Falkner 2000
Falkner 2000
Falkner 2000
Gerda Falkner
To cite this article: Gerda Falkner (2000) Policy networks in a multi‐level system:
Convergence towards moderate diversity?, West European Politics, 23:4, 94-120, DOI:
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Policy Networks in a Multi-Level System:
Convergence Towards Moderate Diversity?
agreement exists for the case of the UK. Maria Green Cowles speaks of
pluralist government-business relations, while Schmidt takes the UK as a
statist example.14 It is interesting to note that pluralist systems in Europe are
scarcely explicitly discussed, but rather exist as a residual category; instead,
the US is chosen as the textbook example of pluralism, even when a
comparison of political systems with the EU is at stake."
The EU Level
That the emergence of a supranational form of macro-corporatism
comparable to national patterns in the 1970s is unlikely has been underlined
by a number of studies on EC interest politics.44 At the same time, scholars
have increasingly pointed to fragmentation as a typical feature of the EU's
political system. Enormous cross-sectoral differences find a basis in the
European treaties, since the participation of the European Parliament and
the EC's Economic and Social Committee varies, as do voting procedures
in the Council and its subgroups. Such constitutionally fixed differences are,
however, merely the tip of the iceberg, as they have been further refined by
EU Decision Patterns
As noted above, commentators on the influence of Europeanisation on
national interest intermediation until recently used to describe one typical
form of interest politics for the EC and deduced from that an impact on the
national systems, each of which was, again, assumed to conform to a single
ideal-type. Accordingly, sectoral differences at both the EU and the national
levels tended to be overlooked. The mechanism by which the pattern of
public-private co-operation practised at the EU level affected the member
states did not usually attract much attention; instead, there was an implicit
assumption that the EC style would somehow trickle down into the national
systems over time.
There are at least three different ways in which EU policy networks can
make a difference domestically. First, since some or even many actors - both
public and private -within the national policy network will also participate in
European networks, their experiences 'in Europe' may lead to cognitive,
normative and strategic changes. New ideas about 'best practice', for example
on ways in which to engender consensus amongst actors in policy networks,
can be imported into the domestic environment. Second, different norms
regarding (non-)co-operative governance may be transferred by policy
network members who are active in various arenas. What has been practised
and accepted at the national level may look different if one knows various
cultures and their norms. Finally, strategic alliances between specific actors or
actor categories formed at the European level may have feedback effects in
the national environment. In all three cases, the time dimension is important,
since very short-term effects seem rather improbable.
In any case, if one acknowledges that EU-level public-private
interaction may be variegated, the repercussions of EC decision patterns in
the domestic context must be highly area-specific. An issue network at the
EU level will tend to trigger different reactions at the national level than, for
example, a corporatist policy community. Participation in an EC network of
the former type might encourage some interest groups to show lobbyist
behaviour also 'at home', at the expense of interest aggregation with other
actors. If at the EU level a corporatist policy community exists, national
social partnerships in the same field should have comparatively less to fear.
In Figure 2, a 'tendency towards lobbying' combines pressures to open the
network up for more diverse interests and to pay some attention to their
lobbying efforts. The 'tendency towards stability and involvement' stands
for the pressure to have more stable membership of interest groups in the
network and to give them a more decisive say in policy-making.
g Traditional
reinforcement involvement
tendency towards
1 towards less less stability and potentially stability and
stability and and involvement reinforcement involvement
Z community involvement (example 2)
tendency tendency towards tendency towards confirmation
c« Corporatist
towards less less stability less stability and and potentially
stability and and involvement involvement reinforcement
involvement (example 1)
take account of the specific needs of the social partners concerned' (clause
6.3). Finally, the provisions on implementation provide that 'Member States
and/or social partners may maintain or introduce more favourable
provisions' (clause 6.1 of part-time Agreement). Very similar passages are
to be found in the parental leave Directive and Agreement.
In environmental policy, too, several recent Directives could impact on
national public-private interaction, since they encourage more open
structures vis-a-vis private groups. 'The plurality of actors associated with
the different instruments will result in new complexity in territorial and
public-private terms, counter-acting old hierarchical chains of command'.80
However, such patterns are encouraged only in some Directives, while
others might have the opposite effect, so that it is 'doubtful whether EC
governance in the field of environmental policy is sufficiently
comprehensive, coherent and stable to trigger a decisive and uniform
response'.81 This points to the fact that potential 'positive integration
effects' as outlined here may well be contradictory. Only if the aggregate
impetus from the various EC Directives in a specific policy area exceeds
'zero' can such influence be expected to produce significant adaptational
pressure in a national policy network. But systematic and comparative
empirical studies on the influences on public-private co-operation in the
member states exerted by positive integration measures are still missing.
Competence Transfers
The third influence on the member states' public-private relations arising
from European integration results from shifts of various competences to the
EU level. The overall realm of national action capacity decreases parallel to
each issue area that is covered by EU policy. This 'size' effect on the
national interest intermediation systems exists regardless of any specific
actor constellation in the member state. However, it is possible that not all
public-private interaction patterns are affected by this development to the
same extent. More co-operative policy network types, which rely on log-
rolling and package-dealing, will be hampered, while types that know only
individual lobbying by diverse groups according to each new issue at stake
may not be affected. In particular, it seems reasonable to expect that cross-
sectoral corporatist systems, that is, macro-corporatism, would be affected
most adversely, since the number of issue areas available for corporatist
exchange between the state and national interest groups decreases. This line
of argument suggests that the impact of competence transfers would by now
impede old-style national macro-corporatism in the member states anyway,
even if sectoral differentiation had not already changed national patterns. At
the macro level, Streeck and Schmitter were thus certainly right in pointing
out that 'corporatism as a national-level accord between encompassingly
organized socio-economic classes and the state, by which an entire
economy is comprehensively governed, would seem to be a matter of the
past', not least due to European integration.82 However, this diagnosis is
only part of the story about effects of Europeanisation on national interest
intermediation - since at least at the meso level, EC decision patterns and
positive integration measures might also provoke countervailing impulses.
Even where 'only' negative integration83 prevails in Euro-policies - for
example, where positive integration measures are blocked in the Council -
there may be an effect on national interest politics, as the neo-liberal options
chosen at the EU level may pose restraints. In such cases, national networks
in the relevant area are restricted in their policy choices. De facto, this
affects the opportunity structure for national actors,84 often at the expense of
trade unions or consumer groups with an interest in state interventions that
are no longer legal under EC law. As Streeck and Schmitter pointed out,
mutual recognition in the internal market and the resulting inter-regime
competition tended to devalue the power resources and political strength of
organised labour.85 This indicates that there are also effects of European
integration on national policy networks that originate less in the lost
competences at the national level than in the specific kind of policies
decided at the supranational level. Once again, however, a meso-level
approach may produce new insights, because a more integrated and co-
operative public-private network at the national level may counterbalance
such influences to some extent, while issue networks will hardly be able to
do so.
Previous versions of this paper were presented at two West European Politics Special Issue
Conferences, Oxford, Nuffield College, 1998 and 1999; at the 6th Biennial International
Conference of the European Community Studies Association, USA, Pittsburgh, 2-5 June 1999;
at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, 2-5 Sept. 1999; and at the
European Forum of the European University Institute, Florence. Thanks to the commentators
(Hussein Kassim, Christopher Allen, J. Nicholas Ziegler) and participants for their feedback.
33. P. Kenis and V. Schneider, 'Policy Networks and Policy Analysis: Scrutinizing a New
Analytical Toolbox', in B. Marin and R. Mayntz (eds.), Policy Networks. Empirical Evidence
and Theoretical Considerations (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag & Westview Press
1991), p.28.
34. Ibid., p.42; and R. Mayntz, 'Policy-Netzwerke und die Logik von Verhandlungssystemen',
in A. Héritier (ed.), Policy-Analyse. Kritik und Neuorientierung (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag 1993), pp.44ff.
35. For example, see Marin and Mayntz (eds.), Policy Networks; J. Kooiman, 'Findings,
Speculations and Recommendations', in J. Kooiman (ed.), Modern Governance. New
Government-Society Interactions (London: Sage 1993), pp.249-62; F.W. Scharpf (ed.),
Games in Hierarchies and Networks (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag & Westview Press
1993); more recently see T. König, 'Modeling Policy Networks', Journal of Theoretical
Politics (Special Issue) 10/4 (1998), pp.387-8. However, a common conceptual approach to
'policy networks' was not developed: 'By definition of what makes a theoretical "fashion",
this term is attributed great analytical promise by its proponents, whereas critical
commentators argue that its meaning is still vague and that the perspective it implies has not
yet matured into anything like a coherent (middle range) theory. What they agree on is their
subject of concern, discourse and dispute, and that is sufficient to establish "policy networks"
on the theoretical agenda of contemporary social science, without necessarily guaranteeing
the declared value. On the contrary, a speculative oversupply of networking terminology may
inflate its explanatory power so that some form of intellectual control over the conceptual
currency in circulation, both its precise designations and its amount of diffusion, becomes
inevitably a clearance process within the profession.' See B. Marin and R. Mayntz,
'Introduction: Studying Policy Networks', in Marin and Mayntz (eds.), Policy Networks,
36. A.G. Jordan and J.J. Richardson, 'Policy Communities: The British and European Policy
Style', Policy Studies Journal 11 (1983), p.603. Also see D. Marsh and R.A.W. Rhodes
(eds.), Policy Networks in British Government (Oxford: Clarendon Press 1992); and R.A.W.
Rhodes and D. Marsh, 'New Directions in the Study of Policy Networks', European Journal
of Political Research 21 (1992), p.181.
37. A policy community has a very limited number of participants and some groups are
consciously excluded, while issue networks comprise large numbers of participants;
concerning the type of interest, in a policy community 'economic and/or professional
interests dominate', while an issue network encompasses a 'range of affected interests'.
38. There are three sub-dimensions: frequency of interaction (in policy communities, there is
'frequent, high-quality, interaction of all groups on all matters related to policy issue',
whereas in issue networks contacts fluctuate in frequency and intensity); continuity (changes
from 'membership, values and outcomes persistent over time' to 'access fluctuates
significantly'); and the consensus variable that reaches from 'all participants share basic
values and accept the legitimacy of the outcome' to 'a measure of agreement exists but
conflict is ever present'.
39. Two sub-dimensions, i.e. distribution within network and distribution within participating
organisations: a policy community is characterised by all participants having resources and
the basic relationship being an exchange relationship in which leaders can deliver members;
in an issue network, by contrast, some participants may have resources, but they are limited
and the basic relationship is consultative, plus there is varied and variable distribution and
capacity to regulate members.
40. Rhodes' and Marsh's policy community is characterised by the somewhat contradictory
statement 'There is a balance of power between the members. Although one group may
dominate, it must be a positive sum game if community is to persist'. By contrast, an issue
network comprises 'unequal powers, reflects unequal resources and unequal access. It is a
zero-sum game'. See Rhodes and Marsh, 'New Directions in the Study of Policy Networks',
41. Ibid., p.187.
42. Ideal-types never 'explain' anything. One may certainly add on to the original Marsh/Rhodes
approach hypotheses from theoretical concepts in political science (for example
structuralism) and thus change it; see suggestions in D. Marsh, 'The Utility and Future of
Policy Network Analysis', in Marsh (ed.), Comparing Policy Networks, p.185. When adding
different potential explanatory variables, however, there is a danger one will end up with
only an over-complex inventory for empirical research.
43. Without doubt, there is also some impact of the national on the European level but this is
beyond the scope of this article.
44. The mainstream of scholarly writing on interest politics at the European level describes
specific groups and their development without asking explicitly whether the pattern of
interest politics is corporatist or pluralist. The focus tends to be on the number of groups in
a given field and the date of their foundation as well as on specifics of group membership
and reasons for joining Euro-groups.
45. J. Greenwood, J.R. Grote and K. Ronit (eds.), Organized Interests and the European
Community (London: Sage 1992); S. Mazey and J. Richardson (eds.), Lobbying in the
European Community (Oxford: Oxford University Press 1993); R.H. Pedler and M.P.C.M.
Van Schendelen (eds.), Lobbying the European Union (Aldershot: Dartmouth 1994);
Eichener and Voelzkow (eds.), Europäische Integration und verbandliche
Interessenvermittlung; in J. Greenwood (ed.), European Casebook on Business Alliances
(London: Prentice Hall 1995); and H. Wallace and A. Young (eds.), Participation and
Policy-making in the European Union (London: Oxford University Press 1997).
46. Most recently see Kohler-Koch and Eising (eds.), The Transformation of Governance in the
European Union.
47. Streeck and Schmitter (eds.), Private Interest Government. Beyond Market and State.
48. J. Greenwood and K. Ronit, 'Established and Emergent Sectors: Organized Interests at the
European Level in the Pharmaceutical Industry and the New Biotechnologies', in
Greenwood et al. (eds.), Organized Interests and the European Community, p.69.
49. A. Cawson, 'Interests, Groups and Public Policy-Making: The Case of the European
Consumer Electronics Industry', in Greenwood et al. (eds.), Organized Interests and the
European Community, p.99.
50. T. Grunert, 'Decision-Making Processes in the Steel Crisis Policy of the EEC:
Neocorporatist or Integrationist?', in V. Wright and Y. Mény (eds.), The Politics of Steel:
Western Europe and the Steel Industry in the Crisis Years (1974-1984) (Berlin and New York
1987), p.222.
51. V. Eichener and H. Voelzkow, 'Europäische Regulierung im Arbeitsschutz: Überraschungen
aus Brüssel und ein erster Versuch ihrer Erklärung', in Eichener and Voelzkow (eds.),
Europäische Integration und verbandliche Interessenvermittlung0 and V. Eichener and H.
Voelzkow, 'Ko-Evolution politisch-administrativer und verbandlicher Strukturen: Am
Beispiel der technischen Harmonisierung des europäischen Arbeits-, Verbraucher- und
Umweltschutzes', in Streeck (ed.), Staat und Verbände.
52. V. Eichener, 'Entscheidungsprozesse bei der Harmonisierung der Technik in der
Europaischen Gemeinschaft. Soziales Dumping oder innovativer Arbeitsschutz?', in W. Süß
and G. Becher (eds.), Politik und Technikentwicklung in Europa. Analysen ökonomisch-
technischer und politischer Vermittlungen im Prozeß der Europäischen Integration (Berlin:
Duncker & Humblot 1993).
53. G. Falkner, EU Social Policy in the 1990s: Towards a Corporatist Policy Community
(London and New York: Routledge 1998).
54. See Cawson, 'Interests, Groups and Public Policy-Making', p.99.
55. As outlined above, many definitions of corporatism, pluralism and even policy network
ideal-types have actually included the implementation dimension. It was never quite clear,
however, how an empirical network should be classified that fits the definition in only one
dimension, policy-making or implementation. Since Euro-politics leave the implement-
ation of policies to the national level, it seems useful not include an implementation
dimension here. Whether private interests are included in the implementation of EU
policies and whether the national policy networks analysed are involved in, the
implementation of European or national policies should, where relevant, be studied
56. Streeck and Schmitter, 'From National Corporatism to Transnational Pluralism'; Schmidt,
ETUC, and CEEP) formulate the EC labour law standards to be applied in the member states.
It is always the same major interest groups who co-decide public policies with the EC 'state
actors', i.e. the Commission, the Council and the EP.
72. Kittel and Tálos, 'Interessenvermittlung und politischer Entscheidungsprozeß'.
73. Karlhofer and Tálos, 'Sozialpartnerschaft und EU'; G. Falkner et al., 'The Impact of EU
Membership on Policy Networks in Austria: Creeping Change Beneath the Surface', Journal
of European Public Policy 6 (1999), p.496.
74. As in Austria, labour law issues are predominant also in EC-level tripartite social policy-
making under the Maastricht Social Agreement (incorporated in the EC-Treaty at
Amsterdam). For details see Falkner, EU Social Policy in the 1990s.
75. Falkner et al., 'The Impact of EU Membership on Policy Networks in Austria'.
76. Bomberg, 'Issue Networks and the Environment'.
77. The basic type of network was changed neither in social nor in environmental policy since
EU accession.
78. This is crucial in order not to simply confirm our limited knowledge on presumably
'national' styles. Clearly, the meso level is not necessarily always the ideal level of analysis.
In fact, the most appropriate level of (dis)aggregation (national/policy-specific/single
decision) for a given research question has to be established in empirical research and may
differ from country to country. With a view to interest intermediation, however, it seems that
the meso level is the most adequate for comparative purposes. On the one hand, there is a
rich literature pointing towards increased sectoralisation of erstwhile national systems; on the
other, it is scarcely possible to disaggregate further and study, say, all single decision-
processes in the field of environmental affairs for all (or even several) member states.
79. In the following sub-paragraph, the national social partners are directly addressed and asked
to review such obstacles 'within their sphere of competence and through the procedures set
out in collective agreements'.
80. Lenschow, 'Transformation in European Environmental Governance', p.9.
81. Ibid., p.17.
82. Streeck and Schmitter, 'From National Corporatism to Transnational Pluralism', pp.203ff.
83. F.W. Scharpf, 'Negative and Positive Integration in the Political Economy of European
Welfare States', in G. Marks et al. (eds.), Governance in the European Union (London: Sage
84. Also see M. Green Cowles and T. Risse, 'Conclusion', in T. Risse, M. Green Cowles and J.
Caporaso (eds.), Europeanization and Domestic Change (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press forthcoming), p.5.
85. Streeck and Schmitter, 'From National Corporatism to Transnational Pluralism', p.203.
86. Lenschow, 'Transformation in European Environmental Governance'; T. Risse et al. (eds.),
Europeanization and Domestic Change; Knill and Lenschow, 'Adjusting to EU Regulatory
87. B. Unger, 'Österreichs Wirtschaftspolitik; Vom Austro-Keynesianismus zum Austro-
Liberalismus?', in Karlhofer and Tálos (eds.), Zukunft der Sozialpartnerschaft; E. Tálos and
G. Falkner, 'Österreich in der EU: Erwartungen — Gegenwart - Perspektiven', in E. Tálos
and G. Falkner (eds.), EU-Mitglied Österreich. Gegenwart und Perspektiven (Vienna: Manz
88. This is another indicator that corporatist patterns nowadays tend to be located at a lower
structural level and fulfil narrower functions than previously. In particular, they often
facilitate labour law and pay adaptations to EMU rather than being a macro-level governance
pattern as was the case during the 1970s. See G. Falkner, 'Corporatist Governance and
Europeanisation: No Future in the Multi-level Game?', Current Politics and Economics of
Europe 8 (1999), pp.387-412.
89. For example, G. Fajertag and P. Pochet (eds.), Social Pacts in Europe (Brussels:
Observatoire Social Européen 1997); and A. Hassel, 'Soziale Pakte in Europa',
Gewerkschaftliche Monatshefte 10 (1998), pp.626-38.
90. Notwithstanding the possibility that, at the same time, European integration or the EU as an
institution might promote corporatist patterns in particular areas by other means.
91. See Mazey and Richardson (eds.), Lobbying in the European Community.
92. Research designs based on ideal-types always leave a number of other potentially relevant
dimensions aside. This article is no different. A further issue that would have led too far here
are the potential influences of the substantive policy output of the EU on national interest
groups and their relations. It seemed both useful and necessary to focus on the forms of co-
operation here, not on the contents or styles of policies. It will, however, certainly be of
interest to study empirically if, for example, re-distributive policy areas are characterised by
different feedback into the national systems than regulative or distributive fields. Moreover,
European integration might also have some effects on national interest group structure. They
could not be discussed here in any detail, in favour of analysing procedural patterns and
effects (which are at the core of interest intermediation, as opposed of simple interest
representation). In the frame of studies following the design presented here, these topics must
be tackled as empirical matters - as must be issues such as the balance of power between
groups and group categories (see explanation of Figure 1).
93. It seems likely, but remains to be established empirically, that the EU features the most
differentiated policy subsystems of all European political systems.
94. A. Héritier et al., Die Veränderung von Staatlichkeit in Europa. Ein regulativer Wettbewerb:
Deutschland, Großbritannien, Frankreich (Opladen: Leske & Budrich 1994).