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Design and Construction of a 20 000 Mah Wind Power Bank of the Creative
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Ramon Pitao
Biliran Province State University


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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume: 3 | Issue: 4 | May-Jun 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470

Design and Construction of a 20 000 Mah Wind Power Bank

Ramon L. Pitao, Jr., Sunny E. Araneta, Clifford Jan C. Dionson,
Jaypee G. Gagarino, Ronald M. Famor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering,
Biliran Province State University, Inocentes Street, P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran, Philippines

How to cite this paper: Ramon L. Pitao, ABSTRACT

Jr. | Sunny E. Araneta | Clifford Jan C. The study aimed to design and construct a portable wind power bank, using
Dionson | Jaypee G. Gagarino | Ronald M. quantitative research method to explain the concept and define the problems
Famor "Design and Construction of a 20 needing improvement. One type of wind-powered battery charging will be
000 Mah Wind Power Bank" Published explored in this paper. Wind-powered battery is an instrument which combine
in International Journal of Trend in mechanical and electronic devices to charge small devices like mobile phones.
Scientific Research and Development With the rapid development of global economy, people continued to carry more
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- portable electronic products, which are drained or discharged as a result of
6470, Volume-3 | longtime uses. This can be used in times of power interruptions, outdoor
Issue-4, June 2019, activities where charging are necessity. It is designed to install fixedly in home
pp.532-535, URL: rooftops but can be detachable and carried whenever necessary. It is an energy
https://www.ijtsrd. saving and eco-friendly device and function by wind velocity. The device consists
com/papers/ijtsrd2 of wind turbine driving a generator and operates at variable speed. It consists of
3426.pdf IJTSRD23426 three modules which are power supply, power storage, and phone charging
module, all performing different functions. The power supply module consists of
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and physics, principles, and design. The power storage module includes the
International Journal of Trend in components' parameters responsible for the restoration of energy to the battery
Scientific Research and Development after it has been used to charge mobile phones. This paper analyzes the property
Journal. This is an Open Access article of the system components. The effect of parameter variation and the system
distributed under configuration on the system performance are also investigated.
the terms of the Recommendations to improve the system performance are suggested. The
Creative Commons researchers highly recommend to design weightless and most efficient as well as
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) the high efficient mechanical design of rotor.
by/4.0) Keywords: portable wind power bank, battery charging, turbine, generator

Background of the Study
A battery charger or power bank is a device used to transfer but this is rare and should not be assumed of any power
energy by imposing electrical current flows through a bank, as trying to force power into an output can damage the
rechargeable battery (Zeng, 2015). Wind power bank is a battery (Cable Chick Blog, January 29, 2014). Common type
device that will allow anyone to take advantage of the of power bank needs a cord and an adapter to charge from
abundance of renewable resources. This is a light weight and outside AC source. This power bank was developed by using
movable device that uses the power of the wind to store both AC source and a mechanical way of producing
electrical power. electricity. The device will not work by itself, it requires
Additionally, a power bank is a portable device comprised of wind energy. The device must be supplied with sufficient
a special circuit that control power flow. They allow the amount of wind enough to produce and store power.
storage of electrical energy (i.e. deposit it into the battery With the rapid development of global economy, people
bank) and then later use it to charge any mobile device (i.e. continued to carry more portable electronic products, as
withdrawn it from the battery bank). mentioned earlier, which are drained or discharged as a
Thus, power banks have become increasingly popular as the result of longtime uses.
battery life of phones, tablets and portable media player is As civilization grows, the need for more energy does as well.
outstripped by the amount of time spent using them each The only problem with this is that, main sources of energy,
day. By keeping a battery backup close by, you top up your non-renewable resources, are depleting at a faster rate.
device(s) while far from a wall outlet. Power banks are good Research has shown that in the next 70 years the world's
for almost any USB-charged devices. Cameras, MP3 players, entire oil reserves will run out, and if the current
mobile phones, tablets etc. as long the power bank is consumption of oil continues it will be much less than that.
charged. Most commonly power bank will have a dedicated The simple solution is to use renewable resources such as
input sockets for receiving power. This power can come solar and wind power instead, but even with the obvious
from a USB sockets on your computer, but may charge faster answer renewable resources only make up around 15% of
when using a wall socket adapter. In most rare occasions, all the sources of energy used on Earth (National Renewable
power bank can use the same socket for input and output, Energy Laboratory, 2005).

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD23426 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 532
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Moving towards energy sustainability will require changes Wind power physics. This section specifically discusses how a
not only in the way energy is supplied, but in the way it is wind turbine turns its energy of motion into power that can
used, and reducing the amount of energy required to deliver be used to do work and gives technical specifications of a
various goods or services is essential (Tan, 2016). wind turbine to figure out how much power to generate from
it. How does a wind turbine work? Wind turbines kinetic
Some of the reasons of not converting over to renewable
energy from wind and transform it to electricity. Wind
resources is because most of the machines used to harness
moves perpendicular through what is called a “swept area” –
the energy are large apparatuses that most people don't
the circular plane created by the turbine blades. The blades
have access to.
are at a tilt so they are able to capture the force of the wind
This study contributes something beneficial to the universe and spin the axis which turns the gears in a gear box, which
and this small step in cleaning our energy is only the then turns the generator to produce electricity.
The section explains where the wind power equation comes
Objectives of the Study
from, how the power from a turbine is calculated, what
Generally, this study aims to design and construct a power
factors to consider, what features of the turbine can be
bank with rechargeable battery that will be able to charge
altered to generate more or less power. Essentially, the wind
mobile devices and is capable of supplying 20 000 mAh
power equation is a more general equation for kinetic energy
current rating.
(KE), which is the energy of an object in motion measured in
Specifically, the study sought to answer the following:
Joule that has to do with its mass and how fast it is moving.
1. Identify the characteristics of the wind power bank
components in terms of:
1.1 design; ; Where KE = kinetic energy in Joules, m = mass
1.2 principle; in kg, and v = velocity in m/s. But for air, m = . The wind
1.3 functions; and power equation (P) then is:
1.4 mechanism
2. Determine the system parameters of the components in
terms of: Considering the efficiency measurements and factors, since
2.1 wind speed; no process, like in a wind turbine, is 100% efficient due to
2.2 rotor rotational speed; losses in the different components, the wind power, the wind
2.3 rotors to generator speed; power equation would be:
2.4 generator output; and
2.5 battery output ;
3. Determine the working principle of the power bank in Where P = power generated in Watts, = density of wind in
terms of: kg/m3, v = velocity of wind in m/s, = swept area (where r
3.1 capacities; = blade length in m), cp = performance coefficient, CF =
3.2 output specifications; and capacity factor, = generator efficiency, and = gearbox
3.3 charging time efficiency.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Performance coefficient ( is theoretically 59.26 percent.
This chapter presents the methods used by the researchers.
This is referred to as the Betz Criterion or the Betz Limit. It
It includes the power supply module, the power storage
was the value that Albert Betz, a German engineer,
module, and the phone charging module with their working
formulated in 1919, and still accepted as the maximum or
principles and technical feasibilities.
optimal efficiency of a wind turbine in the conversion of
Power Supply Module kinetic to mechanical energy and applies to all wind turbine
This section specifically answers the first objective, which designs. It is the theoretical power fraction that can be
discusses the components’ design, the science and principle extracted from an ideal or undisturbed wind stream. Modern
behind it, as well as the functions and its mechanisms. wind turbines operate at a slightly lower practical non-ideal
performance coefficient. Considering the frictional losses,
Figure below presents the energy conversion diagram or the
blade surface roughness, and mechanical imperfections,
basic clustering diagram of a portable wind power bank
between 35 to 40 percent of the power available in the wind
are extractable under practical conditions.

The Betz Equation is analogous to the Carnot cycle efficiency

in thermodynamics suggesting that a heat engine cannot
extract all the energy from a given source of energy and must
reject part of its heat input back to the environment.
Whereas the Carnot cycle efficiency can be expressed in
terms of the Kelvin isothermal heat input temperature and
the Kelvin isothermal heat rejection temperature, the Betz
Equation deals with the wind speed upstream of the turbine
and the downstream wind speed.

The limited efficiency of a heat engine is caused by heat

rejection to the environment. The limited efficiency of a wind
Basic Clustering Diagram of the Portable Wind Power turbine is caused by braking of the wind from its upstream
Bank Design speed to its downstream speed, while allowing a

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD23426 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 533
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
continuation of the flow regime. The additional losses in
efficiency for a practical wind turbine are caused by the
viscous and pressure drag on the rotor blades, the swirl
imparted to the air flow by the rotor, and the power losses in
the transmission and electrical system.

Betz developed the global theory of wind machines at the

Göttingen Institute in Germany (Le Gouriérès Désiré, 1982).
The wind rotor is assumed to be an ideal energy converter,
meaning that: Generator power produced over rotational speed
1. It does not possess a hub; and testing
2. It possesses an infinite number of rotor blades which do The third test was conducted at Villaconsuelo, Naval, Biliran,
not result in any drag resistance to the wind flowing an ideal house to install the wind power bank. The wind on
through them. the rooftop is constant, clear and not turbulent. A phone can
be charged anywhere in the house, from first floor to the
In addition, uniformity is assumed over the whole area rooftop depending on the owner’s choice, while the body is
swept by the rotor, and the speed of the air beyond the rotor continuously supplying power at the rooftop. The calculated
is considered to be axial. The ideal wind rotor is taken at rest minimum wind speed that the turbine starts to spin using an
and is placed in a moving fluid atmosphere. Considering the ideal cup anemometer was at 10 kph, not far from 8 kph
ideal model shown in Figure 3, which shows the pressure which is the ideal minimum wind speed for small turbines
and speed variation in an ideal model of a wind turbine, the according to research for conventional wind turbines. As
cross sectional area swept by the turbine blade is designated soon as the turbine receives this speed, it starts spinning and
as S, with the air cross-section upwind from the rotor after several tests, the average rotational speed of the rotor
designated as S1, and downwind as S2. was 400 rpm, with this the generator generates up to a
maximum of 7V and 1A, producing 7W generator power.
The wind speed passing through the turbine rotor is
considered uniform as V, with its value as V1 upwind, and as
V2 downwind at a distance from the rotor. Extraction of
mechanical energy by the rotor occurs by reducing the
kinetic energy of the air stream from upwind to downwind,
or simply applying a braking action on the wind.

Testing and Evaluation

After the different modules (battery charging module, power
storage and phone charging module) had been constructed,
they were partially assembled and installed for testing. Wind speed calculation using a cup anemometer
The first test was to determine if the partially assembled
prototype is able to store power by two sources. First is from
wind energy which was done by manual rotation of the
rotor, and second is from an AC source. It was found out the
system is functional; it can store power so it can charge
phones as well.

Rooftop installation and testing

The final testing was made after finishing the construction of
the device. The testing was conducted at the University
campus at normal weather condition using several
measuring devices for conducting the test. The rotor
Functionality Test: Wind Tubine Source (left), AC rotational speed was measured using tachometer and
Source (right) simultaneously the voltage and current output was
measured using voltage multi-tester. After these tests,
The second test was to measure the output of the generator needed data were gathered to determine the performance of
at a rotor rotational speed. The first location for testing was the wind power bank. The data were stated and summed up
at Caray-caray, Naval, Biliran, along the road where there is under the generator output section. The minimum voltage
sufficient and constantly blowing wind. After several tries, a requirement of the power bank circuit from the generator to
range of 4V to 6V from the generator was computed by the start charging the battery is 5V. As tested, the generator
use of a multi tester, which corresponds to 140 rpm to 300 generates 5V as the rotor reaches a rotational speed not less
rpm speed of the rotor. than 425 rpm. A 20 kph wind speed is sufficient to drive the
rotor at this rotational speed.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID - IJTSRD23426 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 534
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Test Results
(kph) (rpm) (V)
Caray-caray, Naval, analog multi-tester, manual
1 (not measured) 140 to 300 4 to 6
Biliran(along the road) counting
Villaconsuelo, Naval, cup anemometer, analog multi-
2 10 to 20 350 to 450 3 to 7
Biliran (house rooftop) tester, manual counting
NSU Main Campus cup anemometer, digital multi-
3 20 to 25 240 to 778 4 to 8
(motorpool building) tester, digital tachometer

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION also recommended to focus more on possibilities of

Conclusions utilizing the wind energy as future energy source for any
The findings of this research indicate a positive response electrical devices.
that a wind powered mechanism can be a mechanical source
of a power bank. With an efficiency of 52.30% in terms of Reference
power conversion, this wind powered mechanism is an [1] Alternative Energy Tutorials, September 2017
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reduces electrical power consumption, and it is as efficient
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as any other power banks.
[3] Fundamental and Advanced Topics in Wind Power",
However, efficiency of the wind power bank under its book edited by Rupp Carriveau, ISBN 978-953-307-
minimum wind speed to spin did not fit into the range. It 508-2, Published: July 5, 2011 under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
means that the faster the wind, the more power it could give. license
This wind power bank’s performance is dependent on the
[4] Ke Liu, Makaran, J., (2009) “Design of a solar powered
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the problems presented in determining if wind power is a Optimization in Wireless Communication Network
good energy source for battery and phone charging, the through Renewable Energy Sources (RES)”, IEEE 5th
researchers have arrived at the following recommendations India International Conference on Power Electronics
to further improve the study: (IICPE),
1. The study has focused only on the functionality of a pp.1-5
simple wind power bank prototype. In lined with this,
[6] Magdi Ragheb and Adam M. Ragheb, 2011. Wind
the researchers highly recommend using other varieties
Turbines Theory - The Betz Equation and Optimal
of wind power banks like modifying its size as well as
Rotor Tip Speed Ratio
considering some other factors. It is recommended to
make a smaller one to be more easy to carry but with [7] Rajeev Bhardwaj, Rajat Tiwari & Madhusudhan Mani
sufficient wind like riding a vehicle when travelling in Tripathi (2012), “Student, Electronics &
long distances. It can also be modified to larger size to Communication” Pranveer Singh Institute of
produce and store more power for charging stations. Technology
2. Moreover, if the future researchers may come into the
probability of making efficient chargers, researchers [8] S. Chand, 2009. Basic electronics textbook: definition of
recommend using highly efficient mechanical design of components, page 105.
turbine components like the mechanical strength of [9] Tan (2016), “Design of a solar powered battery
blades, charger”, Electrical Power & Energy Conference
3. The yawning and brake mechanism of the turbine. It is (EPEC), pp. 1 -5.
also recommended to design a stable circuit with lesser
but effective components. Using more electric [10] Woodford, Chris., 2007/2016. Wind Turbines.
components means that energy is not delivered well Retrieved from
since components absorb it to use for their own http://www.explainthatstuff.com/windturbines.html.
purpose. [11] Zeng M., (2015), “A Battery Power Bank of Serial
4. Lastly, for future studies, it is recommended to use Battery Power Modules with Buck-Boost Converters”,
brand new products and much newer materials. It is pp. 211 -216.

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| Volume – 3 | Issue – 4 | May-Jun 2019 Page: 535

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