Characteristics of Drainage Morphologica
Characteristics of Drainage Morphologica
Characteristics of Drainage Morphologica
butaries that flow nearly parallel to one another and all the
tributaries join the main channel at approximately the same
angle. Parallel drainage suggest that the area has a gentle,
uniform slopes and with less resistant bed rock. A radial
drainage pattern forms when water flows downward or out-
ward from a hill or dome. The radial drainage pattern of
channels produced can be linked to a wheel consisting of a
circular network of parallel channels flowing away from a
central high point (Jensen, 2006). The properties of the
stream networks are very important to study the landform
making process (Strahler and Strahler, 2002).
IV Order
V Order
I Order
Length Ratio
Length (km)
Area (km2)
racteristics streams of relatively smaller lengths are characte-
ristics of areas with larger slopes and finer textures. Longer
lengths of streams are generally indicative of flatter gra-
dients. Generally, the total length of stream segments is
maximum first order streams and decreases as the stream
1 19.75 55.55 3.37 2.81 5.80
order increases. The numbers of streams of various orders in
the hilly terrain are counted and their lengths from mouth to 30.6
2 5.58 6.97 1.25 20.00
drainage divide are measured with the help of ArcGIS ver- 8
sion 9.3.1 software. The length of the first order stream is 3 41.46 89.04 2.79 2.15 2.43
maximum in all the 14 micro watersheds (Table 2). 4 17.97 52.40 3.69 2.92 2.96
5 31.77 95.15 2.67 2.99 2.69
Table 2. Stream length (in kilometers) for the different
orders for Kolli Hills 6 41.70 109.19 2.54 2.62 2.12
I Or- II III IV V 7 43.55 107.85 3.70 2.48 2.83
Basin Total
der Order Order Order Order 8 39.59 110.62 2.85 2.79 3.03
1 37.13 14.91 3.51 - - 55.55 9 49.09 143.65 2.08 2.93 1.73
2 6.75 0.22 - - - 6.97 10 18.44 59.27 2.66 3.21 1.68
3 60.7 17.72 6.98 1.58 2.06 89.04 11 29.89 88.97 2.88 2.98 2.31
4 34.88 14.59 2.93 - - 52.40 12 51.27 142.22 2.25 2.77 2.01
5 63.1 21.95 6.11 3.99 - 95.15 13 47.79 160.51 3.57 3.36 3.45
6 72.42 20.6 11.24 4.93 - 109.19 14 43.39 151.87 2.58 3.50 2.19
7 72.83 19.51 13.26 2.25 - 107.85 To- 481.2 1373.2 68.3
38.76 55.23
8 77.44 22.68 5.94 4.56 - 110.62 tal 5 6 0
9 86.83 27.25 17.94 11.63 - 143.65
10 41.1 11.72 6.45 - - 59.27 Bifurcation Ratio (Rb)
11 63.95 15.72 9.3 - - 88.97
Bifurcation Ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of
12 89.77 28.68 14.98 8.79 - 142.22
streams of any given order to the number of streams in the
13 106.02 36.94 3.68 3.61 10.26 160.51 next lower order. The average of all these ratios gives the
14 102.65 33.1 16.12 - - 151.87 bifurcation ratio. The term was introduced by Horton in
1932. Bifurcation ratios characteristically range between 3
Drainage Density and 5 for watershed in which the geologic structures do not
distort the drainage pattern (Strahler, 1964). However, the
Drainage Density is defined as the total stream length in 2ed micro watershed shows an average bifurcation ratio of
a given basin to the total area of the basin, (Strahler. 1932, 20. This is mainly due to the fact that the basin area is very
1945). It is related to various features of landscape dissec- small and consists only of 1st and 2nd order streams and
tion such as valley density, (Montgomery and Dietrrich, there is a big difference in the frequencies between the suc-
1994; Tucker and Bras, 1998), channel head source area, cessive orders.
(Montgomery and Dietrich, 1989), climate and vegetation,
(Moglen et al. 1998), soil and rock properties, (Smith, 1958;
Kelson and Wells, 1989), relief (Montgomery and Dietrich,
ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 54
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ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 3, Issue 2, March 2014 56
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)
VINOTH. M received the M.Sc., Degree in Geoinformat-
ics from Annamalai University of Tamilnadu, in 2011 and
now he is doing Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in centre for
Applied Geology from Gandhigram Institute – Deemed Uni-
versity. Email: