Invasion Games Program Planner Cards
Invasion Games Program Planner Cards
Invasion Games Program Planner Cards
Invasion Games are played between two teams, one an attacker and one a defender. The space of one team is ‘invaded’ by the other with the aim to
score a goal or point. Sports that use invasion game objectives include AFL, basketball, football (soccer), hockey, netball, rugby league, rugby union,
and touch football.
Invasion Games provide fun and engaging ways to develop physical literacy across the four domains as outlined below.
Keep groups and teams small to Create opportunities for winning Encourage communication Provide opportunities where
provide more skill development and losing and success and between participants in game participants must move and
Examples of how opportunities. failure. situations. orientate themselves.
these can be Provide a variety of activities so Discuss the emotions you feel and Discuss the ways we can Use questioning to explore pros
developed participants can develop multiple how you can learn from them for communicate with each other
skills. the next attempt. e.g. using your voice, waving your
Coaching tip
• Pair players with opponents of similar ability to increase participation.
• Ask the players for ideas to ensure everyone is included.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Players work in pairs. Pairs Equipment needed: Game setup:
stand back to back and make > Balls (1 per pair) Split players into pairs and give each pair a ball. Pairs stand back to back. Players perform passes from
as many passes as they can in > Markers the options below.
a set period of time.
Pairs remain stationary. Pairs pass then move. Spread out several markers around the playing space.
“Pass the ball between you and your partner until I call STOP!” “Pass the ball 10 times between you and your partner. Run to another marker and make
another 10 passes. Keep going until I call STOP! Count how many markers you get to.”
Scoring Optional: Pairs count how many passes they can make in a set period of time.
Repeat game, pairs see if they can beat their previous score.
Repeat game, pairs see if they can beat their previous score.
ASK: “How can you and your partner work together to pass quickly and get to more markers?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Players can sit back to back on chairs to > Players need to be aware of others
passes at each marker (e.g. red marker = over around them.
the head, green marker = side to side, blue perform passes.
marker = between the legs). >
players can be restricted to walking
> Make it easier by allowing players to move for safety.
their feet while passing.
Teaching Style:
> Use picture cards of the pass you want
players to perform.
> Play indoors or outdoors on grass
or hard surfaces.
> Use player role models to highlight good
passing technique. > Minimise background distractions.
> Use discrete one on one coaching to
assist with skill development.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Players must keep at least 1 foot on their dot. Progression from stage 1. Choose one player to stand in the middle to be the interceptor.
TO ALL PLAYERS: “When you have the ball, choose someone else to pass it to. You TO PASSERS: “The interceptor is going to try to catch the ball. You need to throw it so they can’t touch it.”
need to look at them and call their name. They will show you they are ready to catch TO INTERCEPTOR: “Try to catch or touch the ball while it is in the air.”
the ball by putting their arms out. You can then throw the ball to them.”
If the interceptor catches or touches the ball, they swap positions with the player who threw it.
“If you don’t have the ball, wait for someone to call your name. You then need to put
your arms out ready to catch the ball.” ASK: “What kind of passes can you make to keep the ball away from the interceptor?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Ensure the interceptor stands at
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
1,2,3... 1,2,3,4,5 —
move marker
Scoring Optional:
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Vary the type of pass e.g. chest, shoulder or
bounce pass. Equipment:
> Vary the type of ball. Make it easier by
> Vary the challenge to speed up or slow using a larger softer ball. Make it harder by
down the game, e.g. give players 10 seconds using a smaller or harder ball depending on
to pass instead of 30 seconds. Or get pairs to the sport you are coaching.
make 3 passes instead of 5 before moving on.
> Vary the passing set up. Use equipment
> such as a skipping rope for players to pass
challenge (must intercept the ball in the air, over. Or players can stand on either side of
not take it out of a person’s hands). the markers so they pass ‘through’ the
markers (i.e. the markers make a ‘gate’ for
> Increase or decrease the time challenge. pairs to pass through).
> Ensure there is enough space to
Teaching Style: Environment: avoid collisions.
> Vary the passing distance. To increase
> Use visual aids such as picture cards > Set up enough pairs of markers to
success, move players closer to each other.
of a throw and catch to demonstrate allow free movement.
To challenge players, move them further
the skill you want players to perform.
> Players must be aware of others
> Use to move through moving around in the same playing
> Play indoors or outdoors.
the activity with players. space.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
“Pass the ball to one of your team “This time, I will give you 1 point if you can TO ATTACKERS: “Pass the ball between your team. You score 1 point if you can make 5 passes without dropping
mates then move to another spot. Call make 5 passes in a row without dropping the ball or having a defender touch the ball.”
the name of your team mate if you the ball.” TO DEFENDERS: “Try to intercept the ball. You cannot touch players or take the ball out of their hands.”
want them to pass you the ball.” TO ALL: “The attacking team will swap with the defending team if the ball is dropped or touched by a defender,
Play for a set period of time (e.g. 2 or after the attacking team makes 5 passes.”
minutes). Coach to keep track of score.
Repeat and see if teams can beat their ASK:
score. ATTACKERS: “Where should you move to if you want your team mate to pass to you? How can you let them know
you are ready for a pass?”
DEFENDERS: “How can you make it hard for an attacker to make a pass? How can you put pressure on players
wanting to receive a pass?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Increase or decrease team numbers. > Enforce ‘No Contact’ rule.
E nvironment:
> Encourage players to be aware of
> Make the playing space larger to allow
others around them, i.e. watch out
more movement, make it smaller to
Teaching Style: increase intensity.
for other players as well as watching
the ball.
> Place on each team to assist
with attacking and defending. > Replicate game to ensure all players are > Ensure the equipment used is
engaged. suitable for the ability level of the
> Use questioning to encourage participants players. If playing soccer ensure
to think of their own strategies. > Players with limited mobility can be players kick along the ground.
positioned over the boundary line or in
> Use a designated ‘safe zone’ (each attacking
attacking and defending skills. team must make one of their 5 passes to
this player).
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
“Pass the ball between you and your partner until I call “Count how many passes you and your partner can make over
STOP!” the line in 1 minute.” “Make 1 pass over the line to your partner. Run to the next line then
make 1 pass over that line. Keep going for 1 minute. Count how many
Call “STOP” after 1 minute. Call “STOP” after 1 minute. passes you can make.”
“Move with your partner to another boundary line. Pass again “Move with your partner to another boundary line. Pass again Call “STOP” after 1 minute. Repeat and see if pairs can beat their
until I call STOP!” until I call stop. See if you can beat your score.” score.
Repeat. Repeat. ASK: “How can you work together to make more passes?”
“Is it harder or easier to pass while you’re moving compared to standing
still? Why?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
You must keep at least 1 foot on your dot. Progression from stage 1.
TO PASSERS: “Pass the ball between you and your partner until I call TO PASSERS: “This time, count how many passes you can make in 1 minute without the interceptor touching the ball. At
STOP. Try not to let the interceptor touch the ball.” least 3 of your passes need to be bounce passes.”
TO INTERCEPTOR: “Try to catch or tap the ball when it is passed. If you TO INTERCEPTOR: “You score 1 point for every intercept you make. You need to catch the ball to count as an intercept.”
do catch it, give it back to the passers.”
Call “STOP” after 1 minute and swap interceptors. See if passers and interceptors can beat the previous score.
Call “STOP” after 1 minute and swap interceptors.
TO PASSERS: “Where will you aim to pass the ball?” “How will your partner know where to catch it?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Make it harder for passers by restricting > Use markers to mark out zones for
the types of passes e.g., cannot pass over passers and interceptor to stand in.
shoulder height. SAFETY!
> Play in groups, for example with 3 passers
and 2 interceptors.
> Vary scoring e.g. count how many passes
can be made in a set time or before
interceptor touches the ball.
> Move passers closer or further away from
each other.
Teaching Style: > Replicate the game to ensure all players
> Give one on one coaching during the are engaged and active.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
TO PLAYER 1: "Pass the ball to your team mate on the other side. You then need Progression from stage 1. Place a marker approximately 2 metres behind each line.
to run and stand behind them."
TO PLAYER 1: "This time you need to pass the ball to your team mate on the other side, then run around the
TO PLAYER 2: "When you catch the ball, wait for the person who threw it to stand marker behind them and back to where they were standing."
behind you before you pass it."
TO PLAYER 2: "When you catch the ball, wait for the person who threw it to run past you before you pass it."
Scoring optional: "I will call STOP after 1 minute. Count how many passes you can
make before I call STOP." Teams try to beat their score. Teams count how many passes they can make in 1 minute. Repeat, teams try to beat their score.
ASK: “How can you work faster to make more passes in the set time?"
"Why do you need to wait for your team mate to run past you before you can pass the ball?"
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Allow attackers to maintain possession > Use brightly coloured balls or balls that
if they drop the ball (dropped passes don’t make noise, such as a goalball, to cater for
count as a score). SAFETY!
> Ensure there is enough space to
> Limit the number of steps players holding
avoid collisions.
the ball can take.
> Enforce ‘no contact’ rule.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Players work together to pass Equipment needed: Game setup:
a ball around in a circle. A > Balls Place coloured dots (1 per player) in a circle, spaced evenly. Ask players to each stand on a coloured
challenge is added to speed > Coloured dots dot facing into the circle. Play with no more than 10 players in a circle.
up the passing.
Give 2 players standing on opposite sides of the circle a ball. Give a ball to the running player. Play with up to 6 players per circle. Choose 1 player to stand
in the middle of the circle and give them a ball. They are the
“Pass the ball to the player on your left. Keep passing around the TO THE RUNNER: “Pass the ball to the person on your left. You passer.
circle in a clockwise direction.” then need to run around the outside of the circle until you get
back to your dot. Run in the same direction that the ball is being TO THE PASSER: "Pass the ball to each player one at a time.
[Point in the direction players will pass]. passed. Try to beat the ball back.” They will be moving so make sure you pass it slightly in front of
“See if you can make one of the balls catch the other one.” TO PASSERS: “Pass the ball as fast as you can around the circle.
Try to get the ball back to the start before the runner gets back TO THE PLAYERS IN THE CIRCLE: “When I say GO, start walking
to their dot.” around the circle in a clockwise direction.”
Rotate runners after each turn. [Point in the direction players will move].
“When the passer throws you the ball, catch it and throw it back
> Call “CHANGE” to get players passing the
ball or moving in the opposite direction.
> Use a ball relevant to the sport you are
> Vary type of pass, e.g. bounce pass, rolling.
> Vary the type of ball. Make it easier by
> Ball Race & Beat the Runner: Players can using a larger softer ball. Make it harder by
turn around so they are facing out of the using a smaller ball.
> Add a third ball for Ball Race. SAFETY!
> Ball Race: Start the balls closer together.
> Use a softball glove to catch if relevant. > Use a ball appropriate for the
players’ ability level.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
These are fun energiser Equipment needed: Game setup:
games using balls to develop > Balls (netball size) Players stand in a circle. Play with approximately 8 - 12 players.
hand eye coordination and
Players stand with their legs apart and outside of feet touching. Players stand approximately 1 metre apart.
“You score a goal by rolling the ball across the circle through the legs of another player. You can “Throw the ball up in the air to any player except the players next to you. Count how many passes
use your hands to stop the ball rolling between your legs. Make sure the ball is rolled along the
Alternatively, use the alphabet to track how many passes the group can make, i.e. say a
letter for each pass and see which letter they can get up to.
> Players can’t throw or roll the ball to the players
next to them or back to the player they received it Equipment:
from. > Use a ball relevant to the sport you are
> Circle Goal Ball: Add another ball into the game.
> Keep It Up: To make it easier, use a beach
> Circle Goal Ball: Play in teams. Every second ball.
player tries to keep the ball in the circle while the
others try to force it out (through their own legs > Circle Goal Ball: For players with a visual
does not count). impairment, play with a goal ball, bell ball or SAFETY!
a noisy ball (e.g. basketball wrapped in plastic
> Use a ball appropriate for the
> Keep It Up: Allow the ball to bounce once. bag). All players can wear eye shades / blind
players’ ability level.
folds and use their listening skills.
> Keep It Up: Add a time challenge to speed it up > Ensure a safe distance between
(e.g. see how many passes you can make in 30 individuals and games.
> Circle Goal Ball: Make sure the
ball is rolled along the ground.
> Vary the size of the circle by moving players > Keep It Up: Ensure players throw
closer or further apart. safely for receivers to catch. Ideally
Teaching Style: players will call the name of the
> Use visual aids such as picture cards > Increase or decrease number of players. person they are throwing to.
of a throw or roll to demonstrate the
skill you want players to perform. > Replicate game to ensure high involvement.
> Use to join in the game > Play indoors or outdoors. Appoint some
to increase engagement and intensity.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Players stand on their dot facing opposite directions. Players stand with both feet on their dot.
TO PLAYERS: "When I say GO, if you are standing on a blue dot run to the blue markers, if TO PLAYERS: "When I call RED, if you are standing on a red dot, run to the red markers. If you are
you are standing on a red dot run to the red markers." standing on a blue dot, chase your partner and try to tag them before they get to the red markers.
When I call BLUE, if you are standing on a blue dot, run to the blue markers. If you are standing on
Change locomotor movements after a few turns, e.g. skipping, hopping, jumping. a red dot, chase your partner and try to tag them before they get to the blue markers."
Change locomotor movements after a few turns e.g. skipping, hopping, jumping.
Scoring optional: 1 point for players who get to the markers without being tagged. 1 point for
players who tag their partner before they get to the markers.
> Change the locomotor movements.
> Add a challenge e.g. when you get to the > Use a coloured dot or base for players to
markers do 5 star jumps. run to.
> For Game 1 'Split': players race to the marker > Use tape or lines instead of markers.
and back to their dot (make sure they have a
> Introduce equipment relevant to the sport
safe stopping distance between coloured dots). SAFETY!
e.g. each player dribbles a basketball whilst
running away from their partner > Ensure the playing space is free
from hazards or obstructions.
If playing indoors, make sure
boundaries are well clear of walls.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Dribblers Dribblers
Defender Defender
TO DRIBBLERS: “When I say GO, dribble your ball to the other end line. TO DRIBBLERS: “When I say GO, dribble your ball to the other end line. Stay inside the boundary lines. Try not to let the
Stay inside the boundary lines. Try not to let the defender take your ball.” defender near your ball. If your ball gets stolen or kicked away, put your ball to the side of the court. You must then stand
Dribblers wait at each end for the coach or defender to call “GO!” “Try to steal or kick the ball away from the dribblers. Be careful not to touch the players as you go for
the ball.”
ASK: “How can you use your body to protect your ball from defenders?” “Where should you try to look while you are
dribbling to the other side? “
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Add more defenders to make it harder for
> Give defenders a ball so they must also be
> > Ensure playing area is free from
get through the space before “GO” is called
> > Players need to be aware of others
for the rest of the players. E.g. “Everyone
wearing black shoes.” around them.
Environment: >
Teaching Style: > Make it harder for the defenders by
making the area larger. Make it harder for
players can be restricted to walking
for safety.
> Play the game with participants, either as
a dribbler or defender. the dribblers by making the area smaller.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
“Move around inside the square dribbling your ball. I am All players have a ball except 1 or 2 players who are selected to be robbers.
If the coach taps the ball away, give it back to the TO ROBBERS: “Try to grab the ball away from the dribblers. You cannot touch or bump players while you are stealing the ball.”
player to continue dribbling.
TO DRIBBLERS: ”How can you maintain possession of the ball?”
If a robber steals a ball, they give it back to the dribbler. Play for a set amount of time then rotate robbers.
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Be lenient with the dribbling rule, e.g.
allow players to bounce the ball once every
3-4 steps depending on ability level. Equipment:
> Vary the type of ball. Make it easier by
> Add a “No-Go” zone along each sideline using a lighter ball such as a volleyball.
where robbers are not allowed to go. Limit SAFETY!
the time dribblers can spend in this zone. > Robbers can wear coloured bibs to > Make sure there are no
stand out. obstructions and the boundary lines
> Vary the number of robbers. are a safe distance from any walls.
> Change the dimensions of the playing > Ensure the equipment used is
area. A larger playing area will provide suitable for the ability level of the
Teaching Style: more space to move around, a smaller area
will increase intensity.
> Give one on one coaching and
feedback during the game. > Body contact is not allowed.
> Depending on participant numbers, game
> Use questioning to encourage
players to think of their own strategies. space.
to maintain possession.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
touched the ball, 1 player can carry “After 10 passes, 1 player can run over a score line and
the ball over an end line to score 1 call for the ball. Your team scores 1 point by passing the TO DEFENDERS: “Try to make it hard for the attackers to pass the ball. You cannot touch players
point.” ball to this player over the line.” or take the ball out of their hands, but you can intercept the ball when it’s in the air.”
Rotate the player who carries the Rotate scoring players. Play for a set period of time TO ALL: “After each score or if the ball gets intercepted, pass the ball back to one of the
ball over the line each time. (e.g. 3 minutes). Coach to keep track of score. Repeat attackers. The attacking team then starts passing again.”
Players can use either end line. and see if teams can beat their score.
ASK: TO ATTACKERS: “Where should you run to if you want your team mate to pass you the ball?
“How can you let your team mates know you are ready
for a pass?” TO DEFENDERS: “How can you make it hard for an attacker to make a pass?“
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Vary the number of passes made before
attackers can score.
> Vary the type of ball according to ability
level and the sport you are coaching.
> Allow players to run, dribble or pass over the
score line. > Use brightly coloured balls or balls that
> Make it easier by allowing players to move
make noise such as a goalball to cater for SAFETY!
while holding the ball. Make it harder by not > Size of playing area should be
allowing players to move with the ball, and / or adequate for the number of players
limiting the time players can hold possession. and free from obstructions.
For basketball and soccer, allow players to
dribble the ball. > Ensure there is adequate space
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Players collect balls one at a Equipment needed: Game setup:
time from the centre hoop > Place 15 - 20 balls in a hoop in the middle of the playing space. Place 4 markers or dots
and place them in their team > 1 hoop
bucket. Teams aim to get the > 15 - 20 balls of various sizes next to each marker. Individuals or teams stand next to a marker (or on a dot). Where
most Run
amount of balls in their
pick up a>ball,
4 team buckets
bucket. to your team and put it in your bucket
to the middle, run back Run to the middle, pick up a ball, run back once all balls are gone from the middle,
you can steal one ball at a time from another team
to your team and put it in your bucket
Scoring Optional: Teams count how many balls they have
collected. Repeat game where teams try to beat their score.
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
“Pass the ball between your team until I call “Pass the ball between your team until I call TO ATTACKERS:
STOP! When you pass the ball, jump at the STOP
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Players must pass to a team mate at least 2 metres
> Use
attacking and defending skills.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
to a player in the middle. defender in each zone. Each team must also have an ‘end
“You score 1 point each time you pass the ball to your end player. player’.
“Pass the ball 3 times amongst your team then pass to the player They must catch it on the full. You need to make at least 3 passes
over the coloured [e.g. yellow] end line.” between your team before you can score.” “You must pass the ball to a player in each zone before you can
score. You get 1 point for passing the ball to the ‘end
Repeat, throwing the ball the opposite direction to the If a team intercepts the ball they gain possession. If a team player’ who must catch it on the full.”
player over the [coloured] line. scores, play is re-started by giving possession to the
opposition team. ASK: “Where should you move to receive a pass?”
ASK: “When defending, how can you stop the other team from
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Give players a rest then they can go again. Optional: Give players a time challenge e.g. "
." Teams go again and try to beat their score.
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
them a coloured bib. The defender can move defender in each square.
“Pass the ball to a player in another square. You across lines.
can’t pass back to the person who passed the TO ATTACKERS: “Pass the ball to a player in another square. You can’t pass back to the person
ball to you.” TO ATTACKERS: “Pass the ball to a player in who passed the ball to you. Try not to let the defenders touch the ball.”
another square. You can’t pass back to the TO DEFENDERS: “Try to stop the attacker in your square from catching the ball. If you intercept
Encourage players to call for the ball. Make person who passed the ball to you. Try not to the ball, your team will become the attackers.”
sure all players have a turn. let the defender touch the ball.”
TO DEFENDER: “Try to catch the ball or knock Teams count how many passes they can make before the ball is intercepted.
Scoring optional: Count how many passes they it away.”
can make in 1 minute. ASK:
Rotate the defender after a period of time. TO ATTACKERS: “How can you show your team mates that you’re ready for a pass?”
TO DEFENDERS: “Where should you stand to make it hard for the attacker in your square?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Players have to pass in one direction > Use brightly coloured balls or balls that
around the square. make noise such as a goalball to cater for
> Allow players to move freely with the ball
> Ensure there is enough space to
or set a limit of how many steps they can
avoid collisions.
> Enforce ‘no contact’ rule.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
Attackers Attackers
“Pass the ball between your team “Pass the ball between your team until I call TO ATTACKERS: “Pass the ball between your team until I TO ATTACKERS: “This time you get 5 points for
until I call STOP.” STOP. You score 1 point for each pass you call STOP. You score 1 point for each pass you make and passing to the 5-point player as well as the player in
make and 5 points if you pass to the player in 5 points if you pass to the player in the end zone.” the end zone.”
Scoring Optional: Count how the end zone.”
many passes teams can make in 30 TO DEFENDERS: “Try to intercept the ball. If you do ASK:
seconds. Repeat and see if they Call “STOP” after 30 seconds. Repeat and make an intercept, give the ball back to the attacking ATTACKERS: “How can you work together to make
can beat their score. see if team can beat their score. team. You cannot touch players or take the ball out of more passes?”
their hands.”
DEFENDERS: “What should you do if you want to
Swap teams and repeat. intercept a pass?”
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.
TO RUNNER: “Run around the playing space. Stay away from the TO RUNNERS: “Run around the playing space. Stay away from
taggers and try not to let them touch you with the ball.” TO RUNNER: “You get 1 point if you can run through one of the the taggers and try not to let them touch you with the ball. If you
gates at each end without being touched by the ball.” get touched by the ball, put on a bib and you become one of the
TO TAGGERS: “Try to touch the runner with the ball. You can’t taggers.”
throw it at them, it must be in your hands when it touches them. TO TAGGERS: “Pass the ball between you and your partner. Try
You can pass the ball to your partner.” to touch the runner with the ball before they can run through a TO TAGGERS: “Try to touch the runners with the ball. You can’t
gate. The ball must be in your hands when it touches them.” throw it at them, it must be in your hands when it touches them.
Rotate runners if they get touched, or after a set period of You can move around if you are not holding the ball, but if you
time. ASK: are holding the ball you cannot move.”
TO TAGGERS: “Where should you run to if your partner has the
ball?” ASK: “How can you work as a team to tag the runners?”
“If you don’t have the ball, where should you run to? “
Skill Development Strategies & Tactics
> Vary the number of players on each team, e.g. 3
taggers and 1 runner.
The Playing for All cards are based on the content of Sport Australia’s Playing for Life cards. The content has been used with permission.