Ring Thoery Pyq

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4792 4 [This question paper contains 4 printed pages.]

(c) (i) For the inner product space V = Pr(R) with , Your Roll No......'.' '.....
<f, g> = t-l| fft)g(t)dt and the linear operator lSr. No, of Question Paper: 47 92 E

T on V defined bY T(0 = f' + 3f, comPute Unique PaperCode : 12351602 '

r-(4 - 2tf. )
NamE bf the Paper : Ring Th eo ry and I-inear
(ii) For the standard inner proiluct space V= IR3 t Algebra - II
and a linear transformation g: V --+ IR. given
Name of the Course B.Sc. (H) Maihematics
by g(a,, a} a3) = at - 2a, + 4ay find a vector (CBCS - I,OCF)
y e V such that g(x) =<x, y> for all x e V. \
Semester : VI
Duration : 3 Hours Maiimum Marks : 75
6 (a) Prove that a normal operator T on a finite-
dimensional complex inner product space V yields I[structions for Candidates
an orthonormal basis for V consisting of l. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt
eigenvectors of T. Justify the validity of the
of this question ,paper.
conclusion of this result if V is a finite-dimensional
real inner product space.
2. All the questions are compulsory.
(b) Let V = Mr"r(lR) and T: V -+ V be a linear
3. Attempt any two parts from each question.
operator given by T(A) = Ar. Determine whether 4. Marks of each part are indicated
T is normal, self-adjoint, or neither. If possible,
produce an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of
T for V and list the corresponding eigenvalues. l. (a) (i) Prove that If F is a field, then F[x] is a
Principal Ideal Domain.
2t I
(c) For the matrix A = 121 f ind an orthogonal (ii) Is Z[x], a Principal Ideal Domain? Justify
t12 your answer.
matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that . (b) Prove that <x2 + l> is not a maximal ideal in
P'AP = D. (6.5,6.5,6.5) zlr).
(1000) P.T.O.
4792 t 4792 3
(c) State and prove the reducibility test for polynomials
4 (a) For a linear operator T: IR3 -+ IRr, T(a, b,
of deg;ee 2 or 3. Does it fail in higher order c; =
(-b + c, a + c, 3c), delermio,e the T-cyclic subspace
folynomials? Justify. $+2,6,;) W of IRr generated,by er = (1,0,0). Also find the
characteristic polynomial. of the operator T*.
2 (a) ft) State and prove Gauss,s Lemma. ':"
(b) State Cayley-Hamilton theorem and verify it
(ii) Is every irreducible polynomial dver Z for
primitive? Justify.
the linear operator T:p2(lR) _+ pr(lR), T(f(x))
(b) Construct a field of order 25.
(c) Show that the vector space IRa = W, W,
e O Wj
(") L Z[J(5] , prove that r +:r(g is irreducibte where W, = {(a, b,0,0): a, b e R), W, =
c, 0): c e R) and W, = {(0,0,0, d): d e R}.
but not prime. g+2.5,6.5,6.5)
3 (a) Let V = Rr and define f,, f, f, e V. as follows: 5 (a) Consider the vector space C over lR with
an inner
f,(x,Y,z)=x-2y, product <.,.>. Let Z denote the conjugate
of z.
fr(x,l,z)=x+y+2, Show that <.,.>' defined by <2, w>,= <Z,W> for
{r(x,y,z)=y-32. ' all z, w e C is also an inner product on C. Is
Prove that {f, f2, f3} is a basis for V. and then <.,.>" defined by <2, w>,,:<z + Z, w +
fr> for all
find a basis for V for which it is the dual basis. z, w e C an inner product on C? Justify your
(b) Test the linear operator T: pr(R) -+ pr(lR), T(f(x))
= f(0) + f(l)(x + x2) for diagonalizability and if (b) Let V = P(R) with the inner product <p(x),
diagonalizable, find a basis p for V such that [T]p
is a diagonal matrix. = J_,n(th(r)at vp(x). q(x) € v. compule lhe
(c) Let A=
t4 orthogonal projection of the vector p(x) = x2k-r on
e Mr,,, (R) . Find an expression for
z3 Pr(R),wherekeN.
An.where n is an arbitrary natural number.


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