Example 5 Eng
Example 5 Eng
Example 5 Eng
Model of the tower is presented in Fig.5.1.
Steel tower with height 16 m.
Sections of elements of the tower (see Fig.5.1):
elements 1 – hot-rolled seamless pipe ( ), shape 45x3.5;
elements 2 – hot-rolled seamless pipe ( ), shape 25x3.5;
– load case 1 – dead weight; uniformly distributed load p = 0.25 t/m2 applied to upper bars;
– load case 2 – ice load;
– load case 3 – wind static load;
– load case 4 – pulsation for wind static load.
On the taskbar, click the Start button, and then point to All Programs. Point to the folder that contains
LIRA SAPR / LIRA-SAPR 2015 and then click LIRA-SAPR 2015.
Click OK .
It is also possible to open the Model type dialog box with a pre-defined type of model. To do this, on
the LIRA-SAPR menu (Application menu), point to New and click Model type 4 (Three DOF per node)
command . One more way to do the same: on the Quick Access Toolbar, click New and in the drop-
down menu select Model type 4 (Three DOF per node) command . Then you should define only
problem name.
To save all output data files for the problem in certain directory, select appropriate check box. The
directory name will coincide with the name of the problem. This directory will appear in the directory for
files with analysis results. This is helpful if you have to find output data files for certain problem, then
transfer these files or review and evaluate them with the help of Windows Explorer or other file managers.
To define nodes:
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Create panel, point to Add node drop-down list and click Add
node by coordinates .
In the Add node dialog box (see Fig.5.3), define coordinates of the base node:
0 0 0
Click Apply .
button .
In the Display dialog box (see Fig.5.4), select the Node numbers check box on the Nodes tab.
Click Redraw .
On the Select toolbar, point to Select elements drop-down list and click Select elements button .
Select with the pointer all elements of the model.
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Edit panel, point to Copy drop-down list and click Mirror
copy .
The Copy objects dialog box is presented with the Mirror copy tab open (see Fig.5.5).
To define the plane about which the copy will be made, under Relative to the plane, click YOZ-plane.
Select the Specify base node check box and specify with the pointer node No.1 on the model (the node
will be coloured pink).
Click Apply .
To unselect nodes and elements, on the Select toolbar, click Unselect all button .
Add bar .
In the Add element dialog box, on the Add bar tab open (see Fig.5.6), clear the Generate nodes at
places of intersection with other FE check box.
To add bar elements between nodes, specify with the pointer the following pairs of nodes in sequence:
No.2 and No.13, No.4 and No.11, No.4 and No.13, No.4 and No.14, No.5 and No.13, No.5 and No.14,
etc. up to the top of the tower (in this case the rubber-band line is automatically stretched between the
nodes that you select).
To select nodes:
On the Select toolbar, point to Select nodes drop-down list and click Select nodes button .
Select nodes No.2 and 11 with the pointer. The nodes will be coloured red.
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Stiffness and restraints panel, click Restraints .
In the Restraints on nodes dialog box (see Fig.5.8), specify directions along which displacements of
nodes are not allowed (X, Y, Z). To do this, select appropriate check boxes.
button .
In the Stiffness and materials dialog box (see Fig.5.9a), click Add. The dialog box expands to display
the library of stiffness parameters. In the Add stiffness dialog box (see Fig.5.9b), select the Database
of steel sections tab (the second tab).
a b
Figure 5.9 Dialog boxes: a – Stiffness and materials, b – Add stiffness
Double-click the Pipe icon in the list. The Steel cross-section dialog box opens. In this dialog box you
can define material properties for selected type of the section.
In the Steel cross-section dialog box (see Fig.5.10), specify the following parameters for pipe section
(for main elements - element 1, see Fig.5.1):
in the Profile box, click ;
in the shape box, click 45 x 3.5.
Click OK.
In the Add stiffness dialog box (see Fig.5.9b), on the Database of steel sections (the second tab),
double-click the Pipe icon once again.
In the Steel cross-section dialog box, specify the following parameters for pipe section (for elements of
lacing - element 2, see Fig.5.1):
in the Profile box, click ;
in the shape box, click 25 x 3.5.
Click OK.
To hide the library of stiffness parameters, click Add in the Stiffness and materials dialog box.
Click Redraw .
On the Select toolbar (by default, it is displayed at the bottom of the screen), click PolyFilter .
In the PolyFilter dialog box, select the Filter for elements tab (the second tab) (see Fig.5.11).
Select By FE numbers check box and specify numbers of elements 17 – 40.
Click Apply.
In the Stiffness and materials dialog box, click Apply . The elements become unselected. It
indicates that the current stiffness type is assigned to selected elements.
In the same dialog box, in the List of stiffness types, select type ‘1.Pipe 45 x 3.5’ and click Set as
current type. In this case selected type will be displayed in the Stiffness box in the Assign to
elements of the model area. To assign current type of stiffness, you could also double-click appropriate
row in the list.
Select elements of type 1 (see Fig.5.1) (elements No.1 – 16) with PolyFilter command as described
In the Stiffness and materials dialog box, click Apply.
In the Stiffness and materials dialog box, on the Properties tab (the first tab), select ‘2.Pipe 25 x 3.5’ in
the List of stiffness types.
Click Set as current type. This operation is necessary for further procedure (see Step 5).
On the Select toolbar, point to Select nodes drop-down list and click Select nodes button .
On the Select toolbar, point to Select elements drop-down list and click Select elements button .
Select with the pointer all nodes and elements of the model.
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Edit panel, point to Copy drop-down list and click Copy by
rotation .
The Copy objects dialog box is presented with the Copy by rotation tab open (see Fig.5.12). In this
dialog box specify the following parameters:
axis about which the fragment will be copied - Z-axis;
angle of rotation Fi = 90 degrees;
number of copies N = 3.
Click Apply .
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Edit panel, click Pack model .
In the Pack model dialog box (see Fig.5.13), click Apply . It is necessary to pack the model in order
to ‘throw together’ coincident nodes and elements and to eliminate (that is, to remove completely)
deleted nodes and elements from design model.
The Pack model dialog box is mentioned to manage parameters for pack procedure of the model
after Merge, Copy and other commands with model geometry.
Click Redraw .
On the Select toolbar (by default, it is displayed at the bottom of the screen), click PolyFilter .
In the PolyFilter dialog box, select the Section and cut off tab (see Fig.5.14).
Under Cutting plane, click Arbitrary. (The following check boxes are selected by default: the Nodes
and Elements check boxes in the Include area of the dialog box, the Section by plane option in the
Select mode area, the Specify node of the plane check box.)
Specify with the pointer three nodes that define diagonal of the tower (nodes No.2, 17, 21).
Click Apply in the PolyFilter dialog box on the Section and cut off tab.
Figure 5.14 PolyFilter dialog box (Section and cut off tab)
To present on the screen only selected nodes and elements of the model, on the Select toolbar, click
Fragmentation .
To present design model in projection on the XOZ-plane, on the Projection toolbar, click Projection on
XOZ-plane .
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Create panel, point to Add element drop-down list and click
Add bar .
The Add element dialog box is presented with the Add bar tab open (see Fig.5.6).
To add bar elements between nodes, specify with the pointer the following pairs of nodes in sequence:
No.4 and No.21, No.5 and No.24, No.6 and No.25, etc. up to the top of the tower.
To present the model in dimetric projection, on the Projection toolbar, click Dimetric projection .
To restore design model in initial view after fragmentation, on the Select toolbar, click Restore model
In the PolyFilter dialog box (see Flags of drawing command ), on the Section and cut off tab,
select the Specify nodes of the plane check box.
Specify with the pointer three nodes that define diagonal of the tower (nodes No.10, 11, 32).
Click Apply .
To present on the screen only selected nodes and elements of the model, on the Select toolbar, click
Fragmentation .
To present design model in projection on the XOZ-plane, on the Projection toolbar, click Projection on
XOZ-plane .
In the Add element dialog box, clear the Generate nodes at places of intersection with other FE
check box and then select the Specify nodes with pointer check box.
Specify with the pointer the following pairs of nodes in sequence: No.22 and No.11, No.33 and No.23,
etc. up to the top of the tower (as described above).
To present the model in dimetric projection, on the Projection toolbar, click Dimetric projection .
Click Redraw .
In the Stiffness of elements dialog box, the stiffness type 2. Pipe 25 x 3.5 is assigned as current
one. That’s why this type of stiffness will be assigned to all bar elements.
In the Add dead weight dialog box (see Fig.5.17), click All elements and specify Load factor as equal
to 1.05 (as in SRS-SAPR (Steel Tables) module the unit weight is specified as normative value, it should
be converted to design value).
Click Apply (uniformly distributed load equal to unit weight of elements is automatically applied to all
elements of the structure).
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, select the Loads panel, then select Load on bars command
from the Loads on nodes and elements drop-down list.
In the Define loads dialog box (see Fig.5.18), specify Global coordinate system and direction along the
Z-axis (default parameters).
Click OK .
To change the number of the current load case, click the Next load case button located on the
Status bar or on the toolbar.
On the Select toolbar, point to Select elements drop-down list and click Select elements button .
To change the number of the current load case, click the Next load case button located on the
Status bar or on the toolbar.
Static wind pressure may be specified as the sum of windward and leeward side pressures because
every level of tower is considered as rigid body.
On the Select toolbar (by default, it is displayed at the bottom of the screen), click PolyFilter .
In the PolyFilter dialog box, select the Filter for elements tab (the second tab).
Select By stiffness check box and specify the line '1.Pipe 45x3.5'.
Select projection of five lower elements of right edge of tower with 'selection window' as presented in
To change direction of load, in the Define loads dialog box, specify direction along the X-axis.
Click OK .
Select projection of three upper elements of the right edge of the tower with ‘selection window’ in a
similar way as shown in Figure 5.21.
In the Define loads dialog box, click Trapezoidal load on group of bars button .
In the Non-uniformly distributed load dialog box (see Fig.5.21), specify P1 = 0.1 t/m, P2 = 0.12 t/m
and direction along which the load is changed (Z-axis).
Click OK.
To present the model in dimetric projection, on the Projection toolbar, click Dimetric projection .
Close the PolyFilter (Filter for elements) dialog box.
On the Create and edit ribbon tab, on the Loads panel, click Edit load cases . The Edit load
cases dialog box is displayed on the screen (see Fig.5.22).
For load case 1 – in the Edit selected load case area, in the Type box, select Dead and click Apply
For load case 2 – in the Edit selected load case area, in the Type box, select Short-term and click
Apply .
For load case 3 – in the Edit selected load case area, in the Type box, select Inactive (wind static for
To add the fourth load case, in the List of load cases area, click Add load case (to the end) .
For load case 4 – in the Edit selected load case area, in the Type box, select Instant and click Apply
On the Analysis ribbon tab, on the Dynamics panel, click Account of static load cases .
In the Create dynamic load cases from the static ones dialog box (see Fig.5.23), under Generate
mass matrix according to, click Load case (code 1) and to create the first line of the summary table,
specify the following data:
dynamic load case No. – 4;
No. of corresponding static load case – 1;
conversion factor – 1.
Click Add.
To create the second line of the summary table, specify the following data:
dynamic load case No. – 4;
No. of corresponding static load case – 2;
conversion factor – 0.9.
Click Add and then click OK.
Figure 5.23 Create dynamic load cases from the static ones dialog box
On the Analysis ribbon tab, select the Dynamics panel and click Table of dynamic load cases button
In the Table of dynamic load cases dialog box (see Fig.5.24), define the following data:
load case No. – 4;
dynamic load type – Pulsation (21);
number of analysed mode shapes – 8;
number of corresponding static load case – 3;
in the Mass matrix field, click Diagonal.
Click Parameters.
In the Wind analysis parameters with pulsation dialog box (see Fig.5.25), when SNIP 2.01.07-85* is
selected, define the following data:
in the Wind region of the site box select Zone 2;
length of structure along X-axis – 5 m;
length of structure along Y-axis – 5 m;
logarithmic decrement of vibration – DCR = 0.15 (steel structures);
other parameters remain by default.
Click OK .
In the Table of dynamic load cases dialog box, click OK.
On the Analysis ribbon tab, select the DCF panel and click DCF table button .
As the type of load cases was defined in the Edit load cases dialog box (see Fig.5.22), the DCF
table is generated automatically with parameters accepted by default for every load case. Now you have
to modify parameters for the first, second and the fourth load cases.
In the Design combinations of forces dialog box (see Fig.5.26), select building code SNIP 2.01.07-85*
and specify the following data:
for Load case 1 – in the Load factor box specify 1.05 and then click Apply ;
for Load case 2 – in the Load factor box specify 1.3 and then click Apply ;
for Load case 4 – select the Account of sign variability box and then click Apply .
Click OK .
To carry out static analysis, on the Analysis ribbon tab, select the Analysis panel and in the Analyse
When analysis procedure is complete, to review and evaluate results for static and dynamic
analyses, select the Results ribbon tab.
In the mode of analysis results visualization, by default design model is presented with account of nodal
displacements. To display the model without nodal displacements, on the Results ribbon tab, on the
On the Select toolbar, click Flags of drawing button . In the Display dialog box, clear the Loads
check box on the General tab.
Click Redraw .
(N) button .
To display mosaic plots N, on the Results tab, select Forces in bars panel and click Mosaic plot of
click Apply .
the Load case No. list, select No. 4 and click Apply .
To display the model with account of nodal displacements, on the Results ribbon tab, on the
Deformations panel, click Initial model button to make this command not active.
To hide mosaic plots N, on the Results tab, select Forces in bars panel and click Mosaic plot N
click Apply .
To return to the mode of analysis results visualization, on the 3D view ribbon tab, on the Back panel,
On the Select toolbar (by default, it is displayed at the bottom of the screen), click Flags of drawing
button .
In the Display dialog box, select the Element numbers check box on the Elements tab.
Click Redraw .
On the Select toolbar, point to Select elements drop-down list and click Select elements button .
Select element No. 1 (support element of tower) with the pointer.
To present table with design combinations of forces in selected element of the model, on the Results
ribbon tab, select Tables panel and click Standard tables in the Documents drop-down list.
In the Standard tables dialog box (see Fig.5.28), select DCF, design values in the list.
By default, standard tables are generated in the *.csv format. Information presented in these tables is
divided into different tabs: input data (optional), e.g. DCF coefficients; output data for bars; output data for
plates; etc.
To generate table in *.csv format and add it to the Report Book, select the Generate updatable table in
Report Book check box. If the table is located in the Report Book, it is possible to update it later (if
required) and add it to the report file with the Report Book options.
To modify format of the table, in the Standard tables dialog box, click Select format. Then in the Table
format dialog box, select appropriate option and click OK. To generate table in Document Maker (DOC-
SAPR module), select RPT format.
Selected format is saved and will be applied by default in further work with standard tables.
Click Redraw .
On the Select toolbar, point to Select elements drop-down list and click Select elements button .
Select elements No. 2 and 10 with the pointer.
To select elements that transfer load to selected nodes, on the Select toolbar, point to Select elements
drop-down list and click Select elements adjacent to selected nodes button .
On the More results ribbon tab, on the Fragment panel, click Calculate load on fragment button .
In the Analysis of loads on fragment dialog box (see Fig.5.30), specify the following parameters:
in the List of elements box, click Refresh in order to input numbers of selected elements to
appropriate field;
to create new group of adjacent nodes, under Adjacent nodes for fragment, click Create;
in the List of elements box, click Refresh in order to input numbers of selected elements to
appropriate field.
Click Analyse.
It is also possible to define data for analysis of load on fragment when the model generation is
complete, before analysis of problem. In this case the procedure for selecting nodes and elements
remains the same and to activate the Analysis of loads on fragment dialog box, on the Analysis ribbon
tab, on the More calculations panel, click Input data - Load on fragment button . To input data, in
the dialog box click Apply.
Click Apply .
To close the table, on the FILE menu, click Exit.
To close the Standard tables dialog box, click Close.
Click Redraw .
click Apply .
To unselect nodes and elements, on the Select toolbar, click Unselect all button .
To present load on fragment as forces, on the Advanced results tab, select Result panel and click