Talislanta Epic Edition Players Guide v1 1 4-4-24

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Player’s Guide

The Epic Alien Fantasy Milieu

and Roleplaying Game by
Stephen Michael Sechi
This Epic Edition is lovingly dedicated to P.D. Breeding-Black, the pioneering spirit whose art
first breathed life into the world of Talislanta. With gratitude and admiration, we honor the
visionary who laid the foundation for the artwork for our journey into this fantastical realm.
Original Talislanta Creator:
Stephen Michael Sechi

Talislanta Epic Edition:

Stephen Michael Sechi and Christopher Batarlis

Game Designer and Writer:

Stephan Michael Sechi

Game Developers:
Mark Williams, Robert Peavyhouse

Dayna Peavyhouse, Robert Peavyhouse, Mark Williams,
Doug Bramlett, Christopher Batarlis

Art Director: Stephen Michael Sechi

Cover Art Player’s Guide:

Mathias Kollros

Map Illustrator:
Ben Dennett

Illustrations and Artwork:

Shane Braithwaite, Ben Dennett, David Arenas

1980s “Original No Elves Ads”:

P. D. Breeding-Black

Landscape Artist:
Jay Lee

Graphic Design and Layouts:

Mike Kay, Joe Raiten, Mark Williams, David Lanza, John Williams

Character Sheet:
Mark Williams

Mark Williams, Alessandro Andreas Davour, Brandon Click,
Carsten Pleines, Clint Forney, Curtis Kilbourn, Gary Dowell,
Giles Bennett, Jack Hill, Jason Rhodes, Joe DelJanovan, Lauri Tuiskuharju,
Les Ratcliff, Mike Davis, Mike Taylor, Nickolas Hartunian, Paul Lipor,
Peter Lindstrom, Ralph Plowman, Roberto Maggi, Wayne S. Wallace, Esq.,
Aaron Spriggs, Kaya Kurdak, Eric Edwards, and Terry Mills

Special Thanks to the Best Fans in the World… the Talislanta Fans.
Increasing Hit Points.....................16 & Magical Combat.........................26
Thanks............................ 08
Using XP to buy skills Counter-Spells................................27
First Through Fourth Editions:...08
& attributes......................................16 Detecting Magic.............................27
Midnight Realm:............................08
Ability Level....................................16 Identifying Enchanted
Fifth Edition:...................................09
Items & Artifacts............................27
Talislanta: the Savage Land:.........09 The Game System.....16
Spellcasting, Weapons,
About the Talislanta Intent................................................16
& Armor...........................................27
Epic Edition....................................09 The Action Table............................17
Protection From Magic.................27
Degree of Difficulty Modifiers....17
Overview .......................10
Attributes.........................................18 Enchanted Items.......27
Talislanta, Then and Now.............10
List of Attributes............................18 Limits on Enchanted Items..........27
The Sub-Men Uprising:
Abilities Related to Attributes.....18 Creating Enchanted Items............27
The Awakening...............................10
Renown & Legendary Status.......19
The Uprising...................................10 Character Creation... 28
Combat Rounds & Turns.............20
Talislanta Now:
Procedure for Combat..................20 Customize your
Aftermath of the Uprising............10 character........................ 28
Combat Damage............................20
The Nine Kingdoms The Character’s Backstory
Zero Hit Points or Less.................20
(formerly Seven Kingdoms)........10 (Optional).......................................29
Protection Rating...........................21
The Return of the Baratus............11
Combat Tactics...............................21 Non-Player Character
Special Maneuvers.........................21 (NPC) Creation............. 29
Fall of the Independent
Sample Special Maneuvers...........21 Archetypes.................... 30
Additional Combat Rules.............22 Aabassian Heretic..........................30
The Desert Kingdoms...................12
The Rajan-Farad Axis....................12 Magic in Talislanta... 23 Aamanian Archimage...................31
The Kang Empire ..........................12 Acquiring Magic Skills .................23 Aamanian Inquisitor (NPC).......32
Aaman & Zandu.............................12 Magical Orders...............................24 Aamanian Witch Hunter.............33
In Summation.................................12 Basic Skills for Magicians.............24 Aamanian Warrior-Priest.............34
Green Aeriad Botanomancer.......35
Rules Overview .........12 Spellcasting................. 25
Blue Aeriad Ranger........................36
Object of the Game.......................12 Casting Spells From Memory......25
Ahazu Warrior.................................37
The Action Table............................12 Casting Spells
Araq Outcast...................................38
The Role of the Gamemaster.......12 from Written Sources....................25
Ariane Druas...................................39
The Role of the Player...................13 Learning New Spells......................25
Arimite Knife-Fighter....................40
Getting Ready to Play....................13 Rules for Casting Spells................25
Arimite Revenant...........................41
Where To Start...............................13
Limitations Baratus Windship Pirate...............42
Retro-Style Gaming of Spell Casting........ 26 Beastman Plains Hunter...............43
& The Encounter Tables.......................13 Number of Spells Cast Per Day...26 Black Savant (NPC)......................44
Time in the Game..........................13 Choosing Spell Level.....................26 Bodor Musician..............................45
Experience Points (XP)................16 Casting Spells in Combat.............26 Brood Slaver (NPC)......................46
Earning XP......................................16 Counter-Spells Callidian Cryptomancer...............47
Table of Contents

Chana Witchdoctor.......................48 Mirin Alchemist.............................87 Ur Warlord.....................................125

Chimeran Courtesan.....................49 Mirin Tundra Scout.......................88 Vajra Engineer...............................126
Cymrilian Magician.......................50 Mirin White Witch........................89 Xambrian Wizard Hunter..........127
Cymrilian Rogue-Magician.........51 Mogroth Amber Trader................90 Xanadasian Chronicler (NPC).128
Cymrilian Swordmage..................52 Mondre Khan Raider....................91 Yassan Technomancer.................129
Danuvian Warrior..........................53 Moorg-Wan Swamp-WArrior......92 Yitek Tomb-Robber.....................130
Danelek Hunter..............................54 Muse Telempath.............................93 Yrmanian Wildman (NPC).......131
Darkling Thief.................................55 Nagra Shaman.................................94 Za Bandit.......................................132
Dhuna Warlock/Witchwoman....56 Nagra Spirit Tracker......................95 Zandir Charlatan..........................133
Djaffir Merchant/Bandit..................57 Orgovian Trader.............................96 Zandir Swordmage.......................134
Dracartan Desert Scout................58 Parthenian Sea Trader...................97 Zandir Swordsman/
Dracartan Thaumaturge................59 Phantasian Astromancer...............98 Swordswoman..............................135
Drukh Hillman (NPC) ................60 Phantasian Dream Merchant.......99 Zoab Merchant (NPC)...............136
Drukh Shaman (NPC).................61 Phantasian Guardian...................100
Skills & Special
Ebonite Soul Trader (NPC)........62 Quan Rebel...................................101 Abilities.........................137
Farad Merchant .............................63 Rahastran Cartomancer..............102 Notes About Skills.......................137
Ferran Thief.....................................64 Rajan Assassin-Mage...................103 Acquiring New Skills...................137
Gao Sea Rogue...............................65 Rajan Necromancer-Priest Attribute Bonuses for Skills.......137
Gargoyle Bodyguard.....................66 (NPC)............................................104 The Non-Proficiency Penalty....137
Gnomekin Crystalomancer.........67 Rasmirin Anarchist (NPC)........105
Language Skills.......138
Gnomekin Warrior .......................68 Sarista Rogue................................106
Gnorl Rhabdomancer...................69 Satada Tunnel Warrior................107
Green Man Symbiont (NPC).....70 Sauran Dragon Priestess ............108
Gryph Warrior................................71 Sauran Dragon Rider...................109
Elder Tongue.................................138
Hadjin Noble (NPC)....................72 Sawila Spell-Weaver.....................110
High Talislan.................................138
Harakin Warrior.............................73 Shadinn Executioner (NPC).....111
Low Talislan..................................138
Imrian Slaver (NPC).....................74 Sindarin Collector........................112
Ispasian Mercantilist (NPC) ......75 Slith Procurer (NPC)..................113
Jaka Beastmaster.............................76 Stryx Necromancer (NPC)........114
Jaka Scout........................................77 Stryx Warrior (NPC)..................115
Jhangaran Mercenary....................78 Sun-Ra-San Sea Hunter..............116
Kang Tracker...................................79 Sunra Aquamancer......................117
Kang Warrior..................................80 Tarteran Demon-Hunter............118
Kasmiran Trapmage......................81 Tau Assassin..................................119
Sea Nomad....................................138
Kharakan Giant..............................82 Thaecian Enchanter.....................120
Mandalan Mystic Warrior............83 Thage Plane-Stalker (NPC).......121
Mangar Corsair...............................84 Thiasian Performer......................122
Manra Shape-Changer..................85 Thrall Warrior...............................123
Other Tongues..............................139
Marukan Talismancer (NPC).....86 Ur Clan Shaman...........................124
Climbing........................................142 Forgery...........................................146
Background Skills...139
Coerce............................................142 Gambling.......................................146
Collector........................................142 Geography.....................................146
Combat (Aerial) ..........................142 Guard..............................................146
Combat (Unarmed)....................143 Haggle............................................146
Combat (Hand Weapon)..........143 Healer.............................................146
Combat (Ranged Weapon)........143 History...........................................146
Command......................................143 Hunter/Gatherer..........................146
Commune with Spirits ...............143 Influence Emotions....................146
Concoct Amberglow...................143 Kanquan.........................................146
Concoct Demon-Poison ...........143 Laborer...........................................146
Concoct Herbal Medicines........143 Legerdemain.................................146
Animal Handling..........................140
Concoct Kesh...............................143 Lip-Reading...................................147
Appraise Artifacts........................140
Concoct Poisons..........................143 Litigator..........................................147
Appraise Charms & Talismans..140
Concoct Potions...........................144 Locks..............................................147
Appraise Goods............................140
Conveyance...................................144 Lore (Arcane)...............................147
Appraise Slaves.............................140
Conveyance (Beast-Drawn).......144 Lore (Beast)..................................147
Appraise Souls..............................140
Cook...............................................144 Lore (Demon)..............................147
Appraise Treasure........................140
Create Charms and Talismans ..144 Lore (Earth)..................................147
Arimite Knife-Fighting................141
Create Enchanted Item...............144 Lore (Plant)..................................147
Create Juju ....................................144 Make Enchanted Item.................147
Artificer (Primitive)....................141
Create Soulstone..........................144 Mandaquan...................................147
Create Totem................................144 Medicine Man/Woman..............147
Artificer Automatons)................141
Cryptography................................144 Meditation.....................................147
Cultures..........................................144 Merchant........................................147
Artisan (Primitive)......................141
Curse/Remove Curse.................144 Money Lender..............................148
Dance..............................................144 Mountain Climbing.....................148
Artist (Primitive).........................141
Deception......................................145 Mud Miner....................................148
Diplomacy.....................................145 Music..............................................148
Diver...............................................145 Naturalism.....................................148
Enchanting (Primitive)...............145 Oratory...........................................148
Enchanting....................................145 Pilot.................................................148
Engineer (Basic)...........................145 Ride.................................................148
Engineer (Advanced)..................145 Sabotage.........................................148
Espionage.......................................145 Salvager..........................................148
Etiquette.........................................145 Scout...............................................148
Executioner...................................145 Scribe..............................................148
Caravan Master.............................142
Farmer............................................145 Seduce............................................148
Fashion...........................................145 Sepharan Symbolatry..................148
Song................................................149 Magic Resistance..........................153 Necromancy..................................171
Sorcerous Hybridization............149 Natural Climbing Ability............153 Shamanism....................................172
Soul-Binding.................................149 Naturally Stealthy.........................153 Witchcraft......................................174
Spirit-Trapping..............................149 Night Vision..................................153 Wizardry........................................176
Stealth.............................................150 Read Objects by Touch..............154
Streetwise......................................150 Read Emotions.............................154 Enchanted Items......178
Survival..........................................150 Rhabdomancy..............................154 Overview: Procedure
Swim...............................................150 Sepharan Third Eye......................154 for Creating Enchanted Items...178
Swordsmanship............................150 Shan-Ya Degree Of Difficulty Penalties For
Sympathetic Magic (Thage)......150 (Battle Madness)..........................154 Creating Enchanted Items .........178
Talismancy (Marukan)...............150 Shape-Change (Chimeran)........154 Time & Materials Required For
Tazian Combat.............................150 Shape-Change (Manra)..............154 Creating Enchanted Items..........178
Technomancy...............................150 Sixth Sense....................................154 Time Required:............................178
Thaumaturgy (Phantasian)........151 Spell-Weaving...............................155 Materials Required:.....................178
Thaumaturgy (Dracartan)..........151 Spiritforce .....................................155 Identifying & Using
Torture...........................................151 Spirit-Tracking (Nagra)..............155 Enchanted Items ..........................178
Tracking.........................................151 Telempathy....................................155 Limits On Enchanted Items ......179
Traps (Primitive)..........................151 Thage Natural Camouflage.........155
Magical Orders.......156 Talislantan Currencies ...............179
Traps (Advanced)........................152
Cartomancy..................................156 Aamanian Coppers .....................179
Cryptomancy................................156 Antique Coins ..............................179
Crystalomancy.............................157 Dracartan Pyramids ....................179
Elemental Magic...........................157 Gold Pentacles .............................179
Special abilities........152 Invocation......................................158 Imrian Brass Rings ......................179
Arcane Sense.................................152 Mysticism......................................158 L’Haan Adamants ........................180
Beast Lore......................................152 Natural Magic...............................159 Oceanian Radiants ......................180
Bodorian Sound-Sight ...............152 Necromancy..................................159 Orgovian Yatma ...........................180
Brood Synesthesia .......................152 Shamanism....................................160 Quan Emperors ...........................180
Commune with Plants ...............153 Witchcraft......................................160 Zandir Crescents .........................180
Demon Eye....................................153 Wizardry........................................161
Double Attack...............................153
Spell Lists..................162 Adamant Broadsword.................180
Dispel Magic................................153
Cartomancy..................................162 Barbed Arrows..............................180
Cryptomancy................................163 Battle Maul....................................180
Extreme Durability......................153
Crystalomancy ............................165 Blade-Bracer..................................180
Inner Vision ..................................153
Elemental Magic ..........................166 Blade-Staff.....................................180
Influence Plants............................153
Invocation......................................167 Blade-Star......................................180
Land On Feet................................153
Mysticism......................................168 Bow, Ariane...................................180
Long Memory...............................153
Natural Magic...............................170 Broadsword, Za............................181
Bwan...............................................181 War Whip......................................185 Alchemical Test Kit.....................190
Caltrop...........................................181 Whipsash, Za................................185 Thief-Catcher...............................190
Capture-Bow.................................181 Wristblade......................................185 Vial, Amberglass...........................190
Capture-Pole.................................181 Vial, Quicksilver...........................190
Club, Ur..........................................181 Yassan Tool Kit.............................190
Battle Armor, Kang......................185 Trade Goods &
Battle Harness, Za .......................185 Natural Resources.. 191
Dragon Hunter’s Harpoon.........181 Aquavit...........................................191
Corselet and Parrying Bracers...185
Duar................................................182 Balmroot........................................191
Dragon Scale Mail, Sun-Ra-San...186
Correg.............................................182 Baobab, Gray.................................191
Full Garde......................................186
Crescent Knife..............................182 Barb-Berry.....................................191
Light Body Plate...........................186
Falchion.........................................182 Chakos............................................191
Silver Gauntlets, Xambrian........186
Flange-Bow....................................182 Cleric’s Cowl................................191
Garde..............................................182 Crystal Dendron..........................191
Hurlant...........................................182 Siege Weapons..........186
Crystal Moth.................................191
Incendiary Bolts...........................182 Fire-Thrower..................................186
Deodar, Silver...............................191
Iron Spear......................................183 Hurlant...........................................186
Durnean Cusps.............................191
Jang..................................................183 Scourge...........................................187
Khu.................................................183 Springal..........................................187
Gall Oak Ink..................................191
Gwanga..........................................183 Gossamer.......................................191
Krin.................................................183 Barge Fort......................................187 Grog................................................191
Mace, Ariane.................................183 Carrack...........................................187 Harpwood......................................191
Matsu..............................................183 Coracle...........................................187 Iron, Black......................................191
Oc....................................................183 Dragon Barque..............................188 Iron, Blue.......................................191
Pole-Hook......................................183 Duneship.......................................188 Iron, Red........................................192
Prod-Hook.....................................183 Land-Ark........................................188 Ironwood.......................................192
Rod of Alchemy............................183 Trireme...........................................188 Lantern Flowers...........................192
R’ruh...............................................184 Viridia Barge.................................189 Mochan..........................................192
Rasp................................................184 War Chariot, Kang.......................189 Mushroom Ale..............................192
Slaver’s Flail...................................184 War Chariot, Rajan......................189 Muskront Musk...........................192
Spirit Blade....................................184 War Dragon...................................189 Pomegranate, Blue.......................192
Spring-Knife..................................184 War Wagon...................................189 Provender Plant............................192
Staff of Aa.......................................184 Windrigger....................................189 Scintilla...........................................192
Star-Thrower..................................184 Windskiff.......................................189 Shag.................................................192
Tarak...............................................184 Windship.......................................189 Silkcloth.........................................192
Throwing Stick..............................184 Windship of War..........................190 Skoryx.............................................192
T’sai.................................................185 Spice Tree......................................192
Tri-Bow..........................................185 Specialized
War Flail.........................................185
Spy-Tube........................................192 Obsidian Mirrors.........................196 Healing Elixir................................200
Stenchroot.....................................193 Oceanian Weather Talisman......196 Medicinal Purge...........................200
Tazian Fire-Ale..............................193 Phantasian Astromantic Globe.196 Poison Antidote...........................200
Thaecian Nectar............................193 Rajan Death Masks......................196 Soporific Elixir..............................200
Vinesap...........................................193 Sarista Crystal Ball.......................196 Medicinal Mixtures......................201
Whispbane....................................193 Sarista Love Locket.....................197 Narcotics........................................201
Whitewood....................................193 Sauran Dragon Icon.....................197 Euphorica......................................201
Willowood.....................................193 Sawila Wind Charms...................197 Kaj...................................................201
Seeing Stones................................197 Kesh................................................201
Stryx Obsidian Orb.....................197 K’tallah...........................................201
Sunra Aquamantic Globe..........197 Lotus, Black...................................201
Tarteran Demonhide Cloak......197 Poisons...........................................202
Thaecian Orb................................197 Black Mushroom Powder...........202
Ur Clan Icons................................197 Draconid Venom..........................202
Xanadasian Scrying Crystal.......197 Paralytic Poison............................202
Magical Zandir Paradoxist Emblems.......197 Venomwood Resin.......................202
Mechanisms............. 194
Viper’s Blood.................................202
Dracartan Caduceus....................194 Thaumaturgic
Creations.......................198 Potions...........................................202
Technomantic Actuator..............194
Distillations...................................198 Cold Resistance............................202
Essence Accumulator..................194
Dream Essence.............................198 Fire Resistance..............................202
Elemental Essences......................198 Flying Potion................................202
Wind Machine..............................194
Quintessence.................................198 Love Potion...................................203
Enchanted Items..... 194 Rejuvenating Potion....................203
Aamanian All-Seeing Eye...........194 Shrinking Potion..........................203
Aamanian Holy Symbol..............195 Powders..........................................203
Measurements for
Ariane Tamar................................195 Enhancement Powder.................203
Alchemical Creations .................199
Bodor Musical Charms...............195 Incendiary Powder.......................203
Bracers of Levitation...................195
Adamant, Black.............................199 Enchanted Weapons
Chana Shrunken Head Fetishes...195
Alchahest.......................................199 & Armor......................204
Djaffir Fetish Masks.....................195 Enchanted Weapons....................204
Alchemical Solvents....................199
Enchanted Garments..................195 Enchanted Armor........................206
Expansible Items..........................195
Amberglow....................................199 Lists Of Magical
Farad Slave Collar........................195
Argentium......................................200 & Alchemical
Jaka Luck Talisman......................195
Quicksilver....................................200 Ingredients..................206
Magic Boxes..................................196 Animal Ingredients......................206
Mandalan Rune Stones...............196 Plant Ingredients..........................207
Marukan Luck Medallion...........196 Gemstones.....................................208
Aphrodisiac Elixir........................200
Muse-Enchanted Instruments...196 Melee Weapons............................208
Depilatory Elixir...........................200
Nagra Spirit Jar.............................196
Ranged Weapons..........................209 Hit Points.......................................221 Ebonite Soul Trader.....................230
Ammunition/ Accessories Cargo Capacity.............................221 Farad Merchant-Slaver................231
for Missile Weapons....................210 Power Source................................221 Phantasian Dream-Merchant.....232
Shields............................................210 Special............................................221 Rajan Warship...............................233
Windship Diseases &
Siege Weapons..............................211 Maneuvers..................221 Afflictions ..................... 234
Siege Weapon Ammunition.......211 Basic Maneuvers...........................221
Mass Actions........... 236
Magical Mechanisms...................211 Hard Maneuvers...........................222
Mass Action Table.......................236
Rules For Advantages & Disadvantages.....236
Enchanted Weapons & Armor,
Windship Combat..222 Bonuses and Penalties for
Spell-Powered Items....................212
Initiating Combat.........................222 Advantages & Disadvantages.....237
Thaumaturgic Creations
Initiative: Weapons or Spells.....222 Examples of Advantages
and Equipment.............................212
Damage..........................................222 for Mass Actions...........................237
Enchanted Items...........................213
Effects of Damage to Windships...222 Examples of Disadvantages
Alchemical Creations..................213
Repairing Damage to Ships........222 for Mass Actions...........................237
Alchemical Equipment...............214
Windship Battles, Exceptional Advantages
Chases & Tactics..........................222 & Disadvantages...........................237
Musical Instruments....................214
Chase..............................................222 Major Characters & Mass Action
Tack and Harness.........................214
Fire Ship’s Weapons.....................222 Bonuses & Penalties....................237
Missile & Magic Attacks.............223 Legendary Characters.................238
Miscellaneous Goods..................215
Approach for Boarding...............223
Trade Goods.................................215 Mass Combat........... 238
Jewelry............................................216 The Mass Combat Action Table....238
Slave Market..................................216 Mass Combat Advantages..........239
Beasts..............................................216 Examples of Mass Combat
Take Evasive Action.....................223
Equipment ....................................217 Advantages & Disadvantages.....239
Tools & Professional Strategic Advantages (optional) ...239
Equipment.....................................217 Leaders & Mass Combat............239
Food/Lodging..............................218 Using the Mass Combat
Boarding Another Vessel............223
Damage Ratings...........................218 Action Table..................................240
Controlled Landing.....................223
Special Rules for Mass Combat...240
Windship Rules......220 Hard Landing................................223
Mixed Individual
Stats for Windships......................220
Windships..................224 & Mass Combat Scenarios.........240
Baratus Raider..............................224 Sieges..............................................241
Size / Minimum Crew................220
Black Savant Iron Galleon..........225 Mass Attacks vs.
Cymrilian Merchantman............226 a Fortified Position......................241
Cymrilian Wind-Clipper............227 Small-Scale Actions vs.
Cymrilian Windship of War.......228 a Fortified Position......................241
Armor Rating................................221
Cymrilian Windskiff....................229
Introduction: What is Talislanta?

E xcerpted from the introduction to the Talislanta 4th

Edition, A.K.A.“The big blue book,” from Shooting
Iron Press, updated for the year 2020:
Instead, Talislanta is a strange and exotic place populated
by unusual cultures, creatures, and characters such as
Wizard Hunters, Dream Merchants, Thaumaturges, Rogue
Magicians, and Mystic Warriors, to name just a few.
In 1986, a small company called Bard Games published
The Chronicles of Talislanta, the first in a series of books If you’re looking for elves and dwarves here, you’re out of
about a role-playing game called Talislanta. The fantastic luck. But Talislanta has proven you don’t need those things
artwork of P.D. Breeding-Black, as well as a quirky world for a unique and colorful role-playing experience.
setting influenced by the works of author Jack Vance, soon
earned the game something of a cult following as well as
glowing reviews.
Free Talislanta Stuff
“Out of the ordinary.” - Dragon Magazine And in case you didn’t know, you can now download free
PDFs of every 1st through 5th edition Talislanta book ever
“So rich with information that even non-role-players will published at : www.talislanta.com.
enjoy reading it.” - Science Fiction Age

“Top 10 Recommended Games” - Heroic Worlds by

Lawrence Schick

“Ten Favorite Games” - The Complete Guide to Role-

Playing Games by Rick Swan
And, one of SMS’s favorites, also from Mr.

“It’s as if H.P. Lovecraft had written Alice in Wonderland

with Hans Christian Andersen and William S. Burroughs.”
-Rick Swan

Over thirty years have passed since then; in that time,

Talislanta has been through five different publishers (and
one non-publisher), five different editions (plus an aborted
edition), a 2018 prequel game adaptation and graphic novel
(Talislanta: The Savage Land), and enough perils, pitfalls,
and near-death experiences to kill off a dozen other games.

Yet, despite the problems – saddest of all, the untimely

passing of our good friend and TSL publisher Stewart Wieck
– the Talislanta RPG has survived. For this, creator SMS is
grateful for the efforts of its fans, whose loyalty and support
have made Talislanta “the Rasputin of role-playing games” –
hard to kill, and a little weird.

If this is your first exposure to Talislanta, a word of

explanation is probably in order. Talislanta is not your
average role-playing game. The original game was inspired
by the fantasy novels of Jack Vance, H.P. Lovecraft’s The
Dreamlands of Unknown Kadath, Michael Moorcock’s Elric
saga, and The Travels of Marco Polo.

Unlike most fantasy games, Talislanta isn’t based on

European mythology or any archetypal medieval setting. In
fact, ads for the game proudly proclaimed, “no elves.” Talislanta ad, circa 1987

PGW, NY; Joe Bouza; J. Andrew Keith; and Sherman
THANKS Kreisher.

Special thanks to Danny and Mike from the Compleat

First Through Fourth Editions: Strategist, New York.
To my very good friend (and original Bard Games Legal
Eagle), Joel Kaye, without whom the first Talislanta books Jim Reinwald, Protype, Ken Canossi, and the folks
would never have been published. at Rapid Repro, Greenwich, CT; Charley Winton, Julie
Bennett, Susan Quinn, and everyone at Publishers Group
Artist P.D. Breeding-Black, who helped create the West; Donna Shankleton and Ray Sevin of Bookcrafters.
original look and feel of the Talislantan milieu, and for being
a great and loyal friend. Anson Maddocks and Mark Tedin, whose work did so
much to enhance the look of the third edition Talislanta
Ron Spencer, a terrific artist and great person who also books; Jesper Myrfors, for his inspired art direction
added a lot to the project. during the WotC years; cartographer Eric Hotz; Sandra
Everingham; Rich Kaalaas; Jeff Goldman; and Spencer Kip.
Graphic artist Patty Sechi; Joe Bouza, for the original
map of Talislanta and his help throughout the Bard Games Writers, editors, and wordsmiths John Harper, Adam
era; equipment expert Richard Thomas; archetype-guy Rick Sonfeld, Colin Chapman, Mark “Tipop” Williams, for
Emond; expert bird-man Larry Dixon; and artists Todd service well beyond the call of duty on fourth-edition Tal
Cameron Hamilton, Victor Wren, Sandra Santaro, Daniel and its ill-fated precedents; Eric Chandler, Tony Herring,
Gelon, Grant Costa, Richard Kane Ferguson, and Siamak Anthony Pryor, Bill Armintrout, Stevie McBride, and all
Naficy. the writers who contributed to the also-ill-fated CT series;
Jonathan Tweet; Robin Laws; Mike McDonald; James
The original group of fearless Talislanta playtesters: Hayes Jr.; Beverly Marshall Saling; Jenny Scott; Peter
Rick Petrone, Simon Shapiro, Butch Taylor, Peggy, Grahm Adkison; Jeff Goldman; George Lowe; and all the WotC
and Brad, Fred Dobratz and Osiris Wisdom; Brad Lewis, crew.
Eric Chandler, Brian Bilski, Alex Whitney, Pat Olsen, Nick
Juliusburger, Cheryl Berti, and Kim Donnell.
Midnight Realm:
Typist Lauren Schnitzer, for turning my hand-written Writers and editors Mark “Tipop” Williams, Colin
scrawls into the first Talislanta manuscripts. Chapman, Doug Bramlett, Natasha Deaton, Mark Tedin;
layout managers and artists Adam Black, Richard Wallace,
Sean Summers, John Langston, Earl Cooley, and David Ron Spencer, Ed Heil, Anson Maddocks, P.D. Breeding-
Ladyman of Hexworld, Austin, TX; Charley Winton of Black, Jon Elliot, Bradley Robins.

Fifth Edition: Thanks also to Kelly Bennett, Doug Blakeslee,
K. Scott Agnew, artists Ron Spencer, PD Breeding-Black, Matthew Bottiglieri, Krista Collins, Danroy Dankins, Jim
Adam Black, Larry Dixon, Rick Emond, Anson Maddocks, Deffenderfer, Ed Dorner, Joris Dumolyn, Kevin L Forbes,
Mark Tedin, Christian St. Pierre, Mark “Tipop” Williams, Noah Hinz, Ian Howard, Jeremy Johnson, Anthony Jones,
Jonathan Elliot. Henry Chris Larsen, Peter Lindstrom, Chris Marrero,
Heather Miller, John Miller, Dean Poisso, William Samuel
Playtesters Mark ‘Tipop” Williams, Mark Knights, Scott Quinton, Frank Rafaelsen, Sebastian Reid, E.T. Smith, John-
Desmond, Jasmin Reihana, Daniel Eisenburg, Russ Lee, Michael Steele, RKBS, Travis Thoth, Matthew Webber, and
Chris Ribas, Josh Sortelli, Michael Means, Adam Black, Raymond Welt.
Doug Bramlett, Desi Conrad, Joel Doucet, Peter Wright,
James Morrison, John Gallant, Stephen Cail, Hannah
Agnew, Mhàiri Agnew, Ed Dorner Jr., Graeme Madden, Jake About The Talislanta Epic Edition
Reed, Kevin Knight, Sylvain Robichaud, Mark Gephardt, The Talislanta Epic Edition is the book that Talislanta fans
and Greg Wayne. have requested for so many years: A beautiful, high-quality
hardcover edition with artwork in full color that finally does
justice to the amazing and unusual Talislantan milieu.
Talislanta: the Savage Land:
Thanks above all to the late Stewart Wieck, for helping bring Inside the pages of this book you will find a selection of
an old game out of retirement. the best material from all the previous editions of Talislanta,
plus new material never seen before – a mix of old-school
Writers Mark “Tipop” Williams, Doug Bramlett, Desi and brand new RPG elements, with state-of-the-art
Conrad, Dean Poisso, Corwin Wolf, and Anthony Herring; production standards.
interior artist David Arenas; cover artist Mario Teodosio;
editors Doug Bramlett and Roderick Roberts; designer The game system still features the Action Table, but has
Manuel Angel Espinoza; cartographers Mark “Tipop” been revised to be even easier to learn and play.
Williams, Colin Driver, David Arenas, and Miguel Angel
Espinoza; publishers Alan Bahr, Steve Wieck, and Stewart The setting remains as colorful and diverse as ever, but
Wieck. has been updated to reflect the changes that occurred during
the Sub-Men Uprising.
Special thanks to John Harper and Jerry Grayson, my
gaming son and my gaming brother from another mother, Talislanta’s many Archetypes have been reworked, with
respectively. more options for players to customize their characters.

Playtesters and readers Tony Herring and Mark “Tipop” • The magic system has been simplified, and expanded spell
Williams; Corwin Wolf, Patrick Kissel, Kieth Kissel, Ron lists have been added for all of the Magical Orders.
Lugge, Andre Rogers; Rob McKavanagh and the Helotes • Random Encounter Tables have been added for each
Crew, Charles-Olivier Rocher, John-Michael Steele, Jim major region of the Talislantan continent, making it
Deffenderfer, Ed Dorner Jr., Hans Holmgren, Sebastian easier than ever for new and experienced GMs to create
Hylander, Duran Timocin, Mikael Davidsson, Amar Hassan, adventures wherever their players choose to go.
Eric Edwards, Scott Foster, Logan Foster, Chris Todd, Barry • Brand new rules for windships, including windship
Webb, Eric Lawrence, and Sean Miles; Gerard Aliko, Manos battles.
Gazepis, Stavros Kanellopoulos, and John Partheniou; • And for those who’d like to add a more epic feel to their
Kevin Forbes, Robert Scott, Catey Johnson, Bruce Talislanta campaign, we’ve included the Mass Combat
Wiseman, Connor Priest, Zack Miller, John Giovagnoni, System that was developed for Talislanta: The Savage
Jason Burzenski, Michael Ullmeyer, Michael Nold, and Land.
James Davis; Eric Ross, S. Aaron Spriggs, Alana Thomas, Bill
Mays, Glenn Strouhal, and Ray Howe. And that’s just the start. The Talislanta Epic Edition
boxed set also adds a poster-sized color map, custom dice,
Thanks to all of the fans from the Talislanta Facebook and a set of Talislanta miniatures. Altogether, we think this
group, who contributed ideas and suggestions to TSL. is the best edition of Talislanta ever produced. And we hope
that both the long-time fans of Talislanta, as well as those of
you who are entering Talislanta for the first time, will enjoy
what we have in store for you.

Overview: War broke out across the continent of Talislanta. Despite
several dire omens, the Seven Kingdoms and the other nations of
Talislanta, Then and Now Talislanta were taken by surprise by the ferocity of the Uprising
The original Talislanta RPG was set in a strange world of – in particular, the reappearance of the Baratus and their fleet
twin suns and seven moons that seemed to be practically of windships, commanded by their leader the Tirshata, which
overflowing with unusual peoples, places, and creatures. brought the Seven Kingdoms to the brink of defeat.
The time was the New Age, a Renaissance-like period that
started some thousand or more years after an event known The bloody conflict lasted for seven years. Though it
as the Great Disaster, which marked the fall of the once- ended in a stalemate and an uneasy truce, the war had a
great Archaen Age. profound and far-reaching effect on Talislanta.

The New Age featured a resurgence in magic, a

rediscovery of the advanced arts of sorcery, and the Talislanta Now:
expansion of numerous nations, city-states, and cultures. For Aftermath of the Uprising
the first time in over a millennium, Talislantans marveled at
such Archaen Age wonders as windships, dream merchants, With the end of the New Age, this is the reality facing the
and spellcasters capable of miraculous illusions and effects. inhabitants of Talislanta.

But now, the New Age has passed, brought to a violent

end by an event known as the Sub-Men Uprising – or, to the The Nine Kingdoms
tribes who led the revolt, the Wild Tribes Uprising. (formerly Seven Kingdoms)
Large-scale attacks on Sindar and Kasmir, a massive influx
The Sub-Men Uprising: of refugees from the City-States, and internal dissent
The Awakening nearly caused the dissolution of the Seven Kingdoms
confederation. Once things stabilized, the confederation
A massive conflict that affected much of the Talislantan formally dissolved, then reformed under an alliance of old
continent, the Sub-Men Uprising began with a portentous and new states that became known as the Nine Kingdoms.
event called the Awakening. As told by the Ur Clans, the
story goes that the mysterious three-eyed stone idols that The Nine Kingdoms are:
stood in Urag for untold ages “came to life” and issued many Cymril – Cymril remains the capital of the federation,
prophecies: and one of the leading centers of magic in Talislanta.

• On the last day of the month of Zar, there would occur Durne – Durne remains home to the subterranean folk
a full eclipse of the Black Moon that would blot out the called the Gnomekin. Also known as the Underground
twin suns, causing the world to fall into darkness for 13 Kingdom, Durne has expanded since the Uprising. Its
days. territories now extend underneath most of the Nine Kingdoms,
• This would be the signal for all the Wild Tribes of and its forces provide security from invasion by subterranean
Talislanta to unite and “overthrow the oppressors” – the entities such as Darklings, Subterranoids, and Satada.
so-called civilized peoples of Talislanta, including all
descendants, allies, and creations of the Wild Tribes’ Jakar – Formerly the woodlands of Durne, Jakar is the new
enemies from ancient times, the Archaens. home to the Jaka tribes, who fought on the side of the Seven
• A legendary tribe of Wild Folk who were forced to flee Kingdoms during the war, and whose homeland was devastated
Talislanta long ago would return from the skies to lead the by the Ur. After the Uprising, Jaka refugees were allowed to
Wild Tribes into power. settle in the woodlands above the underground kingdom of
Durne, which is now known as Jakar of the Nine Kingdoms.
The Uprising Vardune – Vardune is still home to clans of Green Aeriad,
All of the prophecies came to pass. The Awakening led to who serve as agriculturalists, and Blue Aeriad, who serve as
the unification of the three Ur Clans and their subjects (the airborne troops and protectors of Vardune’s rich forests.
Darklings and Stryx), as well as most of the Wild Tribes,
including the Za, the Drukhs, the Yrmanians, the Beastmen, Sindar – The mesas and canyons of Sindar are still home
the Chana, the Saurans, the Mondre Khan, and the Harakin. to the mesa-top settlements of the dual-brained Sindarans –
experts in alchemy, and renowned as scholars and collectors.


Kasmir – This kingdom is the dwelling-place of the

Kasmirans, who handle much of the trade that passes
into the rest of the Nine Kingdoms. After the truce, the
Kasmirans finally convinced the new Nine Kingdoms
federation to build the Wilderlands Wall along its western
border to protect against future threats. The Wall is now
guarded by the Borderlands Legion, a mix of mercenary
warriors from the Nine Kingdoms and elsewhere.

Danuvia – Formerly eastern Taz, this region is now

home to the Danuvians, who also fought alongside
the Seven Kingdoms during the Uprising. During the
fighting, the old city-state of Danuvia was captured
during a surprise attack by the Za and Baratus, and its
inhabitants put to the sword. After the Uprising, the
Thralls allowed the surviving Danuvians to settle in
eastern Taz, where a new city-stronghold was built.

Taz – Taz was divided in two after the Uprising,

with the tattooed warriors known as the Thralls
retaining the western portion, and the eastern portion
being given to the Danuvians.

Astar – Astar remains home to the mysterious

woodland folk known as the Muses. The enchanted
woods of this region remained untouched throughout
the Uprising, possibly because the Wild Tribes feared
the ancient magics that they sensed there.

The Return of the Baratus

The legendary and infamous race of windship pirates
known as the Baratus returned to Talislanta at the
beginning of the Uprising. Riding airborne windships,
they led the attacks on the Seven Kingdoms and
Independent City States, and nearly saw the Wild
Tribes to victory over the “civilized” nations.

When the conflict ended in a stalemate, the Baratus

sailed south to parts unknown, possibly splitting up
into smaller groups or clans. Their ships continue
to prey on Cymrilian and Farad aerial vessels, but
at present they no longer appear to operate in an
organized manner.

The territories controlled by the Ur now include all
of the Lost Sea, Desolate Hills, Yrmania, the Brown
Hills, and parts of the Wilderlands of Zaran and the
Plains of Golarin. The Ur also laid waste to the Brown
Hills, which forced the Jaka to abandon their ancestral
homeland. The three major Ur tribes remain united, at
least for now, and appear to be growing in strength.

Fall of the Independent City-States In Summation
All three of the Independent City-States (Danuvia, Maruk, The Uprising changed the face of Talislanta forever. Though
and Hajan) were overrun during the Sub-Men Uprising. an uneasy truce exists, tensions are high between those who
The former city of Maruk now lies in ruins; the city of fought in the Uprising and those who did not. The threat of war,
Danuvia now serves as a base for the main Za bandit tribes religious conflict, and racial divisions hangs over the continent,
and is known as Zaran; it is primarily a refuge for thieves, as the denizens of Talislanta wait to see what will happen next.
murderers, outcasts, and criminals of all sorts. Hajan and
the Hadjin Tombs had to be abandoned, and are now That is the way of things in the current age.
surrounded by warring tribes of Za and Beastmen.
This is the new reality you will discover in the Talislanta
Epic Edition. Talislanta is a role-playing game (RPG)
The Desert Kingdoms designed for two or more players. One person must play the
Dracarta was largely spared during the Uprising, which part of the gamemaster (GM), while the others take on the
mainly affected the Western and Eastern lands. In the wake role of player characters (PCs).
of the hostilities, the Dracartans allied with the other desert
peoples: The Djaffir, Hajin, and Yitek. The new Desert
Kingdoms confederation now includes Djaffa and other RULES OVERVIEW
nearby territories, and is also home to many displaced
peoples like the Marukans and Hajan. Object Of The Game
Role-playing games are like simulations of your favorite
movie or television series. The gamemaster helps establish
The Rajan-Farad Axis the setting and the basic premise of each adventure, while
The Uprising compelled an alliance between these two the players take on the roles of the series’ main characters.
powers, which in theory would combine Faradun’s economic Together, the participants will create and engage in an ongoing
strength and (stolen) windship arcanology with the Rajan’s series of adventures called a campaign. A Talislanta campaign
military might. It gave the Rajans access to Faradun’s is open-ended, and can last as long as the gamemaster and
seaport, and gave the Farad a powerful new partner in the players like. The only object of the game is to have fun.
slave trade. However, despite the supposed alliance, the two
countries do not trust each other.
The Action Table
All actions in the Talislanta game are resolved by a single,
The Kang Empire simple procedure:
During the Uprising, the Kang were attacked by the Harakin 1. Compare the character’s Skill or Attribute Rating with
and Mondre Khan to the north, the Saurans to the west, and the Degree of Difficulty (the relative ease or difficulty of
the Chana to the south. The Empire was able to repulse all of the action).
these attacks, but not without cost; now its primary focus is 2. Take the difference (a positive number, a negative
on attempting to rebuild. number, or zero) and add it to a d20 roll.
3. Consult the Action Table for the result.
Aaman & Zandu All the rules in this book are just variations of the above
Before the Uprising, the longstanding animosity between procedure. Players contribute by describing the Intent of
these two states erupted into the Third Cult War. The their character’s actions to the GM. Then it is the GM’s job to
conflict began when Aaman offered witch-hunters a bounty interpret the outcome of the Action Table.
of one hundred gold lumens for every Dhuna witch or
warlock captured, dead or alive. Hundreds of Aamanian
witch-hunters and bounty hunters from other lands passed The Role Of The Gamemaster
into Werewood, eager to kill or capture Dhuna. When their The gamemaster plays a vital part in the Talislanta game, serving
victims began to include Sarista gypsies, Zandu struck back as a combination narrator, moderator, and role-player. As the
by offering a similar bounty on Aamanian witch-hunters. narrator, the GM must set the stage for each adventure the
players will undertake, helping to describe what the PCs see,
The Third Cult War was suspended at the start of the hear, and sense about their surroundings. As a moderator, the
Uprising, as both countries withdrew to protect their GM is required to judge the results of all actions undertaken by
interests. Aaman and Zandu remain enemies to the present the PCs and to remain fair and objective at all times. As a role-
day, a somewhat shaky truce that has so far prevented the player, the GM must play the parts of all non-player characters
outbreak of yet another war. (NPCs) and creatures that the PCs meet during the game.

Rules Overview

GMs have to know the rules of the game, as well as the If the players and/or GM are playing Talislanta for the
Talislantan lore. They have to be creative, and they should first time, it is recommended that the characters begin play
always remember that the PCs are the focal point of the somewhere in the Nine Kingdoms. This confederation of
campaign. If the players are enjoying the game, the GM is states includes some of the most popular archetypes in the
doing a good job. Talislanta RPG. And since the Uprising, the Nine Kingdoms
has become a haven for refugees from across the continent,
so virtually any kind of archetype may be found here.
The Role Of The Player
The main role of each player is to choose and create a player
character that will serve as his or her game persona. Because Retro-Style Gaming & The
every PC must interact with Talislanta and its inhabitants, a Encounter Tables
player should be familiar with his or her character’s culture,
homeland, and profession. An appreciation of classic RPGs and the excitement of
exploring a new world influenced the design and creation
Develop a personality for your PC. Is he brave or of the Talislanta Epic Edition. This is reflected in the game’s
cowardly, selfish or altruistic? What are his likes and Random Encounter Tables, which can be found in the Atlas
dislikes? What is he afraid of, and what does he believe in? section of THE TALISLANTA WORLD GUIDE, each of
Does your PC have a goal in life? The more you know about which is keyed to a major region of the Talislantan continent.
your PC, the more interesting he or she will be to you and
the other players in the game. The Random Encounter Tables make it easy for a GM to
create adventures that will immerse players in the cultures,
Players should also learn the basic rules of the game, creatures, and lore of Talislanta. The Encounter Tables
particularly those that pertain directly to their character’s contain a wealth of adventure seeds that can be played as
Skills and Equipment. The guidelines in the Character short episodes, or spun off into larger and more elaborate
Creation section will tell you everything you need to know storylines. The Encounters are scalable, allowing the GM
about making a good PC. to easily adapt the information to any sized group of player
characters and NPCs. Optionally, GMs can ignore the
Encounter Tables altogether, or simply use them as a source
Getting Ready To Play of ideas for their own, planned encounters.
Like most RPGs, Talislanta is not a “pick up and play”
type of game. To get the most out of a Talislanta campaign, In short, there is no single official way to play Talislanta.
the gamemaster and players should first spend some time Instead, the game is meant to be adapted by GMs and
looking through the following chapters: players to fit the playing style and interests of their particular
group. Use the game system as a general guide, and let the
Chapter 1 covers the basic rules, including the Action players explore Talislanta any way they like. Feel free to add
Table, which is used for all actions in the game, and your own house rules, or customize any of the rules in this
everything the players will need to know to create characters book as you wish.
for the Talislanta RPG, plus information on character
Time in the Game
Chapter 2 covers the many unique and colorful In the Talislanta game, time is measured in units called
Archetypes available for use as player characters and non- rounds. A round is roughly six seconds long -- enough for
player characters, pregenerated and ready-to-play. a character to move up to his or her maximum Movement
rate, trade blows with an opponent, or do anything else that
Chapter 5 features the Atlas of Talislanta, which can be accomplished in six seconds or less.
describes the many regions of the Talislantan continent and
their diverse inhabitants. The time required to cast spells is also measured in
rounds (see page 22, Rules for Magic).
Where To Start With the exception of combat and similarly critical
If the players and GM are familiar with the Talislanta RPG, situations, it is usually not necessary for the GM to keep
they can begin to play anywhere they like on the continent. such a strict track of time. For example, a day’s ride can be
Just be sure to read the Overview on page 8 so everyone is covered by the GM in a single sentence, if nothing special
up to date on the changes that have taken place in Talislanta is planned for that day. The GM should feel free to take a
since the last edition of the game. flexible approach about time in the game and use detailed

round-by-round descriptions of the action only as needed. Raising a character’s skill by +1 costs XP equal to 2x the
Similarly, the Action Table can be used to cover a few new level of the skill. For example, it would cost 14 XP to
seconds of action or an entire day of warfare. raise a +6 skill level to +7 (see Chapter 3 for details). Magic
Order skills cost 3x the new level of the skill.
Experience Points (XP) Buying a new skill for a character costs 10 XP, or 20 XP
Experience points (XP) are awarded to characters based for skills that can only be learned from a master (see Chapter
on their actions and achievements throughout their game- 3 for details). Magic Order skills cost 40 XP.
careers. Player characters can also earn bonus XP for notable
accomplishments and exceptional roleplaying. Languages cost only 5 XP to learn at a Basic rating, and
another 5 XP to raise it to Fluent and again to Native (see
Earned XP can be used to raise Skill levels, increase Chapter 3 for details).
Attribute scores, and even buy new Skills.
Ability Level
Earning XP For NPCs and most creatures and entities in the Bestiary,
For each gaming session that the players engage in, the the book uses the word “level” or “ability level” to mean
gamemaster may award the PCs 1-10 experience points. The the highest rating for their skills or other actions. A level
number of XP is determined by the GM, based on his or of 8 indicates that the highest skill rank or action modifier
her appraisal of how challenging the session was, and how should be +8. Do not add attributes to this modifier since it
successful the PCs were at whatever they were attempting to is assumed to already be included.
Sometimes it is necessary to calculate the Ability Level of a PC
In addition to the per-session XP, at the GMs discretion, (such as when resisting certain spells or effects). In such cases, use
PCs may also earn 1 XP per in-game week the character their highest skill rating (skill rank + attribute).
devotes to training, which can be used to improve the skill
being practiced.

In addition to the above, the GM may also award 1-3 THE GAME SYSTEM
bonus XP to a player for one of two things: 1) outstanding Talislanta uses a simple game system that allows all actions
roleplaying, or 2) individual achievement, such as an act of to be resolved by rolling a 20-sided die (d20) on an Action
heroism, finding a solution to a challenging dilemma, etc. Table and asking the GM to interpret the results.

The heart and soul of the Talislanta game system is the

Increasing Hit Points interaction between the players and the gamemaster. It is the
For every 25 XP a character gains, his or her Hit Points GM’s job to help simulate in the game those things which
(HP) total increases by +2. There is no need to “spend” make real life so unpredictable: A stroke of good fortune, a
XP to receive this benefit; the increased HP occurs freak accident, the strange occurrences that defy all odds or
automatically every time a character’s total XP earned goes lay waste to the most carefully crafted plans.
up by another 25 points; i.e., at 25 total XP, 50 total XP, 75
total XP, etc.) Players are responsible for keeping a running Players can help the gamemaster by offering specific
total of all the XP their characters have ever earned on the information on their character’s Intent before rolling on the
Character Sheet, in the box marked Total XP Earned. Action Table. It is also important for players to allow their
GM to embellish Action Table results without interfering
in the course of the game. GMs will earn the trust of their
Using XP to buy skills and players by being fair and objective, and by maintaining a
attributes degree of moderation in their renderings. Imaginative and
inventive narration is fine, as long as it’s not overdone.
When characters have accumulated enough XP, they can
use the points to acquire new skills, or to raise the level of a
skill or attribute, as follows: Intent
Intent is a player’s description of what his or her character
Raising a character’s attribute by +1 costs 50 XP (see hopes to accomplish by a particular action. Before rolling
Chapter 2 for details). on the Action Table for any reason, players should let the

The Game System

GM know what the character intends to accomplish by the

attempted action. This helps the GM determine the chance Action Table
of success for the attempted action, as well as its actual Die Roll Results
0 or Critical Failure: The attempted
For example, the Intent of an attack might be to injure, less action fails miserably, resulting in
disarm, trip, or any of a dozen other stratagems. If the player negative additional consequences
informs the gamemaster beforehand of the character’s of some sort (GM’s ruling based
intentions, the GM will be better prepared and able to on the Intent of the action and
interpret the Action Table die result. prevailing circumstances).

Intent is also important in helping the GM establish an

action’s Degree of Difficulty (see below). 1-5 Failure: The action fails to achieve
the stated Intent.

The Action Table

All individual actions in Talislanta are determined by rolling 6-10 Partial Success: The action is
on the Standard Action Table. Here’s how it’s done: moderately successful, and achieves
some of the desired Intent (such as
1. The character states the Intent of the Action, and half-damage from an attack).
indicates (with the GM’s approval) which Skill or
Attribute is to be used to perform the Action.
2. The GM determines the Degree of Difficulty of the 11- 19 Success: The action achieves the
intended action, and assigns a modifier based on how desired result.
easy or hard the intended action would be to accomplish.
3. The GM compares the character’s Skill or Attribute
rating against the Degree of Difficulty. The difference, 20 + Critical Success: The action is even
+/-, is the Action Table Modifier. more successful than intended,
4. Roll a D20, apply the Action Table Modifier, and achieving the stated Intent and
consult the Action Table to determine the result. also yielding additional benefits
of some sort. The GM determines
the additional results based on the
Degree of Difficulty Modifiers circumstances. Note that in Combat,
For simplicity’s sake, the Degree of Difficulty (DD) modifier this result is called a Critical Hit (see
is based on a scale ranging from a low of -10 (very difficult) the sidebar for details).
to a high of +10 (very easy). However, if the GM feels it’s
warranted, even higher or lower modifiers can be applied.
For example: When a Skill or Attribute is used, the Degree of Difficulty
is based on the difficulty of the task being attempted.
Combat: In individual combat, the Degree of Difficulty
is equal to the opponent’s Skill Rating with the weapon Example: Identifying clear, fresh tracks is pretty easy for
he is wielding or the activity he is performing. If any a Tracker, and would receive a bonus of +1 or greater.
extraordinary circumstances apply, the GM may include a Identifying older, fainter, weather-worn tracks would be
bonus or penalty to the attempted Combat Action. more difficult, entailing a penalty of -1 or greater.

Example: If trying to strike an opponent with a club, all When two individuals have an opposed conflict that is
you would need to do is compare the character’s skill and based on Attributes only, then the Degree of Difficulty is
the opponent’s skill with the weapon each is wielding, and based on their respective Attribute Ratings.
award a penalty or bonus equal to the difference between
the two. However, if trying to strike an opponent with a club Example: Two characters are engaged in a tug-of-war over
while also swinging on a vine, the GM would likely apply a a chest uncovered in some ancient ruins. Compare the
penalty for the Degree of Difficulty. difference (if any) between the two characters’ Strength ratings
to determine the Degree of Difficulty; the stronger character
receives a bonus and the weaker character takes a penalty.


Attributes Strength (STR): A measure of an individual’s physical

Attributes are natural abilities that all characters have in power. Strength is the determining factor whenever an
common, such as Strength, Intelligence, and Dexterity. individual attempts to hold, restrain by force, push or pull,
bend or break, force open or hold shut, etc.
Each Attribute has a numerical value, referred to as its
Attribute rating. The Attribute rating for a typical humanoid Dexterity (DEX): A measure of the individual’s agility,
of “average” ability is 0. An attribute rating of +1 or greater is coordination, and athleticism. Dexterity is the determining
above average, while a rating of -1 or lower is below average. factor whenever an individual attempts to perform a task
requiring manual dexterity, to dodge or evade, catch a
Attributes are often used for actions that are mainly thrown object, and so on.
based on a character’s natural abilities. For example,
Strength is used to determine if a character can lift or move a Constitution (CON): A measure of the individual’s
heavy object, while Perception would be used to determine endurance, stamina, and resistance to disease, harsh
if a character can spot a creature or object that is hidden. conditions, etc. Individuals with high constitution scores
heal more quickly (one additional point of healing per +1
Attributes can also be used as modifiers to specific skills. CON per day), while individuals with low CON heal more
This is done by adding the Attribute’s numerical value to slowly (takes an additional day to heal one point of damage
the level of the Skill, resulting in a combination of Skill + per -1 CON rating). Note that an individual’s CON rating is
Attribute known as Skill Rating. For example, Dexterity is added to his or her Hit Point total.
used as a modifier for the Skill called Mounted Combat.
Add the two together, and you get the character’s Mounted Speed (SPD): A measure of how swiftly an individual is
Combat Skill Rating. capable of moving or attacking. Speed is the deciding factor
in determining who strikes first in combat (see Initiative),
and is also used as a modifier in any chase/escape situation.
List of Attributes

Intelligence (INT): This is a measure of the individual’s Abilities Related to Attributes

intellect and powers of reason. Intelligence is the deciding Movement: Individuals and creatures can run up to 100 feet
factor whenever an individual attempts to deduce the basic in one round’s time, plus twenty feet per +1 Speed Rating, or
meaning of obscure or unfamiliar maps, dialects or writings, minus ten feet per -1 Speed Rating. Normal walking speed
appraise the relative value of goods, resist spells which affect for most humanoid creatures averages about 20 feet per
the intellectual process, etc. round.

Will (WIL): A measure of the individual’s willpower, taking Encumbrance: The maximum amount of weight that a
into account such intangibles as determination, faith, and Talislantan humanoid of average Strength (0 STR) can carry
wisdom. Will is the deciding factor whenever an individual is one hundred pounds, plus fifty pounds per each additional
attempts to resist magical Influence or Control, bribery, +1 Strength Rating or minus twenty pounds per each -1
seduction, coercion, interrogation, torture, and so on. Strength Rating. Individuals carrying more than half of their
maximum encumbrance suffer a penalty of -2 on all Action
Perception (PER): A measure of the individual’s sensory Table die rolls related to movement or combat. Individuals
awareness, taking into account the abilities of sight, hearing, carrying more than three-quarters of their maximum
smell, taste, and touch, plus such intangibles as instinct, encumbrance suffer a penalty of -5 on all Action Table die
intuition, and psychic talents. Perception is the deciding factor rolls related to movement or combat and their maximum
whenever an individual attempts to detect unseen presences rate of Movement is reduced by half. For quadrupeds,
or ambushes, locate lost or hidden articles, notice important encumbrance figures are generally doubled, though some
details or changes in surroundings, or utilize any sensory quadrupeds can carry even more than that.
Reaction Rolls: The first impression that a character
Charisma (CHA): A measure of the individual’s powers makes on any new acquaintance is determined by making
of persuasiveness, including such intangibles as leadership a Charisma roll on the Action Table. Failure indicates an
and the ability to command the respect of others. Charisma unfavorable or even hostile reaction. Success indicates
is a contributing factor whenever an individual attempts acceptance (or at least ambivalence), while Critical Success
to persuade, bribe, seduce, negotiate, barter, haggle, and will always yield the most favorable response possible under
so forth. It is also an important factor in determining an the prevailing circumstances.
individual’s Renown.

Renown: A PC’s Renown rating is a measure of that
individual’s fame or infamy in his or her chosen Profession;
i.e., one may be a renowned Warrior, Trader, Hunter, Bandit,
and so on. The higher an individual’s Renown, the more
well-known — or notorious — the individual.

A character’s Renown rating - positive or negative - is

applied as a bonus to any reaction die-rolls required when
the character attempts to influence or command other

Renown is determined by a combination of three factors:

Notable Deeds: Renown increases by +1 point for

each notable deed and accomplishment achieved by
an individual. If the GM judges the deed to be truly
exceptional, a Renown bonus of up to +3 may be awarded.

Notable Failures: Conversely, notable failures, such as

losing a key battle, being forced to surrender to an enemy,
being shamed by a rival, etc., can each reduce Renown by
-1. If the GM judges the failure to be truly catastrophic, a
Renown penalty of up to -3 may be awarded.

Charisma: An individual’s Charisma (CHA) rating is

used as a bonus (or penalty) to his or her total Renown, by
increasing or decreasing Renown total by +/-1 point per
point of CHA. Note that players with a negative CHA rating
can start with a negative Renown rating.

Note: While notable deeds of any sort will increase Renown,

“evil” deeds can alter the nature of what the individual is
Renowned for, i.e., instead of being Renowned as a great warrior,
one might become Renowned for cruelty, treachery, betraying
one’s allies, etc. It should also be noted that in Talislanta, a
notorious reputation is not necessarily a bad thing, especially for
those who prefer to lead by fear rather than respect.

Renown & Legendary Status

Any individual who attains a Renown rating of +30 or more
is considered to have attained Legendary status. Legendary
individuals can cause those of lesser Renown to save vs WIL
or be overcome with awe while in their presence. At the
GM’s discretion, individuals who are awed by a Legendary
character may exhibit any of the following reactions: Obey
the Legendary one’s commands, seek to win the Legendary
one’s approval through gifts or favors, surrender and/or
pledge their loyalty, or panic and flee in abject terror.

Like all actions in the Talislanta game, Combat results

are determined by rolling a d20 on the Action Table.

Rules for Combat

During a combat round, each character is given a chance

Critical Hits in Combat to take action. A single character’s action within a round is
called a turn, as in, “It’s Nona’s turn to attack.”
In individual combat situations where the intent is to
apply lethal force, a Critical Hit does double damage Once all characters involved in the combat have taken
and causes a Critical Wound. The victim must roll vs their turn, the round is over.
his or her CON rating with a Degree of Difficulty equal
to the attacker’s STR rating (DEX for ranged attacks)
to determine how severe the wound is, as follows: Procedure for Combat
Critical Success or Success: The wound is serious To simulate Combat in the game, use the following procedure:
but not incapacitating. The victim can fight through
the pain and continue without penalty. Roll for Initiative: The combatants make an Attribute roll
vs their respective Speed Ratings. The combatant with the
Partial Success: As above, but until magical or non- highest roll goes first.
magical healing is administered, the victim suffers a
penalty of -5 to all die rolls related to physical activity State Intent: The attacker chooses the type of weapon and/
of any kind. or tactic he or she wants to attempt, and its specific Intent
(see Combat Tactics, below).
Failure: The wound is very serious, and the victim is
incapacitated. Until magical or non-magical healing
is administered, the victim will be unable to perform Compare Skill Ratings: The GM compares opponents’
physical activity of any kind. Combat Skill Ratings. The opponent with the higher
Combat Skill rating receives a bonus equal to the difference
Critical Failure: The wound is critical. The victim is between the two opponents’ ratings. The opponent with the
incapacitated and must make another roll vs CON or lower Rating receives a penalty equal to that difference.
lose consciousness. Unless the victim receives healing
or other medical attention, he or she will die. Roll on the Action Table: The combatant rolls a d20 and
applies any bonuses or penalties assigned by the GM in Step 3.
How long a victim can survive in this condition is Interpret result: The GM judges the result.
determined by the victim’s CON rating. If the victim
has a CON score of zero or less, the GM may rule that
death will occur in just a few seconds, giving the victim Combat Damage
only enough time to take one more action (last words,
one final attack, etc). If the victim has a CON rating of The amount of damage an attack does is determined by
+1 or greater, the GM can rule that without healing, he rolling a die (d4, d6, etc), according to the type of weapon or
or she may survive for up to one hour per +1 of CON. attack employed.

As long as the victim receives healing or medical For most weapons, the attacker’s STR rating is also
attention in time, he or she will recover as per any added as a bonus to the amount of damage caused.
other wound. In cases where the damage was severe,
the GM may determine that the victim suffers The Action Table die result will indicate if an attack
lingering effects of some sort -- a scar, a limp, chronic is unsuccessful (Failure) or does the full amount rolled
pain, etc. Surviving a devastating Critical Hit may also
yield an unexpected benefit: An increase in the victim’s (Success), half-damage (Partial Success), or double damage
Renown ratings. In Talislanta, what doesn’t kill you can (Critical Hit).
sometimes make you stronger.
Zero Hit Points or Less
If a character’s hit points reach zero or below, the victim
loses consciousness. Roll vs the victim’s CON, applying
Combat Rounds & Turns a degree of difficulty penalty equal to the victim’s current
During combat, time is measured in rounds. A round is HP total. A result of Failure or Mishap means the character
roughly six seconds long, enough time for combatants to dies. Partial Success means the victim takes another point of
move up to the maximum allowable distance based on their damage, and must make another CON check next round. Full
(or their mount’s) Speed Rating, or draw weapons and Success means the victim regains consciousness but remains
exchange attacks. incapacitated (until healed). A roll of Critical Success means
the character is stabilized and has 1 HP.

Rules for Combat

Protection Rating The GM may assign a Degree of Difficulty Penalty of -1

Protection Rating (PR) describes the protective value of to -10 for any of the following:
armor. This includes all forms of natural armor, like fur, a
thick hide, scales, etc, and man-made armor, like leather • Target is at an extremely long range
or chain mail. Armor of any type is rated according to the • Target is moving (slow-fast)
number of Hit Points it absorbs per attack. So armor with a • Target protected by cover (light or heavy)
PR rating of +2 absorbs 2 points of damage per attack. • Target is small and/or elusive
• All penalties for range and availability are cumulative.
PR is cumulative; i.e., if an individual wears more than one
type of armor, the PR of the two is added together. However, The GM may assign Degree of Difficulty bonuses to hit
note that “stacking” armor in this way may cause the wearer to targets that are at very close range, immobile, very large, etc.
suffer a penalty of up to -5 on DEX, SPD, or both (GM’s ruling).

For individuals or creatures who already possess natural Sample Special Maneuvers
armor, wearing additional man-made armor will increase PR
by combining the Protection Ratings of both, as usual, but Advance: An Advance combines Movement and defense in
this type of “stacking” does not usually result in any DEX a single round. The Advancing combatant may close with an
or SPD penalties unless the additional armor is extremely opponent at up to half maximum Movement Rate, and while
heavy (GM’s ruling). doing so also Dodge or Parry an attack. It is also possible
to use this tactic to Advance undercover, making it more
difficult for opponents to target the advancing combatant
Combat Tactics with ranged attacks.
The following is a list of common Combat Tactics available
to PCs and NPCs. Where applicable, the same tactics can Charge: A Charge allows the attacker to move up to his
be applied to individuals or groups (see page 234, Optional maximum Movement Rate and then launch an attack. The
Rules, Mass Combat). disadvantage to a Charge is that the attacker cannot Dodge
or Parry while doing so, and is more vulnerable to attacks
from ranged weapons (-3 penalty).
Special Maneuvers
In place of a standard combat attack, an attacker or defender Close Attack: A Close Attack is a maneuver that attempts
may opt instead to use a Special Maneuver. These tactics to cause damage to an opponent at close range. Any type
can include attempts to knock out, subdue, disarm, evade, of hand-to-hand combat, with or without weapons, is
trip, entangle, or just about any other nonstandard, combat- considered a Close Attack.
related maneuver that can be imagined. Aimed shots, stunts,
and diving for cover also fall under this category. Defensive Actions: If desired, an individual may choose
to forgo an attack and instead take a defensive action, such
All Special Maneuvers are handled the same way: as evading, dodging, or parrying with a weapon or other
object. If the defender is proficient in a weapon or unarmed
Describe Intent: First, the PC attempting the maneuver combat Skill, he or she may use that Rating when rolling
first describes his or her character’s Intent to the GM. Next, on the Action Table. If not, their only option is to use an
the GM assigns a Degree of Difficulty to the maneuver Attribute such as SPD or DEX, and to accept the standard
according to factors such as an opponent’s Weapon Skill. penalty for non-proficiency (roll D10 instead of a D20).
Then, the GM assigns a +/- modifier to the attempt based
on the player’s Intent. For instance, if a PC wishes to make Flee: Fleeing is an attempt to disengage from an attack
a killing blow (decapitation, for example) the GM would without regard for considerations of defense or attack. Instead,
assign a -10 degree of difficulty (in addition to the target’s the main goal is to escape as quickly as possible. A fleeing
normal defensive skill). opponent can move up to his full Movement Rate per round,
but may not attack or defend while doing so. Attempting to
Roll for Result: The player then rolls on the Action Table, flee while engaged in Close Combat of any type exposes the
and applies the Degree of Difficulty Modifier. fleeing opponent to one Unopposed Attack (see Additional
Combat Rules, below) from each opponent within range.
Interpret Result: Finally, the GM interprets the modified
die roll result, based on the player’s stated intent and the
surrounding circumstances.

Unarmed Combat: Combatants can always attempt to
Miscellaneous Damage Ratings attack or defend themselves against an opponent using
some type of Unarmed Combat. Options include attempting
Body slam: d4 + STR to restrain or capture an opponent, striking an opponent,
Burning: d4 per round (with hands, feet or head), or using a specific unarmed
(or more at extreme temperatures) combat Skill (such as the martial arts skill, Kanquan). In any
case, the procedure is the same as for other types of combat:
Choke: 4 + STR per round roll on the Action Table to determine if the attack or defense
Disease, Blood-Fever: Reduces STR, SPD, DEX, was successful. Note that Unarmed Combat attacks can
and CON by -1 each day until cured) also be Parried or Dodged, and that restrained opponents
Disease, Corpse-Rot: -1 HP per day, plus prevents are allowed a chance to escape once per round by making a
wounds from healing until cured successful STR or DEX roll (their choice) without the need
for an attack roll.
Drowning: d4 per round
Kick: d6 + STR Parry: A Parry is a defensive maneuver that interrupts an
Headbutt: d4 + STR attack by putting something in the attacker’s path, such
as a shield or weapon. Shields, parry bracers, and special
Falling: d6 per 10-foot drop types of armor are designed expressly for this purpose, and
Punch: d4 + STR give defenders a bonus (typically +1 to +3) when used for
Shield bash: d6 + STR
Thirst/Hunger/Exposure: d6 per day Ranged Attack: A ranged attack is an attempt to hit an
opponent or target from a distance. Common Ranged
Combat attacks include shooting with a projectile weapon
such as a bow, firing a catapult or other siege weapon, or
using hand-hurled weapons such as axes, rocks, or knives.
Poison Damage
Retreat: A Retreat is an attempt to disengage from an attack
Unless stated otherwise, a successful save vs CON will in an orderly manner. The retreating opponent can move up
reduce damage from poison by half. to half his or her normal Movement Rate per round, while
continuing to fight or defend against attack without penalty.
Andrak Venom: d4 damage per round for 5 rounds
Azraq Venom: d6 damage
Additional Combat Rules
Blade Venom: d6 damage (first attack after applying) Attacks vs Unarmed Opponents: If the defender
Crypt-Wyrm Venom: d6 plus roll vs CON or is unarmed, use the defender’s Combat (unarmed),
contract blood-disease Acrobatics, Martial Arts skill, or their highest weapon skill
Deadwood Resin: Toxic to plants; d20 damage at a penalty of -5. If the defender has no such skill, he or she
may resort to using an Attribute such as STR (to grapple),
Mandragore Powder: d8 damage DEX (to dodge or evade), or SPD (to run away).
(2x damage to plants or plant-creatures)
Manrak Venom: Save vs CON or Unopposed Attacks: Attacks vs opponents who are
paralyzed for d20 rounds helpless or unaware (as in an ambush situation) are called
Poison, Contact: d4 damage per round for 2 rounds Unopposed Attacks. In such cases, the GM can give the
attacker(s) a bonus or penalty based on the Degree of
Poison, Ingested: d4 damage per round Difficulty of the attack. For example, the Degree of Difficulty
for 4 rounds
could be based on such factors as the target’s range and
Skullcap: Save vs CON or suffer severe amount of cover, rather than the opponent’s combat skill.
hallucinations lasting up to one hour
Vennin Poison: d10 per round for 5 rounds Fighting Multiple Opponents: When the number
of opponents on each side of a melee are significantly
Venomwood Sap (used in Witchmen poison darts): unbalanced, the side with the larger numbers gets a +1
Causes searing pain, loss of d8 points of STR for up to
one hour. Additional save vs CON or fatal in 2d4 hours. bonus to their combat skill per each +1 factor by which they
outnumber their opponents. For example, if you outnumber

Rules for Magic

the opponent by 2-1, the bonus is +2; if 3-1, the bonus is MAGIC IN TALISLANTA
+3, etc. This bonus is limited based on how many of the In the Talislantan world, magic is considered an inexact
enemy can attack a target at once, so even if ten attackers are science, dangerous and unpredictable at best. Most of the
fighting a single enemy they will only receive a +4 bonus if peoples on the continent, being more or less superstitious
only four can reach the target at a time. Ranged attacks do by nature, regard practitioners of magic with suspicion, and
not benefit from the multiple attacker bonus. in certain lands, even that appraisal would seem mild by
Enchanted Weapons and Armor: Enchanted weapons
and armor inflict or absorb additional damage based on The prevailing attitude regarding magic use can be
their rating. For instance, +2 enchanted armor will absorb 2 credited in large part to the Great Disaster, a catastrophe
points of damage more than its mundane equivalent, while a of epic proportions which is widely believed to have been
+2 weapon will inflict 2 more damage. caused by some magical mishap.

Recovery & Healing: Healing occurs at the rate of 1 Hit The Great Disaster brought an end to the fabled first
Point per day, plus one additional point of healing per +1 civilizations of ancient Talislanta and laid waste to half
CON. Individuals with negative Constitution Ratings heal the continent. The legendary grandeur of this bygone age
at the rate of 1 HP over a number of days equal to one plus has never been recaptured by the people of the new age,
an additional day per point of Constitution below zero. So a a condition that has done little to foster enthusiasm for
CON of -1 means the PC heals 1 HP every 2 days. magicians.

Additional Actions: At the GMs discretion, characters may Accordingly, the practice of magic is generally considered
take additional actions in a round. Each action after the first beneficial only in such lands as Cymril of the Nine
has a cumulative -5 penalty, and any result less than a full Kingdoms, Carantheum, Thaecia, Zandu, and more recently,
success prevents any additional actions that round. Faradun. Elsewhere, the aspiring magician may expect to be
met with varying degrees of prejudice.

Luck, Good and Bad

Acquiring Magic Skills
Even if matched against a far superior opponent, or The various Magical Order Skills known to Talislantan
faced with overwhelming odds, there’s still a chance magicians are among the most complex and difficult skills
that a character may succeed in an attempted Action. To to master. Acquiring any of these Skills takes seven times as
simulate this in the game, a natural, unmodified roll of 20 long as non-magical Skills to achieve Beginner-Level (+1
on a d20 should always result in some sort of success. rating) competency, and can only be learned by studying
under a master.
Conversely, no matter how superior an opponent
is, or how great the odds may seem to favor a character,
there’s always a chance that an attempted action may
result in failure. To simulate this in the game, a natural
roll of 1 should always result in some sort of failure.

Note that in all instances of good or bad luck, it’s up “There is but one thing that
to the GM to determine the specific results, based on his
or her appraisal of the surrounding circumstances. Take separates true Men from the
into account the characters involved in the incident, their
stated intent, and what’s going on around them, and then Sub-Men, and that is magic.”
devise an interesting narrative to explain what happened.
- The Archimage Solimorrion II,
Also important is the effect a lucky or unlucky action from a text dating back to the Forgotten Age -
may have on those who witness it or are told about it later
on. Many of the inhabitants of Talislanta are ruled by
superstition; some may view such an event as a miracle,
a good or evil omen, or a sign of some sort. Depending “Pass me that vial of alchahest,
on the circumstances, the GM may even rule that an
incident of good or bad luck may increase or decrease the and quickly.”
beneficiary’s (and/or victim’s) Renown.
- Last words of the renowned
Cymrilian alchemist Aleuvian -

Cryptomancy: The study of magical runes, sigils, and

Crystalomancy: The study of crystals and their magical


Elemental Magic: Magicians of this Order draw their power

from the Elemental Planes of Water, Earth, Air, and/or Fire.

Invocation: Members of this Order call upon supernatural

entities for magical power.

Mysticism: This Order deals with the powers of the mind,

will, and soul.

Natural Magic: The magic of animals, plants, and the

natural world.

Like other Skills, Magic can be improved through practice Necromancy: The magic of death, decay, and entropy.
and study. However, it is also more difficult to raise Magic
Skill Level; to do so by +1 costs XP equal to 3x the new level Shamanism: Members of this Order draw their power from
of the Skill. For example, it would cost 21 XP to raise a +6 the totem-spirits of animals and the Dream Realms.
Magic Skill Level to +7. Cost to Acquire: 40 XP per Order
Wizardry: Wizards produce their effects by manipulating
The skill modifiers for all Magic Skills are INT + WILL the flux of arcane energy that permeates the omniverse. This
versatile Order is the most common in Talislanta today.
Magical Orders Witchcraft: The most ancient and secret of Orders, tracing
In Talislanta, magic is divided into different fields of study its heritage to the first primitive Archaens. Witchcraft is
called Orders. An Order encompasses a field of magic more subtle than most other Orders in that it is sympathetic
or magical tradition, such as Witchcraft, Wizardry, or magic – that is, people or objects are affected magically
Mysticism. Members of the same Order derive their magical by actions performed towards something else that
powers from the same source, and tend to observe similar represents them. Several Talislantan cultures (primarily the
rituals and practices. Aamanians) consider witchcraft to be “black magic,” and
openly persecute its practitioners.
Most Talislantans are exposed to only one kind of magic
in their lifetimes and know little, if anything, about other
styles. Cultural traditions, taboos, and local mythology all Basic Skills for Magicians
shape magical practice in a given region. For this reason All Talislantan magicians are taught the basic spells of their
most magicians belong to just a single Order, though some chosen Order as part of their training (see page 160, Spell
elect to gain proficiency in additional fields of magic. One Lists). Also, all magical Orders teach several basic magical
notable example is the magicians from Cymril of the Nine skills. These include:
Kingdoms, who study many different magical traditions at
the Lyceum Arcanum, Talislanta’s foremost school of magic. • the ability to learn spells and commit them to memory
(See Learning New Spells)
In present-day Talislanta there are eleven known magical • the ability to cast spells from memory or written works
Orders. Some believe that other Orders existed in ancient times; (see Casting Spells From Memory)
if so, they are now forgotten by the magicians of the New Age. • the ability to read magical writings, such as spellbooks,
scrolls, and most common types of magical runes and
The eleven Orders of magic practiced by magicians of the symbols
current era are: • the ability to write the most common types of magical
scripts and symbols
Cartomancy: The magic of luck, circumstance, and fate, as • the ability to counter or negate spells cast by other
represented in the cards of the Zodar. magicians (see Counterspells)

Rules for Magic

In Talislantan magic, a trained magician can cast a spell from Spells Beyond Your Limit
memory, or a written work (such as a scroll or book). The
following sections explain how these two methods work in In extremis, a caster can attempt to cast one or more
the game. spells beyond his or her daily limit. However, each such
attempt entails an ever-increasing penalty of -1 per
level of the spell. That is, casting the first spell beyond
Casting Spells From Memory the magician’s limit incurs a -2 penalty per spell level; if
another spell were to be attempted, the penalty would
Talislantan magicians can cast spells from memory without increase to -3 per level, then -4 per level, and so on.
having to resort to written reference materials (such as
books and scrolls). To cast a spell from memory, the Should a Magical Mishap occur while attempting
following conditions must be met: to cast a spell in this manner, the caster could suffer
• The caster must know the spell that is to be cast. severe consequences, such as amnesia, falling
• The caster must concentrate only on the spell being cast; comatose, a phobia related to the failed spell, or the
i.e., no other action may be undertaken while casting a inability to cast that spell ever again (GM’s ruling). For
spell from memory. this reason, casting more than one’s daily allowable
• The caster must have free use of both hands to execute the number of spells is considered an extremely dangerous
spell’s somatic components (gestures, motions, etc.) thing to do.
• The caster must have sufficient reserves of mental energy, as
determined by the number of spells a magician can cast from
memory in a given day (see Limitations of Spellcasting). Rules for Casting Spells
The rules for casting spells from memory or written works
are the same as the rules for using Skills or Combat:
Casting Spells
From Written Sources State Intent: Is the spell attacking something nearby? Is the
magician cooking up a diabolical curse? The important thing
Magicians can also cast spells by reading them directly is to state your Intent clearly, so the GM and other players
from magic scrolls or spellbooks. There are benefits and can picture your action in the scene.
drawbacks to this method; when casting a spell from a
written work, the magician does not need to learn the spell Choose a Spell Level: Each time a spell is cast from
first. However, casting a spell from a written reference takes memory, the magician must decide how much energy he
twice as long as casting a spell from memory. or she will invest in it. In game terms, this means that the
PC must choose at what level he or she intends to cast the
chosen spell. Magicians can usually cast a spell at any level
Learning New Spells desired. However, the higher the Spell Level, the more
In addition to the basic spells taught by their chosen Order, difficult the spell is to cast, and the greater the chance of a
magicians may also learn new spells that they may find magical Mishap.
in the course of their careers, such as those contained in
spellbooks, scrolls, etc. This includes rare spells from past Determine Bonuses and Penalties: After the magician’s
ages, some of which are extremely potent (See Chapter 8, player has described the spell and the desired effect, the GM
GM Section, Lost Spells/Lost Books From the Past). must determine if any bonus or penalty will be applied. This
is done before the player rolls to cast the spell.
The safest way to learn a new spell and commit it to
memory is to study it for at least an hour, focusing all the Use the character’s Magic Skill Rating in his or her
magician’s powers of concentration. At the end of this time, chosen Order as a bonus.
or later if preferred, the magician may attempt to cast the
new spell, which requires a roll on the Action Table (see Apply a penalty of -1 per level of the spell that is to be
Casting Spells From Memory). cast as the Degree of Difficulty.

If successful, the new spell has the desired effect, and is The GM may also apply an additional Degree of
now committed to memory. If unsuccessful, the process may Difficulty penalty if the caster is attempting a very difficult
be tried again, but only after the magician rests for a minimum spell-action, such as trying to hit a very small target, moving,
of eight hours. Keep in mind that there is a degree of danger elusive, and/or behind cover with a bolt of magical force
inherent in learning new spells (see Magical Mishaps) (See Limitations of Spell Casting)

Compare bonuses and penalties; the difference (positive,
negative, or zero) is the modifier that will be applied to the LIMITATIONS
player’s Action Table roll.
The Action Table Casting Roll: To determine whether the
spell is successful or not the player rolls a d20 on the Action Number of Spells Cast Per Day
Table, applying the GM’s modifier to the die result. Because casting spells from memory requires considerable
mental energy, Talislantan magicians can only cast a number
Attack or Resistance Roll: Attack spells that require an roll of spells per day equal to his or her Magic Skill Rating,
to hit (such as bolt spells) use the caster’s Magic Skill Rating modified by his or her Intelligence (INT) and Will (WIL)
with a Degree of Difficulty like any other ranged attack. attributes.
Other spells may require the defender to make a resistance
roll with a Degree of Difficulty equal to the caster’s INT Example: A magician with a Magic skill rating of +4, with
or WILL, whichever is higher. For example, a bolt spell an INT of +3 and a WILL of +2 can cast 9 spells per day
(assuming the spellcasting roll was a success) would then (4+3+2 = 9).
require an attack roll, while a charm spell would be a
resistance check by the target. When a magician has used his or her total allowable
number of spells for a given day, he or she will no longer
Interpret the Result: After the player rolls, the GM be able to focus sufficient mental energy to cast spells from
interprets the Action Table result, taking into account the memory. Written reference works and magic items may still
specific circumstances surrounding the action, and other be used to cast spells, but the magician will require eight hours
factors, as follows: before the ability to cast spells from memory is regained.

There is one exception to this rule: If faced with no other

alternative, a magician who has already used up his or her
Die Roll Results daily allotment of spells may attempt to cast one or more
additional spells. This is very dangerous, however, and puts
0 or Mishap: The spell fails, resulting in the magician at great risk (see sidebar).
less potentially disastrous consequences
(see Sidebar).
Choosing Spell Level
1-5 Failure: The spell fails. A magician can cast any known spell at whatever level he
or she chooses, from a simple low-level version (+1) to as
6-10 Partial Success: The spell has half high as the magician dares. Just keep in mind that the higher
the intended damage, effect, range, the level at which the spell is cast, the higher the penalty for
duration, or potency (GM’s ruling Degree of Difficulty.
based on the type of spell cast).

11-19 Success: The spell works as Casting Spells in Combat

intended. As long as a magician can concentrate and has freedom of
movement, he or she can cast spells from memory in almost
20 + Critical Success: The spell works any combat situation. As with the basic rules for Combat,
even better than expected, yielding doing so may entail additional penalties for the Degree of
some unexpected advantage or Difficulty. Depending on circumstances, these may include
bonus (GM’s ruling; examples might attempting to hit a moving target, attempting to hit a very
include additional damage, extended small and/or elusive target, attempting to hit a target that is
duration, unexpected positive side- protected to some extent by cover, etc.
effects, etc).

Counter-Spells & Magical Combat

Magical combat between two or more spellcasters is
similar to standard spellcasting and combat procedure. The
opponent with the higher Speed Rating has the initiative;

Rules for Magic

the defender may attempt to avoid or resist the spell’s effects,

employ a protective spell or device, or cast a counter-spell. Protection From Magic
There are several different forms of protection that may be
employed against magical attacks, including a variety of
Counter-Spells spells, amulets, and other magical adjuncts. A shield may be
While magicians can terminate any of their own magics at used to protect against magical bolts of elemental or eldritch
will, the only way to dispel another caster’s magic or remove power, though the shield may be destroyed in the process;
a spell of permanent duration is through the use of an enchanted shields are generally much more effective. Armor
appropriate counter-spell. also affords a degree of protection, according to its rating.

A spell can be countered by casting the identical spell

in reverse, or by casting a spell of opposite or contradictory ENCHANTED ITEMS
effect (such as a Spell of Elemental Fire being cast to counter
a Spell of Elemental Ice). A counter-spell must be equal or Limits on Enchanted Items
greater in level to completely dispel another caster’s magic; Should an individual attempt to carry more than seven
otherwise, the counter-spell reduces the effects of the enchanted items on his or her person at a time, each will
opposing magic only as much as its level will allow (subtract cancel out the other and all will temporarily cease to
the counter-spell’s level from that of the opposing spell). function. Only by reducing the number of items being
carried to seven or less will the remaining devices return to
normal operation. Note that potions, powders, and other
Detecting Magic alchemical concoctions are not enchanted items, and do not
All spells, curses, and enchanted items radiate an aura of count towards the seven-item limit.
magical energy which may be perceived by individuals
who are sensitive to such emanations, through training
and/or natural abilities. To determine the presence of an Creating Enchanted Items
enchantment, an individual must scrutinize the subject in Rules for Creating Enchanted Items can be found at the end
question at close range for at least one round. The gamemaster of the chapter on Spells.
then rolls a d20 (in secret) vs the character’s Magic Rating to
determine whether he or she can detect the enchantment.

Identifying Enchanted
Magical Mishaps
Items & Artifacts
Anyone with training in the arcane arts can attempt to There are few things a magician dreads more than
identify an enchanted item of unknown origins, using their a Magical Mishap. Here is a list of possible Magical
Mishaps that originally appeared in the first edition of
magic skill or other relevant skill. Many such items bear a the Talislanta game, back in 1987. GMs should feel free
sigil or other markings which could provide some clue as to add even more creative “consequences” if they like.
to the device’s function, former owner, etc (gamemaster’s
option). Certain types of spells may also be useful in this • No noticeable effect (50% chance of side-effect
regard. If all else fails, one may simply attempt to use the occurring later)
device to determine its capabilities, but caution is advised. • Spell rebounds upon caster
• Spell strikes unintended target (random direction)
• Reverse spell effect (rebounds on caster)
Spellcasting, Weapons, & Armor • Reverse spell effect (random direction)
Spellcasters can use any type of weapon which they have the • Static spell effect; area charged with magical energies
strength to employ, and may wear any type of protective gear (5-foot radius around the caster)
• Wandering spell effect, 5-foot radius charged with
except plate mail and full battle armor, both of which are too magical energies, moves at random
restrictive to permit spell casting. As armor can inhibit an • Phase-shift: Caster teleported to a random location
individual’s Speed Rating, many spellcasters prefer to avoid • Black hole effect: Caster and any individuals within
such equipment altogether. Nevertheless, the more flamboyant 20 feet are drawn into another dimension
and colorful types of armor (such as dragonhide, darkmane • Temporal rift: Caster falls backward (or forward) in time
hide, and chain mesh) have an undeniable appeal for some • Random spell effect (gamemaster’s choice)
magicians, particularly those with a flair for the dramatic.

Character Creation

• Radical: You fall somewhere between a True Believer

CHARACTER CREATION and an Unbeliever, accepting some tenets of your
The following outline provides an overview of the procedure people’s culture, but not all. (Cite at least one example
for character creation. More specific information can be of how your beliefs differ). Some may view you as a
found in the corresponding sections, as indicated. Go free-thinker; others may view you as a dangerous non-
through the checklist below, and use a pencil to record the conformist, or even an infidel or Unbeliever.
information listed for the type of character you want to play
on the Character Sheet included in this section. • Amoral: You care nothing for the values and beliefs
of others. You do whatever you want, regardless of the
Choose a Character Type: Review the list of Archetypes consequences.
in this chapter, and choose one that you’d like to play. Each
character’s beginning statistics are presented there in outline • Neutral/Unaligned: You don’t pass judgment on the
form. Record each, as follows: customs and beliefs of others, and generally choose to
remain neutral in disputes between other Tribes. You
Attributes: Record any Attribute scores on the character may make an exception for certain types of behavior or
sheet. Mark all other attributes as “0” (average for a customs (specify).
Talislantan humanoid).

Skills: Write down any Skills. If a choice of Skills is CUSTOMIZE YOUR

indicated in the description of your character, you may pick
them now (see Chapter 3 for a complete listing of Skills). CHARACTER
• Choose a Background Skill that suits the region and/
Traits: Write down this information on your character or culture in which you decide your Character grew up.
sheet. Note that a beginning character’s Traits are based on Typical choices include Nomadic, Rural, Urban, and
his or her culture and early upbringing. Traits can change Wanderer (see pg 137 for details). The starting rating for
over time, depending on the character’s experiences and the this skill is +5.
way you want to play your character in the game. • Increase any Attribute (or Attributes) by a total of up
to three points. These bonus points may be allocated as
Background: Read the information provided in this desired.
section, and if you like, write down the most important • Decrease one Attribute of your choice by one point.
points on your character sheet. • Spend 35 XP on additional skills or languages to round
out the character and to fit the backstory you create.
Equipment/Possessions: Write down any weapons or Starting skills purchased this way may not exceed +3
other items listed here. If a choice of Equipment is indicated, rating. This XP may not be saved.
you may choose those now (see Chapter 7 for a complete • Make up a name for your new character. For ideas, you
listing of Equipment). can refer to the naming conventions of your chosen
Archetype, which are listed under the Language heading
Determine Skill Ratings: Determine your character’s in the Archetype write-up.
starting Skill Ratings by applying bonuses or penalties for
related Attributes. Your character is now ready to enter the world of
Talislanta, though you may continue below if you wish to
Alignment: On the Character Sheet is a space for you to develop a Backstory.
describe the beliefs and basic morality of your character.
Possible choices could include, but need not be limited to, It is possible to increase any Attribute by “spending”
the following: the XP that a PC has earned to “buy” a +1 increase in that
ability, as follows. Raising an Attribute by + 1 costs 50 XP
• True Believer: you are a loyal adherent of the beliefs per + 1 increase. No Attribute Rating can ever be raised by
and customs practiced by most others of your race and more than a total of +2 points.
culture (i.e., your Archetype).
Physical Attributes such as STR, DEX, SPD, or CON
• Unbeliever: You reject the beliefs and customs can be improved by undertaking typically grueling physical
practiced by most others of your race and culture. As activities. Mental Attributes such as INT, WIL, PER, or CHA
a result, most of your kind view you as an infidel, an can be improved through practice, discipline, and study.
outcast, or pariah.

Depending on circumstances, the GM may rule that to a loyal follower of the beliefs of his or her tribe, or some
raise an Attribute, a PC may need to enlist the guidance of a other adopted tribe or group. Or the character may be a
more skilled mentor or Master. skeptic who is unsure of the beliefs he or she was taught, or
a complete rebel who has cast aside a cultural belief system
and, as a result, is regarded as an outcast or unbeliever by
The Character’s Backstory his or her people. The character may be an amoral outlaw,
(Optional) thief, or killer, or perhaps an outlaw or thief who adheres to a
personal code of ethics (explain).
It is assumed that all characters have a history that extends
backward in time, before the events that will take place in Note: A character’s alignment can change over time, i.e., one
their first gaming session. This pregame period is known in who begins as a true believer may become a skeptic, a rebel,
game terms as the PCs’ backstory. or an outlaw – or vice versa.

If desired, each player can have his or her backstory, Motivations: A character can be motivated by many
or all the players can collaborate on a single backstory. In things, or may focus on a primary objective. For instance, a
either case, the GM can use the following guidelines to help character may be motivated by loyalty to his or her tribe or
players create a brief overview of what happened to each of group, or the desire to escape the influence or constraints
them before the start of their first gaming session: of a former nation or group. He or she may be motivated
by the desire to attain power, material possessions, magical
Place of Origin: With the GM, choose a part of the known lore, knowledge of other lands, or mastery of a skill. He
Talislantan world where the PC was born. In most cases, a or she may be motivated to protect one’s family, siblings,
PC’s birthplace will be the same as where his or her people companions, or territory, or a PC may be motivated by
are known to live. It’s also possible that the PC may not a desire for revenge against some specific individual(s),
know – or remember – where he or she was born. tribe(s), creature(s), or set of beliefs.

Circumstances of Birth: With the GM, choose under what Note that a character’s Motivations may also change over
type of circumstances the PC was born; perhaps the PC time, based on his or her experiences.
was raised by his/her family, orphaned and raised by others,
orphaned and/or abandoned and raised by another tribe, or
even born into slavery or taken in infancy by slavers. NON-PLAYER

Childhood: With the GM, construct a brief history of the CHARACTER (NPC)
PC’s childhood. He or she might have grown up in a strong
and relatively secure location, or perhaps the PC grew up in CREATION
the wild, mostly alone. He might have traveled from place to In Talislanta, Archetypes can also be used as Non-Player-
place with others, such as with a group of displaced peoples Characters (NPCs). To create any NPC, all the GM needs to
or refugees. A PC might have lived in a stronghold of some do is:
sort, or he could have been a slave, subjected to hard labor
and/or abuse. 1. Choose any of the 100+Archetypes from the
Archetypes section (see page 28).
Young Adulthood: With the GM, briefly describe the path 2. Modify the new character’s Skill Ratings as needed
that the PC took on the way to choosing his or her current to reflect the overall ability-level of the NPC that is to
profession: Taught by the PC’s parent(s), older sibling(s), or be created (i.e., a low-level underling, a medium-level
tribal elders; taught by members of an adopted tribe; taught “boss”, a high-level villain/hero, etc).
by a single mentor who influenced the PC’s current outlook; 3. Modify the quantity and quality of the new NPCs
self-taught, possibly with some gaps in knowledge/training; Equipment and Wealth as needed to reflect his/her
etc. A PC might have trained under one of the previously intended status and overall ability level (i.e. a rich NPC may
mentioned circumstances, but the training changed own more costly garments/equipment, a powerful NPC
dramatically after some traumatic or life-altering event which may own more enchanted weapons/armor/items, etc)..
caused the PC to decide to become what he or she is now. 4. Give the character a name and a bit of backstory and/
or personality, and you have a ready-to-play NPC that
Current Alignment: With the GM, describe the PC’s the GM can use for encounters, PC companions and
current outlook towards life and the reasons for it. For associates, heroes and villains (what some games refer to
example, the player may decide that his or her character is as “monsters”).



Aabassian Heretics are individuals who were imprisoned by
the Aamanians for their sins against the Orthodoxist Cult, Appearance: As race of origin Homeland: Varies
and sent to the dreaded dungeons of Aabass: a secret penal
colony reserved for the most dangerous and irredeemable Attributes:
sinners. Few prisoners survive the brutal “penance” meted INT 0 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA +1
out by the Aamanian Inquisitors of Aabass, who are known STR +3 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 15
for their cruelty. But of those who do, a small number become
Aabassian Heretics - individuals have been granted a special Languages: High Talislan, Low Talislan, choice of one other
dispensation by the Hierophant of Aaman, granting them language
freedom in exchange for an unbreakable Oath of service.
Special: Immunity to spells of scrying and divination except
While bound by this Oath, an Aabassian Heretic does those from the Hierophant
not serve as a representative of the Orthodoxist Cult, and
is forbidden from wearing the white robes and armor of an Skills: Invocation +1, Weapon of choice +3, Crossbow +1,
Aamanian Warrior or Priest. Instead, Aabassians are required Cultures +1, Deception +2, Interrogate +2, Torture +2
to dress black robes or armor, and must serve as mercenary
agents of the Cult. Unconstrained by the strict tenets of the Gear: Black iron plate mail with helm and shield (lacquered
Orthodoxist faith, they are free to use any means necessary black); weapon of choice; heavy crossbow; cloak; greymane
to perform the task assigned to them by the Hierophant. steed (fully caparisoned); spellbook; symbol of the
Individuals chosen to be Aabassian Heretics typically
must be skilled in some profession that is forbidden to Wealth: d20 x 20 gold lumens (Aabassian heretics are paid
Aamanians and deemed useful by the Hierophant, such as a by the Aamanian Hierophant)
thief, slaver, assassin, or a practitioner of Black Magic. Each
is branded with the “Mark of Aabass” - a closed All-Seeing
Eye icon burned into the Heretic’s left hand, signifying that
the one so branded operates outside of the Cult, and cannot
be questioned or detained in any way by any Aamanian
except the Heirophant. So it is that Aabassian Heretics are
feared and despised by other Aamanians, and indeed, by
most Talislantans.

Roleplaying: An Aabasian’s backstory - his or her

nationality, culture, and profession prior to becoming
an Aabassian - will determine how best to roleplay this
type of character. It’s also important to decide whether he
character is now a “true believer” and faithful follower of
Orthodoxy, or someone who is merely acting like one in
order to survive. No matter the character’s true nature and
motives, an Aabassian must always follow the orders of the
Hierophant (who will be played by the GM). While bound
to the Hierophant’s unbreakable Oath, an Aabassian has no
choice but to follow any task set to him or her, no matter the
difficulties or hardships that must be endured. Should an
Aabassian fulfill the terms of an Oath, the Exarch may grant
him or her a partial or full “indulgence”. If the indulgence is
partial, the Aabassian’s sins have not been fully expunged; he
or she must either swear another Oath and perform another
service for the Exarch, or be returned to the dungeons of
Aabass, to endure more penance. Only if an Aabassian
receives a full indulgence is he or she ever truly free of the
Cult and the Exarch.

Aamanian Archimages are priests of the Orthodoxist Cult,
a religion known for its highly conservative and intolerant
views. They are trained in the Magical Order known as
Invocation, and in addition to spell casting are also trained
to read and write magical scripts and symbols. In their
homeland of Aaman, Archimages are held in the highest
regard. They are also greatly feared, especially those who
function as Monitors - individuals tasked with spying on
those who live in or visit Aaman.

Roleplaying: Like all loyal Aamanians, Archimages are

never allowed to deviate from the orders of their superiors;
the punishment for doing so is imprisonment and “penance”
at the hands of the dreaded Inquisitors. Depending on
the nature of your campaign, the GM may decide to use
Aamanian characters primarily as NPCs. Optionally, the
GM can allow this archetype to be used as a PC - typically,
as a cleric who has been excommunicated from the Cult
(and is perhaps being hunted by Aamanian Witch Hunters
or an Aabassian).


Appearance: 5’6”-6’, 100-180 lbs. Topaz skin, green eyes, all

facial and bodily hair removed

Homeland: Aaman

INT +1 PER 0 WIL +4 CHA +2
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Invocation +3, History (Aamanian) +1, Litigator +1,

Oratory +2

Gear: Ritual vestments; cloak; an ivory tube containing a

scroll charting the heavens; quill pen; amberglass inkpot;
staff; iron-bound spellbook; iron holy symbol of Aa

Wealth: Minimal (d10 x 4 gold lumens; the Orthodoxist

Cult provides funds to clothe and feed its loyal servants)


The inquisitors are servitors of Aaman’s Orthodoxist Cult
and are among the most feared individuals in the Western
Lands. They specialize in “ritual cleansing,” an Orthodoxist
euphemism for the forcible conversion of infidels to the
cult’s doctrines. In practice, “ritual cleansing” consists
of torture, coercion, interrogation, and as a last resort,
execution. The inquisitors dress in white, signifying “purity,”
and wear masked headdresses to ensure their anonymity.
They are most often found demonstrating their grisly
talents in the Halls of Penance, or working in conjunction
with Orthodoxist Cult monitors, warrior priests, and witch

Roleplaying: This archetype was designed for the GM to

use as an NPC. Loyal servants of the Orthodoxist Cult, their
sole duty is to torture and interrogate individuals branded by
the Cult as witches, heretics, sinners, etc. In most campaigns.
Aamanian Inquisitors are suited only for use as NPC villains.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’2”, 110-180 lbs. Topaz skin, green eyes,

lean physique, all facial and bodily hair removed.

Homeland: Aaman

INT 0 PER +2 WIL +2 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Invocation +1, Weapon of choice +2,

two Weapon skills +1, Coerce +1, Espionage +1,
Interrogate +3, Torture +3

Gear: Cult vestments (mask/headdress); 1-3 concealed

weapons; cloak; robes; gloves; boots; a leather wrap
containing instruments of torture; manacles; spellbook

Wealth: Minimal (d100 x 2 gold lumens; the Orthodoxist

Cult provides funds to clothe and feed its loyal servants)


Aamanian witch hunters are loyal servants of the Orthodoxist
Cult of Aaman. They roam the Western Lands and beyond,
hunting down and capturing enemies of the cult: black
magicians, witches, warlocks, and any whom the Hierophant
declares to be enemies of the Orthodoxists. Aside from
Aamanian pilgrims, who are allowed to travel to approved
holy sites in heavily-supervised groups, Witch Hunters are the
only Aamanians allowed to travel outside of Aaman. They are
most commonly asigned to hunt Dhuna witches and warloks,
but may also be used against others who may be regarded
as a threat to the Cult, such as Sarista, Gao, and defrocked
Aamanian priests or heretics who have fled Aaman.

Roleplaying: Aamanain Witch Hunters are known for

their dogged perseverance; once assigned to hunt an enemy
of the Cult, they will never stop until they have captured
their intended target. Failure is not an option for a Witch
Hunter, as anything less than success will result in the Witch
Hunter being hunted down by others of their kind. Such
unfortunates can expect to be tracked down, captured
and taken to the House of Penance, to be dealt with by
the Inquisitors.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’, 100-180 lbs., topaz skin, green eyes, all

facial and bodily hair removed

Homeland: Aaman

INT +1 PER 0 WIL +3 CHA 0
STR +3 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 13

Languages: High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Invocation +1, Weapon of choice + 2, Crossbow +1,

Cultures +2, Interrogate +2, Tracking +3

Equipment: Black iron partial plate armor, worn over

coarse undyed woolen garments; helm and shield
(lacquered white); longsword; heavy crossbow; cloak;
greymane steed (fully caparisoned); leather-bound book of
spells; iron holy symbol of Aa

Wealth: d20 x 20 gold lumens in offerings

Aamanian Warrior-Priests and Warrior-Priestesses are
individuals who have been trained in combat and also in
the Magical Order known as Invocation. In addition to their
fighting skills, they are able to cast spells, and read, write, and
identify magical symbols related to the Orthodoxist Cult.

All Aamanian Warrior-Priests and Warrior-Priestesses

are sworn to serve as Defenders of the Faith, and protectors
of Aaman, the Cult, and its interests and beliefs. On the
orders of their superiors, they are allowed to use any means
necessary in the execution of their sworn duties.

Roleplaying: Like all loyal Aamanians, Warrior-Priests and

Warrior-Priestesses are never allowed to deviate from the
orders of their superiors; the punishment for doing so is
imprisonment and “penance” at the hands of the dreaded
Inquisitors. Depending on the nature of your campaign, the
GM may decide to use Aamanian characters only as NPCs.
Optionally, the GM can allow this archetype to be used as a
PC - typically, as one who has been excommunicated from
the Cult (and is perhaps being hunted by Aamanian Witch
Hunters or an Aabassian).


Appearance: 5’6”-6’, 100-180 lbs., topaz skin, green eyes,

all facial and bodily hair removed

Homeland: Aaman

INT 0 PER 0 WIL +3 CHA 0
STR +3 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 13

Languages: High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Invocation +2, Mace +2, Crossbow +1, Cultures +1,

History (Aamanian) +1, Oratory +1

Gear: Black iron plate mail with helm and shield (lacquered
white); mace; heavy crossbow; cloak; greymane steed (fully
caparisoned); leather-bound book of spells; iron holy
symbol of Aa

Wealth: d20 x 20 gold lumens (Aamanian

Warrior-Priests are paid by the Orthodoxist cult)


Green Aeriad Botanomancers sometimes serve as aerial
reconnaissance in the Borderlands Legion, as windship
guides, and as adventurers. At home, Green Aeriad act as
stewards of the forest, nurturing and guiding the plantlife of
Vardune toward harmony.

Roleplaying: Of the two sub-species of Aeriad, Green

Aeriad are more inquisitive and intellectual than their
relatives. They accept devolution as a natural and unalterable
process and have adopted certain of the ways of civilized
folk, including the study of magic, agriculture, and writing.
See Aeriad, Blue for more details.


Appearance: 4’10”-5’2”, 70-90 lbs., iridescent green

plumage, sharp bird-like features, vestigial wings

Homeland: Vardune of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +3 PER +1 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR -3 DEX +2 CON-3 SPD 0 HP 10

Languages: Low Talislan (with a slight stutter)

Special: Gliding (up to twenty-five yards, wind permitting)

Skills: Alchemy (elixirs, medicinal mixtures) +3,

Botanomancy +3, Staff +1, Agriculture +2, Farmer
or Lore (plant) +1

Gear: Viridian linen cloak and tunic; staff, scroll

containing basic spells; 1-4 books on plants and herbs;
pouches containing seeds; reed pen and inkwell;
stoppered gourd flask containing vinesap

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in assorted


Blue Aeriad are the protectors of their race. They are swift
and agile, and unlike Green Aeriad can use their vestigial
wings to glide on the winds for great distances. Blue Aeriad
serve as aerial reconnaissance in the Borderlands Legion,
where they use dart-throwers and crescent knives to good
effect. These warriors also patrol the Axis River in barge-
forts, alert to signs of danger. Characteristics common to
Blues include enhanced alertness, impatience, and a loathing
of inactivity.

Roleplaying: The Aeriad are a race in the process of

devolving from an avian to a ground-dwelling species. Of
the two sub-species of Aeriad, Blues are more high-strung
and aggressive. They detest the prospect of devolution, and
embrace the ways of their wild ancestors. Aeriad speech
is characterized by a slight stutter, evident only on words
that begin with a hard “C” or “K” sound. This is because the
Aeriad’s vestigial beak has not yet devolved sufficiently to
allow for all nuances of the Talislan tongue.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’, 80-120 lbs.,

iridescent blue plumage, sharp bird-like
features, vestigial wings

Homeland: Vardune of the Nine Kingdoms

INT 0 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR -1 DEX +5 CON -1 SPD +2
HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan (with slight stutter)

Special: Gliding (up to fifty yards, wind permitting –

unlimited range if Bracers of Levitation are worn); expertise
with either the dart-thrower or crescent knife (+2 bonus
when employing that weapon.)

Skills: Crescent Knife +2, Dart-Thrower +3, Pilot (barge

fort or other rivercraft) +2, Weaponer +1, Artisan or
Artificer +2

Gear: Bracers of Levitation; Viridian linen cloak and tunic;

sandals; two crescent knives; dart-thrower with quiver of ten
darts; stoppered gourd flask with vinesap; pouch

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in assorted currencies

The four-armed Ahazu are a savage folk of warlike nature
who live in the deep jungles of the Dark Coast. They are
nomadic predators who subsist on fresh game. They make
no permanent dwellings, preferring to sleep in the treetops

Roleplaying: The Ahazu are a strange and moody race, prone

to fits of shan-ya, literally “battle madness.” (See pg. 152)
They adhere to a secret warrior code that prohibits them
from attempting to escape if captured in battle; to do so is
considered a grave humiliation. If taken in such a manner, an
Ahazu becomes the captor’s slave for life. Only If
attacked by their master is an Ahazu freed from
this bond, though it is important to note that
Ahazu may consider any physical contact a form
of attack. Ahazu encountered outside of their
war clan will either be slaves or former slaves who
have been freed in this manner. The Ahazu tribes do
not practice magic.


Appearance: 6’8”-7’6”, 160-260 lbs., bright yellow skin with

fiery red markings, four arms, forked tongue, diabolical features

Homeland: Jungles of the Dark Coast

INT -1 PER 0 WIL -1 CHA 0
STR +3 DEX +4 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 16

Languages: Ahazu (typified by harsh shrieks and yells,

frequently punctuated by violent gestures and the
brandishing of weapons), Sign

Special: Double Attack (due to having four arms), possible

shan-ya (battle madness: the Ahazu goes into a killing frenzy,
attacking everyone in sight for d10 rounds)

Skills: Matsu +3, Gwanga +3, Hunter/Gatherer +2, Stealth

+3, Scout or Healer +2

Gear: Loincloth; arm, and leg wrappings of animal hide;

shoulder pouch; Gwanga; Matsu

Wealth: None

Araq are reptilian humanoids created long ago by Archaen
Sorcerers to serve as warriors in their armies. The creatures
proved to be uncontrollable, and they soon murdered their
creators and escaped into the wilds. They quickly grew in
number, and became a threat to all others who dwell in or
in the vicinity of their domains.
Today, Araq roam the Wilderlands in small war-bands,
preying upon land dragons and other humanoid species.
They have hunted the land dragon almost to the point of
extinction, which has led them into numerous conflicts
with their rivals to the east, the Saurans, who revere land

Roleplaying: Araq are warlike and cruel, and have a taste for
cannibalism. Only through conscious effort are Araq able to
restrain their murderous impulses (roll vs WIL if angered or
provoked in any way or the Araq feels the urge to kill). They
shun all goods and weapons produced by other peoples,
considering such items to be tainted, or cursed. Depending
on the type of campaign being played, the GM may decide
whether Araq can be used as PCs. If so, consider the Araq to
be an outcast who has somehow incurred the enmity of his or
her tribe, and can never return on penalty of death.


Appearance: 6’-6’6”, 130-230 lbs., scaly light brown hide,

dorsal membrane, snake-like features, claws, fangs

Homeland: The Wilderlands

STR +2 DEX +2 CON +7 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Low Talislan, Sauran

Special: Survive for up to six weeks without food or water,

communicate with reptilian species, scaly hide affords
protection equal to PR 2, murderous temper (roll vs WIL or
feel the urge to kill if angered)

Skills: Spear +2, Mace +1, Dagger +1, Mounted Combat

(duadir) +2, Stealth +2, Survival +1, Tracking +3

Gear: Arm wrappings; boots; loincloth and shield of land

dragon hide; saw-edged dagger and spear made of bone; mace;
shoulder pouch; backpack; duadir steed with tack and bags

Wealth: None

An Ariane Seeker (or Druas, in the language of the Ariane)
is an individual who has chosen to leave the maze city of
Altan in order to explore distant lands. Seekers record their
experiences on orbs of polished stone called tamar, which
can be “read” by touch. Deeper meaning and insight may
be gained by communing with these devices, which retain
a portion of the spirit essences of their makers. All Seekers
must return to Altan once every seven years in order to add
the experiences they have gathered to the great tamar at the
center of Altan.

Roleplaying: All Ariane are joined in spirit as members

of the nature-oriented “cult” of transcendency. They are
disinclined towards displays of emotion, and refrain from
violence except as a last recourse. Ariane often affect a
mystical sensibility, as if deep in thought or dreaming.
Among their own people they do not use names, for each
knows who the other is.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’2”,100-180 lbs., onyx-black skin, white

hair, silver-grey eyes, slender build

Homeland: Tamaranth

INT +2 PER +2 WIL +2 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Elder Tongue, Archaen, Low Talislan

Special: Immunity to spells of influence/control, commune

with nature, night vision

Skills: Ariane Bow + 1, Natural Magic +1 ,

Mysticism +2 , Staff +2, Healer +2, Lore (Plant) +2,
Tracking +1, Meditation +1

Gear: Cloak; garments; boots and headband of spinifax;

spinifax pouch and shoulder pack; a staff or an Ariane bow
with quiver of twenty arrows; silvermane steed; tamar

Wealth: d10 x 3 gold lumens, plus twice this figure in silver



Arimite knife-fighters are highly regarded as mercenaries,
and are considered unsurpassed in terms of skill and
ferocity. They are employed as guards at the Arimite Citadel
of Akbar, border scouts, and caravan guards.

Arimite Knife-Fighters are experts with throwing knives,

a skill developed by these folk at a very early age. They
favor speed and dexterity over brute force, and are adept at
dodging, leaping, and attacking while moving or evading
(+2 bonus to these combat moves)

Roleplaying: The Arimites are a dour and moody folk who

find no joy in song, dance, or revelry. They drink heavily,
favoring chakos, a bitter and metallic-tasting liquor. Due
perhaps to the reputation of the Revenant Cult, Arimites
are regarded in many lands as a race of cutthroats, an
assessment that many other peoples consider quite


Appearance: 5’2”-6’2”, 90-170 lbs.,

swarthy complexion, black hair, dark eyes.

Homeland: Arim

STR 0 DEX +4 CON +2 SPD +1 HP 14

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: Double attacks (with throwing knives only),

Combat Moves (see above)

Skills: Arimite Knife-Fighting +2, Mace or Sword or

Shortbow +1, Survival +1, Mountain Climbing +2, Laborer
or Mining +2

Gear: Fur vest; hide boots; sack-cloth breeches; pouch;

armbands and earrings of black iron; black iron flask of
chakos; four throwing knives as well as a belt with which to
carry them; choice of one other weapon

Wealth: d10 x 2 gold lumens in silver pieces

Revenants are members of a secret society that specializes
in carrying out acts of vengeance for their clients. They are
much feared in Arim and throughout the Western Lands,
and for good reason, as the Revenant Cult is said to have
members almost everywhere. Due to the Cult’s reputation,
Arimites are regarded in many lands as a race of cutthroats.

Roleplaying: Arimite Revenants often lead double-lives,

appearing as common merchants or traders, until they
choose to use their talents as spies and assassins. A talent for
disguise is a common trait, as is the ability mimic accents
and pass for other folk such as Farad and even Rajans.
They are often secretive by nature, revealing little about
themselves, even among those they regard as friends.


Appearance: 5’2”-6’2”, 90-170 lbs., swarthy complexion,

black hair, dark eyes

Homeland: Arim

INT +1 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +2 CON +2 SPD +1 HP 13

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Arimite Knife-Fighting +1, Dagger +1, Sword +1,

Assassinate +3, Disguise +2 Espionage +1, Stealth +1, Traps
or Concoct Poisons +2

Gear: Night-grey cloak; veil; gloves and garments; pouch

with 1-4 vials, which contain various types of poison; coin
purse; choice of two weapons

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in mixed coins and other

valuables (received in payment for services)

The Baratus are a people descended from the first Wild
Tribes, who some say were the first intelligent peoples of
Talislanta. Baratus bear some resemblance to Jaka, to whom
they are related, though Baratus have white fur with black
stripes, and much shorter hair.

Baratus are the only Wild Folk who know how to maintain
and fly windships. Believed to have fled Talisanta over a
thousand years ago during the Great Disaster, the Baratus
returned during the Uprising, and led the Wild Tribes in their
attack against the so-called “civilized” nations of Talislanta. After
the Uprising, the Baratus clans sailed south and established
several hidden strongholds, from which they prey upon the
windships of folk such as the Cymrilians, Phantasians, and Farad.

Roleplaying: Baratus claim direct descent from the Shaka,

who in ancient times ruled all the Wild Tribes. They are
a proud and fierce people, who have no love for so-called
“civilized peoples” who are descended from their ancient
enemies, the Archaens. Though Baratus are unable to learn
magic, unlike Jaka they have no qualms about using magic
items and weapons. They are skilled windship pilots, able to
navigate by the moons and suns. It is said that the Baratus also
know how to sail to the aethereal seas that span the Omniverse,
passing through hidden portals to other dimensions.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’3”, 160-250+ lbs, fringe of fur on

forearms/forelegs, long white mane worn in multiple braids
and dreadlocks, fang-like incisors, claws.

Homeland: Unknown (somewhere in the southern seas)

INT +2 PER +2 WIL +0 CHA -0
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +3 SPD +1 HP 15

Languages: Low Talislan, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Broadsword +1, Bow +2, Dagger + 2, Ambush +2,

Appraise Treasure +2, Astromancy +1, Pilot (windship) +1,
Scout +1

Gear: High-quality leather armor reinforced with iron

ringlets (PR 3 points); broadsword; dagger; horn shortbow
with a quiver of twenty barbed arrows; pouches; rope and
grapnel; tinderbox

Wealth: d10 x 20 gold lumens in plunder

Beastmen hunters are the scourge of the Plains of Golarin.
Mounted on darkmane steeds, they roam the plains regions
in packs that generally range in size from 4-40 individuals.
Skilled trackers, Beastmen will never quit a blood trail. They
sometimes set cruel snares in the hope of trapping unwary
creatures, and have been known to hunt Men for sport.

Roleplaying: Beastmen are vicious and bloodthirsty

creatures with the mannerisms of wild dogs or jackals. They
find it difficult to restrain their baser urges, and may break
off combat in order to feast on fallen opponents, carrion, or
other types of food; roll versus WIL rating or be unable to
resist the urge to feed.


Appearance: 5’10”-6’2”, 140-220 lbs., body covered with

bristling brown fur, bestial features, fangs

Homeland: Plains of Golarin, The Wilderlands of Zaran

STR +2 DEX -2 CON 0 SPD +1 HP 15

Languages: Low Talislan (primitive), Sign

Special: Thick hide equal to leather armor, claws

and bite d4, +1 combat bonus vs wounded
opponents, bloodthirst (roll vs WIL rating or be
unable to resist the urge to feed)

Skills: Weapon of Choice +2, Dagger +1,

Mounted Combat (darkmane) +1, Unarmed
Combat +1, Hunter/Gatherer +2, Traps
(Primitive) +1, Stealth +1,
Tracking (by scent) +2, Torture +2

Gear: Animal hide boots and loincloth; pouch;

darkmane steed; long dagger; choice of second weapon

Wealth: d10 x 3 gold lumens in mixed coins and stolen


BLACK SAVANT (NPC) Gear: Veiled headdress, cloak, robes and gloves of black
The Black Savants are a reclusive race greatly feared by other satin, black iron and silver-bound spellbook, staff.
folks. They avoid contact with outsiders and communicate
mainly through arcane signs and gestures. Consequently, Wealth: Unknown
very little is known of their isolated homeland, their culture,
or their motives.

Black Savants stand nearly seven feet in height, and are

stoop-shouldered and gaunt in appearance. Their traditional
costume includes boots, gloves, cloak and robes of satiny black
cloth, with their features hooded and veiled. Only their eyes are
normally visible, cold, unfeeling orbs like twin shards of onyx.

The morbid appearance of these folk becomes

understandable when one realizes that they are not truly
alive. Rather, they are the reanimated forms of a people who
lived long, long ago, whose souls were stolen - some say, by
the Sepharans, though this has never been proven.

Black Savants are mutes, and communicate mainly

through arcane signs and gestures. They generally avoid
contact with outsiders, and consequently, very little is
known of their homeland, their culture, or their motives.

Roleplaying: This archetype was designed for the GM to

use as an NPC. Black Savants are powerful spell casters who
usually operate only in groups of their own kind, known
as Cabals. The secret history and motives of the Black
Savants are not known to other Talislantans, and should be
determined by the GM.


Appearance: 6’6”-6’10”, 160-200 lbs, tall, gaunt, cold black eyes

Homeland: Nefaratus, Khazad

INT +5 PER 0 WIL 0
CHA -10 (Regarded as undead by many Talislantans)
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 16

Language: Archaen, High Talislan, Elder (Sign

language versions only)

Special: Able to see invisible/astral presences.

Skills: Necromancy +8, Staff +1, Alchemy +1, Enchanting

+1, Navigator +1, Pilot (Nefaratan galley only) +1, Choice
of two Scholar skills +1

Bodor are a peaceful people who make their living as
traveling musicians. Their favorite instruments include the
tambour (tuned drums), glass flute, glass bells, the intricate
spiralhorn, and the four-man bellows-pipes. Most travel in
musical troupes, seldom staying in one place for any great
length of time. Bodor are naturally inquisitive and perceptive
to the emotions of other races.

Roleplaying: Bodor tend to be quiet and softspoken

offstage, but quite animated when performing. Though able
to converse in the common tongue, they much prefer their
own musical language. Bodor tend to be clannish and regard
other peoples as outsiders. They are sometimes amused
by the pitch changes that accompany the normal speech
patterns of other races, which inadvertently convey other
meanings to a Bodor. Bodor are the only other race capable
of learning the Sawila’s musical art of spellweaving.


Appearance: 5’-5’6”, 180-240+ lbs., amber skin, round-

faced, portly build

Homeland: none

INT +1 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR -1 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 8

Language: High and Low Talislan

Special: Bodorian sound-sight

Skills: Diplomacy +2, Merchant (selling services as a

musician) +2, Music (any three instruments) +4

Gear: Three musical instruments, Bodor smock, blousy

pantaloons, chain-loop earrings, and bracelets of lacquered
metal, traveler’s satchel

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens plus as many silver pieces

Brood are a race of hunters, slavers, and soul-stealers who
hail from the lower planes. They prey on creatures of all
sorts, including other human­oid races and most types of
minor demons and devils. They have no industries, and
make no ships, tools, or weapons. Instead, Brood force other
lifeforms to serve them, using them as slaves, steeds, or
living weapons. Brood roam the black depths of the lower
planes in living ships known as Broodwyrms. These vessels
sometimes enter Talislanta through inter-dimensional rifts
such as the Black Hole of Narandu.

Roleplaying: Brood are truly despicable creatures

who enslave and prey upon those who are weaker than
themselves. Unless hired as mercenaries, they do not
associate with any but their own kind. In most campaigns,
Brood are best suited for use by the GM as NPC villains or


Appearance: 7'-7'8", 260-300 lbs. Oily black skin, onyx

horns and spurs, coldly inhuman features, four glowing eyes,
taloned hands

Homeland: Unknown region of the Lower Planes

INT 0 PER +5 WIL -2 CHA -6
STR +3 DEX +2 CON +3 SPD +1 HP 16

Language: Brood, Elder Tongue

Special: Brood Synaesthesia (range: 300 ft., -3 PER outside

range), talons d4 + STR in unarmed combat, hide provides
PR 2

Skills: Strictor (living creatures used as weapons) +2, Vorak

(living creatures used as weapons) +2, Animal Handler +4,
Appraise (Slaves) +3, Ride (Bat Manta) +3, Torture +3.

Gear: Kilt of flayed hide (leather armor), trained strictor,

hide pouch containing two trained Vorak, +1 weapon of
choice, bat manta steed and harness, 50 silver argents

Wealth: 500 GL in soulstones, black diamonds, and/

or slaves


The Callidians are a race of highly intelligent beings whose
ancestors survived the Great Disaster by taking refuge
in a fortified sanctum, known as the Library of Jalaad.
They possess the ability to “speak in tongues,” i.e., to
comprehend and converse in any language. Their natural
abilities, combined with an intense interest in the study
of cryptography and linguistics and natural expertise in
analyzing charts and maps, has caused them to be much in
demand as scribes, translators, and cartographers. The race
is said to be dying out, and only a few hundred Callidians
remain on the continent.

Roleplaying: Callidians are serious and studious by nature.

They prefer to spend their time reading, and are normally
averse to frivolous behavior. Callidians are fascinated by
books and unfamiliar writings; roll versus WIL rating or be
unable to resist the urge to study the work in question.


Appearance: 6’-6’7”, 140-180 lbs., orange skin, large

cranium, narrow build

Homeland: The Library of Jalaad

INT +4 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX -2 CON +1 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: All Talislantan languages

Special: Speak in Tongues

Skills: Wizardry or Cryptomancy +4, Lore (Arcane) +2,

Cartography +1, Cryptography +3, Enchanting +1, choice
of one Lore +1; choice of one from Cultures, Geography,
History, or Scribe +1

Gear: Starched headdress and robes of yellow linen;

leatherbound spellbook; magnifying crystal (for examining
scripts and symbols); 2-8 scrolls or reference works on
ancient scripts, cryptology, symbology, etc.; pack or
shoulder satchel; pouch with quill pens and inks

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in various currencies

The Chana are a dark and sinister people ruled by
superstition. Ritual sacrifice and cannibalism are common
among the various Chana tribes. Chana witchmen and
witchwomen are practitioners of black magic. They revere
the forces of darkness and despise those who worship the
gods of light and order.

Roleplaying: The Chana are prone to dark and evil moods.

They have an unreasoning fear of water, which they believe
is the domain of hostile elemental spirits. They bear a long-
standing hatred of the Manra tribes, whose lands they covet,
and the Nagra, whom they fear.


Appearance: 5’7’-6’3”, 110-160 lbs., green skin, filed teeth,

hair worn in single topknots or braids

Homeland: The Jungles of Chana

INT +2 PER 0 WIL +2 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON -3 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Chanan, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Necromancy or Shamanism +1, Spear or Blowgun

+1, Camouflage +2, Concoct Kesh +1, Concoct
Poisons +1, Concoct Potions +1, Create Juju +1,
Create Charms and Talismans +1, Healer +1,
Stealth +1

Gear: Loincloth; shrunken head fetish worn

on a cord around the neck; a pouch containing
herbs; 1-4 wooden vials of kesh; 1-4 stone vials
containing poisons and/or magical pigments;
spear or blowgun, with ten poison darts in a
pouch; ritual drum; scroll of spells made
from animal hide, contained in a bone case;
trained wrist viper

Wealth: None

Chimerans are a race of humanoid shape-changers who
hail from an unknown region of the lower planes. They
possess the ability to alter their appearances at will, allowing
them to mimic almost any humanoid race of similar size.
All Chimerans are multilingual and are generally adept
at learning new languages. They use their exceptional
intelligence, charisma, and beauty to seduce others, a
talent that has allowed them to survive among the lower
planes, and one that they use to their advantage whenever
possible. Among the inhabitants of the lower planes,
Chimerans are in considerable demand as translators,
ambassadors, and especially as courtesans. They can
often be found in higher-class establishments where
traders from the lower planes congregate, including the
Iron Citadel in the Shadow Realm.

Note that while Chimerans can change to almost

any humanoid form, their Attribute and Skill ratings
remain the same in whatever form that they choose to

Roleplaying: Chimerans occasionally enter Talislanta

through Nexus, the inter-dimensional trading port located
in the Shadow realms. They are secretive by nature, a
trait that has helped them survive among the denizens
of the lower planes. They are also highly intelligent,
perceptive, and above all, adaptable; a Chimeran who has
come to Talislanta may adopt the appearance of almost
any Talislantan, including the various peoples of the Nine
Kingdoms and other lands, and even Wild Folk. Their ability
to change form and gender has led them to be regarded
with suspicion (or worse) by some Talislantans, particularly
Aamanians and Rajans.


Appearance: Variable

Homeland: Unknown

Attributes: Skills: Deception +1, Etiquette (choice of two cultures)

INT +5 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA +12 +1, Fashion +1, Seduce +2; choice of two from Dance,
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12 Diplomacy, Song, Music, Oratory, or Legerdemain +1

Languages: Choice of any 5 languages

Gear: Fine clothes (various seductive styles), robes, mirror,
Special: Shape-change (Chimeran), ability to learn new combs, jewelry
languages in weeks (and for only 2 XP per step)
Wealth: d20 x 20 lumens in various currencies, jewelry, and
gifts from clients

The Cymrilians are an eccentric folk who have an abiding
interest in Magic above all other things. This is reflected
in the culture and their homeland, Cymril of the Nine
Kingdoms, where enchanted items, magical paraphernalia,
and magic-based constructs such as windships are more
common than anywhere else in Talislanta.

Cymrillan Magicians receive their training at the Lyceum

Arcanum, Cymril’s foremost institute for the study of the
arcane arts. Here, they may become proficient in any Order
of Magic except Necromancy, which is not taught at the

Roleplaying: Cymrilian Magicians possess an insatiable

curiosity regarding all things related to magic. Roll versus
WIL for any Cymrilian Magician to attempt to resist the
temptation to examine unknown enchanted items or
other magical phenomena. Most are flamboyant by nature,
favoring flamboyant attire as well as certain minor magical
enhancements, such as multi-colored hair, magically-
animate tattoos, enchanted gadgets, etc.


Appearance: 6’-6’4”, 120-160 lbs., light green skin,

nondescript features, slender build

Homeland: Cymril of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +3 PER 0 WIL +1 CHA 0
STR -1 DEX -1 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low and High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Choice of two (except necromancy) Magical

Orders +3, Lore (Arcane) +1, Enchanting +1

Gear: High-collared cloak and robes of green

spinifex; leather and silver bound spellbook;
pouch; 1-4 amberglass vials containing potions; staff
or sword

Wealth: The equivalent of d20 x 5 gold lumens in gold

pentacles (a Nine Kingdoms currency, worth five gold
lumens apiece)


Rogue-Magicians are spellcasters who have either turned
to a life of crime, become adventurers, or simply dropped
out of Cymrilian society. Most are full-blooded Cymrilians,
though others are of mixed lineage (typically Cymrilian-
Rahastran, Cymrilian-Zandir, or Cymrilian-Sarista).

Roleplaying: Rogue-Magicians are nonconformists who

typically exhibit a flexible sense of morality. Most seek to
acquire magical knowledge through the quickest and easiest
means, even if illegal methods must be employed to meet
these ends. See Cymrilian Magician for more details on


Appearance: Varies according to parentage

Homeland: Cymril of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +1 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA -2
STR 0 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, possible second language (based

on parentage)

Special: None

Skills: Choice of one (except necromancy)

Magical Order +1, Sword +1, plus one weapon
skill of choice, choice of three from Assassinate,
Bribe, Deception, Espionage, Legerdemain, Locks,
Sabotage, Seduce, Stealth, or Streetwise +1

Gear: Costume (style is as per the country of origin);

sword plus one weapon of choice; pouch; shoulder bag;
common steed (type determined by country of origin or
background); spellbook

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens


Cymrilian Swordmages are trained in the arts of wizardry
and combat. They are primarily employed as pilots,
navigators, and crew aboard Cymril’s contingent of
windships. Due to their limited magical abilities, warrior
mages are generally accorded lesser esteem than full-fledged

Roleplaying: Swordmages are intrigued by magic, though

primarily as pertains to its use in combat. See Cymrilian
Magician for more details on Cymrilians.


Appearance: 6’-6’4”, 120-160 lbs., light green skin,

nondescript features, slender build

Homeland: Cymril of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +1 PER 0 WIL +1 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +1 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Low and High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Choice of one (except necromancy) Magical Order

+2, Swordsmanship +2, Lore (Arcane) +1,
Pilot (windship) +1

Gear: Spanglor armor painted with green or yellow lacquer;

+1 longsword; shortsword; cloak of green spinifex; leather
and silver bound spell book; pouch

Wealth: The equivalent of d20 x 3 gold lumens in gold

pentacles (a Nine Kingdoms currency, worth five gold
lumens apiece)

Danuvian Warriors are among the most skillful fighters in
Talislanta, and are much in demand as mercenaries. They
specialize in mounted combat, typically with lance, halberd,
sword, or crossbow. Governed by a Gynecocracy, only
Danuvian females are warriors. The more-passive males
were non-combatants who served other roles in Danuvian

During The Uprising, the City-State of Danuvia

was overthrown by a combined army of Za Bandits and
Beastmen. The surviving Danuvian population was
relocated, and accorded nation-status as a
member of the Nine Kingdoms, and
provided with a new homeland.

Roleplaying: Danuvian Warriors are

well-disciplined and highly regarded for their martial
prowess. Nonetheless they are aggressive by nature; given a
choice between action and inaction, they will always choose
the former. Danuvians have close ties to the Thralls of Taz,
who gave up part of their own homeland in order to provide
a place for the new city of Danuvia.


Appearance: 6’2”-6’6”, 160-200 lbs., bronze-skinned, black

mane, strong features, face decorated with pigmented paint

Homeland: Danuvia of the Nine Kingdoms

STR +3 DEX +3 CON 0 SPD +2 HP 15

Languages: Low and High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Longsword +2, Halberd +2, Crossbow +2, Weapon

of choice +1, Mounted Combat (equs) +1, Command +1;
choice of Armorer, Weaponer or Animal Handler +1

Gear: Black iron corselet and wrist bracers; shoulder pouch;

halberd; long sword; crossbow; one weapon of choice,
usually carried on the leg; earrings; torc; equs steed

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens

Danelek Hunters roam the Barrens region of the
Wilderlands of Zaran, hunting for land lizards and wild
game. They are a primitive people of harsh and occasionally
cruel habits; strangers who trespass into their territories
without permission will often be ambushed, and either
killed or taken as slaves and forced to work in the Danalek’s
salt mines. Danelek trade in salt, which they mine from the
nearby salt plains of his region. There are many Danelek
tribes, each of which is led by a hereditary family leader
known as the Naz. Traders who have dealt fairly with the
Danelek in the past may be allowed to meet with the Naz in
order to sell or barter their wares.

Roleplaying: Danelek Hunters are the only members

of their tribe who are known to travel any distance from
the Barrens; they sometimes do so in order to hunt wild
game for food, or to trade salt crystals for other goods. A
rare few have been know to travel in the company of other
adventurers, typically serving as scouts or Wilderness
guides. Danalek hunters and warriors attain status according
to the number of “kills” they have made, regardless of the
methods employed; among the Danelek, ambushes, sneak
attacks, and stealth are all considered fair play.


Appearance : 5’8”-6’2M, 100-200 lbs. Glossy black skin,

hair bleached white and worn in dreadlocks.

Homeland: The Barrens.

Language: Talislan, Sign.

INT 0 PER +2 WIL +1 CHA +1
STR+2 DEX +1 CON +4 SPD 0 HP: 14

Special: None.

Skills: War Flail +2, Bow +1, Dagger +1, Mounted Combat
(land lizard) +1, Stealth +2, Ambush +1, Tracking +2,
Survival +3

Gear: War flail, short bow and quiver with 20 arrows,

dagger, breechclout, leather halter for females, leg and arm
wrappings of land lizard hide, land lizard steed with side

Wealth: d10 x 3 gold lumens in salt crystals, land lizard

hides, and/or assorted coins.

Darkling Thieves are creatures of subterranean origin
who some scholars believe may be a mutated species of
Gnomekin or Gnorl. The Ur clans of Urag employ them as
spies, thieves, and low-class infantry, using intimidation and
fear tactics to keep the Darkling hordes in line.

Roleplaying: Darklings are miserable creatures, sinister and

conniving in nature. If given a choice, a Darkling will always
lie rather than tell the truth. Physically unimposing and
prone to cowardly actions, they are only marginally effective
as warriors. Most excel as thieves, however, an occupation to
which they are inevitably drawn; roll versus WIL rating to
resist the urge to steal if given the opportunity.


Appearance: 4’-5’, 90-130 lbs., soot-grey to black skin,

distorted features, fangs, sinuous tail

Homeland: The Darklands of Urag

INT -4 PER +3 WIL -4 CHA 0
STR -2 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 7

Languages: Northron

Special: Night vision, sense living creatures by scent (range:

100 ft.), hide in darkness (-2 to detect), see poorly in light

Skills: Dagger or Sling +2, Deception +3, Stealth +3, Traps

(Primitive) +2, Streetwise +1, Underworld +1

Gear: Loincloth; pouch; spear; dagger or sling with two

dozen stones in a shoulder pouch

Wealth: d6 x 2 gold lumens in mixed coins and/or

miscellaneous baubles


The Dhuna are the descendants of an ancient race of witches
and warlocks who made their home in the deep forests of
Werewood, as most Dhuna do in the present era. Mysterious
and secretive by nature, the Dhuna are regarded with
superstitious dread by the people of the Western Lands. The
Dhuna are practitioners of an ancient form of witchcraft and
have been persecuted for their beliefs for centuries by the
Orthodoxists of Aaman.

Roleplaying: Dhuna tend to be strange and mysterious by

nature, exhibiting a considerable distrust of outsiders.
They have been persecuted by the Orthodoxists for
centuries, and therefore bear a great hatred for


Appearance: 5’-5’10”, 90-130 lbs., olive skin, black hair,

and both sexes are generally considered dark, entrancing,
and attractive

Homeland: Werewood

INT +2 PER 0 WIL 0
CHA +6 (+1 for Warlocks)
STR -1 (+1 for Warlocks)
DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan, Elder Tongue

Special: Dhuna Witchwomen can capture a man’s

heart with a single kiss (roll vs WIL to resist).

Skills: Witchcraft +3, Staff +1, Concoct

Potions +1, Healer +2, Lore (Plant) +1,
Seduce +2, Tracking +1,
Traps (Primitive) +2

Gear: Long cloak; frock or shirt and breeches

of spun linen; animal hide boots; animal hide
scroll for spells; pouch (1-4 elixirs); staff or wand;
greymane steed

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in rare herbs and small,

semi-precious stones

The nomadic Djaffir merchant and bandit tribes roam the length
and breadth of Talislanta, from their homeland of Djaffa to the
Desert Kingdoms, the Western and Eastern Lands, and beyond.
They are neutrals, and are willing to trade and deal with most
peoples, with the exception of their ancestral enemies, the Rajans.

Djaffir merchant and bandit tribes are highly mobile,

using the one, two, or three-humped aht-ra as steeds and
beasts of burden. According to some Talislantans, the
difference between the two types of Djafir tribes is largely
one of semantics. That is to say, a tribe of Djaffir may act as
merchants when they have goods to sell, or as bandits when
they need to “acquire” more merchandise to sell. Despite
such conceptions, few will argue with the quality of Djaffir
merchandise, which is typically excellent.

Roleplaying: Djaffir have extended family ties, so much so that

these folk will almost always find one or more relatives in any
Djaffir tribe encountered anywhere on the continent. It is the
custom of the Djaffir to wear fetish masks, which purportedly
confer protection from hostile magics. Others believe that the
Djaffir wear these masks simply to conceal their features. In any
case, a Djaffir will never remove his or her mask in public.


Appearance: 5’-6’, 80-160 lbs., dark brown skin, dark hair

and eyes, wiry build

Homeland: Djaffa of the Desert Kingdoms

INT +3 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +1 CON +1 SPD 0 HP 13

Languages: Nomadic, Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Dagger+1 or Shortbow +2, Mounted Combat (aht-

ra) +1, Appraise Treasure +2, Haggle +2, Merchant +3,
Animal Handling or Caravan Master +2

Gear: Traditional leather mask; cloak, robes and headdress

of light linen cloth; boots of soft aht-ra’s hide; curved dagger;
horn shortbow with a quiver of twenty arrows; belt and
shoulder pouches; aht-ra steed equipped with cooking
utensils and other baggage

Wealth: d20 x 5 gold lumens in coins (various


Dracartan Desert Scouts form the basis of Carantheum’s
powerful army. They patrol the borders of their desert
kingdom in parties of 10-20 individuals, guard Carantheum’s
fortress cities, and serve as crewmen and warriors on the
Dracartans’ great desert-spanning Duneships.

Desert Scouts are also known to take work as

mercenaries, scouts, or guides. As such, they may sometimes
be found in other lands, and/or the company of adventurers
and others of this ilk.

Roleplaying: Dracartans are a serious and introspective

folk who have little interest in socializing or merry-making,
which they regard as frivolous pursuits. They are in many
ways still influenced by their ancestors, who wandered the
desertlands for centuries after the Great Disaster, until they
discovered red iron. Their wars with the Rajans are also
responsible for hardening the attitudes of these folk, who
can be either the most loyal of allies or the direst foes.


Appearance: 5’8’-6’-4’, 125-240 lbs., regal bearing, jade skin

Homeland: Carantheum of the Desert Kingdoms

INT 0 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +2 DEX 0 CON +1 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: High Talislan, Nomadic

Special: None

Skills: Sword +3, Hurlant +3, choice of 3rd weapon,

Mounted Combat +2, Scout +1, Survival +1, Tracking +1

Gear: Vest of red iron discs; red iron torc and bracers; linen
and chain mesh headdress; loincloth; long sword with
shoulder sheath; hurlant with quiver and twelve
bolts; choice of third weapon

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in Dracartan

pyramids (Carantheum’s national currency)


Dracartan Thaumaturges are guardians of the secret
process used to create quintessence, a magical substance
possessing fabulous properties. Most serve the government
of Carantheum as engineers, scholars and royal advisors.
Others may be found in Cymril of the Nine Kingdoms,
teaching at the Lyceum Arcanum or working with one or
more members of the Nine Kingdoms alliance, all of whom
are Carantheum’s close allies.

While the vast majority of Dracartan Thaumaturges are

either employed by the nation of Carantheum or its allies,
some have been known to operate independently of any
governmental institution. These Thaumaturges sometimes
travel to distant lands in order to study unusual magical,
natural, or historical phenomena of various sorts. A rare
few even do so in the company of travelers, nomads, or

Roleplaying: Dracartan are dedicated to the study and

practice of the Thaumaturgic arts, and do not engage in
frivolous pursuits of any sort. Their interests may range from
the arcane arts to rare substances and alchemical ingredients,
ancient architecture, and unusual discoveries or anomalies.


Appearance: 5’8’-6’-4’, 125-240 lbs., regal bearing, jade skin

Homeland: Carantheum

INT +2 PER 0 WIL +2 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Nomadic

Special: None

Skills: Thaumaturgy (Dracartan) +5, Alchemy (elixirs) +3,

Enchanting +1, Engineer (Advanced) +1

Gear: Thaumaturge’s robes and cap; cloak; caduceus staff;

red iron torc and bracers; spellbook

Wealth: d20 x 20 gold lumens in Dracartan pyramids

(Carantheum’s national currency)

The Drukhs are a savage race of Sub-Men who dress in
the skins of wild beasts and dye their skin with the juice of
purple barb-berries. They prey upon caravans that travel
the roads in and around Arim and occasionally come down
from the mountains to launch raids upon small villages
or outposts. They are the enemies of the Arimites, who
have tried for centuries to drive the Drukh tribes from
the wooded hills of Arim. Some of the tribes are able to
communicate by means of smoke signals.

Roleplaying: A violent and cruel folk, the Drukhs find

enjoyment in capturing and torturing individuals who
trespass into their territories. In battle, Drukh warriors use
enchanted flutes and drums to achieve a type of trance state.
Drukhs who have been so affected will continue to attack
even if badly afflicted with normally incapacitating wounds;
they fight until reaching -10 hit points.


Appearance: 5’2”-6’, 80-160 lbs., skin and

hair dyed purple, bestial features, wild gray eyes

Homeland: Northern woods of Arim

INT 0 PER +1 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +2 CON +3 SPD+1 HP 16

Languages: Low Talislan, Sign

Special: None.

Skills: Spear +2, War Club or Dagger +1, Mounted combat

(Equs) +1, Hunter +1, Mountain Climbing +1, Scout +1,
Torture +1, Tracking +1, Traps, Primitive +1

Gear: Headdress, vest, breeches, and boots of tundra

beast hide, spear, stone war club or bone dagger, pouch,
graymane steed (also dyed purple).

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens in ivory, hide, or gold dust.

Drukh Shamans are primitive spell casters who serve as Roleplaying: Drukh Shamans revere Noman, dark god of
leaders and spiritual advisors of the Drukh tribes. Like all the Nightmare Dimension, who they believe is the source
Drukhs, they are extremely superstitious, and believe their of evil spirits, curses, and black magic. In battle, Drukh
fate is governed by and omens and portents – which may be Shamans wield bone flutes and play the ancient “Song of
found almost anywhere. Madness”, which is intended to strike fear into the hearts of
their enemies.
It is the Shaman’s duty to read these omens and interpret
them for the tribe. Their readings can impel a tribe to attack,
to avoid an area or person designated as “cursed”, or to
postpone their plans until the appearance of more favorable


Appearance: 5’2”-6’, 80-160 lbs., skin and hair dyed purple,

bestial features, wild gray eyes

Homeland: Northern woods of Arim

INT +2 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +1 CON +3 SPD +0 HP 14

Languages: Low Talislan, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Shamanism +2, Club or Dagger +1, Mounted

Combat (equs) +1, Mountain Climbing +1, Music +1,
Enchanting (Primitive) +1, Survival +1, Torture +1

Gear: Headdress; vest; breeches and boots of tundra beast

or yaksha hide; stone war club or bone dagger, pouch, scroll
of spells (inscribed upon flayed hide or skin), greymane
steed (also dyed purple); 1-4 wooden vials containing
magical pigments and/or medicinal mixtures; bone flute or

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens in ivory, hide and/or gold dust

Ebonites are spectral entities who hail from the City of Gear: Shadowsilk robe and hood, soul cage, spirit-catcher,
Ebon on the shores of the Underworld. Able to change from spellbook, bone scroll-case, bat manta or shadow- mane
noncorporeal to corporeal form at will, they are known to steed and harness, weapon of choice
travel to other dimensions to trade for souls, soulstones,
and other magical wares. Though they are mainly traders Wealth: d6 x 500 GL in various currencies, black diamonds
by profession, most Ebonites are also skilled in magic. They and soulstones
are sometimes found in Talislanta, where they arrive via the
trade port known as the Iron Citadel, in the Shadow Realms.
Ebonites are staunch neutrals and avoid taking sides in any

Roleplaying: This archetype was designed for the GM to

use as an NPC. Ebonites are not living beings; they are non-
corporeal undead who hail from the lower planes. While
they not truly “evil”, Ebonites consort with all manner of
beings from the lower planes. They have no interest in the
affairs of living beings, who they primarly value only for
their souls, which Ebonites regard as “merchandise”. In most
campaigns, Ebonite Soul Traders are best suited for use by
the GM as NPC of a dark and morbid nature.


Appearance: 6’6” - 7’6”, weightless or 110-160 lbs. when

corporeal. Eyes like smoldering white coals. Appears as a
tall, thin shadow when incorporeal, or as a black-skinned,
spidery humanoid when not. In both forms, hair and loose
clothing are blown about by an etheric wind, even when
there is no breeze to be felt.

Homeland: The City of Ebon on the shores of the


INT 0 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA -1
STR 0/NA DEX +1 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Language: Elder Tongue

Special: See clearly in even magical darkness; detect

invisible, ethereal, and astral presences by sight; immune
to non-magical weapons; blinded by strong light (-5 to all
actions); harmed by magical radiance (one HP damage
per Level of the light spell); change from corporeal to
incorporeal form at will.

Skills: Necromancy or Wizardry +2, Choice of

Weapon +2, Appraise Treasure +3, Arcane Lore +1,
Merchant +3, Ride (Bat Manta or Shadowmane
Equs) +3, Stealth +2

Farad Merchants begin their careers as mongers, or common
sellers of goods. In time, they may work their way up to
the rank of procurer, a buyer of large quantities of goods
at wholesale prices. A few are able to attain the position
of usurer, lending money at exorbitant rates to finance the
ventures of lesser merchants. Only the most clever and
unscrupulous Farad ever rise to the rank of monopolist, an
owner of a large business concern that typically employs a
number of mongers, procurers, agents, and slave laborers.

Roleplaying: The Farad are widely known for their

unscrupulous business dealings and their overtly
materialistic nature. Generally speaking, a Farad will do just
about anything for money. Farad Merchants usually require
contracts of their own making for all but the most basic


Appearance: 5’8”-6’6”, 100-200 lbs., flint-grey skin, chiseled

features, dark and narrow eyes, males wear beard in twin

Homeland: Faradun

INT +2 PER 0 WIL +2 CHA -2
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 10

Language: High and Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Dagger or Scimitar +2, Appraise Slaves +1, Appraise

Treasure +1, Bribe +1, Coerce +1, Caravan Master or Pilot
(Merchant galley) or Navigator +1, Merchant +3.

Gear: Elaborate headdress, voluminous robes, sashes

trimmed with tassels, velvet boots (males); trailing silk
gown, necklace of silver loops, rings on each finger (female),
curved dagger (both sexes) and/or scimitar (male), coin
purse, ledger book (for business transactions).

Wealth: d20 x 250 gold lumens in coin and/or precious


Ferrans are inveterate thieves and scavengers who usually
hunt in packs of four to sixteen individuals. Sly and crafty,
they avoid direct conflict whenever possible, preferring
instead to rely on stealth, speed, and the element of surprise.
Their scent is considered offensive by most other races
(particularly the Jaka, who possess a keen sense of smell).

Roleplaying: Ferrans are scavengers by trade and

preference; a Ferran will not aquire by honest means
anything that he or she can steal. Sly and crafty, they avoid
direct conflict whenever possible, preferring instead to
utilize stealth, speed, and the element of surprise. They
tend to rely upon their keen olfactory abilities rather than
their other senses, and constantly sniff the air to gather
information about their surroundings.


Appearance: 3’6”-4’4”, coarse brown fur, rodent-like

features, hairless tail

Homeland: The Labyrinths of Sharna

INT +2 PER 0 (+6 for olfactory sense)
STR -3 DEX +8
CON +2 SPD +4 HP 6

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: Emit foul odor (three times per day;

victims resist vs CON or are nauseated for 1-4

Skills: Dagger +1, Appraise Treasure +1, Legerdemain

+2, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Tracking (by scent) +1,
Underworld +1

Gear: Loincloth; pouch; scavenged bits of clothing

and gear; dagger

Wealth: d10 x 3 gold lumens in mixed coin and

miscellaneous baubles

The Gao are the descendants of criminals and outcasts
incarcerated on the isle of Gao-Din, once a penal colony
of the ancient Phaedran dynasty. Almost all Gao are of
mixed background, and as such are diverse in appearance
and nature. Pirates by trade, the Gao are notable for their
swashbuckling “thieves’ code of honor,” as well as their
love of gold and plunder. Their rivals are the Mangar, fierce
corsairs from the Far Seas.

Roleplaying: Most Gao adopt a flamboyant persona of one

sort or another, which often has the effect of romanticizing
their illicit activities in the eyes of the common people,
who tend to regard them as heroes. In observance of their
unusual code of honor, they will not steal from other
Gao, nor will they do harm to their innocent victims if
such actions can be avoided. The Gao mark the Imrians,
Aamanians, and Mangar corsairs as their most hated


Appearance: Various; mixed heritage

Homeland: Gao-Din

INT +2 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA +3
STR 0 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Sea Nomad, Low Talislan

Special: Possible additional abilities, according to


Skills: Swordsmanship +2 and choice of two weapons

+1 or Magical Order (except necromancy) +2, Appraise
Treasure +1, Pilot (choice of sea vessel) +2, Swim
+2; choice of five from Assassinate, Bribe, Deception,
Espionage, Legerdemain, Locks, Sabotage, Seduce,
Stealth, or Streetwise +1

Gear: Variety of colorful garments, usually of a mixed

sort; choice of two weapons (dueling swords are a
favorite); multiple earrings, as well as other jewelry

Wealth: d20 x 5 gold lumens in coin and/or


Gargoyles are a species of lesser devils found throughout the
lower planes. Though not very intelligent, they are rugged,
aggressive, and powerfully built – traits that cause them to
be in some demand as soldiers and bodyguards. In the latter
capacity they can sometimes be found in the company of
Zoab traders, who travel to Talislanta via the Iron Citadel in
the Shadow Realm.

Roleplaying: Gargoyles are foul-tempered, aggressive,

and prone to violence - except in the presence of Shaitan
superiors, in the presence of whom Gargoyles are fawning
and obsequious in the extreme. Gargoyles love gold, and
those who work as mercenaries for non-Shaitan usually
do their best to restrain their more violent impulses (save
vs WIL if angered or annoyed, or a Gargoyle will lose its
temper and attack). While Gargoyles are physically
well-suited to work as bodyguards and fighters,
they are notoriously dull-witted, and incapable of
understanding complex commands.


Appearance: 5’8” - 6’2”, 300-450 lbs., hide has

the appearance and texture of rough stone,
physique squat and heavily muscled, large bat-
like wings, horns, hideous features according to
other races

Homeland: Midnight Realm

INT -3 PER +1 WIL +5 CHA -4
STR +7 DEX -2 CON +8 SPD -1 HP 14

Languages: Elder Tongue

Special: Rock-like hide (PR 2), speak in tongues,

natural weapons (DR 6), immunity to non-magical
harm, supernatural endurance (never grow weary,
never need sleep), can fly at normal speed while fully
encumbered, circumscription by brass, oath-binding

Skills: Battleaxe or Warhammer +3, Weapon of Choice +1,

Etiquette +1, Executioner +1, Guard +2, Scout +1

Gear: Plate mail armor; loincloth; Battleaxe or

Warhammer; one additional silver weapon of
choice; coin pouch

Wealth: d10 x 3 gold lumens


Gnomekin Crystalomancers are experts at growing,
polishing, cutting, and appraising all types of crystals and
gemstones. Those who live in the subterranean city of
Durne typically serve as overseers of a crystal garden or
crystal-selling concern. Others travel abroad, buying, selling,
or prospecting for fine gemstones.

Gnomekin Crystalomancers are renowned for their

knowledge of the Underground Highway. They helped
chart the tunnels that extend beneath Durne, the Nine
Kingdoms, and much of the continent.

Roleplaying: Gnomekin are friendly and

industrious folk who live in underground cavern-
cities and travel far and wide by means of a
network of subterranean trails known as the
Underground Highway. They tend to be
cheerful and optimistic by nature, and have a
deep reverence for the earth. Gnomekin are so modest and
unassuming by nature that they never refer to themselves in
conversation; for example, “Am pleased to see you” means “I
am pleased to see you.


Appearance: 2’10”-3’6”, 60-100 lbs., nut-brown skin, soft

black mane, large green eyes, childlike features

Homeland: Durne of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +2 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA +2
STR 0 DEX +4 CON +6 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: Natural climbing ability, extreme durability, night

vision, +2 combat bonus vs large (7’+) opponents

Skills: Crystalomancy +3, Agriculture +1, Artificer +1,

Appraise Treasure +2, Mountain Climbing +1, Climbing +1,
Enchanting +2, Stealth +1

Gear: Cloak; loincloth; pouch with 2-20 crystals of varying

types; amber cusps (to protect eyes above ground);
choice of pickaxe or hammer and chisel

Wealth: The equivalent of d10 x 20 gold lumens in crystals

Gnomekin Warriors are the protectors of their homeland.
They excel at all aspects of subterranean combat, and are
able to move swiftly and silently underground. Those who
serve in the army of Durne may be encountered patrolling
the Underground Highway beneath Durne, the Nine
Kingdoms, and even in more distant lands.

All Gnomekin who do not study Crystalomancy are

required to spend two years in the Durne militia.
Following their tour, some Gnomekin Warriors
opt for a career as adventurers or mercenaries.

Roleplaying: What Gnomekin Warriors lack

in size, they typically make up for in bravery.
They are known for their loyalty to their friends
and allies, as well as their toughness in the face
of subterranean enemies such as Darklings and
Satada. The crystal swords that they wield are known
for their high quality, and are as effective as enchanted
weapons vs most types of corporeal creatures.


Appearance: 2’10”-3’6”, 60-100 lbs., nut-brown skin, soft

black mane, large vibrant eyes, childlike features

Homeland: Durne of the Nine Kingdoms

STR +2 DEX +4 CON +6 SPD 0 HP 15

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: Natural climbing ability, extreme durability, night

vision, +2 combat bonus vs large (7’+) opponents.

Skills: Sword +3, Artificer +1, Armorer or Weaponer +1,

Guard +1, Climbing +2, Mountain Climbing +2, Scout +1

Gear: Scale armor, crystal short sword, sling with pouch of

twenty stones, 1-4 pottery vials of stenchroot sap and/or
brown mold, amber cusps (to protect eyes above ground).

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in crystals and/or mixed


Gnorls are a race of strange humanoids believed to be
related to Gnomekin, or possibly weirdlings; no one is quite
sure. They live in underground nooks, typically built into
the side of a hillock, and situated in uncivilized woodland
regions. The race of Gnorls is skilled in an ancient form
of witchcraft known as rhabdomancy, the “art of divining
secrets.” Gnorls collect secrets, which they gather by various
means, including communing with spiritforms (Gnorls can
contact spiritforms without the use of summoning spells).
Like Gnomekin, Gnorls prefer to travel via the subterranean
roads known as the Underground Highway. Unlike their
relatives, however, Gnorls are not overly sensitive to light.

Roleplaying: Gnorl Rhabdomancers are both intelligent

and crafty. They are shrewd bargainers who will never give
away a secret without receiving fair value - or better, if the
Gnorl can get it - in return. As Gnorls are privy to secret
knowledge that most player characters would not have
access to, these characters may be best suited for use by the
GM as NPCs.


Appearance: 3-4’, 60-80 lbs., wizened features, dark

brown skin, glowing eyes deep-set beneath a furrowed
brow, squat physique

Homeland: Gnorlwood

INT +2 PER +1 WIL +2 CHA 0
STR -2 DEX +1 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 10

Languages: Low Talislan, Elder Tongue, Gnorl

Special: Night vision, commune with spirits.

Skills: Witchcraft +3, Staff +1, Lore (Arcane) +1,

Concoct Herbal Medicines +2, Healer +1, Lore
(Plant) +1, Stealth +1

Gear: Wardrobe comprised of odd and colorful garments

such as turbans, sashes, beads, bangles, scarves, etc.; walking
stick or staff; leather-bound spellbook; pouch or satchel
containing 1-3 medicinal mixtures; 1-3 ounces of incense
for producing magical fumes; 2-8 drams of dried herbs;
quill pen and a vial of ink

Wealth: d10 x 6 gold lumens


Green Men are a race of sentient plant folk indigenous to the
Dark Coast region. They are a peaceful folk who possess the
ability to influence plants and enjoy a symbiotic relationship
with their environment.

Roleplaying: Green Men are the gentlest and kindest of all

Talislantan races. They are nearly incapable of doing harm
to other living things, regardless of the provocation. Their
submissiveness and special abilities make them much in
demand as slaves, and the race has suffered greatly at the
hands of such folk as the Imrians and to a lesser extent the
Farad and Rajans. Escaped Green Men slaves sometimes
settle in woodland regions, particularly Vardune of the
Seven Kingdoms, where they are welcomed for their
horticultural talents.


Appearance: 3’-3’6”, 40-50 lbs., mossy green skin and hair,

bright yellow eyes.

Homeland: The Dark Coast

INT +4 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR -4 DEX +4 CON 0 SPD +3 HP 4

Language: The Secret Language of Plants, Low Talislan

Special: Commune with Plants +3

Skills: Camouflage +4, Stealth +2, Healer +2,

Lore (Plant) +1, Traps (Primitive) +1

Gear: D’oko (living plant; provides food and

shelter), loincloth of woven mosses.

Wealth: None

Gryph Warriors are the protectors of the forest of
Tamaranth. They hunt predatory beasts such as omnivrax
and malathropes and follow the movements of the
Beastmen tribes by air. Gryphs are able to communicate
with all avian species, from whom they learn much of what
is transpiring across the continent.

Roleplaying: Gryphs are aggressive protectors of their

territories and their friends. They are a noble race known for
their valor in combat Gryphs are uncomfortable in enclosed
spaces and cannot survive for long in captivity.


Appearance: 6’10”-7’2”, 220-280 lbs., wingspan 24+

ft., brilliant red and orange plumage, hawk-like visage,
wings, lean and muscular physique

Homeland: Tamaranth

INT 0 PER +4 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +3 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD +8
(Airborne; 0 on land) HP 16

Languages: High Talislan

Special: Flight, superior vision (see precise

details at ranges of up to one mile), talons deal
d4 damage

Skills: Duar +2, Heavy Crossbow +4, Lore

(Plant) +1, Hunter/Gatherer +1, Scout
(airborne) +1, choice of Healer or Artificer or
Weaponer +1, Combat (Aerial) +1, Unarmed
Combat +1

Gear: Loincloth and bracers of exomorph

hide; shoulder pouch; duar; heavy crossbow
with a quiver of twenty bolts

Wealth: d20 x 5 gold lumens in small, semi-

precious stones

Hadjin Nobles are the former rulers of the City-State of
Hadj, which fell to the Wild Tribes during the Uprising. In
addition to losing their city, the Hadjin nobility also lost
their primary source of income: the Hadjin Tombs, a series
of massive tower-mausoleums that were rich in ancient
treasures and artifacts, and protected by some of the most
potent Kasmiran trap-mechanisms ever devised.

Today, the majority of Hadjin Nobles live in Cymril of the

Nine Kingdoms. Most remain very wealthy, their fortunes
wisely invested centuries ago with Kasmiran Money-
Lenders. More than a few have sought to hire adventurers to
retrieve treasures and “family heirlooms” from the Hadjin
Tombs, providing gainful if dangerous employment for a
certain breed of individuals who value gold more than their
own safety.

Roleplaying: Born into great wealth, the Hadjin consider

themselves superior to common folk. Most are snobbish
by nature, affecting a standoffish attitude towards other
peoples. They are in the habit of waving themselves with
scented fans when in the presence of outsiders, whom they
deem odious and coarse . The Hadjin shun hard work of
any sort. As they have few useful talents, Hadjin Nobles are
generally best employed by the GM as NPCs.


Appearance: 6’-6’6”, 140-180 lbs., light green skin and hair,

plain features, narrow build.

Homeland: formerly the City State of Hadj; now displaced

INT +1 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA +2
STR -1 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 8

Language: High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Appraise Artifacts +1, Arcane Lore +2, Oratory +2.

Gear: Layered robes, distinctive headwear, long gloves,

scented fan, money purse, Silvermane drawn carriage, small

Wealth: d6 x 1000 gold lumens (plus an inheritance often

many times this figure in property and other valuables).

The Harakin are a grim race who view life as a constant
struggle for survival. They care nothing for the ways of
civilized people, which they consider useless. Raised in the
hostile environment of Harak, they can endure
great hardships. The Harakin word for
“survival” and “fight” (hakta) are one and
the same. Both the males and females are
warriors, and of necessity, survivalists. Small
bands of Harakin have been known to travel as far
south as the Volcanic Hills and eastern Wilderlands regions,
though such occurrences are considered quite rare.

Roleplaying: Fatalistic and grim, the Harakin have no

concept of religion or morality, art or music. Skills and
crafts that are not related to warfare or survival are regarded
as useless. The Harakin words for “enemy”, “stranger”, and
“food” are the same. They have no concept of magic except
to know it can hurt them – magicians are always their first
targets in battle.


Appearance: 6’-6’6”, 140-220 lbs., grey skin, hard features,

lean and rugged.

Homeland: Harak

STR +3 DEX +2 CON +5 SPD 0
HP 16

Language: Low Talislan, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Jang +3, Khu +3, Tarak or Krin +3, Hunting +1,
Mountain Climbing +1, Mounted Combat (Dractyl) +1,
Survival +2, Tracking +1, Weaponer +1, Armorer (hide) +1

Gear: Loincloth, cowl, high boots and thick gauntlets of

reptile hide, fur cloak, jang, khu, and tarak or krin (with
quiver plus ten black iron bolts), shoulder pouch, dractyl
steed with saddlebags and harness.

Wealth: None

The aquatic Imrians are a cruel and domineering race who
view themselves as superior beings. They prey on many
primitive peoples, including the Green Men, Ahazu, Moorg-
Wan, Sawila, and even the Chana. The thin coat of slime that
covers their bodies enables them to survive out of water for
extended periods (up to one week, or about half this in hot,
dry climates). Most other races find Imrians to be repulsive.

Roleplaying: The lmrians have no religion, since they are

incapable of imagining any entities greater than themselves.
lmrian slavers regard their victims as nothing more than
merchandise to be captured and sold as they
see fit. lmrians drink brine and feast on sea
slugs and worms. As such, the majority of
Talislantans find them repulsive, uncouth,
and grotesque. Due to their despicable
nature, in most campaigns Imrians Slavers are
best used by the GM as NPCs.


Appearance: 6’-6’6”, 200-280+ lbs., yellow-green scaly hide,

webbed hands and feet, sharp fangs, body coated with slime.

Homeland: Island of Imria

STR +4 DEX -4 CON 0 SPD +5 (in water; -2 on land)
HP 16

Language: Low Talislan, Piscine

Special: Amphibious; hide equal to leather armor, claws do

1-4 damage.

Skills: Capture-Pole +2, Oc +2, Appraise Slaves +2,

Camouflage +1, Hunting +1, Pilot (Coracle) or Animal
Trainer (Kra) +1, Traps (Primitive) +1.

Gear: Loincloth of kra’s hide, a necklace of brass rings

(Imrian coins), capture-pole, Oc (barbed bolas) with
shoulder case or throwing net, shoulder pouch, water-skin
filled with brine.

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens, plus half this figure

in Imrian brass rings.


The Ispasians are a mercantile people who were subjugated
by the Quan in the early days of the former Quan Empire.
They now serve the Kang, who like the Quan employ
Ispasian agents in the management of the Empire’s finances.
The most powerful of these individuals deal in vast sums
of money, goods, and commodities, covertly investing in
foreign interests and international markets. The Ispasians
are believed to secretly have clients in such far-distant lands
as Faradun, Rajanistan, Imria, and Kasmir of the Nine
Kingdoms, among others. Ispasians bear a well-deserved
reputation as ruthless and calculating businessmen (and

Roleplaying: Ispasians regard all relationships as business

transactions, and can be somewhat off-putting. They claim
to have no personal feelings towards clients, and prefer
to maintain a “cool” exterior, seldom showing outward
emotion except when under great stress.


Appearance: 5’10”-6’4”, 100-180 lbs., lemon-yellow skin,

expressionless features, slender build.

Homeland: Ispasia, in the Kang Empire

INT +3 PER 0 WIL +2 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 10

Language: High Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Appraise Goods +1, Appraise Slaves +1, Appraise

Treasure +1, Bribe +3, Diplomacy +1, Merchant +3.

Gear: Gold or silver tiara, 2-8 sets of fine silkcloth robes,

small villa or estate in Ispasia (inherited from ancestors), 2-8
slaves (various races).

Wealth: d20 x 1000 gold lumens in various currencies and

investments, plus property (worth an additional 5,000-
10,000 gold lumens).

The Jaka claim to be descended from a noble race of
intelligent animals who once roamed the forests of northern
Talislanta before the coming of the Archaens. They are
a fiercely independent folk who value freedom above
all things. Some prefer to live alone, or in mated pairs.
Others hunt or trade in small bands of up to a dozen or so
individuals. They make no permanent dwellings, though
a group of Jaka may mark an expanse of woods or hills
as their territory and settle in the region for a time. Most
prefer to live in the wild, though some readily associate with
“civilized” peoples.

Roleplaying: Jaka tend to be suspicious by nature, a trait

that is perhaps attributable to their uncannily acute senses.
Jaka have a superstitious dread of magic, and wear primitive
talismans to protect themselves from “the evil eye” (+ l on all
magic resistance rolls versus curses and black magic) . These
items work only for their Jaka makers. Jaka do not identify
with the Sub-Men, and consider themselves superior to such
races as the Beastmen and Mondre Khan. Jaka Beastmasters
often keep one or more wild beasts as companions, utilizing
the beast lore skills of their ancestors to call, communicate
with, and befriend these creatures.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’, 120-180 lbs., black fur, silver-grey

mane, features a cross between wolf and panther

Homeland: Jakar of the Nine Kingdoms

INT 0 PER +4 WIL 0 CHA +4
STR 0 DEX +3 CON +4 SPD +3 HP 14

Language: Sign, Low Talislan

Special: Land on feet (falls up to thirty feet), naturally

stealthy, night vision, sixth sense, beast lore +1

Skills: Sword +2, Short Bow +2, Hunter/Gatherer +1,

Lore (Beast) +1, Mounted Combat (Equs) +1,
Tracking (by scent) +1, Traps (Primitive) +1, Stealth +1

Gear: Vest, loincloth and boots of tundra beast hide, luck

talisman (worn on a thong around the neck), backpack,
pouches, wrist bracers, short bow with a quiver of twenty
arrows, long sword, knife, rope, greymane steed, nighthawk
or another animal.

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in skins, hides and mixed coins

Jaka Scouts are bounty hunters of exceptional skill. Unlike
Jaka beastmasters, they have adapted to the ways of more
“civilized” folk, forgoing the ways of their ancestors in favor
of a mercenary lifestyle. They usually work alone or in pairs,
tracking down and capturing escaped felons and other
undesirables for pay. Jaka Scouts are skilled in wood lore,
and make excellent guides and trackers. Some are known to
work as mercenaries or adventurers.

Roleplaying: Like all Jaka, Scouts are suspicious by nature.

They do not make friends easily, but may become loyal
companions to those who earn their trust. These folk are
also are wary of Magic, and wear the same talismans to
protect themselves against “the evil eye”, curses, etc. Jaka
Scouts who work as adventurers will keep their distance
from any members of their party that use magic. If forced to
be in close contact with such individuals, Jaka will be visibly
uncomfortable, and on edge (roll vs WIL if a magician gets
too close to a Jaka; if the roll fails, the Jaka will bare its fangs
and hiss until the magician moves at least a foot or two


Appearance: 5’8”-6’, 120-180 lbs., black fur, silver-grey

mane, features a cross between wolf and panther

Homeland: Jakar of the Nine Kingdoms

INT 0 PER +5 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +3 CON +5 SPD +3 HP 14

Languages: Sign, Low Talislan

Special: Land on feet (falls up to thirty feet), naturally

stealthy, night vision, sixth sense

Skills: Sword +3, Shortbow +3, Ambush +1, Camouflage

+1, Hunter/Gatherer +1, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Tracking
(by scent) +1, Traps (Primitive) +1

Gear: Vest; loincloth and boots of tundra beast hide;

evil eye talisman, usually worn on a thong around
the neck; backpack; pouches; wrist bracers;
shortbow with a quiver of twenty arrows;
longsword; knife; rope

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens


Jhangarans are a primitive people who live in the coastal
jungles of Jhangara. Jhangaran mercenaries are notable for
their lack of discretion concerning the type of work they will
take on. When gainful employment is scarce, many work as
brigands, scouts, or bounty hunters.

Roleplaying: The Jhangarans are an ignorant and

superstitious folk, considered primitive and boorish by most
other Talislantans. They have a weakness for alcohol, which
renders them mad and unpredictable. Jhangarans generally
begin all conversation by the use of a single imperative,
delivered in a gruff or forceful manner. This is depicted
in written form with an exclamation point immediately
preceding and following the statement, as in “!Hold!”
“!Hear!” and the popular Jhangaran insult “!Die!”


Appearance: 5’7”-6’7”,100-200 lbs., striated brown and

sepia skin, elliptical cranium, angular build, hairless

Homeland: Jhangara

STR +1 DEX +1 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Choice of two weapons +1, Camouflage +2,

Interrogate +1, Mounted Combat (marsh strider) +1,
Stealth +1, Survival +1, Traps (Primitive) +2

Gear: Yellow cloth arm and leg wrappings; loincloth;

backpack; cloak of yellow linen; choice of two weapons;
marsh strider steed; flask of liquor.

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens in mixed coins

Kang Trackers are much-feared in the Eastern Lands,
where they are employed by Kang Warlords to hunt down
criminals, dissidents, and other enemies of the Empire. They
also serve in the Kang army, where they are mainly used as
scouts, infantry support, and skirmishers.

Kang Trackers are trained to work in tandem with Tarkus

– fierce beasts that are adept at tracking prey by scent and
sound. The creatures can only be trained if raised from birth,
which is the only way they will bond with a Tracker. Even so,
Tarkus are difficult to control, and may turn on their masters
if not kept in line.

Roleplaying: Like all loyal subjects of the Kang Empire,

Kang Trackers follow the military chain of command. Their
first loyalty is to the Empire, and their second is to the war
clan to which they belong. Depending on the type of
campaign being run, the GM my prefer to use these
archetypes only as NPCs.


Appearance: 6’-6’8”, 120-220 lbs., crimson skin,

hard features, white eyes, long black hair (worn in
a queue)

Homeland: The Kang Empire

INT 0 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +2 DEX 0 CON +3 SPD 0 HP 15

Languages: Quan (mercenaries will know some Low


Special: None

Skills: Kanquan +1, Light Crossbow +2, choice of one

weapon +1, Animal Handling +1, Mounted Combat (equs
or strider) +1, Stealth +1, Tracking +2

Gear: Strider hide armor; gauntlets and high boots; cloak;

light crossbow with quiver and twelve quarrels; weapon of
choice, pouch; tarkus tracking beast with black iron chain
and muzzle; feedbag

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens

The Kang are a warlike people, born to combat. All Kang
Warriors belong to a war clan, whom they are pledged to
honor and obey. As soldiers of the Empire, they are required
to loyally follow the military chain of command, on pain of
imprisonment or death.

Kang Warriors decorate their bodies with kanjiko, a form

of ritual scarring used to connote bravery in battle and other
achievements. In addition to weapons-training, Kang are
also taught a weaponless form of martial arts known as

Roleplaying: Of great importance to all Kang is the

concept of khir, or “honor in battle”. Khir may be earned
for any act of valor, from defeating an opponent in combat
to exhibiting courage in the face of overwhelming odds. The
Kang take great pride in such achievements, and deeds
that earn khir are often cause for celebration among the
honored participants and their admirers.


Appearance: 6’-6’8”, 120-220 lbs., crimson skin, hard

features, white eyes, long black hair (worn in a queue).

Homeland: The Kang Empire

STR +3 DEX +2 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 15

Language: Quan (mercenaries will know some Low


Special: None

Skills: Sword +3, Dagger +2, Choice of two Weapons +2,

Command +2, Kanquan +1, Mounted Combat (Equs or
Strider) +1

Gear: Black iron plate mail, gauntlets and helm, cloak, twin
dragon-pommel long daggers, broadsword, choice of two
weapons, Greymane steed.

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens (double this for elite


Kasmiran Trapmages are artificer-magicians who specialize
in the design and construction of sophisticated traps,
security devices, locks, and other mechanisms. Their
services are in demand throughout Talislanta. Like all
Kasmir, they are highly suspicious, shrewd, and miserly.

Roleplaying: Kasmirans are a suspicious folk who live in

windowless towers. They are widely regarded as misers, and
often exhibit a sour disposition. Fearing theft, Kasmirans
carry hidden weapons and place all their valuables under
lock and key.


Appearance: 4’6”-5’, 70-110 lbs., mahogany brown skin,

shriveled features, hunched posture

Homeland: Kasmir of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +3 PER 0 WIL +1 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +3 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan, Nomad

Special: None

Skills: Wizardry +1, Cryptomancy Spring-Knife

or Blade-Staff +1, Artificer +1, Engineer (Basic) +1,
Appraise Treasure +1, Locks +2, Traps +2,
Traps (Advanced) +1

Gear: Hooded robe; cloak; curl-toed boots; concealed

coin purses; heavy brass keyring affixed to a belt via
chain; Kasmiran spring-knife with a pouch of six blades
or Kasmiran blade-staff; locksmith’s tools; locking iron-
bound spellbook

Wealth: d20 x 100 gold lumens (hidden in vaults)

The Kharakhan are a race of giants whose ancestors are
believed to hail back to the Forgotten Age. Though reliable
information is not available, the Kharakhan are thought
to have reverted to a primitive and savage existence
following the Great Disaster, during which their territories
were reduced to a vast wasteland. The race is now all but
extinct, there being perhaps only a few hundred Kharakhan
remaining on the continent. Kharakhan speak an ancient
and obscure dialect of Low Talislan.

Roleplaying: Kharakhan giants are gruff and crude by

nature, with little knowledge of civilized customs and
manners. They speak an ancient and obscure dialect of
common Talislan, which to the ears of civilized Talislantans
makes them sound even more savage and
unsophisticated than they are.


Appearance: 10-15’, 1000-1200+ lbs.,

heavily muscled, stoop-shouldered,
somewhat bestial features (tusk-like lower
incisors), long topknot

Homeland: The Kharakhan Wastes

INT -4 PER +3 WIL +6 CHA 0
STR +8 DEX -6 CON +9 SPD -6
HP 20

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: Skin as per leather armor, fist (d8

+ STR), use of giant-sized weapons (double
normal damage), able to detect the scent of
men (range: 50 feet)

Skills: Choice of two weapons +4, Unarmed

Combat +3, Artificer (Primitive) +1, Mounted Combat
(ogriphant or behemoth or war wagon) +2, Survival +1,
Armorer or Weaponer +1

Gear: Leather harness; pack; 1-4 pouches; loincloth; black

iron shield; choice of two giant-sized weapons; ogriphant
steed (high-level characters may own a behemoth steed)

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens in mixed coin


In Mandalan lore, the Mystic Warrior is an ideal, symbolizing
the indomitability of the spirit. It is the unshakable belief of
the Mandalans that, though their people may be enslaved and
oppressed, their hearts and minds shall always remain free. For
the vast majority of Mandalans, the practice of this philosophy
is limited to various subtle forms of passive resistance.

In rare instances, a Mandalan may actually adopt the physical

persona of the Mystic Warrior. Operating in total secrecy, these
individuals often engage in more overt forms of resistance,
including acts of sabotage and other secret activities. According
to legend, those who heed the call of the Mystic Warrior become
as the wind – their presence felt, but never seen. Such is the aura
of mystery that surrounds these individuals that the Mandalans
do not even admit that they exist.

Roleplaying: Mandalans who choose the life of a Mystic

Warrior can never reveal their true identity. If they do so
while living in the Kang Empire, they risk imprisonment and
death at the hands of the Kang. For this reason some choose
to travel to other lands, where they may work with others to
try to undermine the Kang’s grip on their people.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’2”, golden skin, almond-shaped eyes,

placid features, shaven head (men), or long golden topknot

Homeland: The Kang Empire

INT +2 PER +2 WIL +1 CHA +1
STR 0 DEX +3 CON 0 SPD +2 HP 12

Languages: Quan, High Talislan, Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Choice of one capture/restraint weapon +2,

Deception +1, Espionage +1, Locks +1, Mandaquan +2,
Stealth +3, Traps +1, Traps (Primitive) +1, Meditation +1,
Mysticism +1

Gear: Robe of Mandalan silkcloth; sandals; mystic warrior

attire (Amysram) concealed in pouch or pocket; any two
capture weapons; lock picks; 25 feet of strong silkcord

Wealth: None (Mandalans are slaves of the Kang)

Justly renowned as murderers and cut-throats, the Mangar
Corsairs are the bane of ships that traverse the waters of
the Far Sea. They range far and wide in their swift-moving
carracks, preying on other vessels, torturing victims, and
robbing them of their valuables. They are regarded with
hatred and fear by sailors from many lands.

Roleplaying: Mangar Corsairs are superstitious, and often

read the skies and seas for omens. On a day judged to be
governed by ill omens, a Mangar crew will not set sail except
under threat of bodily harm. The Mangar possess a talent
for treachery that is ingrained upon them from an
early age. Mangar will do anything to obtain an
advantage over their rivals. To put it simply, the
Mangar trust no one, and are in turn trusted by


Appearance: 5’8”-6’4”, 130-230+ lbs., dark brown skin,

shaven head, narrow eyes, sea dragon tattoos on chest,
arms, and/or back

Homeland: Mangar Isles

INT 0 PER +1 WIL 0 CHA -2
STR +2 DEX +1 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 15

Languages: Sea Nomad, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Sword +2, Dagger +1, Shortbow +1, Appraise

Goods +1, Appraise Treasure +2, Gambling (ska-wae) +1,
Interrogate +1, Pilot (carrack) +1, Swim +2, Torture +1

Gear: High boots; blousy pantaloons; brass armbands;

earrings; curved daggers and short bow, ska-wae dice (with
hide pouch); cutlass or scimitar

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in mixed coins,

gemstones, and plunder


The Manra are a primitive people who live in the mountains
that border the Jungles of Chana. Their shapechanging
abilities are made possible through the ritual ingestion of
certain rare plant extracts, and enable them to adapt quickly
to the hostile environment of their homeland.

Roleplaying: The Manra are a pleasant and peaceful folk

who prefer to avoid contact with civilization. They love
nature, and consider their shapechanging abilities a means of
attaining a deeper understanding of the natural world. The
Manra mark the Kang and especially the Chana Witchfolk as
enemies, and actively defend their lands against invasion by
these warlike races. Conversely, they regard the Nagra tribes
with considerably less ill will, primarily due to their mutual
hatred of the Chana.


Appearance: 5’-6’, 90-170 lbs., golden skin, almond-shaped

eyes, brown hair, slender build

Homeland: The Jade Mountains

INT 0 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +2 CON +6 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Chanan

Special: Shape-change

Skills: T’sai +2, Club +2, Healer +2, Lore (Plants) +1,
Scout +1, Survival +1, Tracking +1, Traps (Primitive) +1

Gear: Abbreviated garments of coarse cloth; pouch; t’sai;

stone club

Wealth: d8 x 10 gold lumens in rare herbs, semi-precious

stones and/or bits of gold


Marukan Talismancers are minor magicians who specialize
in the making of luck medallions and other enchanted items.
They claim to be masters of talismancy, a field of magical
study considered somewhat specious by other Talislantans.
Marukan Talismancers one provided the city-state of
Maruk with the luck medalions that made their cursed lives
bearable. In other lands, Marukan refugees are regarded as
harbingers of sorrow and gloom.

Roleplaying: Marukans are perhaps the most downtrodden

and unlucky of all the Talislantan races. They tend to be
gloomy and fatalistic by nature, attributing any problems
that may arise to the ancient curse that has followed their
people for centuries. Marukans are utterly dependent upon
their luck talismans, without which they feel defenseless.


Appearance: 5’4”-6’2”, 80-200 lbs., pale gray complexion,

sunken eyes, limp brown hair.

Homeland: formerly the City-State of Maruk; now


INT 0 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA -2
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 10

Language: Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Talismancy (Marukan) +2, Staff or Club +2,

Appraise Charms & Talismans +1, Choice of Caravan
Master or Merchant or Laborer +1.

Gear: Sackcloth garments, cord for belt, pouch, staff or

cudgel, land lizard-drawn dung wagon

Wealth: d6 x 5 copper pieces

Mirin Alchemists are normally employed by the Royal
Government of L’Haan, though some leave L’Haan to
seek employment elsewhere. They excel at forging magical
metals such as adamant, and take great care not to damage
the environment; to the Mirin, the practice of alchemy is
considered a joining of the mind and spirit with the forces of

Roleplaying: The Mirin are a deeply religious people who

revere Borean, God of the North Wind. They have a great
respect for the natural world and feel deep resentment for
those who wreak destruction upon the environment. It is
the custom among the Mirin to undertake a ritual bonding
of spirits with a chosen mate or close friend. The procedure,
known as melding, creates a type of innate psychic link
between the two individuals. While melded individuals
cannot actually communicate via this ability, each will
instinctively know if the other is in danger or great distress.


Appearance: 5’5”-6’6”, 110-210 lbs., cobalt blue skin, fine

white hair

Homeland: L’Haan

INT +3 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Elder Tongue

Special: Immunity to cold, Melding

Skills: Choice of one weapon +1, Alchemy +3, Artificer +2,

Healer +1, Weaponer or Armorer +1

Gear: Garments, robe, and headdress of frostwere’s hide;

alchemical apparatus; 1-4 potions and 1-4 powders in
amberglass vials; choice of one weapon

Wealth: d20 x 100 gold lumens in L’Haan adamants (Mirin

coin, worth twenty gold lumens apiece)

Mirin Tundra Scouts are skilled riders and
trackers who are specially trained to operate
in the frozen wastes of L’Haan and Narandu.
They form an important part of the army of
L’Haan, serving primarily as light infantry.
Units of ten to twenty scouts are also
assigned to patrol the borders of Narandu
in order to keep watch on L’Haan’s greatest
enemy: the Ice Giants of Narandu.

Roleplaying: Mirin Tundra Scouts are

regarded as the toughest members of
L’Haan’s military. Their training enables
them to survive for weeks on end in
the most frigid and barren territories
of the Northern Reaches without the
need for supplies. Traveling alone or in
small groups, they are able to cover vast
stretches of territory, blending into their
surroundings and leaving barely any trace
of their passing.


Appearance: 5’5”-6’6”, 110-210 lbs., cobalt blue skin,

fine white hair

Homeland: L’Haan

STR +3 DEX +2 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Elder Tongue

Special: Immunity to cold, Melding

Skills: Sword +3, choice of two weapons +1, Guard +2,

Survival +1, choice of Cartography or Naturalism +1,
Mounted Combat (equs) + 2, Tracking +1

Gear: Partial plate and chain mail, helm, and shield of

adamant; +1 adamant sword; choice of two additional
weapons; shoulder and belt pouch; cape of frostwere’s hide;
snowmane steed

Wealth: d10 x 20 gold lumens in L’Haan adamants (Mirin

coin, worth twenty gold lumens apiece)

Mirin White Witches are the spiritual advisors of their race.
They revere Borean, God of the North Wind, whom they
regard as the protector of their land and its ecology.

Mirin White Witches are skilled spell casters, able to learn

spells from three Orders of Magic: Invocation, Elemental
Magic, or Witchcraft.

Roleplaying: As priests and priestesses of the god, Borean,

Mirin White Witches view themselves as the protectors of
L’Haan and its people. They serve at the pleasure of the
Mirin monarchy, which provides for their needs
and employs them as spell casters, healers, and


Appearance: 5’5”-6’6”, 110-210 lbs., cobalt blue

skin, fine white hair

Homeland: L’Haan

INT +3 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON -1 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Elder Tongue

Special: Immunity to cold, Melding

Skills: Choice of two magic orders: Invocation (Borean)

or Elemental Magic or Witchcraft +3, Appraise Charms
and Talismans +1, Artist +1, Concoct Potions +2,
Enchanting +1

Gear: Cloak and garments of frostwere’s hide; adamant-

bound spellbook; adamant wand with blue diamond

Wealth: None (priests and priestesses of Borean do

not accept gold for their services)

Mogroth Amber Traders hail from the swamplands of Mog.
These gentle giants trade in amber, gold beetles, and rare
herbs, and may be encountered anywhere from Mog to
Jhangara, Taz, Danuvia, and Vardune of the Nine Kingdoms.

Though Mogroth speak slowly and are slow-moving, it

is a mistake to consider them dull-witted. They are more
intelligent than they may appear, and they have long
and accurate memories; most Mogroth can clearly recall
everything they have ever seen or heard, as well as the
stories and legends passed down through the centuries by
their ancient ancestors.

Roleplaying: Mogroth have a great appreciation for nature,

and may stop to admire a particularly beautiful flower or
crystal moth or flower for hours at a time. These massive
creatures are placid by nature and generally abhor violence,
but can become extremely dangerous if driven to anger.


Appearance: 7’6”-8’2”, 450-650 lbs. body covered with

thick, buff-colored fur, sloth-like features.

Homeland: Mog

INT +1 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +6 DEX +2 CON +6 SPD -4
HP 20

Language: Low Talislan

Special: Hide protects against biting insects/

parasites, expert tree-climbers, Long Memory

Skills: Club +3, Lore, Earth +2, Lore, Plants +1,

Merchant +1, Mud Miner +1.

Gear: Loincloth, pouch (mung berries and leaves),

shoulder pouch (1-4 pounds of amber fragments,
club or cudgel, dredging net

Wealth: d20 x 20 gold lumens in amber and quaga (violet


The Mondre Khan are a wild folk who inhabit the northern
regions of the Kang Empire. Nomadic hunter-gatherers,
they travel in tribes of up to forty individuals, subsisting on
fresh game and wild mountain berries. Mondre Khan are the
avowed enemies of the Empire, whose forces the Mondre
Khan have successfully resisted for centuries. The last
indigenous people to avoid subjugation by the forces of the
Empire, the Mondre Khan have proved to be a resourceful
and dangerous enemy. Operating in small groups, they excel
at guerilla warfare, and are almost impossible to locate when
moving through wooded and mountainous terrain.

Roleplaying: Mondre Khan consider themselves to be

the legendary First Folk: the very first of the Wild Tribes.
Whether true or not, Mondre Khan are savage and feral by
nature, and exhibit the ferocity and cunning of wild beasts
when on the hunt or in battle.


Appearance: 6’-6’6”, 160-250+ lbs., ram-like horns, mane

of coarse black hair, bestial features, shaggy forearms and
forelegs, claws, leathery brown skin

Homeland: Northern Kang Empire

INT -1 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA -2
STR +3 DEX +3 CON +2 SPD 0
HP 16

Languages: Chanan, Sign

Special: Claws can be used as weapons (d4 damage) and to

climb sheer rock surfaces

Skills: Rasp +3, Blade Stars +2, Unarmed Combat +1,

Ambush +1, Assassinate +1, Camouflage +1, Hunter/
Gatherer +1, Sabotage +1, Scout +1, Traps (Primitive) +1

Gear: Combination leather-partial plate armor (PR 3);

rasp; caltrops; 2-8 blade stars; hide loincloth; pouch; rope
and small grapnel; tinderbox

Wealth: d10 x 2 gold lumens in semi-precious stones, gold

dust, or ivory

The Moorg-Wan are massive, four-legged humanoids who Skills: Bwan +3, Thorn Dagger +2, Unarmed Combat (+1),
hail from the Southern Swamplands of Talislanta. They are a Engineer (Mud-mining only) +1, Mud Miner +1, Weaponer
belligerent and primitive people who guard their territories or Healer +1.
with considerable fervor and tend to treat any outsiders
as intruders and enemies. Their favorite weapons are the Gear: Thorn dagger, bwan, sack with cord (slung over back)
bwan — a heavy thornwood club — and daggers made from
foot-long thorns. Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in amber and quaga (violet
Moorg-Wan have little contact with other folk, and
no interest in gold or the trappings of so-called “civilized”
peoples. The thing they value most is “swamp-sapphires”:
the precious stones that are obtained by Moorg-Wan
mud-miners, and polished to a dazzling sheen by Moorg-
Wan newts. Valued by some Talislantans at up to ten times
the price of common sapphires, these precious stones are
considered a mark of status by the Moorg-Wan, who hoard
them in hidden underground caches.

Moorg-Wan are traditional foes of the Ahazu, a tribe of

four-armed humanoids who live in the Junglelands that lie to
the east. They hate the Imrians, who have been known to hunt
Moorg-Wan with nets and capture-poles, employing captives
as slave-laborers in the Imrian Lagoon City of Kragan.

Roleplaying: Moorg-Wan tend to be gruff and surly. By

so-called “civilized” Talislantan standards, they are crude, ill-
mannered , and boorish. Though they possess no knowledge
of magic or even metallurgy, Moorg-Wan are intelligent, and
are generally more crafty than they are given credit for.


Appearance: 6’-6’4”, 300-460+ lbs., loose-fitting

brown skin, four legs, heavy tail, toad-like features,
webbed hands and feet.

Homeland: Swamplands of the Dark Coast

INT -2 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +4 DEX -3 CON 0
SPD +2 (on Water/mud, -2 on dry land) HP 18

Language: Moorg-Wan, Sign

Special: Amphibious; claws and tail inflict 1d8 damage

(can use tail simultaneously vs opponents attacking from
behind), skin equal to leather armor; -5 to trip, knock off-
balance, force back, etc.

Muses are nymph-like creatures, slender and frail in
appearance, with colorful butterfly wings. Muses love music
and art, but are averse to toil; hence, they create only as
the mood suits them. Their wares are treasured throughout
the Nine Kingdoms and beyond. Muses can use their
telempathic abilities to influence other sentient creatures,
which they do by projecting emotions and mental images.
This talent is used to good effect in the protection of their
sylvan settlements.

Roleplaying: To non-telempaths, Muses often seem

distracted, disinterested, and aloof. In fact, they are
contemplative by nature, and are highly perceptive to their
surroundings. They rarely speak, preferring to communicate
via telempathic thought-images. When telempathic contact
is either not possible or undesirable, Muses may use their
pet whisps to speak for them. These creatures can be quite
talkative, humorous, or even sarcastic by nature, according
to prevailing circumstances. Muse player characters
are allowed to roleplay their own whisps; as long as
the Muse character does nothing to place the whisp in
jeopardy, it will remain a faithful friend and ally.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’, 80-140 lbs., skin and hair colored

pastel turquoise, violet, rose, or aquamarine; delicate
features, butterfly-like wings

Homeland: Astar of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +3 PER +3 WIL -1 CHA +4
STR -3 DEX +3 CON -2 SPD 0 HP 10

Languages: High Talislan, Sylvan

Special: Natural telempath (roll vs WIL to resist), limited

flight (two minutes per level, before needing to rest for twice
as long)

Skills: Natural Magic or Wizardy +3, Artist +1, Artificer +1,

Lore (Plant) +1, Music +1, choice of Dance or Song

Gear: Gossamer robe; pet whisp companion; one or more

musical instruments; loom used for weaving gossamer;
pouch containing pigments, blossoms, nectar, etc.

Wealth: None (Muses care nothing for riches)

The Nagra are semi-nomadic hunters whose tribes live
among the Coastal Mountain Range of the Eastern Lands.
Their shamans serve as advisors of their people, consulting
with the spirits of a vast pantheon of spirits. The spirits
provide Nagra shamans with knowledge and guidance in
all things, as well as the ability to predict the future and to
divine the secrets of past ages.

Nagra are skilled in certain Primitive Magic spells and

rituals, the most important of which is the creation of spirit
jars: stone vials engraved with occult symbols, which Nagra
claim protect the wearer from evil spirits. Every Nagra owns
a spirit jar, made specifically for him or her by the tribe’s

Roleplaying: Nagra Shamans seldom venture beyond the

territories inhabited by their tribe. The exception is when
a shaman is advised by the spirits to go on a vision-quest.
Such quests may take a Nagra Shaman to other lands, even
as far as the jungles of Jhangara or the woodlands of Vardune
of the Seven Kingdoms.


Appearance: 5’2”-6’, 80-160 lbs., mottled grey-green skin,

ebony eyes, peaked skull, black fangs

Homeland: Chana

INT +1 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +1 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Chanan, Sign

Special: Spirit-tracking

Skills: Shamanism +2, Blowgun or Dagger +1, Concoct

Poisons +2, Hunter/Gatherer +1, Tracking +2, Healer or
Lore (Plant) +1

Gear: Loincloth and cape of winged ape’s hide; pouches

(shoulder and belt); scroll of spells made from exomorph’s
hide; 1-4 vials containing magical pigments, mixtures, etc.;
ankle and wrist bands of woven fibers; spirit jar; exomorph
or tarkus-fang earrings; blowgun with pouch of twenty
poison darts; long knife made of bone

Wealth: d20 x 6 gold lumens in semiprecious stones

Nagra Spirit Trackers serve as the scouts and hunters of
the Nagra Tribes, who inhabit the jungle-covered Coastal
Mountain Range of the Eastern Lands. It is said that they
can track any living thing by the faint traces left behind
by their spirits, regardless of how long ago the tracks were

Nagra spirit trackers are tireless runners, able to cover

distances of up to thirty miles a day with ease. They mark the
Kang as foes, but bear an even deeper hatred of the Chana Witch
Tribes, their blood enemies from ancient times.

Roleplaying: Nagra Spirit Trackers generally have

a low regard for the ways of civilized peoples. Those who
live in the wild never use currency, preferring to barter for
what they need. On rare occasions Nagra Spirit Trackers
will agree to hire on as mercenary guides or scouts for other
peoples - though typically after consulting with a Nagra
shaman, to see if the spirits favor such a decision.


Appearance: 5’2”-6’, 80-160 lbs., mottled grey-

green skin, ebony eyes, peaked skull, black fangs

Homeland: Chana

INT 0 PER +4 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +5 SPD 0 HP 16

Languages: Chanan, Sign

Special: Spirit-tracking

Skills: Blowgun +2, Dagger +1, Camouflage +1, Concoct

Poisons +1, Hunter/Gatherer +1, Mountain Climbing +1,
Tracking +2, Traps (Primitive) +1, Scout or Healer or Lore
(Plant) +1

Gear: Loincloth and cape of winged ape’s hide; pouch;

exomorph or tarkus-fang earrings; ankle and wrist bands of
woven plant fibers; spirit jar; blowgun with packet of twenty
poison darts; long knife made of bone

Wealth: d10 x 6 gold lumens in semiprecious stones

The Orgovians are a nomadic people who fled from their
homeland (in the area of what is now the Kharakhan
Wastes) to avoid being decimated by the Great Disaster.
They now roam the Wilderlands of Zaran and surrounding
regions, making their living as traders. Orgovians will not
accept coin for their wares, but deal exclusively in barter –
an old habit adopted by their ancestors following the Great

Roleplaying: Though they are suspicious by nature,

Orgovians will deal with most folk, provided they are
offered fair value for their wares. They despise bandits and
cheats, and routinely kill such individuals in order to trade
their scalps and possessions for useful goods. The Orgovians
are on good terms with the Yitek and Djaffir, and have good
relations with the Dracartans and the Sindarans of the Nine


Appearance: 5’4”-6’, 90-160 lbs., dusky-orange skin,

narrow protruding chin, squinty eyes, lean build

Homeland: Wilderlands of Zaran

INT +2 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +3 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 15

Languages: Low Talislan, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Prod Hook +2, Star-Thrower +1, Appraise Goods

+1, Appraise Treasure +1, Barter +2, Mounted Combat +1,
Survival +1

Gear: Loper steed; leather vest/boots; loincloth; brown felt

headdress; 10-20 iron armbands; prod hook; star-thrower
with a dozen “shooting stars”; many pouches, bundles, and

Wealth: d10 x 50 gold lumens in trade goods (ivory, bolts of

cloth, metal tools/weapons, pottery, salt/spices, etc.)

The Parthenians are intelligent brass automatons made
by the technomancers of some forgotten era. They may
sometimes be encountered on the high seas, sailing in great
triremes with prows fashioned in the likeness of a giant idol.
Parthenians speak a language which some scholars believe
is an ancient form of Talislan. Though they seldom exhibit
overtly hostile behavior, Parthenians generally prefer to
avoid contact with other peoples, and are not known for
personal warmth. However, they do get along with Yassan
technomancers and Sindarans fairly well.

Roleplaying: Parthenians are advanced automatons

whose origins date back to ancient times. They are not
living beings, and do not have souls or emotions. Though
Parthenians exhibit the courtly manners of a bygone age,
they seem cold and calculating to most Talislantans.


Appearance: 6’8”-7’, 180-220 lbs., glossy bronze skin

(features appear as if cast in bronze), angular frame,
lacquered gold or copper-colored hair

Homeland: Parthene

INT +2 PER +1 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON +2 SPD 0
HP 18

Languages: Archaen

Special: Bronze skin (PR 3), Eyes

function equally well in daylight or

Skills: Sword +1, Trident +2, Appraise Goods +1, Appraise

Treasure +1, Barter +1, Cartography +2, Haggle +1,
Merchant +1, Pilot (trireme) +1, Swim +1

Gear: Shimmering yellow cloak; vest of boiled sea dragon’s

hide; lacquered iron arm and wrist braces; scimitar; sea
chest; trident

Wealth: d20 x 100 gold lumens (in five-pound ingots stored

in sea chest, or coins of various denominations)


The Phantasians are believed to be descended from
the Archaens of ancient Elande, a great sky-city that
was destroyed during the Great Disaster. Refugees
fleeing from Elande in windships settled on Phantas,
where they built Cabal Magicus.

Phantasian Astromancers are skilled at reading

astrological phenomena based on the positions of
Talislanta’s twin suns and seven moons. They are
able to devise sky charts for windship navigators, and
they are also knowledgeable about inter-dimensional
travel, and traversing the Aethereal Sea.

Roleplaying: Most Phantasian Astromancers

serve as advisors to the Magister of Phantas or the
Phantasian military. Some have been known to hire
on as mercenary windship navigators and pilots, and
a rare few are even known to become adventurers.


Appearance: 6 ‘8”-7’, 160-200 lbs., pale skin,

amber-colored hair, narrow build

Homeland: Phantas

INT +3 PER +4 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan

Special: Detect magic by sight (range 5 ft., requires

full concentration)

Skills: Thaumaturgy (Phantasian) or Astromancy

+3, Wizardry +3, Lore (Arcane) +1, History +1,
Pilot (windship) +1

Gear: Long robe; conical cap decorated with

constellations; necklace of colored crystals;
spellbook; sky chart scroll with an ivory case; pouch
containing magical pigments, ink sticks, etc.

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in mixed coins


Dream merchants traffic in the essence of dreams.
Descended from the Archaens of ancient Elande, the
Centenar, the One Hundred, heir to millennia of ancient
Archaen progress – they direct the faded remnants of a once
vast store of knowledge towards the production of a product
most now deem frivolous. It is almost beyond belief – their
people reduced to trading in order to sustain themselves
and keep aloft their ancient fleet and its floating citadel.
The most basic of magical mechanisms – levitationals,
astrogationals, windship components – remain within their
capacity to mend. They are not entirely without resources;
dream essence is in some demand among the wealthy, such
as the Cymrilians and Hadjin, and their skills are valued
among those who employ windships. Yet modern Phantas
pales in comparison to the Elande. The best and brightest are
gone. Modern Phantasians can but dream of reclaiming their
knowledge and glory.

Roleplaying: You are a merchant, selling the product of

your people’s waning lore in an effort to sustain a fading


Appearance: 6’8”-7’2”, 120-180 lbs., pale skin, amber-

colored hair, narrow build.

Homeland: the island of Phantas

INT +3 PER +4 WIL -1 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Language: High Talislan

Special: Detect magic by sight (range: 5 ft.; requires full


Skills: Alchemy +1, Thaumaturgy (Phantasian) +2,

Wizardry +2, Lore (Arcane) +1, History +1, Merchant +1,
Pilot (Windship) +1

Gear: Long robe, conical cap, necklace of colored crystals,

spellbook, sky chart (scroll, with ivory case), 2-8 amber
crystal vials of dream essence (various types).

Wealth: d20 x 20 gold lumens in mixed coins.


Phantasian guardians are members of an elite military order
that has protected the floating fortress of Cabal Magicus for
untold generations. Most continue to serve in this capacity,
though the decline in Phantas’s fortunes has compelled
some to leave the island in search of work as mercenaries.
The Wizard King of Cymril maintains a contingent of
Phantasian guardians for his windship.

Roleplaying: With Phantas largely in decline, some

Phantasian Guardians have looked to hire on as mercenaries
in order to make a living. They are generally held in high
regard by other Talislantans, as they are know to make
exceptional windship pilots, soldiers, and crew.


Appearance: 6 ‘8”-7’, 160-200 lbs., pale skin, amber-colored

hair, narrow build

Homeland: Phantas

INT +1 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +3 DEX +1 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: High Talislan

Special: Detect magic by sight (range 5 ft., requires full


Skills: Sword +2, choice of one weapon +1, Wizardry +2,

Lore (Arcane) +1, Pilot (windship or windrigger) +1

Gear: Ceremonial armor (light scale mail and partial plate);

ceremonial longsword; choice of weapon, cloak; pack; scroll
of spells in metal tube

Wealth: d10 x 6 gold lumens (half this, if a mercenary)

The Quan were once the rulers of a great Empire, until they Skills: Short Bow +1, Dagger +1, Ambush +1, Camouflage
became weak and corrupt and were overthrown by their +2, Traps (Primitive) +1, Hunter-Gatherer +1, Survival +3,
former subjects, the Kang. The former rulers languished for
many years, reduced to poverty and cowering in abject fear Gear: Short bow, quiver of 10 arrows, dagger, stolen or
from their new masters. hand-made leather armor and boots, 1-3 leather pouches,
two small clay vials with camouflage paints, cloth tunic and
In recent times, some of the younger generation of Quan have breeches.
decided to rebel against the Kang. Emulating their ancestors, who
were once renowned as fierce and rugged warriors, these young Wealth: d4 x 4 gold lumens in stolen silver or copper coins
Quan have abandoned the sad remnants of the old capitol of Tian
and established hidden bases in the surrounding mountains and
woods. Here they trained long and hard, learning the martial arts
and fighting skills of their ancestors, until they were ready to take up
arms against the Kang.

Cadres of Quan Rebels a now operate from secret bases

hidden throughout the Empire and beyond, to the Volcanic Hills
and possibly other countries. They ambush Kang patrols and
supply-wagons, and do their best to hinder the oppressors wherever
possible. So effective have the Rebels become that many Kang do
not believe that they are actually Quan. Instead, some blame the
attacks on the mysterious individuals known in Mandalan lore and
legend as Mystic Warriors.

Roleplaying: Quan Rebels are by necessity secretive and

cautious, knowing that their lives and the lives of their
families would be forfeit should they be caught by the Kang
or their sympathizers. For this reason they are especially
careful to avoid Kang Trackers and their vicious tracking
beasts, known as Tarkus. Some Quan Rebels are said to
have traveled as far west as the Nine Kingdoms where they
occasionally work as adventurers in order to earn gold or
acquire powerful enchanted items that can be used to help
the rebellion.


Appearance: 5’-6’, 90-170 lbs. Slim, wiry build.

Golden skin painted with green camouflage-stripes,
almond-shaped eyes, black hair.

Homeland: The Kang Empire.

INT+2 PER +2 WIL+1 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD +1 HP: 10

Languages: Quan, High Talislan.

Special: None


Rahastran Cartomancers are traveling magicians who
wander from place to place, earning a living as fortune tellers
or gamblers. It is the custom of these individuals to trust to
the luck of the Zodar, a card game believed to have magical

Roleplaying: Moody and introspective, Rahastrans ascribe

sentient virtues to their cards, which they claim can be used
to predict the future. To these individuals, life is an intricate
game of chance. Most tend to be loners, though some are
able to tolerate the company of a few trusted companions, at
least for a time.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’4”, 130-190 lbs., dark brown skin, black

hair, bright blue eyes, angular framed

Homeland: None; the Rahastrans are a displaced people

INT +3 PER +4 WIL -2 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan, Archaen

Special: None

Skills: Cartomancy +4, choice of one weapon +1, Alchemy

+1, Haggle +1, Lore (Plant) +1, Survival +1, Gambling +3

Gear: Long coat; breeches; cloak and cap of blue fustian;

belt and bandolier pouches; two amberglass vials containing
elixirs; a zodar deck, contained in an ivory case inlaid with
serpentine; amethyst pendant; traveler’s satchel; greymane
steed, choice of weapon

Wealth: d10 x 4 gold lumens, plus a like quantity of silver


The Rajans are a fanatical people who hail from the Desert Roleplaying: Due to their unique talents as spell casters
Kingdom of Rajanistan. Rajan Assassin-Mages are members ands assassins, Rajan Assassin-Mages are greatly feared by
of the Torquar, a secret society of assassins. They serve as most Talislantans. These individuals are under the direct
torturers, inquisitors, or personal bodyguards of the Khadun control of the Rajan Necromancers, whose orders are
and his necromancer priests. Rajan Assassin-Mages are inviolate; the penalty for refusing an order is death by the
considered sadistic, even by Rajan standards. most horrible necromantic tortures imaginable. Depending
on the type of campaign being run, GMs may decide to use
these characters only as NPCs, or allow PCs to be Assassin-
Mage outcasts who have betrayed the tenets of their Cult.


Appearance: 5’4”-6’4”, 100-200 lbs., dark brown skin, horn-

like protrusions on chins and foreheads, black hair, blood-
red eyes

Homeland: Rajanistan

INT +1 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD +2 HP 13

Languages: Rajinin

Special: None

Skills: Da-khar +2, Sword or Dagger +1, Necromancy

+2, Ambush +1, Assassinate +2, Concoct Poisons +1,
Interrogate +1, Stealth +1, Torture +1, Tracking +1

Gear: Veiled headdress; cloak; loose-fitting garments

cinched at wrists and ankles with silken cords, primarily
used for strangling victims; pouch containing 2-5 vials of
poison and/or toxic powders; da-khar; sword or two daggers

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in assorted currencies


Rajan Necromancers are the high priests of the Death
Cult. They serve their ruler, the Khadun, offering advice,
counsel, and carrying out his edicts without question. It
is the custom of Rajan Necromancers to attire themselves
in iron death masks, black robes, and clawed iron gloves.
The most powerful Necromancer-Priests are said to be able
to manifest a third eye that is capable of seeing astral or
invisible presences.

Roleplaying: Rajan Necromacers are known for their dark

and cruel nature. They are sadists who enjoy inflicting pain
and death on other peoples, and as such are feared by
their own people and considered repellent by most
other Talisantans. In most campaigns, GMs will likely
use these characters only as NPCs.


Appearance: 5’4”-6’4”, 100-200 lbs., dark brown

skin, horn-like protrusions on chins and foreheads,
black hair, blood-red eyes

Homeland: Rajanistan

INT +2 PER 0 WIL +3 CHA 0
STR -1 DEX 0 CON -2 SPD 0
HP 12

Language: Rajanin

Special: Manifest third eye (at level 12)

capable of seeing invisible/astral presences
(range 100 ft.)

Skills: Necromancy or Invocation (death) +3,

Enchanting +1, Curse/Remove Curse +1,
Create Charms and Talismans +1

Gear: Grey cloak with pockets; robes;

headdress; gloves; black iron death
mask; ornate belt; staff with death’s
head; spellbook; 2-8 amberglass vials
containing toxic powders, elixirs, etc.

Wealth: d20 x 200 gold lumens in coins,

gems, and other valuables

The Rasmirin are practitioners of black witchcraft,
consigned to dwell upon the Outcast Isles by their enemies,
the Mirin of L’Haan. They are anarchists, who revere a
possibly mythical quasi-elemental entity called Aberon,
who they regard as the ruler of all Cthonian Demons.
All Rasmirin are disciples of this strange cult and receive
training both in the black arts and in combat techniques.
The appearance of Rasmirin on the Talislantan continent is
considered something of a rarity, but is not unknown; agents
of the Rasmirin have, in the past, sought to obtain aid from
such diverse sources as the Farad, the Quan, and even the

Roleplaying: Rasmirans are embittered and sinister

folk whose only goal is the destruction of L’Haan, which
they believe will result in the entire Northern Reaches
descending into a state of anarchy. They crave destrucion of
the existing order, and will do anything within their power
to further the forces of chaos. Unless played as PC rebels
or pariahs who have left their fellow anarchists, Rasmiran
Anarchists are probably best suited for use by the GM as
NPC villains.


Appearance: 5’8”-6’6”, 110-210 lbs., cobalt blue skin, fine

white hair, features decorated with Rasmirin cult markings

Homeland: The Outcast Isles

INT +2 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +1 CON +1 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Elder Tongue

Special: Immunity to cold

Skills: Choice of Invocation (Aberon), Elemental Magic, or

Witchcraft +3; Staff +2, Dagger +1, Espionage +1, Sabotage
+1, Stealth +1, Survival +1, Torture +1

Gear: Cloak of frostwere’s hide; combination hide and

partial chainmail armor; hide boots; mail gauntlets; iron-
shod staff (d10 damage); dagger; pouch; scroll of spells.

Wealth: 10 x 50 gold lumens in small blue diamonds, ivory,

and/or hides

The Sarista are a semi-nomadic people whose caravans roam Gear: Colorful cloak, sash, and beret; flamboyant garments;
the Western Lands from Silvanus to Zandu and the Nine high boots of soft animal hide; pouch containing thieves’
Kingdoms, stopping in cities and villages along the way. In tools; dueling sword; dagger; greymane steed
such places, Sarista are renowned for their talents as folk
healers, fortune tellers, and performers - or as mountebanks, Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens, plus half this figure in silver
charlatans, and tricksters, depending upon one’s point of and copper pieces

The discrepancy of opinion regarding the Sarista can

be attributed to their mysterious customs and traditions.
The tribes do not keep written records of any sort, but rely
upon their elders to teach their offspring the secret lore
of their people. These studies consist primarily of minor
magics, herb lore, local geography, and “Sarista culture”,
a euphemism held to be roughly equivalent to the less
flattering term, “thievery”. By age seven, a Sarista child will
know every woodland trail in Silvanus by heart, and will
have an alarmingly comprehensive understanding of Sarista

Roleplaying: The Sarista are a people of diverse qualities.

Some are loners who make their living as peddlers,
mercenaries, or vagabonds. Others, notable for their skill at
witchcraft, live in secluded wilderness regions. The majority
of these folk are more gregarious in nature, preferring to
travel in loose-knit tribal groups, carrying all that they own
in brightly painted wagons.


Appearance: 5’-6’, 80-180 lbs., olive complexion, green eyes,

black hair, men wear neatly trimmed mustaches and beards

Homeland: Silvanus

INT 0 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA +2
STR 0 DEX +4 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: Low Talislan, Sarisa

Special: None

Skills: Sword +2, Dagger or Witchcraft +1, Legerdemain

+1; choice of two from Acrobatics, Acting, Artist, Dance,
Legerdemain, Music, Oratory, or Song +1; choice of three
from Bribe, Deception, Espionage, Locks, Sabotage, Seduce,
Stealth, or Streetwise +1

Satada are a race of reptilian predators found in hot and arid
regions from Kasmir and Sindar of the Seven Kingdoms to the Gear: Loincloth, pack, capture-bow, dagger, choice of
Red Desert and the Greylands of Quan; it is widely believed additional weapon.
that Satada traverse the length and breadth of the continent
using a network of subterranean tunnels, known as the Wealth: 4 x d6 gold lumens in mixed coins, semi-precious
Underground Highway. They are intelligent, and converse in stones, etc.
an ancient variation of the Sauran tongue. Satada recognize no
other creatures as kin and bear an ancient hatred for all other
intelligent lifeforms. They feed on warm and cold-blooded
creatures of most sorts, including men. Satada are known for
their use of the capture-bow, a heavy (30+ lbs.) and unwieldy
weapon resembling an oversized crossbow.

Roleplaying: Satada are ill-tempered by nature, and

generally do not socialize with any other than their own
kind; In fact, they mainly regard other folk as enemies, prey,
or potential slaves; the latter being sold mainly to the Za
tribes, who in turn sell them to Farad Slave Mongers. For
this reason, GMs may prefer to use these characters only as
NPCs; however rogue or rebel Satada can be used as PCs if
desired. Satada see well in darkness, and have a keen sense of
smell. They are cold-blooded, and colder temperatures make
them sluggish and slow (-2 or greater penalty to all actions
when in colder environments). Whenever possible, when
traveling long distances underground, Satada prefer to sleep
in caverns or tunnels warmed by hot springs and other
types of geo-thermal or volcanic activity.


Appearance: 7-71/2’, 300+ lbs., scaly hide, forked

tongue, long (7’) tail.

Homeland: Underground Highway

INT +1 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +4 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD +2 HP 16

Language: Sauran

Special: Hide is as per leather armor, Bite: d4, claws: d4,

tail: d6 (may use tail to simultaneously defend from rear
assault), cold does double damage.

Skills: Capture Bow +3, Dagger +2, Choice of

additional Weapon +2, Unarmed Combat +1,
Ambush +1, Appraise Slaves +1, Mountain
Climbing +1, Traps, Primitive +1, Weaponer or
Artificer +1.

Sauran dragon cultists revere Satha, the giant Dragon
Goddess who the Saurans believe is the mother of their
race. Priestesses of the cult possess no true magical abilities,
but have some talent for healing and for the making of cult
icons. Only females can be Sauran dragon priestesses.

Roleplaying: As cold-blooded creatures, they tend to

be somewhat slow to react, and are normally not easily
provoked. Saurans possess a natural affinity with all natural
reptilian species, but mark the Kang, raknids, and Araq as
their foes. Their speech is typified by a sibilant S or hissing
sound similar to the sound made by a serpent.

Dragon Priestesses are accorded great respect in Sauran

society. They are often called upon to resolve disputes, and
to provide guidance on a host of subjects, including where a
tribe should establish their settlement, where to find food and
water, and how to locate the best sources of molten red iron.
Dragon Priestesses are also consulted whenever the tribe needs
to capture and tame young Land Dragons. They possess the
ability to calm such creatures, and make them easier to control.


Appearance: 6’4”-7’, 300-400 lbs. Scaly rust-

brown hide, reptilian features, fangs and claws,
heavy tail.

Homeland: The Volcanic Hills

Language: Suaran

STR +3 DEX -2 CON +4 SPD -1 HP 20

Special: Hide equal to leather armor, immunity to poison/

fire, converse with all reptile species, can use tail to strike
opponents if attacked from behind or in front (damage: d6).

Skills: Dagger +2, Choice of Weapon +1, Unarmed Combat

+1, Artificer, Primitive (Dragon Icons) +1, Healer +1, Lore,
Earth +1, Mountain Climbing +1.

Gear: Ritual vestments (made from strips of dragonhide, bone,

and red iron, all stamped with the Dragon Cult icon), necklace
and armbands of hammered red iron discs, a ceremonial dagger,
pouch (slung over the shoulder on a cord), dragon icon (red
iron alloy, affixed to an iron staff), crude metalworking tools.

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in small, uncut firegems.

Sauran Dragon Riders are the elite warriors of Sauran society. Skills: War axe +3, War whip +2, Dagger +2, Unarmed
They are skilled at riding massive beasts known as Land Dragons, Combat +1, Armorer or Weaponer +1, Artificer, Primitive or
which are used both in warfare and for the transport of heavy trade Engineer, Basic (Fortifications or Settlement) +1, Mounted
good such as red iron ingots. They are also trained in the use of Combat (Land lizard or Mangonel Lizard) +1.
siege weapons, and heavy hand-held weapons like the Sauran war-
axe and war-whip. Gear: Animal hide loincloth, necklace and/or armbands of
hammered red iron discs, Sauran war axe, war whip, dagger,
Sauran Dragon Riders form the first line of defense vs the pouch (slung over the shoulder on a cord), dragon icon (red
Kang, their blood-enemies from long ago. Contingents of Dragon iron alloy, worn on a cord around the neck).
Riders sometimes range as far east as the outer borders of the
Volcanic Hills, and as far west as the Wilderlands, and the ruins of Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in small, uncut firegems.
Kharakhan and Golain - both holy sites in the eyes of Saurans, as
they were once home to their ancient ancestors, the Drakken.

The Saurans are aggressive and warlike, though not all are the
enemies of men. Cold makes them sluggish (-2 to all movement-
related die rolls), but they are unaffected by heat, lending credence
to the theory that Saurans are descended from the race of dragons.
About ten percent of the Sauran population possesses the
ability to change the color of their hide, like chameleons.

Roleplaying: Sauran Dragon Riders are not allowed

to own dragon mounts until they have earned the
right to do so - typically by valorous conduct in
battle, and/or the accomplishment of worthy deeds.
Before such time as they are granted a dragon steed,
inexperienced Saurans are considered no more than low-
ranking Warriors. Another factor is that Land Dragons are
rare, and thanks to the predations of the Araq tribes, they
may well be an endangered species. Killing Araq is one way
that a Sauran can earn respect from his or her peers.


Appearance: 6’6”-7’, 350-450 lbs., scaly rust-brown hide,

reptilian features, fangs and claws, heavy tail.

Homeland: The Volcanic Hills

INT -2 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +5 DEX -2 CON +4 SPD -2 HP 18

Language: Sauran

Special: Hide equal to leather armor, immunity to poison/

fire, converse with all reptile species, can use tail to strike
opponents if attacked from behind or in front (damage: d6).

The Sawila are inhabitants of the island of Fahn, which is
located in the Far Seas. They practice a form of religion
based on the worship of Arial, Goddess of the South
Wind. Sawila possess the unique ability to “weave” spells,
combining the magical ability of a hundred or more of their
people into a single spell that can total hundreds of Levels
in power, range, and/or duration. They are also able to cast
spells by very subtle means, such as their traditional songs
and dances. Their Spell-Weaving talents have kept their tiny
island home safe for centuries from predatory folk such as
the Imrians and Mangar.

Sawila have an affinity for Thaecian Enchanters, and for

the Muses of Astar of the Nine Kingdoms. Though it is rare
for a Sawila to leave Fahn, individuals have been known to
travel to the Isle of Thaecia, and from there, even to the Nine

Roleplaying: Sawila tend to avoid aggression, but

will use their spellweaving abilities in defense of their
settlements. They have long been victimized by the Imrians
and Mangar, who covet the exotic-looking Sawila as slaves
and consorts. If taken from their ancestral homeland, Sawila
become even more passive and will almost never attempt to
escape their captors.


Appearance: 5’4”-6’,80-140 lbs., albino, slightly built,

plumes decorating head and neck.

Homeland: the island of Fahn

INT +1 PER +1 WIL +3 CHA +5
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 10

Language: Chanan and Sign

Special: Spell-weaving.

Skills: Choice of Invocation (Arial), Elemental Magic (choice

of one specialty), or Natural Magic +3, Create Charms &
Talismans +1, Dance +1, Enchantment (Primitive) +1,
Medicine Man/Woman +1, Seduce +1, Song +1.

Gear: Costume of colorful feathers, combs made of

iridescent sea dragon’s scales, fans made of feathers.

Wealth: d6 x 3 gold lumens in pearls.

Shadinn are servants of the Rajans. They are tall, massively
built, and very powerful. Shadinn executioners are trained
as warriors, and also serve as elite guards (or land lizard
cavalry) in the armies of the Rajans. Some scholars have
theorized that the Shadinn were created by the ancient
Torquarans and are a sorcerous hybrid of man and
Kharakhan Giant.

The Shadinn despise the Yitek, their enemies from

ancient times.

Roleplaying: Shadinn are blunt by nature, refusing to

disguise their true feelings in consideration of others, a
practice they deem false. Tactfulness is not a Shadinn
virtue, nor is pity or mercy; it is little wonder that
these folk are often employed as executioners. The
Shadinn bear a long-standing grudge against the Yitek
tribes, whom they accuse of defiling the tombs
of their ancient ancestors. Depending on the
type of campaign being run, the GM may
decide to use Shadinn characters only as


Appearance: 6’8”-7’4”, 300-450+ lbs., dark brown

skin, horns, black hair, blood-red eyes, clawed hands
and feet

Homeland: Rajanistan

STR +5 DEX 0 CON +2 SPD 0 HP 20

Languages: Rajanin

Special: None

Skills: Axe +3, choice of two weapons +2, Interrogate +1,

Torture +1, Guard or Mounted Combat (land lizard) +2

Gear: Black headdress; loincloth; executioner’s axe; black

partial plate or scale mail (usually worn only in battle);
choice of two other weapons

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens

The Sindarans, with their two-sided brains, are a race Gear: Silk loincloth (or kaftan, for females); arm and
possessed of extraordinary intellectual capabilities. They leg bracers; cape; bandolier pouches containing 2-12
are ambidextrous, can concentrate on two different amberglass vials of toxic powder; silver blowtube; silver
subjects simultaneously, and can avert the need for sleep earrings and necklace; trivarian game set; collection (scrolls,
by resting one side of the brain at a time. Compulsive and curios, antiques, or some other category of collectibles);
eccentric behavior is especially common among Sindarans, alchemical apparatus; flask of skoryx (Sindaran liquor)
particularly as regards their obsession with collecting things
(such as antique artifacts, books, scrolls, curios, or similar Wealth: d20 x 5 gold lumens
baubles). They are likewise fascinated with the study of
alchemy, and are practically addicted to trivarian, a complex
game that is largely incomprehensible to non-Sindarans.

Roleplaying: Sindarans tend to be verbose and are partial

to the use of multisyllabic words. It Is not uncommon for a
Sindaran to argue both sides of an issue, a practice directly
related to having two independently functioning brains. If
given the opportunity, a Sindaran can go on for hours about
almost anything. Sindaran collectors are completists who
find it difficult to resist indulging in their obsession (roll
versus WIL rating if faced with the temptation to examine a
favored type of collectible) . All Sindarans are fascinated by
Trivarian, a complex game that is incomprehensible to non-
Sindarans. Sindarans may lose their dual-encephalic abilities
through accident, injuiy, or attempting to practice magic.
Individuals who have suffered such a fate often become
irrational and unpredictable and are called “Sindra“ – a
respectful term meaning “demented one.”


Appearance: 7’-7’4”, 180-220 lbs., rough sandy-hued skin,

narrow eyes, a ridge of six horn-like protrusions running
along the crest of the skull, bony chin spur, emaciated

Homeland: Sindar of the Nine Kingdoms

INT +8 PER 0 WIL +4 CHA 0
STR -1 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Low Talislan

Special: Dual-encephalon

Skills: Alchemy +3, Blowgun +1, Collector +2, Trivarian

+1; choice of four from Cartography, Cryptography,
Cultures, Geography, History, or Scribe +1; choice of
two from Administrator, Barter, Caravan Master, Haggle,
Merchant, or Money Lender +1

Slith are devious creatures who can be found throughout
the lower planes. They typically work as informers, petty
thieves, spies, or dealers in stolen merchandise. Though
Slith are known to be able to spit venom at a short range,
they are physically weak, and survive mainly by guile and
deceit. They have hyper-keen senses and an innate ability
to read objects, as well as quickly change the color of their
skin to blend into their surroundings. In Talislanta, Slith can
sometimes be encountered in the Shadow Realm, typically
in the company of a Zoab trader; if not with a Zoab, Slith
will almost always have at least one Gargoyle bodyguard.

Roleplaying: Slith are extremely intelligent and highly

observant. They are adept at “reading” situations and
individuals, and able to quickly process this information and
use it to their advantage. Slith are fawning and obsequious to
their superiors, and rude and dismissive to those whom they
consider beneath them. Though they are deceitful by nature,
Slith can be relied on to keep their word in business dealings;
they are renowned for being able to obtain any kind of goods
or contraband. Depending on the type of campaign being
played, the GM may decide whether Slith should be used
strictly as NPCs or not.


Appearance: 3’-4’, salamander-like body, four frail arms,

four legs

Homeland: Lower Planes

INT +5 PER +9 WIL -2 CHA -2
STR -5 DEX +7 CON -2 SPD +4 HP 10

Languages: Elder Tongue

Special: Read objects by touch +1, night vision, detect

magic by smell, chameleon skin (-10 rolls vs PER to detect
when not moving), spit poison (1d4)

Skills: Dagger +2, Appraise Goods +3, Appraise Treasure

+2, Haggle +1, Merchant +2, Stealth +3; choice of
Deception, Espionage, or Sabotage +1

Gear: Loincloth; money purse; dagger

Wealth: d10 x 20 lumens in various

currencies, as well as stolen goods and


Stryx are a race of avian humanoids with demonic-looking,
skull-like visages. They revere Taryx, the “scavenger of souls,”
a creature purported to be a minion of the entity known as
Death. Stryx Necromancers call themselves the servants of
Taryx, and perform grisly sacrificial rituals in honor of their
morbid patron. The Taryx cult has adherents throughout

Roleplaying: Stryx are vile entities who feed on carrion

and creatures weaker than themselves. They are morbid
by nature and regard themselves as servants of Taryx,
an avatar of Death. Talislantan scholars believe that the
species is a mutated variety of Aeriad that has degenerated
over the course of several thousand years. For reasons as
yet unknown, the process of degeneration seems to have
accelerated among the Stryx during the last twenty years.


Appearance: 5’10”-6’2”, 140-180 lbs., wingspan around

20’, grey and black feathers, leathery wings, horns,
vulture-like features, clawed appendages

Homeland: The Obsidian Mountains

INT +2 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR -1 DEX 0 CON 0
SPD +5 (Airborne; -1 on the ground)
HP 10

Languages: Northron

Special: Flight, superior night vision, detect

carrion by scent (range 5 miles)

Skills: Necromancy or Invocation +3, Dagger +2,

Concoct Poisons +1, Enchanting (Primitive) +1,
Survival +1

Gear: Animal hide loincloth; black iron bracers; scroll of

spells made of animal hide, in a bone case; bone or iron

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in mixed coins, gemstones

and miscellaneous baubles

Stryx Warriors are the defenders of their people, and the
most aggressive members of their species. Allies of the Ur
Clans of Urag, they are most often employed as airborne
troops and for reconnaissance. Compared to their enemies,
the Gryphs of Tamaranth, Stryx are poor flyers. As such they
posses limited aerrial combat capabilities, though they can
be effective if used vs windships and targets on the ground.

Roleplaying: Like others of their kind, the preferred

diet of Stryx Warriors is carrion. Less disciplined than
their necromancers, unless they are kept in line by their
superiors, Stryx Warriors will stop anything to feast on dead
animals, creatures, or beings – even including other Stryx.
Depending on the type of campaign being run, the GM may
opt to use these characters strictly as NPCs.


Appearance: 5’10”-6’2”, 140-180 lbs., wingspan

around 20’, grey and black feathers, leathery wings,
horns, vulture-like features, clawed appendages

Homeland: The Obsidian Mountains

INT 0 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX -2 CON 0 SPD +6
(airborne; -1 on the ground) HP 14

Languages: Northron

Special: Flight, superior night vision,

detect carrion by scent (range 5 miles)

Skills: Pole-Hook +3, Dagger +1, choice

of one weapon +1, Coerce +1, Hunter/
Gatherer +1, Interrogate +1, Scout
(Airborne) +1, Survival +1, Torture +1

Gear: Animal hide loincloth; black iron

bracers; one weapon of choice; necklace of
uncut semiprecious stones; dagger; pole-
hook; pouch

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens in mixed

coins, small gemstones

The Sun-Ra-San are a semi-aquatic race. They have silvery
skin covered with fine scales, and deep blue eyes. The Sun-
Ra-San resemble their “civilized” brothers, the Sunra of the
Kang Empire, but in general are larger and more muscular
of build. Sun-Ra-San are the descendants of an ancient race
of seafarers who once spanned the waters of the Far Seas.
Unlike the Sunra, the Sun-Ra-San tribes escaped the Eastern
Lands in time to avoid being subjugated by the Quan (and
later, the Kang). They fled to the Scimitar Isles, where they
now live in undersea castles carved from giant mounds of

Roleplaying: Sun-Ra-San are hunters of sea dragons and

other large aquatic carnivores, whom they kill for meat,
hide, scales, and bone. They are skilled undersea scouts
and guides, and are able to read even the most ancient sea
charts and scrolls. Sea Hunters value freedom above all
things and would sooner die than serve under a master. One
day they hope to return to free the rest of their people.


Appearance: 6’-6’4”, 150-220 lbs., lime green skin covered

with fine silvery scales, smooth features, deep blue eyes.

Homeland: Scimitar Isles

INT +1 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +2 DEX +1 CON +2
SPD +4 Underwater; 0 anywhere else
HP 16

Language: Sun-Ra-San, Sign

Special: Semi-aquatic (can breathe underwater

for up to twenty-four hours)

Skills: Artificer +1, Artisian +2, Dagger +1,

Harpoon/Spear +2, Pilot (Dragon Barque) +2,
Song +1, Survival +3, Swim +4

Gear: Armor of sea dragon scales, boots of rainbow

kra hide, bone spear, bone dagger, dragon hunter’s
harpoon, astrolabe, kra scrimshaw case for sea charts,
quill pens, crystal vial of sepia ink

Wealth: 40 gold lumens in pearls, scavanged

treasure, and mixed coins.

The Sunra are a semi-aquatic race who are currently
unwilling subjects of the Kang Empire. Though their
ancestors, the Sun-Ra-San, once ranged the Far Seas
in glittering dragon barques, the majority of the Sunra
population is now prohibited from leaving the Coral City of
Isalis and the Inland Sea.

Sunra Aquamancers serve as priests and priestesses of

an elemental ocean deity named Aqus. They are skilled spell
casters, and know much of the ancient lore of Talislanta and
its sea-faring peoples.

Roleplaying: Sunra Aquamancers have a great love of the

sea, and the plants and creatures that dwell within it. Though
they also love their homeland and the Inland Sea, most
dream one day of escaping the Kang Empire and sailing to
the deep waters of the Azure Ocean. It is said that a rare few
have succeeded in doing so, and may now be found living
among the Sun-Ra-San, or the Sea Rogues of Gao-Din.


Appearance: 5’10”-6’4”,120-180 lbs., lime green skin

covered with fine silvery scales, smooth features, deep blue

Homeland: Scimitar Isles

INT +3 PER +2 WIL +1 CHA 0
SPD +4 Underwater; 0 anywhere else
HP 12

Language: Sun-Ra-San, Sign

Special: Semi-aquatic (can breathe underwater for up to

twenty-four hours).

Skills: Choice of Elemental Magic (Aquamancy), Natural

Magic, or Wizardry +3, Cartography +2, Diver +1, Healer
+1, Pilot (Dragon Barque) +1.

Gear: Cloak and loincloth of Mandalan silkcloth, boots of

rainbow kra’s hide, silk headband, astrolabe, quill pen, and
crystal vial of sepia ink.

Wealth: None (the Sunra are slaves of the Kang Empire)

Tarteran Demon-Hunters specialize in tracking and killing
demons of all types. They can detect and identify even the
faintest evidence of demonic activity in a region and locate
the source, or sources, of such presences. Though they
hail from the Midnight Realm land of Tarterus, Tarteran
Demon-Hunters have been known to travel to Talislanta,
typically via the Iron Citadel in the Shadow Realm.

Roleplaying: Tarterans are part-Shaitan, and they have

inherited certain traits from their diabolical ancestors.
They despise Cthonian demons, and have nothing but
disdain for anything that smacks of religion; even being
in the close vicinity 10 feet or less) of potent religious
relics, holy symbols, and places of worship makes
them uncomfortable (-1 penalty to all actions). While
Tarterans may or may not be truly “evil”, they are dark
and sardonic by nature, and are not averse to lying,
scheming, and double-dealing in order to get what
they want. They are said to never break their given
word, though they will only honor the letter of
the deal rather than the intent.

Appearance: 6’-6’7”, 260-280 lbs., Fiery-red

skin, emerald or onyx eyes, raven hair, ebon
horns and chin-spurs, claw-like fingernails,
bat-like wings

Homeland: Tarterus, in the Midnight


INT +1 PER +4 WIL -1 CHA 0
STR +2 DEX +2 CON +3 SPD +1
HP 16

Languages: Archaen, Elder Tongue

Special: Flight (SPD +3), see clearly in magical

darkness, susceptible to temptation (-5 WIL rolls if

Skills: Sword +3, choice of two weapons +1, Aerial Combat

+1, Lore (Arcane) +1, Wrist Spikes +1, Lore (Demon) +3,
Stealth +1, Tracking +1

Gear: Breeches or loincloth; hood and vest; silvered chain

mail armor; +1 Tarteran argentium longsword; +1 silver
wrist spikes; choice of two silver weapons; argentium mask;
demonhide cloak; thigh-high boots; belt pouch; demonward

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens in gold and small black


The Tau are a strange race of mute, eyeless humanoids who
hail from a remote region of the Underworld. They are
slender and graceful in form, with bone-white skin and long
white hair. Members of a secretive cult of assassin-monks,
Tau revere a white, winged deity that is the Tau culture’s
manifestation of Death, claiming to be its messengers or
“angels.” The chief tenets of their religion include bringing
a “merciful death” to any who are suffering, and to rid the
omniverse of the Sepharans, whom the Tau regard as evil
entities, antithetical to the natural order of life, death, and

Roleplaying: Tau are normally secretive, but are known

to have dealings with both the Black Savants and Ebonites.
Depending on the circumstances, they may agree to
work with other races or entities who are enemies of the
Sepharans. Though blind, Tau possess an uncanny ability
called inner vision, which allows them to “see” as clearly as
sighted folk, and also to see astral, invisible, and ethereal


Appearance: 5’2”-6’, 120-160 lbs., slender, graceful,

bone-white skin and hair, eyeless

Homeland: Somewhere in the Underworld

INT +4 PER +3 WIL -4 CHA 0
STR +1 DEX +1 CON 0 SPD +3 HP 14

Language:s Elder Tongue, Sign (Tau are mute)

Special: Inner vision (see astral, invisible, ethereal, in any

type of darkness)

Skills: Invocation (Death) +2, choice of weapon +2,

Assassinate +2, Stealth +1, Ambush +1, choice of two from
Assassinate, Bribe, Deception, Espionage, Locks, Sabotage,
Seduce, Stealth, Streetwise, or Underworld +1

Gear: +1 weapon of choice; veil and costume made from

long strips of intricately tied and knotted white fabric

Wealth: d10 x 10 lumens in gold in various currencies

Thaecian Enchanters and Enchantresses are renowned for
the making of exotic enchanted items such as Thaecian orbs.
Most are content to remain on their home island of Thaecia,
though a few sometimes travel to distant lands in search of
new experiences.

Roleplaying: Thaecians are devout pleasure-seekers who

shun hard work in favor of more pleasant pastimes. They
are enamored of magic and are partial to Thaeclan nectar, a
drink noted for its exotic flavor and exhilarating properties.


Appearance: 6’-6’6”,100-160 lbs., silvery skin, deep blue

hair, distinctive features, slender physique

Homeland: Thaecia

INT +3 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA +3
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Thaecian

Special: None

Skills: Choice of Wizardry or Natural Magic +2,

Artificer +2, Enchanting +2, Brewer/Vintner +1,
Haggle +1

Gear: Diaphanous gossamer robes; gossamer purse

and shoulder pouch; silver-bound spellbook; 1-4
amberglass vials containing potions; 1-4 Thaecian
orbs; flask of Thaecian nectar

Wealth: d20 x 100 gold lumens in mixed coins and


THAGE PLANE-STALKER Languages: Elder Tongue, Sign
(NPC) Special: Thage natural camouflage (-10 rolls vs PER to
Thage are a primitive race of humanoids who hail from an detect in darkness/shadow; invisible to demons), ability to
unknown region of the lower planes. These strange creatures spot inter-dimensional rifts (roll vs PER)
stand about 6 feet in height, and have have mottled black
and white skin, the patterns of which Thage can alter at will Skills: Choice of weapon +2, Sympathetic Magic (Thage)
in order to blend into almost any type of dark or shadowy +2, Ambush +1, Artist (Primitive) +2, Camouflage +1,
environment. Their natural camouflage abilities, cold- Concoct Demon-Poison +1, Concoct Poisons +1,
blooded physiology, and the absence of a soul makes Thage Stealth +1
virtually invisible to demons - a useful talent for creatures
who traverse the lower planes. Gear: Choice of weapon; loincloth; belts made of rope
and hide; hide cloak; carving tools; 2-12 deadwood roots;
Thage possess a number of unusual talents, including various poisons and venoms
the ability to track lower planar entities of any sort, including
Ebonites, Cthonian Demons, Shaitan, Tarterans, and even Wealth: None
Brood. They are also able to sense inter-planar rifts and portals of
all sorts at distances of over a mile, using these gateways to travel
far and wide throughout the lower planes.

Thage are skilled in the making of potent concoctions, many

of which are unknown to other peoples. Using ingredients
gathered from the darkest corners of the Omniverse, they are
able to concoct drugs, poisons, and remedies of such potency
that they even affect entities such as demons, undead, and
Shaitan. Though they tend to be unsociable by nature, Thage
are sometimes known to trade with Tarterans, Ebonites, and
the Black Savants. They never trade with Zoab or Slith, both of
whom they regard as untrustworthy. Tarteran Demon-Hunters
sometimes hire Thage as scouts and demon-slayers, paying
them in black diamonds

Roleplaying: Thage practice a strange form of

Sympathetic Magic that involves the carving of miniature
images from deadwood root, which may provide omens
of events that may occur in the near future. Because
Thage can use this talent to “foresee future events”,
the GM may (or may not) opt to make this archetype
available only as an NPC.


Appearance: 6’2-7’, 150-200 lbs., tall and thin, shifting

black and white skin, multiple pairs of eyes

Homeland: A dimension bordering the territories of the


INT +3 PER +8 WIL +2 CHA -2
STR +1 DEX +5 CON 0 SPD +3 HP 16

Thiasians are renowned as performers of exceptional skill
and can be found throughout much of the Talislantan
continent. They specialize in dance, acrobatics, and juggling,
among other talents. The majority of Thiasians encountered
in Talislanta are either slaves or the desendants of slaves who
have been taken from their home on Eros Isle.

Roleplaying: Thiasians are perhaps the most colorful and

extroverted of the Talislantan races, reveling in song, dance,
and merrymaking. They may sometimes be found in the
company of Bodor musicians and other entertainers or in
the homes of wealthy Talislantans, who favor Thiasians as


Appearance: 5’-6’, 80-170 lbs., violet skin, black hair, lithe

and slender physique, attractive features

Homeland: Thaecia

STR +1 DEX +5 CON 0 SPD +3 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Thaecian

Special: None

Skills: Dance +3; choice of any two from Acrobatics,

Acting, Artist, Legerdemain, Music, Oratory, or Song
+2; choice of any three from Assassinate, Bribe,
Deception, Espionage, Locks, Sabotage, Seduce,
Stealth, or Streetwise +1, Throwing Knife +1

Gear: Costume of colored silkcloth; pouches; any four

of the following “props”: throwing knives, juggler’s pins,
makeup kit, spare costume of choice, thespian’s mask,
lockpicks, pet quaal, or feather dractyl

Wealth: d10 x 4 gold lumens

(unless a slave; then, no money)

The Thralls are a race created by sorcerous hybridization.
Bred for combat, they outrival most other races as warriors
and military strategists, but possess little aptitude for
any other profession. Except for differences in gender, all
Thralls look exactly alike. To compensate for this, Thralls
decorate their bodies from head to foot with elaborate and
highly individualistic tattoos. These markings represent
the individual’s place of birth, clan affiliation, rank, and
achievements, and constitute a great source of pride. ‘Thralls
can “read” the tattoes of other Thralls and learn much about
them without the need for verbal communication.

Roleplaying: Thralls are fearless in combat, though

generally not to the point of recklessness. In all matters
pertaining to combat and warfare they are skilled
tacticians who possess an instinctive ability to grasp even
the most complex military strategies (treat INT as +3 in
these matters.) Conversely, Thralls have little interest in
other skills and professions, which they generally do not
comprehend. Most Thralls work as mercenary warriors, a
profession in which they excel.


Appearance: 6’6”, 300 lbs. (male); 6’4”, 200 lbs. (female),

hairless, devoid of pigment, body covered with colorful
tattoos, muscular build.

Homeland: Taz of the Nine Kingdoms

INT -3 PER 0 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR +4 DEX +2 CON +4 SPD +1 HP 18

Languages: Low Talislan

Special: Immunity to fear, inability to comprehend magic

Skills: Sword +3, Dagger +2, choice of two weapons +2,

Combat (Unarmed) +1, Tazian Combat +2, Ambush
+1, Mounted Combat (mangonel or equs) +1; choice of
Artillerist, Guard, or Weaponer +1

Gear: Loincloth; sandals; dagger; greatsword with shoulder

sheath; garde (parrying armor); choice of two weapons,
mangonel lizard or greymane steed

Wealth: d20 x 5 gold lumens in mixed coins

Ur Shamans are inept spellcasters whose limited powers
may be derived through their reverence of the mysterious
stone idols found scattered across the land of Urag. They
possess rudimentary alchemical skills, particularly those
involving the mixing of poisons and toxic agents, which they
discard without consideration for the local environment. As
such, much of Urag is polluted with alchemical wastes.

Roleplaying: Though Ur Shamans are poor spell casters,

they are especially adept at the Ur’s innate ability to Read
Emotions. Ur Shamans use this talent to manipulate their
followers, according to the wishes of their Warlords. This
ability was used to very good effect to get the three main Ur
Clans to unite and join in the Uprising.


Appearance: 7’-8’, 500-600+ lbs., yellow-grey hide, black

eyes/white pupils, bestial features, hair worn in double or
triple top-knots.

Homeland: Urag

INT -1 PER 0 WIL +4 CHA 0
STR +4 DEX -3 CON +5 SPD 0 HP 32

Languages: Northron

Special: Night vision, Read Emotions +2 (range 20 ft.)

Skills: Dagger +2, choice of one weapon +2, Create

Charms and Talismans +1, Concoct Poisons +1,
Medicine Man/Woman +1, Survival +1

Gear: Yaksha hide cloak; loincloth and boots;

bone dagger; a necklace of claws and fangs;
shoulder and belt pouch; three-eyed idol icon
(stone), choice of one additional weapon

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in mixed coins

and gemstones

Ur warlords serve as commanders of the armies of the Ur
clans, which range far and wide across the ravaged terrain of
Urag. They are the masters of the Darkling race and allies of
the Stryx. Warlords vary in rank from the lowest of sub-
commanders to the three rulers of Urag, the rival Ur Kings.
Only males can be Ur warlords.

Roleplaying: The Ur War Clans are bent on conquest of

the Western Lands, and beyond that, the Nine Kingdoms.
They nearly achieved their goal during the Uprising,
before a truce was called marking the abrupt end of all
hostilities. Many Ur Warriors are resentful of the leaders
who negotiated this truce. While many hope for some
excuse to resume the war by any means, some quit
their clans in protest, and traveled to other
lands to work as mercenaries.


Appearance: 7’-8’, 500-600+

lbs., yellow-grey hide, black eyes/
white pupils, bestial features, hair
worn in double or triple top-knots.

Homeland: Urag

INT -1 PER 0 WIL +2 CHA -2
STR +6 DEX -3 CON +6 SPD -2 HP 34

Languages: Northron

Special: Night vision, Read Emotions +1 (range 20 ft.)

Skills: Ur Club +3 or War Axe +3, Brawling +2, choice

of one weapon +1, Combat (mounted) +1, Survival +1,
Engineer (Siege) +3, Command +1

Gear: Spiked black iron partial plate armor with bracers

and arm bands; loincloth, cloak, and boots of yaksha hide;
necklace of teeth; Ur club (made from a yaksha paw) or
stone war axe; stone dagger; pouch; may have orgiphant
steed and access to siege engines

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in mixed coins and


Vajra were originally subjugated by the Quan, who captured
a large clutch of hibernating Vajra young and threatened
to kill them unless the adults surrendered. Fearing that
their species might be driven to extinction should such a
catastrophe occur, the Vajra acceded to the Quan’s demands.
Following the Silent Insurrection of 611, the Vajra became
subjects of the Kang.

Vajra engineers enjoy a well-deserved reputation as

skilled stoneworkers and are unsurpassed in the art of
subterranean excavation and construction. Their tough,
scaled hide renders them impervious to cuts and abrasions
and serves as a natural form of armor. Accustomed to
defending themselves from hostile subterranean creatures
such as satada and subterranoids, Vajra are also skilled in
combat, wielding the heavy iron spears that double as
excavating tools.

Roleplaying: The Vajra are a humorless

race of subterraneans who are believed to be
descended from a species of neomorphs created
in ancient times by the Archaens. They are industrious
creatures who believe in the value of hard work. Vajra
live in underground tunnel complexes and revere the Earth
Goddess Terra. They serve the empire only out of concern
for the survival of their offspring.


Appearance: 4’2”-5’4”, 140-200 lbs., squat, heavy-limbed,

body covered with overlapping orange-brown plates

Homeland: The Kang Empire

STR +3 DEX 0 CON +4 SPD -2 HP 20

Languages: Quan

Special: Plated skin (PR 3), burrow into the

ground (one foot per round).

Skills: Spear +2, Engineer (Advanced) +4,

Geography +2, Lore (Earth) +1, Salvager +1

Gear: Loincloth; wide belt made for carrying tools; iron

spear; shoulder pack

Wealth: None (Vajra are slaves of the Kang Empire)


Xambrian Wizard Hunters are a mysterious folk descended
from the Warloks, a race of neomorphs created by the
necromancers of ancient Torquaran to hunt down and
assassinate rival wizards. The Torquar bred their Warlok
wizard hunters to be highly resistant to magic, and imbued
them with the innate ability to detect and dispel magic.
Indeed, Warloks proved to be adept at hunting and killing
wizards, until it was discovered that the neomorphs
had a singular flaw: lacking a soul, Warloks proved to be
susceptible to possession by spirits. It soon became evident
that the Warloks had become possessed by the souls of
a people known as the Xambrians, a race of mystics the
Torquar had exterminated some years before. Freed from
their masters’ control, these “Xambrian Wizard Hunters”
turned on the Torquar, and helped bring down their dark

Wizard Hunters of the present age have inherited the same

abilities as their predecessors, as well as the uncanny symbiotic
relationship that Warloks had with their Xambrian spirit-
companions. While Xambrian souls protect Wizard Hunters
from possession by hostile spirits, the spirits extract a heavy price
in return. For Wizard Hunters are haunted by their presence,
and can feel the pain and sorrow that they bear for the loss of
their people and culture. More profoundly, these souls will
sometimes compel wizard hunters to track down Reincarnators
– the reincarnated forms of the Xambrians’ ancient enemies, Appearance: 5’6”-6’2”, 100-180 lbs., deathly white skin,
the Torquar. When a Wizard Hunter receives such a calling, raven hair, dark violet eyes, hard features, facial tattoos
he or she must obey it, and cannot rest until the Reincarnator
has been hunted down and destroyed. Most Talislantans avoid Homeland: None
Xambrian Wizard Hunters, whom they believe are cursed.
Roleplaying: Xambrians are tormented souls, sworn to INT +1 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
carry out an ancient vendetta against the enemies of their STR +1 DEX +2 CON +4 SPD 0 HP 16
race. At any time, Xambrians may receive “the calling” –
a psychic summons from the spirits that informs them Languages: Low Talislan, ancient Archaen (can speak and
that one of the enemies of their people has returned to read Archaen writings and magical symbols)
Talislanta in the form of a Reincarnator. When this occurs,
the wizard hunters must travel to Omen, the mountain of Special: Magic Resistance +1, Arcane Sense +1, Spiritforce
skulls. Here, the spirits instil in them the knowledge of how + 1-4 (see Special Abilities, Spiritforce).
to locate the enemy and investing the wizard hunters with
a portion of their spiritual strength. From this moment on, Skills: Sword +2, Daggers +1, choice of one weapon +1,
the Xambrians will not rest until they have carried out the Appraise Artifacts +1, Interrogate +1, Lore (Arcane) +1,
vendetta. Read Magic +1, Stealth +1, Survival +3

Gear: Vest, breeches and boots of black strider’s hide;

gauntlets of silver chain mesh; cloak; greymane or ontra
steed; large shoulder pouch; longsword; twin daggers;
choice of one weapon

Wealth: d10 x 20 gold lumens


The Chroniclers of Xanadas are recluses who dwell in the
Temple of the Seven Moons high atop Mt. Mandu. There,
the Chroniclers gaze into crystal spheres, recording events
of note in massive leather-bound tomes. Those who visit the
temple seeking knowledge and enlightenment are treated
with hospitality; individuals who come seeking personal
gain may find the Chroniclers to be less than personable

Roleplaying: Chroniclers value knowledge above all things,

particularly as regards events that occurred in the distant
past, prior to the time when Xanadas began to compile
extensive archives. The task of chronicling leaves them
with little time for frivolity. As Xanadasian Chroniclers are
hermits and possess a great deal of information that should
be unknown to the players, GMs should only use these
characters as NPCs.


Appearance: 5’10”-6’2”, 130-170 lbs., golden skin,

almond-shaped eyes, white hair, slender build.

Homeland: Xanadas

INT +2 PER +3 WIL +4 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX 0 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 12

Language: Quan, High Talislan, Elder, Archaen

Special: None

Skills: Choice of Wizardry or Mysticism +3, History +2,

Cultures +1, Choice of any three Scholarly
or Trades Skills +2.

Gear: Silver and black robes, cloak and cap (decorated with
arcane symbols), large leather-bound tome, amberglass
inkwell, quill pens, amberglass scrying sphere, scrolls

Wealth: None (Xanadasian scholars value knowledge, not


The Yassan are a nomadic people displaced during the
aftermath of the Great Disaster. They are skilled in
technomancy, a branch of the occult sciences that is
practically unknown to Talislantans of the New Age. Yassan
can repair, assemble, disassemble, or modify just about
anything that has working parts, including the most complex
windship levitationals and essence accumulators. Their fees
are high, but their speed and skill are unsurpassed. Yassan
are in great demand in civilized regions, where their clans are
involved in maintenance, engineering, and construction.

Roleplaying: The Yassan are devoted to their clans and feel

no strong alliance to any government or nation. This may in
part be due to their uncertainty as regards the origins of their
people, whom most scholars believe are descended from a
race of neomorphs created by the Archaens. Perhaps for this
reason, it is typical of the Yassan to immerse themselves in
their work and think of little else. Generally speaking, Yassan
do not trust the Kasmirans, whom they accuse of stealing
certain of their trade secrets.


Appearance: 5’-6’, 120-220 lbs., metallic grey skin, flat

features, squat physique, six-fingered hands

Homeland: None; the Yassan are a displaced people

INT +2 PER +2 WIL 0 CHA 0
STR 0 DEX +10 (See Special) CON 0 SPD 0
HP 18

Languages: Nomadic, Low Talislan

Special: Exceptional manual dexterity (physical dexterity is

only average)

Skills: Technomancy +3, Artificer +1, Artisan +1, Engineer

(Advanced) +1, Salvager +1

Gear: Hooded yellow tunic with utility pouches

and breeches; heavy leather boots; gloves; pouches;
black iron strongbox for technomancer’s tools;
Technomantic Actuator

Wealth: d20 x 100 gold lumens

(most stored in Dracartan or Kasmir vaults)

The Yitek are a nomadic people who earn a living by
recovering – others would say stealing – ancient artifacts
and salvage from ancient tombs. They are experts at
disarming traps, locating hidden doors and passageways,
and preserving objects that have been subjected to the
effects of extreme age or weather. With the recent emphasis
on discovering lost secrets of the past, the Yitek tribes have
grown in stature over the course of the last twenty years, and
have come to be regarded as skilled craftspeople.

Roleplaying: The Yitek are known for their morbid sense

of humor, a trait that is perhaps essential to their trade but
that others often find somewhat distasteful. Indeed, the
nature of the Yitek’s profession causes many people to avoid
prolonged or unnecessary contact with these nomadic folk.
Few of the Yitek evince any great concern for how they are
viewed by other peoples, since most are preoccupied with
the work of locating and robbing tombs. The Djaffir mark
these nomadic folk as friends, in part because both share a
common hatred of the Farad.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’4”, dusky brown skin and hair,

angular features, lean build

Homeland: None; Yitek are nomadic

INT +2 PER +3 WIL 0 CHA -4
STR 0 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD 0 HP 15

Languages: Nomadic, Sign

Special: See well in darkness.

Skills: Sword +2, Dagger +1, Appraise Treasure +1, Locks

+2, Merchant +1, Mounted Combat (aht-ra) +1,
Traps +2, Stealth +1, Survival +1, History or
Cartography +1

Gear: Veiled headdress; cape; loose-fitting

garments of woven gauze; pouch and shoulder
sack; thieves’ tools; dagger; scimitar; batra or
tatra steed

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens in various

coins and curios


The Yrmanians are a race of Sub-Men who may be related
to the Drukhs of Arim. They are primitive and possess no
knowledge of metallurgy. Most have been rendered unstable,
if not insane, from ritual use of the drug, skullcap.

Roleplaying: Most wildmen and wildwomen are truly

insane. To simulate this, roll versus INT rating any time a
Yrmanian character or group of Yrmanians must make a
decision of any sort – a mishap indicates a totally irrational
response of the gamemaster’s choice. Due to the highly
unstable nature of these characters. GMs may decide that
they are best used as NPCs.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’2”, 130-230 lbs., light brown skin,

bestial features, simian build, hair worn in numerous braids.

Homeland: Yrmania

INT -6 PER -4 WIL +6 CHA 0
STR +2 DEX 0 CON +4 SPD 0 HP 14

Language: Sign

Special: mental instability due to drug-use (roll vs INT

anytime a Yrmanian must make a decision of any sort;
mishap indicates an irrational response of the Gamemaster’s

Skills: R’ruh+3, Club or Dagger +1, Hunting +1, Lore,

Plants +1, Mountain Climbing +1, Tracking +1. Shamans
add: Choice of Medicine Man/Woman +1 or Primitive
Enchantment +1

Gear: Animal hide loincloth, arm and leg wrappings, pouch

(slung over shoulder on cord), R’ruh, Club or Dagger

Wealth: none except for 2-8 skullcap mushrooms and 1-4

shiny stones/objects

The Za are nomadic raiders who claim to be the first and
greatest of all the Wild Tribes. Their bandit clans range in
size from small scouting parties to great raiding parties of
as many as five hundred individuals. They are known to
traverse the full extent of the Wilderlands of Zaran and
beyond, preying on merchant caravans, landarks, and
unwary travelers.

During the Uprising, an army of Za and Beastmen

seized the old city of Danuvia, putting all of its
inhabitants to the sword. The Za now occupy the
city, which they have renamed Zaran, and use it
as a stronghold and a place to hoard and trade
stolen goods, slaves, and other contraband.

Roleplaying: Za are fierce and cruel, seldom

taking prisoners. Exceptionally valorous foes
are sometimes accorded the dubious honor
of being taken alive, so that they may later be
slain in ritual fashion. The Za drink the blood
of these vanquished enemies from skull-cups,
believing that this gives them the strength of their


Appearance: 5’-6’, 90-190 lbs., wrinkled yellow-green skin,

deep-set eyes, shaved skull, men wear mustaches in long braids

Homeland: Wilderlands of Zaran

INT 0 PER +1 WIL +1 CHA -2
STR +3 DEX +2 CON +4 SPD 0 HP 14

Languages: Low Talislan, Sign

Special: None

Skills: Sword +2, Whipsash +1, Blade-Bracers +1, Shortbow

+1, Ambush +1, Camouflage +1, Mounted Combat +1,
Scout +1, Survival +1, Tracking +1

Gear: Loincloth, tight chest binder made of hide for

women; harness of studded land lizard hide; blade-bracers;
whipsash; Za broadsword; necklace of hammered black iron
disks; horn shortbow with quiver of twenty barbed arrows;
greymane steed with a braided mane

Wealth: d10 x 5 gold lumens in plunder

Zandir Charlatans are regarded as seers of the Paradoxist
cult by their people, and so are much admired in Zandu.
Elsewhere, they are considered on a par with mountebanks,
frauds, and other con artists.

Roleplaying: The Zandir are amorous and hotblooded,

and find it difficult to control their passions; roll versus
WIL rating to resist attractive individuals. Most Zandir give
credence to the somewhat vacuous tenets of the Paradoxist
Cult, whose motto is “Nothing Is known.” They have a great
dislike for the Orthodoxists of Aaman, their traditional
enemies since the time of the now-defunct Phaedran


Appearance: 5’6”-6’2”, 120-190 lbs., topaz skin (enhanced

with colored pigments), black hair, green eyes

Homeland: Zandu

INT +1 PER +1 WIL 0 CHA +2
STR 0 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD +1 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Low Talislan

Special: None

Skills: Wizardry +2, choice of one weapon +1,

Alchemy (elixirs, powders) +1, Legerdemain +1,
Oratory +1; choice of two from Assassinate, Bribe,
Deception, Espionage, Locks, Sabotage, Seduce, Stealth,
Streetwise, or Underworld +1

Gear: Cape of silken brocade; velvet blouse and trousers;

curl-toed boots; hair confined in silver bands; leatherbound
spell book; pouch containing with 1-4 elixirs; choice of one

Wealth: d20 x 5 gold lumens in Zandir crescents

Like Zandir Swordsmen and Swordswomen, Zandir
Swordmages are members of a professional class of duelists
known in ancient times as the Certaments. They too are
known for their flamboyant attire, and they occupy an even
higher rank and status in Zandir society.

They are unique among their people as they are the only
Zandir trained in both sword-fighting and spell casting.

Most Zandir Swordmages serve as the personal guards

of wealthy Zandir nobles - the wealthier their employer,
the greater status for the Swordmage. While some make
a living challenging other swordsmen to duels for wagers,
most Zandir Swordmages look down on such activities, and
consent to duel only if their honor is challenged.

Roleplaying: Except for the nobility, Swordmages occupy

the highest station in Zandir society. The greatest and most
renowned of these folk are treated as heroes by their adoring
public – or, for those of a darker and more sinister mien,
as villains of the highest order. The latter are often greatly
admired by Zandir thieves and others of dubious morals,
who regard them as exemplars of the Thieving trade.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’2”, 120-190 lbs., topaz skin (enhanced

with colored pigments), black hair, green eyes

Homeland: Zandu

INT +1 PER 0 WIL -1 CHA +1
STR +1 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD +2 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Low Talislan

Special: None.

Skills: Swordsmanship +2, Wizardry +2, Mounted Combat

(equs) +1, Oratory +1; choice of one from Assassinate,
Bribe, Deception, Espionage, Locks, Sabotage, Seduce,
Stealth, Streetwise, or Underworld +1

Gear: Velveteen cloak; leather shirt and breeches; high-top

boots; sash; gloves; dueling sword; dagger; leatherbound

Wealth: d20 x 10 gold lumens

Zandir Swordsmen and Swordswomen are members of a
professional class of duelists known in days of old as the
Certaments. They are known for their flamboyant dress and
manners, and occupy a rank and status above that of more
common warriors.

While Zandir Swordmages practice both swordsmanship

and magic, Zandir Swordsmen and Swordswomen
concentrate strictly on the art of the sword. As such, they are
considered unmatched throughout the continent in the use
of the dueling sword.

While most Zandir Swordsmen and Swordswomen

serve in Sultan’s army, some prefer to work as bodyguards
for wealthy Zandir merchants and the like. Others make a
living as professional duelists, challenging other swordsmen
and swordswomen to duels for wagers.

Roleplaying: Zandir Swordsmen and Swordswomen are

known for their courtly manners, as well as their colorful and
flamboyant garb. Despite a tendency towards arrogance, these
folk are for the most part admired and well-loved by the people
of Zandu, many of whom aspire to such an exalted position.


Appearance: 5’6”-6’2”, 120-190 lbs., topaz skin

(enhanced with colored pigments), black hair, green eyes

Homeland: Zandu

INT 0 PER 0 WIL -2. CHA +1
STR +2 DEX +2 CON 0 SPD+2 HP 12

Languages: High Talislan, Low Talislan

Special: None.

Skills: Swordsmanship +3, Mounted Combat (equs)

+2; choice of one from Acrobatics, Acting, Artist,
Dance, Legerdemain, Music, Oratory, or Song +1; choice of
two from Assassinate, Bribe, Deception, Espionage, Locks,
Sabotage, Seduce, Stealth, Streetwise, or Underworld +1

Gear: Dueling sword; dagger; suit of fine black iron chain

mail over fine leather garments; cloak; knee-high boots;
wineskin; greymane steed

Wealth: d10 x 10 gold lumens

Zoab are repellent creatures who hail from a watery world
called Zoa, which lies adjacent to the lower planes. Half-
humanoid and half-larval in appearance, Zoab merchants
comprise the middle class of Zoab society. The most
successful of their number deal in costly goods such
as soulstones, enchanted items, precious stones, rare
delicacies, works of art, and valuable artifacts. Those
of lesser stature usually traffic in slaves and the
more common sorts of wares, though some become
merchant-explorers in the hope of finding their
fortune. The most successful merchants may attain the lofty
position of Exaltar.

Roleplaying: Zoab are among the more ruthless denizens

of the lower planes. They care for nothing save profit, and
they don’t care how they make it; essentially, if they
believe they can get away with it, Zoab are more than
willing to lie, cheat, steal, or do much anything else
needed to get what they want. Conversely, it’s a very
bad idea to cross a Zoab, as they can be vengeful and
even murderous if angered or betrayed. Depending on
the type of campaign being played, the GM can decide
whether Zoab should be used strictly as NPCs or not.


Appearance: 5’ tall and up to 10’ long, up to

1000 lbs., half-humanoid and half-larva, greasy
translucent skin

Homeland: Zoa

Languages: Elder Tongue, Zoabian

INT +4 PER +4 WIL +2 CHA -4
STR +3 DEX -4 CON +2 SPD -3 HP 16

Special: Knifelike extensible tongue (stab or spray acid,

range 8 feet, d4 damage); lower body (used to batter, d10);
regenerate 1 HP per round (can regrow lost limbs in days)

Skills: Choice of one weapon +1, Appraise Goods +1,

Appraise Slaves +1, Appraise Souls +1, Appraise Treasure
+1, Astromancy +2, Diplomacy +2, Merchant +1

Gear: Robe of fine silk; two amberglass flasks of yellow ulu;

jewelry; weapon of choice, may have Zoabian windship and
slave crew at GM’s discretion

Wealth: d12 x 100 gold lumens in gems, coins and trade




“The difference between man and
Notes About Skills beast is the difference between
• Skills are talents that are learned through instruction
and practice. training and instinct.”
• Skill Rating is the measure of an individual’s ability in a
particular talent. - The noted naturalist Thystram -
• Each Archetype includes a package of beginning Skills.
• Additional Skills can be acquired later by “purchasing”
new Skills with Experience Points (XP). “If we must, we stand and die.
• All newly learned Skills start with a Skill Rating of +1
• Skill Rating can be improved through practice and/or study.
But we shall take many
• Raising most skills by +1 costs XP equal to 2x the new of them with us.”
level of the Skill. For example, it would cost 14 XP to
raise a +6 Skill Level to +7. Magic Order skills cost 3x
- The Thrall commander Hamar,
the new rating.
at the First Siege of Ikarthis -

Acquiring New Skills

• Most basic Skills can be learned in one month and cost
10 XP to acquire.
• Skills that require a Master’s instruction can typically be
learned in 3 months and cost 20 XP.
• Magic-related Skills also require a Master’s instruction,
but take seven months to learn) and cost 40 XP (see
page 154 , Magic).
• Languages cost 5 XP to learn at a basic level, and another
5 XP for fluent, and 5 XP again to speak it like a native.
(See page 136, Language Skills, for time required.)

Attribute Bonuses for Skills

Each Skill has one or more Attributes that acts as its
modifier; for example, the modifier for the Animal Handling
skill is Will (WIL). To determine a character’s overall Skill
Rating, add the level of the Skill and Attribute modifier(s).

The Non-Proficiency Penalty

Attempting to use a Skill in which one is not proficient is
extremely difficult, as the individual attempting the action
is trying to substitute his or her “natural ability” for actual
knowledge, training, etc.

In such cases, when rolling on the Action Table, the non-

proficient individual must use a related Attribute Rating in
place of the Skill he or she does not know - using a d10 instead
of a d20. And as usual, the GM may apply a penalty or bonus
based on the Degree of Difficulty of the intended action.

Needless to say, attempting to use a Skill in which one is

not proficient can be both very difficult and very dangerous
(see Action Table, Critical Failure).

Language Skills


High Talislan Quan
The Attribute Modifier for all Language Essentially an elaborate and flowery Stolen in large part from the ancient
Skills is INT. The following is a list of the version of Low Talislan, High Talislan Mazdak tongue, Quan is still the official
major languages spoken by the peoples is employed throughout most of the language of the Kang Empire. The subject
of Talislanta. Characters are rated in their continent. Its use marks one as a person of peoples of the empire each have their
proficiency with a language on a three- high social standing, education, or extreme dialects, which are more or less compatible
tiered scale of Native, Fluent, or Basic. The snobbishness. Speakers of Low and High with one another. Its written form is
time required to learn new languages is one Talislan can usually (but not always) employed exclusively by eastern scholars,
month for a basic level of proficiency, a year understand each other. including the chroniclers of Xanadas.
for fluency, and seven years to speak the
language like a native. The cost to learn a
language is 5 XP for each stage. Low Talislan Rajanin
This common tongue is spoken throughout A harsh tongue derived from the ancient
much of central and western Talislanta and language of the Torquarans, Rajanin is
Archaen is often learned as a second language in the employed primarily by the various tribes
The written language employed by most rest of the continent. Its use marks one as inhabiting Rajanistan. A maddeningly
Talislantan magicians to record their spells a person of low to average social standing, complex written form of Rajanin was later
and enchantments, Archaen dates back and as such is shunned by most nobles, developed by the Rajans.
to the Forgotten Age. Many of the oldest intellectuals, bureaucrats, and scholars.
known scrolls and stone tablets were Speakers of Low and High Talislan can
written in this highly complex language, usually (but not always) understand each Runic
which is no longer employed except as other. Runic is a secret language comprised
pertains to the casting of spells. entirely of symbols traced in the air, rather
than words or sounds. The only folk known
Nomadic to use this dark lexicon of black magical
Bodorian This simple yet elegant tongue is spoken symbols and gestures is the Sepharans, a
This complex language does not use by the Djaffir tribes, most of whom speak mysterious people who revere Cthonian
words or letters; rather, musical notes and Talislan as well. It is also employed by the demons as “deities”, and hail from a region
rhythms are used exclusively to convey Dracartans of Carantheum. The written of the lower planes known as the Void.
meaning. Bodor musical troupes employ form of Nomadic is noted for being both
this language, which is greatly admired by especially concise and easy to learn.
the Muses and the Thaecians. Sarisa
The multilayered language of the wandering
Northron Sarista peoples, Sarisa is rich in colorful
Chanan This is the language of the Ur clans of Urag. adjectives, especially those of a disparaging
This is the language of the eastern coastal The race of Darklings speaks a tangled nature. Through various slight gestures
peoples. Different dialects are spoken by dialect of Northron, as do the Stryx. and signals, it is possible to convey secret
such groups as the Chana witchfolk, Manra, meanings, such as, “believe nothing of what
Nagra, and Sawila. There is a runic written this one says,” “we must speak privately,”
version of this tongue, but it is rudimentary. Phaedran and so forth. No Sarista would ever teach
Technically a dead language, the complex the hidden meaning of this tongue to an
Phaedran tongue is now only employed in outsider.
Elder Tongue its written form. It is still in wide use among
The ancient language of the Ariane peoples, western scholars, who value tradition above
the Elder Tongue is also spoken by certain practicality. Sea Nomad
witches and warlocks. Its written form is This tongue is employed, with slight variations,
sometimes employed as a magical script by by the folk of Oceanus, the Sea Rogues of Gao-
spellcasters. The Mirin of L’Haan speak a Din, and the Mangar corsair clans.
derivative of Elder Tongue.

Background Skills


A “universal” language of hand gestures is All characters are familiar with certain speech and action. Outsiders tend to stand
employed by most of the Wild Tribes of basic skills relating to their respective out in close-knit communities of this sort
Talislanta, and certain other peoples as well. backgrounds. Each player should read where, for the most part, everyone knows
Individuals who are proficient in sign can the description of his or her character’s each other.
communicate with most sign-using peoples, homeland in the The Atlas of Talislanta in
though the variations used by some races order to become familiar with the specific
can be more difficult to read unless one has characteristics of the society and culture in Urban
specific knowledge of those cultures (-1 to which the character was raised. Individuals of this background were
-10 difficulty). raised in a city or other relatively large and
The modifier for all Background Skills is civilized settlement. They will know the
INT (intelligence). customs, laws, and mores of their particular
Thaecian city, and will understand the concepts
The romantic language of the Thaecians, Although each Talislantan society is quite of division of labor, monetary exchange,
this elegant tongue is much favored distinct, there are certain general categories and taxation. They will also know how
by poets, writers, and musicians. The into which most backgrounds can be to navigate city streets, identify figures
Thaecians employ it as an adjunct to High placed, as follows: of authority, find or avoid shadier parts
Talislan, which is spoken as their common of town, and follow public ordinances.
tongue. Individuals who do not hail from this
Nomadic background can become lost or disoriented
Individuals of this background were raised in a large or unfamiliar city. Conversely,
Xambrian among a nomadic tribe or clan. They will city-dwellers are often woefully unsuited to
An ancient variant of the Archaen tongue, know their people’s customs, including survival in less civilized locales.
Xambrian is used only among Xambrian familiarity with tribal laws and beliefs.
wizard-hunters when conversing among They will also be familiar with the nomadic
themselves. Xambrian is considered a lifestyle, the migratory habits of herd Wandering
dead language by most Talislantans, as animals, the habits of certain predatory Individuals of this background will have
both its spoken and written forms all but beasts that prey upon their animals, and either fled or been driven from their
disappeared from the continent long ago. where to find water. Some nomadic groups native lands as outcasts, escaped slaves, or
Xambrians have been known to take offense may be accustomed to visiting cities and refugees, or will have decided to emigrate
at such remarks. villages, while others may avoid them and travel to find employment, adventure,
entirely. In any case, nomads tend to find and so forth. They generally have some
cities too confining and village life too knowledge of their native society as well
Other Tongues sedentary for their tastes. Individuals with as other backgrounds; they will know how
Several Talislantan races are known to have this background tend to be regarded as to remain inconspicuous when entering
their own languages that are distinct but barbarians by city- and village-dwellers. a new area, identify potential sources of
mostly unique to their locale, including temporary work or financial opportunities,
the Gryphs (Avian), Imrians (Piscine), and avoid conflicts with unfamiliar laws and
Ahazu (Ahazu), Moorg-Wan (Moorg-Wan), Rural customs. Individuals of this background are
Muses (Sylvan), Saurans (Sauran), and Individuals of this background were often treated with mistrust and suspicion by
Sun-Ra-San (Sun-Ra-San). Several of these raised in a small village or other relatively folk from other backgrounds.
racial tongues have been adopted by other undeveloped settlement. They will
groups; the Araq, for example, speak a know the customs of their native people,
variation of the Sauran tongue. The “Secret including familiarity with local laws,
Language of Plants” is the native tongue of traditions, and the village’s main source or
the Green Men and Verdir. sources of livelihood (agriculture, fishing,
mining, warfare, etc.). They will know how
to approach other individuals from this
background for shelter, aid, or guidance,
and how to follow proper manners of

Other Skills

Acrobatics and the alchemist must start again from Appraise Charms
This is the ability to perform most types scratch; a partial success means that the and Talismans
of acrobatic maneuvers, including tight- alchemist has failed, but can continue to
rope walking, tumbling, leaping, vaulting, work on the creation without needing new This skill allows a magician to determine
juggling, break-falling (falling up to 20 feet ingredients; a success or critical success the authenticity, properties, age, place of
without taking damage), and scaling walls. means that the process works as intended. origin, and basic value of any simple charm
Modifier: DEX or talisman. This skill must be learned from
An alchemist can work on more than a master.
one project at a time, but if so, he or she Modifier: WIL
Acting takes a cumulative -5 penalty on each roll
Individuals with this skill are able to for each extra project. To work on three
proficiently perform any of the activities doses of a potion, for example, an alchemist Appraise Goods
normally associated with thespians, would have to take a -10 penalty on each of This is the ability to determine the relative
such as engaging an audience’s attention, the three rolls. value and condition of most types of
memorizing lines of dialogue, conveying common trade goods, including tools,
a range of emotions, impersonating or Note that alchemical products do not count weapons, equipment, garments, and
parodying other individuals or character against the seven-item limit for magic items. foodstuffs. This skill does not include
types, and so on. This skill must be learned from a master. the ability to appraise steeds or beasts of
Modifier: CHA Modifier: INT burden (covered under Animal Handling),
slaves (Appraise Slaves), nor does it include
the ability to appraise souls (covered under
Administrator Ambush Appraise Souls).
This is the ability to command subordinates This is the ability to plan and execute Modifier: PER
and oversee details crucial to the operation surprise attacks using natural terrain or
of a business, government agency, or similar other features. The subject of an intended
activity. ambush is allowed a chance to detect the Appraise Slaves
Modifier: CHA or WIL presence of the hidden assailants, rolling A skill only possessed by slavers from the
vs PER. A GM may award modifiers based nations that still practice the cruel trade in
on the intended victim’s state of alertness, this era, this is the ability to determine the
Agriculture applicable special abilities, tactics employed health and condition (and therefore the
This includes the skill and knowledge of by the individuals attempting the ambush, value and suitability for particular tasks) of
planting, producing, and harvesting viridia, and so forth. humanoids used for slave labor or service.
subterranean crystals, mushrooms or other Modifier: INT Modifier: PER
fungi, Mandalan silk, thistledown, timber,
foodstuffs, herbs, and similar goods.
Modifier: INT Animal Handling Appraise Souls
This is the ability to capture, tame, train, This skill is generally known only to
and/or breed wild beasts. Taming takes necromancers, practitioners of witchcraft,
Alchemy one week per every three Ability Levels of and folk such as Ebonite soul traders.
This is the basic knowledge of alchemical the creature; training to perform a single Individuals proficient in this skill can
lore and practices, including the ability task on command, such as carrying a estimate the approximate Ability Level and
to read alchemical ciphers, prepare and rider, attacking, or guarding, requires an alignment of any spirit or soul, whether it is
preserve ingredients, identify mixtures by additional four weeks (longer if the beast is disembodied, bound naturally or magically
test, and utilize alchemical apparatuses. particularly fierce or stubborn). to an object, or still residing in a living body.
Alchemists can also concoct, forge, Modifier: WIL Modifier: PER
or otherwise create the categories of
substances listed below:
Appraise Artifacts Appraise Treasure
Alchemical Materials This is the ability to identify and determine This skill indicates an eye for the value of
Elixirs, Medicinal Mixtures, Narcotics and the general nature and purpose of ancient uncommon goods – the ability to recognize
Poison, Potions and Powders Archaen artifacts – a rare and imprecise the cut of a diamond, the skill to judge the
skill in the current age. This skill must be weight of a coin that appears to be gold, or
When creating an alchemical substance, learned from a master. the ability to recognize fine craftsmanship
a failure means that the ingredients are lost Modifier: PER from amateur. The types of goods covered

under this skill tend to be found in jewelry Artificer Artist (Primitive)
shops, museums, tombs, ruins, and (Automatons) This skill allows an individual to create
occasionally, curio shops. primitive forms of painting, sculpture, and
Modifier: PER This is a rare skill that includes knowledge other visual media. The distinction between
of the highly sophisticated automaton a primitive artist and one from a civilized
race of Parthenians, including the ability culture is one of the media used, the subject
Arimite to read and repair their crystal memory- matter, and the ability to express the
Knife-Fighting discs, known as sensoria. This skill influence or perspective of cultures beyond
requires a thorough understanding of old the artist’s own. Primitive artists tend to
This skill indicates proficiency in the Archaen schematics and symbols, which use less refined media, such as stone for
Arimite style of combat, using one or are so complex that usually only Yassan engravings and statues, wood sap or berry
more throwing knives. Techniques include can decipher them. This skill can only be juice for paintings, and wood for carvings
knife-throwing, double knife-throw (roll learned from a Yassan master. and trinkets. This type of artist also tends to
for each knife with no penalty for double Modifier: DEX work with primitive or wild subject matter,
attacks), and throat-slitting (effective only and as such the productions of primitive
from behind against an unwary opponent, artistry tend to not be appreciated by folk
at double Damage Rating). Artillerist from more “civilized” society. Occasionally,
Modifier: DEX + SPD This is the ability to operate most types however, eccentric or wealthy individuals
of heavy siege weapons, such as ballistae, might take a peculiar liking to such
catapults, battering rams, or hurlants. This unusual artwork, and certainly any scholar
Armorer includes the ability to load, target, and interested in the artist’s culture of origin
This skill covers the fashioning of protective fire the weapon, and to accurately judge might be interested in artifacts produced
apparel and gear using materials such as distances with regards to weapon aiming. by it.
hide, bone, or metal. Modifier: DEX + STR Modifier: PER
Modifier: DEX
Artisan (Primitive) Artist
Artificer (Primitive) Characters with this skill are proficient This skill represents the ability to produce
This is the skill of making primitive, but in the construction of primitive shelters, aesthetic creations of a visual nature, such
still useful and decorative, wares and conveyances, and other structures, as paintings, tapestries, mosaics, sculptures,
items from one or more of the following including rope bridges, wooden barricades, and magical arts such as illusory panoramas
materials: crystal, stone, wood, bone, clay, and stone or thatch huts. (requiring a combination of magic and
silver, gold, copper, brass, uncut precious or Modifier: INT artist skills). Characters with this skill will
semiprecious stones, fabrics, and ceramics. also be able to evaluate and appraise the
An artificer may learn how to work with Artisan work of other artists, and may be able to
one additional type of material per +3 Characters with this skill are proficient apply their talents to more practical crafts.
ability in this skill. builders and craftsmen specializing in Modifier: PER
Modifier: INT the construction of one or more of the
following: windships, levitationals,
duneships, siege hurlants, ice schooners, Assassinate
Artificer land barges, dragon barques, pleasure This is the ability to plan and effectively
This is the skill of making useful and barges, sea galleys, or any type of major execute a murder without being caught
decorative wares and items from one or device or construction utilizing stone, by authorities or passersby. Characters
more of the following materials: crystal, glass, metal, or wood. An artisan may learn with this skill may study a target’s habits,
black iron, red iron, blue iron, adamant, how to build one additional type of device schedule, and associates; locate suitable
black adamant, stone, wood, bone, clay, per +5 ability in this skill. Note that this ambush spots; and prepare escape routes
silver, gold, copper, brass, gemstones, fine skill does not give a character the power to and safehouses. Assassins may add their
fabrics, glass, and ceramics. An artificer may create a fully enchanted and functioning skill rating to damage when making
learn how to work with one type of material magical item unless the character also has undefended attacks.
per +3 ability in this skill. Characters with the appropriate magical training. Modifier: INT + DEX
this skill can identify their own and their Modifier: INT
competitors’ handiwork, and appraise any
item that they can produce.
Modifier: DEX

Astromancy Botanomantic Hybridization: Allows a materials, organizing defense against attacks
Astromancy is the art of constructing caster to create a hybrid from any two types by bandits, making and breaking camp, and
levitationals, astromantic globes, and of plants. To do so, the caster must have fording and crossing rivers and bridges in
windships (including those capable of inter- living specimens (cuttings, roots, seeds, orderly fashion.
dimensional navigation). This skill must be etc.) from both kinds of plants and access Modifier: INT
learned from a master. to a suitable growing medium (soil, humus,
Modifier: INT etc.) and other substances necessary
for growth, such as water and light. If Cartography
successful, the attempt yields a hybrid This is the ability to both read and create
Barter seedling; the GM determines the properties accurate maps of almost any type of terrain.
This skill involves trading goods and services of the hybrid when it reaches maturity. This skill must be learned from a master.
without recourse to standard currency. Note that young hybrids are fragile and Modifier: INT
Modifier: CHA may be susceptible to disease, adverse
environments, parasites, and so forth.
Boatsman This skill must be learned from a master. This is the basic ability to climb rocks,
This skill includes the operation of Modifier: INT walls, trees, ladders, ropes, and the like. The
primitive watercraft, such as dugout canoes, availability of handholds, the condition of
rafts, and so forth. the surface or object being scaled, and similar
Modifier: DEX Brewer/Vintner factors can all contribute to the Degree of
This skill includes the ability to brew, Difficulty for this skill (GM’s ruling).
distill, or concoct one type of alcoholic Modifier: DEX
Botanomancy or nonalcoholic beverage. A brewer may
The art of botanomancy consists of four learn how to create one additional type of
main talents, derived from the study of the beverage per +3 ability in this skill. Coerce
plant kingdom, as follows: Modifier: INT This is the ability to effectively influence
others by threats or violent actions.
Nurture Plant: Enables a botanomancer Modifier: STR
to grow any type of plant from seeds or Bribe
cuttings, diagnose plants for damage or This is the ability, of both tongue and coin,
illness, and “heal” or rejuvenate plants that to influence others by promises of wealth. Collector
have suffered damage due to drought, cold, Modifier: CHA The niche skill of eccentrics and Sindarans,
neglect, herbivores, weapons, and so forth. this includes identifying and appraising
a chosen type of collectible, such as art,
Locate Plant: Allows a botanomancer to Camouflage antique coins, exotic weapons, or books.
determine the general location (within This is the ability to conceal oneself, Modifier: INT
100 yards) where a particular type of plant one’s equipment, or other creatures or
is most likely to be found growing in its companions in wild, natural, or otherwise
natural state. Note that this talent only undeveloped terrain. Creatures or Combat (Aerial)
works if the plant in question is native to individuals who attempt to penetrate the This is the ability to fight while airborne,
the environment where it is being sought, camouflage must roll vs PER, applying a skill possessed by avian folk such as
i.e., a botanomancer can’t use this skill to the level of the camouflage as a negative Gryphs, Blue Aeriad, and Stryx, as well as
find giant sea kelp in a desert region. modifier. This roll entails a -1 difficulty winged creatures of all sorts. Characters
modifier for each extra person you try to who have this skill can use it to make a
Identify Plant: Enables a botanomancer to conceal. Dodge attempt once per round in addition
identify a plant by sight, and determine the Modifier: INT to their normal action at no penalty. They
specimen’s properties and characteristics. also receive a bonus of +2 when Attacking
From Above, whenever they use this tactic
Caravan Master versus non-flyers, or against other flyers
This skill includes the outfitting and with an opposed skill check.
running of overland caravans, as well Modifier: DEX
as overseeing any of the following:
requisitioning supplies, managing teams of
drivers, loading and unloading goods and

Combat (Unarmed) ax, or gwanga (Ahazu throwing knife). Concoct
This is the ability to fight or grapple using The table below lists the effective range for Demon-Poison
one’s hands, feet, head, or other body parts weapons of this type.
without the need for a weapon. Unarmed Using the sap of deadwood tree roots and
Combat can also be used to capture, restrain, Ranged Weapon Range at least two other exotic venoms (such as
disarm, and even dodge or parry most types Hand-thrown weapons 20+ ft. gellid or bane), this Thage art allows the
of weapon attacks. If an individual learns this (+10 ft. per +1 STR) craftsman to concoct a type of poison that
talent from a trained master, upon attaining Blowgun 30 ft. is deadly to demons (d10 damage per round
master level (+10), he or she can use this Shortbow 150 ft. for 9 rounds). Assuming the ingredients are
skill as a modifier when attempting unarmed Longbow 300 ft. available, a single dose of the poison will
Special Maneuvers of all sorts (as per a Modifier: DEX + SPD take a full day to brew and concoct. This
Martial Arts expert). skill must be learned from a master.
Modifier: DEX + STR Modifier: WIL
The ability to organize, coordinate, and
Combat direct groups of trained combatants. Concoct Herbal
(Hand Weapon) You can personally command up to Medicines
10 combatants or one lower-level sub-
This is the ability to fight with one broad commander per level of ability. Each This is the ability to create herbal remedies
category of hand weapon, such as swords, sub-commander may in turn direct 10 for most types of relatively minor ailments,
axes, clubs, etc. This skill covers related combatants or one subordinate per diseases, and injuries. It takes one day for
weapon skills such as parrying, attempting to level, thereby establishing a hierarchy of an enchanter to concoct and administer
disarm or disable, and the like. command. medicines. This skill must be learned from
Modifier: DEX + STR Modifier: CHA. a master.
Modifier: WIL
Combat (Mounted) Commune
Concoct Kesh
Individual with this ability are proficient with Spirits
in using weapons while mounted on the The secret of making kesh is known only
back of a steed; those who don’t have this This ritual takes a single round to perform. by the witchfolk of Chana, and they are
ability and attempt to fight while mounted If successful, it gives the caster the ability to loath to share this valuable substance or its
suffer a minimum penalty of -5, plus any communicate with the souls and spirits of process of creation with outsiders. The use
applicable penalties for degree of difficulty the departed for one round (one question) of kesh allows the imbiber to see invisible
(GM’s ruling). Characters who have this per skill level. Note that both the user and and astral presences, and even to enter
Skill can use it in place of tactics such as intended subject(s) must speak the same other planes of existence. The refining
Dodge, Evade, or Escape while mounted. language for skill attempts of this type to be process to create a single one-ounce dose of
Mounted combatants also receive a bonus effective. This skill must be learned from a kesh takes seven days; the roots of one full-
of +2 for Attacking From Above when master. grown jabutu plant; six drams of powdered
fighting unmounted opponents, provided Modifier: WIL bone; and a dram of dust from a tomb or
the unmounted opponent is not equal or gravesite. This skill must be learned from a
greater in size than the combatant’s mount. If master.
the steed is trained for combat, use the rider’s Concoct Amberglow Modifier: WIL
Mounted Combat skill in place of the steed’s Amberglow is a magical liquid used in the
Ability Level for combat rolls. making of non-metallic enchanted items
Modifier: DEX of all sorts, replacing magical quicksilver in Concoct Poisons
all such operations. The process requires This skill has the same parameters as the
seven ounces of powdered amber, fourteen Alchemy skill, though different ingredients
Combat ounces of clear water, and one carat of may be used and it takes twice as long
(Ranged Weapon) powdered black diamond. This skill must be to create the poisons. This skill must be
learned from a master. learned from a master.
This is the ability to use a chosen type Modifier: INT Modifier: WIL
of ranged (missile) weapon, such as a
longbow, shortbow, blowgun, or hand-
thrown weapons such as a spear, throwing

Concoct Potions Create Enchanted Item Cryptography
This ritual takes about an hour to perform. This skill allows a magician or shaman to This is the ability to decipher cryptograms,
If successful, a shaman concocts a single create enchanted items of any sort, including codes, and secret languages, and to write in
dose of any type of primitive potion. rings, wands, staves, weapons, armor, etc. See code. Decoding a text requires one hour per
Certain ingredients will be needed to the end of the Spells chapter for details. level of the text’s difficulty. This skill must
concoct the potion. This skill must be Modifier: WIL be learned from a master.
learned from a master. Modifier: INT
Modifier: WIL
Create Juju
Jujus are zombies, mindless entities that can Cultures
Conveyance only be controlled through the use of graven This skill involves having knowledge of the
This is the ability to operate a single type images. Soulstones are employed to confer diverse races of modern-day Talislanta,
of land or waterborne conveyance, such as sentience to these creatures; the stone is including their habits, traditions, laws, and
a cart, wagon, or raft. This ability does not placed in the juju’s skull cavity, and its eyes mores. A scholar will be aware of what
include navigation skills or other detailed and lips are sewn shut to prevent the escape constitutes proper and improper behavior
knowledge (covered under the Pilot skill), of the soul essence. Time required is a full day. in foreign lands, among primitive tribes,
only the physical act of getting a vehicle to Note that a graven image can only control one and so forth. This skill also includes the
move as it is meant to. juju, and the juju’s level will be half the level of ability to identify tools, weapons, and
Modifier: DEX the being from whose body it was made. This implements associated with other peoples.
skill must be learned from a master. This skill must be learned from a master.
Modifier: WIL Modifier: INT
Conveyance (Beast-
Create Soulstone Curse/Remove Curse
This is the ability to build, repair, and Soulstones are the devices used to imprison This ritual takes about an hour to perform.
drive most types of simple beast-drawn wandering souls such as spiritforms, the If successful the Shaman will be able to put
conveyances. astral bodies of dreamers, and even the a curse on a living victim or an item. The
Modifier: WIL spirits of individuals under the influence victim of the curse - or anyone who carries
of kesh or some other mind-expanding a cursed item, will suffer bad luck, which
substance (see the Soul-Binding skill). may manifest in a variety of unpleasant ways
Cook These magical items are val­ued by Ebonites, (clumsiness, inexplicable antipathy from
This is the ability to prepare food in such a as well as necromancers and other types animals or other people, losing/misplacing
way as to ensure that it will be edible and of magicians (See Chapter 07, Equipment, items, and a -1 penalty to all die rolls). The
reasonably tasty. Additionally, a trained “Soulstones”). This skill must be learned ill effects last until the curse is removed. This
cook knows how to preserve food for an from a master. skill must be learned from a master.
extended journey or duration. Modifier: WIL
Modifier: PER Ingredients: A black diamond or black
opal of at least thirteen carats, a dose of
magical pigments Dance
Create Charms and Time required: Seven weeks to create a This is the ability to perform popular,
Talismans single soulstone expressive, or ritual dances. Popular
Modifier: WIL Talislantan dances include the light-hearted
This ritual takes a full day and night to caperetto, the romantic avante, and the
perform. If successful, a shaman will be able formal sauntre. Expressive dances include
to create a primitive charm or talisman of Create Totem the seductive Dance of the Diaphanous
almost any type, (such as an evil eye or spirit This ritual takes a full day and night to Veils, the Dance of Subtle Passions
jar), using ingredients and materials native perform. If successful, the caster imbues an (Mandalan), and the Dance of the Rainbow
to the region in which the shaman lives. This item with the spirit of a dead enemy. Some Plumes (Sawila). Many cults and religions
skill must be learned from a master. types of shamans use this ritual to create have their ritual dances, such as the Ritual
Modifier: WIL shrunken-head totems, soul cages, or items of Spirit Calling (Chana witchfolk), the
that function similarly to soulstones. This Dance of Death (Rajan necromancers), the
skill must be learned from a master. Celebration of Terra (Gnomekin), and the
Modifier: WIL Kang Sword Dance, to name but a few.
Modifier: DEX

Deception • Concoct Potions & Powders Etiquette
This is the ability to deceive other • Enchant small/simple items While the Cultures skill includes academic
individuals without arousing their • Enchant Talismans & Amulets knowledge of the way a given society
suspicion, and to win their trust by • Enchant Weapons & Armor functions, this skill pertains to the social
deceitful means. This includes the use of • Enchant Wands & Rods understanding of proper protocol and
various scams, rigged games, and the like. custom for specific situations within a
It also includes the ability to disguise one’s (See Chapter 07, Equipment, for a complete culture. Characters may use their Etiquette
appearance, background, profession, and list of enchanted items and potions.) This skill rather than their CHA rating when
so forth. skill must be learned from a master. rolling for reaction from those of a culture
Modifier: CHA Modifier: INT in which they have the Etiquette skill.
Modifier: CHA
Diplomacy Engineer (Basic)
This skill includes knowledge of the finer This is the ability to build most types of Executioner
points of protocol, oratory, and negotiation. simple structures from earth, stone, or This skill indicates experience as a
Individuals with this talent may seek wood; including crude earthworks, walled professional executioner, and knowledge
positions as ambassadors, mercantile fortifications, and strongholds. of how best to kill a helpless victim quickly
representatives, public officials, and so Modifier: INT and painlessly.
forth. This skill must be learned from a Modifier: DEX
Modifier: CHA Engineer (Advanced)
This is the ability to design and oversee Farmer
the construction of one or more of the This skill includes knowledge of how
Diver following: fortifications, roadways, bridges, to plant, tend, and harvest food crops,
This skill includes the ability and cities, siege engines, mines, excavations, and and an understanding of the seasons as
knowledge to safely swim deep waters, other complicated construction projects. they affect the growth of crops. Note
perhaps to dive for pearls, fish, and other Engineers can draft and appraise plans and that this skill gives no detailed botanical
aquatic goods. schematics for such projects, determine the knowledge that would allow the farmer to
Modifier: DEX suitability of proposed construction sites, perform functions as an agriculturalist or
and spot potential structural weaknesses botanomancer.
and strong points in a design. Note that the Modifier: INT
ability to oversee construction is the ability
Enchanting to ascertain if blueprint design is being
(Primitive) followed by the labor crew. Includes the
ability to appraise the structural integrity This skill indicates familiarity with a type
This ritual takes a full day and night of ancient or damaged structures, including of fashion, including the knowledge of how
to perform. If successful, the caster most types of ancient ruins. This Skill can to dress to simulate a particular “look” or
imbues a weapon or item with an aura of only be learned from a master. social position (vagabond, working-class,
enchantment. This aura allows the weapon Modifier: INT middle class, affluent, aristocratic, etc.).
or item to affect creatures that are immune Individuals with this skill keep up with the
to non-magical weapons, but the aura latest trends and styles in a given culture,
has no other capabilities. The effects are Espionage and are aware of what is and is not currently
permanent unless dispelled, which can be This skill indicates proficiency in the in vogue. Characters can use their Fashion
done by performing the ritual in reverse. time-honored art of acquiring information skill rather than their CHA rating when
This skill must be learned from a master. by covert means. The Espionage skill is rolling for reaction from those of a culture
Modifier: WIL used in place of PER for rolls to identify in which they have the Fashion skill.
important documents, listen in on the Modifier: CHA
conversations of others, locate hidden safes
Enchanting and compartments, detect approaching
This skill includes basic knowledge of guards, and so forth. This skill is often used
magical practices, including the ability to in conjunction with Stealth and Deception.
read magical writings, concoct magical Modifier: PER
mixtures, and create enchanted items, as
listed below.

Forgery Healer Interrogate
This is the ability to duplicate written This is the ability to diagnose most types of This is the ability to acquire information
documents, seals, signatures, and so common diseases and injuries, and to concoct by psychological intimidation, or by more
forth. It also includes the ability to create healing and curative potions or antidotes subtle verbal methods.
counterfeit replicas of coins, cut stones, or used in the treatment of diseases, wounds, Modifier: INT
other valuables that are indistinguishable poisons, etc. An individual who has this Skill
from the genuine articles at a glance. will know how to set broken bones and bind
Modifier: DEX all but the most critical wounds so that they Kanquan
stop bleeding. Healers can identify and use This indicates proficiency in the vicious
plants and herbs with reputed medicinal style of weaponless combat taught to all
Gambling properties, provide aid and comfort to sick Kang from their first days of sentience.
This skill indicates familiarity with any of a and wounded individuals, and serve as Basic moves include the claw strike, snap
variety of games involving skill and chance, midwives. Regardless of nationality, most kick, double leaping-kick (employed versus
including the ability to detect or engage in Talislantan healers are highly superstitious two opponents at close range, with no
illicit methods of determining the outcome and tend to credit many ailments to such penalty for two attacks), headbutt, throw,
of such contests. causes as “malignant spirits,” “ill humors,” and various disabling blows. Kanquan
Modifier: INT “night dankness,” “ill-aspected stars,” and the emphasizes offense and attack at the
like. Consequently, all die rolls determining expense of defense, achieving results lethal
the accuracy of a healer’s attempts to diagnose to enemies when employed correctly, and
Geography or cure a patient’s ailments suffer a penalty lethal to the attackers when employed
This includes knowledge of the physical of -3. Note that certain types of medicinal incorrectly. A kanquan stylist inflicts
continent of Talislanta, including its ingredients are needed to use this skill to a Damage Rating of 4 while unarmed
resources, topographical features, and concoct potions or antidotes. (+STR). Targets struck with a successful
climate conditions. A scholar can gain Modifier: INT kanquan attack must make a CON roll
familiarity with one geographical region per (minus the attacker’s STR) or be stunned
level of ability. This skill must be learned for 3 rounds. Stunned characters act with a
from a master. History -3 penalty to all skill rolls. While utilizing
Modifier: INT This includes knowledge of the notable kanquan, characters receive a +2 modifier
figures, events, and cultures of ancient to all attacks; however, they receive a -2
times, including legends. A historian will modifier to all defensive maneuvers.
Guard be familiar with written works about Modifier: STR + SPD
This is the ability to serve as a sentinel, such subjects, and will be able to identify,
watchman, or bodyguard. The Guard skill authenticate, and date ancient ruins,
is used in place of PER for rolls to detect writings, and relics. This skill must be Laborer
intruders and potential threats. It also learned from a master. This is the physical strength and stamina to
includes knowledge such as how to patrol Modifier: INT perform basic manual labor. To determine
and stand watch effectively and how to the quality of a crew of laborers, average the
challenge and evaluate strangers. Characters Ability Level of all workers, foremen, and
trained in this skill have some ability to Hunter/Gatherer other supervisors in the group.
physically defend others; they can parry (at This indicates knowledge at foraging for Modifier: STR
Guard skill level) a blow intended for an edible food and small game.
ally standing next to them. Modifier: PER
Modifier: PER Legerdemain
This is the ability to perform various tricks
Influence Emotions and sleights of hand, including card tricks,
Haggle This ritual takes a single round to perform. palming (concealing small objects in the
This is the ability to argue effectively over If successful, causes other living things in hand), cutting purses, picking pockets,
the prices of various goods. By haggling, a 10-foot radius (per +1 Skill level) to feel stealing small goods, passing or switching
individuals with this skill can negotiate the whatever emotion the caster desires: fear, small objects without being detected,
list price for an item or service up or down courage, confusion, hate, love, friendship, ventriloquism, and so on. Individuals with
by as much as 25 percent; a failed Haggling etc. Intended targets are allowed a chance to this talent can employ it to cheat or “fix”
roll results in the opposite of the haggler’s save vs WIL to resist the influence. This skill games of chance, or to detect cheaters.
intended result. must be learned from a master. Modifier: DEX
Modifier: CHA Modifier: WIL

Lip-Reading Lore (Demon) an attack while disarming, throwing, or
This is the ability to eavesdrop by watching This skill includes knowledge of the habits, grappling the attacker. Mandaquan skill
a speaker’s lips and reading what he or she powers, and weak­nesses of demons, and rating may be substituted for STR while
is saying. The practical range of this ability can be used in place of the skills such as in grappling combat, and mandaquan may
may be enhanced by the use of a spyglass or Tracking and Hide when used against them. be used in place of Evade at no penalty.
other optical device, and can be interfered This skill must be learned from a master. Mandaquan always inflicts Subdual
with in conditions of fog or low light. A lip- Modifier: INT Damage, rather than normal, lethal damage.
reader must be familiar with the language Modifier: DEX + WIL
being spoken.
Modifier: PER Lore (Earth)
This is the ability to identify most types of Medicine Man/
rocks and minerals. This skill also includes Woman
Litigator knowledge of where certain types of
This skill includes knowledge of the laws rocks and minerals are likely to be found This indicates skill in primitive healing
and customs of at least one land, and skill geographically. techniques. In Talislanta, medicine men
at representing individuals accused of Modifier: PER and women may possess skills that are
criminal wrongdoing. Litigators may wield comparable or even superior to those of
little influence or may not even be available civilized healers. Those with this skill can
in lands where totalitarian governments are Lore (Plant) create medicinal mixtures as an alchemist.
in power. This skill must be learned from a This includes the ability to identify most Modifier: PER
master. types of plants, trees, and herbs, as well as
Modifier: INT the knowledge of their properties.
Modifier: PER Meditation
Ability to reach a state of calm reflection
Locks though the use of controlled breathing,
This is the ability to foil locks, typically with Make Enchanted Item posture, and mental imagery. A character
the use of thieves’ tools. Characters may This operation is the primitive magic may meditate in lieu of normal sleep with
spend more than one round attempting to version of the following enchantment a successfull meditation skill roll. While
open a particular lock; for each additional spells: Enchant Garment, Enchant Magical meditating, a character is aware of her
round (specified in advance), add a +1 Armament, Enchant Magic-Powered surroundings but distractions and external
modifier (up to a maximum of +10). Weapon, Enchant Ring, and Enchant stimulus can make meditation more
Modifier: DEX Amulet. No rules are provided for selling difficult (the GM will assign a difficulty
these items because almost all primitive modifier to the meditation skill roll
enchanters live in simple communities based on the severity of the distractions).
Lore (Arcane) where family ties, bartering, and duties to Magicians who study the order of
This includes knowledge of Talislantan myths, the tribe take precedence over economics. Mysticism use this skill to calm themselves
folk beliefs, and legends, particularly those This skill must be learned from a master. before casting a spell (see Magic chapter for
steeped in magical lore. Individuals skilled details).
in this field will be able to decipher runes Ingredients: 1 dose of magical Modifier: WIL
and magical scripts, identify and appraise pigments per level
magical artifacts, determine the authenticity Time required: 4 weeks per level
of magical tomes and scrolls, and so on. This Modifier: WIL Merchant
skill must be learned from a master. This indicates skill in buying and selling
Modifier: INT goods and commodities on a business scale.
Mandaquan Included in this category are shop owners,
This indicates proficiency in the Mandalan vendors, peddlers, procurers, mongers, and
Lore (Beast) art of weaponless, defensive combat. so forth. By purchasing goods and materials
This includes basic knowledge of wild The basic principle of mandaquan is in sizable quantities, individuals of this
beasts, their behavioral patterns, and their passive resistance—in effect turning an profession can save up to 50% off standard
limitations and capabilities. This skill also opponent’s offensive energy back upon list prices. By haggling and hard bargaining,
includes the ability to identify species by him and avoiding harm by dodging or merchants and traders can drive list prices
sight, as well as by their tracks and remains. eluding attacks. Mandaquan cannot be up or down by as much as 25%.
Modifier: PER used offensively; rather, successful use Modifier: CHA
of mandaquan allows the stylist to avoid

Mining Oratory structures and apparatuses without causing
This includes knowledge of the techniques This is the ability to engage the attention damage to the materials or parts. Note
used in pit mining (common), ice mining of an audience, small or large, and to effect that this Skill does not include any special
(L’Haan), sand-mining (Dracarta), and a desired response among listeners, such ability to detect magic or enchanted items.
similar endeavors. as sympathy, antipathy, or fascination. An Modifier: PER
Modifier: INT orator can use his or her skills to incite a
crowd to action, calm a hostile mob, create
a diversion, and so on. Failure means a Scout
Money Lender crowd pays little heed to the speaker; a This ability includes skill in infiltrating
This skill indicates experience in mishap could mean the crowd becomes wilderness regions and avoiding detection
negotiating, contracting, and collecting angry or even violent towards the speaker. by adversaries, and studying and obtaining
loans. This skill must be learned from a master. information on such factors as terrain, road
Modifier: INT Modifier: CHA or trail conditions, the general status of an
opponent’s fortifications or defenses, the
movement and/or condition of troops or
Mountain Climbing Pilot groups of creatures, and the availability
This skill is the ability to traverse This is the ability to operate and navigate a of food, water, or other natural resources.
mountainous regions and scale peaks and duneship, windship, or other types of vessel In most cases, the Scout skill may be
cliffs. A character rolls versus this skill any (one type only). Pilots can read any type substituted for Perception.
time he or she attempts to scale a ridge, of chart or map needed to navigate their Modifier: PER
make a difficult descent, or conduct similar vessels and can recognize familiar hazards,
maneuvers. such as obstructions and coming storms. A
Modifier: DEX cursory inspection is sufficient for any pilot to Scribe
determine if a given vessel is in good condition. This is the ability to produce legible writing
Modifier: PER relatively quickly. It also covers artistic
Mud Miner calligraphy.
This indicates skill in the art of dredging Modifier: INT
mud-pits for sapphires and other precious Ride
stones. This is a common skill in Jhangara This is the ability to ride one type of steed,
and the Dark Coast. such as an equs or strider. This skill does Seduce
Modifier: PER not allow a character to take advantage of a This is the ability to influence others by
steed’s abilities in combat (covered under charm, suggestion, and sex appeal.
Mounted Combat), only riding a steed Modifier: CHA
Music efficiently to a destination.
This covers the ability to play one of the Modifier: DEX
various types of musical instruments found Sepharan
in Talislanta, such as the gossamer harp, Symbolatry
glass flute, tambour, gong, or water chime. Sabotage
A character may learn to play one new This covers the knowledge and ability to Sepharan Symbolatry is an ancient form of
instrument per +3 in this skill. disable or destroy most types of mechanisms, the Dark Arts practiced by the Sepharans,
Modifier: DEX conveyances, and structures by covert means. a cult of demon-worshipers that hails from
While simply breaking an item requires no a region of the lower plane known as the
special ability, doing so quickly and/or quietly Void. Chaotic by nature, the Sepharans who
Naturalism or in such a way as to make the item still appear first devised this form of magic adhered to
This is the ability to identify and catalog to be functional requires a roll against this skill. no Magical Order or tradition. Instead, they
species of animals native to the continent Modifier: INT stole the magical lore of other peoples, then
and to breed animals in captivity. With a used eerily glowing occult symbols called
critical success, a naturalist may be able to calligraphs to imitate their spells and rituals.
cross-breed different species in the hope of Salvager
creating a hybrid. The GM should assign a This skill is in identifying and appraising Sepharan Symbolators of the present age
difficulty modifier to this roll, depending on the value of most types of metals and are able to simulate any spell from any Order
how different the two species are. This skill other useful materials. It also includes skill of Magic, merely by tracing its corresponding
must be learned from a master. in using metal-, stone-, or glass-cutting calligraph in the air. They can also simulate
Modifier: INT tools and disassembling various types of the effects of enchanted items by inscribing

a calligraph on the surface of an object, or on combination). Compare this figure vs the PC’s This skill must be learned from a master.
the skin of a subject. No verbal or physical Sorcerous Hybridization Skill Rating and use Modifier: INT
components are required for Symbolators that figure (plus or minus) as a modifier when
to cast spells in this manner. However, the you’re ready to roll on the Action Table.
Symbolist must be able to see the intended Soul-Binding
subject (either through natural or magical The Sorcerous Hybridization procedure is Soul-binding is the practice of imprisoning
means) in order for the calligraph to be as follows: a captive soul or spirit in a soulstone or
effective. Also, due to the chaotic origins • The two different lifeforms that are to be similar object (see the Create Soulstone
and nature of Symbolatry, practitioners of crossbred are secured to separate tables, and Create Totem skills, as well as the
this Dark Art can carry no more than six then connected utilizing a network of Spirit-Trapping skill). It takes one day per
enchanted (or calligraphic-inscribed) items glass tubing to an essence accumulator. level of the spirit to bind it into a soulstone.
on their person at a time. • The essence accumulator is activated. This skill must be learned from a master.
• After twenty-four hours, a liquid mixture Modifier: WIL
Sepharan Symbolatry can only be composed of the combined living
learned from a Sepharan, and is said to essence of the two lifeforms is derived.
take many years to master. Acolytes are • This liquid essence is placed in an Spirit-Trapping
first required to tattoo their bodies from amberglass-lined vat, and the vat sealed This skill must be learned from a master. Soul-
head to foot with hundreds of calligraphs, with paraffin. Trapping is the ability to create spirit-traps
permanently marking them as members and soul cages, which may then be used to
of the Cult of the Sephar. Those who have In two weeks, the vat may be opened. To capture and contain most types of spirits,
undergone this initiation can never learn or determine the results of the hybridization souls, and disembodied entities (the captured
practice any other form of magic, and will process, roll on the Action Table, using the soul or spirit is allowed one chance to roll
emanate an aura that others may recognize as following guidelines: vs WIL to break free of the trap, at a penalty
being similar to that of a Cthonian demon. equal to the level of the trap). It takes one
Modifier: INT Add the basic skill Levels of the two day per level of the spirit-trap to create such a
life forms being used in the experiment, device, after which it can be deployed in any
and multiply this by the intended skill level area where spirits are believed to be present.
Song of the new life form. Compare this figure
This is the ability to affect emotional vs the sorcerer’s Skill Rating in Sorcerous After deploying a trap, roll a d20 each day to
responses by the use of vocal song. Possible Hybridization, and use the difference (plus/ see what is caught in it, as follows:
uses include the furthering of romantic minus) as the Degree of Difficulty modifier.
interests, diversion, singing to earn a meal Roll Result
or a place to sleep, stirring interest in a Roll on the Action Table. If the result
cause of some sort, and so on. equals 14 or more, the operation is a success. 1 A powerful and hostile spirit
Modifier: CHA On a Critical Success, the new lifeform is even who will attack the trap-
better than expected (bigger, stronger, more maker if it can get free
abilities, higher level of abilities, etc). On a
Sorcerous Critical Failure, the new lifeform comes to life 2-5 1-4 deranged spirits of
Hybridization but is an abomination (see the Bestiary), and Level 1 ability; useless for
may well be both extremely dangerous and soulstones and possibly a
This is the ability to create new lifeforms by extremely hostile to its creator. nuisance to the trap-maker
magically combining the attributes of two
different entities. Before attempting this The hybridization process is almost 6-9 Nothing in the trap
sort of operation, the player must inform invariably fatal to the original subjects
the GM of the Intent, i.e., what sort of employed in the operation (roll vs. 10-14 A single spirit or soul of
lifeform is the PC trying to create, and what CON at a penalty of -20 to survive such level 1-4
abilities the PC hopes to invest it with. The a procedure). For this reason, and due
GM will then assign a penalty based on the to various ethical and moral concerns, 15-19 A single spirit or soul of
perceived Degree of Difficulty entailed in sorcerous hybridization is illegal in most level 2-8
the experiment (an additional DoD may Talislantan countries. In any event, the
be added if the two original lifeforms are intricacies of the procedure are such that 20 A powerful but benign spirit/
extremely different in physical nature, both are few magicians or alchemists can afford to soul who is willing to help or
of the same sex, or they possess other quirks engage in such experimentation. instruct the trap-maker if it is
that may interfere with the integrity of their allowed to go free

Ingredients: A hallowed vessel such as Swordsmanship slam. Successful attacks with the latter
a silver cage, a snare made of ether silk, Combat skill maneuver require a victim to succeed in a
or a doll sewn with humanoid hair. This swashbuckling style of swordsmanship CON roll against the attacker’s STR or be
Time required: Four days was first made popular by the ancient stunned, suffering a -3 penalty to all actions
Modifier: INT Phaedrans, and was later adopted by for three rounds. Characters using the Body
the Zandir and Gao. This skill places an Slam maneuver may not dodge or parry
emphasis on flamboyant attacks, flourishes, that round. Also, a successful parry roll
Stealth and acrobatic maneuvers, utilizing paired with this skill, while wearing garde, disarms
This is the ability to move silently, hide in weapons such as a saber and dagger. While the attacker. Individuals with a STR rating
shadows, and otherwise avoid detection. armed with two weapons, the swordsman lower than +3 and a body weight less than
Note that using this skill in an unfamiliar can attack and parry in the same round at 150 pounds cannot learn this skill.
environment may entail a penalty of -1 to no penalty.
-10. Modifier: DEX + SPD Modifier: STR + CON
Modifier: DEX
Sympathetic Magic Technomancy
(Thage) Technomancy consists of six interrelated
This covers knowledge of the typical abilities, described as follows:
scams and cons run by the least reputable The race of Thage practices an uncanny form
members of a city’s population, such as of primitive sympathetic magic that involves Technomantic Actuator: This allows the
beggars, pickpockets, gamblers, charlatans, the carving of miniature images from technomancer to use, repair, or create a
peddlers, and so forth. Individuals without deadwood root. These images either appear technomantic actuator, a multipurpose
this skill are considered to be “marks,” to have uncanny prophetic properties, or tool that is essential to most advanced
or fair game for any likely scam, by they may allow a Thage to exert influence technomantic work. To create an actuator
disreputable city-dwellers. over the subjects of the carvings. No one requires 1,000 gold lumens worth of raw
Modifier: INT knows for sure, but if a Thage carves an materials, 20 weeks of work in a well-
image of any type of creature or individual, equipped shop, and a critical success on
the subject will gravitate to the Thage, and the Action Table. Only members of the
Survival may be influenced by it in subtle ways (roll Yassan race can learn this skill. Because
This is the ability to navigate, forage for vs WIL at -1 per level or be susceptible to technomantic actuators are not created
food and water, and find or construct the Thage’s suggestions). This skill must be through enchantment, these devices do
suitable shelter in the wilds. It also includes learned from a master. not count against the seven-item limit for
knowledge of the flora and fauna of a given Modifier: WIL enchanted items.
region, including techniques for hunting,
capturing, and using their remains. Assemble and Disassemble: This is the
Modifier: INT Talismancy ability to dismantle or put together any type
(Marukan) of device or structure that has removable
parts, including siege engines, conveyances,
Swim The art of making simple luck charms, trap mechanisms, automatons, and so forth.
This skill involves staying afloat and getting designed to either ward against a particular
from place to place in the water. Characters threat or attract good fortune in some Design and Modification: This is the
can attempt lifesaving techniques using this specified endeavor. Levels for Marukan ability to invent, design, or modify devices
skill, with negative modifiers dependent on talismans are generally limited to +1 or +2 at and mechanisms. As a general rule, simple
conditions in the water, size and weight of most. This skill must be learned from a master. designs or modifications can be completed
the victim, and so forth. Modifier: INT in 1-10 hours, while inventions and projects
Modifier: DEX of great complexity or size may take 1-10
weeks or more. The time and skill required
Tazian Combat is according to the GM’s discretion, based
Proficiency in the Thrall art of hand-to- on such considerations as the availability of
hand combat, a complex mixture of fighting materials, extent of modification, degree of
styles utilizing garde, a type of armor that complexity, labor requirements, and so forth.
extends from shoulder to wrist. Basic
Tazian combat maneuvers include parries, Read Schematics: This is the ability to
attacks, and grappling, as well as the body read schematics and diagrams of all sorts.

Repair Mechanisms: Utilizing their Thaumaturgy quintessence to alter the matter into some
technomantic actuators and other elaborate (Dracartan) form other than the one desired, possibly
tools, technomancers are capable of with dire consequences (GM’s ruling).
effecting repairs on practically anything Basic knowledge of thaumaturgy includes
that has moving parts, and most things the ability to use an essence accumulator Quantitative Analysis: Allows the
that don’t. This includes windships, to collect and refine various substances. thaumaturge to employ a caduceus to
essence accumulators, levitationals, land Dracartan thaumaturges are the most determine the exact components of any
conveyances, waterborne craft, tools, skilled in Talislanta, and possess the substance, including gasses, liquids, solids,
weapons, leather goods, glassware, pottery, following talents: alchemical or magical mixtures, alloys, etc.
and even torn fabrics. The analysis does not reveal the properties
Create/Repair Essence Accumulator: of a mixture, such as the effects of an
Structural Analysis: This is the ability to This allows the thaumaturge to build or unidentified potion, but only its material
determine the structural integrity of any repair an essence accumulator, the device components or ingredients. The analysis
device, mechanism, building, conveyance, used to derive and distill essences. To create process takes 10 rounds.
or other object. Through analysis, a such a device requires 1,000 gold lumens This skill must be learned from a master.
technomancer can assess any of the worth of materials, 20 weeks of work in Modifier: INT
following: a well-equipped laboratory, and a critical
• General age of the structure success on the Action Table.
• Overall condition of the structure Torture
• Method of construction used Create Thaumaturgic Wand: The This is the ability to acquire information
• Any weak points or other thaumaturgic wand, or caduceus, is a rod- by unsubtle physical methods. Failure
deficiencies shaped device made from a combination can result in the accidental death of the
• This skill must be learned from a of red iron, powdered diamond, and individual being tortured.
master. quintessence. The creation of a thaumaturgic Modifier: DEX
Modifier: INT wand requires a minimum of 2,000 gold
lumens in materials, access to a fully-equipped
thaumaturgical workroom, seven weeks of Tracking
Thaumaturgy labor, and a full success on the Action Table This is the ability to read and follow tracks
(Phantasian) to complete. These wands are charged with and traces left by other beings. A tracker can
volatile forces and only a trained thaumaturge identify and estimate the age of such tracks
Basic knowledge of thaumaturgy includes can safely utilize their properties. A caduceus and often determine under what conditions
the ability to use an essence accumulator is always carried in a special tube-like (flight, exhaustion, heavy encumbrance,
to collect and refine various substances. container to prevent accidental contact with etc.) they were made. The surrounding
Phantasian thaumaturgy has declined to elemental essences, which can have disastrous terrain and the age and overall condition of
the point that they no longer know how consequences. Note that a caduceus is not the traces affect the Degree of Difficulty for
to create essence accumulators, and can “magical,” and does not count against the this skill.
only use the old devices created by their limit of seven enchanted items. Modifier: PER
ancestors, which are very difficult to
maintain and repair. The only substances Utilize Quintessence: This enables the
that Phantasian Thaumaturges are capable thaumaturge to utilize the properties Traps (Primitive)
of creating are: of quintessence to liquefy, solidify, or This skill covers the ability to create,
• Distillations gasify matter. The procedure requires identify and primitive snares and traps.
• Dream Essence the thaumaturge to have a caduceus, or Modifier: PER
• Elemental Essences thaumaturgic wand (see above). To utilize
• Quintessence quintessence, the thaumaturge sets the
This skill must be learned from a master. caduceus according to the desired function Traps
Modifier: INT and the amount of matter to be affected, and This skill covers the ability to detect, disarm,
passes it over the chosen substance or area and set traps, including those mechanical
for one round. Action Table rolls of success in nature. The difficulty rating of a trap is
or partial success always achieve the desired usually equal to its maker’s skill level.
result. Failure means that an unfavorable Modifier: PER
reaction occurs, rendering the quintessence
inert and useless. A mishap means that
the caduceus malfunctioned, causing the

Special abilities

Traps (Advanced) SPECIAL of the creatures being called are applied as

This skill covers the ability to identify and a penalty for the Degree of Difficulty when
disarm even the most complex of trap- attempting to use this ability. Note that the
mechanisms, such as those typically found beastmaster must be able to communicate
in old Archaen ruins and tombs. This skill Special abilities are talents related to with the species to use this talent.
also includes the ability to identify certain an individual’s race or culture. These
types of protective runes and wards. This abilities cannot be acquired through Command: This is the ability to influence
skill must be learned from a master. the expenditure of experience points. the actions of animals. Only one command
Modifier: PER The special abilities listed below with an can be given per attempt, and the
attribute modifier are able to be improved, beastmaster must be able to communicate
as per the rules for improving skills; other with the species to use this talent. An
Trivarian special abilities cannot be improved animal that is by nature exceedingly hostile
Only Sindarans can train in this skill, which through training or experience. or aggressive may be allowed a chance to
allows practitioners to participate in the resist the command using its WIL rating
complex game of this name. Sindarans (GM’s ruling).
consider their ability in trivarian to be a Arcane Sense Modifier: WIL
reflection of their intellectual development, This special ability allows Xambrian Wizard
and the most skilled trivarian players are Hunters to detect any type of magical
accorded positions of great authority in emanation by sight, and determine its Bodorian
Sindar. This skill must be learned from a essential nature (Order of Magic, basic Sound-Sight
master. type of spell/ward/symbol, such as a curse
Modifier: INT or illusion). So potent is this ability that This is the ability to see sound in colors
Xambrian Wizard Hunters are able to use of varying hue and intensity. The Bodor
their Arcane Sense to track spell casters, are able to identify sounds of all sorts
Underworld similar to the way hunters track animals with uncanny accuracy, and the Bodorian
This skill includes intimate knowledge (see Skills, Tracking). Arcane Sense can language, based upon musical notes, makes
not just of unsavory city ilk, but also the also be used to detect the presence of full use of this talent. The Bodor are also
customs peculiar to criminal groups or powerful magical items or artifacts (range able to use sound-sight to detect lies, which
organizations, such as thieves, assassins, 10’), and even to determine the basic nature are darker in shade than truthful statements,
smugglers, and similar circles. and power of such items (as per the Skill, and discern even the most subtle emotions
Modifier: INT Appraise Enchanted Items). The downside in a speaker’s tone of voice.
of this ability is that Wizard Hunters may Modifier: PER
experience sensory overload if in the
Weaponer presence of a large number of spell casters
This covers skill in the making of weapons. and/or enchanted items (roll vs PER to Brood Synesthesia
Weaponers can identify their own and avoid becoming confused, and unable to The Brood’s sense of hearing, smell,
rivals’ work, and can repair, sharpen, and use Arcane Sense until the Wizard Hunter and touch are combined into a single
appraise any weapon that they can produce. is able to leave the affected area). synesthetic sense that functions much like
Modifier: DEX Modifier: PER other crea­tures’ sense of sight. A Brood’s
four eyes function like multipurpose
sensors, enabling them to see, hear, smell,
taste, and even feel their surroundings, up
Beast Lore to a range of about 300 feet. Beyond the
This skill is known only to the Jaka range of their synesthetic senses, Brood
beastmasters. Individuals with this skill are perception is feeble at best (no special skill
able to: or bonuses to PER). However, illusions
and spells or enchanted items that serve to
Communicate with animals: One species conceal (such as invisibility) are of no effect
per level of ability. against a Brood’s synesthetic senses.

Call animals: This is the ability to summon

animals of a chosen species. The animals
must be within one mile per level of the
beastmaster’s ability. The combined levels

Commune Dual-Encephalon Long Memory
with Plants The Sindaran are dual-encephalons, Mogroth are able to recall the smallest
possessing the ability to use both sides of details of their experiences.
Green Men possess the uncanny ability their brains independently and concentrate Modifier: INT
to communicate with most types of plant on two different subjects at the same time.
life. The Green Man may request the aid of They are ambidextrous and can avert the
plants, even urging plants that are normally need for physical sleep by resting one Magic Resistance
inanimate to rouse themselves to help. brain at a time. When one brain is resting, This special ability renders Xambrian
Modifier: WIL subtract four from the Sindaran’s effective Wizard Hunters highly resistant to all forms
INT rating. Dual-encephalons are allowed of magic. It protects them from magical
two chances to resist any spell or substance attacks, curses, and illusions, and can even
Demon Eye that affects thought, brain function, or allow Wizard Hunters to pass unaffected
The third eye of the Sepharans, called a emotions. through magical barriers or areas protected
demon eye, is the supernatural adaptation by magical wards or symbols, (roll vs Magic
that has enabled their race to survive in Extreme Durability Resistance rating to determine if the magic
the perilous regions in and around the Roll twice on any CON checks and take the in question has any effect on the Wizard
Demonrealms. When this orb is open, it better of the two results. Hunter, using the level of the spell or
radiates an aura that causes demons to view enchantment as the Degree of Difficulty).
a Sepharan as a “kindred spirit” of sorts; The downside of this form of Magic
demons of lesser Ability Level will follow Inner Vision Resistance is that it negates the magical
any simple commands given by a Sepharan, This is the Tau ability to “see” with perfect properties of any type of enchanted weapon
and those of greater Ability Level will not clarity, though they do not have actual eyes or item a Wizard Hunter attempts to carry
attack a Sepharan unless attacked. A demon of any sort. Tau are also able to see astral, or use (i.e., a +2 sword used by a Wizard
eye also allows Sepharans to “read souls” invisible, and ethereal presences, and are Hunter would just do the same damage
and determine the alignment and basic immune to illusions of any type. The range as a non-magical sword). Also, beneficial
nature (mortal, devil, spirit, etc.) of any of this ability is “sight range,” or up to about spells (such as healing) also will not work
creature by sight (range 10 feet). 1000 feet. on a Xambrian Wizard Hunter (though
alchemical healing potions and elixirs have
the normal effect).
Double Attack Influence Plants Modifier: CON
Ahazu and Kanquan allow the attacker to This is the ability to influence all sorts
make two attacks in a round at no penalty. of living plants and trees, causing such
organisms to move, entwine, entangle, form Natural Climbing
barriers or specified configurations, and so Ability
Dispel Magic forth. The Green Men of the Dark Coast
Xambrians are the only non-spellcasters possess this ability, which they employ Roll twice for any climbing rolls and take
who can acquire this talent, which they to suit their needs and in defense of their the better of the two results.
learn from their ancestors. They can use homes and families. This ability takes effect
this skill to negate spells and enchantments instantaneously; its maximum area of effect
of any sort – a useful ability to have when is a five-foot radius circle, and the range is Naturally Stealthy
working as a wizard-hunter. ten feet per level. Sentient plant species can Roll twice for any stealth-related rolls and
Modifier: WIL save vs WIL to resist. take the better of the two results.
Modifier: WIL
Night Vision
Land On Feet This ability makes a creature able to see
Jaka may ignore up to 30 feet of falling clearly in the dark. It is a natural ability
damage, always landing on their feet. of certain Talislantan races, particularly
subterranean ones, such as Gnomekin and
Modifier: PER

Read Objects Demon-Eye: when the third eye is open, Shape-Change
by Touch demons of any sort will regard the Sepharan (Manra)
as one of their kind. However, so will
Slith possess a form of psychometry, any other entities who are able to detect This ability to change one’s physical form
allowing them to learn a great deal of supernatural presences. can be used once per day per skill level, and
information about a person or a location by the new form is permanent until the ability
reading objects associated with the subject. Mind Attack: allows the Sepharan to project is used again. Shape-changers can learn one
The Difficulty for the check can vary from an aura of negative psychic energy that will animal or plant form per skill level. Chosen
zero (to read things that were of major cause mortal and supernatural beings to forms may not weigh more than the shape-
significance and took place recently) to -20 experience fear, confusion, or even psychic changer’s weight plus 50 additional pounds
(minor events that took place long ago.) damage (1 HP of damage per Skill rating). of weight per level, nor less than the shape-
Modifier: PER Range is a 1-foot radius around the Sepharan changer’s weight minus 20 pounds per level.
per Skill rating; individual in the area of The shape-changer can use the physical
effect may resist all effects of the Mind Attack attributes, combat rating, hit points, and
Read Emotions by a successful roll vs WIL. natural physical abilities of the chosen form.
Ur possess the ability to read emotions Modifier: PER Modifier: WIL
in anyone within 20 feet. Make a Read
Emotions check, opposed by the subject’s
Deception or Meditation skill. Shan-Ya Sixth Sense
Modifier: PER (Battle Madness) The ability to sense danger, or even
potential danger, is an ability possessed by
During combat, Ahazu occasionally members of the race of Jaka, though the
Rhabdomancy succumb to a form of madness, which type, location, or degree of danger cannot
This magical ability is known only to the they refer to as shan-ya. At the start of any be apprehended by the use of Sixth Sense.
race of Gnorls. A rhabdomancer can consult combat, roll d20; on a result of 1 the Ahazu The Sixth Sense reacts strongly to magic,
minor spirits to learn secrets, attracting enters Shan-Ya. In that state of frenzy, they increasing a Jaka’s already strong sense of
them through the burning of magical will attack everything in sight for 1d10 suspicion to a point of paranoia; without
incense. rounds. This state is viewed by the Ahazu their talismans, Jaka react to magic with
Modifier: PER as a blessing of their god, and they do not INT -4. A failure or mishap on this reaction
attempt to restrain an individual who is so roll means the Jaka is uncomfortable to the
affected. Ahazu in a state of shan-ya attack point of flight or violence.
Sepharan Third Eye at a bonus of +5, but will never parry or take Modifier: PER
The third eye of the Sepharans is a any sort of evasive or defensive action while
supernatural adaptation that has allowed the battle madness is upon them.
these folk to survive for untold ages amidst
the dark and hostile environs of their home
dimension, the Void. This uncanny ocular Shape-Change
organ gives Sepharans the following abilities: (Chimeran)
Dark Vision: enables the Sepharan to see The Chimerans are changelings who can
clearly in magical or non-magical darkness. alter their bodily forms at will to change their
gender or match those of any humanoid
Occult Sight: allows the Sepharan to detect race of similar stature (up to twice a day, per
magic by sight at a range of 10 feet per Skill level). This form of shape-changing is not
level. A successful roll vs PER enables the an illusion; Chimerans physically change
Sepharan to determine the Order of Magic form, and can remain in any form for as long
detected (Wizardry, Mysticism, etc), and as they wish. Usually the change is almost
the approximate power of the magic (weak, impossible to detect (-20 penalty to PER),
powerful, very powerful, etc). A third eye impersonating specific individuals is less
also gives the Sepharan an enhanced ability foolproof (-10 penalty to PER). Note that
to see through illusions of any kind (ad while Chimerans can change to almost any
level of this ability as a minus to PER rolls humanoid form, their Attribute and Skill
involving illusions, hallucinations, etc. ratings remain the same in whatever form
that they choose to adopt.

Spell-Weaving Hunter to track down and bring to justice Telempathy
Sawila possess the unique ability to combine a reincarnated enemy of the ancient The Muses of Astar communicate through
their spell casting skill with those of other Xambrians (GM’s ruling on what sort this ability. A Muse can use telempathy
spell casters. For ages, Sawila have used of entity has reappeared in Talislanta, to detect emotions or communicate as
this ability to protect their island-home, and where it might be found). If trying often as she wishes with up to one selected
combining the magical ability of a hundred to resist the Calling, the Wizard Hunter individual per skill level over a distance
or more of their people to create (or “weave”) character must save vs WIL once each day of 10 feet per level. Alternatively, she
a single spell that can total hundreds of Levels thereafter, at a penalty of -1 per day, until may detect the presence of living beings
in power, range, and/or duration. he or she follows the Calling. or broadcast to everyone in range over a
• Reduced CHA: the Wizard Hunter’s distance of 25 feet per level, once per day
Recently it was discovered that Sawila grim and haunted demeanor is such that per skill level.
Spell-Weavers are also able to combine their their Spiritforce rating is subtracted from
magical skills with non-Sawila spell casters. all CHA-related die rolls. Domesticated Muses consider telempathy an art form,
They can do so by “weaving” (adding) their and wild animals may also be “spooked” and they often give concerts. When trying
own spell casting skill to another caster’s or act skittish in the presence of a Wizard to communicate with individuals unfamiliar
spell, thereby increasing the total Level of the Hunter (roll vs CHA and subtract the with telempathy, Muses must make an
recipient-caster’s spell. A Spell-Weaver can do Wizard Hunter’s Spiritforce rating). Action Table roll; partial success means
this with spell casters of any Order, whenever • Entities that can see or sense spiritforms, that part of the message is lost or unclear. A
he or she wants (in game terms, “weaving” is souls, or spiritual auras will immediately mishap confuses the target for one round
the same as casting any other sort of spell). be able to detect that a Wizard Hunter per skill level (-3 on all actions).
Only Sawila possess this ability. is possessed by one or more souls,
Modifier: WILL even if the Wizard Hunter is disguised, Muses can attempt to influence the
attempting to blend into a crowd, etc. emotions of living beings, with the WIL
rating of such beings serving as the Degree
Spiritforce Modifier: None. Roll d4 to determine the of Difficulty. Muses can also attempt
All Wizard Hunters are possessed from number of spirits that a beginning Wizard telempathic hallucinations once per day
birth by one or more spirits – the souls of an Hunter is possessed by - the number is per skill level, affecting one individual
ancient race of mystics once known as the the character’s starting Spiritforce rating per attempt at a range of 10 feet per level.
Xambrians – whose spiritforms inhabit the (+ 1-4). Each time a character opts to This form of mental attack, modified by
space in their hearts and minds where other increase this Special Ability, the character is the target’s WIL rating, directly affects
beings have a soul. The combined power possessed by an additional Xambrian soul the victim’s perception of reality. In game
of these spirits (called Spiritforce) gives and his or her Spiritforce rating increases terms, the attack inflicts a penalty to all the
Wizard Hunters the following benefits and by +1. victim’s actions equal to the telempathy skill
disadvantages: level. Duration is one round per level for
• Immunity to possession by other spirits partial success; one hour per level for full
or non-corporeal entities. Spirit-Tracking success; or permanent for critical success.
• Ability to do damage to entities that (Nagra) Permanent effects can only be reversed by
are normally affected only by magical characters with a higher level of telempathy,
weapons (such as Reincarnators, This is the ability, possessed only by the requiring a critical success.
Shaitan, Cthonian Demons, etc). Nagra, to track creatures and beings of any Modifier: WIL
• Increased CON: add a Wizard Hunter’s sort by following the faint trails left behind
Spiritforce rating to all CON-related die by their spirit essences. The difficulty of a
rolls. spirit-trail is determined by its age: Thage Natural
• Increased WIL: add a Wizard Hunter’s -5 for days-old trails Camouflage
Spiritforce rating to all WIL-related die -10 for weeks-old trails
rolls. -15 for months-old trails This ability allows Thage to alter the
The drawbacks of Spiritforce are: -20 for years-old trails patterns of their striated black and white
• The Calling: Once each day, Wizard -25 for decades-old trails skin to perfectly blend into any shadowy
Hunter characters must make a Modifier: PER environment. The ability even functions
Spiritforce roll on the Action Table. On in daylight, provided there is a shadow
any natural roll of 1, the Wizard Hunter in which a Thage can hide. For reasons
receives the Calling, a type of psychic unknown, this form of camouflage is
summoning that will compel the Wizard extremely effective versus devils, who
apparently cannot see Thage at all.

The Zodar is a divination tool created long ago by the
MAGICAL ORDERS ancient ancestors of the modern-day Rahastrans. Cartomancy
A Magical Order is a field of magic or magical tradition, cannot be learned by reading treatises or spellbooks - one can
such as Witchcraft, Wizardry, and Mysticism. Members only learn this Order by studying under a Rahastran master.
of the same Order derive their magical powers from
the same source, and tend to observe similar rituals and
practices. Each Magical Order has certain Advantages and Physical Component
Disadvantages, as described in the sections that follow. In the hands of a skilled Cartomancer, the twenty cards of
the Zodar deck can be used to cast a variety of spells and
In present-day Talislanta there are eleven known magical divinations. The Cartomancer must have one hand free in
Orders: order to manipulate the cards and cast spells. No spoken
Cartomancy: The magic of luck, circumstance, and fate as words or specific gestures are required.
represented in the cards of the Zodar.

Cryptomancy: The study of magical runes, sigils, and Advantages

symbols. Spells of Cartomancy can be quite subtle since the magician
need only handle her Zodar deck to produce the magic.
Crystalomancy: The study of crystals and their magical No lights, noises, or other tell-tale signs emanate from
properties. the magician while she is casting a spell. Of course, those
familiar with Cartomancy may realize what is happening as
Elemental Magic: Magicians of this Order draw their power soon as the magician begins an innocent shuffle.
from one of the Elemental Plane.

Invocation: Members of this Order call upon supernatural Limitations

entities for magical power. Cartomancers must have their Zodar deck to cast spells —
without it, they are powerless. If their deck is lost or stolen,
Mysticism: This Order deals with the powers of the mind, a new one must be obtained and can only be used after the
will, and soul. magician spends a week attuning to it.

Natural Magic: The magic of animals, plants, and the

natural world. Cryptomancy
Cryptomancy is the art of inscribing, manipulating,
Necromancy: The magic of death, decay, and entropy. encrypting, and decoding magical and mundane writing.
Cryptomancers cast spells by inscribing magical sigils.
Shamanism: Members of this Order draw their power from During the process of inscription, the Cryptomancer infuses
the totem-spirits of animals and the Dreamrealms. the writing with a portion of his will, thereby bestowing its
magical properties. This procedure is often fatiguing, but
Witchcraft: The most ancient and secret of Orders, tracing once completed, the spell is in place and may take effect
its heritage to the first primitive Archaens. at a later time or when certain conditions are met. With
this Magical Order, the line between Spellcasting and
Wizardry: Wizards produce their effects by manipulating Enchantment is a fine one, indeed.
the flux of arcane energy that permeates the Omniverse. This
versatile Order is the most common in Talislanta today. The founders of the art, the Callidians, employ their
spellcraft primarily to decode and translate ancient texts,
Modifiers: INT + WILL or for other scholarly purposes. Because of its subtle
yet enduring nature, Cryptomancy is also used by the
Cartomancy Trapmages of Kasmir to protect valuables and vaults.
To most Talislantans, luck, fate and destiny are nebulous
forces beyond the province of mortal beings. Though As would be expected, Cryptomancers learn spells by
few common folk can grasp the power and meaning of memorizing written formulas or magical symbols. Books,
the vagaries of chance, those who know the secrets held scrolls, and tomes of Cryptomancy are always in cipher, and
within the cards of the Zodar can. It is with this key that a are all but impossible to decode. Cryptomancers across the
Cartomancer unlocks their powers. continent share a specialized runic language that bears no
resemblance to any contemporary alphabet.

Magical Orders

Physical Components Physical Components

A Cryptomancer must be able to trace a pattern with at least All crystalomantic spells require appropriate crystals. See
one hand in order to cast spells. For many cryptomantic the limitation below.
spells, the magician must make an actual mark of some sort.
Cryptomancers often carry papers, inks, brushes, pens, and
chisels for just this reason. Advantage
A Crystalomancer can store spells in crystals, to be used at
a later time. This effect, basically a one-use enchantment,
Advantage takes 10 rounds per level of the spell to be stored. The stored
When casting any cryptomantic spell, the magician may power can be used by the caster or by someone else, all at
choose a circumstance that will trigger the forces of the rune. once or a little at a time; but it cannot be reused, or even
Until this condition is met, the spell will remain inert. While re-stored. Once a stored crystal is emptied of its powers, it is
in this state, Cryptomantic spells are subject to all forms of rendered useless for all magical purposes, including normal
magical detection and counter-magic. When the triggering enchantment and spellcasting. Note that stored crystals
circumstance occurs, the spell will discharge, expending all count against the maximum number enchanted items a
of its energy. person can carry.

Limitation Limitation
Due to the complex symbology employed by this Order and Note that a Crystalomancer cannot perform magic without
the need to actually inscribe its spells, cryptomantic magic the requisite crystals. Each spell is tied to a specific type of
takes longer to perform than other styles of spellcasting. crystal, and the level of the spell cannot exceed the carats of
Unless specifically stated otherwise, all cryptomantic spells the crystal.
take 2 rounds to cast.
Elemental Magic
Crystalomancy Elemental Magic is a Magical Order that allows the caster to
Crystalomancy is a Magical Order known only to the harness and manipulate one or more of the four elemental
Gnomekin, who live in the underground land of Durne, in powers: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Practitioners of this
the Nine Kingdoms. Members of this Order use different Order tend to focus exclusively on a single element, such
colored crystals as a focus for their spells and enchantments. magicians being known as Pyromancers, Aquamancers,
Non-Gnomekin are rarely, if ever, allowed to learn Geomancers, or Aeromancers, respectively.
Elemental power is thought to originate on the
Gnomekin Crystalomancers view their magic as Elemental Plane — an extra-dimensional reality that is the
a reflection of Terra, the Earth Mother, and regard source of the mountains, plants, rivers, and storms that make
Crystalomancy as a divine gift. Like caring gardeners, they up the physical world of Talislanta. Magicians of this Order
tend to the crystals, grow new ones, and use them for the learn to contact the Planes to draw forth raw elemental
good of their people and the environment. Though normally power, or to consort with the denizens of that realm (which
peaceful in nature, Gnomekin Crystalomancers will not are known as Elementals).
hesitate to use their magical abilities to defend their land and
their people.
Physical Components
Elemental magicians must carry on their persons a small
amount of elemental substances which they utilize in their
spellcasting, such as bits of coal or flint for a pyromancer,
a vial of water for an aquamancer, a fistful of earth for
a geomancer, or a flute or fan for an aeromancer. An
elementalist must have their hands free to gesture in order to
cast their spells.

Advantages Physical Components
Magicians who focus only on a single type of Element receive Invokers generally incorporate the icons and trappings of
advantages that those who study more than one Element do not. their beliefs into their spellcasting, using such items as holy
symbols, ritual vestments, incense, votive candles, and so
First, Elemental magicians are immune to any harmful forth. Invocation also requires that the magician be free to
effects from natural (non-magical) forms of the Element gesture and speak clearly, to better beseech their patron and
that is their focus. I.e., Aquamancers will not drown in water, proclaim their loyalty and faith.
Pyromancers are not burned by heat or fire, Geomancers
will not be harmed by rockslides or earthquakes, and
Aeromancers cannot be harmed by storms. Any clothing or Advantages
equipment carried by an Elemental magician will also be The primary advantage to practitioners of Invocation is
immune from harm. the belief that, so long as they are faithful to the tenets of
their religious or superstitious beliefs, they will be granted
Second, Elemental magicians always receive an “blessings” from their patron deity. In game terms, a blessing
advantage of +1 to all die rolls when moving or navigating is a bonus ranging from +1 to +10, which may be sought no
through areas where their focus-element is prevalent. For more than once per day. To receive a blessing, the Invoker
example, Aquamancers receive this advantage if moving must make an offering that would please his or her patron
in or under water, and when piloting or navigating a deity (prayers, burnt offerings, a sacrifice of some sort, etc.).
waterborne vessel. Pyromancers receive this advantage The GM decides on the extent of the blessing to be granted,
in volcanic regions, seeing through dense smoke, etc. based on the Invoker’s offering and his or her devotion to the
Geomancers receive this advantage when traveling patron, and whether the deity’s interests will be furthered
underground or through rough or muddy terrain; and if the blessing is granted. Note that if the Invoker has not
Aeromancers receive this advantage when traveling or been faithful, and or the offering is deemed insufficient, the
navigating through storms. blessing may be refused - or worse, it may even anger the
Invoker’s patron.
All spells of Elementalism lack subtlety. They produce loud Limitations
noises, bright lights, and strong scents, and are impossible to An Invoker’s magic grows weak when he fails to please his
conceal. patron being. The GM may subtract a casting roll penalty
of -1 to -10 or more, depending on how ill-favored the
Invoker’s actions are in the eyes of his patron. Note that the
Invocation GM should not reveal these penalties to the player.
Invocation is a means of attaining magical power by calling
upon the aid of supernatural entities and forces - benevolent
or not. The type of being or beings called upon is based on Mysticism
the religious or superstitious beliefs of the priest or priestess. Practitioners of Mysticism seek to comprehend the unseen
world of spirits and the soul, and cultivate the powers of
Magicians from a number of Talislantan cultures practice their will in order to perform supernatural feats. The powers
Invocation. Aamanian Archimages believe they are mortal of Mysticism include the ability to confuse or manipulate
vessels of their patron deity, Aa the Omnificent, and that their the minds of others, fortify the body or soul with energy,
spells are essentially the Will of Aa. Mirin Priests of Borean perceive invisible auras, read emotions, and commune with
beseech the God of the North Winds to bestow gifts of magic. spirits of all kinds.
And Diabolists and Demonologists gain dark powers in
exchange for consorting with creatures from the lower planes. Mysticism has been practiced on the Talislantan continent
for untold millennia by many different cultures; most
Regardless of their source, all Orders of Invocation share a notably, the ancient and enigmatic Ariane, who may
common philosophy: in order to receive magical power, the have originally brought the discipline to Talislanta from
Invoker must first gain the favor of his or her supernatural another realm. There are no formal schools or institutions
patron. There are many rites and rituals to accomplish of the mystic arts in Talislanta, so those who wish to learn
this, depending on the style and beliefs of the Invoker. All Mysticism can only do so by studying under a master.
Invokers realize that if they fail to act according to the wishes
or ideology of their patron, they will find themselves bereft
of their powers (or worse).

Physical Components Physical Components
Mysticism requires very little in the way of physical Spells of natural magic require a verbal component, which
components. The mystic must be at peace while casting often takes the form of a song or chant. Such spells also
spells, however. Emotional or mental turmoil interferes require simple gestures and signs to communicate with the
dramatically with a mystic’s abilities. During especially spirits, who may or may not be able to comprehend the
stressful situations, a mystic may first need to meditate caster’s spoken language.
before attempting to cast a spell (see Limitations).
Advantages In wilderness areas such as forests, lakes, rivers, and
Mysticism has entirely invisible spell effects. It produces no mountains, Natural Magic works very well. The GM may
images or sounds and cannot be detected by normal magical award a casting roll bonus of +1 to +10, depending on how
means. A mystic employing Aura Reading on another removed the magician’s surroundings are from the taint of
practitioner of Mysticism may “see” forces emanating from “civilization.”
the mystic, but will not be able to discern what sort of spell
is being cast. In addition, spells of Mysticism require no
gestures, incantations, rituals, or foci of any kind. Limitations
Natural Magicians suffer a casting roll penalty of -1 to -10
while using their magic in “civilized” or developed areas
Limitations such as cities or settlements. Note that the settlements of
A mystic must be at peace in order to perform any spell the Ariane, Aeriad, Gryph, Sawila, Green Men, Muse, and
casting. Loud noises, bright lights, emotional or physical Mandalans are designed specifically to enhance the flow of
distress, or any kind of distracting stimulus — such as being nature’s forces, not restrict them.
in combat — may cause spells to be cast at a penalty of —1
to -10 (GM’s ruling). A successful Meditation skill roll, using
the level of distraction as the Degree of Difficulty, negates Necromancy
this penalty. In combat, the combat skill rating or ability This Magical Order draws its power from the depths of the
level of your attacker is the Degree of Difficulty for this lower planes and the dark reaches of the Spirit realms. Some
check. Talislantan cultures, such as the Rajans and the ancient
Torquar, are ruled by Necromancer Priests, whose cult-
like followers revere Death as a type of deity. Most other
Natural Magic Talislantans consider necromantic cults and practitioners
Practitioners of this Order seek to attain a deep of this Order to be evil, and regard them with fear, loathing,
understanding of the natural world, so that they may act in and disgust.
harmony with Nature. This is typically done by communing
with the spirits of nature, from whom the Natural Magician Necromancers learn the spells and rituals of their Order by
may derive magical power and knowledge. studying the magical writings of their ancestors, typically
under the tutelage of a High Priest or Priestess. Bizarre and
Spells of Natural Magic usually involve communion with gruesome fetishes are often required to focus spells, and
the part of the Elemental plane known to Talislantans as the in some extreme cases, actual death or suffering must be
“Green World”. It is from this place that all natural life-forms inflicted to empower the magic ritual.
draw their sustaining power, and it is this power that fuels
Natural spells. The spirits of the Green World take shape
on the material plane in the form of trees, grasses, stones, Physical Components
or rivers. These spirits always blend seamlessly with the A Necromancer must be able to gesture with both hands
landscape around them. and speak aloud in order to cast spells. Certain necromantic
devices and fetishes are also required, such as a necklace
Natural Magic is passed down by oral tradition. There are of bones, a bag filled with corpse-dust, a preserved skull
no tomes or scrolls dedicated to its study, which can only be or shrunken head, etc. Each Necromancer chooses his or
learned from a master. her own personal fetish, based on the precepts and rituals
related to their particular cult.

Advantages Advantages
Necromancers possess the grim Advantage of receiving Upon attaining proficiency in the teachings of this Magical
additional Experience Points (XP) for the ritual killing of Order, every shaman is granted a totem animal that acts as
their enemies, or any who oppose them. Such acts must a spirit guide, advisor, and companion. Almost any small
take the form of a ritual sacrifice, involving the use of a animal native to the Shaman’s homeland may be chosen
ceremonial weapon (dagger, axe, etc) or fire. Ceremonial to be a Totem (GM gets the final ruling on this). Once a
robes or other attire (such as the iron masks worn by totem is chosen, the Shaman will be able to converse with
Rajan Necromancers) can add to the ritual’s efficacy, as it and with all animals of the Totem’s species. The Shaman
may further preparations such as performing the ritual will never be attacked or threatened by any animal of the
in a temple or other place of necromantic significance, same species as the totem, and unless acting in an aggressive
burning incense, ritual chanting or music performed by cult manner, such animals will always regard the Shaman in a
followers, etc). The ritual takes a minimum of 10 rounds friendly manner.
to prepare before it can be performed; once completed,
the Necromancer receives half of the total XP possessed
by victim (or up to twice the victim’s XP, depending on the Limitations
level of preparation prior to the sacrifice - GM’s ruling). In order to cast spells of any sort, Shamans must first
attain either a dream-state or trance-state. This can be
accomplished by meditation, with or without the benefit of
Limitations ritual or hallucinogenic substances. The time required is 20
Necromancers are regarded with fear and suspicion by most rounds (or 10 rounds if substances are used), and the effects
decent folk, and are welcome in few lands. Nature spirits and of the altered state will last for approximately one hour.
other benevolent entities will not willingly cooperate with Attempting to cast spells without first entering an altered
spell casters of this Order, whom they consider cruel and state incurs a penalty of -1 per level of the spell.
Shamanism Witchcraft is perhaps the oldest Magical Order known to
Practitioners of this Order are animists, who believe that Talislantans. The principles of the Order operate according
all things, living or dead, possess a spirit. Through dreams to the ancient Law of Association, which states that “like
or various means of achieving a trance-state, shamans can breeds like”, and that all things are connected.
interact with these spirits, known as Totems, and from them
gain magical power, knowledge, and visions of the future, Several Talislantan cultures (primarily the Aamanians)
past, or present. consider witchcraft to be “black magic” and openly
persecute its practitioners. For this reason, Talislantan
Like Witchcraft and Natural Magic, Shamanism is an oral witchcraft is taught and practiced in secret. Passed down
tradition, without scrolls or spellbooks. Shaman initiates from generation to generation, Witchcraft is an oral tradition
are usually chosen by a master, and trained in the ancient without texts, scrolls, or magical tomes.
teachings and practices of this Order. In tribal communities,
the Shaman is often the leader or chief council to the tribal
head. Physical Components
Some sort of symbolic object must also be used in spell
casting (see Limitations) and is typically destroyed
Physical Components or rendered useless for further spell casting once the
Spells and rituals of Shamanism often require chants, enchantment is cast. Also, a Witch must have both hands
gestures or dances, as well as specific natural fetishes. For free and be able to speak aloud in order to cast spells.
example, to summon up an Avian-Totem, the Shaman
might call out like an avir and brandish a fetish made of
avir feathers. Other spells and divinations may require the Advantages
Shaman to enter a trance-state, by meditating and/or the Witches possess the power of Binding, allowing them to
ingestion of certain substances or mixtures. Others may work their magic across any distance, provided they have
require the use of a shamanistic fetish such as a mask, animal a strong physical connection to their target. Any object
hide garments, face or body painting/tattooing/scarring, etc. that has been on the target’s person for three or more days,
or a physical piece of the target (such as hair, fingernails,
or blood) will suffice. This material can only be used for

a single ritual, and is consumed as the spell is cast. Spells wizard receives a +3 bonus. The specialization may be
that incorporate the power of Binding act as if the witch is changed later, after a week of practice with the new spell.
touching the target.
Limitations In addition to the limitations mentioned under Physical
Witchcraft requires physical components for its spells Components, even the best illusions created by Wizardry
to work properly. A connection - real or symbolic - must may not be completely convincing. Some creatures and
always be made between the witch, the materials of the beings can see through illusions, but even those who don’t
spell, and the intended target. For example, Witches may possess this special ability may still see or sense that an
cast spells on other folk that cause benefit (healing, curing) illusion is not real (roll vs PER at a penalty of -1 per level of
or harm (curses, maladies). But for such enchantments the illusion).
to work as intended, the Witch must have in his or her
possession one or more personal effects once owned or
used by the intended subject; for example, a lock of hair, a
piece of clothing, a cup used by the intended subject, etc.
Witches who attempt to cast a spell without using a physical
component (or uses a component that has little or no
relation to the intended target of spell) suffer a penalty of -1
to -10 (GM’s ruling on the extent of the penalty).

Practitioners of this Magical Order learn to tap into the vast
stores of Arcane Energy that emanate from the infinite planes
of existence which together comprise the Omniverse. The art
of doing so, employing a combination of magical incantations,
gestures, and rituals, is known as Wizardry.

The spells used by Talislantan Wizards can take on a nearly

limitless range of forms: from a shimmering auras of protective
energy, to beams of force, animated objects, the intricate
patterns of colored light and shadows used to create illusions,
and much more.

Unlike more esoteric arts such as Witchcraft or

Cryptomancy, Wizardry can be learned not only from
a master, but also from institutions such as the Lyceum
Arcanum, in Cymril of the Nine Kingdoms, and the various
schools of Thaumaturgy that can be found in Carantheum,
of the Desert Kingdoms.

Physical Components
Wizards must gesture with both hands and speak arcane
phrases aloud in order to cast spells. While devices such
as wands and staves may obviate the need to recite long
incantations, most of these implements still require the use
of a command word or phrase.

Specialization: The wizard may pick one spell with which
they are particularly adept. When casting that spell the

Spell Lists

Card of Concealment
this spell doesn’t remove the curse; it only
provides information on its nature, effects, This spell uses the properties of the Mystic
and possible cure. The level of the curse will card to make any small item (or the Zodar
affect the Degree of Difficulty entailed in deck itself) virtually undetectable when
Cartomancy analyzing it. The spell’s range is by touch. hidden on the cartomancer’s person. Anyone
trying to steal or search for a concealed item
Analyze Curse does so at a penalty of -1 per level of the spell.
Allows the cartomancer to use the Mystic Anti-Magic Ward
card to analyze the exact nature and level This spell is cast while holding the Wizard
of any curse that may be affecting an object and the Alchemist cards. It conjures a force Card Sharp
or individual, and determine what might that protects the cartomancer from any This spell turns the Warrior card into a
need to be done to remove it. Note that spells of lesser level that are directed at weapon that can be used like a throwing
his or her person (spells of a higher level knife (d4). The cartomancer’s casting roll
than the ward can cause it to be dispelled). must be a success for the spell to hit the
While protected by an anti-magic ward, the intended target, as per a standard missile
THE ZODAR DECK cartomancer cannot cast spells or receive weapon attack.
magical healing, and no other magic items
in his or her possession will function for the
The twenty cards of the Zodar are:
duration of this spell, which is one round Cardplay
Ardan: The Purple Moon.
per level. This enchantment allows the cartomancer
Romance, passion, desire
Drome: The Amber Moon. Peace, to dazzle and amaze onlookers by shuffling
repose, healing the Zodar deck with such skill that the
Jhang: The Crimson Moon. Rage,
Appraise Wares intended subject or subjects must roll vs
violence, dark passions This spell allows the cartomancer to use WIL at a penalty of -1 per level of the spell;
Laeolis: The Blue Moon. Sorrow, the Peddler card to determine the true anyone who fails the WIL roll becomes
disappointment, heartbreak worth, in gold lumens, of one item or one entranced, and will stop whatever else he
Phandir: The Green Moon. Magic, relatively small quantity of trade goods per or she was doing to watch the caster for as
nature, the elements round. Note that if the item is disguised in long as the display of cardplay continues
Talisandre: The Silver Moon. Good some way by magic, the level of the magical (up to a maximum of one round per level).
disguise is used as a Degree of Difficulty This spell’s range is sight.
Zar: The Dark Moon. An ill-
when using this spell. Its duration is one
aspected card, signifying evil,
conspiracy, black magic round per level.
The Lesser Sun: A matter of little
Detect Curse
import Allows the cartomancer to use the Zar
The Greater Sun: A matter of great Augury card to sense any negative energy given
import Allows the cartomancer to use the Zodar off by cursed people, items, or areas. If the
The Charlatan: Deception, or deck to determine if a specified course of curse is of lower level than the spell, the
deception discovered action or decision will result in favorable or cartomancer will also know the curse’s
The Rogue: Loss, thievery, distrust unfavorable consequences. The individual approximate potency (level). The spell’s
The Warrior: Confrontation, who desires the augury asks the question, range is 10 feet per level, and its duration is
conflict, vigilance
after which the cartomancer draws a card one round per level.
The Assassin: Treachery, betrayal,
from the deck; the nature of the card
The Peddler: Opportunity, the determines whether the reading is favorable
chance for profit or loss or unfavorable. Fool’s Gold
The Wanderer: Travel and Using the Peddler card, this spell allows the
adventure The cartomancer rolls a d20 and consults caster to cause a cache of up to 10 gold pieces
The Wizard: Sorcery, chance, the Zodar Deck Table, comparing the to appear in his or her pocket. The conjured
uncertainty cartomancer’s skill rating vs the Degree of coins look and feel real, but will remain in
The Mystic: Hidden knowledge, Difficulty of the augury. The result indicates existence for only 1 minute per level, after
secrets how accurate the augury was. If successful, which they will vanish without a trace.
The Alchemist: Change, the GM should have the augury reveal This spell has many practical applications,
transformation, the unexpected
something that would otherwise have been though its use is not without certain risks.
The Reaper: Inevitability
unknown to the subject. Kasmirans in particular have little fondness
The Archon: Victory
for enchantments of this sort.


Fortunes of War make any small item that is within view and Ephemeral Runes
By drawing forth the Warrior and the in range of the spell come to his hand. The Ephemeral runes are often inscribed upon
Archon cards and casting this spell, the range is 10 feet per level of the spell, and the books, scrolls, or tablets to protect them
cartomancer can improve the odds for item can move up to 10 feet per round. This from prying eyes. Once these runes are
his or her friends or allies in any combat spell does not work if the item is being held activated, a command word must be spoken
situation (+1 bonus on any combat-related in someone’s hand or is in a sack, chest, before the work can be referenced, or else
roll). A maximum of one beneficiary per drawer, or other container. the protected writings will appear to vanish,
level may receive this good fortune, and the leaving nothing but blank paper or stone.
spell’s duration is one round per level. The vanished writings can only be made to
Remove Curse reappear by the use of the command word.
Good Fortune Allows the cartomancer to use the Wizard The effect’s duration is permanent in that
Allows the cartomancer to use the and Drome cards to permanently remove the power of the runes will last forever, or
Talisandre card to attract good fortune to any curse, malediction, or murrain from any until they have been activated.
themselves or one other beneficiary. The single being, small area, or object. Note that
recipient receives a bonus of +1 on all the level of the curse that the cartomancer
Action Table die rolls for the duration of is attempting to remove acts as a Degree of Exploding Runes
the spell, which is one round per level of the Difficulty modifier for this spell. The spell’s These symbols are usually inscribed on
spell. The spell’s range is by touch. range is by touch. a gate or a doorway to prevent intrusion.
Anyone who opens the protected gate or
door without first uttering the command
Healing Hand Vanish word will trigger the runes, causing a
This spell allows the caster to use the Using the Charlatan card, this spell allows deafening explosion. Anyone within 10
Drome card to heal one hit point per the cartomancer to make him or her appear feet of the explosion will sustain 1 HP of
level of the spell for any single recipient, to vanish into thin air. Even someone damage per level of the spell (roll vs CON
including the caster. holding or grappling the caster will believe to reduce damage by half).
that the cartomancer has disappeared,
and even beings with keen senses of smell
Luck of the Draw and hearing may be fooled by this illusion
By drawing Talisandre and keeping it in (roll vs PER at a penalty of -1 per level of
the palm, the caster will temporarily be the spell). While the spell is in effect, the
granted good luck in any sort of fight or cartomancer can attempt to move silently,
melee. During the time the enchantment is hide, or make a quick getaway, as desired.
in effect, attacks of any sort that are aimed
at the caster will unaccountably miss the
mark, either by the narrowest of margins, Cryptomancy
or by what will appear to be an incredible
stroke of good fortune. The spell can deflect Battle Rune
1 hit point’s worth of attacks per level When inscribed on a weapon, this rune
before the good luck fades and the caster’s increases that weapon’s damage by +1 per
fortunes return to normal. level of the spell. The spell’s duration is one
round per level.

Allows the cartomancer to use the Zar card Encrypting Rune
to bring ill fortune to a designated target. This spell encodes one page or scroll of
The recipient suffers a penalty of -1 on all writing per level. The level at which the
Action Table die rolls for the duration of spell is cast determines the strength of the
the spell, which is one round per level of the encryption. Encrypted writings can be
spell. The spell’s range is by touch. decoded by a Cryptomantic Analysis spell,
though any attempt to do so is at a penalty
of -1 per level of the encrypting spell. The
Prestidigitation spell’s duration is permanent, or until
By turning the Rogue and the Charlatan dispelled.
cards face-to-face in the deck, the caster can

Heptagram of Protection Symbol of Banishing Countermand: Releases any individuals
This complex seven-pointed symbol This symbol may be used to banish or creatures from the effects of any form of
must be inscribed on the ground or some summoned entities of any sort, sending magical influence or control, provided said
other flat surface, in a roughly circular up to one level of summoned creatures or control is of a lower level than the Symbol
area measuring approximately 10 feet in beings per level back to their place of origin. of Power.
diameter. Individuals who stand within the Empathy: Causes individuals or creatures
heptagram will be protected from devils to roll vs WIL or regard any subject or
and demons of all sorts, as long as they take Symbol of Clarity subjects designated by the caster in a
no offensive action against such creatures. Inscribed in the air over a page or other friendly manner.
The spell’s duration is one hour per level of written surface, a Symbol of Clarity will Radiance: Creates a 10-foot radius circle of
the spell. render any form of writings or inscriptions radiant light. If inscribed in reverse, a circle
clear and intelligible to the caster. The of darkness will be created. The effect’s
symbol functions no matter what language duration is one minute per level of the spell.
Mark of Night Vision the original inscriptions were written in, or Reversed Symbols: Each symbol can be
Drawn on a subject’s forehead, this rune what efforts may have been used to obscure inscribed backwards, undoing the effects
enables the recipient to see clearly in the message (codes, obscured letters, etc.) of corresponding symbols of a lower level.
complete darkness at a range of up to 60 The range is 10 feet and the duration is one Reversed symbols can also undo other
feet. The spell’s duration is 10 minutes per minute per level. spells that have similar effects. For instance,
level of the spell. a reversed Imprisonment symbol can undo
the wizardry spell Spellbind.
Symbol of Healing Silence: Causes individuals or creatures to
Mark of Stealth Inscribed upon an injured person or roll vs WIL or be struck mute for one round
When inscribed upon the soles of one’s creature, this symbol will restore 1 point of per spell level.
boots or other footwear, the Mark of Stealth physical damage per level of the spell.
enables the wearer to move silently. The
spell’s duration is 10 rounds per level. Note Symbol of Protection
that the spell only affects sound – not sight, Symbol of Power This symbol may be inscribed anywhere
smell, etc. Inscribed in the air, this symbol glows on a subject’s clothing or body. The symbol
with magical energy and then vanishes, will lie dormant until the wearer is attacked,
affecting those who see it (but never the at which point it will activate, protecting
Seal of the Forbidden Passage cryptomancer). The maximum number of the wearer from up to 10 HP of any type of
When this seal is drawn upon the surface of beings that can be affected by this symbol damage. The spell’s duration is permanent,
any door, the door will be sealed shut and is equal to the spell’s level, with the nearest or until activated, after which the rune fades
cannot be opened. The spell’s duration is beings affected first. Intended targets who and may not be used again.
permanent – the affected door will remain are of greater Ability Level than the level of
sealed until the sigil is dispelled, or the door the spell are allowed a chance to roll vs WIL
is broken down by force. to resist. Talking Runes
Talking Runes are symbols that “speak” a
The following effects are possible with a secret message when activated by a specific
Sigil of Deterrence Symbol of Power: trigger, which may be as simple as someone
A favorite of Kasmiran trapsmiths, this opening a door, or as complex and specific
sigil is usually placed inside a locking Antipathy: Causes individuals or creatures as the caster desires (such as, “Activate
mechanism, and is activated by touch. to roll vs WIL or regard any subject or when the magician Azradamus reads the
Unauthorized individuals who attempt to subjects designated by the caster with last page of this book.”) Talking Runes may
open a lock protected with this sigil will extreme dislike. speak up to one word per level at which
suffer a painful blast of energy (1 HP per Apathy: Causes individuals or creatures to the spell is cast in any language known to
level of the spell) sufficient to destroy a roll vs WIL or lose interest in whatever had the caster. They may not speak magical
key or lockpick, or possibly incapacitate previously aroused their attention. phrases to cast a spell. The spell’s duration
a thief ’s hand. The duration of this sigil is Command: Causes individuals or creatures is permanent, or until the rune has been
permanent, or until it has been dispelled. to obey any reasonable command given by the activated or dispelled.
caster for one round per level of the symbol.
Confusion: Causes individuals or creatures
to roll vs WIL or become confused and


Crystalomancy • Double the caster’s or recipient’s through the crystalline eye as though he or
movement speed. she were there. The range of this spell is one
Amberite Aura • Allow the caster or a recipient to fly at mile per spell level, and the duration is one
When this spell is cast, the amberite crystal his or her normal SPD rating minute per spell level.
glows with a shimmering golden light that • Allow the caster or recipient to move
envelops the magician. Any attack that underwater without needing to breathe
tries to penetrate the glow is harmlessly Crystalomantic Barrier
deflected. The aura will last for one The duration in all cases is one minute per This spell allows the crystalomancer to
minute per spell level, or until it deflects a spell level. focus the properties of an amberite crystal
maximum of 1 point of damage per level of to create a two-dimensional wall of amber-
the spell. colored force. The dimensions of the barrier
Clear Sight can extend up to 10x10 feet, and the barrier
This spell allows the caster to use a quartzite may be made to conform to any simple
Amethyst Aura crystal as a lens to see through illusions shape desired, such as a wall, dome, tube,
This spell allows the caster to focus the and/or detect the presence of magical etc. The barrier will absorb one point of
properties of an amethyst crystal, creating auras. The spell will not dispel or negate any damage per spell level before dispersing,
a soft light that can instill passivity in spell of illusion; it merely allows the caster and afford complete protection from curses
creatures or beings within a 10-foot radius to see the truth behind the illusion. The or maladies of any kind. The spell’s duration
area of effect. The intended target(s) may spell’s range is sight, and its duration is one is one round per spell level, and the range is
attempt to resist the spell’s effects by rolling round per spell level. 10 feet per spell level.
vs WIL. The spell’s duration is one minute
per spell level.
Crystalline Eye Crystalomantic Summoning
After placing a piece of quartzite in a This spell, which requires 1 round per spell
Azurite Aura desired location, the crystalomancer can level to cast, allows the caster to focus the
This simple spell allows the crystalomancer then use this spell to turn the crystal into properties of an onyx crystal to summon an
to use the power of an azurite crystal to do a remote scrying device. As long as the elemental of one specified type: Fire, Water,
one of the following: crystal is within range, the caster can see Air or Earth. Elementals generally prefer


Crystal Color Properties
Amberite Gold Protection

Amethyst Violet Influence

Azurite Blue Movement

Emerald Green Healing

Quartzite Clear Reveal

Onyx Black Summon

Prismatite Prismatic Illusion

Ruby Red Attack

Topazine Yellow Transmutation

Elemental Magic

non-violent action — with the notable Prismatic Illusion Elemental Magic

exception of fighting Cthonian Demons, a This spell allows the caster to use a
service they will perform gladly. The level of prismatite crystal to alter his or her Alter Element
the entity summoned will always be equal to appearance, or the appearance of a This spell allows Elemental magicians
or less than the level of the spell. As long as designated subject. The spell can be used to alter the physical state of any element
the spell is successful, the summoned entity to alter skin color, costume, gender, and to related to their magical specialty. For
will obey the commands of the caster for 1 some extent weight and height. Note that example, water can be turned to ice, fire
minute per level of the spell, after which it this spell is an illusion, and creatures who turned to smoke, earth to stone, wind to
will returns to its home. This is a dangerous are immune to illusions will be able to see lightning; or vice versa. This spell cannot
spell to cast, because if it results in a mishap, through this spell. The spell’s duration is 1 be used as a weapon, though it can be used
the summoned entity will turn on the caster minute per level. to alter the state of elementals or elemental
with attacks, theft, or perhaps in the form of barriers, The volume of elemental substance
laying a curse on him or her (GM’s ruling). that can be altered is 1 cubic foot per spell
Rubiate Beam level, and casting range is 10 feet per level.
This spell uses a rubiate crystal as a focus
Emerald Healing Aura to create a fiery beam of light that will deal
Focusing the properties of an emerald 1 hit point of damage per spell level to any Commune With Elementals
crystal, the crystalomancer heals a number creature or object that it hits. The range of This spell allows Elemental magicians
of creatures equal to the level of the spell. the beam is 10 feet per level of the spell. to call upon elementals related to their
Each creature healed regains 1 hit point magical specialty, and converse with them
per level of the spell. in order to obtain information or guidance.
In order for the spell to function, a quantity
of the specified element must be present
Mold Earth in its natural state. Upon casting the spell,
Focusing on the Topazine the 1-10 minor elementals will respond to the
crystalomancer can then mold caster’s call, and commune with the caster
nearby earth as desired. Stone, for up to one round per spell level. The
earth, mud, sand, or clay may be caster may ask one question per spell level,
reshaped, and those materials can be and the elementals will respond truthfully,
transformed from one to another as to the best of their knowledge. Note that
desired. The range of the spell is 1 foot minor elementals will typically only be
per spell level & it can affect up to 1 foot aware of matters that have occurred in their
radius per spell level. Transformed material general vicinity .
retains its new form indefinitely or until
this spell is cast again.
Conjure Element
This spell allows Elemental magicians to
Prismatic Burst conjures a cubic foot of elemental substance
Using a prismatite crystal, the caster related to their magical specialty, per spell
creates a blinding burst of radiant level. The conjured element can be made
light with a range of 10 feet. Anyone to materialize anywhere in a 10-foot radius
facing the crystalomancer will be around the caster, and will remain there until it
blinded for the spell’s duration; is moved, expended, or dispersed in some way.
the blindness lasts for one round
per level of the spell. Beings who For example, a cubic foot of water will
are highly sensitive to light, such as sustain one average-sized adult humanoid
Darklings, will be blinded for twice for a day, while a cubic foot of air will
the usual duration, while entities sustain one individual for a minute before
that are harmed by light, such as it is consumed. Conjured fire will provide
shadowights, suffer damage equal to heat or illumination for as long as it has fuel
1 point per spell level. to consume, and earth or stone can use to
fill holes in walls, create stairs, and so forth.


Control Elements to their magical specialty up to 10 feet Imbue Element

This spell allows Elemental magicians to per level of the spell. An elemental bolt This spell imbues a weapon with elemental
control any element related to their magical of any type functions as an enchanted force, causing it to inflict an additional die
specialty for up to 10 minutes per spell level. weapon, and will inflict 1 point of damage of damage equal to the weapon’s normal
For example, Aeromancers can calm storms per spell level to any living being or damage type. This additional damage may
or harness wind currents in order to allow extra-dimensional entity. This attack wil be fire, ice, earth, or lightning, depending
airborne craft to move at double speed; cause double damage to entities that are on the elementalist. The spell lasts for 1
Aquamancers can calm turbulent waters vulnerable to opposing elemental forces round per spell level.
or affect sea currents to allow a waterborne (such as using a fire bolt vs an ice giant).
vessel to move at double speed; Geomancers
can create temporary tunnels in the earth or Summon Elemental
excavate stone and soil from archaeological Elemental Scrying This spell, which requires one round
sites; and Pyromancers can alter the flow of This spell allows Elemental magicians to see per spell level to cast, allows Elemental
molten lava or extinguish fires. for great distances across or through any magicians to summon an elemental related
element related to their magical specialty to their magical specialty. The summoned
The maximum area of effect is a 10 foot for one round per level of the spell. For elemental may be commanded to do
radius around the caster per spell level. example, Aeromancers can see through anything within its abilities, and may be
clouds and mist; Aquamancers can see used to defend or attack any individual or
into the depths of lakes, rivers, and oceans; creature who poses a threat to the caster
Elemental Attack Geomancers can see through earth and (damage = level of the spell, per attack).
Using this spell, Elemental magicians can stone, and Pyromancers can see through The spell lasts for 1 minute per spell level.
cause a hail of any element related to their smoke, flames, and molten lava.
magical specialty (fire, ice, stone, lightning)
to fall over an area up to 10 feet in diameter Maximum range is 100 feet per spell level. Invocation
per level of the spell. The elemental attack
inflicts damage equal to the INT or WIL of Elemental Transmutation Banish
the caster (choose one) to any creatures or This spell allows an Elemental magician This spell magically banishes a summoned
objects in the area of effect each round, and to transmute his or her body into any creature, undead being, or extra-dimensional
can be made to last for up to one round per natural element related to his or her entity from the caster’s presence, returning the
spell level. Casting range for this spell is 10 magical specialty: fire, water, ice, earth, target creature to wherever it came from. If
feet per spell level. stone, wind, mist, etc. The duration of the the intended target’s Ability Level is equal or
spell is one round per level, during which higher than the spell level, it is allowed a chance
time the caster’s body will possess the to resist the spell by rolling a save vs WIL. The
same properties as the element it has been Invocation works automatically on any entity
Elemental Barrier transmuted into. It will be immune to harm whose Ability Level is less than the spell level.
This spell allows Elemental magicians to by that same element, and will only take The spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level.
create a wall of any elemental material half damage from non-magical attacks.
related to their magical specialty up to 10
feet in height and width, and one foot in While in elemental form, the caster Bless
thickness. Elemental barriers of any sort can also use his or her body as a weapon, With the use of this spell, the caster can
– earth, wind, fire, or water- will absorb dealing 1 point of damage per level of the bestow one individual with a +1 bonus with
up to one point of damage per spell level spell (the caster rolls for each attack as for any specific skill, as long as that skill is used
before dissipating, or twice this amount vs unarmed combat). The spell’s duration is for the benefit of the caster’s deity, religion,
opposing elemental forces (air vs earth, fire one round per spell level. cult, or other patron. The spell’s duration is
vs water, etc). 1 round per spell level.

The spell’s range is 10 feet per spell Elemental Ward

level, and the duration of the barrier is one With this spell, an Elemental magician Consecrate
round per spell level. can protect a single designated subject or This spell allows the caster to bless an area
object from being harmed in any way by of up to 10 square feet per spell level. All
the element related to the caster’s magical creatures of a like faith in that area receive
Elemental Bolt specialty. The ward lasts for one round per a bonus of +1 on defense rolls against
This spell allows Elemental magicians to spell level. enemies of the church, and +1 to attack
hurl a bolt of elemental energy related rolls directed against invaders. The spell’s
duration is one round per spell level.


Conversion Sanctuary Mysticism

This spell converts unbelievers to the tenets This spell protects an area up to 10 feet in
of the caster’s religion, causing them to diameter from intrusion by any persons or Astral Projection
view the caster and the caster’s beliefs in a creatures the caster designates as enemies This spell allows the mystic to project his
favorable light. To cast the spell, the priest or heretics. Only those permitted by the or her consciousness in astral form, leaving
must employ all of his or her powers of priest may enter the circle, which lasts behind the physical body and material
oratory and persuasion for 10 rounds, at for 1 minute per spell level. The circle is possessions (except for enchanted items,
which point listeners are allowed to roll stationary, and cannot be moved. which have their own astral forms and can
against WIL at a penalty of -1 per spell level be brought along). The spell’s duration is 10
to resist being converted. The spell fails if rounds per spell level.
the subjects cannot understand the priest, Shackles of Faith
or if they are otherwise occupied and do This spell allows the caster to shackle any While in astral form, the caster is:
not listen. The spell’s range is the hearing enemy of his or her faith with chains of • Able to move at 10x his or her normal
distance of the intended targets, and its magical energy – either celestial or diabolical, SPD.
duration is permanent, unless dispelled or depending on the faith of the invoker. The • Able to see events transpiring on the
converted again by another caster. strength of the chains is +1 per spell level, the material plane (roll vs PER for each
duration of the spell is one round per spell attempt).
level, and its range is one foot per spell level. • Invisible to material beings (unless they
Divine/Diabolical Knowledge can see/sense spirits or astral presences),
By communing in silent prayer with his or but will be visible to other astral entities
her patron deity, an invoker can attempt Shield of Faith or travelers.
to solve a mystery or uncover secret The Shield of Faith surrounds the caster (or • Immune to non-magical attacks by
knowledge. One question may be asked, a single chosen recipient touched by the material beings, but vulnerable to attacks
with the Degree of Difficulty determined caster) with a glowing aura and will absorb by astral entities or travelers.
by the GM based on how well-concealed or 1 hit point of damage per spell level. The
esoteric the information is. This penalty is spell’s duration is one round per spell level,
deducted from the level at which the spell or until the shield absorbs its maximum Expanded Consciousness
is cast. The die roll result determines how amount of damage. This potent spell allows the mystic to detect
accurate and detailed the answer will be. physical, ethereal, or astral presences, locate
lost or hidden objects and persons, detect
Sword of Righteousness magical emanations, and communicate
Lance of Light This spell allows the caster to create an empathically with any single sentient
With this spell, the caster can summon a enchanted blade of magical force, which he lifeform that is willing to do so. The spell’s
brilliant shaft of blazing energy that will or she can use to smite foes. The blade will range is 10 feet per spell level, and its
cause 1 point of damage per spell level to do 1 point of damage per spell level, and the duration is one round per spell level.
any creature or target that it strikes. The spell has a duration of one round per spell
spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level. level. The spell can be used to summon a
type of weapon other than a sword, such as Healing Thoughts
a spear, bow, or mace. Using the power of his or her mind, the
Laying-On of Hands caster heals 1 point of damage per spell
By touching a subject and invoking his or level for any single subject (including the
her patron deity, the caster can heal the Word of Command caster). The spell’s range is 1 foot per spell
subject for 1 hit point per spell level. This spell grants the caster the power to level.
compel a single creature to obey a spoken
command. The command may only be one
Ritual of Purification word, such as “stop,” “surrender,” or “begone.” Mind Over Body
This ritual cleanses any one object, person, A Word of Command cannot cause harm This spell allows the mystic to block out
or creature of malign magical influences. in and of itself, and cannot compel a subject his or her physical discomforts, such as
The ritual takes 10 rounds to complete, and to harm itself. However, it can be used to pain, hunger, thirst, and fatigue. The mystic
can dispel any charms, hexes, spells, sigils, direct a subject to attack another creature the will require no food, drink, or rest for the
wards, curses, and other magics that are on caster points to and designates as an enemy. duration of the spell, which is one day per
the recipient or item. Note that the level of Intended targets who are of greater Ability spell level. A mystic cannot cast this spell
the malign influence that is to be cleansed Level than the level of the spell are allowed a on another person.
acts as a Degree of Difficulty vs this ritual. chance to roll vs WIL to resist.


Mind Over Magic a shield, protecting the beneficiary from the subjects are allowed to roll vs PER; if
This spell allows the caster to protect him damage from all sorts of attacks. After successful, they will see through the veil, and
or herself, or any designated subject, with absorbing 1 point per spell level, the aura the spell’s effect will be negated. The spell’s
an aura that wards off magical influence or dissipates. The spell’s duration is 1 round duration is one round per spell level.
control. The spell’s duration is 1 round per per spell level, and its range is by touch.
spell level, and its range is by touch.
Read Inanimate Aura
Mystic Barrier This spell allows the mystic to read the
Mind Over Mind This spell creates a translucent wall of auras of inanimate objects. For each round
This spell allows the mystic to use the mystic force. The dimensions of the barrier that an item is read, the mystic may learn a
power of suggestion to influence others by can extend up to 10 x 10 ft, and the barrier fact about the item. These facts can include:
speaking a simple phrase to the intended may be made to conform to any simple • Whether the item is magical or not
subject(s) in a calm voice. If the intended shape desired, such as a wall, dome, tube, • One property of the item
target or targets are of greater Ability etc. The barrier has an armor rating equal • Reading up to one page of inscriptions
Level than the level of the spell, they are to the spell level and will absorb 1 point or symbols on the item
allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist. of damage per level before dispersing, • Who the last person or entity to touch
For targets that do not have an Ability and will keep out all sorts of spiritual and the item was
Level, use their highest skill rating. Those astral entities. Once created, the barrier is
affected by the spell will believe that the immobile. The spell’s range is 10 feet, and The spell’s range is by touch, and duration
suggestion originated within their minds, its duration is one round per spell level. is one round per spell level. Note that very
and will follow the suggestion. Note that ancient and/or powerful artifacts may be
the more unlikely the action would be more difficult to read (GM’s ruling), and
to the subject, the greater the Degree of Mystic Bolt that spells such as Encryption may block
Difficulty for the caster. Also, this spell This spell allows the caster to hurl a bolt of any attempt to read certain information
may not work if cast on a subject who is mystic energy that deals 1 point of damage from an object’s aura.
already protected from spells of influence per spell level. Mystic bolts are mainly used
or control. to stun or subdue targets, rather than cause
physical harm (only half damage is actual). Read Living Aura
This spell is also effective against astral and This spell allows the caster to read the
Mind Reading spirit entities. The spell’s range is 10 feet per auras of persons, creatures, or entities at a
This spell allows the mystic to reach into spell level. maximum range of 10 feet. For each round
the mind of a single subject and read its that a subject is read, the mystic may learn
thoughts. Note that the type of knowledge one fact about the subject. These facts can
being sought determines the Degree of Mystic Levitation include:
Difficulty of the mind-reading attempt, as This spell renders the mystic weightless, • Whether the subject’s appearance is
follows: allowing him or her to levitate up to 10 feet being altered in some way (illusion,
Surface thoughts: No penalty in the air per spell level. While this spell shape-change, disguise, etc.)
Recent memories: -1-2 will not allow the mystic to truly fly, it will • The basic nature of the subject (hostile,
Old memories: -3-5 allow him or her to drift on the breeze in peaceful, neutral, unpredictable)
Forgotten memories: -6-9 any direction that the wind is blowing, at • Whether the subject is possessed or
Suppressed memories: -10 or more whatever speed the wind is moving (GM’s being controlled by another person or
Past lives: -20 or more ruling). The spell’s duration is one round entity
per spell level. • Whether the subject has magical abilities
Intended targets who are of greater Ability or not
Level than the level of the spell are allowed • Whether the subject is of sound mind
a chance to roll vs WIL to resist. The spell’s Mystic Veil or is suffering from any sort of mental
duration is one round per spell level, and its Allows the caster to move unseen by casting disease or condition
range is one foot per spell level. a mystical aura that clouds the minds of
would-be observers. As long as the caster
remains passive and offers no threat of
Mystic Aura violence, the intended subjects of the spell
This spell allows the caster to protect him will not be able to see him or her. However,
or herself, or any designated subject, with if the caster takes any loud or violent actions,
an aura of mystic force. The aura acts like

Natural magic

Soulsearch a STR of +1 per spell level. Creatures held Camouflage

This spell allows the mystic to intuitively by the animated plants may try to break free This spell allows the caster or a designated
locate any single living entity with whom he by rolling vs STR, or by cutting themselves subject to blend into any natural
or she has communed or simply conversed free, if they possess edged weapons; the latter environment, becoming invisible to the
at least once before. The spell acts as a will take one round per level of the spell. The naked eye. As long as the subject of the spell
homing beacon, guiding the caster to the spell’s duration is one round per spell level, remains stationary, he or she will not be
intended subject. The maximum range is and its range is 10 feet per spell level. seen. Note that certain spells of revealment
one mile per spell level, though if cast at may be able to counter this spell. The spell’s
level 10 or above, the spell can be used duration is 1 minute per spell level, and its
to locate a target even if he or she is on Bark Skin range is by touch.
another plane of existence. The spell’s By calling upon the spirits of the forest for
duration is one round per spell level. Note protection, the naturalist can make his or
that spells or devices that protect against her skin as hard and durable as the strongest Commune with Nature
scrying may cause this spell to fail (use the tree bark. Bark Skin will absorb a total of 1 This spell allows the caster to enter into a
level of the protecting device as a Degree of hit point of damage per spell level before trance and communicate with the natural
Difficulty modifier when casting this spell). the spell ends. The spell’s duration is one spirits that inhabit any living environment.
round per spell level. The spirits of plants, stones, streams, the wind,
animals, and so forth can be contacted. Note
Telekinesis this spell does not guarantee that the elemental
By focusing the power of the mind and Beastform spirits will want to talk to the caster, nor
concentrating only on this spell, the mystic This spell allows the caster to call upon that they will have anything to say. They will
can create an invisible force that can be used the spirit of a chosen animal and adopt its certainly prove hostile to anyone who has been
to move objects, wield a weapon, parry a blow, natural form. All the caster’s attributes and abusing the natural environment. The spell’s
open a door, catch a falling object, etc. The abilities become like those of the animal, range is 1 foot per spell level, and its duration is
maximum weight of any moved object is one although the Ability Level is +1 per level of one round per spell level.
pound per spell level, the maximum range of the spell. The spell’s duration is one round
control for a moved object is 10 feet per spell per spell level.
level, and duration is one round per spell level. Detect the Unnatural
While this spell is in effect, the caster can
Call of the Wild sense anything that is not native or natural
Natural Magic This spell allows the caster to call any small to the area. Hidden structures, traps, lost
animals or insects within 100 feet per spell objects, and non-natural magical effects will
Animal Friendship level to protect him or her. The animals stand out like a beacon to the caster’s eyes.
By the use of this spell, natural magicians and insects will swarm around the caster, The spell’s duration is one minute per spell
can befriend an animal by communing with preventing him or her from being touched level, and its range is 10 feet per spell level.
the creature’s elemental spirit. Relatively and causing 1 hit point of damage per level
unaggressive animals, or animals of lesser per round to any who attempt to do so. Locate Element
Ability Level than the spell, will regard the Note that the summoned creatures cannot This spell allows the caster to locate any
caster as a friend, and perform a service if be directed to attack; only to protect. The single type of natural element specified,
requested; hostile animals or those of equal or spell’s duration is one round per spell level. including ores, uncut gems, water, fire,
greater Ability Level are allowed to roll vs WIL quicksand, and so forth. The spell cannot
to resist the spell’s effects. The spell’s duration detect any material that has been worked or
is one minute per spell level, and its range is Calling used by intelligent beings, such as weapons,
by touch. However, if the natural magician’s This spell allows the caster to issue an campfires, or water in water skins. The spell
spellcasting roll results in a critical success, the empathic summons to any single animal, tells the caster the direction and approximate
animal will become the caster’s friend for life. or an individual of ambulatory plant life. distance to the material that is to be located.
The subject perceives the caster’s summons The spell’s range is 100 feet per level, and its
subliminally and, as long as the subject has no duration is one round per level.
Animate Plants animosity toward the caster, will feel a need to
By calling to the sub-elementals that reside go to him or her. The subject will intuitively
in the grasses, trees, and other plants in the know approximately where the caster is, Locate Water
area, the caster can direct them to grasp any though no actual message can be sent to the This spell allows the caster to locate the
number of individuals or creatures in a 10- subject. The spell’s range is 1000 feet per spell nearest source of fresh water, up to a range
foot diameter area, and hold them fast with level, and its duration is instantaneous. of 1000 feet per level.


Natural Barrier Nature’s Sanctuary Necromancy

This spell creates a two-dimensional wall Allows the caster to call upon the forces of
of natural magical energies that prevent nature to form a shelter from any natural Animate Dead
any living creature from passing for one organic materials in the caster’s vicinity, This spell can be used to reanimate
round per spell level. The dimensions of including plants or trees of any kind (living the remains of a deceased individual.
the barrier can extend up to 10 x 10 feet, or dead), driftwood, fallen branches, Individuals brought back from the dead in
and the barrier may be made to conform mosses and lichens, etc. The shelter lasts for this manner are like zombies: they move
to any simple shape desired, such as a wall, one day per spell level. slowly, speak in halting voices, and may
dome, tube, etc. The barrier has an armor have only hazy memories of their previous
rating equal to the spell level and will lives (including any Skills they may have
absorb 1 point of damage per spell level Song of the Wild possessed). The spell level determines the
before dispersing, or twice that amount This spell allows the caster to calm wild maximum Ability Level of the undead — so
from attacks from animals or plant-based beasts by chanting one of the ancient a 5th level spell would limit the undead’s
life forms. Once created, the barrier is songs of the wild. It will cause most types total skill ratings to a maximum of +5. The
immobile. The spell’s range is 10 feet, and of predators to adopt a less threatening higher the spell level, the more the undead
its duration is one round per spell level. stance, and allow the caster plus one steed will remember of its former life. Note that
or companion per level to leave the vicinity this spell requires an elaborate ritual that
without being attacked. The caster and takes about an hour to complete. The die
Natural Healing any companions must remain quiet and roll result of this spell determines how well
Allows the caster to identify the nature of avoid any sudden or threatening moves it has worked; a Critical Success means the
and cure any non-magical physical, mental, throughout the casting and duration of reanimated corpse will appear much like he
or spiritual ailment afflicting a single, living spell. Also note that the more aggressive or she was in life, while a magical Mishap
subject. The spell can detect anything from and/or hungry a predator is, the greater the may result in the animated corpse turning
minor ailments and wounds to serious Degree of Difficulty for this spell. into dust and possibly haunting the caster
diseases (mental or physical), and even thereafter as a disembodied spirit
emotional trauma. The severity of the illness
will affect how many rounds it will take to Spell of Tracking
effect a cure, and also the Degree of Difficulty This spell allows the natural magician to Contact Lower Plane
to cure that ailment. Note that this spell can see even the faintest physical traces that all This spell allows a necromancer to
also be used to heal wounds, and will restore 1 things leave as they pass through time. With communicate with entities from the lower
point of damage per spell level, per round. The this spell, the caster can visualize up to ten planes. The caster must use a reflective
spell’s duration is one round per spell level. minutes into the past per level. The images surface, such as a mirror or crystal, in which
are generally hazy, but can include all the the image of the entity contacted appears.
senses that the natural magician has. The The caster may establish contact with a
Natural Magic Aura spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level, and its specific entity, as long as he or she knows
This spell envelops the caster or a chosen duration is one round per spell level. that entity’s name; otherwise the spell
subject with a field of natural magical force contacts a random being on that plane. The
that protects the beneficiary from magical spell’s duration is one round per spell level,
or non-magical attacks. The aura can Primal Fear and the caster may ask one question or
absorb 1 point of damage per level before it Using this spell, the natural magician merges speak one sentence per round.
dissipates. The spell’s duration is one round his spirit with those of the great predatory
per spell level, and its range is by touch. beasts, causing him to radiate a palpable aura
of fear and danger. Animals or monsters Darkening Veil
of lesser Ability Level than the spell will This spell allows the caster to create an
Nature’s Bounty flee from the caster as if he or she were an area of utter darkness measuring up to
A natural magician casts this spell by planting extremely dangerous predator; those of 10 feet in diameter per spell level. Even
a seed from a fruiting plant and chanting in a equal or greater Ability Level are allowed to creatures or individuals with night vision
low voice. In moments, the seed will germinate roll vs WIL to resist the spell’s effects. The cannot see through it; only magical forms
and grow into a plant bearing enough food spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level, and its of illumination can penetrate the veil. The
to sustain one average-sized humanoid per duration is one round per spell level. spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level, and its
spell level for one day. The fruit must be eaten duration is one round per spell level.
before the spell’s duration expires, or it will
wither and return to the earth. The spell’s
duration is one minute per spell level.


Deathly Visions Necromantic Bolt Pale Eye

This spell allows a necromancer to study This spell allows the caster to hurl a bolt of This spell enables a necromancer to enchant
any corpse, and thereby learn what it saw necromantic energy that deals 1 hit point of a preserved humanoid eye and turn it into
and heard immediately before it died. The damage per spell level. The spell’s range is a scrying device. Pale eyes are typically left
spell’s duration is up to one minute per spell 10 feet per spell level. (usually hidden) in some place that the
level, and its range is by touch. caster wishes to observe, which he or she
is able to do remotely up to a range of one
Necromantic Coercion mile per spell level. The eye may be used
Ebon Armor This spell allows the necromancer to once per level of the spell, each time for a
This incantation causes the necromancer’s impose his or her will upon a single maximum of one minute; after that the spell
shadow to solidify and envelop him or her subject – an individual, animal, monster, ceases to function, though it may be cast
in a fearsome-looking suit of black armor. or summoned being. Intended targets who again at a later date on the same eye.
This magical armor has a PR of 3, but is are of greater Ability Level than the level
weightless. The spell’s duration is one round of the spell are allowed a chance to roll vs
per spell level. WIL to resist; those who fail or are of lower Raise Undead
Ability Level fall under the control of the This spell allows a necromancer to turn any
necromancer for one round per level of the corpse into a mindless undead entity that
Energy Drain spell. For targets that do not have an Ability will serve the necromancer for one minute
This spell allows the caster to drain 1 hit Level, use their highest skill rating. The per level of the spell. Undead created in this
point per level from any living being or spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level. manner are slow (-5 SPD) but strong (+3
creature, and temporarily transfer those hit STR), and have one hit point per level of
points to him or herself. The lost hit points the spell. Unless directed to take action by
are treated as normal damage, while the hit Necromantic Healing the necromancer who created them, these
points gained by the caster will last no longer This spell will restore 1 hit point of damage zombie-like creatures stand motionless,
than a day. The spell’s range is by touch. to any creature, living or dead, corporeal or having no intelligence or volition of their own.
non-corporeal. The spell’s range is one foot
per spell level.
Necromantic Aura Shamanism
This spell cloaks the necromancer or
a designated recipient with a field of Necromantic Messenger Altered State
necromantic force that absorbs incoming Allows the necromancer to summon a This spell allows a shaman to enter a trance
damage. The field will absorb 1 hit point minor (level 1, 1 HP) disembodied spirit in which he or she can sense the presence
of damage per level before it dissipates. and command it to deliver a message to and location of invisible, astral, ethereal, or
Otherwise, the spell’s duration is one round another person or entity. The wraithlike hidden things. Those things hidden by magic
per spell level, and its range is by touch. messenger can travel anywhere, even of a higher level cannot be detected. The
through solid walls or to other planes spell’s range of sight is 10 feet per spell level,
of existence. It can be made to deliver a and its duration is one round per spell level.
Necromantic Barrier message of up to one word per spell level,
This spell creates a two-dimensional wall of to one specified subject only. The spell lasts
necromantic force up to 10x10 feet in size. until the message is delivered. Call Totem Animal
The barrier may be made to conform to any This spell allows a shaman to summon
simple shape desired, such as a wall, dome, Necromantic Orb his or her totem animal, a creature that
tube, etc. The barrier has a protection rating This spell creates a magical “eye” on the willingly serves the caster as his or her
equal to the spell level and will absorb 1 point caster’s palm or forehead. This eye can see familiar. The range of the summons is one
of damage per level before dispersing, or twice astral, ethereal, invisible, and hidden things. mile per spell level and the duration is
that amount vs attacks from undead entities Those things that are hidden by magic of instantaneous. However, the type of totem
or spiritforms. Once created, the barrier is equal or greater level than the orb are not animal the shaman has will dictate how
immobile. The spell’s range is 10 feet, and its detected. The eye’s range of sight is 10 feet quickly it can reach the shaman.
duration is one round per spell level. per spell level, and its duration is one round
per spell level.

Chant Dreamwalk animal is a death’s-head viper, he or she
This spell allows the caster to instill spiritual This ritual allows a shaman to enter the will be able to see through the eyes of any
strength in allies, giving them a +1 bonus dreams of anyone he or she knows or has death’s-head viper within range of this spell.
on all rolls, or the chant may be used to ever met. The shaman can ask a question If no suitable animal is present within range
cause enemies to become dispirited, giving of the dreamer, pass along information, of the spell (GM’s ruling), the spell fails.
them a -1 penalty on all rolls. Intended deliver warnings or threats, etc. The shaman The spell’s range is 100 feet per spell level,
targets who are of greater Ability Level than may communicate up to one word per and its duration is one round per spell level.
the level of the spell are allowed a chance to level of the spell, and may also seek to
roll vs WIL to resist. The spell’s range is 10 communicate by signs or gestures for the
feet per spell level, and the duration is one duration of the spell (one round per spell Fast Traveling
round per spell level, during which time the level). Intended targets who are of greater This spell allows a shaman to travel at
shaman must continue chanting. Ability Level than the level of the spell are maximum speed without tiring for one
allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist. hour per level of the spell. This spell works
when the shaman is in either human or
Commune with Spirits Totem Animal form.
This spell allows a shaman to see and speak Far Seeing
with spirit-forms of all kinds, including By entering a trance, a shaman can use this
elemental spirits. The spell’s range is 10 feet spell to see through the eyes of any creature Shamanic Healing
per spell level, and its duration is one round of the same species as his or her totem This ritual allows a shaman to enter a trance
per spell level. animal. For example, if the shaman’s totem and call upon the spirits to heal up to 1
point of damage per spell level to a living
creature or being. A ceremonial drum, flute,
or fetish is a necessary component of this
spell, and the spell’s range is by touch.

Spirit Barrier
This spell creates a translucent wall of
spiritual force up to 10x10 feet in size,
which may be made to conform to any
simple shape desired, such as a wall, dome,
tube, etc. The barrier has an armor rating
equal to the spell level and will absorb 1
point of damage per level before dissipating,
or twice that much from attacks from
spirit-forms, astral entities, and ethereal
presences. The spell’s duration is one round
per spell level, and its range is 10 feet per
spell level.

Spirit Bolt
This spell allows a shaman to hurl a bolt of
spiritual force that deals 1 point of damage
per spell level, and will affect even astral
and ethereal creatures, and spirit-forms. It
does not affect beings without souls. The
spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level.

Spirit Guardians
This incantation allows a shaman to call
forth several ancestral spirits, who will
guard and protect anyone within a ten-foot


diameter circle surrounding the caster. The Bewitch 1 point of damage per spell level before
spirit guardians cannot be made to attack, This spell enables a witch to haunt the dispersing, and twice that amount of
but will prevent any intruders from entering dreams of one person, afflicting them with damage from magical attack spells such as
the circle. The spell’s duration is one round a nightmare that will cause the victim to bolts, rains, etc. Once created, the barrier is
per spell level. awaken in terror. The nightmare is actually immobile. The spell’s range is 10 feet, and
a curse, which will cause the victim to its duration is one round per spell level.
lose one point of WIL per day per level
Spirit Track of the spell. Any time a victim of this
This spell allows the caster to see the spell attempts to perform any action of False Dweomer
spirit-traces left by the passage of any living consequence, he or she must first roll vs This spell invests an object weighing up to
being or creature, as well as spirit-forms WIL rating. A failed WIL roll means the one pound per level with a false magical
and astral or ethereal presences. If the spell victim is too depressed to take action. dweomer or aura. Those who can detect
is successful, the caster can learn one piece Intended targets who are of greater Ability magic will perceive the item as magical,
of information about the spirit-traces per Level than the level of the spell are allowed although spells such as the wizardry spell
round, including the type of creature that a chance to roll vs WIL to resist this spell Analyze will reveal no specific powers
left them, the direction the creature was and prevent it from taking effect. The related to the item. The spell’s range is by
headed, whether it was alone (and if not, spell’s range is one mile per spell level, and touch, and its duration is until dispelled.
who was with it), how old the traces are, its effects last until the curse is lifted or
etc. The range of vision is one foot per spell dispelled.
level, and the spell’s duration is one round Fascination
per spell level. This spell compels all within sight range
Changeling to watch the caster with rapt attention,
Employing this spell, the caster can alter fascinated by whatever he or she is saying or
Totem Animal Form the appearance of any person to match that doing. Intended targets who are of greater
This spell allows a shaman to assume of any other person. Auditory, tactile, and Ability Level than the level of the spell are
the form and abilities of his or her totem other elements may be added to the spell, allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist.
animal. The shaman cannot cast other spells as per the rules for illusions. The spell’s The spell’s duration is 1 round per spell
while in totem form. The spell’s duration is duration is one minute per spell level, and level.
one minute per spell level. its range is by touch.

Hide Magic
Witchcraft Eldritch Aura This spell allows the caster to disguise any
This spell envelops the caster or a chosen enchanted object, artifact, creature, or
Aura of Alluring beneficiary with a field of eldritch force being, which causes it to appear to be non-
This enchantment can be used to make the that will absorb up to 1 point of damage magical. In practical terms, this spell may be
caster or a designated beneficiary appear per level before dissipating. Otherwise the used to make an enchanted blade appear to
more attractive by increasing his or her spell’s duration is one round per spell level, be ordinary, or to make a potion seem like a
charisma (adding a bonus of +1 CHA per and its range is by touch. vial of plain liquid. It could also be used to
spell level). This spell is not an illusion, and hide the fact that an individual is under the
does not enhance the subject’s physical influence of a ward, curse, or another spell.
beauty; rather, the enchantment causes an Eldritch Bolt The spell’s duration is one minute per spell
emotional response in onlookers, causing This spell allows the caster to hurl a bolt of level, and its range is by touch.
them to find the subject intriguing or eldritch energy that deals 1 point of damage
fascinating. Individuals who are of greater per spell level. The spell’s range is 10 feet
Ability Level than the level of the spell are per spell level. Jinx
allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist the This spell sets loose a minor (level 1)
aura. The spell’s duration is one minute per spirit-form that will follow and harass the
spell level, and its range is by touch. Eldritch Barrier intended target of the spell, wreaking all
This spell creates a translucent wall of sorts of mischief. Victims will suffer a -1
eldritch force up to 10x10 feet in size. The penalty on all their Action Table rolls, and
barrier may be made to conform to any find themselves suffering numerous minor
simple shape desired, such as a wall, dome, mishaps and misfortunes (GM’s discretion).
tube, etc. The barrier has an armor rating The witch must have an item belonging to
equal to the spell level and will absorb the intended target in order to cast the jinx,

and the spell’s range is 10 miles per spell Rhabdomantic Divination caster can touch the item while the spell
level. The spell’s duration is 1 day per spell Only Gnorl rhabdomancers can learn this is in place without feeling a painful shock
level. Intended targets who are of greater spell, which allows them to learn all sorts of (1 point of damage anytime the object is
Ability Level than the level of the spell are secret and near-forgotten lore by consulting touched). Note that touching a protected
allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist. with various minor entities throughout the item with gloves, tongs, or other objects
material and spirit-planes. The nature of the affords no protection from this spell, which
secret knowledge being sought – recent or can only be dispelled by magic. The spell’s
Malediction ancient, simple or complex, fairly common duration is one hour per level, and its range
The target of this loathsome spell suffers or incredibly rare – is used as a Degree of is by touch.
a variety of minor ailments, such as warts, Difficulty modifier (GM’s ruling). The spell
carbuncles, sores, halitosis, digestive is not without risk, as the caster has no
problems, thinning hair, and so on, which control over who or what will deliver the Sympathetic Magic
will reduce the victim’s CHA by -1 per day secret information, i.e., the messenger may This spell allows the caster to do harm
for the duration of this spell (which is one be a forest creature, a disembodied spirit, an or cause discomfort to a specific creature
day per spell level). Intended targets who elemental of some sort, or even a devil. through the use of a doll or fetish, made
are of greater Ability Level than the level of in the intended victim’s image. For this
the spell are allowed a chance to roll vs WIL spell to work, the caster must make a doll
to resist. But for those who succumb to the Safekeep or fetish using something that was once
malediction, the loss of CHA is permanent, This spell can be used to imbue an object owned by the intended victim: a scrap of
until this curse is dispelled. or item with an invisible magical aura that clothing, a lock of hair, etc. By the principle
will protect it from theft. No one but the of sympathetic magic (like breeds like),

This spell afflicts the target with a curse that
causes a powerful craving or desire, such
as the urge to drink to excess, a sudden
fascination with some other person or
object, etc. The obsession cannot cause the
victim to attack or harm anyone, but it will
cause the victim to be so obsessed with
the subject that he or she must roll vs WIL
to perform any action not related to that
object. Intended targets who are of greater
Ability Level than the level of the spell are
allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist.
The spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level,
and its duration is permanent, or until the
obsession is dispelled.

This minor curse instills ardor or lust in a
person or creature designated as its target.
To cast the curse, the witch must possess
some item that was once owned by the
intended victim. Intended targets who are
of greater Ability Level than the level of the
spell are allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to
resist. The spell’s range is 10 feet per spell
level, and its duration is permanent, or until
the passion has been dispelled.


whatever the caster does to the fetish Wizardry immobile. The spell’s range is 10 feet, and
(burning, stabbing, twisting, etc.) will its duration is one round per spell level.
be experienced by the target of the spell. Analyze
This spell can be used to inflict 1 point This spell allows the caster to determine the
of damage per day to the victim, or cause properties, approximate level, and uses of an Arcane Blade
the victim sufficient discomfort (itching, enchanted item or artifact. The caster must This spell allows the caster to conjure into
dizziness, aches, etc) that the victim will hold the item to analyze it, and concentrate his or her hand a four-foot-long sword
suffer a penalty of -1 on all die rolls while only on the spell. The higher the level of the composed of eldritch force. An arcane blade
under the caster’s influence. The spell’s magic imbued in the item to be analyzed, the will do damage as per a normal sword (d6,
duration is one day per spell level, and its greater the Degree of Difficulty. The spell’s no bonus or penalty for STR), and will be
range is limitless. duration is one round per spell level, during effective against any creatures or entities that
which time one piece of information about are immune to non-magical weapons. The
the item will be revealed per round. The blade can only be used by the caster — it
Weird spell’s range is by touch. cannot be given to anyone else. An Arcane
This spell invests an object with a minor Blade’s duration is one round per spell
enchantment that will cause the affected level, and its range is by touch; should the
object to return the caster on command, Animate Object caster put down or drop the blade, the spell
whether it has been lost, stolen, dropped, This spell allows the caster to animate any immediately ends and the blade dissipates.
or even thrown. The spell’s duration is item or object weighing up to one pound
permanent, unless the caster willingly gives per level of the spell, and cause it to levitate
away the item or until the item is out of and move up to 10 feet per spell level. Arcane Bolt
range of the enchantment, which is one Even common animated objects can be This spell allows the caster to hurl a bolt
mile per spell level. moved fast enough (SPD +2) to be used of arcane energy that will deal 1 point of
as a weapon, causing d4 points of damage. damage per spell level. The spell’s range is
An actual weapon that has been animated 10 feet per spell level, and its duration is
White Witchcraft with this spell will deal its usual damage, one round per spell level.
This spell can be used to cure almost any but with no Strength bonuses. The spell
disease or ailment, act as an antidote to can also be used to perform more delicate
most types of poison, or heal 1 hit point operations, such as turning a key, tying or Aura of Enchantment
of damage per level for any living being, untying knots, etc. The spell’s duration is This spell imbues any non-living, non-magical
though only one effect can be enacted per one round per spell level, and its range is object with a temporary magical aura that will
casting of the spell. Note that a particularly one foot per spell level. last one round per level of the spell. Weapons
potent disease or magical ailment may and armor enchanted in this manner will
require a penalty for Degree of Difficulty. have the same properties as their magical
The spell’s range is by touch. Arcane Aura counterparts (with a bonus of +1 damage
This spell surrounds the caster or a for weapons, or PR for armor). Other items
designated subject with a glowing aura of enchanted with this aura are more resistant to
Witch Glass arcane energy that will absorb 1 hit point damage, wear, etc. (+1 bonus to any such die
This spell allows the caster to temporarily of damage per level before dissipating. The rolls). The spell’s range is by touch.
turn any reflective surface such as a mirror spell’s duration is one round per level, and
or crystal ball into a scrying device. By its range is by touch.
staring into the witch glass, the caster Conjuration
can view any target of choice, including a This spell allows a wizard to create a magical
person, an object, or even a location. The Arcane Barrier replica of any non-magical inanimate object
target must be known to the caster for the This spell creates a translucent, two- or living organism, up to one foot in height,
spell to function. The spell’s range is one dimensional shield of arcane energy. The and fifty pounds in weight per level of the
mile per spell level, and its duration is one dimensions of the barrier can extend up to spell. The conjured replica will appear to
round per spell level. 10x10 feet, and the barrier may be made be real; a conjured item will have the same
to conform to any simple shape desired, properties as the original, and conjured
such as a wall, dome, tube, etc. The barrier creatures will have the same abilities (though
will absorb 1 hit point of damage per spell rated only at the level of the spell and limited
level before dispersing, and will also afford to non-magical skills). The replicas last one
protection from spells of influence or round per spell level before dissipating. The
transformation. Once created, the barrier is spell’s range is 10 feet per spell level.

Dispel Magic Invisibility Revealment
This enchantment functions as an all- This spell renders the caster or a chosen This spell allows the caster to see invisible
purpose counterspell, and can be used to beneficiary invisible - along with any items creatures, magical emanations, and the
dispel the magic of another magician. In or clothing in his or her possession - and like. It will dissolve illusions and dispel
that regard it is very useful; however, it is can last for up to one round per spell level. invisibility or other types of magical
not as powerful as the preferred method of The spell can also be used to conceal a concealment. The range of sight is 10 feet
countering other magics (which is casting a volume of up to 1 foot radius per spell level per spell level, and the spell’s duration is
spell in reverse). To have the desired effect, of objects, structures, and the like. one round per spell level.
this spell must be cast at a level higher than
the magic that the caster is trying to dispel. Anyone looking for an item (or attempting
The spell’s duration is instantaneous, and its to attack a subject) concealed by this spell Spellbind
range is 10 feet per spell level. must make a PER check to do so, with a This spell allows the caster to magically
Degree of Difficulty equal to the spell’s immobilize or silence one living creature
level. An invisible subject making any or being for up to one round per spell level.
Dwindle sudden movement or sounds will also The subject remains aware, but is unable to
This spell allows the caster to decrease the provoke a PER check. Note that attacking speak or take any action without the caster’s
size and weight of any creature or object while invisible is treated as an Ambush. permission. The range is one foot per spell
(up to one foot in height/length and fifty level. Intended targets who are of greater
pounds in weight) to as little as 1-6 inches Ability Level than the level of the spell are
in height or length. Creatures who have Levitate allowed a chance to roll vs WIL to resist.
been reduced in size will have similarly This spell allows the caster or a chosen
reduced attributes, hit points, etc. (GM’s recipient to levitate up to ten feet above the
ruling). Note that when cast on a living ground per spell level, for up to one round
creature, the Degree of Difficulty for this per spell level. Note that while this spell
spell is the level at which the spell is cast vs can be used to cushion a fall, levitation is
the maximum Ability Level of the target not the same as flight, i.e., it only allows
creature. The spell’s duration is one minute upwards and downwards movement.
per spell level, and its range is by touch.

Magic Portal
Illusion This spell allows the caster to create a
This spell allows the caster to create temporary opening in any non-living,
almost any sort of illusion desired, with a non-magical material or substance. The
maximum area of 10x10 feet per spell level. maximum size of the opening is limited to
Within the area of effect, the caster may one square foot in width and one foot in
create illusory creatures, beings, terrain, depth per spell level. The spell’s duration is
objects, etc. Though such illusions will one round per spell level, and its range is by
appear to be real, all will be completely touch.
insubstantial and ephemeral. If desired,
the caster may enhance the illusion by
adding other sensory components such as Radiance
sound, smell, taste, or touch. However, each This spell allows the caster to
additional sensory component doubles the create a brilliant sphere of magical
Degree of Difficulty required to cast the light that can illuminate an area up to a
spell. Note that illusions can be detected by 10-foot radius per spell level. The spell
individuals or creatures who are resistant may be cast on a staff or other object and
or immune to illusions, or those who are used as a torch, or it may be placed in a
sensitive to magic or have PER ratings of +5 location and/or focused in a direction
or greater (roll vs PER). The spell’s range determined by the caster. The intensity
is 10 feet per spell level, and its duration is of the radiance will cause creatures who
one minute per spell level. are sensitive to light to be blinded for one
round per spell level, or as long as they
remain in the spell’s area of effect. The
spell’s duration is one minute per spell level.

Creating Enchanted Items

Time & Materials Required

For Creating Enchanted Items
Creating enchanted items is done via the process of investing Enchanting any type of item requires approximately 8 hours
non-magical items with lasting magical power. Enchanted of work per day.
items continue to produce their effects without the need for
further spell casting. Spell-Related Items:1 week per Spell Level

Only individuals trained in Magic can create enchanted Weapons & Armor or Skill-increasing: 3 weeks per +1
items, which can only be accomplished through use of the damage/protection
skill, Create Enchanted Item. Attribute-Increasing Items: 5 weeks per + 1 increase

Items with Special Properties: 15 weeks

Overview: Procedure For
Creating Enchanted Items
Materials Required:
Spell-Related Items: 2 x the average price of the item that is
The following is an overview of the procedure for to be enchanted.
enchanting an item:
Weapons & Armor: 3 x the average price of the item that is
1. Player states Intent: (what is the item’s spell level, to be enchanted
and intended use? Will it have a Limited or Continuous
enchantment?) Skill/Attribute-Increasing Items: 5 x the average price of
2. Determine Cost Time & Materials (how long will the the item that is to be enchanted
item take to make, and how much will it cost?)
3. GM compares bonuses vs penalties (what is the Items with Special Properties: 10 x the average price of the
magician’s Create Enchanted Item skill rating, vs the item to be enchanted
Degree of Difficulty that will be entailed in creating the
enchanted item) Note that the cost in materials reflects the fact that when
4. Player rolls on the Action Table to see if the creating enchanted items, it is always best to use materials and
Enchanted Item was successful items of the highest possible quality. While enchanted items
5. GM judges result as per the basic Action Table rules. can be made from substandard materials, such items may
function erratically or may prove to be defective in some way.
GMs may apply an additional penalty (or bonus) for Degree
Degree Of Difficulty Penalties of Difficulty based on the quality of the materials used.
For Creating Enchanted Items
Identifying & Using
The factors that affect the Degree of Difficulty when creating Enchanted Items
an enchanted item are:
Anyone can use an enchanted item, provided they know how
1. -1 penalty per level of the magic that is to be imbued in the device functions. Some enchanted objects require precise
the item command words or must be physically manipulated in a
2. -3 penalty per each +1 damage to be imbued in any particular way in order to function. Others are always active
weapon or item, or per each +1 damage protection to be (like most enchanted weapons, protective amulets, etc.), are
imbued in to any type of enchanted armor or garment, or activated by touch, or by a specific trigger of some sort.
each +1 increase conferred to a Skill
3. -5 per penalty per each +1 increase that the item Magicians can identify and determine the powers and
confers to an Attribute, or -5 penalty for any single type properties of an unknown enchanted item by studying it for
of continuous immunity or resistance imbued in any at least 10 rounds and making a successful Read Magic roll.
item, garment, etc. Note the GM may apply a penalty for Degree of Difficulty
4. -10 penalty for items that confer a special ability or based on the item’s age, origins, and power; i.e., it can be
property (such as 2x damage, fire resistance, etc) harder to identify an enchanted item if it is very old, hails
from a distant land (or dimension), or is extremely powerful.

Equipment / Currencies

Equipment Contents
Talislantan Currencies
This section includes information on the many types of The gold lumen is the standard coin of the realm throughout
equipment and goods available in Talislanta, including: most of Talislanta. A single gold lumen is equivalent in
Currencies (pg.179): value to ten silver pieces, or one hundred copper pieces; the
Talislatan currencies and coins weight of any twenty standard-sized coins can be estimated
Weapons and armor (pg. 180): at approximately one pound. However, many other
currencies are used in Talislanta.
Talislantan weapons and armor
Conveyances (pg.187) :
Talislantan land, sea, and airborne conveyances Aamanian Coppers
Specialized equipment (pg.190): These wafer-like coins are in wide use only in Aaman. At one
Items used by particular Talislantan cultures hundred to the pound, Aamanian coppers are considered to
Trade goods and natural resources (pg.191): be practically worthless, and are spurned in other regions.
The various Talislantan wares used for trade and barter
Amusements (pg.193):
Talislantan games and forms of entertainment
Antique Coins
Magical equipment (pg.204): Several ancient varieties of coin are valued as antiques by
Magical mechanisms and enchanted items Talislantan collectors and curio dealers. The most notable
are include coins of the old Phaedran dynasty, worth twice
Thaumaturgic creations (pg.198):
their face value; coins of the old Mazdak dynasty, equal in
Products of magical thaumaturgy value to Phaedran coinage; skull-visaged coins from the
Alchemical creations (pg.199): tombs of Khazad, worth up to five times their face value;
Elixirs, medicinal mixtures, narcotics, poisons, potions, and any type of coin dating from the Time Before Time, all
powders of which may be worth as much as one hundred times their
Alchemical ingredients (pg.207): face value. Especially rare coins may be worth even more
Herbs, powders, and minerals used in the process than this.
of creating alchemical wares
Equipment Master List (pg.217):
Dracartan Pyramids
Complete information on prices, weights, weapon
& armor ratings, etc. These triangular coins are made of red iron, and are valued at
five silver pieces each. They are honored in all lands except
Rajanistan, where the ownership of even a single such coin is
deemed an offense punishable by death.
Limits On Enchanted Items
The limitations of modern-day Talislantan magic are such Gold Pentacles
that an enchanted item can only be imbued with one These fine, star-shaped coins are usually seen in the
spell-like power or property. This rule does not apply to Nine Kingdoms, and are worth five gold lumens apiece
alchemical concoctions, nor does it apply to enchanted throughout the continent. As their intricate shape renders
items of Archaen make, which are far superior to their them difficult to counterfeit, gold pentacles are especially
modern counterparts and do not count against the favored by merchants and traders.
seven-item limit. Archaen artifacts often have powers and
properties far beyond the capabilities of anything that can be
made by magicians of the New Age. Imrian Brass Rings
Worth two copper pieces each, these ring-shaped coins are
Another limitation of Talislantan enchanted items is that if popularly worn about the neck on strings or chains. Most
an individual attempts to carry more than seven enchanted lands that outlaw slavery will not accept the Imrians’ crude
items on his or her person at a time, each will cancel out the coinage.
other. None of the items being carried will function until their
number has been reduced to seven or less. Again, this limitation
does not apply to Archaen-made enchanted items, which are
far superior, and do not count against the seven-item limit.

Weapons & Armor

L’Haan Adamants Barbed Arrows

Rarely seen outside of L’Haan, adamants are valued at The Za tribes often employ these projectiles in battle. Upon
twenty gold lumens each in this region. They are worth initial impact, the weapons inflict damage similar to that
twice as much in other lands, where adamant is practically of standard arrows. However, barbed arrows can be very
unheard of. difficult to remove (make a successful Dexterity or Healing
skill roll, or suffer an additional point of damage).
Oceanian Radiants
These “coins” are the iridescent scales of ancient sea Battle Maul
dragons. In Oceanus, a radiant is worth one gold lumen; This massive, hammer-like weapon is backed by a heavy
elsewhere, radiants are valued only as curios. spike designed to penetrate armor. Kharakhan giants find
the devices useful for their crude salvage operations as well.
Orgovian Yatma
A lead coin of no great value to begin with, rendered Blade-Bracer
completely worthless when the yatma was devalued This is an iron bracer housing a Kasmiran spring-knife. The
following the dissolution of the old Kingdom of Orgovia. weapon is employed by making a fist and touching a trigger
This gave rise to the common phrase, “not worth a lead mechanism that extends towards the palm. The trigger
yatma.” releases a spring-loaded knife blade that flies forth at the
designated target.
Quan Emperors
These handsome coins were banned after the Kang usurped Blade-Staff
control of the old Quan Empire. Most were collected, This Kasmiran device resembles a common wooden staff
melted down, and recast into gold lumens, which now serve or walking stick. When the center section is twisted, blades
as the coin of the realm in the Kang Empire. As a result, hidden inside each end of the staff snap into place, enabling
Quan Emperors have become quite rare, and are valued by the device to be used as a double-ended spear.
collectors at over a hundred gold lumens apiece.

Zandir Crescents
These half-moon-shaped, attractive gold coins are valued at Blade-Star
ten gold lumens apiece in Zandu. Elsewhere, they are worth The Mondre Khan employ these razor-sharp devices as
a single gold lumen, their value being determined by weight missile weapons and as cutting implements. Most measure
rather than denomination. about four inches across.

The following is a list of the more unusual weaponry and Bow, Ariane
armor found in Talislanta. The arrows of this bow are tipped with round, polished
stone heads. Like other Ariane weapons, this weapon is used
to stun rather than kill.

Adamant Broadsword
Made from the hardest of Talislantan metals, these swords
are used by the Mirin tundra scouts of L’Haan to fight ice
giants. They are the only weapons adept at cutting through
the animate ice of which these creatures are composed (treat
ice giants as unarmored targets), and are effective against
other types of armor as well (half normal Protection

Broadsword, Za Club, Ur
The Za broadsword resembles a heavy scimitar with a This polearm consists of a haft of wood topped with the
jagged, saw-edged blade. This terrible weapon causes ragged mummified, taloned paw of a mountain-dwelling yaksha.
wounds that take twice as long as normal (or twice the usual The weapon is a mark of status and courage among the Ur
amount of magic or healing) to heal. The Za typically kill on clans, although most of the paws are obtained from aged or
sight any foreigner seen wielding one of these blades. infirm yaksha.

These leather gauntlets are fitted with retractable, razor-
sharp claws, usually made of black iron. As da-khar look like
ordinary leather gloves, they are often used for
assassination attempts, particularly by the
assassin-mages of Rajanistan. Da-
khar are employed in pairs;
Bwan the blades are released by
This weapon is a large club fashioned from the lower section striking the backs of the
of a thornwood vine. It is fearsome in appearance, with hands together.
many six-inch spines along its length. The Moorg-Wan of
the Dark Coast favor this weapon in battle.
Caltrop These small, one-handed crossbows are favored by the
This device consists of four iron spikes pointing out from a Aeriad of Vardune. Their damage and range are about half
central core; when stepped on, the spikes cause damage to that of a standard light crossbow.
the victim’s feet, hooves, etc. Strewn across the ground in
great numbers, caltrops are used to slow or redirect enemy
forces, and are most effective versus steeds and beast-drawn
conveyances. The Mondre Khan often use these devices in
their raids against the Kang. Caltrops do not require a specific
weapon skill to use; rather, a Tactics, Sabotage, or INT roll
determines whether they are placed effectively.

These unusual weapons resemble heavy
crossbows with a crude reel-mechanism
affixed to the stock. A capture-bow fires
a barbed bolt similar to a small harpoon,
with a line of stout whipcord attached to its Dragon Hunter’s Harpoon
end. The barb snares the target (at STR +2) on a This barbed weapon has been used by Sun-Ra-San dragon
full or critical success, but not a partial success. hunters since ancient times. It is employed primarily to
Satada employ these cumbersome devices to deliver death blows to sea dragons; this is considered the
snare prey or dismount riders. most honorable means of dispatching the prey. Sun-Ra-San
harpoons are carved with elaborate markings and symbols
that indicate the owner’s status and clan affiliation.
This device is used extensively by Imrian slavers. It consists
of a long, wooden pole with a pair of grasping pincers made
of iron or bone on the end. The accompanying rope enables
the user to pull the pincers shut around the intended victim,
holding him or her fast (at STR +1).

Duar Flange-Bow
This large two-pronged spear is favored by the avian Gryphs This curious type of light crossbow is employed by the Sea
of Tamaranth Forest. It can be used as a capture weapon (at Nomads of Oceanus. The weapon is capable of unleashing
the wielder’s STR), a missile weapon, or to impale. a half-dozen sea anemone quills with a single shot. It has an
effective range of about 100 feet, or 20 feet underwater.
This weapon consists of a large but portable tripod-mounted Garde
crossbow that fires a barbed harpoon trailing a cord. It is This spiked body armor is worn on the arm and can be
used by the Imrians to snare larger slaves, such as Moorg- used for both attack and defense; full garde is worn on both
Wan, and to capture water kra, which are used to pull Imrian the arms and the legs. It is much favored by the Thralls of
coracles. On a full success or critical success, the harpoon’s Taz, who generally shun other types of armor, and only
barb catches the target (at STR +4), allowing the user to reel characters skilled in Tazian Combat can use garde effectively.
in the victim.

Crescent Knife
This crescent-shaped knife has traditionally been
used by the Green Aeriad to harvest viridia plants
and other crops. The Blue Aeriad later discovered
that the crescent knife can also be used as a
thrown weapon.

A traditional weapon of the Gnomekin, the crystalblade is a
short sword made of solid crystal. The sharp, diamond-hard
edge can cut through hide, non-magical metal armor, or Greatsword
exoskeletal plates and scales with ease (treat such armor as This two-handed blade is the signature weapon of the Thrall
having half its usual PR). warriors, granted as a mark of adulthood. Thralls grimly
respect foreign warriors who have looted greatswords in
battle; they are quite offended, however, by those who
acquire the weapon through less honorable means.

These hand-held, crossbow-like weapons are employed by
Dracartan desert scouts. Though capable of firing standard
Falchion light crossbow bolts, they are better known for being able
Used by Kang heavy troops, the falchion’s heavy blade is to shoot bolts containing a glassine capsule of elemental
designed to get through armor. In the hands of a sufficiently essence. The capsule shatters on impact, producing a one-
strong and skilled warrior, the weapon can punch through foot-radius explosion of elemental force. This type of hurlant
the stoutest battle armor (metal, partial metal, scale, and ammunition is used exclusively by the Dracartan military
exoskeletal armor provides only half normal protection). and is not legally available to civilians.

Incendiary Bolts
The alchemists of L’Haan have developed these crossbow
bolts as a weapon against the ice giants. In addition to the
typical damage of a light crossbow bolt, the alchemical
coating ignites on impact (burning for two rounds at d3,
ignoring armor; ice giants and other beings vulnerable to
fire suffer double damage). Incendiary bolts are forged

of adamant, the hardest of all Talislantan metals (armor Matsu
provides only half normal protection). This Ahazu weapon is a long-hafted, two-handed war
club, equipped with a rounded head of polished stone.
The matsu’s slightly flexible handle allows an experienced
Iron Spear wielder to use it to deliver a tremendous blow, similar in
This device is made of solid iron, with a blade at one end and effect to a heavy war hammer.
a hook at the other. It is employed extensively by the Vajra,
who use it as both an excavating tool and a weapon.

This device is a peculiar type of saw-edged
boomerang employed by the Harakin. It is usually Oc
made of black iron, jagged and saw-toothed along one These barbed bolas are employed by the slavers of Imria.
edge, and weighs as much as three pounds. The jang They tend to become hopelessly entangled and so must be
has the useful attribute of returning to its user in the carried in narrow wooden cases. On a Partial Success, they
event of a miss. Heavy gloves or gauntlets must be inflict half damage but do not entangle. On a Full Success,
worn when using this weapon, or it could prove the thrower can choose to entangle the target’s arms or legs
just as deadly to its wielder. in addition to full damage; entangling the legs will bring
down a running target. On a Critical Success, the bola has
the added effect of bringing down even a stationary victim.
Khu Extricating oneself or someone else from barbed bolas is a
This two-bladed knife is used by the warrior tricky and painful process (roll vs DEX at a penalty of -1, or
tribes of Harak. Usually made of black iron, the khu inflicts removal inflicts an additional point of damage).
approximately twice as much damage as a standard dagger
but also weighs twice as much. It is of no use as a missile
weapon. Pole-Hook
The avian Stryx use these polearms as striking and snaring
weapons. At one end is a curved blade used for chopping;
Gwanga on the other is a hook that the wielder can use to grab and
This weapon is a heavy, three-bladed throwing knife favored dismount riders, or to snatch prey or unsecured bags from
by the Ahazu tribes. A gwanga is thrown with an underhand the ground into the air during a flyby attack.
motion, causing the blade to spin as it flies through the air.
Krin Orgovian traders use these items to control their unruly
Employed by the Harakin warrior tribes, this crossbow loper steeds. The prod-hook can also be used as a weapon.
utilizes armor-piercing iron spikes as bolts. It requires
significant strength and time (3 rounds) to reload between
shots, but is very powerful.

Mace, Ariane Rod of Alchemy

This mace is topped by a smooth head of polished purple stone. This useful item is manufactured by the Sindarans. The
Like other Ariane weapons, it is used to stun rather than kill. inside of the rod is hollow and can hold up to five vials,
containing any type of alchemical dust or powder, which can
be reloaded once per round. The rod dispenses its contents
in a cone-shaped area (range 10 feet, maximum width of the
area is five feet).

R’ruh Spring-Knife
This crude weapon, also known as a singing ax, is a heavy, This Kasmiran device resembles a small scroll tube made of
disk-like stone blade affixed to a long leather thong. It is used metal or ivory. When a hidden button is pressed, a spring-
by the Wildmen of Yrmania, who employ it in two ways – it loaded knife blade flies forth from inside the tube.
is of some use as a hurled missile weapon, and swung above
the head at great speed, it can also be used as a hand weapon,
emitting a singing sound that the Wildmen believe generates
fear in the hearts of their foes.

Staff of Aa
Rasp Aamanian witch-hunters wield these black iron-shod staves
The Mondre Khan employ these grim-looking hand- as symbols of their authority and status. The staves are
weapons in close combat against the Kang. The saw-toothed lacquered white and topped with the Orthodoxist emblem,
blade leaves awful, jagged wounds that are difficult to heal the all-seeing eye of Aa. They do not differ in function from
(twice the normal healing is required to close rasp-wounds). other iron-shod staves.

Orgovian traders favor these weapons, which resemble
light crossbows with a deep groove cut into the shaft. These
devices are used to fire spiked, three-inch diameter iron balls
known as shooting stars.

Slaver’s Flail
Popular among Farad slave-mongers, these weapons consist
of a wooden haft and three leather cords topped with
spiked, metal spheres. The weapon is used to inflict pain on
rebellious slaves; on a full or critical success, victims must
make a WIL roll or suffer a -3 penalty on all actions for the
next round.
This weapon is a four-bladed, two-handed iron axe
employed by the warriors of Harak. Only a very strong
individual can wield this ponderous weapon without
looking extremely foolish.
Spirit Blade
These weapons are used by Xambrian wizard hunters, and Throwing Stick
are often passed down from one generation to the next. The witchfolk of Chana use these weighted wooden clubs
They resemble standard longswords, but are engraved with for bringing down prey. On a full success, the throwing stick
the sigils of their past owners. Spirit blades are enchanted, temporarily hobbles the victim in addition to full damage;
and are effective against beings that are only affected by the victim moves at a SPD penalty of -5 for the next five
magical weaponry. When invested with the spiritual force rounds. On a critical success, the weapon has the added
of a Xambrian’s ancestors, the weapon is effective versus effect of bringing the victim down prone on the ground.
reincarnators and other extra-dimensional entities.

T’sai Whipsash, Za
Similar in design to a light bolas, this hunting weapon is The whipsash is a Za weapon that can be worn as a belt
used by the Manra tribes of Chana. A t’sai consists of several when not in use. It is made from six long strips of braided
three-foot-long strips of hide tied together and weighted on hide, the ends of which are tipped with two-inch-diameter
their ends by small river rocks or polished stones. While one iron balls. A whipsash can be used to entangle an opponent’s
ball is held in the hand, the others are whirled, and then the legs or weapon hand, or as a weighted whip. It is used in
entire weapon is thrown to entangle the target. On a partial close combat, not thrown.
success, the t’sai inflicts half damage but does not entangle.
On a full success, the thrower can choose to entangle (at
STR +1) the target’s arms or legs in addition to full damage; Wristblade
entangling the legs will bring down a running target. On a This leather bracer is equipped
critical success, the weapon has the added effect of bringing with a row of razor-sharp blades,
down even a stationary victim. commonly used by members of
Za war clans. It is used to slash
opponents in close combat, and
Tri-Bow also makes for a handy utility
Used primarily by Blue Aeriad rangers and scouts, the tri- knife. Wristblades add a bonus of
bow is a light crossbow that has been modified so that it can +1 to Parrying.
fire a “clip” of three bolts or blunt quarrels; the latter type is
used to stun. The bow’s three strings can be drawn together
using a metal “claw” lever built into the stock; one bolt may ARMOR
be fired each round, or multiple bolts may be fired at the
normal penalty for multiple attacks. A tri-bow takes two Amysram
rounds to reload; one to drop in the clip, and one to affix a The costume of the Mandalan mystic warriors serves as a
wooden clasp that keeps the bolts from falling out while the form of light armor, in addition to covering and disguising
user is airborne. the entire body. The garment is woven of black silkcloth,
reinforced with a mesh of lightweight blue iron (Protection
Rating 2). Defensive bracers, also of blue iron, can be used
War Flail by a practitioner of Mandaquan for parrying melee weapons.
The native weapon of the Danelek clans, the war flail has a
stout handle crafted from a land lizard’s thigh bone. Eight
four-foot strips of hide are attached to it, each barbed with Battle Armor, Kang
sharp spikes and culminating in a razor-edged disk of black Kang armor consists of interlocking plates of black iron, or
iron. In skilled hands, the weapon can be quite deadly. in the case of elite troops and warrior-priests, red iron. The
Those untrained in its use, however, must make a DEX roll plates are padded for comfort, and the joint sections are
whenever they use it to avoid wounding themselves. hinged to allow for relative ease of movement. This form of
armor is very costly to make and is seldom available outside
of the Kang Empire.
War Whip
This Sauran weapon consists of a two-foot
handle, attached to a length of spiked iron Battle Harness, Za
squares linked together with chain. It is Za armor is made from overlapping strips of land lizard
very heavy and can only be used by an hide, studded with iron bolts or spikes. The harness ties
extremely strong individual. in the back using leather thongs strung through eyelets of
hammered black iron.

Corselet and Parrying Bracers

The Danuvian Viragos favor these pieces of black iron
armor above all other forms of protection. Worn by a skilled
Danuvian warrior, this armor provides a protection rating
equivalent to that of a suit of chainmesh. Also, the wrist bracers
may be used to parry melee and ranged attacks; the Viragos are
renowned for their ability to block arrows with these bracers.

Siege Weapons

Dragon Scale Mail, Sun-Ra-San SIEGE WEAPONS

Sun-Ra-San armor is made from the scintillant scales of sea
dragons and the eel-like predators known as rainbow kra. Fire-Thrower
It is tough and fairly lightweight, and unlike metal armor, it These giant catapults are used by the Arimites, the Ur clans,
will not rust when exposed to saltwater. and the Kang. The devices employ firebombs as missiles;
heavy clay urns are wrapped in netting of animal hide and
sinew and filled with a mixture of hot pitch, resin, spirits of
Full Garde alcohol, and other volatile substances. The fire-bombs are
This Thrall armor consists of spiked iron plates, padded for ignited just before firing (a maneuver entailing some small
comfort, and affixed to the limbs by leather straps. Standard degree of risk) and burst upon contact with any solid object
garde covers one arm only, while full garde covers all four or surface, spewing molten pitch and flames in a five-foot
limbs. Garde can also be used to parry blows and batter radius. The mixture, called Arimite fire, is notoriously
opponents in close combat. If the wearer is trained in Tazian difficult to extinguish.
combat and is actively defending, he or she can catch all Size: 25’ in length
blows on the armor. An untrained warrior attempting to use Speed: Up to -4 (7 mph)
this armor, or a trained Thrall caught entirely by surprise, if towed by ogriphants
may find many of the blows landing on the unprotected
body or head. With the spikes removed, full garde is used for
tournaments and in training.

Light Body Plate

This armor, used by certain Aeriad warriors, is made from
imported Dracartan red iron; the lighter metal is necessary
for an Aeriad to be able to use it while in flight. The plates
are made custom to the wearer’s body and are attached using
cloth straps.

Scale Armor, Gnomekin

This armor is made from the rugged scales of certain aquatic
predators indigenous to the underground lakes of Durne. It
is worn by most Gnomekin warriors.

Silver Gauntlets, Xambrian

Xambrian wizard-hunters wear these gauntlets as a symbol
of their profession. In addition to serving as armor with a
Protection Rating of 2, the chain mesh gauntlets allow the Hurlant
Xambrians to physically grapple with and parry attacks from These missile-throwing weapons are employed by the
reincarnators and other beings affected only by magic and Dracartans of Carantheum. There are two types: the giant
silver. siege hurlant, and the smaller ship’s hurlant. All hurlants
are constructed of span-oak and red iron and employ
missiles containing elemental essences. Siege hurlants fire
Spangalor two-foot diameter spheres of amberglass that break on
This lightweight and flexible form of metallic cloth replaced impact, dispersing their contents over a ten-foot radius.
light chain mesh sometime around the year 615 of the New Ship’s hurlants employ amber spheres half this size (with
Age. This Cymrilian material offers the same protection correspondingly diminished results), and can be mounted
as chain mesh, but it is as light and comfortable as cloth. on duneships and other large conveyances.
Spangalor is also valued for its decorative qualities; a garish, Size: 30’ in length (siege) or 10’ in length (ship’s)
light-weight variety known as silversparkle is favored by Speed: None; siege hurlants cannot move, and ship’s
some Cymrilians. hurlants move with the ship.


The scourge is a giant, wheeled siege machine employed CONVEYANCES
by the Ur clans of Urag. The device consists of a thirty-foot
rotating spindle, to which are affixed rows of spikes, rasps, Barge Fort
scything blades, and ball-tipped chains. A team of forty or The flat-bottomed barge fort is an oar-driven craft used
more slaves operates the winches which set the scourge in by the Blue Aeriad to patrol the Axis River. The mast of
motion, and the movement of the wheels causes the spindle the auxiliary sail is a living viridia plant, rooted firmly
to revolve with great force. Scourges are mainly used against to the inside of the intricate, waterproof latticework of
infantry and cavalry charges, though they are employed to vines that serves as a hull. As long as the span-oak frame
some effect versus wooden fortifications as well. remains intact, damaged sections of the hull can be re-
Size: 35’ in width, 25’ in length grown as needed. The barge fort’s armament includes four
Speed: -2 (9 mph) heavy ballistae and two light ballistae mounted topside on
swiveling tripod bases. The vessel also
has a reinforced prow that can be
used for ramming.
Size: Up to 60’ in length, up to
25’ in width
Speed: -5 (5-6 mph);
downstream with tailwind, up
to +2 (16 mph)

A siege weapon used by the
armies of Rajanistan, the Carrack
springal consists of a tension- The Mangar carrack is the fastest ship on the sea and one of
mounted paddle and a the reasons that few Talislantans regard seafaring as a safe
pierced rack loaded with venture. With a narrow hull and three masts, the carrack
javelins. When the device allows Mangar corsairs to overtake and board other sailing
is fired, the paddle ships. Only a skilled crew can handle a carrack properly so
springs forward and that it can achieve its top speed. Carracks are often armed
drives a volley of with light ballistae.
javelins toward Size: Up to 120’ in length
the enemy. The Speed: Cruise at +3 (18 mph); top speed +6 (25 mph)
weapon is reliable and easy
to operate, though not
particularly accurate (-1 Coracle
penalty to use). A smaller These crude ocean-faring vessels are used to transport Imrian
version of the weapon, raiding parties, slaves, and other types of cargo. The vessels are
called a demi-springal, made from the bones of giant kra, which serves as the ship’s
fires volleys of darts rather frame, and the kra’s tough scaly hide, which serves as the ship’s
than javelins. Both hull. The largest of these ships have fore or aft castles. Teams
are tripod-mounted of chained kra provide impetus to the vessel, regardless of
devices. prevailing winds, though kra are unruly, making the vessels
Size: 6’ in height, 3’ neither very swift nor maneuverable. However, the flexible
wide at the base construction of these vessels is an advantage in rough seas.
Speed: None; springals Size: Up to 80’ in length
cannot move. Speed: Cruise at -3 (8 mph), up to +4 (20 mph) for short

Dragon Barque Ice Schooner
Among the most colorful and seaworthy of all waterborne These graceful, sail-powered vessels are designed to sail the
Talislantan vessels, dragon barques are employed by Sea of Ice and other frozen waterways. They are constructed
the present-day Sun-Ra-San in hunting sea dragons, in of span-oak imported from Tamaranth, with adamant-
the tradition of their ancestors. The Sunra of the Kang chased runners for skimming swiftly over ice and snow. They
Empire sail similar vessels for transporting cargo and for are built in a variety of sizes and are used for transporting
carrying Kang troops. Both the ancient and modern-day cargo, conveying passengers, and in warfare. Ice schooners
vessels include a bellows-driven apparatus installed in the used by the Mirin military are equipped with catapult and
forecastle, enabling the ship to “breathe” fire out of the light ballistae that can launch ice-projectiles, adamant-
scale- or metal-plated dragon’s “mouth” (3d8 damage, range: tipped heavy javelins, and ice or amberglass spheres filled
100’). The ship’s armament also includes a pair of heavy with corrosive alchemical agents. Smaller vessels of this type
ballistae, which can be employed as harpoons. are referred to as ice skiffs.
Size: Up to 120’ in length Size: Up to 80’ in length (schooners) or up to 40’ (skiffs)
Speed: Cruise at +1 (14 mph); top speed +4 (20 mph) Speed: Cruise at -1 (10 mph); top speed +5 (23 mph) for
schooners; or cruise at +1 (14 mph); top speed +10 (34
mph) for skiffs
These sail-powered land vessels are used by the Dracartans
of Carantheum as warships and general transport. The ships
are built of lightweight materials: span-oak plated with a
thin coating of red iron for the hull, spinifax or viridia linen
for the ship’s complex network of sails, and woven viridia for
the riggings. Military duneships are usually equipped with
hurlants, additional armor, a crenelated forecastle, and room
below decks to stable war steeds. Those used for transport,
called land barges, are equipped to haul cargo and,
occasionally, passengers. Duneships glide across the sands
on specially constructed runners, powered by sail and wind
machines. Due to their size and limited maneuverability,
duneships can only be employed in wide-open terrain, such
as desert and barren wilderlands.
Size: Up to 100’ in length
Speed: Cruise at -1 Land-Ark
(10 mph); top speed These wheeled sailing vessels are adapted for transporting
+6 (25 mph) heavy loads across relatively flat terrain or roadways. Most
land-arks employ sail power to provide impetus, augmented
by Dracartan wind machines. An ark’s large wheels are better
suited to traversing roads and hard terrain than the runners
utilized by duneships, though they are less effective in sand.
The underside of the hull is plated with black iron, affording
some protection from large rocks and rough terrain.
Size: Up to 100’ in length
Speed: Cruise at -3 (8 mph); top speed +4 (20 mph)

These metal hulled Parthenian vessels are propelled both by
sails and by humanoid slaves, rowing in three banks on each
side of the ship. The prow of the trireme is fashioned in the
likeness of a giant idol, which the Parthenian automatons
are said to worship. The vessels are armed with heavy fire-
throwers and other weaponry.
Size: Up to 175’ in length, 40’ in width
Speed: Cruise at -1 (10 mph); top speed +3 (18 mph)

Viridia Barge War Wagon
These vessels are grown by the Green Aeriad from viridia plants These ponderous vehicles are built by the Kharakhan tribes
and will stay green and alive as long as they are kept in the water. for use in battle and to transport cargo. A team of twelve
A transport barge can carry four wagons, while the smaller land lizards or ogriphants provides impetus in all but the
passenger barge will hold about twenty people. Viridia barges most rugged terrain. Heavy iron plating protects both the
are designed as river craft and are not suited for ocean use. crew and the animal team from enemy missile fire. A war
Size: Up to 75’ in length wagon is armed with multiple heavy ballistae, positioned
Speed: Cruise at -2 (9 mph); top speed +1 (14 mph) in all directions, and a light ballista, mounted on a swivel
atop the tower. The lower rear sections of the vehicles are
outfitted with heavy, winch-operated ramps.
War Chariot, Kang Size: 50’ in length
These vehicles are drawn by teams of four armored striders, Speed: Up to -3 (8 mph) for short distances
and typically carry a crew of six – two drivers and four heavy
crossbowmen. They are constructed of hardwoods imported
from the jungles of Chana,
reinforced with bands of red
or black iron. The wheels are
equipped with rotating blades
or spikes (d6); use the driver’s
Conveyance (war chariot)
Skill Rating for wheel-attacks. Windrigger
Size: 8-10’ in length These craft were originally intended for use as lifeboats on
Speed: Up to +5 (22 mph) larger vessels, such as the aerial warships employed by the
Phantasians. The ships proved to be quite versatile and
were soon adapted to other purposes as well. Windriggers
War Chariot, Rajan are swifter and much more maneuverable than windships,
The armies of Rajanistan employ equs-drawn chariots and they are considerably less expensive. They have a cargo
plated with black iron, providing protection and a fairly steady capacity of only about 1,500 pounds, however, and are not
platform for Rajan archers to shoot from. A chariot has a crew particularly sturdy or stable in flight.
of three: the driver, the archer, and a spear-carrier charged Size: Up to 20’ in length
with defending the others. The black iron wheels are broad Speed: Cruise at +3 (18 mph); top speed
and wide to support the chariot on the desert sands and are +5 (23 mph). Older models cruise at -1
equipped with rotating blades or spikes (d6); use the driver’s (10 mph); top speed +4 (20 mph)
Conveyance (war chariot) Skill Rating for wheel-attacks.
Size: 5’ in length, 4’ in width
Speed: Up to +6 (25 mph)

War Dragon
These massive Kang siege engines are powered by clockwork
mechanisms and operated by teams of Vajra engineers. They
are protected by heavy plates of black or red iron and are each Windskiff
equipped with a pair of fire-throwers and a set of scything These small windships are used as patrol vessels in the Nine
blades, used to cut through heavy vegetation or barricades (at Kingdoms military. They are single-masted and rigged with
STR +8). Kang crossbowmen man arrow slits that line either fore and aft spinifax sails. The armament consists of a single
side, while the commander rides in a heavily armored conning forward-mounted heavy ballista. There is a large forecastle
tower. cabin, and three small cabins are within the aftcastle. A
Size: 25’ in length standard crew consists of an aerial captain, a first officer, a
Speed: Up to -5 (6 mph) windpilot, and seven Cymrilian swordsmages.
Size: 40’ in length, 15’ in width
Speed: Cruise at +4 (20 mph); top speed +6 (25 mph)

Specialized Equipment


Alchemical Test Kit

This is a pouch, containing glass vials, pipettes, and other
items used to test and identify mixtures or substances
of various sorts. A skilled alchemist can use such a kit
to identify potions, powders, poisons, dusts, and other
substances. Each kit contains enough materials for ten tests.

This device fits into a pocket or pouch and is designed by
Kasmiran trapmages to ward against pickpockets. The metal
“jaws” snap shut on contact, inflicting d2 damage to anyone
who attempts to reach into a pocket, pouch, or bag protected
by this device without deactivating it first.

Vial, Amberglass
Amberglass vials are used for holding alcahest and other
alchemical substances.
These magnificent vessels were created by the ancient Vial, Quicksilver
Archaens as a means of traveling to and from their fabulous These uncommon vials are lined with quicksilver and used
sky-cities. In modern times, windships are far from common, for holding vitriolic materials.
as the costs entailed in their construction and maintenance
are prohibitive, and the secret of their construction is thought
to be known only to the Cymrilians, Phantasians, Farad, and Yassan Tool Kit
Rajans. These vessels traverse the air, powered by sails, and Yassan tool kits include woodworker’s, stoneworker’s,
are kept aloft by magical apparati known as levitationals. metalworker’s, and glassworker’s tools, as well as various
Although windships can travel great distances in a single spikes, clasps, brads, and miscellaneous Yassan-made
day, they can be difficult to maneuver and land, and their hardware, all of which is stored in a three-foot iron
lightweight construction leaves them somewhat fragile and strongbox. The total weight is over 120 pounds.
with minimal cargo capacity. Accordingly, windships are
considered frivolous and extravagant by most Talislantans.
Size: Up to 50’ in length
Speed: Cruise at +5 (23 mph); top speed +7 (27 mph)

Windship of War
These vessels are the largest windships in existence. The
ships are equipped with six masts, four light ballistae, and
four heavy ballistae. A hull is constructed in four levels, with
sufficient space to house a crew of over one hundred and
fifty. Drop hatches built into the flat-bottomed hulls allow
Blue Aeriad troops or alchemical weapons to be dropped
upon enemy forces on the ground.
Size: Up to 175’ in length, 40’ in width
Speed: Cruise at +5 (23 mph); top speed +7 (27 mph). Older
models cruise at +3 (18 mph) with top speed +5 (23 mph)

Trade Goods & Natural Resources

Cleric’s Cowl Fernwood

TRADE GOODS This is a deciduous tree native to temperate The fragrant wood of this tree is valued for

woodlands and subtropical forests, growing the making of the most common types of
up to sixty feet in height. incense.

Crystal Dendron Gall Oak Ink
Aquavit The delicate blossoms of these crystalline Blister-like galls found growing from the
An effervescent liquor of the highest plants are valued for their great beauty and bark of gall oaks contain a blue-black
quality, aquavit is popular in Cymril, the are sold for up to 10 gold lumens apiece in secretion, which is used in the making of
Nine Kingdoms, and the Western Lands. the Western Lands. They are available almost quality inks and dyes.
It is served in half-spheres or goblets of exclusively through Ispasian merchants; it
amberglass. is a crime to export live crystal dendrons or
their seeds out of the Kang Empire, and they Gossamer
are otherwise native only to the Aberrant The finest of all Talislantan fabrics,
Balmroot Forest. gossamer is translucent, nearly weightless,
When dried and ground into a fine powder, and feathery-soft. It is made by a complex
this plant’s root is used in healing elixirs process involving the use of spider silk,
and potions. Balmroot is found in most Crystal Moth dandelion down, and cloud-stuff. The
temperate marshes and wetlands and is These beautiful, crystal-winged insects are Cymrilians use gossamer sails for their
identifiable by its spongy, oval leaves and valued by collectors, who may pay up to 20 windships, as do the Phantasians.
thick stalk. It should be noted that the sticky gold lumens for the finest specimens. The
sap of the balmroot attracts insects of many largest may attain wingspans of up to two
types. feet; the smallest, one or two inches. The Grog
Hadjin favor fans and headdresses made Grog is a cheap, strong liquor popular
of the delicate wings of colored crystal among soldiers, sailors, and other hard-
Baobab, Gray moths; such items can cost up to twenty working folks. The taste and potency of
The bark of this tropical tree is used to make times the price of common articles of the grog varies from one region to another.
rope, and its five-pound fruits contain a sweet, same sort. The Jhangarans and Imrians eat
nutritious pulp. Its trunk, which can measure crystal moths, wings and all, and consider
up to ten feet in diameter, is hollow and may them a great delicacy. Crystal moths are Harpwood
contain up to 40 gallons of potable water, found throughout much of Talislanta; even The curved branches and resonant wood
which the tree absorbs through its roots; a hardy ice-blue variety is known to live in of this tree are much favored for use in the
consequently, the tree is also known as the such frigid regions as L’Hann and Narandu. making of fine harps, trioles, and other
“barrel tree.” musical instruments. Harpwood is found in
certain sylvan woodlands, such as Astar of
Deodar, Silver the Nine Kingdoms.
Barb-Berry This large variety of spreading conifer is
The bright red berries of this thorny shrub valued for its durable and fragrant wood.
are edible but well protected by the plant’s It grows up to seventy feet in height and Iron, Black
sharp, spiny branches. A purple variety of is native to both the Eastern and Western This common metal is found in
barb-berry is found only in the mountains Lands. mountainous regions across the continent
of Arim. Members of the Drukh tribes color of Talislanta. Arim is a major supplier of
their skin, hair, and steeds with the berries’ black iron to the Western Lands, and also
indelible juice, which is also of some use in Durnean Cusps exports to the Nine Kingdoms.
the making of ink. These devices are worn over the eyes
and are made of finely polished crystal,
usually colored violet, blue, or green. Iron, Blue
Chakos The Gnomekin of Durne wear cusps to Rarest and lightest of all iron alloys, blue
A strong, metallic-tasting liquor brewed in protect their sensitive eyes from light when iron is made from the metallic feathers of
black iron casks. Chakos is a favorite of the traveling above ground. the ironshrike and its relative, the shrieker.
Arimites, who claim that it is an acquired Forged by Vajra engineers, blue iron is
taste. available only from the Kang Empire and is
very costly.

Iron, Red Mochan Shag
Red iron is a superior metal that is half as A dark, sweet, and invigorating beverage Shag is a type of wool that is made from the
heavy and twice as strong as black iron. that is especially popular in the desert fur of the erd. Soft and durable, it is used in
Items made of red iron cost twice as much kingdoms. Mochan is usually served hot, in the making of blankets and rugs.
as comparable black iron items. The primary small copper or red iron cups.
sources of this metal are the Red Desert of
Carantheum and the Volcanic Hills. Silkcloth
Mushroom Ale A very fine variety of silk, this luxurious
This is a pungent beer favored by the fabric is made only by the Mandalans.
Ironwood Gnomekin of Durne. It is made from deep The cloth is derived from the fibers of
The wood of this steely gray, deciduous tree spring water, mushrooms, and various types the silk wyrm, which can be trained to
is nearly as hard as iron; Zandir lumberjacks of fungi. follow colored patterns on a loom, thereby
employ saws and axes coated with a “weaving” bolts of finished silkcloth of great
solution of quicksilver when cutting these beauty and intricacy. A silk wyrm produces
trees for timber. Muskront Musk thread of the same color that its wings will be
This costly scent is produced in the when it matures as a moth.
An extract derived from this plant’s glandular jowl-sac of the muskront, a
“cowl” (outer leaf) is of use as a poison smaller, shaggy variety of the ogriphant.
antidote. The small flowering plant is found Each jowl-sac can contain as much as Skoryx
in woodland regions throughout Talislanta, twenty drams of musk. Skoryx is an alcoholic beverage popular
typically under rotting logs and in other among the Sindarans and, to a lesser extent,
shady places. the folk of Cymril, Zandu, and Thaecia.
Pomegranate, Blue It is very potent but is most notable for
The succulent fruit and brilliant blue foliage its myriad and varying flavor sensations,
Lantern Flowers of this tree are highly valued. Originally a quality derived from the use of rainbow
The lantern-shaped blue flowers of the found only in the Cerulean Forest of the lotus in the distillation process.
lantern plant glow in the dark, casting a Kang Empire, the tree was imported to
wan illumination. The plant is quite delicate Zandu some years ago, where it has become
and should be handled with care; if treated a favorite of Zandir horticulturists. Spice Tree
roughly, the lanterns lose their glow. The bark, leaves, and roots of this tree can
Consequently, the market for the flowers is be used to make three different types of tea.
typically local. Provender Plant Its nuts are like cloves, its soft inner bark like
The grassy leaves of this plant make excellent ginger, and its flowers as fragrant as myrrh.
fodder, and its seeds, which can be harvested The spice tree is a hybrid created by the Green
in the fall, can be used as a passable substitute Aeriad botanomancers of Vardune and is now
for other grains. Even the plant’s bulbous root grown extensively in Vardune and Zandu.
is edible, though its bitter flavor is favored
by few creatures. The provender plant is
exceptionally hardy and grows in abundance Spinifax
throughout the continent of Talislanta, Spinifax is Ariane cloth, made from the
serving as a plentiful source of food for flax of the thistledown plant. It is noted
herdbeasts, omnivores, and humanoids alike. throughout Talislanta for its fine quality,
softness, and durability. Garments made
of spinifax generally cost twice as much as
Scintilla those made of more common materials.
Scintilla are the phosphorescent eggs of the
water raknid, a species of insectoid native to
the southern coasts of Jhangara. Measuring Spy-Tube
two to three inches in length, these spheres This Kasmiran device consists of two lenses,
emit a strong glow when removed from their one affixed to either end of a flexible metal
translucent casings. The heatless light given off tube. A spy-tube can be used to see around
by a single scintilla will illuminate a twenty- corners, through narrow openings, and
foot radius and last for four to six months, after so forth. Portable spy-tubes can telescope
which time the egg will lose its incandescence. between one and four feet in length as


needed; longer versions are often built into Whitewood pot and take turns rolling three six-sided
Kasmiran domiciles, allowing surveillance The handsome, ivory-colored wood of this dice. Whenever an individual rolls a 6 or
of the front entrance and surrounding area. tree is prized by woodcarvers for its ornate a 12, he must snatch up the dice before
beauty and durability. Both the Ariane and the opponent seated to his left can strike
the Dhuna favor whitewood for use in the his hand with a thrown dagger. Whoever
Stenchroot making of staves and bows. succeeds wins the pot. Typically played
So much as a whiff of this tuber’s while drinking grog or other intoxicants,
malodorous, milky juice will cause most ska-wae is not a game for the faint of heart.
creatures to be incapacitated by extreme Willowood If the knife-thrower scores a critical hit, the
nausea (up to -5 on all rolls) for up to 3 The flexible twigs of the willowood are dice-roller loses a finger, an occurrence not
rounds. A critical success on a CON roll used in the weaving of baskets, mats, and uncommon among poor ska-wae players.
resists the effects entirely. furnishings of various sorts. The tree, with
its characteristic hanging foliage, is native to
the banks of rivers, lakes, and swamps. Trivarian
Tazian Fire-Ale Trivarian is the favorite pastime of the
This powerful liquor is a favorite of the dual-brained Sindarans, who are the only

Thralls of Taz. Fire-ale is served in black Talislantans capable of comprehending the
iron mugs and is ignited before drinking, abstract principles involved in this game.
hence its name. The board is a three-foot-tall pyramid
Pentadrille of translucent crystal, illuminated from
Pentadrille is a popular pastime among within by a glowing orb (usually a scintilla)
Thaecian Nectar Cymrilians, and to a lesser extent, the and suspended above a triangular table
Thaecian nectar is a tantalizing and Hadjin. The game consists of a pentagram- of polished stone using a silken cord.
intoxicating beverage made by the folk of shaped board engraved with arcane symbols Amberglass orbs, marked with distinctive
Thaecia. It is favored for its distinctive taste and fashioned of green glass. Playing pieces hieroglyphs, serve as the playing pieces.
and the euphoric effect it bestows upon the carved from colored crystal are used to Three opponents play, each pitted against
drinker. Individuals intoxicated by Thaecian represent wizards (the players), devils the other two; the players take turns
nectar become placid and content and (the wizard’s servants, also controlled by inserting orbs into slots carved into the
evince a marked disposition for romantic the player), and various types of demons; sides of the pyramid, thereby creating
and artistic pursuits. the latter move about at random, impelled intricate patterns of light and color. The
by a minor enchantment imbued within general objective is to establish control over
the board. Five players compete against the base of the pyramid; hence, masters of
Vinesap each other, with the object of the game to trivarian are referred to as Nadirs. In Sindar,
Vinesap is the fermented juice of the viridia establish control of the board by occupying spectators often bet on each round of a
plant. Thick and sweet-smelling, it is a great three of the five pentagram points. contest, as well as on its eventual winner.
favorite among the Aeriad of Vardune. Wagers can also be placed on who will
Elsewhere, vinesap is generally considered lose first and when. Nadirs gain status and
an acquired taste. Quatrillion political power, as trivarian is viewed as a
Quatrillion is a game played by the Sarista, reflection of mental capability.
using a deck of sixty-four circular cards.
Whispbane Many variations of play are possible,
Whispbane is a rare variety of creeper with with the object to gain high cards or “the Zodar
long, leafy tendrils and blue blossoms. Fortuna,” a card depicting the Sarista In popular usage, zodar is a game
Worn as a garland, this plant acts as a goddess of luck and chance. Quatrillion is employing a deck of twenty cards, each
deterrent to whisps, who are offended by always played for money. depicting some aspect of Talislantan
the odor of its blossoms. A single plant cosmology or metaphysics – the twin
will suffice to keep whisps at bay for up to suns, the seven moons, and various fates
four hours after it has been picked. After Ska-Wae and destinies. In ancient tradition, the
this time, the plant loses its effectiveness, A favorite of the Mangar corsairs, ska-wae zodar deck is a magical device used to
though the dried flowers are of some use to (the name means “think fast” in the Mangar cast divinations. Only the Rahastran
alchemists. dialect) is a game of chance and skill played cartomancers, wandering seers from the
with curved daggers and dice, with the Wilderlands of Zaran, know the secrets of
participants seated around a wooden table. employing the zodar in this manner.
Each round, players ante-up into a common

Magical Mechanisms

Levitationals Wind Machine

MAGICAL Levitationals are enchanted apparatuses Sometimes known as wind funnels,
used to imbue windships with the ability these elaborate devices are used to
to float in the air. Originally, a levitational provide additional thrust for the sail-
mechanism consisted of a seven-inch- powered duneships and land barges of the
Dracartan Caduceus square crystalline chest in which a small, Dracartans. Each consists of a complex
One of the thaumaturge’s most important gold replica of the windship was suspended network of tubes, baffles, and vents, all
tools, these wands are used to activate in a special liquid called levitational fluid; fashioned of red iron. Wind machines are
the innate properties of various types this setup operated using the magical powered by storm crystals of solidified
of essences. Only a character trained in principle of sympathetic magic. Newer wind, which emit great gusts of wind as
thaumaturgy can utilize the properties of a levitationals consist of a metal box they are dissolved within the funnel’s inner
caduceus. They are rarely made with intent containing an enchanted crystal and a single mechanisms. The wind funnel itself does
to sell, as those who use them know how to control lever, and they are much more nothing more than direct and regulate
craft their own. reliable. Both versions can only be made these powerful winds. Available only in
by skilled artificers and enchanters. To be Carantheum, wind machines can cost as
effective, a levitational must be installed much as ten thousand gold lumens.
Technomantic Actuator in a secure place below decks. Finding
This multipurpose tool is used by Yassan a qualified magician or technomancer

technomancers, and is believed to be to perform this crucial undertaking for
based on old Archaen arcanology; only the less than one thousand gold lumens is a

Yassan know how to make these devices. practical impossibility.
A technomantic actuator resembles a
four-foot metal rod inscribed with complex The following is a list of various enchanted
glyphs and symbols. It can be used to items employed by the diverse peoples of
produce a focused stream of elemental Talislanta. Some are quite common and can
fire, ice, air, earth, or lightning; in modern- be purchased in almost any large Talislantan
day terms, the actuator functions as an city, typically through peddlers, charlatans,
acetylene torch, refrigeration device, traveling mystics, and magic shops. Others
soldering gun, sandblaster, or arc welder, can only be found in those regions from
among other things. Technomantic which they originate, or can be obtained
actuators are self-charging and can be used from traders or merchants who visit such
without limit. The devices are of some use areas. The availability of any of these
as weapons (d6, range 10’), and the Yassan enchanted items is determined by the GM.
generally have no qualms about employing The minimum values listed for these items
them in this capacity. Technomantic reflect the cost of the enchanter’s time and
actuators are very complex, and can only be the materials required in their making.
used by characters skilled in technomancy.
Aamanian All-Seeing Eye
These potent amulets enable their wearers to
Essence Accumulator detect the presence of non-believers at ranges
The essence accumulator resembles a of up to one hundred feet. Only faithful
complex network of crystal tubing housed high-ranking monitors, witch hunters, and
within a silver framework, about four feet in warrior-priests of the Orthodoxist Cult are
height. Individuals trained in thaumaturgy allowed to carry them, and they are available
can use these devices to extract pure only through the Aamanian theocracy.
essence, the basic stuff of which all matter is
composed, from the ether. The Dracartans
use essence accumulators to distill
elemental essences, as well as quintessence.
The Phantasians employ a similar type
of device to accumulate distillations of
sentiments and dream essence, the elusive
material of which dreams are made.

Enchanted Items

Aamanian Holy Symbol Bracers of Levitation Djaffir Fetish Masks

These enchanted pendants bear the These enchanted bracers are commonly These devices, made of cured aht-ra hide,
Orthodoxist Cult’s “all-seeing eye” emblem. worn by the Aeriad, a race of avian beings ward against magical influence. Djaffir
The devices confer +1 on resistance rolls who are in the process of devolving into fetish masks are effective only if custom-
to non-Orthodoxist magic, but only to a ground-dwelling species. The items made for the wearer by a Djaffir wizard,
followers of the Aamanian deity, Aa the buoy the wearer (and up to 50 pounds of and have value only as curiosities outside
Omnipotent. Enchanted Aamanian holy additional weight), allowing him or her of Djaffir society. Djaffir wizards create the
symbols of this sort are expensive, and to float. Only the use of wings, however, masks without charge, as a duty to their
are sold only by the Aamanian theocracy. allows the wearer to move forward or people. Each Djaffir helps to create his
Unenchanted holy symbols that have maneuver in any meaningful way. fetish mask throughout his childhood in a
purportedly been “blessed” by the process unique to the people.
Hierophant are available throughout Aaman
and elsewhere. These lesser items are sold for Chana Shrunken Head Fetishes
as little as five gold lumens. These grisly totems are made from the heads Enchanted Garments
of slain spellcasters. They are capable of This category can include all manner of
speech and are employed to converse with apparel, including boots, cloaks, hats, capes,
Ariane Tamar spiritforms and other entities originating etc. Enchanted garments are typically
These orbs of polished violet stone are used from the lower planes; a shrunken head can imbued with a magical aura that gives the
by the Ariane to record their experiences ask a maximum of three questions per day. wearer a bonus of +1 or more to a specific
and to exchange this knowledge with others The spell level of the fetish depends on the attribute, designated by the enchanter.
of their race. Tamar are not created through abilities of the victim. Chana rarely sell these
the normal enchantment process. Rather, items to outsiders.
an Ariane attunes him or herself to a stone Expansible Items
over several weeks, through meditation These diminutive, intricately carved items
and communion with the stone’s elemental are sold in Cymril, Zandu, and Thaecia and
spirit. Since only Ariane can “read” these are quite popular throughout the continent.
devices, other peoples usually value these Upon reciting a secret command word, these
items as attractive curios only. tiny items can be made to expand to full size
or return to their original size, as desired.
There are many types, including expansible
Arimite Luckstone swords, shields, wooden boats, huts, iron
These small stones, carved from a pale towers, chests, ladders, and so forth.
variety of carnelian, turn blood-red when
exposed to toxic substances. It is the custom
in Arim to drop these talismans in food or Farad Slave Collar
drink before consumption to guard against These iron torcs are inscribed with magic
being poisoned by Revenant Cult assassins. sigils and can be made to constrict about
the neck of the wearer on command,
causing 1 point of damage per round. The
Bodor Musical Charms Farad sell these collars to Imrian slavers, the
These devices resemble hollow silver Rajans, and others with a propensity for the
spheres, one or two inches in diameter, use of such items.
with perforated surfaces. When held to the
ear, the charms emit the most wondrous Djaffir Charm
and subtle music. Bodor use these charms These black iron pendants are fashioned Jaka Luck Talisman
to convey musical messages to each other in the form of one-inch-high pyramids These pendants are made from pieces of
and for their amusement. The charms are and engraved with wards against curses a rare type of amber stone found only in
valued by others purely for entertainment and hexes. The Djaffir create these charms the Sascasm River. Jaka wear them as luck
purposes, or as novelties and curios. primarily for the Yitek, who rely on them to charms, claiming that the devices afford
confer protection from curses (+5 to resist) them protection from curses and the “evil
that have been placed on the tombs, crypts, eye.” Though most Talislantan magicians
and ancient ruins they plunder. attribute such beliefs to superstition, the
stones do possess magical properties, and
seem to reduce the effectiveness of curses

and similar spells cast against their wearers Muse-Enchanted Instruments Oceanian Weather Talisman
(-1 penalty). Jaka luck talismans work only The Muses of Astar create enchanted The Sea Nomads of Oceanus employ these
for their makers, and have value among gossamer harps, trioles (three-stringed shell-shaped coral talismans to predict
non-Jaka only as curios. harps), and other stringed wooden changes in the weather, which can be
instruments, all of which can be employed discerned according to the finely-crafted
by a skilled musician to effect emotional devices’ shifts in color.
Magic Boxes responses in an audience (add the item’s
These devices usually resemble small, spell level to the musician’s skill rating).
intricately designed chests or jewelry Bodor value the Muse’s instruments above Phantasian Astromantic Globe
boxes, typically decorated with fine filigree all others, and will go to great lengths to These two-foot-diameter globes are
and studded with small gemstones. Some acquire them. employed by Phantasian astromancers to
are built to resemble clever puzzle boxes, indicate the relative position of windships
with moveable or expandable sections. All while in flight. Though eminently useful,
manner of things may be contained within astromantic globes are difficult to read
a magic box – demons, deranged spirits, and occasionally yield unreliable results.
devils, extra-dimensional entities, gateways The Phantasians alone know how to make
into other dimensions, traps or tricks, spell these items, which are in some demand in
effects, or just about anything else that can Cymril.
be imagined. In ancient times, these items
were employed by Archaen sorcerers to Rajan Death Masks
protect their most cherished possessions These iron masks are employed by the
from would-be thieves. The devices necromancer-priests of the Death Cult
continue to be utilized to much the same and are said to confer favor (+2 bonus
effect in the present age. to reaction rolls) with spirit entities
originating from the lower planes.

Mandalan Rune Stones

Mandalan rune stones come in sets of ten
small stones, each shaped like a cube and
engraved with different runes and sigils.
When rolled on a flat surface, the stones
reveal prophetic and often cryptic messages
(the type of information derived with this
method is at the GM’s discretion). One Nagra Spirit Jar
must know how to read the runes to obtain Nagra spirit-trackers wear these small stone
any meaning from the stones. vials on cords slung about the neck or
secreted in a belt or shoulder pouch. The
Nagra claim that these devices contain their
Marukan Luck Medallion soul-essences and confer protection from
These leaden lozenges, stamped with the hostile spiritforms of all sorts. The shamans
symbol for the silver moon, Talisandre, of the Nagra will share neither the secret of
purportedly confer resistance (+1 bonus to making spirit jars nor the items themselves Sarista Crystal Ball
resistance rolls) to a single type of disease, with outsiders. These crystal spheres, measuring six to eight
misfortune, or malady, as specified by the inches in diameter, are used by the Sarista
talismancer who made it. Many Talislantans Wayfarer people to foretell the future.
consider the Marukan medallions spurious, Obsidian Mirrors Shadowy visions appearing in the crystal
citing the downtrodden condition of the These devices function as viewports and/ purportedly offer cryptic clues to possible
entire Marukan race as evidence. The or gateways into the lower planes and future events. It is widely believed that the
Marukans defend the efficacy of their devices, are extremely rare outside of Nefaratus. majority of these items are fraudulent, in
claiming that without the benefits conferred For reasons of their own, Black Savants actuality being Thaecian orbs that produce
by their luck medallions, conditions would be occasionally sell obsidian mirrors to fanciful, illusory images.
even worse for their people. outsiders or trade them for captured
demons, creatures for which the Black
Savants have special uses.

Sarista Love Locket itself, quite useless; these devices cannot Thaecian Orb
These heart-shaped silver or gold lockets be used as solitary scrying crystals and Thaecian orbs are amberglass spheres which
are supposedly of use in securing the must be employed in conjunction with at may be imbued with illusory scenes and
affections of a lover. To employ the reputed least one other orb. Seeing stones made images that can be viewed by the holder.
properties of a love locket, one must from Gnomekin crystal are regarded as the They can also be used to contain many sorts
place some small object or bit of material best devices of this sort, as they deliver the of spells, which can be released by simply
formerly owned by the target into the clearest messages. breaking the orb. Only the Thaecians know
locket (the bearer of the locket gains a +1 the secret of creating these enchanted
bonus to CHA concerning the target). Like items, which are quite popular among many
most Sarista goods, the efficacy of a love Stryx Obsidian Orb civilized peoples.
locket should by no means be taken for These devices resemble crude versions of
granted. the standard seeing stone but generally have
an effective range on the material plane of Ur Clan Icons
under five miles. Stryx necromancers are These three-eyed stone images are often
Sauran Dragon Icon reputed to utilize more potent versions of worn as medallions by Ur shamans, who
These large medallions, fashioned of this item to converse with entities from the claim that the icons confuse their enemies;
red iron alloys and cast in the image of lower planes. the bearer of a medallion can bestow a
a dragon’s head, are used by the Saurans -1 penalty to a target’s INT rating with
to mesmerize dragons so that they can a touch. The icons are far from being
be trained for use as steeds and beasts of Sunra Aquamantic Globe uniformly efficacious, this due primarily to
burden (the wearer of a dragon icon is These enchanted items are similar in effect the dubious talents of the Ur shamans who
granted a +2 bonus to the Animal Handler to Phantasian astromantic globes, but are make them.
skill). These icons are not foolproof, and so used to indicate a vessel’s position at sea.
should be employed with caution. The Sunra devices are considerably more
reliable than their Phantasian counterparts. Xanadasian Scrying Crystal
These twelve-inch diameter orbs are carved
Sawila Wind Charms from massive blue diamonds and are of
These intricate devices, constructed of Tarteran Demonhide Cloak themselves worth a considerable fortune.
resonant rainbow kra’s scales, resemble Demonhide can only be taken from a The Savants of Xanadas use these scrying
beautiful wind chimes. The Sawila arrange living night demon, as their body turns crystals to scan territories throughout the
these charms in various sequences, hanging to shadows that quickly fade upon known world, noting their observations in
them from trees, huts, and so forth. When death; hence, the rarity of cloaks and heavy, leather-bound tomes. Xanadasian
blown by the wind, the charms create other garments made from this material. scrying crystals have an unlimited range,
magical effects similar to certain of their However, for those who hunt demons, they though these items do not possess inter-
spell-weaving rituals. The time required to are an invaluable protection. While covered dimensional capabilities. These nearly
make a charm, and its corresponding value, in demonhide the wearer’s “living aura” is priceless adjuncts are never sold or given
depend on the spell and spell level. masked, preventing demons from instantly away, and are rarely available outside of
detecting the wearer’s presence. Xanadas.

Seeing Stones
These six- to twelve-inch orbs of polished Tarteran Demonward Zandir Paradoxist Emblems
crystal are used as communication devices Demonwards are made from a spherical These silver medallions come in a wide
by the Kasmir, Farad, Cymrilians, Quan, black diamond that has been soul-bound variety of types and represent those
and others. Seeing stones permit visual with the spirit of a night demon, housed virtues associated with the Ten Thousand
and audio contact from one orb to another, in an intricate matrix of argentium wire, — the host of minor demigods, saints,
at ranges of up to about one hundred and affixed atop a short iron spike. When and luminaries revered by the Zandir
miles. The devices are activated by voice planted into the ground, the demonward Paradoxists. In essence, these devices
command and may be linked together to radiates an aura of entropy that masks the function as luck charms, conferring a +1
form communication networks of up to “living aura” of all living creatures within bonus on three die rolls per day.
seven orbs. If desired, one of the seeing a 10-foot radius, concealing them from
stones in any given network may be demonic life-sense. It does not shield
designated as the master orb for that group; travelers from direct observation, however.
it can then activate any or all the other orbs
on command. A single seeing stone is, of

Thaumaturgic Creations


Distillations are thaumaturgically concentrated essences
of otherwise elusive substances, such as colors, scents,
tastes, and even sentiments. Though distillations were quite
popular during the Archaen Age, only the Phantasians know
how to make such products anymore. The contents of a
single, one-dram vial are sufficient to affect an area equal
to 10 feet in diameter. The effects last for one hour or until
neutralized. A character can resist being affected by distilled
sentiments or other distillations with a successful WIL roll.
Level: 5-20 (depending on the specific substance)
Yield: One dram
Time required: One hour per level
Minimum value: 2 gold lumens per level

Dream Essence Common types of elemental essences include:

Dream essence is, quite literally, the stuff of which dreams are Red Menace: Liquefied essence of fire. This dangerous
made; it consists of dreams distilled into liquid form. Only the substance is commonly used in warfare. Red Menace
Phantasians know the secrets of creating dream essence. ignites all flammable substances within the area of effect
and is notoriously difficult to extinguish.
The color of the essence can be used to determine the Blue Havoc: Essence of ice. This substance is used
type of dream that an individual might experience upon in warfare versus troops and conveyances, and as a
drinking it, as follows: deterrent against land dragons and other species that are
Purple: Passion and romance susceptible to cold. When contained in metal canisters,
Blue: Poignant memories Blue Havoc can also be used to keep foods from spoiling
Red: Violent emotions in the desert heat.
Silver: Imagination, flights of fancy Yellow Danger: Gaassified sulfur. This noxious gas
Silver-blue: Dreams of flying is seldom used in war except under the most dire
Gold: Prophetic visions circumstances. Because it is heavier than air, Yellow
Black: Nightmares (black dream essence is illegal in many lands) Danger can be used to flush subterranean creatures from
Rainbow: Unpredictable properties their lairs. and is sometimes employed versus colonies of
raknids. Each pint. when released. produces a coherent
The dreams derived from these essences are reportedly gas roughly ruling an area 10’ x 10’ x 10’. All those in this
far more vivid and colorful than those experienced during area take 1 d4 damage per round from contact with the
normal sleep, and the effects of one dram last from two substance and from breathing it.
to eight hours. The experience of dreaming for such an Storm Crystals: Solidified, essential air. These essences
extended period is said to be most extraordinary. are used in wind machines, which provide impetus to
Dracartan dune ships. A single crystal contains enough
energy to propel a large land-ark for up to four hours.
Elemental Essences
These essences are derived from elemental forces or
substances, which are collected and distilled by the use of Quintessence
an essence accumulator. The substances are then placed in This marvelous crystalline powder can be used to transmute
suspension and transmuted into solid, liquid, or gaseous any substance to solid, liquid, or gaseous form, depending
form through the use of quintessence. Contained in spheres on the thaumaturge’s desires. Only a skilled thaumaturge
or capsules of amberglass, the captured essence can be fired using a caduceus can activate the properties of quintessence.
from a hurlant (damage and radius of effect is dependent on A single dram is sufficient to affect up to a 10’ x 10’ x 10’ area
the size of the hurlant employed; hand-held hurlants employ of matter. The powder and its byproducts must be contained
one- ounce capsules). Only the Dracartans of Carantheum in amberglass, or they will lose efficacy. Only the Dracartans
know the methods for creating these volatile substances. know the secret of creating quintessence.

Alchemical Creations

Time required: Four days

ALCHEMICAL CREATIONS Cost of materials: 585 gold lumens
The creations listed below are examples of some of the more Minimum value: 681 gold lumens
well-known products of alchemy. Players and GMs should
work together to develop additional creations, using the
examples as models, and the plant and animal ingredients Alchemical Solvents
listed later in this chapter as inspiration. These caustic liquids are specially made to dissolve only a
specific type of inanimate substance, such as wood, iron,
stone, or crystal. The process of creation yields one ounce,
Measurements for which is sufficient to dissolve up to one cubic foot of
Alchemical Creations substance in approximately three rounds. Note that there is
no alchemical solvent for amberglass.
8 drams = 1 ounce Level: 8
16 ounces = 1 pint or 1 pound Ingredients: 30 drams vitriol, one dram powdered contrary
vine, tiny sample of the substance to be dissolved
Time required: Two days
Adamant Cost of materials: 359 gold lumens
Adamant is a magical metal of superior hardness, created Minimum value: 391 gold lumens
from silver, black iron, and powdered blue diamond. A
forge and metalworker’s tools are required to undertake Amberglass
the operation, which yields a one-pound ingot. Weapons Amberglass is a unique material that can be used to contain
made of adamant cut through most materials with ease alchemical and magical mixtures, essences, spell energies,
(armor affords only half normal protection rating against and even certain creatures of a magical nature, it is very
such weapons), and are capable of damaging all manner of difficult to dissolve or permeate, outside of physically
corporeal extra-dimensional creatures even if not enchanted. smashing it. This substance radiates a faint aura of magic.
Adamant armor affords double the normal protective rating The Alchemy skill can be used to create five ounces of
against all but adamant weapons. raw amberglass; shaping the amberglass into usable items
Level: 6 requires extra work, using a skill such as Artificer.
Ingredients: Blue diamond, silver, and black iron Level: 5
Time required: Two hours Ingredients: Two ounces powdered amber, six ounces
Cost of materials: 4 gold lumens powered glass
Minimum value: 8 gold lumens Time required: One day
Cost of materials: 57 gold lumens
Minimum value: 73 gold lumens
Adamant, Black
This type of adamant is virtually unknown outside of the isle Amberglow
of Nefaratus. It is said to be very costly to produce, and so is Amberglow is an alchemical liquid used as a source of
exceedingly rare. Only the Black Savants of Nefaratus know illumination in many of Talislanta’s urban centers. This
the secret of forging this magical metal, which has the same substance can be created to radiate in a wide variety of hues
properties as Mirin adamant. Also, it is capable of damaging and patterns. Like scintilla, amberglow does not radiate heat.
even non-corporeal creatures. The process of creation yields eight ounces; an eight-ounce
Minimum value: 40 gold lumens per pound batch of amberglow is enough to illuminate a twenty-foot
radius and lasts for three to five months.
Level: 5
Alchahest Ingredients: Three ounces of powdered amber, six ounces
Talislantan alchahest is a powerful acid. The process of of clear water, one dram of powdered black diamond; one
creation yields one ounce, which is sufficient to dissolve up dram of additional powdered gemstones can be added to
to one cubic foot of any non-magical substance. Alchahest is affect hue and pattern
usually contained in vials of dense amberglass. A direct hit Time required: One day
with a dose of alchahest will inflict 3d10 damage per round Cost of materials: 94 gold lumens
for three rounds. Minimum value: 110 gold lumens
Level: 10
Ingredients: 50 drams vitriol, one dram powdered contrary

Argentium Depilatory Elixir
Argentium is an uncanny form of silver with the strength of This substance removes hair on contact. It is widely used
forged iron. Weapons made of or plated with this substance among the Orthodoxists of Aaman. The effects of one dose
are of great use against demons and other denizens of the last for seven weeks.
Underworld. Dose: One ounce
Level: 8 Level: 1
Ingredients: Silver, black diamond, demon ash/powder Ingredients: Twelve drams of powdered bald nettle.
Time required: 2 hours Time required: Four hours
Cost of materials: 19 gold lumens Cost of materials: 12 copper pieces
Minimum value: 23 gold lumens Minimum value: 4 gold lumens
Quicksilver Healing Elixir
This animate liquid metal is used in the making of vials for This elixir heals ten points of damage per dose ingested.
holding vitriol, as well as in other alchemical operations. The Dose: One ounce
process of creation yields one ounce of quicksilver. Level: 5
Level: 5 Ingredients: Two ounces of powdered amber, ten drams of
Ingredients: Eight ounces of powdered silver, seven drams balmroot
of powdered contrary vine, one carat of powdered black Time required: Two days
diamond Cost of materials: 106 gold lumens
Time required: Five days Minimum value: 110 gold lumens
Cost of materials: 151 gold lumens
Minimum value: 231 gold lumens Medicinal Purge
This medicinal liquid rids the body of parasitic organisms
Vitriol within an hour of ingestion.
This powerful adhesive can be used to bond organic or Dose: One ounce
inorganic materials of any sort, except for quicksilver; only Level: 5
vials lined with quicksilver can be used to contain vitriol. Ingredients: One ounce of powdered ogront dung, twelve
It hardens in one minute, creating a glassy substance with drams of cleric’s cowl
a nearly unbreakable bond, and only alcahest will serve Time required: One day
to dissolve it. The process of creation yields ten drams of Cost of materials: 24 gold lumens
vitriol, enough to cover two square feet. Minimum value: 26 gold lumens
Level: 7
Time required: Seven days Poison Antidote
Ingredients: Seven drams of powdered mung-berries, seven This substance reverses the effects of any poison or toxin,
drams of yellow stickler juice, and a dram each of powdered provided the antidote is delivered in time.
sulfur and red iron. Dose: One ounce
Cost of materials: 1 gold lumen (buyers usually must Level: 5
provide the quicksilver vial) Ingredients: Twenty-five drams of powdered cleric’s cowl
Minimum value: 113 gold lumens Time required: Two days
Cost of materials: 50 gold lumens
Minimum value: 54 gold lumens
Soporific Elixir
Aphrodisiac Elixir This elixir causes the drinker to fall into a deep slumber lasting from
This elixir promotes feelings of romantic and/or sexual two to twelve hours, unless a successful CON roll is made to resist.
desire unless a successful WIL roll is made. A dose lasts for Even a successful CON roll leaves the subject groggy, with a -1 on
one hour. all actions. Unless an antidote is employed, it will not be possible to
Dose: One ounce awaken the sleeper while the soporific remains in effect.
Level: 3 Dose: One ounce
Ingredients: Powdered tantalus and rainbow lotus, eight Level: 6
drams each Ingredients: Eleven drams of powdered morphius blossom
Time required: One day Time required: Two days
Cost of materials: 48 gold lumens Cost of materials: 110 gold lumens
Minimum value: 51 gold lumens Minimum value: 142 gold lumens

Medicinal Mixtures Kesh
Concoctions in this category include tonics, serums, balms, Kesh is a bitter, pungent liquid made from the crushed and
ointments, salves, and various other mendicants. Such boiled roots of the jabutu plant. The secret of making kesh
mixtures are generally able to treat only a single, specified is known only to the witchfolk of Chana. A one-ounce dose
malady – fever, itch, nausea, insomnia, depression, minor allows a trained individual to see and communicate with
wounds (3 points), burns, and so forth. Unfortunately, invisible and astral presences; some people can use the
Talislantan medicine across the continent is burdened by narcotic to enter other planes of existence. The Chana are
superstition, specious theories, ignorance, and more than a loath to share this valuable substance, or the jabutu plant
little quackery. Consequently, medicinal mixtures carry a -5 from which it is derived, with outsiders.
penalty concerning effectiveness. Level: 8
Dose: One ounce Ingredients: Roots of one full-grown jabutu plant (six
Level: 1 drams), six drams of powdered bone, one dram of dust from
Ingredients: Varies according to locale, customs, and a tomb or gravesite
particular malady Time required: Seven days
Time required: Four hours Cost of materials: 12
Cost of materials: 1 silver piece on average Minimum value: 68 (almost never for sale)
Minimum value: 11 silver pieces
Narcotics This insidious drug is derived from an unnatural hybrid
plant of the same name. It is an important source of revenue
Euphorica in Faradun, the only place in Talislanta where k’tallah is
This narcotic is created from the pollen of the mantrap plant. legal. The leaves of the k’tallah plant contain a resinous
It is a highly popular drug in Cymril, reportedly affording powder that, when smoked or ingested, enables the user
the partaker a synthesis of pure pleasure. The effects of a to “see” visions of the near future; other effects of the drug
one-dram dose last for two hours. include delusions of grandeur, dulled reflexes (-1 DEX),
Level: 4 and a general feeling of euphoria. K’tallah is both intensely
Ingredients: One dram of mantrap pollen pleasurable and extremely addictive. Individuals who
Time required: Four hours experiment with the drug even once may become dependent
Cost of materials: 25 gold lumens upon it; CON roll at -2 to resist. A one-dram dose lasts a full
Minimum value: 29 gold lumens day.
Level: 4
Ingredients: Two drams of k’tallah leaves
Kaj Time required: Four hours
This potent narcotic is made from a combination of k’tallah Cost of materials: 100 gold lumens
and the resinous buds of a hallucinogenic plant known as Minimum value: 104 gold lumens
rajoum, and is popular in Rajanistan. A one-dram dose
heightens the user’s perception (+1 PER) and produces a
sense of euphoria that lasts for three hours; it also reduces Lotus, Black
reflexes (-1 DEX) and can impair the user’s judgment (-2 The powder of the black lotus possesses powerful narcotic
INT). The process of creation yields 10 drams. and mind-expanding properties. It bestows upon the user
Level: 1 the powers of clairvoyance and clairaudience. However,
Ingredients: One dram of k’tallah, 10 drams of rajoum characters must succeed at a WIL roll to resist addiction,
Time required: One day with a cumulative -1 penalty per use. A one-dram dose lasts
Cost of materials: 254 gold lumens one hour.
Minimum value: 262 gold lumens Level: 4
Ingredients: One dram of black lotus powder
Time required: Two hours
Cost of materials: 200 gold lumens
Minimum value: 202 gold lumens

Poisons Viper’s Blood
Brewed from the blood of death’s-head vipers, a batch of
Black Mushroom Powder this poison yields sufficient toxin to coat one edged weapon
This poison causes severe hallucinations (-5 to all actions) (adds d12), two arrows or crossbow bolts (adds d10),
lasting about thirty minutes. If resisted, the hallucinations or four darts (adds d4). The poison is good only for one
last one minute. successful strike, and deals half its usual damage if resisted.
Dose: One ounce Dose: One ounce
Level: 7 Level: 5
Ingredients: Twelve drams of powdered black mushroom Ingredients: Ten drams of death’s-head viper’s blood
Time required: One day Time required: One day
Cost of materials: 24 gold lumens Cost of materials: 40 gold lumens
Minimum value: 40 gold lumens Minimum value: 56 gold lumens

Draconid Venom Potions

The venom of a draconid causes searing pain sufficient to
incapacitate a victim for five rounds (-10 on all actions). If Cold Resistance
successfully resisted, the venom’s effects can be ignored. This potion bestows immunity to magical or non-magical
Dose: One ounce cold and ice. Its effects last for six hours after ingestion.
Level: 5 Dose: One ounce
Ingredients: Nine drams of draconid venom Level: 5
Time required: One day Ingredients: Ten drams of powdered snow lily, twelve
Cost of materials: 90 gold lumens drams of cleric’s cowl
Minimum value: 106 gold lumens Time required: Three days
Cost of materials: 224 gold lumens
Minimum value: 272 gold lumens
Paralytic Poison
Distilled from the venom of crag spiders or raknids, this
poison causes paralysis lasting up to one hour. If resisted, Fire Resistance
the victim is only rendered somewhat sluggish (-3 on all This potion bestows immunity to magical or non-magical
actions) for ten rounds. heat and flame. Its effects last for six hours after ingestion.
Dose: One ounce Dose: Four drams
Level: 2 Level: 5
Ingredients: Twelve drams of crag spider venom or raknid Ingredients: Five carats of powdered firegem, five drams of
venom fire lily
Time required: One day Time required: Three days
Cost of materials: 120 gold lumens Cost of materials: 220 gold lumens
Minimum value: 128 gold lumens Minimum value: 268 gold lumens

Venomwood Resin Flying Potion

A batch of this poison yields sufficient toxin to coat one This potion bestows the ability upon the drinker to fly at
edged weapon (adds d20), two arrows or crossbow bolts speeds of up to 25 mph (SPD +6, 220 feet/round). Its
(adds 3d6), or four darts (adds d8). Note that the larger effects last for one hour after ingestion.
the weapon, the more poison it delivers, and thus the more Dose: One ounce
damage it inflicts. The poison is good only for one successful Level: 9
strike, and deals half its usual damage if resisted. Ingredients: Forty drams of vore blood, one ounce of
Dose: One ounce powdered alatus wing, twenty feathers from an oryx or a
Level: 7 Gryph
Ingredients: Nine drams of venomwood tree sap Time required: Four weeks
Time required: Two days Cost of materials: 218 gold lumens
Cost of materials: 90 gold lumens Minimum value: 538 gold lumens
Minimum value: 122 gold lumens

Love Potion Dose: Four ounces
This potion causes the drinker to become infatuated with Level: 2
the first individual whose name he or she hears spoken Ingredients: One dram of exomorph pigment, seven drams
(WIL roll to resist). Even a success on the roll means that of powdered glass
the imbiber is distracted by the infatuation, if not overcome Time required: One day
by it. The effects of the potion last six hours after ingestion. Cost of materials: 20 gold lumens
Dose: Two ounces Minimum value: 28 gold lumens
Level: 8
Ingredients: Forty drams of powdered tantalus, two pints
of Thaecian nectar Incendiary Powder
Time required: Six days This powder ignites on contact with air, creating fire (d10),
Cost of materials: 206 gold lumens and dense smoke in a 10 foot radius.
Minimum value: 302 gold lumens Dose: One ounce
Level: 6
Ingredients: Powdered six-carat firegem, twenty-four drams
Rejuvenating Potion dragon fang
This potent potion restores the drinker’s strength and Time required: One day
vitality, plus all lost hit points. Cost of materials: 50 gold lumens
Dose: One ounce Minimum value: 100 gold lumens
Level: 15
Ingredients: Forty-nine drams of powdered balmroot, a
powdered seven-carat diamond, seven drams of gold dust;
may substitute seven drams of Araq blood for the balmroot
Time required: Five days
Cost of materials: 281 gold lumens
Minimum value: 441 gold lumens

Shrinking Potion
This potion causes the drinker to be reduced to one inch
in height or length. A drinker may attempt to resist with a
CON roll, if desired. The effects of the potion last six hours
after ingestion.
Dose: One ounce
Level: 10
Ingredients: Sixteen drams of powdered shrinking violet
Time required: Four days
Cost of materials: 160 gold lumens
Minimum value: 256 gold lumens


Enhancement Powder
Enhancement powders are pigments that can be used
to change the color of an individual’s skin or hair. These
powders are sold in four-ounce kits, containing enough
powder to cover an average-sized person from head to foot.
Enhancements come in a variety of brilliant (and sometimes
garish) colors and are considered very fashionable
among the folk of Cymril. A powder’s effects last for 24
hours, or until removed by magic or altered by additional

Enchanted Weapons & Armor


& ARMOR Weapon Damage Range / Notes

The following is a list of the most common types of Ariane Bow, +1* to 4* d8+1 to 4 150’ - Stun
enchanted weapons and armor found in Talislanta. Battle axe, Sauran, +1 d12+1 Saurans do not
Enchantment may increase a weapon’s damage potential make +2 or greater
by +1, +2, etc., or it might double the weapon’s damage weapons
potential by imbuing it with an elemental power, or it could Bladestaff, Kasmir, +1 to 2 d8+1 to 2
increase the wielder’s skill with that weapon. Enchanted
weapons will have only one magic property. Bladestaff, Kasmir, +3 d8+3 Very rare
Bow, +1* to 3* d8+1 to 3 150’
Conversely, armor enchantments can increases the Bow, +4* d8+4 150’- Rare due to
maximum damage which armor can absorb, or it might confer excessive cost
complete protection from a specific type of elemental attack Broadsword, Za, +1 d8+1
(no damage taken from elemental attacks of the specified
Broadsword, Za, +2 d8+2 Rare
type), or it could grant the wearer a bonus to defensive
actions. Like weapons, magic armors will only have one magic Bwan, +1 d10+1 Rare due to limited
property. abilities of Moorg-
wan Shamans
An asterisk (*) indicates that the item can be employed as Crescent knife, Aeriad, d4+1 to 2
a missile weapon. Cost in time and materials accounts for the +1* to 2*
rarity of most enchanted weapons and armor. Crescent knife, Aeriad, +3 d4+3 Very rare
Crossbow, heavy, +1* d12+1 200’
All enchanted weapons weigh ½ as much as non-magical
Crossbow, heavy, +2* d12+2 200’ - Rare, except
items, and cost approximately 2,500 gold lumens per +1
in Tamaranth
factor (5,000+ gold lumens for weapons with elemental
properties). Enchanted armor costs ten times as much as Crossbow, light, +1* d8+1 150’
ordinary armor, per +1 factor. Crossbow, light, +2* d8+2 150’ - Rare in most
Cutlass, +1 to 2 d10+1 to 2
Cutlass, +3 d10+3 Generally made
only in Gao-Din
Dagger, +1 to 2 d6+1 to 2
Dagger, +3 d6+3 Rare, used mainly
in rituals
Da-Khar, Rajan, +1 to 2 d4+1 to 2
Da-Khar, Rajan, +3 d4+3 Rare, used by
Torquar chief
assassins only
Dart-thrower, Aeriad, +1* d4+1 75’
Dart-thrower, Aeriad, +2* d4+2 75’ - Used by Blue
Aeriad elite guards
Dart-thrower, Fire, Aeriad* 2d4 75’ - Rare, ½
damage is fire, used
by Blue Aeriad elite
captains only
Duar, Gryph, +1* to 2* d10+1 to 2
Duar, Gryph, +3* d10+3 Very rare, used by
Gryph clan chiefs

Weapon Damage Range / Notes Weapon Damage Range / Notes
Dueling sword, +1 to 2 d8+1 to 2 Longsword, +1 d10+1 Common in Zandu
Dueling sword, +3 d8+3 Usually used only Longsword, +2 d10+2
by Zandir duelists Longsword, +3 d10+3 Rare except
Dueling sword, 2d8 Rare, ½ damage is among Danuvian
Stormblade electric commanders
Firebow* 2d8 150’ - Rare, ½ Longsword, +4 d10+4 Very rare, coveted
damage is fire by Kang warlords
Flail, Slavers, +1 d10+1 Mace, +1 d10+1 Common among
Flail, Slavers, +2 d10+2 Rare, Farad-made Aamanians
for Imrian captains Mace, +2 d10+2 Occasionally
Flange-bow, Sea-Nomad, +1* d12+1 100’/20’ carried by
Aamanian warrior-
Flange-bow, Sea-Nomad, +2* d12+2 100’/20’ - Rare
Garde, +1 to 3 d6+1 to 3 Acts as armor and
Mace, +3 d10+3 Rare, used by
Aamanian witch-
Garrote, +2 d8+2 Generally used only hunters
by Revenants
Mace, Ariane, +1 to 4 d10+1 to 4 Stun
Greatsword, +1 d12+1
Matsu, Ahazu, +1 d12+1 Rare, Farad-made
Greatsword, +2 d12+2 Rare for trade with
Greatsword, Fireblade 2d12 Ahazu
Greatsword, Iceblade 2d12 Polehook, Stryx, +1 d8+1
Gwanga, +1* d10+1 Farad-made for Scimitar, +1 to 2 d8+1 to 2
trade with Ahazu Scimitar, +3 d8+3 Rare
Halberd, Danuvian, +1 to 2 d12+1 to 2 Sling, +1* d4+1 100’ - Common
Halberd, Danuvian, +3 d12+3 Rare, used amongst Gnomekin
by Danuvian Sling, +2* d4+2 100’ - Rare
commanders only
Spear, +1* to 3* d8+1 to 3 Thrown
Halberd, Danuvian, 2d12 Rare, ceremonial
Spring-knife, Kasmir, d4+1 to 2 10’
Fireblade weapon
+1* to 2*
Handaxe, +1* to 2* d6+1 to 2
Staff, +1 d8+1 Common among
Icebow* 2d8 150’ - ½ damage is Rahastran
cold cartomancers
Iron Spear, Vajra, +1 d12+1 Made of ‘silver iron’ Staff, +2 d8+2
from Shriekers’
Staff, +3 d8+3 Rare, sometimes
carried by Ariane
Iron Spear, Vajra, +2 d12+2 Rare, illegal in the druas
Kang Empire
Tarak, Harakin, +1* d12+1 Rare, Kang-made
Iron Spear, Vajra, +3 d12+3 Very rare, illegal in for trade with
the Kang Empire Harakin tribes
Jang, Harakin, +1* d8+1 Rare, Kang-made Throwing Knife, +1* d4+1 Thrown - Often
to bribe Harakin carried by Arimites
Throwing Knife, +2* d4+2 Thrown
Javelin, +1* to 2* d8+1 to 2
Throwing Knife, +3* d4+3 Thrown - Very rare,
Khu, Harakin, +1 d8+1 Rare, Kang-made coveted by Jaka
to bribe Harakin and Arimites
chiefs Warhammer, +1 to 2 d12+1 to 2
Krin, Harakin, +1* d12+1 Rare, Kang-made
to bribe Harakin War whip, Sauran, +1 d10+1 Rare

Enchanted Weapons & Armor

Enchanted Armor
Type Protection Notes
Battle Armor, +1 PR 6 & ALCHEMICAL
Battle Armor, +2 PR 7 Rare
Battle Armor, +3 PR 8 Very rare INGREDIENTS
Battle Armor, Fire Ward PR 5 Plus protection The following is a general listing of the most common
vs fire mineral, plant, and animal ingredients, and the
Battle Armor, Cold Ward PR 5 Plus protection vs corresponding magical/alchemical properties attributed
cold to such substances. The availability of ingredients in any
locale is up to the GM to decide, based on the type of flora
Chainmesh, +1 PR 4
and fauna native to the region and the laws of supply and
Chainmesh, +2 PR 5 demand. Some notes for GMs and players to keep in mind:
Chainmesh, +3 PR 6 Very rare
Chainmesh, Fire Ward PR 3 Plus protection Animal ingredients which are not dried or preserved (in
vs fire salt, magically held in stasis, kept on ice, etc.) will spoil
within 1-4 hours in any relatively warm climate. Individuals
Chainmesh, Cold Ward PR 3 Plus protection vs
who do not possess Hunting or Naturalism skills will
generally have a difficult time with the often grisly task of
Cloth, Fire Ward PR 0 Plus protection removing ingredients from the bodies of deceased creatures.
vs fire Plants and herbs cultivated or found in the wild will on
Cloth, Cold Ward PR 0 Plus protection vs average yield the following quantities of readily usable
cold ingredients:
Enchanted Cloth, +1 PR 1 Small plant: 1-3 drams
Enchanted Cloth, +2 PR 2
Medium-sized plant: 2-6 drams
Large plant: 3-12 drams
Enchanted Cloth, +3 PR 3 Very rare
Very large plant or shrub: 6-24 drams
Hide/Fur, +1 PR 3
Powdering any type of ingredient requires the use of
Hide/Fur, +2 PR 4 Very rare a mortar and pestle. Performing any magical/alchemical
Hide/Fur, Fire Ward PR 2 Plus protection operation without access to the proper equipment
vs fire (primitive or not) adds to the level of difficulty of the
Hide/Fur, Cold Ward PR 2 Plus protection vs
procedure (penalty of -1 to -10, at the GM’s discretion).
Plate mail, +1 PR 6 Animal Ingredients
Plate mail, +2 PR 7
Plate mail, +3 PR 8 Very rare Ingredient Reputed Properties/Uses Cost per dram
Plate mail, Fire Ward PR 5 Plus protection Amber Wasp Induces pain, favored by 75 g.l.
vs fire Venom torturers
Plate mail, Cold Ward PR 5 Plus protection vs Araq’s Blood Used in rejuvenating 25+ g.l.
cold potions, endurance
Bane’s Eye In crystal, used to see 200 g.l.
through illusions
Bane’s Blood Induces glossolalia 10 g.l.
Bat Manta’s In crystal, used to detect 500 g.l.
Eye invisible/astral presences
Bat Manta’s Used in making 400 g.l.
Horn elemental lightning
Beastman’s Used in mixtures that 5 g.l.
Blood improve PER

Lists Of Magical & Alchemical Ingredients

Ingredient Reputed Properties/Uses Cost per dram Ingredient Reputed Properties/Uses Cost per dram
Malathrope Used in mixtures that 150 g.l. Shaitan/ Charm, protection from 500 g.l.
fang improve PER Enim’s Claw demons
Darkling’s In crystal, used to see in 20 g.l. Shrieker’s Used to make blue iron 250 g.l.
Eye darkness Plumes
Demon Dust Used in many black 100 g.l. Snipe’s Shell Powdered, magic 200 g.l.
magic rituals resistance
Demon’s Substitute for black 200+ g.l. Stryx’s Horn Scrimshaw charm, used 25 g.l.
Heart diamond in black magic rituals
Lesser In crystal, used to detect 50 g.l. Viper’s Various types, used as 10 g.l.
Shaitan’s Eye magical emanations Venom poison/antidote
Dragon’s Used in concocting 25 g.l. Vorl’s Contained in amberglass 500 g.l.
Blood solvents Essence vials
Exomorph Dye used in magical 20 g.l. Weirdling’s Potent luck charm (+2 to 1000 g.l.
Pigment pigments Fang rolls)
Chig’s Potent anesthetic, used 75 g.l. Werebeast Powdered, enhances 25 g.l.
Excretion to resist pain Tusk aggression and STR
Gryph Used in items to confer 1 g.l. Yaksha fang Powdered, confers 75 g.l.
Plumes flight resistance to control
Ikshada Used by torturers 75 g.l.
Larvae Zaratan’s Powdered, enhances 40 g.l.
Shell endurance and CON
Mandragore Influence over plants 50 g.l.
Monolith Elemental properties 100 g.l. Plant Ingredients
Na-ku Bones Powdered, used in black 75 g.l. Plant/Herb Reputed Properties/Uses Cost per dram
magic rituals
Balmroot Healing 10 g.l.
Necrophage’s Mummified, used as a 50 g.l.
Black Causes hallucinations, 50 g.l.
Head charm in black magic
Mushroom madness
Deadman Lethal contact poison 200+ g.l.
Neurovore’s Dried/powdered, used to 200 g.l.
Brain cause amnesia Devilroot Virulent ingested poison 300+ g.l.

Nighthawk’s Used in mixtures to 75 g.l. Euphorica Mood enhancer, intoxicant 75+ g.l.
Eye improve PER Fire Lily Resistance to heat 40 g.l.
Nightstalker’s In crystal, used to see 300 g.l. Jabutu Black magic, influence over 25 g.l.
Eye into the astral plane spirits
Ogront’s Powdered, enhances STR 20 g.l. K’tallah Narcotic, prophetic visions 100+ g.l.
Spike/Horn Lotus, Black Narcotic, confers powers 200 g.l.
Raknid’s Paralytic venom, antidote 50 g.l. of ESP
Venom Lotus, Blue Narcotic, confers prophetic 25 g.l.
Sardonicus’ Powdered, enhances INT 200 g.l. dreams
Horn Lotus, Green Narcotic, confers the ability 20 g.l.
Sauran’s Horn Scrimshaw charm, 50 g.l. to communicate with plants
resistance to poison Lotus, Mild narcotic, unpredictable 5 g.l.
Sawila’s Good luck charm, used 10 g.l. Rainbow properties
Plume for quill pens Lotus, Scarlet Narcotic, weakens user’s 50 g.l.
Shadow Used in seeing stones, 400 g.l. WIL (-2 WIL rating)
Wight’s enchanted items Manicus Induces delusions of 10 g.l.
Essence grandeur

Plant/Herb Reputed Properties/Uses Cost per dram Gemstone Reputed properties Cost per Carat
Morphius Soporific, induces sleep 25 g.l. Pearl Good fortune at sea 2 g.l.
Narcolesian Induces suspended 150 g.l. Quaga (violet Influence over aquatic 20 g.l.
animation pearl) creatures
Necromantia Black magic, curses 100 g.l. Quartz Resistance to illusions 1 sp
Provender Edible plant 1 c.p. Ruby Passions 30 g.l.
plant Sapphire Properties of elemental 25 g.l.
Scarlet Spores stored in vials, 200+ g.l. air
Sporozoid unleashed against foes Sard Intelligence, wisdom 5 g.l.
Shrinking Diminution 200 g.l. Topaz Resistance to magical 25 g.l.
Violet influence
Skullcap Hallucinogen, poison 50 g.l. Zircon Protection from spirits 15 g.l.
Snow Lily Resistance to cold 40 g.l.
Tanglewood Limbs used in animated 5 sp
enchanted items Melee Weapons
Tantalus Aphrodisiac 100 g.l.
Type Dmg Wt STR Cost
Venomwood Lethal systemic poison 10 g.l.
Battle Maul, • Kharakhan d20 90+ +6 50 g.l.
Whisp Bane Used in charms, keeps away 25 g.l.
whisps Battle-Staff, •* Kasmiran d10 6 -2 25 g.l.
Broadsword d10 10 +1 10 g.l.

Gemstones Broadsword, Za d10 10 +1 20 g.l.

Bwan • d10 15 +2 2 c.p.
Gemstone Reputed properties Cost per Carat Caltrop d3 1/2 - 2- g.l.
Amber Magical healing 2 g.l. Capture Pole • +1 6 +1 10 g.l.
properties Da-Khar d4 1/2 - 20 g.l.
Amethyst All matters concerning 10 g.l. Club • d8 6 -1 1 s.p.
emotions Club, Ice Giant • d20 100+ +6 -
Black Diamond Black magical properties, 100 g.l. Club, Ur • (Yaksha-Paw) d12 40 +3 200 g.l.
soulstones Crescent Knife* d4 1/2 - 2 g.l.
Black Opal Premonitions 1 g.l. Crystalblade d8** 3 -2 60 g.l.
Carnelian Protections from black 5 g.l. Cutlass d10 3 0 35 g.l.
Dagger d6 1 - 1 g.l.
Coral Protection from 1 s.p.
Falchion, Kang d10 16 +3 50 g.l
drowning, properties of
Four-Bladed Axe • Harakin d12 30 +2 10 g.l.
elemental water
Diamond White magical virtues, 50 g.l.
Garde d6 10 +1 10 g.l.
Garde, Full d8 40 +3 40 g.l.
Emerald Spiritual protection 25 g.l.
Garrote • d8 1/2 - 1 c.p.
Firegem Properties of elemental fire 40 g.l.
Halberd, • Danuvian d12 10 +1 15 g.l.
Jacinth Magic resistance 5 g.l.
Hand Axe * d8 5 0 5 s.p.
Jade Longevity, health 5 g.l.
Lance d10†† 5 +1 5 g.l.
Malachite Confers favor with 5 g.l.
Mace d10 10 0 4 g.l.
Mace, Ariane d10† 10 0 4 g.l.
Moonstone Grey magical virtues, 10 g.l.
mysteries Pole-hook, Stryx d10 8 -1 10 g.l.

Obsidian Properties of elemental 1 g.l. Prod-hook, Orgovian d6 2 -1 6 s.p.

earth Rasp d6 2 - 15 g.l.
Onyx Darkness, invisibility 10 g.l. Rod of Alchemy Special 3 - 75 g.l


Type Dmg Wt STR Cost Ranged Weapons

Scimitar d10 6 +1 15 g.l. Type Dam Range Wt STR Cost
Singing Axe, • Yrmanian (R’ruh) d8 3 0 6 g.l. Barbed Bolas,* Imrian tangle Thrown 2 0 5 g.l.
Slaver’s Flail • d8 6 0 2 g.l (Oc) +d3
Staff • d8 3 -3 5 s.p. Blade Bracer, * d4 10’ 2 - 15 g.l
Staff, Iron-Shod • d10 6 -2 2 g.l. Kasmiran [1]
Sword, Dueling d8 2 -2 25 g.l. Blade-Star, Mondre Khan d4 Thrown 1/4 0 2 g.l.
Sword, Giant-Sized d20 20 +3 75 g.l. Bow, Ariane d8† 150’ 5 0 5 g.l.
Sword, Long d10 6 0 12 g.l. Bow, Giant-Sized •* d12 400’ 10 +5 15 g.l
Sword , Short d8 3 -1 5 g.l. Bow, Short •* d8 150’ 5 0 5 g.l.
Sword, Two-Handed • d12 15 +2 25 g.l. Capture Bow, •* Satada [2] d8 100’ 7 +1 25 g.l.
(Greatsword) Crossbow, • Heavy [2] d10 200’ 5 -1 10 g.l.
Trident • d10 6 -1 5 g.l Crossbow, • Light [1] d8 150’ 2 -3 10 g.l
Two-Bladed Knife, Harakin (Khu) d8 2 -1 8 g.l. Dart-Thrower, • Aeriad d4 75’ 1 - 5 g.l.
War Axe (giant) • d20 20 +3 10 g.l. Double-Pronged Spear d10 Thrown 5 0 2 g.l.
War Axe, Bone Araq/Drukh d8 7 0 5 s.p. •* (Duar)
War Axe, Sauran d12 30 +4 5 g.l Dragon Hunter’s Spear d10 Thrown 8 +2 15 g.l.
War Club,• Ahazu (Matsu) d12 25 +3 4 g.l. ,• Sunra

War Flail, Danelek d12 12 +1 12 g.l. Flange-Bow, •* Sea d12 100’/20’ 2 0 20 g.l.
Nomad [2]
War Hammer • d12 30 +2 5 g.l.
Hurlant, •* Dracartan [1] d12 100’ 12 +1 500 g.l.
War Whip ,• Sauran d12 10 +3 2 g.l.
Iron Spear, Vajra d12 Thrown 20 +2 15 g.l
Whip d3 1 - 1 g.l.
Jang* d8 Thrown 3 +2 40 c.p.
Whipsash, • Manra tangle +d3 1 - 2 g.l.
Krin •* d12 100’ 10 +1 12 g.l.
Whipsash, Za d6 2 - 3 g.l.
Javelin* d8 Thrown 2 -1 1 g.l.
Wristblade d4 1 - 3 g.l
Sling • d10 100’ 1/10 - 2 c.p.
Spear •* d10 Thrown 4 -2 1 g.l.
Spring-Knife* [1] d4 10’ 1/2 - 5 g.l.
Star-Thrower, •* d8 100’ 3 -1 25 g.l.
Orgovian [1]
Tri-Bow, •* Aeriad [2] d8 150’ 5 -1 75 g.l.
Throwing Blade, * d10 Thrown 4 +1 20 g.l.
Ahazu (Gwanga)
Throwing Knife • d4 Thrown 1 - 1 g.l.
Throwing Stick, * Chana d6 Thrown 3 - 1 s.p.

* Thrown weapons 20+ ft. (+10 ft. per +1 STR)

* This weapon can be thrown or used as a missile weapon.

** Armor stops only half its normal amount against this
• This weapon requires two hands to use.
† Half of this damage Is temporary subdual damage.
†† Only effective for a mounted charge. Add mount’s STR +
SPD to damage instead of the wielder’s S1R.
[x] The number in brackets is the number of rounds it takes
to reload these missile weapons.

Ammunition / Shields & Armor

Ammunition/ Accessories Armor

for Missile Weapons Information includes strength rating required to wear
without being encumbered (STR), protection afforded,
Type WT Cost weight in pounds, and cost. Anyone wearing armor that is
Case (Flange-Bow)/ 60 Quills 5 1 g.l./1 g.l. too heavy takes a -1 penalty on all actions for each point by
Clip (Tri-Bow)/ 3 Bolts or Quarrels 1 1 g.l./5 s.p.
which the armor’s minimum STR exceeds the character’s
Harpoon Bolt (for Capture-Bow) 0.5 2s.p.
Harpoon Bolt (for Correg) 2 1 g.l. Type STR Prot Wt Cost
Pouch w/ 20 Sling Stones 5 1 s.p. Battle Armor,* Kang +3 5 50 1000 g.l.
Quiver (Ariane Bow) / 20 Arrows 5 1 g.l / 2 g.l. Battle Harness, Za +2 2 35 100 g.l.
Quiver (Dart-Thrower) / 10 Darts 0.5 2 g.l / 1 g.l Chainmesh* +2 3 40 250 g.l.
Quiver (Heavy Crossbow) / 10 6 5 s.p. / 2 g.l. Dragon Scale Armor, Sunra +1 2 30 200 g.l.
Quarrels Full Garde*††, Thrall +3 3 25 40 g.l.
Quiver (Krin) / 10 Bolts 12 5 g.l. / 5 g.l. Garde*††, Thrall +1 1 10 10 g.l.
Quiver (Light Crossbow) / 20 4 5 s.p. / 1 s.p. Leather - 1 10 3 g.l.
Quarrels Leather and plate, Mondre +2 3 40 250 g.l.
Quiver (Short Bow) / 20 Arrows 4 5 s.p. / 5 s.p. Khan
Shooting Stars (Star-Thrower) 0.5 5 s.p. Light Body Plate**, Aeriad -1 2 15 1000 g.l.
Shoulder Pack / 10 Hurlant Bolts 10 2 g.l. / 250 g.l. Partial Chain and Hide†, +1 2 30 200 g.l.
Spring-Blade 0.5 2 s.p. Rasmirin
(for Blade Bracer or Spring-Knife) Plate and Mail (Partial Plate) * +3 4 50 500 g.l.
Scale Armor, Gnomekin +2 3 35 300 g.l.
For adamant-tipped missiles, multiply the price by 20.
Armor provides only half normal protection (round down) Spangalor, Cymrilian 0 2 25 400 g.l.
against adamant.
* Black iron armor. For red iron, reduce STR by l, divide
weight by 2, and double the price. For blue iron, reduce
Shields STR by 2, divide weight by 4, and multiply the price by
Information on shields includes weight in pounds (Wt) 5. For adamant, double points of protection provided,
and cost. and multiply cost by 20.

Type Wt Cost Note: that spangalor cannot be made of adamant

Garde 10 10 g.l
** Red iron armor. For blue iron, STR is -2, weight is 8, and
Shield (hide, Wood) 5 5 g.l. cost is 2,500 g.l. For adamant, STR is 0, weight is 30,
Shield (Iron) 20 20 g.l protection is 4, and cost is 10,000 g.l.

Garde (Tazian arm-guard), Danuvian parry-bracers, and † Partly black iron and partly leather or hide. This relatively
Amysram bestow +2 bonus to Parrying primitive armor Is never made of superior metals.

Za Wristblades bestow a +1 bonus to Parrying †† Garde and full garde are almost useless to those without
Tazian Combat.
Shields bestow a +3 bonus to Parrying

Siege Weapons / Magical Mech. / Conveyances

Siege Weapons Conveyances

These military weapons are rated by damage, effective range Type Cost
in feet, crew to run them, reloading time in rounds, and cost. Barge Fort*, Aeriad 15,000 g.l.
Cargo Barge 5,000 g.l.
Type Dam Crew Range Reload Cost
Carrack 40,000 g.l.
Ballista, Heavy 3d12 4+ 500 8 250 g.l.
Carriage (fancy) 200 g.l.
Ballista, Light 3d6 2 200 4 120 g.l.
Cart (small) 5 g.l.
Catapult, 3d10 6+ 1,000 10 300 g.l.
Heavy Coracle*, Imrian 10,000 g.l.

Catapult, Light 3d8 4+ 100 5 175 g.l. Dragon Barque*, Sunra 35,000 g.l.

Fire Thrower 3d10 8+ 500 8 1,000 g.l. Dray (Cargo Wagon) 200 g.l.

Hurlant, Ship’s 3d8* 6 500 6 2,000 g.l. Duneship 25-50,000 g.l

(Dracartan) Ice Schooner, Mirin 40,000+ g.l.
Hurlant, Siege 4d10* 4 1,000 9 5,000 g.l. Land Ark 12,000 g.l.
(dracartan) Land Barge 200,000+ g.l
Scourge (Ur) 4d6 40+ - - 500 g.l. Palanquin, Aerial 20,000 g.l.
Springal 3d8 3 100 5 185 g.l. Palanquin (curtained) 100 g.l.
(Rajan) Pleasure Barge 200,000+ g.l.
Demi-Springal 3d4 3 50 3 75 g.l. Raft 1-2 g.l.
Reed Boat 5 g.l.
Galley 20,000 g.l.
* For Red Menace or Blue Havoc. Damage from Yellow Ship, Merchant 20,000 g.l.
Danger is special; see description under “Thaumaturgic
Ship, Trireme 30,000 g.l.
Skiff/Punt 10 g.l.
Wagon (Enclosed) 100 g.l.
Siege Weapon Ammunition
Wagon (Open) 50 g.l.
Missile Weight Cost War Chariot, Kang 5,000 g.l.
Ballista Bolt, Heavy 20 1 g.l. War Dragon, Kang 30-35,000 g.l.
Ballista Bolt, Light 10 1 g.l. War Wagon*, Kharakhan 3,000 g.l.
Fire Bomb (Fire Thrower Missile) 20 10 g.l. Warship, Oceangoing 20,000 g.l.
Ship’s Hurlant Missile 10 750 g.l. Windrigger 15,000+ g.l.
Siege Hurlant Missile 20 1,250 g.l. Windship 50,000+ g.l.
Stone (Catapult) 25-50 - Windship of War 150,000+ g.l.
Windskiff 30,000 g.l.

Magical Mechanisms * Rarely sold.

Type Cost
Levitational 10,000 g.l.
Levitational fluid, 2 gal. 100 g.l.
Wind machine 8,000 g.l.
Enchanted Creations
Ink, magic, 1 ounce 55 g.l.
Quicksilver, dram 15 g.l.
Scroll with spell 125 g.l.

Spell-Powered Items / Thaumaturgic Equipment

Enchanted Weapons and Thaumaturgic Creations

Armor, Spell-Powered Items and Equipment
Look at the description of the item to determine its level and Item Cost
find the price on the chart below. The higher the level, the Distillation, Dram 40 g.l.
more the item costs. For all enchanted items, add the cost of Dream Essence, Dram 90 g.l.
the basic item to the cost given below. Use the second chart Elemental Essence, Pint 300 g.l.
for crystalomantic crystals. The enchanted items described do
Quintessence, Dram 200 g.l.
not cover all the levels listed here, but prices for all levels are
listed to cover new enchantments that might be discovered Caduceus 700 g.l.
or invented. A character can only carry seven magic items at a Elemental Actuator 4,000 g.l.
time. Additional items temporarily cease to function. Elemental Accumulator 6,000 g.l.

Item Level
Amulet 3 per +1 bonus
Apparel (Attribute) 5 per +1 bonus
Apparel (Skill) 3 per +1 bonus
Common Enchanted Armament 4 per +1 bonus
Enchanted Armor 4 per +1 bonus
Enchanted Elemental Armor 10
Enchanted Shield 4 per +1 bonus
Magic-Powered Weapon See Description
Ring 3 times Spell Level
Staff or Wand 6 times Spell Level

Level of Enchantment Cost in g.l.

1 240
2 530
3 880
4 1,290
5 1,750
6 2,275
7 2,825
8 3,450
9 4,150
10 4,900
11 5,650
12 6,550
13 7,450
14 8,400
15 9,450
16 10,500
17 11,600
18 12,800
19 14,000
20 15,400
For items above 20th level, the buyer should negotiate
on a case-by-case basis with an enchanter.

Enchanted Items / Alchemical Creations

Enchanted Items Alchemical Creations

A character can only carry seven magic items on his or her Note that alchemical creations do not count against the
person at a time. Additional items temporarily cease to function. seven-item limit for magic items.
Type Cost Item Cost
Aamanian All-Seeing Eye amulet 6,000 g.l. Alchahest, Dram 1,100 g.l.
Aamanian Holy Symbol 750 g.l. Alchemical Solvent, Dram 675 g.l.
Ariane Tamar 2,000 g.l. Amberglass, Ounce 20 g.l.
Arimite Luckstone 300 g.l. Elixirs -
Bodor Musical Charm 200 g.l. Aphrodisiac Elixir 100 g.l.
Bracers of Levitation 5,000 g.l. Depilatory Elixir 5 g.l.
Chana Graven Image 5,000 g.l. Healing Elixir 200 g.l.
Chana Shrunken Head Fetish 300 g.l. Medical Mixture 5 g.l.
Djaffir Fetish Mask * Medical Purge 50 g.l.
Drukh Enchanted Flute 800 g.l. Poison Antidote 100 g.l.
Enchanted Crystals 2.000 g.l. Soporific Elixir 200 g.l.
Expandable Item 5,000 g.l.** Poisons -
Farad Protective Charms 100-500 g.l. Black Mushroom Powder* 100 g.l.
Farad Slave Collar 1,200 g.l. Draconoid Venom* 300 g.l.
Jaka Luck Talisman 50 g.l. Paralytic Poison* 400 g.l.
Magic Boxes 5,000 g.l. Poison Powder* 600 g.l.
Marukan Luck Medallion 60 g.l. Venomwood Resin* 300 g.l.
Muse Enchanted Instruments 1,000 g.l. Viper Blood* 200 g.l.
Nagra Spirit Jar 1,000 g.l.† Potions -
Nafaratan Obsidian Mirrors 20,000 g.l. Cold Resistance Potion 400 g.l.
Oceanian Weather Talisman 500 g.l. Fire Resistance Potion 400 g.l.
Phantasian Astromantic Globe 10,000 g.l. Flying Potion 400 g.l.
Rahastran Zodar Deck 20 g.l. Love Potion 400 g.l.
Rajan Death Masks 7,500 g.l. Rejuvenation Potion 500 g.l.
Sarista Crystal Ball 2,000 g.l. Powders -
Sarista Love Locket 100 g.l. Enchantment Powder 5 g.l.
Sauran Dragon Icon 4,000 g.l. Incendiary Powder 250 g.l.
Sawila Wind Charms 3,000 g.l. Madness Powder* 600 g.l.
Seeing Stones 10,000 g.l. Morpheus Powder 250 g.l.
Spellstones 250 g.l. / Level Neutralizing Powder 115 g.l.
Stryx Obsidian Orb 8.000 g.l. Poison Powder* 600 g.l.
Sunra Aquamantic Orb 15,000 g.l. Scarlet Leech Powder* 400 g.l.
Thaecian Orb See Description Smoke Powder 10 g.l.
Ur Clan Icon See Description Sparkle Powder 5 g.l.
Xanadasian Scrying Crystal 30,000 g.l. Vitriol, 10 drams 125 g.l.
Yitek Talisman 5,000 g.l. (plus Quicksilver vial, 20 g.l.)

Zandir Paradoxist Emblems 500 g.l.

* It is illegal to buy or sell these poisons.
* As Standard Enchanted Items, with bonus equal to level
of Enchantment.
** Plus the normal price of the item.
† Very difficult for non-Nagras to obtain.

Alchemical Equipment Amusements
Item Cost Item Cost
Alchemical Test Kit 5 g.l. Cloth/Wooden Ball 1 c.p.
Alembic 1 g.l. Kasmir Puzzle-Lock 10+ g.l.
Apothecary Jars (12) 1 g.l. Pentadrille (Cymrilian) 100+ g.l.
Astrolabe 50 g.l. Quatrillion Deck (Sarista) 2 g.l.
Astrological Charts 100 g.l. Ska-Wae Dice (Manger) 1 s.p.
Bellows 5 s.p. Trivarian (Sindaran) 800+ g.l.
Blowtube (Alloy) 2 g.l. Zodar Deck (Rahastran) 20+ g.l.
Blowtube (Silver) 25 g.l.

Musical Instruments
Brazier 2 s.p.
Capsule (Sindaran: 10) 1 g.l.
Type Cost
Censer 5 s.p.
Chimes 1 s.p.
Crucible 1 g.l.
Clarion 20 g.l.
Crystal Ball (Unenchanted) 20 g.l.
Cymbals 1 g.l.
Furnace 200 g.l.
Drum 1 g.l.
Hourglass 5 g.l.
Four-Player Bellows-Horn 200+ g.l.
Incense 1 s.p.
Glass Bells 5 g.l.
Ink, Sepia, Ounce 1 s.p.
Glass Flute 2 g.l.
Inkwell, Crystal 5 s.p.
Gong 1-10 g.l.
Inkwell, Pottery 2 s.p.
Mirror, Obsidian 200 g.l. Gossamer Harp 500+ g.l.
Mirror, Silver 10 g.l. Intricate Spiralhorn 50+ g.l.
Mortar and Pestle 1 g.l. Tambour 20+ g.l.
Piping/Tubing, per Foot 1 s.p. Triole 10+ g.l.
Prism 2 g.l. Water Chimes 5 g.l.
Quill Pen 1 s.p.
Retort 1 g.l.
Scroll, Hide 5 s.p. Tack and Harness
Scroll, Parchment 1 g.l. Type Cost
Scroll Case, Hide/Wood 1 g.l. Barding *
Scroll Case, Silver 10 g.l. Battle Rig (Land Lizard) 20 g.l.
Spell Book, Iron-Bound 50 g.l. Battle Tower (Land Dragon) 1,000 g.l.
Spell Book, Leather-Bound 20 g.l. Harness (any Steed) 1 g.l.
Spell Book, Silver-Bound 100 g.l. Saddle Bag 1 g.l.
Sphere, Per Inch Diameter 1 g.l. Sedan Chair 40 g.l.
Tongs 1 s.p. Yoke (per Burden Beast) 1 s.p.
Vat, per Cubic Foot 5 g.l.
Vial, Glass 5 g.l. * Prices for barding for Ahtra, Equs, and Strider mounts
equal 5 times the cost of comparable armor for
Vial, Amberglass 25 g.l.
humanoids; for Land Lizards, Mangonel Lizards and
Vial, Quicksilver 20 g.l. Ogriphant, the price is 10 times humanoid armor; and
Wand, Unenchanted, Costly 100 g.l. for Land Dragons the price is 50 times as high. Weight is
Wand, Unenchanted, Simple 10 g.l. proportional to price.

* 5 times listed price for Amberglass wares in place of glass.

Type Cost Item Quantity Cost
Boots (Cloth/Hide) 5 s.p. Copper 10 Pounds 2 g.l.
Boots (Velvet/Leather) 10+g.l. Gauze Square Yard 1 s.p.
Cap (Cloth/Hide) 5 c.p. Glass, Clear Pound 2 g.l.
Cap (Velvet/Satin) 10 g.l. Glass, Green Pound 5 g.l.
Cape (Cloth/Hide) 2 s.p. Gold 10 Pounds 200 g.l.
Cape (Silk/Sateen) 5+ g.l. Gossamer Bolt 5 g.l.
Cloak (Cloth/Hide) 5 s.p. Grog Gallon 5 c.p.
Cloak (Velvet/Brocade) 10+ g.l. Hide/Fur Pelt 5-100 g.l.
Gauntlets (Chain) 10 g.l. Iron, Black 10 Pounds 4 g.l.
Gauntlets (Thick Hide) 2 s.p. Iron, Blue 10 Pounds 20 g.l.
Gloves (Cloth/Hide) 1 s.p. Iron, Red 10 Pounds 8 g.l.
Harness (Leather) 1 g.l. Ivory Pound 10 g.l.
Headband (Cloth/Hide) 1 c.p. Kesh Ounce 50 g.l.
Headband (Silver) 5 g.l. K’tallah Pound 1,000 g.l.
Hooded Cloak 5+ S.p. Linen, Common Bolt 5 s.p.
Loincloth (Cloth) 1 c.p. Linen, Viridian Bolt 25 s.p.
Loincloth (Hide/Fur) 1 c.p. Mandalan Silkcloth Bolt 5 g.l.
Ritual Vestments 10+ g.l. Mochan Gallon 10 g.l.
Robe (Elaborate) 20+ g.l. Mushroom Ale Gallon 25 s.p.
Robe (Simple) 5 s.p. Muskront Musk Dram 10 g.l.
Sandals/Slippers 5 c.p. Produce/Grain Ton 100+ g.l.
Slippers (Elaborate) 10+ g.l. Sackcloth Bolt 5 c.p.
Smock/Dress (Simple) 2 s.p. Shag Bolt 1 g.l.
Smock/Dress (Elaborate) 20+ g.l. Silver 10 Pounds 20 g.l.
Tunic/Breeches (Cloth) 1 g.l. Skoryx Gallon 50 g.l.
Tunic/Breeches (Velvet) 10+ g.l. Spangalor Bolt 5 g.l.
Spices Pound 50+ g.l.
Spinifax Bolt 1 g.l.
Miscellaneous Goods Sulfur Dram 5 c.p.
Tazian Fire Ale Gallon 5 g.l.
Item Cost
Thaecian Nectar Gallon 25 g.l.
Durnean Opticals, Pair 2 g.l.
Timber, Common Board Foot 1 c.p.
Kasmiran Thief-Catcher 5 g.l.
Timber, Hardwood Board Foot 1 s.p.
Kasmiran Spy-Tube 25 g.l.
Timber, Span Oak Board Foot 5 s.p.
Yassan Tool Kit 150 g.l.
Vinesap Gallon 5 g.l.

These prices are especially useful for those players who wish
Trade Goods to run a mercantile campaign. They assume the characters
Item Quantity Cost are buying in bulk from dealers rather than buying small
Adamant 10 Pounds 80 g.l.
amounts from retailers. A standard bolt of cloth is one yard
wide and five yards long.
Adamant, Black 10 Pounds 400 g.l.
Aquavit Gallon 10-100 g.l.
Chakos Gallon 3 g.l.

Jewelry Beasts
Type Cost See Chapter Eight for descriptions of these creatures. For
Amulet/Broach 1 g.l.
darkmane, graymane, silvermane, and snowmane, see equs.
For ironshrike, see shrieker.
Bracelet/Armband 1 g.l.
Bracers, Pair 4 g.l. Type Cost
Earrings, Pair 10 s.p. Ahtra (any type) 200-800 g.l.
Medallion 4 s.p. Darkmane* 200 g.l.
Necklace 1 g.l. Drac (trained) 250 g.l.
Ring 1 g.l. Drac (untrained) 50 g.l.
Tiara 3 g.l. Draconid 600 g.l.
Torc 2 g.l. Dractyl* 800 g.l.
Note: Prices listed are for black iron or other common Dragon (egg or larva) 500+ g.l.
material. Double these figures for articles made of red iron, Duadir (trained) 600 g.l.
ivory, or brass; multiply by 5 for silver and by 50 for gold. Equs 400 g.l.
Cost of gemstones is additional. Durge 50 g.l.
Erd 500 g.l.
Slave Market Gold Beetle (live) 100 g.l.
Slavery is illegal in the Nine Kingdoms, Carantheum, and Ironshrike (trained) 100 g.l.
Tamaranth. Elsewhere on the continent, the practice of Kra (to tow Coracle)* 2,000 g.l.
selling and keeping slaves is regrettably quite common.
Land Lizard 1,000 g.l.
Loper 200 g.l.
Type Cost
Mandalan silkmoth 1 g.l.
Ahazu 800+ g.l.
Mandragore 500 g.l.
Chana Witchman/Witchwoman 300 g.l.
Mangonel lizard 2,000 g.l.
Green Man Gardener/Servant 500+ g.l.
Marsh strider 300+ g.l.
Mandalan Servant/Consort 1,000+ g.l.
Ogriphant 800+ g.l.
Mud People Laborer 100 g.l.
Silvermane 500+ g.l.
Sawila Courtesan 2,000+ g.l.
Snowmane 400+ g.l.
Sunra Seafarer 700 g.l.
Strider 500+ g.l.
Vajra Engineer 600 g.l
Tarkus (Kang)* 1,000 g.l.
Wrist-viper (trained) 300 g.l.
Zaratan* 1,000 g.l.

* Rarely sold.

Type Cost Type Cost
Abacus 2 s.p. Mallet 1 s.p.
Astrolabe (Sunra) 50 g.l. Manacles 1 g.l.
Barrel (Lg. 20 Gallons) 5 s.p. Metalworker’s Tools 50 g.l.
Barrel (Sm. 1 Gallon) 1 s.p. Net (Dredging / Mud Miner) 2 g.l.
Cage (metal, per cu. ft.) 1 g.l. Net (Fishing / Throwing) 1 s.p.
Cage (wood, per cu. ft.) 1 s.p. Notebook / Folio 2 s.p.
Chain (per ft.) 5 s.p. Oilcloth (per sq. foot) 1 c.p.
Costume (fool/jester) 10+ g.l. Performer’s Makeup Kit 2 g.l.
Costume (for stage) 25+ g.l. Pick / Shovel 1 s.p.
Crowbar 2 s.p. Salt Adze (Danelek) 6 s.p.
Glassworker’s Tools 25 g.l. Saw 2 s.p.
Grapnel 2 s.p. Seal (Stamp Documents) 25 g.l.
Iron Maiden / Rack 100 g.l. Sharpening Stone 5 c.p.
Juggler’s Pins (each) 1 s.p. Slave Collar 1 s.p.
Key 1 s.p. Spikes / Pitons (10) 1 s.p.
Keyring 1 s.p. Stoneworker’s Tools 10 g.l.
Levitational Engineer’s Tools 200 g.l. Thespian’s Mask 5 s.p.
Lock (Kasmir, per mechanism) 5 g.l. Thieves Tools 20 g.l.
Lock (simple) 1 s.p. Veil (Silk, Dancer’s) 1 g.l.
Locksmith’s Tools 20 g.l. Vizard (Costume Mask) 1 s.p.
Logbook / Ledger 2 g.l. Winch 5 s.p.
Loom 1 g.l. Woodcutter’s Tools 10 g.l.
Lumberjack’s Axe 2 s.p.

Tools & Professional Equipment

Type Cost Type Cost

Backpack / Traveler’s Satchel 2 g.l. Pouch (Max 500 coins) 1 g.l.
Bandoleer Belt 10 g.l. Rope (per foot) 1 c.p.
Bedroll 1 s.p. Rope Ladder (per foot) 2 c.p.
Chest (lg. Max 10,000 coins) 10 g.l. Sack (cloth, Max 1,000 coins) 1 c.p.
Chest (sm. Max 1,000 coins) 5 g.l. Sack (hide, Max 1,500 coins) 1 s.p.
Coin Purse (Max 50 coins) 1 s.p. Strongbox (Max 10,000 coins) 25 g.l.
Fan 1-5 s.p. Strongbox (Max 1,000 coins) 10 g.l.
Flask (Iron, 1 pint) 1 s.p. Tallow (burns 1 hour) 1 c.p.
Flask (Pottery, 1 pint) 5 c.p. Tent 1 g.l.
Gourd (w/stopper, 1 qt.) 1 c.p. Tinderbox 5 s.p.
Lantern 2 g.l. Torch (burns 4 hours) 1 c.p.
Lantern Oil (pint, 1 hour) 1 g.l. Walking Stick 1 s.p.
Mirror (Crystal) 10 g.l. Waterskin (Lg. 2 gal.) 5 s.p.
Mirror (Metal) 2 g.l. Waterskin (Sm. 2 qts.) 2 s.p.
Pouch (Belt, Max 100 coins) 2 s.p. Wineskin (2 pints) 1 s.p.

Food/Lodging Damage Ratings
The following is a list of damage ratings for inanimate
Type Cost objects, structures, and conveyances. The damage rating
Amber Wine* 2 s.p.
figure indicates the maximum number of hit points the
object or structure can withstand before being destroyed
Aquavit (Cymrilian liquor)* 2 g.l. beyond repair. A conveyance or structure that has taken half
Blossom Wine* 5 s.p. or more of its total damage rating is disabled and in need of
Brine (Imrian drink)* 2 c.p. repair by a skilled engineer or technomancer. Also note that
Chakos (Arimite Liquor)* 6 s.p. armor ratings have been supplied to indicate the average
resistance of objects, structures, and conveyances to damage.
Giant Waterbug (Aeriad Meal) 2 s.p.
All conveyances will of course have certain parts such as
Grog (Common Liquor)* 1 c.p. wheels, harness, yoke, sails, and rigging, that are more
Mandalan Tea* 1 s.p. susceptible to damage than such figures would otherwise
Meal (full) 1+ g.l. indicate; the GM should decide how susceptible to damage
Meal (simple) 1 s.p.
such parts may be under varying circumstances.
Mochan (Kasmiran beverage)* 2 g.l.
Object Armor HP
Moonfish (Quan Delicacy) 50 g.l.
Amberglass (Vial, Sphere, Etc.) 0 3
Mushroom Ale (Gnomekin)* 5 c.p.
Astrolabe 2 6
Night’s Lodging (Good) 2+ g.l.
Barrel 2 8
Night’s Lodging (Average) 5 s.p.
Chain (per 1/4” thickness) 3 10
Quaga (Shellfish, Delicacy) 1 g.l.
Chest (wood) 2 4-20
Road Rations, Per Week 3 s.p.
Chest (wood, reinforced w/ Iron) 3 10-30
Rock urchin (steamed) 10 g.l.
Cloth Goods 0 1-6
Sea slugs (Imrian meal) 1 s.p.
Glassware 0 1-4
Seeds (Aeriad meal) 1 s.p.
Leather Goods 1-2 4-12
Skoryx (Sindaran Liquor) 10 g.l.
Metal Articles / Implement (soft) 2-3 5-20
Stable Fee (Basic) 1 s.p.
Metal Articles / Implement (hard) 4-6 20-100
Stable Fee (w/ Groom) 2 s.p.
Net 1-2 10-50
Tazian Fire-Ale* 1 g.l.
Padlock 3-4 6-60
Thaecian Nectar* 5 g.l.
Parchment 0 1-2
Vinesap (Aeriad)* I g.l.
Pottery 1-2 1-6
Zandir Wine* 1 g.l.
Rope (per 1/2” thickness) 1 2
*Prices listed are for single glass or cup. Multiply times Sack (hide) 1 5
ten for bottle or pitcher, times one hundred for cask or keg Scroll Tube (bone) 2 6
Scroll Tube (metal) 3 12
Spyglass 3 10
Strongbox (sm.) 4-5 20-60
Strongbox (lg.) 6-8 20-80
Wicker / Rattan Furnishing 1 10
Wooden Furnishing 2 15
Weapon (Adamant) 6 50
Weapon (Iron) 4-5 30-40
Weapon (Stone) 3 25
Weapon 2 20

Land Conveyances Armor HP Structures Armor HP
Carriage 2 20-40 Bridge (rope) 1 15
Cart 3 10-30 Bridge (wood, per 10’ length) 4 50 per 10’
Cargo Dray / Wagon 4 30-60 Bridge (stone, per 10’ length) 8 100 per 10’
Duneship 6 200 Building (small, wood) 3 50-75
Land-Ark / Barge 5 150 Building (large, wood) 4 100-150
Palanquin / Litter 1-2 15 Building (small, stone) 6-7 100-125
Siege Engine (light) 4 50 Building (large, stone) 8 200-250
Siege Engine (heavy) 6 100 Cage (wood / bamboo) 3 30
Siege Engine (giant) 7 175 Cage (iron) 6 50
War Wagon Kharakhan) 8 150 Cage (adamant) 7-10 75
Door (wood, average) 3 10
Door (wood, heavy) 4 15
Airborne Conveyances Armor HP
Door (wood, reinforced w/iron) 5-6 25
Aerial Palanquin 2 40
Door (iron) 6-8 50
Windrigger 3 40
Fortress Wall (wooden stakes, vines) 5 75*
Windship 4 80-100
Fortress Wall (stone) 8 150
Windship of War 5 150
Fortress Wall (stone, iron-plated) 10 200*
Gate (wooden barricade) 5 75
Aquatic Conveyances Armor HP Gate (wood, reinforced w/iron) 6 100
Barge Fort (Aeriad) 5 200 Gate (iron) 8 150
Canoe / Reed Boat 2 20 Hive (Raknid) 5 100*
Cargo Barge 5 120 Hive (Water Raknid) 4 75*
Coracle (imrian) 2 125 Hut (thatch, stilt dwelling) 2-3 30-40
Carrack (Mangar) 4 150 Hut (mud, Mud People) 5 50-60
Dragon Barque (Sunra) 5 220 Hut (salt block, Danelek) 6 75
Fishing Boat / Skiff 3 30 Hut (stone) 6-7 100
Ice Schooner (Mirin) 5 200 Portcullis (wood, vines) 4 50
Ice Skiff (Mirin) 3 40 Portcullis (iron) 7 100
Galley (Farad, etc.) 5 200 Tent 2 10
Merchant Ship 4-5 175 Tower (wood and thatch) 3 75
Pleasure Barge 4 100 Tower (wood) 4 100
Raft 2 15 Tower (stone) 6-7 150
Trireme (Parthenian) 7 280 Tower (stone, iron-plated) 7 200
Warship 6 240 Tower (iron) 10 300

* 10 x 10 fl section, per each 1 ft. thickness.

Windship Rules

WINDSHIP RULES Stats for Windships

Windships are the swiftest mode of travel in Talislanta.
Powered by enchanted apparatus known as levitationals, Description
these airborne craft sail the skies above Talislanta much This indicates the type of vessel, it’s place of origin, plus
as waterborne ships sail the rivers and seas. Prior to the a short description of the ship’s appearance and layout
Uprising, the only Talislantans known to be capable of (number of decks, masts, etc)
building windships were the Cymrilians and Phantasians.
Since then, nations such as Faradun and Rajanistan have also
acquired windship arcanology, though how they did so is a Size / Minimum Crew
matter for conjecture; some claim that the secret was stolen This indicates the size of the vessel, the minimum crew
from the Cymrilians, while others believe it was acquired in required to operate it, and maximum number of average-
trade from the Baratus, a legendary lost tribe of Wild Folk sized humanoids it can carry
who returned to Talislanta during the Uprising.
Small 1-3 crew
Though far from common, windships of various types Medium 4-12
by now be encountered with greater frequency across the Large 10-20 +
continent. Most are used to convey travelers or various types Huge 20-100 +
of goods and cargo. The larger sorts, such as the Cymrilian
Windship of War and Rajan Warship, such are designed SPD
exclusively for warfare. This indicates the maximum Speed of the vessel, which
generally falls within the following ranges:
In recent years, ships of extra-dimensional origin have
also been spotted in Talislanta, including those of the Black slow-moving craft = -4 to 0
Savants, Ebonites, and Tarterans. Most are believed to have average = 0 to +5
gained access to Talislanta from the inter-dimensional portal fast-moving = +6 to 10 or more
called the Nexus, which is located in the Shadow Realm.

DEX Cargo Capacity
This indicates a windship’s maneuverability. Note that Talislantan Indicates the amount of additional weight (in lbs) a
windships are not very maneuverable; DEX ratings for large windship can carry. Note that carrying anything close to
windships tend to range from -5 to 0, at best, while smaller and maximum Cargo Capacity can reduce SPD and DEX (GM’s
more maneuverable craft range from 0 DEX to about +5. ruling). This is measured in Dead Weight Tons or DWT.

A windship’s DEX rating should be used as a modifier for

all Hard Maneuvers (q.v.). Power Source
A windship’s power source is what keeps the ship aloft
and allows the ship to climb or descend, maintain a steady
Weaponry altitude, etc.
Indicates the type of weaponry on board, plus damage and
maximum range for such weapons. Talislantan windships use arcane apparatus known as
levitationals, which can be powered either by Sympathetic
* Ships equipped with Rams my attempt to ram or impale Magic (less sophisticated) or Radian Crystal (more
other vessels or large airborne creatures. Damage is d8 per sophisticated). Certain inter-dimensional vessels may be
Size rating; i.e., Small ships do 1d8, medium ships do 2d8, etc powered by enchanted items or even spells.

Armor Rating Special

This is a rating of how tough a ship’s hull is, and how many Indicates any special capabilities or vulnerabilities that this
points of armor-protection are deflected/absorbed by each type of vessel will have.
successful attack.

light wood = 0 to +2
heavy wood = +3 to +4 WINDSHIP
heavy wood with iron plating = +5 to +6
iron = +7 to +10 or more MANEUVERS

* Enchantment can add another +1-5 Armor protection Basic Maneuvers

* Note that in the case of all wooden-hulled windships, For windship pilots, Basic Maneuvers include any type
Armor does not confer any protection from fire/flaming of ship-movement that is executed at slow or medium
attacks air-speed. All skilled windship pilots are able to execute
* Targeted Attacks (see below) vs sails and/or rigging any Basic Maneuver easily, with no penalty for Degree of
bypass a ship’s Armor Rating and do full damage. Difficulty (weather and other factors notwithstanding).

Hit Points Landing / Docking
This indicates how many point of damage a windship can Straight-and-Level Flight
sustain before it is disabled or in danger of going down. Turn Circle
• Standard (non-targeted) attacks are considered to mainly Turn to Port
do damage vs a ship’s hull , decks, etc. Turn to Starboard
• Targeted Attacks may be directed vs sails, rigging, or Climb
other specific targets that are not protected by a ship’s Descend
Armor Rating. Bank to Starboard
(angle the ship’s starboard side lower to view or attack
The GM can use the following basic HP ratings for such targets below and to starboard)
targets: Bank to Port
• Sails or rigging can take up to 5 HP per ship’s size rating (angle the ship’s port side lower to view or attack targets
• Small siege weapons can take 10 points of damage per below and to port)
ship’s size rating
• Large siege weapons can take 20 points of damage per
ship’s size rating

Repairing Damage to Ships
Hard Maneuvers At the GM’s discretion, in-flight repairs may be made on
To windship pilots, a Hard Maneuver is any type of ship- ships that have only suffered minor damage (no more than
movement that is performed abruptly and/or executed at 1/4 HP lost). Ships that suffer more serious damage usually
high speed - for example, a Hard Turn to Starboard would be must land to effect repairs.
a very fast and abrupt turn to the starboard side. Likewise,
Fire Ship’s Weapons while moving at high speed, Hard
Landing, etc. Windship Battles,
Chases & Tactics
Hard Maneuvers entail a minimum Degree of Difficulty
Penalty of -5, and possibly much more than that (GM;s Windship battles and chases can be an exciting addition to
ruling). Hard Maneuvers also require a roll vs the ship’s DEX a Talislanta campaign. Depending on conditions, lookouts
rating to determine whether any attempted Hard Maneuver may spot ships or airborne creatures at almost any distance,
is successful or not. from several miles away to alarmingly close range.

Once a ship or airborne creature is sighted, the

commanders of the ships will have to decide what tactics or
RULES FOR aerial combat maneuvers to employ. Possibilities include:
Initiating Combat The main determinant in a Chase situation is the SPD of
the fleeing vessel vs the SPD of the chasing vessel: compare
Initiative: Weapons or Spells the two ships’ SPD ratings and award the difference as a
For aerial combat with windships, the ship with the longest- modifier to the faster vessel, as follows:
range weapons or spells can attack first. If weapon/spell-
ranges are equal, the attacker/spell caster with the highest • The fleeing ship is faster than the chasing vessel: no
SPD can attack first. chance to catch the fleeing ship unless the chasing vessel
has some way to damage or ensnare it (as with a harpoon
Note: that for Ramming or Boarding attacks, the attacker is or grapnels)
surrendering the initiative in order to approach the intended • 0 difference = the fleeing vessel and chase vessel remain
target (vessel or otherwise). at the same distance from each other, with neither gaining
an advantage.
• Chasing vessel has a +1-2 advantage = the chasing ship
Damage closes the distance between it and the fleeing vessel by
Damage from successful weapon or spell attacks reduces 1/4 every round
a ship’s HP, minus the ship’s Armor rating. Damage will • Chasing vessel has a +3-4 advantage = the chasing ship
eventually affect a windship’s SPD and Maneuverability, as closes the distance between it and the fleeing vessel by
follows: 1/2 every round

Note: a secondary determinant in a Chase situation is

Effects of Damage to Windships Maneuverability; i.e., even if a chasing ship is faster, a fleeing
• Ship reduced to 1/2 HP = SPD and Maneuverability ship may be able to evade being captured, rammed, or
reduced by half possibly even hit if it has greater Maneuverability (GM’s
• Ship reduced to 3/4 HP = disabled, immobilized, no ruling on this).
movement possible except to attempt a controlled
• Ship reduced to 0 HP or less: the ship is destroyed; if Fire Ship’s Weapons
airborne, it goes down (roll the Pilot’s skill rating to Once within range of an intended target, ships that are
determine if the Pilot can guide the ship to a hard landing) carrying onboard weaponry can open fire at will. Such
attacks are treated like a standard Combat roll, using the
Note: Targeted Attacks may be used vs sails, rigging, attacker’s skill rating for the type of Ship Weapon being
opposing ship’s weapons, specific individuals, etc, with the used.
usual Degree of Difficulty penalties applied.

Missile & Magic Attacks Evade
Once within range, characters onboard a ship may open fire Ships with greater maneuverability can try to avoid potential
with missile weapons and/or spells. attacks by taking evasive maneuvers such as rapid turns to
port or starboard, rapid climbs or rapid dives (roll vs each
Approach for Boarding ship’s DEX). They may also be able to shake a pursuer by
Treated as a Hard Maneuver if attempted vs a moving vessel, climbing to an altitude too high for a pursuing ship to follow,
and as a Basic Maneuver vs a stationary vessel, object, etc. or descending to low altitude and weaving around various
types of terrain obstacles – mountains, hills, volcanoes,
Dive jungles, etc.
This is a Hard Maneuver version of the Basic Maneuver.
Boarding Another Vessel
Descend Boarding attempts using grapnels, harpoons, hooks, etc are
Basically it’s a full-speed Descend. treated as missile attacks against the intended target ship.
Roll on the Action Table: on a result of Full Success or
Ramming greater, the grapnel/harpoon/hook hits the target and hooks
Ramming requires the attacking ship to rapidly close within it. On the next round, defenders may attempt to counter
striking distance and crash into the opposing ship. Ships that such attacks by cutting grapnel/harpoon lines (roll as per
are equipped with a ram can do this without causing damage a standard attack, with a penalty for Degree of Difficulty
to their own vessel; ships without a ram need to roll both determined by the GM), or by repeatedly using the Evade
for damage to the ship being attacked and to their own ship. tactic to try to make it impossible for the attackers to Board.
Faster ships (and/or ships with very alert lookouts) may be
able to Evade Ramming attacks. If defensive measures are unsuccessful, on the following
round the attackers can attempt to board the opposing
Also, armored hulls offer some protection from this type vessel (roll vs DEX). While doing so, they may be open to
of attack. potential attack by the defenders. Only after attackers are
aboard the ship, attackers can then engage in hand-to- hand
An attempt to ram or impale is treated as a Combat combat.
maneuver, using the windship Pilot’s skill rating to
determine failure or success. If this maneuver is used vs a Controlled Landing
moving vessel or flying creature, the intended target’s Skill An attempt by a Pilot to safely land a windship that has been
(Pilot) or Ability Level (creatures) is applied as a Degree of badly damaged in an aerial battle, storm, etc. Roll vs the
Difficulty modifier. Pilot’s skill rating; if successful, the ship lands safely, with
minor damage to ship or crew (or no damage at all on a roll
Take Evasive Action of Critical Success).
Treated as a Hard Maneuver; use the vessel’s DEX rating as
a modifier. Hard Landing
An attempt by the Pilot of an airborne vessel to avoid a
Escape full-speed crash, typically necessary whenever a vessel has
This is basically an attempt to outrun another ship. suffered sufficient damage to be considered “destroyed”. Roll
Typically only effective if the escaping ship is faster that the vs the Pilot’s skill rating; if successful, the ship lands hard,
pursuer; i.e., the escaping ship has a higher SPD rating, the causing the ship to break apart and the crew and passengers
pursuer is slower or carrying heavy cargo, etc. to each suffer d12 damage (half damage with a partial
success, and none at all on a roll of Critical Success).
This is an attempt to quickly conceal the vessel, either The following is a listing of some of the types of
through magic, by flying into a cloud bank, or - if sighted windships that may be encountered in Talislanta during the
from a longer distance - landing and trying to conceal the present Age.
ship on the ground (in forest, jungle, ravine, etc)

Types Of Talislantan Windships

BARATUS RAIDER Baratus Raider Stats

Baratus Raider vessels are based on old Archaen windship Size / Crew
designs, which were stolen by the Baratus just prior to the Large: 100 x 25 ft / Crew: 10-30
Great Disaster. Since that time, the Baratus have become Cargo Capacity: 75,000 DWT
quite adept at making and repairing their own ships, though SPD: +2
they still have to acquire ship Levitationals from others; DEX: +3
during the Uprising, many Baratus raids were carried out in Armor Rating: +1
order to obtain Levitationals from other windships. Baratus Hit Points: 60
ships can be identified by their black sails and lateral fins,
and by their spiked hulls. Baratus Raiders aren’t as large and Weaponry:
heavily armed as Cymrilian Windship of War, but they are 2 fire throwers (port and starboard), 2 grappling-iron
faster and more maneuverable. harpoons used to board ships (port and starboard), 2 heavy
harpoons used to capture or tow other vessels (fore and aft)
Baratus prefer to capture ships intact rather than destroy
them, adding captive vessels to their clan’s fleet or trading Power Source: Levitationals (sympathetic magic),
them to other Baratus clans. Accordingly, Baratus typically wind & sail
prefer Boarding attacks whenever possible, counting on
their speed and ferocity as fighters to win ship-to-ship Advantages: Good Speed and Maneuverability,
battles. While approaching in an attempt to Board another armored hull.
vessel, Baratus may try to target the opposing windship’s
crew rather than the ship itself, using poisoned arrows and Disadvantages: Medium Weaponry, older style
darts or clay pots filled with noxious alchemical mixtures. Levitationals

Special: all Baratus ships carry camouflaged netting which

allows them to blend into most types of terrain, making
them difficult to see from above.


The eerie-looking vessels of the Black Savants are said to Weaponry: None. Black Savants use spells for attack and
be able to sail on water, through the air, or through inter- defense.
dimensional space. Made of black iron, Iron Galleons have
multiple upper decks resembling a castle, plus banks of iron- Power Source: Unknown - likely ancient Archaen
plated oars on either side. As these ships have no wooden levitationals. Propulsion is by rows of enchanted oars;
parts, they are not affected by fire. according to legend, the rowers are Cthonian night demons
held fast by silver chains
Black Savant Iron Galleon Stats Advantages: Almost impervious to damage by standard
Size / Crew weaponry.
Massive: 140 x 25 ft / Crew: 13 (a typical cabal), 60 or
more demon-rowers Disadvantages: Poor Maneuverability.
Cargo Capacity: Unknown.
SPD: +3 Special: Black Savant ships are made of black iron, and
DEX: -5 are impervious to fire. They can sail across water or above
Armor Rating: +5 the ground, and have inter-dimensional capabilities; these
Hit Points: 120 - 150 ominous-looking ships are rarely seen in Talislanta, but may
be encountered anywhere among the Lower Planes.


MERCHANTMAN Cymrilian Merchantman Stats

Merchantmen are large and slower-moving windships used Size / Crew
by the Cymrilians as cargo and/or passenger vessels. These Large: 80 x 25 ft / Crew: 10-20
ships are valued for their heavy cargo capacity and durability, Cargo Capacity: 42,000 DWT
rather than speed or maneuverability; Merchantmen hulls SPD: -1
are specially reinforced to help protect these slower-moving DEX: -4
vessels from missile weapon attacks. The Cymrilian military Armor Rating: +2
uses heavier-armed Merchantmen as troop carriers and to Hit Points: 70-80
carry supplies.
Weaponry - lightly armed: 2 light ballistae (one fore and
one aft on upper decks)

Power Source: Levitationals (sympathetic magic),

wind & sail

Advantages: Heavy Cargo Capacity, Armored hull

Disadvantages: Slow, poor maneuverability

Special: most Cymrilian Merchant Ships are protected by

magical wards vs fire (flaming attacks do 1/2 damage)


WIND-CLIPPER Cymrilian Clipper Stats

Cymrilian Wind-Clippers are the fastest ships in the sky, and Size / Crew
capable of outrunning any other known type of windship. Medium: 60 x 10 ft / Crew: 6-12
These vessels are primarily used for as scout-ships, for aerial Cargo Capacity: 13,500 DWT
reconnaissance, and for important diplomatic missions. SPD: +7 to +10
They are exceptionally well-made, beautifully designed, and DEX: +4
built for speed, not battle. Armor Rating: 0
Hit Points: 35-40
Cymrilian Wind-Clippers are able to fly at higher
altitudes that other ships of similar size and class. Weaponry - Light armament: one medium ballistae with
harpoon option (fore), light ballistae (aft)

Power Source: Radian crystal-powered Levitationals

Advantages: Exceptional SPD and DEX

Disadvantages: Unarmored, Lightly armed, little Cargo


Special: Cymrilian Clipper Ships can fly at higher altitudes

than any other known windships.


WINDSHIP OF WAR Cymrilian Windship Of War

Cymrilian Windships of War are not only the largest Size / Crew
Cymrilian vessels, but also the largest known windships Massive: 120 x 20 ft / Crew: 20-100
in Talislanta. These ships are built for battle, and are like Cargo Capacity: 50,400 DWT
aerial fortresses: though not as fast as a Wind-Clipper or as SPD: +1
maneuverable as a Baratus Raider, these ships are heavily DEX: -4
armed, well-armored, yet still capable of flying at altitudes Armor Rating: +3
up to about 500 feet. Cymrilian Windships of War are Hit Points: 100-120
typically used as mobile siege-weapon platforms and troop-
carriers,and are also capable of carrying heavy cargo. Weaponry - Very heavily armed: twin fire-throwers (fore
and aft), 4 heavy ballistae (2 each port and starboard)

Power Source: Radian crystal-powered Levitationals

Advantages: Heavy Weaponry, Armored Hull, heavy cargo


Disadvantages: Average Speed, poor Maneuverability

Special: Regarded as the finest all-around Talislantan

warships. All carry magical protection vs fire-based attacks
(half-damage), and those carrying high-ranking Warrior-
Mages or dignitaries are also resistant to most types of magic
(half-damage or half-effect)

Windskiffs are the smallest aerial craft made by Cymrilians. Size / Crew
Though they carry no onboard weaponry, these ships are Small: 25 x 5 ft / Crew: 1-8
fairly swift and exceptionally maneuverable. Several different Cargo Capacity: 1,500 DWT
types are made, from the luxurious Palanquins favored as SPD: +1 to +3
pleasure craft by wealthy Cymrilians to more utilitarian DEX: +3 to +6
types used as scout ships, small merchant vessels, and Armor Rating: 0
couriers. Windskiffs are sometimes carried as lifeboats on Hit Points: 50-55
larger vessels such as the massive Windship of War.
Weaponry: none

Power Source: Levitationals (sympathetic magic), wind &

sail; more expensive craft may use Radian crystal-powered

Advantages: Maneuverability, Evasion, Speed

Disadvantages: Unarmored, Unarmed, small cargo capacity

Special: exceptional Maneuverability

EBONITE SOUL TRADER Ebonite Soul Trader Stats
These shadowy looking vessels are used by Ebonite soul Size / Crew
traders, merchants, and emissaries, and by the Malum of Large: 100 x 15 ft / Crew: 10-30
the Shadow Realm. Like their makers, these ships are non- Cargo Capacity: 52,500 DWT
corporeal; however, by employing certain enchantments, SPD: +6
Ebonite Soul Traders are also able to carry corporeal beings, DEX: +4
entities, and cargo. These vessels are fast and maneuverable Armor Rating: NA (non-corporeal)
except in strong daylight. Hit Points: 90-100

Weaponry: Shadow-steel bolt-throwers

Power Source: Unknown - possibly soulstones or Black Magic

Advantages: Fast, almost impossible to see in darkness

Disadvantages: -5 penalty to SPD, DEX, CON in daylight

Special: Ebonite vessels are non-corporeal; i.e., their shadow-

forms are insubstantial, and they can pass through solid
objects, walls, terrain, etc; or even sail across land. This applies
to any solid items carried aboard an Ebonite vessel, such as
trade goods; but not corporeal beings and entities. Ebonite
vessels of all types possess inter-dimensional capabilities.
Their trading ships may be encountered throughout the lower
planes as well as the vicinity of the Shadow Realms and the
inter-dimensional port city of Nexus.


MERCHANT-SLAVER Farad Merchant-Slaver Stats

The first Farad windships were created using stolen Size / Crew
arcanology based on earlier types of Cymrilian windships; Massive: 100 x 20 ft / Crew: 20-100+
i.e., Farad windships use the older and less-reliable Cargo Capacity: 42,000 DWT
Levitationals that are powered by Sympathetic Magic, rather SPD: -6
than the newer radian crystal-powered levitationals that the DEX: -6
Cymrilians possess. Armor Rating: +2 (bottom of hull is +4)
Hit Points: 60
Farad Merchant-Slavers are built to carry heavy cargo,
but are slow, not very maneuverable, and incapable of flying Weaponry - Heavily armed: 2 heavy bolt-throwers port,
at altitudes greater than approximately 150 feet above the two more starboard; light harpoon ballista fore and aft
ground. Farad merchants and slavers line the bottom hulls
of these vessels with iron plating in order to protect them Power Source: Levitationals (sympathetic magic),
from ground-based attacks; a common occurrence for Farad wind & sail
slave-ships, which many tribes and free peoples are known
to attack on sight. Advantages: Heavy Cargo capacity, weaponry, armored hull

Disadvantages: Very Poor Speed and Maneuverability,

despised and often attacked on sight by other peoples.

Special: built to carry very heavy loads, but cannot fly at

altitudes above 150 feet.


Phantasian windships are said to resemble ships from the Weaponry: Enchanted Staff mounted on bowsprit (fires
bygone Archaen Age, and tend to be fanciful in design. flaming missile-type spells, d6 damage, range 200 ft). No
Dream-Merchants in particular are overly decorative, with other weaponry
sails colored or even shaped like butterfly wings, glass-
domed observation tower, and other unusual features. Power Source: Levitationals (sympathetic magic), wind &
Phantasian ships generally carry no weaponry, relying on
spell casters or magic items for their defense. Advantages: Fairly Swift & Maneuverable, can fly at high
altitudes, inter-dimensional capabilities
Phantasian Dream-Merchant Stats Disadvantages: Odd design, unarmored hull, limited
Size / Crew weaponry
Small: 20 x 10 ft up to 40 x 12 / Crew: 1-8 or Medium 4-12
Cargo Capacity: 2,000-3,000 DWT Special: Some Phantasian windships carry enchanted
SPD: +4 crystals that can be used to veil the ship in illusory clouds or
DEX: +4 alter a vessel’s appearance so that they resemble other types
Armor Rating: -1 of windships (roll vs PER to see through such illusions).
Hit Points: 30 These ships also have inter-dimensional capabilities, and
may sometimes be encountered in the Dream Dimension
and Astral Plane.

RAJAN WARSHIP Rajan Warship Stats
Rajan Warships are Farad-made, using stolen Cymrilian Size / Crew
arcanology; the Rajans themselves have no aptitude for Massive: 150 x 40 ft / Crew: 20-100 +
building or even repairing windships. These warships use the Cargo Capacity: 130,000 DWT
older form of Levitationals, rather than the newer Cymrilian SPD: -4
type. They are the most heavily armed and armored of DEX: -7
all Talislantan windships – the hulls are iron-plated and Armor Rating: +4
fireproof, making the ship so heavy that it requires a pair Hit Points: 80-90
of Levitationals to operate, and rendering it impossible for
these vessels to fly at altitudes above 100 feet. Though they Weaponry - very heavily armed: twin fire-throwers (fore,)
are slow and not very maneuverable, Rajan Warships are and heavy ballistae port and starboard, plus black iron ram
very effective vs ground-based troops, conveyances, and on the prow.
Power Source: Twin Levitationals (sympathetic magic),
wind & sail

Advantages: Very Heavily Armed, Heavily Armored Hull

Disadvantages: Poor Speed and Maneuverability. Fly only

at lower altitudes

Special: fireproof iron-plated hull

Diseases & Afflictions


The following is a list of diseases unique to the Talislantan A type of fungal infection common to the Dark Coast
continent and surrounding environs. Included are various region. A minor irritation to most humanoids, moss mold,
folk remedies and other treatments known (or at least is invariably fatal to Green Men and most types of plant life.
believed) to be of some effect in curing or abating these In most humanoid species, the disease causes itching and
maladies. some peeling of the skin. In plants and Green Men, moss
mold slowly dissolves tissue, resulting in death within a week
The level shown is the Degree of Difficulty to resist the or so. A salve consisting of unguent, camphor, and a drop of
disease with a CON check, to treat it with medicines, or the quicksilver will effect a cure within two days in either case,
minimum level for a spell to cure it. as will certain magical and alchemical treatments.

Blood Fever Level: 8 The Red Death Level: 25

This disease can be found in many creatures, including By far, the most feared of Talislantan maladies is the Red
Alatus, Bloodspawn, and leeches of varying type. The Death, a highly contagious disease that is almost invariably
afflicted will develop a fever in the first few hours of fatal. The Red Death is resistant to magical and alchemical
exposure and will lose 1 point of STR by that time and treatments, even the most efficacious of which offer only
another point every 12 hours thereafter. The next symptom about a 20% cure rate. Symptoms include fatigue, fever,
is growing nausea, preventing the afflicted from keeping any profuse sweating, and delirium. Death usually results within
food down. If left untreated, paralysis and death will occur 3-4 days. Humanoid beings of all races are susceptible to
when STR reaches -5 or after six days at most. the Red Death, which, during various periods of Talislantan
history, has caused great devastation. Prevention of the
disease may be possible by the employment of good luck
Corpse Rot Level: 10 charms and other related adjuncts, water from the Well of
This malignant disease is transmitted by the bite of the Saints being the only certain cure.
necrophage. Symptoms include fever, severe weakness,
unconsciousness, and a gradual blackening and swelling
of the limbs and body. The disease affects both humanoids Swamp Fever Level: 10
and animals and is usually fatal within twenty-four hours. Swamp fever is a disease believed to be transmitted through
A potent alchemical or magical curative, employed in contact with swamp lurkers or possibly flits; drinking
conjunction with a counterspell against curses, relieves these water tainted by either of these noxious creatures may also
symptoms in approximately 95% of all cases. A swift burial lead to the contraction of this malady. Swamp fever causes
is advised with regard to the unlucky 5% of such cases, as permanent insanity, perhaps in as short a time as two days.
victims tend to swell and emit a horrid putrescence soon Most humanoid creatures appear to be susceptible to the
after death. disease, which can sometimes be treated via the ingestion
of a mixture of crushed cleric's cowl root and vinegar. The
folk of Jhangara claim that immersion for twelve hours in a
Gange Level: 15 trough of fresh ogront's dung is a more certain cure, though
Also known as “the slow death,” gange is a debilitating madness might be deemed preferable to such a malodorous
disease that only affects certain avian species. Gryphs, Stryx, treatment. The symptoms of swamp fever are irrational
and Aeriad are particularly susceptible to this affliction, behavior, constant thirsting, and a tendency to lean to the
which causes a gradual weakening of the muscles of the left while walking, standing, or running. Victims rendered
heart and lungs. Unless treated with a mixture of two drams insane by the disease typically evince the strangest behavior
each of powdered amber, rare earths, and cleric's cowl (taken imaginable: prancing, capering, laying on the ground and
thrice each day for twelve days), death will result within rolling about, speaking in gibberish, emitting loud yelps and
four to six weeks. Symptoms include weakness, loss or hoots, and so forth.
discoloration of plumage, and fainting spells.

Spinning Sickness Level: 10
A disease that seems to affect both humanoids
and animals alike, spinning sickness (also
known as “the drops”) has no known cure and
is impervious to even the most potent magical
and alchemical remedies. The affliction is
not fatal, however, and runs its course in
1-4 days. During this time, the victim will
suffer intermittent attacks of double vision
and vertigo, occurring perhaps as often as
once or twice each hour. Such attacks rarely
last longer than four or five minutes each
but are quite severe. Unless the victim is
lying down at the time, he or she will careen
dizzily about and fall to the ground in a most
undignified manner. The disease has no
warning symptoms, and its cause (or causes)
remains unknown.

Yakuk Level: 15
A frightful disease common to many jungle
regions, yakuk causes a gradual loss of all
sensory capabilities. Victims initially suffer
a loss of sight, followed by hearing, smell,
taste, and finally speech (-1 Perception Rating
per two-hour interval following the onset
of the disease). Perhaps the most fearful
aspect of yakuk is that the disease's effects,
while permanent, are not fatal; most victims
continue to live, cut off from all sensory
stimuli until they die of thirst, starvation, or
some other mishap unrelated to the disease
itself—those who manage to survive for
longer than a month usually go mad. The
disease is thought to be transmitted by leeches
and seems to affect most humanoid beings. An
elixir made from equal parts of red lotus, black
lotus, and sulfur is the only known cure aside
from the implementation of divine magic.

Yellow Tinge Level: 5

An infectious disease that affects water-
breathing humanoids (such as the Imrians)
and many other types of aquatic creatures.
The victim's gills slowly become clogged with
a sticky, yellow secretion, eventually resulting
in death by asphyxiation within thirteen days.
A fluid mixture consisting of spirits of alcohol
and powdered red iron applied directly to the
gills twice daily for three days, will provide
a cure. Magical or alchemical intervention is
likewise possible in most cases.

Mass Combat & Other Mass Actions

• Compare the size and capabilities of the group and the

MASS COMBAT & action that is about to be attempted, and determine the
Degree of Difficulty entailed in the action. If the size
OTHER MASS ACTIONS of the group would be an asset given the action to be
The following are optional rules for Mass Combat and other attempted, and/or the action is relatively easy, then the
large-scale actions, which the GM may wish to include in his GM may apply a bonus of +1-10 to the attempt. If the size
or her campaign from time to time. of the group would be a detriment, and/or the action to
be attempted is very difficult, then the GM would apply a
penalty of - 1-10 to the attempt.
The Action Tables
There are three versions of the Action Table: Once these two modifiers have been determined, roll
on the Mass Action Table to determine the results of the
The Standard Action Table attempted action. The GM then interprets the results.
This table is used to resolve all individual actions, including
the use of Skills or Attributes, as well as Combat between
individuals and/or creatures. There is one exception to Mass Action Table
this otherwise universal application of the Standard Action The Mass Action Table is numerically identical to the standard
Table, and that’s when individuals contest each other with Action Table, and has a similar set of Results, as follows:
Attributes only.
The Mass Action Table Die Roll Results
This table is used to resolve large-scale group actions. 0 or Critical Failure: the attempt fails badly,
Numerically, it’s identical to the Standard Action Table. less and results in some additional negative
consequence (GM’s ruling)
The Mass Combat Action Table
This table is used to resolve large-scale Mass Combat actions. 1-5 Failure: the attempt fails to achieve the
It’s similar to the other two Tables, but includes results that are intended result
specifically tailored to Mass Combat situations.
6-10 Partial Success: part of the objective

is achieved, but not all of it (GM’s ruling
based on circumstances)
The rules for Mass Actions can be used whenever a large
number of individuals simultaneously attempts to perform 11-19 Success: the objective succeeds
an action for which there is a specifically related Skill or as intended
Attribute that doesn’t involve combat.
20+ Critical Success: the objective meets
Examples would include a group salvaging valuable with greater-than-expected success,
materials from a ruined structure (using the Salvager Skill), and results in some additional positive
or working together to move a heavy object (using an consequence (GM’s ruling)
Attribute - in this case, STR).

In such cases the GM needs to determine two things: Note that in Mass Combat Action scenarios, individual
• Does the majority of the group have a particular skill stats such as HP and weapon damage do not apply. Instead,
that would help them with the attempted action, such the GM compares the two opponents and determines the
as a group of Jaka attempting to sneak up on a large Advantages or Disadvantages that each may have when
predator? If so, the GM should use that skill (Stealth, in facing the other.
this example) as the main modifier, and give the group
a bonus that is approximately equal to the Stealth skill
rating for most members of the group (a rough estimate Advantages & Disadvantages
will do just fine). In Mass Action scenarios, individual stats such as Skill
• If the majority of the group doesn’t have a skill that would Ratings or Attributes do not apply. Instead, the GM
specifically pertain to the attempted action, consider compares the general capabilities of the group attempting
them to be unskilled at what they are about to attempt, the Mass Action against anyone or anything that might
and give them a modifier of “0”. prevent the group from achieving its intended goal. This

comparison allows the GM to determine the Advantages or Examples of Disadvantages for Mass Actions
Disadvantages for the group attempting the Mass Action. Degree of Difficulty: if the attempted Mass Action is
difficult to accomplish, or is being attempted under difficult
Advantages are based on the primary Skill or Attribute circumstances, such as while the group is under attack, in an
being used, and the GM’s estimation of the group’s overall unfamiliar type of terrain, in bad weather or poor visibility,
rating in that Skill or Attribute. etc.

Disadvantages can include the basic capabilities of any Most of the group attempting the Mass Action is not
group, creature, or creatures trying to oppose the attempted proficient in the Skill being attempted
action. Any circumstance or set of circumstances that might
make the attempted action harder to accomplish could also Most of the group attempting the Mass Action has a
be considered a Disadvantage. negative rating in the Attribute that most closely pertains to
the Mass Action being attempted. For example, a group with
low CON ratings trying to survive a perilous trip across a
Bonuses and Penalties for harsh desert.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Opposing Major Characters: add one Disadvantage for
Each Advantage earns a minimum bonus of +1. Advantage each Major Character who is part of a group opposing a
bonuses are cumulative, i.e, if a group has four Advantages for Mass Action.
attempting a given action, its total bonus would be at least +4.

Each Disadvantage costs a minimum penalty of -1. Exceptional Advantages &

Disadvantage penalties are also cumulative, so if a group has Disadvantages
four Disadvantages for attempting a given action, its total
penalty would be at least -4. In any case where a group has an overwhelming Advantage
in the use of a particular Skill or Attribute, the GM is
Advantages and Disadvantages cancel each other out. allowed to award a bonus of up to +5 for that Exceptional
Examples of Advantages for Mass Actions Conversely, in any case where a group has an
Degree of Difficulty: the attempted Mass Action is easy overwhelming Disadvantage in the use of a particular Skill
to accomplish, and/or is being attempted under favorable or Attribute, the GM is allowed to invoke a penalty of up to -
circumstances, such as a group trying to hide in territory 5 for that Exceptional Advantage.
that they know very well.

Most of the group attempting the Mass Action is Major Characters & Mass
proficient in the Skill being attempted (such as Stealth, Action Bonuses & Penalties
Hunting, Sabotage, Salvage).
Major Characters are the “stars” of the ongoing story
Most of the group attempting the Mass Action has a positive that a GM and gaming group create as they take part in a
rating in the Attribute that most closely to the Mass action being campaign.
attempted. For example, a group with mostly positive PER
ratings trying to find a lost item or a hidden enemy. Every player-character in the gaming group is considered
a Major Character, as is every Non-Player-Character of note,
Most of the group attempting the Mass Action has a including allies, enemies, and neutrals.
Special Ability that would be helpful as pertains to the
attempted action. For example, most of the group has Night Major Characters can play a very important role in
Vision, and the action being attempted is taking place at night. Mass Actions, as each one is considered an Advantage - or
a Disadvantage, if the Major Character is an enemy or
Major Characters: add one advantage for any Major opponent.
Character who is part of a group attempting a Mass Action.
Each Major Character Advantage is worth a minimum
bonus of +1. Each Major Character Disadvantage is worth a
minimum penalty of -1.

Legendary Characters Die Roll Results
Major Characters who have achieved a Renown rating
greater than +30 are considered Legendary Characters. 0 or Critical Failure: your objective fails
less badly. Your force suffers over 50%
The most-renowned heroes, villains, and personae of casualties and is routed. Survivors
the Talislanta milieu are all considered to be Legendary must roll again on this table to
Characters. The combination of Charisma, Skill (Combat or escape, or they will be captured or
otherwise - see Renown), and fame that has brought them killed (opponent’s choice)
such Renown gives them an aura of greatness that can cause
others to regard them with awe, fear, and/or adulation. 1-5 Failure: your objective fails. Your
force suffers 25% casualties and
In game terms, the Advantage bonus or Disadvantage you must roll vs your Leader’s
penalty for Legendary Characters is +10, plus an additional Renown or lose all Advantage
+1 per every 10 points or Renown above +30, with no bonuses next turn; if already at a
maximum limit. Disadvantage, that penalty doubles
next turn

6-10 Stalemate: both opponents suffer

25% casualties. If in close combat,
MASS COMBAT the two sides are deadlocked -
In any situation involving large numbers of combatants, the neither can break off combat until a
GM can switch from the Standard Action Table to the Mass different result is rolled
Combat Action Table.
11-15 Partial Success: opponent suffers
25% casualties and your side gains
The Mass Combat Action Table an additional Advantage bonus of
Note that the Mass Combat Action Table is different from +1 next turn
the other Action Tables in that the Results have been
designed specifically for Mass Combat situations. 16-19 Success: your objective succeeds.
Your force inflicts 25% casualties
on the opponent, and the opponent
must roll vs their Leader’s Renown
Using the Mass Action Table or lose all Advantage bonuses next
The most important thing for GMs to remember
about using the Mass Action Table is to keep it simple. 20+ Critical Success: Your objective
Don’t waste time trying to figure out exact numbers meets with great success. You
or specific stats - use rough estimates to come up with inflict over 50% casualties, and
Advantages and Disadvantages, and keep the flow of your opponent is routed. Surviving
your gaming session going. opponents (including Major and
Legendary Characters) must roll
The strong points of this system are its simplicity to escape or be captured or killed
and flexibility. It’s fast, and it will work with groups of (victor’s choice
mixed characters, armies, or even individual creatures
or characters vs groups. It allows the GM to quickly
adapt to changes in the size or make-up of armed Note: if the GM wants to extend the duration of Mass
forces or groups of creatures without the need for
complex calculations. Combat situations and make the die results somewhat less
lethal, use 10% instead of 25% when figuring casualties for
die Results that indicate 25% casualties.

Mass Combat Advantages Harder to Kill: the majority of your forces has a higher Hit
Each Advantage an opponent possesses is worth a bonus of Point total than that of your opponents.
+1 when rolling on the Mass Action Table.
Superior Speed: the majority of your forces are faster than
Advantage bonuses are cumulative; i.e, if your force has the opponent.
four Advantages over an opponent, your group’s total bonus
would be +4.
Strategic Advantages (optional)
Opponents can have different Advantages: i.e., one may Tactical Advantages: add +1 for each tactical Advantage that
have Superior Speed, while the other has Superior Numbers; your force has over the opponent’s. Examples include:
one may have Superior Leadership, while the other has one
or more Tactical Advantages, etc. • Attacking from above, flank, or rear; surprise/sneak
attack, etc,
To figure out the Mass Action Table modifier, compare • Superior Weaponry: the majority of your forces are better
the total Advantage bonus of each opponent. The opponent armed than your opponent.
with the higher Advantage bonus receives the difference as a • Superior Armor: the majority of your forces are better
modifier when rolling on the Mass Action Table. armored than your opponent.
• Mounted vs Unmounted: +1
Example: opponent A has an Advantage bonus total of • Attacking or Defending from cover or fortification
+4, and opponent B has an Advantage Bonus total of +3. • Attacking or Defending with siege engines or weapons
Therefore, when they face off against each other, opponent A • Attacking or Defending with a Giant Siege Engine (Iron
adds a bonus of + 1 to all Mass Action Table die-rolls (4 - 3 = Dragon, Siege Golem, Bombastion): +1 bonus per Giant
1). Conversely, when opponent B rolls on the table, they do Siege Engine.
so at a disadvantage of -1.
Leaders & Mass Combat
Examples of Mass Combat No matter how many Major Characters are involved in any
Advantages & Disadvantages Mass Combat Actions, for each attacking or defending force
there can only be one leader.
Examples of Mass Combat Advantages - and conversely,
Disadvantages - can include any of the following: The leader’s Renown affects the morale of his or her
forces, and determines if they can maintain discipline in the
Superior Combat Skill: if the majority of one force has a heat of battle. If an attack fails, a roll vs the leader’s Renown
higher combat skill rating than the other, award the superior determines whether the force holds together, or if it panics
force a +1 Advantage per each +1 difference between their and is routed.
respective ratings.
Note that any force, large or small, can have its leader. A
Superior Numbers: +1 bonus per each +1 factor by large force can have multiple leaders, but only if it is divided
which you outnumber the opponent. For example, if you up into separate groups, each controlled by a single leader
outnumber the opponent by 2-1, the bonus is +2; if 3-1, the serving as a sub-commander.
bonus is +3, etc.
For instance, any group that is allied to another force
Superior Leadership: add +1 if your Leader’s Renown is can have its leader, as can any individual faction division,
superior to the opposing Leader’s Renown. such as infantry, cavalry, scouts, skirmishers, etc. If fighting
on their own, away from the main force, these groups rely
Major Characters: add +1 for any Major Character who is on their leaders, and their own leader’s Renown. But if
part of your force, or +2 if the Character’s skill set is mostly fighting together as part of the same force, then all factions
combat-based. and divisions must rely on the main leader, and his or her
Special Ability: the majority of your forces possess a
relevant Special Ability the opponent does not also possess,
such as an opponent with Night Vision attacking at night.

Using the Mass Combat Special Rules for Mass Combat
Action Table
Mixed Individual & Mass Combat Scenarios
The most important thing for GMs to remember about using It’s possible to use both individual and Mass Combat in the
the Mass Combat Action Table is to keep it simple. Compare same battle scenario. The following are two examples of
the opponents’ basic strengths and weaknesses, and award possible Mixed Combat Scenarios:
Advantage bonuses accordingly. Don’t get bogged down in
minutiae - tell the story of how each battle unfolds, and keep • If opposing leaders or other notable individuals meet
the flow of your gaming session going. during a battle, the GM can allow those individual battles
to be fought using the standard Action Table, while each
Like the Mass Action Table, the Mass Combat Action group continues Mass Combat using the Mass Action
Table is designed to be simple and flexible to use. It will Table.
work with groups of mixed origins, small groups, large • If a group faces off against a single opponent or target,
groups, opponents with siege weapons, and even individual the GM can opt to handle this situation as a Mass Action
creatures or characters vs groups. It allows the GM to scenario. To do so, simply use the rules for Mass Actions,
quickly adapt to changes in the size or make-up of armies comparing Advantages vs Disadvantages, and awarding
or groups of creatures without the need for complex bonuses or penalties accordingly. Then roll on the Mass
calculations. Action Table to determine the results.

Unless the GM rules otherwise, PCs can switch from

Mass Combat or Mass Actions to Individual Combat or
Individual Actions at any time.

Player Characters, Mass

Combat & Individual Action

As Major Characters, PCs already have a considerable

effect on Mass Actions and Mass Combat, as each
provides an Advantage of +1. However, if the players
want to get more involved, the GM can also give PCs
a more direct role by allowing them to take individual
actions while their group is in Mass Action or Mass

To do so, the players need to tell their GM that they

want to perform an Individual Action, and state the
nature (Combat, Skill, Attribute) and specific intent of
that action. For example, one or more of the PCs may
want to go ahead of the rest of the group to scout an
area, lead a charge, chase after a fleeing foe, etc.

Based on the PCs’ stated intent, the GM then

decides if the Individual Action will take place before,
during, or concurrent with the Mass Action. The
GM then allows the PCs to play out the action as
individuals, having them roll on the Standard Action
table for whatever Skills or Attributes they employ.

Then all cases it’s up to the GM to decide whether

the PCs’ actions have a positive or negative effect on
a Mass Action, or whether they have any effect at all.
Following the completion of any Individual Action(s),
the PCs may return at any time and become part of a
Mass Action.

Sieges by a fortified position, but it is only added as a modifier
A siege is an attack vs an opponent who is protected by a vs another opponent’s attacks - not when the defender is
fortified position of some sort, such as a walled stronghold, a counterattacking from within in the fortified position.
ruined structure, or even a dense thicket, or pile of boulders.
The defensive Advantage awarded for fortified positions
Tactically, it’s possible to lay siege to a fortified position ranges from +1-10, based on the GM’s assessment of how
without launching a mass-combat attack. For example, the resistant a given fortified position is.
attacking force could surround the defender’s position and
try to starve them out. Or, they could try to undermine or For example:
burn down walls, or use smoke or noxious substances to try Wood fortification or heavy cover: +1-3
to force defenders to abandon their position. Crude stone fortification or extra-heavy cover: + 4-6
Sophisticated stone fortification or semi-impregnable cover: +7-10
Tactics of this sort can be handled using Mass Actions
based on particular skills such as Sabotage, rather than actual
combat. But if an opponent intends to attack a fortified Small-Scale Actions vs a Fortified Position
position, then the GM can use the rules for Mass Attacks vs. For small-scale or individual attacks vs a fortified position,
a Fortified Position the GM can use the Action Table instead of the Mass Action
Table. Examples of this sort of attack could include a small
group of individuals trying to sneak into a fortified position,
Mass Attacks vs. a Fortified Position or using one or two siege engines to concentrate fire vs part
In game terms, a fortified position is a defensive Advantage; of a fortification.
i.e., it’s mainly an Advantage vs attacks, and not much of an
advantage when attacking from within a fortification. To In such cases, the GM can use the Action Table and have
reflect this, a bonus is given to opponents who are protected each character roll to determine the results of his or her actions.

Talislanta is © 2024 Stephen Michael Sechi and
Everything Epic, LLC (“Everything Epic”) and
reserved. The mark Everything Epic and logo are
registered trademarks.
Talislanta & Talislanta: Epic Edition is copyright of
Stephen Michael Sechi and Everything Epic Games LLC.
2024, all rights reserved. Talislanta & Talislanta: Epic
Edition, the world, universe, lore, characters, artwork,
illustrations, maps, story, live events, original classes,
subclasses, and all other content is © Copyright of
Stephen Michael Sechi and Everything Epic Games LLC
2024, all rights reserved.
The Talislanta Player’s Guide:
Your Gateway to Adventure

Embark on an adventure through the unparalleled universe of

Talislanta, where the boundaries of high fantasy are reimagined.
The Talislanta Player’s Guide is your key to a realm filled with over
100 archetypes (class/race combinations), from the formidable
Thrall Warriors and cunning Kang Trackers to the mystical
Cymrillian Swordmages, enchanting Ariane Druas, fierce Jaka
Beastmasters, and the enigmatic Wizard Hunters. Each archetype
invites you on a journey of discovery and heroism in a world
where every character is a doorway to a new adventure.

This guide is a visual masterpiece featuring stunning, full-color

art that breathes life into the diverse and alien landscapes of
Talislanta. The vivid illustrations serve not just to beautify but
to inspire, drawing you deeper into the lore and majesty of this
expansive world.

Simplicity is at the heart of the Talislanta Core Rules, designed

to minimize number crunching and maximize immersive
roleplaying. These streamlined mechanics ensure that your focus
remains on the story unfolding and the characters driving it, not
the tedium of overly complicated rules.

This streamlined approach ensures your adventures are rich in

narrative and action, whether you’re navigating aerial battles with
the new Wind Ship Rules, leading armies with the Mass Combat
Rules, or exploring the myriad wonders of the alien milieu of
Talislanta. These additions, alongside a wealth of content designed
to enhance your gaming experience, make every session an
unforgettable journey.

Enter a magical portal to Talislanta, a world where fantasy knows

no limits, and every story is an epic waiting to unfold. With a land
as diverse as its inhabitants and a promise of adventure at every
turn, one tradition remains cherished: “Still no elves.”

Talislanta is a trademark and copyright of Stephen Michael Sechi and

Everything Epic Games LLC, © 2024. All rights reserved. No part of this game
may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means.

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