EWPX 190 (.E) 6.97 Ing

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EWPX 190(/E) rel.

6/97 ing
controller for refrigerating units
with thermometric probe and alarm output


EWPX 190(/E) is a single point temperature SETPOINT
controller designed for applications in the To display the Setpoint value press and re-
WHAT IT IS field of commercial refrigeration. lease “SET/DOWN”; the Setpoint value is
The instrument provides three input displayed and the “SET” led is turned on.
EWPX 190(/E) is a single point tem- probes for temperature control, defrost To change the Setpoint value operate on
perature controller designed for ap- management and temperature display plus keys “UP” and “SET/DOWN” within 5 sec-
plications in the field of commercial three output relays for compressor, defrost onds; after such time normal mode will be
refrigeration. system and alarm management. restored.
The instrument provides three input As a standard feature it can be connected
probes for temperature control, de- to the TELEVIS system. The “/E” version MANUAL ACTIVATION OF THE
frost management and temperature can also be connected to the EWPX DEFROST CYCLE
display plus three output relays for ECHO data repeater, which allows remote The manual activation of the defrost cycle
compressor, defrost system and display of the temperature measured by starts by holding the “UP” key pressed for
alarm management. the instrument. The instrument can be more than 7 seconds (the key is not active
configured according to the application during Setpoint or parameter program-
through a series of parameters - it is sup- ming). In case the defrost conditions are
HOW IT IS MADE plied in the new 32x74 mm cabinet (ELI- not suitable (e.g. the temperature of the
WELL Standard). evaporator probe exceeds the end defrost
• Housing: plastic resin PC+ABS ex- temperature) the display will show the
tinguishing grade V0 COMMANDS ON FRONT PANEL blinking “dFu” (deFrost unable) label.
• Size: front panel 76x34 mm, depth The instrument is provided with two keys: During manual defrost the “DEFROST” led
58 mm “UP” and “SET/DOWN”. blinks.
• Mount: panel mount on 71x29 mm SET/DOWN: by pressing and releasing it
hole the Setpoint is displayed, the “SET” led is SILENCING THE ALARM
• Protection: front IP65 turned on. An alarm condition is signalled by the
• Connections: on screw terminal To change the Setpoint value use the “UP” “ALARM” led and the activation of the re-
block for wires max 2.5 mm2 (one and “SET/DOWN” keys within 5 seconds. lated relay on the terminal block.
wire only per block in compliance If no operation is performed for more than The alarm can be silenced by pressing any
with VDE regulations) 5 seconds normal mode is restored and key on the front panel; the relay will be dis-
• Remote connection: serial con- the new value is automatically acquired. abled and the led will blink until the end of
nection to the EWPX ECHO re- The same button is used to increase val- the alarm condition.
peater (version /E only) ues during Setpoint change or parameters
• Serial connection: TTL port for the programming. When held pressed a fast DISPLAYING PROBE VALUES
connection to the EWRS 485 inter- increase is performed. The instrument provides three probe in-
face for TELEVIS system linking UP: button used for value increase, used puts: temperature control, defrost man-
• Display: 3 digit plus “–” sign; digit to change both the Setpoint and the para- agement and temperature display.
height 12.5 mm meters. A fast increase is obtained by The pressure and release of the “UP” and
• Main outputs: 1 on N.O. relay holding it pressed. This key also allows “SET/DOWN” keys simultaneously causes
8(3)A 250V AC for the compressor manual start of the defrost cycle, by hold- the label “CPr” (Compressor Probe) to be
and 1 on N.O. relay output 5(2)A ing it pressed for more than 5 seconds displayed; by pressing and releasing the
250V AC for the defrost system (this function is not enabled during “SET/DOWN” key the display shows the
• Alarm output: 1 on N.C. relay 8(3)A Setpoint or parameter programming). value on the control probe.
250V AC During the manual defrost cycle the “DE- By pressing the “UP” key the display
• Analogue inputs: NTC probes for FROST” led will blink. shows the label “EPr” (Evaporator Probe);
temperature control, defrost man- “COMPRESSOR” Led: led related to the by pressing and releasing the
agement and temperature display compressor relay; it is on when the com- “SET/DOWN” key the display shows the
• Defrost input: external input to pressor works. value of the defrost probe.
start the defrost cycle “SET” Led: it is on during Setpoint display
• Resolution: 1 °C, 0.1 °C, or 0.5 °C, and programming; it blinks during parame- KEYBOARD LOCKING
selectable through parameters ter programming. A special programming of the “Loc” para-
• Consumption: 3VA (5 VA in the “DEF” Led: status light of the defrost. It is meter allows to disable the keyboard in or-
“/E” version with the EWPX ECHO on during automatic defrost; it blinks dur- der to avoid unauthorised operations or
module connected) ing manual defrost. parameter changes.
• Power supply: 12 Vac/dc ±15% “ALARM” Led: led related to the alarm. It When the keyboard is disabled the
is on when the alarm is active or disabled Setpoint and the parameters can only be
due to the exclusion time (see parameters displayed (not changed), except parame-
“PAO”, “dAo” and “tAo”); it blinks when the ter “Loc” to allow keyboard release.
alarm is silenced.
Parameter Description Range Default Unit
A password can be set to allow access to
the parameter programming phase. To set diF diFferential –12…12 2 °C / °F
(or change) the password access parame- LSE Lower SEt –999…HSE –50 °C / °F
ter “PAS” and type a number from 1 to 15
HSE Higher SEt LSE…999 40 °C / °F
(0 to disable the password). The password
will be enabled when exiting from the pa- dty defrost type EL / in EL flag
rameter programming phase. dit defrost interval time 0…31 6 hours
In case the password is enabled, when re- dct defrost counting type dF / rt / SC / Fr dF flag
questing access to the parameter pro-
doh defrost offset hour 0…59 0 minutes
gramming phase the label “PAS” is
displayed. Press the “SET/DOWN” key to dEt defrost Endurance time 1…250 30 minutes
access password programming and dSt defrost Stop temperature –999…999 8 °C / °F
change it using keys “UP” and
dt drainage time 0…250 0 minutes
“SET/DOWN”. If the password is correct
the pressure of keys “SET/DOWN” and dPo defrost (at) Power-on n/y n flag
then “UP” enables access to the program- ddL defrost display Lock n / y / Lb / Lg n flag
ming phase, otherwise it will automatically APS Alarm Probe Selection rP / tP tP flag
Att Alarm temperature type Ab / re re flag
The programming phase can be accessed LAL Low ALarm –999…999 –50 °C / °F
pressing the “UP” and “SET/DOWN” keys
AFd Alarm (Fan) differential 1…50 2 °C / °F
simultaneously for more than 7 seconds.
The first label is displayed and the “SET” PAO Power-on Alarm Override 0…10 2 hours
led starts blinking. To access other para- dAo defrost Alarm override 0…999 60 minutes
meters press “UP” or “SET/DOWN”; to tAo temperat. Alarm override 0…250 0 minutes
display the value of the parameter shown
on the display press “UP” and cPP compressor Probe Prot. oF / on / dc on flag
“SET/DOWN” simultaneously. To change Ont On time (compressor) 0…250 10 minutes
its value press “UP” or “SET/DOWN”. OFt OFF time (compressor) 0…250 10 minutes
The storage of new values takes place au-
ctP compr. type Protection nP/don/doF/dbi doF flag
tomatically when exiting the programming
mode (no key pressed for some seconds). cdP compr. delay Protection 0…15 0 minutes
odo output delay (at) on 0…99 0 minutes
PrP Presence Probe nP / EP / AP / EAP EAP flag
diF: diFferential.
Setpoint intervention differential. CAL CALibration –12…12 0 °C / °F
For applications in the field of refrigeration dEA dEvice Address 0…14 0 number
the differential shall be set to positive val- FAA FAmily Address 0…14 0 number
ues; the compressor will stop when the
AOP Alarm Output Polarity di / in in flag
Setpoint is reached (according to the con-
trol probe) and start again when the tem- ndt number display type int / dEc / hFn int flag
perature reaches the Setpoint plus the Loc (keyboard) Lock n/y n flag
differential. PAS PASsword 0…15 0 number
LSE: Lower Set.
Minimum value that can be assigned to rEL rELease firmware / / /
Setpoint. tAb tAble of parameters / / /
Usually set to the minimum value measur-
able by the probe.
HSE: Higher Set. tinues to regulate on Setpoint). to indicate defrost is in progress.
Maximum value that can be assigned to doh: defrost offeset hour. Lg = Label (“degivrage”); during defrost the
Setpoint. Defrost start delay time; in minutes. display will show the “dEg” (“dEgivrage”)
dty: defrost type. dEt: defrost Endurance time. label to indicate defrost is in progress.
EL = electric defrost; Defrost time-out; in minutes or seconds. NOTE: in case “n” or “lb” is selected the
in = cycle inversion defrost (hot gas). dSt: defrost Stop temperature. display will be locked until the Setpoint on
dit: defrost interval type. dt: drainage time. the room probe is reached.
Defrost interval in hours or minutes. Dripping time in minutes. APS: Alarm Probe Selection.
dct: defrost counting type. dPo: defrost (at) Power-on. Probe selection for minimum and maxi-
Counting mode for the defrost interval. y = yes; n = no mum temperature alarm management.
dF = digifrost Feature (DIGIFROST® ddL: defrost display lock. rP = regulation probe;
method; only the operation time of the n = no; during defrost the display will show tP = display probe.
compressor is counted). the temperature measured by the room Att: Alarm temperature type.
rt = real time (the count is based on the op- probe. Decoding mode for parameters “HAL” and
erating time of the instrument). y = yes; during defrost the display will “LAL”.
SC = Stop Compressor (the defrost takes show the last value measured by the room Ab = Absolute; re = relative.
place whenever the compressor stops). probe before defrost. HAL: High Alarm.
Fr = Free (the compressor relay has no re- Lb = Label (“defrost”); during defrost the Maximum temperature alarm.
lation with the defrost functions and con- display will show the “dEF” (dEFrost) label LAL: Low ALarm.

EWPX 190(/E) 6/97 ing 2

Minimum temperature alarm. Int = reading without decimal point; to the indicated polarity.
AFd: Alarm (Fan) differential. dEc = reading with decimal point, resolu- The probe cable, the connection cable for
Operating differential for temperature tion 0,1 °C; the EWPX ECHO repeater (version /E only),
alarms. hFn = reading with decimal point, resolu- the connection cable for the EWRS 485 in-
PAO: Power-on Alarm Override. tion 0.5 °C. terface module shall be kept far from the
Alarm exclusion after instrument start-up; Loc: keyboard Lock. relay cables both for EMC and safety rea-
in hours. Allows to disable the keyboard to prevent sons. The coordinated European safety
dAo: defrost Alarm override. unauthorised operations. When the key- regulations state that the relay contacts
Alarm exclusion after defrost; in minutes. board is disabled only display (not modifi- (and generally speaking, all parts subject
tAo: temperature Alarm override. cation) of Setpoint and parameters is to dangerous voltage) shall be kept away
Delay for temperature alarm signalling; in allowed. Only the “Loc” parameter can be from the very low safety voltage connec-
minutes. modified to permit keyboard unlock. tions (probe, Televis serial, power supply)
cPP: compressor Probe Protection. y = yes ; n = no. using insulation systems and distances
Allows the selection of the output state in PAS: PASsword. providing at least a double or reinforced in-
case of faulty probe. Allows to set a password (see paragraph sulation.
oF = relay OFF in case of faulty probe. “Password to access parameter program- However EMC requirements for correct
on = relay ON in case of faulty probe. ming”). operation suggest/impose better accuracy
dc = duty cycle; the ON and OFF times for 0 = no password required to access para- in such separation by using separated in-
the relay are defined by parameters “Ont” meter programming; sulating pipes and special cable fixing sys-
and “OFt”. 1…15 = available values for the password. tems.
Ont: On time (compressor). rEL: rELease firmware. EWPX ECHO (version /E only) operates at
ON time for the compressor (when CPP = Read-only parameter showing the release very low safety voltage and shall be in-
dc); in minutes. code of the product. stalled respecting the same insulation/sep-
OFt: OFF time (compressor). tAb: tAble of parameters. aration conditions from the parts bearing
OFF time for the compressor (when CPP = Summary of factory set parameters; can- voltage and the wires of the relay contacts.
dc); in minutes. not be modified by the user.
ctP: compressor type Protection. ERROR MESSAGES
Allows the selection of the protection type MECHANICAL MOUNT In case of shorted, interrupted or discon-
to prevent close startups of the output The instrument is designed for panel nected probe the instrument displays error
(time is set through the following parame- mount. Drill a 29x71 mm hole and intro- message “E1” for the regulation probe,
ter). duce the instrument, then fix it with the “E2” for the defrost probe and “E3” for the
nP = no Protection. special bracket (included). display probe. The same message will ap-
don = delay on start. Delay on relay activa- The operating temperature range for cor- pear in case of “under range”, i.e. in case
tion. rect operation is from –5 to 65 °C. Do not the value is below the minimum readable
doF = delay at switching oFf. Minimum install the instrument in moist and/or dirty measurement, or “over range” (value ex-
time for relay cut off. places; it is suitable for operation in envi- ceeding the upper limit).
dbl = delay between two successive ronments with an ordinary pollution level. Before replacing the probe always check
starts. Leave enough room for air circulation by its connections.
cdP: compressor delay Protection. the cooling holes of the instrument.
Time referred to the previous parameter; in TECHNICAL DATA
minutes. ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS Housing: plastic resin PC+ABS extin-
odo: output delay (at) on. EWPX 190(/E) is provided with three relay guishing grade V0.
Delay for the activation of outputs at start- outputs, one serial output for the connec- Size: front panel 76x34 mm, depth
up; in minutes. tion to the TELEVIS system and another 58 mm.
PrP: Presence Probe. serial output for the EWPX ECHO repeater Mount: panel mount on 71x29 mm hole.
Allows to select the presence of the (version /E only). Protection: front IP65.
Evaporator probe. The instrument includes a screw terminal Connections: on screw terminal block for
nP = evaporator probe not present; block for the connection of electrical ca- wires max 2.5 mm2 (one wire only per
EP = evaporator probe present; bles with a maximum 2.5 mm2 section block in compliance with VDE regulations).
AP = not usable; (one wire only for each block, according to Remote connection: serial connection to
EAP = evaporator probe and temperature VDE regulations). the EWPX ECHO repeater (version /E only).
display probe presents. Relay outputs, connected through two Serial connection: TTL port for the con-
CAL: CALibration. common terminal blocks, are free from nection to the EWRS 485 interface for
It allows the calibration of the displayed voltage. Do not exceed the maximum al- TELEVIS system linking.
value (measured by the display probe) in lowed current (alarm and compressor: Display: 3 digit plus “-” sign; digit height
case it is different from a known sample 8(3)A 250V AC; defrost: 5(2)A 250V AC). In 12,5 mm.
value. Usually set to “0”. case of heavier loads use a suitable power Commands: all located on front panel.
IMPORTANT NOTE: on EWPX 190(/E) the contactor. Data storage: on non-volatile memory
calibration has no effect on temperature Check the power voltage complies with (EEPROM).
regulation. the instrument requirements: 12 Vca/cc Operating temperature: –5…65 °C;
dEA: dEvice Address. ±15% (very low safety voltage). (23…149 °F).
Allows the selection of the device address The NTC probe has no insertion polarity Storage temperature: –30…75 °C;
in the remote control network. and can be lengthened using a common (–22…167 °F).
FAA: FAmily Address. bipolar cable (bearing in mind that a very Main outputs: 1 on N.O. relay 8(3)A 250V
Allows the selection of the device family in long probe implies worse instrument per- AC for the compressor and 1 on N.O. relay
the remote control network. formances referred to the EMC). output 5(2)A 250V AC for the defrost sys-
AOP: Alarm Output Polarity. Outputs for the connection of the EWPX tem.
di = direct; in = inverted. ECHO repeater (version /E only) and the Alarm output: 1 on N.C. relay 8(3)A 250V
ndt: number of digits. EWRS 485 interface module of the TELE- AC.
Type of display. VIS system require connections according Analogue Inputs: NTC probes for tem-

3 EWPX 190(/E) 6/97 ing






output to
signal repeater

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
– +

EWPX 190/E

TTL output
to the interface module
to TELEVIS system

1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

defrost comp. alarm


perature control, defrost management and

temperature display.
Defrost input: external input to start the
defrost cycle.
Range: –50…100 °C (–58…212 °F).
Resolution: 1 °C, 0.1 °C, or 0.5 °C, se-
lectable through parameters.
Accuracy: better than 0.5% on full range.
Consumption: 3VA (5 VA in the “/E” ver-
sion with the EWPX ECHO module con-
Power supply: 12 Vac/dc ±15%.

Eliwell S.p.A.
via dell’Artigianato, 65
Zona Industriale
32010 Pieve d’Alpago (BL)

Telephone +39 (0)437 986111

Facsimile +39 (0)437 989066

A Siebe Group Company

EWPX 190(/E) 6/97 ing 4

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