Wranglers of Westhallow PDF v1
Wranglers of Westhallow PDF v1
Wranglers of Westhallow PDF v1
Book 1: The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank
Book 2: A Regional Guide to Westhallow
Book 3: The Bounty Board of the Dusty Boot Saloon
Book 4: Spirit of the Untamed West
Written & Designed by: Alex Clippinger & Phil Beckwith
Editing by: Christopher Walz & Phil Beckwith
Cover Art by: Danny Pavlov
Internal Art by: Danny Pavlov, Shutterstock (768706681/ONYXprj, 744042577/rogistok,
534310045/nazlisart, 618989177/Andrey_Kuzmin, 112152563/STOCKMAMBAdotCOM,
534109213/rogistok, 1405932389/Teguh Mujiono, 1054700267/ Amanita Silvicora,
213477082/zaroxshyj, 1228770508/ideyweb)
Cartography: Derek Ruiz / Elven Tower Cartography
Playtested by: Alex Clippinger, Phil Beckwith, Christian Wiseman, John Bowlin, Philip
Rogers, Rhys Craig
Layout by: Phil Beckwith
Wranglers of Westhallow: Beginnings, 2019 P.B. Publishing, Open Gaming License © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All
rights reserved.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters,
locations, etc.), dialogue, plots, story lines, locations, characters, artwork, leadspitter stand-off rules, and trade dress.
(Elements previously designated as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this P.B.
Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(d).
No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form
without written permission.
BOOK 1: The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank...........6 The Getaway Chase...................................35
Chapter 1: Introduction.........................................7 Bounty Board: The Hangman Four ...............38
Running This Adventure....................................7 Overview...................................................38
Character Advancement...............................7 Fang-Tooth Billy.........................................38
Boxed Text.....................................................7 Cactus Pete................................................40
Background.......................................................7 Shotgun Sally.............................................41
Chapter 2: A World in Quick-Clank’s Vision..........9 Hangman Gargan......................................42
Starting the Adventure....................................9
Entering Westhallow.....................................10 BOOK 4: Spirit of the Untamed West.................43
Bellis rustgear’s Workshop........................10 Chapter 1: Introduction......................................44
Running This Adventure................................44
Chapter 3: Westhallow.......................................13 Character Advancement...........................44
Town Features................................................13 Boxed Text.................................................44
Clockwork Humanoids..............................13 Background....................................................44
Event Encounters...........................................13 The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank.............45
The Standoff..............................................13 Local Gossip...............................................45
Location Encounters......................................15
Starting the Adventure..................................45
City Hall.....................................................15
Rumors and Rails.......................................45
The Dusty Boot Saloon..............................16
Buster’s Bodega........................................17 Chapter 2: The Locomortive Express..................47
Locomortive Features...............................47
Chapter 4: The Hoedorodeo...............................18
Riding the Locomortive.................................48
The Rodeo.................................................18
Run-Away Brain.........................................49
Got Ourselves a Stampede!......................19
Hail of Bulettes..........................................50
Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’............................20 Chapter 3: The Trough........................................51
The Wild West...........................................21 Trough Grunters........................................51
Trough Points of Interest...............................51
Chapter 5: Conclusion........................................22
Mud Street................................................51
Heat Street................................................51
Town Entrances.........................................51
BOOK 2: A Regional Guide to Westhallow..........23
The Rootin’ Tuber......................................52
Chapter 1: Regional Guide to Westhallow.........24
A Strange Land...............................................24 Slim Bill’s Home.............................................52
The Town of Westhallow ..............................24 Meeting Bill...............................................53
Points of Interest.......................................25 Leaving the Trough........................................53
Outlying Homesteads....................................27 Gate Check!...............................................53
The North..................................................27 Speed PAINTing.........................................53
The South..................................................30 Chapter 4: The Final Standoff.............................55
Hidden from Sight.....................................55
BOOK 3: The Bounty Board Atop Griffon’s Butte.......................................55
of the Dusty Boot Saloon...................................32 Warning Shots...........................................55
Chapter 1: Encounters and Squint Westwood......................................56
Mini-Adventures.................................................33 Faustian Standoff......................................57
The Grinning Dwarf Bank Heist.....................33 Guns Blazing..............................................57
Overview...................................................33 Epilogue.........................................................59
Big Bang.....................................................33
The Stand-off.............................................34 Appendix A: Viscious Varmints..........................60
Special Thanks to Our Amazing Kickstarter Backers!
Aaron Grindstaff John Reiman
Alex Caton Johnathen Lennax
Alex Rippberger Karen Morey
Angela Beckwith Katie Farrant
Arthur Robert Macpherson Fraser Lee Smith
Austin Brown Logan Bechtel
Avraham Nemoy Logan Mattson
Ben Newbon Mario Alvarenga
Brad Roeger Martine Brandt Lassen
Brian Keith Tate Marv Breig
BTO Matthew Briddell
Carmen Stredwick Michael McKnight
Castreek Michael Mullenix
Chase Street Miguel F. Santiago AE
Chris Walker-Bush Mike McCallister
Christian Wiseman Addy McCallister
Christopher Sulat Nat
Chuck "BABOONSKI" Cumbow Nephele
Cody Faulk Nerdarchy
Craig Reveal Nick Ackermann
Curse of Sebs Nor Cal Mythos
David Plummer Olivier AL
David Stephenson Philip Rogers
DracoDruid Rocky Lee
Elise Ann Sara Sedgwick
F. E. Scott Borror
Francois Mersch Sebastian Galvez
Frank Blazkiewicz Steve Uhle
Geoffrey Williams Steven Warble
James Rivera Terry Herc
Jason Gabel The Barefoot DM (aka Rhys Craig)
Jeff Stevens The Creative Fund by BackerKit
Jeffry Willis The Rangdo of Arg
Jeremy Wasik Tim Voves
John "johnkzin" Rudd Topher Kohan
John Bowlin Troy Schwaller
Chapter 1: Introduction
Wranglers of Westhallow is a lightly humored This is only a suggestion, however, and you, as
Wild West-themed adventure series designed the Game Master (GM), are in no way forced to
for the 5th Edition (OGL) rule-set. It is jam- use this method. This adventure runs perfectly
packed full of pop culture references, parody, fine with Experience Points (XP) based leveling,
thematic and often hilarious situations, and and you are encouraged to use XP if it is a better
super interesting and colorful characters that fit for you and your group.
will stick with you for life.
The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank is designed Boxed Text
to be an introductory adventure, by which
follow-up adventures are intended to be run This adventure includes boxed text to assist
as direct sequels. These additional adventures those GMs who like to have a description of a
are playable in any order. The Rise of Quick- scene or location. The use of boxed text is by
Clank McCrank is the ground-zero event that no means required; many great GMs avoid the
acts as the origin and center of a spoked wheel use of boxed text and feel more comfortable
of adventures that follow. We call this the describing the action in their own words. You
Westhallow Wagon-wheel Approach. should consider what works best for you and
your group. If you choose not to read aloud
running This Adventure any of the text provided, you should at least
paraphrase the information to keep the
players aware of their environment.
The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank is a Wild-
West-themed fantasy adventure set within the
town of Westhallow, a small far-flung farmstead
settlement on the edge of civilization. You should
be able to drop this adventure into any campaign
setting, published or otherwise.
This adventure contains a balanced mix of
the three pillars of RPG play: Social Interaction,
Exploration, and Combat. The aim for this first
adventure is to allow the players to explore and
discover Westhallow, and act as the introductory
adventure for a yee-hawin’, knee-slappin’, Wild
West setting.
“Wranglers of Westhallow” (by Danny Pavlov)
Character Advancement
Wranglers of Westhallow adventures are
designed to utilize the milestone leveling system,
by which it is expected that the characters start
at the intended level (3, 4, or 5 for this adventure)
and gain a level on its conclusion.
One night the clockwork invention
Background malfunctioned, taking its fictitious personality
to the extreme. Naming itself Quick-Clank
Bellis Rustgear is a rock gnome inventor who lives McCrank, the construct stole Bellis’s leadspitters
with her twin sons in the town of Westhallow, a and gear. Creating new clockwork humanoids
quiet and remote assemblage of farmsteads and that share its bizarre mannerisms and armed
businesses barely populous enough to be called with Bellis’s weapons, Quick-Clank has taken
a village. The creative gnome has invented a control of Westhallow and forced the residents
series of weapons she calls ‘leadspitter pistols,’ to roleplay its vision of a strange society where
an invention she believes will one day take the people use words like ‘howdy’ and ‘yee-haw.’
world by storm. To help showcase her creation to Now Quick-Clank is ready to inflict some new
‘taller folks,’ she created a clockwork humanoid and dangerous oddity onto the good people of
with a quirky personality. Westhallow; an event that will take its rootin’-
tootin’ vision to the extreme!
Chapter 2: A World In
Quick-Clank’s Vision
Starting the Adventure A pair of identical-looking male gnomes are
seated atop a bright pink stagecoach drawn
by strange mechanical horses, arguing over
Situation a small device as the stagecoach rapidly
Barnabus and Beegle Rustgear (both NG male changes color from pink, to green, to yellow.
rock gnome commoners with proficiency using They’re too distracted to notice huge
tinker’s tools and 2 1st-level spell slots with tumbleweeds nearby that roll past, stop, and
magic missile and shield prepared) are the twin change direction to roll rapidly toward the
sons of inventor Bellis Rustgear. On the run from stagecoach.
their nearby home in Westhallow, they originally
planned on taking their color-changing wagon, Creatures
the MS PAINT (Mobile Stagecoach Pigment-
Altering Integrated New Technology) in search of The tumbleweeds are actually windblown
help in neighboring towns. The MS PAINT is one mimics, which latch onto the side of the
of their mother’s inventions, a color-changing stagecoach. Barnabus and Beegle panic and dive
stagecoach drawn by clockwork horses. into the stagecoach’s interior.
As the characters watch, Barnabus and Beegle ֍֍ Level 3 or 4 PCs: 2 tumbleweed mimics
are arguing over the color-control device, causing ֍֍ Level 5 PCs: 3 tumbleweed mimics
the MS PAINT to flicker rapidly through various
colors and shades.
Tactics Entering Westhallow
The mimics begin combat attached to the side
of the stagecoach and are focused on trying Situation
to reach the gnomes within. A mimic that isn’t
attacked continues to try to reach the gnomes, The characters see the following when they
breaking into the stagecoach on the third round enter the town of Westhallow:
of combat.
Barnabus and Beegle are primarily interested The surrounding region becomes progressively
in self-preservation and take the Dodge action more like an arid scrubland the closer you get
on their turns, using one of their two 1st-level to the town of Westhallow. Cacti and wind-
spell slots to cast shield if they are attacked. If worn rock formations become more common
the mimics haven’t yet breached the stagecoach, in the increasingly dry heat. A wide-laned
the gnomes have total cover from spells and road marks the town of Westhallow, which
other effects outside of it. even casual observation shows has been
strangely modified. Crude wooden facades
Development are tacked across the front of the stone
buildings, giving them a shoddy frontier look.
When the mimics are defeated, Barnabus and
Something powerful and magical has changed
Beegle offer to hire the characters on the spot.
the environment of this region with the town
They explain that they were trying to get help for
of Westhallow at its center; the town itself
their small town of Westhallow, which has been
has been changed by something else.
taken over by a clockwork humanoid-gone-
haywire. The clockwork, calling itself Quick-
Clank McCrank, is holding the town hostage
with their mother’s ‘leadspitters’ and forcing Bellis rustgear’s Workshop
everyone to roleplay strange characters.
Smuggled In. The Rustgear brothers ask the Situation
characters to hide in the MS PAINT so that they
Barnabus and Beeble bring the characters into a
can be smuggled into their mother’s workshop
small warehouse, which serves as their home and
unnoticed. Characters in the stagecoach can still
the family workshop. As the characters emerge
peer out of its heavily tinted windows.
from the MS PAINT, they see the following:
the concept of ‘failing forward.’ After initial prepared for a fight. She specifically asks the
introductions, she explains the situation at hand. characters to notify Mayor Blankenship, the
Lead and Clockwork. Bellis has invented Kirbys in the Dusty Boot Saloon, and Buster
experimental weapons called ‘leadspitters,’ Wiley at the general store Buster’s Bodega. You
which send single-use projectiles down a metal can create other NPCs and locations for this
tube at high speed—it’s all very technical. She section if you wish. Bellis has an array of what
found that trying to demonstrate her invention Quick-Clank has called ‘customary Western’
to taller humanoid residents of Westhallow was clothing options, including hats.
going poorly, so she invented the QCMC, or Leadspitters. Bellis can also provide a few
‘Qualified Contraption-Modeling Clockwork’ to (two or three) of the characters with leadspitter
better showcase the invention. She even gave it pistols and limited rounds (8 each), which is all
a stylized personality to make an impression. she’s managed to produce since Quick-Clank
Clockwork Rebellion. The QCMC stole her supplies. Any character proficient with
malfunctioned, taking its fictitious personality crossbows can successfully use the leadspitter
too far and naming itself ‘Quick-Clank McCrank.’ pistol using their proficiency bonus at a range of
Quick-Clank stole most of Bellis’s supplies and 20/40. The leadspitter pistol deals 1d10 piercing
vanished for several weeks. Bellis tried to find damage on hit and has the Loading property.
her invention and her tools but failed. Stick to the Plan. Bellis stresses the importance
Quick-Clank Takeover. Quick-Clank of keeping a low profile until Quick-Clank reveals
reappeared with a number of newly-built itself at the Hoedorodeo; if the characters attack
clockwork friends, firing off leadspitter rounds Quick-Clank’s clockwork allies before then,
and declaring that Westhallow would be the Quick-Clank will just remain in hiding and create
‘yee-hawinest’ town in the land. Fearing for more trouble in the long run.
their lives, the residents of Westhallow agreed Payment. Bellis doesn’t have much in the
to adopt the mad clockwork’s ridiculous way of money, but she can offer the characters
mannerisms and fashion choices. the MS PAINT (see Chapter 5: Conclusion) as
The Hoedorodeo. Quick-Clank has been compensation for the characters’ help.
mysteriously absent from public view as his Moving On. When the characters are ready,
clockwork servants build a small stadium at the they can enter greater Westhallow in Chapter
edge of town. A declaration (see the handout 3, which describes important locations and
below) went up a week ago that this night would townsfolk. Once all of the townsfolk have been
be the ‘Hoedorodeo,’ the test to determine who interacted with, the characters are ready to
was ‘rootin’-tootin’ enough’ to challenge Quick- proceed to Chapter 4: Hoedorodeo.
Clank’s control of Westhallow.
Bellis wants to hire the characters to represent
the town during the Hoedorodeo and lure
the elusive Quick-Clank McCrank out into the
open to be destroyed. She provides them with
Quick-Clank-approved outfits (see next section,
‘Town Features’) to help them blend in around
Westhallow; she wants the characters to notify
the townspeople to attend the Hoedorodeo
The Hoedorodeo
A Most Genuine and Original Event
You’ll Ride!
You’ll Dance!
Or You Will Be Shot!
Chapter 3: Westhallow
around Westhallow, making sure the residents
Town Features remember their lines and maintain their assigned
Quick-Clank McCrank has forced the town of
Westhallow to mold itself to its mad vision.
Residents dressed in outfits designed by Quick- Event Encounters
Clank and its clockwork minions walk around
town, nervously trying to remember the lines
and mannerisms they have been instructed to The Standoff
Many residents are forced to wear ‘rancher’ Situation
style hats. Most wear stylized leather boots As the characters traverse Westhallow and seek
and belts and wide-bottomed trousers, items to rally its residents, they are confronted by an
generally agreed to be uncomfortable. extremely unwilling adversary:
Quick-Clank has instructed everyone to use
nonsense words like ‘howdy’ and ‘tarnation.’ A terrified half-orc marches up to you.
“Y-y-you all better d-draw your weapons,
Clockwork Humanoids v-varmit,” he stammers. A mechanical
humanoid with a bronze mustache and a white
To keep the residents of Westhallow compliant, apron walks up beside you. “It appears you’ve
Quick-Clank has created a number of mechanical entered into a deadly duel. Would you like
clockwork humanoids. These clockworks walk some help?”
Creatures 4. Improvise: You can try to come up with
an alternative course of action, such as
Thuldis Thrum (LG male half-orc commoner, making a Charisma (Performance) check
with AC 14 while wearing breastplate armor) is to pretend to miss (or pretend to be shot).
normally a polite resident of Westhallow, who
has been forced by Quick-Clank to roleplay Tumblewheeze is wearing a heavy metal
as a bandit named Tumblewheeze. He’s been plate (breastplate armor) protecting his torso
dressed in a long duster coat and given one of under the duster, as Quick-Clank doesn’t want
Bellis Rustgear’s ‘leadspitter’ weapons; he’s his favorite bandit character to die. Even if
been instructed to initiate a standoff with the ‘Tumblewheeze’ is hit by a leadspitter attack
newcomers by Fix’em Clippy. during the standoff, he is knocked prone and all
Fix’em Clippy (clockwork cowboy) is one of damage is non-lethal. Characters making a DC
Quick-Clank’s newly built clockwork humanoids. 10 Wisdom (Insight) check can clearly see that
It’s is fond of approaching newcomers and ‘Tumblewheeze’ is a very unwilling participant in
people disobeying the rules and asking them this duel.
“Would you like some help?” It has heavily-
lidded, half-closed eyes and boasts a gleaming Development
bronze mustache. If the characters shoot Tumblewheeze, the
sobbing half-orc is allowed to go home for the
Tactics day, no worse for wear. Losing the standoff or
This introductory encounter is designed to missing the shot causes Fix’em Clippy to come
introduce the leadspitters and the rules for a up with a rude nickname prefix for the character,
standoff. The standoff occurs in two stages: the such as “Slug-Hand” or “Cockeye.” Satisfied with
Staredown and the Move. just about any result, Fix’em Clippy wanders
The Staredown. The creatures involved in the
standoff make contested Charisma (Intimidation)
checks. The winner has advantage on the ability
check or attack roll they make for their Move.
The Move. A contested Dexterity check
determines which character moves first. The
creatures Move consists of one of the following
four options:
1. Attack: Make an attack roll against the
target’s AC.
2. Disarm: Make an attack roll against the
target’s weapon (treated as AC 12). The
target makes a Strength saving throw, using
the result of your attack roll as the DC. On
a failed save, the weapon is knocked out
of the target’s hand and lands in a space
adjacent to the target.
3. Run: You can run away or attempt to find
cover. This is traditionally considered
losing the duel.
to leave first. Growing bored with Elias, Steel
Location Encounters Eye offers to leave the mayor alone if one of the
characters can hit some bottles.
City Hall A character can use a leadspitter pistol or any
ranged weapon to fire at the bottles.
Situation Stationary Targets. There are three intact
The ‘city hall’ is a sanctuary-like meeting hall with bottles on the stage, which can be fired upon
rows of pews and a low front stage. Westhallow from a distance of 20 feet (or greater if a
has little by way of formal government, being a character so chooses). Each one has AC 12 and
loosely associated confederacy of businesses, 2 hit points.
homes, and outlying farms. Moving Targets. After hitting all three
As a gift to the town, Bellis Rustgear built a stationary bottles or five attempts (whichever
clock tower atop city hall. Quick-Clank McCrank comes first), Steel Eye shouts “Try this, then!”
has modified the tower to bellow out the time before tossing two bottles high into the air.
with added phrasing, such as “EIGHT O’CLOCK, Hitting the first requires an attack roll of 15 or
YOU VARMINTS” or “HIGH NOON, AN OPTIMAL higher. Hitting the second bottle before it hits
SHOOTING HOUR.” the ground requires an attack roll of 18 or higher.
Shots Fired! As the characters first approach Development
city hall, they can hear the loud crack of
leadspitter fire. If the character manages to hit most or all of
the targets, Steel Eye and his clockwork gang
Creatures are genuinely impressed and compliment the
shooter. Consistent or comedic failure are met
The characters find the following occupants with guffaws of laughter and general derision.
inside city hall: In either case, the cocky clockwork cowboy
Elias Blankenship. The mayor of Westhallow, saunters out of city hall with followers in tow.
Elias Blankenship (LN male tiefling noble) They reappear in the climax of Chapter 4:
thought the role of mayor was perfect for a Hoedorodeo.
retired well-to-do rancher like himself; instead, The nervous mayor is breathlessly grateful;
he’s been an array of anxieties since Quick-Clank though little use in the upcoming fight himself,
took over. he vows to spread the word among the local
Clockwork Troublemakers. Elias is being farms before the Hoedorodeo begins.
harassed by Steel Eye (clockwork cowboy) and
its lackeys (clockwork hooligans). Steel Eye has
a leadspitter pistol, which he’s using to shoot
bottles. He’s playing the role of a crazy gunslinger,
laughing mechanically with his flunkies as they
force the whimpering Elias to set up new bottles.
The characters are supposed to find and speak
with Elias, the mayor of Westhallow, here about
getting the town ready to fight Quick-Clank at
the Hoedorodeo, but they need to get Steel Eye
The Dusty Boot Saloon off, but is tempered by Hannah’s gentler soul.
Hannah is a former medic in battalion triage,
Situation where she met Evelyn.
The local tavern has been remodeled to match Sticky Pete. The player piano is actually a
Quick-Clank’s desired style, complete with a pair mimic named Sticky Pete, an oddity that Evelyn
of swinging saloon doors. discovered years ago in a cave. Sticky Pete has
an Intelligence of 11 and can read and speak
The bar is in a somber mood. A half-elf woman Common and Elvish. Generally identifying as
in a vest and bowler cap is glowering behind male for ease of conversation, Pete is fond of
the bar as she cleans beer glasses. Three pranking newcomers and posing as a player
patrons sit around a low hexagonal table, piano, whose sounds he can mimic with uncanny
slowly dealing out hands of cards while a accuracy.
compact piano against the wall beside them The Card Players. The three card players are
plays itself a plunking, tinny tune. Julius Johnston, Lonnie Flynn, and David Hess (all
three NG male human commoners). They are
Evelyn and Hannah Kirby. The barkeep is constant tavern patrons who have been assigned
Evelyn Kirby (NG female half-elf veteran), who by Quick-Clank to act as... saloon patrons. The
owns the tavern with her wife Hannah Kirby (LG trio dreads the appearance of Fix’em Clippy, who
human priest). Evelyn is a former soldier who’d appears on occasion to request faked accusations
like nothing better than to lop clockwork heads of cheating and a subsequent fistfight.
Development Buster’s Bodega
Evelyn has been itching for an excuse to push
back against Quick-Clank’s forces and leaps at the Situation
chance to do so. Hannah begrudgingly accepts.
The local general supply store is owned by
Lonnie, Julius, and David agree to join the Buster Wiley (NG male dwarf berserker with a
uprising as long as at least three characters sit pickaxe instead of a battle axe), a tottering elder
in their place for an hour so the trio can take a who has been forced into the role of cackling-
break. Participating characters should play cards mad prospector, a role he’s taken to almost
and gamble, and conduct at least one fistfight. suspiciously well. From beneath the turned-
When Fix’em Clippy arrives to observe the fight, up brim of his oversized hat, Buster delights in
characters can make unarmed strikes against injecting the word “tarnation” into phrases or
each other for 1 bludgeoning damage or fake the declaring the presence of gold in various nearby
struggles with a DC 11 Charisma (Performance) hills.
Fix’em Clippy approaches characters who fail Development
to convincingly fake their strikes and asks “You
Buster keeps declaring that he’s not interested
appear to be attempting to punch someone.
in ‘tussling’ with clockwork varmints, only in
Would you like some help?” After giving some
“Gooooold!” A bribe of coins or goods totaling 30
helpful pointers about weak points in humanoid
gold pieces, or purchases of random adventuring
biology, Fix’em Clippy insists on watching
gear totaling 50 gold pieces, convinces Buster to
the character deliver three strikes against an
bring his pickaxe, Ol’ Picky, to the Hoedorodeo.
opponent before leaving, satisfied with its
Chapter 4: The
When the evening arrives, the residents of The Rodeo
Westhallow approach the small arena:
Narrating the Rodeo The mechanical bulls have the same statistics
as a cow, but are constructs instead of beasts.
As noted above, each role makes a series of
three checks throughout the event. When the Development
rodeo begins, the mechanical bulls are released
and begin bucking wildly as the riders attempt Once the rodeo portion has concluded, Quick-
to hold on for as long as they can. The wranglers Clank McCrank announces the start of the
keep the bull worked up and attempt to keep hoedown. Move on to Hoedown.
it from simply running around the arena. The
rodeo clowns run around the bulls, tumble Hoedown
away, or commonly leap into reinforced barrels
to add to the commotion of the event. As all this Situation
occurs, the barkers keep the crowd informed
and entertained with their commentary. Quick-Clank’s voice screeches out over the
magic mouthspeakers that it’s time to “kick
Development up yer heels” and “wrangle the triangle” as
clockwork hooligans push a broad wooden
Success and Failure. The characters must
stage onto the arena floor. Clockwork hooligans
succeed on two ability checks for each character
bring instruments onto the stage, leaving some
participating in the rodeo. This number is
instruments and spaces free.
cumulative, meaning one character can fail all
of their ability checks and have the difference
Quick-Clank’s voice echoes over the arena
made up by the success of their companions.
once more. “All of y’all get to dancin’ or get
For example, if three characters volunteer to playin’! It’s a hoedown, not a funeral,
for the rodeo, they must score a total of 6 dagnabbit! Everybody get down there!”
successes in any order and distribution. If the
characters succeed, move on to Hoedown. If the Westhallow’s residents are ushered down from
characters fail, move on to the next encounter: the stands and onto the arena floor, where they
Got Ourselves a Stampede! tremulously begin to organize into positions for
a kind of square dance.
Got Ourselves a Stampede!
Situation The characters can take up one of three roles
If the characters did not succeed in the rodeo, during the hoedown:
Quick-Clank announces the rodeo has been Dancing. One or more characters must join
“all right” but offers to liven up the finale; the in the actual dance, which is a series of steps
mechanical bulls turn hostile and attack. There is repeated three times over the course of the
one bull for each character who participated as a song. Characters joining the dance must make
rider, with additional bulls appearing from pens a series of three DC 13 Charisma (Performance)
around the arena floor to join the fight. checks. After the first ability check is made,
characters can instead make a DC 15 Intelligence
Creatures (Investigation) check or Wisdom (Perception)
The characters face the following opponents: check in an attempt to recall or follow along with
֍֍ Level 3 PCs: 5 bulls the dance steps as they occur.
֍֍ Level 4 PCs: 7 bulls Playing. One or more characters must join the
֍֍ Level 5 PCs: 8 bulls stage band musicians, making a series of three
DC 14 Charisma checks using their instrument Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’
proficiency. Characters who lack proficiency
with any instrument can attempt these as DC 14
Charisma (Performance) checks to play a metal Situation
triangle. With the rodeo and hoedown portions complete,
Jugheads. Characters who don’t participate no one is certain what happens next. Clockwork
using one of the above roles are shunned to humanoids in their outfits begin sauntering onto
the corner of the stage and instructed to make the grounds, picking up trash and apparently
hooting noises with a big stoneware jug. preparing to pack up. At the same time,
Quick-Clank’s voice booms out over the magic
Development mouthspeakers.
Success and Failure. The characters must
“Wweeelll pardners, it’s been a fair bit of
succeed on two ability checks for each character
participating in the hoedown. This number is wranglin’ and a’dancin’, but ya’ll should know
cumulative, meaning one character can fail all that the only good way to end a Western
of their ability checks and have the difference is with... a shootout!” All around the arena
made up by the success of their companions. floor, Quick-Clank’s clockwork lackeys pull out
leadspitters or heft their arms in fisticuffs.
If the characters succeed, proceed directly to
Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’. If the characters fail, The town of Westhallow-at-large is battling
Quick-Clank screams over the mouthspeakers dozens of clockwork humanoids all around the
for the music to stop, dealing 3 (1d6) thunder arena, while the characters focus on their own
damage to each character before proceeding group of foes.
to the next section. Move on to Rootin’ Tootin’
Shootin’. Creatures
Refusal The initial group of enemies engage the
characters immediately:
If the characters refuse to participate in the
hoedown portion of the event, Quick-Clank’s ֍֍ Level 3 PCs: 2 clockwork cowboys, 3
angry shriek from the magic mouthspeakers clockwork hooligans
forces the characters to make a DC 12 ֍֍ Level 4 PCs: 2 clockwork cowboys, 5
Constitution saving throw. Characters take 5 clockwork hooligans
(2d4) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as ֍֍ Level 5 PCs: 4 clockwork cowboys, 4
much damage on a successful one. Quick-Clank clockwork hooligans
then immediately begins the next phase without
further introduction. Move on to Rootin’ Tootin’ The clockwork cowboys include both Steel Eye
Shootin’. and Fix’em Clippy, who remarks, “You look
like you’re trying to die. Would you like some
Once this initial group is defeated, move on to
the final confrontation, The Wild West.
The Wild West Tactics
The clockwork cowboys and clockwork
Situation hooligans are chaotic combatants, treating the
fight like a barroom brawl without consequence.
As soon as the characters defeat their foes in
Quick-Clank McCrank is a shrewder combatant,
Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’, the following occurs:
using its leadspitter pistol to engage targets at
range beyond the reach of its spider construct.
The wooden stage buckles, seams appearing
as sections shift and slide apart. Limbs Development
articulate from within the revealed hollow in
a squeal of metal; within moments the stage When Quick-Clank is defeated, read the
has transformed itself into an enormous following:
clockwork spider. A gleaming figure works
the controls atop the machine; the finally- Quick-Clank’s metal form collapses, a cloud
revealed Quick-Clank screams “Yee-haw! of acrid smoke rising from its body. For a
Nothin’s more cowboy than a big spider!” moment the hazy silhouette of a cowboy
figure looms in the smoke, but with a sigh of
“Hhhhhoowwwwdyyyyyy,” the wind dissipates
the cloud and the form is gone.
The characters face the following opponent(s):
֍֍ Level 3 PCs: Quick-Clank McCrank
֍֍ Level 4 PCs: Quick-Clank McCrank, 1
clockwork hooligan
֍֍ Level 5 PCs: Quick-Clank McCrank, 2
clockwork cowboys
Chapter 5: Conclusion
With Quick-Clank defeated and its mad control
of the town ended, the people of Westhallow
are free to return to their quiet, normal lives.
Still, there are ongoing effects and questions left MS PAINT
Residents. For the most part, the residents of Wondrous item, very rare
Westhallow return to their normal lives. Many of The Mobile Stagecoach Pigment-
them hang onto the hats and clothes they wore Altering Integrated New Technology
under Quick-Clank’s control, incorporating them is a self-propelled stagecoach with the
into their daily attire. Apart from the occasional ability to alter its color. The interior
slip-up of ‘howdy’ or ‘partner,’ they drop the
of the stagecoach can fit up to five
Western vernacular. The only exception is Buster
Medium-sized creatures. The driver’s
Wiley, who refuses to drop his prospector
bench can seat up to two Medium-sized
creatures; a creature on the driver’s
Clockworks. Many of Quick-Clank’s clockwork bench can utter a command word to
humanoids survived the Hoedorodeo, but are no start or stop the MS PAINT or to
longer under Quick-Clank’s control. They retain change its pace. The MS PAINT’s top
their odd character personalities but attempt to speed is 60 feet per round.
integrate into the town’s social structure. The
existing residents, for their part, might be slow A creature on the driver’s bench can
to accept these humanoid contraptions into utter a command word and any color;
their midst. the MS PAINT’s exterior changes to
Leadspitters. Bellis Rustgear decides to that color. The MS PAINT can also be
abandon her leadspitter designs for now, commanded to ‘blend,’ which causes it
halting production of both the weapons and to automatically change colors to best
their ammunition. She’s disturbed by one thing, suit the general environment around
though: by some estimates, the clockwork it until its color is manually changed
cowboys fired off more rounds than were again. When the MS PAINT is blending,
originally stolen... creatures using it can make Stealth
checks when travelling at a normal pace.
The Mysterious Figure. The strange cowboy
silhouette remains an unexplained mystery.
More about this phenomenon is revealed in the
sequel adventure, Spirit of the Untamed West.
MS PAINT. As a reward for their efforts, the
characters are given Belis Rustgear’s wagon, the
MS PAINT, which she has improved since the
characters first encountered it.
Chapter 1: A Regional
Guide to Westhallow
north of Westhallow. They are creatures of
A Strange Land significant appetites; they have a love of food,
song, and personal artistic pursuits. Small in
A region on a remote frontier, far from the reach number, the grunters have mostly settled in
of great kingdoms or noble houses, has been the Trough, a settlement a few days travel from
changed for hundreds of miles around into Westhallow itself.
a rugged land of scrub-brush desert, rugged Locomortive. Simultaneously one of the
badlands, and untamed forests. The architect most useful and unsettling additions to the
of this transformation has not stopped with transforming region is the locomortive, a rail line
geography; the magical phenomenon has turned serving a most unusual train. The locomortive
people and creatures to match its aesthetic of is a massive train-shaped undead creature; its
what people have begun to call ‘the Untamed ‘carriages’ are hollow spaces in its long, fleshy
West.’ People begin to speak with strange turns pink body. A guide rail on its underbelly keeps it
of phrase like “howdy,” terms of familiarity like following the rail line as it propels itself forward
“partner,” and exclamations of “yee-haw!” on hundreds and hundreds of stubby pink legs.
In the events of the first Wranglers of The ‘engine’ compartment of the locomortive
Westhallow adventure, The Rise of Quick-Clank is encased in dark metal plating reminiscent of
McCrank, the landscape’s transformation had a standard steam locomotive, though it leaves
scarcely begun; at the adventure’s conclusion, its long mouth uncovered. On the front, the
the power that changed the land and affected its locomortive’s single round eye sits in place of a
residents exploded outward, fully unbound and circular steam box door.
repurposing the area in earnest. Altered Behavior. The force that swept across
New forms of life, from intelligent humanoids Westhallow, and its surrounds, continues to
to monstrous creatures and bizarre oddities, affect the creatures that live there. Intelligent
have appeared to populate the transfigured humanoids find themselves using odd turns of
topography. phrase, or favoring the new ‘frontier’ fashion
Clockwork Humanoids. First created of wide-brimmed hats, stirrup-bearing leather
by gnomish inventor Bellis Rustgear, these boots, and so on. Adventurers who think they
humanoids are mechanical constructs that can know what to expect from common foes might
be found throughout the region. The Spirit of find themselves caught unawares by unusual
the Untamed West possessed one that came to behavior and new tactics.
call itself Quick-Clank McCrank, who constructed
more of their number and infused them with its
love of “wranglin’” and “rootin-tootin.” Since
The Town of Westhallow
Quick-Clank’s defeat, the remaining clockwork
The nexus of the region’s transformations is
humanoids have settled in Westhallow or sought
the town of Westhallow, where the force that
their fortunes elsewhere in the region.
changed the area first appeared. The town
Grunters. Hog-humanoids calling themselves and its holdings are home to a little less than a
grunters sprang into existence in the area far hundred souls, mostly found in farmsteads and
ranches outside the town proper. Still, the heart office is the new center of law and order in the
of the town contains the necessities for life in Westhallow region. The newly-appointed sheriff
this new frontier; supplies, businesses, and the is Evelyn Kirby (NG female half-elf veteran),
structures of societal order. formerly of the Dusty Boot Saloon.
New Law. Sheriff Kirby’s first point of
Points of Interest business was to introduce new specialized laws
to Westhallow in an attempt to keep a level
1. Rustgear Workshop of safety over the town now that the popular
leadspitter pistols have been introduced into the
This is the workshop and warehouse of the one region. Those laws are as follows:
and only Bellis Rustgear (N female rock gnome ֍֍ All residents must pay an additional
commoner with proficiency using smith’s tools monthly tax to fund the newly formed law
and tinker’s tools), a gnomish inventor of now enforcement in town.
local fame. She lives here with her two twin
sons, Barnabus and Beeble who both dabble ֍֍ All leadspitter pistols must be registered
in the arcane arts. The Rustgear Workshop is with the sheriff’s office.
currently the only approved manufacturer of ֍֍ All leadspitter ammunition bought must
leadspitter pistols and their unique ammunition. be stamped with the registered buyer’s
Bellis ensures that she abides by all of Sheriff initials.
Kirby’s new leadspitter related laws and refuses ֍֍ The Rustgear Workshop is the only legally
to sell to anyone who doesn’t. approved manufacturer of leadspitters
and ammunition.
2. Epperson Livery and Post
֍֍ An accepted challenge for a leadspitter
Myra T. Epperson (N agender tiefling commoner) stand-off exempts both parties from the
owns and operates this community stable. She law of murder during the stand-off only.
employs multiple stablehands (two during the Deputize. Evelyn Kirby can deputize any
day shift, one at night) to help her care for the character or NPC if she needs assistance with
animals. local problems. The characters can convince
Stabling. Residents and visitors can keep Evelyn to deputize them before they embark
horses in the stable at a rate of 5 sp per day; more on an adventure if they can demonstrate how it
exotic mounts, such as those that need special serves a lawful purpose. A deputy badge tends
attention or diet, cost 7 sp per day. Characters to reassure common citizens and other good
can pay for a week upfront at a discounted cost NPCs, but might attract unwanted attention or
of 3 gp. prompt resistance from the unruly. Deputization
Postal Service. Myra employs half a dozen earns an additional 10 gp per deputy for each
riders to act as couriers: one delivers local mail problem solved.
and parcels to the area immediately around
Westhallow, three make regular runs to nearby 4. The Dusty Boot Saloon
settlements like the Trough, and one remains on The local watering hole is operated by Hannah
standby for special rush deliveries. Kirby (LG human priest), wife of sheriff Evelyn
Kirby. Since Evelyn became sheriff, Hannah has
3. Sheriff’s Office hired on a few locals to help her operate the bar.
Consisting of a single large room with two desks, Sticky Pete. The saloon’s player piano is a
a secure trunk, and two barred cells, the sheriff’s mimic named Sticky Pete, an oddity that Evelyn
discovered years ago in a cave. Sticky Pete has of hidden gold and jewels in the new regional
an Intelligence of 11 and can read and speak landscape and pays adventurers to map the
Common and Elvish. Generally identifying as changing landscape or investigate rumors of
male for ease of conversation, Pete is fond of spontaneously appearing mines and caverns.
pranking newcomers and posing as a player
piano, whose sounds he can mimic with uncanny 7. Grinning Dwarf Savings and
accuracy. Loan
5. House of Reputed Ills The bank’s seal might be a dwarf holding up
two sacks of coins with a toothy smile, but it’s
Jesbi Geruud (NG female brass dragonborn owned and operated by a half-orc and human
commoner) creates potions, salves, and couple. Tarla Remington (LG female half-orc
tinctures for common ailments. She is proficient commoner) and Judd Remington (LG male
with the herbalism kit, alchemist’s supplies, human commoner) see the changing landscape
and Wisdom (Medicine) checks. She normally around Westhallow as an exciting opportunity.
produces one antitoxin, one healer’s kit, and Each of them carries a key that unlocks the vault
one potion of healing to sell each workweek in door.
addition to orders to satisfy customer requests
Loans. The Remingtons offer short-term
and house calls.
loans in values up to 200 gp, though they rarely
6. Buster’s Bodega approve amounts that high. With new locations
and potential adventuring sites appearing all
Buster Wiley (NG male dwarf berserker) owns around the area, the couple offers adventurers
the local general store, which supplies the most loans with a repayment plan of 25% per week,
common goods to the homes and ranches plus a fee of 10% of the original loan amount
around Westhallow. Buster spends every that can be included in either the first or final
waking moment obsessing over the possibility payment.
Vault. The Grinning Dwarf’s vault lies behind
a big, metal, circular door. The vault contains Outlying Homesteads
up to 2,000 gp on any given day as residents
in the region make deposits and withdrawals. The area north of the town turns from flat desert
Residents can also store precious items in private shrubland to progressively more stony badlands,
lockboxes, which are rented at a cost of 5 sp for while the area to the south is more fertile. Cattle
a week of short-term storage or 1 gp per month, ranchers and other livestock farmers make their
paid in advance. living here, driving their herds to new grazing
areas and other townships for sale.
8. Smithy Beyond Westhallow
Dedication Telco (N male tiefling commoner) With Westhallow at the center, the regional
is the barrel-chested blacksmith serving the metamorphosis stretches for hundreds of miles
Westhallow region’s metalworking needs. He in every direction. Though new oddities and
keeps few weapons in stock but can fill orders rumors appear almost daily, the most turbulent
within a few days with the help of Sergit changes to the landscape seem to have settled
Timberfoot (NG male human commoner), who enough that intrepid adventurers and wary
primarily fulfills leatherworking orders when residents are starting to name and define major
he’s not helping Dedication with a specific task. points of interest.
9. City Hall The North
The ‘city hall’ is a sanctuary-like meeting hall with
rows of pews and a low front stage. Westhallow Westhallow itself and the area to the north of it
has little by way of formal government, being a is primarily a mixture of desert terrains. Travelers
loosely associated confederacy of businesses, won’t brave the shifting dunes here but will travel
homes, and outlying farms. through miles of the rocky, gravel-laced ground
Mayor. Elias Blankenship (LN male tiefling of sparse trees, sagebrush, and spiny plants.
noble) was a wealthy cattle rancher even before Ruddy red sandstone and sedimentary stone
the changes to the Westhallow region. He’s long form breathtaking features that become more
retired from the rancher’s life and now serves as frequent as one travels towards the region’s
Westhallow’s mayor. north-western edge.
Clocktower. As a gift to the town, Bellis Blue Stix Ranch
Rustgear built a clock into the city hall steeple.
Instead of a bell sound, it announces the new One of the largest cattle ranches in the area lies
hour with a low, carrying series of hums. just north of Westhallow. The Blue Stix Ranch
belongs to the Stix family of copper and green-
10. Mayor’s Home descended dragonborn. The ranch gets its full
name due to the odd mutation in the cattle
Mayor Blankenship (see city hall, above) sold his
there, which makes them almost twice the size
ranch and land to other residents when he took
of a normal cow and gives their hide a distinct
office and built a two-story home next to city
blue color. The Stix family isn’t asking too many
hall. He plans to gift it to the next mayor when
questions about the cause of this phenomenon;
he dies or is voted out of office.
they’re too busy reaping the profits from
oversized cows and unique blue leather. This
also makes them a new target for sabotage and
theft, and family matriarch Tieje Stix has taken to
hiring adventurers to protect her herd on cattle for no discernible reason. The plants aren’t
drives and investigate cownappings. violent to animals or humanoids unless attacked
first, but they make a point of blocking windows
Buffalo Watering Hole and doors if they’re allowed to get into town.
Even local herbalists have thrown up their
Buffalo Watering Hole is located just one hour
hands when tiny potted plants inside their home
northeast by horseback from Westhallow town.
‘escaped’ from their confinement. Locals aren’t
It is, as its name suggests, a regular grazing place
calling the events sinister—yet—but find them
for the local wildlife to rehydrate in the arid
very, very annoying.
and hot temperatures of the new Westhallow
northern landscape.
The Flats
Coppereach A sizeable portion of the central northern region
is dominated by the Flats, an unforgiving stretch
Dwarves and gnomes make up most of this
of hard-baked ground and scorching sun. The
settlement’s population, though it gets plenty
cracked and withered ground radiates intense
of visitors via the locomortive railway stop at
ripples of heat that can hide nearby terrain
the edge of town. Whereas Westhallow was a
features—or nearby enemies. The closest
preexisting town before the region transformed,
settlement to the edge of the Flats is the grunter
Coppereach is a new, rapidly-growing frontier
settlement known as the Trough, a few hour’s
town populated by families and individuals
ride from The Flats’ eastern edge.
seeking their fortune.
Steelshed Clan. A family of dwarves from the Griffon’s Butte
Steelshed clan has set up shop in Coppereach.
The only prominent terrain feature in the Flats
With the help of a little gnomish reverse-
is Griffon’s Butte, a pillar of midnight-blue stone
engineering by local tinkerer Mio Maltenbellows,
called dumortierite. During the day, waves of
the Steelsheds have begun to produce their own
heat (and perhaps a dash of regional magic)
leadspitter designs. The industrious Steelsheds
makes the pillar invisible from almost any
have vowed to compete with Bellis Rustgear and
distance. At night, its coloration makes it a nigh-
become the principal leadspitter manufacturer
indiscernible void in the blue-black starlit sky.
in the region. One of their major hurdles will be
For those that can find it, or stumble across it by
convincing Sheriff Kirby to allow them permission
sheer chance, the shallow hollows and caves in
to sell the leadspitters.
its side are a rare shaded respite in the middle of
Lorenzo and Sons. Local wagon-maker the otherwise unforgiving desert.
Lorenzo provides new builds and repair for all
Residents. The Flats can’t support much
manner of wagons and stagecoaches to the
by way of living beings, save for vultures that
region. His adult sons, Dario and Bastien, have
are eager to pick the bones of anyone foolish
traveled to the region to help their father with
enough to travel there unprepared. Particularly
his promising new business. Dario is a studied
unfortunate travelers have reported seeing giant
mage and can provide enchantments for wagon
scorpions bursting up from disguise burrows to
wheels and horseshoes that increase their
ambush anyone who strays too close. Others
durability and allow them to cross more rugged
claim that the sun-bleached bones of doomed
adventurers rise under the light of the full moon
Fear the Forage. Coppereach has an ongoing and ride all night across the Flats on skeletal
problem; the bushes, cacti, and other small horses, hollering in raspy voices and looking for
plants in and around the town keep animating more souls to ‘join’ them.
Hydra’s Gullet Purgatory Ridge
The north-western area of the region boasts The top of this ridge is crowned by jagged red
its most stunning rock formations, where rust- crystals that glow with a sinister fiery radiance.
colored stone twists into wind-worn pillars and Most of the time, the crystals do nothing more
arches that make it seem as though they’ve than giving visitors an uneasy feeling. However,
been there for centuries. The canyons and when the stars are right the crystals crackle with
columns draw closer and closer together until crimson lightning, summoning aberrations from
they become a mazelike network of canyons some distant, far-flung plane.
called the Hydra’s Gullet. Many of the winding Residents. In an artificial hollow beneath
canyons have creeks and freshwater springs, and the ridge lurks the Withered Lord, an aboleth
there’s plenty of plants and animals to sustain rendered near-skeletal in the region’s dry climate.
life. Adventurers won’t starve in Hydra’s Gullet— The aboleth is attended by a small number of
even if it takes them a week to find their way chuul that bring their master whatever water
out. they can carry and slowly expand the tunnels
Residents. The Gullet’s most notable residents beneath the ridge. It’s unclear what brings the
are the Dewranglers, a gang of minotaur outlaw- aberrations to this area, but their willingness
activists determined to end cattle ranching and to tolerate such a painful and unpleasant
“free their cousins of the herd.” The Dewranglers environment suggests it’s a matter of great
break fences, interfere with cattle drives, and importance.
open pens in the middle of the night. Attempts
to track down the Dewranglers have been met The Trough
with frustration as pursuers get lost in the
The hog-humanoids known as grunters primarily
Gullet’s myriad twists and turns.
live in this north-eastern settlement. Built on
either side of a generally-dry bed of Backwash
Pebble’s Canyon creek, the Trough is surrounded by a simple
The main road east of Westhallow becomes wooden palisade wall and is comprised of slightly
Pebble’s Canyon, a shallow cut of the earth with elevated walkways and buildings that avoid the
few branching pathways. The road sees frequent arroyo’s flash flooding.
use and travelers can expect reasonable Mud Street. The main thoroughfare of the
safety—from bandits, at least. A small band of Trough and a creek bed, Mud Street has been
doppelgangers runs roadside scams here to rope flanked by wide timber-lined trenches that
in the unwary; sometimes posing as a family with keep all but the worst flooding confined. For
a broken-down wagon, other times as roadside days after a good rain, residents can be found
peddlers of tonics and miracle cures. relaxing in the cool mud and shaded trenches as
Residents. The canyon doesn’t have many a way to escape the heat. Crossings, ramps, and
resources to support a wide array of plant and footbridges span the trench and allow traffic to
animal life, but it’s the perfect place for other the buildings on either side of Mud Street, and
creatures to make their home. Gray oozes and across to Heat Street.
the occasional mimics lie in wait for prey to Heat Street. The street perpendicular to Mud
come close. The former are easier to spot, given Street is Heat Street, a wide thoroughfare of
their generally wet appearance in an often-arid cracked, sun-baked dirt that crosses over the
environment. dried creek bed of the Backwash arroyo.
The Rootin’ Tuber. The best-known eatery
for miles around. A grunter named Chessie
White owns and operates the business, which is rumors say the ruins of an empire can be found
gaining a reputation for its flavors and generous here, based on the presence of broken statues.
portions. Chessie’s hard work in the restaurant is Greed-driven plunderers often realize too late
matched only by her effort to keep the details of that the statues are recent additions, courtesy of
her recipes a secret. the basilisks and cockatrice that lair in the cave
systems spread throughout the valley. These
The South petrifying predators emerge from their dens to
hunt in the valley at night, but they’re perfectly
The south-western area of the region contains happy to welcome the foolish meals that enter
the Iron Aurora mountains, a low range whose their caves in pursuit of rumored treasure.
presence brings rainfall to most of the southern Rocky Sal. The valley’s only permanent
half of the transformed zone. The affected areas intelligent resident is Salimaine, nicknamed
are much more verdant as a result, with grassy Rocky Sal by those who have met her and lived
plains and forested areas markedly different to tell about it. ‘Sal’ is an immortal medusa, old
from the northern half’s semiarid climate. enough that she’s developed an immunity to the
petrifying gaze of the valley’s other residents.
Greentop Plains Sal isn’t used to visitors and does her best to
stay hidden; if that’s impossible, she’s happy
South and south-east of Westhallow sprawl
to ‘encourage’ a hasty departure with her
rolling hills and fields, lush with streams and
leadspitter shotgun loaded with statue stone
long grasses. Some cattle ranchers have settled
on or near the greentop plains, though not all of
the homesteaders here are farmers or ranchers. Iron Aurora Mountains
The greentop plains are one of the most idyllic
areas in the region if one doesn’t run afoul of its These low mountains form a small crescent range
dangers. in the south-western edge of the region. The
Residents. Most of Westhallow’s residents mountains get their name from the gray clouds
who don’t live in town proper settle in or that always hang over them in odd, ribbon-like
around the plains, which supports livestock and patterns. The mountains hide many secret caves
abundant game. The most significant danger to and unmapped passes waiting to be discovered.
the residents here are tribes of gnoll bandits Residents. Several clans of kobolds have
and their hyena pets. Under the influence of the made their homes in the Iron Auroras, surviving
region’s pervasive magic, the gnolls have taken the cold high-altitude temperatures by bundling
to lassoing their victims and dragging them off themselves in goat fur. A few of the clans have
behind teams of hyenas and giant hyena mounts. even managed to tame giant goats, which can
Though they haul away plenty of humanoid bear three or four kobolds at a time.
victims, they’re keen to raid cattle ranches for Reports of goat-riding kobolds pale in
livestock to satisfy their newfound fascination comparison to the Yuh Haah, a clan of hill giants
with cowboy hats and boots and have developed diligently trying to create their own giant-sized
a subculture around perfecting the crafting of leadspitter blunderbuss. Surely a bunch of dim-
these clothing items. witted hill giants couldn’t make something like
that work? Still, the occasional thunderous
Grimlimb Valley booms that echo through the mountains are less
This narrow valley near the edge of the Iron than encouraging.
Auroras is a dangerous no-man’s-land. Misleading
Lowe Point through the trees, looking for victims. Ghosts
and specters cry out in the darkness, and will-
The southernmost edge of the region is the site o’-wisps seek to lure foolish travelers to their
of Lowe Point, a settlement by the loosest of doom. Of the undead that reside here, wights
definitions. It began as a pass-through point for are the most dangerous; they are the remains
newcomers to the area, but over time has begun of fallen gunslingers and outlaws who now stalk
attracting the worst outlaws and ne’er-do-wells visitors under the protective shade of the pines.
around. Visitors to Lowe Point are advised to
watch their backs if they don’t want to be robbed
or used for leadspitter practice.
The Wallow. This grimy saloon is a common
meeting point for bandits looking for a crew
or a long-term gang. Dusty Dullar, the saloon’s
owner, is a dragonborn with ash-gray scales.
She doesn’t care what happens after customers
leave her business, but rewards brawlers and
other troublemakers in the Wallow with the
‘house special,’ a force-fed shot glass full of her
dragonborn acid.
Residents. All types pass through Lowe Point.
It can be an exciting but dangerous place for
newcomers to enter the transformed region,
as they are likely to find useful information or
find themselves targeted by bandits. Wealthy
benefactors and faction agents can be found
in Lowe Point, eager for adventurers to chase
interesting new rumors on their behalf.
Weirdwhisper Wood
Between the Iron Auroras and the grassy plains
is Weirdwhisper Wood, a pine barren forest that
clings to the mountain foothills. Tall evergreens
leave blankets of pine needles on the forest
floor, broken by occasional deadfall clearings.
The pine forest is deceptively hard to navigate;
under the shadow of the trees, there’s very little
to distinguish any given part of the forest from
another and a canopy that makes landmark
navigation impossible.
Residents. The beasts of Weirdwhisper Wood
know to hide when the sun goes down. After
dark, the forest belongs to the undead that
haunt it. Those unfortunate enough to perish
in Weirdwhisper don’t stay dead; at night,
zombies rise from where they died and creep
Chapter 1: Encounters
and Mini-Adventures
While the Wranglers of Westhallow adventure Big Bang
series has main adventure arcs, there are times
when the heroes of Westhallow are between
adventures. This is a perfect time to throw in
some mini-quests and drop-in encounters to As the party is going about their business around
keep the town happenings revolving. Westhallow at any point during daylight hours,
Below are several such quests, ranging they hear a huge explosion from the direction of
from singular encounters to multi-encounter The Grinning Dwarf Savings and Loan bank.
mini-quests. These are perfect to bridge gaps On further investigation read or paraphrase
between levels for different main adventures the following:
should the characters need to reach a certain
level to progress your campaign.
As you approach the explosion, you begin to
These encounters and mini-quests bring
smell sulfur, and a plume of smoke can be seen
depth to Westhallow, as the characters come to
reaching into the sparsely clouded blue skies
realize that the town’s happenings roll on, even
above the old The Grinning Dwarf Savings and
when the party isn’t directly involved. Feel free
Loan bank.
to throw several of these at your characters at
the same time, giving them a meaningful choice
If the party approach the bank, read or
or to thin out their numbers, enhancing the
paraphrase the following:
resource management facet to your campaign.
Whichever way you choose to incorporate Moving closer to the bank, and the source
these encounters and mini-quests, they are of the explosion, you notice that a huge hole
a sure-fire way to inject some lore, flavor, and has been blown into the side of the bank
depth into your campaign. wall. Two clockworks with wide-brim cowboy
hats load their two steeds’ saddlebags with
The bank robbers consist of Jimmy Rancher (NE
kobold bandit captain with a leadspitter pistol
and passive Perception of 13) who is on lookout
and babysitting duty, and the leader of the
Rancher Gang. His two henchmen, Old-Man-Billy The standoff occurs in two stages: the
(LE clockwork cowboy) and Diamond-Louey (LN Staredown and the Move.
clockwork hooligan proficient with daggers) do
the heavy lifting from the vault. 1. The Staredown. The creatures
involved in the standoff make
Development contested Charisma (Intimidation)
checks. The winner has advantage
Give the heroes a chance to hide before Jimmy on ability checks or attack rolls
Rancher looks over from his lookout spot. If they make for their Move.
Jimmy notices the heroes, or if they approach
him without attempting to hide, move on to The
2. The Move. A contested Dexterity
check determines which character
moves first. The creatures Move
The Stand-off consists of one of the following
֍֍ Attack: Make a normal ranged
Read or paraphrase the following: attack roll using leadspitter
The kobold lookout quickly holsters his pistol, ֍֍ Disarm: Make a ranged attack
looks up, grins at y’all, tips his bowler cap roll using leadspitter pistols
your way and says loudly, “Howdy fine lawful against the target’s weapon
folks! To what do I owe the pleasure of yer (treated as AC 12). The target
makes a Strength saving throw,
company here today?” as his hands hover by
using the result of your attack
his two holstered pistols, fingers wiggling. roll as the DC. On a failed save,
the weapon is knocked out of the
Standoff Recognition. Any hero with a passive target’s hand and lands in a space
Insight of 12 or higher realizes that Jimmy is adjacent to the target.
preparing to quick draw his leadspitter pistols ֍֍ Run: You can run away or attempt
and fire. to find cover. This is traditionally
considered losing the duel.
Pew Pew. Without any warning or further
֍֍ Improvise: You can try to come
conversation, Jimmy Rancher pulls his two
up with an alternative course of
leadspitters and fires. action, such as making a Charisma
(Performance) check to pretend
Tactics to miss (or pretend to be shot).
Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 80 ft./320 If the heroes decide to pursue the robbers, move
ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing on to The Getaway Chase.
The characters’ participation in the stand-off is The Getaway Chase
determined by the following:
Once Jimmy and his two clockwork companions,
֍֍ Any hero aware of Jimmy’s intent, and
Old-Man-Billy and Diamond-Louey, start their
carry their own leadspitter pistols can
getaway, give the heroes the option to act on
partake in the stand-off round using
their initiative.
the Westhallow Stand-off rules (see the
Stand-offs sidebar). Any hero not aware If the heroes decide to give chase to the
of the upcoming stand-off is considered escaping bank robbers, use the 5th Edition Chase
surprised during the stand-off round. Rules with the following rule attributes:
֍֍ If a hero is aware of Jimmy’s intention ֍֍ Starting Distance is 30 feet
but does not carry a leadspitter pistol, ֍֍ All horse riders wishing their steed to take
they are unable to actively partake in the the Dash action must succeed on a DC 10
stand-off but do not suffer any penalties Wisdom (Animal Handling) check at the
(i.e. surprised, reaction, AC, or Dexterity start of their turn.
saving throw restrictions). ֍֍ Dashing restrictions are made on the riding
horses if the heroes and bank robbers are
Once the first round of the stand-off is complete, on horseback.
roll for initiative and run combat as normal.
֍֍ All ranged attacks from horseback are
Development made with disadvantage.
֍֍ Every round, each of the three bank
Jimmy is Stalling. This shoot-out and combat robbers fires their leadspitter pistols at
is a ruse to stall the heroes and allow Jimmy’s the closest chaser, if able.
clockwork bank robbers to mount their horses
and attempt a getaway. After Jimmy’s second- Borrowing Horses. There are two horses nearby
round turn, read or paraphrase the following: that can be mounted to give the heroes a fighting
chance of catching their quarry. Mounting a
You suddenly hear a wolf whistle and then the horse takes half of a character’s movement.
heavy trotting of neighing horses when the Since the horses are a little spooked from the
kobold’s outlaw companions race around the recent pistol fire, a hero must succeed on a DC
corner. As they pass right by the gunslinging 10 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to gain
kobold, he smiles, tips his hat to you, winks, control of the riding horse.
spins his pistol into its holster and stretches Chase Events. During the chase, use the
out his other hand to grab ahold of one of Chase Events table at the start of each moving
the horse saddles. With a deft flip, he pulls creature’s turn. If a creature is on horseback,
himself up onto the back of the horse, placing they only roll once for both the horse and those
himself right behind one of his companions. riding it. Each event that happens affects the
One of the clockwork cowboys fires his chase participant.
leadspitter pistol into the air and hollers, Optional Obstacles. If you wish to add a
“YEEEE-HAWWWW!” as they ride at pace little more excitement to the getaway chase,
into the wild wilderness. try adding an obstacle to each round. At the
beginning of each round of the chase, roll or
chose an environmental obstacle from the Chase If either of the three outlaws is captured, a
Obstacles table. Obstacles affect all creatures DC 15 Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, or
partaking in the chase. Persuasion) check convinces the bank robber to
Ending the Getaway Chase. The chase ends detail their plans.
if Jimmy or one of the clockwork cowboys are
still not captured after six rounds or all three
bank robbers are caught. For those bank robbers
who escape, they come upon Pebble’s Canyon,
a valley of twists and turns, and luckily lose
the heroes. Any of the bank robbers who are
captured or killed do not escape.
If Jimmy, Old-Man-Billy, and Diamond-Louey
all escape, they use the stolen coins to smelt
down and make bullets for their leadspitter
pistols. They intend to create a black market for
unregistered leadspitter ammunition, albeit of
inferior quality to Rustgear ammunition. Within 2
weeks of the robbery, unregistered ammunition
begins to show up around town. This could make
for a great murder mystery.
Chase Events
d8 Event Effect
1-4 No event Nothing
5 A Patch of Pebbles. The creature hits a ֍֍ Movement is halved due to difficult terrain.
patch of loose pebbles which becomes ֍֍ The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity
difficult terrain. saving throw or fall prone.
֍֍ Movement is reduced to 0 if the creature fails a
Dexterity saving throw and falls prone.
6 Snake in My Boot. A rattlesnake is trod- ֍֍ Rattlesnake bite: +5 to hit, dealing 1 piercing
den on, which reacts with a bite attack damage and 5 (1d10) poison damage on a
against the creature (or horserider). successful hit.
֍֍ A bitten creature must succeed on a DC 11
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
for 1 minute.
7 Sand Blinded. A gust of warm wind ֍֍ The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
blows arid sand into the creature's face. saving throw to shield or close their eyes from
the blowing sand. On a failed save, the creature
is blinded until the start of its next turn.
8 Blood Hawk Attack. The creature runs ֍֍ A blood hawk swoops and attacks with its beak
too close to a blood hawk’s nesting area action.
and is swooped upon by the protective ֍֍ A creature hit by the blood hawk’s beak is also
mother. stunned until the start of its next turn.
Chase Obstacles
d8 Event Effect
1 Small Stream. A small 20-foot-wide ֍֍ If the jumping creature fails one of the three
stream appears ahead. Any crea- conditions of this jump, they land prone in the
ture wishing to successfully jump creek water, ending their turn.
to the other side must meet the
following conditions:
1. Has moved 20 feet in a run-up
before the jump.
2. Have a Strength score of 15 or
3. Succeed on a DC 10 Strength
(Athletics) check.
2 Sand Storm. A heavy sandstorm ֍֍ All creatures are blinded for 10 minutes.
suddenly hits the area and lasts 5 ֍֍ Once the sand storm clears there is a 50% chance that
minutes. the bank robbers have escaped. Otherwise, resume
the chase.
3 A Patch of Rolling Tumbleweeds. ֍֍ All creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving
A gust of wind blows as a patch of throw to avoid (or reign their horse away from) the
tumbleweeds rolls across the path. tumbleweeds.
֍֍ On failed save, a creature is tangled in the tumbleweed
for a moment. Treat the tumbleweed as difficult terrain
for 1 round.
4 Ancient Burial Ground. The chase ֍֍ Bank Robbers ride straight through the sacred area
leads all participants into an an- desperate to escape.
cient burial ground, littered with ֍֍ All creatures that enter the sacred grounds must
grave markings, bone spirit-catch- succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, becoming
ers, and warning totems poles cursed on a failed save. A cursed creature takes 3 levels
topped with kobold skulls. This of exhaustion until the start of their next turn.
place has been imbued with a mag-
ic that curses those who trespass.
recycled wooden beams, and a leaky roof made
Bounty Board: The from all kinds of motley materials. The Wallow is
a place where the ill-reputed and the outlawed
Hangman Four congregate to drink poorly made moonshine
while keeping out of the sights of the newly
formed and undermanned law enforcement of
Overview Westhallow.
Sheriff Evelyn Kirby has nailed a large poster Background and Powers
to the bounty board of the Dusty Boot Saloon.
Four bust sketches of named outlaws have been Since their daring escape from the neighboring
drawn with questionable skill. Beneath each is a town’s prison, the Hangman Four have been
name and a reward. At the top of the poster, the hiding out in the network of small caves a short
title reads in Common: distance from Westhallow.
Wanted Dead or Alive. The Hangman Four. When the Spirit of the Untamed West hit
the area, Billy had been stumbling back to their
The Hangman Four consists of the following
cavernous hideout after one of his visits to
The Wallow. Before creeping into the cave, he
֍֍ Fang-Tooth Billy — Reward: 25 gp stopped to urinate on what he thought was a
֍֍ Cactus Pete — Reward 40 gp pile of sticks. This is when the rattlesnake struck
֍֍ Shotgun Sally — Reward 70 gp him… well... you know where. As all of this
transpired, a blast of the Spirit of the Untamed
֍֍ Hangman Gargan — Reward 100 gp West washed over Billy, infusing him with the
rattlesnake’s spirit.
The next morning, Billy woke to a mouth full
These four outlaws were camping out in a local of poisonous fangs in place of his human teeth,
cave just outside of Westhallow when the Quick- resistance to poison, and small rattle-ended tail
Clank McCrank event happened and the Spirit at the base of his buttocks. He found he could spit
of the Untamed West was released into the his poisoned fang-like teeth at his adversaries.
surrounding areas. Each varmint was hit by a The pleasure of this newfound power pleased
blast of spiritual energy and suffered a strange him, however his love for moonshine has been
mutation inspired by the environment about soured with his resistance to poison.
The following four encounters provide location
details for where each can be found and a brief
background detailing their newfound powers.
Fang-Tooth Billy
Fang-Tooth Billy (CN mutated human) can be
found at a disheveled drinking den named “The
Wallow” located on the southern outskirts of
Westhallow. Barely able to qualify as a tavern,
this simple structure is made from creaky
Encounter his shoulders, stretching halfway down the
Situation barstool. He pours his moonshine into a shot
glass from an unlabeled, dirty bottle. Three
On the southernmost outskirts of Westhallow, thugs sit at a nearby table softly talking
the characters come to the end of a long and to one another while dealing playing cards
dusty road. The journey takes a day to travel; if the between them.
party set out from Westhallow in the morning,
they arrive at this desolate location as evening A rattle comes from the large man as he takes
sets in. Read or paraphrase the following: another drink and says over his shoulder,
“What in tarnation?! Y’all ain’t taking me
A tumbleweed blows across the desolate alive, ya hear! Get’em boys!” as the three
and dusty trail as the sun begins to set over thugs quickly flip the table and begin to load
the scrubland of South Westhallow. In the their leadspitter pistols.
distance, a shabby looking building emerges
from the horizon. As you get closer, the poorly Creatures
joined wooden beams strapped together by The following creatures are in The Wallow.
worn rope and a roof of patchwork materials
marks the only establishment for miles
֍֍ Level 4 PCs: Fang-Tooth Billy and 3 thugs
(with leadspitter pistols)
around. A plank of wood swings by a rusty
chain in the warm evening breeze above the ֍֍ Level 5 PCs: Fang-Tooth Billy, 1 veteran
entrance with crudely written words painted
(with a leadspitter pistol), and 6 thugs
(with leadspitter pistols)
across it. “The Wallow.” The absence of the
usual tavern bardic music allows for a soft ֍֍ Level 6 PCs: Fang-Tooth Billy, 2 veterans
murmur of depressive voices to filter out
(with a leadspitter pistols), and 4 thugs
(with leadspitter pistols)
from the gloom within.
Fang-Tooth Billy is here, several drinks into a
heavy drinking session. He is dim-witted and very Fang-Tooth Billy dives over to the other side
ill-tempered. Due to his new mutation he has of the bar for total cover sending his thugs to
found that the liquor isn’t quite affecting him as fight first. Billy then attacks from a distance with
easily as it once did. It’s particularly frustrating his Fang Spit, ducking behind the bar between
him today. Once the party enters The Wallow, turns. When peeking above the bar to make
read or paraphrase the following: his attack, Billy has three-quarters cover (+5 AC
and Dexterity saving throws). The thugs use the
As you step into the shadowy tavern, you upturned table as cover, but it only provides half
instantly smell death. From the 15 patrons in cover due to its poor quality. The thugs attempt
The Wallow, only four remain alive, the rest to retreat and escape once they drop to half hit
of the patrons are doubled over on the floor points, however, Fang-Tooth Billy fights to the
or bent backward over makeshift tables and death.
sitting crates. The dead patrons foam at the
mouth and have small toothpick-like darts
protruding from their skin.
an ability to spew forth a heavy stream of water
from his mouth, which he uses as a weaponized
water cannon.
Read or paraphrase the following:
As the heroes make their way down into Pebble’s
Canyon, read or paraphrase the following:
Sally had just robbed a poor merchant on the The following creatures are in Pebble’s Canyon.
road east of Westhallow with her brand new ֍֍ Level 4 PCs: Shotgun Sally and 4
double-barrel longneck leadspitter when the rattlesnakes (poisonous snakes)
Spirit’s surge hit her. She was radically changed ֍֍ Level 5 PCs: Shotgun Sally, 4 rattlesnakes
as she merged with the leadspitter. She awoke (poisonous snakes), and 2 giant
sometime later, her loot not the only thing she rattlesnakes (giant poisonous snakes)
was missing. Sally found she was missing her
arms, and in their place were two long metal ֍֍ Level 6 PCs: Shotgun Sally, 2 giant
cylinders — leadspitter barrels. It wasn’t long rattlesnakes (giant poisonous snakes), and
before the bandit realized she was able to swallow 2 giant constrictor snakes
vast amounts of rocky pebbles and fire them in Tactics
scattered bunches from her new arms, causing a
devastating 20-foot area of destruction. Rattlesnake Trap. If a hero searches for traps,
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
check notices the tripwire across the pebble
path. On failure or if the hero simply does not Encounter
check, rattlesnakes or worse burst forth and
immediately attack the party. This also causes Situation
additional distraction and increases Shotgun Add a coil of rope on the ground to whichever
Sally’s Stealth check by 2. encounter Gargan appears.
Ambush. If Sally spotted the heroes, she
waits to see if they trip the rattlesnake trap Tactics
then attempts to ambush them with a Dexterity Hangman Gargan lays perfectly still and is
(Stealth) check of 16 versus the heroes’ passive indistinguishable from a normal coil of rope until
Perception. If the heroes are fighting the the second round, when he springs to action
rattlesnakes, Sally’s Stealth check is instead and attempts to lasso around the closest party
18. Any character who does not spot Sally is member’s neck.
considered surprised by her. She attacks with
her Pebble Blast.
Hangman Gargan
Gargan Moreshack is found with any one of the
three other outlaws; Fang-Tooth Billy, Cactus
Pete, or Shotgun Shelly. You decide which one but
it is recommended that he makes his appearance
in the second round of combat with whichever
bounty the party decides to investigate last. This
gives the encounter a grand finale climax.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Wranglers of Westhallow is a lightly humored This is only a suggestion, however, and you, as
Wild West-themed adventure series designed the Game Master (GM), are in no way forced to
for the 5th Edition (OGL) rule-set. It is jam- use this method. This adventure runs perfectly
packed full of pop culture references, parody, fine with Experience Points (XP) based leveling,
thematic and often hilarious situations, and and you are encouraged to use XP if it is a better
super interesting and colorful characters that fit for you and your group.
will stick with you for life.
Spirit of the Untamed West is designed to Boxed Text
be a follow-up adventure to the introductory
adventure, The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank. This adventure includes boxed text to assist
Other follow-up adventures will also be direct those GMs who like to have a description of a
sequels and are intended to be playable in scene or location. The use of boxed text is by
any order, this adventure included. The Rise of no means required; many great GMs avoid the
Quick-Clank McCrank is the ground-zero event use of boxed text and feel more comfortable
that acts as the origin and center of a spoked describing the action in their own words. You
wheel of adventures that follow. We call this the should consider what works best for you and
Westhallow Wagon-wheel Approach. your group. If you choose not to read aloud
any of the text provided, you should at least
running This Adventure paraphrase the information to keep the
players aware of their environment.
Spirit of the Untamed West is a Wild West
themed fantasy adventure set around the
regions surrounding the town of Westhallow, a
small far-flung farmstead settlement on the edge
of civilization. You should be able to drop this The town of Westhallow has become the origin
adventure into any campaign setting, published point for a strange, region-wide transformation.
or otherwise. Tens of thousands of square miles have turned
This adventure contains a balanced mix of from temperate fields and forests to stretches
the three pillars of RPG play: Social Interaction, of desert scrubland, rolling plains, mountainous
Exploration, and Combat. The aim for this valleys, and wind-swept rock formations, all jam-
adventure is to expand upon the events set packed together in a geographical hodgepodge.
within the first story and allow the characters to The changes to terrain are nothing compared
delve deeper into the strange changes the land to the changes to the people and creatures living
and people are experiencing. there. Residents find their clothes changed to
trousers and duster jackets, broad-brimmed
Character Advancement hats and cotton skirts galore. The land finds
itself replete with strange ‘leadspitter pistols’
Wranglers of Westhallow adventures are and other odd projectile weapons, and unusual
designed to utilize the milestone leveling system, drawls and twangs find themselves seeping
by which it is expected that the characters start more and more into everyone’s way of speaking.
at the intended level (4, 5, or 6 for this adventure)
and gain a level on its conclusion.
The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank Local Gossip
Assuming characters participated in the first The characters can hear the following rumors in
adventure, The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank, Westhallow, some of which foreshadow places
they’ll know that many of these events started and people in the upcoming adventure.
around the time gnomish inventor Bellis Rustgear ֍֍ An outlaw with crimson skin and two
lost control of a clockwork humanoid named devilish horns piercing his wide black hat
Quick-Clank McCrank, who absconded with her has been gathering up ne’er-do-wells for a
original leadspitter pistol designs and held the new outlaw gang. Most believe this ‘Four-
town of Westhallow hostage with his own group Guns Faust’ is a tiefling, but others insist
of clockwork cohorts. Though the adventurers the bandit has four arms to go with his
defeated him, the strange changes to the area moniker.
have only continued—even accelerated—
֍֍ A hog-humanoid calling itself a ‘grunter’
since his defeat. For their part, the residents
appeared in Westhallow several weeks
of Westhallow have more or less learned to
ago; it turns out there’s a whole town of
embrace the new, unusual lifestyle they find
them a few days’ journey away.
themselves in. In the meantime, strange new
creatures, features, and denizens appear ֍֍ There’s a windswept rock column
throughout the transforming landscape and somewhere in the badlands that’s actually
provide unusual opportunities for adventurers a massive, slow-moving mimic. Most
seeking a new land to explore. disregard this as a tall tale.
֍֍ A far traveler claims there’s an invisible
leadspitter marksman somewhere in the
desert that can give you a shave with their
shots. They didn’t stick around for a clean
shave but have the trimmed mutton chops
to prove it.
Transport. A new rail station has appeared
Starting the Adventure in recent weeks just outside the town limits,
serviced by a single train: the locomortive.
The characters receive word from gnomish Though residents who have used the locomortive
inventor Bellis Rustgear that she’d like to meet swear by it as a reliable method of transport,
with them at her workshop. When the characters most of Westhallow’s citizens balk at the idea of
arrive they find her accompanied by her sons, using the unsettling transport.
Barnabus and Beegle. The locomortive is the fastest and most
direct method of transport to the Trough. The
Rumors and Rails characters still need to travel from the Trough
to whatever location Slim Bill reveals to them
When Bellis’s rogue clockwork humanoid Quick- however. To assist with this, Bellis Rustgear
Clank was defeated, a ghostly figure appeared has created the PAINT compressor, a handheld
from his body and quickly vanished; Bellis has device that has the MS PAINT stagecoach and a
since been obsessed with finding out who or team of clockwork horses stored inside a pocket
what the apparition was, and believes it could dimension. A character can activate the device
be behind the changes that have occurred to by pressing the button and setting it on the
Westhallow and the surrounding region. ground (or throwing it to a suitable space). The
Information Broker. A new type of device activates one round later, provided there
humanoid, the hog-like grunters, have founded are no creatures, objects, or other obstructions
a small settlement called the Trough far from that would prevent the wagon and its team of
Westhallow. There, a grunter named Slim Bill has horses from appearing.
positioned themselves as an information broker, For more information about the locomortive,
keeping up-to-date on all stories and rumors in see Chapter 2.
the transformed land. Slim Bill has sent word to A Question of Funding. Bellis provides the
Bellis Rustgear: he knows where the secret of characters with two bags. The first contains
the changing region can be found. Bellis believes six emeralds worth 200 gp each, which the
time is of the essence; someone else could characters are instructed to give as payment in
discover this same information, or make Slim Bill exchange for Slim Bill’s information. The other is
a better offer for it. a smaller bag containing two of the same kind
of gem, an up-front payment for the characters’
services. Bellis promises another three such
gems (for a total worth of 1000 gp) upon their
Chapter 2: The
Locomortive Express
Simultaneously one of the most useful and Locomortive Features
unsettling additions to the transforming region
is the locomortive, a rail line serving a most
The locomortive’s ‘cars’ have the following
unusual train. The locomortive is a massive
train-shaped undead creature; its ‘carriages’
are hollow spaces in its long, fleshy pink body. A Doors. The doors into the locomortive’s
guide rail on its underbelly keeps it following the carriages and between carriages are open
rail line as it propels itself forward on hundreds spaces designed to accommodate Medium-
and hundreds of stubby pink legs. sized creatures. When the door is ‘closed,’ the
locomortive squeezes the flesh to form a closed
The ‘engine’ compartment of the locomortive
sphincter. Touching the flesh on or next to a
is encased in dark metal plating reminiscent of
closed door causes it to open: exterior doors
a standard steam locomotive, though it leaves
remain sealed while the locomortive is in transit
its long mouth uncovered. On the front the
but can be pried open with a successful DC 15
locomortive’s single round eye sits in place of
Strength (Athletics) check.
the circular steam box door.
Windows. The windows are vaguely square
shapes. A thin, semi-transparent membrane
is stretched tight across the window opening. development proceed with ‘Run-Away Brain,’
The windows are large enough for a creature of below.
Medium size to squeeze through. The membrane
has AC 5 and 6 hit points, and a vulnerability to Random Passengers
slashing and piercing damage. d10 Passenger
Interior. Like the outside, the locomortive’s 1 An old preacher recently arrived in the
interior is comprised of its squishy pink flesh, Westhallow region and eager to act as a
though it’s softer on the inside. A creature missionary.
walking in the locomortive sinks an inch or so into 2 A table has been claimed by a group of
the ‘floor’ but this doesn’t impede movement. halfling card players wearing identical
hats and bandannas pulled up over their
Furniture. The bench seating inside the faces.
compartments is made up of bunched-up 3 A dragonborn wearing a purple pinstripe
sections of soft pink flesh bracketed in place coat and top hat carries a clinking case
by wooden frames. Sets of benches face one from compartment to compartment,
another; some sets have a wooden table trying to sell tinctures and tonics with
between them and are usually claimed by card dubious claims.
games and other pastimes. 4 A pair of half-elf homesteaders try to
There are several sleeper cars lined with soft, keep their fussy children entertained on
spongy flesh mattresses. People lying down on the long journey while one of them takes
surreptitious sips from a flask.
these beds can tickle the side to prompt the
locomortive to envelop them in a cozy meat 5 Dressed in dapper finery, a half-orc
cocoon. gentleman constantly smoothes his hair
back and checks the wax of his mustache
Security. The locomortive can regenerate while looking for someone to impress
from minor damage quickly, but it can still feel with his knowledge of banking.
pain. Creatures that damage the locomortive 6 A young woman keeps double-checking
from the inside or while within 5 feet of it must paperwork: she’s looking to start a cou-
make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw or be rier business at a stop somewhere past
restrained by a section of pink flesh. The flesh The Trough.
releases the creature within 1 minute if they 7 A gnome with a leadspitter pistol is
calm down; otherwise, it keeps them restrained fastidiously cleaning the weapon and
until the locomortive reaches its destination. loves engaging in conversation about the
weapon’s design; he hopes to create his
own variant one day.
Riding the Locomortive 8 It looks like someone’s left a heap of
pelts on one of the seats until it moves;
The journey from Westhallow to the Trough it’s a tiefling fur-trapper, chasing rumors
takes a full day at the locomortive’s speed, with from his favorite saloon of a grass-green
a few stops at small stations between the two coyote.
points. The characters might want to explore the 9 A hard-drinking dragonborn tries to
locomortive as they travel or simply move on to share his tale of dire rabbits as big as
the next major event in the adventure. If you ponies.
want to provide more roleplaying opportunities 10 A down-on-his-luck gambler is eager to
during the trip, refer to ‘Random Passengers’ share the woeful tale of his losses, or to
and ‘Locomortive Events’ below for ideas. When challenge opponents in a game of cards
you think the characters are ready for the next or dice.
running randomly around the landscape. Four-
Locomortive Events Guns Faust and his posse ride off satisfied
d4 Passenger
with the result. The burrowing creature that
1 At one of the stops, a cow wanders on destroyed the track, a bullet bulette, remains in
board and causes a general ruckus as it
the area (see Hail of Bulettes below).
blocks the aisle and bumps into people
and objects as it passes.
2 An argument between passengers turns
into a brawl; the combatants are quickly The locomortive is running across the open
encased in the locomortive’s fleshy floor landscape, and poses a danger to itself and
and spend the rest of the trip getting its passengers if it’s not stopped. A big rock
stepped on. formation stands in the locomortive’s current
3 The locomortive slows to a crawl when it path; unless the characters find some way to
gets stuck behind a handcart (an undead soothe the undead vehicle, a crash is certain in
cart moving along with numerous hands) 1 minute.
for several miles.
Each character rolls initiative. On initiative
4 There’s a commotion involving one or
more passengers who happen to look ex- count 20 of each round, the bumpy ride forces
actly like people on local wanted posters. each character to make a DC 12 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone, taking 2 (1d4)
bludgeoning damage.
Run-Away Brain
Stop the Train. The front compartment
contains the locomortive’s exposed brain, which
Situation the conductor would normally massage to
While the locomortive is still some distance encourage the vehicle to speed up or slow to a
from the Trough, the fiendish bandit known as halt. Unfortunately, the conductor (LN agender
Four-Guns Faust executes a plan to disrupt the undead human commoner) has been thrown
train and bring rail transit in the entire region around the compartment and is currently
to a halt. Four-Guns and members of his gang incapacitated.
appear dressed in white ponchos and mounted The characters can attempt any of the
atop blood-red horses, riding parallel to the following options to stop the locomortive:
locomortive. The gang members are various ֍֍ Revive the Conductor. The conductor can
humanoid races, but the fiend himself is a four- calm the train if they’re revived, which
armed devil with twin horns protruding through requires a successful DC 18 Wisdom
the brim of his hat. If the characters have heard (Medicine) check or any magical effect that
rumors of Four-Guns Faust before now, they can can remove the incapacitated condition.
easily match the description to this devilish rider.
֍֍ Control the Train. Characters who
The fiend puts two fingers to its mouth and
succeed on three cumulative DC 16
gives a sharp whistle; moments later, the
Intelligence checks can successfully stop
the locomortive. Be sure to narrate their
locomortive lurches off the rails and onto the
interaction with the brain between checks.
desert scrubland; you see a section of track
ahead lying in a twisted ruin as a large, gray ֍֍ Destroy the Brain. The brain is a large
shape vanishes underground. object with AC 5, 36 hit points, and
immunity to psychic damage. Each time
The locomortive, no longer bound to the rails, the brain takes damage, all creatures in
becomes a literal runaway train as it begins the front compartment must make a DC
14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) Hail of Bulettes
lighting damage on a failed save or half
as much damage on a successful one.
Destroying the brain kills the locomortive. Situation
֍֍ Divert the Train. Characters might have The creature that derailed the locomortive is a
a trick up their sleeve to urge the train in bullet bulette, which in most scenarios attacks
a different direction or force it to do so, the characters shortly after the threat of the
such as a spell or other ability. Even if the train crash is resolved.
threat of a crash is ended, the locomortive
continues to barrel forward for the full Tactics
minute before coming to a stop on its own.
The bulette is charmed by Four-Guns Faust and
After the train is safely stopped, the bullet bulette armed with a deadly gatling gun in its mouth,
lingers nearby and attacks shortly after people but is just as dim and stubbornly violent as a
begin disembarking from the locomortive; normal bulette.
proceed with Hail of Bulettes, below.
Abandoning the Train. The characters can
jump from the runaway locomortive to the The characters face one bullet bulette.
ground below, landing prone; each character
that does so must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Development
saving throw or take 13 (3d8) bludgeoning
On to the Trough. Whether the bullet bulette is
damage. Characters that succeed on their saving
fought or not, the characters are about a day’s
throw take half as much damage.
travel from the Trough without the locomortive.
The locomortive crashes and dies. The bullet
bulette senses the characters and intercepts
them within a few minutes of leaving the train;
proceed with Hail of Bulettes, below.
Failure and Crash. If the characters don’t stop
the train from crashing into the rock formation,
the locomortive is killed instantly and each
character aboard takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
The bullet bulette isn’t intelligent enough
to linger and wait to see if there are survivors;
it departs and can appear as a random
encounter at a later time if you so desire;
modify Hail of Bulettes as needed to fit a travel
On to the Trough. Whether the bullet bulette is
fought or not, the characters are about a day’s
travel from the Trough without the locomortive.
Chapter 3: The Trough
The settlement called the Trough is nestled Mud Street
at the bottom of an arroyo with steep, stony
walls. The Trough has its small share of other
The main thoroughfare of the Trough and also
humanoids, but it’s primarily populated by the
a creek bed, Mud Street has been flanked by
new hog-humanoids called grunters.
wide timber-lined trenches that keep all but the
worst flooding confined. For days after a good
Trough Grunters rain, residents can be found relaxing in the cool
mud and shaded trenches as a way to escape
Grunters possess many traits and behaviors the heat.
associated with stereotypical hogs, including
Crossings, ramps, and foot bridges span the
a love of food and wallowing in the mud of
trench and allow traffic to the buildings on either
the arroyo bottom to stay cool in the heat.
side of Mud Street, and to Heat Street.
These habits don’t mean grunters are crude or
unintelligent, however; they’re simply laid-back Secret Tunnel. A secret door is concealed in
and unapologetic about the comforts they enjoy. the wall of the Mud Street trench directly under
the wide bridge leading to Slim Bill’s home.
Slim Bill Spotting this door requires a successful DC 18
Wisdom (Perception) check. The door has an
Grunters are a people of appetites, and Slim
opening mechanism that can be located with
Bill’s primary appetite is for information. He’s a
a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation)
tremendous reader and collector of rumors, and
check; otherwise the door can be pried open
there’s no fact or secret too small to pique his
against the mud and slop of the trench with a
interest. Slim Bill pays well for good information
successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check.
and works closely with two kenku named
Forcing the door open takes approximately
Whinny and Trot. Once the de facto leader of
1 minute and is more likely to be noticed by
the Trough, Bill is currently confined to his home
under orders from Duroc.
believes that micromanaging the checkpoint is
an important part of the information broker job. Slim Bill’s Home
Development Bill lives in a house off of Mud Street, a makeshift
manor with its own wide bridge into an attached
When the characters first arrive in the Trough,
they are stopped by a trio of slopeye grunters
(see Appendix A) and asked for their names Situation
and the purpose of their visit. The characters
can provide any name they want within reason Four slopeye grunter guards and two grunter
without needing to make an ability check, so grimbellies guard the entrance to Slim Bill’s
long as they remain consistent throughout their house under orders from Duroc. The group
time in the Trough. is instructed to keep visitors away from Bill to
If the characters ask about Slim Bill, the guards starve him of outside information; unbeknown
at the gate inform them that Slim Bill is under to them these attempts have been unsuccessful
‘house arrest’ during a ‘change in management.’ (see Whinny and Trot, below).
Meeting Bill Leaving the Trough
Situation Gate Check!
Slim Bill is a heavyset, well-dressed grunter often
smoking a pipe. Kenku informants Whinny and Situation
Trot have been utilizing the secret tunnel into
Bill’s house to avoid Duroc’s guards; as a result, The characters are still expected to ‘check out’
Bill has kept abreast of most developments in the of the Trough by the same gate as they entered,
Westhallow region and the Trough in particular. but this time they have a grunter in the back who
He knows the characters’ names and their deeds matches Slim Bill’s description. The guards are
in the region. He’s also aware of the payment hesitant to let the characters pass, and Duroc
the characters are supposed to bring and has a comes out of his office to see what the holdup
counter-proposal for them to consider. is. If he sees Slim Bill, Duroc slaps the back of the
Slim Bill agrees to reveal what he knows about nearest guard’s head.
the region’s transformation if the characters can “Let ‘em go, moron!” Duroc points. “That
smuggle him out of the Trough in the MS PAINT, ain’t Slim Bill! Slim Bill don’t wear no glasses
in addition to Bellis Rustgear’s payment. He has and he ain’t got a beard. How would he even
a disguise that gets him past Duroc’s checkpoint grow one that fast? Gee-on,” he adds to you
without issue.
with a grunt and a casual jerk of the head.
Duroc and his mob of grunters intend to chase,
pull alongside, and board the MS PAINT in order
to arrest the party and Slim Bill (use slopeye
grunter stat block).
Enemy Wagons. Duroc (grimbelly grunter) Jumping. Characters can jump from wagon to
and his four slopeye grunter cronies are riding wagon, or to and from the back of the dire hogs,
in two uncovered wagons. Each wagon is pulled with a successful DC 12 Strength (Athletics)
by a team of dire hogs (use the draft horse stat check. Characters that fail this check reach
block). The hogs are well-trained and don’t their intended space (or close to it) but suffer a
attack or act on their own initiative unless complication. Some complications include:
attacked themselves.
Complication Table
Falling. A character that falls from the MS
d4 Complication
PAINT experiences one of the results from the
1 You more or less reach your target space
Wagon Fall table below. The result can be rolled
but land prone.
randomly or assigned as it makes sense to how
2 The wind is knocked out of you; you have
the character fell.
disadvantage on attack rolls until the
start of your next turn.
Wagon Fall Table 3 You immediately become the center of
d4 Fall Event enemy attention.
1 The character lands on the back of one 4 An object you’re holding or have on your
of the dire hogs. person, such as a weapon or arcane
2 The character lands on the driver’s focus, sails through the air and lands in a
bench of one of the enemy wagons. space 10 to 15 feet away, such as on the
3 The character lands in the back of one of floor of a wagon or caught precariously
the enemy wagons. in the tresses of a dire hog.
4 The character’s leg is caught in rope or
canvas on the side of their current wag- Development
on or one behind them; they’re dangling
upside-down until they use half their Once the characters and Slim Bill escape from
movement to climb up. Duroc, Slim Bill directs the driver of the MS
PAINT to the west and enthusiastically states
In the name of pulp action, characters roll on that they must travel to a sacred place known
the table above instead of falling to the ground. as Griffon’s Butte to uncover the knowledge that
A creature that falls to the ground from a they seek to learn.
moving wagon takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage
and is left behind at the start of the next
round, effectively removed from
the encounter.
Chapter 4: The Final
Hidden in the region’s new arid desert to the Tactics
west of Westhallow is Griffon’s Butte, a visually
striking column of marbled dumortierite, a The characters can easily determine the
midnight-blue stone. Few have seen the rock direction of the shots, but must succeed on a
formation, and those that have named it after DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to discern the
the nests of griffons that reside somewhere on rock formation through the mirage effect that
its plateau. normally hides it.
Slim Bill assures the characters that they
Hidden from Sight won’t be harmed, even as leadspitter shots whiz
by them. As the characters advance, the shooter
Those that once saw Griffon’s Butte have never might aim shots at the ground in front of their
seen it again, chalking it up to the region’s feet, shoot weapons out of their hands if they
continued transformation. In truth, a mix of don’t have them holstered or sheathed, and so
natural and magical factors disguise the rock on.
formation from prying eyes: waves of daytime Development
heat create a mirage-like effect that shows
nothing but flat desert for miles; at night, the After advancing a hundred feet or so, the
blue-black stone looks like part of the night sky. characters see Griffon’s Butte appear, along with
a kobold in a hat and poncho:
Atop Griffon’s Butte The waves of desert heat ripple and shift, a
huge pillar of gleaming midnight-blue stone
Warning Shots seems to blossom out of the ground before
you. Near its base stands the figure of a
Situation kobold armed with a long-barreled leadspitter,
eyeing you with a deadly squint from under a
Anyone who gets within several hundred feet
brown, broad-brimmed hat.
of Griffon’s Butte is stopped short by the distant
crack of leadspitter fire. Shots whiz by, pelt the
ground by traveler’s feet, or knock the hats right
off of heads. No one reporting this leadspitter
fire has been hurt, but they never stick around
to see if the shooter finds their mark.
As the day wears on, Slim Bill directs the
characters to the area of Griffon’s Butte, assuring
them that there’s something in the seemingly
empty flatlands worth finding. Sure enough,
when they get close to the Butte leadspitter
shots ring out and strike the ground in front of
the MS PAINT’s clockwork horses, causing them
to stop.
In the face of the characters’ persistence,
Squint shoulders the leadspitter and invites the
characters into their home. Squint lives in a cave
on the side of the butte just up a short, boulder-
lined path. Not one to forgo pleasantries,
Squint offers characters a piece of coal-roasted
rotisserie gopher with a dry grunt of the throat.
Squint knows the following two points of interest:
֍֍ The Spirit of the Untamed West. As Squint
understands it, the Spirit was drawn to
Westhallow when Bellis Rustgear built her
first leadspitter weapons and the infamous
clockwork humanoid Quick-Clank
McCrank. The Spirit was unexpectedly
trapped in Quick-Clank’s form, acting
as the source of his information and
obsession with ‘Wild West’ aesthetic. Its
effect on the landscape was subtle at first;
when Quick-Clank was defeated, the Spirit
was released and unleashed its full power
on the region around Westhallow.
֍֍ Four-Guns Faust. Squint is aware of a
dangerous presence in the region, a devil
calling himself Four-Guns Faust. Faust was
a fiend of bargains that was caught in one of
the Spirit’s transformative waves, turning
it into a gunslinger capable of rivaling
even Squint themselves. Four-Guns is
aware of the Spirit of the Untamed West
Squint Westwood and has been hunting for clues regarding
its location for some time. Squint believes
Situation Four-Guns is powerful enough to capture
the Spirit of the Untamed West for himself,
Squint Westwood is a kobold inhabited by the which would surrender the entire area to
Spirit of the Untamed West, a strange entity Four-Guns’ fiendish will.
from another world. The kobold’s possession
by the Spirit of the Untamed West has caused a
A Safe Place. As the sun begins to set over
remarkable personality shift. Named Squint from
Griffon’s Butte, Squint Westwood offers their
birth, they’ve taken the surname ‘Westwood’ in
cave as a safe place to rest and recover from the
honor of the spirit that coinhabits their form.
travel and battle of the previous day. The next
Squint is nonbinary, with a given gender of
morning, they’re confronted by the fiendish
‘gunslinger.’ Speaking in a dry, low voice, Squint
villain himself; proceed with Faustian Standoff,
carries a leadspitter long gun, a rifle variant of
the much more common leadspitter pistol.
Faustian Standoff The Lackeys. Meanwhile, the lackeys
surreptitiously fire their own leadspitters from
under their ponchos at the same time the
Situation illusory Four-Guns Faust fires his leadspitters for
The next morning, Squint Westwood is the standoff. Their plan is to dupe the characters
scrounging up breakfast when they look up at the into thinking the illusionary Four-Guns is making
cave entrance with a start, sensing an impending the shots. A character with a passive Perception
threat. Looking out onto the flats surrounding score of 18 or higher notices that Four Guns’
the butte, the characters see a group of ruffians underlings are the ones really firing.
in ponchos slowly approach the foot of Griffon’s
Butte atop blood-red horses—the same riders Development
that appeared beside the locomortive before it
was derailed. The Real Showdown. Maintaining the illusion
of the mislead spell, Four-Guns Faust ‘claims’
Their leader is Four-Guns Faust himself, who victory in the showdown. If the characters
keeps one pair of hands on the reins of his horse refuse, or have detected Four-Guns’ deception,
and spreads his other two arms wide as a sign he drops the mislead spell and reappears behind
of parley. He calls out to the characters, telling Squint Westwood, guns pointed at the kobold’s
them he knows who’s in the cave and offering back.
to make a deal if they’ll come out and negotiate.
Slim Bill is no fighter: he stays behind in Squint Creatures
Westwood’s cave.
Four-Guns Faust and his posse attack with
Note: If the characters decide to shoot first
Squint and the characters in their crossfire. The
and ask questions later, move to Guns Blazing,
breakdown of enemy combatants is as follows:
֍֍ Level 4 PCs: Four-Guns and 6 thugs (with
The Bargain. Four-Guns is a devil of deals leadspitter pistols)
and bargains. He makes the characters an offer;
֍֍ Level 5 PCs: Four-Guns, 1 veteran (with
he wants to face off against at least two of the a leadspitter pistol), and 6 thugs (with
characters in a classic shooter standoff. He’ll leadspitter pistols)
dedicate one gun per opponent; whichever side
֍֍ Level 6 PCs: Four-Guns, 2 veterans (with
inflicts more harm on the other is the winner. a leadspitter pistols), and 4 thugs (with
If Four-Guns wins, he claims Squint and the leadspitter pistols)
Spirit of the Untamed West without interference.
If the characters win, Four-Guns promises to give Guns Blazing
up on his quest to control the spirit.
The above progression of events assumes the
Four-Guns Faust has no intention of playing fair. characters hear Faust’s offer or even leave the
At some point before the standoff commences, cave. If the characters shoot first or refuse to
he casts mislead to turn invisible and leave an leave their defensible position, Faust dispenses
illusion of himself behind. with pleasantries and orders his followers to
The Illusory Four-Guns. This illusion positions attack. The bandits use the rocks leading up
itself so that its gunslinger lackeys are behind and to the cave as cover; Four-Guns Faust uses his
to either side of it. When the characters and the mislead spell to distract the characters while
false Four-Guns draw and fire for the standoff, he sneaks closer under the cover of the spell’s
the characters of course hit nothing at all. invisibility.
Tactics Epilogue
Captive Spirit. If Squint dies during the battle,
the Spirit of the Untamed West appears as the If Squint is still alive, they decide to become a
hazy, cloudy silhouette of a cowboy above the wandering gunslinger and do some good in the
kobold’s body. Four-Guns Faust uses his reaction region.
to bind the spirit, which appears as incorporeal If Duroc was defeated, Slim Bill plans to
flaming chains. While the spirit is bound to Four- return to the Trough and reclaim control of his
Guns Faust, he gains the following benefits: information network. If Duroc was not defeated,
֍֍ His leadspitter attacks score a critical hit and the party simply escaped, Slim plans to
on a roll of 19 or 20. return to the Trough to overthrow his arch
֍֍ His shots deal force damage in place of nemesis.
their normal damage type. The oddities in the area around Westhallow
֍֍ He gains an additional special attack once continue, and the characters can continue to
per round that deals no damage but forces explore the new landscape, creatures, and
the target to drop one object of Four- phenomena that appear there as they continue
Guns’ choice. their adventuring careers.
Whether Squint survives or not, Faust’s defeat
ends his attempt to control the Spirit of the
Untamed West; even if he re-forms on some
fiendish plane of existence, the transformation
into a gunslinging devil doesn’t persist.
Passing on the Spirit. If Squint Westwood
survives, they believe the Spirit of the Untamed
West is safest with someone else; if Squint
perished in the battle, the spirit makes this
decision on its own. The spirit possesses one
of the characters, the most likely candidate
being one that has roleplayed the rootin’ tootin’
character of the wild west most enthusiastically.
The character that becomes host to the
Spirit of the Untamed West gains the following
֍֍ Their leadspitter attacks score a critical hit
on a roll of 19 or 20.
֍֍ Their leadspitter attacks deal force damage
in place of their normal damage.
֍֍ They can replace one leadspitter attack per
round with a special attack that forces the
target to drop an object of the character’s
choice on a hit.
Appendix A: Viscious
Bullet Bulette
Large monstrosity, unaligned
for making a ranged attack in close
combat. A creature hit by this attack
must make a DC 13 Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.
Standing Leap. The bullet bulette’s
long jump is up to 30 ft. and its high
jump is up to 15 ft., with or without a
running start.
The only thing worse than
a massive, voracious,
burrowing predator is
a massive, voracious,
armor-plated, burrowing
predator with a rotary-
cannon leadspitter in
its mouth. When the Cactus Pete
Medium humanoid, lawful evil
bullet bulette opens Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)
its enormous mouth it Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)
Speed 10 ft (30 ft.)
reveals a multi-barrel
leadspitter, which it
16 14 16 14 11 15
can use to fire a single (+3) (+2) (+3) (+2) (+0) (+2)
devastating shot or spin Saving Throws INT +5, WIS +3, CHA +5
up to create a deadly Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
stream of continuous fire Languages Common
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
for several seconds.
Multiattack. Cactus Pete makes two ranged attacks
with his leadspitter pistols.
Leadspitter Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2)
piercing damage.
Water Cannon (5 charges). Cactus Pete spews out a
hard hitting blast of water in a 30-foot line that is
5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 31 (7d8)
bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. Any target that
fails the save is also knocked prone.
Cactus Spikes. Cactus Pete adds 3 to his AC against
one melee attack that would hit him by erecting his
cactus spiked skin adding better defence. To do so,
he must see the attacker.
Clockwork Cowboy
Medium construct, chaotic neutral
Punch. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4
(1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
Leadspitter Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 60/120 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
Clockwork Hooligan
Fang-Tooth Billy
Medium humanoid, chaotic evil
Armor Class 15 (Studded Leather)
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft.
15 16 14 9 11 14
(+2) (+3) (+2) (-1) (+0) (+2)
Saving Throws STR +4, DEX +5, WIS +2
Skills Athletics +4, Deception +4
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Multiattack. Fang-tooth Billy makes two ranged
attacks: one with his fang spit and one with its
leadspitter pistol.
Leadspitter Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit, range 60/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 +
2) piercing damage.
Fang Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 10/40 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
piercing damage. The target must succeed on a
DC 10 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned
for 1 minute.
Four-Guns Faust
Medium fiend, neutral evil
The transformation of Westhallow’s
surrounding region have given rise to
many strange new creatures, but none Grunter, Grimbelly
Medium humanoid, any alignment
so notable as the intelligent humanoid Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
hog-people that call themselves grunters. Hit Points 60 (8d8+24)
Passionate gourmands, grunters tend to Speed 30 ft.
speak with a slow drawl. The grunters STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
primarily occupy a stony arroyo called the 14 10 16 10 11 9
(+2) (+0) (+3) (+0) (+0) (-1)
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Grunter
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage.
Leadspitter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to
Grunter, Slopeye hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10)
Medium humanoid, any alignment piercing damage.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 45 (6d8+18)
Speed 30 ft.
Reflux. When hit by a nonmagical weapon
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA attack, the grimbelly can use its reaction to
14 10 16 10 11 9 absorb some of the damage into its belly lard,
(+2) (+0) (+3) (+0) (+0) (-1) effectively taking 1d4 less damage.
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Grunter
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) bludgeoning damage.
Leadspitter. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10)
piercing damage.
Hangman Gargan
Small monstrosity, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 16 (Studded Leather)
Hit Points 65 (10d10 + 10)
Speed 30 ft.
17 15 12 13 12 14
(+3) (+2) (+1) (+1) (+1) (+2)
Skills Stealth +5
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 11
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Lasso. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. On
a successful hit, Hangman Gargan lassos around his
target’s neck and immediately tightens his noose knot
causing crushing damage to the target’s throat. The
target is now grappled and must succeed on a DC 15
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to slip
out of the noose’s grip on their next turn to escape it.
The grappled target also begins to Suffocate.
Tighten Noose. If a target is still grappled by Hangman
Gargan’s lasso when Gargan begins his turn, he can
tighten the noose again to automatically deal 6 (1d6 + 2)
bludgeoning damage.
Quick-Clank McCrank
Shotgun Sally
Medium humanoid, neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (Studded Leather)
Hit Points 75 (10d8 + 30)
Speed 30 ft.
11 18 16 11 13 10
(+0) (+4) (+3) (+0) (+1) (+0)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Perception +5, Stealth +4
Senses Passive Perception 15
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Multiattack. Shotgun Sally makes two attacks with her
ebble blasts.
Headbutt. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
Pebble Blast (Recharge 4-6). Ranged Weapon Attack:
+6 to hit, range 40/60 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4)
piercing damage. Shotgun Sally blasts swallowed pebbles
from her shotgun arms. If the attack hits its target, each
creature adjacent and within 5 feet of the target must
make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw taking 2 (1d4)
piercing damage on failure as the pebble shrapnel of the
blast sprays wide.
Squint Westwood
Small humanoid (kobold), neutral good
Leadspitter Long Gun. Ranged Weapon Attack:
+5 to hit, range 120/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6
(1d12) force damage.
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying,
modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights any original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity,
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or trademark including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each
Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility
translations (including into other computer languages), potation, or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in
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distribute; (d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity
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such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement and to that
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Product Identity.
Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this
License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open
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trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots,
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
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registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner
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the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of
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Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
in terms of this agreement. You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30
Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the
to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or termination of this License.
subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself.
No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
distributed using this License. unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty--
-free, non--- exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast,
Use, the Open Game Content. Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R.
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material
original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient
rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Wranglers of Westhallow: The Rise of Quick-Clank McCrank Copyright
2019, P.B. Publishing, Phil Beckwith.
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT Wranglers of Westhallow: Spirit of the Untamed West Copyright 2020,
NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the P.B. Publishing, Phil Beckwith.