Japhet Canada

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Sources of Filipino Thoughts

By: Japhet Cañada

Filipino Thoughts:

Filipino thought in general is a person’s

consciousness of his own life and his
world, his society and his Gods in the
light of Truth, and thereby realize his
proper being.
Basic Stages of Filipino Thoughts

1. Vital Thought: by which immediate experience attains a preliminary structuration

and verbalization by way of myth, ritual, song and language, folk-tale, traditional
sayings and aphorisms, customary legal, political and religious codes.

2. Reflexive Thought: more mediate type of thought, whether conscious or unconscious,

analysing, systematizing and justifying a vital thought that has reached a high point of
growth and, therefore, of conflict, thereby demanding a reintegration, a critical
evaluation of its boundaries and particular strengths in view of the ulterior possibilities
of man.

As a general description, the distinct value system of Filipino is rooted primarily in

personal alliance systems, especially those based in the following:

Kinship- is a “system of social organization based on real or putative family ties,’. It is

one of the most important organizing components of society.

Obligation- is the moral or legal duty that requires an individual to perform, as well as
the potential penalties for the failure to perform.
Friendship- is about sharing the things we care about. This is essential to ethics and to
having a good life and may also have conflicts between obligations of one person to
another when it comes to morality.

Religion (particularly Christianity)- Religious beliefs also shape many kinds of values
that citizens hold. Social values such as views about homosexuality, women’s roles, the
nature of good and evil, and family and marriage have strong connections to religiosity.

Commercial Relationships- It is everything your customer has contracted for

compared to their actual purchase, usage and billing history. It is crucial for everyone
across your organization to know this- for each customer.
Sample Filipino Values and Where it Roots from

Family Oriented- The basic and most Flexibility or adaptability, and

important unit of a Filipino’s life is the creativity- Filipinos often have an
family. Filipino’s who turn 18 are not aversion to a set of standardized rules
expected to move out of their parents’ or procedures; they are known to
home. When a Filipino’s parents are follow a “ natural clock’ or organic
old and cannot take care of themselves, sense of time- doing things in the
they are cared for in their children’s time they feel is right.
homes and are very rarely brought by
their children to Homes for the Aged
Sample Filipino Values and Where it Roots from

Hardworking and resourceful- Joy and Humour- These famous

resourcefulness comes hard work. traits are the ability of Filipinos to
Filipinos are very determined and find humour in everything. Filipino
persevering in accomplishing whatever optimism shines in whatever situation
they set their minds to. they are in to remain determined in
going through struggles or challenges.
Sample Filipino Values and Where it Roots from

Religious and piety- The greater chunk Hospitality- Foreigners who come to
of the population are Christians ( mostly visit the Philippines speak of
Roman Catholic), then Muslims, and Filipinos going out of their way to
few percent for ‘other’ religions. help them when lost, or the heart-
warming generosity of a Filipino
family hosting a visitor in their
poverty-stricken home.
Our Filipino Values are ours. It may be affected by
where it originated from, but we decide on these
values and live with these values as we walk through
life to live in peace and in content.

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