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of the evidence
Karen Davies, Department of Information Science, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK
This paper provides a narrative review of the available literature from the past
10 years (1996–2006) that focus on the information seeking behaviour of
doctors. The review considers the literature in three sub-themes: Theme 1, the
Information Needs of Doctors includes information need, frequency of doc-
tors’ questions and types of information needs; Theme 2, Information Seeking
by Doctors embraces pattern of information resource use, time spent searching,
barriers to information searching and information searching skills; Theme 3,
Information Sources Utilized by Doctors comprises the number of sources uti-
lized, comparison of information sources consulted, computer usage, ranking
of information resources, printed resource use, personal digital assistant (PDA)
use, electronic database use and the Internet. The review is wide ranging. It would
seem that the traditional methods of face-to-face communication and use of
hard-copy evidence still prevail amongst qualified medical staff in the clinical
setting. The use of new technologies embracing the new digital age in informa-
tion provision may influence this in the future. However, for now, it would seem
that there is still research to be undertaken to uncover the most effective meth-
ods of encouraging clinicians to use the best evidence in everyday practice.
challenge is in resource selection as much as skills The review is not restricted to the UK. The pro-
in using the resource itself. fessional role or job title of the doctor is dictated
The three elements: information need, literature by the country of study. This paper will refer to
searching and resources, are all interlinked and the ‘doctor’, which in this context will include all
should not be considered in isolation. If there is no medical and surgical staff, including general prac-
expressed information need, there is no driving titioners (GPs). Studies that focused on medical
force to undertake a literature search. Similarly, a students or other healthcare staff, qualified or not,
lack of access or lack of search skills negatively were excluded. Studies were included if doctors
affects the use of electronic resources to answer and other healthcare staff were involved, but the
information needs. The actual mechanics and doctors results were reported separately.
skills of literature searching are extensive and will Studies were only included that contained the
not be covered in this article. full descriptive and analytical reporting of the research.
Qualitative studies were excluded. Grey literature
was also not considered in this review, as only
research published in journal articles was included.
In identifying studies (specifically journal articles) Table 12–35 provides a comparison of the studies
to be included in this narrative review, the following selected for this review. The actual date for data
databases were searched: , (1996 – collection, the country where the research was
2006) and : undertaken, the research methodology utilized,
. The search strategies used keywords the doctors’ professional role and the number of
and was limited to English language articles. The active participants in the research are detailed.
search strategies were developed for the three separate
themes and limited to the title and abstract:
Information needs of doctors
• Theme 1, the Information Needs of Doctors—
information AND need AND (physician OR
Information need
doctor OR clinician).
• Theme 2, Information Seeking by Doctors— There are various types of need. The most recognizable
(information OR literature) AND (search OR is ‘articulated’ or expressed need, which is an
seek) AND (physician OR doctor OR clinician). actual recognized need that demands an answer.36
• Theme 3, Information Sources Utilized by The need may be acknowledged, but no attempt
Doctors—(resource OR database) AND (phy- can be made to answer it. Unperceived or unexpressed
sician OR doctor OR clinician). needs are not recognized as information needs.37
Additionally, the reference lists of articles were In other words, the doctor is unaware that there is
searched. Research completed and published up a gap in their knowledge.
to 2006 was included in this review and only pub- It is assumed, by librarians and information
lished data was considered. This time restriction specialists, that doctors have information needs
does mean that research prior to 1996 has been associated with clinical work. However, as with
excluded from this review. any profession, the need varies amongst the popu-
The criteria for inclusion was that the focus of lation and is not homogenous. Little work has
the paper was either information needs, literature been carried out to quantify this need in the UK.
searching or resources used by qualified (post- The existing research and associated literature is
registration) doctors. Studies were excluded that heavily USA based. Whilst the information need
looked at patient administration and management, expressed by US clinicians may be the same as UK
such as electronic patient records. Studies were clinicians, the clinical setting is not. The National
also excluded that focused on continuing education, Health Service (NHS) is a unique environment
clinical research trials and teaching. and very different to that of private or insurance-
Studies were considered from both the primary based practice. This is probably more applicable
and secondary care sector, so encompassing an in the different interfaces between primary and
holistic approach to health care. secondary care.
to clinical questions
Andrews et al., 20054 USA Not stated Questionnaire Primary care practitioners 59
Arroll et al., 20025 New Zealand 11/99–02/00 Pre-questionnaire and direct Family physicians 50
Barrie and Ward, 19976 Australia Not stated Doctors recorded their own General practitioners 27
questions. Followed up with
a semistructure interview
Bennett et al., 20047 USA 12/02–01/03 Questionnaire (faxed) Physicians 3347
Bergus and Emerson, 20058 USA 5-year study Analysed clinical questions Family medicine residents 49
(dates not specified)
Bryant, 20049 UK 01/99–04/99 In-depth interviews and General practitioners 58
discussion groups
Chambliss and Conley, 199610 USA 02/95–07/95 Post-clinical session Family physicians 9
interviews to gather
unanswered questions
Cheng, 200411 Hong Kong 1999 Questionnaire, interviews and Hospital clinicians 50 interviews,
randomized control study 254 questionnaires,
800 randomized
control studies
Cogdill et al., 200012 USA 1996 Interviews Community-based primary 15
care physicians
Crowley et al., 200313 USA 07/00–04/01 Computer system collected Internal medicine residents Not stated
clinical questions
Cullen, 200214 New Zealand 01/01–08/01 Questionnaire, followed General practitioners 294 questionnaires,
up with interviews 20 interviews
D’Alessandro et al., 200415 USA 11/99–05/00 Control group V intervention General paediatric 52
and 12/00–05/01 (received 10 min training). residents (hospital)
Telephone interview
using critical incident technique
Ebell and White, 200316 USA Not stated Exit interviews and physicians Physicians 27 exit interviews,
© 2007 The author
Table 1 Continued
Green et al., 200019 USA Not stated Interviewed after each patient visit Primary care internal 64
to identify unanswered questions medicine residents
Jerome et al., 200120 USA 04/97–12/97 Librarians entered clinical Hospital healthcare Not stated
questions on to a database staff and patients
Kim et al., 200521 USA Not stated Questionnaire and Office based general 20
semistructured interviews paediatricians
Lappa, 200522 Greece Not stated Questionnaire Emergency-care clinicians 35
Magrabi et al., 200523 Australia 10/02–11/02 Clinicians used online evidence General practitioners 227
system to answer their questions
McAlister et al., 199924 Canada 06/97–10/97 Questionnaire General internists 294
Oliveri et al., 200425 Denmark 07/00 Questionnaire Hospital doctors 225
Ram and Wellington, 200226 UK 12/01–03/02 Questionnaire General practitioners 86
Ramos et al., 200327 USA Not stated Direct observation and self reporting Faculty and residents 38
Sackett and Strauss, 199828 UK 04/97–05/97 Descriptive feasibility study of Medical doctors and students 17
use of evidence and questionnaire
Schilling et al., 200529 USA 10/01–06/02 Attempted to answer questions and Internal medicine residents 43
then completed a questionnaire
Schwartz et al., 200330 USA 04/01–07/01 Physicians recorded their Clinical faculty in an 3
82 Information-seeking behaviour, Karen Davies
To fully comprehend the information-seeking the course of their careers. Therefore, doctors need
behaviour of doctors, it is important to under- to be able to refresh their memories and update
stand their information needs. Information needs their knowledge efficiently and effectively.
are the driving force behind literature searching.
Doctors have diverse information needs. Most
Types of information need
of the studies reviewed in this article focus on
clinical information needs rather than collecting Table 2 illustrates the main types of clinical
data on full range of clinician’s information needs. information required by medical staff from
The clinical information need is relatively easily selected research, organized by doctor’s professional
categorized and covers the main role of qualified role. There are limitations to this table. Responses
medical staff, namely treating the patient. that are not comparable with other studies have
An issue that can negatively affect information not been included and only those reported in three
need is information overload. Doctors can start with or more studies have been included. Responses
too little information and quickly become inundated, under 10% have also not been included. Therefore,
often with irrelevant or unreliable information. not all the responses are shown for each study.
Advances in information dissemination, such as Comparison of the results from these studies is
electronic newsletters, push technologies (informa- hindered by the different definition of terms, varied
tion sent to the recipient without it being requested) subjects, range of settings and diverse methods of
and RSS feeds have increased the amount of infor- data collection. However, basic analysis suggests that
mation received by medical professionals. In fact, the top categories of information need treatment
the hardest task now is to actually locate the infor- or therapy (average 38%), diagnosis (average 24%)
mation required from the flood of information and drug therapy/information (average 11%).
received. This is a particular issue in the medical field, The fifteen research studies reviewed used more
where the biomedical research information doubles than forty different definitions to analyse their
every 20 years.38 It would be virtually impossible data. However, over 90% of the studies used
for medical staff to retain all the knowledge ‘treatment’ or ‘therapy’ and more than 80% utilized
required to treat all the patients they examine over ‘diagnosis’.
Ramos et al.27 was in a university based clinic, profession may in fact produce similar results. The
which are usually teaching settings. USA-based studies are often conducted within
Even within the same environment, when the office practices, but these are not necessarily
circumstances altered, so did the number of ques- general practitioners as known in the UK. Moreover,
tions generated. The doctors asked fewer ques- a wide variety of specialists work in these environ-
tions when students were present—0.29 per patient ments, such as cardiologists, gastroenterologists,
compared with 0.42 when alone.12 endocrinologists, pulmonary disease specialists
The doctors’ perceived need for information and infectious disease specialists.1 There has also
may not reflect their actual need. In one study the been research conducted outside the USA in
perceived need was lower than their actual need. hospital based environments.2,11,22,25,28,31
Interviews after the patient visit identified more
questions than self reporting by doctors.16 How-
Information seeking by doctors
ever, Arroll et al.5 found the reverse to be the case
as doctors overestimated the number of questions Whether or not information needs are pursued
by threefold. depends on the individual’s ability to identify their
The average number of questions raised per need and then to express the need in terms that are
patient visit from the research articles reviewed in searchable by themselves or a third party.36
this article is 0.47. A study by Ely et al.17 counted There is a distinct difference between looking up
the number of questions raised by doctors in a a fact and literature searching. For example,
half-day observation period (4 h). On average checking the dosage for a prescribing drug is an
doctors asked 5.5 questions per half-day. It was information need of the doctor and can easily be
noticeable that the number of patients seen per located in the British National Formulary (BNF)
session was not quantified in the article, but this so does not require an extensive search of the liter-
figure would appear to be much higher that the ature. This is often not differentiated in research
other studies reviewed in this review. on doctors information needs.
Gorman et al.43 undertook a study to determine
if the information seeking behaviour of primary
Patterns of information resource use according to
care medical staff in rural areas were different from
purpose of search
those in non-rural areas. The results showed there
were no statistically significant differences in terms Evaluating the complexity of questions asked by
of the number of questions asked, the number of doctors suggests that 60% of the questions are simple
questions pursued and the number of questions (that is, one concept) such as the dose of a drug.5
answered. This reinforced the earlier work by This type of question doctors should be comfortable
Dorsch44 who reached a similar conclusion. answering with a minimal amount of training on
Despite the variance of number of questions computers and resource selection. Therefore, to
raised, these research articles prove there is an answer these simple concept questions, user educa-
information need generated by patient visits. tion should focus on resources that can be used
effectively with minimal training.46 In the UK this
could include training on how to access and search
Differences according to type of healthcare
resources such as the BNF and the Cochrane Library.
A study focused on whether clinical questions
Thirteen of the studies focus on the primary care could be answered by evidence-based medicine
sector. Six of these studies are from New Zealand, (EBM) resources.47 Librarians searched ,
Australia and the UK.5,6,9,14,23,32 It is acknowledged the
that these studies may not be relevant for other and HealthGate Clinical Guidelines to answer
professional groups of doctors. However, it should both complex and general care management ques-
not be assumed that any professional group is tions. The results did not reflect well on the EBM
cohesive enough to be a distinct unique group.45 resources. Only 20% of the complex clinical ques-
Therefore, research in other specialisms in the tions were answered, and just under half of the
once a fortnight.59 Therefore, it is possible for The first is if the doctor considers the patient’s
doctors to maintain their information skills at a problem to be urgent. The second is the doctor’s
reasonable level through regular searching. belief that an answer exists and it can be located to
To be effective literature searchers, doctors must assist in the clinical decision-making process.60
possess more than basic search skills. One study A study by D’Alessandro et al.15 found that on
identified the search strategies that end- average 1.2 resources were utilized to answer one
users utilized, namely keywords (94%), applied question. Potter and Rotert61 suggests that end-
‘limits’ (46%), combined terms with ‘AND’ (39%) users choose one or two electronic resources and
and medical subject headings (MeSH) 11% of the take the time to learn how to search them quickly
time.14 Decentralizing increased the and effectively.
number of searches and the doctor’s knowledge of
the database.42 The search strategies included ‘by
Comparison of information sources consulted
author’ (40%) and using ‘MeSH’ (60%). Concepts
such as explosion (55%), and focus (55%) were Table 5 compares the information sources utilized
also utilized. These results represent an encourag- by doctors in percentages from selected research.
ingly high use of specialist search skills. Only responses that are comparable with other
studies have been included.
The two information sources used most fre-
Information sources utilized by doctors
quently (averaged from the studies specified) are
There are a vast range of resources that can be text books (39%), followed by ‘humans’ (25%).
utilized by doctors, from journal articles to Computers were used on average by 13%, but the
government reports to original research. In fact, in highest percentage use, 53%, occurred in the latest
a time pressurized environment, such as on the published research in 2005.29
patient ward, it would seem probable that there are The heading of ‘humans’ covers all those a
almost too many potential information sources for doctor may contact. The participants of the Green
doctors to locate information efficiently. Technology et al. study19 consulted with attending doctors
develops rapidly, so this section focuses on research (17%), fellow residents (5%) and speciality con-
published from 2000 onwards. sultants (3%).
in their offices, so their lack of computer usage is practitioners by Andrews et al.,4 print and inter-
not surprising. By the next study of Ely et al.18 personal resources were more likely to be used than
(using data from 1996 to 1997), 13% used online sources. Printed drug resources were used
computers. This figure had risen to 16% by the several times a week or daily by 61% of respondents,
study published in 2005.17 and medical textbooks by 58%. A study of British
GPs highlighted their preference for referring to
paper publications rather than the electronic version
Ranking of information resources
of that resource.34 The resources utilized most
Table 6 ranks the information sources utilized by often were the British Medical Journal (93%), Drug
doctors in order of their importance. Only those and Therapeutics Bulletin (92%), National Institute
sources mentioned by two or more studies are for Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidance (82%),
included. Bandolier (69%) and Clinical Evidence (65%).
Disappointingly, but not surprisingly, two-thirds
of the studies ranked text sources first. In most of
Personal digital assistant (PDA) use
the studies, the category of ‘humans’ is the second
choice. Clinicians often find it quicker to ask a The ‘evidence cart’ experiment discovered that
colleague for advice.63 However, a study of clinical house staff liked having access to high quality
communications in a Bristol hospital highlighted evidence, but were more concerned with being able
that many of the phone calls were in fact unsuccess- to access the information within 30 s.28 The
ful attempts to locate the correct person.64 The downside with the evidence cart was its bulk, but
success rate of call events (telephone and paging) new technologies such as PDAs are more user-
was 74%. However, one-quarter of all call events friendly in the clinical setting.65 There are still
were attempts to identify the name of an individual barriers to hand-helds, which include their reliability,
with a specific role. Medical colleagues accounted size, security, limited memory and battery life.66
for 42% of the calls medical staff received. However, a study in a clinical setting in the UK
found that hand-held technology is an effective
tool to aid evidence-based medicine, as the devices
Printed resource use
held sufficient information to be relevant, accessible
Ramos et al.27 discovered that US residents were and effective at the point of care.67
more likely to use a pocket reference or consult A British study found that doctors preferred
another person (usually an attending or specialty UK resources to US ones. The BNF was on the
consultant) to answer their questions. The faculty PDAs in Phase II of a project. This was utilised by
were more likely to consult texts (pocket reference more users compared with the US drug informa-
and comprehensive texts). These results are similar tion source from Phase I.67
to the study by Arroll et al.5 where the doctors’
sources for most answers were books, followed by
Electronic database use
colleagues. Only 5% of questions were answered
using a computer, and most of these were simple, Three research studies did show substantial
not complex, questions. In a study of family computer usage. In the study of Schilling et al.,29
Table 7 Respondents answers to specific questions over the life of the study
the electronic sources utilized were (44%), occurred during this study. One of the major bar-
(42%), Internet search engines (5%), riers when searching the primary literature sources
(3%) and the Cochrane Library such as is that the questions generated by
(2%). The Cullen study14 found doctors accessed medical clinicians rarely match those answered by
(70%), clinical guidelines websites (47%) health researchers.69
and Cochrane Library (38%). Another study by
Scott et al.31 found the evidence source used most
The Internet
frequently was (76%), followed by Cochrane
Library (11%), and then Best Evidence (7%). The Internet as an information resource for
In a survey by Ramos et al.,27 EBM resources doctors has been evaluated by several studies. A
such as Patient-Oriented Evidence that Matters postal survey of British GPs found that 82% used
(POEMs), Clinical Evidence and the Cochrane the Internet, but fewer (53%) used electronic
Library were rarely used by the residents. In biomedical databases.54 A New Zealand study
London, a study was undertaken to determine the use reported that 48.6% of family practitioners used
of the Cochrane Library by GPs.26 Only 33% of the Internet for clinical information.14 The
the GPs had used the Cochrane Library and most respondents in this study were confused about the
(85%) of these had only used it occasionally. A difference between search engines and databases.
disappointing 52% had never heard of the Cochrane and PubMed were listed as ‘other search
Library. A later survey of UK general practice staff engines’ by 6% of respondents. Several medical sites
found that 11% were unaware of the Cochrane such as the British Medical Journal and Cochrane
Library.34 However, awareness and use of Cochrane Library were also listed as search engines.
Library is increasing. A postal survey in 2000 of The Internet is a useful tool to disseminate med-
Australian and New Zealand radiation oncologists ical research evidence and guidance. Government
and registrars determined their awareness and use departments, such as the Department of Health
of electronic resources.33 These respondents were and organizations (for example, NICE and the
reasonably aware of the Cochrane Library, with Royal Colleges) use the Internet to enable access to
18% unaware of the resource. However, the figure full-text documents and guidelines. Electronic
for not knowing about databases and other resources are accessible via
() was extremely the National Library for Health (http://www.
high (61%), especially as this has been part of the, either avail-
Cochrane Collaboration since 1996. A survey of just able to all for free or to NHS staff via Athens
the radiation oncologist registrars was repeated in authentication passwords.
2003. Ninety-four per cent were aware of the Cochr- Unfamiliarity with the computerized resources
ane Library and 49% had used it. This is a notable means searching would take even longer, as a suit-
increase from the 2000 data.35 Awareness of had able resource has to be located first.5 The Informa-
risen from 19 to 50% and usage from none to 15%. tion for Health Strategy70 outlined the importance
In a study by Byrnes et al.68 participants were of developing ‘desktop’ facilities for clinicians.
taught how to use (and access it via The National Electronic Library for Health, now
PubMed). Table 7 illustrates the changes that the National Library for Health (http://www. links to all the doctor. Basic analysis suggests that the top three
resources clinicians require to practice medicine categories are treatment or therapy, followed by
and contains best-practice guidance (National diagnosis and then, a distant third, by drug therapy/
Service Frameworks and the Guidelines Finder). information. When teaching information skills to
doctors, librarians can draw attention to the different
resources and different search skills. This will enable
the doctors to limit the search to specified areas.
This review focuses on the clinical information The research articles that considered foreground
needs of doctors. Librarians can provide doctors and background questions11,19 highlight a distinc-
with the skills to answer their ‘expressed’ or identified tion between two types of information need. Fore-
needs.26 Needs that remain unexpressed or are not ground focus on the patient and background on
identified by doctors cannot be answered. the condition or disease. Background questions
In the available literature, the studies that have are usually a simple ‘look-up’ retrieval of informa-
been undertaken to determine the information tion. Foreground questions are more complex and
needs of doctors utilized many different research this is where teaching doctors the four elements of
methodologies. Each methodology utilized has PICO59 is highly beneficial.
potential limitations associated with it that can Figure 1 illustrates the frequency with which
impact on the results. doctors asked questions derived from patient care.
This narrative review cannot compare like with This ranged from 0.16 to 1.27 questions per patient.
like as the studies employ such a variety of method- This is a substantial range and may be as a result
ologies. No systematic research has been under- of the different medical specialisms involved or the
taken or reported in the literature. different research methodologies utilized. All of
Observation creates an unnatural environment the research published has identified clinical infor-
and the observed may react differently to their mation needs. Therefore, it is important that all
normal working mode. Interviewing doctors may doctors are encouraged and given opportunities to
actually encourage questions as it allows them to develop basic information searching skills, or
revisit the patient encounter and reflect back, thus alternatively are signposted to those who can find
distortion of the data collected may occur. A ques- the information for them.
tionnaire is also problematic as it relies on the A study by Arroll et al.5 identified that 60% of the
recall of the respondent and their interpretation of questions asked by doctors are simple one-concept
the question posed. Self-reporting requires doc- queries. This suggests that raising the awareness of
tors to note responses during a busy clinical ses- doctors to the different resources available to them
sion, which may not be 100% complete because of (and providing basic instruction on their use) should
time constraints and other distractions. The most enable them to answer these simple questions.
effective study combines more than one method. It is difficult to estimate how long a specific
Covell et al.1 used both doctor self-reported ques- information search will take. However, ensuring
tionnaires and interviews (post-patient and post- that doctors have the necessary skills to effectively
clinic). Cheng11 utilized posted questionnaires, search should minimize the time spent locating rel-
interviews and a randomized controlled study. evant information. This is particularly important
Another problem with these studies is that most as, in certain time sensitive situations, doctors do
involved small sample sizes and therefore general- not have time to contact the library (or the ques-
ization to a larger population is problematic. The tion occurs outside library opening hours) and so
study of Ely et al.18 is the only one involving more must undertake the search for evidence themselves.
than a hundred doctors, and so can be acknow- According to a UK study,34 lack of training was
ledged as statistically robust. The studies of Ely the most common barrier to using the Internet
et al.18 and Ebell and White16 are the only two that and electronic databases. An American study56
counted more than a thousand patient encounters. indicated that over half the doctors were interested
Table 2 illustrates the types of information in improving their skills, but none had
required (organized) by the professional role of the taken advantage of existing education programmes
offered by the library staff. Promoting the sessions range of electronic resources available, no current
offered by librarians is vital. The Internet and resource was comprehensive enough or efficient
Intranet are useful tools, but require the doctor to enough for the clinicians.71 This is a major issue as
seek out the information. More pro-active meas- time constraints mean clinicians would prefer to
ures can be considered; for example, direct mar- utilize one authoritative source, rather than search
keting, leaflets in staff rooms and displays in several information sources. The high percentage
prominent areas such as the staff canteen. The (53%) of respondents using computers in the latest
onus still remains on the doctors to approach the research of Schilling et al. (2005)29 may be the start
library to actually book and attend information of an increased usage in IT as access and usability
skills training. There is no compulsion to develop issues are being addressed. However, research is
their skills and, until that is the case, it is unlikely minimal so it is too early to suggest that this is an
that all doctors will develop adequate information- upwards trend in IT use by doctors. More research
searching skills. is required in this area.
From the studies reported in Table 6, two-thirds The confusion expressed by doctors about search
of the doctors who responded ranked text sources engines (suggesting the British Medical Journal
first. However, these are not always the optimal and Cochrane Library were search engines)14
sources for evidence-based practice because of the raises concerns. Doctors must be aware of the
likelihood that they may not be up to date. This is validity and integrity of the websites they access.
not an issue if the information required is back- General web search engines will locate sites that do
ground or general information that can be retrieved not provide authentic healthcare information.
from textbooks. The real issue is when searching The doctor should double check and validate all
for information that can change rapidly, such as information from the Web, which can be time-
diagnostic tests and treatments, especially drugs. consuming and is not always straightforward. This
Critically Appraised Topics (CATs) are a more tendency to use Internet search engines is not
evidence-based option, but are only the appraisal limited to doctors, as research among higher educa-
of one article. If this is not the most suitable article tion students (JUBILEE and JUSTEIS) illustrates
available on that particular subject then the value that, from the users perspective, search engines are
of that CAT is minimal. Printed resources were the preferred method for locating information.72
found to be preferable to the same electronic Whilst the Internet is an excellent dissemination
resource by British GPs.34 The doctors ranked tool, doctors need to be taught by librarians how
‘humans’ as their second choice. The ease of use to evaluate websites. This could be a specific course
and interaction with others means that for the on the Internet or added to existing courses deliv-
doctor these are ideal social and informal methods ered by librarians on information skills.
for gaining information. Unfortunately, these The changes in the use of after doctors
responses may not be based on any reliable evi- were taught how to use it,68 illustrates the importance
dence. This information is more likely to be some- of librarians providing information skills training
one’s opinion, which is actually ranked at the sessions. The use of the Cochrane Library in the
bottom of the evidence hierarchy. This suggests studies of 2000,31 200214 and 200529 is disappoint-
that, in the real world, doctors are not yet embrac- ingly low. In the context of minimizing searching
ing the use of computerized resources. and appraisal time, this is disturbing as the infor-
From the research of Ely et al.62 in 1992 to their mation in the Cochrane Library has already been
200517 article, the increase in use of computers critically appraised. The poor uptake of Cochrane
illustrates an increasing awareness and usage of IT, Library suggests librarians can raise doctors’ aware-
possibly linked with the development of more ness of this resource.
user-friendly database search facilities. It is not
surprising that UK doctors preferred UK drug
information sources to American sources on their
PDAs.67 In the clinical setting, the UK informa- The recognized scholarly knowledge base continues
tion sources would be more relevant. Despite the to be one of the sources used by clinicians. The
other options of face-to-face communication, hard 7 Bennett, N. L., Casebeer, L. L., Kristofco, R. E. & Strasser,
copy and telephone calls still prevail in the clinical S. M. Physicians’ Internet information-seeking behaviours.
The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health
setting. The adoption and uptake of new technologies
Professions 2004, 24, 31–8.
within the clinical setting may influence this in the 8 Bergus, G. R. & Emerson, M. Family medicine residents
near future. However, for now, it would seem that do not ask better-formulated clinical questions as they
there is still research to be undertaken to uncover advance in their training. Family Medicine 2005, 37, 486–
the best way(s) to encourage clinicians to use the 90.
9 Bryant, S. L. The information needs and information
best evidence in everyday practice.
seeking behaviour of family doctors. Health Information
and Libraries Journal 2004, 21, 84–93.
10 Chambliss, M. L. & Conley, J. Answering clinical
Key Messages
questions. Journal of Family Practice 1996, 43, 140–4.
Implications for Practice 11 Cheng, G. Y. T. A study of clinical questions posed by
hospital clinicians. Bulletin of the Medical Library
• Doctors can develop skills to undertake Association 2004, 92, 445–58.
literature searching. 12 Cogdill, K. W., Friedman, C. P., Jenkins, C. G., Mays, B. E.
& Sharp, M. C. Information needs and information seeking
• Librarians need to highlight pre-appraised
in community medical education. Academic Medicine 2000,
resources such as the Cochrane Library. 75, 484–6.
• Librarians need to provide information 13 Crowley, S. D., Owens, T. A., Schardt, C. M., Wardell, S. I.,
literacy training. Peterson, J., Garrison, S. & Keitz, S. A. A web-based
compendium of clinical questions and medical evidence to
Implications for Policy educate internal medicine residents. Academic Medicine
2003, 90, 370–9.
• Doctors do have a need for information in the
14 Cullen, R. J. In search of evidence: Family practitioners’
clinical setting. use of the Internet for clinical information. Journal of the
• Electronic resources remain an under-utilized Medical Library Association 2002, 90, 370–9.
information source in the NHS. 15 D’Alessandro, D. M., Krieter, C. D. & Peterson, M. W.
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