Mapping The Knowledge Domain of Metaverse The New

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International Journal of Engineering, Science & InformationTechnology (IJESTY)

Volume 3, No. 4 (2023) pp. 1-9

ISSN 2775-2674 (online)
Research Paper, Short Communication, Review, Technical Paper

Mapping The Knowledge Domain of Metaverse

The New Marketing Universe: A Bibliometric Analysis
Eilen Monika1, Adi Setiawan1*, Iges Triasnita Miranda1, Tasya Monica1, Widhea Ayu Santika1, Chalirafi2
1SwadayaGunung Jati University
2Department of Management, Universitas Malikussaleh, Aceh, Indonesia

*Corresponding author Email:

Manuscript received 24 December 2023; Revised 27 December 2023; Accepted 30 December 2023. Date of publication 10 January 2024

“Metaverse” is the idea of a shared virtual environment that is “parallelized” to the real world thanks to advances in technology. The
metaverse world is currently not only used as a platform for playing games but has also been used as a place for doing business. The
purpose of this research is to identify articles that study the metaverse in marketing and provide an overview of the Metaverse knowledge
domain as a new marketing world and to show and explain the research mapping. This mapping will help researchers explore and devel-
op research related to the metaverse as a new marketing world landscape. Marketing is a promotional activity that can attract consumers
to increase sales. Metaverse is a virtual universe that imitates real world procedures. In this 3D virtual environment, users can carry out
activities in the digital world like in the real world, as is done with the Gucci brand which uses the metaverse as a marketing medium
based on blockchain TheSandbox. This will have a major impact on how companies implement marketing in the future and how people
communicate with each other. In Industry 5.0, metaverse has entered the world of marketing and has begun to be used by several compa-
nies. So, metaverse becomes a new world in marketing. This research uses qualitative methods with bibliometric techniques by utilizing
Visualization of Similarities (Vosviewers) as an application. By entering keywords such as Metaverse; Metaverse marketing; Digital
Marketing; New Marketing Universe; Gen z to search for articles via Publish or Perish with a total of 940 articles which were then pro-
cessed using VosViewers. The results of the analysis found scientific mapping and possible future studies regarding the metaverse as a
new marketing world that can be used as variable recommendations for future researchers as a reference for subsequent articles.

Keywords: Metavers, Marketing Universe, Bibliometric, Scientific Mapping.

1. Introduction

Technological developments will create the concept of a shared virtual space that is "parallelized" with the physical world known as the
"Metaverse". This research aims to present and explain research mapping, to provide an overview of the Metaverse knowledge domain as
a New Marketing World. This mapping will help researchers explore and develop research related to the metaverse as a new marketing
world landscape [1].
Metaverse will trigger a shift from industrial revolution 4.0 to industry 5.0. Era 5.0. aims to create human-centered technology and bal-
ance economic progress with solving social problems through a system that deeply integrates virtual space and physical (real) space. In
the 5.0 era. can do any activity in the virtual space like in the real world, such as working, exercising and playing [2].
In the 5.0 era, the metaverse world will turn into a virtual copy of the physical world. These conditions will shift the market to the virtual
world. Apart from that, the need for virtual products will continue to increase. Likewise, various marketing activities can interact in it [3].
The existence of this revolution requires research and studies that provide thinking tools and produce scientific knowledge to increase
understanding related to marketing activities in the 5.0 era or the metaverse era [4] .
Researchers and practitioners currently continue to conduct research in order to control, predict, explain and increase insight related to
marketing implementation in the metaverse era. Without research activities on the development of the metaverse as a new world of mar-
keting, the existence of science will no longer be relevant for use in understanding the continuously developing macro environment.
Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a deeper review to find out the extent of the development of research and trends related to the
metaverse, as a new marketing world landscape [5].

Copyright © Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-19

2. Literature Review

Bibliometric analysis is a fundamental methodological basis for research analysis and originates from the fields of library science and
informatics. There are several publications in the literature that provide comprehensive bibliometrics in various research areas, including
management [6]. Bibliometrics is a method of analyzing books and other information tools using mathematical and statistical methods
[7]. This bibliometric analysis uses a four-step approach. First, define the search database and keywords. Then, carry out initial analysis
of the data, followed by bibliometric network analysis. Finally, carry out thematic analysis and conceptual structure analysis. To facilitate
this analysis, we use various tools, such as R software, bibliometrix, ggplot2, rentrez, and wordcloud [8].
Citation analysis and content analysis are widely used bibliometric techniques. Bibliometric techniques are most commonly used in the
fields of library and information science, but have a wide range of applications. Since 2020, researchers have become increasingly inter-
ested in the metaverse concept and have begun initial research on this topic [9]. Different from previous research, this research conducts
a bibliometric study and proposes a conceptual model of metaverse technology [10].
Since the second half of the 20th century, rapid advances in information and communication technology (ICT) have had a major impact
on social construction, especially in the economic and social fields. This ICT acceleration causes structural changes, transforming indus-
trial society into an information society, and encouraging the emergence of innovative economic systems [11]. Society 5.0 is defined as
"an effort to connect physical space and cyberspace by making full use of information, communication and technology (ICT)." agrarian
society (Society 2.0), industrial society (Society 3.0), and information society (Society 4.0)[12]. Metaverse technology adapts to Society
5.0, integrates virtual worlds and physical spaces, and allows students to experience virtual classes through 3D virtual world applications
The Metaverse platform is not just for spending free time, communicating, shopping, even working because there are almost no bounda-
ries. We found in this research that customers also want some kind of regulation on how marketing and experiential marketing is done on
the Metaverse platform.
Digital marketing is the term used for digital technologies used for meaningful, measurable and interactive marketing of products and
services to reach, convert and retain customers [14]. Like the internet, Metaverse platforms have the power to drastically change eco-
nomic and social life for all parties involved [15]. Tinjauan terbaru terhadap literatur pemasaran digital menemukan adanya fragmentasi
disiplin ilmu [16]. This fragmentation is not surprising when we realize that the Internet is a very complex system [17]. This complexity
is a natural consequence of a complex history, and fragmentation results from a lack of a comprehensive view of the Internet [18].. Re-
search related to this metaverse began in 2007 with the title article “Video Game Technologies and Virtual Design: A Study Of Virtual
Design Teams In A Metaverse” author: S. Bardzell, K. Shankarr, which continues to develop to this day. In fact, in 2023 the number of
articles about the metaverse will reach 937 articles.
Metaverse is a large-scale, real-time interoperable network of 3D virtual worlds that can be accessed synchronously and continuously by
a nearly unlimited number of users, providing information about an individual's whereabouts and identity, history, rights, and items.
Achieve continuity of data such as communications and payments [19]. Metaverse can be defined as a connected digital world that is
expected to revolutionize the way consumers, brands and businesses interact and transact in the near future [20]. Metaverse is an innova-
tion that creates and integrates the real and virtual worlds that we live in, into a "virtual world community" that can combine objects and
the environment around us into one whole. (Meepung and Kannikar 2022). Metaverse is a virtual example of what happens in the real
world. Users can communicate with each other in this 3D virtual environment by using avatars that resemble themselves. This will have
a major impact on how companies use the marketing function in the future and how we interact [19]. It's important for brands to strate-
gize for a metaverse-driven future and recognize that there will be challenges along the way. For now, hardware is still an obstacle, espe-
cially on the AR side. In many ways, this will be an experimental gateway to the Metaverse. Mobile devices are still in short supply and
headsets are still not available. However, this problem can be resolved immediately and the game will start once the problem is resolved.
And it's also a glimmer of hope that we can better define what a metaverse is. Hardware manufacturers are in a unique position to act as
stewards of the metaverse by determining the types of interactions possible and how users access the platform [21].
Metaverse is a form of technology that is starting to be used frequently by members of Gen Z because it allows them to communicate
with friends while at home. Gen Z are digital natives who cannot imagine a world without the Internet. One of the key factors of the gen-
eration is widespread access to digital technology for digital communication. With the development of Wi-Fi and cell phone technology,
Gen Z views this constant connection as a commodity, like electricity, and not a luxury. They don't just want to consume media, they
also want to create media [21].
A study conducted by Razorfish in collaboration with VICE Media found that Gen Z users tend to spend more time with friends in the
metaverse than in the real world. When all is said and done, it is important to note that this research shows that Gen Z users spend more
than twelve hours each week playing metaverse with their friends. Compare that to the less than seven hours they spend meeting their
friends in real life, and you can see how the metaverse is starting to become a core aspect of the way you currently choose to live your
life. Metaverse is a technological change that aims to create an extraordinary atmosphere for its customers, who often use virtual reality
or augmented reality to interact with the surrounding environment .
Metaverse business opportunities are largely based on how effectively these companies can adapt to an open environment, as they can
use a metaverse environment, that is, an open, shared, and permanent virtual environment. Metaverse can also facilitate this with unique
and immersive experiences for users. users are offered an exciting shopping, trading and storage experience, the metaverse can also facil-
itate the purchase, trade and storage of goods [15]. Metaverse is now also the latest challenge for fashion brands and some of them have
successfully entered this platform through advertising, marketing or entertainment; but in all cases, this process requires complex strate-
gies that must respond to developments in virtual marketing and communication between fashion brands and their customers.
Big investors and companies are betting that the younger generation will be interested in the Metaverse and will be the main drivers of
the virtual future. However, a survey conducted by American market research and analysis company Harris Poll shows otherwise. Only
38% of Gen Z, or those born between 1997 and 2012, think Metaverse will be a big thing in the future. Therefore, Gen Z should be more
convinced of the Metaverse's potential to connect with everyone who uses avatars, works, builds, and buys and sells. However, 48% of
millennials, or those aged 25-40, agree that the Metaverse is a promising future. Additionally, according to the survey, 37% of Gen Z
believes that Metaverse is worth spending their money to have unique digital products .
International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-9 3

Table 1. Keywords
Factor Description Source

Metaverse Metaverse is a collection of virtual spaces that you (Andrew Bosworth VP 2021;
can create and explore together with other people who Hollensen, Kotler, and
are not in the same physical space. Opresnik 2023a)
Digital Marketing Digital marketing refers to digital technologies that (Reddy and Reinartz 2017;
provide targeted, measurable, and interactive Hollensen, Kotler, and
marketing of products and services to reach, acquire, Opresnik 2023a)
and retain customers.
Gen Z Gen Z, who make up 40% of the world's consumers, (Hollensen, Kotler, and
spends most of their time online. Opresnik 2023a; Rahmadhani
et al. 2023; Polyviou and
Pappas 2022; Weking et al.
Technology Industry 5.0 was developed as a way to overcome the (Leng et al. 2022; Hollensen,
Transformation 4.0 challenges of Industry 4.0 by placing humans at the Kotler, and Opresnik 2023a)
to 5.0 center and meeting society's needs.

3. Method

This research uses qualitative research methods with a historical approach. This approach was taken to determine the development or
mapping of research on the metaverse as a digital marketing tool. This research was carried out in two steps. The first stage is data col-
lection. The data obtained is available in the form of papers published in reputable international journals.
The next step is to analyze the collected papers using bibliographic analysis. Bibliographic analysis is used to uncover current trends and
identify potential topics for further research. This analysis helps to understand current developments and mapping of metaverse research
as a marketing tool. Therefore, research results can also help provide recommendations regarding research topics and variables to future
researchers. Therefore, bibliographic data sources were identified by conducting research content analysis. Eleven studies were conduct-
ed. Bibliographic data were obtained by running VOSviewer. VOSviewer is used to analyze bibliographic data sources because it allows
visual mapping. Finally, a conceptual model is proposed based on the retrieved research results .

3.1. Method of collecting data

Data collection consists of research papers from well-known journal publishing groups: 1) Elsevier, 2) Emerald, 3) Springer, 4) Taylor
and Francis, 5) Atlantis Press. articles were collected from accessible databases from six journal publishing groups. Article search based
on Publish or Perish (PoP) (Setiawan and Yudi Mahadianto Alwi Budi Agung Prasetya, n.d.; José de Oliveira et al. 2019; Di Vaio et al.
2020). This software helps you find papers on related research topics. The stages of data collection with Publish or Perish are:
1. Open the Publish or Perish software.
2. Enter keywords / phrases that match the use of the title taken "Metaverse", "Digital Marketing", "New Marketing Universe"
3. The combination of words used consists of 5 combinations, namely [Metaverse; Metaverse marketing; Digital Marketing; New Mar-
keting Universe; Gen z]
4. Next, articles are collected based on the keywords used, to be used as data processing material. Limit the year of publication from
5. Articles that will be used as research material are analyzed for completeness of content related to the presence of "keywords", "title"
and "abstract".
6. The selection of articles to be processed must pay attention to; publishing journal, DOI, GS Ranking, AuthorCount, CitesPerYear, and
Cites PerAuthor.
There were 937 articles obtained via Publish or Perish. With a combination of keywords and titles shown in the table.

Table 2. Combination of Search and Number of Articles.

Keywords Number of articles
Metaverse; Marketing Metaverse; Digital Marketing; New Marketing 937 Article
Universe; Gen z

3.2. Data Analysis Method: Bibliometric

This bibliometric analysis uses the Vosviewers application to display the results in the form of mapping data. Similarity Visualization
(Vosviewers) uses text mining capabilities to identify combinations of relevant component concepts/phrases in an integrated mapping
and grouping approach to cite and analyze data to explore the network. This is an analysis application which brings together events.
The results of the analysis are used to map the field and create a bibliography. Vosviewer can provide up-to-date information and the
scope of research conducted in this area .

4. Result and Discussion

4.1. Number of Years of Publication

Metaverse is a second life that brings many new changes to your life. Technology brings great benefits to its users, and in the 2000s there
was an increase in internet/social media use. The presence of smartphones as a tool to connect to the internet is increasingly increasing
the metaverse phenomenon..
4 International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-19

Fig 1. Number of Publication Years 2007-2023

In this situation, many researchers are conducting research on the metaverse as a business marketing tool, both for article titles and for
keywords in an article. From 2007 to 2023, there were 937 articles discussing this metaverse. The value continues to increase from year
to year. Technological developments do not necessarily have a positive impact, but can also have a negative impact. The development of
this technology brings advantages and disadvantages. With the emergence of these advantages and disadvantages, researchers are
motivated to carry out research related to this metaverse so that they can provide explanations, control and utilize this metaverse well to
minimize the shortcomings of this metaverse.

4.2. Co Author Analysis

In his analysis the author used the Google Scholar (GS) ranking. Basically GS has the same function as Thomson ISI Web of
Knowledge, namely creating a Journal Impact Factor (JIF). JIF is used to evaluate the impact factor of a paper . GS has a ranking
advantage because it has free access to articles. Free access to articles gives researchers the opportunity to use them as references.
Table 2. Active Publications Per Year 2000 – 2023

Nama Penulis Judul Peringkat GS

Oxford Analytica (2022) Metaverse 'Brandtech' Will Redefine Online Advertising 166
Oxford Analytica (2022) Commercial Metaverse to Expand Fast but Unevenly 730
Oxford Analytica (2022) Metaverse Holds Unknowable Societal Risks 877
Oxford Analytica (2021) 'Metaverse' Concept Gains Traction in China 901
Y Wang, Z Su, N Zhang, R A Survey on Metaverse: Fundamentals, Security, and Privacy 547
Xing, D Liu H. Luan, X. Shen
D Mourtzis (2022) The Metaverse in Industry 5.0: A Human-Centric Approach 318
Towards Personalized Value Creation
D Mourtzis, N Panopoulos, J Human Centric Platforms for Personalized Value Creation In 892
Angelopoulos, B. Wong, L. Metaverse
Wang (2023)
K Rani, S Singh (2023) Metaverse: An Innovative Platform for Digital Marketing 48
S Singh, H Sisodia (2023) Building Blocks For The Metaverse: Virtual Worlds, 549
Marketplaces, and Tools
S Kim, E Kim (2023) Emergence of The Metaverse and Psychiatric Concerns in 874
Children and Adolescents
Hk Lee, S Park, Y Lee (2022) A Proposal of Virtual Museum Metaverse Content for The MZ 100
S Park, S Kim (2022) Identifying World Types to Deliver Gameful Experiences for 501
Sustainable Learning in The Metaverse
J Park, N Kim (2023) Examining Self-Congruence Between User and Avatar In 286
Purchasing Behavior From The Metaverse to The Real World
Uk Lee, H Kim (2022) UTAUT In Metaverse: An “Ifland” Case 544
K Israfilzade (2022) Marketing in The Metaverse: A Sceptical Viewpoint of 148
Opportunities and Future Research Directions
K Israfilzade (2023) Decoding The Hype: A Pragmatic Investigation of Marketing 804
Opportunities Within The Metaverse and Future Research
M Wang, H Yu, Z Bell, X Chu Constructing An Edu-Metaverse Ecosystem: A New and 567
(2022) Innovative Framework
W Xu, N Zhang, M Wang The Impact of Interaction on Continuous Use in Online 836
(2023) Learning Platforms: A Metaverse Perspective
P Henz (2022) The Societal Impact of The Metaverse 612
P Henz (2022) The Psychological Impact of The Metaverse 686
International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-9 5

Nama Penulis Judul Peringkat GS

A Pangarkar, P Shukla (2023) Conspicuous and Inconspicuous Consumption of Luxury 373
Goods in A Digital World: Implications for Advertisers
A Pangarkar, P Shukla (2023) Conspicuous and Inconspicuous Consumption of Luxury 531
Goods in A Digital World: Insights, Implications, and Future
Research Directions
S Ioannidis, Ap Kontis (2023) The 4 Epochs of The Metaverse 414
J Lee, Mc Kim, Y Kim (2023) Brand Exploration in Metaverse: Effects of Self-Avatar 903
Resemblance on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention, and
Moderated Mediation of Copresence
Y Kim, H Jung (2022) Beauty Industry's Strategic Response to Metaverse Evolution: 553
Focused on Generation MZ
M Goldberg, F Schär (2023) Metaverse Governance: An Empirical Analysis of Voting 807
Within Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
J Lee (2022) A Study on The Intention And Experience Of Using The 647
J Lee, I Yeo, H Lee (2022) Metaverse Current Status and Prospects: Focusing on 791
Metaverse Field Cases
J Lee, Kh Kwon (2022) Future Value and Direction of Cosmetics in The Era of 291
J Lee, Kh Kwon (2022) Novel Pathway Regarding Good Cosmetics Brands by NFT in 371
The Metaverse World
J Lee, Kh Kwon (2022) The Significant Transformation of Life Into Health and Beauty 574
in Metaverse Era
J Lee, Mc Kim, Y Kim (2023) Brand Exploration in Metaverse: Effects of Self-Avatar 903
Resemblance on Brand Attitude and Purchase Intention, and
Moderated Mediation of Copresence

Through the GS ranking, it can be seen from the author's contribution in producing articles each year. Based on the data collected, there
are around 50 active writers. The table discusses the authors who contribute articles each year by looking at the GS rating.

4.3. Co Author Analysis

This citation analysis will help you determine how many papers are cited and whether the papers are useful to other researchers. The
number of researchers studying the world of digital marketing in the metaverse continues to increase, especially in 2021, and will likely
continue to increase in the future.

Table 3. Top Authors and Articles Cited in Digital Marketing Metaverse Publications.

Author’s Name Publisher Citied Frequency

J Kim (2021) Journal of Interactive Advertising 381
S Hollensen, P Kotler, MO Opresnik Journal of Business Strategy
M Damar (2021) Journal of Metaverse 237
IEEE Technology and Society
B Falchuk, S Loeb, R Neff (2018) 218

E Dincelli, A Yayla (2022) The Journal of Strategic Information Systems 189

NG Narin (2021) Journal of Metaverse 178
KG Barrera, D Shah (2023) Journal of Business Research 157
A Joy, Y Zhu, C Peña, M Brouard (2022) Strategic change 117
E Gadalla, K Keeling, I Abosag (2013) Journal Of Marketing 114
KG Nalbant, Ş UYANIK (2021) Journal of Metaverse 53
J Weking, KC Desouza, E Fielt (2023) Journal of Business 41
P Fernandez (2022) Library Hi Tech News 32
International Journal of Management and
A Kemec (2022)
Accounting 30
T Hennig-Thurau, B Ognibeni (2022) NIM Marketing Intelligence Review 17
Journal of Self-Governance &Management
J Oláh, E Nica (2022)
Economics 11
in Metaverse and the Adoption of a Virtual World
IH Efendioglu (2023)
4.4. Bibliometric Analysis
1. Coauthoring Analysis
6 International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-19

The results of the analysis show that there is collaboration between authors in the study of the metaverse as a new marketing world.
Kreutzer, rt collaborated with other authors. Likewise with Mckenna, B, Volchek, K, Periyasami, and also Klos, HP who
collaborated with other authors.

Fig 1. Researcher Network

The authors' collaboration demonstrates a strong commitment to the continuation of metaverse research. This is the name of the
research conducted by the author of the study.

Table 4. Author Collaboration

J Lee. Kwon KH ( a ). the significant transformation of life info health and beauty in Metaverse. (b). Novel
(2022) pathway regarding good cosmetics brands by NFT in the Metaverse World. (c). Future value
and direction of cosmetics in the era of Metaverse .
SK Panda. DK (a). Articial Intelligence in the Development of Metaverse.
Murala (2023) (b). The role of Immersive Reality (AR/VR/MR/XR) in Metaverse. (c). The Internet of
Things in Developing Metaverse.
(d). Metaverse: A study on Immersive Technologies.
KG Nalbant. S (a). Literature review on the relationship between Artifical Intelligence Technologies with
Aydin (2022) Digital Sports Marketing and Sports Management. (b). The significance of artifical
intellegence in the realms of marketing, advertising, and brands inside the Metaverse.
S Kim. S Park Identifying World Types To Deliver Gameful Experiences For Sustainable Learning in the
(2022) Metaverse .
P Shukla. A (a). Conspicuous and Inconspicuous Consumption Of Luxury Goods In A Digital World:
Pangkar (2023) Insights,Implications, And Future Research Directions. (b). Conspicuous and inconspicuous
consumption of luxury goods in a digital world: implications for advertisers.
H Jung , Y Kim Beauty industry’s Strategic Response to Metaverse Evolution: Focused on Generation MZ .
AP Periyasamy, S Metaverse as future promosi g platform business model: case study on fashionshow value
Peritasami (2023) chain .

2. Bibliometric Network Visualization Analysis

Based on the results of the analysis using VOSViewer which carried out co-occurence analysis, 96 keywords related to the metaverse
as the New World of Marketing were found. To get more specific keywords, keyword frequency is limited to 5 occurrences. From
these limitations, 52 keywords were obtained which were divided into 9 clusters.

Table 5. Keyword Grouping.

Cluster Kata Kunci

Cluster 1 Consumer behavior, consumption, current metaverse, digital environment, future research direction,
influencer marketing, online, social value, younger generation
Cluster 2 Facebook, immersive virtual world, interact, meta, metaverse application, next generation, online
marketing, virtual reality headset, virtual reality platform
Cluster 3 Digital asset, dimensional virtual world, fashion industry, luxury, nft, nfts, purchase intention, virtual
Cluster 4 Digital marketer, digital transformation, new era, online virtual world, second life, term metaverse,
virtual reality space
Cluster 5 Blockchain technology, digital marketing strategy, marketing strategy, metaverse ecosystem, metaverse
Cluster 6 Digital native, human, online advertising, virtual influencer
Cluster 7 Application, digital technology, industrial metaverse, metaverse era
International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-9 7

Cluster 8 Augmented reality techno, customer experience, marketer, metaverse marleting

Cluster 9 Gen z consumer, web3

The results of the Network Visualization Analysis show that there are still many small nodes that represent keywords obtained from
an analysis. This visualization shows that there are still nodes that have a long reach or many that are not yet connected. For example,
the “Digital Technology” node is not yet linked to “Applications” and the “Virtual Reality Space” node is not yet linked to “Digital

Fig 2. Network Visualization in Digital Transformation Publications

3. Analisis Visualisasi Overlay

Overlay Visualization Analysis shows that most of the themes have blue node colors. The blue color shows the majority of articles
published in 2022. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be interpreted that topics related to the metaverse as a digital marketing
tool are current topics.

Fig 3. Overlay Visualization in Digital Transformation Publications

Based on the Overlay Visualization above, it can be said that topics related to the metaverse of the marketing world are the latest
research. In line with previous results showing that meta version research has increased significantly in the market world since 2021
as a whole.
8 International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-19

4. Density Visualization Analysis

Fig 4. Density Visualization in Digital Transformation Publications

Desnity Visualization's analysis shows that metaverse-related research exists in the marketing world. This is visible in the yellow focus in
the Desnity Visualization output. The color seen in each variable is usually brighter. This means that researchers have studied this
subtopic. This also confirms the results of the analysis in Network Visualization Analysis and Overlay Visualization. This visualization
shows the importance of metaverse research in the world of marketing. Based on research, assists in developing information related to
the metaverse of the marketing world.

5. Conclusion

Metaverse is expected to become a major trend in the new marketing world. Business activities in the Metaverse will be created through
efficient communication and careful consideration of business-related factors. Researchers are increasingly turning to the transformative
potential of the Metaverse, despite the lack of infrastructure and technology to facilitate the construction of virtual worlds. With the de-
velopment of technology, industry has also slowed down, perhaps due to human workers who are poorly trained and lack understanding.
Research using bibliometric data also shows that the Metaverse idea is still “in development”. Five main countries that produce a lot of
research related to the Metaverse. The five countries include Singapore, Japan, the United States, China and the United Kingdom. The
importance of technological empowerment needs to be emphasized more to increase economic impact. The coverage was also guided by
this research. Only a few countries continue to conduct extensive scientific research, and the topic is still not in-depth enough. The idea is
still in its early stages and does not yet have a specific research specialty.

Fig 6. Recommended Theme

International Journal of Engineering, Science & Information Technology, 3 (4), 2023, pp. 1-9 9

These variables or topics come from selected articles published in the 2022-2023 period. By using bibliometric analysis, it can be seen
that there are still many who have not studied the metaverse in the world of marketing. This research gap is a signal for future researchers
to conduct metaverse research in the marketing world of the future. Several themes are proposed to explore the metaverse of the market-
ing world.


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