02-P7 Session Plan (NEW)
02-P7 Session Plan (NEW)
02-P7 Session Plan (NEW)
of Players
This Pattern Of Play practice can take place on a full size pitch, with a complete team or in units. For
the purpose of this practice we will have 9 players and balls positioned on the pitch as shown.
Players must react to the number call from a coach or from ball played into a specific area as players
react, be creative as a coach to stimulate individual players.
Variations in the combination play between the players. Encourage one-two’s and quick play to
replicate match situation.
Add two defenders to create realism when playing final pass/cross.
Player Questions
Coach Notes
How quickly can you react to coach call?
Who is the slowest to react and why?
What different types of counter can you come up with?
Can you encourage passer to play best option?
© Touchtight Coaching
Club Age Group Coach Session Title Date Start Time Duration No. of Players
Detail any individuals, pairs, trios and units to work on in the group and specify what detail you will be developing within each session element.
© Touchtight Coaching