Ingeborg Amy
Ingeborg Amy
Ingeborg Amy
European Union
University of Osnabrück
University of Victoria
8839 words
Governance, Policy-making and System-building of the
European Union
1. Introduction
In recent years the notion of ‘governance’ has taken off in the European Union studies
literature. This term is often used to encompass a broader understanding of political
steering which includes not only hierarchal imposition but also informal interactions;
moreover, it focuses on a wide range of possible actors involved into these processes. The
‘governance’ concept seems to have emerged in response to a number of factors, such as
dissatisfaction with the theoretical debates on the nature of European integration. Those
early debates focused on various theories of integration that initially examined a narrow
set of actors, namely national governments, supranational actors and interest groups. The
processes that these debates identified as triggering integration were either of spill-over
or nation-state bargaining. The dissatisfaction with integration theories was with (1) the
scope of the study of integration, (2) the actors that are seen to play the most important
role in facilitating integration, and (3) the process or mechanism by which integration
occurs. The governance approach pointed to the importance of other actors and processes
that had not been carefully considered in those original theoretical approaches.
The governance concept provides an opportunity to examine different aspects of
European integration. The question is no longer ‘why integration happens’, but ‘how
European policy is made and how the EU governs’. The governance approach focuses on
the institutional structure of the EU system and on the interaction of many different actors
in European decision- and policy-making at the European, the national and sub-national
(regional/local) level. Finally, it considers various modes of guiding the behaviour of
actors, ranging from formally binding regulations to informal agreements and the effects
of institutional settings, for example, networks, on the behaviour of actors.
Within the general concept of governance, the notion of ‘new modes of
governance’ (NMG) has drawn considerable attention in recent years. This term responds
to policy procedures and instruments that are being used in certain fields of European
public policy, such as the ‘open method of coordination’, ‘bench-marking’, ‘best
practices’, and so on. These procedures and instruments build on mechanisms of
governance such as voluntarism, mutual learning, persuasion or standardisation of
knowledge about policies (Héritier 2002: 187).
Inspired by actor-centred institutionalism (Mayntz 2005) the aim of this paper is
twofold. First, we aim at clarifying the related concepts of ‘governance’ and ‘modes of
governance’ as they are used with regard to the EU system. Second, we aim at
elaborating how modes of governance relate to the systemic structure of the European
Union and how they emerge in the process of policy-making. Our central hypothesis is
the following: the EU system sets incentives and constraints to the emergence of new or
specific modes of governance. The concrete form that European governance takes and the
combination of various modes of governance in individual policy fields is shaped by the
interaction between international actors involved in policy-making, in particular, but not
exclusively, the representatives of national governments and the European level.
The paper is structured as follows. The next section briefly reviews the debate on
modes of governance. The third section offers a definition of governance and
distinguishes between four basic categories of modes of governance. The fourth section
examines the interrelation between modes of governance and the systemic structure of the
EU. The fifth section highlights how different modes of governance emerge in two policy
fields of the EU, structural policy and monetary policy. The last section, draws
conclusions about modes of governance in the EU, and how one might be able to obtain a
better insight into governance and policy-making in the EU by adopting this approach to
a broader study of EU various areas of policy-making.
2. The Governance approach and the EU - New modes of governance and beyond
The debate on governance started to take off in the early 1990s and has since much
influenced the debates in EU studies. A number of changes occurred in the 1990s that
triggered the use of a new concept, such as the revival of European integration and the
adoption of the Maastricht Treaty which set out a system of governance that was not
accompanied by a lasting transfer of sovereignty to the European level but rather gave
rise to distinctive modes of governance in the EU as compared to those at the nation state
level. More generally the world was experiencing two further political changes: an
apparent retreat of the state (in domestic political matters) but simultaneously its
increasing importance in the international arena, and a growing role of non-state actors in
public decision- and policy-making. Regarding the notion of the ‘retreat of the state’,
views on this matter since the early 1990s have changed again in that the consensus
currently is that the state is still very much able to set policies. But what became clear is
that the state’s scope for autonomy is restricted even though the state is here to stay.
Regarding the role of non-state actors, we are referring here to the inclusion in the policy-
making process of all sorts of actors (public and private actors, both business actors, in
particular those with high expertise, as well as representatives of civil society).
Given the breadth of the concept, there is no single, clear, generally held,
common definition of the term ‘governance’. The concept covers a broad range of highly
diverging conceptualisations depending on the level of analysis and focus. Some scholars
focus on the policy-making process as a state-centred affair and hence equate governance
to policy-making or political steering. Others focus on a broader process and therefore
include the interaction between public and private or societal actors. We see the concept
of governance as referring to: governing by the state and a plurality of actors, through
means of a variety of (non-hierarchical) modes of governance. The next section offers a
more detailed conceptualisation of our use of this concept of governance.
In the EU the governance approach has attracted further attention in the late 1990s
by the emergence and frequent usage of the concept of New Modes of Governance
(NMG). The concept was used to describe the fact that more and more voluntary modes
of cooperation were being deployed and were explicitly labelled as such in EU
legislation. NMG are usually defined as modes of governance whereby there is a
voluntary component and an element of comparison to others (through bench-marking,
persuasion as mentioned above). Furthermore it is understood that a wider range of actors
can be involved in NMG, such as civil society organisations and other local and regional
actors. The concept attracted more attention following some developments in the late
1990s in the area of social policy, employment policy and economic coordination, in
particular through the use of the so-called Open Method of Coordination (OMC). This
type of governance is in a number of ways distinct from the usual modes of governance
in nation states but to a large degree in line with the general concept of governance as
discussed above.
The term Open Method of Coordination (OMC) refers back to a system of
coordination that was made use of in the Treaty of Maastricht for the purpose of
coordinating macro-economic policies of the Member States. It was also used in the
Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997 (which entered into force in 1999), specifically in the
context of the employment chapter. The term itself prominently emerged at the Lisbon
European Council in 2000.
Some analysts argue that OMC offers a type of interaction where the EU level and
the Member State level come together (see for example de Burca 2003). In this view the
OMC represents the messy governance of the EU, namely a process whereby both the
Member States and the EU level institutions interact. In so doing, OMC puts some of the
EU institutional competence aside or, otherwise, it is being used in areas where the EC
Treaty does not explicitly provide powers to the EU policy domain.
Another point often stressed in the literature is that the OMC is used as a devise to
coordinate and to enforce collaboration. This process is organized in the following way.
The Council creates guidelines and indicators that are to be used to examine whether
targets have been made (comparing best practices). When setting targets national regional
and local differences are taken into consideration; periodic monitoring and evaluation are
organised as mutual learning processes. The process varies across policy fields (see for
example on the European employment strategy Caroline della Porte 2002).
In sum, the emergence of the concept of New Modes of Governance responded to
certain innovations in governance of the EU. The term NMG is used to describe a those
changes, in particular the increasing use of non-hierarchical modes of governance that
make use of soft steering instruments and include many different actors in the policy-
making process. One could argue that the New Modes of Governance are not necessarily
very ‘new’ but their prominence and frequent deployment are.
of the Commission, the European Court of Justice or the European Central Bank
• Negotiation, by contrast, supposes the interaction of various types of actors. This
can range from exclusively public actors of different government levels and
functional sectors to a combination of public and private or non-state actors as
well as to exclusively private or non-state actors. Negotiation is the preferred
mode of governance for accommodating highly divergent interests among the
actors involved. Therefore, negotiation is the most prominent mode of governance
being used in the EU-system.
• Whereas both hierarchy and negotiation refer to processes of decision-making,
negotiation is the most prominent mode of governance being used in the EU-
system. competition as a mode of governance refers to a mechanism affecting the
decisions of individual actors and thus coordinating their behaviour. However,
competition does not emerge by itself but has to be established and sustained by
defining the rules of the game and guaranteeing their validity and effectiveness.
This means it is for a large part, although behind the screens, dependent on
government or public authority creating and maintaining the regulatory
framework. At the same time, it relies on individual actors accepting the rules and
complying with the ensuing mechanisms. This implies that compliance, in
contrast to hierarchy, is not being enforced but triggered by more or less strong
incentives as well as disincentives. Competition as a mode of governance plays in
the EU-system a major role since the core project of European integration, the
creation of the single market, focuses on establishing competitive relationships
between economic actors and member states.
• Coordination for its part encompasses a multitude of actors and a wide variety of
measures aimed at guiding their behaviour. It does not at all rely on coercion, but
is based on voluntary participation in a process of coordination. This implies that
compliance with jointly taken decisions or common agreements is also voluntary.
Thus compliance is not guaranteed; a larger degree of non-compliance is highly
probable. However, some scholars expect compliance to be even higher, since
actors have voluntarily agreed upon common objectives or measures to be taken
and, because of conviction, will be more inclined to implement them.
Coordination, therefore, is a mode of governance with highly contingent
outcomes; its effectiveness may vary according to the actors involved, the degree
of their commitment, external circumstances and specific favouring conditions.
Since coordination is based on voluntarism, it is increasingly being applied in the
EU-system in all cases where formal competencies are missing. It thus allows
circumventing the reluctance of member states to transfer powers to the EU.
Moreover, since actors are more or less free in making their policy-choices within
the framework of coordination, it serves to accommodate divergent policy options
and strategies of national governments and other actors involved.
The four basic modes of governance, as defined above, constitute ideal types; in
practice, they are often combined with each other or used in hybrid forms. However, the
extent and the combinations of their use have not been stable through history. Thus, most
scholars of the governance-approach assume that in recent times a major shift has
occurred away from hierarchy as the most widely used mode of governance towards the
so-called new modes of governance.
This shift is being explained, on the one hand, as a consequence of processes of
globalization, shifting the balance between national governments and international
organizations and regimes at the expense of the former and also the balance between
public and private or non-state actors. On the other hand, processes within states as a
consequence of the internationalization of the economy and an increasing differentiation
of societies, transforming the state-economy and the state-society relationship, are seen as
its cause. In both cases, the state is no longer held as being the exclusive actor
establishing and maintaining public order.
It is both these shifts which are usually conceived of as causing the shift towards
the emergence of new modes of governance. Although there is no clear consensus in the
literature, new modes of governance are often characterized as non-binding decisions,
voluntary agreements, non-formalized procedures of consensus-building and, more in
general, as coordination between multitudes of actors, both public and private or non-
state. We however see all modes of governance characterizing the EU that is, hierarchy,
negotiation, competition and coordination, as more or less new, because they do not
simply represent a replica of modes of governance used at national level and because they
always – even in the case of hierarchical steering through legislation – rely on the
interaction between a multitude of actors. By contrast, we consider the above-mentioned
characteristics, referring to non-formalized decisions and procedures, as being a part or a
more concrete form of European modes of governance, whereby the degree of non-
formalization increases from negotiation via competition to coordination. This implies
that also the degree of using soft instruments within the range of each mode of
governance increases in the same direction.
To speak of new modes of governance in the EU-context, therefore, does not
imply that these modes were invented right now or yesterday. It rather refers to their
increasing use and significance, as well as their growing independence from the shadow
of hierarchy. This increasing significance in turn is linked to the decreasing capacities of
states in shaping exclusively the economic and social development of their territories.
Thus, what is really new about new modes of governance is the phenomenon that
governance can successfully be exercised without relying exclusively or predominantly
on the authority of the state.
Against this background, it is obvious why new modes of governance have
become such a salient issue for the study of the European Union, a political system
lacking powers and sovereignty of a national state, yet, directing successfully the
behaviour of Member States and non-state actors.
In applying the new modes of governance-approach to the EU, the most salient issue is
whether and how these modes of governance are interrelated with the systemic structure
of the EU. To tackle this question, our point of departure is an institutionalist perspective
on the EU. We therefore will, first, briefly define the structure of the EU-system and
then, second, look at the incentives and constraints that the system sets for the emergence
of specific modes of governance.
The most prominent characteristic of the EU-system is its hybrid form, generally
described as a mixture of intergovernmentalism and supranationalism. These terms
however, often used as a dichotomy, are misleading in that they refer to different
institutional categories and to contradicting theoretical strands. Therefore, we prefer to
characterize the EU as a system which gravitates between two poles of power: the
European and the national. This gravitation finds its institutional expression in both a
horizontal fragmentation of power at the European level and a vertical fragmentation
between European and national level. In the horizontal dimension at European level, the
two poles of power are primarily represented by the Commission and the Council.1 In the
vertical dimension, they are represented by the Commission, sometimes with support of
the Council2, on the one hand, and by the individual Member States on the other hand.
The relationship between the fragmented poles of power is seen as gravitation, because it
is not a priori defined, for example by a clear division of powers, let alone by attributing
sovereignty to one side of the poles or by clearly defining a structure of shared
sovereignty. It is true that Member States are sovereign, but only individually and only to
the extent that this sovereignty is not constrained by rule-making at European level. In
the context of the EU-system, in order to be able to exercise power, Member States have
to pool their sovereignty. This pooling however is not once and for all established but it is
dependent on decision-making and consensus-building in the Council, and thus
The European level have been attributed certain competences, but they do not
allow for taking independent action. Thus, the distribution of powers between the two
poles is continuously being structured and re-structured through ongoing processes of
decision-making, consensus-building, conflict and cooperation. The central institutional
actors, in particular the Commission and the Council and the Commission and individual
governments of the Member States, are continuously involved in negotiations
determining their respective role and influence in every policy-field.
However, the Commission is often supported by Parliament and the Court, while the Council has its own
supporting substructure, i.e. COREPER, the Council secretariat and numerous Committees.
Since the Council takes decisions on policy objectives etc., it has a role in guiding the behaviour of single
Member States.
Against the background of this necessarily rough characterization of the EU-
system, we can determine the major incentives and constraints, which the system sets to
the use of the specific modes of governance. Major constraints lie in the following:
• Since the EU is not sovereign, it is constrained in making use of hierarchy as a
mode of governance. Although it has legislative powers, the use of these powers
depends largely on decision-making in the Council. Decision-making in the
Council is precarious because of diversity among Member States.
• The EU is severely constrained in enforcing compliance with its rules. It does not
have major competences in rule-enforcement, let alone the powers of command
and control vis-à-vis the Member States. Since member-states are sovereign, they
have many means and ways at their disposal to resist to all forms of exercising
power by the European level.
Major incentives lay in the following:
• Since the EU-system is characterized by the fragmentation of powers between
institutional actors with highly diverging interests, it offers incentives for both
aggregating or transforming diverging interests and preferences. This in turn
fosters the emergence of modes of governance based on negotiations, consensus-
building and cooperation among diverging actors.
• The EU-system, insofar as powers have been transferred to European level, these
powers mostly refer to the building and ensuring of market mechanisms. The
system thus offers strong incentives for using market mechanisms and
competition as modes of governance.
• Since the EU-system is dependent on consensus-building, it offers strong
incentives for including a wide variety of institutional actors into its procedures of
decision-making and for inventing procedures to foster convergence of visions,
norms, attitudes and preferences held by these actors.
In sum, we consider, on the one hand, the “weak” and contradictory systemic structure of
the EU as the main factor restricting the use of hierarchical modes of governance and
thus limiting the exercise of power and authority in traditional forms. On the other hand,
we assume that it is precisely this weak and contradictory structure that fosters the
emergence of new modes of governance based on the use of market mechanisms and
competition, negotiation and coordination as means of directing behaviour.
But even in the case of rule-making at the European level in more or less
hierarchical form, we regard it as significantly differing from that at national level, that
is, as less hierarchical. The reasons for this difference are threefold. First, in most cases,
European legislation has to be transposed into national legislation, which implies that it
gives Member States a high degree of discretion and, as a consequence, does not have a
uniform impact on the whole EU. Second, as mentioned above, it is seldom accompanied
by clear procedures of enforcement, thus lacking the authority of national legislation.
Third, it is often aimed at creating procedures for guiding the behaviour of decentralized
actors instead of directly intervening in economic or social life, thus having only an
indirect impact. In sum, those European modes of governance, termed usually as
hierarchical, are less hierarchical than it seems at first sight, in particular, if compared to
traditional hierarchical modes of governance at national level. Therefore, also hierarchy
as a mode of governance undergoes transformation at European level
Therefore, in the widest sense of the term, all modes of governance being used in
the EU are to be considered as more or less new in that none of them is simply a replica
of modes of governance used at national level.
Against the background of the theoretical framework as outlined above, we
formulate some hypotheses for the following case-studies:
• New modes of governance did not emerge in recent years; they have been present
in the EU-system since its inception, although in a less pronounced form. They
recently became more visible because of their increasing use, their exclusive use
in new policy fields and because of explicit reference to them in decisions and
official documents of the EU.
• European modes of governance do not emerge by design but are the result of the
process of policy-making, evolving through the interaction between the European
and the national level and the actors representing them. They are shaped and
modeled according to the incentives and constraints which the institutional
structure of the EU sets to their emergence and evolution. New modes of
governance, therefore, are inherently linked with the systemic structure of the EU.
• European modes of governance further shape and differentiate the structure of the
EU-system by institutionalizing the role of various actors in decision-making and
policy-implementation thus fostering the fine-tuning of the systemic structure.
In turning now to our case studies in two selected policy fields, we intend to elaborate on
the significance of various modes of governance in the respective fields. In particular, we
focus on when and why new modes of governance did emerge, in which form and
combination they are applied, and how they relate to more traditional modes of
governance. Moreover, our focus is on how the interaction between institutional actors
favours the emergence of specific modes of governance and how modes of governance
further structure their relationships and thus contribute to system-building of the EU.
Finally we draw conclusions on the interrelation between modes of governance and the
systemic structure of the EU.
integration. This implied it tried to direct Member States on new policy objectives and
concepts in contrast to classical regional policy practiced at national level. Whereas the
latter, at that time, was based on heavy subsidies for industrial investment and
infrastructural work in less favoured regions, thus fostering primarily the transfer of
branch plants from central to peripheral regions, the Commission’s strategy focused on
improving the endogenous potential of less developed or restructuring regions. It
therefore aimed at providing incentives, in both finance and kind, for local entrepreneurs
to improve the competitive capacities of their firms in rapidly internationalizing markets.
In addition and more so, it envisaged providing incentives for public policy-makers to
embark on policies improving the competitive position of their regions as a whole. Such
an ambitious strategy also implied that the Commission had to mobilize a growing range
of actors, both public and private, for implementing the new policy-goals. Governments
of the Member States however severely contested these policy objectives and used all
available means and ways to ignore, evade or even obstruct the Commission’s efforts.
Together with altering the substantial concept of structural policy, the procedures
for formulating and implementing policy had to be altered. Since the Commission has no
powers of command and control vis-à-vis the Member States, it relied, from the very
beginning, on negotiations with national governments. At European level it negotiated
with the Council on the basic policy objectives and the concept for implementation. With
every single government it negotiated on terms and modes of policy implementation in
the respective state: in the beginning on the adoption of single projects, later of programs
and finally of overall national plans for subsidizing by the EU. With more actors being
involved and with the growing importance of the whole policy-field, these negotiations
were not only extended but also embedded into a more formalized procedure. Thus, with
the reform of 1989, the system of partnership was introduced, defining the relationships
between the European, the national and the regional government level as cooperation
between all partners involved in policy-making for achieving common goals. At the same
time, a sequence of negotiation steps was established, formalizing the procedure of
designing and adopting programs for implementation.
This formalization of negotiation procedures paved the way to include not only
regions, but also non-governmental actors into formal decision-making. With the reform
of 1994, the system of partnership was extended to the economic and social partners; in
2000, selected representatives of civil society, as for example environmental, women’s or
youth groups were included. With the most recent reform of 2006, civil society in general
was included into the system of partnership. Although governments of the Member States
strongly opposed or even obstructed, with every reform, the extension of partnership to
non-governmental actors, they finally had to accept it for the sake of a more efficient
Negotiation however was not the only mode of trying to give guidance to the
behaviour of Member States in structural policy. Because of continuous resistance to
Commission proposals in such negotiations and the pressure on the Commission to
finally compromise with national governments, it also established competitive
mechanisms in order to orient them on European objectives. Thus it strove to establish
competitive mechanisms for the distribution of the funds by trying to reserve at least a
part of them for distribution according to quality criteria. This meant, Member States had
to compete for subsidies with innovative policy proposals, matching the criteria and
conditions set by the Commission or by Council decision. The Council however tried to
restrict such a strategy by limiting the share of the funds for non-quota distribution to a
minimum, thus allowing only small scale experiments to be implemented under
competitive mechanisms. The consequence was that competition was primarily triggered
among regions and non-state actors for whom also small scale subsidies formed a
sufficient incentive for submitting policy proposals to the EU. Such small scale programs,
implemented in the framework of Community initiatives and pilot actions, served later
often as best practice examples for the mainstream of European regional policy. Finally,
competitive mechanisms were also established by reporting regularly on the performance
of Member States in implementing structural policies and by evaluating policy-
However, competitive mechanism were never dominant in structural policy, due
to the strong resistance of Member States, but also to difficulties in establishing the
regulatory framework needed to make such mechanisms work. Therefore, procedures for
coordinating the behaviour and action of decentralized actors increasingly played a role
in structural policy. Thus, cooperation among actors was set as a condition for funding
regional development programs. This referred to both transnational cooperation between
regions and intraregional cooperation between public and private or non-state actors. The
rationale underlying these conditions was to create an institutional setting which would
foster policy-transfer, exchange of experience and best practice examples among the
actors involved. For the same purpose, the Commission also supported the creation of
transnational interest associations, network-building among regions with similar
structural problems or among non-state actors and agencies (for example Chambers of
Commerce).3 Finally, communication among all actors involved is continuously being
improved and intensified, for example by organizing large conferences for exchanging
ideas, policy-concepts and implementation experiences. All these activities are aimed at
fostering, through mere discourse, a common perception on the problems at stake and
convergent ideas and concepts on possible solutions.
Although all these modes of governance evolved slowly over time, their inception
began much earlier than what is usually assumed. In this evolutionary process, we see a
sequence in the use of modes of governance from negotiation via competition to
coordination, which is, at the same time, a sequence from harder to softer modes of
governance. At present, all three modes of governance are being used alongside each
other. However negotiation is still dominant and competition plays the least important
role, primarily due to strong resistance of the Member States.
The sequence in the use of modes of governance is not a logical one, but a
reflection of the interaction between the Commission and the Council as well as between
the European level and national governments. It was triggered and shaped, on the one
hand, by the Commission, pushing as far as possible for a common policy. On the other
hand, the restrictive behaviour of Member States, both individually and through the
Council, counteracted this push from above and thus caused a sequence of changes in the
Commissions strategic choices. The Commission was driven to invent new procedures
and mechanisms which ever less provoked resistance by Member States. On the whole, it
was this interaction which gave rise to the emergence of new modes of governance.
That this interaction did and does not end up in stalemate is not only the merit of the
Commissions activism; it is also the result of the contradicting preferences of Member
Note that all these activities were subsidized in the framework of European regional policy.
States in the EU-system. For on the one hand, Member States do not want to be
controlled by the European Union; on the other hand, they expect others to be controlled.
In the framework of structural policy, it are in particular the so called net-payers, which
are heavily inclined to assure that distributive policies of the EU puts pressure on
recipient countries for due implementation. Therefore, soft modes of governance are not
only preferred because they put weak pressure on Member States, but also, because they
allow for selectively putting pressure on Member States.
Against this background, it becomes clear why, over the past years, a more
vigorous push towards new modes of governance has come about. Thus the most recent
reform of the structural funds, decided upon by Council in May 2006, introduced a series
of new procedures, clearly derived from the model of OMC in employment policy. In
particular, it envisages the Council to decide on common policy objectives. Moreover,
Member States have to report yearly on their progress made in matching these objectives.
The Commission will, on the basis of the Member States reports, elaborate a synthesis
report which is adopted by the Council and, where necessary, accompanied by
On the whole, a broad range of procedures derived from OMC in other policy-
fields is being introduced into a long established and well functioning policy-field,
further softening up its governance modes. However, the impact of these procedures has
to be judged within the context of the institutional structure of the EU. Thus the
Commission, when negotiating with every single member-state on its plans and programs
within the framework of European structural policy, is often constrained to give in to
their options and priorities, since it alone does not have sufficient authority to direct them
on European objectives if they have other preferences. If however the Council takes
decisions on common objectives, if Member States have to report on their performance in
pursuing these objectives and if, in addition, the public or non-state actors are drawn into
the evaluation of this performance pressure arises to adhere to the objectives agreed upon.
Seen in this light, seemingly soft modes of governance can have a harder impact on the
actors involved than might be assumed at first sight. Because Council decisions on
common objectives or guidelines, although not formally binding for national
governments, represent the aggregated will of the member-states, they close at least some
loopholes for single states to escape pressure exerted by the Commission in negotiations
on their national plans and programs.
In sum, the choice for certain modes of governance and the combination of modes
of governance does not follow a deliberate design but emerges through the interaction
between institutional actors. Resistance of important actors, mostly national governments,
to one mode of governance fostered the emergence of others, more promising or less
controversial ones. To date, this has resulted in the emergence and growing use of ever
softer modes of governance, which however in the context of the systemic structure of
the EU can sometimes have harder or more far-reaching impacts than what is usually
Economic and monetary policy coordination was incorporated in the Treaty of Rome
(EEC Treaty, 1957, Articles 103-109) (see Verdun 2000). However, the aim to create
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) only entered into the Treaty on European Union
(TEU) in 1992. In Articles 103-109 economic policy referred broadly to budgetary and
fiscal policies, whereas monetary policy referred to exchange rate policies. In these early
years monetary and economic coordination took place in a number of committees. The
EEC Treaty called for a Monetary Committee as an advisory organ. In the early 1960s,
based on Commission proposals, numerous other committees were created to assist in
coordination. After initial hesitation of the Council, the following committees were
created in 1964: Committee of Central Bank Governors, a Budgetary Policy Committee,
and a Medium-Term Policy Committee. Together with the Short-Term Policy Committee
that also already existed, the Community now had five coordinating committees. The
work that was done in the 1960s took place in these committees that had a hybrid form.
The committee members represented the Member States but worked together towards
coordination as a semi-Community oriented institution.
By the late 1960s EC leaders agreed that it was necessary to move on towards
further economic and monetary unification. By now the Customs Union was completed,
and other areas of policy-making (agriculture) would benefit from having stability in
exchange rates. At the Hague Summit in December 1969 the proposal to create an
Economic and Monetary Union was given approval, and a plan was to be made in 1970
to lay out the steps towards that goal. What became known as the Werner Plan set out a
proposal in stages to create EMU. Those who were on the Werner Committee represented
the Chairs of the various economic and monetary committees mentioned above. These
persons had lots of experience from their deliberations in the years prior in coming to a
proposal for EMU. The eventual plan was presented in 1970 adopted in 1971 but
eventually failed to be implemented.
In the 1970s progress in the area of economic and monetary integration was
mainly by seeking cooperation of monetary policy (exchange rate policy), first through
the so-called ‘snake’ (exchange rate arrangement) and, as of 1979, the so-called European
Monetary System (EMS). The coordination in the EMS was based on seeking to target
exchange rate objectives. Most Member States sought to keep their currencies within
2.25% of an agreed parity. Any rearrangements of the agreed exchange rate parities were
discussed and decided to in the monetary committee. During the 1980s the policies of
Member States often reflected on and in committees discussed ‘best practices’ (well
before those words were used to describe the process). In the case of monetary policy
coordination, policy-makers used to look to the best performing country/countries and
seek to follow the policies of the best performer(s) (notably: the Federal Republic of
Germany). In the 1970s and 1980s, in the area of macroeconomic coordination, there was
not much success in formal Community policy development. What did happen, however,
was the development of the awareness that budgetary and fiscal policies had an important
effect on monetary policies (exchange rates).
By the 1980s the EMS turned out to be quite a bit more successful than it had
been in its early years. The main reason was the commitment by each of the participating
Member States to keeping its exchange rates of its national currency within the agreed
parities. It was a political decision to put much weight on that arrangement, and other
policies were sought to be put in line with them. These policies were made by national
monetary authorities and, as said, were based on best practices, policy learning and
informal coordination and discussions.
The plan to create EMU in the late 1980s was triggered by the success in the
Single Act, and subsequently the desire to try again to make the next step in economic
and monetary unification, now also building on the success in keeping exchange rates
stable. The Treaty on European Union envisaged a model of EMU where monetary
policy was transferred to a new supranational central bank, whereas budgetary and fiscal
policies remained at the level of Member States, and coordination would take place by
targeting objectives. Furthermore, objectives would have to be met even to join the final
stage of EMU. Again what we see are targets, informal coordination etc in the area of
economic policy.
The Commission played an important role in facilitating the coordination. As part
of this aim, so-called Broad Economic Policy Guidelines were set up, in which the
Commission plays an important role to alert Member States when their policies or
macroeconomic performance is getting out of line. Furthermore details of trying to
enforce collaboration in the area of budgetary deficits and public debt were set out in the
Stability and Growth Pact. Here too, the Commission plays an important role in giving
Member States an early warning and in following the steps of the SGP regulations. These
arrangements focus to a considerable degree on best practices, informal collaboration,
and non-hierarchical sets of relationships in seeking to meet the end objectives. The
actors involved in policy coordination in the area of budgetary and fiscal policies are
Member States, the Council and of course the Commission. An important role is played
by the policy community that provides input into the types of policies and EU
arrangements that were desirable to create. The period of the 1990s and the start of the
2000s were characterised in this policy area by many interactions between the
Commission and the Member States regarding the performance of the Member States on
economic performance indicators and targets of budgetary deficits and public debt.
Going over the historical development in this area of policy-making it should be
clear that the mode of governance has from the outset included facets of ‘new modes of
governance’: informal exchanges of ideas; development in areas of policy-making where
the mandate in the Treaty was not very clear (or at least vague, with language such as
‘coordination’); that informal advisory bodies were created to facilitate coordination, and
that these bodies have a hybrid function (representing Member States, yet seeking to aim
at Community coordination), and that best practices, benchmarking et cetera were part of
the policy process well before those words were introduced in EU-jargon in the late
1990s or at the Lisbon Council in 2000. Furthermore, it should be clear from the above
examples, that the ‘soft coordination’ – through committees, and informal targets, often
through self-discipline – have been quite successful in creating real convergence in
policies, which in turn provided a solid basis for making the next step in institutional
change (take the example of the success of the EMS contributing to the desire to create
EMU, and EMU in turn being put firmly in the Treaty). In recent years these modes of
governance have been formalised and put in the language of the Treaty. But in fact, as so
often in European integration, the procedures and practices preceded their formalization.
In the area of budgetary and fiscal policies there was insufficient desire to transfer the
policy competence to the supranational level and thus the choice was made to keep it at
the level of nation states and have national governments try to meet such targets. The
details of how to implement such a policy-making procedure has been at the heart of the
development of the BEPGs and the SGP.
It is worth noting that part of the reason for not transferring powers over
budgetary and fiscal policies to a supranational EU institution, is a fundamental distrust
in what an EU supranational budgetary and fiscal policy would look like or what its
mandate would be (see Verdun 1998). Member States want to stay involved in this area
of policy making. Thus the collaboration represents a mix of the various institutions: the
Commission, the Council and the Member States (with the bulk of the work done in
advisory committees). The outcome of this form of policy-making has been quite far-
reaching, and is having a lasting impact. Over the years, critics of EMU have argued that
without firm authority or firms rules EMU would not be able to survive. To date it
appears that these modes of governance have been able to substantiate this development
with quite some success.
6. Conclusion
In drawing conclusions on our theoretical concept of modes of governance and their
interrelation to the systemic structure of the EU and on the lessons from the case studies,
we come to the following findings:
New modes of governance emerged much prior to what is generally assumed in the
literature; as our case-studies prove, they were abundant in the practice of European
policy-making long before their official formulation in EU documents. However, they
recently were pushed more vigorously to the forefront, not only in those cases, were
member states did refuse to transfer powers to the European level, but also in long
established and well functioning policy fields.
Soft modes of governance can, according to the institutional context and their
embedding into procedures of decision-making, turn out to have harder impacts then the
so called hard measures based on hierarchical means of steering. In structural policy, this
is the case because of their combination with the authority of the Council; in the case of
economic policy, this is the result from member states holding the formal powers in this
field and their willingness to take responsibility for due implementation.4
All European modes of governance did emerge through interaction between
institutional actors. Resistance of important actors, mostly national governments, to one
mode of governance fostered the emergence of others, more promising or less
controversial ones. This, on the whole, tended to give rise to ever softer modes of
governance, which however in the context of the systemic structure of the EU can
sometimes have harder or more far-reaching impacts than what is usually assumed.
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