Ewpc961n Manual en

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EWPC 961/N

freezer controls

GENERAL DESCRIPTION the change rate accelerates.

The EWPC 961/N is an electronic temper- DOWN: same functions, except to de-
ature controller specifically designed for re- crease a value.
WHAT IT IS frigeration applications and provides time DEFROST: push to initiate a manual de-
control for off-cycle defrost management. frost cycle (override of programmed defrost
The EWPC 961/N is an electronic It incorporates an output relay for com- start; programmed time resets to zero).
temperature controller specifically pressor control and a NTC sensor input. Manual defrost can not be started while in
designed for refrigeration applica- A number of parameters are displayed al- setpoint or in parameter programming
tions and provides time control for phanumerically to set up the instrument for mode. This button must be activated for 5
off-cycle defrost management. each specific application. seconds to start a defrost; the “DEF/SET”
The EWPC 961/N is supplied in the popu- status light will come on and the compres-
lar “32x74” ELIWELL. sor is stopped.
HOW IT IS MADE Led “COMP”: status light of the compres-
OPERATION sor output.
• Dimensions: front 74x32 mm The EWPC 961/N is designed to operate Led “DEF/SET”: blinks during setpoint
(2.913x1.260"), depth 67 mm strictly as a cooling control, which means display/change. When Led is on the de-
(2.637") that the switching differential is positive: the frost is in progress.
• Mounting: flush panel mount with compressor cuts off at setpoint and is
mounting bracket started at a temperature of set plus differ- PARAMETER PROGRAMMING
• Protection: the instrument front- ential. Programming is easily accessed by holding
panel is waterproof IP65; an op- The on-board microprocessor provides the “SET” button down for more than
tional snap-on cover can be several timing functions for the defrost; the 5 seconds; the first parameter is displayed
supplied to provide additional pro- defrost cycle as well the defrost cycle du- while the status light “DEF/SET” remains
tection of the rear terminal block ration are user selectable. blinking during the programming period.
• Connections: screw terminal block At the start of each defrost cycle, the com- Other parameters are accessed with the
(2.5 mm2; one wire each terminal pressor is simply stopped, regardless of “UP” and “DOWN” button. With the “SET”
only, in compliance with VDE the temperature control circuit. button, the actual setting of each parame-
norms) The minimum selectable time between 2 ter is displayed. To change a parameter
• Output: one (1) SPDT relay 8(3)A defrost is 1 hour (1 minute) even if di = 0; setting, push the “SET” plus the “UP” (or
250VA to disable the defrost function, set dE = 0. “DOWN”).
• Input: NTC probe In addition, the EWPC 961/N offers sever- The system will automatically return to its
• Resolution: 1 °C (°F) al system protection features, all easy to normal operating mode a few seconds af-
• Accuracy: better than 0.5% of full understand and easy to program. ter the programming procedure is complet-
scale ed or interrupted.
• Power supply (depending on mod- FRONT KEYPAD
el): 230 VA or 115 VA or 12 VA/C SET: push to display the setpoint temper- DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETERS
ature; the “DEF/SET” status light will blink. LS: Lower Set.
The setpoint can be changed within 15 Setting of the lower user-access setpoint
seconds with the “UP” or “DOWN” button. limit.
The control will automatically switch back HS: Higher Set.
to normal operating mode within 15 sec- Setting of the upper user-access setpoint
onds; the last entered setpoint will stay in limit.
memory. d: differential.
UP: used to increase the setpoint value, as Differential of intervention. The compressor
well as the parameter when in program- will stop when it reaches Setpoint value (ad
ming. When held down for a few seconds, indicated by regulation probe) and it will
CA: CAlibration.
Parameter Description Range Default Unit Temperature read-out offset to allow for
LS Lower set –50…Set –50 °C / °F possible error due to probe location.
HS Higher set Set…50 50 °C / °F tA: tAble of parameters.
Configuration index for factory set parame-
d differential 1÷12 2 °C / °F
ters; cannot be changed by the user.
ct compressor type protection 0…3 0 number
cd compressor delay protection 0…99 0 min / sec INSTALLATION
The instrument is designed for flush panel
cP compressor Probe protection oF / on / dc oF flag
mounting. Insert the unit through a
On time (compressor) On 1…99 5 minutes 71x29 mm panel cut-out and affix with the
OF time (compressor) OFF 1…99 5 minutes U-bracket supplied.
do defrost at (power) on n/y n flag The ambient temperature around the in-
strument should be kept between –5 and
dd defrost delay at (power) on 0…99 0 minutes
55 °C (23…131 °F).
dc defrost count type dF / rt rt flag Do not install the instrument in moist
du defrost unit H/P H flag and/or dirty places; it is suitable for opera-
tion in environments with an ordinary pollu-
di defrost interval time 0…99 8 hours / min
tion level. Leave enough room for air
dE defrost Endurance 0…99 30 min / sec circulation by the cooling holes of the in-
dL defrost display Lock n / y / Lb y flag strument.
od output delay at Power-on 0…99 0 minutes
Lc Lock keyboard n/y n flag
The instrument is equipped with an internal
dr display read-out °C / °F °C flag screw terminal block suitable for max
CA CAlibration –12…12 0 °C / °F 2.5 mm2 wiring (one wire each terminal
only, for power connections).
tA tAble of parameters / / /
Make sure that the power supply corre-
sponds with the rating shown on the in-
restart when temperature reaches a value tween defrosts. strument, i.e. 230 Va ±10%, 115 Va ±10%
equal to Setpoint plus differential. dF = DIGIFROST® Feature: defrost starting or 12 Va/c ±15%.
ct: compressor type Protection. time (“di”) is calculated based on accumu- The 2-wire NTC type probe does not re-
It establishes the type of protection adopt- lative compressor running time; quire polarity and can easily be extended
ed to prevent close startups of the com- rt = real time: time between defrosts (which by using common 2-lead wire.
pressor. is always the same) is counted on the de- It is strongly recommended to run the
0 = delay on compressor activation, ex- vice working time. probe cable separate from line voltage
pressed in seconds; du: defrost unit. wiring. Also, it is good practice to install the
1 = delay on compressor activation, ex- Selects the defrost time measure unit. tip of the probe in upright position, to avoid
pressed in minutes; H = defrost interval in hours, defrost time in moist from entering into the stainless steel
2 = there is a minimum compressor off minutes; sensor housing.
time before the allowing startup. Delay is P = defrost interval in minutes, defrost time The output relay contacts are voltage-free
expressed in minutes; in seconds. and are suitable for in-line switching of
3 = there is a minimum delay between two di: defrost interval time. compressors up to 0.5 HP at 230 Va (or
successive startups of the compressor Time interval between two subsequent de- 0.25 HP to 115 Va). For larger loads, an
startups. Delay is expressed in minutes. frost cycles; the measure unit depends on external contactor must be used.
cd: compressor delay Protection. the "du" parameter.
Time related to the previous parameter. dE: defrost Endurance. ERROR ANNOUNCIATION
cP: compressor Probe Protection. Total length of a defrost cycle; the measure The instrument is provided with only one
Allows to select the state of compressor for unit depends on the "du" parameter. error message “E1”, both in case of short-
faulty probe. dL: display Lock. ed sensor and in case of sensor break, or
oF = relay OFF for faulty probe; Temperature display is locked in during a sensor absence.
on = relay ON for faulty probe; defrost cycle. The “E1” error message also appears in
dc = duty cycle; ON and OFF times for the n = no (read-out will continue to display the the event of underrange/overrange of the
relay are set by parameters “On” and “OF”. actual temperature, even during defrost); system temperature.
On: time (compressor) On. y = yes (read-out is locked in to the tem- It is recommended to doublecheck the
Compressor ON time; in minutes. perature before the defrost). sensor wiring before diagnosing a probe as
OF: time (compressor) OFF. Lb = Label; during the defrost the label defective.
Compressor OFF time; in minutes. “dF” is displayed to indicate a defrost is in
do: defrost at Power-on. progress. TECHNICAL DATA
Selects whether the system should go od: output delay at Power-on. Housing: black plastic material in
through a defrost cycle at start-up (or after Time delay applied to activation of the re- PC+ABS resin with self-estinguishing
a power failure). lays after start-up. grade V0.
n = no; Lc: keyboard Lock. Dimensions: front 74x32 mm
y = yes. Allows to disable keyboard operation to (2.913x1.260"), depth 67 mm (2.637").
dd: defrost delay at Power-on. prevent undesired operation or changes in Mounting: flush panel mount with mount-
Time delay of defrost at Power-on; ex- the instrument settings. ing bracket.
pressed in minutes. dr: display read-out. Protection: the instrument frontpanel is
dc: defrost count type. Permits to select either °C or °F display waterproof IP65; an optional snap-on cov-
Allows to select the type of counting be- mode (no parameter is automatically con- er can be supplied to provide additional

EWPC 961/N 7/2000 ing 2

CONNECTIONS 220 V cessible by using a tool.
The device may be applied on household
appliances and/or similar refrigerating
EWPC 961/N Regarding the reference rules, this device
may be classified as follows:
- according to its manufacture: automatic,
electronic, independent-mounting control
device to be applied;
- according to its automatic operating fea-
1 2 3 4 5 9 10 tures: acting control device, 1 BY type;
- according to its protection against electri-
cal shocks (referring to accessible parts):
class 2 device;
NTC probe - according to the class and structure of
comp. the software it uses: class A device.

Any use different from the authorised one is
POWER SUPPLY forbidden. We point out that relay contacts
are of the functional type, and therefore
subject to failure. Any protection devices
CONNECTIONS 12 V required by the rules concerning this prod-
uct or dictated by common sense due to
obvious safety reasons should be applied
outside the instrument.
EWPC 961/N
Eliwell cannot be held responsible for any
damages due to:
- installation and/or use different from what
the manufacturer intended and, in partic-
1 2 3 7 8 9 10 ular, differing from the safety rules provid-
ed for by law and/or hereby stated;
- use on equipment lacking a proper pro-
tection against electrical shock, water or
thermostat dust considering the way the device itself
NTC probe was applied;
- use on equipment allowing access to
dangerous parts without employing any
- attempts to tamper with the product or
make alterations to it;
- installation or use on equipment which
protection of the rear terminal block. Data storage: non-volatile EEPROM does not comply with the provisions of
Connections: screw terminal block memory. the law presently in force.
(2.5 mm2; one wire each terminal only, in Operating temperature: –5…55 °C
compliance with VDE norms). (23…131 °F). DISCLAIMER
Display: 12.5 mm LED (0.50"). Storage temperature: –30…75 °C This manual and its contents remain the
Push buttons: located on front panel. (–22…167 °F). sole property of Invensys Climate Controls
Output: one (1) SPDT relay 8(3)A 250Va. s.p.a., and shall not be reproduced or dis-
Input: NTC probe (SEMITEC 103AT-2 sen- tributed without authorization. Although
sor –50…110 °C). great care has been exercised in the
Convertion range: –50…50 °C. preparation of this document, Invensys
Resolution: 1 °C (°F). Climate Controls s.p.a., its employees or
Accuracy: better than 0.5% of full scale. its vendors, cannot accept any liability
Consuption: 1.5 VA whatsoever connected with its use.
Power supply (depending on model): Invensys Climate Controls s.p.a. reserves
Invensys Climate Controls s.p.a. 230 Va ±10% or 115 Va ±10% or 12 Va/c the right to make any changes or improve-
via dell'Industria, 15
±15%. ments without prior notice.
Zona Industriale Paludi
32010 Pieve d'Alpago (BL)
Telephone +39 0437 986111 For safety reasons, the control device
Facsimile +39 0437 986066 should be installed and used according to
Email eliwell@invensysclimate.com the given instructions and, in particular, un-
Internet http:/www.climate-eu.invensys.com der normal conditions. Any parts subject to
dangerous voltage should not be accessi-
ble. As to its application, the device should
7/2000 ing be properly protected against water and
cod. 9FT40040 dust and, in addition, it should only be ac-

3 EWPC 961/N 7/2000 ing

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