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Filipino Values System

Cultural values are shared assumption of what is right good or important in a certain society.

Filipino Values System is defined by the way of people live their life as an influence of one’s culture. It is the set of values or the
value system that a majority of the Filipinos have historically held important in their lives consisting their own unique assemblage of
consistent ideologies, moral code, ethical principles, etiquette and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society.


The Filipinos recognize their family as an important social

structure that one must take care of. They give importance to
the safety and unity of one’s family. It is also common to find
the whole clan living in the same area and have extended
family structure.
Utang na loob

It is a technique of reciprocity of debt of gratitude to others within the

family circle or primary group , sometimes unlimited in nature ,
emotional rather than financial or rational.


Filipinos are taught to become respectful individuals. This is

mainly due to the influence of Christianity that tells us to honor
both our parents and our elders. The use of ‘’po’’ and ‘’’opo’’
in conversation and “mano”.

Filipinos are religious. They believe so much in supernatural powers

and taught them to trust prayers rather than hard work in the realization
of their dreams. Succes is considered a blessing from above.


Denotes a good relationship among the people in the family or

within the group or community and connotes helping one
another in time of need. Filipinos engage themselves in mutual

In Filipino Family each of the member have the adherence or

the willingness to help the other member who is in need more than
they do , emotional or financial needs. They have this care to their
family member and this is the way they show their love.

Filipino values are social constructs within Filipino culture which define that which is socially considered to be desirable. The Filipino value
system describes "the commonly shared and traditionally established system of values underlying Filipino behavior" within the context of
the larger Filipino cultural system. These relate to the unique assemblage of consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical
practices, etiquette and personal and cultural values that are promoted by Filipino society.
The formal study of Filipino values has been made difficult by the historical context of the literature in the field. The early scholarship about
the Filipino value system lacked clear definitions and organizational frameworks, and were mostly written by foreigners during the
Philippines' American colonial period. The latter half of the 20th century saw efforts to develop clearer definitions and properly
contextualized frameworks, but many aspects of the scholarship require further clarification and consensus.
The distinct value system of Filipinos has generally been described as rooted primarily in personal alliance systems, especially those based
in kinship, obligation, friendship, religion (particularly Christianity) and commercial relationships.

Philosophical basis
Filipino values are, for the most part, centered at maintaining social harmony, motivated primarily by the desire to be accepted within a
group. The main sanction against diverging from these values is the concepts of Tagalog: hiya, roughly translated as 'a sense of shame',
and 'amor propio' or 'self-esteem'. Social approval, acceptance by a group, and belonging to a group are major concerns. Caring about
what others will think, say or do, are strong influences on social behavior among Filipinos.
According to the anthropologist Leonardo Mercado, the Filipino worldview is basically 'nondualistic'. Based on his linguistic analyses of
Filipino value terms like loob (Cebuano: buot), he concludes that Filipinos desire harmony, not only in interpersonal relationships, but also
with nature and religion, while still remaining nondichotomous.
"The Filipino wants to harmonize the object and the subject, while at the same time holding both as distinct."
Florentino Timbreza, a cultural philosopher, concludes in his book Pilosopiyang Pilipino (1982) that Filipino values are based on the
significance of the world to man. Life experiences dictate the philosophy of the Filipino, augmented by other sources like proverbs, folk
sayings, folk tales, and the like.

Models of the Filipino values

F. Landa Jocano identified two models of the Filipino value system. The first is the exogenous model, a "foreign model", while the second is
the indigenous model, or the "traditional model". The foreign model is described to be "legal and formal". The indigenous model is
described as a "traditional and non-formal" model or guide, deeply embedded in the subconscious of the Filipinos.
The foreign model was inherited by Filipinos from Western cultures, particularly from the Spaniards and the Americans. An example of a
foreign or exogenous influence is bureaucracy exhibited in the government of the Philippines.

Elements and composition

Based on studies, surveys, opinions, anecdotes, and other literatures made by experts and researchers in relation to "Filipino social values"
or "Filipino core values", along with the Filipino character or Filipino identity of a person or an individual known as the Filipino, the Filipino
value system are found to possess inherent key elements.
One can note how hiya ('propriety, dignity'), pakikisama ('companionship, esteem'), and utang na loob ('gratitude, solidarity'), are merely
"surface values"—readily seen and observed values exhibited and esteemed by many Filipinos. These three values are considered
branches from a single origin—the actual core values of the Filipino personality—kapwa, meaning 'togetherness'. It refers to community, or
not doing things alone. Kapwa has two categories, Ibang Tao ('other people') and Hindi Ibang Tao ('not other people'). The surface
value spin off from the core value through the "pivotal aspect" of pakikiramdam, or shared inner perception ('feeling for another').
Other notable elements or motivations are optimism about the future, pessimism with regards to present situations and events, the concern
and care for other people, the existence of friendship and friendliness, the habit of being hospitable, religious nature, respectfulness to self
and others, respect for the female members of society, the fear of God, and abhorrence of acts of cheating and thievery.
The values of Filipinos specifically upholds the following items: solidarity of the family unit, security of the Philippine economy, orientation to
small-groups, personalism, the concepts of "loob" or kalooban (meaning "what’s inside the self", the "inner-self", or the "actual personal
feelings of the self"), existence and maintenance of smooth interpersonal relationships, and the sensing of the feelings or needs of others
(known as pakikiramdam). In a larger picture, these values are grouped into general clusters or "macroclusters": namely, the relationship
cluster, the social cluster, the livelihood cluster, the inwardness cluster, and the optimism cluster.

Value enumeration
Family oriented
The basic and most important unit of a Filipino's life is the family. Young Filipinos who turn 18 are not expected to move out of their parents'
home. When a Filipino's parents are old and cannot take care of themselves, they are cared for in their children's homes and are very rarely
brought by their children to homes for the aged. The practice of separating the elderly from the rest of the family, while common in Western
countries, is often looked down upon in Filipino society. Family lunches with the extended family of up to 50 people, extending until the line
of second cousins, are not unusual. The Filipino culture puts a great emphasis on the value of family and being close to one's family
Humor and positivity
This famous trait is the ability of Filipinos to find humor in everything. It sheds light on the optimism and positivity of Filipinos in whatever
situation they are in so as to remain determined in going through struggles or challenges. It serves as a coping technique, the same way a
child who has fallen laughs at himself/herself to hide his/her embarrassment.
Flexibility, adaptability, discipline, and creativity
Filipinos adapt to different sets of standardized rules or procedures. They are known to follow a "natural clock" or organic sense of time—
doing things in the time they feel is right. They are present- and future-oriented: one attends to a task or requirement at the time, and, often,
in preparation for future engagements. Filipinos do not tend to dwell in the past unless it serves to help them understand the present and
future. This allows the Filipino to adapt and integrate well into different cultures, and create effective case-by-case schedules.
Education and multilingualism
Filipinos place a high value on holistic child education with a belief in parental involvement in their children's success. [Filipinos believe in
the importance of multilingualism and multiculturalism; in the Philippines, there are over 120 distinct languages based in different regions
spoken by different tribes and ethnic groups. At school, children are educated foremost in their regional language. There are eight most
widely-spoken Filipino regional languages: Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon or Ilonggo, Bikol, Waray, Pampangan,
and Pangasinense. Next, children learn their country's two national languages: Filipino (Tagalog) and English. [11] Effectively, by adulthood,
children are often at least proficiently bilingual or trilingual.

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