 63P4 5.5 7.5 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO3/LFL3-112 P2
12.5, 10 LFO2T/LFL2T-71P6 280, 230, 190, LFO3/LFL3-132 P4
0.25 0.33 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 /LFL1 - 71P2 155, 125, 100, 84 LFO4/LFL4-132 P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, LFO1 /LFL1 - 71P4 68, 56 FO160/FL160-132P4
100, 84, 68, 56, 45 LFO1 /LFL1 - 71P4 45, 37, 30 FO180/FL180-132P4
37, 30, 25 FO 90/FL 90- 71P4 25 FO200/FL200-132P4
20 FO100/FL100-71P4 20, 16.5 LFO6T/LFL6T-132P4
16.5, 13.5, LFO2T/LFL2T-71P4 13.5 LFO7T/LFL7T-132P4
12.5, 10 LFO2T/LFL2T-71P6 7.5 10 560, 460, 380, 310 LFO3/LFL3-132 P2
0.37 0.5 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 / LFL1 - 71P2 280, 230, 190, 155, 125,100,84 LFO4/LFL4-132 P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100 LFO1 / LFL1 - 71P4 68, 56, 45 FO180/FL180-132P4
84, 68, 56, 45 LFO1 / LFL1 - 71P4 37, 30 FO200/FL200-132P4
37, FO90 / FL90-71P4 25, 20 FO225/FL225-132P4
30, 25, 20 FO100/FL100-71P4 16.5. LFO7T/LFL7T-132P4
16.5, 13.5, FO112/FL112-71P4 9.3 12.5 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO4 / LFL4-132 P2
12.5, 10 FO112/FL112-80P6 280, 230, 190, 155, 125,100 LFO4/ LFL4- 132 P4
0.55 0.75 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 /LFL1 - 71P2 84,68 FO180/FL180-132 P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, LFO1 /LFL1 - 80P4 56, 45, FO200/FL200-132P4
100, 84, 68, 56 LFO1 /LFL1 - 80P4 37, 30 FO225/FL225-132 P4
45 LFO2 /LFL2 - 80P4 25, 20 LFO6T/LFL6T-132P4
37, 30, FO100/FL100- 80P4 16.5 LFO7T/LFL7T-132P4
25, 20 LFO2T/LFL2T-80P4 11 15 560, 460, 380, 310, FO180/FL180-160P2
16.5, 13.5 FO112/FL112-80P4 280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100 FO180/FL180-160P4
12.5, 10 FO132/FL132-80P6 84 FO180/FL180-160P4
0.75 1.0 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 /LFL1 - 80P2 68, 56, 45 LFO5/LFL5-160 P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100, 84, 68 LFO1 /LFL1 - 80P4 37 , 30 FO225/FL225-160P4
56, 45, LFO2 /LFL2 - 80P4 25, 20 LFO6T/LFL6T-160P4
37 FO100/FL100-80P4 15 20 560, 460, 380, 310, FO180/FL180- 160P2
30, 25, 20 FO112/FL112-80P4 280, 230, 190, 155 FO180/FL180- 160P4
16.5, 13.5 FO132/FL132-80P4 125, 100 LFO5/ LFL5-160 P4
12.5, 10 FO132/FL132-90P6 84, 68, 56 LFO6/ LFL6-160 P4
1.1 1.5 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO1 /LFL1 - 80P2 45 FO225/FL225-160P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125,100 FO100/FL100-90P4 37, LFO6T/LFL6T-160P4
84, 68, 56, LFO2 /LFL2 - 90P4 30, 25 LFO7T/LFL7T-160P4
45, 37, 30 FO112/FL112-90P4 18.5 25 560, 460, 380, 310, FO180/FL180- 160P2
25, 20 FO132/FL132-90P4 280, 230, 190, 155, 125 LFO5/LFL5-180 P4
16.5, 13.5 FO160/FL160-90P4 100, 84, 68, 56 LFO6/LFL6-180 P4
12.5, 10 FO160/FL160-90P6 45, 37 LFO7T/LFL7T-180P4
1.5 2.0 560, 460, 380, 310, FO100/FL100-90P2 22 30 560, 460, 380, 310, LFO5/LFL5-180 P2
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100 FO100/FL100-90P4 280, 230, 190, 155 LFO5/LFL5-180 P4
84, 68, 56, LFO2 / LFL2-90 P4 125, 100, 84, LFO6/LFL6-180 P4
45, 37 FO112/FL112-90P4 68, 56 LFO7/LFL7-180 P4
30, 25, 20 LFO3T/LFL3T-90P4 45, 37 LFO7T/LFL7T-180P4
16.5, 13.5 FO160/FL160- 90P4 30 40 560, 460, 380, 310 LFO6/LFL6-200 P2
12.5, 10 FO180/FL180-100P6 280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100 LFO6/LFL6-200 P4
2.2 3.0 560, 460, 380, 310, FO100/FL100-90P2 84, 68 LFO7/LFL7-200 P4
280, 230, 190, 155, 125, 100, 84, 68 LFO2/LFL2-100P4 37 50 560, 460, 380, 310 LFO6/LFL6-200 P2
56, 45, LFO3 / LFL3-100P4 280, 230, 190, 155, LFO6/LFL6-225 P4
37 FO132/FL132-100P4 125, 100, 84 LFO7/LFL7-225 P4
30, 25, 20 LFO4T/LFL4T-100P4 45 60 560, 460, 380, 310 LFO7/LFL7-225 P2
16.5, 13.5 FO180/FL180-100P4 280, 230,190, 155 LFO7/LFL7-225 P4
Rating Table : Service Factor : 1.4 / AGMA CLASS : II
Rating Table : Service Factor : 2 / AGMA CLASS : III
Dimensions of Standard Foot Mounted Gear Motors (FO)
Dimensions of Standard Flange Mounted Gear Motors (FL)
Dimensions of Standard Foot Mounted Gear Motors (LFO)
Dimensions of Standard Flange Mounted Gear Motors (LFL)
Dimensions of Flameproof Gear Motors (FO)
Dimensions of Flameproof Gear Motors (FL)
Dimensions of Flameproof Gear Motors (LFO)
Dimensions of Flameproof Gear Motors (LFL)
Dimensions of Motor Mount Reducer
S on‘d’ PCB
Rating : Refer Rating table for service factor 1.0, 1.4, 2.0 on Page No. 5,6,7
Dimension : All dimensions are as per standard (Page No. 8,9,10,11) except ‘LB’ & ‘L’ dimension.
Refer Page No. 23 for ‘LB’ & ‘L’ dimension.
Rating Chart of Inline Gear Reducers (FO/FL)
Colour 9.34
16.64 1 0.75 0.55 FO/FL 180DR 7.65 25 20 12.5
20.36 0.75 0.75 0.55 9.50 20 15 10
24.41 0.75 0.55 0.5 11.62 15 12.5 7.5
31.61 0.75 0.55 0.5 14.19 15 10 7.5
38.6 0.5 0.5 0.33 16.95 12.5 7.5 5
FO/FL 100TR 46.76 0.5 0.33 0.33 20.96 10 7.5 5
55.89 0.33 0.33 0.25 25.15 7.5 5 4
67.7 0.33 0.25 0.16 FO/FL 180TR 31.21 5 4 3
74.24 0.25 0.25 0.16 38.18 5 3 2
82.67 0.25 0.16 0.16 49.65 4 3 2
90.65 0.16 - - 54.62 3 2 1.5
4.98 5 5 4 71.02 2 2 1
6.24 5 4 3 5.24 50 40 30
7.51 5 3 2 6.48 40 30 25
9.23 4 2 2 7.57 40 30 20
11.69 3 2 1.5 9.53 30 25 15
14.02 2 2 1.5 11.51 30 20 15
16.41 2 1.5 1 14.01 25 15 12.5
20.55 1.5 1.5 1 17.48 20 15 10
24.74 1.5 1 0.75 21.59 15 12.5 7.5
30.41 1 0.75 0.75 25.23 12.5 10 5
38.51 1 0.75 0.5 31.76 10 7.5 5
FO/FL 112TR 45.21 0.75 0.75 0.5 FO/FL 200TR 38.37 7.5 5 4
53.96 0.75 0.5 0.33 46.70 7.5 5 4
65.89 0.5 0.5 0.33 58.00 5 4 3
75.36 0.5 0.33 0.25 59.62 5 4 3
86.99 0.5 0.33 0.25 71.32 5 3 2
92.13 0.33 0.25 0.16 5.10 75 60 40
5.14 15 12.5 10 6.25 60 50 30
6.23 15 10 7.5 7.79 50 40 25
7.29 12.5 10 7.5 9.33 50 30 20
9.12 10 7.5 5 11.35 40 25 20
11.62 10 7.5 4 13.86 30 20 15
14.19 7.5 5 3 17.14 25 15 12.5
17.13 7.5 4 3 20.98 20 15 10
20.77 5 3 2 26.17 15 12.5 7.5
25.23 4 3 2 31.20 15 10 7.5
FO/FL 132TR 30.41 3 2 1.5 38.09 12.5 7.5 5
38.72 2 2 1.5 46.54 10 5 5
47.29 2 1.5 1 56.91 7.5 5 4
56.75 1.5 1 0.75 69.53 5 4 3
Dimensions Of Foot Mounted Inline Gear Reducer (FO)
Rating Table for in line Gear Reducers (LFO/LFL
0.16 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.6 2 2.4 3 3.7 4.4 5.5 6.7 8.1 8.8 11
0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.8 2 2.5 3.1 3.8 4.6 5.7 6.9 8.6 10.4 12.7 13.7 17.2
0.33 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 1 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.7 3.3 4 5 6.1 7.6 9.1 11.3 13.7 16.8 18.1 22.7
0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.3 2.8 3.5 4.1 5 6.1 7.6 9.3 11.4 13.7 17.2 20.8 25.4 27.5 34.3
0.75 0.9 1.1 1.4 1.7 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.4 4.2 5.3 6.1 7.6 9.2 11 13.9 17.2 20.6 25.8 31.2 38.1 41.2 51.5
1 1.3 1.5 1.8 2.3 2.5 3 3.7 4.5 5.6 7 8.2 10.1 12 15 18.6 22.9 27.5 34.3 41.6 50.9 54.9 68.7
1.5 1.9 2.3 2.8 3.4 3.8 4.6 5.5 6.8 8.4 11 12.3 15.1 18 23 27.8 34.3 41.2 51.5 62.4 76.3 82.4 103
2 2.5 3 3.7 4.5 5 6.1 7.4 9 11 14 16.3 20.2 25 31 37.1 45.8 54.9 68.7 83.2 102 110 137
3 3.8 4.6 5.5 6.8 7.5 9.1 11 14 17 21 24.5 30.3 37 46 55.7 68.7 82.4 103 125 153 165 206
5 6.3 7.6 9.2 11 13 15 19 23 28 35 40.9 50.5 61 76 92.8 114 137 172 208 254 275 343
7.5 9.4 11 13.8 17 19 23 28 34 42 53 61.3 75.7 92 114 139 172 206 258 312 381 412 515
10 13 15 18.5 23 25 31 37 45 56 70 81.7 101 123 153 186 229 1563 343 416 509 549 687
12.5 16 19 23.4 28 31 38 46 57 70 88 102 126 153 191 232 286 343 429 520 636 687 858
15 19 23 27.7 34 38 46 55 68 84 105 123 151 184 229 278 343 412 515 624 763 824 1030
20 25 31 36.9 45 50 61 74 91 112 140 163 202 245 305 371 458 549 687 832 1017 1099 1373
25 31 38 46 57 63 76 92 113 140 175 204 252 307 381 464 572 687 858 1040 1272 1373 1717
30 38 46 55 68 75 92 111 136 168 210 245 303 368 458 557 687 824 1030 1248 1526 1648 2060
40 50 61 74 91 100 122 148 181 224 281 327 404 490 610 742 916 1099 1373 1665 2035 2197 2747
50 63 76 92 113 125 153 185 226 281 351 409 505 613 763 928 1144 1373 1717 2081 2543 2747 3433
60 75 92 111 136 150 183 222 272 337 421 490 606 736 916 1114 1373 1648 2060 2497 3052 3296 4120
Dimensions of Foot Mounted Inline Gear Motors Reducers (LFO)
Agitator Gear Motor
Rating Chart
Service Factor = 1.4 / AGMA Class = II Service Factor = 2 / AGMA Class = III
Rating Rating
Output RPM Frame Size Output RPM Frame Size
5.5 7.5 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL4-132-P4 5.5 7.5 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL4-132-P4
7.5 10 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL4-132-P4 7.5 10 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL4-132-P4
11 15 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL5-160-P4 11 15 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL5-160-P4
15 20 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL5-160-P4 15 20 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL5-160-P4
18.5 25 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL5-160-P4 18.5 25 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL5-180-P4
22 30 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL6-180L-P4 22 30 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL6-180L-P4
30 40 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL6-200L-P4 30 40 560, 460, 400, 310, 250 LFL7-200L-P4
Dimensions :-
Frame M N P K C AC AD D1 D2 D3 LA L1 L2 L3 LB L
LFL4-90S 350 266 450 14 312 185 134 50 45 M30 14 90 75 30 280 750
LFL4-90L 350 266 450 14 312 185 134 50 45 M30 14 90 75 30 300 770
LFL4-100L 350 266 450 14 312 208 147 50 45 M30 14 90 75 30 320 790
LFL4-112M 350 266 450 14 312 224 156 50 45 M30 14 90 75 30 335 805
LFL4-132S 350 266 450 14 312 258 200 50 45 M30 14 90 75 30 375 845
LFL4-132M 350 266 450 14 312 258 200 50 45 M30 14 90 75 30 412 880
LFL5-100L 420 334 450 14 374 208 147 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 320 855
LFL5-112M 420 334 450 14 374 224 156 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 335 870
LFL5-132S 420 334 450 14 374 258 200 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 375 910
LFL5-132M 420 334 450 14 374 258 200 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 412 950
LFL5-160M 420 334 450 14 374 324 223 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 492 1040
LFL5-160L 420 334 450 14 374 324 223 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 532 1080
LFL5-180M/L 420 334 450 14 374 365 252 65 60 M42 16 100 105 30 600 1150
LFL6-132S 450 348 500 18 400 258 200 70 65 M48 18 100 105 30 375 950
LFL6-132M 450 348 500 18 400 258 200 70 65 M48 18 100 105 30 412 990
LFL6-160M 450 348 500 18 400 324 223 70 65 M48 18 100 105 30 492 1075
LFL6-160L 450 348 500 18 400 324 223 70 65 M48 18 100 105 30 532 1115
LFL6-180M/L 450 348 500 18 400 365 252 70 65 M48 18 100 105 30 600 1180
LFL6-200M/L 450 348 500 18 400 387 280 70 65 M48 18 100 105 30 665 1270
LFL7-160M 420 390 450 18 430 324 223 75 70 M52 20 100 105 30 492 1075
LFL7-160L 420 390 450 18 430 324 223 75 70 M52 20 100 105 30 532 1115
LFL7-180M/L 420 390 450 18 430 365 252 75 70 M52 20 100 105 30 600 1185
LFL7-200M/L 420 390 450 18 430 387 280 75 70 M52 20 100 105 30 665 1255
LFL7-225S/M 420 390 450 18 430 455 325 75 70 M52 20 100 105 30 725 1315
Gear Motor With Encoder
Now LHP Gear Motor are available duly mounted with encoders. APPLICATION
These Gear Motor serve application where exact control of speed Example -Conveyors, Windmills, Textiles, Packaging,
(RPM) direction of rotation, exact positioning are required. Hollow Printing, Paper plants, Steel plants, Machine tools,
shaft encoders feature avoids misalignment and vibration Automation, Robotics. Encoder gear motors are vital for
problems during actual application which leads to increased precise speed Control, full torque availability at low speeds
reliability. and positioning.
Encoder Details :-
Type Incremental with Hollow shaft
Max. speed 6000 RPM
Operating Temperature 40 to 70 degrees
Protection IP 67
Type of Connection 1m PVC Cable with open leads
Resolution (PPR) 1024, 1500, 2000, 2048, 4096 and Max. Up to 5000
Out put Rs 422/TTL/HTL
Input Voltage 5V or 10 -30V
Rating : Refer Rating table for service factor 1.0, 1.4, 2.0 on Page No. 5,6,7
Dimension : All dimensions are as per standard (Page No. 8,9,10,11) except ‘LB’ & ‘L’ dimension.
Refer Page No. 23 for ‘LB’ & ‘L’ dimension.
Gear Motor with Encoder Data Sheet
For 560 to 100 RPM For 560 to 100 RPM For 560 to 100 RPM For 560 to 100 RPM
Std.Encoder Std.Encoder Std.Encoder Std.Encoder
Frame Geared Motor Frame Geared Motor Frame Geared Motor Frame Geared Motor
FO 90-63 260 425 LFO 1-63 260 450 FL 90-63 260 425 LFL1-63 260 455
FO 90-71 289 450 LFO 1-71 289 475 FL 90-71 289 450
LFL1-71 289 480
FO 90-80 310 485 FL 90-80 310 485
FO 100-63 260 445 LFO 1-80 310 515 FL 100-63 260 445 LFL1-80 310 520
FO 100-71 289 470 LFO 2-71 289 505 FL 100-71 289 470 LFL2-71 260 510
FO 100-80 310 500 LFO 2-80 310 515 FL 100-80 310 500
FL 100-90 371 561 LFL2-80 310 515
FO 100-90 371 561
FO 112-71 289 490 LFO 2-90S 371 566 FL 112-71 289 490 LFL2-90S 371 565
FO 112-80 310 505 LFO 2-90L 371 591 FL 112-80 310 505
LFL2-90L 371 591
FO 112-90 371 581 LFO 2-100L 401 640 FL 112-90 371 581
FO 112-100 401 630 FL 112-100 401 630 LFL2-100L 401 640
LFO 2-112M 453 683 FL 112-112 453 655
FO 112-112 453 673 LFL2-112M 453 665
LFO 3-80 310 600
For 84 to 10 RPM For 84 to 10 RPM LFL3-80 310 600
FO 90-63 260 480 LFO 3-90S 371 636 FL 90-63 260 470
LFL3-90S 371 635
FO 90-71 289 505 LFO 3-90L 371 661 FL 90-71 289 500
FO 90-80 310 540 FL 90-80 310 541 LFL3-90L 371 660
LFO 3-100L 401 700
FO 100-63 260 495 FL 100-63 260 485 LFL3-100 401 700
FO 100-71 289 520 LFO 3-112M 453 743 FL 100-71 289 515
FO 100-80 310 550 FL 100-80 310 540 LFL3-112 453 725
LFO 4-90S 371 696
FO 100-90 371 611 FL 100-90 371 605 LFL4-90 371 695
LFO 4-90L 371 721
FO 112-71 310 560 FL 112-71 310 560
LFO 4-100L 401 760 LFL4-90 371 720
FO 112-80 371 575 FL 112-80 371 590
FO 112-90 371 645 LFO 4-112M 453 803 FL 112-90 371 644 LFL4-100 401 760
FO 112-100 401 700 FL 112-100 401 700 LFL4-112 453 785
LFO 4-132S 510 820
FO 112-112 453 743 FL 112-112 453 725
LFO 4-132M 510 860 LFL4-132 510 820
For 560 to 10 RPM For 560 to 10 RPM
FO 132-80 310 650 LFO 5-100L 401 830 FL 132-80 310 655 LFL4-132 510 860
FO 132-90 371 711 LFO 5-112M 453 873 FL 132-90 371 715 LFL5-100 401 820
FO 132-100 401 750 LFO 5-132S 510 895 FL 132-100 401 755
LFL5-112 453 745
FO 132-112 453 793 FL 132-112 453 780
FO 160-80 310 710 LFO 5-132M 510 935 FL 160-80 310 705 LFL5-132 510 885
FO 160-90 371 771 LFO 5-160M 578 1018 FL 160-90 371 767 LFL5-132 510 925
FO 160-100 401 810 LFO 5-160L 622 1062 FL 160-100 401 810
FO 160-112 453 853 FL 160-112 453 835 LFL5-160 578 1005
FO 160-132 510 910 LFO 5-180M/L 676 1116 FL 160-132 510 910 LFL5-160 622 1045
FO 180-100 401 850 LFO 6-132S 510 825 FL 180-100 401 840
LFL5-180 676 1105
FO 180-112 453 893 LFO 6-132M 510 865 FL 180-112 453 865
FO 180-132 510 850 FL 180-132 510 840 LFL6-132 510 820
FO 180-160M 578 1033 LFO 6-160M 578 1038 FL 180-160M 578 1025 LFL6-132 210 860
FO 180-160L 622 1077 LFO 6-160L 622 1082 FL 180-160L 622 1065
FO 200-100 401 905 FL 200-100 401 895 LFL6-160 578 1025
LFO 6-180M/L 676 1161
FO 200-112 453 948 FL 200-112 453 926 LFL6-160 676 1065
FO 200-132 510 1015 LFO 6-200M/L 735 1220 FL 200-132 510 1005
LFL6-180 676 1141
FO 200-160M 578 1098 LFO 7-132S 510 920 FL 200-160M 578 1085
FO 200-160L 622 1142 LFO 7-132M 510 960 FL 200-160L 622 11125 LFL6-200 735 1210
FO 200-180 676 1201 FL 200-180 676 1174 LFL7-160 578 1013
FO 225-112 453 1038 LFO 7-160M 578 1028 FL 225-112 453 1023
FO 225-132 510 1080 LFO 7-160L 622 1072 FL 225-132 510 1065 LFL7-160 622 1057
FO 225-160M 578 1148 LFO 7-180M/L 676 1026 FL 225-160M 578 1125 LFL7-180 676 1016
FO 225-160L 622 1192 FL 225-160L 622 1170
LFO 7-200M/L 735 1185 LFL7-200 735 1180
FO 225-180 676 1266 FL 225-180 676 1240
FO 225-200 735 1330 LFO 7-225M/L 855 1305 FL 225-200 735 1315 LFL7-225 850 1180
Global Series Motor Mount Reducers (GMMR)
Ø Global series reducers are very compact with high torque to weight ratio.
Ø MMR have unique feature that any standard B5 construction motor can be Mounted as an Prime Mover.
Ø Range : Max. Output Torque capacity of 120 Kg-m.
Ø All the Global series reducers are supplied with Life time Oil duly filled in it.
Ø All MMR are suitable for ambient Temp of 0 to 40 Deg. C at operating conditions.
1) Determine the reduction ratio (R)
2) Calculate application torque (TA) i.e. the torque required by driven machine.
3) Select the suitable service factor from the following Table.
4) i) If service factor is 1.0, select the MMR Frame Size where Tmax. > TA for 'R' reduction raio.
ii) Otherwise calculate TA x S.F. And select the gear box where Tmax > TA x S.F. for 'R' reduction ratio
where Tmax. = Maximum Torque Capacity of MMR at. Service Factor (Given in Rating Chart)
5) Please ensure that Radial & Thrust loads of application are less than the specified values of selected MMR
Frame Size
D1 E1 F1
11 25 4
71 160 110 130 10 14 32 5 16.4
80 200 130 165 12 19 42 6 21.9
90 200 130 165 12 24 52 8 27.5
100 250 180 215 15 28 62 8 31.5
112 250 180 215 15 28 62 8 31.5
132 300 230 265 15 38 82 10 41.5
160 350 250 300 19 42 112 12 45.5
Global Series Motor Reducers (MMR)
Rating Chart at 1.0 Service Factor
Parallel Shaft Gear Boxes
LHP takes pride to introduce PARALLEL SHAFT GEAR BOXES for c) Service Factor or Class : In addition to power or torque, service
cross travel, long travel & hoist application in cranes. They are most factor must also be considered. A service factor is the ratio of
rigid, robust & efficient. Gears and pinions are designed as per IS: extra capacity in a gear unit compared to the power or torque that
3177, IS: 4460. is needed to run that application. The goal of selecting a gear
unit with extra capacity (service factor) is to provide adequate
service life in operation.
d) Gearbox Type & Input:
1) Rigid, Robust, Vibration free Housing of structural steel takes &
transmits loads safely. LHP Helical Gear Boxes are available in foot & flange mounted
constructions. The orientation of input and output shaft can
changed as per requirement. Dimensions of gear boxes are
2) Shaft of carbon steel are machined to high precision tolerance to provided on page 28 & 29.
ensure concentricity of bearing seats with gear teeth. e) Mounting Position:
The gearbox mounting position is an important and often
3) Anti-friction bearing ensures high efficiency & maintains overlooked specification. The mounting position determines how
precision tolerance between the gear centers. much oil the gear reducer requires, in addition to determining the
position of the oil drain, oil fill and vent on the Gear Boxes. Gear
Boxes are Horizontal & Vertical in foot & Flange Mountings
4) High efficiency of over 98% per stage of reduction achieved when
f) Options Lhp can offers a number of mechanical features,
loaded to full capacity of the units. The precision gearing and
protective paint & lubrication options for Gear Boxes.
accuracy of bearing alignment preserves this high efficiency.
g) Shaft orientations :
Various input and output shaft orientation are shown in below
table. Customer has to specify the same while ordering.
The standard gear ratios are as below
8.23, 10.35, 12.64, 15.75, 20.49, 23.34, 31.50, 40.17, 48.57, 52.92
A number of factors are considered when selecting a gear unit,
including gearbox rating, service factor, speed and speed variation,
horsepower, thermal capacity, ratio, physical size, ambient
conditions and cost.
a) Speed and Gear Ratio : The first step in selecting a gear unit is
determining the final output speed or speeds you need. This
speed is normally described in revolutions per minute (rpm).
Input Speed (RPM)
Gear Ratio i=
Output Speed (RPM)
b) Power & Output Torque : The second step for selecting a gear
unit is the required power or torque needed to power the load.
Output Torque in this catalogue is normally expressed in Kg-m
925 x kW
Output Torque, T =
Output Speed (RPM)
Rating Table for Parallel Shaft Gear Boxes
Dimensions For Parallel Shaft Gear Box : Foot mounted
Ratio - 8.23 To 52.92 (Double Reduction)
Dimensions For Parallel Shaft Gear Box : Foot mounted
Ratio - 54.61 To 347.72 (Tripple Reduction)
Dimensions For Parallel Shaft Gear Box : Face mounted
Customer :
Application :
1) Frequency Range 2) Application : (Torque)
35) General :
Ø Plant I : Total plot area : 16,000 sq.mtr
Complete Product Range
Standard Motors
Single phase 63 to 100 0.18 to 1.5kW
Three phase 63 to 450 0.12 to 1000kW
Flame-proof Motors IE2, IE3 & IE4 (Type Ex ’d’) 71 to 315 Up to 500kW
Non-sparking Motors Ex ‘nA’ (IE1, IE2, IE3 & IE4) 63 to 355 0.12 to 500kW
Textile (loom) Motors Marine Duty Motors Railway Auxiliary Motors Multi-speed Motors
*Can also be offered in Flame-proof enclosure. **Can also be offered for Gas group IIC upto 250 frame. www.lhp.co.in
Note : IEC EX, CE ATEX Certification for IIC, IIIC, Ex’tc’, Ex’de’ will be available shortly.
Branch Offices
Ahmedabad Chennai Kochi Pune
20, Devshrusthi -2, B/H Kena Triveni Apartments, A-Block, No. 67, VI/867-C, {Seaport - Airport Road, 310, 3rd Floor, G.O. Square, Block B,
Bungalows, Annamal Road,Co-operative Nagar, Near Focus Motors, Karivallimoola, Survey No.249/250, Nr.Mankar
Motera Road, Sabarmati, Thiruverkadu, Chennai - 600077 Thrikkakara E O., Kochi-682 021 Chowk, Wakad, PUNE-411057
Ahmedabad - 380005 Mobile No.: 09538033222 Tel.:+91-484-2108377 Fax:2424354 Mobile:+91 9011501791/ 9922458179
Email: ahmedabad.gm@lhpmotor.com Email: chennai.gm@lhpmotor.com Mobile:+91 94471 67723/984603 6852 Email :pune.gm@lhpmotor.com
Mobile: +91 9099694302 Email:kochi.rmh@lhpmotor.com pune.bm@lhpmotor.com
Email: nagpur.rmh@lhpmotor.com