5. A listener who nods her head and maintains eye contact with a speaker is probably
a. listening actively to what the speaker is saying.
b. not understanding what the speaker is saying.
c. faking attention while she listens to music on her MP3 player.
d. formulating her response to a point with which she disagrees.
6. Nonverbal communication includes
a. all unwritten and unspoken messages, intended or not.
b. only body language and gestures that accompany a spoken message.
c. only eye contact and facial expressions that support the meaning of the words.
d. only cues that reveal agreement with or contradiction of the verbal message.
7. Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is most accurate?
a. The meaning of some gestures can vary among cultures.
b. The way an e-mail, letter, memo, or report looks can have either a positive or a negative
effect on a receiver.
c. The manner in which we structure and use time can reveal our personalities and attitudes.
d. All statements are accurate.
8. The manager noticed that Stephen slammed his desk drawer right after he said that he was
happy to work late. The manager should
a. tell Stephen that he should behave more professionally.
b. respond to the verbal message only and thank him for working late.
c. politely seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you really want to
stay late. Do you have somewhere you need to be?
d. fire Stephen for insubordination.
9. The most successful workplace teams
a. agree on a purpose and procedures.
b. are homogeneous.
c. avoid conflict.
d. work independently.
10. Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context
a. Valuing group membership
b. Preferring indirect verbal interaction
c. Placing emphasis on written information
d. Relying on context and feeling
11. Which of the following is not an element of the communication process?
a. Forming an idea
b. Selecting a communication channel
c. Displaying empathy
d. Providing feedback
12. In the body of a cover message, you should
a. repeat the information presented on your résumé.
b. explain why you need a job.
c. emphasize writer benefits because hiring officers want to know what appeals to you
about this particular company.
d. demonstrate your qualifications and show how they fit the targeted job.
13. Communication noise
a. occurs only with the sender in the communication process.
b. includes only environmentally produced sounds that prevent the message from being
c. is anything that interrupts the transmission of a message.
d. describes the medium over which the message travels.
14. Business writing should be all of the following except
a. purposeful.
b. audience oriented.
c. economical.
d. sender oriented.
17. During the second phase of the writing process, you conduct research,
a. clarify the audience demographics, and edit word choices.
b. anticipate audience reaction, and adapt the message.
c. organize ideas, and compose the message.
d. evaluate message effectiveness, and revise as needed.
15. Which of the following tips should you follow to improve your nonverbal communication
a. Focus only on the sender's words when you are engaged in conversation.
b. Proofread all correspondence you send.
c. Avoid individuals from other cultures so that you don't start using nonverbal behaviors
displayed in other cultures.
d. Avoid asking the speaker questions when his or her nonverbal and verbal messages
16. Experts say that writers should spend the most time in the ____ stage of the writing process.
a. prewriting
b. drafting
c. revising
d. thinking
17. Which of the following statements about today's business environments is most accurate?
a. The number of telecommuting employees is expected to decline in the future.
b. All companies assign offices for employees.
c. Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work anytime
and anywhere.
d. Workers today spend more time in offices than workers in the past.
18. Which of the following communication channels is considered the richest medium?
a. Written proposal
b. E-mail message
c. Face-to-face conversation
d. Blog posting
19. Which of the following sentences best focuses on the audience?
a. We are very pleased to have you as our newest customer.
b. You can help us by sending us your payment immediately.
c. Register now to lock in your preferred travel dates.
d. All sentences are focused on the audience rather than the sender.
20. Courteous business messages
a. avoid using words that sound demanding or preachy.
b. often turn demands into rhetorical questions.
c. avoid hostility or anger.
d. All answer choices are correct.
21. Which of the following is not a physical barrier for listening?
a. Hearing disabilities
b. Poor acoustics
c. Noisy surroundings
d. Personal values
22. Which of the following is not a physical barrier for listening?
a. Hearing disabilities
b. Poor acoustics
c. Noisy surroundings
d. Personal values
23. Which of the following demonstrates effective business writing?
a. An Asian CEO was the keynote speaker.
b. An African-American man was the next customer.
c. A record number of Japanese investors are purchasing real estate in the United
d. Mr. Hernandez, a Mexican, is my boss.
24. Richard wants to prove that he is diligent and reliable. What is the best advice you can give
a. Put all focus on his job and avoid volunteering his services to a worthy community or
charity group.
b. Avoid apologizing for any errors.
c. Honor his commitments and keep promises.
d. Avoid any interaction with coworkers so that he stays focused on his job.
25. Saying words correctly and clearly with the accepted sounds and accented syllables reflects
a. rate.
b. pitch.
c. vocal quality.
d. proper pronunciation.
26. A synonym for professionalism is
a. hard skills.
b. social acceptance.
c. business
d. diversity.
27. The benefits of voice mail include eliminating unnecessary chit chat, telephone tag,
inaccurate messages, and
a. time zone barriers.
b. the need for written messages.
c. the necessity of a cordial, friendly greeting.
d. prompt responses.
28. Which of the following statements about workplace teams is most accurate?
a. Teams tend to respond more slowly to competition or problem solving.
b. Because conflict often results, teams tend to have decreased productivity.
c. Team members who are involved in the decision-making process show less
resistance to change.
d. Individuals tend to make better decisions than teams.
29. What is the first thing you should do before making a business telephone call?
a. Prepare an appropriate opening.
b. Ask yourself if the phone call is necessary.
c. Decide what you're going to say after the receiver answers.
d. Write down the ideas you want to discuss so that you don't forget them.
30. Business messages should use positive language rather than negative language. Positive
a. has no effect on the tone of a message.
b. conveys less information than negative language.
c. grants the reader all requests or demands.
d. tells what is and what can be done.
31. Which of the following would probably best help a group achieve its goal?
a. Competition
b. Individual leadership
c. Emphasis on individualism
d. Active listening skills
32. Which of the following statements about the end of a meeting is most accurate?
a. A meeting should end only when participants have discussed all agenda items.
b. The leader should provide a summary of accomplishments and a review of action
c. The leader should remind participants that they are responsible for taking their own
d. Participants should pass their assigned tasks on to someone who did not attend.
33. Which of the following should be included in the minutes of a meeting?
a. Action items
b. Date and time of meeting
c. Participants' names
d. All answer choices are items that should be included in the minutes of a meeting.
34. All of the following are ways you can develop a personal brand except
a. preparing a brief speech that describes who you are and what problems your skills can
b. creating an individual tagline that separates you from other candidates.
c. distributing business cards whenever you have an opportunity.
d. creating an attractive résumé.
35. The most popular résumé format is the
a. chronological format.
b. direct format
c. functional format.
d. indirect format.
36. Which of these résumé tips is most accurate?
a. Don't list awards and honors on a résumé; if you list them, you will appear to be
b. Omit school and community activities from your résumé because they are unrelated to
your work experience.
c. Include your personal information (height, weight, and marital status) to give a potential
employer a complete picture.
d. Improve the visual impact of your résumé by placing your employment
achievements and relevant job duties in an easy-to-read bulleted list.
37. An e-portfolio is
a. an electronic copy of a résumé recorded on a CD or flash drive.
b. the addition of work samples and personal information as an attachment to an embedded
c. a collection of digital files that can be accessed with the use of menus and
d. the name given to résumés posted on job-search websites such as Monster.com.
38. Which of the following is the best advice to follow for a cover message accompanying a
résumé sent by e-mail or fax?
a. Take the time to prepare a customized cover message to accompany your résumé
sent electronically.
b. Send your cover message separately from a faxed or e-mailed résumé.
c. Shorten your e-mail or fax cover message to a brief statement such as Please consider
the attached résumé for your opening.
d. Skip the cover message entirely because the fax or e-mail includes your name.
39. Which of the following is the best tip for creating a successful cover message?
a. Use different paper colors and paper types for your résumé and cover message to create a
strong visual impact.
b. Make activities and outcomes, not yourself, the subject of sentences to reduce
overuse of "I."
c. Use a creative letter style to surprise the reader and make a big impact.
d. Keep the focus on your skills and traits through frequent use of "I" statements.
40. Video résumés
a. present a job candidate's experiences, qualifications, and interests in video form.
b. are appropriate for all professional fields.
c. should be at least 15 minutes in length to showcase a candidate's background and skills.
d. are appropriate only for individuals who are applying for management-related positions.
41. Which of the following is considered unethical on a résumé?
a. Misrepresenting a job title to make it sound more important
b. Extending employment dates to avoid showing periods of unemployment
c. Making your job duties sound more impressive and responsible than they really were
d. All answer choices are unethical.
42. Which of the following statements about screening interviews is most accurate?
a. Screening interviews are conducted after hiring/placement interviews.
b. Screening interviews are always conducted face-to-face.
c. Most screening interviews are conducted during job fairs.
d. Companies use screening interviews to save time and money.
43. Cody will be participating in a panel interview. What advice should he follow?
a. Try to gather basic biographical information about each panel member.
b. Maintain eye contact with the questioner as well as with the others
c. Show how he is motivated, qualified, and a good fit for position.
d. All answer choices are good tips for Cody as he participates in a panel interview.
44. When interviewing for high-pressure positions, companies may use stress interview
techniques, which include being
a. greeted immediately by the interviewer.
b. asked rapid-fire questions by members of a team.
c. given a test with no time limit.
d. offered challenging food, beverages, or tobacco products.