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Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

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Methodology Matters

Thematic analysis of qualitative research data: Is it as easy as it

Ashley Castleberrya,⁎, Amanda Nolenb
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, 4301 West Markham Street, Slot 522-4, Little Rock, AR 72205, United States
University of Arkansas at Little Rock, School of Education, 2801 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204, United States


Keywords: Issue: We are seeing the use of qualitative research methods more regularly in health professions
Qualitative education as well as pharmacy education. Often, the term “thematic analysis” is used in research
Thematic analysis studies and subsequently labeled as qualitative research, but saying that one did this type of
analysis does not necessarily equate with a rigorous qualitative study. This methodology review
will outline how to perform rigorous thematic analyses on qualitative data to draw interpreta-
tions from the data.
Methodological Literature Review: Despite not having an analysis guidebook that fits every re-
search situation, there are general steps that you can take to make sure that your thematic
analysis is systematic and thorough. A model of qualitative data analysis can be outlined in five
steps: compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding.
My Recommendations and Their Applications: Nine practical recommendations are provided to
help researchers implement rigorous thematic analyses.
Potential Impact: As researchers become comfortable in properly using qualitative research
methods, the standards for publication will be elevated. By using these rigorous standards for
thematic analysis and making them explicitly known in your data process, your findings will be
more valuable.


We are seeing the use of qualitative research methods more regularly in health professions education, as well as pharmacy
education.1 Moreover, researchers recognize that qualitative methods provide “a source of well-grounded, rich descriptions and
explanations of processes in identifiable local contexts”2 meaning the descriptions arise from the data but provide insight that goes
beyond only numbers. Additionally, mixed-methods approaches combining qualitative and quantitative data analyses are becoming
more popular in health professions practice and education.3
Qualitative research has been used in fields like education, sociology, and anthropology for some time and has, excitedly, gained
more traction in the health research and health professions education fields but remains under utilized.2,4 This lag in adoption is
likely due to the skepticism regarding the rigor of such methods from researchers, including pharmacists, who are more accustomed
to quantitative research methods using statistical tests to “prove” an outcome and/or provide validity and reliability evidence.5 While
quantitative research tends to focus on the frequency, intensity, or duration of a behavior, qualitative research methods allow us to
explore the beliefs, values, and motives that explain why the behaviors occur. The primary aim of qualitative research is to gain a
better understanding of phenomenon through the experiences of those who have directly experienced the phenomenon, recognizing

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: ancastleberry@uams.edu (A. Castleberry), alnolen@ualr.edu (A. Nolen).


1877-1297/ Published by Elsevier Inc.

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

the value of participants' unique viewpoints that can only be fully understood within the context of their experience and worldview.
The value of this approach to empirical research is that it provides a richer, deeper understanding of the meanings that people place
on actions, events, and relationships.6 In academic medical education in general and in pharmacy education specifically, qualitative
methods are used to explore the complex phenomenon encountered by faculty, students, patients, and policymakers.7
The descriptive nature of qualitative approaches allows the researcher to build a complex, holistic picture in a natural setting.8
This approach has been described as a bricolage of a wide range of interconnected methods to capture the essential essence of a
phenomenon.9 The methodological literature is in agreement that qualitative research is a term that includes several research designs
(e.g., case study, ethnography, grounded theory, narrative inquiry, and phenomenology) characterized by specific design assump-
tions, sampling procedures, data collection, and data analysis protocols.10
One of the challenges to qualitative research is the open-ended nature of data as opposed to numbers only. Examples of qualitative
data can include interview transcripts, newspaper articles, questionnaire responses, diaries, videos, images, or field observations.
Text as data is often more difficult to reduce and identify patterns than numbers as data. Thematic analysis (TA) is a data analysis
strategy that is a commonly used approach across all qualitative designs and is the subject of this methodology review. Often, TA is
used in research studies and subsequently labeled as qualitative research, without providing the necessary details about how the
analysis reduced the data into workable themes and the emerging conclusions. Collingridge and Gantt note “an understanding of the
standards of rigorous qualitative research and familiarity with qualitative approaches has not kept pace with the growing presence of
qualitative methods.”11
TA is a method of “identifying, analyzing, and reporting patterns (themes) within data”.12 It is described as a descriptive method
that reduces the data in a flexible way that dovetails with other data analysis methods.13 It is used commonly because of the wide
variety of research questions and topics that can be addressed with this method of data analysis.14 TA of open ended responses from
surveys or transcribed interviews can explore the context of teaching and learning at a level of depth that quantitative analysis lacks
while allowing flexibility and interpretation when analyzing the data, but it should be undertaken with special care and attention to
transparency of the method in order to ensure confidence in the findings.12
This methodology review will outline how to perform TA on qualitative data. This research method can greatly benefit pharmacy
education, therefore it is imperative that studies be designed and reported effectively to maintain the high standards of educational
scholarship.15 By using sound and respected data collection and analysis techniques, the researchers can build trustworthiness and
credibility with their readers.6

Methodological literature review

In pharmacy education, the most common type of qualitative data gathered is in the form of open-ended responses to ques-
tionnaires or reflections in written form. Additionally, content from interviews and focus groups can be gathered. Designing questions
to gather the data in these multiple formats is integral to ensure collection of good data. While collecting the data can be very fun and
exciting, the real fun begins when the data are analyzed.
Yin's book, Qualitative Research from Start to Finish, outlines a general framework to design a qualitative research study: collect and
record data, analyze the data, display and disseminate your findings.6 For the remainder of this section, the focus will be on the
analysis portion of the research process.
In general, analysis of qualitative data can be outlined in five steps: compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and
concluding.6 The process of TA will be described within this framework.


Compiling the data into a useable form is the first step to finding meaningful answers to your research questions. Compiling might
mean transcribing so that the researchers can easily see the data. If your data needs transcribing from an interview or focus group,
some experts recommend that you do the transcription yourself.16 While this takes much more time then paying someone to provide
this service for you, the closeness to the data that you achieve during this process can jumpstart the other steps of the data analysis
process. It seems intuitive, but the researcher needs to read and reread the data to become intimately familiar with it. This should
occur many times throughout the analysis process. In this phase, the researcher is expected to transcribe interviews or focus groups,
collate responses, and organize other textual data to be included in the analysis. Transcription services can help the researcher to save
time but it is even more important that the researcher know the data intimately. In familiarizing themselves with the data,12 the
researcher acquires a sense of the entirety of the data and allows a greater understanding of phrasing or the meaning of a term when
viewed within the context of the whole. After getting your data in a consistent and organized format, you are ready to begin
dissecting your data to discover its components.


After compiling and organizing the data, it must be separated. Disassembling the data involves taking the data apart and creating
meaningful groupings. This process is often done through coding. Coding, in the realm of qualitative research, is defined as “the
process by which raw data are gradually converted into usable data through the identification of themes, concepts, or ideas that have
some connection with each other.”5 Coding simply involves researchers identifying similarities and differences in the data.16
Kuper describes how qualitative research differs from quantitative research in that “qualitative data analysis is largely inductive,

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

allowing meaning to emerge from the data, rather than the more deductive, hypothesis centered approach favored by quantitative
researchers.”4 The meaning that “emerges from the data” is often first seen as the data is disassembled or coded.
The activity of coding involves identifying interesting features of the data systematically across the entire data set and occurs at
multiple levels. Initially, codes are attached to units of data that could vary in size (i.e., phrase, sentence, paragraph) but usually
codes encompass a complete thought. They can take the form of a descriptive label that directly describes or is taken from the text.
However, codes can also be more abstract and complex in the form of metaphors or literary references.2 The code serves as a tag used
to retrieve and categorize similar data so that the researcher can pull out and examine all of the data across the dataset associated
with that code.
The action of coding requires the researcher to ask specific questions of the data as appropriate.17

• What is happening in the text?

• Who are the actors and what are their roles?
• When is it happening? (preceding event, during event, reaction to event, etc.)
• Where is it happening?
• What are the explicit and implicit reasons why it is happening?
• How is it happening? (process or strategy)
A coding strategy can be established before coding begins (a priori) based on a careful review of previous research or theory.18 If a
previous coding scheme has been used in other studies similar to yours, you may choose to use this as the starting point for your
scheme. This can be accomplished by reviewing the literature inside and outside of your discipline to uncover a coding scheme used
by others in similar context that could translate well to the new research situation. If the scheme does not fit your data well,
modifications can be made. In contrast to a priori, the coding scheme can be open or emergent–meaning that the scheme is created as
coding ensues because there is no beginning structure of the scheme but rather it develops during the coding process.
Saldana describes twenty-five coding methods categorized into seven groups.19 These approaches provide guidance to the re-
searcher and answers the question, “How do I know what to code for?” While twenty-five coding methods may seem overwhelming,
Saldana suggests that many of these methods overlap in intent and can be mixed and matched. For example, the “descriptive” code is
a code applied to a basic topic from the data. Descriptive codes could be used to identify a role, process, action, place or something
that is easily identified. Another coding approach is “In Vivo” coding that uses verbatim words or phrases from the participants’
narrative to describe the unit of data. In Vivo codes provide insight into how participants are talking about a phenomenon since it
uses the participants’ voice when developing units of code. For example, a participant might use the word “scripts” to refer to
prescriptions. This is a unique term that suggests a possible micro-culture such as pharmacy that uses specific terminology. Most
likely, the researcher would choose a combination of these approaches to coding based on the purpose of the study and guided by
their research questions.
As the researcher is coding, he or she is developing definitions for each code or groups of codes. These definitions could be
thought of as inclusion and exclusion criteria in a quantitative study, and they ensure that codes are applied reliably throughout the
data. As the code book containing code definitions is developed and refined, it is often necessary for the researcher to go back and re-
code previously coded material to make certain that data examined early in the analysis is coded in the same manner and with the
same coding definitions/criteria as data addressed later in the analysis. Researchers new to qualitative research methods often ask,
“When can I stop coding and analyzing data?” When no new themes are identified upon reviewing new data, researchers can be
confident in their coding scheme.5
Because TA draws upon a substantial amount of textual data, software programs are available to facilitate the organization
process. Collectively they are called Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data AnalysiS or CAQDAS (pronounced “cactus” – like the plant
in the desert). These can be helpful, but programs such as Microsoft Excel and Access can be as effective. NVivo® (QSR International
Pty Ltd), MAXQDA (VERBI GmbH), and ATLAS.ti® (Scientific Software Development GmbH) are widely used tools that provide
technological support to the qualitative research that streamlines the data analysis process and allows for more complex, deeper
analysis of the data. We have used NVivo® for several projects and found it easy to use while creating beautiful graphical displays for
the data.20 These software tools assist the researcher in looking at patterns of codes and links between codes across large fields of
data. Linguistic and semantic algorithms detect sequencing and co-occurring phrasing in a reliable and systematic manner. A
common misconception is that CAQDAS software can analyze the data for you–this cannot be farther from the truth. While software
can assist researchers with organizing large amounts of qualitative data, the researcher's mind is the power behind analysis and not
any software program. Fig. 1 provides example coding with NVivo®.


The codes, or categories to which each concept is mapped, are then put into context with each other to create themes. A theme
“captures something important about the data in relation to the research question, and represents some level of patterned response or
meaning within the data set”.12 Braun and Clarke use a house as an analogy to describe codes and themes-codes are the bricks that
comprise the walls or themes.14 If simply put, themes are patterns in the codes; they take the numerous pieces of related code to show
a bigger picture of what is being portrayed. Themes can be further divided into sub-themes.
Two common ways qualitative researchers put the data back together within themes are hierarchies and matrices. Thematic
hierarchies provide a visual tool with which to articulate how themes are subordinate or superordinate to each other. Hierarchies are

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

Fig. 1. Example of thematic analysis coding with NVivo(®) software.

constructed by clustering similar codes to produce higher-order codes. The researcher is then able to analyze the restructured data at
multiple levels of granularity. The higher-order codes provide the researcher a view across the broad, thematic landscape of the data.
More detailed codes allow the researcher to examine fine distinctions across instances. Matrices are constructed by arranging par-
ticipant roles, themes, variables, emerging concepts, and data sources into rows and columns to provide a broad visual representation
that grounds findings in the data and context.2 Heath et al. published an ‘insider's view’ to the method behind their study on hospital
outpatient pediatric care.21 Table 1 is one of the matrices they constructed showing participants (rows) and codes (columns). They
constructed separate matrices for each category. Each cell shows an excerpt of verbatim data from interview transcripts. The matrix
provided an important analytical tool for the researchers to examine how the participants viewed the role of pediatric services in the
community by their role.
Both hierarchies and matrices are tools used to provide a structure with which to reduce qualitative data as well as communicate
relationships among groups, contexts, constructs, and codes. Other tools to help visualize the data include flowcharts, concept maps,
and diagrams.
During reassembly, the analytical thinking of the researchers is evidenced. The researcher begins by gathering all relevant data
into each potential theme and continuously reviews each theme to determine if it is robust in relation to the coded extracts and data
set. Care must be taken to tell the story of the data and not arrange the data to support the researchers’ theory or overreach the data.7
When quality checking theme development, research should ask a few key questions14:

• Is this a theme (it could be just a code)?

• If it is a theme, what is the quality of this theme (does it tell me something useful about the dataset and my research question)?
• What are the boundaries of this theme (what does it include and exclude)?
• Are there enough (meaningful) data to support this theme (is the theme thin or thick)?
• Are the data too diverse and wide ranging (does the theme lack coherence)?
Review by multiple researchers can help to validate that the groupings of data are consistent with the raw data by establishing
inter-coder reliability. This can be easily accomplished through NVivo® and other analysis software programs by comparing coding
done by multiple researchers on the same text. A coding comparison query will calculate percentage agreement among coders as well
as a Kappa coefficient that considers the amount of agreement that could be expected to occur due to chance. It is important to note
that inter-relater reliability is not the “rule” when conducting qualitative research. If the data include unstructured, interactive
interviews, Morse cautions against attempting to achieve inter-coder reliability due the reflexive and complex nature of the exchange
between the interviewer and the participant(s).22 Doing so might unintentionally lead to an over-simplification of the coding,

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen

Table 1
Extract from the ‘Philosophy of Care’ matrix with italics indicating verbatim text.21
Ideology of CCTH Patient-centred Equity in service Equivalence to
approach provision hospital care

Manager 1 Gen Paeds doesn't need to be in hospital; with right Need to deliver services based on what families For some people a city centre hospital is Need to instil confidence that they're getting
infrastructure CCTH makes sense [p1, 24]. need; at the moment focused on what's easier for us CTH than a clinic in the community [p620, same level of care, but CTH [p2, 33].
QQQ [p16, 467]. 21].

Consultant 7 CCTH is a good recommendation; only patients who need Preservation of the institution (hospital), rather Make it clear to patients it's exactly same
specific investigations should attend hospital for outpatients than needs of the population they actually serve, service in satellite clinic, they are seeing me
[p1, 7]. seems to be the predominant interest QQ [p3, 69]. (same consultant) [page 1, 16].
Executive 5 The more we keep patients out of hospital, the better; don't If just transfer clinic from hospital to
want patients in hospital if don't need to [p1, 14]. CCTH is community setting, improve access for some,
part of bigger picture around self care and self management but reduce it for others QQ [p11, 340].
[p11, 350].
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815
A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

analysis, and insights in an attempt to reach agreement across a team of researchers.

If a researcher is working alone or shares the concern illustrated by Morse when working with unstructured and complex qua-
litative data, establishing intra-coder reliability along with member-checking or participant validation are a very suitable alter-
natives.19,22 Intra-coder reliability allows you to assess the consistency with which you are coding similar data. Experts recommend
coding a portion of the data right way, waiting a few days, then returning and re-coding the same data.2 Internal consistency should
be in the range of 85–90% depending on the complexity of your coding scheme. It is also recommended to review emerging findings
with participants in order to affirm that their experiences are represented accurately.22 Through this process you acquire valuable
feedback throughout the analytic process that in turn supports your ability to defend interpretations and conclusions.5,23


Unfortunately, data do not “speak for themselves”.6 This critical stage in the research process involves the researcher making
analytical conclusions from the data presented as codes and then themes. Even though the steps of data analysis are listed in linear
sequence, interpretation does not have to wait until the end of the analysis process. In fact, interpretation by the researcher should be
happening during the first three steps (compiling, disassembling, and reassembling).6
Yin explains that there is no checklist to constitute good interpretation, but there are five qualities that should be the goal of all
qualitative interpretations. First, the interpretation should be complete. Readers should be able to see the beginning, middle, and end
of how the interpretations were drawn. Second, the interpretations should be fair in that other researchers should reach the same
interpretation if given the same data. Third, the interpretations should also be accurate and representative of the raw data. Fourth, in
the context of current literature, good studies will add value to our understanding of the topic. Fifth, data methods and subsequent
interpretations should be credible and gain respect from colleagues.6
Once data has been reassembled through coding, the researcher is then able to extract excerpts from the data and view them in
relation to and in the concert with each other. Doing so allows the researcher to begin to start focusing on interpreting what is going
on within and across varied experiences, beliefs, and histories and thus begin to identify thematic patterns across the data. Themes
capture an essence of the phenomenon under investigation in relation to your research question or purpose of the study. These
usually are abstract and difficult to identify from reading over raw data the first few times. Furthermore, in TA, the importance of the
theme is not dependent upon how often it appears or how much data is contained within the theme. Rather, the importance is related
to whether it captures something important in relation to the overall research questions.
As part of this level of the analysis, researchers will often develop a thematic map which is a visual representation of themes,
codes, and their relationships (Fig. 2).24 These maps usually involved detailed descriptions of the themes including describing the
patterns identified across the coded data. Braun and Clarke provide an example of how thematic maps evolve throughout a study as
the researchers’ thinking about the themes and how they relate to each other evolve.12 This visual representation provides another
level of analysis in TA that allows the researcher to place the themes in the larger context of the larger landscape of the phenom-
Qualitative data analysis software is particularly useful in developing data visualizations in the form of a three-dimensional map
of code clusters. By viewing your re-assembled data in this way, you are able to see relationships and connections among constructs
that are not readily apparent. Fig. 3 provides example data visualization in NVivo® showing how codes cluster together in the text
across the data. The size of the nodes suggests how often that code is present across the data. The colors indicate families of codes or
codes with meanings or functions. The diagram can be rotated in any direction to get a clearer view of any particular code. This
particular figure is from a content analysis of academic department chair job postings across 20 years.26
These major themes become the starting point in interpreting how the themes relate to each other. Be cautious to not simply
restate one's codes and themes as interpretations. Your interpretations should be at higher levels than themes. This means that
interpretations should include discussions of relationships between themes and more global findings in the context of all codes, which
is broader and more general than the specific codes, or themes. Another way to identify interpretations from the data is to answer
research questions after the data has been coded. After all, research questions are where studies start and end. When you have enough
clarity to write the subtitle for your manuscript, you know you have arrived at your interpretations.6 Interpretations should arise
easily from your data and become the foundations for your conclusions.


In the context of TA, raw data forms codes and codes form themes and thematic maps. Identifying and defining these themes leads
to interpretations. Conclusions are the response to the research questions or purpose of the study.6 All research should start with a
plausible research question and analysis should always answer a question; it just could be that the question shifted slightly over the
course of the data analysis process.14
While the qualitative research community resists establishing a single set of evaluative standards to determine research quality,
some journals may require adherence to certain guidelines in order to publish qualitative research. Qualitative researchers ascribe to
common values of transparency of data analysis and recursive interpretations.27 Research must yield results that are open for careful
scrutiny into the researchers’ decision making throughout the analysis process. This can be accomplished with a detailed description
of coding procedures and criteria, detailed description of how codes and patterns of codes led to themes and resulting interpretation.
It is worth noting that conclusions from qualitative research are not usually generalizable.23,28 The conditions in which qualitative
research is conducted can often not be replicated. This is not a hindrance or limitation to the research, but rather a feature of the

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

Fig. 2. Example thematic map for visual representation of themes, codes, and their relationships.24
Reprinted from Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology Proc. of the First Int. Conference on Concept Mapping, Volume 1, Daley, B. J., Using
concept maps in qualitative research, 191-197, Copyright 2004, with permission from Author.

research to be acknowledged. Readers should assess how findings can be transferred and applied to their own area of practice.4,5 This
process, termed analytical generalization, allows the reader to identify differences and similarities between the research context and
their situations in order to determine relevance and applicability of study findings.11

Recommendations and their applications

1. Surround yourself with a team of researchers with expertise in qualitative research. Whether you are just starting this type of research
or have been conducting it for years, the power of a team and mentorship cannot be overstated.5
2. To increase the consistency of the coding process, multiple coders should be used. This quality assurance process will ensure that your
coding scheme and interpretations are illustrative of your data. If it is not possible to have multiple coders, keep detailed notes of
decisions you make regarding coding the data and reassembling the data into themes.23
3. Know your own biases and report these openly in your manuscripts. In qualitative studies, the researcher is a part of the research
process itself and thus brings their worldview in addressing the research questions.5 Therefore, it must be clear to the reader who
the investigator is and how their background could bias findings.29
4. When reporting, include direct quotations from your data that are brief and targeted to show readers the quality of your coding, theme
generation, and subsequent conclusions. This can be a large step towards transparency and dependability. Readers will be more
likely to accept your conclusions when they see that they are rooted in empirical participant data.16 Try to avoid simply providing
numbers to quantify how many participants mentioned each theme. This may be appropriate for certain data, but it should not be
the only data represented in a qualitative study.
5. To increase reliability, use sound research methods for collecting and analyzing data as described in this review. According to Collinridge
and Grantt, “qualitative researchers who adopt reliable, qualitative methods and conduct their analyses in a competent manner
are expected to produce results that enrich our understanding of the meanings that people attach to social phenomena.”11
6. Answer your research questions. Aligning data collection methods with your research questions while obtaining results that cor-
relate with other previously published data will increase validity.11,30
7. Take your time when coding for it is foundational to the data analysis process and should not be rushed. TA is hard work. If you are
growing data weary, take a break from your work and return to it with fresh eyes. Be flexible in your analysis. If your inter-
pretations are not coming easily, consider recoding the data to make sure you didn't miss key concepts.

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815

Fig. 3. Example of data visualization available with NVivo(®) showing how codes cluster together in the text across the data.

8. Don't be afraid to start again. The data analysis process for TA is not linear nor does it necessarily occur once all of the data are
collected. The process is recursive in nature where the researcher moves in and out of each phase of analysis. For example, upon
examining patterns to establish a theme, the researcher might identify an unexpected pattern that can be further defined with
additional coding and re-assembling.
9. Allow the readers to trust you and your work. Make sure that you are transparent about your analysis process (credibility), provide
adequate detail of study content so the reader can determine if the findings are generalizable (transferability), indicate con-
sistency in your research to show repeatability (dependability), and ensure that your results arise from the data and not your
biases (confirmability).

Potential impact

By following these steps for TA of qualitative data, researchers can present work that is trustworthy and credible. An example of
both using and explicitly describing sound qualitative analysis processes is found in Austin's article entitled “Continuous Professional
Development: A Qualitative Study of Pharmacists’ Attitudes, Behaviors, and Preferences in Ontario, Canada.”31
In this study, forty-two pharmacists participated in small, 90-min focus group sessions with an experienced facilitator who
facilitated discussion on continuing professional development. Data gathered included field notes and direct participant quotations.
CAQDAS software was used to assist in the coding of raw data that was further refined into themes and subthemes. Confirmation of
major themes was achieved through constant comparison with field notes and member checking. Direct quotes were used within the
body of the manuscript to allow the reader to verify thematic coding and ensure that conclusions were then drawn from the in-
terpretations of themes.
Benefits of following these recommendations include recognized validity and reliability of your qualitative work. Additionally,
researchers who have not tried any type of qualitative methods previously could follow these steps and produce insightful work.12
There is no magic prescription for how to best analyze qualitative data. In fact, analysis can even change during analysis; this
flexibility is often noted as one of the strengths and advantages of qualitative research. But despite not having an analysis guidebook
that fits every research situation, these general steps will help you make sure that your analysis is systematic and thorough.27 As more
researchers become comfortable in properly using qualitative research methods, the standards for publication will be elevated. By
using these rigorous standards for TA and making them explicitly known in your data process, your findings will not only be valued in
the arena of pharmacy education, but in other fields of study as well.

A. Castleberry, A. Nolen Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 10 (2018) 807–815


Authors have nothing to disclose in relation to this manuscript.


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Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning
Volume 13, Issue 2, February 2021, Page 192

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Declaration of Competing Interest statements were not included in the published version of the following articles that appeared in
previous issues of Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.
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Development and implementation of an interprofessional pharmacotherapy learning experience during an advanced pharmacy prac-
tice rotation in primary care (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2018; 10/7: 990–995) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.
04.014. Declaration of competing interest: I have no conflicts of interest to report.
Evaluation of the relationships among happiness, stress, anxiety, and depression in pharmacy students (Currents in Pharmacy Teach-
ing and Learning, 2018; 10/7: 903–910) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.04.002. Declaration of competing interest: None of the au-
thors has any conflicts of interest to declare.
Student pharmacist perceptions of participation in hands-on naloxone counseling (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning,
2018; 10/6: 712–716) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.03.002. Declaration of competing interest: Neither I nor the other authors
have any conflicts.
Description of a pediatric degree option program in a doctorate of pharmacy curriculum and its impact on pediatric-focused ad-
vanced pharmacy practice experience rotations and faculty scholarly productivity (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning,
2018; 10/5: 627–636) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.01.002. Declaration of competing interest: We have no conflicts to disclose.
Evaluating pharmacy student perceptions and effectiveness of procrastination prevention events (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and
Learning, 2020; 12/5: 570–576) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2020.01.008. Declaration of competing interest: I have no conflicts of
interest related to this piece.
Blend your passion with your craft: Artisanal habits in academic writing (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2019; 12/1:
5–7) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.03.002. Declaration of competing interest: I don't have any conflicts to report with regards to
this manuscript.
A novel online platform promotes asynchronous class preparation and thought transparency (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and
Learning, 2019; 11/10: 1069–1076) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2019.06.015. Declaration of competing interest: None.
Reflective metacognition and objective structured clinical examination performance in introductory pharmacy practice experiences
(Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2020; 12/10: 1208–1214) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2020.04.030. Declaration of
competing interest: None.
Successes, Challenges, and Impact of a Large-Cohort Preclinical Interprofessional Curriculum: A Four-Year Reflection (Currents in
Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2018; 10/5: 662–668) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.01.003. Declaration of competing interest:
Nothing to Disclose.
Mothers in Academic Pharmacy (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2018; 10/9: 1168–1170) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
cptl.2018.06.005. Declaration of competing interest: The authors have nothing to disclose.
Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Research Data: Is it as easy as it sounds? (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2018; 10/
6: 807–815) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.03.019. Declaration of competing interest: Authors have nothing to disclose in relation
to this manuscript.
Teaching and assessing clinical ethics through group reading experience and student-led discussion (Currents in Pharmacy Teaching
and Learning, 2018; 10/5: 602–610) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cptl.2018.01.009. Declaration of competing interest: None.

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